第十二章 电子商务的翻译




Disadvantages of e-commerce
1. Cost of installing systems and training staff 2. Keeping up-to-date with technical advances 3. Potential systems failures (viruses) 4. Fraud 5. The danger of hackers accessing customer files and
① 通过E-,online, cyber和其它词语连用构成新词
E-retailing电子化零售, E-directories电子化的厂商名录, electronic shopping mall网上购物中心
online publishing网上出版, online department store网上百货商店, online distribution channel网上经销渠道
电子商务(Electronic Business) 电子商务指采用数字化电子方式进行商务数据交换和开展
商务业务活动。是在因特网的广阔联系与传统信息技术系 统的丰富资源相结合的背景下应运而生的一种相互关联的 动态商务活动, 在因特网上展开(http://). 电子商务系统指商务活动各方(商店, 消费者, 银行, 信息公司, 企业, 政府等)利用计算机网络技术全面实现在线交易电子化 的过程.
③消费者对消费者的电子商务 (Consumer-to-consumer/C2C)
消费者可以通过分类广告(如Classified )直接将居 家用品(residential property)、汽车(cars)等卖给其他消费 者,也可在国际互联网上刊登广告提供服务或出售知识与技术 (selling knowledge and expertise)。



ORIGINAL原件Goods consigned from (Experter's business name,address, country) 填写出口商(即信用证的受益人)公司的名称、详细地址及国家Means of transport and route (as far as known) 填写运输方式及路线(不清楚的可不填)Reference No. 参考号码GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES 普遍优惠制CERTIFICATE OF ORIGN Combined delaration and certificate) 原产地证书FORM A Issued in THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA(country)中华人民共和国发行的.For offcial use 此栏由签证当局填写Item number 项目编号.Marks and numbers of packages填唛头:与其他单据填写一致.Number and kind of packages,description of goods包装件数、种类、货物名称.Origin criterion(see Notes overleaf) 货物的成分比例Gross weight or other quantity毛重或其他数量.Number and date of invoices 发票号码和发票日期CertificatingIt is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct. 此处有签证当局自行填写机构和名称有授权签证人手签并加盖机关公章而本栏的签署地点与日期由出口公司填写.Declaration by the exporterThe undersigned hereby decalares that the above details and statements are correct, that all the goods were produced in and that they comply with the origin requiremints specificed for those goods in the Generalized System of Preferences for goods exported to出口商的声明本栏包括进口国即给惠国国名和出口公司指派的专人签字并加盖中英文对照的公司印章还要加上申报地点、时间Place and date,signature and stamp of certifying authority认证机构的地点、日期、签名和盖章BILL OF EXCHANGE 汇票No. 汇票编号For汇票金额(amount in figure) (place and date of issue) (小写金额)(出票地点和日期)At sight of this Bill of exchange(SECOND being unpaid) 付款期限见到交易的汇票(第二次交易未付款)即付款pay to or order the sum of (amount in words)受款人汇票金额(大写金额)Value received for of收款的数额( quantity ) (name of commodity )(数目)(商品名称)Drawn under外贸单证L/C No. dated信用证号码开证日期To: For and on behalf of付款人公司负责人或代表(Signature)(出口章)C O M M E R C I A L I N V O I C E商业发票1)SELLER 发货人3) INVOICE NO. 发票编号4) INVOICE DATE发票日期5) L/C NO. 信用证号码6) DATE 信用证日期7) ISSUED BY 开票单位2) BUYER 收货人8) CONTRACT NO. 合同编号9) DATE 合同日期10) FROM 来源地11) TO 目的地12) SHIPPED BY 运货方式13) PRICE TERM价格条件14)MARKS 运输标志15) DESCRIPTIONOF GOODS BED SHEETS货描16) QTY. 货品数量17) UNIT PRICE货品单价18) AMOUNT 货品总额19) TOTAL VALUE: 商品金额的大写20) ISSUED BY 开票单位21) SIGNATURE 出口方签章装箱单1.卖方2.买方3.发票编号4.发票日期5.从6.到7.总数量8.标记和编号9.编号和种类10. 商品11. 数量12. 总重量13. 净重14. 尺寸15. 开票单位16. 签名Bill of lading 提货单Shipper 承运商,托运人Consignee 收货人Notify party 到货受通知人Place of receipt 接货地点Ocean vessel 远洋船舶Voyage no 航次Port of loading 装货港Port of discharge 卸货港Place of delivery 交货港B/L No. 提单号码Marks 标志Description of goods 货物描述G.W. 重量Meas 体积Total number of containers 容器总数Freight & charges 运费Place and date of issue 提单的签发地和签发日Number of original 未表明提单正本的分数Head Office 发票号码Invoice NO. 保险单INSURANCE POLICY POLICY NO. 保险单号次THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE WITNESSES THAT THE PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHINA(HEREINAFTER CALLED " THE COMPANY")AT THE REQUEST OF (HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE INSURED") AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AGREED PREMIUM PAID TO THE COMPANY BY THE INSURED UNDERTAKES TO INSURE THE UNDERMENTIONED GOODS IN TRANSPORTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICY AS PER THE CLAUSES PRINTED OVERLEAF AND OTHER SPECIAL CLAUSES ATTACHED HEREON中国人民保险公司 ( 以下简称本公司) 根据(以下称被保险人) 的要求,由被保险人向本公司缴付约定的保险,按照本保险单承保险别和背面所载条款下列特款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。

电子商务 英文版 第12章

电子商务 英文版 第12章

Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition
Identifying and Measuring Benefits (cont’d.)
• Measurements of other electronic commerce initiatives (cont’d.)
– Virtual communities and Web portals
Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition 8
Identifying and Measuring Benefits (cont’d.)
• Using Web sites to improve customer service or after-sale support
– Set goals of increased customer satisfaction – Reduce customer service or support costs – Example: Philips Lighting
• Setting electronic commerce initiative objectives
– Consider strategic role of project, intended scope, resources available
Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition 3
Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition 6
Identifying and Measuring Benefits
• Some electronic commerce initiatives
– Obvious, tangible, easy to measure – Example: increased sales or reduced costs


英文全称:Business to Business
英文全称:Certificate Authority
英文全称:Customer Relations Management
对应英文:Government Resource Planning



