



Phonetics (Speech Sounds)Means of communicationproduction of speech sounds speech sounds traveling in the air perception of speech soundsThree branches ofphonetics-the study of the production of speech-the study of the physical properties of the-concerned with the perception of speech sounds. (和语音感知有关)Classification of speechsoundsSpeech Organslung windpipe larynx ( vocal cords) voiceless mouth noseSpeech organs 发音器官The diagram of speech organsClassification of English speech sounds?Main difference:whether there is obstruction.vibrationthe air stream passes through the mouth.oral or nasalEnglish consonants[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g][m] [n] [ŋ][ f ] [v] [s] [z] [ʃ] [ʒ] [θ] [ð] [ʧ] [ʤ][ l ] [ r ] [ h ] [w] [ j ]Classification of consonants1. Voicingapart freelytogetherthrough the two vocal cords and cause them to vibrate.z-z-z-z s-s-s-sVocal cords are together Vocal cords are apart1. Voicing[-voiced]: [p] [t] [k] [h]Production of English Consonants 2. Place of articulation (Where they are articulated? )La bials: (唇音)[p] [b] [m] pill bill mill[f] [v] feel veal[w] [M] / [hw] (to be discussed later)[θ] [ð] bath bathe teeth teethe[t] [d] [n] [s] [z] [l] [r] tip dip nip sip zip lip rip[ʃ] [ʒ] [ʧ] [ʤ] [j] show pleasure choke joke yolksheep measure cheap jeep yes [k] [g] [ŋ] lock log longTeamwork5. Palatals ( [ʃ], [ʒ], [ʧ], [ʤ], [j])6. Velars ([k], [g], [ŋ])7. Glottals ( [h] ). Stops 闭止音[p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g]. Fricatives 摩擦音[f], [v], [θ], [ð ], [s], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ] [h]Affricates 塞擦音[ ʧ], [ ʤ]Production of English ConsonantsNasals 鼻音[m], [n], [ŋ]. Liquids 流音[l], [r]alveolar ridge, it is called a retroflex (卷舌音).6. Glides 滑音[j], [w]-Compare “east” and “yeast” -Question: Labiovelar glide ?Description of English Consonants[p] voiceless bilabial stop[g] voiced velar stop[v] voiced labiodental fricative[n] voiced alveolar nasalNow you are to describe the following consonants: [θ] [h] [w] [j] [ʃ] [ʤ] [l] [r][θ] voiceless interdental fricative[h] voiceless glottal fricative[w] voiced labiovelar glide cf. [M][j] voiced palatal glide[ʃ] voiceless palatal fricative[ʤ] voiced palatal affricate[l] voiced alveolar liquid lateral/ lateral [r] voiced alveolar liquid retroflex/ retroflexVowels/course/chapter1/ vowels.htmlVowelsThe diagram of single vowel classification by applying the two criteria so farmentioned:Classification of EnglishVowelsmonophthongs and diphthongs1.English simple vowels ( monophthongs )According to the first ( [i:], [i], [e], [æ], [ɑ])( [ɜ:], [ə], [ʌ] )c. English back vowels ( [u:], [ʊ], [ɔ:], [ɔ], [ɑ:])( [æ], [ɑ],[ʌ], [ɔ], [ɑ:] )b.Semi-open vowels ( [ə], [ɔ:], )c. Semi-close vowels ([e], [ɜ:])( [i:], [i], [u:], [ʊ] )2.English diphthongs [ei], [ai], [ɔi], [au], [əu], [i ə], [ɛə], [u ə]Phonetic transcriptions & the International Phonetic Alphabet。



1.2 Three Phases in Communication process
speaker encodes meaning into sounds and utters strings of sounds
Articulatory phonetics:
speech production by
1. the place of articulation 2. the manner of articulation
1.7.1 The place of articulation
▪ Bilabial 双唇音 e.g. [p], [m]. ▪ Labio-dental 唇齿音 e.g. [f]. ▪ Dental 齿音 e.g. [ð] ▪ Alveolar 齿龈音 e.g. [t] ▪ Palatal 腭音 e.g. [j] ▪ Palato-alveolar 腭龈音 e.g. [ʃ] ▪ Velar 软腭音 e.g. [k] ▪ Glottal 声门音,喉音 e.g. [h] ▪ Retroflex 卷舌音 ▪ Uvular 小舌音 ▪ Pharyngeal 咽音ory phonetics
1.3 The process of producing speech
air breathed in lungs
air pressed out
Pharynx 咽
Larynx 喉 trachea (windpipe)
nasal cavity 鼻腔
Articulatory phonetics: (发音语音学)
speech production by speech organs
Acoustic phonetics: (声学语音学) physical properties of speech sounds



