6.ISO 80601-2-56{ed1.0}en文件
北京纽曼伟业科技有限公司企业手机产品标准(现行版)文号:QC-C5868 VER:1.0说明:本标准适用于Newsmy伟业科技有限公司所有机型产品成品和配件产品的出货品质检验,另有关来料检验标准见《QC-C5867-Newsmy来料检验标准(现行版)-2008-03-28.rar》, 可靠性测试本大纲标准由Newsmy伟业科技有限公司质量部负责制定和解释。
制定人:魏中刚.林国岐日期:2008 年4 月3 日审核人:林国岐日期:2008 年4 月3 日主目录第一章结构件外观检查及成品测试规范标准第二章成品出货验收标准第三章纽曼USB线检验标准第四章纽曼耳机线检验标准第五章纽曼电池检验标准第六章旅行充电器规格书标准第七章手机各附配件可靠性测试标准本标准适用于北京纽曼伟业科技有限公司研制及生产的GSM手机的研发、试生产、IQC来料检验、QA增强性试验等各个阶段对配件的检验。
第一章手机结构件外观检查及成品测试规范标准次目录前言............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1 范围 (5)2 引用标准 (5)3 定义 (5)3.1 不良缺陷定义 (5)3.2 手机测量面的定义 (6)IV测量面:只有在拆卸手机时才能看到的零件表面。
(6)3.3 缺陷代码对照表 (6)4 手机检验条件及环境 (7)5 整机装配检验 (7)6 喷漆件检验 (7)6.1 喷漆件外观检验 (7)6.2 附着力测试 (9)6.3 耐磨性测试 (10)6.4 耐醇性测试 (10)6.5 硬度测试 (10)6.6 耐化妆品测试 (10)6.7 耐手汗测试 (10)6.8 温度冲击试验 (10)6.9 膜厚测试 (11)6.10 底材颜色与油漆颜色要求 (11)6.11 特别说明: (11)7 塑料件检验 (11)8 镜片检验 (12)8.1 镜片外观检验 (12)8.2 耐磨性测试 (13)8.3 硬度测试 (13)8.4 抗冲击性测试 (13)8.5 抗霉菌测试 (13)9 按键检验 (13)9.1 按键外观检验 (13)9.2 弹力测试 (15)9.3 寿命测试 (15)9.4 耐磨性测试 (15)9.5 耐醇性测试 (16)10 塑料电镀件(外观件)检验 (16)10.1 外观检验 (16)10.2 镀层厚度 (16)10.3 附着力测试 (16)10.4 耐磨性测试 (17)10.5 耐醇性测试 (17)10.6 硬度测试 (17)10.7 耐手汗测试 (17)10.8 温度冲击测试 (17)10.9 盐雾测试 (17)11 塑料电镀件(内部件)检验 (17)11.1 外观检验 (17)11.2 镀层厚度测试 (18)11.3 电阻值测试 (18)11.4 附着力测试 (18)11.5 温度冲击测试 (18)11.6 平面度 (18)12 导电漆检验 (18)12.1 导电漆外观检验 (18)12.2 附着力测试 (19)12.3 电阻值测试 (19)12.4 膜厚测试 (19)12.5 温度冲击测试 (19)13 导电胶检验 (19)13.1 导电胶外观检验 (19)13.2 电阻值测试 (19)13.3 附着力测试 (19)13.4 胶的弹性测试 (20)13.5 温度冲击测试 (20)14 五金件检验 (20)14.1 五金件外观检验 (20)14.2 镀层厚度 (20)14.3 镀层硬度 (20)14.4 附着力测试 (20)14.5 盐雾试验 (21)14.6 可焊性试验 (21)14.7 镶件螺母的拉力及扭矩测试 (21)14.8 翻盖(翻盖轴)及翻盖接听按键的寿命测试 (21)15 橡胶件检验 (21)15.1 橡胶件外观检验 (21)15.2 硬度测试 (21)15.3 寿命测试 (21)16 印刷检验 (21)16.1 外壳上印刷的外观检验 (21)16.2 镜片及键盘上印刷的外观检验 (23)16.3 附着力测试 (25)16.4 耐醇性测试 (25)16.5 耐磨性测试 (25)17 显示屏(LCD)外观检验 (25)18 电池检验 (26)18.1 外观检验 (26)18.2 电池卡扣的寿命 (26)18.3 跌落试验 (26)18.4 电池标贴 (26)18.5 电池PCB板的检验(仅适用于电极触点为金手指的情况) (26)18.6 PHS手机的电池检验 (26)19 充电器(座充)检验 (26)19.1 外观检验 (27)19.2 充电器标贴 (27)19.3 人机界面 (27)19.4 金属插头及接触簧片镀层附着力的测试 (27)19.5 金属插头及接触簧片镀层耐腐蚀性的测试 (27)19.6 插头连接强度 (27)19.7 跌落试验 (27)20 耳机检验 (27)20.1 外观检验 (27)20.2 耳机插头与插座之间的插拔寿命 (27)20.3 耳机的插拔力 (27)20.4 抗急拉伸强度 (27)20.5 跌落试验 (27)20.6 导线疲劳弯曲强度 (28)20.7 盐雾试验 (28)21 天线检验 (28)21.1 外观检验 (28)21.2 安装强度 (28)21.3 跌落试验 (28)21.4 天线上五金件的耐腐蚀性测试 (28)21.5 天线上五金件的镀层附着力测试 (28)22吊绳穿孔的拉力试验 (28)23 前壳上按键孔位置的压力试验 (28)24 按键短路的压力试验 (28)25 各阶段所需的检验项目 (28)25.1 各阶段测试说明 (28)25.2 封样流程说明 (29)25.3 各阶段所需的检验项目 (29)各阶段所需的检验项目见表19。
在通用安全方面,我国现行国家标准GB9706.1-2007和俄罗斯国家标准GOST R IEC60601-1-2010均采用了国际标准IEC 60601-1,但两个国家采用的国际标准版本不一致。
—37—表1医用测温仪国内外标准比对-安全通用标准国家标准号标准名称与国际标准的对应关系中国GB9706.1-2007医用电气设备第1部分:安全通用标准IEC60601-1:1995,IDT 俄罗斯GOST R IEC60601-1-2010医用电气设备第1部分:基本安全和基本性能的通用标准IEC60601-1:2005,IDT差异分析1、各国家标准与国际标准对应关系:——中国标准等同采用国际标准IEC60601-1:1995。
对于预期传输通气量>300mL的呼吸机,每分 钟通气量30L/min;对于300 mL≥预期传输通气 量≥50 mL的呼吸机,每分钟通气量15L/min; 对于预期传输通气量≤50mL的呼吸机,每分钟 通气量5L/min。
对于预期传输通气量>300mL的呼吸机,每分钟通气量 30L/min;对于300 mL≥预期传输通气量≥50 mL的呼吸 机,每分钟通气量15L/min;对于预期传输通气量≤ 50mL的呼吸机,每分钟通气量5L/min。
系统承受的压 呼吸机系统应能承受至少1.5倍于额定输入压力的 力(气道压力) 压力而不破损和泄露。
在额定输入压力范围内,呼吸机应能正常运行 并满足本部分的要求;在1000 kPa的单一故障 状态下不应导致不可接受的风险。最大额定输 入压力超过600kPa的呼吸机,在两倍最大额定 输入压力的单一故障状态下,不应导致不可接 受的风险。
附表1-2 呼吸机标准对比
呼吸机 主要指标
YY0042-2007 高频喷射呼吸机
额定输入压力:大于350kPa; 电源:交流或交流、直流两用
交流:AC220V±22V 50Hz±1Hz
呼吸机应能向患者提供含氧的气体,其浓度从 环境浓度到至少90%氧浓度。 当气源的失效使输送的氧浓度的改变超过体积 氧气浓度范围:30-90% 分数3%时,则技术报警状态宜至少为中优先 级。
耗氧量 呼吸机连续使用24h,氧气瓶规格为12.25MPa/40L -
HAMILTON-T1 操作手册说明书
HAMILTON-T1操作手册© 2021 哈美顿医疗公司。
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Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司将根据要求提供电路图、组件配件列表、描述、校准说明或其他信息,这些信息将帮助用户的已获得授权且已经过培训的员工维修 HamiltonMedical 哈美顿医疗公司认为可维修的那些设备配件。
THD2FE Non-contact Forehead Thermometer⇔The device setting with buzzer is on, you can set buzzer on/off under Mute mode.beep sounds. You can also use the same process to turn off the Mute function.Use of the thermometerNote: If there is any temperature difference between the places where the device is stored and where you are going to measure, subject and the device should stay in the same room for at least 15 minutes before measurement.1. Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is clean. Warning: Choking from swallowing small parts and batteries by children or pets is possible, please keep small parts and batteries at places wherechildren and pets can’t reach.2. Power on:Press the “ON/MEM ” button (see figure 1).3. Measuring body temperature on the forehead:Indications for use: The Non-contact Clinical Thermometer, Model THD2FE is an infrared thermometer intended for the intermittent measurement of human body temperature in people of all ages.Ref No.:032020Press the “ON/MEM” button to power on the device. Forehead mode is the default mode. You can see the icon on the screenand hear two beep sounds (see figure 1). In this mode, you can hold the thermometer within 1.5 inch from the central forehead (Fig. 2) andpressthe "START" button to get the forehead measurement. The time consuming for measurement might be 1 second. After each foreheadmeasurement, wait icon stop flashing to be ready for next measurement.Figure 2 Points for attention:a. Forehead temperature is displayed in oral mode. This mode converts the forehead temperature to display its “oral-equivalent” value.b. Before the measurement, the subject should stay in a stable environment for 5 minutes and avoid exercise, bath for 30mins.c. Remember to keep the forehead area clean and away from sweat, cosmetics and scar while taking temperature.d. The “Clinical Bias” is -2.5 ~ -3.1°F (-1.4 ~ -1.7°C).e. The “Limits of Agreement” is 0.98.f. The "Repeatability" is 0.36°F (0.20°C)4. Measuring surface temperature:4.1 After power on, press and hold the “ON/MEM” button, and press the “START” button one time for “Infrared thermometer” mode to see icon on your LCDdisplay. In this mode, you can get the target surface temperature.4.2 When you press the “START” button, you will get the real time temperature immediately. If you press and hold the “START” button, the reading of measurement willbe continuously updated.4.3 Applications include temperature measurements for water, milk, cloth, skin or other objects.* Note: This mode shows the actual and unadjusted surface temperature which is different from the body temperature.5. Power off:5.1 Device will automatically shut off if left idle for more than 1 minute to extend battery life.ProblemWarranty:Warranty: 12 monthsManufacture Date: as the serial number (please open the battery cover, it is shown on the inside of the device.)Ex.SN:E512A000001, the first “E” is External, the second number “5” is the last number of manufacture year, the third and the fourth number “12” is the manufacture Note: The thermometer is calibrated at the time of manufacture. If you question calibration mode, the accuracy of temperature measurements or unexpected events at any time, please contact the dealers or nearest service address.Warning: No modification of this equipment is allowed.Please read the instructions for use BF type applied partMetris instrument east, IIcAdd: 25 Long Meadow PlaceSouth Setauket, NY USA 11720Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3IP220,120,23 FM c)±5 kHz deviation1 kHz sine。
为应对上述的危害物质管理标准化的问题,IEC委托其下属的电子元器件质量评定委员会(IECQ)制订了专门的危害物质过程管理(HSPM)标准——“电子电器元件和产品危害物质过程管理体系要求(QC 080000)”,并为开展这一过程管理体系的认证制定了专门的程序规则——“危害物质过程管理要求(QC 001002-5)”,从而为危害物质管理和认证提供了较为权威的选择。
二. 监护仪系列产品适用标准:
三. 生理参数检测仪适用标准:
四. 血氧系列产品(含血氧探头)适用标准:
注:血氧探头没有IEC 60601-1-11: 2010标准。
五. 多普勒胎心仪适用标准:
六. 快速心电检测仪适用标准:
EN 铁路应用——通信 信 和处理系统——铁路控制和防护系统软件
本标准是相关标准系列中的一部分。其他标准有 EN50126 铁路应用——可靠性,可用性,可维护性和安全性 (RAMS);EN50129 铁路应用——信号领域的安全相关电子系统。EN50126 适用于大范围的系统问题,而 EN50129 适用于整个铁路控制和防护系统中某单个系统的批准过程。本标准关注于需要使用的方法,以使软件能满足经全面 考虑后所分配到的安全完整性要求。
en1060标准与iec 80601-2-30关系
EN1060是一项用于医疗电气设备的标准,而IEC xxx-2-30是一项特定的医疗电气设备标准。
2. EN1060标准EN1060是欧洲标准化委员会(CENELEC)发布的一项标准,适用于医疗电气设备的一般要求。
3. IEC xxx-2-30标准IEC xxx-2-30是国际电工委员会(IEC)发布的一项标准,专门适用于心电图设备。
4. 两者之间的关系EN1060标准是一项通用的医疗电气设备标准,而IEC xxx-2-30标准是一项特定的医疗电气设备标准。
在设计和制造心电图设备时,必须确保符合EN1060的通用要求,同时还需符合IEC xxx-2-30的特定要求,以保证心电图设备在医疗环境中的安全性和有效性。
符合EN1060标准和IEC xxx-2-30标准对医疗电气设备制造商和使用者来说都非常重要。
6. 结论EN1060标准和IEC xxx-2-30标准是医疗电气设备领域中非常重要的标准,它们之间存在着密切的关系。
7. 制造商的责任符合EN1060标准和IEC xxx-2-30标准对于医疗设备制造商来说是非常重要的。
COMMSCOPE(康普) 布线安装指南及要求本文档包含了有关安装SYSTIMAX SCS系统的重要信息,只有了解这些信息,才能保证PowerSum(5e类)和GigaSPEED XL(6类)达到或超过相关性能指标。
通用规则:_ 遵守当地的法规和相关部门的制度_ 关于通用的规划和安装惯例,请参考ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B_ 所有的电缆和器件应能够接受目测检查,以确定正确安装_ 避免电缆进水、高湿度、化学品腐蚀和在低温下弯折电缆_ SYSTIMAX 铜缆的布放和工作温度范围在–4°F 到140°F (-20°C 到60°C)之间,在布放之前应将电缆在室温下放置至少4小时。
