5 翻译答案
练习册翻译答案解析新编英语教程5第三版Unit One1.在举出许多事实并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。
(drive sth. home)After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2. 差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那个研究项目。
(more or less)It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3.他说的话如此微妙,我们很难理解他的真实意图。
(subtle)What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4.他的新书一针见血地审视了当代的社会问题。
(squarely)His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5.今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最新信息很关注。
(be alive to)The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6.外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。
(a matter of)It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learnedin one’s childhood or otherwise.7. 在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。
(take courage) Never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely.8. 适量的米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。
语法翻译P681.今天上午你干了多少活儿?(work)How much work have you done this morning?2.开凿隧道需要大量的劳动力。
(labour)To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour3.他做了最少的工作。
(work)He’s done the least work.4.处理这一问题有几种方法。
(method)There are several methods of approaching this problem5.我不懂多少语法。
I know little French.6.少说空话(empty talk)多干事实(practical work)There must be less empty talk but more practical work.7.有多少人出席招待会吗?There must be less empty talk but more practical work.8.我可以和你谈几句话吗?(words) May I have a few words with you?9.今天参观展览会的人数比昨天少。
There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yesterday.10.哈利犯的错误最少。
(Harry) Harry made the fewest mistakes.11.我读的诗(poetry)和做的练习都比较多。
You’ve learnt more poetry and done more exercises than I have. 12.杰克做的工作最多,犯的错误也最多。
Jack’s done the most work and made the most mistakes.13.他做了很多工作,也犯了很多错误。
现代大学英语精读5课后答案【篇一:现代大学英语精读5课后翻译习题答案】.a white lie is better than a black lie.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
2. to upset this cultural homicide, the negro must rise up with an affirmation of his ownolympian manhood.为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。
3. ・・・with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the negro must throw off the manacles of self-abnegation.・・黑人必须一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。
4. what is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and lovewithout power is sentimental and anemic.必须懂得没有爱的权利是毫无节制的、易被滥用的,而没有权利的爱则是多愁善感、脆弱无力的。
5. it is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes the major crisis of our times.正是这种邪恶的权利和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。
6. now early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule anddenunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility.在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和谴责,认为它对主动性和责任感其负面作用。
Unit11.在一个充斥着错误信息的世界(a formidable challenge, identify) In a world full of misinformat ion it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good2.任何形式的登山运动(mountaineering)(inherent)Any form of mountaineering has its inherent d anger .After all ,it is an advantage sport3.那所大学将在一定程度上允许针对个人的授课(tailored to) The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace4.据说对学习过程的基因基础的(the understanding of the genetic basis of learning, doomed to) It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to difficult school experience5.据报道,在加拿大几乎有数以千(literally) It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants6.在文化普及率相对高的国家中(literacy rate) In countries with relatively high literacy rates, bo oks play an impor tant part in enriching people’s lives7.政府干预的实质向来都是限制和歪(distort) The essence of government intervention has beento limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it8. 中国人民所从事的伟大改革事业是(without precedent in history)The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history9.模拟考试训练不得推迟到临(simulated examination) Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time10.人们发现,在那个森林(hunt down)People have found that the lions and wolves in theforest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts1. 在那场战斗中,由于食物严重短缺(perish from)During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food2. 本项研究进一步(originate in)This research project has further proved that fireworks have originated in china3. 他很想亲自到那里查看一(be tempted )He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened4. 目前人类还没有找到有效的办法治(afflict)At present, people have not found an effectiveway to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people5. 承包商必须遵(contractor, adhere to)The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time6. 通过坚持不懈(persistent)With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between thetwo regions7.如果乙方不能够(terminate)If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss.8. 获得发明专利权通常(patent)It usually takes a week to patent one’s invention9. 一个聪明的政治家完(manipulate)A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters10.随着干燥季节的持(diminish) The amount of water in the rivers and lakes will diminishas the dry season continues1. 像所说明的一样,(as such)As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.2.促销手段要取得良好效果(be consistent with) The techniques of sales promotion, to work w ell, must gain the trust of middlemen in business as consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preference and customs3. 