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Good communication is the key to success when.learningonline. You should take the opportunity t o get to know your teacherand classmates through email and by participa g in Internet discussions. This will lead to a more positive and rewarding learning

experience.It's true that learningclass cavt times be frustrating For example, you may need to ask how to post youMsignment on the web. But, don't worry

If you have a problem, ask for help. There no such thing as a stupid question so there is no need tobe intimidated or communicate Sharing insight and answers freely is what makes the Internet such a great mediuJn for learning.Online classroom teacher Mike Roberts was asked about what he thought the greatest benefit of online leaming is.as a teacher

I need the students to ask questions so that I know what areas of my

lessons need further explanantion That's what is great about teaching and

learning over the Internet. In an ordinary classro6m, time is limited,

so students seem to ask the minimum amount of questions possible.

But in the virtual classroom, students are always asking questions.

They really eem to feel comfortable asking me for the information that

they need. They also share a lot of valuable ideas with each other in

a way that you don't usually see in a regular classroom.


I have to write to about the way you dress . Iwas a little intimidated to comment in person, so am writing instead. Ihope this doesn't upset you, but something has to be done. I must appeal

to you to start dressing like a mom.

Your unique sense of fashion is more like a sister's

than a mother's. Personally, it's embarrassing to have a mom who dresses younger than Ido.you wear tshirt with torn jeans and your nose is pierced My fnends say it's strange, but I thinkthey re being a little too negative. It's most likely because their boyfiends think you are pretw. Still, if you want me to have any

friends in this community, it is vital that you remove the ring

from your nose and start dressing like the other moms. Dont

your peers ever show any concern?

Don't you remember how horrible being a teenager can be?

I feel awful because I think people of my age would rather

talk to you than me. Last week at the shopping center, I had

the absolutely worst experience of my life. The young man

who took our money asked if you were my older sister.

thought he would likely ask you out if 1 hadn't said"Thanks,

mom "to you. It was disgusting.


Some people just can't keep from giving. That was the way it
