民航服务英语口语教程教案unit 9-2

湖南外国语职业学院教案首页Period 1-2I Lead-inReview1 Tran slate the words, phrases and senten ces below:1)航站楼3)分配位子5)乘机手续台7)安检处2)有效护照4)问讯处6)护照检查处8)行李认领9)健康证明、接种证明和海关申请表10)被隔离11)外币兑换处12)地勤人员13)称行李14)超重行李15)候机室16)头等舱/商务舱/经济舱17)行李箱18)登机19)当班地勤人员20)国内航线21)排队22)插队25)告诉某人做某事26)监视屏幕27)检查可疑物品28)若某位旅客携带有金属制品,金属监测仪就会叫29)任何旅客都享有免税商品限额。
30)约在起飞前一小时,旅客到达登机口2 Fill in the forms:1 /Check______①_______2 Y Weigh luggage f ②__________1 ③ _______3 I___________Passport con trolIF 1「to __________Security controlCheck-i n desk2 if they ____ the metal detector ______仃 1 r one hour before departure, __________ .Boardi ng 2 彳show ________ .3 匚______ before boarding the aircraft.1 Luggage reclaim广厂①________②________2- Immigration and customs V ③ _________彳④z__z_l⑤_________3(_____________ .n General Ideas about Unit 2:Aims :1 to get some ideas of the categories of airline personnel and each class ' s responsibilities, etc. (了解航空工作人员的分类及每类人员的工作职责;)2 to lear n the key words and expressi ons.Teaching'simportant points and difficulties (教学重点与难点):1 some key words and expressi ons:accelerate加速,arm 使…处于可用状态,altitude海拔,pre-flight briefing 起飞前会议, flight deck / cockpit 驾驶舱,co-pilot / second officer 副驾驶, chute 滑道,Departure loungedomestic国内的, elevator升降舵, eligible符合条件的,evacuati on 疏散, exit使离开, fasten 系紧,to use hand- held metalArrivalditching水上迫降,seat- pitch 座位间距, steering control 方向控制9 , touch down 落地 , wing flap 翼襟2 Main roles of cabin attendants3 Long Sentences民航乘务英语 Unit2 教案fuselage 机身, galley 机上厨房 , hydraulics 液压的 , inflate 使膨胀 ,initiative 首要的判断力 ,instruct 发出指令 , lavatory 机上卫生间 ,prohibit 禁止 , purser 乘务长, release 释放,roar 吼叫 , rudder 方向舵, steer 控制…的方向,steward 男乘务员, stewardess 女乘务员, stow 装载 ,taxi 滑行 ,un dercarriage 起落架aerodrome controller 机场管制, air traffic controller 空管, air tug 拖车,area controller 地区管制9 ,charter flight 包机, control column 操纵杆 ,cross check 交叉检查, emergency equipmen 急救装置, first officer 大畐寸,flight engineer 机上机械员 , flight schedule 飞行计划 , flight service director 主任 乘务长 ,food and beverage supplies 餐饮供应,fuel transfer 换油, gear up收起落架,jump seat 乘务员座椅,life vest 救生衣 ,long haul 长途(旅行 / 运输) short haul 短途(旅行/运输),main landing gear/ undercarriage 主起落架,nose landing gea 前起落架, on board在飞机上, parking stand 停机坪,personality traits 个性特征,pick up 增加 , public address system 广播系统,pull up 收起,put …full on 把…全部加上,safety dem on strati on 安全演示,seat- configuration 座椅规格 , stretch out 伸展, take off,1) Airline Personnel is a generic term for people who work with aircraft in one capacity oranother, whether they fly the aircraft, serve passengers or maintain an aircraft. 航空工作人员通常指的是以一种或另一种身份与航空工作有关系的工作人员,无论是飞机驾驶员,空乘服务人员,还是维修人员,都统称为航空工作人员。


七、每个单元达标测试内容及重点Unit 1 telephone reservation教学重点:1.阅读部分:预定的方式,售票员售票所需要了解的程序等等。
重大社2024教学课件-民航乘务英语-Mission 9

FA1:Don’t be afraid, madam. There is a minor fire in the lavatory. We are dealing with that.
PA1:Oh, my god. Are you sure that will be okay?
FA1:All our flight attendants are ( 3)
FA2:Don’t worry, sir. It was caused by ( 4)
. You can
relieve the earache by swallowing. It will not last for long. PA2:But after a while it will happen again.
FA1:Sorry, Ma’am . Cabin service will be suspended during turbulence. We will resume all the
services after the turbulence. Please listen to the announcement
and follow the instructions.
PA1:OK, I will.
FA1:Thank you for you cooperation and remember to keep your seat belt fastened all the time.
Missio 9 Handling Other Emergencies
Missio 9 Handling Other Emergencies
Scenario 3
(The plane suddenly experienced decompression because of the technical problems in two hours into the flight. The oxygen has just dropped from the overhead compartment.)