语音学phonetics整理●语言●语言的本质特征●任意性Arbitrariness 叫啥任意●二重性Duality 两层●能产性/创造性Productivity/Creativity 新词●文化传播性Cultural transmission 后天学习●互换性Interchangeability 可作为发出者和接收者●语言的主要功能●信息功能 Informative function 信息真假●移位性Displacement 时间空间●人际功能 Interpersonal f 称呼●施为功能 Performative f 做事情●情感功能 Emotive f 情感改变●寒暄功能 Phatic f 打招呼●娱乐功能 Recreational f for fun●元语言功能 Metalinguistic f 一种语言解释另一种语言●语音学phonetics●发音语音学,声学语音学,听觉语音学●英语语音分类(气流是否受阻)●元音vowels 20个●单元音monophthongs 12个●划分方式●位置:前4,央3,后5●高度:高4,中5,低3(开合,开大舌低)●长度/松紧:长5,短7,紧5松7●圆展度:圆4,非圆●双元音diphthongs 8个●(阻)辅音Consonants 28 个●按发音方式分●爆破音stops/plosives /p/ ,/b/ ,/t/ ,/d/, /k/●摩擦音fricatives /f /,/v/,/ s/,/Θ/ ,/δ/ ,/z/, /ς/, /3/,/h/,●塞/破擦音affricatives /tf/ /dg/ /dr/ /dz/ /tr/●鼻音nasals/m/,/n/,/n/●边音lateral /l/●近音approximants /w/ /r/ /j/●按发音部位分●双唇音 bilabial /p/,/b/,/m/,/w/●唇齿音 labiodental /f/,/v/,●齿间音dental /Θ/,/δ/●齿龈音 alveolar /t/,/d/,/s/,/z/,/l/,/r/●后齿龈音 post alveolar●硬腭音 palatal /j/●软腭音 velar /k/ /g/ /n/●声门音 glottal /h/●按带声性划分voicing(声带震动)●清辅音voiceless consonants●浊辅音voiced consonants。



/ð /

勿 齿咬舌头

西 轻音

次 轻音 七 轻音

衣 浊音 蕊 浊音 自 浊音 姬 浊音 撅 浊音

/j/ / w/

[i:] [i] [e] [æ] [a:] [ʌ]
[p] [b] [k] [g] [t] [d] [f] [v]
[ɔ:] [ɔ]
[s] [z]
[ə:] [ə] [u:] [u]
[θ] [ð]
[ʃ] [ʒ] [tʃ] [dʒ]
[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [tr] [dr]
[əu] [iə]
[au] [eə]
/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/ /f/, /v/, /∫/, /3 /, /θ /,/δ /, /s/, /z/, /h/, /r/ , /tʃ/, /d3/, /tr/, /dr/ ,/ts/, /dz/
/m/, /n/, /ŋ/ /l/ /w/, /j/

[m] 【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出 来,浊音】
[n] 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻 子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】
[ŋ] 【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻 子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】



Thank you!
name. ③ Tim and Kurt need to stop fighting over
toys. ④ Are you certain you want one? ⑤ Stop it!
• Two kinds of vowels: monophthongs and diphsthongs.
• Classification of English vowels:
• The position of the tongue in the mouth—舌位上 下
• The openness of the mouth– 口的张开程度 • The shape of the lips—圆唇与否 • Length of the vowels– 元音的长度
➢ Initiator of air-stream--- lungs ➢ Producer of voice---vocal cords ➢ Resonating cavities--- nose, mouth, pharynx
Voiced & voiceless
• Closed tightly→ air-stream blocked narrow passage → pressure of air →vibrate →voiced
• thin [ɵin] think [ɵiɧk] • rooms [ru:mz] books [bu:ks] • 面包, 人民 • 단련 [달련], 관하다 [과나다]
• friendship, knowledge, design, condemn
• This “omission〞 of a sound segment which would be present in the deliberate pronunciation of a word in isolation is technically described as elision.



