Philips 电动剃须刀系列9000 100% 水抗性 SkinIQ 智能剃须刀说明书
![Philips 电动剃须刀系列9000 100% 水抗性 SkinIQ 智能剃须刀说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a8c90fb8cf2f0066f5335a8102d276a20129607a.png)
Précision supérieure*, confort personnaliséPour un rasage de près exceptionnel, même sur une barbe de 5 joursDécouvrez le rasoir le plus intelligent au monde, alimentépar l’I A, le rasoir Series 9000 de Philips. Il coupe les poils au niveau de la peau grâce au système de rasage Lift & Cut, tandis que la technologie SkinIQ fournit des indications de pression en temps réel afin de protéger votre peau.Technologie SkinIQPression toujours optimale grâce au capteur Pressure GuardS’adapteàtous les contours de votre visage grâce aux têtes flexibles 360-DUne glisse 30 % plus fluide** grâce au revêtement Protective SkinGlideS’adapteàla densitéde votre barbe grâce au capteur Power A daptPour un rasage pratique60 minutes de rasage sans fil par charge complèteTondeuse de précision intégrée au mancheA méliorez votre expérience de rasage avec l’application Philips Shaving***.Nettoyage en profondeur en seulement 1 minute, pour un rasage hygiéniqueSélectionnez un rasage pratiqueàsec ou rafraîchissant sur peau humideFabriquéavec soin pour vous et la planèteÉcran OLED pour des notifications dynamiques SkinIQ et rasoirUn rasage d'encore plus prèsCoupe les poils dans toutes les directions grâce aux lames rotativesà 360 degrésPoints fortsSystème Lift &CutNotre technologie rotative unique et brevetée Lift & Cut soulève délicatement le poil à la racine avant de le couper avec précision au plus près de la peau (jusqu ’à 0,00 mm de la peau ) sans même que les lames ne touchent votre peau .Lames DualSteelPrecisionLes rasoirs rotatifs Philips sont spécialement conçus pour s ’adapter à la pousse naturelle des poils et capturer tous les poils qui poussent dans n ’importe quelle direction ,grâce aux lames rotatives à 360 degrés . Les lames Dual SteelPrecision réalisent jusqu ’à150 000 coupes par minute , pour un rasage au plus près de la peau .Capteur PressureGuardIl est essentiel d 'exercer la bonne pression pour obtenir un rasage de près qui respecte la peau . Les capteurs avancés du rasoir détectent la pression que vous exercez et le voyant innovant vous indique lorsque vous appuyez trop fort ou trop peu . Pour un rasage personnalisé optimal .Têtes flexibles 360-DConçu pour suivre les contours de votre visage et même de votre cou , ce rasoir électrique Philips est doté de têtes entièrement flexibles qui pivotent à 360° pour un rasage impeccable et confortable .Revêtement protecteurSkinGlideUn revêtement de protection sépare les têtes de rasoir et votre peau . Composé de 250 000billes micro -tech par centimètre carré, le revêtement améliore la glisse de 30 %** a fin de réduire les irritations .Capteur Power AdaptCe rasoir électrique est doté d ’une technologie de détection intelligente de la pilosité faciale qui détecte la densité des poils 500 fois par seconde . Le capteur Power A dapt ajusteautomatiquement la puissance de coupe pour vous procurer un rasage en douceur et sans e ffort .Personnalisation via l 'applicationPerfectionnez votre rasage en appairant votre rasoir à l ’application Philips Shaving . Rasage après rasage , suivez la progression de votre peau , personnalisez votre rasage etperfectionnez votre technique , pour un rasage de près qui respecte la peau .Quick Clean Pod sanscâbleCe puissant module de nettoyage nettoie et lubri fie votre rasoir en seulement 1 minute ,pour un fonctionnement optimal pluslongtemps . Il est 10 fois plus e fficace qu 'unnettoyage à l 'eau .**** Ce module de nettoyage ultra -compact est facile à ranger et à utiliser en tout lieu .À sec ou avec de lamousseA daptez votre technique de rasage à vos besoins . A vec le système Wet & Dry , vous pouvez opter pour un rasage à secconfortable , ou pour un rasage rafraîchissant sur peau humide - avec du gel ou de la mousse - même sous la douche .CaractéristiquesA ccessoiresTrousse: Housse de voyageSmartClick: Brosse nettoyanteQuick Clean Pod: Oui, 1 cartouche incluse Tondeuse rétractable intégréeA limentationCharge: Charge complète en 1 heure, Recharge rapide en 5 minType de batterie: Li-ionA utonomie: 60 minutes DesignManche: Design ergonomique pour une bonneprise en mainCouleur: A rgent chroméFinition: Élégance intemporelleEntretienGarantie de 2 ansTête de rechange: Remplacer tous les 2 ansavec SH91Performance de rasageSystème de rasage: Système Lift&Cut, LamesDual SteelPrecisionSuivi des contours: Têtes flexibles 360-DTechnologie SkinIQ: Capteur Pressure Guard,Revêtement protecteur SkinGlide, CapteurMotion Control, Capteur Power A daptFacile d'utilisationNettoyage: Quick Clean Pod sans câble,Ouverture d'une simple pression, EntièrementlavableÀsec ou avec de la mousse: Utilisableàsec ouavec de la mousseAfficheur: Indicateur de niveau de charge en %SmartClickA daptéaux types de produits: Le produitRQ585/51 NE s’adapte P A S au type de têteangulaire* par rapport au modèle Philips Series 9000 précédent* * Par rapport au matériau sans revêtement* ** Basésur les utilisateurs du Philips Series S7000 et del’application Philips Shaving en 2019© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Tous droits réservés.Les caractéristiques sont sujettesàmodification sans préavis. Les marques commerciales sont la propriétéde Koninklijke Philips N.V. ou de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Date de publication 2023‑12‑17 Version: 12.12.1E A N: 87 10103 96482 7 。
Philips Shaver Series 9000 S9111 31 电动剃刀说明书
![Philips Shaver Series 9000 S9111 31 电动剃刀说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/47eb885142323968011ca300a6c30c225901f02c.png)
S9111/31perfectionàchaque passagejusqu'à 20 % de poils en plus* en un seul passageLe rasoir Series 9000 offre notre meilleur rasageàce jour. La technologie exclusive ContourDetect est d'une efficacitéexceptionnelle sur tous les contours de votre visage, tandis que le système V-Track guide les poils afin de leur donner une position de coupe optimale, pour un rasage de près.FacileàutiliserLe rasoir peutêtre rincésous l'eau du robinetIcônes intuitives facilitant l'utilisation des modes50 minutes d'autonomie pour 1 h de chargeA vec 2 ans de garantieUn rasage confortableObtenez un rasageàsec confortable ou rafraîchissant sur peau humide grâce ausystème A quaTecConçu pour la perfectionLes lames guident les poils afin de leur donner une position optimale pour un rasagede prèsLes têtes s'inclinent dans 8 directions, pour un résultat impeccableObtenez le meilleur de votre rasoirGardez votre rasoir comme neuf grâceàvotre SmartCleanTondeuse barbe clipsable avec 5 hauteurs de coupePoints fortsLames V -TrackPrecisionObtenez un rasage parfait . Les lames V -Track Precision positionnent les poilsidéalement pour une coupe optimale , quelle que soit leur longueur , et même s 'ils sont couchés . Elles coupent 30 % plus près enmoins de passages , pour une peau préservée .Têtes ContourDetect 8directionsSuivez les contours de votre visage et de votre cou grâce aux têtes ContourDetect quis 'inclinent dans 8 directions . Vous couperez 20 % de poils en plus à chaque passage , pour un rasage de près confortable .A quaTec Wet &DryRasez -vous comme bon vous semble . A vec le système A quaTec Wet & Dry , vous pouvez opter pour un rasage à sec rapide etconfortable , ou vous raser sur peau mouillée -avec du gel ou de la mousse - même sous la douche .Système SmartCleanPLUSÀ la simple pression d 'un bouton ,SmartClean PLUS nettoie , lubri fie , sèche et charge votre rasoir , dont il assure un fonctionnement optimal , jour après jour .A ccessoire tondeuse barbeSmartClickChangez de style avec notre tondeuse barbe SmartClick . Choisissez l 'une des 5 hauteurs de coupe pour réaliser des styles allant d 'une barbe de 3 jours à une barbe courte nette . Les sabots et bords arrondis sont conçus pour limiter les irritations cutanées .