Section A: Speaking
Relevant Announcements
Ladies and gentlemen, The “fasten seat belt” sign has been turned off. However, for your safety, we
strongly recommend you to keep your seat belt fastened while seated. Now, I will tell you where the cabin equipment locate and how to use them. Your seat-back can be reclined by pressing the recliner button on your armrest. The reading light, call button,and air flow are located above your seat. Airsickness bags are in the seat pocket in front of you.
Section A: Speaking
Words and Phrases
症状 吞咽 缓解 有效的 颠簸 将……消毒 伤口 流血 疼痛的 忍受
Lavatories are located in the front and rear of the cabin. Smoking is strictly prohibited on board.
unit9 机上特殊乘客服务

Section A: Speaking
Relevant Announcements
Ladies and gentlemen, The “fasten seat belt” sign has been turned off. However, for your safety, we
strongly recommend you to keep your seat belt fastened while seated. Now, I will tell you where the cabin equipment locate and how to use them. Your seat-back can be reclined by pressing the recliner button on your armrest. The reading light, call button,and air flow are located above your seat. Airsickness bags are in the seat pocket in front of you.
Section A: Speaking
Situational Dialogues
Situation: A passenger gets himself cut on his hand during turbulence. (P=Passenger, F=Flight Attendant) P: Help! F: What happened? P: I fell over and hurt myself in the lavatory during the turbulence. F: You’ve got some cuts on your right hand. Let’s disinfect your wound by medical alcohol and stop bleeding. It may be painful. Can you stand this? P: Oh, my gosh! F: Good, the bleeding is controlled. Now I’ll get your wound dressed. Is it much better now?
民航机务职业英语口语Unit Nine

Speaking Practice
Prepare dialogues on the following situations:
1. Two colleagues are talking about their impression of Beijing, they do not share the same impression
Note: When you hesitate to agree or when you are not sure, you may say: “I think / suppose / guess so.”
Expressing Disagreement
Expressions of strong disagreement
Yes, I’d agree with you. I’m of exactly the same opinion. I’m with you on that. That’s just what I was thinking. That’s a good point / my opinion too / how I feel. Yes, I’d accept your view on that.
Part B Communicative Functions
Expressing Agreement
Note: RNP AR: Requested Navigation
Performance Authorization Required 要求的导航性能
Expressions of agreement
Expressions of weak disagreement

民航服务英语教案民航服务英语教案篇一:民航英语全教案情境1Item 1Preflight preparationTeaching ideas: Focus on the students, students are the master ofthe class, the content of the lesson is for the students, and pay full attention to the understanding and attending to the lesson of students.Teaching aims: Practicing the listening and oral English abilitiesof students. Ask students to remember and use their own words to retell the content of the dialogues, in order to use the professional words for daily communication.Teaching contents: Unit 1 An Airline JobTeaching skills:Group discussion; group asking; group competitionTeaching steps:Preparation period1. Know the English name of each student; use their English names in the class, andtell the English name of the teacher to the students.2. Divide the students into several groups according to the numberof the students.( 4or 6 in a group )3. Ask students to have a preview of the new lesson.Teaching periodPart One Warming Up——任务所飞航班计划——签到起飞前在规定的时间内到航班调度部门在乘务员所执行的航班上签名或在电脑上确以。
Unit 9

Part Ⅰ Dialogues
Unit 9 Drink Service —— Part A
Dialogue 2
P: Excuse, me, Miss. When will the drinks be served? I feel kind of thirsty. S: Wait a minute, please. We are preparing them now. (A minute later, the announcement comes: Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to serve you with drinks, please put down your seat table in front of you. ) (A minute later, two stewardesses come up with the trolley) S: What would you like, sir? P: What do you serve? S: We have plenty of drinks, coffee, tea, fruit juice and some wine. P: I prefer some soft drinks. Do you have Seven-up?
5. How would you like your tea? Weak or strong? 您是要淡茶还是浓茶?
Part Ⅰ Dialogues
Unit 9 Drink Service —— Part A
Dialogue 3
P: Miss, I want to have something to drink, please. I am terribly thirsty now. S: OK, sir. Would you like something hot or cold to drink? P: I am upset in my stomach1, so I prefer some hot drinks. Would you give me a
《民航服务英语》最新版教学课件Unit 9 Duty-free Sales

receipts. Please keep your boarding pass and get these items ready for
inspection at the security check.
For passengers who will transit and continue on to _________,please note that any
designated heir [法] 指定继承人
Activity1 Discussion
1.Can you name some duty-free goods on flight?
There are alot of duty-free goods on flight,such as perfume,electronic products, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.
Liquid,Aerosol and Gel items purchased on board will not be permitted to past
the transit baggage security screening point. Therefore,we advise you to book
pared with paying with cash, what is the advantage of paying with credit card?
The cards are easier to handle than cash as CA don’t have to find change when passengers give the wrong amount.
cow leather 牛皮 ; 牛皮革
民航服务英语口语教程教案unit 9-1