为了使这一新产(launch; give away)To launch this new product into the European market,the company gave away 10000 free samples for the local consumers to try4. 随着生活水平的提(pastime)As their life has been bettered, going on tours out in the holidays has become a fashionable pastime for quite a few people5. 发动这场战争实际(in nature)The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control theoil resources in the area6. 某一产品首次进入一个市场时(be effective in)Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first introduced to a market7. 新一届政府认识(in conjunction with)The new administration has realized that economic r eforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures taken to ensure the basic condi tions of employment and daily life for those poor people8. 为了实现本年度的销售目标(towards the objective; enlighten ... about)Towards its sales obj ective this year, the company offered a training course to enlighten consumers about its latest products9. 为有效地提高劳(bring in)To effectively raise our productively, we should bring in advancedmanagement experience from other countries10.吴教授的讲座使同学们熟悉(acquaint sb. with sth.) Professor Wu’s lecture helped the stude nts become acquainted with the use of this software product. It also gave them an idea of software development1. 生活贫困的人往往体(inherent virtue)Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of in earning and sustaining their dignity2. 随着生活的改善(dilute)With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now3. 年轻的一代很难理解他(concern)The young generation has much difficulty understandingwhy their ancestors had to focus their minds upon work as the central concern of existence4. 马斯洛认为(position)According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy5. 发展中国家许(flock)In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America which forms the so-called brain drain6. 如果一个国家易受高(prone to)If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be devalued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports7. 一位社会学家认为,劳动是人们建立相互(perform the function of)One expert in sociology believes that work is a mean for people to build relationships. In that sense, the workplace performs the function of community8. “实现自我”的愿望。
英语翻译Book1Unit91) 工厂和汽车排出的一氧化碳一类气体严重污染了大气。
Gases such as carbon monoxide, emitted by factories and automobiles, have seriously polluted the atmosphere.2) 那位工业管理工程师的来信表明,他对该项计划是否可行有怀疑。
The industrial engineer's letter indicates that he doubts the feasibility of the plan.3) 在美国,许多父母在孩子出生之前就为他们的教育留出一笔专款。
Many parents in the United States set aside a fund for their children's education before they are born.4) 我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的。
I have made sure that her conclusion is based on facts.5) 几天前,由三位医生和两名护士组成的医疗队出发到山区去了。
The medical team, composed of three doctors and two nurses, set off for the mountain area a few days ago.6) 这个村庄是以矗立在它前面的那座高山命名的。
The village is named after the high mountain that stands in front of it.7) 他病了一个月左右,这使他在学习上耽误了很多。
He was ill for about a month, which has really set him back in his studies.8) 南方和北方之间于一八六一年爆发的那场战争在历史上称为"美国内战"。
1) ...выбрать профессию –это не столько выбрать себе работу, сколько быть принятым в определенную группу людей, принять ее этические нормы, правила, принципы, ценности, образ жизни.择业不仅仅是给自己找一份工作,而是融入某一个群体,接受这个群体的伦理标准,规章制度,价值观,生活方式。
2) Играли музыканты не столько длямадам, сколько для собравшейся толпы.与其说音乐家是给女性们演奏,不如说是给聚集在周围的人们演奏。
3) Толстяк замер в кресле, но не столько слушал музыку, сколько дремал.胖子坐在椅子上一动不动,他不是在听音乐,而是在打瞌睡。
4)Борис не столько силён, сколько ловок.鲍利斯算不上强人,但是个滑头。
5)Для такой тонкой работы нужно не столько мастерство, сколько тщательность.这项细致的工作需要的不仅仅是技术,更重要的是细心。
6) Катю свалила не столько болезнь, сколько психологическое состояние.让卡佳病倒的不是疾病,而是心理问题。
7) Ошибки получились не столько из-за его неопытности, сколько по его рассеянности.错误不是出在没有经验,而是因为粗心大意。
8) Вопросрасходованияденеготпродажигосударственныхактивовздесьинтересуетменянестолько, скольковопросоприсутствиигосударствавэкономике, которыйследуетрешить, икакможноскорее.我们感兴趣的不是如何挥霍掉出卖国家资产获得的钱财问题,而是应当尽快解决国家如何参与经济的问题。
Unit 11、我自己还没有看过,不过大家都认为这是一部好片子。
(suppose)I haven’t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a really good movie.2、女主人把奶酪切成刚好一口的小片。
(bite-size)The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces.3、倘若睡眠不足的话,没有人能够正常生活。
(deprive)No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep.4、他细心地学我的样子,装作没发生什么怪事。
(copy)He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred.5、外面热得灼人,游客都躲到有电扇凉快的小屋里。
(fan-cooled)It was scorching outside; all the tourists escaped into the fan-cooled hut.6、我就是来看他那被说得神乎其神的脚法的。
(fabled)I’ve come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so much about.7、我不是一个严格意义上的教师,因为我没有接受过训练,但是我有丰富的教学经验。
(proper)I’m not a teacher proper, since I haven’t been trained, but I’ve a lot of teaching experience.8、学生通常都会在考试前猜测题目。
(anticipate)Students tend to anticipate what questions they will be asked on the examination.Unit 29、现在有些家长对子女的要求太高,要他们学很多东西。
【Unit1 翻译】1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。
Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2) 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。
I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染(pollution) 方面还做得不够。