Écran LED à 3niveauxL 'écran intuitif a ffiche des informations pratiques pour obtenir des performances optimales de votre rasoir : - Indicateurs decharge 3 niveaux et de verrouillage - Indicateur de nettoyage - Indicateur de batterie faible -Indicateur de remplacement des têtes50 minutes d 'autonomieNotre système de charge avancé o ffre deux options pratiques : 1 h de charge pour50 minutes d 'autonomie , ou une charge rapide pour un rasage . Tous les rasoirs Series 9000disposent d 'une batterie lithium -ion longue durée e fficace et puissante . Ils sont conçuspour fonctionner uniquement en mode sans fil ,pour une sécurité totale lorsque vous vous rasez à l 'eau ou même sous la douche .Rasoir entièrementlavableIl vous su ffit d 'ouvrir la tête de rasage et de la rincer soigneusement sous l 'eau .Conçu pourdurerCe rasoir Philips bénéficie d 'une garantie de 2 ans . Nos rasoirs Series 9000 sont conçus pour o ffrir performance et résistance , pour des rasages de près jour après jour .CaractéristiquesA ccessoiresTrousse: Trousse de voyage SmartClick: A ccessoire barbe SmartClean PLUS: Nettoie, Sèche, Charge, Lubrifie, Cartouche de nettoyage (incluse) LogicielsMiseàjour du logiciel: Philips propose les misesàjour logicielles pertinentes pendant une période de 2 ansàcompter de la date d'achatA limentationType de batterie: Lithium-ionCharge: Charge complète en 1 heure, Charge rapide pour un rasage A utonomie: 50 min / 17 rasagesTension automatique: 100-240 VConsommation en veille: 0,1 WConsommation maximale: 9 WDesignManche: Design ergonomique pour une bonneprise en mainCouleur: Bleu glacierEntretien2 ans de garantieTête de rechange: Remplacer tous les deux ansavec SH90Performance de rasageSystème de rasage: Lames V-Track Precision,Système Super Lift&CutSkinComfort: A quaTec Wet & DrySuivi des contours: Têtes ContourDetect8 directionsFacile d'utilisationNettoyage: Entièrement lavableAfficheur: Indicateur d'autonomieà 3 niveaux,Voyant de nettoyage, Voyant de charge faible,Voyant de remplacement des têtes, Indicateurde verrouillage pour le transport* Coupe jusqu'à 20 % de poils en plus par rapport auxmodèles SensoTouch© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Tous droits réservés.Les caractéristiques sont sujettesàmodification sans préavis. Les marques commerciales sont la propriétéde Koninklijke Philips N.V. ou de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Date de publication 2023‑12‑17 Version: 11.11.1E A N: 87 10103 69483 0 。
Philips Series 9000 电动剃须刀说明书
![Philips Series 9000 电动剃须刀说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e613f23c3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8e8.png)
Shaver series 9000 Lames V-Track PrecisionTêtes ContourDetect8 directionsAccessoire tondeuse barbe SmartClickS9551/42La perfection à chaque passage Coupe jusqu'à 20 % de poils en plus* en un seul passageLe rasoir Series 9000 offre notre meilleur rasage à ce jour. La technologie exclusive ContourDetect est d'une efficacité exceptionnelle sur tous les contours de votre visage, tandis que le système V-Track guide les poils afin de leur donner une position de coupe optimale, pour un rasage de près.Conçu pour la perfectionLes lames guident les poils afin de leur donner une position optimale pour un rasagede prèsLes têtes s'inclinent dans 8 directions, pour un résultat impeccableUn rasage confortableFaites votre choix entre trois réglages, pour un rasage personnaliséObtenez un rasage à sec confortable ou rafraîchissant sur peau humide grâce ausystème AquaTecFacile à utiliserIcônes intuitives facilitant l'utilisation des modes50 minutes d'autonomie pour 1 h de chargeLe rasoir peut être rincé sous l'eau du robinetAvec 2 ans de garantieObtenez le meilleur de votre rasoirTondeuse barbe clipsable avec 5 hauteurs de coupePoints fortsLames V-Track PrecisionObtenez un rasage parfait. Les lames V-Track Precision positionnent les poilsidéalement pour une coupe optimale, quelle que soit leur longueur, et même s'ils sont couchés. Elles coupent 30 % plus près enmoins de passages, pour une peau préservée.Têtes ContourDetect 8 directionsSuivez les contours de votre visage et de votre cou grâce aux têtes ContourDetect quis'inclinent dans 8 directions. Vous couperez 20 % de poils en plus à chaque passage, pour un rasage de près confortable.Réglages personnalisésFaites votre choix entre trois modes, pour un rasage personnalisé : Sensible pour un rasage en douceur mais impeccable ; Normal pour un rasage impeccable au quotidien ; Rapide pour un rasage plus rapide qui vous fera gagner du temps.AquaTec Wet & DryRasez-vous comme bon vous semble. Avec le système AquaTec Wet & Dry, vous pouvez opter pour un rasage à sec rapide etconfortable, ou vous raser sur peau mouillée -avec du gel ou de la mousse - même sous la douche.Accessoire tondeuse barbe SmartClickChangez de style avec notre tondeuse barbe SmartClick. Choisissez l'une des 5 hauteurs de coupe pour réaliser des styles allant d'une barbe de 3 jours à une barbe courte nette. Les sabots et bords arrondis sont conçus pour limiter les irritations cutanées.Écran LED à 5 niveauxL'écran intuitif affiche des informations pratiques pour obtenir des performances optimales de votre rasoir : - Indicateurs decharge 5 niveaux et de verrouillage - Indicateur de nettoyage - Indicateur de batterie faible -Indicateur de remplacement des têtesiF DESIGN AWARD 2015Rasoir Series 9000Précision, maîtrise et maniabilité sont les caractéristiques clés du rasoir Series 9000. Le système V-Track guide les poils afin de leur donner une position de coupe optimale, pour un rasage de près, tandis que les têtes flottantes 8 directions coupent plus de poils à la fois, pour un résultat net en moins de passages. Le système AquaTecWet & Dry permet un rasage à sec agréable ou un rasage rafraîchissant à l'eau, avec un gel ou une mousse à raser, pour encore plus deconfort.Logo « Produit Vert » PhilipsLes produits verts de Philips permettent de réduire les coûts, la consommation d'énergie et les émissions de CO2. Comment ? En rendant possible une améliorationenvironnementale dans un ou plusieurs de nos champs d'action écologiques clés (efficacitéénergétique, conditionnement, substances dangereuses, poids, recyclage, mise au rebut et durabilité).CaractéristiquesPerformance de rasageSuivi des contours: Têtes ContourDetect8 directionsSkinComfort: AquaTec Wet & DrySystème de rasage: Lames V-Track Precision, Système Super Lift&CutRéglages de confort personnalisés: Réglages Sensible-Normal-RapideAccessoiresSmartClick: Accessoire barbeTrousse: Trousse de voyage Facile d'utilisationAfficheur: Indicateur d'autonomie à 5 niveaux,Voyant de charge faible, Voyant de nettoyage,Voyant de remplacement des têtes, Indicateurde verrouillage pour le transportNettoyage: Entièrement lavableDesignCouleur: ArgusManche: Design ergonomique pour une bonneprise en mainAlimentationType de batterie: Lithium-ionAutonomie: 50 min / 17 rasagesCharge: Charge complète en 1 heure, Chargerapide pour un rasageTension automatique: 100-240 VConsommation en veille: 0,1 WConsommation maximale: 9 WEntretien2 ans de garantieTête de rechange: Remplacer tous lesdeux ans avec SH90* Coupe jusqu'à 20 % de poils en plus par rapport auxmodèles SensoTouch© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Tous droits réservés.Les caractéristiques sont sujettes àmodification sans préavis. Les marques commerciales sont la propriété de Koninklijke Philips N.V. ou de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Date de publication 2020‑12‑18Version: 2.0.1EAN: 08 71010 37874 33 。