Chapter 1 Introduction to E-commerce 电子商务综述Case: (引例:)1.1 The Basic Concept of E-commerce(电子商务的基本概念)1.1.1 The Definition of E-commerce(电子商务的定义)1.1.2 The Contents of E-commerce(电子商务的内容)1.1.3 E-commerce Functional Features(电子商务的功能特性)1.2 E-commerce Emergence and Development(电子商务的产生与发展)1.2.1 The Developing Process of E-commerce(电子商务的发展过程)1.2.2 The Current Situation of E-commerce(电子商务的发展现状)1.2.3 The Trend of the E-commerce Development(电子商务的发展趋势)1.3 E-commerce Influence(电子商务的影响)1.3.1 E-commerce Influence on Economy(电子商务对经济的影响)1.3.2 The Impact of E-commerce on Enterprise(电子商务对企业的影响)1.3.3 The Impact of E-commerce on the Government(电子商务对政府管理的影响)Chapter 2 E-commerce Mechanism and Modes 电子商务机理与模式Case: Digital Beijing Project(引例:首都电子商务工程)2.1 Basic E-commerce Modes(电子商务的基本模式)2.1.1 B2B Mode(B2B模式)2.1.2 B2C Mode(B2C模式)2.1.3 B2G Mode(B2G模式)2.1.4 G2G Mode(G2G模式)2.1.5 C2C Mode(C2C模式)2.2 Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的结构)2.2.1 General Framework of E-commerce(电子商务总框架)2.2.2 Application Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的应用框架)2.3 Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务的系统组成)2.3.1 Major Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要组成部分)2.3.2 Network Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的网络架构)2.3.3 Applications Level of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的应用层次)Chapter 3 E-commerce Infrastructural Facilities 电子商务基础设施Case: Covad(引例:Covad)3.1 The Basis of Computer Network(计算机网络基础)3.1.1 Definition of Computer Network(计算机网络的定义)3.1.2 Computer Network Classification(计算机网络的分类)3.1.3 Function of Computer Network(计算机网络的功能)3.2 Network Communication Protocol(网络通信协议)3.2.1 OSI and IEEE 802 Protocol(OSI与IEEE 802协议)3.2.2 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(TCP/IP协议簇)3.2.3 WLAN Communication Protocol(WLAN通信协议)3.3 Internet(互联网)3.3.1 The Emergence and Development of Internet(互联网的产生与发展)3.3.2 Internet Application(互联网的主要应用)3.3.3 IP Address and Domain Name(IP地址和域名)3.3.4 Internet Access(互联网接入方式)3.3.5 Intranet, Extranet and Internet(内联网、外延网和互联网)3.4 Network Program Technology(网络编程技术)3.4.1 Markup Language(标识语言)3.4.2 Java(Java)3.4.3 .NET(.NET)Chapter 4 Information Processing Technology 信息处理技术Case: General Electric(引例:通用电气)4.1 Electronic Data Interchange(电子数据交换)4.1.1 Introduction of EDI(EDI概述)4.1.2 EDI Standards(EDI标准)4.1.3 EDI Network(EDI网络)4.2 RFID Technology(RFID技术)4.2.1 Brief Introduction to RFID(RFID技术简介)4.2.2 Contents of RFID Tracking System(RFID跟踪系统的组成)4.3 GPS Technology(GPS技术)4.3.1 Brief Introduction to GPS(GPS技术简介)4.3.2 Content of GPS Tracking System(GPS跟踪系统的组成)4.4 GIS Technologies(GIS技术)Chapter 5 E-commerce Payment Technology 电子商务支付技术Case: First Internet Bank of Indiana(引例:印第安纳第一网络银行)5.1 E-money(电子货币)5.1.1 Bank Cards(银行卡)5.1.2 E-cash(电子现金)5.1.3 E-check(电子支票)5.1.4 E-wallets(电子钱包)5.2 E-payment System(电子支付系统)5.2.1 E-cash Payment System(电子现金支付系统)5.2.2 Bank Card Payment System(银行卡支付系统)5.2.3 The E-check System(电子支票支付系统)5.3 Internet Technologies and the Banking Industry(互联网技术与银行业)5.3.1 E-bank(网上银行)5.3.2 Mobile Bank(移动银行)Chapter 6 E-commerce Security Technology 电子商务安全技术Case: Bibliofind Company(引例:Bibliofind Company)6.1 Introduction to E-commerce Security(电子商务安全概述)6.1.1 Security Issues in E-commerce(电子商务的安全性问题)6.1.2 The Basic Requirements for Security in E-commerce (EC对安全的基本要求)6.1.3 Measures for E-commerce Security(电子商务安全措施)6.2 Encryption Technology(加密技术)6.2.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.2.2 Symmetric Encryption Technology(对称式密钥加密技术)6.2.3 Asymmetric Encryption Technology(非对称密钥加密技术)6.2.4 Mixed EncryptionTechnology(混合加密技术)6.3 Authentication Technology(认证技术)6.3.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.3.2 Message Digest and Digital Signatures(数字摘要与数字签名)6.3.3 Digital Certificates and CA Security Authentication (数字证书与CA安全认证体系)6.3.4 Public Key Infrastructure(公钥基础设施)6.4 Firewall Technology(防火墙技术)6.4.1 Basic Concept of the Firewall(防火墙的基本概念)6.4.2 Firewall Principle(防火墙原理)6.4.3 Security Policy and Limitations of Firewall(防火墙的安全策略及局限性)6.5 Security Payment Technology(安全支付技术)6.5.1 Secure Socket Layer(安全套接层协议)6.5.2 Secure Electronic Transaction(安全电子交易协议)6.5.3 Comparison between SSL and SET(SSL与SET比较)Chapter 7 E-commerce and the Law 电子商务与法律Case: Legal Issue Related to Hyperlink on the Website(引例:关于网站中的超链接的法律问题)7.1 Introduction to E-commerce Law(电子商务法介绍)7.1.1 The Legal Issue for E-commerce(电子商务引发的法律问题)7.1.2 Concepts and Features of E-commerce Law(电子商务法的概念及其特征)7.1.3 The Legislation Course of E-commerce(电子商务立法进程)7.2 The Law Issues in E-commerce's Transactions(电子商务交易中存在的法律问题)7.2.1 Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China(《中华人民共和国电子签名法》)7.2.2 Contracting and Contract Enforcement in E-commerce (电子商务中的合同和履行)7.2.3 Digital Signatures and Authentication(电子签名及认证问题)7.3 Intellectual Property in E-commerce(电子商务中的知识产权问题)7.3.1 Copyright(网络著作权的法律保护)7.3.2 Domain Names(有关域名的法律保护)7.3.3 Database(数据库的法律保护)7.4 Customer Right Protection at E-commerce(电子商务中的消费者权益保护)7.4.1 Customer Privacy Protection(消费者隐私权保护)7.4.2 Virtual Property Protection(虚拟财产的保护)Chapter 8 E-commerce and Taxation 电子商务与税收Case:eBay'ers(引例:eBay用户)8.1 Introduction to Taxation in E-commerce(电子商务税收概述)8.1.1 Taxation and Its Significance(税收及其重要性)8.1.2 Characteristics of E-commerce Taxation(电子商务税收的特点)8.2 Taxation Issue in E-commerce(电子商务带来的税收问题)8.2.1 Argument for E-commerce Taxation(电子商务征税的争执)8.2.2 Permanent Establishment(常设机构)8.2.3 Tax Jurisdiction(税收权限)8.3 International Legislation of E-commerce Taxation(国际上电子商务的税收法规)8.3.1 Two Perspectives Over Taxation Policy(电子商务税收政策的两种观点)8.3.2 Nexus(直接关系税)8.3.3 European Union Value Added Taxes(欧盟的增值税)8.3.4 The OECD Five Key Principles for E-commerce Taxation(经济发展与合作组织对于电子商务税收的5点原则)8.3.5 Alternative Ways of Taxing the E-commerc(对电子商务税收的几种方案)Chapter 9 E-commerce and Business Management企业电子商务管理Case:P&G and Wal-Mart(引例:宝洁和沃尔玛)9.1 Critical Success Factors and E-commerce Strategies (关键成功因素与电子商务策略)9.1.1 Critical Success Factors(关键成功因素)9.1.2 Critical Success Factors in E-commerce(电子商务的关键成功因素)9.2 E-commerce and Supply Chain Management(电子商务与供应链管理)9.2.1 Supply Chain Introduction(供应链介绍)9.2.2 E-supply Chain Management(电子商务供应链管理)9.2.3 Supply Chain Integration with the Application of E-commerce(运用电子商务进行供应链整合)9.3 E-commerce and Human Resources Management(电子商务与人力资源管理)9.3.1 HRM in the Context of E-Commerce(电子商务环境下的人力资源管理)9.3.2 Knowledge Management(知识管理)9.4 E-commerce and Logistics(电子商务与物流管理)9.4.1 E-logistics Management(电子商务物流管理)9.4.2 E-logistics Differs from Traditional Logistics(电子商务物流与传统物流的区别)Chapter 10 Construction of E-commerce System电子商务系统建设Case:Sinochem Corporation E-commerce System(引例:中国化工进出口总公司电子商务系统)10.1 System Design of E-commerce System(电子商务系统设计)10.1.1 Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统结构)10.1.2 E-commerce Website Design Elements(电子商务网站设计要素)10.2 The Developing Process of E-commerce System(电子商务系统建设过程)10.2.1 Lifecycle of System Development(系统开发周期)10.2.2 System Analysis and Planning(系统分析和规划)10.2.3 System Design and Development(系统设计与开发)10.2.4 System Testing/Implementation/Maintenance(系统测试/实施/维护)10.3 System Software of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要软件)10.3.1 Web Server Software(Web服务器软件)10.3.2 Application Server(应用服务器)10.3.3 E-commerce Software Package(电子商务软件包)Chapter 11 E-commerce Website 电子商务网站建设Case:Circuit City's E-superstore(引例:Circuit City的网上超市)11.1 E-commerce and Portal Site(电子商务和门户网站)11.1.1 Types of Portal Site(门户网站的类型)11.1.2 Importance of Web Portals(网络门户网站的重要性)11.2 Website Construction(网站建设)11.2.1 The Pattern of E-shops(网上商店的模式)11.2.2 Launch an Successful Online Business(启动一个成功的网上商业项目)11.2.3 Website Design(网站设计)11.2.4 Actualization of E-shops(网上商店的实现)11.3 E-shop Fore-end(网络商店前台)11.3.1 Online Catalog(网上产品目录)11.3.2 Shopping Cart(购物车)11.3.3 Online Payment(网上支付)11.4 E-shop Back-end(网络商店后台)11.4.1 Order Processing(订单处理)11.4.2 Customer Relationship Management(CRM)(客户关系管理)11.4.3 Logistics(物流配送)Chapter 12 E-commerce and the Latest Development电子商务发展动态Case:The Future Store in Germany(引例:德国的未来超市)12.1 Current Status of E-commerce(电子商务现状)12.1.1 Global E-commerce Latest Development(全球电子商务发展的基本情况)12.1.2 Development of E-commerce in China(中国电子商务的基本情况)12.1.3 Problems in China's E-commerce Development(中国电子商务发展中存在的问题)12.1.4 Policy for the Promotion of E-commerce Development (中国促进电子商务发展的方针政策)12.2 M-commerce(移动电子商务)12.2.1 Technologies of M-commerce(移动电子商务的实现技术)12.2.2 M-tickets(移动电子票务)12.3 Other E-commerce Development(其他电子商务的发展情况)12.3.1 IPTV(数字电视)12.3.2 Blog(博客)。

