



会议日程安排表范文英文English:"A conference agenda typically includes key information such as the date, time, and location of each session or activity, as well as details about the topics to be discussed, speakers, and any breaks or networking opportunities. It begins with an introduction or opening session, followed by a series of presentations, workshops, or panel discussions, organized around specific themes or topics. Each session usually has a designated duration, with breaks scheduled in between to allow participants to rest, network, or visit exhibits. The agenda should also indicate any special events or social gatherings planned for attendees, such as welcome receptions or dinners. Additionally, it's important to include logistical information such as transportation options, accommodation details, and contact information for organizers or support staff. Overall, a well-organized conference agenda serves as a roadmap for attendees, helping them make the most of their time at the event and ensuring that they can effectively engage with the content and other participants."中文翻译:"一个会议日程通常包括关键信息,如每个会议或活动的日期、时间和地点,以及有关讨论主题、发言人和任何休息或社交机会的细节。



项目管理术语英汉对照表A∙Abstract Resource 抽象资源∙Abstraction 抽象∙Acceleration 加速∙Acceptability Criteria 验收标准∙Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平∙Acceptance 验收∙Acceptance Criteria 验收标准∙Acceptance Letters 验收函∙Acceptance Number 接受数目∙Acceptance Review 验收评审∙Acceptance Test 验收测试∙Acquisition Methods 采购方式∙Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判∙Acquisition Plan 采购计划∙Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审∙Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制∙Acquisition Process 采购过程∙Acquisition Strategy 采购策略∙Action 行动∙Action Item 行动项∙Action Item Flags 行动项标记∙Action Plan 行动计划∙Activation 激活∙Active Listening 积极倾听∙Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络∙Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算∙Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理∙Activity Calendar 活动日历∙Activity Code 活动代码∙Activity Definition 活动定义∙Activity Description 活动描述∙Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间∙Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算∙Activity Elaboration 活动详述∙Activity File 活动档案∙Activity ID 活动识别码∙Activity List 活动清单∙Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络∙Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络∙Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络∙Activity on Node节点表示活动单代号网络∙Activity Oriented 面向活动∙Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划∙Activity Properties 活动属性∙Activity Quantities 活动量值∙Activity Status 活动状态∙Activity Timing 活动定时∙Actor 执行者角色∙Actual 实际的∙Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度∙Actual Cost 实际成本∙Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总∙Actual Costs 实际费用∙Actual Dates 实际日期∙Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本∙Actual Expenditures 实际的支出∙Actual Finish 实际完成∙Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期∙Actual Start 实际开始∙Actual Start Date 实际开始日期∙ACWP 已完成工作实际成本∙See Actual Cost of Work Performed∙Adaptation 适应∙Added value 附加价值∙Addendum 附录∙Adequacy 适当∙Adjourning 解散∙Adjustment 调节∙ADM∙Arrow Diagram Method∙ADM Project ADM 项目∙Administration 管理部门∙Administrative 行政的∙Administrative Change 行政变更∙Administrative Management 行政管理∙ADP∙Automated Data Processing∙ADR∙Alternative Dispute Resolution∙Advanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布∙AF∙Actual Finish Date∙AFE∙Application for Expenditure∙Authority for Expenditure∙Affect 影响∙Affected Parties 受影响方∙Agency 代理∙Agenda 议程∙Aggregation 汇总∙Agreement 协议∙Agreement, legal 协议合同∙ALAP∙As-Late-As-Possible∙Algorithm 算法∙Alignment 排列成行∙Alliance 联合∙Allocated Baseline 分配的基线∙Allocated Requirements 分配需求∙Allocation 分配∙Allowable Cost 允许成本∙Allowance 预留∙Alternate Resource 替代资源∙Alternative Analysis 替代分析∙Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案∙Alternatives 可选方案∙Ambiguity 含糊不清∙Amendment 修订∙Amount at Stake 损失量∙AMR 材料提前公布∙Analysis 分析∙Analysis and Design 分析与设计∙Analysis Time 分析期∙Analyst 分析员∙AND Relationship 与关系∙Anecdotal 轶事∙Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价∙AOA∙Activity on Arrow∙Activity on Arc∙AON∙Activity on Node∙AOQ∙Average Outgoing Quality∙AOQL∙Average Outgoing Quality Limit∙APMA∙Area of Project Management Application∙Apparent Low Bidder 最低投标人∙Application 应用∙Application Area 应用领域∙Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请∙Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证∙Application Programs 应用程序∙Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本∙Apportioned Effort 分摊努力∙Apportioned Task 分摊任务∙Appraisal 评估∙Approach 方法∙Appropriation 拨款∙Approval 批准∙Approval to Proceed 批准继续∙Approve 同意∙Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单∙Approved Changes 批准的变更∙Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求∙APR∙Acquisition Plan Review∙AQL∙Acceptable Quality Level∙Arbitrary 随意的∙Arbitration 仲裁∙Arc 弧线∙Architectural Baseline 构架基线∙Architectural View 构架视图∙Architecture 构架∙Architecture, executable 构架可执行∙Archive 档案文件∙Archive Plan 存档计划∙Area of Project Application∙Area of Project Management Application∙Area of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域∙Arrow 箭线∙Arrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法∙Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法∙Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图∙Artifact 制品∙Artificial 人工的∙AS∙Actual Start Date∙ASAP∙As-Soon-As-Possible∙As-built Design 实际建造设计∙As-built document.tion 实际建造文档∙As-Built Records∙As-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划∙As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚∙As-Needed 恰如所需∙As-of Dateo见Data Date.∙As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划∙Assembly 组装件∙Assembly Sequence 组装顺序∙Assessment 评估∙Assets 资产∙Assignment 分配委派任务∙Associated Revenue 关联收益∙Association 关联关系∙As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快∙Assumption 假设∙Assumptions 假设∙Assumptions List 假设清单∙Assurance 保证∙Assurance Programo见Quality Assurance Program.∙ATPo见Acceptance Test Procedure∙Attitude 态度∙Attribute 属性∙Attrition 损耗∙Audit 审核审计∙Authoritarian 独裁的∙Authoritative 权威的∙Authority 权威权力∙Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权∙Authorization 授权o见Approval∙Authorize 批准∙Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作∙Authorized Work 批准的工作∙Authorized Works 批准的工作∙Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理∙Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件∙Automatic Generation 自动生成∙Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备∙AUWo见Authorized Unpriced Work∙Auxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备∙Availability 可用性∙Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量∙Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度∙Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线∙Avoidance 避免∙Award 授予∙Award Fee 奖金∙Award Letter 中标函[编辑]B∙BAC 完工预算∙Budget at Completion∙Baseline at Completion∙Back Charge 逆向计费∙Backcharge 逆向收费∙Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算∙Bad Debts 坏帐∙Balance 余额权衡∙Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵∙Balanced Scorecard平衡记分卡∙Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法∙Bank 储备∙Banking 储备∙Bar Chart 横道图∙Bargaining 讨价还价交涉∙Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力∙Barriers 障碍∙Base 基础基数∙Baseline 基线基准∙Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线∙Baseline Concept 基线概念∙Baseline Control 基线控制∙Baseline Cost 基线成本∙Baseline Dates 基线日期∙Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期∙Baseline Management 基线管理∙Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划∙Baseline Review 基线评审∙Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划∙Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期∙Baseline, budget 基线预算∙Baseline, business 基线商业∙Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算∙Baseline, technical 基线技术∙Basis of Estimate 估算根据∙Batch 批量∙Batch Operation 批运行/批处理∙BATNA∙Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement∙BCM∙Business Change Manager∙BCWP∙Budgeted Cost of Work Performed∙BCWS∙Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled∙BEC∙Elapsed Cost∙Behavior 行为/反应∙Behavior Analysis 行为分析∙Benchmark 基准∙Benchmarking标竿管理∙Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用∙Benefits 效益∙Benefits Framework 效益框架∙Benefits Management 效益管理∙Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划∙Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度∙Benefits Profiles 效益简述∙Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段∙Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案∙BATNA∙Best and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价∙Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价∙Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同∙Best Practices 最佳实践∙Best value 最佳值∙Beta Distribution 贝塔发布∙Beta Test 贝塔测试∙Beta testing 贝塔测试∙Bid 投标∙Bid Analysis 投标分析∙Bid Bond投标保证金∙Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费∙Bid document.nbspPreparation 招标文件准备∙Bid document.招标文件∙Bid Evaluation 评标∙Bid List 投标人清单∙Bid Package 标段标块∙Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付∙Bid Qualifications 投标资质∙Bid Response 投标响应∙Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素∙Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素∙Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策∙Bidder 投标人∙Bidders Conference 投标人会议∙Bidders List 投标人名单∙Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择∙Bidding 投标∙Bidding Strategy 投标策略∙Bill 帐单∙Bill of Materials 材料清单∙Bills of Materials 材料清单∙Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPA ∙Blueprint 蓝图/计划设计图∙Board 委员会∙Boiler Plate 样板文件∙Bona Fide 真诚真实∙Bond 担保∙Bonus 奖金∙Bonus Schemes 奖励计划∙Booking Rates 预提费率∙BOOT∙Build, Own, Operate, Transfer∙Bottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算∙Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算∙Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算∙Boundary 边界∙BPA∙Blanket Purchase Agreement∙BPR∙Business Process Reengineering∙Brainstorming 头脑风暴法∙Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系∙Breach of Contract 违约∙Breadboarding 实验模型∙Break Even 盈亏平衡∙Breakdown 分解∙Breakdown Structure 分解结构∙Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图∙Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图∙Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点∙Bribe 贿赂∙BSA∙Balanced Scorecard Approach∙Buck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任∙Budget 预算∙Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BAC∙Budget Cost 预算成本∙Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用∙Budget Decrement 预算消耗∙Budget Element 预算要素∙Budget Estimate 预算估算∙Budget Presentation 预算介绍∙Budget Revision 预算修订∙Budget Unit 预算单位∙Budgetary Control预算性控制∙Budgeted 已安排预算的∙Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWP ∙Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本∙Budgeting 制定预算∙Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理∙Build 建设构造∙Build, Own, Operate, Transfer ("BOOT") 建造拥有经营转让∙Buildability 建造能力∙Building 建筑物∙Building Professionalism 建设专业化∙Build-to document.tion 建成文档∙Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备∙Bulk Material 大宗材料∙Burden 间接费用负担∙Burden of Proof 举证费∙Bureaucracy 官僚制度∙Burn Rate 消耗速度∙Burst Node 分支点∙Business Actor 业务参与者/角色∙Business Appraisal 商业评估∙Business Area 业务领域∙Business Assurance 商业保证∙Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人∙Business Case 商业案例∙Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCM ∙Business Creation 商业创新∙Business Engineering 商业工程∙Business Imperative 商业需要∙Business Improvement 业务改进∙Business Manager 商务经理商业经理∙Business Modeling 业务建模∙Business Needs 商业需求∙Business Objectives 商业目标∙Business Operations 业务运作∙Business Process 业务流程∙Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程∙Business Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组∙Business Processes 业务流程∙Business Risk 商业风险∙Business Rule 商业规则∙Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划∙Business Unit 业务单位∙Buyer 买方∙Buyer's Market 买方市场∙Buy-In 支持认同买进∙Bypassing 回避[编辑]C∙C/SCSC∙Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria∙C/SSR∙Cost/Schedule Status Report∙CA∙Control Account∙CAD∙Computer Aided Drafting∙Computer Aided Design∙Calculate Schedule 估算进度安排∙Calculation 计算∙Calendar 日历∙Calendar File 日历文件∙Calendar Range 日历范围∙Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期∙Calendar Unit 日历单位∙Calendar, Software 日历软件∙Calendars 日历集∙Calibration 校准∙CAM∙Cost Account Manager∙Computer Aided Manufacturing∙Control Account Manager∙CAP∙Cost Account Plan∙Control Account Plan∙Capability 能力∙Capability Survey 能力调查∙Capital 资本∙Capital Appropriation 资本划拨∙Capital Asset 资本资产∙Capital Cost 资本成本∙Capital Employed 占用的资本∙Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目∙Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目∙Capital Property 资本财产∙CAR∙Capital Appropriation Request∙Cards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法∙Career 职业∙Career Path Planning 职业路线规划∙Career Planning职业规划∙Career Path Planning.∙Carryover Type 1 结转类型1∙Carryover Type 2 结转类型2∙Cascade Chart 层叠图∙CASEo Computer Aided Software Engineeringo Computer Aided System Engineering ∙Cash现金∙Cash Flow 现金流∙Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析∙Cash Flow Management 现金流管理∙Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值∙Cash In 现金流入∙Cash Out 现金支出∙Catalyst 催化者∙Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案∙Causation 起因∙Cause 动因∙CBD∙Component-Based Development∙CBS∙Cost Breakdown Structure∙CCB∙Change Control Board∙CCDR∙Contractor Cost Data Report∙CDR∙Critical Design Review∙Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理单元∙Centralized 集中的∙Certain 确定的∙Certainty.∙Certainty 确定性∙Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证∙Certification 认证∙Chain 链∙Challenge 挑战∙Champion 推动者支持者∙Change 变更变化变革∙Change Control 变更控制∙Change Control Board (CCB) 变更管理委员会∙Change document.tion 变更文档∙Change in Scope 工作范围变化∙Change Log 变更日志∙Change Management 变更管理∙Change Management Plan 变更管理计划∙Change Notice 变更通知∙Change Order 变更通知单∙Changed Conditions 变更的条款∙Characteristic 特性∙Chart 图表∙Chart of Accounts 会计科目表∙Chart Room 图表室∙Charter 章程∙Checking 检查∙Checklist 检查清单∙Checkpoint 检查点∙Checkpoints 检查点集∙Chief Executive Officer首席执行官∙Child 子项∙Child Activity 子活动∙CI∙Configuration Item∙Claim 索赔∙Clarification 澄清∙Class 类∙Classes 类∙Classification 分类∙Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类∙Clearance Number 净空数∙Client 客户∙Client Environment 客户环境∙Client Quality Services 客户质量服务∙Closed Projects 已收尾的项目∙Closeout 收尾∙Closeout Report 收尾报告∙Closeout, phase 收尾阶段∙Closing 终止∙Closure 收尾∙CM∙Configuration Management∙Construction Management∙Coaching 教练∙Code 代码∙Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试∙Code of Accounts 帐目编码∙Coding 编码∙Collaboration 协作∙Collapsing 折叠∙Collective 集体的∙Combative 好战的∙Commercial 商务的∙Commercial Item Description 商务描述∙Commission and Handover 委托和移交∙Commissioning 试运行∙Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金∙Commit 提交∙Commitment 承诺义务∙Commitment document.nbsp 承诺文件∙Commitment Estimate∙Commitment Package 承诺包∙Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺∙Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本∙Committed Costs 已承诺费用∙Common Carrier 公众运营商∙Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通∙Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通∙Communication 沟通∙Communication Channels 沟通渠道∙Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的∙Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的∙Communication Room 交流室∙Communications Management 沟通管理∙Communications Plan 沟通计划∙Communications Planning 沟通规划编制∙Community 社团∙Company 公司∙Comparison 对比∙Compatibility 兼容性∙Compensation 补偿∙Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价∙Competence 能力∙Competency 能力∙Competition 竞争∙Competitive:竞争的∙Compile 编译∙Compile Time 编译时∙Complete 完成∙Completed Activity 已完成的活动∙Completed Units 完工单元∙Completion 完工∙Completion Date 完成日期∙Complex 复杂的∙Component 构件组件∙Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试∙Component-Based Development ("CBD") 基于构件的开发∙Components 组件∙Compound Risk 复合风险∙Compromise 折衷∙Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判∙Computer 计算机∙Computer Aided Design (CAD) 计算机辅助设计∙Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 计算机辅助制图∙Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 计算机辅助制造∙Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用∙Computer Hardware 计算机硬件∙Computer Modeling 计算机建模∙Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项∙Computer Software 计算机软件∙Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件∙Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) 计算机软件配置项∙Computer Software document.tion 计算机软件文档∙Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元∙Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的∙Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索∙Concept 概念∙Concept Definition document.