_ 电缆的绑扎应比较松,使绑扎带可以在电缆卷中滑动_ 不建议将电缆编成带状_ 电缆的布放不应造成电缆护套的明显变形_ 对于4对线的电缆,最大拉力不应超过110N(25磅)_ 避免电缆松弛地打圈,如果需要,要确保打圈的时候电缆没有扭绞(这会使电缆内的线对的扭绞松散)。
_ 保证一定的弯曲半径,避免死弯。
_ 应避免将线对去扭绞或分离开,保持线对的绞距直至电缆末端并避免缠绕。
请参考“电缆布放和处理”一章通信电缆的布放应该符合适当的走线规则,包括:_ 不能直接布放在荧光灯上_ 不能利用电力管道支撑_ 不能利用煤气或水管支撑电缆布放和处置——对电缆性能很关键图1描绘了布放SYSTIMAX 铜缆时应注意的常见问题。
图1:4线对电缆的布放和处置无护套的线对的处理和终接避免铜线破损不允许的行为避免大于90度的弯折避免外皮破裂弯曲半径为电缆直径的四倍避免紧紧地扭绞电缆可能纠结SYSTIMAX 可接受的行为(但应尽量少)22MM (0.87英寸)弯曲半径TIA 对电缆末端距离的要求以下的两页将说明处理线对的方法,这对保证电缆性能是非常关键的。
EN标准-目录2011-06-10 14:46EN61360-1-2002电器元件标准数据元素类型和相关分类模式.第1部分_定义.原则和方法.pdfEN61360-2-2004.pdfEN61360-4-1997电子元件用带分级示意图的标准数据元类型.第4部分_标准数据元类型,元件等级和项用IEC参考文.pdfEN61360-5-2004电气元器件标准数据元素类型和相关分类模式.第5部分_EXPRESS字典图表的扩展.pdfEN61373-1999铁路设备.机车车辆设备.冲击和振动试验.pdfEN61377-1-2006.pdfEN61377-2-2002铁路设施.机车车辆.联合试验.第2部分_反向直流牵引电动机及其控制设备.pdfEN61377-3-2002铁路设施.铁路车辆.第3部分_交流电动机,间接变流器及其他控制系统的联合检验.pdfEN61378-1-1998变流器变压器.第1部分_工业用变压器.pdfEN61378-2-2001转换器变压器.第2部分_HVDC用变压器.pdfEN61386-1-2004电气装置用导管系统.第1部分_一般要求.pdfEN61386-21-2004电缆管理用导管系统.第21部分_特殊要求_刚性导管系统.pdfEN61395-1998架空电力导线.绞合导线的漏电试验.pdfEN614-1-1995机器的安全性.人类工效学设计原理.第1部分_术语和一般指导原则.pdfEN614-2-2000机器的安全性.人类工效学设计原理.第2部分_机器设计和工作目标之间的相互作用.pdfEN61400-1-2005风涡轮发电机组.第1部分_安全要求.pdfEN61400-11-2003风涡轮发电机组.第11部分_噪音测量技术.pdfEN61400-12-1998风涡轮发电机组.第12部分_风涡轮机动力特性测试.pdfEN61400-2-1996风涡轮发电机组.第2部分_小型风涡轮发电机的安全性.pdfEN61400-21-2002风轮发电机系统.第21部分_网格连接风轮的动力质量特性的测量和评定.pdf 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EN61935-2-2005通用布线系统根据ISO-IEC11801对对称通信布线进行检测的规范第二部分:转接线和工作区域用...pdfEN61937-4-2003数字音频用于IEC60958的非线性PCM编码音频位流的接口第4部分:按照MPEG音频格式的非....pdfEN61937-5-2002数字音频.用于IEC60958的非线性脉冲编码调制(PCM)编码音频位流的接口.第5部分_依据DT....pdfEN61937-6-2002数字音频.用于IEC60958的非线性脉冲编码调制(PCM)编码音频位流的接口.第6部分_依据MP....pdfEN61937-7-2005数字音频.使用IEC60958的非线性脉冲编码调制(PCM)编码音频位流的界面.第7部分_根据AT....pdfEN61943-1999集成电路.生产线验收应用指南.pdfEN61947-1-2002电子投影.主要性能标准的测量和文件化.第1部分_固定分辨投影仪.pdfEN61947-2-2002电子投影.关键性能标准的测量和文献工作.第2部分_可调分辨率的投影仪.pdf EN61951-1-2003含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.便携密封可再充电单电池.第1部分_镍镉电池.pdfEN61951-2-2003含碱性或气体非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.便携式密封可再充电单电池.第2部分_镍金属氢化.pdfEN61953-1998诊断X射线成像设备.乳腺X射线摄影抗散射格栅的特性.pdfEN61959-2004.pdfEN61960-2004装有碱性或其它非酸性电解液的蓄电池和电池组用于便携式的充电锂电池和电池组.pdfEN61965-2003阴极射线管的机械安全.pdfEN61966-2-1-2000多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第2-1部分_颜色管理.非法RGB颜色空间.pdfEN61966-2-2-2003多媒体系统与设备色彩测量和管理第2-2部分_色彩管理扩展RGB色彩空间scRGB.pdfEN61966-3-2000多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第3部分_用阴极射线管的设备.pdfEN61966-4-2000多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第4部分_使用液晶显示屏的设备.pdfEN61966-5-2001多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第5部分_使用等离子体显示屏的设备.pdf EN61966-7-1-2002多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第7-1部分_彩色打印机和反射式打印机RGB输入.pdfEN61966-8-2001多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第8部分_多媒体颜色扫描器.pdfEN61966-9-2000多媒体系统和设备.颜色测定和管理.第9部分_数码相机.pdfEN61967-1-2002集成电路.150kHz-1GHz电磁辐射的测量.第1部分_一般条件和定义.pdfEN61967-2-2005.pdfEN61967-4-2002集成电路.150KHz至1KHz电磁释放量的测量.第4部分_传导释放量的测量.1Ω-150Ω直接耦合....pdfEN61967-5-2003集成电路150kHz~1GHz电磁辐射的测量第5部分_导电辐射的测量工作台法拉第机架法.pdfEN61967-6-2002集成电路.150kHz-1GHz电磁辐射的测量.第6部分_传导放射测量.磁探测器法.pdfEN61970-301-2004能量管理系统应用程序接口(EMS-API)第301部分:公共信息模型(CIM)基础.pdfEN61977-2002光纤滤波器.一般规范.pdfEN61978-1-2001光纤无源分散补偿器.第1部分_通用规范.pdfEN61982-2-2002电动道路车辆驱动用二次电池.第2部分_动态放电性能试验和动态耐久试验.pdfEN61982-3-2001电动道路车辆推进用二次蓄电池.第3部分_性能和寿命试验(城市车辆的交通相容性).pdfEN61984-2001连接器的安全要求和试验.pdfEN61988-1-2003等离子显示屏第1部分:术语和字母符号.pdfEN61988-2-1-2002等离子体显示板.第2-1部分_光学测量方法.pdfEN61988-2-2-2003等离子显示屏第2-2部分_光电测量方法.pdfEN61988-3-1-2005.pdfEN61993-1-1999海上导航和无线电通信设备和系统.第1部分_使用甚高频数字选择呼叫(DSC)技术的船载自动发射机.pdfEN61993-2-2002海上导航和无线电通信设备和系统.自动识别系统(AIS).第2部分_一般自动识别系统的A级船载设备.pdfEN620-2002连续搬运设备和系统.散装物料搬运用固定带式传送装置的安全和电磁兼容性(EMC)要求.pdfEN62005-1-2001光纤互连装置和无源部件的可靠性.第1部分_介绍性指南和定义.pdfEN62005-2-2001光纤互连装置和无源部件的可靠性.第2部分_基于加速老化试验的可靠性的定量评定.温度和湿度..pdfEN62005-3-2001纤维光学互连器件和无源元件可靠性.第3部分_评估无源元件失效模式和失效机理的相关试验(IEC6.pdfEN62005-4-1999光纤互连装置和无源光学组件的可靠性.第4部分_产品屏蔽.pdfEN62007-1-2000光纤系统应用的半导体光电装置.第1部分_基本速率和特性.pdfEN62007-2-2000光纤系统应用的半导体光电装置.第2部分_测量方法.pdfEN62008-2005.pdfEN62011-3-1-2003绝缘材料.电工用热固性树脂基矩形和六边形横截面的工业刚性模制层压管材和杆材.第3-1部分_.pdfEN62012-1-2002在条件恶劣环境中数字通信用对绞-星绞多芯和对称电缆.第1部分_总规范.pdf EN62013-1-2002对甲烷敏感的矿中用头灯.第1部分.通用要求.爆炸风险的推定和检验.pdfEN62013-2-2000对沼气敏感的矿工用头灯.第2部分_性能和其它安全相关方面.pdfEN62014-1-2002电子设计自动化图书馆.第1部分_输入-输出缓冲器信息规范.pdfEN62018-2003信息技术设备的功率消耗测量方法.pdfEN62019-1999电气附属设备.家用电流断路器和类似设备.辅助接触单元.pdfEN62020-1998电器安装材料.家用安装和类似用途的差动电流监视器(RCMs).pdfEN62021-1-2003绝缘液体酸度的确定第1部分:自动电势滴定.pdfEN62023-2000技术信息和文件结构..pdfEN62025-2-2005高频感应部件.非电气特性和测量方法.第2部分_非电气性能的测试方法.pdf 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ISO 80601-2-56:2009
EN ISO 80601-2-56:2012
medical electrical equipment part 2-56: particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of clinical thermometers for body temperature measurement
EN ISO14971:2012
Medical devices-Application of risk management to medical devices
Medical devices--symbols to be used with medical device labels,labelling and information to be suppliedlied--part1:general requirements
Intelligent Ventilation since 1983Mode formMode name ModeAdult/PedNeonatalVolume-controlled, flow-controlled(S)CMVBreaths are volume controlled and mandatory, including patient triggered breaths.✓--SIMV A fixed rate is set for volume-controlled mandatory breaths. These breaths can be alternated with pressure-supported spontaneous breaths.✓--Volume-controlled, flow cycled VSBreaths are flow cycled and deliver a set tidal volume to support patient-initiated breaths.✓✓Volume-targeted, adaptive pressure- controlled APVcmv Breaths are volume targeted and mandatory.✓✓APVsimv Volume-targeted mandatory breaths can be alternated with pressure-supported spontaneous breaths.✓✓Pressure-controlledP-CMV All breaths, whether triggered by either the patient or the ventilator, are pressure controlled and mandatory.✓✓P-SIMVMandatory breaths are pressure controlled. Mandatory breaths can be alternated with pressure-supported spontaneous breaths.✓✓DuoPAPMandatory breaths are pressure controlled. Spontaneous breaths can be triggered at both pressure levels.✓✓APRVSpontaneous breaths can be continuously triggered. The pressure release between the levels contributes to ventilation.✓✓SPONTEvery breath is spontaneous, with or without pressure-supported spontaneous breaths.✓✓Intelligent ventilation ASV ®Operator sets %MinVol, PEEP, and Oxygen. Frequency, tidal volume, pressure, and I:E ratio are based on physiological input from the patient.✓--INTELLiVENT ®-ASVFully automated management of ventilation and oxygenation based on physiological input from the patient. The underlying mode is ASV.✓--Noninvasive ventilationNIV Every breath is spontaneous.✓--NIV-STEvery breath is spontaneous as long as the patient is breathing above the set rate. A backup rate can be set for mandatory breaths.✓--nCPAP-PSEvery breath is spontaneous as long as the patient is breathing above the set rate. A backup rate can be set for mandatory breaths.--OHi Flow O2High flow oxygen therapy. No supported breaths.✓✓Standard: ✓ Option: O Not applicable: --HAMILTON-S1Technical specifications for SW version 2.80Ventilation modesStandard configuration and options (in alphabetical order)Functions Adult / Ped Neonatal Adjustable O2 enrichment✓✓Adjustable Volume limitation --✓Capnography, mainstream (volumetric) and sidestream O O Communication ports: CompactFlash, USB, DVI, COM (RS-232), Special interface✓✓Communication protocols: for details see Connectivity brochure O O Distributed alarm system (DAS) compatible✓✓Dynamic Lung (real-time visualization of the lungs)✓--Event log (up to 1000 events with date and time stamp)✓✓HAMILTON-H900 humidifier control via ventilator O O Heliox ventilation O O Inspiratory and expiratory hold maneuver✓✓IntelliCuff integrated cuff pressure controller✓✓IntelliSync+ (automatic inspiratory and expiratory trigger synchronization)✓--IntelliTrig (leak compensation)✓✓✓✓Languages(English, US English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek,Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish)Manual breath / prolonged inspiration✓✓Nebulization (Aerogen§)O O Nebulization (pneumatic)✓--P/V Tool® Pro✓✓Paramagnetic O2 sensor O O Patient group✓O Paux port✓✓Print screen✓✓Screen lock✓✓Second battery (hot-swappable)O O SpO2 monitoring✓✓Standby with timer✓✓Suctioning tool ✓✓Transpulmonary pressure monitoring✓✓TRC (tube resistance compensation)✓✓Trends/Loops ✓✓Trigger, expiratory: ETS✓✓Trigger, inspiratory: flow, pressure✓✓Vent