

美国加州中学教材-语文Writer's Choice Grade11-Unit30

美国加州中学教材-语文Writer's Choice Grade11-Unit30

Viewing and Representing
Elements of Visual Design
Straight lines Curved lines Vertical lines Horizontal lines Diagonal lines Shape Circle Square Triangle Positioning of subjects Center of frame Top of frame Bottom of frame Color or tone Cool colors (blue, green, gray)
Understanding Film Techniques
The basic elements of visual design apply to the media of motion pictures and videos as well as to photographs and illustrations. Motion picture and television directors use a wide variety of film techniques to tell stories and to convey messages. The following chart describes some of these techniques and the effects they can have.
Suggests wholeness, lovableness, softness Suggests firmness, stability Suggests unity and balance or tension
Conveys stability Conveys importance, power Conveys subordinance, weakness, vulnerability










(1)最先对以前学过的知识进行一些系统的回顾,这包括-元-次方程的解法,数据统计图表(条形图、折线统计图、扇形统计图),函数的图象(正比较函数、反比例函数、一次函数、二次函数,比如: y=x2等),作函数的图象都是比较简单的,都是在方格纸上作图。






分式方程的运算量也是比较大的,接着顺便扫荡了比例的基本性质,出现了两个相似形的面积的比等于相似比的平方,体积比等于相似比的立方.解含有字母系数的方程利用图像解方程组等.接着讲- .次方程组的解法,其中有含有字母系数的方程组的解法,这些方程的解答过程比较麻烦.沿途下来都有应用题。




整套书籍的构成如下:1. 新版加州教材Wonders的GK,由Reading/Writing Worshop Big Book(这是老师手里拿的教材,这个没有电子版);Reading/Writing Worshop Little Book(这是给学生的教材,这个就是通常意义上的学生用书);Literature Big Book(也就是我们平常所说的Big Book)和Leveled readers(分级读物分为Ell、Approaching、On和Beyond四个level。





2. 新版加州教材Wonders的G1~G6,除G1的前3个Unit增加了15本Literature Big Book外,其他都只有Reading/Writing Worshop Big Book;Reading/Writing Worshop Little Book;Literature Anthology(文学赏析)和四个Leveled readers(分级读物)。

Ps. Reading/Writing Worshop Big Book和Reading/Writing Worshop Little Book,内容98%都是一样的,有少许区别。

二、新版加州教材Wonders的常见问题(一般是GK的问题较多,其他级别的按部就班就行)1、新版加州教材Wonders GK的教材,适合几年级的孩子学?答:根据学习目的不同而定。

A. 如果想按照教参全面提高孩子的听说读写和语法能力,那孩子要有听说基础,听方面:至少在看完一遍粉猪的某一集,然后在裸听的时候,能概括这一集的大意(最好能描述其中一些关键的细节,允许用中文描述);说方面:能在不经过太多思考的情况下,比较熟练地说一些日常的简单单句,比如I like apples;She is riding a bike。



所有人感 激新加 坡给 了他 们 生存 空 工业区位 间。我们要依 托港 口扩 大产业 , 保 , 与我们平时常见的很
不同, 让人耳 目一新 的是教 材 目录 由“ 单元 ” “ 、 标
我们对 未来 充满信 心。新加 坡 是 一 l l 旅游业 变化 个 自然资源 匮乏的 小国。 若将新加 但 坡建成一个旅 游 中心 , 们仍 能享受 我 经济发展所带来的益处 。 案例研 究: 我们对 未来 充满信 心 。新 加坡 的发 1 新加坡 的发展 3 展给我们带来 了巨大的财 富、 荣和 繁
格的新加坡公民。在《 互动的地理》 教材 中。 国民教
育主要体现在以下方 面:
是以自己国家为豪。新加坡是一个建国历史 不长的资源小 国, 单元“ 案例研究 : 新加坡 的发展” 中就有描述 : 新加坡 的独立犹如一 个小孩被 推人 “