电子商务Unit 12

电子商务Unit 12

Question 2
• What’s the difference between a tramp and a liner?
• A tramp is a freight-carrying vessel which has no regular route or schedule of sailings. It is first in one trade and then in another, always seeking those ports where there is a demand at the moment for shipping space. It means “不定期船” in Chinese.
Question 9
• The seller who delivers goods is also called _____. • shipper • consignor
Question 10
• If there is no direct shipment from one port to the other, goods have to be unloaded at a port and reloaded on another ship. This is called _____. • transshipment
• 7. The problem is that all the shipping space has been booked up and direct steamsers sailing from GZ to your port next month are not available. • 问题是所有的舱位都已订满了,下个月 没有从广州驶往你港口的直达轮。 • book up订满


Are there potentialsales channel conflicts that you needs to beconcerned with?
You should understand the buying habits and preferencesof yourtarget market.
E-business is aterm used to describebusinessrun on the internet.
Thisfacetof e-businessis sometimesreferred to ase-procurement.
Somee-business operate withoutan electronic storefront.
In addition to buying and selling products, e-businessmayalso handle other traditional businessaspects.
New technologiestend tomodifycommunication betweenthedifferentplayersactors in the professionalworld.



《电子商务英语词汇表》Chapter 1:Overview of Electronic Commerce The open case:Dell—Using E-Commerce for Success【教学内容】1、掌握“Dell—Using E-Commerce for Success”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)Dell——戴尔公司(2)PC(personal computer)——个人电脑(3)mail order——邮件订单(通过邮件产生订单)(4)configure——配置(5)customized——定制的(6)build-to-order——按单生产(7)cornerstone——奠基石(8)business model——商业模型(9)snail mail——蜗牛邮寄(10)Web——网页(11)online-order-taking——在线订购(12)network switches——网络交换设备(13)auction——拍卖(14)refurbished——翻新的(refurbished computers, 翻新机)(15)Business-to-business ——B2B(16)Premier Dell Service——“首要客户服务”(大客户、重要客户服务)(17)direct marketing online——网上直销(18)notebook——笔记本电脑(19)desktop——桌面电脑(20)e-procurement——电子采购(21)purchasing agents——采购代理、采购部门(22)preconfigured——预先配置的(23)order fulfilled——订单履行(24)e-working——电子办公网(25)portal——门户,这里作“接口”(26)tender——投标(27)exchange——交易(系统)(28)shipper——运输商(29)logistics——后勤学,这里作“物流”,logisticscompanies,物流公司(30)inventories——库存(31)application ——应用软件(32)consulting services——咨询服务(33)communication system——通信系统(34)e-collaboration——电子合作(35)web service——web服务(36)ERP(Enterprise resource planning)——企业资源整合(37)E-customer service——电子客户服务(38)CRM(Customer relationship management)——客户关系管理(39)demand-planning——需求计划(40)factory-execution——生产执行(41)order-to-delivery——按单配送(42)high-performance——高性能,这里做“高绩效”(43)factory-scheduling——生产计划、生产进度(44)profit——利润(45)initial public offering (IPO)——证券(46)charity——慈善(47)National Cristina Foundation——国家救济基金会(48)students at risk——贫困学生(49)economically disadvantaged persons——经济困难的人群(50)recycling program——回收计划(51)urban——城市(52)reassemble——重新组装(53)educational institutions——教育机构(54)stage——上演(55)consumer electronics——消费电子化1.1 Electronic Commerce: Definition and Concept【教学内容】1、掌握“Electronic Commerce: Definition and Concept”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)electronic commerce——电子商务(2)e-commerce——电子商务(3)guru——大师(领袖、权威)(4)commerce——商务(5)e-business——电子业务(电子商务)(6)business partners——商业伙伴(7)collaborate——合作(8)conducting——执行、实施(9)transactions——交易(10)artificial intelligence——人工智能(11)data processing——数据处理(12)decision making——决策支持(13)decision making system ——决策支持系统(14)policymaking——政策制定(15)profound——深刻的(16)industry structure——产业结构、行业结构(17)consumer segmentation——客户分割(18)commercial——商业(19)trade——贸易(20)delivery——交付(21)transact——交易(22)e-business——电子业务(23)dimension——维度(24)brick-and-mortar——砖加水泥(25)pure-play——专营的(电子商务)(26)click-and-mortar——鼠标加水泥(27)value-added-networks——增值网(28)inter-organizational——跨组织的(29)intra-organizational——组织内部的(30)routine——惯例1.2 The EC Framework, Classification, and Content【教学内容】1、掌握“The EC Framework, Classification, and Content”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)field——领域(2)diverse—不同的(3)framework——框架(4)exhibit——展品(5)infrastructure——基础设施(6)mandate——授权、托管(7)geographic——地理的(8)exclusively——专有的(9)majority—— 多数(10)category——类别(11)counterpart——配对物(12)joint ventures——合资(13)operational——运作(14)direct marketing——直销(15)online banking——网上银行(16)e-purchasing——电子采购(17)promotion——优惠(18)affiliate——会员、联盟(19)consortia——银行团(20)EDI(Electronic data interchange)——电子数据交换(21)Cable TV——有线电视(22)B2B(Business to Business)——企业-企业(23)B2C(Business to Customer)——企业-消费者(24)B2B2C(Business to Business to Customer)——企业-企业-消费者(25)C2B(Customer to Business)——消费者-企业(26)C2C(Customer to Customer)——消费者-消费者(27)Peer-to-Peer applications——端到端应用(28)Mobile commerce(m-commerce)——移动商务(29)Intrabusiness EC——企业内部电子商务(30)B2E(Business-to-employees)——企业-员工(31)Collaborative commerce——合作商务(32)Non-business EC——非商业电子商务(33)E-learning——电子学习(网上学习)(34)E2E(Exchange-exchange)——交易所对交易所(35)E-government——电子政务(36)search engine——搜索引擎(37)VAN (value added network) ——增值网(38)WAN (wide area network)——广域网(39)LAN (local area network)——局域网(40)HTTP (Hyper Text Transport Protocol) ——超文本传输协议(41)HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)——超文本标记语言(42)XML (eXtensible Markup Language)——可扩展标记语言(43)telecom——telecomminication,电讯,远程通讯(44)delivery——传送、递送、交付1.3 The Digital Revolution Drives E-Commerce【教学内容】1、掌握“The Digital Revolution Drives E-Commerce”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)digital economy——数字经济(2)digital communication network——数字通信网(3)extranet—外联网(4)Internet economy——互联网经济(5)New economy——新经济(6)Web economy——万维网(网站)经济(7)digitizable products——数字化产品(8)database——数据库(9)digital currencies——数字货币(10)financial tokens—— 金融代币(11)microprocessor——微处理器(12)home appliance——家用电器(13)automobile——汽车(14)convergence——集中、收敛(15)computing——计算(16)communication——通信(17)stimulate——刺激(18)low inflation——低通货膨胀率(19)innovation——变革1.4 The Business Environment Drives E-Commerce【教学内容】1、掌握“The Business Environment Drives E-Commerce”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)business environment——商业环境(2)CEO——Chief Executive Officer(3)Qantas Airway——澳航(4)turbulent—动荡的、吵闹的(5)expedite——加速(6)the environment-response-support model——环境响应支持模型(7)unprofitable facilities——不盈利机构、部门(8)critical response activities——关键响应行为(9)necessity——必要性、需要(10)workforce——劳动力(11)obsolescence——(技术)过时、退化(12)information overload—— 信息过剩(13)deregulation——解除(放松)管制(14)subsidy——补助、津贴(15)ethics——伦理道德1.5 EC Business Models【教学内容】1、掌握“EC Business Models”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)business model——商业模型(2)revenue——收入、收益(3)revenue——收益模型(4)outline——概括Chapter 3:Retailing in Electronic Commerce: Products andServices3.1 Internet Marketing and Electronic Retailing【教学内容】1、掌握“Internet Marketing and Electronic Retailing”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)retailer——零售商(2)retailing——零售(业)(3)electronic retailing——电子零售(业)(4)e-retailing——电子零售(业)(5)e-tailer——电子零售商(6)operate——运作、运行(7)manufacture——制造商、制造企业(8)physical——物理的、现实的(9)electronic retail ——电子零售(10)intermediary——中间环节(11)factory outlets——工厂店(12)wholesale——批发(13)distribution——分销(14)ubiquity—无处不在的,普遍存在的(15)catalog sales——邮购销售方式(16)vacation service——度假服务(17)portal——门户网站(18)consolidate——合并、统一(19)revenue——收入(20)value proposition——价值观(21)fare——费用(22)travel accessories—— 旅游用品(23)stand-by tickets——返航机票(24)otherwise-empty seat——剩余的空座位(25)steep——急剧的(26)eurailpass——欧洲铁路旅行优惠票3.2 E-Tailing Business Models【教学内容】1、掌握“E-Tailing Business Models”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)manufacturer——生产商(2)transaction——交易(3)enterprise——企业(4)HRM——human resource management,人力资源管理(5)IT——Information Technologe信息技术(6)SCM——Supply Chain Management(7)ERP——Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源规划(8)CRM——Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理(9)mail order——邮购(10)direct marketing ——直销(11)pure-play e-taile r—— 纯电子商务的电子零售(12)click and mortar——鼠标加水泥(13)internet(online) mall ——互联网商城,在线商城(14)distribution channel —— 分布渠道3.3 Travel and Tourism Services Online【教学内容】1、掌握“Travel and Tourism Services Online”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)travel online——在线旅行、在线旅游(2)online travel service——在线旅行服务(3)conventional travel agency——传统的旅行中介,旅行社(4)car rental agency——汽车租赁代理(5)revenue ——收入(6)consultancy fee——咨询费(7)vacation service——度假服务(8)reserve ticket——订票(9)accommodation——住宿(10)entertainment——娱乐(11)travel magazine——旅行杂志(12)fare comparison ——费用比较(13)city guide——城市指南、向导(14)currency conversion calculator——现金转换计算器(15)driving map——驾驶地图(16)travel accessory ——旅行装备设施(17)travel bargain——旅行折扣(18)discount——折扣(19)cheap ticket——廉价机票(20)chat room——聊天室(21)stopover——中途停留(22)corporate travel——社团旅游(23)intelligent Agent——智能代理软件Chapter 4: Consumer Behavior, Market Research, andAdvertisement4.1 Learning about Consumer Behavior Online【教学内容】1、掌握“Learned Learning about Consumer Behavior Online”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)royalty—— 皇权,至上(2)critical——关键的,重要的(3)lure——吸引(4)factor——因素(5)independent variables——自变量(6)intervening (or moderate) variables——介入(缓解)变量(7)intervene——介入、干涉(8)moderate——中等的, 适度的, 适中的;减轻、缓和(9)dependent variables——因变量(10)decision-making——决策的,决策(11)resell——再卖, 转售(12)demographic——人口统计学的(13)ethnicity——种族划分(14)occupation——职业(15)household income——家庭收入(16)correlate——使相互关联(17)unfavorable——不宜的, 不顺利的, 相反的, 令人不快的(18)psychological——心理上的(19)stimuli——鼓励, 刺激物(20)marketer——销售商4.2 The Consumer Decision-Making Process【教学内容】1、掌握“The Consumer Decision-Making Process”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:(1)decision-making——决策、决策的(2)clarify——澄清、阐明(3)marketer——销售商(4)lead up to——先导、准备(5)culminate——告终, 完结(6)purchasing-decision——购物决定(7)revert——回返(8)broker——经纪人(9)Decision Support System——决策支持系统(10)facility——工具(11)customer loyalty——客户忠诚。



