中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Electricity return system1.Title of the SystemReturn system is an essential part of all e-commerce sites, consumers are all want to buy goods or services on the Internet is guaranteed, no return of the system, it means that the consumers as long as it is paid out, the product must be consumer, no matter whether to buy the goods consumers need, have to bear the risk alone, this is not fair for the consumer, not strictly, perfect return system, e-business cannot be long-term survival.Return system, is online shopping platform, according to some consumption agreement can not only guarantee the safety of the consumer, also make merchants also tend to reduce consumer pays to encounter unscrupulous merchants and probability, and reduce themerchants have unreasonable the probability of the customer.Enable e-commerce platform to better survive longer.So, any e-commerce platform from the return of the platform system.2.Objectives of the SystemThis system is a typical electricity company manager to handle all sorts of the best choice for return requirements.The system development is the purpose of through the provision of computer system, to improve the rationality of the return, manage the interests of consumers and businesses, make full use of personnel's ability, in order to realize the company's goals.It provides a platform for the electricity order information list and returned the details is easy to use solution.The project achieve the following goals:It is a powerful management system, provide for the general electric business platform for return of the interface.Unlike other systems, it is stable, fast, safe and can use maintainable software.The system provides the details of the return in the form of effective information and order information.It will be to provide the return of details to generate various reports and statistical data.3.Input to the SystemThe input data of this system, mainly through the form input.The system provides the end user has a good interface provides a simple.Input is the process from consumers and businesses online, there is no we can substitute.The following methods of input from the user depend on thefunction and enter the expected effect.(1)Login.javaSystem allows a valid user name and password to access the home er and password in order to verify the system is safe.(2)WriteReturnMessage.javaIn this approach, consumers can fill in a refund reason and refund amount, and can upload the return of the need to use the images, the refund details including the refund of reason, leave a message to businesses, companies need a refund amount, etc.(3)UpdateInformation.javaThis approach allows consumers and businesses for their personal information details.The detailed information including contact phone number, shipping address, etc.Businesses and consumers can be modified by changing the button and deposit in the database.4.Output of the System(1)MyselfInformation.javaIn the upper right corner of the system, you can see there is a button, click on the following would be the MyselfInformation. In Java, and then based on the storage of login id, can be consumer or business name, contact phone number, shipping address such as shown.(2)Orderlist.javaThis approach allows consumers to check all order details.System in order for every order generates a unique identification number.Order information including order number, order time, purchase quantity, order status, customer accounts, order the total price, article number, commodity picture, commodity price and name of commodity, etc.(3)ReturnList.javaThis approach allows consumers and businesses to check the detailed information list all returned.System in order for every single back to generate a unique identification number.Return a single information including a refund number, order number, customer accounts, total price order, refund amount, refund time, refund status, merchant accounts, etc.5.Process LogicThis system mainly divided into three functional modules: administrator user function module, user function module of consumers and business users function module.Consumers can through the menu bar "query information", "personal information", "query all orders", "query already delivery orders", "query is not shipment order", "query have been receiving orders", "orders" of the query returns the function such as options.Among them, the query all orders can be opposite has delivery, did not deliver goods, have been receiving orders for queries, simplify the operation of consumers, and save time.Quickly solve the problem of return for consumer laid a good foundation.For businesses, the return of the system to protect the interests of businesses also appears as important.Through the electronic return system can conveniently query merchants received consumer's application for refund.Through the login system also can query to run the store sales, consumers return the cause and the refund amount, etc., establish a call between businesses and consumers.Merchants "to check the return reason" function allows merchants timely grasp the consumers return reason, better improve their stores, in order to improve the benefit of theirstores.6.Limitations of the Project(1)the interface design is relatively simple, the lack of dynamic effects, as well as a friendly reminder.(2)the personnel of the service when handling return dispute algorithm is lack of convincing.7.Tools/Platforms, Language usedThis system at the front desk mainly using JSP technology.The background using the servlet technology, combined with spring MVC thought to carry on the design and implementation.Database using Mysql relational database.Development is the eclipse development tools used, tomcat as a test server.JSP technology, JSP full name for the Java Server Pages, Chinese named Java Server Pages, the root is a simplified design of Servlet, JSP technology is similar to the ASP technology, it is in a traditional web page HTML files (scriptlets) and insert the Java program in JSP tags (tag), thus forming a JSP file, the suffix called (*. JSP).Use JSP development of Web application is cross-platform, can run under Linux, can also run on other operating systems.Java Servlet is JSP technology base, and a large Web application development requires Java Servlet and JSP to cooperate to complete.JSP with Java technology is simple and easy to use, fully object-oriented, with platform neutrality and safe and reliable, and for all the characteristics of the Internet.8.Are you doing the system for industry /client?Not, I do is, browser/server system is applied to the browser9.Scope of Future ApplicationE-commerce platform10.Backgroud of the SystemSocial development faster and faster, people pursue the higher and higher living standards, the accelerating rhythm of life, people's shopping habits are slowly changing.Street shopping, for the people of the gens going to work is a very extravagant thing, rest time, store of rising prices, make people more and more tends to online shopping.The continuous improvement of the Internet, e-commerce has been the rise of the network is virtual, people can see goods only by pictures and video to determine whether to buy, "dirty" businessman to benefit by means of shoddy, make consumer rights are threatened, greater impact at the same time, the development of the economy will slow development.So, what can solve the problem of the Internet is not the same as the physical objects and pictures?Along with the rapid development of network and information technology in all walks of life, the development of online shopping with digital, e-commerce return system emerged.The rapid development of computer technology and logistics delivery service's existence, for the development of electronic commerce laid a strong material base.电商退货系统1.系统摘要退货系统是所有电子商务网站都必不可少的,消费者都是希望自己在网上所买的物品或者服务是得到保证的,没有退货系统,那意味着消费者只要是付完款,产品就必定是消费者的,不管所买到的商品是否是消费者所需要的,都将要独自承担这一风险,这对消费者是不公平的,没有严格,完善的退货系统,电子商务是无法长久生存的。
C u stom er loy a l t y in e- c om m e r ce: a n ex p lor a t i on of i t sa n teced en t s a n d con seq u en ces作者:Srini S. Srinivasana/Rolph Andersona,/Kishore Ponnavolub 国籍:A me r ican出处:Journal of Retailing ,2002(78),41-50原文正文:Intr oductionAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Monthly Retail Trade Survey, Internet retail sales for 2000 were $25.8 billion, or 49% higher than 1999 sales of $17.3 billion.1 T his ra pid growth of e-r etailing re f lects t he compelli n g advantage s t ha t i t of fe r s over conventional brick-and-mortar stores, including greater flexibility, enhanced market outreach, lower cost structures, faster transactions, broader product lines, greater convenience, and customization. However, e-retailing also comes with its own set of challenges. Competing businesses in the world of electronic commerce are only a few m ous e clicks away. As a r e sult, co ns ume rs a re abl e to compa r e and cont ra st competing products and services with minimal expenditure of personal time or effort. According to Kuttner (1998, p. 20), “T h e Internet is a nearly perfect market because information is instantaneous and buyers can compare the offerings of sellers worldwide. The result is fierce price competition and vanishing brand loyalty.”Given t he reduct i on in infor m at i on asymmet ri es between seller s an d buye rs, t he r e i s a growing interest in understanding the bases of customer loyalty in online environments. Customer loyaltyEarly views of brand loyalty focused on repeat purchase behavior. For example, Brown (1952) classified loyalty into four categories, (1) Undivided loyalty, (2) Divided loyalty (3) Unstable loyalty, and (4) No loyalty, based on thepurchase patterns of consumers. Lipstein (1959) and Kuehn(1962) measured loyalty by the probability of product re-purchase. Some researchers (e.g., Day, 1969; Jacoby & Chestnut, 1978) have suggested that a behavioral definition is insufficient becauseit does not distinguish between true loyalty and spurious loyalty that may result, for example,from a lack of available alternatives for the consumer. In response to these criticisms, researchers have proposed measuring loyalty by means of an attitudinaldi me ns i on in a dditi on to a be havi or al di m ension. E nge l & B l ac k w el l (1982) defined brand loyalty as “t h e preferential, attitudinal and behavioral response toward one or more brands in a product category expressed over a period of time by a consumer.”Jacoby (1971) expressed the view that loyalty is a biased behavioral purchase process that results from a psychological process. According to Assael (1992, p. 87), brand l o ya lt y is “a f a vorable attitude toward a brand res ul ting i n c on sistent pur c has e of the brand over time.”For our purpose, we define e-loyalty as a customer’s favorableattitude toward the e-retailer that results in repeat buying behaviorThe antecedents of e-loyaltyTo obtain a detailed perspective on the antecedents of e-loyalty, we first conducted interviews with forty-two individuals—fifteen customers who purchased online, fifteen executives in the e-commerce arena, and twelve professional e-commerce w e bs i t e de s ig ne rs. Ea c h of t he i nd ividual s was asked six ge neral questions about online shopping behavior. Additional probing questions were asked depending on the responses obtained. Most interviews lasted between ninety minutes and two hours. Based on these in-depth interviews we identified eight e-business factors that appeared to impact e-loyalty: (1) customization, (2) contact interactivity, (3) c ult i vati on, (4) c a re, (5) c ommuni ty, (6) c hoic e, (7) convenience, and (8) c ha r a cter. In summary, we hypothesize that: The greater the (1) level of customization, (2) contact interactivity, (3) customer cultivation, (4) care, (5) community, (6) choice, (7) convenience, and (8) (positively perceived) character of the e-retailer, the greater the e-loyalty of its customersBehavior a l consequences of e-loyaltyHaving discussed the antecedents of e-loyalty, we now focus on its behavioral consequences. According to Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman (1996), loyal customers forge bonds with the company and behave differently from nonloyal customers. Customer loyalty impacts behavioral outcomes and, ultimately, the profitability of acompany. While loyal customers focus both on the economic aspects of the transaction and the relationship with the firm, less loyal customers focus mainly on the economic aspects (Jain, Pinson, & Malhotra, 1987). Research by Reichheld and S asser (1990) r eveals t ha t lo ya l custom e rs have lower price elastici t ie s than nonlo ya l customers and they are willing to pay a premium to continue doing business with their preferred retailers rather than incur additional search costs. According to Sambandam & Lord (1995), loyalty to a business reduces the consideration set size and the amount of effort expended in searching for alternatives while increasing the individual’s w i l lingness to pu r cha s e from t ha t ebu s i ne s sM ethodologyAn instrument with multiple-item scales for the constructs of interest was developed and pretested. Then, a random sample of 5,000 customers was drawn from a list of online customers maintained by a market research firm. An e-mail invitation, c o nt ain i ng an e mbedded URL link t o t he w e b site hosting the survey, was sent to each of the 5,000 potential respondents informing them that respondents would be automatically entered in a drawing for a prize of $500. A summary of survey results was also offered to those who requested it. This e-mail campaign produced 1,211 usable responses, representing an overall response rate of 24%. In order to assess the r ep re sent ativene s s of the sampl e, we col l ect e d an d compa r ed de mo g raphic data a bou t our respondents with those reported in a national study of online shoppers conducted by Greenfield Online. Our comparison revealed a close match between the samples. Discussion and conclusionThe antecedents of customer loyalty in the traditional brick-and-mortar marketplace have been studied in detail (e.g., Sirohi, McLaughlin, & Wittink, 1998). Several researchers have suggested that initiatives such as improving the appearance of the storefront and the positive presentation of service personnel will increase the loyalty of customers in the traditional retail environment. However, there are several variables unique to e-retailing that have not been evaluated in the existing customer loyalty literature. The present research has identified eight factors that potentially affect e-loyalty. Of the 8Cs considered, customization, contact interactivity,cultivation, care, community, choice, convenience, and character, all but convenience, were found to have a significant impact on e-loyalty. E-loyalty demonstrated the highest elasticity with respect to character and care. Equally important, e-loyalty was f ound t o have a posit i ve impact on positive w ord-of-mout h and wil l ingne s s to pa y more.With the Internet and other telecommunications innovations drawing us ever closer to the economist’s concept of a perfect market, many products and services will be increasingly perceived more like commodities. Consequently, as noted by Peterson (1997), e lectroni c m a rkets w i ll le a d to i n t ense pr i ce compet i ti on res ul ti ng in lower profit margins. To compete successfully, e-retailers will need to develop and maintain customer loyalty. Toward this task, e-retailers must first thoroughly understand the antecedents and the consequences of e-loyalty. They must skillfully design the 7Cs to fit their specific offerings and their customers’demographic and psychographic p rofi l es, and al s o sys t emat i call y m an a ge the s ubsequent be havioral outcomes of loyalty电子商务下的顾客忠诚度:一个对前因和后果的探索作者:S rini S . S riniv a s a n/ R olph A nde rson/ K i shore Ponna v olu出处:零售杂志2002年41-45页中文译文:引言根据美国每月零售调查局的数据显示,2000年网上零售额是258亿美元,相对1999年的173亿美元增长了49%。