深不可测的大游泳池 。新加坡 自身并不具备发展所 需的能力 、 技术。 但它从马来西亚分离后不仅生存下
植物 、 经济 、 游 、 旅 健康 、 运输 、 外交方 面将其 归类。 ②形成大雾 的原因是什么?③设计一张图表以揭示
“ 大雾” 作用下的因果关系。④从你 的角度来看 , 大
气污染严重到什么程度?你是否认为 19 97年的“ 大
极大地促进本 国经 济, 并带来 了大量 的就业机 会。
工作 机 会 。
题” “ 、概念” “ 、 思维 技能” “ 息技术 ” “ 民教 、信 、国 育” 页码” 和“ 七个部分构成 。教材将 “ 国民教育 ” 、
“ 思维技能” 信息 技术” 和“ 列入 目录, 出明确要 作
求, 体现了新加坡对这三方面的教育要求 , 以及致力
于培养适应现代社会需求的公民的教育 目标。 1强调国民教育 . 2 世纪 9 0 O年代末 , 从东南亚金融风暴袭击 中






基于Glencoe 的美国中学教材的研究McGraw-Hill 公司旗下的Glencoe 出版了很多中学的教材,其框架之庞大,其内容之丰富,其画面之精美,都可以用无以伦比来形容,下面我们就来介绍下这套教材的内容,一窥美国教育的大气与精细。

一、语文1. Glencoe Language :Writer'sChoiceGrammarandComposition 系列语言学习的主教材,培养锻炼阅读与写作的技巧、语法的讲解等等。

已保存2. Glencoe Literature: Reading with Purpose 系列学习快速和有效的阅读的技巧,包括选择文章的观点,理会作者的意图等。

适合6 年级及其以上年级使用。



3. Glencoe Literature: The Reader's choice 系列学习和阅读各英语国的文学,适合6 年级及其以上年级使用。









加州初中数学教材篇一:中美初中数学教材中美初中数学教材“函数”内容比较-------以人教版初中数学教材和美国Prentice Hall 教材为例程丽摘要纵观近、现代数学的发展可知,函数是描述运动、变化的基本概念。










本研究立足于中美初中数学教育发展的历史渊源与现状,主要选取在中美两国具有代表性的初中数学教科书“人教版”和“Prentice Hall”中“函数”的课程内容进行比较研究,对中美初中数学教科书的编写进行了系统而全面的分析。






[精品]加州中学教材介绍全套资源共计:12.1GB ,本套教材为原版PDF格式,绝非扫描件!画面精美,请参照下列截图。


传承《美国教材小学版》的经典,这套中学版教材涵盖G7-G12的全部内容,包括:语文(Language)、文学阅读(Literature)、数学 (Mathematics)、代数(ALGEBRA)、几何(Geometry)、科学(Science)、物理(Physics)、社会经济学(Economics)、历史(History)、地理(Geography)、化学(Chemistry)、美国基础政治(Politics)、生物学 (Biology)、健康(Health)、艺术(Art)等15门学科。