Step1. T explains the phonetic symbols and the meaning of the terms.(15 mins)
Step2. Read after Ttwice. (5mins)
Step3. Ss try to remember the meaning and the pronunciation of the words and phrases. (10 mins)
2. We have learnthow to serve drinks.
Ⅵ. Assignments (3mins)
1. Review the new words and terms;
2. Preview the dialogues we haven’t learnt;
3. Do exercise 4 and exercise 7.
Step2. T explains the phonetic symbols and the meaning of the words and phrases.(3 mins)
Step3. Ss try to remember the meaning and the pronunciation of the words and phrases. (5 mins)
2. To master the useful words and expressions for catering service.
教 具
教 学 过 程
1. Review the functional sentences in unit 8

Category Main Course Salad Dessert and 9 Drink and Food Service
Part III Announcements
Exercise Please fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the phrases given below.
jasmine tea ['dʒæ zmɪn tiː] 茉莉花茶
snack [snæ k] n. 小吃,快餐
drink [drɪŋk] vt. 喝,饮
coffee ['kɒfɪ] n. 咖啡;咖啡豆
juice [dʒu:s] n. 果汁
Sprite [spraɪt] n. 雪碧
fork [fɔ:k] n. 叉;餐叉
Unit 9 Drink and Food Service
Part V Progress Check
Sentences I have learned in this unit are:
◇What would you like, sir? Coffee, tea or fruit juice? ◇What do you think about it? ◇Would you kindly tell me when you are going to serve the dinner? ◇I prefer jasmine tea. ◇Does it sound good to you? ◇I’m awfully sorry but we don’t have that on board. ◇This is a short range flight. We only serve snack. ◇I’m a vegetarian. Do you have a special meal for me? ◇Would you care for vegetable hors d’oeuvre or vegetable soup, fruit or a sweet? ◇It does help if you request for a special meal when you book your ticket, sir.

民航服务英语教案第一章:民航服务英语概述1.1 课程目标1.2 课程内容1.3 教学方法1.4 学习资源1.5 评估方式第二章:民航基础知识2.1 民航发展简史2.2 民航组织机构2.3 航班类型与编号2.4 机票类别与订票流程2.5 练习与讨论第三章:旅客服务3.1 旅客分类与需求3.2 接待与登机手续3.3 特殊旅客服务3.4 航班延误与取消处理3.5 案例分析与角色扮演第四章:行李服务4.1 行李规定与分类4.2 行李托运与提取4.3 行李丢失与损坏处理4.4 旅客行李保险4.5 练习与讨论第五章:安全检查与航空安全5.1 安全检查流程与要求5.2 禁止携带物品列表5.3 航空安全知识5.4 紧急情况应对措施5.5 案例分析与角色扮演第六章:客舱服务6.1 客舱服务概述6.2 客舱服务程序6.3 客舱安全知识6.4 客舱设备及功能介绍6.5 案例分析与角色扮演第七章:机上餐饮与饮品服务7.1 餐饮服务流程7.2 饮品服务规范7.3 特殊饮食需求处理7.4 机上餐饮文化7.5 案例分析与角色扮演第八章:免税商品销售8.1 免税商品概述8.2 免税商品销售流程8.3 免税商品分类与介绍8.4 免税商品销售技巧8.5 案例分析与角色扮演第九章:特殊服务9.1 特殊服务对象9.2 残疾人服务9.3 新生儿与儿童服务9.4 宗教信仰服务9.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十章:航班抵达与离港服务10.1 航班抵达前准备工作10.2 航班抵达服务流程10.3 航班离港前准备工作10.4 航班离港服务流程10.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十一章:空中交通管制与通信11.1 空中交通管制概述11.2 航空通信原理与设备11.3 标准通话用语与程序11.4 紧急情况通信处理11.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十二章:航班计划与飞行签派12.1 航班计划制定12.2 飞行签派职责与流程12.3 航班运行监控12.4 飞机性能与燃油管理12.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十三章:机场地面服务13.1 机场地面服务概述13.2 机场值机与行李处理13.3 机场安检与边检13.4 机场候机与登机服务13.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十四章:航班不正常情况处理14.1 航班延误与取消14.2 旅客权益保护14.3 紧急情况应对14.4 航班备降与迫降14.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十五章:民航服务礼仪与沟通技巧15.1 民航服务礼仪概述15.2 沟通技巧与语言表达15.3 非语言沟通与肢体语言15.4 客户心理分析与应对15.5 案例分析与角色扮演重点和难点解析1. 民航基础知识:包括民航发展简史、民航组织机构、航班类型与编号、机票类别与订票流程等。