Status (Visual representation of ventilator dependancy)✓✓Standard:✓Option: O Not applicable: --HAMILTON-S1Technical performance data (in alphabetical order)Description SpecificationAutomatic expiratory base flow Adult/Pediatric.Pressure trigger: 1 l/minFlow trigger setting ≤ 2 l/min: 4 l/minFlow trigger setting > 2 l/min: 2 * Flow triggerTrigger OFF: 1 l/minIntelliSync+: 4 l/minNeonatal.Pressure trigger: 1 l/minFlow trigger setting ≤ 1 l/min: 2 l/minFlow trigger setting > 1 l/min: 2 * Flow trigger max. 6 l/minTrigger OFF: 1 l/minInspiratory pressure0 to 120 cmH2OMaximum inspiratory flow180 l/min peak flow, max. 120 l/min continuous flowMeans of inspiratory triggering Flow, pressure, or optional IntelliSync+ trigger controlMeans of expiratory triggering ETS or optional IntelliSync+ controlMinimum expiratory time 20% of cycle time; 0.1 to 0.8 sOxygen mixer accuracy± (Volume fraction of 2.5% + 2.5% of actual reading)Preoperational checks Tightness test, Flow Sensor/O2 sensor/CO2 sensor calibrationTidal volume Adult/Ped: 20 to 2000 mlNeonatal: 2 to 200 mlStandards and approvalsClassification Class IIb, continuously operating according to EC directive 93/42/EECCertification EN 60601-1:2006/A1:2013, IEC 60601-1-2:2014, ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012, ISO80601-2-12:2011, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60601-1:14, EN ISO 5356-1:2015, ISO 80601-2-55:2011 Declaration The HAMILTON-S1 was developed in accordance with pertinent international standards andFDA guidelines. The ventilator is manufactured within an EN ISO 13485 and EN ISO 9001,Council Directive 93/42/EEC, Annex II, Article 1 certified quality management system. Theventilator meets the Essential Requirements of Council Directive 93/42/EEC, Annex I. Electromagnetic compatibility According to IEC 60601-1-2:2014Safety Class Class I, Type B applied part (ventilator breathing system, VBS), type BF applied parts CO2 sensorincluding CO2 module connector, humidifier, Aerogen§ system, nebulizer, and SpO2 sensorincluding SpO2 adapter, continuous operation according to IEC 60601-1Degree of protection IP21HAMILTON-S1Priority AlarmHigh priorityApnea time (s), ExpMinVol high/low (l/min), Oxygen high/low (%), Pressure high/low (cmH2O), Flow sensor calibration needed, Exhalation obstructed, Disconnection, Oxygen supply failedMedium priorityfTotal high/low (b/min), PetCO2 high/low (mmHg), Pressure limitation (cmH2O), Vt high/low (ml), SpO2 high/low, SpOC high/low, %leak, High PEEP, Loss of PEEP, Pulse high/low, Check flow sensor for waterLow priorityHigh SpO2, Loss of external power, Cuff leak1 CO2 option required | 2 SpO2 option required |3 Data is available only when an esophageal catheter is connected to the Paux port on the ventilator |4 For adult/pediatric patients only |5 Only available in ASV mode |6 For complete list of alarms see the Operator's manualAlarms 6Graphic type/Tab name OptionsWaveforms Paw, Flow, Volume, Off, PCO21, FCO21, Plethysmogram 2, Pes (Paux)3, Ptranspulm 3Intelligent panels Dynamic Lung 4, Vent Status, ASV Graph 5, ASV Monitor, SMPs (Secondary monitoring parameter) Trends 1-, 3-, 12-, 24-, or 96-h trend data for a selected parameter or combination of parameters LoopsPaw/Volume, Paw/Flow, Volume/Flow, Volume/PCO21Graphical patient dataPneumatic specificationsO2Input pressure 2 to 6 bar / 29 to 87 psiConnectorDISS (CGA 1240) or NIST (optional), NF (optional)Air supplyInput pressure Connector2.8 to 6 bar / 41 to 87 psi CGA 1160-AHelioxInput pressure Connector2.8 to 6 bar / 41 to 87 psi CGA 1180-A (optional)Inspiratory outlet (To patient port)ConnectorISO ID15/OD22 conical Expiratory outlet (From patient port)Connector (on expiratory valve)ISO ID15/OD22 conical Exhaust portOD30Electrical specificationsInput power 100 to 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz Power consumption 210 VA maximum BatteryElectrical specifications:12 V DC, 15 Ah Type:Lead-acidNormal operating time:Backup time: typical 1 h, Recharge time: 15 h External hot-swappable battery (optional):Electrical specifications:Type:Normal operating time:14.4 V DC, 6.6 Ah Lithium IonBackup time typically 1 h, Recharge time: 7 h With external charger: 3 hParameter (units)Range Adult/Ped Range NeonatalAdditional O2 for enrichment (%)0 to 790 to 79Apnea backup Enabled, disabled Enabled, disabledEnd PEEP (cmH2O)0 to 3580 to 358Expiratory trigger sensitivity ETS (%) 5 to 70 5 to 70Flow for Hi Flow O2 therapy (l/min) 1 to 60 1 to 12Flow pattern Square, 50% decelerating, Sine, 100%decelerating--Gender (sex)Male, Female--I:E1:9 to 4:1--%MinVol (%)25 to 350--Nebulizer Duration (min) 5 to 40 5 to 40Nebulizer Synchronization Inspiration, Exhalation, Insp. and Exh.Inspiration, Exhalation, Insp. and Exh. Oxygen (%)21 to 10021 to 100P high (cmH2O) 0 to 500 to 50P low (cmH2O) 0 to 500 to 25P ASV limit (cmH2O)10 to 110--Pat. height (cm) Pat. height (in)130 to 250 / 30 to 15050 to 100 / 12 to 60--Pause (%)0 to 70--Pcontrol (cmH2O) 5 to 100 3 to 50Peak flow (l/min) 1 to 1804PEEP/CPAP (cmH2O)0 to 500 to 25P-ramp (ms)0 to 2000 to 200Ramp speed (cmH2O/s) 2 to 5 2 to 5Pstart (cmH2O)0 to 3580 to 358 Psupport (cmH2O)0 to 1000 to 50Ptop (cmH2O)25 to 6025 to 60Rate (b/min) 1 to 120 1 to 150Sigh Enabled, disabled Enabled, disabled %TI (%) 4 to 804--TI (s)0.1 to 9.60.1 to 3T high (s) 0.1 to 300.1 to 30T low (s)0.1 to 300.1 to 30TI max (s)0.5 to 3.00.25 to 3.0Tip (s)0 to 84--Tpause (s)0 to 300 to 30TRC compensation (%)10 to 10010 to 100TRC Tube size (I.D.) (mm) 3 to 10 2.5 to 57 Parameter settings and ranges can change depending on the modeControl settings and ranges7HAMILTON-S1Parameter (units)DescriptionPressureAutoPEEP (cmH2O) Unintended positive end-expiratory pressure Paux (cmH2O)Auxiliary pressure ΔP (cmH2O)Driving pressure Pcuff (cmH2O)Cuff pressurePtrans I (cmH2O)The arithmetic mean value of Ptranspulm over the last 100 ms of the last inspiration.Ptrans E (cmH2O)The arithmetic mean value of Ptranspulm over the last 100 ms of the last expiration.PEEP/CPAP (cmH2O)PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) and CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)Pmean (cmH2O) Mean airway pressure Ppeak (cmH2O) Peak airway pressurePplateau (cmH2O)Plateau or end-inspiratory pressurePminimum (cmH20)Minimum airway pressure of the previous breath cycle FlowInsp Flow (l/min)Peak inspiratory flow, spontaneous or mandatory Exp Flow (l/min)Peak expiratory flowFlow (l/min)Flow of gas to the patient during high flow oxygen therapy VolumeExpMinVol or MinVol NIV (l/min)Expiratory minute volumeMVSpont or MVSpo NIV (l/min)Spontaneous expiratory minute volume VTE or VTE NIV (ml)Expiratory tidal volumeVTESpont (ml) Spontaneous expiratory tidal volume VTI (ml)Inspiratory tidal volumeVT/IBW VT/Wt (ml/kg)Tidal volume according to ideal body weight (IBW) for adult/ pediatric patients and according to the actual body weight for neonatal patients VLeak (%) or MVLeak (l/min)Leakage percent VLeak (ml)Leakage volumeMonitoring parametersParameter (units)Range Adult/Ped Range Neonatal Trigger, Expiratory ETS, IntelliSync+ETSTrigger, Inspiratory P-trigger, Flowtrigger, IntelliSync+, Trigger OFF P-trigger, Flowtrigger, Trigger OFF Trigger, flow (l/min)0.5 to 150.1 to 5.0Trigger, pressure (P-trigger) (cmH2O)-0.5 to -15.0(below PEEP/CPAP)-0.1 to -5.0(below PEEP/CPAP)V limit (ml)-- 4 to 400Vt (ml)20 to 2000--Vtarget (ml)20 to 2000 2 to 200Weight (kg)--0.2 to 15.08 In some markets, the maximum is 20 cmH2OControl settings and ranges 7Monitoring parameters (continued)Parameter (units)DescriptionCO2FetCO2 (%) Fractional end-tidal CO2 concentrationPetCO2 (mmHg) End-tidal CO2 pressureslopeCO2 (%CO2 / l) Slope of the alveolar plateau in the PetCO2 curve, indicating the volume/flowstatus of the lungsVtalv (ml) Alveolar tidal ventilationV’alv (l/min) Alveolar minute ventilationV’CO2 (ml/min) CO2 eliminationVDaw (ml) Airway dead spaceVDaw/VTE (%)Airway dead space fraction at the airway openingVeCO2 (ml) Exhaled CO2 volumeViCO2 (ml) Inspired CO2 volumeSpO2SpO2 (%)Oxygen saturationHLI (%)Heart-Lung interaction indexPulse (1/min) PulsePlethysmogram The waveform that visualizes the pulsating blood volume, which is delivered bythe pulse oximeterSpO2/FiO2 The SpO2/FiO2 ratio is an approximation of the PaO2/FiO2 ratio, which, incontrast to PaO2/FiO2, can be calculated noninvasively and continuously PI (%)Perfusion indexPVI (%)Pleth variability indexSpCO (%)Carboxyhaemoglobin