以上学科部分配有相应的练习册和教辅书.目录:语文(Language-Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade6-12)共654 MBLanguage - Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 06.pdf Language - Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 07.pdf Language - Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 08.pdf Language -Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 09.pdf Language -Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 10.pdf Language -Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 11.pdf Language -Writer's_Choice_Grammar_and_Composition Grade 12.pdf 练习册Grammar and Language Workbook GRADE 9Writer's Choice Grade 7Writer's Choice Grade 11文学阅读(Literature- Reading With Purpose) 共1.25 GBAmerican Literature RC 2002CONTENTS.pdfLiterature- Reading With Purpose, Course 1.pdfLiterature- Reading With Purpose, Course 2.pdfLiterature- Reading With Purpose, Course 3.pdfLiterature- Reading With Purpose, Course 4.pdfLiterature- Reading With Purpose, Course 5Literature- Reading With Purpose,BritLit.pdfReader's Choice - BritLit - SE.pdfReader's Choice_AMERICAN LITERATURE练习册文学教师用书科学(Science) 共1.34 GBEARTH SCIENCE Geology,the Environment,and the Universe 2008 Focus On - Life Science - California Grade 7FOCUS ON EARTH SCIENCE G6FOCUS ON PHYSICAL SCIENCEFocus on Physical Science-Grade 8.pdfGlencoe Science 红蓝绿(共3本)-------------------------------------------------------------- Level.Blue.(McGraw,.2008).pdfLevel.Green.(McGraw,.2008).pdfLevel.Red.(McGraw,.2005).pdf--------------------------------------------------------------Glencoe科学模块系列教材(A-O共15本)-------------------------------------------------------------- Module.A.-.Life's.Structure.and.Function.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.B.-.From.Bacteria.to.Plants.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.C.-.Animal.Diversity.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.D.-.Human.Body.System.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.E.-.Ecology.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.F.-.Earth's.Materials.and.Processes.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.G.-.The.Changing.Surface.of.Earth.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.H.-.The.Water.Planet.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.I.-.The.Air.Around.You.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.J.-.Astronomy.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdfModule.K.-.The.Nature.of.Matter.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.L.-.Chemistry.-.Glencoe.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdfModule.M.-.Motion,.Forces,.and.Energy.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.N.-.Electricy and Magnetism.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf Module.O.-.Waves, Sound, and Light.-.McGraw-Hill.2005.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------ LIFE SCIENCE Student Edition.pdf 物理(PHYSICS) 共234 MBPHYSICS Principles and Problems - SE (2005)物理聚焦化学(CHEMISTRY) 共523 MBCHEMISTRY.pdfCHEMISTRY-Matter and Change.pdfGlencoe - Chemistry - Concepts and Applications.pdf 配套练习生物学(BIOLOGY) 共313 MBBIOLOGY California 2007BSCS Biology - A Molecular Approach.pdfTHE LIVING ENVIRONMENT - SE.pdf练习册数学\几何\代数共1.37 GBAdvanced Mathematical Concepts - Precalculus with Applications CorePlus Math Course 1-3Mathematics Applications and Concepts Concepts 1-3 Mathematics - California Mathematics - Concepts, Skills And Problem Solving, Grade7 - (Day, Frey, Howard, Hutchens) Glencoe Mcgraw Hill 2008 Mathematics - California Mathematics Grade 7 Noteables - Glencoe McGraw HillMathematics - McGraw-Hill Ryerson Mathematics of Data Management Grade 12,University Preparation (MDM4U) - (Barbara J. Canton) 2002 几何(GEOMETRY)CALIFORNIA GEOMETRYENS - California Teachers - GeometryGlencoe Mathematics GeometryMcgraw Hill - Geometry, Student Edition Grade 8 (For Kids, English, Illustrated,Math, Education, Learn)代数(ALGEBRA)CALIFORNIA ALGEBRA 1CALIFORNIA ALGEBRA 2CALIFORNIA Pre-AlgebraGlencoe-California Algebra Readiness-Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving-2008-McGraw Hill-Jack Price-Mathematics Mathematics - California Algebra 1 - Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving - (Berchie Holliday, Gilbert J. Cuevas, Beatrice Luchin) Glencoe McGraw Hill 2008历史(HISTORY) 共2.28 GBAMERICAN HISTORY The Early YearsAMERICAN HISTORY The Modern EraAmerican Odyssey.pdfGlencoe - World HistoryHistory - World History - Modern Times (California Edition) - Glencoe McGraw Hill2006-Grade 10.pdfHuman Heritage 2006 - SE.pdfJourney Across Time - SE.pdfThe American Journey To WORLD WAR 1.pdf THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC SINCE 1877The American Vision – Interactive Student Edition.pdf WORLD HISTORY 2008 - SEWORLD HISTORY The Early Ages中国历史.pdf练习册美国基础政治共191 MBUnited States Government: Democracy In Action美国政府民主行动Civics Today Citizenship, Economics, and You民权与义务社会经济学共82.1 MBEconomics- Today and Tomorrow.pdf卫生与健康(HEALTH) 共241 MBHEALTH 2007青少年健康TEEN HEALTH Course 1-3共3册艺术(Art) 共181 MBArt in Focus -SEArt Talk – Interactive Student Edition ( 4th Ed).pdf EXPLORING THEATRE (2005)UNDERSTANDING ART - SE地理(GEOGRAPHY) 共661 MBWORLD CULTURES and GEOGRAPHYExploring Our World (People, Places, and Cultures)-ISE McDL - WORLD GEOGRAPHY选修课:商业经济类Accounting - First Year Course, Interactive Student Edition(会计学) Economics- Today and Tomorrow(经济学) Economics- Principles & Practices – Interactive Student Edition (2008)(经济学原理和实践)INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS 2008(商务概论) Business and Personal Finance - SE(商业和理财) BUSINESS AND PERSONAL LAW(商业和属人法) Marketing Essentials – Interactive Student Edition (2006)(市场营销概要) 其它类:SUCCEEDING in the WORLD of WORKUnderstanding Psychology(心理学)Journalism Today_merged(新闻学的今天) CLOTHING - StudentEdition(Fashion,Fabrics & Construction) Families TodayCULINARY ESSENTIALSDISCOVERING LIFE SKILLSMCGRAW-HILL_GLENCOE_2010_Food.for.Today_Student.Edition_913pOur World Today-Interactive Student EditionGLENCOE.Applying Life SkillsGLENCOE.Culinary EssentialsGLENCOE.Discoving Life Skills科学选修(introduction系列)Introduction to TechnologyGLENCOE.Introducing ArtGLENCOE.Introduction to Technology数学:Illinois MathConnects 3-5 (共3本)历史:GLENCOE.The American Vision.Modern Times生物学(新版)GLENCOE.Biology.Dynamics of Life 1213页文学课程教师书两本:LITERATURE Course 1 TWELITERATURE C2 TWE赠品1:McGraw-Hill系列使用词典共87.0 MBDictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.pdf Dictionary of Chemistry, 2nd edition.pdf Concise Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Fith Edition.pdfMcGraw-Hill's Super-mini American Idioms Dictionary.pdfMcGraw-Hill's Super-Mini Phrasal Verb Dictionary.pdf赠品2:McGraw-Hill's GRE, 2010 Edition 共2.00 MBMcGraw-Hill's GRE, 2010 Edition.pdf有问题的:加州中学教材11 地理(GEOGRAPHY): WORLD CULTURES and GEOGRAPHY加州中学教材8(历史学1): THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC SHTTP。



