PEMAMO珩磨机mvr 160

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Your way to the Micron 产品详解Product name: 产品型号MVRL 160 MVRL 160 Denomination: 产品名称:Vertical honing machine 立式珩磨机Dimensions: 尺寸Length: 1’900 mm长:1’900 mm

Width: 900 mm 宽:900 mm

Height: 2’200 mm高:2’200 mm

Ground surface: only 1,7 m²占地面积:仅1,7 m²Max honing length: 150 mm 最大珩磨长度:150 mm Power supply: 4x 400 VAC, 50 Hz 电源:4x 400 VAC, 50 Hz Power installed: 20 kW 安装功率:20 kW Electrical wires: 4x 6 mm²电线:4x 6 mm²

Air pressure: min. 6 bars 气压:最小6巴

Air consumption: 50 l/min 耗气量:50 l/min Workplace height: 880 mm 工作场所高度:880 mm Workplace width: 640 mm 工作场所宽度:640 mm HMI 10” Mobile Panel:HMI 10”便捷式面板

PEMAMO Honing software Honing modes: PEMAMO珩磨软件珩磨模式:

- Speed - 速度

- Pressure - 压力

- Increment - 增量

Description: 描述:

- Honing machine for through and blind

bore with vertical stroking movement.

- 通孔与盲孔两用珩磨机,垂直行程运动。

- The diameters of honing can be between 1.5 to 20 mm, for bigger diameters to be discussed with manufacturer. - 珩磨直径范围为1.5至20 mm,若需珩磨更大直径孔腔,请与制造商联系。

- All modules required for the functioning of

the machine are integrated into the body of

the machine.

- 所有珩磨功能模块集成至机床主体部分。

- The machine has a rotating table to load / unload parts during machining. - 本机床配有旋转工作台,在加工时装卸工件。

- The machine is equipped with security features to stop the dangerous moving elements when tangible or intangible safety barriers are crossed. - 本机床具备安全功能,可在出现有形或无形安全障碍时停止危险的运动元件

- The user interface (HMI) is represented by a mobile panel installed inside the enclosure of the machine. - 用户界面(HMI)为便捷式面板,安装于机壳内

- Possibility to set two stroking movement in the same program. Example when the end of a blind bore has a big taper. - 可在同一程序下设置双冲程运动,如盲孔端部锥度较大时

- Help design for the operator to correct easely a bad geometry. - 设计便捷,操作员可轻易校正不利的几何条件

- Calibration of the h one to set it’s own

consumption of current.

- 可校准磨头,设置磨头电流消耗

- Possibility to retract and to introduce the - 可在旋转时将磨头取出或放入通孔或盲孔

hone in the bore still in rotation. 腔内。Structure of the machine: 机床结构

- The entire mechanical modules requiring precision are mounted on a rigid structure. - 所有高精度机械模块均安装于刚性结构上。

MVRL 160 MVRL 160 Modules of the machine: 机床模块

1. Mobile panel 1. 便捷式面板

2. Vertical slide 2. 垂直滑板

3. Honing spindle 3. 珩磨主轴

4. Rotating table 4. 旋转工作台

5. Chiller 5. 冷却器

6. Filtration pumps for the coolant、 6. 冷却液过滤泵

7. Electrical cabinet 7. 电气柜

Tank capacity: 储液箱容量:

130 liters 130升

Pump rate flow: 泵流量:

16 l/min 16 l/min

Filters: 过滤器

12 μm / 5 μm12 μm / 5 μm

Chiller power: 冷却器功率:

1,2 kW 1,2 kW

Used for cooling linear motor

and honing spindle.

用于冷却直线电机和珩磨主轴Details: 详情介绍:


Description 描述:

Large touch screen panel for an easy setting of the honing parameters. Possibility to remove it from his standard position and to use it on each side of the machine. 大尺寸触摸屏面板,便于设置珩磨参数。可将面板从标准位置取下并放在珩磨机任何一侧使用。

The vertical slide is drived by a linear motor which aloud a fast positioning of the hone into the bore and can generate a stroking movement up to 500 mov/min. 垂直滑块由直线电动机驱动,可将磨头快速放入孔腔内,行程运动可达500 mov/min。

The honing spindle has been developed completely by PEMAMO. The standard version can rotate from 50 to 8'000 RPM and can be adapted easely if more torque is requested. 珩磨主轴完全由PEMAMO自主研发。标准珩磨主轴旋转速度范围为50至8'000 RPM,扭矩增加时亦适用。

The concept and the modularity of this rotating table aloud the customer to choose a 2, 4 or 6 clamping position without much modifications. 旋转工作台的工作理念和模块化程度允许客户选择2、4或6等不同的夹具位置,无需进行太多修改。

The chiller is positioned on the top of the machine in the way that the heat generated by the pump do not influence the rest of the machine. 冷却器位于机床顶部,因此,泵体散热不会影响机床其他部分。

The 130 liters tank with the 2 filtrations pumps for the coolant is placed just below the honing area and can be pulled out 储液箱位于珩磨区下方,容量为130升,配2台冷却液过滤泵,可轻易将储液箱拉出一半位置,清除灰尘和更换滤芯。