saturationSpMet (%)Methaemoglobin saturationSpHb (g/dl) (mmol/l)Total haemoglobinSpOC (ml/dl)Oxygen contentOxygen Oxygen (%) Oxygen concentration of the delivered gasTime I:E Inspiratory:expiratory ratiofSpont (b/min)Spontaneous breathing frequencyfTotal (b/min)Total breathing frequencyTI (s) Inspiratory timeTE (s) Expiratory timeLung mechanics Cstat (ml/cmH2O) Static complianceP0.1 (cmH2O) Airway occlusion pressurePTP (cmH2O*s) Pressure time productRCexp (s) Expiratory time constantRCinsp (s)Inspiratory time constantRexp (cmH2O/l/s)Expiratory flow resistanceRinsp (cmH2O/l/s)Inspiratory flow resistanceRSB (1/(l*min))Rapid shallow breathing indexVariIndex (%)Variability indexWOBimp (J/l)Imposed work of breathingHAMILTON-S1Specifications are subject to change without notice. Some features are options. Not all features are available in all markets.INTELLiVENT -ASV is not available in the US. For all proprietary trademarks (®) and third-party trademarks (§) used by Hamilton Medical AG see /trademarks. © 2018 Hamilton Medical AG. All rights reserved.689322.06Physical characteristicsManufacturer:Hamilton Medical AGVia Crusch 8, 7402 Bonaduz, Switzerland+41 (0)58 610 10 20*************************WeightVentilation unit, monitor and shelf mount: 38 kg (83.8 lb)57 kg (125.6 lb) with standard trolley, monitor, ventilation unitThe standard trolley can accommodate a maximum safe working load of 80 kg (176 lb).The universal trolley can accommodate a maximum safe working load of 140 kg (308 lb).Dimensions See graphic aboveMonitor15“ XGA, TFT color, LCD touchscreen, 3m (10 ft) cable with optional 7 m (23 ft) extension, 6.4 kg (14.1 lb)Monitor mountingPole mount, rail mount, handle mountm a x . 150.0 c m (59.0 i n )m i n . 130.0 c m (51.2 i n ) m o n i t o r m o u n t e d o n r a i l60.0 c m (23.6 i n)45.0c m(17.7i n 544 c m (17.3 i n )58.0 cm (22.8 in)。
Welch Allyn ® Braun ThermoScan ®PRO 6000 Ear Thermometer1Guyton A C, Textbook of medical physiology, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1996, p 919Hill-Rom reserves the right to make changes without notice in design, specifications and models. The only warranty Hill-Rom makes is the express written warranty extended on the sale or rental of its products.© 2020 Welch Allyn, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APR74002 R2 23-OCT-2020 ENG - USSELECT SPECIFICATIONSWelch Allyn ® Braun ThermoScan ®PRO 6000 Ear ThermometerSmall CradleAdvanced technology and features to enhance your clinical experienceInnovative PerfecTemp ® technology adjusts for variability in probe placement.ExacTemp ® technology detects stability of the probe during measurement.A pre-warmed sensor helps support accurate measurements.Memory recall button displays last measurement taken.The C/F button provides for quick scale conversion of readings.60-second pulse timer can assist you with manual measurement of pulse rate and respirations .Our design uses plastics compatible with common medical-grade cleaning products.Electronic and mechanical security features help prevent theft and lossWHY MEASURE IN THE EAR?Clinical studies have shown that the ear is an excellent site for measurement as temperatures taken in the ear reflect the body’s core temperature.Advantages of taking temperature in the ear:.Less invasive for the patient than oral, axillary or rectal temperature measurements.No mucus membrane contact which can impact accuracy of readingsSo how does it work?When the PRO 6000 probe tip is placed in the ear, it continuously monitors the infrared energy emitted by the tympanic membrane and surrounding tissues, until a temperature equilibrium has been reached and an accurate measurement can be taken.Device options and accessoriesSmall CradleOur device cradle offers you storage for 20 probe covers and pops up for easy probe cover attachmentOptional Charging StationStores 200 probe covers, includes Rechargeable Battery Pack and enables electronic security settingsOptional Security TetherHelps you minimize theft and loss, keeping the PRO 6000 attached to its cradlePERFECTEMP ® TECHNOLOGY—THE PRO 6000 ADVANTAGEPerfecTemp technology overcomes the potential for low readings, compared to core, by adjusting for factors that impact measurement accuracyPerfecTemp technology address two main concerns with taking temperature in the ear.challenges presented by ear canal anatomy .variability in technique with probe placementWhen probe positioning is not ideal, PerfecTemp helps support the accuracy of measurement as compared to coretemperature. PerfecTemp is activated when the probe tip is placed in the ear, collecting information about the direction and depth of probe placement then accounting for this in the temperature calculation.。
201.9 Protection against mechanical HAZARDS of ME EQUIPMENT and ME SYSTEMSIEC 60601-1:2005+A1:2012, Clause 9 applies, except as follows:Additional subclauses: * Additional requirements for audible acoustic energyThe A-weighted sound pressure level emitted by the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT shall be measured in accordance with ISO 4871:1996 and ISO 3744:2010 using engineering method grade 2 and disclosed in the instructions for use. The A-weighted sound power level shall be calculated according to 8.1 of ISO 3744:2010 and disclosed in the instructions for use.Check compliance with the following test:a) Place the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT on a sound-reflecting plane and attach the least favorable BREATHING GAS PATHWAY from those indicated in the instructions for use.NOTE the least favorable BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration can vary by mode, as applicable.b) If a HUMIDIFIER is provided with or specified in the ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS of the SLEEP APNOEABREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT, include the HUMIDIFIER in the test. Fill the HUMIDIFIER to the least favorable level.c) Connect the standard resistance, 40 mm length and outlet angle of 45° (as indicated in Figure 201.101) to the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT.d) Acoustically isolate the BREATHING TUBES and the gas leaving at the resistance placed at the PATIENTCONNECTION PORT by a suitable means out of the testing area so that the noise caused by the BREATHING TUBE and the gas flow do not interfere with the sound measurement of the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT.e) Set the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT to the least favourable mode and flow pattern, as applicable, that generates a continuous pressure of 10 hPa (10 cmH2O) at the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT.NOTE The least favorable mode, breath type and flow pattern can vary by BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration.f) Using a microphone of the sound level meter complying with the requirements of type 1 instruments specified in IEC 61672-1:2013, measure the sound pressure levels at 10 positions in a hemisphere with a radius from the geometric centre of the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT as specified in 7.2 of ISO 3744:2010.g) Calculate the A-weighted sound pressure level averaged over the measurement surface according to 8.1 of ISO 3744:2010.h) Calculate the A-weighted sound power level according to 8.6 of ISO 3744:2010.i) Verify that the A-weighted background level of extraneous noise is at least 6 dB below that measured during the test.j) Take measurements using the frequency-weighting characteristic A and the time-weighting characteristic F on the sound level meter in a free field over a reflecting plane as specified in ISO 3744:2010. Average the values in accordance with subclause 8.1 of ISO 3744:2010.k) Repeat b) to j) for each HUMIDIFIER provided with or specified in the ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS.l) Ensure that the measured sound pressure level is less than that disclosed in the instructions for use. A PPLIED PARTS not intended to supply heat to a PATIENTAmendment (add between the existing paragraphs):Over the RATED flow rate range and at the maximum RATED operating temperature, the temperature of the delivered gas of SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT, both with and without a humidifier, shall not exceed an energy equivalent to 43 °C and 100 % relative humidity (a specific enthalpy not to exceed197 kJ/m3 dry gas) when averaged over 120 s.Table 