1. Different people
on the plane.
2. If you have any questions
please do not
3. Passengers should avoid
4. The best way to
is to carry it on.
is only a little helpful to the folks
Unit 1
Passage Long Flight Directions: Listen to the passage and try to answer the following questions. 1.What is a jet-lag? Have you got this kind of experience? 2.What should you wear on a long flight? 3.What shouldn’t you drink and eat on a long flight? 4.How many time-belt does an Atlantic flight cross? How many days does the body need to recover? 5.How do the Russians experience the jet-lag?
Part A Micro-Listening
Unit 1
II. Directions: You will hear five sentences. Each one will be read three times. Listen carefully and write down what you hear.

Topic1、It doesn't work.中文:它出故障了。
Topic2、It's essential.中文:这是必要的。
Topic3、It's a small world.中文:这世界真小。
Topic4、How is it going?中文:情况怎么样?Topic5、I'll get it.中文:我去接电话。
Topic6、I'm under a lot of pressure. 中文:我的压力很大。
Topic7、I assure you.中文:我向你保证。
Topic8、I'll give you a hand.中文:我来帮助你。
Topic9、I mean what I say.中文:我说话算数。
Topic10、I'll take your advice.中文:我接受你的忠告。
Topic11、No problem.中文:没问题。
Topic12、I've got my hands full.中文:我手头正忙。
Topic13、Easier said than done.中文:说明容易做时难。
Topic14、It's a pain in the neck.中文:这真是苦不堪言。
Topic15、I'm on a diet.中文:我正在节食。
Topic16、Can I have a day off?中文:我能请一天假吗?Topic17、It's better than nothing. 中文:总比没有好。
Topic18、Take care.中文:请多保重。
Topic19、I couldn't get through.中文:不打不通电话。
Topic20、I hope you'll forgive me.中文:我希望你能原谅我。
Topic21、Storms make trees take deeper roots. 中文:风暴使树木深深扎根。
航空服务英语口语教程课件Unit 9

Extended Reading
Professional Terms for Further Study
Special Circumstances of Security Check
目录 02 03
Lead-in Model Dialogs Speaking Tasks Extended Reading
Model Dialogs
Dialog 1
stand up with your crutch. P: Here you are.
Dialog 2
(Officer takes the crutch to scan.) O: Here’s your crutch. Please stand up carefully, so we can check you. Afteir and finish your security check, you can get your wheelchair back then. P: Okay, thank you very much. O: You’re welcome. Wish you a happy journey. P: I hope so. Thanks again.
(O = Officer P = Passenger)
P: Excuse me, do I have to go through the security gate? O: Yes, madam. All passengers have to be checked for the security of
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2. Preview the new words and terms in unit 10.
Blackboard design
Unit 9 Drink Service
Ⅰ. Review
2.To know the different categories of drinks served on board.
3To learn the different requirement and the process of serving drinks in both economy class and first class.
Step3. Ss role-play each dialogue and T corrects the wrong pronunciation. (10 mins)
Ⅲ.Exercise 4(15 mins)
Step1. T lets Ss do exercise by themselves.(5 mins)
[Activity:T asks questions and Ss answer.]
II.Dialogues (35 mins)
Step1.Listen to the recording of the dialogues twice, then T asks Ss the main idea of the dialogues. (13mins)
Step2.T explains the difficult points of each dialogue; T lets Ss do exercise 1; T and Ss summarize the general meaning of the structures in each dialogue together. (12mins)
《nit9 Drink Service
Teaching objectives:
1.To know the basic knowledge of the drinks serviced in the cabin and get quite familiar with the requirement and the process for cabin drink service
Teaching key points:
1.Key words and expressions.
2.To master the useful words and expressions for catering service.
Teaching difficult points:
1. Key words and expressions.
V. Summary
1. We have learnthow toserve drinks.
1. Review the key sentences used indrink service;
2. Preview the new words and terms in unit10.
2. To master the useful words and expressions for catering service.
教 具
教 学 过 程
1. Review the new words and terms in unit 9
I.Review thenew words and terms in unit 9(15 mins)
Step2.Ss show their dialogues and T corrects the inaccurate points. (10mins)
V. Summary(2mins)
1.We havelearnt how to serve drinks.
Ⅵ. Assignments (3mins)
Step2.Check the answers. (5mins)
Step3. Ss role-play each dialogue and T corrects the wrong pronunciation.(5 mins)
IV.Exercise 7(20mins)
Step1.T explains each situation and gives Ss time to prepare dialogues. (10mins)