电子商务信息安全中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:E-commerce Information Security ProblemsⅠ. IntroductionE-commerce (E-Business) is in open networks, including between enterprises (B2B), business and consumers (B2C) commercial transactions, compared with the traditional business model, e-commerce with efficient, convenient, covered wide range of characteristics and benefits. However, e-commerce open this Internet-based data exchange is great its security vulnerabilities, security is a core e-commerce development constraints and key issues.In this paper, the basic ideas and principles of systems engineering, analyzes the current security threats facing e-commerce, in this based on security technology from the perspective of development trend of e-commerce.Ⅱ. E-commerce modelModern e-commerce technology has focused on the establishment and operation of the network of stores. Network in the department stores and real stores no distinction between structure and function, differences in their function and structure to achieve these methods and the way business operate.Web store from the front view is a special kind of WEB server. WEB site of modern multimedia support and a good interactive feature as the basis for the establishment of this virtual store, so customers can, as in a real supermarket pushing a shopping cart to select goods, and finally in the checkout check out. These online stores also constitute the three pillars of software: catalog, shopping cart and customer checkout. Customers use an electronic currency and transaction must store customers and stores are safe and reliable.Behind the store in the network, enterprises must first have a product storage warehouse and administration; second network to sell products by mail or other delivery channels to customers hands; Third, enterprises should also be responsible for product after-sales service, This service may be through networks, may not. Internet transactions are usually a first Pay the bill and getting goods shopping. For customers, convenience is that the goods purchased will be directly delivered to their home, but hard to feel assured that the goods can not be confirmed until the handsreach into their own hands, what it is.Therefore, the credibility of the store network and service quality is actually the key to the success of e-commerce.Ⅲ.the key to development of electronic commerceE-commerce in the telecommunications network to develop. Therefore, the advanced computer network infrastructure and telecommunications policy easing the development of electronic commerce has become a prerequisite. Currently, telecom services, high prices, limited bandwidth, the service is not timely or not reliable and so the development of e-commerce has become a constraint. Speed up the construction of telecommunications infrastructure, to break the telecommunications market monopoly, introduce competition mechanism to ensure fair competition in the telecommunications business, to promote networking, ensure to provide users with low-cost, high-speed, reliable communications services is a good construction target network environment, but also all of the world common task.E-commerce the most prominent problem is to solve the on-line shopping, trading and clearing of security issues, including the establishment of e-commerce trust between all the main issues, namely the establishment of safety certification system (CA) issues; choose safety standards (such as SET , SSL, PKI, etc.) problems; using encryption and decryption method and encryption strength problems. Establishment of security authentication system which is the key.Online trading and traditional face to face or written transactions in different ways, it is transmitted through the network business information and trade activities. The security of online transactions means:Validity: the validity of the contract to ensure online transactions, to prevent system failure, computer viruses, hacker attacks.Confidentiality: the content of the transaction, both transactions account, the password is not recognized by others and stealing.Integrity: to prevent the formation of unilateral transaction information and modify.Therefore, the e-commerce security system should include: secure and reliable communications network to ensure reliable data transmission integrity, prevent viruses, hackers; electronic signatures and other authentication systems; complete data encryption system and so on.Ⅳ.e-commerce security issues facingAs e-commerce network is the computer-based, it inevitably faces a number of security issues.(1) Information leakPerformance in e-commerce for the leakage of business secrets, including two aspects: the parties are dealing transactions by third parties to steal the contents; transaction to the other party to provide documents used illegal use by third parties.(2) AlteredE-commerce information for business performance in the authenticity and integrity issues. Electronic transaction information in the network transmission process may be others to illegally modify, delete or re-changed, so that information about its authenticity and integrity.(3) IdentificationWithout identification, third-party transactions is likely to fake the identity of parties to a deal breaker, damage the reputation of being counterfeit or stolen by one party to the transaction fake results and so on, for identification, the transaction between the two sides can prevent suspicion situation.(4) Computer virusesComputer virus appeared 10 years, a variety of new virus and its variants rapidly increasing, the emergence of the Internet for the spread of the virus has provided the best medium. Many new viruses directly using the network as its transmission, as well as many viruses spread faster through dried networks, frequently causing billions of dollars in economic losses.(5) HackerWith the spread of a variety of application tools, hackers have been popular, and are not in the past; non-computer expert can not be a hacker. Have kicked Yahoo's mafia boy did not receive any special training, only a few attacks to the users to download software and learn how to use the Internet on a big dry.Ⅴ.e-commerce security and safety factorsEnterprise application security is the most worried about e-commerce, and how to protect the security of e-commerce activities, will remain the core of e-commerce research. As a secure e-commerce system, we must first have a safe, reliable communication network, to ensure that transaction information secure and rapidtransmission; second database server to ensure absolute security against hackers break into networks to steal information. E-commerce security technologies include encryption, authentication technology and e-commerce security protocols, firewall technology.(A), encryption technologyTo ensure the security of data and transactions to prevent fraud, to confirm the true identity of transaction parties, e-commerce to adopt encryption technology, encryption technology is through the use of code or password to protect data security. For encrypted data is called plaintext, specifically through the role of a encryption algorithm, the conversion into cipher text, we will express this change as the cipher text is called encryption, the cipher text by the decryption algorithm to form a clear role in the output of this a process known as decryption. Encryption algorithm known as the key parameters used. The longer the key, the key space is large, traverse the key space the more time spent, the less likely cracked.Encryption technology can be divided into two categories: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption to the data encryption standard DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm is represented. Asymmetric encryption is usually RSA (Rivets Shamir Aleman) algorithm is represented.(B), authenticationCommonly used security authentication technologies: digital signatures, digital certificates, digital time stamp, CA security authentication technology.(C), hacker protection technologyCurrently, hackers have become the biggest e-commerce security threats, thus preventing hacking network security technology has become the main content, by governments and industry are highly valued. Hacking techniques include buffer overflow attacks, Trojans, port scans, IP fraud, network monitoring, password attacks, and denial of service Dos attacks. At present, people have made many effective anti-hacker technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection, and network security evaluation techniques.Ⅵ.the future security of e-commerceIncreasingly severe security problems, are growing threat to national and global economic security, governments have been based on efforts in the following areas: (1) Strengthen the legislation, refer to the advanced countries have effective legislation, innovative, e-commerce and improve the protection of the laws againstcyber-crime security system.(2) Establishment of relevant institutions, to take practical measures to combat cyber crime. Development of the law, the implementing agencies should also be used for its relevant laws, which must establish an independent oversight body, such as the executing agency to implement the law.(3) Increase investment in network security technology; improve the level of network security technology. E-commerce security law is the prerequisite and basis for development and secure e-commerce security technology is a means of protection. There are many security issues are technical reasons, it should increase the technology resources, and continuously push forward the development of old technologies and developing new security technology.(4) To encourage enterprises to protect themselves against Internet crime against. To avoid attack, companies can not hold things to chance, must attach great importance to system vulnerabilities, in time to find security holes to install the operating system and server patches, and network security detection equipment should be used regularly scan the network monitoring, develop a set of complete security protection system to enable enterprises to form a system and combined with the comprehensive protection system.(5) To strengthen international cooperation to strengthen global efforts to combat cyber crime. As e-commerce knows no borders, no geographical, it is a completely open area, so the action against cyber crime e-commerce will also be global. This will require Governments to strengthen cooperation, can not have "the saying which goes, regardless of others, cream tile" misconception.(6) To strengthen the network of national safety education, pay attention to the cultivation of outstanding computer.Ⅶ. ConclusionE-commerce in China has developed rapidly in recent years, but the security has not yet established. This has an impact on the development of electronic commerce as a barrier.To this end, we must accelerate the construction of the e-commerce security systems. This will be a comprehensive, systematic project involving the whole society. Specifically, we want legal recognition of electronic communications records of the effectiveness of legal protection for electronic commerce; we should strengthen the research on electronic signatures, to protect e-commerce technology; we need to build e-commerce authentication system as soon as possible, to organize protection for electronic commerce. Moreover, for e-commerce features without borders, we shouldalso strengthen international cooperation, so that e-commerce truly plays its role. Only in this way, we can adapt to the timesPromoting China's economic development; also the only way we can in the economic globalization today, to participate in international competition, and thus gain a competitive advantage.Source: Michael Hecker, Tharam S. Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang IEEE Internet Computing prentice hall publishing, 2002电子商务中的信息安全问题一、引言电子商务(E-Business)是发生在开放网络上的包括企业之间(B2B)、企业和消费者之间(B2C)的商业交易,与传统商务模式相比,电子商务具有高效、便捷、覆盖范围广等特点和优点。
电子商务信用中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)英文:Towards Enhancing Trust on Chinese E-Commerce Abstract:E-Commerce has been much more popular in western countries where the development of E-Commerce systems has been relatively matured. While the technology and social credit environment are well developed, E-Commerce is relatively new and receives fewer acceptances within commercial industries in China. Building trust has been identified as one of the major concerns in E-Commerce.In this paper, we will develop an computational model, which may be used to improve the trust-building relationship among consumers, retailers and authorities. This model considers a number of factors including direct experiences, customer recommendations, and authority certification, while parties involved in the E-Commerce activities can confidently establish and reliably enhance the trustworthiness.We also conduct a case study on how to improve consumer-retailer trust relationship in an E-Commerce application by the use of the trust model, which is one of functional electronic storefronts with the consideration of trustworthiness in China. In addition, the findings from this research will also be helpful for national policy maker on legislation of Chinese E-Commerce activities.Key Words: Trust, E-Commerce, Trust-building, Computational model, Chinese E-Commerce.I. Introduction“With the rapid development of Internet technology, the landscape of exchanging information and doing business has been com pletely changed”. As a new way of doing business, E-Commerce is increasingly affecting, changing and even replacing the traditional commerce approach. People are increasingly accepting and using E-Commerce than ever before. Without any doubt, many network applications, based on initial Door to Door to B2B, B2C, and C2C models, have a profound influence on the global economy. However most of the development of E-Commerce is primarily achieved within a handful of countries, particularly in countries like US, Japan and some of European countries. Since the advent of the Internet in the late 1990’s in China, various applications can be seen in the following years, which stirred thousands of ambitious young Chinese people to establish their own business on-line with a dream of getting wealthy overnight. Over the past few years, almost 70% of the growth in Internet users from all over the world occurred only in China. However, in terms of E-Commerce development, there is still a gap between China and the developed countries. With the increased popularity of the Internet and the continuous improvement of Internet technologies, the development of E-Commerce has just made an impressive start. What hinder the development of Chinese E-Commerce can be attributed to various problems and barriers. Some of these problems such as payment method, distribution problem, and security issues have been partially alleviated. Unfortunately the consumers’ lack of trust towards E-Retailers has been identified as the biggest barrier that needs to be overcome in long-term.In the paper, we will identify the challenges in developing Chinese E-Commerce and propose a model to cooperate with current E-Commerce system as a mean of enhancing trustworthiness. The paper is organized into 6 sections. Section 2 introduces the current standing of E-Commerce, and then Section 3 briefly reviews the challenges in developing E-Commerce, and examines the “Trust problem”, which is identified as the major obstacle that hinders the spreading of E-Commerce in China. In Section 4, we propose a computational model that can be used to address the trust problem. Section 5 specifically discusses how to apply the model to improve trustworthiness, and gives a case study in Section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper by discussing further directions for improving trust between E-Commerce users.II. Current Chinese E-Commerce Standing(I) Issues in E-CommerceTrust has always been the main concern among most of Chinese E-Commerce companies. On one hand, people are impressed by doing business on-line, but on the other hand they are still worried about using E-Commerce widely. Consequently, a gap appeared between on-line retailers’interest in attracting shoppers to their electronic storefronts and many consumers’ trust in those activities. Nevertheless, researches have shown that the trust problem is not only technical problem, but more of a social problem caused by various reasons. First and foremost, for historical reasons, people may lack of confiden ce with others, therefore it’s quite difficult to puttrust in someone else in the beginning. Secondly, the commercial law and regulation for E-Commerce cannot fully protect the interests of consumers and merchants. Therefore E-Commerce users lack the confidence to take the risk when communicating with an unfamiliar party. Thirdly, the social credit system and payment system in China are still not strong enough when carrying complex E-Commerce transactions, so that on-line business frauds may happen, and harm consumers. Last but not least Internet security and cryptography techniques, which can increase consumers’confidence in on-line activity, are still under development. Due to all these issues, E-Commerce specialists commonly regard that the bottleneck of Chinese E-Commerce is as a trust problem than anything else.(II) Opportunities of Chinese E-CommerceIn 2005, Chinese E-Commerce has been experiencing the upsurge of B2C markets. With the recognition of trust problem, many retailers are experimenting with various trust building strategies to establish trustworthiness towards E-Retailers. Establishing trust between E-Commerce users is a long term process. Apart from more education or training in the long term, we can resort to technology to enhance consumer trust in an unfamiliar E-retailer. One effective method is to participate in third-party assurance programs, which assist consumers in an accessible level of trust they should place in an E-Commerce transaction. In that way, merchants who agree to meet a third party assures standards can either use the assure certified technology, or agree to be bound in some way by the assure procedures or oversight are registered by the assure and permitted to display an identifying logo or assurance seal on their website. Consumers can reveal specific validation of the merchants good-standing with the assure or additional disclosures related to the merchants’ business practices or history. Some theories suggest that trust in an E-retailer can be speci fically defined as consumers’ willingness to accept vulnerability in an on-line transaction based on their positive expectations regarding an E-Retailers future behavior. By evaluating a party’s post behavior and tracking its activities, the party’s futu re behavior can be expected and trust level can be considered so that consumers can make purchasing decision according to the trust level of E-Retailer. In this paper, a third party assurance program that can be cooperated with the current E-Commerce system is proposed. Through tracking E-Retailer ’s activity records, collecting consumer experiences, and recommendations, the computation model is capable of considering the level that consumer can trust an unfamiliar E-Retailer. More detail about the model is described in Section 4.III. Challenges in Developing Chinese E-CommerceChinese E-Markets is undeniably of great potential. E-Markets are not only beneficial for national economy, but also for the global economy, especially since China has entered the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, in terms of developing E-Commerce, there is a gap between China and other developed countries. The primary cause is that the advent of information age has a great impact on the economy of industrialized countrie s, while the social environment and China hasn’t become used to its coming. These can be noticed from various aspects including information infrastructure, barriers of social environment, degree of technologyinnovation, level of awareness, and trustworthiness and so on. Technically, the improvement is obvious, but it’s difficult to catch up in short term for some social problems.