第 2 卷 第 5期 1
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浅谈《 企业会计准则第 3号——投资性房地产》
徐 小瑛
( 广西大学 商学院, 广西 南宁 500 ) 304
关键词 : 投资性房地产; 国际会计准则; 公允价值 摘 要 : 政部 20 年 2月颁布 了新的企业会计准则。其 中首次颁布 了《 财 06 企业会计准则第 3号——投 贤 性房地产》 此项准则的颁布将会对企业投资性房地产的确认、 , 计量、 披露等提供客观的依据。通过该准则- 9 国际会计准则4 0号——投资性房地产的分析- 9比较, 指出二者之间的异同以及优缺点, 从而为完善我国投资 性房地产 会计准则提 出设想。
收稿 日期 :0 6— 7— 9 20 0 2 作者简介 : 徐小瑛 (9 0 18 一 )女 , , 广西桂林人 , 硕士研究 生 , 研究 方向为财务管理 。
徐小瑛: 浅谈《 企业会计准则第 3号——投资性房地产》 资性房地产转换为 自用房地 产时。 当 以其转换 当 日 应 的公允价值作为 自用房地产 的账面价值 , 公允价值与 原账面价值的差额计入当期损益。自用房地 产或存货 转换为采用公允价值模式计量 的投 资性房地产时 , 投 资性房地产按照转换 当 日的公允价 值计价 , 转换 当 日 的公允价值小于原账面价值的, 其差额计人当期损益 ; 转换 当日的公允价值大于原账 面价值的 , 其差额计入 所有者权益。 国际会计准则中还涉及到价值重估 、 折旧处理 , 针 对不同情况更加细化 。我国与国际会计准则基本上一 致, 但从我国企业的实际情况出发 , 笔者认为该准则更 为符合我国的实际情况, 便于操作和 了解。同时避免 了企业通过投资性房地产与其他 资产之间的转换来进 行利润操纵 , 充分体现了会计 的谨慎性原则。 ( 四)投资性房地产的披露要求 企业会计准则第 3 号中要求企业应当在附注中披 露与投资性房地产有 关的下列信息 : 一是 投资性房地 产的种类 、 金额和计量模式。二 是 采用成本 模式 的,
企业会计准则中英文目录一、总则 (General Principles)1.目的、作用和依据 (Objective, Role and Basis)2.会计准则的层次体系 (Hierarchy of Accounting Standards)3.会计政策与会计估计 (Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates)4.会计平衡与会计核算 (Accounting Balance and Accounting Recording)5.会计信息质量 (Quality of Accounting Information)6.会计报告 (Accounting Reporting)7.会计信息的披露 (Disclosure of Accounting Information)二、资产 (Assets)1.现金与现金等价物 (Cash and Cash Equivalents)2.应付票据与应收票据 (Notes Payable and Notes Receivable)3.银行存款 (Bank Deposits)4.应收账款 (Accounts Receivable)5.其他应付款 (Other Accounts Payable)6.存货 (Inventory)7.长期股权投资 (Long-term Equity Investment)8.固定资产 (Fixed Assets)9.无形资产 (Intangible Assets)10.长期应收款 (Long-term Receivables)11.投资性房地产 (Investment Property)12.生产性生物资产 (Productive Biological Assets)13.油气资产 (Oil and Gas Assets)三、负债 (Liabilities)2.应付利息 (Interest Payable)3.应付股利 (Dividends Payable)4.应付票据与应收票据 (Notes Payable and Notes Receivable)5.应计费用 (Accrued Expenses)6.长期借款 (Long-term Loans)7.应付账款 (Accounts Payable)8.其他应付款 (Other Accounts Payable)9.预计负债 (Provisions)10.长期负债 (Long-term Liabilities)11.租赁负债 (Lease Liabilities)12.金融负债和金融资产净值表 (Financial Liabilities and Net Asset Value of Financial Assets)四、所有者权益 (Equity)1.实收资本 (Paid-in Capital)2.其他各类股东权益 (Other Shareholders' Equity)3.盈余公积 (Surplus Reserve)4.未分配利润 (Undistributed Profits)5.专项储备 (Special Reserves)7.减少股本 (Reduction of Share Capital)8.外币货币报表 (Foreign Currency Financial Statements)五、收入 (Revenue)1.主营业务收入 (Main Operating Revenue)2.其他业务收入 (Other Operating Revenue)3.政府补助 (Government Grants)4.资本公积 (Capital Surplus)六、费用 (Expenses)1.销售费用 (Selling Expenses)2.管理费用 (Administrative Expenses)3.财务费用 (Financial Expenses)4.税费 (Taxes)5.其他费用 (Other Expenses)6.计提费用和资产减值准备 (Accruals and Asset Impairment Provisions)七、附注 (Appendix)1.一般附注 (General Appendix)2.财务责任附注 (Financial Responsibility Appendix)3.重要会计政策与会计估计附注 (Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates Appendix)4.重要交易与事件附注 (Significant Transactions and Events Appendix)5.重要法律事项附注 (Significant Legal Matters Appendix)6.全面收购会计处理和合并附注 (Full Acquisition Accounting Treatment and Merger Appendix)7.资产、负债和所有者权益变动情况附注 (Changes in Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Appendix)8.指标说明附注 (Indicator Description Appendix)以上是企业会计准则的中英文目录,目录共涵盖了准则的主要内容,包括总则、资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用和附注等方面。