概念定义文档∙Concept Phase 概念阶段∙Concept Study 概念研究∙Conception Phase 概念形成阶段∙Conceptual 概念性的∙Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算∙Conceptual Design 概念性设计∙Conceptual Development 概念性开发∙Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划∙Concession 让步∙Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步∙Conciliatory 调和的∙Concluding 终决的∙Conclusions 结论∙Concurrency 并发性∙Concurrent 并发事件∙Concurrent Delays 并行延迟∙Concurrent Engineering 并行工程∙Concurrent Tasks 并行任务∙Conditional Risk 条件风险∙Conditions 条件条款∙Conducting 执行∙Confidence Level 信心等级∙Configuration 配置∙Configuration Audit 配置审核∙Configuration Breakdown 配置分解∙Configuration Control 配置控制∙Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会∙Configuration Identification 配置识别∙Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审∙Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证∙Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序∙Configuration Management 配置管理∙Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会∙Configuration Relationships 配置关系∙Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计∙Conflict 冲突∙Conflict Management 冲突管理∙Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案∙Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性∙Confrontation 积极面对∙Consensus 一致同意∙Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程∙Consent 同意∙Consequences 后果∙Consideration 对价∙Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项∙Consolidate 合并∙Consortium 联盟∙Constituents 涉众∙Constraint 约束条件∙Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束∙Constraints 约束条件∙Constructability 施工能力∙Construction 施工构造建造建筑∙Construction Contractor 施工承包商∙Construction Cost 施工成本∙Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理∙Construction Manager 施工经理∙Construction Stage 施工阶段∙Construction Work 施工工作∙Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的∙Constructive Challenge 建设性质询∙Constructive Change 建设性变更∙Consultant 咨询顾问∙Consulting 咨询∙Consumable Resource 可消耗资源∙Consumables 消费性物资∙Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知∙Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中∙Content 内容∙Content Type 内容类型∙Context 背景∙Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用∙Contingency 不可预见费应急费用∙Contingency Allowance 应急补助∙Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序∙Contingency Plan 意外事件计划∙Contract Package 合同包∙Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制∙Contract Plan 合同计划∙Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议∙Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求∙Contract Requirements 合同要求∙Contract Risk 合同风险∙Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析∙Contract Signing 合同签署∙Contract Strategy 合同战略∙Contract Target Cost (CTC) 合同目标成本∙Contract Target Price (CTP) 合同目标价格∙Contract Type 合同分类∙Contract Types 合同类型∙Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) 合同工作分解结构∙Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理∙Contracting 签订合同∙Contractor 承包商∙Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免∙Contractor Cost Data Report (CCDR) 承包商成本数据报告∙Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估∙Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备∙Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室∙Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表∙Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价∙Contractual 合同的∙Contractual Conditions 合同条款∙Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求∙Contributed value 贡献价值∙Contribution Analysis 贡献分析∙Control 控制∙Control Account (CA) 控制帐目∙Control Account Manager (CAM) 控制帐目经理∙Control Account Plan (CAP) 控制帐目计划∙Control and Coordination 控制和协调∙Control Chart 控制表∙Control Cycle 控制周期∙Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡∙Control Loop 控制回路∙Control Point 控制点∙Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求∙Control System 控制系统∙Control Theory 控制论∙Controllable Risks 可控风险∙Controlling 控制o参看Project Control∙Controlling Relationship 控制关系∙Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵∙Coordination 协调∙Coordinator 协调员∙Corporate 公司∙Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务∙Corporate Budget. 公司预算∙Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期∙Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素∙Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库∙Corporate Management 公司管理∙Corporate Memory 公司记忆库∙Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学∙Corporate Planning 公司计划编制∙Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理∙Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略∙Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准∙Corporate Resources 公司资源∙Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵∙Corporate Standards 公司标准∙Corporate Supervision 公司监管∙Corporation 公司∙Correction 纠正∙Corrective Action 纠正措施∙Correlation 相关性∙Cost 成本∙Cost Account 成本帐目∙Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解∙Cost Account Manager (CAM) 成本帐目经理∙Cost Account Plan (CAP) 成本帐目计划∙Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法∙Cost Analysis 成本分析∙Cost Applications 成本应用∙Cost Avoidance 成本规避∙Cost Baseline 成本基线∙Cost Benefit 成本效益∙Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析∙Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构∙Cost Budgeting 成本预算∙Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限∙Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围∙Cost Center 成本中心∙Cost Check 成本检查∙Cost Classes 成本类别∙Cost Code 成本代码∙Cost Codes 成本代码∙Cost Control 成本控制∙Cost Control Point 成本控制点∙Cost Control System 成本控制系统∙Cost Curve 成本曲线∙Cost Distribution 成本分摊∙Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的∙Cost Element 成本元素∙Cost Engineering 成本工程∙Cost Envelope 成本区域∙Cost Estimate 成本估算∙Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统∙Cost Estimating 成本估算∙Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系∙Cost Forecast 成本预测∙Cost Forecasting 成本预测∙Cost Growth 成本增长∙Cost Incurred 已发生成本∙Cost Index 成本指数∙Cost Indices 成本指数表∙Cost Input 成本投入∙Cost Management 成本管理∙Cost Model 成本模型∙Cost of Money 资金成本∙Cost of Quality 质量成本∙Cost Overrun 成本超支∙Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线∙Cost Performance Index (CPI) 成本绩效指数∙Cost Performance Indicator (CPI) 成本绩效指数∙Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线∙Cost Performance Ratio (CPR) 成本绩效比率∙Cost Performance Report (CPR) 成本绩效报告∙Cost Plan 成本计划∙Cost Plus 成本补偿∙Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同∙Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同∙Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同∙Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同∙Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿∙Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同∙Cost Reviews 成本评审∙Cost Savings 成本节约∙Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同∙Cost Status 成本状态∙Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本∙Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测∙Cost Types 成本类型∙Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差∙Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告∙Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析∙Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构∙Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法∙Costing 成本核算∙Costing Systems 成本核算系统∙Cost-Time Resource Sheet (CTR) 成本时间资源表∙Counseling 指导∙Countermeasures 对策∙CPFFCo Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract∙CPIo Cost Performance Indexo Cost Performance Indicator∙CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同o Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract∙CPIFCo Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract∙CPMo Critical Path Method∙CPNo Critical Path Network∙CPPCo Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract∙CPRo Cost Performance Ratioo Cost Performance Report∙CPUo Central Processing Unit∙CRo Change Request∙Craft 技艺∙Crash Costs 赶工成本∙Crash Duration 赶工工期∙Crashing 赶工∙Creativity 创造力∙Credit 赊欠信誉∙Credited Resource 已授予的资源∙Crisis 危机∙Criteria 标准指标∙Criterion 标准指标∙Critical 关键的∙Critical Activity 关键活动∙Critical Chain 关键链∙Critical Defect 关键性缺陷∙Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品∙Critical Design Review 关键设计评审∙Critical Event 关键事件∙Critical Factors 关键因素∙Critical Path 关键路径∙Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析∙Critical Path Method (CPM) 关键路径法∙Critical Path Network (CPN) 关键路径网络图∙Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标∙Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率∙Critical Sequence 关键工序∙Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析∙Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商∙Critical Success Factors (CSF) 关键的成功因素∙Critical Task 关键任务∙Critical Work Item 关键工作项∙Criticality Index 关键指数∙Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的∙Cross References 交叉参照∙Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划∙CSCIo Computer Software Configuration Item ∙CSFo Critical Success Factors∙CTCo Contract Target Cost∙CTPo Contract Target Price∙CTRo Cost-Time Resource Sheet∙Culture 文化∙Culture, organizational 文化组织文化∙Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本∙Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线∙Currency Conversion 货币兑换∙Current Budget 当前预算∙Current Date Line 当前日期线∙Current Finish Date 当前完成日期∙Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配∙Current Start Date 当前开始日期∙Current Status 当前状态∙Current Year 当年∙Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税∙Customer 客户∙Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准∙Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备∙Customer Perspective 客户观点∙Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员∙Cutoff Date 移交日期∙Cutover 移交∙CV∙Cost Variance∙CWBSo Contract Work Breakdown Structure ∙Cybernetics 控制论∙Cycle 周期∙Cycle Time 周期[编辑]D∙Damages 损害赔偿金∙Dangle 悬空活动∙Data 数据∙Data Application 数据应用∙Data Collection 数据收集∙Data Date ("DD") 数据日期∙Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员∙Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述∙Data Processing 数据处理∙Data Refinements 数据改进∙Data Type 数据类型∙Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织∙Database 数据库∙Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员∙Database Management System ("DBMS") 数据库管理系统∙Date of Acceptance 验收日期∙Day Work Account 日常工作帐户∙DBAo”Database Administrator"∙DBMo”Dynamic Baseline Model"∙DBMSo”Database Management System"∙DCEo”Distributed Computing Environment"∙DCFo”Discounted Cash Flow"∙DDo”Data Date"∙Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划∙Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程∙Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况∙Decentralized 分散的∙Decision 决策∙Decision document.tion 决策文档∙Decision Event 决策事件∙Decision Making 制定决策∙Decision Making Process 决策过程∙Decision Support System 决策支持系统∙Decision Theory 决策论∙Decision Tree 决策树∙Decision Trees 决策树组∙Decomposing 分解∙Decomposition 分解∙Default 违约∙Default values 默认值∙Defect 缺陷∙Defective 缺陷产品∙Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量∙Deficiency 缺陷∙Deficiency List 缺陷清单∙Definition 定义∙Definition Phase 定义阶段∙Definitive 确定性的∙Definitive Estimate 确定性估算∙Deflection 风险转移∙Degradation 降级∙Delay 延期∙Delay, compensable 补偿性延期∙Delaying Resource 资源延期∙Delegating 授权∙Delegation 授权∙Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件∙Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物∙Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构∙Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限∙Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物∙Deliverables Management 交付物管理∙Delivery 交付∙Delphi Technique德尔菲法∙Demonstrate 演示证明∙Demonstrated 已证明的∙Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验∙Demonstration 演示∙Demonstration Review 演示评审∙Department 部门∙Departmental Budget 部门预算∙Dependability 可靠性∙Dependencies 依赖关系∙Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系∙Dependency Arrow 关系箭线∙Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图∙Dependency Links 依赖关系∙Dependency Management 依赖关系管理∙Deployment 部署∙Deployment Lessons Learned document.nbsp 部署的经验教训文档∙Deployment Plan 部署计划∙Deployment Procedures 部署流程∙Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审∙Deployment View 部署视图∙Depreciation 折旧∙Descriptive 描述性的∙Design 设计∙Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段∙Design Alternatives 设计备选方案∙Design Appraisal 设计评估∙Design Authority 设计权威∙Design Baseline 基准设计∙Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立∙Design Brief 设计大纲∙Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造∙Design Concept 设计概念∙Design Contingency 设计应急费用∙Design Contract 设计合同∙Design Control 设计控制∙Design Development 设计开发∙Design Management 设计管理∙Design Management Plan 设计管理计划∙Design Model 设计模型∙Design of Experiment试验设计∙Design Package 设计包∙Design Review 设计评审∙Design Subsystem 设计子系统∙Design Time 设计时间∙Design to Budget 按预算设计∙Design to Cost 按成本设计∙Design-to Specifications 按规范设计∙Desirable Logic 合意逻辑∙Detail document.tion 详细的文档∙Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排∙Detailed Design 详细设计∙Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段∙Detailed Engineering 详细工程∙Detailed Planning 详细计划∙Detailed Plans 详细的计划∙Detailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划∙Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排∙Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划∙Determination 决定决心∙Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本∙Deterministic 确定性的∙Deterministic Network 确定的网络图∙Developed Country 发达国家∙Developer 开发人员∙Developing Country 发展中国家∙Development 开发∙Development case 开发案例∙Development Phase 开发阶段∙Development Plan 开发计划∙Development process 开发过程∙Deviation 偏差∙Deviation Permit 允许偏差∙Diagram 图∙DIDo”Data Item Description"∙Differences 偏差差异∙Differentials 差值∙Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境∙Direct Cost 直接成本∙Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用。