(I) Informationization GapCurrent social environment in China is yet to match the rapid informationization. The understanding of the relation and interaction between industrialization and informationization is inadequate. In addition, the importance and urgency of informationization in social and economic development haven’t been fully appreciated. Apart from that, for a long term progress, the awareness and acceptance to informationization are still underway both theoretically and practically.Furthermore, the global information infrastructure are building up, China is not a exception. However, the popularity of informational and electronic facilities in China is still behind the USA, even though 70% of the growth in Internet users occurred in China. That is mainly due to the huge population of China and the imbalanced development of different regions.In terms of the innovation of information technology, China is catching up to the developed countries progressively, although the exploring and utilization of information resources and services are not yet adequate.(II) Social Barriers in E-CommerceIn China, E-Commerce activities are impeded by some social barriers as well. For instance, the law and regulation are not flawless. E-commerce gives a full impetus to social and economic development; in the meantime, it raises some new problems. So we need to address the inadequacy of traditional policy and laws in the new circumstance, and recommend new and effective law and regulation system. E-commerce may cause multi-facet problems, such as legitimacy and authentication of E-currency, E-contract, and E-bill. Taxation is another problem. It includes how to collect business tax and custom; whether new tax and collecting methods are needed for some intangible products (e.g. software, electrical audio and video); how to secure market and prevent monopoly, especially telecommunication monopoly; how to protect privacy and Intellectual Property(IP); how to manage and control export and import of intangible products, and so on.There is a lack of E-Commerce standard. Standardization and legislation is a difficult but important task in developing E-Commerce. For instance, before the E-Signature Standard was invented in China, there was no particular standard to normalize the behaviors on Internet, therefore, it could not setup a standard business environment compatible with international standards, which has a huge impact on integration of individual country and global economy.Another problem associated with E-Commerce is the social credit system and payment system. The present E-Commerce can only be regarded as quasi-E-Commerce. Since the credit system lacks of trust, effective monitoring and payment mechanism. The Internet commodity transaction centers only fulfilled parts of E-Commerce processes, but by no mean to be full processes from pre-purchase to post-purchase. The current distribution system for Chinese E-Commerce is still not satisfied enough. For instance, the delivery of products has yet to be separated frommanufacturing and commercial enterprisers. The incomplete distribution system still responds passively to production and sales departments, where different processing links such as warehousing, transporting and loading functions as independent entities so that the distribution problem has not been solved well at present.In summary, these informationization gaps and social barriers indeed hinder the development of Chinese E-Commerce, but many people consider lack of consumers trust in E-Commerce merchants, technology, social, financial and legal infrastructures of E-Commerce environment as the most concerned issues that affect the development in an individual country, since most traditional cues for assessing trust in physical world are not available on-line.(III)Trust IssueTrust is a catalyst for human cooperation, and it has received considerable attention in the business and social science literature. Lack of trust can result in a waste of time and resources on protecting ourselves against possible harm and thereby clogs up the economy. Consumer’s trust in an E-Retailer can be defined as consumers’willingness to accept vulnerability in an on-line transaction based on their positive expectations in regard with an E-Retailers future behavior. Factors that affect trust in E-Commerce for consumers include security risks, privacy risks, and lack of reliability in E-Commerce processes in general. As pointed by Nielsen, real trust builds through a company’s actual behavior towards its customers over time, and it is seen to be difficult to build and easy to lose. Theoretically, there are three trust-building processes summarized in:1. Knowledge-based trust is described as a form of trust that develops over time as one party learns about intentions, capabilities, and activity experiences. Example can be recommendation, evaluations, and reputations.2. Institutional-based trust relied on the creation of a “trust infrastructure”, of socially recognized third-party intermediaries that certify the trustworthiness of parties in a commercial exchange or actually enforce trustworthy behaviors on the part of one or both partners. Such example is certificate, membership of association.3. Trust transfer happens when one party ascribes trustworthiness to an unfamiliar exchange partner based on that partner’s association with a trusted party.In the ext section, we will describe a computational model, which can be used to facilitate the trust- building process in E-Commerce, particularly for Chinese E-Commerce market.In this paper, we surveyed the E-Commerce activities currently under going in China. We have closely analyzed the gap between the informationization and barriers of Chinese E-Commerce systems. Among the topics of facilitating development of a positive, effective and satisfied E-Commerce system, “trust” is a major issue, which has not received adequate attention in past decades. We have proposed a computational trust model (ERC2G), which can foster a trust relationship between consumers and merchants, and illustrate how to apply the model in a Chinese E-Commerce system. From the case study of EI Computer, we briefly talked about the implementation of E-Commerce systems with the consideration of enhancing trust. However, establishing trust must be a complex process, which involves moreinformation sources, so continuous improving and enhancing the trustworthiness will be the main objective we need to achieve in future work.翻译:提升中国电子商务信用度摘要电子商务在西方国家已经非常流行,并且电子商务系统在这些国家的发展也相对成熟。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Service quality and marketing performance in business-to-business markets: exploring the mediating role of client satisfactionKeywordsService quality assurance, Product quality, Information systems, Business-to-business marketing, Customer loyalty, Customer satisfactionAbstractDrawing on relevant literature, the authors empirically test amodel of business loyalty in a sample of 234 clients of information systems suppliers, integrating the concepts of service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty. The study builds on recent advances in services marketing theory and assesses the relationships underlying the identi?ed constructs in the speci?c industry. A clear pattern of service quality dimensions is established following the Gronroos conceptualisation. Several important ?ndings are reported, including the empirical veri?cation of the mediating role of industrial satisfaction in the formation of loyalty attributes. Industrial satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between accessibility and loyalty and partially mediates latent construct’s relationship with technical assistance and delivery service. The results provide robust evidence concerning the direct effect of industrial satisfaction on loyalty,accessibility, delivery, and product reliability as antecedents of industrial satisfaction.IntroductionThe advent of relationship marketing and the increased competition that has characterised markets over the past 30 years has resulted in consumer satisfaction and related research constructs becoming central topics in the services literature. Particular attention has been given to the conceptualisation and measurement of the variables of quality and satisfaction. These variables are central to modern marketing theory and practice as principal indicators of marketing performance Babin andGrif?n, 1998; Walker, 1995; Jones and Suh, 2000. The importance of studying and understanding these two related variables can be illustrated by their relation with behavioural intentions and loyalty Newman and Werbel, 1973; LaBarbera and Mazursky, 1983; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Rust et al., 1995; Singh, 1990; Taylor and Baker, 1994; Zeithaml et al., 1996.Although numerous studies have made an effort to clarify, conceptualise, and measure these constructs in a business-to-consumer environment, in a business-to-business B2B context there continues to be debate regarding: the identi?cation of the variables responsible for external effects; the form and/or strength of the relationships between them; and the presence of interaction or mediational effects between them. There is a large body of contradictory empirical evidence Schellhase et al., 1999; Parasuraman, 1998. In assessing the effects of perceived quality, many researchers have suggested its positive in?uence on loyalty Carman, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1985, 1988; Boulding et al., 1993. However, recent ?ndings demonstrate that this correlation is either not signi?cant or mediated by satisfaction Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Spreng and Singh, 1993; Cronin et al., 2000 The paucity of research assessing quality and satisfaction in B2B markets has created a need for conceptual and empirical research to: establish a pattern of dimensions that formulate the quality perceptions of industrial buyers; de?ne the concept of industrial satisfaction and clarify its role within a B2B servicesframework; establish theoretical and empirical links between these two constructs in terms of industrial behavioural intentions and loyalty levels; and identify an appropriate method of measuring the constructs involved One of the main objectives of the present research was to clarify the contradictory evidence with respect to the relationships among the concepts of service quality, industrial satisfaction, and loyalty, and to provide evidence of the mediating role of industrial satisfaction In particular, the purposes of the present study were: to develop a validated instrument of loyalty measurement using the key constructs of quality perceptions and industrial satisfaction; to create the theoretical basis upon which hypotheses can be formulated concerning the variables of perceived quality, industrial satisfaction, and loyalty; to explore and identify a stable pattern of the dimensions of quality perceptions in an industrial context; and to test the hypotheses and the mediating role of industrial customer satisfaction empirically The present paper begins with an examination of the literature pertaining to each of the concepts involved and the presentation of the st udy’s conceptual framework. The methodology employed in this research is then explained and the study results are presented and discussed. Finally, conclusions and managerial implications of the study are provided and a set of future research directions is examined, as are the limitations of this study.Literature reviewService qualityIn the services marketing literature, the service-quality construct is a controversial topic Brady and Cronin, 2001; Zeithaml, 2000; Zins, 2001; Rust and Oliver, 1994; Lapierre et al., 1996. In the business-to-consumer literature, researchers have adopted three broad conceptualisations. The ?rst, proposed by Gro ¨nroos 1982, 1984, de?ned the dimensions of service quality in global terms as being functional and technical. The second, proposed by Parasuraman et al. 1988, identi?edservice-quality dimensions using terms that describe service-encounter characteristics reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurances, and tangibles. The third, proposed by Rust and Oliver 1994, considered overall perception of service quality to be based on the customer’s evaluation of three dimensions of service encounters: the customer-employee interaction, the service environment, and the service outcome. It is not clear, however, which of these conceptualisations and dimensional patterns are the most appropriate to use Brady and Cronin, 2001; Rust and Oliver, 1994.Industrial satisfactionAlthough manufacturers and retailers consider satisfaction to be a key variable ? indicative of the success or failure of a business relationship ? a review of the pertinent literature reveals: .a lack of a consensus de?nition for consumer satisfaction ? thusposing serious problems for researchers in terms of conceptualisation,operationalisation, and measurement Babin and Grif?n, 1998; Woodruff and Gardial, 1996; Giese and Cote, 2000; and a lack of a comprehensive, theoretically based, empirical research stream Schellhase et al., 1999.In B2B markets, the principal differences among end-consumers arise from the decision-making unit evaluating the product or service. When considering the satisfaction of an industrial client, it is necessary to evaluate the satisfaction of the different constituents of the buying centre who are in contact with the industrial supplier Parasuraman, 1998. Even though the individual members of a buying centre are guided by the company’s objectives, they have their own motivations and objectives and evaluate the performance of the product or service according to their own reference standards Anderson and Narus 1990, in their effort to model manufacturer-distributor relationships, de?ned satisfaction as a positive, affective state resulting from the appraisal of all aspects of a ?rm’s working relationship with another ?rm. This de?nitio n posits that satisfaction understood as affective can be contrasted with an objective summary assessment of outcomes ? thereby forming a target-performance comparison mechanism. If expectations are exceeded by performance, satisfaction is generated Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Bearden and Tell, 1983; LaBarbera and Mazursky Previous research has used variousmethods of satisfaction measurement. Objective measures of satisfaction have included the acquisition of data on variables such as market share and loyalty as indicators of client satisfaction Oliver, 1980; Oliver and Swan, 1989. Due to the suspect validity of objective measures, information on satisfaction can alternatively be collected on a subjective basis. Attribute-oriented procedures acquire data on satisfaction indirectly by using indicators such as complaints ?gures Oliver, 1980; Bearden and Tell, 1983 Explicit approaches have directly measured satisfaction using single overall or multidimensional scales. Using these scales, overall satisfaction is an aggregation of all previous transaction-speci?c evaluations and is updated after each speci?c transaction ? in much the same way as expectations of overall service quality are updated after each transaction in a business-to-consumer environment Boulding et al., 1993. Transaction-speci?c satisfaction might not be perfectly correlated with overall satisfaction ? because service quality is likely to vary from experience to experience, especially in an industrial context. Overall satisfaction can be viewed as a moving average that is relatively stable and similar to an overall attitude Parasuramanet al., 1994 After thorough interviews with professionals in the area under investigation, it was clear to the present researchers that none of the existing de?nitions depicted the elements of buying centres and relationship evolvement over time. The present researchers thereforedecided to adapt the cumulative de?nition of industrial satisfaction of Chumpitaz 1998:Industrial satisfaction is an overall evaluation of the total purchase, use and relationships experience with a product or service over time, as expressed by members of the buying decision centre.This de?nition provided the basis for conceptualising and measuring effectively the industrial satisfaction construct in the present study.To conceptualise perceived service quality, Oliver 1993 distinguished between quality and satisfaction by noting that the dimensions underlying quality judgments are rather speci?c ? whether they are cues or attributes Bolton and Drew, 1991. Satisfaction judgments, in contrast, can result from any dimension ? some related to quality, and some not. Expectations of quality are based on ideals or perceptions of excellence, whereas a large number of non-quality issues ? including needs Westbrook and Reilly, 1983 and equity or fairness Oliver and Swan, 1989 ? help in the formation of satisfaction judgments. Rust and Oliver 1994, p. 6 stated that “ quality is one dimension on which satisfaction is based”. In making this statemen t they were in accord with Dick and Basu 1994, Anderson and Fornell 1994, Iacobucci et al. 1995, Sivadas and Baker- Prewitt 2000, and Odekerken-Schroder et al. 2000. More recently, Cronin et al. 2000, in their study of six different service industries, supported and built on the extant literature by indicating that service-quality perceptions are important determinants of satisfaction Based on previousevidence concerning the causality of these related constructs, the present