I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。
In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。
We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spok en English next term/semester.6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。
Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.7) 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。
大学英语精读2(第三版)unit5--10 课后题翻译答案
翻译unit51) 如果富有的国家多花些钱搞绿色工业,而不是去建立军事机器和制造核武器,当今许多广泛存在的污染问题将会逐渐消失。
If the rich countries spent more money on green industries, instead of on building up military machines and nuclear weapons, many of today's widespread pollution problems would gradually disappear.2) 烧煤的时候,不仅消耗房子里面的氧气,而且还散发出有毒的气体。
The burning of coal not only consumes the oxygen in the house but also gives out poisonous gases.3) 显然,找到替代能源对我们经济的稳定发展是至关重要的。
Apparently, finding alternative energy sources is essential to the steady development of our economy.4) 太阳能电池(solar cell)能吸收阳光并把它变成电。
Solar cells can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.5) 如果地球上的温度继续年复一年地上升,极地的冰帽将会开始融化,沿海城市中一半的建筑物很可能会消失在劈啪飞溅的海浪下面。
If the temperature on the Earth continues to go up from year to year, the polar ice caps will begin to melt and, in all likelihood, half of the buildings in coastal cities will disappear beneath splashing sea waves.6) 因为这些生物很小并且常常躲在叶子茂密的植物下面,肉眼并不都可以看见。
Unit11. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good.2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport.3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace.4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to "difficult" school experiences.5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants.6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people's lives.7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it.8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history.9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not bedelayed until close to the examination time.10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts.Unit21. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food.2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China.3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened.4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people.5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time.6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, PartyA is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss.8. It usually takes a week to patent one's invention.9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters.10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues.Unit31. As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.2. The techniques of sales promotion, to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs.3. TO launch this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples for the local consumers to try.4. As their life has been bettered, going on tours/trips out in the holidays has become a fashionable/stylish pastime for quite a few people.5. The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control the oil resources in the area.6. Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first introduced toa market.7. The new administration has realized that economic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures takento ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people.8. Towards its sales objective this year, the company offereda training course to enlighten consumers about its latest products.9. To effectively raise our productivity, we should bring in advanced management experience from other countries.10. Professor Wu's lecture helped the students become acquainted with the use of this software product. It also gave them an idea of software development.Unit4I. Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of work in earning and sustaining their dignity.2. With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now.3. The young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had to focus their minds upon work as the central concern of existence.4. According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.5. In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America, which forms the so-called "brain drain".6. If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be dued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports.7. One expert in sociology believes that work is a means for people to build relationships. In that sense, the workplace performs the function of a community.8. The desire to "fulfill themselves", a harmless and even worthy enterprise, may sometimes degenerate into a selfish discontent.9. To most Americans today, the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once had.10. Modem workers may have a lot of complaints. But they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did work under a far more brutal condition during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution.Unit51. The firm will slash its employees from 5,000 to 3,000 because its business is slack.2. We should treasure and maintain the cordial relationship established with them in 1990.3. The patient died after he was infected as a result