新会计准则英汉对照目录Effective 2007 for Listed Companies1. 企业会计准则---------基本准则(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard)2. 企业会计准则第1 号---------存货(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 1 - Inventories)3. 企业会计准则第2 号---------长期股权投资 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 - Long-term equity investments)4. 企业会计准则第3 号---------投资性房地产(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 3 - Investment properties)5. 企业会计准则第4 号---------固定资产 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed assets) br/6. 企业会计准则第5 号---------生物资产 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 5 - Biological assets) br/7. 企业会计准则第6 号---------无形资产 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 6 - Intangible assets) br/8. 企业会计准则第7 号---------非货币性资产:) br/Exchange of non-monetary assets) br/9. 企业会计准则第8 号---------资产减值 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of assets) br/10. 企业会计准则第9 号---------职工薪酬 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 9 –Employee compensation ) br/11. 企业会计准则第10 号--------企业年金基金 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 10 - Enterprise annuity fund) br/12. 企业会计准则第11 号--------股份支付 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 11 - Share-based payment) br/13. 企业会计准则第12 号--------债务重组 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt restructurings) br/14. 企业会计准则第13 号--------或有事项 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies) br/15. 企业会计准则第14 号--------收入 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue) br/16. 企业会计准则第15 号--------建造合同 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 15 - Construction contracts) br/17. 企业会计准则第16 号--------政府补助 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government grants) br/18. 企业会计准则第17 号--------借款费用 br/Borrowing costs) br/19. 企业会计准则第18 号--------所得税 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 18 - Income taxes) br/20. 企业会计准则第19 号--------外币折算 br/(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 19 - Foreign currency translation) br/。
计提折 旧或进行摊销 ,应 当以资产负债表 日投资 性 业 应 当在 附注 中披 露 的与投 资 性房地 产有 关 的信
企业应 当在 附录中披 露与投资性房地产有关 的
1投 资性房地产 的种类 、 . 金额和计量方式:
2采用 成本 模式 的 , 资性房地 产 的折 旧或摊 . 投
第 3 为投 资性房地产 的后 续计量 。本章具 体 章
第1 章为总则 。总则 中明确 了本准则是 为 了规 说 明 了企业在 资产负债表 日对 投资性房 地产进行 后 范投资性房地产 的确 认 、 计量和相 关信息 的披露 , 以 续计 量所能采取 的方法和前提 条件 。这 里重要 的一 及投资性房地 产 的特 征,同时列示 了本准 则不适用 或资本增值, 或两者兼有而 持有 的房地产 。 投资性房
时满足 下列 条件:
章 明确 了投资性房地 产确认的具体条 件 、初始计量
方法 以及后续支出的处理方式。其具体 规定是:
1确 认 条 件 ; .
() 资性 房地 产所在 地 有活 跃 的房地 产交 易 1投 《 对外 经贸 财会》 志 2 0 杂 0 6年第 5期
准 则解读 系 列之 二
随着 中国房地产 业的不断发展 ,房地产业对 国
() 1 该投 资性 房地 产包 含 的经济 利益 很可 能流 () 2 该投 资性房 地产的成本能够可靠计量 。
2 初始计量 : .
