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摘要 目的 了解吉林省地方性氟中毒防治状况,总结经验,发现问题,为制定新的防治对策提供科学依据。方法 按照中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病项目工作方案要求,在未改水病区屯采集东、西、南、北、中5个方位饮用水样,检测氟含量;在已改水病区调查改水工程管理、使用情况并采集水源水和末梢水样检测氟含量;调查部分病区16岁以上人群!度及!度以上地方性氟骨症检出率。饮水氟含量检测用氟离子选择电极法,氟骨症诊断按现行标准进行。结果 在未改水病区或虽已改水但防氟井损坏而仍饮用小井水的病区屯共调查了2101个病区屯,采集水样10505份。饮水氟含量在0.1~10.0m g/L之间。超过1.0mg/L的病区为1493个(71.1%)。在4个地区的3164个病区屯中,有1407个病区已改水,改水率占被调查病区数的44.5%,其中,能够正常使用的为776个防氟井,正常使用率为55.2%,有173个水氟含量超过1.0mg/L,占正常使用井数的22.3%。超标井水氟含量最高可达4.0m g/L。调查了663个病区屯中!度及!度以上地方性氟中毒病人患病情况。结果显示,调查屯II度以上地方性氟中毒病人较以前减少58.1%。结论 截至2006年,我省多数病区尚未改水。在未改水病区,约1/3屯水氟含量在1.0mg/L以下。现有防氟井因损坏和管理不善而未使用以及部分正在使用的防氟井水氟含量超标制约了防治效果。今后应完善管理制度,加大管理力度,提高防病改水效益;随时掌握病情变化,为调整、制定防治对策提供科学依据。同时加强健康教育、增强病区群众防病意识,这是在我省最终控制地方性氟中毒的必要措施。

关键词 地方性氟中毒;饮水;病情;改水工程

中图分类号:R599.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1889(2009)01-0041-03

A nal y sis of results of screeni n g higher fl u orides water and survey of water supply engineering

in2004to2006of Jilin provi n ce

HUANG Chang-qing,Lu Zhen-m i n g,Z HANG H a i-tao

(D iseases T he F irst Instit ute of P revention and T reat m ent on Ende m ic D iseases of J ili n P rovince,Baicheng,137000)

Abstract O bjective T o understand t he contro l s it uation of ende m i c fl uorosis of jilin prov i nce,su mma rize exper i ence,find ou t proble m s,and to prov i de the scien tific basis for new counter m easures.M ethod s A ccording to the request o f the local pub lic hea lth spec ial f unds o f fi nances transfer payments fro m t he centra l govern m ent,wo rk o f the pro ject plan o f ende m ic d i sease.D ri nki ng wa ter has co ll ected from east,west,north and sou t h five azi m ut h i n v illage o f h i gher fl uor i de and to detect o f fl uoride contents.It has been survey to w ater pro j ect m anag e m ent,use and a few over16years o l d and!,∀degree ende m i c fl u o rosis in v illag e o f changed wa ter.w ate r of source and t w i g has been co llected and detected fl uoride con tent,W a ter fl uoride con tent w as detected to used fl uor i des i on selecti ve e lectrode,ende m i c fluo rosis diagnosis to accord i ng to the present standards.R e sults 10505w ater samp l es w ere co llected i n2101v illage of no or to changed w ater but to da m aged of pro jectm anage m ent and to de tect fluo ri de content i n be t w een0.1to10.0m g/L and mo re than1.0mg/L w as1493w ate r sa mp les(71.1%).1407v il lag e(t o changed wa ter rate w as44.5%)has a lready chang ed i n3164v ill age of f our areas(c ity)that776(55.2%)w ell regu lar serv ice.173w e llw as h i gh over1.0m g/L for wa ter fl uor i de content.!,∀fl uorosis pa ti ent was investi ga te in663v illage and to decrease to58.1%for t he ill ness frequency rate.Con clusi ons By2006,mo st endem i c v illages has been changed water a l ready in Jili n prov i nce.There are1/3v illages f o r w ate r fl uor i de content be l ow1.0m g/L.W e lls da m aged,poor m anagement as w ell as part o f fl uor i de content overproo f was restr i ct the contro l effects.W e s houl d perfectm anage m ent system and i m prove m an age m ent dyna m i s m and strengthening hea lth educati on.this is necessary m eas ures fina l control endem ic fl uorosis i n Jili n prov i nce. K ey words Ende m i c fl uo ros i s;D r i nk i ng wa ter;F l uo ride;P ati ents



作者单位:吉林省地方病第一防治研究所(白城 137000)

作者简介:黄长青(1955-),男,主任医师,从事地方性氟中毒防治研究。区屯3171个,其中轻病区1495个,中病区1285个,重病区391个。主要分布在吉林省西部低平原地区。吉林省地方性氟中毒防治已有40多年历史。2004~ 2006年按照#中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病防治项目∃的安排,开展了高氟水源筛查、地氟病病情普查及改水工程管理、使用情况调查工作。目的是充分利用所获得的资料,并通过这些资料了解全省地方




中国地方病防治杂志 2009年 第24卷 第1期 Ch i n J C trlEnd e m D is Vo.l24No.12009