of a hospital blunder.4. To do simuRaneous interpretation of speeches needs special training and sldlls.5. Ifyou don't follow the objective law, you will be destined to fail.6. It was clear that the government failed to revive the economy or reform the social institutions last year.7. The miners' strike in July showed how quickly workers' anger erupted.8. Whenever you visit the city, on a rainy day or on a sunny one, it gives a scene of an industrial flavor as cheerful and busy as ever.9. He realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer.10. Overweight people are often lured by modern food products which claim to be able to help them lose America was once troubled by employment crisis.Unit61. The crime was exposed, and the chief criminal was prosecuted and convicted.2. His international contacts could contribute greatly to their hitherto isolated effort.3. Medical service would be free to the patients, and the financial transaction would take place between the two departments.4. Police are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag froma woman in broad daylight.5. During the ensuing twenty years, his far-sighted management brought great prosperity and turned the company into the largest clothing business in the country.6. His strong belief that she was withholding things from him did not have any basis in fact.7. Over the past few weeks, his every waking moment has been spent poring over his medical books.8. We were given advance warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the storm.9. Such organizations have had only limited success in averting conflicts between states.lO. She was hounded out of public life by the persistent aaacks of the popular newspapers.Unit71. Cyberspace communication is expanding by leaps and bounds, with millions of people browsing websites daily.2. The Chinese media are formulating new plans in order to increase their presence on the Intemet to meet the challenges of the virtual era.3. The new system now allows faxes to be sent round the world with minimum effort and maximum security.4. Because of its interactivity and accessibility, the Intemet has activated new interest in homestudy programs.5. The invention of the electronic word processor was as startling an information revolution as the invention of the printing press.6. Digital cameras aren't available for everybody -- at least, not yet. While cheaper than before, they are by no means cheap.7. Aworkaholic is a person who works too much. Aworkaholic lives to work, rather than works to live.8. It is not cheap to raise pets in the city. In the case ofa dog, registration may be obtained from the city's Dogs Supervision Office for a fee of about 2,000 yuan a year. 9. Recently, we have witnessed a number of young people who,for a variety of sociological and psychological reasons, have become attached to their computers, and are exploiting their potential in a criminal manner.10. Whether it is worth investing in the long term is still in doubt. Let's assume you are a sports fan.Unit81. Children were asked to complete many compulsory pieces of work each week.2. I commended the girl on the excellent job she had done. I later wrote to commend her to her employer.3. Everyone with a mortgage realized the government's economic strategy was not working.4. Absurd though it may seem, it is quite likely that Mr. Smith and his companions genuinely believe all this.5. He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon.6. By patient questioning we managed to elicit enough information from the witness.7. During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty-free bar, and a meal or light refreshments will be served according to the time of day.8. I was in a dreadful plight -- I had lost my money and missed the last bus home.9. One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence.10. Despite repeated assurance(s) he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.。
1) ...выбратьпрофессию–этонестольковыбратьсебеработу, сколькобытьпринятымвопределеннуюгруппулюдей, принятьееэтическиенормы, правила, принципы, ценности, образжизни.择业不仅仅是给自己找一份工作,而是融入某一个群体,接受这个群体的伦理标准,规章制度,价值观,生活方式。
2) Игралимузыкантынестолькодлямадам, сколькодлясобравшейсятолпы.与其说音乐家是给女性们演奏,不如说是给聚集在周围的人们演奏。
3) Толстякзамервкресле, нонестолькослушалмузыку, сколькодремал.胖子坐在椅子上一动不动,他不是在听音乐,而是在打瞌睡。
4)Бориснестолькосилён, скольколовок.鲍利斯算不上强人,但是个滑头。
5)Длятакойтонкойработынужнонестолькомастерство, сколькотщательность.这项细致的工作需要的不仅仅是技术,更重要的是细心。
6) Катюсвалиланестолькоболезнь, сколькопсихологическоесостояние.让卡佳病倒的不是疾病,而是心理问题。
7) Ошибкиполучилисьнестолькоиз-заегонеопытности, сколькопоегорассеянности.错误不是出在没有经验,而是因为粗心大意。
8) Вопросрасходованияденеготпродажигосударственныхактивовздесьинтересуетменянестолько, скольковопросоприсутствиигосударствавэкономике, которыйследуетрешить, икакможноскорее.我们感兴趣的不是如何挥霍掉出卖国家资产获得的钱财问题,而是应当尽快解决国家如何参与经济的问题。
六年级英语下册素材-Unit 5课文翻译 湘少版(三起)
Unit 5 Our Earth looks like this in space重点单词Earth /ɜːθ/ 地球space /speɪs/ 太空land /lænd/ 陆地,土地课文翻译A Let's Listen and Say 听一听,说一说Last Sunday,Peter and his mother went to the Space Museum.They watched a film about the Earth.上星期天,彼得和他的妈妈去了太空博物馆。
A man talked about the film,"our Earth looks like this in space.You can see the sea and the land.”一个男人谈论这部电影:“我们的地球从太空中看是像这样的。