民经 济的影响越来越 大 , 房地产市场 越来越规范 , 越 入企业 。 来越 多的企业 出于投 资 目的持有各 类房地产 。鉴 于 此类房地产价值 巨大 ,会对企业 的会计信息造成 巨
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.3—Investment PropertyChapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 This standard is formulated in accordance with the “Accounting standard for Business Enterprises—Basic Standard”for the purpose of prescribing the recognition and measurement of investment property and the disclosure of related information.Article 2 Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.Article 3 The following items of investment property are dealt with by this standard:(a)a land use right that is leased out.(b)a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation.(c)a building that is leased out.Article 4 The following items are not investment property:(a)owner-occupied property, held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.(b)property held as inventories.Article 5 the following items are dealt with under other appropriate Accounting Standards:(a)property constructed on behalf of others, which are dealt with under “Accounting standard for Business Enterprises No.15—Construction Contracts”.(b)rental income from, and sale and lease back of, investment property, which are dealt with under “Accounting standard for Business Enterprises No.21—Leases”.Chapter 2 Recognition and InitialMeasurementArticle 6 Investment property shall be recognized as asset when, and only when both of the following conditions are satisfied:(a)it is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment property will flow to the enterprise;(b)the cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.Article 7 An investment property shall be measured initially at its cost. (a)the cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase prise, related taxes and fee, and other directly attributable expenditures. (b)the cost of a self-constructed investment property is its cost at the date when the construction or development is complete.(c)the cost of an investment property obtained in other ways shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate Specific Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises.Article 8 Subsequent costs incurred for an investment property that meet the recognition criteria stipulated in Article 6 shall be included in the cost of the investment property. Subsequent costs that fail to meet the recognition criteria in Article 6 shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.Chapter 3 Subsequent Measurement Article 9An enterprise shall use the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property at the balance sheet date, except as stipulated in Article 10 of this Standard.Subsequent measurement of buildings accounted for using the cost model is dealt with under “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.4—Fixed Assets”.Subsequent measurement of land use right accounted for using the cost model is dealt with under “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.6—Intangible Assets”.Article 10 If there is clear evidence that the fair value of an investment property can be reliably determinable on a continuing basis, the fair value model may be used for subsequent measurement of the investment property.Both of the following conditions shall be met if the fair value model is to be used:(a)there is a active property market in the location in which the investment property is situated;(b)the enterprise can obtain the market price and other relevant information regarding the same type of or similar properties from the property market, so as to reasonably estiamte the fair value of the investment property.Article 11 When the fair value model is used, no depreciation or amotization is provided for an investment property. The carrying amount of the investment property shall be adjusted to its fair value at the balance sheet date. The difference between the fair value and the original carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.Article 12 Once a measurement model for investment property is chosen, an enterprise shall not change the model arbitrarily. A change from the cost model to the fair value model shall be accounted for as a change in accounting policy and dealt with in accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.28—Changes in Accounting policies and Accounting Estimates and Corrections of Errors” .For investment property accounted for using the fair value model, achange from the fair value model to the cost model is not permitted.Chapter 4 TransfersArticle 13 Transfers to, or from, investment property shall be made when, and only when, there is a change in use, clearly evidenced by one of the following conditions:(a)commencement1of owner-occupation, for a transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property.(b)end of development with a view to sale, and commencement of an operating lease to another party, for a transfer from inventories to investment property.(c)end of owner-occupation, and commencement of being held to earn rentals2or for capital appreciation3, for an transfer from owner-occupied land use right to investment property.