201.101 contains examples of combinations of temperature and relative humidity with such a specific enthalpy.Table 201.101 — Examples of permissible combinations of temperature and relative humidity201.12.1.101 Stability of static AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY (long-term accuracy) The stability of the static AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY for any type of SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT when operating in NORMAL CONDITION shall be disclosed in the instructions for use, as the maximum bias error and maximum linearity error.EXAMPLE ± (3,0 hPa + 5 % of the set pressure)NOTE 1 This information should be expressed in graphical or tabular form.The accuracy of the performance of the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT shall either be: determined for each BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration indicated in the instructions for use; or determined for the worst case BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration indicated in the instructions for use.If worst case BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configurations are used, the rationale for their selection shall be documented in the RISK MANAGEMENT FILE.Check compliance by inspection of the RISK MANAGEMENT FILE for the rationale, if applicable, and by inspection of the instructions for use with the following tests:a)Set up the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT for NORMAL USE according to Figure 201.102 with the pressure set to 10 hPa (10 cm H2O) in CPAP mode. For BI-LEVEL PAP SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT without a CPAP mode, adjust the inspiratory and expiratory pressures to the same value. Switch off all comfort features of the ME EQUIPMENT. Place the standard resistance (Figure 201.101) at the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT.NOTE 2 Comfort features do include, but are not limited to, e.g. automatic start / stop function,fall-to-sleep ramps, automatic inspiratory pressure increase or automatic expiratory pressure decrease.b) Using a pressure-measuring device, measure the pressure at least once per second at the PATIENTCONNECTION PORT of the BREATHING GAS PATHWAY and record, each minute, the average pressure over each averaging interval of 1 min for a period of 8 h.c) Calculate the most positive and most negative pressure difference (if applicable) referenced to the set pressure on the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT.d) Verify that the average measured static pressure is within the static AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY limit disclosed in the instructions for use.Key1 –SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT2 –BREATHING GAS PATHWAY3 – standard resistance (see Figure 201.101)4 – pressure meter5 –PATIENT-CONNECTION PORTFigure 201.102 – Test set-up for static AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY in NORMAL USE201.12.1.102 Stability of dynamic AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY(short-term accuracy) C PAP modeWith the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT operating in CPAP mode in NORMAL CONDITION, the stability of the dynamic AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY shall be disclosed in the instructions for use, as the maximum bias error and maximum linearity error.EXAMPLE ± (3,0 hPa + 5 % of the set pressure)NOTE 1 This information should be expressed in graphical or tabular form.The accuracy of the performance of the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT shall either be:-determined for each BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration indicated in the instructions for use; or-determined for the worst case BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration indicated in the instructions for use.If worst case BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configurations are used, the rationale for their selection shall be documented in the RISK MANAGEMENT FILE.Check compliance by inspection of the RISK MANAGEMENT FILE for the rationale, if applicable, and by inspection of the instructions for use with the following tests:a) Connect the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT to a pressure-measuring device and a pump that produces a sinusoidal cycle with an inspiratory: expiratory phase time (I/E ratio) of 1/1 and a breathing frequency of 10 breaths/min according to Figure 201.103. Switch off all comfort features of the ME EQUIPMENT. Monitor and measure the flow rate and pressure using a pressure- and flow rate-measuring device at the PATIENTCONNECTION PORT.NOTE 2 The dead space of the test lung should be less than the tidal volume used.NOTE 3 All measurement uncertainties of the test apparatus used for these tests (specified in a) and b) are to be included in the calculation of the results, i.e. uncertainties are to be added to the differences measured.b) Set the pressure to the minimum pressure setting.c) Set lung parameters according to Table 201.102 with a tidal volume, V t, of approximately 500 ml.d) Simulate an apnoea event by turning the pump off for at least 1 min.e) For each cycle, calculate the most positive and negative pressure difference from the set value. Average these results over a period of 5 min.f) Record the pressure and flow rate waveforms. If necessary, adjust the settings until the breathing frequency and stroke volume match the desired settings.g) Record the dynamic high and low pressure measurements as peak-to-peak values. Subtract the recorded dynamic low pressure from the recorded dynamic high pressure.h) Verify that the average measured dynamic pressure is within the static AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY limit disclosed in the instructions for use.i) Repeat steps d) to h) for each set pressure indicated in Table 201.102.j) Repeat b) to i) for each breath rate indicated in Table 201.102.Key1 – S LEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT2 – B REATHING GAS PATHWAY3 – Standard resistance (see Figure 201.101)4 – Flow meter5 – Pressure-measuring device6 – Pump that produces a sinusoidal cycle7 – P ATIENT-CONNECTION PORTFigure 201.103 – Test set-up for dynamic AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY in NORMAL USEAIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY201. B I-LEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE modeWith the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT operating in NORMAL CONDITION, the stability of the dynamic AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY for both the inspiratory and expiratory pressure levels shall be disclosed in the instructions for use, as the mean and standard deviation of the error between the set values and the delivered values. The technical description shall disclose which percentage of each inspiratory and expiratory phase is taken into the calculation for determining the accuracy as well as where these time slots are located within the inspiratory and the expiratory phases.NOTE 1 This information should be expressed in graphical or tabular form.The accuracy of the performance of the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT shall either be:-determined for each BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration indicated in the instructions for use; or-determined for the worst case BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configuration indicated in the instructions for use.If worst case BREATHING GAS PATHWAY configurations are used, the rationale for their selection shall be documented in the RISK MANAGEMENT FILE.Check compliance by inspection of the RISK MANAGEMENT FILE for the rationale, if applicable, and by inspection of the instructions for use with the following tests:a) Connect the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT to a pressure-measuring device and a pump that produces a sinusoidal cycle with an inspiratory:expiratory phase time (I/E ratio) of 1/1 and a breathing frequency of 10 breaths/min according to Figure 201.103. Switch off all comfort features of the ME EQUIPMENT. Monitor and measure the flowrate and pressure using a pressure- and flowrate-measuring device at the PATIENTCONNECTIONPORT.NOTE 2 The deadspace of the test lung should be less than the tidal volume used.NOTE 3 All measurement uncertainties of the test apparatus used for these tests (specified in a) and b) )are to be included in the calculation of the results, i.e. uncertainties are to be added to the differences measured.b) Set the pressure to the minimum pressure setting.c) Set lung parameters according to Table 201.103 with a tidal volume, V t, of approximately 500 ml.NOTE 4 To accommodate the different control mechanisms of different designs during the change from the inspiratory phase to the expiratory phase and vice versa measure the inspiratory pressure and expiratory pressures as specified in the technical description.d) Record the pressure and flowrate waveforms. If necessary, adjust the settings until the breathing frequency and stroke volume match the desired settings.e) Simulate an apnoea event by turning the pump off for at least 1 min.f) For each cycle, determine the extreme inspiratory pressure difference from the inspiratory set value. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of these pressures over a period of 5 min.g) For each cycle, determine the extreme expiratory pressure difference from the expiratory set value. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of these pressures over a period of 5 min.h) Verify that the mean and standard deviation of the dynamic inspiratory and expiratory pressure errors are within the limits disclosed in the instructions for use.i) Repeat steps e) to h) for each set pressure indicated in Table 201.103.j) Repeat b) to i) for each breath rate indicated in Table 201.103.Table 201.103 — Parameters for dynamic AIRWAY PRESSURE ACCURACY testing for POSITIVE201.12.1.103 Maximum flow rateThe flow rate capability of SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT over the set pressure range shall be disclosed in the instructions for use. The disclosure may be in tabular form. Check compliance by inspection of the instructions for use and with the following tests:a) Set up SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT with a 1,9 ± 0,15 m BREATHING TUBE.Switch off all comfort features of the ME EQUIPMENT.b) Apply a pressure-measuring device and flow rate meter to the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT.c) Apply an adjustable valve at the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT.d) Set the pressure to the minimum setting and adjust the valve to achieve (40 ± 2) l/min and measure the actual pressure delivered to the PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT.e) Adjust the valve until the actual measured pressure is reduced by 1 hPa ± 0,1 hPa(1 cm H2O ± 0,1 cm H2O). Read the corresponding measured pressure and flow rate value.f) Repeat step e) 10 times and record the average value of these 10 measurements.g) Verify that the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT can deliver at least as much flow as is indicated in the instructions for use.h) Repeat step d) to g) with each pressure as indicated in Table 201.104.Table 201.104 – S LEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT flowrate performance at set201.12.4.102 * M AXIMUM LIMITED PRESSURE PROTECTION DEVICEA PROTECTION DEVICE to prevent the AIRWAY PRESSURE from exceeding the MAXIMUM LIMITED PRESSURE of 30 hPa (30 cm H2O) in NORMAL CONDITION and of 40 hPa (40 cm H2O) in SINGLE FAULT CONDITION shall be provided.Check compliance by functional testing in NORMAL CONDITION and SINGLE FAULT CONDITION. 201.101.2 Other named ports201.101.2.1 P ATIENT-CONNECTION PORTThe PATIENT-CONNECTION PORT shall be one of the following:a) a female 15 mm conical connector complying with ISO 5356-1:2004;b) a female 22 mm conical connector complying with ISO 5356-1:2004.Check compliance by application of the tests of ISO 5356-1:2004. G AS OUTPUT PORTIf provided, the GAS OUTPUT PORT shall be one of the following or not engage with any of the connectors of ISO 5356-1:2004.a) a male 22 mm conical connector complying with ISO 5356-1:2004.b) a male 15 mm conical connector complying with ISO 5356-1:2004.Check compliance by application of the tests of ISO 5356-1:2004.201.102.3 HumidificationAny HUMIDIFIER, including heated BREATHING TUBES, either incorporated into the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT or recommended for use with the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT or its BREATHING GAS PATHWAY, shall comply with ISO 8185:2007 (to be ISO 80601-2-74).201.102.4 B REATHING SYSTEM FILTER (BSF)Any BSF, either incorporated into the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT or recommended for use with the SLEEP APNOEA BREATHING THERAPY EQUIPMENT or its BREATHING GAS PATHWAY, shall comply with the relevant requirements of ISO 23328-1:2003 and ISO 23328-2:2002.Check compliance by application of the tests of ISO 23328-1:2003 and ISO 23328-2:2002.。
医用电气设备 第2-21部分:婴儿辐射保暖台的基本安全和基本性能专用要求
ICS11.040.55C 39 YY 中华人民共和国医药行业标准YY 0455—20XX代替YY0455-2011医用电气设备第2-21部分:婴儿辐射保暖台的基本安全和基本性能专用要求Medical electrical equipment- Part 2-21: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant radiant warmers(IEC 60601-2-21:2009/A1:2016,MOD)(征求意见稿)2018.6.25XXXX-XX-XX发布XXXX-XX-XX实施目次前言 (II)引言 (III)201.1范围,目的和相关标准 (1)201.2规范性引用文件 (2)201.3术语和定义 (2)201.4通用要求 (4)201.5ME设备试验的通用要求 (5)201.6ME设备和ME系统的分类 (5)201.7ME设备识别、标记和文件 (5)201.8ME设备对电击危险(源)的防护 (7)201.9ME设备和ME系统对机械危险的防护 (7)201.10对不需要的或过量的辐射危险(源)的防护 (8)201.11对超温和其他危险(源)的防护 (8)201.12控制器和仪表的准确性和危险输出的防护 (9)201.13ME设备危险情况和故障状态 (12)201.14可编程医用电气系统(PEMS) (12)201.15ME设备的结构 (12)201.16ME系统 (13)201.17ME设备和ME系统的电磁兼容性 (13)202电磁兼容性-要求和测试 (13)附录AA (资料性附录)专用指南和原理说明 (15)参考文献 (21)索引 (23)图201.101–试验装置布局 (3)图201.102–试验装置 (4)图AA.1-本标准主要要求的图解 (16)表201.101–增加的基本性能要求 (5)前言医用电气设备安全要求系列标准主要由两大部分组成:---第1部分:基本安全和基本性能的通用要求;---第2部分:基本安全和基本性能的专用要求。
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Reference numberISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO80601-2-56First edition2009-10-01Medical electrical equipment —Part 2-56:Particular requirements for basic safetyand essential performance of clinicalthermometers for body temperaturemeasurementAppareils électromédicaux —Partie 2-56: Exigences particulières relatives à la sécurité fondamentaleet aux perfomances essentielles des thermomètres médicaux pour mesurer la température de corpsISO 80601-2-56:2009(E) PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed butshall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2009All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyright@Web Published in SwitzerlandISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)Contents PageForeword (v)Introduction (vi)201.1 * Scope, object and related standards (1)201.1. 1 Scope (1)201.1. 2 Object (2)201.1. 3 Collateral standards (2)201.1. 4 Particular standards (2)references (3)201.2 Normativeand definitions (3)201.3 Terminologyrequirements (6)201.4 General201.4. 2 R ISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS for ME EQUIPMENT or ME SYSTEMS (6)201.4. 2.101 Additional requirements for RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS for ME EQUIPMENT orME SYSTEMS (7)201.4. 3 E SSENTIAL PERFORMANCE (7)201.4. 3.101 * Additional requirements for ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE (7)201.4. 101 Environmental conditions of use (7)201.5 General requirements for testing of ME EQUIPMENT (7)of201.6 ClassificationME EQUIPMENT and ME SYSTEMS (7)201.7 M E EQUIPMENT identification, marking and documents (7)201.7. 2.1 Minimum requirements for marking on ME EQUIPMENT and interchangeable parts (8)201.7. 2.1.101 Additional requirements for minimum requirements for marking on ME EQUIPMENT and interchangeable parts, marking of the packaging (8)201.7. 2.2 Marking on the outside of ME EQUIPMENT or ME EQUIPMENT parts (8)201.7. 2.101 Additional requirements for marking on the outside of ME EQUIPMENT orME EQUIPMENT parts (8)201.7. 4.3 Unit of measure (8)201.7. 4.3.101 Additional requirements for unit of measure (8)201.7. 9 A CCOMPANYING DOCUMENT (9)201.7. 9.1 Additional general requirements (9)201.7. 9.2 Additional requirements for instructions for use (9)201.7. Additional requirements for ACCESSORIES, supplementary equipment,used material (9)201.7. 9.2.101 Instructions for use (9)201.7. 9.101 Additional requirements for ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENT (10)201.8 Protection against electrical HAZARDS from ME EQUIPMENT (10)mechanicalagainst201.9 ProtectionHAZARDS of ME EQUIPMENT and ME SYSTEMS (10)201.10 Protection against unwanted and excessive radiation HAZARD s (10)201.11 Protection against excessive temperatures and other HAZARDS (10)and instruments and protection against hazardous outputs (10)controlsof201.12 Accuracy201.12. 