study placed service-quality perceptions as antecedents to the formation of industrial satisfaction attributes. Considerable evidence con?rms that performance judgments of service related issues play a signi?cant role in the formation of satisfaction cues Erevelles and Leavitt, 1992; Oliver, 1980; Kristensen et al., 1999; Martensen et al., 2000. This leads to the following hypothesis being proposed: H1In a business-to business context, quality perceptions have a positive in?uence on industrial satisfaction levels.LoyaltyThe importance of loyalty has been widely recognised in the marketing literature Oliver, 1999; Samuelson and Sandvik, 1997; Howard and Sheth, 1969. Reichheld and Sasser 1990 have studied the impact on pro?ts of having a loyal customer base, and Aaker 1991 has discussed the role of loyalty in the brand-equity process, observing that brand loyalty reduces marketing costs and that the relative costs of customer retention are substantially less than those of acquisition Fornell and Wernerfelt, 1987. Another important element of brand loyalty is the intended support of the product or service expressed in communication experiences ? with positive word of mouth among loyal consumers leading to greater resistance to competitive strategies Arndt, 1967; Oliver, 1999; Dick and Basu, 1994.Despite the clear managerial relevance of brand loyalty, conceptualand empirical gaps remain Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Lau and Lee, 1999; Oliver, 1999; Fournier and Yao, 1997. Speci?cally, the concept of loyalty in a B2B context is not clearly de?ned and there are numerous ways of de?ning and measuring this matter on a consumer market basis. Oliver 1999, p. 34 de?ned brand loyalty as follows:. a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational in?uences and marketing efforts havingthe potential to cause switching behavior.This de?nition emphasises the two principal aspects of brand loyalty that have been studied in previous studies: behavioural and attitudinal Aaker, 1991; Assael, 1998;Day, 1969; Jacoby and Chestnut, 1978; Jacoby and Kyner, 1973; Oliver, 1999; Tucker, 1964. Behavioural loyalty refers to repeated purchases of the brand, whereas attitudinal brand loyalty includes a degree of dispositional commitment in terms of some distinctive value associated with the brand. The attitude behind the purchase is important because it drives behaviour. Although brand-loyal behaviour is partly determined by situational factors such as availability, attitudes are more enduring Jacoby and Kyner 1973 proposed a de?nition of loyalty that includes six necessary conditions ? that brand loyalty is the biased that is, non-random, behavioural that is, purchase response, expressed over time, by some decision-making unit a person or group of persons, withrespect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands, and is a function of psychological processes decision-making, evaluative. Bloemer and Kasper 1995 studied the differences between“true” loyalty and “spurious” loyalty the latter being due to an inertia effect. These authors found that true loyalty implies in addition to repetitive purchasing a true commitment to the brand. Oliver 1997, 1999 also evoked this notion of commitment in his research on satisfaction and brand-loyalty relationship. Numerous studies have established a relationship between service quality and loyalty. Some have posited an indirect in?uence Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998; Ostrowski et al., 1993; Patterson and Spreng, 1997; Pritchard and Howard, 1997, whereas others have posited a direct in?uence Boulding et al., 1993; De Ruyter et al., 1998. Recent research has indicated a positive and signi?cant relationship between a customer’s perception of service quality and that customer’s loyalty expressed as willingness to recommend the company and intentions to repurchase Parasuraman et al., 1988; Zeithaml et al., 1996; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Danaher and Rust, 1996a, b; Bitner, 1990; Patterson, 1995. These scholars have suggested that the service perceptions of members of the buying centre directly in?uence loyalty levels of the buying centre towards the supplier ?rm. The following second hypothesis is therefore postulated:H2. In a business-to business context, quality perceptions have apositive in?uence on loyalty levels.出处:Ruben Chumpitaz and Nicholas G. Paparoidamis. Service quality and marketing performance in business-to-business markets: exploring the mediating role of client satisfaction [j].Managing Service Quality, Volume 14, Number 2/3,2004, pp. 235-248译文:在B2B市场中服务质量和市场营销的性能:探索客户满意度的媒介作用关键词服务质量保证,产品质量,信息系统,B2B市场营销,客户忠诚度,客户满意度摘要结合相关的文献,作者们在234个信息系统提供商的样本中测试了关于企业忠诚的模型,同时整合了服务质量、满意度和忠诚度的概念。
电子商务消费者权益保护中英文对照外文翻译文献电子商务消费者权益保护中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce: Some Remarks on the Jordanian Electronic Transactions Law Emad AbdelElectronic commerce changes the way the world is conducting business. It offers enormous potential for accessing to new markets and transacting between parties who may have had no previous contact or knowledge. With this modern kind of trade, transactions might even be formed by the interaction with or between intelligent software applications without any direct awareness or intervention of the human users.Electronic commerce may also generate many consumer and legal challenges especially regarding the it between law and technology. The law is not just words on a piece of paper, but it might play an active role in building confidence in e-commerce, encouraging efficient business practices, and enhancing the commercial flourish in the networked environment. It is quite possible however that the law might contribute in shaking the trust in e-commerce and undermining the security and reliability of the online environment.It can be said that the success of e-commerce in any country depends primarily on the predictability and suitability of the legal framework and whether such framework copes sensibly with the needs of online consumers. For e-commerce to reach its full potential, consumers must have effective protection when shopping on the Internet, and they have to feel that their data and transmissions are adequately safeguarded andauthenticated. Otherwise, the results will be less and less convincing since individuals will be less willing to engage in the universe of the electronic commerce, and hence, e-commerce will not flourish and its growth will be stifled.Like other countries, Jordan sought to benefit from the advantages and unprecedented opportunities of e-commerce. To achieve this goal, considerable economic and legislative reforms were made during the last decade to bring the Jordanian market into conformity with the global economy and shift the Jordanian economy from protected form of economy to the market one, where the competition practices and liberation of goods and services’ prices are freed. In 2001, Jordan enacted the Electronic Transactions Law No.85 which was largely based on the UNCITRAL model law on electronic commerce. This law has recognized electronic transactions and signatures and placed them on equal footing with their paper counter- parts. Furthermore, Jordan signed and acceded to many treaties and agreements at international, American, and European levels to create a favourable e-commerce climate and meet the standards of international trade.After such changes and in the light of the Jordanian membership in many international agreements, the pressing question that needs to be addressed is whether or not the Jordanian law of electronic transactions deals appropriately with the challenges of e-commerce in a way that strikes a balance between business interests and the need to protect consumer rights. In other words, does the Electronic Transactions Law in Jordan offer the necessary guarantee for a secure online commerce? This question will therefore be the subject matter of this paper.The Protection of Online Consumers in JordanAlthough e-commerce is growing at a dramatic rate, there are still areas of concern that need to be addressed adequately by the legislation in order to promote trust in e-commerce and remove any barriers to its full development. Such areas of concern revolve in one way or another around the issues of consumer protection, privacy, and data protection in an online environment where the contracting parties hardly know each other, and in which electronic communications are rarely subject to direct human review.Online consumers may not use the Internet to make purchases if they find that they do not have a clear protection from unfair contractual terms or that their rights of privacy and transparency are not comprehensively guaranteed. Therefore, it can be argued that the lack of proper legislation may not only shake consumer confidence in online commerce, but it might also threaten the expansion and profitability of e-commerce. It is clear then that the consumer protection in e-commerce is based on several rights such as the right of full information, the right of privacy, the right to withdraw from the contract without penalty, and the right to have effective protection from unfair contractual conditions.Let us now explore the way in which the Electronic Transactions Law deals with such rights and determine whether or not this law gives due attention to consumer protection in an online environment. Let us further permit and encourage debate of what such law should be in order to enhance legal certainty as well as increase confidence in e-commerce in Jordan.The Right of Full InformationIn order to protect online consumers and boost theirconfidence in e-commerce, consumer protection rules in most jurisdictions require that certain information must be provided to the consumer in good time before the contract is concluded. Good examples in this regard are the European Directive 2000/31/EEC on electronic commerce, and the European Directive 1997/7/EC on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts which contain specific provisions in terms of information to be provided to the consumer. Such directives aim to encourage greater use of e-commerce by clarifying the rights and obligations of businesses and consumers, enhancing the transparency, and breaking down barriers across Europe. In order to achieve these goals, such Directives require that certain information be supplied to consumers in a clear manner that comports with the means of distance communication used, having regard to the principles of good faith in commercial transactions, and the protection of minors and others unable to give consent. These Directives insist further that online service providers are obliged to provide contact details to the recipients of their services in a form that is easily, directly and permanently accessible.Unlike the European law, the Electronic Transactions Law in Jordan does not contemplate the information that the supplier must provide to the consumer before the conclusion of the electronic contract. By doing so, this law leaves this issue to be governed by the general rules of the Civil Law without in any way recognizing the fact that consumers in an online environment need more protection than that offered by such general rules. Without direct and comprehensible recognition of the full information right, suppliers might have an absolute power to bind their consumers regardless of whether or not they providethem with the necessary information to enter into contracts, and consumers might thus become largely unprotected. If creating a confident and protective environment for online consumers is our concern, it is essential then that the Electronic Transactions Law addresses such issue explicitly by imposing special duties of information on the supplier so that certain details must be provided to the consumer either before the contract is made or in good time after it. The Right to Privacy in Personal Data Many privacy concerns arise in cyberspace where anonymity prevails and in which technology facilitates the collection, processing and transmission of individuals’ information in a matter of a few seconds. On a daily basis, the vast majority of Web sites required e-consumers to disclose some personal identifyinginformation as they complete electronic transactions or create online accounts. Such consumers often provide the required personal information without fully understanding how this information will be used and whether or not it will be shared with third parties. They just do that to complete a transaction or gain access to a service they seek since they know that any refusal to submit the required information will hinder any further meaningful use of a Web site, and hence, they will find themselves unable to complete their intended purchase (Ciocchetti 2008, p. 561).While some Web sites collect personal information from consumers and store it in their databases in order to facilitate transactions and discover consumers’ trends and interests so that they can satisfy the ever-evolving needs of their consumers, other Web sites may collect personal information only to sell it to marketing firms or unrelated third parties for a profit. Thismight not only impact a consumer’s privacy negatively, but it may also cause considerable personal and financial damage especially when very sensitive data falls into the wrong hands. What complicates the matter further is the fact that once such data leaves the hands of its initial collectors, it may be stolen or purchased anonymously and from anywhere around the world. That being the case, it should come as no surprise if consumers know nothing about the identity of the parties that purchase their personal information or the purpose for which such information is used. This situation may infringe the privacy of e-consumers and leave them in the dark as to how their personal information will be used in the future. In order to avoid that, law should determine when, how, and to what extent consumers’ personal information is collected, used, and shared with third parties.Law is also strongly advised to oblige Web sites to notify their customer in advance and in a conspicuous manner of their privacy policy with regard to the collection, use, and dissemination of personal information. Such notification must clarify whether or not this information will be shared externally and must also include the identity of the data controller, the purpose for which the data is collected, and the measures that will be taken to guard such data against loss or unauthorised processing. By doing so, law will surely enable e-consumers to make informed decisions before submitting their personal information online, and provide them with options as to how this information may be used for purposes beyond those necessary to conclude a transaction.Protecting the privacy of personal data is recognized as being important tosociety and to the development of e-commerce in Europe. This is why the European Union has enacted Directive 95/96 in 1995 to determine a basic framework for the protection of personal data while at the same time stressing the freedom of movement of personal data between each of the EU’s Member States. This Directive includes an important language that attempts to identify the core rights of data subjects, such as the right to know what data is held on them and the nature and purpose of the processing. Furthermore, this Directive necessitates that any subsequent use or transfer of the data must be justified in the light of the purpose for which it was acquired.Unlike the European Union, Jordan does not yet have comprehensive legislation pertaining to data privacy. Although the Jordanian Constitution explicitly recognizes the right of each member of the society to maintain and preserve his individual privacy, and although Jordan signed many international agreements which have insisted on the importance of protecting the privacy of personal data, Jordan has no specific data protection or privacy law, and hence, it remains unclear how to deal with the collection, processing, and dissemination of consumers' personal identifying information. In fact, even though Jordan has witnessed significant legislative reforms and amendments during the last decade, none of such reforms and amendments regulate the privacy in online contracting.While the Electronic Transactions Law was well intentioned, its silence with regard to data privacy has effectively undermined the consumer protection which it aimed to provide to Internet users. Instead of safeguarding the rights of consumers to privacy and protection in the online environment, this law says nothing about the collection, use, and disclosure of consumers' personalidentifying information. Furthermore, this law does not require e- commerce companies to create a privacy policy or notify their customers of the purpose for which the personal data are collected from them. That being the case, one may conclude that online companies have too much power to determine the manner in which they collect and process consumers' personal data, and that such companies are absolutely free to sell, swap, or rent consumers’ data to whoever they want without any fear that law will interfere or track down their operations. Under the current legal system in Jordan, online consumers have no control over their submitted information or over the subsequent use of such information, and it still difficult for them to make informed decisions before submitting their personal identifying information online.Privacy is then one of the most complex challenges facing e-commerce in Jordan. Unless the Jordanian legal system meets this challenge adequately in a way that protects the personal information of consumers while also promotes e-commerce efficiency, the interests of Internet users across the country will be largely unprotected. Therefore, law is strongly advised to establish enforceable