Velar软腭音: back of the tongue raised to soft palate (velum) [k] [g] [ŋ]
Glottal喉音: at the larynx (space between vocal cords) [h]
Consonants 辅音 Vowels 元音
Difference: In producing a vowel the air stream coming from the lungs meets with no obstruction whatsoever.
Consonants 辅音
In terms of manner of articulation 发音方式
Pah vs. Bah

• • •
b: voiced (bah), p: voiceless (pah) ba: vocal cord vibrates right away, pa has 80 ms delay What happens in between? No hybrids: either ba or pa
[k] [p] [s] (Speech sounds 语音)
What is phonetics 语音学
Phonetics: The study of speech sounds.
Articulatory(发音的)phonetics: how speech sounds are made. Acoustic(声学的)phonetics: physical properties of speech. Auditory(听觉的)phonetics: perception of speech sounds.

Phonetics 语言学方面

Phonetics  语言学方面

2.1 Phonetics
• Three Branches of phonetics
1. Articulatory phonetics 2. Acoustic phonetics 3. Auditory phonetics
----A branch of linguistics which studies the speech sounds that occur in all human languages.
Chapter 2 Phonetics & Phonology
Main Contents of the Lecture:
I. Phonetics语音学
II. Phonology音系学
1. The major branches of linguistics
2. Some important distinctions in linguistics
The diagram of speech organs 4. Hard palate 5. Soft palate (velum) 6. Uvula 小舌
The diagram of speech organs
7. Tip of tongue 8. Blade of tongue 舌面
9. Back of tongue 舌背
Articulatory phonetics
• 发音语音学: 研究语音的发生。
• Acoustic phonetics---deals with the transmission of speech sounds through the air.
Acoustic phonetics

英语语言学lecture 3 Phonetics

英语语言学lecture 3 Phonetics


When the obstruction is partial and the air is forced through a narrow passage in the mouth so as to cause definite local friction at the point.[f][v][s][z]…(p.53)
Classification of English speech sounds:
Vowels (20):
the sounds are produced when the air-streams meet no
obstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose, or the

Stops:or plosive consonants:

When the obstruction created by the speech organ is total or complete, the speech sound produced with the obstruction audibly released and the air passing out again is called a stop or a plosive: [p][b][t][d][k][g]

There are two kinds of transcription: narrow transcription and broad transcription. A narrow transcription records as many features of an utterance as possible. This is the transcription needed and used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds. A broad transcription omits many of the irrelevant and predictable details of pronunciation . This is the transcription normally used in dictionaries and textbook for general purposes.



主 講:葉錦熙先生 (MA, BSW, RSW) 綱 址: 電址郵箱:toyipsir@
International Phonetic Symbols (IPS)
English Vowels (響音)
Front: Mid:
[iː] [ɪ] [æ] [e] [зː] [ə] [ʌ] [uː] [ʊ] [ɔː] [ɒ] [ɑː]
[ʃ╴ p]
[b╴ k]
[f╴ r]
school [ s k ╴ l ]
[g╴ d]
[g╴ d]
[m╴ n]
[f╴ m]
[k╴ k]
[g╴ s]
[d╴ g]
Ⴇࠪኪ(Phonetics)݊ኪ୦ߵ˖ձஷֻ਷ყ༟ৃ˰‫ޢ‬ٙࠠࠅٝ識ʈՈʘɓd Ңࡁ ̥ცࡈε˜ٙࣛග便̙ኪወdʘ‫ܝ‬便ঐ୞Ԓա͜dɽɽ౤৷ኪ୦ߵႧٙ‫ڦ‬ːձঐ力f
͉ሙ೻ீཀ‫ݺ‬ਗኪ୦Җόʿ௴จাኳࡡ理d઺બߵႧ਷ყࠪᅺʿοࠦܳࠪdᜫ ኪࡰঐ‫׵‬೵ࣛගʫ౛౥ߵ˖οٙႧࠪܳΥ஝律d˚‫ܝ‬便ঐ࢙易፫Ⴉ̈ߵ˖͛οٙ೯ ࠪd‫ீא‬ཀ讀ࠪϾ識፫̈ߵ˖͛οٙ串‫ج‬dΎ不͜ϥা˙ό̘াኳߵ˖͛οٙ 讀ࠪձ串‫ج‬f
[f╴ d]
Yipsir (葉ᎀဢ)
International Phonetic Symbol
[ i ː] [ ɪ ] [ e ] [ æ] [ зː] [ə] [ ʌ ] [uː] [ʊ] [ɔː] [ɒ] [ɑː] [eɪ] [əʊ] [a ɪ ] [aʊ] [ɔɪ] [ɪə] [eə]