美国在小学、初中、高中阶段用的英语教材分别是什么1、Wonders网红教材Wonders由美国三大教育集团之一的McGraw-Hill Education (MHE) 麦格劳-希尔教育集团出版,是一套原汁原味的加州教材。


不过,目前Treasures已绝版,不再发行,它的二代产品是Wonders 系列。

Wonders是在Treasures 的基础上做出改进:每个单元有开篇Big Idea;每个week只有一篇长课文,文章篇幅减少,学生用书中增加了词汇、专项阅读和写作技能。




Wonders书籍全套教材大大小小厚厚薄薄有几十本,包括:1.主教材:Reading/WritingWorkshop主教材;2.配套教材:Practice Book练习册,Teacher’s Book教师用书、Cards教学卡片、Big book大书;3.扩展内容:Reader阅读,Literature Antheology文学精粹。


所有孩子都需要完成主教材Writing Workshop,学有余力的就学习扩展内容文学精粹和阅读。

主教材和扩展内容就像钥匙和锁的关系:在用"钥匙Writing Workshop 学习了各种阅读技巧和精读策略后,用"钥匙"去解锁Literature中奇妙的文学旅程。




所有想进入UC系统的高中毕业生,都必须完成A-G课程(A-G Curriculum),并且全部考试成绩都在C以上,才有申请大学资格。













典型的顺序是8年级 (初二) 学初级代数(Algebra I)9年级 (初三) 学几何(Geometry)10年级 (高一) 学中级代数(Algebra II)11年级 (高二) 学三角函数/数学分析(Trigonometry/Math Analysis)12年级 (高三) 学初级微积分(Pre-Calculus)。





















Manufacturing music CDs involves burning copies from a master. However, not every burn is successful. Because it is costly to check every CD, manufacturers monitor production by randomly checking CDs for defects.
Reinforcement of Standard 6SDAP2.2 Identify different ways of selecting a sample (e.g., convenience sampling, responses to a survey, random sampling) and which method makes a sample more representative for a population. (Key)
or Every twentieth item is pulled off the assembly line.
EXAMPLE Classify a Random Sample
ECOLOGY Ten lakes in Minnesota are selected randomly. Then 2 liters of water are drawn from each of the ten lakes.
Statistics and Probability Make this Foldable to help you organize what you learn about statistics and
probability. Begin with a sheet of 8_12" ϫ 11" paper.