篇一:博朗产品说明书全系列buran博朗系列超细干粉自动灭火装置南京燕苑博朗消防设备有限公司目录第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分第五部分第六部分悬挂式超细干粉灭火装置1 适用范围2 技术性能3 结构和工作原理4 运输、保管注意事项5 安装注意事项6 维护注意事项7 装箱单8 售后服务悬挂式超细干粉灭火装置1 适用范围2 技术性能3 结构和工作原理4 运输、保管注意事项5 安装注意事项6 维护注意事项7 装箱单8 售后服务悬挂式超细干粉灭火装置1 适用范围2 技术性能3 结构和工作原理4 运输、保管注意事项5 安装注意事项6 维护注意事项7 装箱单8 售后服务自动温感启动器手动启动功能模块1 概述2 探测器性能特点3 主要技术指标4 安装方法5 使用方法6 维护安装注意事项备注 fzxa2.5-buran fzxa5-buran fzxa8-buran第一部分 fzxa2.5-buran悬挂式超细干粉灭火装置1 适用范围1.1 能迅速扑灭a、b、c类火灾和带电电气火灾。
1.2 防爆标志exibiibt32 技术性能2.1 外形尺寸(含固定架;mm)直径 ??????????????200±5高度??????????????375±52.2 灭火装置重量(kg)?????????????????????6.0±0.5 2.3 灭火超细干粉重量(kg)???????????????????2.5±0.125 2.4保护面积、体积(不密闭程度5%)2.5自动温感启动器启动温度(℃)???????????????? ≥70 2.6启动电流(a)????????????????????????≥1 2.7 检查电启动的安全电流(ma)????????????????≤150 2.8 喷射时间(秒)????????????????????????≤5 2.9 灭火时间(秒)???????????????????????≤1 2.10 使用环境温度(℃)?????????????????? -40~+50 2.11 装置启动有效期(年)?????????????????????10 2.12 可人控电启动或与火灾自动报警系统配套使用。
ABC 超细干粉
充装质量(质量偏差) 2.5Kg(0%~5%) 5Kg(0%~5%)
装置总重 全淹没空间详细尺寸 (长*宽*高)单位:米 灭火浓度(克/立方米) 保护面积 电引发器电阻(单支)
采用 D 类特殊干粉灭火剂的博朗系列干粉灭火装置特别适用于金属火灾的扑救,如钾、钠、 镁等金属燃烧形成的火灾。譬如:烷基 D 类火灾(如三乙基铝助催化剂配加系统火灾)。 1.1.2 该系列产品可以和配套的独立于消防报警系统的博朗系列温控启动模块(70℃±5 或 85℃ ±5℃)、手启反馈模块、延时启停模块、手启延时模块的灵活组合应用形成无源单独/组网自成体 系消防灭火系统。
-40℃~+50℃ 直径 270 高 400
D 类普通干粉
-40℃~+50℃ 高 290 长 580
ABC 超细干粉
-50℃~+90℃ 直径 250
高 430 厚 162 ABC 超细干粉
-50℃~+90℃ -50℃~+90℃
直径 200 高 375
直径 270 高 400
ABC 超细干粉 ABC 超细干粉
-50℃~+90℃ 直径 270 高 480
ABC 超细干粉
5612 English 17Braun GmbH Frankfurter Straße 145 61476 Kronberg/Germany c r u Z e r f a c eo i lOur products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality, functionality and design. We hope you entirely enjoy your new Braun shaver.WarningYour shaver is provided with a special cord set with an integrated Safety Extra Low Voltage power supply. Do not exchange or manipulate any part of it. Otherwise there is risk of electric shock.This appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, unless they are given supervision by a person responsible for their safety. In general, we recommend that you keep the appliance out of reach of children. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.For usage in other body areas, please make sure that the skin is stretched. For hygienic reasons, do not share this appliance with other persons.Oil bottleKeep out of reach of children. Do not swallow. Dispose of properly when empty.Description1 3-day beard comb & protective cap2 Shaver foil3 Cutter block4 Twistable trimmer4a Wide trimmer (28 mm)4b Narrow trimmer (14 mm)5 Charging light6 On/off switch7 Adjustable comb8 Beard length selector9 Special cord setChargingThe best environmental temperature for charging is between 15 °C and35 °C. Do not expose the shaver to temperatures higher than 50 °C for English• When charging for the first time or when the shaver is not used for a few months, leave the shaver to charge continuously for 4 hours.• The charging light (5) shows that the appliance is being charged. When the battery is fully charged, the charging light turns off. Intermittent blinking after a while indicates that the battery maintains its full capacity. This can also happen short term when charging after the battery was completely discharged.• A full charge provides 30 minutes of cordless shaving time depending on your beard growth.• Once the shaver is completely charged, discharge the shaver through normal use. Then recharge to full capacity. Subsequent charges will take about 1 hour.• Maximum battery capacity will only be reached after several charging/ discharging cycles.• 5-minute quick charge is sufficient for a shave.ShavingFirst, remove the adjustable comb (7): Using your thumbs, press against theside clips of the adjustable comb so that they swing off in the direction of the arrows (a). Activate the on/off switch (6). The floating foil frame automatically adapts to your skin surface for a close, smooth shave.For best results:• Always shave before washing your face.• At all times, hold the shaver at right angles (90°) to the skin (b).• Stretch the skin and shave against the direction of beard growth.• For pre-shaving after a few days of not having shaved, use the wide trimmer (4a) to pre-cut long hairs. For a close, smooth shave, finish with the foil.• To maintain 100% shaving performance, replace your foil and cutter block at least every 18 months or when worn.StyleUsing the twistable trimmerThe wide trimmer (4a) evenly cuts and trims large areas (c). It is ideal for shaping sideburns, moustaches and partial short beards. The wide trimmerstretching the skin, guide the wide trimmer against the direction of hair growth.The narrow trimmer (4b) precisely defines lines and edges (d), being ideal for precise contouring.To use the narrow trimmer, push up the twistable trimmer and turn it 180°. Frequent use of the twistable trimmer will reduce the battery capacity.TrimUsing the trimming attachments (1) and (7)Place the respective trimming attachment onto the shaver foil (2) alternatively on the twistable trimmer (4) and press it against the shaver housing until it snaps into place with a click (e).3-day beard comb & protective cap (1): This attachment is perfectly suited for creating a stubble look and maintaining it.• Place the attachment onto the foil (2) and push up the twistable trimmer (4). Turn on the shaver and use the appliance as shown in the illustration (e). The attachment ensures an optimum usage angle.Adjustable comb (7): This attachment is ideal for beard trimming and keeping it at a constant length.• Place the attachment onto the shaver foil (2) and set desired beard length. Press beard length selector (8) and slide it up (f) (possible length settings from top to bottom: 1.2 mm / 2.8 mm / 4.4 mm / 6 mm). Push up the twistable trimmer (4).• Press the on/off switch and trim against hair growth by guiding the transparent comb part over the skin (f).CleaningThe shaver head is suitable for cleaning under running tap water.Warning: Detach the shaver from the power supply before cleaningthe shaver head in water.Regular cleaning ensures better shaving performance. Rinsing the shaving head after each shave under running water is an easy and fast way to keep it clean:• Next, switch off the shaver, remove the shaver foil and the cutter block. Then leave the disassembled shaving parts to dry.• If you regularly clean the shaver under water, then once a week apply a drop of light machine oil onto the trimmers (4a, 4b) and shaver foil (h). Alternatively, you may clean the shaver using the brush provided (i):• Switch off the shaver. Remove the shaver foil.• Using the brush, clean the cutter block and the inner area of the shaver head. However, do not clean the shaver foil with the brush as this may damage the foil.Keeping your shaver in top shapeReplacing the shaving partsTo maintain 100% shaving performance, replace your foil and cutter block at least every 18 months or when worn. Change both parts at the same time for a closer shave with less skin irritation. (Shaver foil and cutter block: 10B)Preserving the batteriesIn order to maintain the optimum capacity of the rechargeable batteries, the shaver has to be fully discharged (by shaving) every 6 months approximately. Then recharge the shaver to full capacity.Environmental noticeThis product contains rechargeable batteries. In the interest ofprotecting the environment, please do not dispose of the product inthe household waste at the end of its useful life. Disposal can takeplace at a Braun Service Centre or at appropriate collection points provided in your country.Subject to change without notice.For electric specifications, see printing on the special cord set.。