工商企业管理二班王建稳12292330051E-commerce is coming of ageThe 21st century are the information time, the tertiary industry unceasingly rise in the various countries' proportion, specially service industry, information service industry becomes for the 21stcentury the leading industries, this has caused the electronic commerce production and the development in the global information is under the influence which the situation drives, the various countries' electronic commerce unceasing improvement and the consummation, the electronic commerce is a focal point which each country and each big company capture. And, along with the whole world electronic commerce swift and violent development, the electronic commerce scale expands day by day, if US in 2000 the electronic commerce amounts to 488.7 billion US dollars, Japanese 31.9 billion US dollars, German 20.6 billion US dollars. Thereupon, the various countries unceasingly opens sends out the form to be diverse, the characteristic each different electronic commerce solution. But, because various countries and some international organization to electronic commerce understanding existence difference, thus the formulation and implementation development electronic commerce policy also has the obvious difference between the country and the country electronic commerce live agent lacks the effective coordinated mechanism to develop slowly, simultaneously a country interior electronic commerce activity also because of lacks the effective policy safeguard to receive the restriction. Therefore, the research discussion electronic commerce present situation and the formulation implementation appropriate electronic commerce policy question extremely is urgent. But in our country, the computer and the network technology popularization and the development, the electronic commerce rapidly rises, the multitudinous information technology enterprise, the venture capital company, the production circulation enterprise develops the electronic commerce in abundance. Looked from national Economical trade committee to more than 630 enterprises' investigations that, at present enterprise in Internet application and development electronic commerce aspect, eastern area enterprise good to middle area, middle is markets. But many record shops and travel agents could be in for a tougher time. Erik Blachford, the head of IAC’s travel side and boss of Expedia, the biggest internet travel agent, thinks online travel bookings in America could quickly move from 20% of the market to more than half. Mr Bezos reckons online retailers might capture 10-15% of retail sales over the next decade. That would represent a massive shift in spending. How will traditional shops respond? Michael Dell, the founder of Dell, which leads the personal-computer market by selling direct to the customer, has long thought many shops will turn into showrooms. There are already signs of change on the high street. The latest Apple and Sony stores are designed to display products, in the full expectation that many people will buy online. To some extent, the online and offline worlds may merge. Multi-channel selling could involve a combination of traditional shops, a printed catalogue, a home-shopping channel on TV, a phone-in order service and an e-commerce-enabled website. But often it is likely to be the website where customers will be encouraged to place their orders. One of the biggest commercial advantages of the internet is a lowering of transaction costs, which usually translates directly into lower prices for the consumer. So, if the lowest prices can be found on the internet and people like the service they get, why would they buy anywhere else?One reason may be convenience; another, concern about fraud, which poses the biggest threat to online trade. But as long as the internet continues to deliver price and product information quickly, cheaply and securely, e-commerce will continue to grow. Increasingly, companies will have to assume that customers will know exactly where to look for the best buy. This market has the potential to become as perfect as it gets. Certain products or services appear more suitable for online sales; others remain more suitable for offline sales. While credit cards are currently the most popular means of paying for online goods and services, alternative online payments will account for 26% of e-commerce volume by 2009 according to Celent. Many successful purely virtual companies deal with digital products, (including information storage, retrieval, and modification), music, movies, office supplies, education, communication, software, photography, and financial transactions. Examples of this type of company include: Google, eBay and Paypal. Other successful marketers such as use Drop shipping or Affiliate marketing techniques to facilitate transactions of tangible goods without maintaining real inventory. Examplesinclude numerous sellers on eBay. Virtual marketers can sell some non-digital products and services successfully. Such products generally have a high value-to-weight ratio, they may involve embarrassing purchases, they may typically go to people in remote locations, and they may have shut-ins as their typical purchasers. Items which can fit through a standard letterbox — such as music CDs, DVDs and books —are particularly suitable for a virtual marketer, and indeed , one of the few enduring dot-com companies, has historically concentrated on this field. Products such as spare parts, both for consumer items like washing machines and for industrial equipment like centrifugal pumps, also seem good candidates for selling online. Retailers often need to order spare parts specially, since they typically do not stock them at consumer outlets -- in such cases, e-commerce solutions in spares do not compete with retail stores, only with other ordering systems. A factor for success in this niche can consist of providing customers with exact, reliable information about which part number their particular version of a product needs, for example by providing parts lists keyed by serial number. Purchases of pornography and of other sex-related products and services fulfill the requirements of both virtuality (or if non-virtual, generally high-value) and potential embarrassment; unsurprisingly, provision of such services has become the most profitable segment of e-commerce. There are also many disadvantages of e-commerce. one of the main ones is fraud. This is where your details (name, bank card number, age, national insurance number) are entered into what look to be a safe site but really it is not. These details can then be used to steal money from you and can be used to buy things on line that you are completely unaware of until it is too late. this information is leaked into the wrong hands. People are able to steal your identity, and commit more fraud crimes under your name. Finally there are many problems with e commerce some of which are: Failure understands customers why they buy and how they buy. Even a product with a sound value proposition can fail if producers and retailers do not understand customer habits, expectations, and motivations. E-commerce could potentially mitigate this potential problem with proactive and focused marketing research, just as traditional retailers may do. Failure consider the competitive situation. One may have the will to construct a viable book e-tailing business model, but lack the capability to compete with Amazon. Inability predicts environmental reaction. What willcompetitors do? Will they introduce competitive brands or competitive web sites? Will they supplement their service offerings? Will they try to sabotage a competitor's site? Will price warsbreak out? What will the government do? Research into competitors, industries and markets may mitigate some consequences here, just as in non-electronic commerce. Over-estimation of resource competence. Can staff, hardware, software, and processes handle the proposed strategy? Have e-tales failed to develop employee and management skills? These issues may call for thorough resource planning and employee training. Products less suitable for e-commerce include products that have a low value-to-weight ratio, products that have a smell, taste, or touch component, products that need trial fittings —most notably clothing —and products where color integrity appears important. Nonetheless, has had success delivering groceries in the UK, albeit that many of its goods are of a generic quality, and clothing sold through the internet is big business in the U.S. Also, the recycling program Cheapcycle sells goods over the internet, but avoids the low value-to-weight ratio problem by creating different groups for various regions, so that shipping costs remain low.译文:电子商务是时代的到来21世纪是信息时代,第三产业不断上升,在各国的比重,特别是服务业,信息服务业成为,21世纪的主导产业,这导致了电子商务的产生和发展,在全球信息该驱动器的情况的影响下,各国的电子商务不断的改进和完善,电子商务是每一个国家和每一个大公司捕捉的焦点。