rules to safeguard users’ rights to privacy in personal data. It is perhaps useful for Jordan to consider the principles of fair information practices for the protection of personal data that can be found in the Data Protection Directive in the European Union. It would also be useful in this regard to contemplate the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Privacy Guidelines.ConclusionElectronic commerce has brought with it a host of new challenges especially in matters of privacy and consumerprotection. It has become increasingly certain that the absence of an appropriate legal framework to deal with such challenges may have a negative effect on the stability and predictability of e-commerce. For most shoppers, feeling that their data and interests are well protected throughout the different stages of the electronic contracting process is the most important consideration in shopping online. If consumers feel that their rights might be infringed or that their interests might not be effectively and explicitly safeguarded, then they may be less willing to engage in online activities and transactions. It seems thus that the primary challenge is how to deal legally with e-commerce in a way that promotes trust in conducting business over the Internet, and at the same time protects the fundamental rights of online consumers such as the right of full information, the right to have effective protection from unfair contractual terms, the right to review the contract or to withdraw from it, and the right to privacy.The most important initiative drawing the general features of electronic commerce in Jordan is the Electronic Transactions Law No. 85 of 2001 which was adopted in order to accommodate the challenging aspects of e-commerce. The examination of this law however does not paint a positive picture of the future of such commerce in Jordan. Unfortunately, this law says nothing regarding the protection of consumers' rights in the online environment. Furthermore, this law does not include any measures to build confidence in online commerce, nor does it involve any safeguards in relation to misleading advertising, unfair contractual terms, the collection of consumers' personal identifying information, spamming, and othermarketing practices that may confuse or take advantage ofthe consumer. Instead of safeguarding the rights of consumers comprehensively, unambiguously, and directly, this law leaves this issue to be governed by the general rules of the Civil Law without in any way recognizing the fact that consumers in an online environment need more protection than that offered by such general rules.In spite of the significance now being placed internationally on consumer protection, little attention has been given to such issue in Jordan. At the time of writing, Jordan does not yet have specific legislation pertaining to the protection of online consumers. While consumers in most jurisdictions receive the benefit of a wide range of consumer protection laws, there is no detailed or comprehensive legal framework in Jordan for consumer protection. Although the general rules of the Jordanian Civil Law contain in one way or another some kind of indirect consumer protection, such rules may not be sufficient in the digital world due to the fundamental differences between online and offline environments.Although Jordan has proceeded with upgrading its legislation to meet challenges brought by e-commerce, it needs to do more in order to secure a suitable climate for e-commerce and enhance the confidence in conducting business online. In matters of privacy and consumer protection, Jordan should seek to establish explicit rules to safeguard consumers’ interests without invoking and depending on the general rules of the Civil Law or on other traditional laws which may not be applicable for the Internet. For the full potential of e- commerce to be realized, Jordan is also strongly advised to develop effective standards to ensure that there are adequate consumer protection and proper means of redress in place. It is perhaps useful for Jordan toconsider the principles of consumer protection that can be found in the relevant European Directives or OECD Guidelines.From:Jordan electronic trading activities of the law电子商务中的消费者权益保护:一些备注在约旦电子交易活动的律法阿曼德阿布戴尔电子商务改变世界的方式开展业务。
诚信经营作文中英文版Honesty in business is crucial for building trust and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. It is important to be transparent and truthful in all business dealings.In today's competitive market, maintaining integrity in business practices can set a company apart from its competitors. Customers are more likely to do business with companies they trust and believe to be honest.Being honest in business not only benefits the customers but also the company itself. It helps in building a strong reputation and brand image, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth marketing.In a world where information spreads quickly through social media and online reviews, one dishonest act can have a lasting impact on a company's reputation. It is importantto always act with integrity to avoid any negative consequences.Honesty in business also extends to how a company treats its employees, suppliers, and partners. By being fair and transparent in all business relationships, a company can build a strong network of support and trust.In conclusion, honesty in business is essential for long-term success. It builds trust with customers and creates a positive reputation for the company. It is important to always act with integrity in all business dealings.。
外文原文The Integrity of E-commerce Market一.Chinese E-commerce performance of the Credit CrisisUse of electronic commerce transactions will inevitably related to credit and payment issues. E-commerce "paperless" and "no address" on the parties involved in the transaction,the higher credit requirements in the transition of Chinese society,traditional moral principles of social value system constraint is increasingly weakened,based on the rule of law based on the contractual society "is far from being formed. the concept of credit is very weak in the eyes of many people,therefore,to give e-commerce closely matching the means of payment has brought a lot of adverse effects domestic e-commerce transactions, their means of payment is Tuyangjiehe. Mixed-use credit card,debit card,debit card,postal remittance and cash on delivery payment methods,and some are even using the online inquiry, online methods of trading,although some banks began to online payments and open on-line banking and other aspects of the experimental work,but in the Chinese credit system is still imperfect, the power of banks alone is difficult to solve this problem. Moreover, due to poor trust between people,very few people are willing to rush through the network in the form of their own credit card numbers and other personal information to tell businesses,because all too easy to occur can not imagine a serious problem. Majority of enterprises engaged in e-commerce,have opted for cash on delivery so that a more reliable way to solve the problem of distrust between the payment of the purchase price,but the ultimate goal of e-commerce activities is to fast,convenient,secure transactions,and rationalize the use of funds and the flow of goods. If we still follow the traditional transaction methods,the use of cash paid to the implementation of online transactions,is bound to restrict the scale of operation of the enterprise e-commerce,and contrary to the original intention of the e-commerce activities.Acts of dishonesty in the e-commerce part of the general performance in the following aspects:1. the quality of the goods distortionConsumer use of e-commerce website online shopping, have a safe, convenient, and many other advantages, but based on consumer feedback through the online purchase of goods is often less than the consumer's psychological expectations, there is the phenomenon of shoddy. For example, the author frequently on Taobao shopping, goods often see on the website picture style is very attractive, very beautiful picture production, but wait until after the purchase of goods delivered to their own hands when it found the picture difference between the kind and website even, feeling very worth it. Goods distortion, is the phenomenon of the existence of e-commerce online shopping is a very serious dishonesty.2. Goods missingConsumer complaints of online shopping, consumers online payment, but can not receive the goods a few complaints, this set v. phenomenon can be divided into the following specific circumstances:(1)logistics aspects of a problem, the seller could not be goods;(2)buyer malicious lie to the goods;(3)seller fraud.3. Credit Card FraudE-commerce payment and settlement, you need the close cooperation of the electronic financial system, and security issues are ignored, consumer credit card can be stolen.二.Two Deep-level inquiry of the integrity of the two Chinese e-commerce1. Network media information asymmetryAttention and study of this phenomenon of information asymmetry as early as the 1970s, 20 by the University of Cambridge Professor James Morris ((James Mirleees) and Columbia University Professor William Vickrey network, Liam of Vicke two economists , after more than 30 years, the theory of asymmetric information in economic activities more and more recognition of the outstanding contribution of these two economists awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1996. means that the theoretical system to finish, it provides a new perspective to a market economy. information asymmetry refers to the parties to the transaction there is always a partycan only get incomplete information. studies have shown that of two economists: asymmetric information is widespread in market economy, reducing the confidence of traders, raise transaction costs, to produce inferior quality product of the destructive effects of the expulsion of the industry as a whole. e-commerce is a new thing and its essence is a new trading patterns and means: through the network complete business activities. its role in addition to creating a new online virtual enterprise, mainly reflected in the comprehensive transformation of its traditional industries, e-commerce applications published on the Internet to speed up the awareness level of the public in order to save transaction costs, but compared with the traditional business activities, information asymmetries that exist in the e-commerce, not less, but more and more complex. I believe that the information asymmetry in the following e-commerce links the various acts of dishonesty directly reasons.(1). Between the consumer and business websites "pre-contractual information asymmetry"Information economics goods into search goods and experience goods. In general, the relevant characteristics of the commodities by the time of purchase, touch, weigh and inspection to identify the goods to search goods, those who need to use after a period in order to identify and understand their characteristics of goods as experience goods. For example: the flowers in the traditional trading is typical of search goods, before making a purchase, we can see the color of flowers and shiny, smell the flowers, flower picking time by the moisture content of judgment. Shopping links in e-commerce, almost all commodities have become experience goods. Flower pictures on the website, consumers can get information only varieties of flowers and color, aroma, picking time and the number of flowers and other information simply will not understand, or that access to information is too costly (to configure the aromatic recognition system ). This allows the seller in a good position, and consumers in the information asymmetry, the seller shoddy become possible. Because of this asymmetric information before signing, so called "pre-contractual information asymmetry.(2). Information asymmetry between consumers and Web site after signingCheat back "phenomenon in the online shopping sites can not be learned whether the consumer receives the goods, that is, whether the consumer receives the goods, the goods have been flawed. In a favorable position so the buyer, the seller in the asymmetric information, this information asymmetries occur after the contract signing, known as the "after signing a contract asymmetric information. Business website should establish the image of integrity, we must improve the service protection system commitment Returns. But if consumers abuse return, the site is difficult to judge the real reason consumers return shipping link, or the buyer deliberately caused. This increased the cost of the integrity of the integrity of the site.(3). Between logistics companies and business websites "hidden action"E-commerce without the logistics chain can complete the transaction, but the goods delivered to consumers but also by post or logistics companies. Responsibilities and obligations of the seller shall be shipped on time, such as encountered logistical problems to help each other inquiries. In China, work attitude and work efficiency of the postal it's downhill. Post never assure our customers that what its behavior belongs to the "hidden behavior". Commerce sites are often in a party to the disadvantage of the asymmetric information.(4). Between the financing institution and the site of the "hidden behavior"China's commercial banks are currently only funds rarely act as market information providers and intermediaries. That is, the state-owned commercial banks lack the ability to access and determine market information. Naturally does not recognize the business site "hidden behavior." Information asymmetry on the one hand the lack of good faith business website Piandai conditions; the other hand, a challenge to the financing activities of all business websites.(5). Between supplier firms and business sites "hidden information"At present, China engaged in the B2B and B2C e-commerce sites are mostly taking credit means of access to goods from the supplier firms. The credit is a business website to lack of funds and difficulties in financing the performance. Credit to alleviate the shortage of funds in the business website at the same time, also increasesthe risk of the debt of the Web site operators. Commerce sites, the financial position of the supplier firms can not understand, so this information is known as the "hidden information". Once the business website operational problems, the "hidden information" would be inflated, and led directly to the business website credit crisis, but also cause losses to creditor enterprises. Such as the end of 2001, my8848 network was closed down due to poor management, arrears of the supplier firms and consumers paid over 600 million and losses of the supplier firms2. Lack of social moral and ethical education(1). The proliferation of false information in the network environmentIn this new media of the network, information is not like in the traditional media will be so many constraints due to the virtual network, the average consumer, even if aware of the error information, it is difficult to publish information in the enterprise to pursue the matter, do not even know the address of the network enterprise. some network companies will be the performance was brazenly published a variety of information online, or create a variety of news, to attract consumers to create the so-called CTR, in order to expand their commercial impact, seeking economic benefits. Someone once asked a friend of the CEO in a commercial website: the site's click-through rate is the number? friend calmly asked: "Do you want to hear really or false? "It is said that true and false can vary more than doubled and it has become an open secret that the network community. the existence of such a situation, making the majority of consumers have doubts about a lot of information online, the loss of at least trust.(2). The quality of goods there is a big problemChina is still in the traditional planned economy to a market economy transition period, this transition is not just a change of economic system, it is a kind of cultural transformation. Supporting laws and the laws and regulations are not perfect, and the market economy. far from perfect. many companies do not speak the credibility of manufacture of fake and shoddy products, in order to reap huge profits. This enables consumers to make purchases, stores and goods do not trust many consumers go directly to the store to buy items, but also tend to Maidaojiahuo, resulting in a lot ofdisputes. e-commerce because of its virtual characteristics, the problem is more serious, although their homes, the click of a mouse, you can browse through the computer screen online store a variety of commodities, and then re-enter their home address and the number of data will was selected goods delivered to their doorsteps. However, due to the virtualization of the transaction process, consumers in advance you can not see the samples of commodities and can not face to face transactions, the exposed has become increasingly serious problem. Some call it "online advertising everywhere, goods sent home to face non-". According to media reports, the one who lives in Shanghai consumers browse Taobao page, from a website designed beautiful electronics store to buy an inkjet printer. 