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 电动牙刷说明书.pdf_170
![Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 电动牙刷说明书.pdf_170](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0adf7ac18662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb6ce.png)
DiamondClean9000Connected brushing made easyBuilt-in pressure sensorSmart brush head recognition4 modes, 3 intensitiesHX9914/72Whiter, healthier teeth for lifeWhiter teeth in just 1 day*Philips Sonicare's best whitening in our most elegant sonic electric toothbrush.Switch to Philips Sonicare.Enjoy a stylish and user-friendly designSimple to charge and style to bootDiamondClean users experience improved oral healthHard on plaque, gentle on your gumsRemoves up to 10x more plaque* for a deep cleanLet the DiamondClean 9000 adapt to your needsPersonalized brushing experienceLets you know if you're pressing too hardBrushSync automatically selects the best mode for youAlways know when to replace your brush headsStay on track with a personalized progress reportStart and keep up healthy habitsHighlightsRemoves up to 10x more plaque*Know you're getting the deepest possible clean with The C3 Premium Plaque Control brush head. The soft, flexible bristles aredesigned to curve around the contours of your teeth, giving you 4x more surface contact** and up to 10x more plaque removal from hard-to-reach spots.C3 Premium Plaque ControlThe C3 Premium Plaque Control brush head is designed to give you your deepest clean yet.Soft flexible sides and bristles perfectly curve around the contours of your teeth, giving you 4x more surface contact and helping target hard-to-reach spots*.Progress ReportThe DiamondClean 9000 gives you the guidance you need to improve and maintain healthy brushing habits in between dentist checkups. Built-in smart sensors let you know when you're using too much pressure, and byconnecting your brushing experience to the Sonicare app, a personalized Progress Report helps you stay on track, to see how much you've improved over time.4 modes, 3 intensitiesDiamondClean 9000 comes with Clean,White+, Gum Health and Deep Clean+ to take care of your brushing needs. Clean mode is for exceptional everyday cleaning, White+ is for removing stains, Gum Health provides a gentle yet effective clean for gums and Deep Clean+gives you an invigorating deep clean. Three intensities allow you to choose between a higher setting to boost your clean and a lower one for more-sensitive mouths.BrushSync mode pairingSmart brush heads ensure you're using the right mode and intensity for the best possible clean. For an example, say you're using the W3 Premium White brush head. YourDiamondClean 9000's BrushSync technology will automatically sync your brush head with the White+ mode to help whiten your teeth.Built-in pressure sensorYou might not notice if you're brushing toohard, but your DiamondClean 9000 will. If you need to ease up, the toothbrush will make a pulsing sound. It's a heads up to let your brush head do the work. 7 out of 10 people found this feature helped them become a better brusher.BrushSync replacement reminderAll brush heads wear out over time, so you'll want to keep an eye on yours to make sure you're still getting a great clean. OurBrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for, and how hard you've been brushing. The BrushSyncreplacement reminder on your handle and a short beep gives you a heads up when it's time to replace it.Long-life batteryYour DiamondClean 9000 will last for up to two weeks on a single charge with regular use.SpecificationsModes3 intensities: High, Medium, LowClean: For exceptional everyday cleanDeep Clean+: For an invigorating deep clean Gum Health: Special attention to molars White+: To remove surface stainsItems includedHandle: 2 DiamondClean 9000Brush heads: 2 C3 Premium Plaque Defense, 2 W2 Optimal White standardTravel case: 2, USB charging travel case Glass charger: 2Charger base: 2ConnectivityBluetooth® wireless technology: Connected brushing app CompatibilityAndroid compatibility: Android phones,Bluetooth 4.0 enabled tabletsiOS compatibility: iPad 3rd Gen or higher,iPhone 4S or higher, with iOS7 or higher, withiOS7 operational systemDesign and finishingColor: Pink, WhiteCleaning performancePerformance: Removes up to 10x moreplaque*Whitening benefits: Whitens teeth in 1 day*Pressure feedback: Vibrates handle to alertuserTimer: BrushPacer and SmarTimerSmart sensor technologyPressure sensor: Alerts when brushing toohardBrushSync Replacement Reminder: Alwaysknow when to, replace brush headsBrushSync Technology: Connects smart handleand, smart brush headEase of useHandle compatibility: Easy click-on brushheadsReplacement reminder: To always ensure bestresults, reminder icon lights upHandle: Slim ergonomic designT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): 14 days***PowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* more than a manual toothbrush* * compared to DiamondClean* ** based on two periods of two-minute brushings perday© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑01‑28 Version: 2.0.1。
选购方法1. 材质:首选食品级304不锈钢材质,此种材质磁铁吸不住,耐腐蚀易清洁。
2. 功率:首选大功率榨汁机,推荐800W及以上功率,功率越大,转速越快,出汁率越高,且大于26000转/分转速的榨汁机,能够破壁水果细胞膜,释放更多营养,口感也更好。
3. 刀网设计:刀网属于易磨损部件,目前家电业已经推出具有镀钛涂层的刀网,极大的提高刀网的硬度和使用寿命。
1、产品包装中都有哪些东西打开包装产品共有3样东西:一个硬盒保护安放支架+送得21个耳套+耳温计一个2、产品所用电池说明刚买得产品中含有电池,但就是电量不就是很足, 可以用1・2个月,建议1・2月后换电池,电池就是5号电池。
3、几个按键说明I/O:按一下开机,长按就就是关start测量前按一下, 灯会闪烁,表示进入测量得状态了。
按住"I/O"按钮,直到显示〃:LMEM" ,可以依次显示最近八次测量得温度。
耳温计关闭时,按住” 1/0〃按钮约5秒钟(会出现OFF提示)或者不进行操作机器会自动关机。
7、多少温度就是正常?0・2岁36、4・38度都算正常3・10岁36、1-37. 8度都算正常口・65岁35、9-37. 6度都算正常65岁以上35、8・37、7都算正常&有温差怎么办?可能您连续测了几次,前后有一点偏差,这个不需担心,4520有0、1得温差,同时要确保2次测得地方与方法都就是正确得。
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 电动牙刷说明书.pdf_170
![Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 电动牙刷说明书.pdf_170](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bbcdfa4f773231126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f3731a.png)