话,用数据阎明珠点,对高中学生而言非常重要。 4. 重点突出,纲举目张 看完这一尊重节美国教材时,有一种强烈的感觉,
分时间是老师在敬教书,把教材教 再把教材学"薄 过程,基本上在老册的带领下完成。很多时候学生从未
2 . 移 民主妥分布在哪些地方?
3 . 移民面临哪些障碍? 4 .人们为何从本国的一个地方迁移到另一个地方 ?
然后是概念 的描述和地理学家研究人口迁移的介 绍以及人口迁移对全球化的影响 。
正文第二部分:移民面临哪些障碍? 1.移民政策介绍
图:国际难民迁移图(政治原因为主 ) ,并介绍
了 3 大国家的难民及原因 图: 2005新奥尔良咫风后几十万人的迁 移照片 图: 1930 由于缺水,人们从俄克拉荷马 州搬 到加
州照片 图:全球人口迁移图
" 人口迁移"是美国高中 10年级人文地理教材的
学校 。 加州本身也是一个人口多元化的地区 。
2. 移民对美国的影响



本版编辑/张倩 _I 视野I摘要:美国的写作教学相对独立,其写作分科教材具有不同于我国的特点。

本文通过对美国加州写作教材《作者的选择》的研究,试图揭示四个方面的发现: 在写作理念上,凸显读者意识,重视写作交际功能;在写作活动设计上,提供言语 情景,发展学生真实写作能力;在写作训练上,文体多样、内容丰富;在写作策略上, 注重策略教学和写作过程指导。

这些教材编撰上的特点对我国写作教材编写和教学 有借鉴意义。

关键词:美国《作者的选择》写作过程一、美国写作教学的地位美国语文教育之所以重视写作能力的培养,是因 为他们认为表达与交际能力是现代公民必备的素质, 是学校培养人才不可忽视的重要目标。

