[RED]#1 ~ 紅色Character 卡(no. 01-001 ~ 01-021)Card No.01-001 / まどか/ Character / ★★★★COST 4 SOURCE 1AP/DP 40/40特徵︰魔法少女效果:這張卡登場的場合,可以將手牌任意枚數的卡和傷區置換。
Card No.01-002 / まどか/ Character / ★COST 3 SOURCE 1AP/DP 30/40特徵︰魔法少女效果:自己有七個人或以上的狀態,這張卡攻擊給予對方造成的傷害變成2點。
Card No.01-003 / まどか/ Character / ★★★COST 3 SOURCE 2AP/DP 30/30特徵︰魔法少女效果:這張卡攻擊的場合,公開卡組第一張,如果是事件,這張卡直到回合結束前+20+20Card No.01-004 / まどか/ Character / ★★★COST 4 SOURCE 2AP/DP 40/40特徵︰魔法少女效果:這張卡登場的場合,全部人物變成活動狀態。
[主階段/雙方]0費把自己,或對方的棄牌區的一張卡除外Card No.01-005 / まどか&QB / Character / ★★★COST 3 SOURCE 1AP/DP 20/40特徵︰魔法少女インキュベーター效果:[雙人]這張卡攻擊的場合,自己全部持有魔法少女特徵的卡直到回合結束前+10攻.Card No.01-006 / まどか&QB / Character / ★★★COST 1 SOURCE 2AP/DP 無特徵︰魔法少女インキュベーター效果:[雙人][主階段/雙方]橫置自己的一個人直到回合結束前+10防.Card No.01-007 / ほむら/ Character / ★★★COST 3 SOURCE 2AP/DP 0/0特徵︰魔法少女效果:自己有七個或以上的まどか除外的場合,這張卡獲得+50+50的修正。
大家分析后推断绑架案的幕后黑手可能是盘踞在附近的黒孤団,于是此时出现分支选项:後のことは任せる -> 跳过之后的黒孤団人质解救事件,结束教学模式黒孤団のアジトに向かう -> 大地图上黒孤岩开放、雷芬暂时加入队伍------------------以下内容选择了“黒孤団のアジトに向かう”才会出现-------------------出城后,大地图上选择【黒孤岩】,即可进入黒孤団人质解救事件。
举个例子:比如初期就能获得的材料龙息,含有能量24 无任何属性在武器本身光属性1、火属性1、总共属性大于等于3时能触发勇者的SP特效效果为武器的力量攻+25%、技巧攻+25%。
凯吕斯中文规则v1.0A game by William AttiaIllustrations by Arnaud Demaegd - Graphic design by Cyril Demaegd中文翻译&排版ilovenorwayCaylus FAQ and forum : 游戏内含● 1 块游戏板● 1 个白色圆柱状“监工”指示物和 1 个白色盘状“市长”指示物● 30 枚一元货币指示物和 10 枚五元货币指示物● 30 个圆柱状“工人”指示物(蓝, 红, 绿, 橘, 橙, 黑各 6 个)● 100 个“房子”指示物(蓝, 红, 绿, 橘, 橙, 黑各 20 个)● 35 个盘状“标记”指示物(蓝, 红, 绿, 橘, 橙, 黑各 7 个)● 140 个资源方块(粉红, 紫色, 棕色, 灰色各 30 个, 黄色 20 个)● 40 片建筑物指示物(6 片中立建筑(粉红), 8 片木制建筑(棕底),9 片石制建筑(灰底), 8 片住宅(绿底), 9 片荣耀建筑(蓝底))●本手册很久以前... 游戏的目的1289 年,为了强化法兰西王国的国力,菲力普国王决定要建造一座新城池, 当时凯吕斯只是个朴实的小村庄, 但是很快, 各地的名匠与大量的工人被这个宏伟的计划所吸引,纷纷涌入凯吕斯,一座城市渐渐形成……玩家扮演建筑师, 负责完成国王要求的城池与发展外围的城市, 因此得到声望点数和国王的赏赐, 当城堡完成之时, 获得最多声望点数的玩家赢得此游戏。
游戏板图资源:食物木材石材布料黄金游戏设置注意:在 3,4,5 人游戏时,都采用以下的规则, 2 人游戏时,要照手册里最后面的叙述的作细部调整。