PMBOK项目管理师英文词汇PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之 A Acceleration 加速Acceptable 可接受的Acceptance 验收Acceptance Criteria 验收标准Acquisition 采购Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程Action 行动Action Item 行动项Activity Code 活动代码Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description 活动描述Activity Duration 活动历时活动持续时间Activity Duration Estimating 活动历时估算Activity ID 活动识别码Activity List 活动清单Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动Activity on Node 节点表示活动Actual 实际的Actual Cost 实际成本Actual Dates 实际日期Actual Finish 实际完成Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期Actual Start 实际开始Actual Start Date 实际开始日期Adequacy 适当Adjustment 调节Administration 管理Administrative 行政的Agency 机构Agenda 议程Aggregation 汇总Agreement 协议Alliance 联合Allocation 分配Allowable Cost 允许成本Allowance 预留Alternatives 可选方案Application 应用Application Area 应用领域Appraisal 评估Approach 方法Approval 批准Approve 同意Approved Changes 批准的变更Arbitrary 武断的Arbitration 仲裁Archive 档案文件Arrow 箭线Arrow Diagram 箭线图Arrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法Assessment 评估\风险评估Assets 资产Assignment 分配委派任务Assumption 假设Assurance 保证Attribute 属性Audit 审计Authoritarian 独裁的Authorization 授权Availability 可用性Avoidance 避免Award 授予PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之BBAC 完工预算 Budget at Completion Backward Pass 逆推法/反向计算Balance 余额权衡Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵Bar Chart 横道图Bargaining 讨价还价、交涉Barriers 障碍Base 基础、基数Baseline 基准Benchmarking 标杆管理Benefits 收益Best Practices 最佳实践Bid Analysis 投标分析Bid Documents 招标文件Bid Evaluation 评标Bidder 投标人Bill 帐单Bill of Materials 材料清单Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算Boundary 边界Brainstorming 头脑风暴Breakdown 分解Breakdown Structure 分解结构Budget 预算Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算Budget Cost 预算成本Budget Estimate 预算估算Budgeted 已安排预算的Budgeting 制定预算Business Needs 商业需求Business Objectives 商业目标Buyer 买方 Buy-In 支持认同PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之C Calculation 计算Calendar 日历Calendar Unit 日历单位Capability 能力Capital 资本Cash 现金Cash Flow 现金流Centralized 集中的Certain 确定的Certainty 确定性Change Control 变更控制Change Control Board ("CCB") 变更控制委员会Change Management 变更管理Change Management Plan 变更管理计划Characteristic 特性Chart 图表Chart of Accounts 会计科目表Charter 章程Checklist 检查清单Clarification 澄清Class 类Client 客户Closeout 收尾Closeout Report 收尾报告Code 代码Code of Accounts 帐目编码Coding 编码Collaboration 协作Communication 沟通Communication Channels 沟通渠道Communication Plan沟通计划Communications Management 沟通管理Communications Planning 沟通规划Compensation 补偿Competency 能力Competition 竞争Competitive竞争的Complete 完成Completion 完工Completion Date 完成日期Complex 复杂的Component 构件组件Conceptual 概念性Concurrent 并发事件Concurrent Engineering 并行工程Conditions 条件条款Conducting 执行Configuration 配置Configuration Control 配置控制Configuration Identification 配置识别Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Conformance to Requirements 符合要求Confrontation 积极面对Consensus 一致同意Consent 同意Consequences 后果Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项Consolidate 合并Constraint 约束条件Consultant 咨询顾问Context 背景Contingency 不可预见费应急费用Contingency Allowance 应急补助Contingency Plan 应急计划Contract Plan 合同计划Contract Requirements 合同要求Contract Types 合同类型Contract Work Breakdown Structure ("CWBS") 合同工作分解结构Contracting 签订合同Contractor 承包商Contractual 合同的Contractual Conditions 合同条款Control 控制Control Account ("CA") 控制帐目Control Chart 控制图Control Point 控制点Control System 控制系统Coordination 协调Coordinator 协调员Corporation 公司Correction 纠正Corrective Action 纠正措施Cost 成本Cost Account 成本帐目Cost Account Plan ("CAP") 成本帐目计划Cost Baseline 成本基准Cost Benefit 成本收益Cost Benefit Analysis 成本益分析Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构Cost Budgeting 成本预算Cost Control 成本控制Cost Estimating 成本估算Cost Forecasting 成本预测Cost Management 成本管理Cost of Quality 质量成本Cost Overrun 成本超支Cost Performance Index ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Plus 成本加Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费合同Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差Cost/Schedule Status Report 成本/进度状态报告Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本收益分析Crashing 赶工Criteria 标准,指标Criterion 标准,指标Critical 关键的Critical Activity 关键活动Critical Chain 关键链Critical Path 关键路径Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析Critical Path Method ("CPM") 关键路径法Culture 文化organizational Culture 组织文化Current Status 当前状态Customer 客户Cycle 周期PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之D\E Data 数据Data Date ("DD") 数据日期Decision 决策Decision Tree 决策树Decomposing 分解Decomposition 分解Default 违约Defect 缺陷Defective 缺陷产品Deficiency 缺陷Definition 定义Definition Phase 定义阶段Definitive 确定性的Definitive Estimate 确定性估算Delay 延期Deliverable 可交付成果Delivery 交付Delphi Technique 德尔菲技术Demonstration 演示Department 部门Dependency 依存关系Descriptive 描述性的Description 描述Design 设计Design of Experiment 试验设计Detailed Design 详细设计Detailed Planning 详细规划Detailed Plan 详细计划Deviation 偏差Differences 偏差差异Direct Cost 直接成本Dissemination 分发Distribution List 分发清单Distribution of information 信息分发Document 文档Document Control 文档控制Dummy Activity 虚活动Duration 工期持续时间Duration Calculation 工期计算Duration Compression 工期压缩Earliest Finish 最早完成Earliest Finish Time 最早完成时间Earliest Start 最早开始Earliest Start Time 最早开始时间Earned Value 挣值/赢得值/实现价值Earned Value Analysis 挣值分析Earned Value Management 挣值管理Efficiency 效率Effort 投入量Eighty-Twenty Rule 20/80 规则Elaboration 细化Email 电子邮件Employment 雇用Enterprise 企业Environment 环境Errors 差错Estimate 估算Estimate at Completion 完工估算Estimate To Complete ("ETC") 到完工尚需的估算Executive Management 高级管理层Expanding 展开Expectations 期望Expected Monetary Value 预期的货币价值Expected Value ("EV") 期望值Expediting 推进Expended 花费的支出的开支的Expenditure 支出花费Expense 费用Experience 经验Experiment 实验,试验Expert 专家Expertise 专业知识Exposure 披露External 外部的External Constraint 外部约束PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之F/G/HFacility 设施项目产品Factor 因子Failure 失败Fallback Plan 退却计划Fast Tracking 快速跟进Feasibility 可行性Feasibility Study 可行性研究Fee 酬金,费用Feedback 反馈Finish to Finish 完成完成Finish to Start 完成开始Firm Fixed Price Contract ("FFP") 约定固定价格合同Fixed Date 固定日期Fixed Fee 固定费Fixed Price 固定价格Fixed Price Contract ("FP") 固定价格合同Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("FPPIF") 固定价格加奖励费合同Flexibility 灵活性Flexible 灵活的Float 浮动时间时差Flow Diagram 流程图表Forecast 预测Formal 正式Forward Pass 正推法Fragnet 子网络Framework 框架Free Float 自由浮动时间Free Slack 自由时差自由浮动时间可用可宽限时间Frequency 频率Function 职责Functional Analysis 功能分析Functional Department Manager 职能部门经理Functional Line Manager 职能直线经理Functional Management 职能管理Functional Manager ("FM") 职能经理Functional Organization 职能型组织Functional Personnel 职能部门人员Functional Requirements 功能要求Gantt Chart 甘特图Gates 关卡关口General Management Skills 通用管理技能Grade 等级Graph 图表Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique ("GERT") 图形评审技术Guarantee 保证书Hammock Activity 集合活动Histogram 直方图柱状图Historical Database 历史数据库PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之I/J/K/L/M/N Impact 影响Implementation 实施,实现Implementation Phase 实施阶段Imposed Date 强加的日期Incentive 激励,奖励Incremental 增量的Independent 独立Indirect Cost 间接成本Individual 个体Informal 非正式Information 信息Information Distribution 信息分发Information System 信息系统Information Technology 信息技术Initiating 启动Inspection 检查Insurance 保险Integrated 集成的综合的Integration 综合, 集成Interdependent 相互依赖的Interface 接口Interim Deliverables 中间可交付成果Interpersonal 人际Invitation for Bid ("IFB") 投标邀请书Issue 问题Judgment 判断,判决Known-unknown, 已知的不确定因素Unknown-unknown未知的不确定因素Lag 滞后Lateral Thinking 横向思维Latest Finish Time 最晚完成时间Latest Start Time 最晚开始时间Leadership 领导艺术领导能力Lessons Learned 经验教训Level of Effort ("LOE") 投入水平Leveling 平衡Life Cycle 生命期Life Cycle Cost ("LCC") 全生命期成本Limitations 限制Line/Functional Manager 直线经理/职能经理Linear 线性的Make-or-Buy 自制或购买Make-or-Buy Decision 自制或购买决策Management by Project 按项目管理Management Reserve ("MR") 管理储备Manager of Project Management 项目管理经理Mandatory 强制的Matrix Organization 矩阵组织Measurable 可测量的Methodology 方法论Metrics 度量体系标准体系Milestone 里程碑Mitigation 减轻Monte Carlo Analysis 蒙特卡罗分析Monte Carlo Simulation 蒙特卡罗模拟Motivating 激励Motivation 鼓舞Network 网络Network Analysis 网络分析Network Diagram 网络图Network Logic 网络逻辑Network Path 网络路径Node 节点事件Non-Conformance 不合格Normal Distribution 正态分布PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之 O/PObjective 目标Offer 要约,提议,出价Operating 运作操作Operation 运行运作经营作业操作Opportunity 机会Optimistic 乐观的Oral 口头沟通Order of Magnitude 数量级Organization Chart 组织图Organizational Breakdown Structure ("OBS") 组织分解结构Organizational Planning 组织规划Organizational Strategy 组织策略Overall Change Control 整体变更控制全面变更控制综合变更控制Overhead 管理费Owner 业主Parameter 参数Parametric Estimating 参数估算Pareto Diagram 帕累托图Path Convergence 路径趋同Pattern 模式Performance 执行Performance Evaluation 绩效评估Performance Factor 绩效因子Performance Measurement 绩效测量Performance Measurement Baseline ("PMB")绩效测量基准Performance Measurement Techniques ("PMT") 绩效测量技术Performance Reporting 绩效报告Performing Organization 执行机构Period 周期一段时间Periodic Review 定期评审Planned Value 计划价值Planning 规划Population 样本Portfolio 组合Portfolio Management 组合管理Power 权力Precedence 前导任务前置任务紧前任务Precedence Diagram 前导图Precedence Diagramming 前导图Precedence Diagramming Method 前导图法Predecessor 前导活动Predecessor Activity 前导活动Preliminary 预备的,初步的Prescribe 规定Presentation 演讲演示Proactive 积极主动/提前行动Proactive Management 前瞻性管理Probability 概率Probability Assessment 概率评估Probability Distribution 概率分布Problem Solving 问题解决Procedure 程序流程Process 过程进程流程Procurement 采购Procurement Planning 采购规划Procurement/Tender Documents 采购/投标文件Product 产品Product Breakdown Structure ("PBS") 产品分解结构("PBS") Product Description 产品描述Product Life Cycle 产品生命期Profession 职业专业Profit 利润Program 项目群Program Management 项目群管理Progress 进展Progress Measurement 进展测量Progress Report 进展报告Project Calendar 项目日历Project Charter 项目章程Project Closure 项目收尾Project Communications Management 项目沟通管理Project Communications Plan 项目沟通计划Project Context 项目背景Project Cost Management 项目费用管理Project Definition 项目定义Project Initiator 项目启动者Project Integration 项目整合,项目综合Project Life Cycle 项目生命期Project Management Information System 项目管理信息系统Project Management Office ("PMO") 项目管理办公室Project Management Plan 项目管理计划Project Management Process 项目管理过程Project Management Professional ("PMP") 项目管理专业人员Project Management Software 项目管理软件Project Management Team 项目管理团队Project Manager ("PM") 项目经理Project Matrix 项目矩阵Project Milestone 项目里程碑Project Monitoring 项目监测Project Objective 项目目标Project Organization 项目组织Project Performance 项目绩效Project Phase 项目阶段Project Policies 项目方针Project Portfolio 项目组合Project Portfolio Management 项目组合管理Project Processes 项目过程Project Procurement Management 项目采购管理Project Quality Management 项目质量管理Project Risk 项目风险Project Risk Management 项目风险管理Project Schedule 项目进度Project Scope 项目范围Project Scope Management 项目范围管理Project Sponsor 项目发起人项目赞助者Project Stakeholder 项目干系人Project Team 项目团队Project Team Member 项目团队成员Project Time Management 项目时间管理Project/Program Methodology 项目方法论Projectized Organization 项目型组织Proposal 建议书Public 公众Purchase 购买采购Purchase Order 采购订单PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之 Q/R Qualitative 定性的Qualitative Risk Analysis 定性风险分析Quality 质量Quality Assurance 质量保证Quality Audit 质量审计Quality Control ("QC") 质量控制Quality Grade 质量等级Quality Improvement 质量改进Quality Inspection 质量检查Quality Management 质量管理Quality Policy 质量方针Quality Review 质量评审Quality Standard 质量标准Quantitative 定量的Range 范围Regulation 法规Request for Information 邀请提供信息Request for Proposal 邀请提供建议Request for Quotation 邀请提供报价Requirement 要求Research 研究Reserve 储备金Residual Risks 残留风险Resource 资源Resource Allocation 资源分配Resource Assignment 资源分配Resource Availability 资源可用性Resource Breakdown Structure ("RBS") 资源分解结构Resource Calendar 资源日历Resource Constraint 资源约束Resource Description 资源描述Resource Histogram 资源柱状图Resource Leveling 资源平衡Resource Planning 资源规划Resource Pool 资源库Responsibility 职责Responsibility Assignment Matrix ("RAM") 责任分配矩阵Restraint 制约因素Review 评审Revision 修订Reward 奖赏Reward System 奖励系统Rework 返工Risk Avoidance 风险回避Risk Event 风险事件Risk Identification 风险识别Risk Management 风险管理Risk Management Plan 风险管理计划Risk Mitigation 风险减轻Risk Probability 风险概率Risk Quantification 风险量化Risk Response 风险应对Risk Response Planning 风险应对规划Risk Review 风险评审Risk Transfer 风险转移Role 作用Rolling Wave 滚动Rolling Wave Planning 滚动规划Rules 规则Runs 趋势PMBOOKE项目管理师英语词汇篇之 S/T/U/V/WS Curve S 曲线Sample 样本Sampling 抽样Satisfaction 满意Schedule 进度Schedule Development 进度安排Schedule Performance Index ("SPI") 进度绩效指数Schedule Variance ("SV") 进度偏差("SV") Scheduled Performance Indicator ("SPI") 进度绩效指数Scope Baseline 范围基准Scope Change 范围变更Scope Change Control 范围变更控制Scope Creep 范围蔓延Scope Definition 范围定义Scope Description 范围描述Scope Management 范围管理Scope of Work 工作范围Scope Statement 范围说明Scope Verification 范围核实Score 评分Screening 筛选法Secondary Risk 次生风险Sector 部分Seller 卖方Sensitivity 敏感性Sensitivity Analysis 敏感性分析Should-Cost Estimate 合理成本估算Simulation 模拟Software 软件Solicitation 询价Solicitation Planning 询价规划Solving 解决Source 来源Source Selection 供方选择Specification 规范Sponsor 发起人赞助者Staff 人员Stage 阶段Stakeholder 利害相关方Stakeholder Expectations 利害相关方期望Stakeholder Need 利害相关方需要Stakeholder Request 利害相关方请求Stakeholder Requirements 利害相关方要求Standard 标准Standard Deviation 标准偏差Start to Start 开始-开始Startup 启动Statement of Work 工作说明书Statistical Quality Control 统计质量控制Status 状态Strategic Plan 战略计划Subcontractor 分包商Subnet 子网Successor Activity 后续活动Successor Task 后续任务Summary Schedule 概要进度表Supplier 供应商System 系统Target 目标Target Completion Date ("TC") 目标完成日期Target Cost 目标成本Target Date 目标日期Target Finish Date 目标完成日期Team 团队Team Building 团队建设Team Development 团队发展Team Leader 团队领导Team Management 团队管理Team Member 团队成员Template 模板Tender 投标标书Termination 终止Terminology 术语Thresholds 临界值值Time and Material Contract ("T&M") 时间和材料合同Time Compression 时间压缩Time Management 时间管理Time-Scaled Network Diagram 时标网络图Timing 定时计时Top Down 自上而下Top Down Cost Estimating 自上而下成本估算Top Down Estimating: 自上而下估算Total Float ("TF") 总时差Total Quality Management ("TQM") 全面质量管理Total Slack 总时差Trade-Off 平衡权衡Trend 趋势Trend Analyses 趋势分析Triple Constraint 三重限制 TRRUncertainty 不确定Unit Price Contract ("UP") 单价合同Unknown-unknown 未知的不确定因素不可知的未知因素Update 更新Value 价值Value Analysis 价值分析Value Engineering 价值工程Variable 变量Variable Cost 可变成本Variance 差异偏差Variance Analysis 偏差分析Variance Reports 偏差报告Variation 变化Vendor 供应商卖方Verifiable 可证实的可验证的Verification 证实验证Well Managed Project 得到充分管理的项目What-If Analysis 假设分析What-if Simulation 假设模拟Win-Win 双赢Withdrawal 撤退Work Authorization 工作核准Work Breakdown 工作分解Work Breakdown Structure ("WBS") 工作分解结构Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary 工作分解结构词典Work Definition 工作定义Work Effort 工作投入Work Package ("WP") 工作包Workaround 权变措施。