To have a good pronunciation means: (1) to pronounce correctly all the speech sounds of the language and all the combinations in their proper order not only in isolated words, but also in sentences; (2) to pronounce sentences fluently at the speed required by the situation, with correct stresses, linking of sounds, rhythm, pauses and intonation.
• Pronunciation is also a symbol of people’s
identity, social status, career etc. The movie My Fair Lady is a good example. It’s a classical Oscar movie and the heroine is Audrey Hepburn. The movie tells us a story about how a phonetician cultivates a flower girl into a graceful lady by teaching her standard English pronunciation.
Front vowels
• [ i: ]: [ i: ] is a long, close front vowel. It



Auditory Phonetics(听觉语音学):
~ is the study of the perceptual response to
speech sounds as mediated by ear, auditory nerve and brain.
IV. Articulatory Phonetics
sounds are made by the vocal organs;
Acoustic Phonetics(声学语音学):
~ is the study of the physical properties of
speech sounds as transmitted between mouth and ear;
Affricates(破擦音): Manners of articulation
Stops are the sounds in which the airflow is briefly but completely stopped in the oral cavity.
[ʧ] [ʤ]; Liquids(流音): [l] [r]; Glides(滑音): [j] [w]; Voiceless vs. Voiced Sounds (清/浊音).
8. Blade of the tongue(舌面) 7. Tip of the9. Back of the tongue(舌背) tongue(舌尖) 11. Pharynx(咽) 10. Larynx(喉)
Anatomy of the Vocal Tract
Anatomy of the larynx
Nasal Cavity (鼻腔)



第二章1.Phonetics(语音学):studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, the descriptionand classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc.注意研究研究语音,包括言语的产生(也就是言语在现实中怎样形成、传递和接受),言语的声音,语音的描写和分类,词语和话语连接的是语音学phonetics。

而不是phonology(音系学),morphology(形态学),syntax (句法学),semantics (语义学)或pragmatics (语用学)。

2.phoneme (音位):(1)定义:simply refers to a “unit of explicit sound contrast”, 最小的语音对立单位。


(2)minimal pairs:最小对比对The group of similar sounds to that phoneme is called minimal pairs. 而和那个音位类似的音叫做最小对比对。

(3)书写时,放在//里面:“By convention, a phoneme is placed between slant lines(/ /) while a phone i s placed between square brackets ([ ]).”(P39书上39页)“一般来说,音位放在双斜线(//)内,而语音放在方括号内”。

如:/i:/, /i/, /ai/都是音位,而[help],[pli:]等等都是整个单词的语音。

3.Places of articulation (发音位置)(1). 关于发音位置,我们需要掌握以下几种,以及包括的音,会出选择题比较,哪个和另外三个不属于一类。