”Peter was interested in the film and wanted to find out more about the Earth and the stars.彼得对这部电影很感兴趣,并想要弄清楚更多与地球和星星相关的事。
The next day, he went to the library to look for books on space.第二天,他去了图书馆寻找关于太空的书。
第三天,B Let's Learn学一学the Earth地球land and river陆地与河流the sun太阳Space Museum太空博物馆the moon月亮stars星星Let's Practise练一练The Earth is like a ball.地球就像一个球。
Animals and plants can live on the Earth.动物和植物可以在地球上生存。
II.Translation P25我的祖母不识字,可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。
Although my grandmother was illiterate,she had a good stock of myths and legends.When I was young I gave her no peace,constantly asking her to tell me stories.After she had finished her housework,she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories,all the while rocking me in rhythm.Having noticed my interest in stories,my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. They bought many storybooks with illustrations,and whenever free,they would read these stories to me over and over again.By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own.UNIT2II.Translation P58一项又一项的研究发现,食物和一些慢性疾病之间有密切关系。
Il ne se connaissent pas très bien ; puisque c’est leur première rencon tre .9.你们彼此一样,都是从头学起。
V ous êtes tous de vrais débutants . V ous partez tous de zéro .10.我们分手以后,彼此间的联系少了。
Depuis notre séparation , nous avons des relations moins suivies qu’avant .11.同一个班级的同学,应该彼此互相关心。
Quand on est de la même classe , on doit s’entraider mutuellement .12.咱们俩彼此彼此,我画的比你也好不了多少。
Nous sommes logés àla même enseigne : mes tableaux ne valent pas beaucoup mieux que les tiens .1.教师在讲课,学生们在专心致志地听讲,督学的意外出现分散了学生的注意力。
Les élèves étaient attentifs au cours du prof esseur, l’arrivée impromptue de l’inspecteur a fait diversion .2.人们认为,造成这座十层楼房火灾的主要原因是看门人玩忽职守。
On attribue surtout l’incendie de cet immeuble de neuf étages àl’irresponsabilité de concierge .3.自从我国实行开放政策以来,青年人表现出强烈的求知欲望。
公外翻译答案第一课5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.1.Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.(介词with表示状态,不必直译。
2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。
3.I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says it’s acquirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without high school education. (翻译时将be introduced to literature译成主动语态更通顺。
4.I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(I am in heaven不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。
青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让中国经济升级换代的力量。
Nowadays, many young people no longer choose “stable” jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people’s life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China’s economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses.2、实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation)是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。
Unit 101.John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behaviour of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family.答案:John Dewey has pointed out seriously that how far a social habit can impact an individual behavior as compared with how far an individual behaviour can impact a social habit can be likened to how far a native language can affect the entire vocabulary of a family dialect as compared with how far the entire vocabulary of a family dialect can affect a native language.2.When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously ,the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.答案:The result from a serious study of various cultures that are allowed to grow with no influence from outside proves to be in complete conformity with the reality.3.Anthropology was by definition impossible as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive,ourselves and the barbarian,ourselves and the pagan,held sway over people’s minds. 答案:No scientific study of people and their cultures can be expected to achieve any fruitful end,where we still strongly believe that ours is superior to other cultures,which we have traditionally considered as underdeveloped,uncivilized or irreligious.4.It was necessary to recognize that these institutions which are based on the same premises,let us say the supernatural,must be considered together,our own among the rest.答案:We should accept that these cultures,which are like ours created by God,must be treaded as equals to our own culture and included in our study of social customs.Unit 111.Up above me,I knew,were unselfishnesses of the spirit,clean and noble thinking, keen intellectual living.答案:I believed that in a society high above me lived those who selfless,noble-minded and well-cultivated.2.But it is not particularly easy for one to climb up out of the working-class-especially if he is handicapped by the possession of ideals and illusions.答案:But it is surely difficult for a man,especially one full of objectives and imagination in life,to have his working class status changed.3.I had the muscle,and they made money out of it while I made but a very indifferent living out of it.答案:I was physically strong,and they profited by the exploitation of my physical strength,which,to my great disappointment, was not able to change my life for the better.4.He was a muscle bankrupt, and nothing remained to him but to go down into the cellar of society and perish miserably.