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• 2. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 • Modesty helps one to go forward, conceit makes one lag behind. • Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. • (增连词)
增词 (amplification)
• 1.三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。
Three cobblers equal Zhuge Liang. Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang. • Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind. (增加背景知识)
• 增加there be… • 显然,如果汉语原文表达的是“有、存在、 出现”等概念,我们则可以用英语的there be…句型来翻译。如: • 还将有一些生活极端贫困的人们,他们还 需要政府的资助。 • There will still be some people living in extreme poverty, who are still in need of the government's financial support.
• 补偿(Compensation) 补偿(Compensation) 由于慢动作的招式,太极拳常被认为是仅与老人相关 由于慢动作的招式,太极拳常被认为是仅与老人相关 的运动。 的运动。 • Because of the slow movements, tai chi chuan, is frequently associated (linked) exclusively with senior citizens (old/aged/elderly people). • Because of the slow movements, tai chi chuan, also known as shadow boxing, is frequently associated (linked) exclusively with senior citizens (old/aged/elderly people).
• 增加英语代词it作主语 增加英语代词it作主语 it • 在英语中,代词it作主语的情况非常多。因为 在英语中,代词 作主语的情况非常多 作主语的情况非常多。 这个代词表示的意义非常丰富, 这个代词表示的意义非常丰富,它可以表示汉 语中的气候、天气、时间等无主句, 语中的气候、天气、时间等无主句,如“下雨 ),三点了 了(It is raining),三点了(It’s 3 o’clock ),三点了( now)等,当然,它还可以充当强调句和形式 当然,它还可以充当强调句 强调句和 ) 主语句型的主语 句型的主语。 主语句型的主语。如: • 自从理查德 尼克松(Richard Nixon)同癌症 自从理查德·尼克松 尼克松( ) 宣战以来已经有30年了。 宣战以来已经有 年了。 年了 • It is already three decades since Richard Nixon declared war on cancer.
• 苏轼 Su Shi (formerly translated as Su Shih, 1037苏轼: 1101),alias Su Dongpo, writer and calligrapher of the Song Dynasty. • 牛郎织女 the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver---two figures in ancient Chinese fairy tale (Later it also refers to husband and wife who live far apart.) • 开绿灯 turn on the green light (provide conveniences for certain affairs, so that they could proceed smoothly) • 八股文 Eighth-part essay prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations-- known for its rigidity of form and poverty of ideas
• 大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在。 • It is graduate school in a university that is the place to do research work at a basic level.
说明:在这个例子中,汉语的 原文主语是“大学的研究所”。 但是如果我们确定“大学的研 究所”作为英语译文的主语, 则没有办法很好的体现汉语原 文的强调语气“才是”。所以, 我们就可以增加代词it,用英 语的强调句型来翻译。
• 3. 要提倡顾全大局。 • We should advocate taking the whole situation into consideration. • We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.
• 然而,要想了解一个人的禀赋资质和实际 能力如何,考试是考不出名堂来的。 • But they are of vain if you want to know about the gift, intelligence or practical abilities of a person. • 凡事应该适度,适度是最安全的。 • One should be moderate in all things, and moderation is always the safest way.
• 5. 这个小男孩饭前都洗手,然后用餐巾纸擦干。 • This little boy always washes hands before meals and then dries with napkins. • This little boy always washes his hands before meals and then dries them with napkins. • (增物主代词和宾语) • 6. 老虎和猫同科。 • Tiger and cat belong to the same family of animals. • The tiger and the cat belong to the same family of animals • (增冠词)
• 知道这个答案是有用的……如果你想到英语 国家去念大学,或者你想找一份需要英语技 能的工作的话,通过语言考试那就至关重要 了。 • It’s useful to know the answer… it is vital if you want to be enrolled in a college or university in an English-speaking country, or if you want to find a job which requires English language skills.
• Looking into the next century, we have set the goal of the realization of the socialist modernization. • Looking into the next century, we have set our goals as follows: … • Looking into the next century, we have set the following goals: … • 假如“目标是”之后的文字没有124字那么长, 只有二、三十字,那么或许可改用不太显著的 these与较为简单的冒号、破折号来引导: • Looking into the next century, we have set these goals: … • Looking into the next century, we have set these goals-- …
• 举例来说,在早先的法国洞穴绘画里,早于 公元前10,000年的绘画中没有人与人打仗 的画面。 • For example, among ancient French cave drawings earlier than 10,000 B.C., there were no pictures describing people fighting with each other.
• 4. 结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。 • Giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with. • The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with. • (增回概括性词)
• 添加总结词
• 在英语中,若需引导一大段文字,最好添加一些引导性的 引导性的 词语,增强上下文的衔接性,同时也使读者有一个阅读大 词语 段文字的心理准备。 • 展望下世纪,我们的目标是,(第一个十年实现国民生产总 值翻一番,使人民的小康生活更加宽裕,形成比较完善的 社会主义市场经济体制;再经过十年的努力,到建党一百 年时,使国民经济更加发展,各项制度更加完善;到世纪 中叶建国一百年时,基本实现现代化,建成富强民主文明 的社会主义国家。)
• 填充词的使用
• 为了使译文更加流畅自如,句wenku.baidu.com关系更加清晰,有时 为了使译文更加流畅自如,句内关系更加清晰, 需添加一些在语义上似乎不甚重要的词, 需添加一些在语义上似乎不甚重要的词,这些词可称 填充词(fill (fill–in words)。译文里加一些虚词(即副词、 为填充词(fill in words)。译文里加一些虚词(即副词、 连接词等),读起来更加流畅,提高了译文的质量, ),读起来更加流畅 连接词等),读起来更加流畅,提高了译文的质量, 可以更好地传达原文的内容和口气。 可以更好地传达原文的内容和口气。 • 例1.港口设施的业主或经营者应当按照港口设计规 1.港口设施的业主或经营者应当按照 按照港口设计规 提供安全靠岸、离岸、移动泊位的条件。 范,提供安全靠岸、离岸、移动泊位的条件。 • The proprietor or operator of port facilities shall provide safe means for mooring, departing and changing to another berth, all in accordance with the designed specifications of the port.
• 汉语句子在泛指的时候,显然可以增加上英语表 示泛指的主语。如: • 充分发挥个体、私营等非公有制经济在促进经济 增长、扩大就业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用。 • We should take advantage of non public-owned economy, including individual, privately owned etc., to fulfill it's significant effect on accelerating economic improvement, enlarging employment, and flourishing the market.