1.未付款订单Dear ***We have got your order of ***. But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If there’s anything we can help with you, just feel free to contact us. After the payment is confirmed, we will process the order and ship it out as soon as possibleHello,***We are happy to tell you we have dispatched your order! You can tracking number:***You can also track the delivery of your order yourself here:www.***.comIt usually takes about 30 days for your order arrive,but as this is the shopping season,the logistics companies are very busy and some orders may take slightly longer to arrive.If you have any questions or problems,contact us directly for help.4.超过5天还未更新物流信息,让买家再等待Dear ***,As we all know,it’s the busiest part of the shopping season and the logistics companies are running at maximum capacity.Your delivery information has not been updated yet,but don’t worry-we will let you know as soon as an update is available.Thank you for your patience!5.货物退回,换物流方式重新给买家发货,并延长收货时间Hello,***Due to the overwhelming demand for logistics this shopping season,the original dispatch has failed.Don’t worry! We have already dispatched your order with a different logistics company. You can track the new delivery of your order here:We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.6.长时间在途,确认是否收到货物,减少买家未收到的担忧Hello, xxx,If you haven’t received your order yet, please don’t worry. We just checked the tracking information and it’s on its way!Don’t worry about your money or your purchase either –if you do not receive your package, we will resend your order, oryou can apply for a full refund.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.7.距离确认收货超时还有1周,依然未妥投,告知买家物流的大致情况,并且告知买家会给他延长收货时间,请买家不要提交纠纷Hello, xxx,We have checked the tracking information and found your package is still in transit. This is due to the overwhelming demand for logistics this shopping season.We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, please contact us directly for assistance, rather than submitting a refund request. We aim to solve all problems as quickly as possible!Thanks!8.客户投诉产品质量有问题(表示歉意,并愿意配合解决问题,承诺下次购买能给予折扣),请根据订单实际情况进行更改。