农业综合型企业应用因特网和电子商务的情况:2004Jason R. Henderson, Jay T. Akridge, and Frank J. Dooley2001年,气泡破裂,美国电子商务发展很缓慢电子商务的成长可能是电子商务在农业企业公司的使用和观念上的明显的改变。





































(A)You dazzle your customers with your commitment by releasing the newsletter on fixed days.2.安排这样的相互交流可以让你了解自己的公司实际是如何运作的,这常常需要对软件进行定制。

(A) Arranging this interaction can teach you lessons in how your company actually works ,and it often calls for customized software.3.安装防火墙能够禁止任何未授权的访客访问所有这些相关信息。

(A) Installing a firewall can prohibit unauthorized sources from accessing all of this pertinent information.4.必须考虑外在威胁以保护名誉免受损害。

(B)External threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm.5.不要低估了高品质的价值。

(B)Don't underestimate the value of high quality links.6.创建一个高质量,能够为访问者提供很好的信息和资源的。

(C)Create a high quality website that offers excellent information and resources to those visiting the site . 7.除了购买和销售产品,电子商务同样也可以处理其他的传统业务。

(C)In addition to buying and selling products,e-business may also handle other traditional business aspects.8.从本质上讲,这就是一种网上支付的方法。



criteria [ krai'tiəriə ] n. 标准(criterion的复数)
What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work? 你用什么标准来衡量学生的作业质量?
May 13, 2020
Word study
May 13, 2020
Word study
overview [ 'əuvəvju: ] n.
The opening chapter gives a general overview of the
dedicated [ 'dedikeitid ] adj. 专用的,专注的
This award is a tribute to Walter's twenty years of dedicated service to the company. 这个奖项是对沃尔特20年来全心全意为公司效力的肯定。
May 13, 2020
Word study
self-hosting [ 'self'həusti ] n.
May 13, 2020
Word study
obviously [ 'ɔbviəsli ]
adv. 明显地
Obviously, the two sets of policies overlap and can
complement each other.

电子商务 翻译

电子商务  翻译

电子商务翻译Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach and engage with customers, as well as for consumers to access a wide range of products from the comfort of their own homes.One of the main advantages of e-commerce is the convenience it offers to both businesses and consumers. With e-commerce, businesses can set up online stores that are accessible 24/7, allowing customers to browse and purchase products at any time. This eliminates the need for physical stores and reduces operating costs for businesses. On the consumer side, e-commerce allows them to shop from anywhere and at any time, without the need to travel to a physical store.Another benefit of e-commerce is its global reach. With the internet, businesses can expand their customer base beyond their local markets and reach customers from all over the world. This opens up new opportunities for businesses to grow and diversify their revenue streams. For consumers, e-commerce gives them access to a wider selection of products that may not be available in their local area.E-commerce also offers a personalized and tailored shopping experience. With the help of data analytics and artificial intelligence, businesses can gather information about their customers' preferences and shopping habits, and then use this information to personalize product recommendations and discounts. This creates a more engaging and enjoyable shopping experiencefor customers, leading to increased customer loyalty and retention.However, there are also challenges and risks associated with e-commerce. One of the main challenges is the issue of trust and security. Customers need to trust that their personal and payment information will be protected when making online purchases. Businesses need to invest in secure payment systems and data encryption to ensure the safety of their customers' information. Additionally, there is always the risk of online fraud and scams, which businesses and consumers need to be aware of and take precautions against.In conclusion, e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how consumers shop. It offers convenience, global reach, and personalized experiences for both businesses and consumers. While there are challenges and risks involved, the benefits of e-commerce far outweigh them, making it an essential part of the modern business landscape.。