1 Accuracy of controls and instruments (10)201.12. 1.101 Additional requirements for accuracy of controls and instruments (10)201.12. 2 U SABILITY (11)201.12. 2.101 * Additional requirements for USABILITY (11)201.13 H AZARDOUS SITUATIONS and fault conditions (11)201.14 P ROGRAMMABLE ELECTRICAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS (PEMS) (11)ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)201.15 Construction of ME EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................11 201.16 M E SYSTEMS ...............................................................................................................................11 201.17 * Electromagnetic compatibility of ME EQUIPMENT and ME SYSTEMS . (11)201.101 Laboratory performance requirements (11)201.101. 1 * General test requirements (11)201.101. 2 * Laboratory accuracy (12)201.101. 3 * Time response for a continuous clinical thermometer ........................................................13 201.102* Clinical accuracy validation.................................................................................................13 201.102. 1Method......................................................................................................................................13 201.102. 2* Human subject population requirements...........................................................................14 201.102. 3* Clinical bias calculation.......................................................................................................15 201.102. 4* Limits of agreement calculation..........................................................................................15 201.102. 5* Clinical repeatability calculation.........................................................................................16 201.103* Probes, probe cable extenders and probe covers............................................................16 201.103. 1General.....................................................................................................................................16 201.103. 2Labeling....................................................................................................................................17 202 Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safetyand essential performance — Collateral standard: Electromagneticcompatibility — Requirements and tests (17) Compliance criteria.................................................................................................................17 AnnexesAnnex C (informative) Guide to marking and labelling requirements for ME EQUIPMENT andME SYSTEMS (19)Annex D (informative) Symbols on Marking (22)Annex AA (informative) Particular Guidance and rationale..........................................................................24 Annex BB (informative) R EFERENCE TEMPERATURE SOURCE .. (37)Annex CC (informative) Environmental aspects............................................................................................39 Annex DD (informative) Reference to the essential principles of safety and performance ofmedical devices in accordance with ISO/TR 16142 (40)Bibliography (42)Alphabetized index of defined terms used in this particular standard (45)ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 80601-2-56 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 121, Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment, Subcommittee SC 3, Lung ventilators and related equipment, in cooperation with Subcommittee 62D, Electrical equipment, of Technical Committee IEC/TC 62: Electrical equipment in medical practice.ISO 80601 consists of the following parts, under the general title Medical electrical equipment:⎯Part 2-12: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of critical care ventilators⎯Part 2-13: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of an anaesthetic workstation⎯Part 2-55: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors⎯Part 2-56: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of clinical thermometers for body temperature measurement⎯Part 2-61: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of pulse oximeter equipment for medical useIEC 80601-2-30: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers, IEC 80601-2-35: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of blankets, pads and mattresses intended for heating in medical use, IEC 80601-2-58: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of lens removal devices and vitrectomy devices for ophthalmic surgery, IEC 80601-2-59: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of screening thermographs for human febrile temperature screening and IEC 80601-2-60: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of dental equipment are published by IEC.ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)IntroductionIn this International Standard, the following print types are used.⎯Requirements and definitions: roman type.⎯Test specifications: italic type.⎯Informative material appearing outside of tables, such as notes, examples and references: in smaller type. Normative text of tables is also in a smaller type.⎯T ERMS DEFINED IN C LAUSE 3 OF THE GENERAL STANDARD, IN THIS PARTICULAR STANDARD OR AS NOTED: SMALL CAPITALS.In referring to the structure of this International Standard, the term⎯“clause” means one of the 20 numbered divisions within the table of contents, inclusive of all subdivisions(e.g. Clause 7 includes subclauses 7.1, 7.2, etc.);⎯“subclause” means a numbered subdivision of a clause (e.g. 7.1, 7.2 and 7.2.1 are all subclauses of Clause 7).References to clauses within this International Standard are preceded by the term “Clause” followed by the clause number. References to subclauses within this International Standard are by number only.In this International Standard, the conjunctive “or” is used as an “inclusive or” so a statement is true if any combination of the conditions is true.The verbal forms used in this International Standard conform to usage described in Annex H of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. For the purposes of this International Standard, the auxiliary verb:⎯“shall” means that compliance with a requirement or a test is mandatory for compliance with this standard;⎯“should” means that compliance with a requirement or a test is recommended but is not mandatory for compliance with this standard;⎯“may” is used to describe a permissible way to achieve compliance with a requirement or test.An asterisk (*) as the first character of a title or at the beginning of a paragraph or table title indicates that there is guidance or rationale related to that item in Annex AA.This international standard deals with electrical CLINICAL THERMOMETERS, either already available or that will come available in the future.The purpose of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER is to assess the true temperature of a REFERENCE BODY SITE. The temperature of the PATIENT'S body is an important vital sign in assessing overall health, typically in combination with blood pressure and pulse rate. Determining whether a PATIENT is afebrile or febrile is an important purpose of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER, since being febrile suggests that the PATIENT is ill.ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E) There are different temperatures at each REFERENCE BODY SITE according to the balance between the production, transfer, and loss of heat.[38]C LINICAL ACCURACY of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER is VERIFIED by comparing its OUTPUT TEMPERATURE with that of a REFERENCE THERMOMETER, which has a specified uncertainty for measuring true temperature. For an equilibrium CLINICAL THERMOMETER, the CLINICAL ACCURACY can be sufficiently determined under laboratory conditions that create an equilibrium state between the two thermometers.For a CLINICAL THERMOMETER that operates in the ADJUSTED MODE, laboratory VERIFICATION alone is not sufficient because the adjustment algorithm for deriving the OUTPUT TEMPERATURE includes the characteristics of the PATIENT and the environment.