史上订单跟进英文模板史上订单跟进英文模板e have gt yur rderf ***. But it seems that the rder is still unpaid. If there’s anything e can help ith yu, just feel free t cntact us. After the payment is cnfirmed, e ill prcess the rder and ship it ut as sn as pssible I am very srry t hear abut that. Since I did carefully check the rder and the package t make sure everything as in gd cnditin? Befre shipping it ut, I suppse that the damage might have happened during the transprtatin.But I’m still very srry fr the incnvenience this has brught yu. I guarantee that I ill give yu mre discunts t make this up next time yu buy frm us. Thanks fr yur understanding.e are very srry that item yu rdered is utf stck at the mment.I illcntact the factry t see hen it ill be available again. I uld like tremend sme ther items f similar styles. Hpe yu like them t. Yu canclick n the flling link t check them ut XXXXXX. If there’s anything I canhelp ith, please feel free t cntact us. Thanks!10.折扣产品推荐【史上订单跟进英文模板_关于税收的英语_索赔,Claim】 Dear xxx, Thanks fr yur message. ell, if yu buy bth f the XXXX items, e can ffer yu a XXX % discunt. nce e cnfirm yur payment, e ill ship ut the items fr yu in time. Thank yu fr taking interests in ur item. I’m afraid e can’t ffer yu that l price yu bargained as the price e ffer has been carefully calculated andur prfit margin is already very limited. Hever, e can ffer yu a XXX %discunt if yu purchase mre than XXXXpieces in ne rder. If yu have anyfurther questins, please let me kn. Thanks! As Christmas/Ne year/…… is ing, e fund XXXXXXXXXX has a large ptential market. Many custmers are buying them fr resale n eBay r in their retail stres because f its high prfit margin.e have a large stckf XXXXXXXX.Please click the flling link tcheck them ut XXXXXXXXXX. If yu rder mre than 10 pieces in ne rder, yu can enjy a hlesale price f XXX. Thanks. e have checked the tracking infrmatin and fund yur package has n arrived at yur cuntry’s custms agency. If yur package experiences any delays at custms, please cntact them t reslve any prblems. The tracking infrmatin shs that yu have received yur rder! Please make sure yur items have arrived in gd cnditin and then cnfirm satis factry delivery. If yu are satisfied ith yur purchase and ur service, e ill greatly appreciate it if yu give us a five-star feedback and leave psitive ments n yur experience ith us! If yu have any questins r prblems, please cntact us directly fr assistance, rather than submitting a refund request. e aim t slve all prblems as quickly as pssible! 好的沟通能减少很多与买家之间不必要的纠纷,我们需要很好的利用我们的沟通方式,结合我们客观的优质产品和服务,大力提升交易量以及买家的回头率。