DiamondClean 9000Connected brushing made easy Built-in pressure sensor Smart brush head recognition 4 modes, 3 intensitiesHX9911/39Whiter, healthier teeth for life Whiter teeth in just 1 day*Philips Sonicare's best whitening in our most elegant sonic electric toothbrush. Switch to Philips Sonicare.Enjoy a stylish and user-friendly designSimple to charge and style to bootDiamondClean users experience improved oral healthHard on plaque, gentle on your gumsRemoves up to 10 x more plaque* for a deep cleanLet the DiamondClean 9000 adapt to your needsPersonalised brushing experienceLets you know if you're pressing too hardBrushSync automatically selects the best mode for youAlways know when to replace your brush headsStay on track with a personalised progress reportStart and keep up healthy habitsHighlightsRemoves up to 10 x more plaque*Know you're getting the deepest possible clean with the C3 Premium Plaque Control brush head. The soft, flexible bristles aredesigned to curve around the contours of your teeth, giving you 4 x more surface contact**and up to 10 x more plaque removal from hard-to-reach spots.C3 Premium Plaque ControlThe C3 Premium Plaque Control brush head is designed to give you your deepest clean yet.Soft, flexible sides and bristles perfectly curve around the contours of your teeth, giving you 4 x more surface contact and helping target hard-to-reach spots*.Progress ReportThe DiamondClean 9000 gives you the guidance you need to improve and maintain healthy brushing habits in between dentist check-ups. Built-in smart sensors let you know when you're using too much pressure, and byconnecting your brushing experience to the Sonicare app, a personalised Progress Report helps you stay on track and see how much you've improved over time.4 modes, 3 intensitiesThe DiamondClean 9000 comes with Clean,White+, Gum Health and Deep Clean+ to take care of your brushing needs. Clean mode is for exceptional everyday cleaning, White+ is for removing stains, Gum Health provides a gentle yet effective clean for gums and Deep Clean+gives you an invigorating deep clean. Three intensities allow you to choose between a higher setting to boost your clean and a lower one for more sensitive mouths.BrushSync mode pairingSmart brush heads ensure you're using the right mode and intensity for the best possible clean. For example, let's say you're using the W3 Premium White brush head. YourDiamondClean 9000's BrushSync technology will automatically sync your brush head with the White+ mode to help whiten your teeth.Built-in pressure sensorYou might not notice if you're brushing toohard, but your DiamondClean 9000 will. If you need to ease up, the toothbrush will make a pulsing sound. It's a reminder to let your brush head do the work. 7 out of 10 people found this feature helped them become a better brusher.BrushSync replacement reminderAll brush heads wear out over time, so you'll want to keep an eye on yours to make sure you're still getting a great clean. OurBrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for and how hard you've been brushing. The BrushSyncreplacement reminder on your handle and a short beep remind you when it's time to replace it.Long-life batteryYour DiamondClean 9000 will last for up to two weeks on a single charge with regular use.SpecificationsModes3 intensities: High, Low, MediumClean: For exceptional everyday cleaning Deep Clean+: For an invigorating deep clean Gum Health: Special attention to molars White+: To remove surface stainsItems includedHandle: 1 DiamondClean 9000Brush heads: 1 C3 Premium Plaque Control Travel case: USB charging travel case Charger base: 1ConnectivityBluetooth® wireless technology: Connected brushing app CompatibilityAndroid compatibility: Android phones,Bluetooth 4.0-enabled tabletsiOS compatibility: iPad 3rd Gen or higher,iPhone 4S or higher, with iOS7 or higher, withiOS 7 operating systemDesign and finishingColour: BlackCleaning performancePerformance: Removes up to 10 x moreplaque*Whitening benefits: Whitens teeth in 1 day*Pressure feedback: Vibrates handle to alertuserTimer: BrushPacer and SmarTimerSmart sensor technologyPressure sensor: Alerts when brushing toohardBrushSync Replacement Reminder: Alwaysknow when to, replace brush headsBrushSync Technology: smart brush head,Connects smart handle andEase of useHandle compatibility: Easy click-on brushheadsReplacement reminder: To always ensure bestresults, reminder icon lights upHandle: Slim ergonomic designT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): 14 days***PowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* * compared to DiamondClean* more than a manual toothbrush* ** based on two, two-minute periods of brushing perday© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑03‑14 Version: 4.1.1EAN: 08 71010 39360 22 。
BRAUN 电子钳型洁奶器-SatinShave Prestige Dual-中文说明书
![BRAUN 电子钳型洁奶器-SatinShave Prestige Dual-中文说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5adadfbc51e2524de518964bcf84b9d529ea2c7b.png)
SatinShave PrestigeDual foil shaverAdvanced shaving system1hr recharge + quick charge6 accessoriesBRL180A flawless, close shavefrom our most advanced shaving systemEnjoy a flawlessly close and comfortable shave for your legs and body. Our mostadvanced shaving system gives you a silky-smooth skin without irritation.SatinShave Prestige - so comfortable you can shave daily, so close you don't haveto.Smooth skinOur most advanced shaving system for our closest ever shaveMultiflex head with dual foils for fewer missed hairsA skin friendly shaveSoft-touch comfort cushions for a super soft skin feelPearl-tip trimmer and safety bars protect from scratchesEffortless controlFirst epilator with S-shaped handleEasy to useWet & dry for use in bath or showerBattery indicator light5 min quick chargeHighlightsOur most advanced systemThe flexing curved blades are 75% more efficient than traditional ladyshave blades*.Under the protective foil, they follow your contours for our closest ever shave.Multiflex head with dual foilsAs you guide the shaver over your body, the multiflex head with floating foils and flexing neck moves with you to keep optimal skincontact. The dual shaving foils ensure there are fewer hairs missed.Soft-touch comfort cushionsThe soft-touch comfort cushions either side of the shaving head deliver a smooth pass and a gentle skin feel, especially in curvy areas.Pearl-tips and safety barsThe rounded pearl tip trimmer and the safety bars under trimmer protect your skin from scratches for a comfortable shave.Wet & dry useFor a gentle and comfortable use during your shower or bath routine with anti slip grip for optimal wet & dry use.Battery indicator lightBattery indicator light shows when your shaver is charging, full or low battery.Ergonomic S-shaped handleThe ergonomic S-shaped handle is easy to steer for maximum control and better reach with natural and precise movements, all over your body.Quick charge5 minute quick charge for a full shave.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.SpecificationsAccessoriesSmall shaving head Bikini trimmer head Bikini trimmer comb Travel capSkin stretcher cap Pouch: Basic pouch Cleaning brush Ease of useWet and dry useCordlessHandle: ErgonomicBattery indicator: Battery low, Batterycharging, Battery fullPerformanceShaving head: Dual foil shaver, Advancedshaving system, Flexing head and foilsSkin care features: Soft-touch comfortcushions, Rounded pearl tip trimmers, SafetybarsPowerBattery Type: Lithium-ionUsage time: 1 hourCharging: Rechargeable, 5 min quick charge, 1hour charging timeT echnical specificationsVoltage: 15VMaterial foil: NickelNumber of shaving foils: 2© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2019‑07‑02 Version: 2.3.1EAN: 08 71010 37566 51 。
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 电子牙刷说明书
![Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 9000 电子牙刷说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4e2e15c7294ac850ad02de80d4d8d15abf23001e.png)
