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Rob Frenette had problems with bullies(欺辱)at school for eleven years.He was o ften lonely and scared.When he was fifteen,however,he decided t o do something a bo u t his problems.He walked into a newspaper office and told them abo u t the bullying.His story went into the newspaper and soon all the TV stations in Canada wanted to talk t o him a bo u t his experiences.They also wanted t o hear his ideas t o stop bullying.

After that,R ob continued his studies at school,bu t in his free time he helped other people with bullying problems.With a friend Katie Neu,he made a website called www.bullyingcanada.ca.Visitors t o the website can find advice,stories and poems a bo u t bullying,in both English and French.When people are upset,they can talk on the phone or online t o R ob and his team.Every week end R ob has to answer e-mails to the website.He also speaks t o children,teachers and me mbers of government ar ound the country about bullying.

Rob’s mo st important message is:“When bullies are unkind t o you,it isn’t your fault.There’s nothing wrong with you,so you should try to k eep trusting yourself.And r eme mbe r that people care abo u t your problems.Y ou just have t o find those people.”

One of R ob’s ideas is“Blue Day”,a special day for stopping bullying in schools.S tudents have t o wear blue clothes and in class they learn how to stop bullying.More than150Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day,bu t R ob won’t stop until there’s a Blue Day in every school in Canada.

16.How did R ob o ften feel at school before he was fifteen?

A.R elaxed.




17.W e can learn from this p assage that Rob suffered from bullying since he was______.





18.www.bullyingcanada.ca is a website where people can______.

A.learn how to write poems C.g et blue clothes for free

B.g et advice a b o u t bullying problems D.practice both English and French

19.The underlined part“those people”in P aragraph3me ans_____.

A.people who always bullied others before

B.people who help others with bullying problems

s C. people who are me mbe rs of the government D. people who write e-mails a bout their problems

20. What was the correct order in which these events h appen ed?

a. R ob and his friend made a website.

c. R ob created “Blue Day ”. b. R ob was bullied at school.

d. R ob told his story in public. A. b-d-a-c

B. a-b-c-d

C. b-a-d-c

D. c-b-a-d


Below are several posters abou t community matters for people:


· Improve your health

· Relax your body and mind

· Exercise gently

Classes open to Beginn ers

The art of Qigong started in

China, thousands of years ago.

£ 10 per class

Saturday & Sunday afternoons

T el: 7564349


at Harbor House

A fun place to learn

how t o use watercolors!

For adults only £ 8 per class

If you are 50 or over ,

it ’s FREE!

Mondays: 6:30pm-8:00pm


Tel: 8743236


W omen-only English classes

W e hold weekly-English

classes for newcomers

from other countries!

· Mondays 10:30am-12:30am

· W ednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm

Friendly and relaxed,

all our classes are free!

(T el:9203346)

Drop-In Social Club

at Cornerstone Community Center

T uesdays 7:00pm-9:15pm in the cafe (top floor)

Fridays 3:00pm-5:00pm in the Green R oom

Provides a warm welcome and safe place to

· meet new people

· practise and get help with speaking English

· do drawing and sports activities

T el: 9652313

Children are welcome to come with parents!

It ’free!

The Community Sings!

T uesdays 7:30am-9:00am

Weekly drop-in singing class

starts here T ues, 23rd Jan-Weds, 27th March

£ 6 per class

Learn a bo u t breading and vocal skills.

Enjoy singing folk music and traditional

songs in a friendly environment.

Beginners are also welcome!

T el: 8908809

21. Which of the following says that parents could take their children along?

A. Qigong.

B. Watercolor .

C. Drop- In Social Club.

D. The Community Sings.

22. If an officer worker n ee ds to improve his health at weekends, he should call _____.