●先将游戏板放在桌子中央处, 再将建筑物指示物照颜色归类, 面朝上摆在一旁, 最后由一名玩家将六片粉红色中立建筑物指示物随机摆放在发展路径的前六格空格里(图例 11 区)。
●货币与资源指示物摆在一旁当作银行(货币指示物里小者为一元, 大者为五元)。
魔物名称与登场任务兽人1-4、1-5、1-8、2-1、2-3、2-6、3-1、4-6、5-6、8-3、8-8、6兽人队长4-8、5-3、5-6、6-5、7-6、8-3、38-8、兽人战士长6-5、7-6、8-3、D-7、D-12、魔物卡片图案稀有度卡槽12223142537384941041323425463738295104132332莫伊莫伊1-1、1-2、1-4、1-8、2-2、2-4、2-5、2-7、2-8、3-1、3-2、4-6、5-8、7-6、7-8、D-1、D-11、610魔菇1-2、1-3、1-7、2-1、2-6、2-7、3-1、3-5、4-6、6-8、7-6、D-5、32435461738392103122231425473839412223141526210毒魔菇3-4、3-5、3-7、3-8、3-9、5-6、7-6、D-3、5爆魔菇4-1、4-2、4-4、4-5、4-7、6-7、7-6、7-7、8-2、D-10、472829212213141627282931031124325263758493106鲨鱼蝎1-7、2-1、2-3、2-6、3-9、5-7、6-8、D-4、火山鲨鱼蝎4-1、4-4、4-7、6-7、8-2、D-10、25910狼2-2、2-4、2-5、2-8、3-2、3-6、4-3、4-9、5-8、6-3、132231435463748395105133243627484152333428-1、8-9、D-9、5610火狼4-2、4-4、4-7、5-10、7-7、8-2、8-9、D-9、D-10、710地狱黑狼6-3、6-4、7-5、7-8、8-1、359427183931222334153638294112444627282103丘皮1-3、1-6、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-6、2-8、3-2、3-6、4-3、4-9、6-3、7-8、58-1、7910毒丘皮2-6、3-2、3-6、5-1、5-2、6-4、7-9、8-1、D-4、守护者15-8、6-1、6-2、6-5、6-6、7-2、8-7、D-5、D-6、D-11、12223141628312223341516372839610222354254赫罗赫罗11-4、1-6、2-1、2-3、2-6、2-7、3-9、4-6、5-4、6-9、8-8、D-4、810赫罗赫隆5-1、5-2、25-7、7-5、7-9、4578910赫罗赫罗斯4-1、4-2、24-4、4-7、36374839410422314252617293133262126-7、7-7、8-2、D-10、6910暴焰野熊2-5、2-8、3-1、3-2、3-6、4-3、34-6、4-9、5-8、6-3、7-8、8-8、5D-1、小暴焰野熊1-2、1-5、2-4、2-5、2-8、3-2、3-6、4-3、4-6、8-8、D-1、589415572821422426273859310212233241637210狂暴大脚熊6-3、7-8、8-1、35789食人蚁1-3、1-6、1-7、2-1、2-3、3-1、3-4、3-5、3-7、3-8、3-9、4-1、4-2、4-4、4-6、4-7、6-7、8-3、D-5、D-6、杜莫伊1-2、1-4、2-6、2-7、3-1、5-6、6-9、8-5、D-1、D-11、1323446410712223143526372839210412233243810杜莫伊首领5-6、6-9、7-1、8-5、35678幽灵剑士3-4、3-5、3-7、3-8、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-7、6-4、7-5、D-11、589恩赫里亚15265739112244295102122233416471105