DiamondClean 9000Connected brushing made easyBuilt-in pressure sensorSmart brush head recognition4 modes, 3 intensitiesHX9914/54Whiter, healthier teeth for lifeWhiter teeth in just 1 day****Philips Sonicare's best whitening in our most elegant sonic electric toothbrush.Switch to Philips Sonicare.Enjoy a stylish and user-friendly designSimple to charge and style to bootDiamondClean users experience improved oral healthHard on plaque, gentle on your gumsRemoves up to 10 x more plaque* for a deep cleanLet the DiamondClean 9000 adapt to your needsPersonalised brushing experienceLets you know if you're pressing too hardBrushSync automatically selects the best mode for youAlways know when to replace your brush headsStay on track with a personalised progress reportStart and keep up healthy habitsHighlightsRemoves up to 10 x more plaque*Know you're getting the deepest possible clean with the C3 Premium Plaque Control brush head. The soft, flexible bristles aredesigned to curve around the contours of your teeth, giving you 4 x more surface contact**and up to 10 x more plaque removal from hard-to-reach spots.Progress ReportThe DiamondClean 9000 gives you the guidance you need to improve and maintain healthy brushing habits in between dentist check-ups. Built-in smart sensors let you know when you're using too much pressure, and by connecting your brushing experience to the Sonicare app, a personalised Progress Report helps you stay on track and see how much you've improved over time.4 modes, 3 intensitiesThe DiamondClean 9000 comes with Clean,White+, Gum Health and Deep Clean+ to take care of your brushing needs. Clean mode is forexceptional everyday cleaning, White+ is for removing stains, Gum Health provides a gentle yet effective clean for gums and Deep Clean+gives you an invigorating deep clean. Three intensities allow you to choose between a higher setting to boost your clean and a lower one for more sensitive mouths.BrushSync mode pairingSmart brush heads ensure you're using the right mode and intensity for the best possible clean. For example, let's say you're using the W3 Premium White brush head. YourDiamondClean 9000's BrushSync technology will automatically sync your brush head with the White+ mode to help whiten your teeth.Built-in pressure sensorYou might not notice if you're brushing toohard, but your DiamondClean 9000 will. If you need to ease up, the toothbrush will make a pulsing sound. It's a reminder to let your brush head do the work. 7 out of 10 people found this feature helped them become a better brusher.BrushSync replacement reminderAll brush heads wear out over time, so you'll want to keep an eye on yours to make sure you're still getting a great clean. OurBrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for and how hard you've been brushing. The BrushSync replacement reminder on your handle and a short beep remind you when it's time to replace it.Long-life batteryYour DiamondClean 9000 will last for up to two weeks on a single charge with regular use.C3 Premium Plaque DefenceThe Premium Plaque Defence brush head is designed to give you your deepest clean yet.Soft flexible sides and bristles perfectly curve around the contours of your teeth, giving you 4 x more surface contact and helping target hard-to-reach spots*.SpecificationsModes3 intensities: High, Low, MediumClean: For exceptional everyday cleaning Deep Clean+: For an invigorating deep clean Gum Health: Special attention to molars White+: To remove surface stainsItems includedHandle: 2 DiamondClean 9000Brush heads: 2 C3 Premium Plaque Defence Glass charger: 1Charger base: 2ConnectivityBluetooth® wireless technology: Connected brushing app CompatibilityAndroid compatibility: Android phones,Bluetooth 4.0-enabled tabletsiOS compatibility: iPad 3rd Gen or higher,iPhone 4S or higher, with iOS7 or higher, withiOS 7 operating systemDesign and finishingColour: BlackCleaning performancePerformance: Removes up to 10 x moreplaque*Pressure feedback: Vibrates handle to alertuserTimer: BrushPacer and SmarTimerSmart sensor technologyPressure sensor: Alerts when brushing toohardBrushSync Replacement Reminder: Alwaysknow when to, replace brush headsBrushSync Technology: smart brush head,Connects smart handle andEase of useHandle compatibility: Easy click-on brushheadsReplacement reminder: To always ensure bestresults, reminder icon lights upHandle: Slim ergonomic designT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): 14 days***PowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* more than a manual toothbrush* * compared to DiamondClean* ** based on two, two-minute periods of brushing perday* *** in White+ Mode with leading whitening toothpastevs. a manual toothbrush© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑08‑19 Version: 3.3.1EAN: 08 71010 39380 57 。
博朗听书机使用手册EV960 V2.0目录一. 本机概况-------------------------------------------------------------------21.1功能特点-----------------------------------------------------------------21.2示意图-------------------------------------------------------------------21.3按键介绍-----------------------------------------------------------------31.4开/关机、开机密码及背光--------------------------------------------------31.5充电---------------------------------------------------------------------41.6磁盘选择-----------------------------------------------------------------41.7界面图标说明-------------------------------------------------------------4二. 操作过程-------------------------------------------------------------------42.1阅读电子书---------------------------------------------------------------42.2 朗读---------------------------------------------------------------------42.3听音乐-------------------------------------------------------------------52.4录音及录音回放-----------------------------------------------------------52.5系统功能设置-------------------------------------------------------------5三. 规格参数、注意事项及简单故障处理-------------------------------------------5四. 电脑驱动程序安装说明-------------------------------------------------------6五. 电脑驱动程序使用说明-------------------------------------------------------65.1电脑驱动程序功能介绍-----------------------------------------------------65.2 DOC格式文件转为TXT格式-------------------------------------------------75.3听书机程序烧录-----------------------------------------------------------7前言感谢您使用广州博朗电子产品有限公司的产品。
Philips Philips Prestige Shaver S9000 电子洁面剃须刀说明书
![Philips Philips Prestige Shaver S9000 电子洁面剃须刀说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45a63206dcccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473368fdba.png)