2 days after this e-shops sent to packaging was very fine printer to send, receive the printer, Mr. unboxing to check to see models, that color is just what you selected earlier, it is pleased to pay the other party to give him a computer print-out price single. The first few days, the printer is working properly, but two weeks after something has gone wrong, in addition to cardboard, the writing is uneven depth spray. Mr. accordance with the instructions on the number to call with this company, but the defendant is empty number. He found the complaints from the Consumers 'Association, the Consumers' Association said helpless because there is no formal invoice. China's industry is still in a more naive time, many still lack quite competitive, so the quality is uneven. Plus the lower part of the business's level of business ethics, causing market disorder, the trust degree of poor consumer goods. So many consumers prefer to take some time on the store to buy something, believe in "Words are but wind, seeing is believing" concept, a lack of confidence in online shopping. This factor has seriously hampered the launching of e-commerce.3. Lack of network technologyNetwork Platform Security technical level is low. E-commerce network platform whether there is sufficient technical capacity to ensure effective authentication of network transactions proceed smoothly, and the capacity to confirm the transaction subject is another issue of integrity that we can not be ignored. Some obstacles due to the exchange and sharing of information resources, and banking network in the smooth implementation of standardized docking and customer identification, so that to ensure confidentiality of the data to be challenged from time to time, resulting in the use offalse ID card to open a bank savings account and credit card has occurred frequently malicious overdraft events repeated. Electronic trading is very convenient, but if the transfer of information on the Internet security is not enough, especially the prevention and control of e-commerce credit risk is relatively weak, and may result in personal data being stolen, abused, or credit card stolen with. Network fraud hard to detect, so consumers are skeptical of the Internet. At present, some well-known e-commerce website does not use any encryption mechanism, transaction security risks remain. In addition, consumer privacy protection mechanism is not perfect, site master some consumer privacy information, e-commerce transactions with the virtual space of the characteristics of online fraud, counterfeiting relatively easy conditions, resulting in the interests of consumers and easier to damage, serious impact on the consumer electronics shopping confidence and enthusiasm. China has not generate enough attention to privacy protection, which may result in violations of consumer privacy phenomenon occurs, the loss of a large number of customer information and diffusion are threatening the development of e-commerce health. The security of electronic transactions is the biggest problem hindering development of electronic commerce. Quite a few experts believe that e-commerce is the new direction of Internet technology, is built on the basis of technical network systems, which originated from the technology, problems in the development of electronic commerce, only improvements in technology to solve the through the firewall, encryption technology, digital signatures, authentication and other technology, online information flow to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation. However, so far, improvements in technology does not solve the security issues of e-commerce. February 1996, co-sponsored by VISA and MASTER CARD two credit card international organizations to protect Scr secure electronic transactions on the Internet Protocol (Security Electronic Transation), although a better solution to the current e-commerce transaction security problem. In practice, however, proved that a purely technical means of prevention can not play a permanent restraining effect on a variety of malicious attacks and cybercrime. Only a two-pronged approach of legal and technical in order to safeguard and protect the sound development of e-commerce.中文译文电子商务市场之诚信问题第1章中国电子商务市场诚信危机的表现利用电子商务进行交易必然会涉及到信用与支付问题。
The Strategic Challenges of E-commerceIntroduction11th Century Europe saw the emergence of credit-based banking systems and financial instruments such as bills of exchange. These concepts remain with us, in their modified form, to this day (Chown, 1994). They underpin all modern forms of commerce. The arrival of information technology (computers and telecommunications) has raised the prospect of radical change to this traditional model.The rise of the Internet (electronic commerce), since the advent of the World Wide Web, has provided an easy to use communication channelfor businesses to contact current and potential customers. The emergence of the Internet as a general communication channel has also given rise to the possibility of widespread electronic commerce. Even though there is still much debate relating to electronic payment for commercial activities, this is clearly an area of growth.It is difficult to say how large the Internet is. Hoffman & Novak (1996) quote a number of surveys (O'Reilly, FIND/SVP, Times Mirror and CommerceNet) which suggest that there are at least 10 million Internet users in the United States alone. The number of computers (hosts) connected to the Internet topped 9.47 million (Network Wizards, 1996) as of January 1996. Note that a single host supports anywhere from a single user to, in some cases, thousands of users.As of March 21, 1996, 24,347 firms were listed in Open Market's (1996) directory of "Commercial Services on the Net," and there were 54,800 entries in the "Companies" directory of the Yahoo Guide to WWW(Yahoo, 1996), with the total number of Web sites doubling approximately every two months. Jim Clarke, the chairman of Netscape, estimated the Internet has 40 million users in 1995 with growth at 8% per month (Clarke, 1995).The Internet is only one aspect of technology. Businesses require information and supporting systems (processes) to handle the data - over time these systems have become computerised (IT). Modern information technology can both support the processes and help capture useful information for the enterprise. These technologies include:1. Organizational support systems, such as workflow and groupware - making businesses more efficient.2. Customer contact databases - helping capture information about customers and facilitate new methods of marketing.3. Electronic payment systems for goods and services - these are emerging, although the majority of payments are still based onrelatively expensive traditional cheque clearance.Collectively and individually, these areas will contribute to major changes in the way a company conducts its business. Enix have coined the term Workware to describe the combination of these technologies.Figure 1 - The emergence of Electronic Commerce will be underpinned by three key componentsHowever, there is still widespread misunderstanding on the value of organisational support technology. A recent survey of 437 large enterprises by research company Xephon (1996) indicated that an astonishing proportion (44%) had no immediate intention of introducing modern information handling systems (Groupware was defined by Xephon as Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise). Of these, 65% said they were unsure what these technologies could deliver. From these statistics, it is clear many organisations are still sceptical about the benefits of technology.The efficient collection, utilisation, handling, storage and dissemination of information is a vital component of corporate success in the modern business world. However, the gathering and use of information must take into account issues of privacy and security. A recent feature in the Financial Times (1996) noted that " … in order to thrive in the 1990s, financial services organisations are as much in the business of managing and manipulating information as managing and making money." Furthermore, the interest shown in topics such as TQM and BPR has demonstrated the importance of processes as a fundamental building block.Inevitably a few savvy organizations in each sector will utiliseall three components to change their market or develop new markets. Those who do not adapt quickly to the new ways of working are likely to be disadvantaged as their strategies become redundant. All businessesshould investigate the implications of these technologies for them and the markets within which they operate.MarketingChampy, Buday and Nohria (1996) argue that the rise of electronic commerce and the changing consumer processes brought about through electronic communities are likely to lead to a new wave of reengineering, mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, organizations may expand into new business areas, taking on roles unforeseen prior to the rise of the Web. For example: a magazine publisher, Cond Naste, has moved into the travel business; Bill Gates is now an electronic real estate agent; and a recruitment advertising agency, Bernard Hodes, has now become an electronic recruitment company.The emergence of electronic commerce will significantly impact what we curr ently call ‘marketing’. Clearly, the appearance of electronic communities (Armstrong and Hagel, 1996) implies that marketing professionals must expand their horizons as the advent of thistechnology will threaten existing channels of business. Those involvedin marketing need to understand the full range of products and services required by the electronic community. They must learn to take advantage of the technology that allows customers to move seamlessly from information gathering to completion of a transaction, interacting with the various providers of products and services as necessary. A number of interesting questions are implied:1. What kind of information is available for collection? Is it appropriate to gather this information and for what should it be used?2. Are information systems equipped to capture customer information and transactions, making it available for later analysis?3. When dealing with electronic communities, do marketing professionals comprehend the differences? One needs to engage the customer as part of the transaction rather than blindly mailing targets.This idea of community has been at the heart of the Internet since its origins as a defence and academic computer network although most communities are still not particularly oriented toward commerce. However, the World Wide Web has changed and broadened the nature of the Internet and the way in which commercial transactions are conducted. The CEO of Kodak is alleged to have remarked that he couldn’t tell if the Kodak Website was a money maker. But he knew it was important because it was the most personal way of selling since door to door salesmen, only now the customers were knocking on Kodak’s door.Armstrong and Hagel propose four types of non-exclusive electronic communities, those: interested in transactions; sharing common interests; indulging in fantasy games; and with a shared life experience. The business opportunity is for those who support and interact with these communities, building customer loyalty on an ongoing basis. Bysatisfying the requirements of relational marketing and transactions, companies may gain important insights into their customers’ nature and needs. For example, a baby products company could entice customers to order items from an associated on-line catalogue by providing bulletin boards for new parents.The desire to establish long-term customer relationships with increasingly sophisticated demands has led companies to seek new ways ofacquiring, managing and utilising customer information (Peters and Fletcher, 1995).Furthermore, advances in information technology have fundamentally altered the channels through which companies and customers maintaintheir relationships. The capacity to obtain and apply customer information within processes has become a key strategic issue. This often places the company in the position of requiring sensitive personal information from customers.Gummesson (1987, 1994, 1995) views marketing as a set of relationships, networks and interactions and lists 30Rs (relationships) in contrast to McCarthy’s (1981) 4Ps (Product, Price, Place & Promotion). Gummesson highlights the fact that the electronic relationship is not discussed in the marketing literature even though it is practised widely by many businesses. He links relationship marketing to the imaginary (similar to a virtual or network) organisation. He argues that by increasingly applying IT, more relationships are established. They create a new type of bond to customers and between employees.The electronic relationship extends beyond the bounds of the organisation into the market as seen in the example of airline, hotel and car rental reservation systems. The communities established have a re-enforcing effect. These insights force us to re-examine traditional theories of economics, systems, organisations, marketing, competition and transaction cost analysis. As the boundaries between firms and markets dissolve, a characteristic of relationship marketing and network organisations, a new image of interaction and business is needed.The importance of information exchange in relationship marketing (particularly using an electronic channel) requires a clear understanding and recognition of the potential problems. Privacy is also an issue - what is private changes from one person to another as well as between different cultures. Those who use the Internet are likely to be better educated and less willing to give information, unless they trust the recipient. Companies need to realise that the only reason they hold information on a customer is because they have a relationship with that customer - something which is not transferable. Those using electronic channels to reach customers are likely to target better educated and more affluent customers. They need, therefore, to ensure that their customer information systems are appropriate.An understanding of the trust building process is also required. Firms need to make a feature of their trustworthiness (a unique selling point!). Trust is best developed through processes. Processes tend to be customer facing - within each customer interaction trust is built-up or eroded. Companies must be absolutely clear about the value and intended use of information. Collecting information because it is technically possible (and one day might be useful) is likely to weaken trust development.Hoffman and Novak (1996) assert that the Web heralds an evolutionin marketing concepts. In order for marketing efforts to succeed in this new medium, a new business paradigm is required in which the marketing function is reconstructed to facilitate electronic commerce in the emerging electronic society underlying the Web.The "many or any" communication model of the Web (in fact many instances of many-to-one) turns traditional principles of mass media advertising inside out (a one-to-many model) (Hoffman and Novak, 1994). The application of advertising approaches which assume a passive, captive consumer are redundant on the Web.Surprisingly, as it is currently evolving, there is little activity aimed at including the consumer in the development of emerging media (Dennis & Pease, 1994). In order to adopt a market orientation, firms must understand their customers and engage in consumer research. Potential customers are most effectively engaged through new conversational marketing approaches.Anecdotal evidence suggests there are two types of customers -‘convenience shoppers’ and ‘explorers’ (those street-smart consumers who are happy to surf the Web looking for the best deal or most appropriate product combination). Furthermore, the sheer size of the Web (trillions of documents and growing exponentially) means finding relevant information is becoming more and more difficult - despite the best efforts of search engines such as Yahoo. Our research suggests that the large proportion of Web users would rather rely on an intermediary (community operator) to sift and select information on their behalf. Web sites not endorsed will require knowledge of the address (URL) and are unlikely to be accessed when similar information, products or services are readily available inside the community.Contributing to the rise of intermediaries are associated issues of privacy, trust and security (Schell, 1996). Whilst there is much discussion on the issues of Internet privacy and security, in thecontext of normal business activities, many millions of people trust others with their personal financial information. Examples include ordering over the telephone, passing a credit card to an unknown waiter, even signing direct debit mandates. If an error occurs in these types of transactions we trust the service provider to correct the error. So whyis it that we expect the Internet to support a level of trust andsecurity which we do not observe in everyday life?There is no reason why similar trust relationships cannot be established in electronically mediated discussions. If anything, it becomes easier for an individual (or group of individuals) to seek retribution on those that break the rules within an electronic community. Evidence of this can be found in the tendency to attack those that tryto advertise on academic discussion groups (mail bombs) and community policing against pornographers in the Netherlands.Marketeers must reconstruct their advertising models for the interactive, consumer controlled medium. The traditional customerloyalty ladder (Suspect, Prospect, Customer, Client, Partner, Advocate)is still applicable, but now operates in a different fashion. The first three stages are often instantaneous in electronic commerce. The transition from customer to advocate relies on loyalty earned through trust. The instantaneous nature of the Internet makes this moredifficult.Communicating Across The Value ChainIt should be recognized that processes are not confined within one organization - they cross the value chain as demonstrated by thefollowing example. Steinfield, et al (1995) describe a large,multinational, electrical appliance and consumer electronics manufacturer that used France Telecom’s Telnet sy stem to support EDI-like connections to approximately 10,000 separate retailers and independent service engineers throughout France (accessed throughMinitel terminals). The ubiquitous Telnet service and the commercial applications which emerged to exploit it, provide insights into the development of commerce on a world-wide Internet.The after-sales service subsidiary of this manufacturer provided replacement parts and training to its widely dispersed customer base. The Telnet system permitted electronic transactions, even with the smallest trading partners. Through the use of on-line ordering, coupled with courier service for rapid delivery, the firm was able to eliminate regional parts warehouses and reduce the average repair time from two weeks to two days. In the past, service engineers waited until they had a sufficient need for parts before driving to a regional warehouse. Once the system was implemented, they used the Telnet based "just-in-time" stocking practice for replacement parts.Moving to a centralised warehouse reduced the need for replicated inventories and extra personnel around the country, creating substantial savings. Moreover, service engineers were further bound-in following the introduction of a revenue producing, expert system-based, training application. Technicians connected to the expert system which asked a series of questions designed to diagnose the fault and indicate the repairs needed.。