[3] Therefore the CLINICAL ACCURACY of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER that operates in the ADJUSTED MODE has to be VALIDATED clinically, using statistical methods of comparing its OUTPUT TEMPERATURE with that of a REFERENCE CLINICAL THERMOMETER which has a specified CLINICAL ACCURACY in representing a particular REFERENCE BODY SITE temperature.For a CLINICAL THERMOMETER that operates in the ADJUSTED MODE, the LABORATORY ACCURACY is VERIFIED in a DIRECT MODE and the CLINICAL ACCURACY is VALIDATED in the ADJUSTED MODE(OPERATING MODE) with a sufficiently large group of human subjects.The intention of this International Standard is to specify the requirements and the test procedures for the VERIFICATION of the LABORATORY ACCURACY for all types of electrical CLINICAL THERMOMETERS as well as for the VALIDATION of the CLINICAL ACCURACY of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER that operates in the ADJUSTED MODE.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)Medical electrical equipment —Part 2-56:Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of clinical thermometers for body temperature measurement201.1 * Scope, object and related standardsIEC 60601-1:2005, Clause 1 applies, except as follows:201.1.1 ScopeReplacement:This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER in combination with its ACCESSORIES, hereafter referred to as ME EQUIPMENT. This standard specifies the general and technical requirements for electrical CLINICAL THERMOMETERS. This standard applies to all electrical CLINICAL THERMOMETERS that are used for measuring the body temperature of PATIENTS.C LINICAL THERMOMETERS can be equipped with interfaces to accommodate secondary indicators, printing equipment, and other auxiliary equipment to create ME SYSTEMS. This standard does not apply to auxiliary equipment.M E EQUIPMENT that measures a temperature not as a primary purpose, but as a secondary function, is outside the scope of this standard.EXAMPLE 1 Swan-Ganz thermodilution determination of cardiac output is not in the scope of this standard. EXAMPLE 2 A Foley catheter that includes a temperature PROBE is in the scope of this standard.EXAMPLE 3 P ATIENT heating ME EQUIPMENT that includes a skin temperature measurement such as infant incubators, heating blankets, heating pads and heating mattresses are not in the scope of this standard, unless they indicate a temperature of a REFERENCE BODY SITE in which they are in the scope of this standard.Requirements for ME EQUIPMENT intended to be used for non-invasive human febrile temperature screening of groups of individuals under indoor environmental conditions are given in IEC 80601-2-59:2008 and such ME EQUIPMENT is not covered by this standard.If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME EQUIPMENT only, or to ME SYSTEMS only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME EQUIPMENT and to ME SYSTEMS, as relevant.H AZARDS inherent in the intended physiological function of ME EQUIPMENT or ME SYSTEMS within the scope of this standard are not covered by specific requirements in this standard except in IEC 60601-1:2005, 7.2.13 and 8.4.1.NOTE Additional information can be found in IEC 60601-1:2005, 4.2.ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E)201.1.2 ObjectReplacement:The object of this particular standard is to establish particular BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE requirements for a CLINICAL THERMOMETER, as defined in 201.3.206, and its ACCESSORIES.NOTE A CCESSORIES are included because the combination of the CLINICAL THERMOMETER and the ACCESSORIES needs to be safe. A CCESSORIES can have a significant impact on the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of a CLINICAL THERMOMETER.standards201.1.3 CollateralAddition:This particular standard refers to those applicable collateral standards that are listed in IEC 60601-1:2005, Clause 2, as well as Clause 2 of this particular standard.IEC 60601-1-3 does not apply.standards201.1.4 ParticularReplacement:In the IEC 60601 series, particular standards may modify, replace or delete requirements contained in the general standard as appropriate for the particular ME EQUIPMENT under consideration, and may add other BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE requirements.A requirement of a particular standard takes priority over IEC 60601-1.For brevity, IEC 60601-1 is referred to in this particular standard as the general standard. Collateral standards are referred to by their document number.The numbering of sections, clauses and subclauses of this particular standard corresponds to that of the general standard with the prefix “201” (e.g. 201.1 in this standard addresses the content of Clause 1 of the general standard) or applicable collateral standard with the prefix “20x” where x is the final digit(s) of the collateral standard document number (e.g. 202.4 in this particular standard addresses the content of Clause 4 of the 60601-1-2 collateral standard, 203.4 in this particular standard addresses the content of Clause 4 of the 60601-1-3 collateral standard, etc.). The changes to the text of the general standard are specified by the use of the following words:“Replacement” means that the clause or subclause of the IEC 60601-1 or applicable collateral standard is replaced completely by the text of this particular standard.“Addition” means that the text of this particular standard is additional to the requirements of the IEC 60601-1 or applicable collateral standard.“Amendment” means that the clause or subclause of the IEC 60601-1 or applicable collateral standard is amended as indicated by the text of this particular standard.Subclauses or figures which are additional to those of the general standard are numbered starting from 201.101, additional annexes are lettered AA, BB, etc., and additional items aa), bb), etc.Subclauses or figures which are additional to those of a collateral standard are numbered starting from 20x, where “x” is the number of the collateral standard, e.g. 202 for IEC 60601-1-2, 203 for IEC 6060-1-3, etc.The term “this standard” is used to make reference to the IEC 60601-1, any applicable collateral standards and this particular standard taken together.ISO 80601-2-56:2009(E) Where there is no corresponding section, clause or subclause in this particular standard, the section, clause or subclause of the IEC 60601-1 or applicable collateral standard, although possibly not relevant, applies without modification; where it is intended that any part of the IEC 60601-1 or applicable collateral standard, although possibly relevant, is not to be applied, a statement to that effect is given in this particular standard.201.2 NormativereferencesNOTE Informative references are listed in the bibliography beginning on page 43.IEC 60601-1:2005, Clause 2 applies, except as follows:Replacement:IEC 60601-1-2:2007, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance — Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic compatibility — Requirements and testsIEC 60601-1-6:2006, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-6: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance — Collateral Standard: UsabilityIEC 60601-1-8:2006, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance — Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systemsAddition:ISO 14155-1:2003, Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Part 1: General requirementsISO 14155-2:2003, Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Part 2: Clinical investigation plansISO 15223-1:2007, Medical devices — Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied — Part 1: General requirementsAmendment 1:2008IEC 60601-1:2005, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performanceIEC 60601-1-9:2007, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-9: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance — Collateral Standard: Requirements for environmentally conscious designIEC 60601-1-10:2007, Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-10: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance — Collateral Standard: Requirements for the development of physiologic closed-loop controllers201.3 Terminology and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60601-1:2005, IEC 60601-1-6:2006, IEC 60601-1-8:2006, and the following definitions apply.NOTE An alphabetized index of defined terms is found beginning on page 45.Additions:201.3.201* ADJUSTED MODEOPERATING MODE where the OUTPUT TEMPERATURE is calculated by adjusting the signal from the input SENSOR。