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会议讨论类英语作文模板英文回答:Meeting Discussion Essay Template。


State the topic of the meeting and its purpose.Introduce the participants and their roles.Set the context and provide any relevant background information.Discussion Points。

Outline the agenda and key discussion points.Summarize the main arguments and perspectives presented during the meeting.Highlight any areas of agreement or disagreement.Decisions and Resolutions。

Describe any decisions or resolutions made during the meeting.Explain the rationale behind these decisions and the process for implementing them.Next Steps and Follow-Up。

Outline any action items or follow-up tasks assigned to participants.Specify timelines and responsibilities for completing these tasks.Evaluation。

Assess the effectiveness of the meeting in achievingits objectives.Identify any areas for improvement or areas where further discussion is needed.Conclusion。











会议日程英文模板Conference Schedule TemplateDate: [insert date]Time: [insert time]Venue: [insert venue]Theme: [insert theme]8:00 am - 9:00 am: Registration and welcome coffeeDelegates arrive and register for the conference. They are given their conference badges, materials, and conference program.9:00 am - 9:30 am: Opening ceremony and keynote speechesThe conference is officially opened with a welcome address from the organizer. This is followed by keynote speeches from professionals in the field of the conference theme. The speeches set the tone for the rest of the conference.9:30 am - 11:00 am: Session 1This session typically involves presentations or panel discussions from experts in the field. It offers a platform for the exchange of ideas and best practices among the delegates. It may also include a Q&A session to engage the audience.11:00 am - 11:30 am: Coffee BreakA coffee break is scheduled to allow for networking and interactions between delegates. It allows attendees to connect with fellow professionals and exchange ideas.11:30 am - 1:00 pm: Session 2This session typically focuses on a different topic than the previous session and may include presentations or panel discussions. As with session 1, it offers a platform for the exchange of ideas and best practices among the delegates.1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Lunch BreakThere is a break for lunch, which provides an opportunity to network and interact with other attendees. This is an ideal time to engage with speakers or exchange ideas with other professionals in the field.2:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Session 3This session may include presentations, workshops, or breakout sessions that offer practical insights into the subject matter. It provides an interactive and hands-on experience for delegates and may include case studies and exercises.3:30 pm - 4:00 pm: Coffee BreakA coffee break is scheduled to allow for networking andinteractions between delegates. It allows attendees to connect with fellow professionals and exchange ideas.4:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Session 4This session may involve a plenary session or closing keynote address. It summarizes the key takeaways from the conference and provides a framework for future discussions and action plans.5:30 pm - 6:00 pm: Closing ceremonyThe conference is concluded with a vote of thanks from the organizer. The delegates are thanked for their participation, and the next steps are outlined.ConclusionA conference schedule template helps organize the proceedings and ensures that the conference runs smoothly. The agenda includes a mix of ideas, best practices, and practical insights that are presented by experts in the field. Attendees have ample opportunities to engage with one another, exchange ideas, and develop action plans. The template provides a framework for a successful conference that meets the objectives of the organizer while providing valuable insights to the attendees.。



Dear ***We have got your order of ***. But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If there’s anything we can help with you,just feel free to contact us. After the payment is confirmed, we will process the order and ship it out as soon as possibleHello,***We are happy to tell you we have dispatched your order! You can tracking number:***You can also track the delivery of your order yourself here:If you have any questions or problems,contact us directly for help.4.超过5天还未更新物流信息,让买家再等待Dear ***,Your delivery information has not been updated yet,but don’t worry-we will let you know as soon as an update isavailable.Thank you for your patience!5.货物退回,换物流方式重新给买家发货,并延长收货时间Hello,***We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.6.长时间在途,确认是否收到货物,减少买家未收到的担忧Hello, xxx,If you haven’t received your order yet, please don’t worry. We just c hecked the tracking information and it’s on its way!Don’t worry about your money or your purchase either–if you do not receive your package, we will resend yourorder, oryou can apply for a full refund.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.7.距离确认收货超时还有1周,依然未妥投,告知买家物流的大致情况,并且告知买家会给他延长收货时间,请买家不要提交纠纷Hello, xxx,Wehavecheckedthetrackinginformationandfoundyourpackageisstillintransit.This duetotheoverwhelming demand for logistics this shopping season.We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, please contact us directly for assistance, rather than submitting a refund request.We aim to solve all problems as quickly as possible!Thanks!8.客户投诉产品质量有问题(表示歉意,并愿意配合解决问题,承诺下次购买能给予折扣),请根据订单实际情况进行更改。