他们认为“今 天的青年需要在语言表达和口头交流方面具备很强的 技能”。

具体地说,写作的意义主要体现在如下六个方 面:1.写作可以让学生在个人生活经验与选文阅读之 间建立联系。

写作能够帮助学生表达个人的思想、想 象和经验,关注自己的经验与所读文本内容之间的差 异。


创造性的写作活动能够鼓励学生创作各种类型的文 章,通过各种形式来组织和呈现他们的作品。


在写作中要求学生尝试各种不同体裁的文章, 例如描述性文章、记叙文、仿拟作品、剧本创作、广告 海报等,能够强化学生对作品的形式与作用的麵。


在写作中学生能够理清自己的思绪,权衡语言选择的结 果与影响,促使学生养成像文学评论家那样思考问题 的能力。


写作过 程中,通过对具体的语言运用方法的使用,强化学生 对语法、惯用法及技巧的掌握。

6. 写作能够为学生走进真实世界的生活做准备。

在许多写作活动中要求学生熟练掌握各种形式的文 章,例如给政府官员写一封信,给小说人物写一份简 历或商■件等,为学生步入真实生活奠定基础。

二、美国加州语文写作教材《作者的选择》编写特 点分析本文选取美国加州初中语文写作教材《作者的选 择》作为具体分析。

美国加州中学教材-语文Writer's Choice Grade 7--Unit28

美国加州中学教材-语文Writer's Choice Grade 7--Unit28

Lesson28.1The Internet 782Lesson28.2Using the Internet 783Lesson28.3Using E-mail 787Lesson28.4Selecting and Evaluating Internet Sources 791Lesson 28.5CD-ROMs and Other Electronic Resources793Electronic Resources UNIT 2828.1The Internet782Unit 28 Electronic ResourcesHow can you access the Internet? Besides the computer itself,28.2 Using the Internet783784Unit 28 Electronic ResourcesAddresses If you use a search engine or a subject directory,your list of hits will include hyperlinks to each site.All you need to do to reach a site is to click on its hyperlink.Otherwise,to get to a particular Web site you need to know its address.Every Web site on the Internet has a unique address or URL.URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.No two Web sites can have the same URL.As an Internet user,you may want to keep track of some Web sites that you visit.You can keep a record of them by using your browser’s bookmark (in Navigator) or favorites (in Internet Explorer) option.This option lets you keep a file of your favorite sites.Instead of typing the address each time you want to view a Web site,you simply go to the bookmark or favorites menu on your browser and click on the site’s name.28.2 Using the Internet 785TIPS FOR DOING A BOOLEAN SEARCHA Boolean search uses the operators AND,OR,and NOT between keywords to further limit the terms of a search.Link two keywords with AND to find only Web sites that contain both words (galaxy AND Jupiter).You will get fewer matches,but most of them will relate to your topic.Some programs use a plus sign instead of AND (galaxy + Jupiter).The command OR tells the search engine to look for Web pages that use one term or the other (Mars OR Jupiter).You will get hits for every site that uses either word.If there is information that you do not want,use NOTbetween the two keywords (planets NOT Jupiter).Youwill get information about other planets but not aboutthe planet Jupiter.Some programs use a minus signinstead of NOT (planets – Jupiter).ANDORNOT SEARCH TIPElectronic Resources786Unit 28 Electronic Resources28.3Using E-mailOne of the most popular and useful features of28.3 Using E-mail787Internet service provider.The second part is the @ symbol,which standsfor “at.”This symbol separates the user name from the rest of the e-mailaddress.The third part is the domain name,which is the name of yourISP’s computer or the service that hosts your e-mail account.The lastpart of an e-mail address is the suffix,usually .net if you use an ISP.Thesuffix indicates the type of organization that provides your e-mail service.With many e-mail programs,you can store frequently used e-mailaddresses in an address book.When you want to send a message to a per-son whose address is in your address book,you simply double-click on hisor her name.Y ou can also store additional information,such as the per-son’s street address,birthday,and phone number in your address book.Just as you can send an e-mail message to any address in the world,any-one in the world can send an e-mail message to you.Sometimes you willreceive junk e-mail,or spam.Spam is similar to the junk mail you receiveat home.Advertisements are the main form of spam,and sometimes thiskind of e-mail can be annoying,or even offensive.If you receive an e-mailfrom someone whose e-mail address you don’t recognize,show it to anadult,and do not write back unless the adult gives you permission.Somepeople send links to W eb sites through e-mail.If you receive a messagewith a link to a W eb site,show it to an adult before clicking on the link.E-mail Pen PalsY ou’ve probably worked with partners or small groups many times in school.E-mail allows you to collaborate with people who are not in thesame room,the same school,or even the same country.Imagine com-paring descriptions of your school day with a student from Australia.How about having your class collaborate on a project with a class fromSouth Africa? With e-mail,the whole world can be at your fingertips. Array The International Registry of Schools Online (/ schools.html) will help you locate middle schools all over the UnitedStates and in countries around the world.Talk to your teacher aboutfinding a class in a “sister school”you can work with or seek e-mailpen pals from.E-mail EtiquetteWhen sending e-mail,follow the Internet “rules of the road,”called Netiquette.•Use the subject line wisely.Be as brief as you can,but let the personto whom you are sending e-mail know what your message is about.788Unit 28 Electronic Resources•When responding to a long message,don’t include the entiremessage in your response.Quote just enough of it to let yourcorrespondent know what you are responding to.•Keep messages short and to the point.•Use appropriate ing all capital letters is con-sidered SHOUTING.•Avoid sending unfriendly e-mail.Sending an unfriendly e-mailmessage is called “flaming.”•It is important to use correct spelling.•Always include your e-mail address at the bottom of any message you send.•Be careful when using humor or sarcasm.It is difficult to convey some emotions in e “smileys”if you want to showemotion (see next page).•Remember that good behavior on the Internet is no differentfrom good behavior in face-to-face situations.Treat others as you would like them to treat you.Mailing ListsIf there is a particular subject that you need to research,you might want to consider subscribing to a mailing list.A mailing list is like a bulletin board on which you exchange information through e-mail. Use a search engine to find a mailing list that discusses your topic of interest.Type either listserv or majordomo,the names of two mailing-list servers,into a search engine.Choose a catalog from the searchresults and find a mailing list that interests you.Before joining a mailing list,read the FAQ (Frequently AskedQuestions).The FAQ should provide you with enough information toknow whether the mailing list is what you are looking for.If it is,justfollow the directions to subscribe.Once you subscribe to a mailing list,you will receive e-mail mes-sages from people discussing your subject of interest.Before you postyour own messages on the mailing list,read the postings already thereuntil you are familiar with the type of discussion the group is having.Post a message only when you have something new to say,andremember to keep your posts brief and to the point.Be sure to followthe rules of Netiquette.You can cancel your subscription to a mailinglist at any time.28.3 Using E-mail789790Unit 28 Electronic Resources28.4 Selecting and Evaluating Internet Sources791792Unit 28 Electronic Resources28.528.5 CD-ROMS and Other Electronic Resources793794Unit 28 Electronic Resources28.5 CD-ROMS and Other Electronic Resources795Message:Unable to locate the server:.The server does not have a DNS (Domain Name System) entry.Check the servername in the URL and try again.Possible Causes:You have typed in the URL incorrectly,or the site no longer exists.Suggestion:Be sure you have entered the URL correctly—check for proper capitalization and punctuation.If you haveentered it correctly,try using a search engine to find the site.Keep in mind,though,the possibility that the site may have beenabandoned.Message:File Not Found:The requested URL was not found onthis server.Possible Causes:You have reached the server,but that particularfile no longer exists or you have entered the path or file name incor-rectly.Suggestion:Check the URL again.If you have entered it correctly, try searching for the page from the server’s home page.Message:Network connection refused by the server.There was no response.Possible Causes:You have reached the server,but it is too busy (too many other people are trying to access it) or temporarily shut down.Suggestion: Try to access the site later.Message:Connection timed out.Possible Causes:Your browser attempted to contact the host,but the host took too long to reply.Suggestion:Try to access the site later.Message:Access denied.You do not have permission to open this item.Possible Causes:The URL has moved,the Webmaster no longerallows public access to the site,or you have been denied access to thesite.Suggestion:Contact the Webmaster to verify the URL or try thesite again in a few days.Sometimes there is nothing you can do ifaccess has been denied.Many colleges,for example,allow access toparts of their sites only to faculty and registered students.796Unit 28 Electronic Resources。