1]ORDR-348 GOODS RCVD QUTY FOUND INFERIOR REINSPCTN CTFCT COPY HZ B SENT PLSCOMPNST. 2]Please accept our offer and confirm the above mentioned terms immediately.3]Enclosed we are sending you contract No.HX361 in duplicate,one of whith please sign and return to us by airmail.4]We can meet your special requirements for packing but the extra packing charges should be borne by you.5]Please use normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents.6]Please ensure that all the cases are marked clealy with our intitials in a triangle,under which comes the destination with the contract number below.7]In the construction of an export package,the important factors of efficiency and economy must be taken into consideration.8]In spite of every care in packing,it sometimes happens that a few barrels are broken in transit.9]We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time,as any delay would canse us no little inconvenience.10]As the only direct steamer whith calls at our port once a month has just departed,goods can only shipped next month. 11]Our terms of payment are by confirmed,irrevocable lettle of credit by draft at sight.12]On perusal,we find that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.13]We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our suppliess we are unable to get the goods ready before the end of this month.14]For your reference,we enclose this calculatian sheet and wait for your confirmation.1.合同号348 ,已收到货物,但货物不合格,请复查,CTFCT 的复印件已经发出,请查收。
诚信问题 英文作文
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诚信问题英文作文英文,Integrity is a crucial aspect of one's character and is essential in both personal and professional aspects of life. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. In my opinion, integrity is about doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. It is about being truthful, trustworthy, and reliable in all situations.Integrity is important in personal relationships as it builds trust and respect. For example, if I promise to meet a friend at a certain time, my friend expects me to be there on time. If I consistently show up late or break my promises, my friend will begin to doubt my integrity. On the other hand, if I am honest, reliable, and keep my promises, my friend will trust and respect me.In a professional setting, integrity is equally important. Employers value employees who demonstrate integrity by being honest, ethical, and responsible. Forinstance, if I am working on a project and make a mistake,I need to be honest about it and take responsibility for my actions. This shows my integrity and earns the trust of my colleagues and superiors.Furthermore, integrity is also about being true to oneself and having a strong moral compass. It meansstanding up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. For example, if I witness someone being bulliedat work, it is important to have the integrity to speak up and defend the person, even if it is not the popular thingto do.In conclusion, integrity is a fundamental aspect ofone's character that impacts all areas of life. It is about being honest, trustworthy, and responsible, and it is essential for building strong relationships and earning the respect of others.中文,诚信是一个人品格的重要方面,在个人和职业生活中都是必不可少的。
电子商务概论中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Electronic CommerceElectronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond.1. What is Electronic Commerce?Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet.Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients and suppliers can closely and conveniently contact with each other on a global scale, so that clients can find satisfactory suppliers from all comers of the world to meet their demands.Electronic commerce will change the environment in which enterprises compete with each other and reduce costs which would otherwise be high in traditional market structure. Low costs in transactions, convenience in market entry and government encouragement to use Internet (exemption from tax) activate electronic commerce and boost it to develop rapidly right from its beginning. As experts predicted, by 2000, electronic commerce would reach a scale of 300billion US dollars worldwide. And it has exceeded this scale.To ensure security of electronic commerce, an electronic certification center should be established. Digital ID is used to validate identity. Digital 11 is trusted to a third party, namely, an authorized agency, to release, including identifying informa-tion of the holder (name, address, liaison way, ID card number), an encryptive key for common use by the both parties,period of validity, password and identification in-formation of the authorized agency, etc. With digital ID, both parties in transactions can be assured of identifying the other party and validate that the information sent out from the other party has not been subject to alteration.2. Influence That Electronic Commerce May HaveCompared with traditional commerce, electronic commerce has superiorities as follows *Extensive coverage. A network system combining Internet, Intranet (local area network inside enterprises) and Extranet (networks outside enterprises) enables buy-ers, sellers, manufacturers and their partners to contact with each other and conven-iently transmit commercial intelligence and documents worldwide.*Complete functions. In electronic commerce, users of different types and on dif-ferent tiers can realize different targets in trade, for example, releasing commercial intelligence, on-line negotiation, electronic payment, establishment of virtual com-mercial market place and on-line banking, etc.*Convenience and flexibility in use.. Based on Internet, electronic commerce is free from restriction by specialized protocol for data exchange. Transactions can be conducted conveniently on computer screen, by using any type of PCs, at any place around the world.*Low cost. Use of electronic commerce can cut down costs for hiring employees, maintaining warehouse and storefront, expense for international travel and postage to a great extent. The cost for using Internet is very low.Electronic commerce will have substantial influence on social economy:*Electronic commerce will change the way people used to take in commercial ac-tivities. Through networks, people can enter virtual stores and browse around, select what they are interested in, and enjoy various on-line services. On the other hand, merchants can contact withconsumers through networks, decide on buying in goods (categories and quantities) and perform settlement of accounts. Government agencies can perform electronic tendering and pursue government purchase through networks.*The core of electronic commerce is people. It is a social system. On-line shop-ping changes the way of people's daily life and fully embodies autonomy of consum-ers in trade.*Electronic commerce changes the way enterprises produce their goods. Through networks, manufacturers know market demand directly and make arrangement of production, in accordance with consumers' need.*Electronic commerce dramatically raises efficiency of trade. Intermediate links can be cut down; costs for sales will be reduced to minimum. Production can be ar-ranged in "small batches plus diverse varieties", and "zero stock" will be reality.*Electronic commerce calls for reformation of banking services. New concepts like on-line bank, on-line cash card and credit card, on-line settlement of accounts, electronic invoice, electronic "cash"-consumers will no longer use the real cash when shopping-will become reality.*Electronic commerce will change government behavior. Called "on-line gov-ernment", an on-line administration plays the important role of a social channel, maintaining order and fairness and detecting and cracking down on-line fraud.3. The Present Situation of Electronic Commerce in Developed CountriesIn the mid-1990s, when Internet experienced explosive development and micro-computers entered homes in great numbers, computer networks became an indispen-sable part of people's daily life. People expect for more interests and convenience brought in by computer networks. Electronic Commerce emerged just in time. In de-veloped countries, governments timely madepolicies to boost electronic commerce to practical use and dominant position in a new round of worldwide competition.In 1998, Internet helped the United States to create productive out put of 507 bil-lion US dollars, national income of 301 billion US dollars, and 1. 2 million job op-portunities; of these, electronic commerce created an income of 100 billion US dollars. Internet has be-come the first big industry with yearly productive output increasing by 60%,and accounting for 6% of GDP. Service export from the United States has at-tained 160 billion US dollars each year, and it is predicted that it can compensate trade deficit in commodity trade. Internet played an important role in promoting ex-port from the United States: in 1999, books, automobiles and services were sold through electronic commerce to foreign countries, exceeding 102 billion US dollars.Advocated by the United States, 132 members of WTO decided to turn Internet into a free trade zone within at least one-year term. Some countries and organizations scrambled to work out development framework for electronic commerce and made laws and regulations for developing electronic commerce. In 1996, the UN Confer-ence on Trade and Development passed "Model Law of Electronic Commerce". In December, 1996, the US government issued "Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce".In April 1997, European Union issued "Proposal for Electronic Com-merce in Europe".On July 1 1997, US President Clinton promulgated" A framework for Global Electronic Commerce" which has had great influence on global electronic commerce. In May 1998, WTO minister conference passed "A Manifesto on Global Electronic Commerce", and in September 1998, WTO general council passed "Scheme for Electronic Commerce Work".In October 1998, UN Organization of Economy and Cooperation &Development (OECD) held minister conference at Ottawa, Canada on electronic commerce, which is praised as a milestone of global electronic commerce. InSeptember 1999, Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce (GBDE) was held in France and is-sued "Paris Proposal".In December 1999, the United States issued another Internet commerce standard.Electronic commerce in the United States takes the rein of the trade in the world. At present, there are 60 million subscribers of Internet in the United States. More than 98% of purchasing managers seek targets on-line. As estimated, by 2002, the value involved in transactions done through electronic commerce between US enterprises will account for 6.1% of GDP. Fortune magazine's statistics show the 500 top com-panies in the world all engaged in on-line business.25% of income to IBM (about 20 billion US dollars) is related with electronic commerce. Thanks to electronic com-merce, IBM saved its expenses of 250 million US dollars during 1999. HP Company designated its electronic Commerce solution as E-world-an electronized world. This solution is oriented to medium-and small-size enterprises, and great investment was made to third parties-software companies to develop software suited for medium-and small-size enterprises to engage in electronic commerce. Intel places its risky invest-ment mainly on Internet and electronic commerce. In July 1998, Intel began on-line transactions Its monthly business turn electronic commerce reached one billion US dollars.As a survey made by European Information Technology Observation shows, of the surveyed 570 companies, 47% have implemented electronic commerce of some sorts, and 4/5 of them began their electronic commerce in the latest two years. Execu-tive Committee of European Union plans at least 25% of its purchase done through electronic commerce by 2001. In1998, in Australia, web sites related with electronic commerce on Internet doubled in number, and 11% of Australian enterprises have their web sites. 80% of Australian companies use Internet to transmit E-mails and conduct commercial activities. In 1998, Singapore governmentpromulgated,for electronic commerce. Singapore is the only country in Southeast Asia that formally joined the "Rights and Obligation Electronic commerce In cooperation with US manufacturers and firms, Singapore established an electronic commerce entry in Asia, providing comprehensive Business-to-Business (B to B) service, so as to enable Asian trade companies to enter the rank of global electronic commerce.4. Development of Electronic Commerce in ChinaExploration in electronic commerce, governmental and civil began in 1993 in China. Today, electronic commerce has found its applications in foreign trade, Cus-toms, finance and commerce. Local frameworks have been established in Beijing and Shanghai for electronic commerce. Some electronic commerce web sites have been opened to on-line shopping and on-line settlement of accounts.The Ministry of Foreign Trade set up in February 1996 China Electronic Com-merce Center responsible for research, construction, and operation of international electronic commerce project in CT he Center established "China Commodity Trade Market" on Internet, to put rich resources of goods in China to world market, opening new channel for our exports. The subject "Security Proof of Electronic Commerce" as a key item in science and technology during th9th Five-year Plan period was ap-praised in early 1996 by State Department of Science and Technology and State En-cryptive Code Administration, which laid a foundation for establishing a safe and normal environment for electronic commerce in our country.In March 1999, the Ministry of Information Industry approved the electronic commercial network of pharmaceutics and health as a model project of electronic commerce for all trades. It is one of the six specialized networks in China, which pro-vide all-direction serve of market information, product transaction, warehousing and delivery, and account settlement, etc.In Shanghai, in 1999, "Shanghai Administrative Center of Electronic Commerce Security Certificate" was set up, which provide security platform for electronic com-merce and is responsible for application, appraisal, making and management of digital certificate domestic and foreign clients in Shanghai, and offers services such as certi-fication of digital identity and digital signature, electronic notarization, secure E-mail and secure encryption, etc. In January 1 the first on-line bookstore in China-Shanghai Book City On-line standard. It provides VISA cardholders and card-holders of domestic Great Wall card, Dragon card, Peony card and Pacific card with instant and authorized security service.The measure taken in Beijing to develop electronic commerce is to build a capital electronic commerce city. In November 1998, the capital electronic commerce project formally activated, and a frame-work formally showed off. The Legend Computer Company open edits electronic commerce system in June 1999, and web sites 8848, sina, 163, all activated their electronic commerce.In April 2000, sponsored by the Ministry of Information Indus-try,National Economy and Trade Commission, and China Council for Promotion of International Trade, the 4th China International Electronic Commerce Conference was held. State leaders and superintendents of various ministries and commissions joined the opening conference. Mr. Levy, secretary of Commercial Department of the US government led a delegation of famous US enterprises and media, totally more than 100 persons, to join the conference. More than 60 seminars were held during the conference, to dis-cuss extensive topics on electronic commerce.Despite all these efforts, companies engaged in electronic commerce service in China suffer losses in their B-to-C business (B refers to Business, C refers to Con-sumers). Some Chinese experts attribute this to Chinese shopping habit-Chinese con-sumers treat shopping asan interesting hobby; they enjoy the pleasure of spending their money through appreciating and comparing merchandise, and bargaining; but all these will vanish from on-line shopping. Other experts attribute this phenomenon to the ubiquitous incredulity in society-banks can-not interconnect their business be-cause they fear their customers will be captured by their rivals; cash cards cannot be popularized because banks do not trust civilians; and civilians do not like to do on-line shopping because they do not trust on-line stores,…etc. Why?That's because many things on-line and in society are false, for ex-ample, false number of subscribers, false statistics of access flux, shoddy goods, forged diploma, sham curriculum vitae, sham investment, sham listing, false revenue to listed enterprises, etc. Such an over-all environment will not change within a long period of time. In such environment, no commercial activity can be done. Many IT practitioners are disheartened with elec-tronic commerce in our country.5. Prospects of Electronic CommerceAlthough developing rapidly and seeming to have brilliant prospects, electronic commerce faces a series of real problems, for example, problems involving security, technology, expense, legal system, tax system, conception, protection of privacy, in-frastructure, etc. However, electronic commerce is the mainstream of enterprises in the new century and will develop rapidly in the coming years. Some companies pre-dict that by 2003, electronic commerce between enterprises in developed countries will account for over 9%of the total turnover(1,300 billion US dollars), and in consumer electronic commerce the turnover will attain 76. 