会议中的常用英语会议中的常用英语Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT会议中常用语用英语主持会议(1):主持会议Opening 宣布会议开始Good morning/afternoon, everyone.If we are all here, let's get started / start the meeting / start.Welcoming and Introducing 欢迎和介绍出席人员Please join me in welcoming (name of participant)We're pleased to welcome (name of participant)I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant)It's a pleasure to welcome (name of participant)I'd like to introduce (name of participant) Stating the Principal Objectives 阐明会议主要议题We're here today to ...I'd like to make sure that we ...Our main aim today is to ...I've called this meeting in order to ...Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent 对缺席者表示遗憾I'm afraid.., (name of participant) can't be with us today. She isin...Unfortunately, (name of participant) ... will not be with us to day because he ...I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant), who is in (place).Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting 宣读上次会议记要To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.First, let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date)Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date)Dealing with Recent Developments 询问近期动态Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressingJack, how is the XYZ project coming alongJohn, have you completed the report on the new accounting packageHas everyone received a copy of the T ate Foundation report on current marketing trendsMoving Forward 转向下一个议题So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda.Shall we get down to businessIs there Any Other BusinessIf there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic. Introducing the Agenda 介绍议程Have you all received a copy of the agendaThere are X items on the agenda. First, ... second, ... third, ... lastly, ... Shall we take the points in this orderIf you don't mind, I'd like to go in order today.skip item 1 and move on to item 3I suggest we take item 2 last.Allocating Roles (secretary, participants) 分配秘书和出席者的会议角色(name of participant) has agreed to take the minutes.(name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes(name of participant) has kindly agreed to give us a report on ...(name of participant) will lead point 1, (name of participant) point 2, and (name of participant) point 3.(name of participant), would you mind taking notes todayAgreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.) 就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)达成一致We will first hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of ...I suggest we go round the table first.Let's make sure we finishby ...I'd suggest we ...There will be five minutes for each item.We'll have to keep each item to 15 minutes. Otherwise we'll never get through. Introducing the First Item on the Agenda 介绍第一项议题So, let's start with ...I'd suggest we start with...Why don't we start with...So, the first item on the agenda isPete, would you like to kick offShall we start with ...(name of participant), would you like to introduce this item Closing an Item 结束一个议题I think that takes care of the first item.Shall we leave that itemWhy don't we move on to...If nobody has anything else to add, lets ...Next Item 开始下一个议题Let's move onto the next itemNow that we've discussed X, let's now ...The next item on today's agenda is...Now we come to the question of.Giving Control to the Next Participant 请下一位出席者发言I'd like to hand over to (name of participant), who is going to lead the next point.Next, (name of participant) is going to take us through ...Now, I'dlike to introduce (name of participant) who is going to ...Summarizing 总结Before we close today's meeting, let me just summarize the mainpoints.Let me quickly go over today's main points.T o sum up, ...,.OK, why don't we quickly summarize what we've done today.In brief, ...Shall I go over the main pointsFinishing Up 结束今日议题Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items.If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up.Let's bring this to a close for today.Is there Any Other Business Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting 建议和征询下一次会议时间,日期和地点Can we set the date for the next meeting, pleaseSo, the next meeting will be on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ... Let's next meet on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ... What about the following Wednesday How is that Thanking Participants for Attending 感谢出席人员I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.Thank you all for attending.Thanks for your participation.Closing the Meeting 宣布散会The meeting is finished, we'll see each other next ...The meeting is closed.I declare the meeting closed.。



英语议事日程范文大全Sample Meeting Agendas in English.1. Regular Staff Meeting Agenda.Call to Order and Introductions (5 minutes)。

Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (10 minutes)。

Discussion of Current Projects and Initiatives (30 minutes)。

Status Updates and Announcements (20 minutes)。

Open Discussion and Questions (15 minutes)。

Next Steps and Adjournment (5 minutes)。

2. Project Planning Meeting Agenda.Introductions and Overview of Project (10 minutes)。

Brainstorming and Idea Generation (30 minutes)。

Development of Project Timeline and Budget (45 minutes)。

Identification of Roles and Responsibilities (30 minutes)。

Discussion of Next Steps and Schedule (15 minutes)。

Wrap-up and Adjournment (5 minutes)。

3. Committee Meeting Agenda.Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)。

Review of Agenda and Approval (10 minutes)。

项目跟踪计划表 英文

项目跟踪计划表 英文

项目跟踪计划表英文Here's a draft of a project tracking plan table in an informal and conversational English style, with each paragraph maintaining its independence and diversity in language usage:Alright, let's get into the project tracking. First things first, we've gotta keep an eye on the milestones. You know, those key dates where we're supposed to hit certain targets? Well, I've got them all color-coded in my calendar, so it's easy to spot if we're falling behind.And then, there's the task assignments. I mean, who's doing what and when? We've got a shared to-do list online, so everyone can see who's responsible for each bit. It's great for keeping track of who's got the ball in their court and when it needs to be passed along.Don't forget about the progress updates! We've set up weekly meetings to check in on everyone's progress. It's achance to share what's been done, what's still outstanding, and any challenges we're facing. It keeps us all on the same page.Oh, and the communication channels! We've got Slack, email, and even the occasional face-to-face meeting. Whatever works best for the team, we're using it to stay connected and make sure everyone's in the loop.Lastly, let's not forget the deadlines. They're notjust numbers on a calendar, they're real, tangible goals we've set for ourselves. We've gotta stay focused and make sure we hit those targets, or else we'll be playing catch-up for the rest of the project.So, there you have it – a quick and dirty look at our project tracking plan. It's not fancy, but it works for us. And as long as we keep an eye on the milestones, assignments, progress, communication, and deadlines, we'll be golden.。