(d)end of owner-occupation, and commencement of an operating lease to ahother party, for a transfer from owner-occupation building to investment property.Article 14For a transfer from investment property carried at the cost model to owner-occupied property, or a transfer from owner-occupied property or inventories to investment property carried at the cost model, the carrying amount of a property before its transfer shall be regarded as the recorded amount after its transfer.Article 15For a transfer from investment property carried at the fair value model to owner-occupied property, its fair value at the date of transfer is regarded as the carrying amount of the owner –occupied property. The difference between the fair value and the original carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.Article 16 For a transfer from owner-occupied property or inventories to investment property carried at the fair value model, the investment property is measured at its fair value at the date of the transfer. If the fair value at the date of transfer is less than the original carrying amount, the difference is charged to profit or loss for the current period. If the fair value at the date of transfer exceeds the original carrying amount, the difference is recognized in owners’equity.Chapter 5 DisposalsArticle 17 An investment property shall be derecognized on disposal or 1[kə'mensmənt] 名词n. [U][C] 1.开始,发端2.【美】学位授予典礼;毕业典礼2['rentl] 名词n. 1.租金;租金收入[C]The quarterly rental will be $50,000.每季度租金为五万元。
外文翻译外文题目IAS 40 Investment Property外文出处International Accounting Standards外文作者International Accounting Standards Committee 原文:IAS 40 Investment PropertyObjectiveThe objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment for investment property and related disclosure requirements.Scope1. This Standard should be applied in the recognition, measurement and disclosure of investment property.2. Among other things, this Standard deals with the measurement in a lessee's financial statements of investment property held under a finance lease and with the measurement in a lessor's financial statements of investment property leased out under an operating lease. This Standard does not deal with matters covered in IAS 17, Leases, including:(a) classification of leases as finance leases or operating leases;(b) recognition of lease income earned on investment property (see also IAS 18, evenue);(c) measurement in a lessee's financial statements of property held under an operating lease;(d) measurement in a lessor's financial statements of property leased out under a finance lease;(e) accounting for sale and leaseback transactions; and(f) disclosure about finance leases and operating leases.3. This Standard does not apply to:(a) biological assets attached to land related to agricultural activity (see IAS 41,Agriculture); and(b) mineral rights, the exploration for and extraction of minerals, oil, natural gas and similar non-regenerative resources.Definitions4. The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified: Investment property is property (land or a building - or part of a building - or both) held (by the owner or by the lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, rather than for:(a) use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or(b) sale in the ordinary course of business.Owner-occupied property is property held (by the owner or by the lessee under a finance lease) for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction.Cost is the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of other consideration given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction. Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognised in the balance sheet. 5. Investment property is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.Therefore, an investment property generates cash flows largely independently of the other assets held by an enterprise. This distinguishes investment property from owneroccupied property. The production or supply of goods or services (or the use of property for administrative purposes) generates cash flows that are attributable not merely to property, but also to other assets used in the production or supply process.IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, applies to owner-occupied property.6. The following are examples of investment property:(a) land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business;(b) land held for a currently undetermined future use. (If an enterprise has notdetermined that it will use the land either as owner-occupied property or for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business, the land is considered to be held for capital appreciation);(c) a building owned by the reporting enterprise (or held by the reporting enterprise under a finance lease) and leased out under one or more operating leases; and(d) a building that is vacant but is held to be leased out under one or more operating leases.7. The following are examples of items that are not