236-1、6-2、6-6、7-2、3D-11、4568飞天甲虫1-4、1-6、2-2、2-4、2-5、2-7、2-8、3-1、3-2、3-6、4-1、4-3、4-9、6-3、7-5、8-5、6波利1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、1-6、1-7、2-7、3-1、3-5、5-2、5-7、6-1、7-1、5D-31、62373961041225324153728393103132231417181土波利4-2、7-1、8-2、D-1、D-7、D-12、D-31、5波波利3-5、5-7、7-1、D-31、5101011222324261728293102112331426272849513236莱西5-1、5-2、5-6、6-2、6-4、7-5、8-7、8-8、D-6、610亚种莱西5-7、6-4、7-2、8-4、8-7、8-8、4冰波利42537283921021322324252728394122233536971丘之巨人2-2、2-4、22-5、2-8、3-2、3-6、3-7、4-5、4-6、6-1、6-8、7-5、57-9、9-1、9-2、丘之巨人队长124-5、6-1、37-5、7-6、49-1、9-2、5D-11、D-27、910霜之巨人4-3、4-9、6-3、7-8、7-9、8-1、9-1、9-3、71849410414334364748296105647384122332D-4、5霜之巨人队长4-9、6-3、27-8、7-9、38-1、9-1、49-3、D-28、59焰之巨人4-4、4-7、6-7、7-7、7-9、8-2、39-4、D-10、4D-24、42617383941041362738210414245362738396104焰之巨人队长6-7、7-7、27-9、8-2、39-4、D-10、4D-29、5810兽人王1-9、5-3、26-5、D-2、D-15、兽人英雄14-8、6-5、8-3、D-2、D-15、510414617391143242526373839410424324262斯库尔5-10、7-7、28-9、D-9、3D-21、8910哈提3-10、5-8、28-9、D-9、3D-18、569法夫尼尔5-5、8-4、D-14、D-17、859610614415264731242748310312223278夏哈尼尔3-3、6-4、28-7、D-3、D-17、59赫拉斯瓦尔2-9、5-4、8-6、D-16、5462951061231436472821041424334456627382910可那赫拉斯瓦尔4-10、6-8、8-6、D-14、D-20、479格兰德尔1-6、3-11、5-9、8-5、D-14、D-19、D-30、摩克卡菲8-10、14233353628210613233346526474869610315253367菲尼亚7-4、7-10、9-5、D-11、D-23、34678910梅妮亚17-3、7-10、9-5、D-14、D-23、1033435283931051424532334445464748294赫朗格尼尔6-10、9-7、D-4、D-22、D-30、9史尔特9-6、D-24、234910乌特迦洛奇19-8、D-25、414223441576775871031457667482273358687910兽人萨满D-7、D-12、D-15、10晒红的格兰德尔D-8、D-13、2D-26、D-30、58910沙漠鲨鱼蝎D-5、D-6、D-12、8413233242516372829613354363741323沙漠之狼D-5、D-6、D-12、D-13、沙漠幼狼D-5、D-6、D-12、D-13、33 42 52 63 73 82 93 104 14 23 31 42 52 62 71 83 92 102 12 22 32 41 5210杜莫伊D-5、D-6、D-13、幽灵突击兵D-5、D-6、D-12、752637383941124314152647183921011314152638312293103*备注: 1:攻击力最大叠加上限为150。
密钥管理系统设计方案( 草案)