电子商务术语翻译●B2C(参考答案:Business to Consumer企业与消费者之间;参见教科书1.2.2)●B2B(参考答案:Business to Business企业与企业之间;参见教科书1.2.2)●The World Business Agenda for Electronic Commerce(参考答案:世界电子商务会议;参见教科书1.2.1)●B2G(参考答案:Business to Government,企业与政府之间;参见教科书1.2.2)●EDI(参考答案:Electronic Data Interchange,电子数据交换;参见教科书1.2.2)●XML(参考答案:可扩展标识语言;参见教科书1.2.2)●CA(参考答案:认证机构;参见教科书1.4.4)●ISP(参考答案:Internet Service Provider,网络服务提供商;参见教科书1.5.5)●ICP(参考答案:Internet Content Provider,网络内容提供商;参见教科书1.5.1)●China Public Packet Switched Dada Network(参考答案:公用分组交换数据网;参见教科书2.2.2)●Paperless Trading(参考答案:无纸贸易;参见教科书2.5.2)●Electronic Data Interchange(参考答案:电子数据交换技术;参见教科书2.5.1)●Digital Subscriber Line(参考答案:数字用户线路;参见教科书3.1.4)●Integrated Service Digital Network(参考答案:综合业务数字网;参见教科书3.1.4)●Transport Control Protocol(参考答案:传输控制协议;参见教科书3.3.1)●Net Operation System(参考答案:网络操作系统;参见教科书3.1.3)●Internet Service Provider(ISP)(参考答案:因特网服务供应商;参见教科书4.2.1.1)●Application Service Provider(ASP)(参考答案:应用服务提供商;参见教科书4.2.1.1)●Internet Content Provider(ICP)(参考答案:网络内容提供商;参见教科书4.2.1.2)●Network Database(参考答案:网络数据库;参见教科书4.2.3.1)●Hyper Text Markup Language(HTTP)(参考答案:超文本标注语言;参见教科书4.3.5.1)●Extensible Markup Language(XML)(参考答案:可扩展置标语言;参见教科书4.3.5.2)●EDI(参考答案:电子数据交换;参见教科书6.3.3)●Soft goods(参考答案:软体商品;参见教科书7.2.3)●Brand Asset(参考答案:品牌资产;参见教科书7.3.1)●Continuity(参考答案:连续性;参见教科书7.5.4)●Coverage(参考答案:覆盖;参见教科书7.5.4)●Credit(参考答案:信用;参见教科书7.5.4)●Personal Data Assistants,PDAs(参考答案:个人数据助手;参见教科书7.7.1)●Page view(参考答案:网页浏览次数;参见教科书8.3.2)●Click-through Rate(参考答案:点进率;参见教科书8.3.2)●Cost Per Thousand Impressions(参考答案:千人广告成本;参见教科书8.3.2)●Cost Per Click-Through(参考答案:每点击成本;参见教科书8.3.2)●Partnership Marketing(参考答案:伙伴营销;参见教科书8.7.2)●Really Simple Syndication(参考答案:简易信息聚合;参见教科书8.7.6)●E-wallet(参考答案:电子钱包软件;参见教科书10.2.2)●E-cash(参考答案:电子现金;参见教科书10.2.2)●Electronic Purse(参考答案:电子钱包;参见教科书10.2.2)●Electronic Fund Transfer(参考答案:电子资金划拨;参见教科书10.2.2)●FSTC(Financial Services Technology Consortium)(参考答案:资金服务技术协会;参见教科书10.2.3)●SET(Secure Electronic Transaction)(参考答案:电子商务交易安全协议;参见教科书10.3.2)●Physical Distribution(参考答案:货物配送;参见教科书11.1.1)●Barcode technology参考答案:条码技术;参见教科书11.1.3)●Enterprise Resource Planning(参考答案:企业资源计划系统;参见教科书11.2.2)●Cross docking(参考答案:码头直接发运;参见教科书11.3.1)●Radio Frequency(参考答案:射频技术;参见教科书11.3.2)●Global Positioning System(参考答案:全球定位系统;参见教科书11.3.2)●Geographical Information System(参考答案:地理信息系统;参见教科书11.3.2)●Digita1TimeStampsever(参考答案:数字时间戳服务;参见教科书12.2.2)●Certificate Authority(参考答案:电子认证服务机构;参见教科书12.2.3)●functional-equivalent approach(参考答案:功能等同法;参见教科书12.5.2)●Public Key Infrastructure(参考答案:公钥基础设施;参见教科书12.2.3)。



段积超简介:全面电子商务理论奠基人、电子商务教育家、 IMBA 之父。




1、电子商务:E- business、Electronic business / E-commerce、Electronic commerce
2、电子商务管理(EBA):Electronic Business Administration
3、电子商务运营管理(EOA):E-business Operations Administration E-commerce Operations Administration
4、电子商务运营经理(EOO):E-business Operations Officer
E-commerce Operations Officer