investment property and therefore fall outside the scope of this Standard:(a) property held for sale in the ordinary course of business or in the process of construction or development for such sale (see IAS 2, Inventories), for example property acquired exclusively with a view to subsequent disposal in the near future or for development and resale;(b) property being constructed or developed on behalf of third parties (see IAS 11,Construction Contracts);(c) owner-occupied property (see IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment), including (among other things) property held for future use as owner-occupied property, property held for future development and subsequent use as owner-occupied property, property occupied by employees (whether or not the employees pay rent at market rates) and owner-occupied property awaiting disposal; and(d) property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property. IAS 16 applies to such property until construction or development is complete, at which time the property becomes investment property and this Standard applies. However, this Standard does apply to existing investment property that is being redeveloped for continued future use as investment property (see paragraph 52).8. Certain properties include a portion that is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation and another portion that is held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes. If these portions could be sold separately (or leased out separately under a finance lease), an enterprise accounts for the portions separately. If the portions could not be sold separately, the property isinvestment property only if an insignificant portion is held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.9. In certain cases, an enterprise provides ancillary services to the occupants of a property held by the enterprise. An enterprise treats such a property as investment property if the services are a relatively insignificant component of the arrangement as a whole. An example would be where the owner of an office building provides security and maintenance services to the lessees who occupy the building.10. In other cases, the services provided are a more significant component. For example, if an enterprise owns and manages a hotel, services provided to guests are a significant component of the arrangement as a whole. Therefore, an owner-managed hotel is owner-occupied property, rather than investment property.11. It may be difficult to determine whether ancillary services are so significant that a property does not qualify as investment property. For example, the owner of a hotel sometimes transfers certain responsibilities to third parties under a management contract. The terms of such management contracts vary widely. At one end of the spectrum, the owner's position may, in substance, be that of a passive investor. At the other end of the spectrum, the owner may simply have outsourced certain day-to-day functions while retaining significant exposure to variation in the cash flows generated by the operations of the hotel.12. Judgement is needed to determine whether a property qualifies as investment property. An enterprise develops criteria so that it can exercise that judgement consistently in accordance with the definition of investment property and with the related guidance in paragraphs 5to 11. Paragraph 66(a)requires an enterprise to disclose these criteria when classification is difficult.13. Under IAS 17, Leases, a lessee does not capitalise property held under an operating lease. Therefore, the lessee does not treat its interest in such property as investment property.14. In some cases, an enterprise owns property that is leased to, and occupied by, its parent or another subsidiary. The property does not qualify as investment property in consolidated financial statements that include both enterprises, because the property isowner-occupied from the perspective of the group as a whole. However, from the perspective of the individual enterprise that owns it, the property is investment property if it meets the definition in paragraph 4. Therefore, the lessor treats the property as investment property in its individual financial statements.Recognition15. Investment property should be recognised as an asset when, and only when:(a) it is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment property will flow to the enterprise; and(b) the cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.16. In determining whether an item satisfies the first criterion for recognition, an enterprise needs to assess the degree of certainty attaching to the flow of future economic benefits on the basis of the available evidence at the time of initial recognition. The second criterion for recognition is usually readily satisfied because the exchange transaction evidencing the purchase of the asset identifies its cost.Initial Measurement17. An investment property should be measured initially at its cost. Transaction costs should be included in the initial measurement.18. The cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase price, and any directly attributable expenditure. Directly attributable expenditure includes, for example, professional fees for legal services, property transfer taxes and other transaction costs.19. The cost of a self-constructed investment property is its cost at the date when the construction or development is complete. Until that date, an enterprise applies IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment. At that date, the property becomes investment property and this Standard applies (see paragraphs 51(e) and 59 below).20. The cost of an investment property is not increased by start-up costs (unless they are necessary to bring the property to its working condition), initial operating losses incurred before the investment property achieves the planned level of occupancy or abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour or other resources incurred in constructing or developing the property.21. If payment for an investment property is deferred, its cost is the cash price equivalent. The difference between this amount and the total payments is recognized as interest expense over the period of credit.Subsequent Expenditure22. Subsequent expenditure relating to an investment property that has already been recognised should be added to the carrying amount of the investment property when it is probable that future economic benefits, in excess of the originally assessed standard of performance of the existing investment property, will flow to the enterprise. All other subsequent expenditure should be recognised as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.23. The appropriate accounting treatment for expenditure incurred subsequently to the acquisition of an investment property depends on the circumstances which were taken into account on the initial measurement and recognition of the related investment. For instance, when the carrying amount of an investment property already takes into account a loss in future economic benefits, subsequent expenditure to restore the future economic benefits expected from the asset is capitalised. This is also the case when the purchase price of an asset reflects the enterprise's obligation to incur expenditure that is necessary in the future to bring the asset to its working condition. An example of this might be the acquisition of a building requiring renovation. In such circumstances, the subsequent expenditure is added to the carrying amount.Measurement Subsequent to Initial Recognition24. An enterprise should choose either the fair value model in paragraphs 27 to 49 or the cost model in paragraph 50as its accounting policy and should apply that policy to all of its investment property.25. IAS 8, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental Errors and Changes in Accounting Policies, states that a voluntary change in accounting policy should be made only if the change will result in a more appropriate presentation of events or transactions in the financial statements of the enterprise. It is highly unlikely that a change from the fair value model to the cost model will result in a more appropriate presentation.26. This Standard requires all enterprises to determine the fair value of investment property for the purpose of measurement (fair value model) or disclosure (cost model). An enterprise is encouraged, but not required, to determine the fair value of investment property on the basis of a valuation by an independent valuer who holds a recognised and relevant professional qualification and who has recent experience in the location and category of the investment property being valued.Fair Value Model27. After initial recognition, an enterprise that chooses the fair value model should measure all of its investment property at its fair value, except in the exceptional cases described in paragraph 47.28. A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of investment property should be included in net profit or loss for the period in which it arises.29. The fair value of investment property is usually its market value. Fair value is measured as the most probable price reasonably obtainable in the market at the balance sheet date in keeping with the fair value definition. It is the best price reasonably obtainable by the seller and the most advantageous price reasonably obtainable by the buyer. This estimate specifically excludes an estimated price inflated or deflated by special terms or circumstances such as atypical financing, sale and leaseback arrangements, special considerations or concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale.Source:International Accounting Standards Committee.International Accounting Standards ,IAS 40 Investment Property[s].2004:37-40译文:投资性房地产目的本准则的目的是规范投资性房地产的会计处理和相关披露要求。
课堂 练习题 (kètáng)
3.某企业投资性房地产采用成本计量模式。 2009年1月31日购入一幢建筑物用于出租。该 建筑物的成本为270万元,预计使用年限为5 年,预计净残值为18万元.采用年数(nián 总和 shù) 法计提折旧。2010年应计提的折旧额为
投资性房地产累计折旧 投资性房地产减值准备 贷:投资性房地产 注意1:房地产公司作为存货的房地产用“ 开发产品”科目; 注意2:流动资产与非流动资产之间的减值
2.非投资性房地产转换为投资性房地产: (1)作为存货的房地产转换为投资性房地产 借:投资性房地产(存货在转换日的账面价值)