目录1RFUIM卡总体功能需求 (4)2密钥管理体系 (4)2.1密钥管理 (4)2.1.1密钥种类 (4)2.1.2密钥管理安全体系 (5)2.1.3密钥管理安全功能 (6)2.2密钥体系结构 (7)2.2.1密钥体系描述 (7)2.2.2密钥分散方法 (8)2.2.3密钥分散层次 (8)2.3卡片密钥体系结构 (8)2.3.1卡片密钥体系描述 (9)2.3.2卡片根密钥 (9)2.3.3卡片密钥分散 (10)2.3.4卡片密钥层次 (10)3密钥管理系统功能 (10)3.1通用密钥的管理 (11)3.1.1种子密钥产生 (11)3.1.2密钥更新 (11)3.2RFUIM卡密钥卡管理 (11)3.2.1洗卡 (11)3.2.2密钥装载 (12)3.2.3密钥根新 (12)3.2.4密钥激活 (12)3.2.5密钥销毁 (13)3.2.6密钥恢复 (13)3.2.7口令管理 (13)3.2.8RFUIM卡密钥卡的查询 (13)3.2.9RFUIM卡密钥卡属性管理 (13)3.3PSAM卡的管理 (13)3.3.1洗卡 (13)3.3.2种子密钥产生 (13)3.3.3密钥装载 (14)3.3.4密钥根新 (14)3.3.5密钥激活 (14)3.3.6密钥销毁 (14)3.3.7密钥恢复 (15)3.3.8口令管理 (15)3.3.9PSAM卡的查询 (15)3.4日志管理 (15)3.5用户管理 (15)3.5.1增加用户 (15)3.5.2删除用户 (15)3.5.3修改口令 (15)3.6加密机管理 (16)3.6.1加密机密钥管理 (16)3.6.2加密机密钥状态查询 (16)3.6.3加密机信息查询 (16)3.6.4加密机管理 (16)4上海电信密钥管理系统体系结构 (16)4.1基本设计思路 (16)4.2系统组成及配置清单 (17)4.3密钥管理中心 (19)4.3.1主要功能 (19)4.3.2软件模块框架 (20)4.3.3系统环境及配置(建议) (21)4.3.4密钥管理 (22)4.4卡片密钥下装系统 (24)4.4.1主要功能 (24)4.4.2软件模块框架 (24)4.4.3密钥管理 (25)4.4.4导入RFUIM卡发卡密钥 (25)4.4.5与制卡系统的连接 (25)5电子钱包交易流程 (26)5.1消费安全认证流程 (26)5.2消费交易处理流程 (26)5.3圈存安全认证流程271RFUIM卡总体功能需求中国电信发行具有电子钱包功能的RFUIM卡,其中将包括电信自有的电子钱包,同时根据各地不同的需求,在RFUIM卡中还将开展的特色业务。
《仙境传说Online DS》全卡片+酒馆任务
《仙境传说Online DS》全卡片+酒馆任务DS版全卡片中日对照表:01 アイシラカードPC版新怪,中译名未知(头)int+2 回避率+2002 アリスカード爱丽斯女仆卡片(盾)被BOSS魔物伤害-40%,被一般魔物伤害+40%03 アンドレカード白蚁卡片(武器)攻击+604 インキュバスカード恶魔侍者卡片(头)int-2 最大SP+20005 ウイスノて一力ード白幽灵卡片(披风)回避+5 受到念属性伤害+20%06 ウイ□一力ード树精卡片(头)最大sp+8007 ウルフカード狼卡片(武器)攻击+4 暴击率+208 エルダーウイ□一カード长老树精卡片(头)int+509 黄金虫力ード黄金盗虫卡片(盾)魔法攻击免疫,使用技能消耗SP加倍10 オウルバ□ンカード鹗枭男爵卡片(装饰品)int+611 オークウオリアーカード兽人战士卡片(盾)受动物系攻击伤害-30%12 力ーリッツバーグカード卡利斯格卡片(盾)受恶魔系攻击伤害-30%13 グールカード绿腐尸卡片(头)防御+2,毒抗性+20%14 クランフカード蓝鼠卡片(头)毒抗性+30% 回避率+515 グリスリー力ード暴焰野熊卡片(衣服)普通攻击10%几率使敌黑暗状态16 コーレムカード巨石怪卡片(武器)攻击+2 防御+4 最大SP+1017 ごっつしミノタウ□スカード狂暴米诺斯卡片(衣服) 普通攻击10%几率使敌晕眩18 コプリンカード哥布灵卡片(武器)对动物系+20%伤害19 コポルドカード犬妖卡片(装饰品)str+2 暴击率+220 