3 billion US dollars by 2002. And as experts predicted, electronic commerce in China will catch up with de-veloped countries on the average level, in 10 years. They suggested 3 to 5 years be spent on working out plans, policies and regulations necessary for developing elec-tronic commerce, building substantial and tangible electronic commerce systems, fos-tering specialized talents,optimizing of the electronic commerce systems in some trades and areas; and then 5 to 7 years be spent on linking with international elec-tronic commerce to enable our electronic commerce system as an important compo-nent of international electronic commerce; popularizing of electronic commerce in application, raising electronic commerce in our country to a higher level in research, development and application, to the average level in developed countries.The following description tells what major I/e strategies some major manufactur-ers in the world are taking in development of electronic commerce.IBM: IBM is the pioneer that held up the banner of electronic commerce as a new application of Internet. In people's mind, IBM is now not only manufacturer of main-frames, PCs, servers, software but also the “godfather" of electronic commerce. IBM has always been dedicated to promoting secure commerce over the Internet. It sin-come from selling servers has accounted for 60% of its total in-come.IBM not only provides products for large-scale applications of secure, efficient, reliable electronic commerce and payment over Internet, but also for small electronic business as well.IBM Micro Payments an application enabling buyers to purchase low cost items over Internet-is another example of how IBM is expanding to new areas of commerce. By enabling billing servers, content providers and other merchants to profitably sell items for even a few cents, IBM opens up a whole new market.IBM Micro Payments allows buyers, sellers and billing systems to sell content, information, and services over Internet, for small amounts. IBM's commitment to electronic commerce and electronic business makes it a leader in the area of electronic payments. An automated compiler tool transforms existing HTML pages, creating "click and pay" links with either fixed or dynamic prices. Content and service provid-ers can take advantage of theextensive set of APIs and authoring tools to extend IBM Micro Payments available from OEMs. Billing servers can easily integrate the IBM Micro Payments application with existing billing systems and use it to attract content providers and open new sources of revenue.IBM Micro Payments provides scalability and interoperability, which allows widespread availability across Internet, including multi-currency and multilingual support, and low operational costs it easily supports transactions as low as one cent.SUN: SUN as a global leading supplier treats Internet not only a tool but also a new mode of commerce. SUN has provided very flexible solutions to commercial af-fairs for BBC, ETRADE, Federal Express, First Auction, Fruit of the Loom, Kodak, Thomas Cook, Virgin.Microsoft: Microsoft aims at helping enterprises to set up more powerful relation with their clients and partners by three means: (I)Windows 2000, BackOffice, Site Server, Biztalk, etc; (2) MSN (in the United States, more than 40% web users access MSN, and consumers can conduct comparative study when buying articles and ser-vices); (3) Partners provide customers with various products and services on Mi-crosoft MSN platform, realizing electronic commerce solutions, including settling account, paying tax, shopping, logistics, purchasing, accounting, ERP (Electronic Remote Processing) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), etc.Site Server and Biz talk are the two major products of Microsoft adopted in exist-ing system for enterprises to develop electronic commerce. Site Server is used for constructing web stores, based on data-it enables the client to easily realize on-line catalog, buying/selling order, exchange of documents for promoting sale, etc. Disre-garding what platform, operating system or technology used in low layer.Novell: Novell defines itself as "NET Service Supplier" after2000. The word NET includes intranet, extranet, Internet, company net, public net, cable net, wireless net. Its aim isto breakout the existing service domain in which most software products can provide services only in a specific environment or for a specific procedure or server (rather than the whole network).Novell's network service software NDS eDirectory as a nucleus helps clients to reduce complexity of business on network, and improve security, so that it enables network, applications and business processing to adapt to electronic commerce, and thus speed up their transfer to electronic commerce.SCO: SCO’s Tarantella is the best solution for existing users to conduct elec tronic commerce. Users can use only a browser to access any applications of platforms in back counter, without the need of re-writing existing applications, in their effort to transfer their business to electronic commercial mode. To ensure electronic commerce to continually operate, SCO provides an incessant cluster solution based on UNIXWARE 7. This product is easy to use, easy to manage and its cost is one-tenth of large-scale product of the same sort for mainframes while its performance doubles. It is a security solution with higher performance/ cost ratio among the same sort for electronic commerce.Tivoli Systems Inc. today announced Tivoli Business Systems Manager, a new, fully integrated solution that allows businesses to manage their IT environments from the top down, creating a powerful view of business systems management.The Tivoli Business Systems Manager solution provides us with business views and control mechanisms to manage all of our distributed IT resources in the retail, banking and electronic commerce environments-including system resources, data-bases, application servers, web servers and electronic commerce applications-from one central location. The Graphical User Interface allows us to monitor all of our re-sources on a single screen, regardless of geographical location.Combining the features of Tivoli Global Enterprise and Tivoli Manager for OS/390, Tivoli Business Systems Manager provides true end-to-end enterprise management from one console, simplifying the administration of heterogeneous environments. Tivoli Business Systems Manager enables customers to manage and control multiple applications that are required for different business functions.译文:电子商务电子商务或电子贸易,电子商业,或作为一个新兴的商业模式将产生深远的影响,经济和社会中发挥重要作用的社会发展世界各地。
英文作文商业诚信1. Business integrity is the foundation of a successful enterprise. It is about being honest and transparent in all business dealings. Without integrity, a company's reputation can be severely damaged, leading to loss oftrust from customers and partners.2. In today's competitive business world, maintaining integrity is more important than ever. It is not just about making profits, but also about doing business in an ethical and responsible manner. This means treating employees, customers, and suppliers with respect and fairness.3. Trust is the currency of business. When customers trust a company, they are more likely to buy its products or services. Similarly, when employees trust their employers, they are more motivated to work hard and contribute to the company's success. Building trust takes time and effort, but it can be easily destroyed by even a single act of dishonesty.4. Business integrity goes beyond legal compliance. It is about doing what is right, even when no one is watching. It means taking responsibility for one's actions and being accountable for the consequences. It also means admitting mistakes and taking steps to rectify them.5. A company with a strong culture of integrityattracts and retains talented employees. People want to work for a company that values ethics and fairness. They want to be associated with a brand that stands for something more than just profits. In this way, business integrity becomes a competitive advantage.6. Business integrity is not just the responsibility of the top management. It is a collective effort that involves every employee in the organization. Each individual has a role to play in upholding the values and principles of integrity. By promoting a culture of integrity, companies can create a positive and ethical work environment.7. In conclusion, business integrity is essential forthe long-term success of any company. It is about doing the right thing, even when it is difficult or inconvenient. By maintaining integrity, companies can build trust, attract talented employees, and create a positive brand image. Ultimately, business integrity is not just about making money, but about making a difference in the world.。
诚信经营作文英文翻译英文:Integrity is a core value in business. It means being honest, transparent, and fair in all dealings with customers, suppliers, and employees. As a business owner, I believe that operating with integrity is crucial for building trust and loyalty with my customers.One way I demonstrate integrity in my business is by being transparent about my products and services. I always provide accurate information about what my business offers, and I never make false claims or exaggerate the benefits. This helps to build trust with my customers and ensuresthat they are fully informed before making a purchase.Another way I demonstrate integrity is by treating my employees fairly and with respect. This means paying them a fair wage, providing a safe and healthy work environment, and listening to their concerns and feedback. By doing so,I am able to create a positive workplace culture and retain talented employees.Finally, I believe that it is important to give back to the community as a way of demonstrating integrity. This can be done through charitable donations, volunteering, or supporting local businesses. By doing so, I am able tobuild a positive reputation within the community and show that my business is committed to making a positive impact.中文:诚信是商业中的核心价值观。
诚信问题英文作文范文Honesty is the best policy. It is important to alwaystell the truth and be honest in all aspects of life. Whether it's in personal relationships, at work, or in business, being truthful and trustworthy is essential.Being honest builds trust and credibility. When people know that they can rely on you to be truthful, they aremore likely to trust you and have confidence in your abilities. This is crucial in both personal andprofessional relationships.Honesty also helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. When you are honest about your thoughts and feelings, it prevents any potential confusion or miscommunication. It also allows for open and transparent communication, which is essential for healthy relationships.Being honest with yourself is also important. It means acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, and being trueto your values and beliefs. This self-awareness is crucial for personal growth and development.In business, honesty is key to maintaining a good reputation. It is important to be transparent with customers, clients, and partners. This builds a positive brand image and fosters long-term relationships.In conclusion, honesty is a fundamental value that should be upheld in all aspects of life. It builds trust, prevents conflicts, and fosters positive relationships. Being honest with yourself and others is essential for personal and professional success.。
诚信商务英文作文I believe that honesty and integrity are fundamental in business. It's important to be transparent and truthful in all of our dealings, whether it's with clients, partners, or employees.In my opinion, building trust is crucial in business. When people know that they can rely on you to be honest and fair, it creates a strong foundation for successful relationships and collaborations.I think that keeping promises and delivering on commitments is essential for maintaining credibility in business. If you say you're going to do something, it's important to follow through and fulfill your obligations.I feel that ethical behavior should be at the core of every business decision. It's not just about following the rules, but also about doing what is morally right, even when it's not the easiest or most profitable choice.In my experience, treating others with respect and dignity is key to fostering a positive and productive work environment. By showing consideration for the feelings and rights of others, we can create a culture of mutual trust and support.I believe that open and honest communication is vital for building strong and lasting business relationships.It's important to be upfront about challenges and issues, and to work together to find solutions that benefit everyone involved.I think that taking responsibility for our actions, admitting mistakes, and making amends when necessary is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility in business. It's important to own up to our shortcomings and strive to do better in the future.。
诚信经营作文中英文版英文:Integrity is the foundation of business. As a business owner, I believe that honesty and transparency are crucial for building trust with customers and maintaining a positive reputation. In today's world, where information travels quickly and easily, any dishonest or unethical behavior can quickly damage a business's image and lead to a loss of customers.One way that I practice integrity in my business is by being transparent about our products and services. We make sure that our customers have all the information they need to make an informed decision, and we never make false claims or promises. For example, if a product has a known issue, we will inform the customer before they make a purchase, rather than trying to hide it and hoping they won't notice.Another way we practice integrity is by being responsive to customer complaints and concerns. We listen carefully to feedback and take it seriously, making changes and improvements as needed. This shows our customers that we value their opinions and are committed to providing the best possible service.In addition to these specific practices, I believe that integrity should be a guiding principle in all aspects of business. This means being honest with employees, partners, and suppliers, as well as customers. It also meansfollowing ethical standards and laws, even if it means making less profit in the short term.Overall, I believe that integrity is not just a moral obligation, but also a smart business strategy. By building trust and maintaining a positive reputation, we can attract and retain loyal customers, and ultimately achieve long-term success.中文:诚信是商业的基石。
电子商务 09英汉对照共42页
![电子商务 09英汉对照共42页](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a497e8e479563c1ec4da711f.png)
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
电子商务 09英汉对照
11、用道德的示范来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。—— 希腊
12、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。在每件事上,她都不徇私情。—— 托马斯
13、公正的法律限制不了好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事 情。——弗劳德
14、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。——爱略特 15、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。——伯克
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由于电子商务的“无纸化”和“无址化”, 对参加交易的各方提出了更高的信用要求.处于转型期的中国社会,传统的“义理社会”价值体系的约束作用正在日趋削弱,而基于法制基础之上的“契约社会”还远未形成.信用的概念在不少人的眼中甚是淡薄,因此也给与电子商务密切配套的支付手段带来了很大的不利影响.目前国内所进行的电子商务交易,其支付手段可以说是土洋结合。
3.商务网站巨额负债之所以将网站亏损算作失信行为是因为目前许多大型B2B, B2C 电子商务网站用赊销的经营方式,即对供货企业保证还款,一旦网站破产.将给债权企业带来巨大损失。
二中国电子商务诚信问题的深层次探究网络媒介信息不对称信息不对称这一现象早在2 0 世纪70 年代便受到英国剑桥大学教授詹姆斯·莫里斯((James Mirleees)和美国哥伦比亚大学教授威廉·维克瑞网Liam Vicke 两位经济学家的关注和研究,此后30 多年来,不对称信息理论在经济活动中的作用越来越大,为表彰这两位经济学家的杰出贡献,1996 年授予了他们诺贝尔经济学奖。
5.供货企业与商务网站之间的“隐藏信息”目前,我国从事B2B. B2C 的电子商务网站大多采取赊销的手段从供货企业获得商品。
如2001 年年底my8848 网由于经营不善倒闭,拖欠供货企业和消费者货款600 多万元,使供货企业损失惨重电子商务行业相关法律规章制度不完善消费者网上购物,要等到商品送达后才能确认商品是否所需、商品是否完好无损。
2004 年8 月颁布了《中华人民共和国电子签名法》,该法案已于2005 年4 月1 日起实行。
由中国电子商务协会政策法律委员会发起、起草,由易趣网、一拍网、搜易得等9 家电子商务交易平台共同参与制定的《网络交易平台服务规范》。
《网络交易平台服务规范》当中仍有一些细节问题有待解决,例如“网络交易标的限制”此条中“凡中华人民共和国法律规定禁止流通的物品与服务,不得通过网络交易方式进行”的规定,作为交易平台如何控制?比如一些水货、私货等,交易平台如何来进行甄别? 《网络交易平台服务规范》中并没有明确权责。
社会道德伦理教育的缺失1.网络环境下虚假信息泛滥在网络这一新兴媒体中,发布信息不像在传统媒体上会受到那么多的制约.而且由于网络的虚拟特点,一般消费者即使在觉察到信息的错误以后,也很难向发布信息的企业进行追究,甚至根本就不知道网络企业的地址.因此一些网络企业便表现得肆无忌惮,在网上发表各种各样的信息,或者制造出各种各样的新闻,来吸引消费者或者创造所谓的点击率,以扩大自己的商业影响,谋求经济效益.有人曾经询问一位在一家商业网站任CEO的朋友:该网站的点击率是多少?这位朋友坦然问道:“你是想听真的还是假的”? 据说真的和假的可相差一倍以上!而且这已经成为网络界公开的秘密.这种状况的存在,使得广大消费者对于网上发布的诸多信息都心存疑虑,丧失了起码的信任.2.商品的品质存在很大问题我国目前还处于传统计划经济向市场经济的转型时期,这种转型,不仅仅是一种经济体制的变化,更是一种文化的转型.由于法制法规的不健全,与市场经济相配套的法律还很不完善.不少企业不讲信誉,制造假冒伪劣产品,以谋取暴利.这使消费者在进行购买时,对商店和商品产生不信任.许多消费者直接去商店买物品,也往往会买到假货,造成很多纠纷.电子商务由于其虚拟的特点,这一问题就更为严重.虽然,足不出户,轻点鼠标,便可通过计算机屏幕浏览网上商店的各种商品,然后再输入自己的家庭地址和数量等资料,便会有人将选定的商品送上门.但由于交易过程的虚拟化,消费者事前无法看到商品的实样和不能够当面交易,其暴露出来的问题却日益严重.有人称之为“网络广告满天飞,货送上门面目非”。