48个国际音标半元音:[w] window ['wɪndəʊ] way [weɪ] white [waɪt] [j] yoyo yellow ['jeləʊ] yummy ['jʌmɪ]爆破音[k] candy ['kændɪ] milk [mɪlk][g] game [geɪm] grey [greɪ][p] pie [paɪ] map [mæp][b] banana [bə'nɑːnə] black [blæk][t] left [left] right [raɪt][d] dog [dɒg] dance [dɑːns]鼻音[m] miss [mɪs] come [kʌm][n] nose [nəʊz] ten [ten][] English ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ] thank [θæŋk]摩擦音[ ∫ ] fish [fɪʃ] sugar ['ʃʊgə][] television ['telɪvɪʒ(ə)n pleasure ['pleʒə][f] fat [fæt] father ['fɑːðə][v] van [væn] river ['rɪvə][s] salt [sɔːlt] salad ['sæləd][z] zoo [zuː] zip [zɪp][] thick [θɪk] thin [θɪn][] this [ðɪs] that [ðæt]似拼音[h] hill [hɪl] home [həʊm][r] right [raɪt] wrong [rɒŋ][l] floor [flɔː] table ['teɪb(ə)l]双辅音[] chocolate ['tʃɒk(ə)lət] cherry ['tʃerɪ][] bridge [brɪdʒ] juice [dʒuːs][tr] trick [trɪk] tree [triː][dr] drink [drɪŋk] dream [driːm][ts] cats [kæts] shorts [ʃɔːts][dz] birds [bə:dz] kids [kidz]单元音[] bird [bɜ:d] purple ˈpɜ:pl] nurse [nɜːs][] teacher ['tiːtʃə] worker [ˈwɜ:kə(r)] mother [ˈmʌðə(r)] [e] bed [bed] desk [desk] pen [pen][] cat [kæt] apple [ˈæpl] bag [bæg] [] tall [tɔ:l] short [ʃɔ:t] store [stɔ:(r)] [] cock [kɒk] fox [fɒks] clock [klɒk] [a:] car [kɑ:(r)] park [pɑ:k] arm [ɑ:m][] bus [bʌs] nut [nʌt] bug [bʌg] [i:] bee [bi:] sheep [ʃi:p] meat [mi:t][i] pig [pɪg] chick [tʃɪk] ship [ʃɪp][u:] wood [wʊ:d] shoe [ʃu:] noodles ['nu:dlz] [u] book [bʊk] cook [kʊk] look [lʊk]双元音[ai] fly [flaɪ] kite [kaɪt] sky [skaɪ] [ei] rain [rein] cake [keɪk] day [deɪ] [i] boy [bɔɪ] toy [tɔɪ] coin [kɔɪn] [i] deer [dɪə] ear [ɪə] here [hɪə] [] bear [beə] pear [peə] where [weə] [u] tour [tʊə] poor [pʊə] sure [ʃʊər] [] rose [rəʊz] snow [snəʊ] boat [bəʊt][au] cow [kaʊ] house [haʊs] flower ['flaʊə]Phonics SongA is for apple, a a apple.B is for ball, b b ball.C is for cat, c c cat.D is for dog, d d dog.E is for elephant, e e elephant.F is for fish, f f fish.G is for gorilla. g g gorilla. H is for hat, h h hat.I is for igloo. i i igloo. J is for juice, j j juice.K is for kangaroo, k k kangaroo. L is for lion, l l lion. M is for monkey, m m monkey. N is for no, n n no.O is for octopus, o o octopus. P is for pig, p p pig.Q is for question, q q question. R is for ring, r r ring. S is for sun, s s sun. T is for train, t t train.U is for umbrella, u u umbrella. V is for van, v v van. W is for watch, w w watch. X is for box, x x box.Y is for yellow, y y yellow. Z is for zoo, z z zoo.So many things for you to learn about.So many ways sing your song.So many things for you to learn about.So many ways sing your song.Phonics Song -a a appleb b ballc c catd d doge e elephantf f fishThis is phonics songbecause I like thatThe names of letters are A B Cthe sounds of letters are a b cg g gorillah h hati i iglooj j jacketk k kagrool l lionLet’s do the phonics song one more time The names of letters are E F Gthe sounds of letters are e f gm m monkeyn n noseo o octopusp p painq q questionr r rainThis is phonics songare you ready to sayThe names of letters are N O Pthe sounds of letters are n o ps s sunt t tigeru u umbrellav v violinw w watchx x foxThis is phonics songare you ready to writeThe names of letters are R S Tthe sounds of letters are r s tThe names of letters are X Y Zthe sounds of letters are x y zy y yellowz z zebraThat’s the end of the phonics song。






怎样才能做到发音标准呢?首先必须具备基本的语音知识,知道辅音音标和元音音标,确定单词的各个音节及各音节的重音状况,即是重读、次重读还是弱读.其次要克服方言的干扰,查看一下48个音标的发音部位及发音方法,按其说明进行反复练习. 还可以多听原版录音,然后跟着模仿并持之以恒,定能收到满意的效果.一.辅音(consonants)不论声带振动与否,发音时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍,这样形成的语音称为辅音。