注意: (7)一项房地产,部分用于赚取租金或资本 增值,部分用于生产商品、提供劳务或经营管 理: 用于赚取租金或资本增值的部分,如果能够单 独计量和出售(chūshòu)的,可以将该部分确认为 投资性房地产;不能够单独计量和出售(chūshòu) 的,不确认为投资性房地产。
课堂 练习题 (kètáng)
存货跌价准备(zhǔnbèi)(已计提的跌价准备(zhǔnbèi) )
(2)自用房地产转换为投资性房地产 借:投资性房地产
价值为( A )万元。
三、新准则与原会计制度 差异比较
(一)会计科目的差异 (二)初始计量的差异 (三)后续计量的差异
(四)新准则有关投资性房地产转 换的规定 (五)处置
例:某工业企业1994年12月31日在自由土地 上建成一座厂房,此在建工程账面成本为360 万元(摊销期限20年,按平均年限法摊销, 预计无净残值),建成初衷是作为自用车间。 但由于销路不畅于1996年1月1日将此厂房出 租,出租时公允价值为400万元,租期10年。 1999年按照国家规定安装消防设备花费15万 元。2006年1月1日到期后将此厂房改建为第 五车间,此时公允价值为270万元。请进行账
1、在“总则”部分 2、在“确认和初始计量”部分 3、在“后续计量”部分 4、在“转换”部分 5、在“处置”部分 6、新准则同时规定在附注中披露的 内容
投资性房地产,是指为赚取租金或资本增值, 或两者兼有而持有的房地产。包括:
(1)出租的土地使用权。 (2)长期持有并准备增值后转让的土地使用 权。
Deposit for Capital Recognizance Fixed Assets Accumulative Depreciation Reserve for Fixed Assets Impairment Construction in Process
58 59 60 61 62
2721 独立账户负债 2801 2802 2811 2901 长期应付款 未确认融资费 用 专项应付款 递延所得税负 债
1461 存货跌价准备 1501 待摊费用 保险专用
1511 独立账户资产 1521 持有至到期投 资 持有至到期投 资减值准备 可供出售金融 资产
Capital in Independent Accounts Held-To-Maturity Investment Reserve for Held-To-Maturity Investment Impairment Financial Assets Available for Sale Long-term Equity Investment Reserve for Long-term Equity Investment Impairment Investment Real Estate Long-term Accounts Receivable Unrealized Financing Profits
周转材料 贵金属 抵债资产 损余物资
建造承包商 专用 银行专用 金融共用 保险专用
Revolving Materials Expensive Metals Capital for Debt Payment Salvage Value Of Insured Properties Reserve For Stock Depreciation Unamortized Expenditures
新会计准则英文版新企业会计准则中英对照(仅供B组小伙伴参考)1.存货 Inventory2.长期股权投资 Long-term Equity Investment3.投资性房地产 Investment Real Estate4.固定资产 Fixed Assets5.生物资产 Biological Assets6.无形资产 Intangible Assets7.非货币性资产交换 Exchange of Non-monetary Assets8.资产减值 Assets Impairment9.职工薪酬 Wages and Salaries of Employees10.企业年金基金 Enterprise Annuity Fund11.股份支付 Share-based Payments12.债务重组 Debt Restructuring13.或有事项 Contingencies14.收入 Revenues15.建造合同 Construction Contracts16.政府补助 Government Grants17.借款费用 Borrowing Costs18.所得税 Income T ax19.外币折算 Foreign Currency Translation20.企业合并 Business Combination21.租赁 Leases22.金融工具确认和计量Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instrument23.金融资产转移 Transfer of Financial Assets24.套期保值 Hedging25.原保险合同 Direct Insurance Contracts26.再保险合同 Reinsurance Contracts27.石油天然气开采 Exploitation of Petroleum and Natural Gas28.会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正 Changes in Accounting Policies andEstimates and Corrections of Errors29.资产负债表日后事项 Events after the Balance Sheet Date30.财务报表列报 Financial Statement Presentation31.现金流量表 Cash Flow Statement32.中期财务报告 Interim Financial Reporting33.合并财务报表 Consolidate Financial Statement34.每股收益 Earning Per Share/EPS35.分部报告 Segment Reporting36.关联方披露 Disclosure of Related Parties37.金融工具列报 Presentation of Financial Instruments38.首次执行企业会计准则Initial Adoption of Accounting Standard for Enterprises。
例:2007年,甲企业的一栋写字楼对外出租,采用成本 模式进行后续计量。2009年2月1日,假设企业持有的投 资性房地产满足采用公允价值模式条件,企业决定采用 公允价值模式对该写字楼进行后续计量。2009年2月1日, 该写字楼原价为9000万元,已提折旧270万元,账面价 值8730万元,公允价值为9500万元。甲企业按净利润的 10%提盈余公积。
4、企业拥有并自行经营的旅馆饭店,不 属于投资性房地产。
将其拥有的旅馆饭店部分或全部出租,且 出租的部分能够单独计量的,出租的部分 可确认为投资性房地产。
投资性房地产应当按照成本进行初始确认和计量,其 后续计量模式有两种: (一)通常应当采用成本模式进行计量 (二)只有符合规定条件的,才可以采用公允价值模 式进行计量 相关规定: 1、计量模式一经确定,不得随意变更。成本模式转 为公允价值模式的,应当作为会计政策变更,将转换时 公允价值与账面价值的差额,调整期初留存收益(未分 配利润)。 2、已采用公允价值模式的,不得转为成本模式。 3、同一企业只能采用一种模式对所有投资性房地产 进行后续计量,不利同时采用两种计量模式。
转换形式包括: 1、投资性房地产开始自用,相应地由投资性房地产转换 为固定资产或无形资产。如企业将出租的厂房收回用于 生产本企业的产品。从事房地产开发的企业将出租的开 发产品收回,作为企业的办公楼使用。 2、作为存货的房地产,改为出租,相应地由存货转换为 投资性房地产 3、自用土地使用权停止自用,用于赚取租金或资本增值, 相应地由无形资产转换为投资性房地产 4、自用建筑物停止自用,改为出租,相应地由固定资产 转换为投资性房地产 5、房地产企业将用于经营出租的房地产重新开发用于对 外销售,从投资性房地产转为存货。
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Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.3—Investment PropertyChapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 This standard is formulated in accordance with the “Accounting standard for Business Enterprises—Basic Standard”for the purpose of prescribing the recognition and measurement of investment property and the disclosure of related information.Article 2 Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both.Article 3 The following items of investment property are dealt with by this standard:(a)a land use right that is leased out.(b)a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation.(c)a building that is leased out.Article 4 The following items are not investment property:(a)owner-occupied property, held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.(b)property held as inventories.Article 5 the following items are dealt with under other appropriate Accounting Standards:(a)property constructed on behalf of others, which are dealt with under “Accounting standard for Business Enterprises No.15—Construction Contracts”.