答案:He was no longer physically strong/powerful,his strength was used up/exhausted/consumed completely /wore out;and he had to let himself slide down to the bottom of society,left alone in misery till the end of his life.1.One hundred years later,the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.答案:One hundred years later,the Negro still lives in a land of poverty isolated from a land of immense /enormous wealth,which surrounds us and is our homeland.2.It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.答案:We can see clearly now that America has failed to execute this document as promised,as far as the black people are concerned.3.So we have come to cash this check-a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.答案:So we are here to demand the fulfillment of a promise which assures us of liberty and justice.4.This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.答案:This is not the time now to try to persuade us to keep quiet and wait patiently,by and by, a solution is eventually found.Unit 21.Moses pleaded a speech defect to rationalize his reluctance to deliver Jehovah’s edict to Pharaoh.答案:Moses justified his unwillingness to pass Jehovah’s order to Pharaoh,saying that he was “slow of speech”.2.Yet for all the trouble procrastination may incur,delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul.答案:Delay leads to problems.However,in many cases,it can often stimulate the creativity in an artist.3.He notes that speedy action can be embarrassing or extremely costly.答案:He points out that hastiness may give rise to decisions which turn out to be humiliating or expensive.4.Bureaucratization,which flourished amid the growing burdens of government and the greater complexity of society,was designed to smother policymakers in blankets of legalism,compromise and reappraisal-and thereby prevent hasty decisions from being made.答案:Excessive red-tape developed because public administration was expanding in scope and because society was growing more and more complicated.In this sense,red-tape helped those in charge of policy to be fully engaged in an enormous amount of paperwork and judgement,thus making it impossible for an immature decision to result.5....many of my friends go through agonies when they face a blank page.答案:...many of my friends have a hard time the moment they attempt to put pen to paper.Unit 131.People who are partial to euphemisms stand accused of being “phony”or trying to hide what it is they are really talking about.答案:Euphemism-prone people are subject to the charge that they are insincere.2.What we call things affects how we will perceive them.答案:Things may take on a different look when named differently.3.It would appear that human beings almost naturally come to identify names with things,which is one of our more fascinating illusions.答案:It seems that mankind is predisposed to regard things as being inseparable from the labels they bear.This is a most intriguing delusion.4.For if you change the names of things,you change how people will regard them,and that is as good as changing the nature of the thing itself.答案:With the change of the names of things,you have changed their images in the eye of people,which,in effect,means a change in what the things really are.5.The teacher who prefers us to use the term”culturally different children”instead of “slum children”is euphemizing,all right,but is doing it to encourage us to see aspects of a situation that might otherwise not be attended to.答案:It is true that the teacher is euphemizing when he has us use”culturally different children” in place of “slum children”, but what he is doing is to try to turn our attention to an aspect of life that might easily be neglected.6.Saying that someone is “dead”is not to speak more plainly or honestly than saying he has “passed away”.答案:People are just as frank when they say someone “passed away”as when they say he is “dead”.Unit 151.Most previous analogies are seriously inadequate, for while they may describe a part of the teaching activity,they also suggest patterns that are not fully applicable to teaching.答案:Almost none of the analogies that have been used so far can fully describe what teaching is all about.(or: Nearly all the analogies that have been used so far can only present a partial picture,rather than a complete one,of what teaching is really about.)In this sense,none of them serves as an analogy for teaching.2.Rather than emphasizing the mutuality of the endeavor,each of these common analogies turns ona separation between the professional and his clients.答案:Each of these popular analogies sees the teacher and his students not as an organic unit tied together in a joint effort,but as being isolated from each other.3.The teacher as actor also plays to a passive audience,but he measures success by large numbers. 答案:The teacher,seen in the role of the actor,would be simply lecturing to an audience ,who do not participate, and he would evaluate his performance not by their involvement in class activities,but by the size of the class.4.The mountaineer accepts his leadership role,yet recognizes that the success of the journey(measured by the scaling of the heights)depends upon close cooperation and active participation by each member of the group.答案:The mountaineer knows his own function as a leader and is well aware,too,that whether they can climb to the top is decided by how well each member can cooperate with the others and how far each member is ready to involve himself in the endeavour.5.Essential skills must be mastered if the trip is to be successful;lacking them,disaster looms as anominous possibility.答案:For a good journey,basic skills from an indispensable part,without which one is likely to encounter misfortune.翻译1.习俗不同于传统在于前者是一个社会中公认的行为规范,而后者则是指从过去传到现在的思维和行为的习惯方式。