5、助理电子商务师:Assistant E-commerce Dealer
电子商务师:E-commerce Dealer。



外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Electronic Commerce外文文献:Electronic CommerceElectronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond.1. What is Electronic Commerce?Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet.Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients andsuppliers can closely and conveniently contact with each other on a global scale, so that clients can find satisfactory suppliers from all comers of the world to meet their demands.Electronic commerce will change the environment in which enterprises compete with each other and reduce costs which would otherwise be high in traditional market structure. Low costs in transactions, convenience in market entry and government encouragement to use Internet (exemption from tax) activate electronic commerce and boost it to develop rapidly right from its beginning. As experts predicted, by 2000, electronic commerce would reach a scale of 300billion US dollars worldwide. And it has exceeded this scale.To ensure security of electronic commerce, an electronic certification center should be established. Digital ID is used to validate identity. Digital 11 is trusted to a third party, namely, an authorized agency, to release, including identifying informa-tion of the holder (name, address, liaison way, ID card number), an encryptive key for common use by the both parties, period of validity, password and identification in-formation of the authorized agency, etc. With digital ID, both parties in transactions can be assured of identifying the other party and validate that the information sent out from the other party has not been subject to alteration.2. Influence That Electronic Commerce May HaveCompared with traditional commerce, electronic commerce has superiorities as follows *Extensive coverage. A network system combining Internet, Intranet (local area network inside enterprises) and Extranet (networks outside enterprises) enables buy-ers, sellers, manufacturers and their partners to contact with each other and conven-iently transmit commercial intelligence and documents worldwide.*Complete functions. In electronic commerce, users of different types and on dif-ferent tiers can realize different targets in trade, for example, releasing commercial intelligence,on-line negotiation, electronic payment, establishment of virtual com-mercial market place and on-line banking, etc.*Convenience and flexibility in use.. Based on Internet, electronic commerce is free from restriction by specialized protocol for data exchange. Transactions can be conducted conveniently on computer screen, by using any type of PCs, at any place around the world.*Low cost. Use of electronic commerce can cut down costs for hiring employees, maintaining warehouse and storefront, expense for international travel and postage to a great extent. The cost for using Internet is very low.Electronic commerce will have substantial influence on social economy:*Electronic commerce will change the way people used to take in commercial ac-tivities. Through networks, people can enter virtual stores and browse around, select what they are interested in, and enjoy various on-line services. On the other hand, merchants can contact with consumers through networks, decide on buying in goods (categories and quantities) and perform settlement of accounts. Government agencies can perform electronic tendering and pursue government purchase through networks.*The core of electronic commerce is people. It is a social system. On-line shop-ping changes the way of people's daily life and fully embodies autonomy of consum-ers in trade.*Electronic commerce changes the way enterprises produce their goods. Through networks, manufacturers know market demand directly and make arrangement of production, in accordance with consumers' need.*Electronic commerce dramatically raises efficiency of trade. Intermediate links can be cut down; costs for sales will be reduced to minimum. Production can be ar-ranged in "small batches plus diverse varieties", and "zero stock" will be reality.*Electronic commerce calls for reformation of banking services. New concepts like on-line bank, on-line cash card and credit card, on-line settlement of accounts, electronic invoice, electronic "cash"-consumers will no longer use the real cash when shopping-will become reality.*Electronic commerce will change government behavior. Called "on-line gov-ernment", an on-line administration plays the important role of a social channel, maintaining order and fairness and detecting and cracking down on-line fraud.3. The Present Situation of Electronic Commerce in Developed CountriesIn the mid-1990s, when Internet experienced explosive development and micro-computers entered homes in great numbers, computer networks became an indispen-sable part of people's daily life. People expect for more interests and convenience brought in by computer networks. Electronic Commerce emerged just in time. In de-veloped countries, governments timely made policies to boost electronic commerce to practical use and dominant position in a new round of worldwide competition.In 1998, Internet helped the United States to create productive out put of 507 bil-lion US dollars, national income of 301 billion US dollars, and 1. 2 million job op-portunities; of these, electronic commerce created an income of 100 billion US dollars. Internet has be-come the first big industry with yearly productive output increasing by 60%,and accounting for 6% of GDP. Service export from the United States has at-tained 160 billion US dollars each year, and it is predicted that it can compensate trade deficit in commodity trade. Internet played an important role in promoting ex-port from the United States: in 1999, books, automobiles and services were sold through electronic commerce to foreign countries, exceeding 102 billion US dollars.Advocated by the United States, 132 members of WTO decided to turn Internet into a freetrade zone within at least one-year term. Some countries and organizations scrambled to work out development framework for electronic commerce and made laws and regulations for developing electronic commerce. In 1996, the UN Confer-ence on Trade and Development passed "Model Law of Electronic Commerce". In December, 1996, the US government issued "Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce".In April 1997, European Union issued "Proposal for Electronic Com-merce in Europe".On July 1 1997, US President Clinton promulgated" A framework for Global Electronic Commerce" which has had great influence on global electronic commerce. In May 1998, WTO minister conference passed "A Manifesto on Global Electronic Commerce", and in September 1998, WTO general council passed "Scheme for Electronic Commerce Work".In October 1998, UN Organization of Economy and Cooperation &Development (OECD) held minister conference at Ottawa, Canada on electronic commerce, which is praised as a milestone of global electronic commerce. In September 1999, Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce (GBDE) was held in France and is-sued "Paris Proposal".In December 1999, the United States issued another Internet commerce standard.Electronic commerce in the United States takes the rein of the trade in the world. At present, there are 60 million subscribers of Internet in the United States. More than 98% of purchasing managers seek targets on-line. As estimated, by 2002, the value involved in transactions done through electronic commerce between US enterprises will account for 6.1% of GDP. Fortune magazine's statistics show the 500 top com-panies in the world all engaged in on-line business.25% of income to IBM (about 20 billion US dollars) is related with electronic commerce. Thanks to electronic com-merce, IBM saved its expenses of 250 million US dollars during 1999. HP Company designated its electronic Commerce solution as E-world-anelectronized world. This solution is oriented to medium-and small-size enterprises, and great investment was made to third parties-software companies to develop software suited for medium-and small-size enterprises to engage in electronic commerce. Intel places its risky invest-ment mainly on Internet and electronic commerce. In July 1998, Intel began on-line transactions Its monthly business turn electronic commerce reached one billion US dollars.As a survey made by European Information Technology Observation shows, of the surveyed 570 companies, 47% have implemented electronic commerce of some sorts, and 4/5 of them began their electronic commerce in the latest two years. Execu-tive Committee of European Union plans at least 25% of its purchase done through electronic commerce by 2001. In1998, in Australia, web sites related with electronic commerce on Internet doubled in number, and 11% of Australian enterprises have their web sites. 80% of Australian companies use Internet to transmit E-mails and conduct commercial activities. In 1998, Singapore government promulgated,for electronic commerce. Singapore is the only country in Southeast Asia that formally joined the "Rights and Obligation Electronic commerce In cooperation with US manufacturers and firms, Singapore established an electronic commerce entry in Asia, providing comprehensive Business-to-Business (B to B) service, so as to enable Asian trade companies to enter the rank of global electronic commerce.4. Development of Electronic Commerce in ChinaExploration in electronic commerce, governmental and civil began in 1993 in China. Today, electronic commerce has found its applications in foreign trade, Cus-toms, finance and commerce. Local frameworks have been established in Beijing and Shanghai for electronic commerce. Some electronic commerce web sites have been opened to on-line shopping and on-line settlement of accounts.The Ministry of Foreign Trade set up in February 1996 China Electronic Com-merce Center responsible for research, construction, and operation of international electronic commerce project in CT he Center established "China Commodity Trade Market" on Internet, to put rich resources of goods in China to world market, opening new channel for our exports. The subject "Security Proof of Electronic Commerce" as a key item in science and technology during th9th Five-year Plan period was ap-praised in early 1996 by State Department of Science and Technology and State En-cryptive Code Administration, which laid a foundation for establishing a safe and normal environment for electronic commerce in our country.In March 1999, the Ministry of Information Industry approved the electronic commercial network of pharmaceutics and health as a model project of electronic commerce for all trades. It is one of the six specialized networks in China, which pro-vide all-direction serve of market information, product transaction, warehousing and delivery, and account settlement, etc.In Shanghai, in 1999, "Shanghai Administrative Center of Electronic Commerce Security Certificate" was set up, which provide security platform for electronic com-merce and is responsible for application, appraisal, making and management of digital certificate domestic and foreign clients in Shanghai, and offers services such as certi-fication of digital identity and digital signature, electronic notarization, secure E-mail and secure encryption, etc. In January 1 the first on-line bookstore in China-Shanghai Book City On-line standard. It provides VISA cardholders and card-holders of domestic Great Wall card, Dragon card, Peony card and Pacific card with instant and authorized security service.The measure taken in Beijing to develop electronic commerce is to build a capital electronic commerce city. In November 1998, the capital electronic commerce project formally activated, and a frame-work formally showed off. The Legend Computer Company open editselectronic commerce system in June 1999, and web sites 8848, sina, 163, all activated their electronic commerce.In April 2000, sponsored by the Ministry of Information Indus-try,National Economy and Trade Commission, and China Council for Promotion of International Trade, the 4th China International Electronic Commerce Conference was held. State leaders and superintendents of various ministries and commissions joined the opening conference. Mr. Levy, secretary of Commercial Department of the US government led a delegation of famous US enterprises and media, totally more than 100 persons, to join the conference. More than 60 seminars were held during the conference, to dis-cuss extensive topics on electronic commerce.Despite all these efforts, companies engaged in electronic commerce service in China suffer losses in their B-to-C business (B refers to Business, C refers to Con-sumers). Some Chinese experts attribute this to Chinese shopping habit-Chinese con-sumers treat shopping as an interesting hobby; they enjoy the pleasure of spending their money through appreciating and comparing merchandise, and bargaining; but all these will vanish from on-line shopping. Other experts attribute this phenomenon to the ubiquitous incredulity in society-banks can-not interconnect their business be-cause they fear their customers will be captured by their rivals; cash cards cannot be popularized because banks do not trust civilians; and civilians do not like to do on-line shopping because they do not trust on-line stores,…etc. Why?That's because many things on-line and in society are false, for ex-ample, false number of subscribers, false statistics of access flux, shoddy goods, forged diploma, sham curriculum vitae, sham investment, sham listing, false revenue to listed enterprises, etc. Such an over-all environment will not change within a long period of time. In such environment, no commercial activity can be done. Many IT practitioners are disheartened with elec-tronic commerce in our country.5. Prospects of Electronic CommerceAlthough developing rapidly and seeming to have brilliant prospects, electronic commerce faces a series of real problems, for example, problems involving security, technology, expense, legal system, tax system, conception, protection of privacy, in-frastructure, etc. However, electronic commerce is the mainstream of enterprises in the new century and will develop rapidly in the coming years. Some companies pre-dict that by 2003, electronic commerce between enterprises in developed countries will account for over 9%of the total turnover(1,300 billion US dollars), and in consumer electronic commerce the turnover will attain 76. 3 billion US dollars by 2002. And as experts predicted, electronic commerce in China will catch up with de-veloped countries on the average level, in 10 years. They suggested 3 to 5 years be spent on working out plans, policies and regulations necessary for developing elec-tronic commerce, building substantial and tangible electronic commerce systems, fos-tering specialized talents, optimizing of the electronic commerce systems in some trades and areas; and then 5 to 7 years be spent on linking with international elec-tronic commerce to enable our electronic commerce system as an important compo-nent of international electronic commerce; popularizing of electronic commerce in application, raising electronic commerce in our country to a higher level in research, development and application, to the average level in developed countries.The following description tells what major I/e strategies some major manufactur-ers in the world are taking in development of electronic commerce.IBM: IBM is the pioneer that held up the banner of electronic commerce as a new application of Internet. In people's mind, IBM is now not only manufacturer of main-frames, PCs, servers, software but also the “godfather" of electronic commerce. IBM has always been dedicated to promoting secure commerce over the Internet. It sin-come from selling servers hasaccounted for 60% of its total in-come.IBM not only provides products for large-scale applications of secure, efficient, reliable electronic commerce and payment over Internet, but also for small electronic business as well.IBM Micro Payments an application enabling buyers to purchase low cost items over Internet-is another example of how IBM is expanding to new areas of commerce. By enabling billing servers, content providers and other merchants to profitably sell items for even a few cents, IBM opens up a whole new market.IBM Micro Payments allows buyers, sellers and billing systems to sell content, information, and services over Internet, for small amounts. IBM's commitment to electronic commerce and electronic business makes it a leader in the area of electronic payments. An automated compiler tool transforms existing HTML pages, creating "click and pay" links with either fixed or dynamic prices. Content and service provid-ers can take advantage of the extensive set of APIs and authoring tools to extend IBM Micro Payments available from OEMs. Billing servers can easily integrate the IBM Micro Payments application with existing billing systems and use it to attract content providers and open new sources of revenue.IBM Micro Payments provides scalability and interoperability, which allows widespread availability across Internet, including multi-currency and multilingual support, and low operational costs it easily supports transactions as low as one cent.SUN: SUN as a global leading supplier treats Internet not only a tool but also a new mode of commerce. SUN has provided very flexible solutions to commercial af-fairs for BBC, ETRADE, Federal Express, First Auction, Fruit of the Loom, Kodak, Thomas Cook, Virgin.Microsoft: Microsoft aims at helping enterprises to set up more powerful relation with their clients and partners by three means: (I)Windows 2000, BackOffice, Site Server, Biztalk,etc; (2) MSN (in the United States, more than 40% web users access MSN, and consumers can conduct comparative study when buying articles and ser-vices); (3) Partners provide customers with various products and services on Mi-crosoft MSN platform, realizing electronic commerce solutions, including settling account, paying tax, shopping, logistics, purchasing, accounting, ERP (Electronic Remote Processing) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), etc.Site Server and Biz talk are the two major products of Microsoft adopted in exist-ing system for enterprises to develop electronic commerce. Site Server is used for constructing web stores, based on data-it enables the client to easily realize on-line catalog, buying/selling order, exchange of documents for promoting sale, etc. Disre-garding what platform, operating system or technology used in low layer.Novell: Novell defines itself as "NET Service Supplier" after2000. The word NET includes intranet, extranet, Internet, company net, public net, cable net, wireless net. Its aim is to breakout the existing service domain in which most software products can provide services only in a specific environment or for a specific procedure or server (rather than the whole network).Novell's network service software NDS eDirectory as a nucleus helps clients to reduce complexity of business on network, and improve security, so that it enables network, applications and business processing to adapt to electronic commerce, and thus speed up their transfer to electronic commerce.SCO: SCO’s Tarantella is the best solution for existing users to conduct elect ronic commerce. Users can use only a browser to access any applications of platforms in back counter, without the need of re-writing existing applications, in their effort to transfer their business to electronic commercial mode. To ensure electronic commerce to continually operate, SCO provides an incessant cluster solution based on UNIXWARE 7. This product is easy to use,easy to manage and its cost is one-tenth of large-scale product of the same sort for mainframes while its performance doubles. It is a security solution with higher performance/ cost ratio among the same sort for electronic commerce.Tivoli Systems Inc. today announced Tivoli Business Systems Manager, a new, fully integrated solution that allows businesses to manage their IT environments from the top down, creating a powerful view of business systems management.The Tivoli Business Systems Manager solution provides us with business views and control mechanisms to manage all of our distributed IT resources in the retail, banking and electronic commerce environments-including system resources, data-bases, application servers, web servers and electronic commerce applications-from one central location. The Graphical User Interface allows us to monitor all of our re-sources on a single screen, regardless of geographical location.Combining the features of Tivoli Global Enterprise and Tivoli Manager for OS/390, Tivoli Business Systems Manager provides true end-to-end enterprise management from one console, simplifying the administration of heterogeneous environments. Tivoli Business Systems Manager enables customers to manage and control multiple applications that are required for different business functions.中文译文:电子商务电子商务或电子贸易,电子商业,或作为一个新兴的商业模式将产生深远的影响,经济和社会中发挥重要作用的社会发展世界各地。