高考英语常用词组 act act as… 担任…职务 act for 代理,为…尽力 act

高考英语常用词组 act act as… 担任…职务 act for 代理,为…尽力 act

高考英语常用词组actact as…担任…职务act for 代理,为…尽力act on 按照…行动act out 表现出,演出addadd to 增添增加add…to把…加到…add up (to)合计达,总而言之add up 加起来,合计agreeagree in 在…方面一致,在…上相同agree on/upon/about达成协议,取得相同意见agree to 同意、赞成某事agree with同意某人、同意某人意见或观点breakbreak away from脱离,离开,背弃break down 破坏,中断,发生故障break in 闯进,打断break into 闯入,突然发出break off 折断,断绝,突然中断break out 发出,爆发(战争),发生(疾病、失火、争吵、骚乱)break through 突破,挤过,克服bringbring about 造成,导致bring back 送回,恢复(健康)bring forth 产生,出现bring forward 提出(建议、计划、论据等)bring into operation 将…投人生产bring out 显出,发表,说明,出版,产生bring to an end/a close/a stop使终止,使停止,结束bring up 养育,教育burnburn down 焚毁,烧光,火力变弱burn out 焚毁,烧尽(燃料)burn up 烧尽,发出火来callcall at 访问某地call for 请求,要求call in 招请,收回,来访call off(使注意力)转移开,宣告终止,取稍call on/upon 号召,访问某人call out 召集,大声叫喊call up 召集,提出(议案),打电话给carrycarry away 带走,冲走carry off 抢走,获得(奖品等)carry on 继续下去,坚持下去carry out 贯彻,执行,落实catchcatch at 抓住(东西),及时抓住catch (a) cold 伤风,感冒catch/seize/get/lay/take/hold of抓住,捉住,掌握catch on 领会,理解catch sb.’s attention 引起某人注意catch/have/get/(a) sight/glimpse/of发现,看出catch one's eye引人注目catch up 赶上,把…卷人,打断…的话catch up with 赶上comecome about 发生come across (偶尔)发现,(偶尔)遇见come along 一道来,一起去come at 达到,接近,袭击come back 回来,恢复come down 倒下,(病)倒come in 进来,上台,上涨come into 进入,得到,继承come into being开始存在,发生,产生,出现come/go into effect 开始实行,开始生效come into existence 出生,成立come/go into operation开始工作,开始运转,实行,生效come into power 上台,掌握政权come into use 开始使用,使用起来come to 总计,苏醒come to a conclusion告一段落,告终,得出结论dodo a favour/kindness for sb.= do sb. a favour/kindness帮某人的忙,给某人做好事do away with 去掉,废除,破除do good 有益,有效do up 收拾,使整洁do with 和…相处,忍受,处理,和…有关系drivedrive at 意指…,用意在于,指望drive away把…赶走,乘车走drive in 钉进(钉子),把车开进drive off 驱散getget along 进展,友好相处get along with在…方面有进展get away 离开,逃脱get down 放下get down to 认真对待,认真考虑get in 到达,收割,收集get into 陷入,从事于,习惯于get off 送走,脱下(衣服等),起飞get on 进展,穿上get out of 由…出来,拔出get over 恢复,克服,完成get through达到(目的地),完成(工作任务),(电话)接通get up 起床,起立,产生,givegive away泄漏,放弃give back送回,恢复give forth发出,发表give in屈服,让步,交上give off放出,发出(气味、热等)give out发表,分发,用完give up放弃,投降gogo after追逐,追求go against违反,反对go ahead前进,进展,继续下去go all out鼓足干劲,全力以赴go along前进,进行go back回顾,追溯go by过去,依照go down下降,沉没,继续,(风等)平静,屈服,被吞下go in for赞成,参加(考试),从事go on继续,接下去,(工作等)进行下去,(时间)过去,发生go out出去,熄灭,罢工go over转向,温习,仔细检查go round绕道走,绕…运行go through通过,审查,经历go/run to extremes(an extreme)走极端,过度go up上升,增长go with和…一致,和…调和,伴随go wrong(机器等)出毛病,发生故障,走错路,(计划等)失败handhand down to往下传,传给(后代)hand in递交,交出(考卷等)hand out交给,分给,散发(传单等)hand over移交,交给happenhappen on/upon偶然碰到,偶然发现happen to…发生happen to (do)碰巧,偶然发现it (so) happened that…偶然,碰巧havehad best/better/ (do)最好,还是…好had rather (do) 宁愿,还是…好have got有have got to不得不,必须have sth. on穿着,戴着have to (do)必须,不得不,只好have to do with…和…有关,和…有往来have (much) something to do with与…(很)有关系have nothing to do with和…完全无关,和…毫无共同之处hearhear about听到关于hear from得到…的消息,收到…的信hear of听到holdhold back阻止,克制hold on抓住,继续,坚持hold out提出,坚持到底,伸出hold up举起,推举,支持住keepkeep away不接近,离开keep back阻止,留下keep down躺下,控制,缩减keep from阻止,使免于,隐瞒,抑制keep in把…关在里面,限制keep off驱散,不接近keep out不许入内,阻止keep to坚持,固守(习惯)keep up坚持,继续,保持keep up with跟上,赶上,不落后于knockknock (up) against碰到,撞上,偶然碰到knock at敲(门、窗等)knock down撞倒,拆除knock off中止,掸掉(灰尘)knock over弄倒,打翻leadlead a…life过着…的生活lead…into把…引进,使…落入lead the way引路,带路lead to导向,导致lead up(路等)通向leaveleave alone放任不管,不干涉,听任leave for向…出发,(离开某地)到…去leave out省去,忽视,遗漏leave over留下,剩下,延期letlet down放下,使失望,松劲let go释放,让…走let into让…进入,让…知道let out泄漏,释放let through让…通过looklook about四下环顾,四处寻找look after寻求,照料,看管look around到处寻找,察看look at看,考察,察看look back回头看,回顾look down/on/upon俯视,藐视look for寻找,期待look forward (to) 期待着,展望look in(随便)看看,顺便进去望一下,照(镜子)look into调查look like看起来象,象要,似将look on/upon...as把…看作为,认为…是look out向外看,注意look to看管,照顾,依赖look up仰视,查出,看望makebe made from由…(原料)制成be made of用…(材料)制成be made to(do)被迫去做be made up of由…所组成make for走向,向…前进,有利于,有助于,倾向,袭击,冲向make into把…做成,使…转变成为make out开(支票、账单、清单),理解,辨认make over移交,转让,改造,(衣服)改制或翻新make up弥补,赔偿,编造meetmake both ends meet使收支相抵meet the needs/requirements of适应,满足…的需要meet with(无意中)碰见(遇见),遭受passpass away死亡,消失pass by从…旁边过去,经过pass on/upon传递,通过pass over交给,忽略pass through经历,穿过paypay/make a visit to访问,参观pay attention to注意,关心pay for偿付…的代价,负担…的费用pay off还清pay up全部付清pickpick off摘下pick out挑选,选拔,看出pick up获得,拾起,收听,(车)接(乘客),学到playplay a part in在…方面起作用,对…起作用play a role in在…中起作用play fair规规矩矩地比赛,光明正大地行动play the part of扮演…角色,担当…任务play with玩弄pointpoint at指着,指点point out指出,指示point to指向,针对pullpull down拉倒,推翻,拆毁,使降低pull in(火车等)进站,使…后退,紧缩pull off脱(衣、帽),努力实现,赢得,完成pull out拔出,挖出,(火车等)开出,撤走pull through渡过困难,使…脱险pull up拔起,使停下,阻止,训斥putput away把…收起来,储存…备用put back把…放回原处,拨回(钟表的针),妨碍,折回,(船)返航put down放下,镇压,取缔,制止,记下put forth发表,提出,出版put forward提出,建议put in把…放进,插话put into把…放进,插入,翻译成,(船)进港put off推迟,延期,脱(衣服)put on穿上(衣、鞋等),增加(体重),上演put out放出,熄灭,生产,出版put through完成(工作),使经受,(用电话)接通put up举起,建造(房屋),张贴(布告)put up with忍受,容忍runrun across偶然碰到,不期而遇run after追求,追逐run down(钟表)停止,精疲力竭,撞倒run out of用光,缺乏run through花光,用尽,穿过seesee after照料,看管see sb. off给某人送行see sb. out送某人出门see (to it) that…努力使…,留心使…see through看透,看穿,识破see to注意,当心setset about开始,着手(工作)set [put/lay] aside把…放在一边,积蓄set down放下,记下,制定set back拨回(钟表),使退步,阻碍,使挫折set down to归于,认为是由于set fire to sth. 放火焚烧,引火烧set free释放set off出发,动身set out出发,开始,陈述set sth.on fire放火焚烧,引火烧set up竖立,建立,开办stickstick out突出,伸出stick to粘住,坚持,继续stick up突出,直立,竖立,竖起taketake after象,学…的样,仿效take away拿去,取走,减去take back收回,取消,撤回take down拿下,取下,卸下,拆毁,记录下来,吞下take...for...把…误认为…,把…当作…take hold of抓住,掌握,捉住take in收进,接收,收容take it/things easy别紧张,悠然自得,轻轻松松take off拿掉,移送,减价,脱去(衣,帽,鞋等),起飞take out取回,除去,摘录(要点)take over接收,接办,接任take part in参与,参加take to喜欢,开始,从事,养成take up with忍受thinkthink highly/well of重视,对…评价很高think ill of看不起,轻视think of想着,想到,考虑,想象,设想th ink…as把…当作think out仔细考虑,仔细想出think over仔细考虑,深思熟虑throwthrow at向…投掷throw away抛弃,浪费,错失(机会等) throw down推倒,推翻throw into陷入某种状态,投身于throw off抛弃,摆脱turnturn about回头,转向turn against背叛turn back转身过来,折回turn down拒绝,驳回,旋小(电扇,煤气等开关),翻下turn…into把…变为,把…译成turn off出产,关上(电灯,自来水,煤气) turn on开(电灯,自来水,煤气,收音机),决定于,攻击turn out解雇,逐去,召集,实现,证明是turn over滚动,翻过来,移交turn round旋转,转过脸来,转变方向turn to转向,求助于,着手,忙于turn up朝上翻,出现by turns轮流,交替,时而…时而in one's turn替代,值班in turn挨次,依次take one's turn轮到(某人)take turns替换,换班名词actionput [set] sth. into [in] action使…行动起来,使…起作用,开动put sth. out of action使…停止工作,使…不适用,使…失去战斗力take action (in)采取行动,着手,动手advantagebe of great [no] advantage to对…很有利(毫无利益)gain/get/have/win an advantage over / of 较…获得(占,赢得)优势,优于take advantage of sb. 欺骗某人,作弄某人take advantage of sth.乘…之便,利用某事物have the advantage of有…利益,比…强,占优势arrangementmake arrangements for做…准备,安排make arrangements with与…协议attemptmake an attempt at/to (do) 企图,尝试attentionattract/draw sb.’s attention to吸引某人注意call sb.’s attention to促某人注意fix one's attention on留意,专心于give [turn] one's attention to注意到pay attention to注意,关于beginningat the (very) beginning首先,当初from beginning to end自始至终from the beginning从头in the beginning起初make a beginning起头,开个头businessget/come to business动手干正事,言归正传on business因事,因公casein any case好歹,总之,无论如何in case (of)假使,万一in most cases一般地,大概in no case决不in some cases有时候in the case of就…来说,至于chargefree of charge (s)免费in charge主管,负责(人)in charge of主管,负责,领导in the charge of在…管理下,在…负责下take charge of担任,照管,监理commandat one's command听某人嘱咐,听凭自由使用(支配)get/have/take the command of控制,担任…的指挥have a good command of能自由应用,精通take/have command of指挥concernfeel concern about忧虑,挂念have no concern with和…毫无关系conclusioncome to a conclusion告终,得出结论arrive at/draw the conclusion得出结论,推断conditionin good condition情况良好,(物件)毫无损坏on/upon condition that…在…条件下,如果…on no condition决不considerationenter into consideration开始被考虑give consideration to对…加以考虑take into consideration加以考虑,顾及under consideration考虑中contrarycontrary to和…相反on the contrary正相反,相反地to the contrary意思相反的(地)controlhave control of [over]能控制have no control of [over]不能控制,无控制能力under the control of受…的管制,受…的控制decisioncome to/arrive at a decision决定下来make a decision做出决定difficultywithout difficulty毫无困难地,轻易地have difficulty in doing sth.在做某事上有困难distanceat a distance隔开一些,在稍远一点in the distance 在远处keep sb. at a distance 对某人保持疏远。

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