(b)rental income from, and sale and lease back of, investment property, which are dealt with under “Accounting standard for Business Enterprises No.21—Leases”.Chapter 2 Recognition and InitialMeasurementArticle 6 Investment property shall be recognized as asset when, and only when both of the following conditions are satisfied:(a)it is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment property will flow to the enterprise;(b)the cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.Article 7 An investment property shall be measured initially at its cost. (a)the cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase prise, related taxes and fee, and other directly attributable expenditures. (b)the cost of a self-constructed investment property is its cost at the date when the construction or development is complete.(c)the cost of an investment property obtained in other ways shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate Specific Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises.Article 8 Subsequent costs incurred for an investment property that meet the recognition criteria stipulated in Article 6 shall be included in the cost of the investment property. Subsequent costs that fail to meet the recognition criteria in Article 6 shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.Chapter 3 Subsequent Measurement Article 9An enterprise shall use the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property at the balance sheet date, except as stipulated in Article 10 of this Standard.Subsequent measurement of buildings accounted for using the cost model is dealt with under “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.4—Fixed Assets”.Subsequent measurement of land use right accounted for using the cost model is dealt with under “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.6—Intangible Assets”.Article 10 If there is clear evidence that the fair value of an investment property can be reliably determinable on a continuing basis, the fair value model may be used for subsequent measurement of the investment property.Both of the following conditions shall be met if the fair value model is to be used:(a)there is a active property market in the location in which the investment property is situated;(b)the enterprise can obtain the market price and other relevant information regarding the same type of or similar properties from the property market, so as to reasonably estiamte the fair value of the investment property.Article 11 When the fair value model is used, no depreciation or amotization is provided for an investment property. The carrying amount of the investment property shall be adjusted to its fair value at the balance sheet date. The difference between the fair value and the original carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.Article 12 Once a measurement model for investment property is chosen, an enterprise shall not change the model arbitrarily. A change from the cost model to the fair value model shall be accounted for as a change in accounting policy and dealt with in accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.28—Changes in Accounting policies and Accounting Estimates and Corrections of Errors” .For investment property accounted for using the fair value model, achange from the fair value model to the cost model is not permitted.Chapter 4 TransfersArticle 13 Transfers to, or from, investment property shall be made when, and only when, there is a change in use, clearly evidenced by one of the following conditions:(a)commencement1of owner-occupation, for a transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property.(b)end of development with a view to sale, and commencement of an operating lease to another party, for a transfer from inventories to investment property.(c)end of owner-occupation, and commencement of being held to earn rentals2or for capital appreciation3, for an transfer from owner-occupied land use right to investment property.(d)end of owner-occupation, and commencement of an operating lease to ahother party, for a transfer from owner-occupation building to investment property.Article 14For a transfer from investment property carried at the cost model to owner-occupied property, or a transfer from owner-occupied property or inventories to investment property carried at the cost model, the carrying amount of a property before its transfer shall be regarded as the recorded amount after its transfer.Article 15For a transfer from investment property carried at the fair value model to owner-occupied property, its fair value at the date of transfer is regarded as the carrying amount of the owner –occupied property. The difference between the fair value and the original carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.Article 16 For a transfer from owner-occupied property or inventories to investment property carried at the fair value model, the investment property is measured at its fair value at the date of the transfer. If the fair value at the date of transfer is less than the original carrying amount, the difference is charged to profit or loss for the current period. If the fair value at the date of transfer exceeds the original carrying amount, the difference is recognized in owners’equity.Chapter 5 DisposalsArticle 17 An investment property shall be derecognized on disposal or 1[kə'mensmənt] 名词n. [U][C] 1.开始,发端2.【美】学位授予典礼;毕业典礼2['rentl] 名词n. 1.租金;租金收入[C]The quarterly rental will be $50,000.每季度租金为五万元。