SP9883/36glatt, spürbar angenehm gründlichste Rasur, selbst bei einem 7-Tage-Bart Erleben Sie mit dem Philips Prestige der 9000er Serie eine spürbar glatte und angenehme Rasur. Schneidet bis zu 0,00 mmüber der Haut mit dem Lift & Cut Rasiersystem, während sich die SkinIQ Technologie an jede Gesichtskontur anpasst, selbst bei einem 7-Tage-Bart.Die gründlichste elektrische RasurBis zu 0,00 mm hautnahe Rasur dank des Lift & Cut RasiersystemsSkinIQ TechnologieUltimative Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz mit digitalem Top-Spin-MotorSpürbar angenehme RasurErlebnis der ExtraklasseKomfortables Laden mit kabellosem Qi-PadLanglebiges Produkt: 7 Jahre Motor- und A kkulebensdauerIndividuelle Rasur mit den persönlichen KomforteinstellungenWählen Sie zwischen einer angenehmen Trocken- oder einer erfrischenden NassrasurGründliche Reinigung in nur 1 Minute mit der ReinigungsstationA ufsetzbarer Bartstyler mit fünf LängeneinstellungenEinfache Handhabung dank der digitale A nzeige mit intuitiven SymbolenTrimmen von Schnurrbart und KotelettenUnsere gründlichste elektrische RasurBesonderheiten2-Klingen -SchnittsystemMit unserem einzigartigen patentierten Lift & Cut Rotationsrasiersystem wird das Haar sanft von der Wurzel angehoben und dann präzise und hautnah abgetrennt (bis zu 0,00 mm A bstand zur Haut ). Die Klingen berühren Ihre Haut dabei nicht . Für höchste Präzision und eine glatte Rasur , die bis zum A bend anhält .*NanoTech Dual Precision -KlingenPhilips Rotationsrasierer wurden speziell für Ihr natürliches Haarwachstum entwickelt und erfassen dank der um 360 Grad rotierenden Klingen , die in alle Richtungen schneiden , alle Haare in jeder Richtung . Mit bis zu165.000 Schneidvorgängen pro Minute liefern die NanoTech Dual Precision -Klingen ein spürbar glattes Ergebnis .Ultra flexFederungssystemDas Ultra flex Federungssystem mit vollständig flexiblen Scherköpfen passt sich jeder Kontur Ihres Gesichts an und erfasst selbst schwer erreichbare Haare im Nacken . Das Ergebnis ist eine außergewöhnlich sanfte und angenehme Rasur .Hydro SkinGlide -BeschichtungZwischen den Scherköpfen des Rasierers und Ihrer Haut be findet sich unsere Hydro SkinGlide Hautkomfort -Beschichtung .Hergestellt aus bis zu500.000 Mikrotechnikperlen pro Quadratzentimeter mit hydrophilenEigenschaften für eine um 50 %* bessere Gleitfähigkeit auf der Haut für maximalen Hautkomfort .7 Jahre Motor - und AkkulebensdauerMotor und A kku unseres Rasierers sind mit 7 Jahren Lebensdauer auf Langlebigkeitausgelegt und bieten lang anhaltende Leistung für überzeugende Rasurergebnisse . Unsereselbstschärfenden Klingen bleiben 2 Jahre lang so scharf wie neu .Power A daptSensorDer Rasierer verfügt über eine intelligente Sensortechnologie für Gesichtshaare , mit der die Haardichte 500 Mal pro Sekundegemessen wird . Der Power A dapt Sensor passt die Schneideleistung automatisch an und sorgt so für eine mühelose und sanfte Rasur .Digitaler Top -Spin -MotorMaximal schnelle Beweglichkeit für maximale E ffizienz . Der fortschrittlichste digitale Top -Spin -Motor von Philips sorgt für eine präzise Rasur , unabhängig von der Gesichtskontur oder der Haardichte .PersönlicheKomforteinstellungenPassen Sie die Geschwindigkeit Ihres Rasierers mit Hilfe der persönlichenKomforteinstellungen auf niedrig , mittel oderhoch an . Personalisieren Sie Ihre Rasierroutine entsprechend Ihrer Haut und Ihren Präferenzen .KabelloseReinigungsstationDie leistungsstarke Reinigungsstation reinigt und p flegt Ihren Rasierer in nur 1 Minute und sorgt so für eine optimale Leistung über einen längeren Zeitraum . Die Reinigungsstation ist10 Mal e ffektiver als die Reinigung mit Wasser **. Es ist die weltweit kleinste Reinigungsstation , sodass Sie es einfach verstauen und überall verwenden können .DatenZubehörSmartClick: Nasen- und Ohrenhaartrimmer, PräzisionstrimmerA ufbewahrungsetui: HochwertigeA ufbewahrungstasche Reinigungsstation: Ja, 1 Kartusche enthalten LeistungA kkulaufzeit: 60 MinutenA kkutyp: Li-IonenLadezeit: Qi-Ladepad, Vollständig geladen in 3 Stunden, Schnellladung in 18 Minuten DesignFarbe: Champagner-GoldHandstück: Ergonomischer Griff & einfacheHandhabungA usführung: Zeitlose EleganzService2 Jahre GarantieErsatzklinge: A lle 2 Jahre mit SH91 ersetzenRasierleistungSchersystem: NanoTech Dual Precision-Klingen, Hydro SkinGlide Hautkomfort-BeschichtungKonturenanpassung: UltraflexFederungssystemSkinIQ Technologie: Digitaler Top-Spin-Motor,Power A dapt Sensor, PersönlicheKomforteinstellungenBenutzerfreundlichkeitNass und trocken: Nass und trocken einsetzbarPflege: Kabellose Reinigungsstation, Öffnenper Knopfdruck, Vollständig abwaschbarA nzeige: A kkustandsanzeige in %* Im Vergleich zum Vorgängermodell* * Vergleich von Rasierrückständen nach Verwendung vonReinigungsflüssigkeit gegenüber Wasser in derReinigungskartusche© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A lle Rechte vorbehalten. Technische Daten können ohne vorherige A nkündigung geändert werden. Die Marken sind Eigentum von Koninklijke Philips N.V. oder der jeweiligen Firmen.A usstellungsdatum 2023‑12‑13Version: 20.20.1E A N: 87 20689 00435 0 。
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Series 9Japan/UK 97318678/III-15Series 9Serie s 99090ccSeries 9Series 9EnglishOur products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality, functionality and design. Thank you for your trust in Braun’s quality, and we hope you enjoy your new Braun shaver.Read these instructions completely, they contain safety information. Keep them for future reference.WarningYour appliance is provided with a special cord set, which has an integrated Safety Extra Low Voltage power supply. Do not exchange or tamper with any part of it, otherwise there is risk of an electric shock. Only use the special cord set provided with your appliance.The shaver is suitable for cleaningunder running tap water. Detachthe shaver from the power supplybefore cleaning it in water.Models 9095cc w&d/9093s w&d/9080cc w&d/9040s w&d only:This appliance is suitable forcleaning under running water anduse in a bath or shower. For safetyreasons it can only be operatedcordlessly.Note: Only models 9093s w&d and 9040s w&d can be used with foam or gel. Do not shave with a damaged foil or cord. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and per-sons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the safe use of the appliance and under-stand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Clean-ing and user maintenance shall not be made by children unless they are older than 8 years and supervised.Oil bottle (not with all models)Keep out of reach of children. Do not swallow. Do not apply to eyes. Dispose of properly when empty.Clean&Charge Station (models9095cc w&d/9090cc/9080cc w&d/ 9075cc/9070cc/9050cc)To prevent the cleaning fluid from leaking, ensure that the Clean&Charge Station is placed on a flat surface. When a cleaning cartridge is installed, do not tip, move suddenly or transport the station in any way as cleaning fluid might spill out of the cartridge. Do not place the station inside a mirror cabinet, nor place it on a polished or lacquered surface. The cleaning cartridge contains a highly flammable liquid so keep it away from sources of ignition. Do not expose to direct sunlight and cigarette smoking nor store it over a radiator.Do not refill the cartridge and use only original Braun refill cartridges.1 Foil & Cutter cassette2 Cassette release buttons3 MultiHeadLock switch4 On/off switch5 Shaver display6 Long hair trimmer7 Shaver-to-stationcontacts8 Release button for long hair trimmer9 Model number of shaver10 Shaver power socket11 Special cord set12 Brush13 Hard travel casePrior to first use remove the protection foil if any from the shaver display. Connect the shaver to an electrical outlet by snapping the special cord set (11) into the power socket (10) or for cc models via the Clean&Charge Station (see Chapter «Clean&Charge Station»).Charging and basic operating information• When charging for the first time, charge continuously for 1 hour.• A full charge provides up to 50 minutes of cordless shaving time. This may vary according to your• Recommended ambient temperature for charging is 5 °C to 35 °C. The battery may not charge properly or at all under extreme low or high temperatures.• Recommended ambient temperature for shaving is 15 °C to 35 °C.• Do not expose the appliance to temperatures higher than 50 °C for extended periods of time.