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② 缩略词
EC(Electronic Commerce)电子商务, EFT(Electronic Fund Transfer)电子资金转帐, EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换, AOL(American Online)美国在线服务公司, URL(Universal Resource Locator)通用资源定位器, DNS(Domain Name System)域名系统, DES (Data Encryption Standard)数据加密标准, VAN(Value-added Network)增值网, ISP(Internet Services Provider)因特网信息服务提供商
②商业机构对消费者的电子商务 (Business-to-consumer/B2C)
它是指企业(businesses)与消费者个人(individual shoppers) 之间进行的零售电子商务活动(retailing transactions)。在 上的购物者是消费者(customer),也是顾客 (consumer)。

电子商务(Electronic Commerce) 指实现整个贸易活动的电子化. (涵盖范围) 交易各方以电子交易方式而不是通过当面交换或直接面 谈方式进行的任何形式的商业交易. (技术角度) 是一种多技术的集合体, 包括交换数据(EDI, 电子邮件), 获得数据(共享数据库, BBS)以及自动捕获数据(Bar Code)等.
5. The danger of hackers accessing customer files and
corrupting accounts 6. Some products that people will not buy online
(1)涉及领域众多,词语的专业性强 (2)构词方法多样,新词语层出不穷
2. What goods or services have you bought over the Net? What would you prefer not to buy over the Net? 3. What are the advantages of e-commerce? 4. What are the disadvantages of e-commerce
Advantage of e-commerce
1. Help companies to send messages worldwide, exploring new markets and opportunities and present goods more effectively 2. Help companies decrease costs in creating, processing, distributing, storing and retrieving information. 3. Extended trading hours. 4. Provide customers with a platform to search product information 5. Individuals can work and do their purchasing at home

美国政府在其《全球电子商务纲要》中比较笼统地指出:“电 子商务是指通过 Internet 进行的各项商务活动,包括:广告、 交易、支付、服务等活动,全球电子商务将会涉及全球各国”。 世界贸易组织电子商务专题报告中定义,电子商务就是通过电 信网络进行的生产、营销、销售和流通活动,它不仅指基于 Internet 上的交易,而且指所有利用电子信息技术来解决问题、 降低成本、增加价值和创造商机的商务活动,包括通过网络实 现从原材料查询、采购、产品展示、订购到出品、储运以及电 子支付等一系列的贸易活动。
⑤非商业机构间的电子商务 (Non-business EC)
它是指像学术机构(academic institutions)、非盈利组织 (not-for-profit organizations)、宗教组织(religious organizations)、社会组织(social organizations)以及政 府部门(government agencies)等非商业机构(non-business organizations),正在越来越多地利用电子商务以缩减费用 或者提高他们的工作效率与客户服务水平(reduce their expenses or to improve their operations and customer service)。
♥ E-commerce is a subject which researches how to use electronic and information technology to promote the traditional business process to change profoundly.
⑤非商业机构间的电子商务(Non-business EC) ⑥机构内部的电子商务(Intra-organizational EC)
①商务机构对商业机构的电子商务 (Business-to-business/B2B)
③消费者对消费者的电子商务 (Consumer-to-consumer/C2C)
消费者可以通过分类广告(如Classified )直接将居 家用品(residential property)、汽车(cars)等卖给其他消费 者,也可在国际互联网上刊登广告提供服务或出售知识与技术 (selling knowledge and expertise)。
( Classification of E-commerce )
②商业机构对消费者的电子商务(Business-to-consumer/B2C) ③消费者对消费者的电子商务(Consumer-to-consumer/C2C)
Disadvantages of e-commerce
1. Cost of installing systems and training staff
2. Keeping up-to-date with technical advances
3. Potential systems failures (viruses) 4. Fraud
① 通过E-,online, cyber和其它词语连用构成新词 ② 缩略词 ③ 合词法 ④ 名词连用 ⑤ 符号词 ⑥ 用词新奇,生动活泼
① 通过E-,online, cyber和其它词语连用构成新词
E-retailing电子化零售, E-directories电子化的厂商名录, electronic shopping mall网上购物中心 online publishing网上出版, online department store网上百货商店, online distribution channel网上经销渠道 cybersquatting抢注域名, cyberbookstore网上书店, cybermarketing网络化营销
今天的大多数电子商务都属此类。它包括ISO(机构间信息系统 Inter-organizational Information System)交易和机构间电子市场 交易(electronic market transactions between organizations)。 ISO系统利用EDI和企业外部网(Extranet)支持两个或多个机构 间的信息的直接交换,一切关系都是预设(predetermined)的, 没有讨价还价(negotiation/bargain),只有实施(execution), 因此可以最大程度地提高交易效率(transaction processing efficiency)。而在电子交易市场里,买卖双方可以磋商 (negotiate)、递盘(submit bids)、订货(agree on an order),在网上或不在网上实现交易(finish the execution online or of
④消费者对商业机构的电子商务 (Consumer-to-business/C2B)
它指消费者个人(individuals)对机构出售产品与服务(products and services),也指消费者个人寻求卖方、与之洽商并达成交易 (individuals who seek sellers, interact with them, and conclude a transaction)。
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Translation Skills
Words and Expressions
1 Questions for discussing: 1. What do you use Internet for?
⑥机构内部的电子商务 (Intra-organizational EC)
它是指所有机构的内部运作(all internal organizational activities) (包括商品、服务及信息的交换),经常通过企业内部网 (Intranet)来进行,包括从向雇员出售公司产品到在线培训 (online training)。