辅音是依元音而存在的,辅音与元音配合产生音节,形成英语单词的多样化.I’ve been si(ck) for a day. [ ]我病了一天。






1. 语音学(Phonetics):研究语音和发音的学科。


2. 语言音系学(Phonology):研究语音在特定语言中的组合和规则。


3. 语法学(Grammar):研究语言的句法结构和句子的组织规则。


4. 语义学(Semantics):研究语言中词汇和句子的意义和含义。


5. 词汇学(Lexicology):研究语言中词汇的产生、变化和使用规律。


6. 语用学(Pragmatics):研究语言使用和交际的学科。





3. Speech organs
The articulatory apparatus of a human being, are contained in three important areas or cavities: thepharyngeal cavity--- the throat, theoral cavity--- the mouth, and thenasal cavity ---the nose.
1. The definition of Phonetics
2. Sub-branches of Phonetics
3. Speech organs
4. Classification of sounds
5. Consonants
6. Vowels
7. Phonetic featuresAir coming from the lungs and through the windpipe passes through the glottis, a part of the larynx, which is a bony structure at the end of the windpipe. Lying across the glottis are the vocal cords. Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing, which is a feature of all vowels and some consonants. such as [ b ], [ z ], and [m]. The speed of the vibration determines the pitch of the sounds. When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting air go through without causing vibration, the sounds produced in such a condition arevoiceless, such as [t], [s], and [f] in English.
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• Classification of English vowels:
➢ The position of the tongue in the mouth—舌位高低 ➢ The openness of the mouth– 口的张开程度 ➢ The shape of the lips—圆唇与否 ➢ Length of the vowels– 元音的长度
The manner of articulation
① Stop/plosive(爆破音)-- [b] [p] [g] [k] [d] [k] ② Fricative(摩擦音)-- [f] [v] [s] [z] [S] [Z] [T] [D] ③ Affricate(破擦音)-- [ts] [dz] ④ Nasal-- [m] [n] [N] ⑤ Approximant-- [r] [h] [l] [w] [j] ⑥ The glottal stop and the flap ( 声门塞音和闪音)
The classifications of the consonants
• The positions of the vocal cord when we pronounce a speech sound
• The place of articulation
• The manner of articulation
[p] [t] [k] [f] [T] [s] [S] [ tS] [ts] [tr] [r] [h]
The place of articulation
① Bilabial(双唇音)-- [b] [p] [m] [w] ② Dental(齿音)-- [T] [D] ③ Labiodental(唇齿音)-- [f] [v] ④ Alveolar(齿龈音)-- [t] [d] [s] [z] [n] [l] [r] ⑤ Alveo-palatals (齿龈硬腭音)-- [S] [ts] [Z] ⑥ Velar(软腭音)-- [k] [g] [N] ⑦ Glottal(喉音)-- [h]
The flap
• Vowel + /t/ + unstressed vowel →flap /t/
➢water ➢fighting
[t] ----------[d]
➢ How about ‘little’?
The glottal stop and the flap
① Betty needs a little help today. ② Patrick can’t remember his doctor’s
name. ③ Tim and Kurt need to stop fighting over
toys. ④ Are you certain you want one? ⑤ Stop it!
• Two kinds of vowels: monophthongs and diphsthongs.
Voiced & voiceless
• Closed tightly→ air-stream blocked narrow passage → pressure of air →vibrate →voiced
• Wide open →free air-stream →no vibration →voiceless
• ulatory phonetics (发音语音学)- how speech sounds are made.
➢ Auditory phonetics (听觉语音学)- deals with the perception, via the ear, of speech sounds.
The Sounds of Language
Phonetics (语音学)
• Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language;
• Phonetics is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s language.
➢ Acoustic phonetics (声学语音学)- deals with the physical properties of speech as sound waves “in the air”.
➢ Forensic phonetics (法庭语音学)- deals with legal cases.
The glottal stop → /ʔ/
• Before
• Before final /t/
➢I can’t. → at the end of a statement ➢If you like it, tell me. → before a pause ➢Let me know. → before a consonant sound
The position of the vocal cord
• Voiced consonants: We can feel a vibration if we place a fingertip on our ‘Adam’s apple ’, when we pronounce this kind of sounds
• Vocal organs: like a musical instrument
➢ Initiator of air-stream--- lungs ➢ Producer of voice---vocal cords ➢ Resonating cavities--- nose, mouth, pharynx
[b] [d] [g] [v] [D] [z] [Z] [dZ] [dz] [dr] [m] [n] [N] [l] [j] [w]
• Voiceless consonants: We can not feel a vibration on our ‘Adam’s apple, when we pronounce this kind of sounds