• When the shaver is connected to an electrical outlet, it may take some minutes until the display illuminates.Charge statusThe shaver display (5) shows the charge status of the battery when connected to an electrical outlet:• During charging the respective battery segment will blink.• When fully charged all battery segments will light up for a few seconds then the display turns off. Low chargeThe low-charge light flashes red when the battery is running low. You should be able to finish your shave. With switching off the shaver a beep sound reminds of the low charge status.Models 9095cc w&d/9093s w&d/9090cc: The last9 minutes of remaining shaving time are displayed in digits.Cleaning status (models 9095cc w&d/9090cc/ 9080cc w&d/9075cc/9070cc/9050cc)Travel lockThe lock symbol lights up when the shaver has been locked to avoid unintended starting of the motor (e.g. for storing in a suitcase).Press the on/off switch (4) to operate the shaver. Tips for a perfect dry shave1. Always shave before washing your face.2. At all times, hold the shaver at the right angle(90°) to your skin.3. Stretch your skin and shave against thedirection of your beard growth.MultiHeadLock switch (head lock)To shave hard-to-reach areas (e.g. under the nose) slide the MultiHeadLock switch (3) down to lock the shaver head. The shaver head can be locked in five positions. To change position, move the shaver head with your thumb and forefinger back or forth. It will Models 9095cc w&d/9090cc/9080cc w&d/9075cc/ 9070cc/9050cc: For automatic cleaning in theClean&Charge Station the head lock should be released. Long hair trimmerTo trim sideburns, moustache or beard press the release button (8) and slide the long hair trimmer (6) upwards.Shaving with the cord (not for models 9095cc w&d/ 9093s w&d/9080cc w&d/9040s w&d)If the shaver has run out of power (discharged), you may also shave with the shaver connected to an electrical outlet via the special cord set.Travel lock• Activation: By pressing the on/off switch (4) for3 seconds the shaver is locked. This is confirmed by a beep sound and the lock symbol in the display. Afterwards the display turns off.• Deactivation: By pressing the on/off switch for3 seconds the shaver is unlocked again.Cleaning under running water• Switch on the shaver (cordless) and rinse the shaver head under hot running water until all residues have been removed. You may use liquid soap without abrasive substances. Rinse off all foam and let the shaver run for a few more seconds.• Next, switch off the shaver, press the release buttons (2) to remove the Foil & Cutter cassette (1) and let it dry completely.• If you regularly clean the shaver under water, then apply once a week a drop of light machine oil on top of the Foil & Cutter cassette.Models 9093s w&d/9040s w&d only: The shaver should be cleaned after each foam usage. Cleaning with a brush• Switch off the shaver. Remove the Foil & Cutter cassette (1) and tap it out on a flat surface. Using the brush, clean the inner area of the pivoting head. Do not clean the cassette with the brush as this may damage it!The Foil & Cutter cassette can be attached either way. There is no impact on the shaving performance. The Clean&Charge Station has been developed for cleaning, charging, lubricating, disinfecting, drying14 Station power socket15 Lift button for cartridge exchange16 Station-to-shaver contacts17 Clean&Charge Station display17a L evel indicator17b Status light17c Cleaning program indicator (models 9095cc w&d/ 9090cc/9080cc w&d/9075cc only)18 Start button19 Cleaning cartridgeInstalling the Clean&Charge Station (see fig. D)• Remove the protection foil if any from theClean&Charge Station display.• Press the lift button (15) at the rear side of the Clean&Charge Station to lift up the housing.• Hold the cleaning cartridge (19) down on a flat, stable surface (e.g. table).• Carefully remove the lid from the cartridge.• Slide the cartridge from the rear side into the base of the station until it snaps into place.• Slowly close the housing by pushing it down until it locks.• Connect the station to an electrical outlet by snapping the special cord set (11) into the power socket (14).Charging the shaver in the Clean&Charge Station (see fig. D)Insert the shaver head with the front showing and released head lock into the cleaning station. Important: The shaver needs to be dry and free from any foam or soap residue!The contacts (7) on the back of the shaver need to align with the contacts (16) in the station. Push the shaver in the correct position. A beep sound confirms that the shaver sits properly in the station. Charging will start automatically.Cleaning the shaver (see fig. D)Station, as described above and press the start button (18).The hygiene status will be analyzed and is shownby the cleaning program indicators (17c) in the Clean&Charge Station display (models 9095cc w&d/ 9090cc/9080cc w&d/9075cc only).If status light (17b) does not shine (Clean&Charge Station switches to stand-by after ca. 10 minutes), press start button twice. Otherwise cleaning will not start. For best shaving results, we recommend cleaning after each shave.The cleaning process consists of several cycles, in which cleaning fluid is flushed through the shaver head. Depending on your Clean&Charge Station model and/or program selected, the cleaning time takes up to 3 minutes, followed by an active drying phase of about 40 minutes, during which a fan is running.Afterwards charging will resume, which is indicated in the shaver display. When the shaver is fully charged the display turns off.Cleaning programsshort economical cleaningnormal level of cleaninghigh intensive cleaningModels 9070cc/9050cc:One standard cleaning program is included. Removing the shaver from the Clean&Charge Station (see fig. E)Hold the Clean&Charge Station with one hand and tilt the shaver slightly to the front to release it. Cleaning Cartridge / Replacement (see fig. F)When the level indicator (17a) lights up permanently red, the remaining fluid in the cartridge is sufficient for about 3 more cycles. When the level indicator blinks red, the cartridge needs to be replaced (about every 3 weeks when used daily).After having pressed the lift button (15) to open the housing, wait for a few seconds before removing the used cartridge to avoid any dripping. Before discarding the used cartridge, make sure to close the openings using the lid of the new cartridge, since the used cartridge will contain contaminated cleaning solution.The hygienic cleaning cartridge contains denatured ethanol (specification see cartridge), which once opened will naturally evaporate slowly. Each cartridge, if not used daily, should be replaced after approximately 8 weeks to ensure optimal disinfection. The cleaning cartridge also contains lubricants for the shaving system, which may leave residual marks on the outer foil frame and the cleaning chamber of the Clean&Charge Station. These marks can be removed easily by wiping gently with a damp cloth. Braun recommends changing your shaver’s Foil & Cutter cassette every 18 months to maintain your shaver‘s maximum performance.Available at your dealer or Braun Service Centres:• Foil & Cutter cassette: 90S/90B• Cleaning cartridge Clean&Charge Station: CCR • Braun Shaver cleaner sprayThe cleaning cartridge can be disposed of with regular household waste.Subject to change without notice.For electric specifications, see printing on thespecial cord set.。