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1. When communicating with my customers, I prefer writing E-mails to telephoning them. prefer A to Bprefer doing to doingprefer to do … than do …我喜欢通过写电子邮件而不是打电话来与客户进行交流。
2. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because the former is more convenient and time-saving.和去商场不同,我更喜欢网上购物,因为网上购物更加的方便和省时。
3. Only in the quiet study does he feel safe and relaxed.只有在安静的书房里,他才感到安全和放松。
4. Only on Mount Huangshan can you see such beautiful scenery.只有在黄山,你才可以欣赏到如此的美景。
Only by studying hard every day can you stand out in the future.5. Email enables us to keep in touch with our friends far away easily.电子邮件使我们能够轻而易举地与远方的朋友保持联系。
6. I don’t think you have realized the importance of reading.我认为你还没有意识到阅读的重要性。
7. The Beijing 2008 Olympic G ames will exert/have great influence on China’s economy.北京2008年奥运会将对中国的经济产生很大影响。
8. He has been promoted to the position of department manager for his excellent performance.他因为工作表现出色,最近被提升为部门经理。
9. We watch TV to know what happens around us.我们看电视是为了了解周围发生的事情。
10. Email enables us to keep in touch with our friends far away easily.电子邮件使我们能够轻而易举地与远方的朋友保持联系。
(与第5题印重复了,抱歉)11. Through the project, many people have received training and decided to start their own business.通过这个项目,很多人接受了培训并决定自己创业。
12. The witness was told that || under no circumstances should he lie to the court.那位目击证人被告知在任何情况下,都不应该对法庭撒谎。
13. We cannot judge a person’s ability simply on the basis of his education.我们不能简单地根据一个人受过多少教育来判断他的能力大小。
14. The Great Wall is often regarded as the symbol of Chinese culture and history.长城常被看作是中国文化和历史的象征。
15. A good English-Chinese dictionary is judged not by its thickness but by its quality.一本好的英汉字典不是由其厚薄来评定的,而是由其质量来评定的。
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 我梦想有一天,我的四个小女儿将生活在一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里16. This cure for cancer was not known until it was accidentally found by a doctor.这种治疗癌症的方法一直不为人知,直到一名医生偶然发现了它。
17. But for mobile/cell phones, our communication would not have been so rapid and convenient.要不是有手机,我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便。
18. If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.如果你听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦。
19. The victim would have had a chance to survive if he had been taken to hospital in time. 如果及时送到医院,那个受害人本有机会生还。
20. You would not have failed if you had followed my instructions/orders.如果你按照我的指令去做,你就不会失败了。
21. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never gave up the pursuit of knowledge. 尽管遇到很多困难,马克从未放弃对知识的追求。
22. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before we find the cure for cancer.科学家们认为还要过很长时间,我们才能找到治愈癌症的方法。
23. Production has to be increased considerably to keep up with the constantly growing needs of consumers.生产极大地增长以与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步。
24. The more exercise you take, the less likely you are to catch a cold.你越锻炼,你越不大可能感冒。
The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn. --- 加菲猫"the more..., the more..."句型,主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。
例如:The more he gets, the more he wants. 他越来越贪。
The more she learns, the more she wants to learn. 她越学越想学。
The harder he worked, the more he got. 他工作越努力,得到的就越多。
例如:The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你越用功,进步就越大。
The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer. 战争持续得越久,那里的人们受难就越多。
若表示"越……越不……"时,常用"the more..., the less..."句型。
例如:The more she flatters me, the less I like her. 她越奉承我,我越不喜欢她。
若表示"越不……就越……"时,常用"the less..., the more..."句型。
例如:The less he worried, the better he worked. 他越不烦恼,工作就干得越好。
The harder you chase her, the less she likes you. The less you pay attention to her, the more she loves you.得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。
25. Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty in focusing on her experiment. 因为外面的噪音,Nancy很难集中注意力在实验上。
26. We look forward to being invited to attend the opening ceremony.我们希望能被邀请出席开幕式look forward to doing 希望be/get used to doing习惯做某事in addition to doing 除了做某事take to doing开始喜欢devote…to doing奉献get round to doing抽出时间做某事object to doing 反对做某事be averse to doing 反对做某事be subject to doing 遵守contribute to doing 做贡献27. It is suggested that the air conditioner should be installed beside the window.建议将空调安装在窗户旁。
28. Most educators advise that kids should not be addicted to computer games.大多数教育者建议孩子们不要沉溺于电脑游戏。
29. The This 16-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite her parents’ strong disagreement/objection/opposition.这个十六岁的小姑娘不顾她父母的强烈反对,决定只身出国旅游。