20210703美国加州中学各科原版教材合集,让⼩朋友读英美同龄⼈的书,更有共鸣!刚拿到这套美国加州中学各科教材原版的时候,我被教材的种类之丰富、书本数量之多给⼩⼩惊到了⼀下:地理GEORGRAPHY:四种物理PHYSICS:两种化学CHEMISTRY:三种科学SCIENCE:七种,包括红蓝绿系列、科学模块系列教材(A-O)总共15本历史HISOTRY:16种,包括中国历史艺术ART:四种美国基础政治US POLITICS:两种社会经济学SOCIAL ECONOMICS:⼀种(经济学的当下与明天)⽣物学BIOLOGY:三种(另配练习册)数学⼏何代数MATH GEOMETRY ALGEBRA:三种卫⽣与健康HEALTH:两种⽂学LITERATURE:12种语⽂GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE:三种(另配练习册)选修课OPTIONAL:15种其他OTHERS:词典,GRE以上总共87种,近200册,够你们读上⼏年的了!既然是中学课本,那么不难想象,这些课本,清⼀⾊的“厚”重。




给你们看看G11的⼀段⽂字:Before retiring, Boudreau had never attempted any personal writing. Now hesays, “To sit down and try to match up a style with an actual event that you havehad a part in—I never realized it was such a challenge. To use words as onewould use paints—to let them shed their color on each other in a way thathighlights an adventure—is rewarding.”His ship’s log is “perhaps the chief sourcebook for the newsletters,” thecaptain says. He tries to “make little vignettes or anecdotes out of the entries.”“Culebra Island, July, 1997” is an example of a vignette that grew out of a logentry.The newsletter sometimes features life-and-death adventures, such as onein which Boudreau described a terrifying hurricane. Other issues are morelighthearted. One issue described the process of baking bread. In the middle ofthe churning ocean, even baking bread can be an adventure.我们看到,这段⽂字虽然⽣词是有的,但句型并没有什么超出⾼中英语学习范畴的。

新加坡初中科学教材Science Adventure的特点及启示

新加坡初中科学教材Science Adventure的特点及启示

新加坡初中科学教材Science Adventure的特点及启示谢群汪忠(南京师范大学生命科学学院江苏南京210097)摘要:新加坡初中科学教材Science Adventure,在知识体系、内容整合等方面都有明显特色,教材充分体现了知识与能力并举、强调人性关怀、注重与现实生活联系的特点。










本文将以Science Adventur e(以下简称SA教材)为例,管窥新加坡科学教材建设。



SA教材是新加坡目前使用较为广泛的一套教材,于2002年由Federal publication公司出版,Chan Kim fatt主编。


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传承《美国教材小学版》的经典,这套中学版教材涵盖G7-G12的全部内容,包括:语文(Language)、文学阅读(Literature)、数学 (Mathematics)、代数(ALGEBRA)、几何(Geometry)、科学(Science)、物理(Physics)、社会经济学(Economics)、历史(History)、地理(Geography)、化学(Chemistry)、美国基础政治(Politics)、生物学 (Biology)、健康(Health)、艺术(Art)等15门学科。










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