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Unit One

1. the entire previous history of humankind (人类)

2. due principally (chiefly) to

3. to rescue (save) civilization from

4. the dread (fearful) shadow of diseases

5. the conscience (觉悟)and concern of scientists

6. driving forces (动力)

7. to advance (promote) health

8. the amplification (增大)of virus

9. tissue culture (培养)

10. killed and live attenuated (减弱)vaccines

11. national immunization (免疫)days

12. monitoring (监测)methods

13. worldwide eradication (elimination) of polio

14. little reason for complacency (自满)

15. microbial (微生物)enemies

16. temporary (暂时)victories

17. be adept (skillful) at developing new defenses

18. to facilitate (使便利)the spread of epidemics

19. political and economic mismanagement (管理不善)

20. the deprivation (poverty) of population

21. to address (deal with) the largest disease burden

22. major scourge (灾祸)such as malaria and AIDS

23. in an interdisciplinary (跨学科的)way

24. talented (有才能的)young scientists

25. to underwrite (support) their mission

26. stunning pace (speed, rate) of change

27. potential, passion, and perception (洞察力)of scientists

29. to address (attend to) global health needs

30. to make deliberate (慎重的)use of it

31. to bear (keep) in mind that 32. strategically (战略上)placed on

33. the scientific underpinning (基础)of policy

34. evidence-based (循证)policy

35. policy setting (establishment)

36. to bear on (影响)the well-being of people

37. a(n) terminally ill patient (临终病人)

38. metastatic (转移)renal cancer

39. our beloved (热爱的)profession

40. our zeal (enthusiasm) for medical science

41. bedside (clinical) care

42. to conduct groundbreaking (突破的)research

43. a(n) noble (崇高的)calling

44. a(n) oral formulation ( 口月服制剂)of morphine

45. bone metastasis 转移)

46. radicular (根的)pain

47. spinal (脊柱)root

48. to counsel (忠告)the terminally ill patient

49. to reflect upon (反省)my profession

50. caring and compassionate (有同情心的)

51. chemotherapeutic (化疗的)agents

52. to shower their patients with genuine (true) love and


53. emotional and physical (身体的)support

54. dignity (尊严)and compassion

55. combination (cooperation) of physicians and nurses

56. to attend to (address, meet, satisfy) the physical

28. need to be tapped (explored) needs of sick

57. the bureaucrats (官僚)and administrators

58. the inflated price tag (物价上涨)

59. precious (very, extremely) few

60. the threat of litigation (诉讼)

61. an ethical, legal, and economic consensus


62. to allocate (分酉己)these resources

63. to pass health care legislation (立法)

64. assembly-line mentality (理念)

65. unethical in the extreme (极度,非常)

66. the application of scientific inquiry (investigation)

67. to die naturally and humanely (人道地)

68. inauguration (就职)speech

69. to garner (acquire, obtain) more support

70. to venture (go) beyond

71. the walls of the ivory tower (象牙塔)

72. a more entrenched (deeply rooted) obstacle

73. Up service (口惠)

74. a(n) innovative (革新的)program

75. a growing nucleus (核心)of

76. between academia (学术界)and industry

77. the messy fray (争论)of democracy

78. the scientific community (科技界)

79. a(n) chaotic (混舌L的)realm

80. a(n) enlightened (文明的)citizenry

81. politicians and lobbyists (说客)

Unit Two

1. the acquisition (获得)of knowledge

2. a(n) prized (珍贵的)commodity

3. the role of breadwinner (家庭支柱)

4. the family boarding (供膳宿的)house

5. (勤劳地)industriously generated profits

6. Dad' consistent (一贯的)message

7. extracurricular (课夕卜的)activities

8. a(n) avid (渴求的)reader

9. glowing approbation (称赞)

10. distinctly different flavors (韵味)

11. a(n) academic (教学的)physician

12. to delight in (热衷于)learning

13. to need a(n) reminder (提示)

14. collegial teasing (逗乐)

15. at the crack of dawn (黎明)

16. to smile graciously (和蔼地)

17. in a very heavy accent (口音)

18. nostalgic (怀旧的)reminiscence

19. the privilege (特权)of learning

20. reverence (respect) for knowledge

21. a frustrating and inefficient (低效率的)process

22. to assemble (收集)paper charts

23. to become intimately (深深地)aware of

24. a young, enthusiastic, idealistic (理想主义的) person

25. a(n) compassionate (有同情心的)clinician

26. to employ that knowledge reliably (可靠地)

27. to immerse (沉浸)myself in the hospital

28. jam-packed (crowded) emergency departments

29. primary (初级的)prevention

30. extraordinary (极度的)waste

31. to remedy (correct) these problems

32. insightful (有见识的)teachers and colleagues