サキュノてスカード恶魔女仆卡片(衣服)最大HP+70021 サスカッチカード雪熊卡片(衣服)普通攻击10^几率使敌冻结状态22 さすらい狼力ード流浪之狼卡片(披风)STR+523 彷徨う者力ード邪骸浪人卡片(披风)回避+1024 サンドマンカード泥人卡片(衣服)石化无效,受到地属性伤害-50%25 ジエミ二力ード双子星-S58卡片(头)沉默,石化,睡眠抗性+25%26 ジルタスカード艾斯恩魔女卡片(盾)LUC+5,回避率+527 スケルワーカー力ード邪骸矿工卡片(武器)攻击+4,中体型怪物伤害+10%28 スポアカード蘑菇卡片(装饰品)vit+229 ソヒー力ード鬼女卡片(鞋子)最大SP+15% sp自然恢复量+5%30 ソンビカード腐尸卡片(鞋子)最大HP+3%31 ダーク□ードカード黑暗之王卡片(鞋子)不死无效,受到暗属性伤害-10%32 タラフ□ッグカード突变蛙卡片(盾)受人型系攻击伤害-30%33 タ□ウカード白鼠卡片(装饰品)str+334 チンビラカード流氓卡片(武器)暴击率+635 デイアポリックカード赤焰小恶魔卡片(武器)近距离攻击恶魔系怪物时,恢复SP136 データルザウルスカード迪塔勒泰晤勒斯卡片(衣服)冻结无效37 デザートウルフカード沙漠之狼卡片(武器)攻击+4 小体型怪物伤害+10%38 デビルチカード小恶魔卡片(头)str+1 黑暗异常无效39 盗虫カード盗虫卡片(衣服)agi+540 ドラキュラカード德古拉伯爵卡片(武器)10%几率给敌人的伤害中5%吸收到SP中41 ドレインリアー力ード红蝙蝠卡片(武器)水属性怪物伤害+20%42 ド□ッフスカード土波利卡片(武器)DEX+5 命中+543 ハイオークカード兽人战士长卡片(盾)10%几率格挡受到的攻击伤害44 ハイドラランサー力ード红龙卡片(装饰品)圣属性伤害+10%45 バフオメットジュニア力ード小巴风特卡片(披风) AGI+5.暴击率+546 ビートルカード楸型虫卡片(武器)对鱼贝类,植物类怪物使用普通攻击恢复SP147 ビッグフットカード大脚熊卡片(盾)受昆虫系攻击-30%伤害48 フアミリアー力ード吸血蝙蝠卡片(武器)攻击+2 攻击时10%几率让敌人陷入黑暗状态49 フリオ二力ード皮里恩卡片(武器)命中+100,魔法攻击+2%,最大SP+2050 べコべコカード大嘴鸟卡片(衣服)最大HP+5%51 ポイズンスポアカード毒蘑菇卡片(鞋子)毒无效52 ホーネットカード蜂兵卡片(武器)STR+3 攻击+353 ポポリンカード波波利卡片(装饰品)毒耐性+10%54 ポリンカード波力卡片(衣服)luc+555 ポンコンカード妖道卡片(装饰品)物理技能攻击威力+25%56 マーリンカード冰波利卡片(装饰品)水属性伤害+10%57 マンドラコラカード曼佗罗花卡片(武器)int+3,luc+1,魔攻+558 ミ二デモカード狂暴小恶魔卡片(鞋子)对动物系伤害+20%,但受到伤害也+20%59 ミノタウ□スカード米诺斯卡片(武器)攻击+3 大体型怪物伤害+10%60 ミミックカード邪恶箱卡片(装饰品)怪物道具掉落率+2%61 ムナックカード僵尸卡片(盾)防御+1 石化耐性+15%,受到地属性伤害-5%62 リムーノて力ード消防魔卡片(衣服)最大HP+40063 レイドリックアーチャー力ード幽灵弓手卡片(装饰品)弓攻击+10%64 □ッダフ□ッグカード罗达蛙卡片(衣服)最大HP+200 最大SP+5065 デザートウルフ(子)カード沙漠幼狼卡片(衣服)int+166 ホードカード蚯蚓卡片(披风)回避+5 受到地属性攻击伤害-30%全城镇酒场任务委托:フ□ンテラ(普隆德拉)精练见习いよお愿い条件:收集道具任务报酬:600z依赖人:ミリカ收集10个ゼロピー(波利)骑士团员の依赖条件:收集道具任务报酬:万能药1个依赖人:骑士团员收集10个赤ハーブ(蝙蝠)武器屋の依赖条件:收集道具任务报酬:ナイフ依赖人:ロこー收集5个铁矿石酒场の配达条件:收集道具任务报酬:3000z依赖人:酒场のオーナー收集10个空きビソ(波利)到梦罗克酒吧カードコレイター条件:收集道具任务报酬:ホーネツトカード卡片(蜂兵)依赖人:ンブポロ收集白鼠卡片一张愉快な嫁探し条件:找人任务报酬:サフアイヤ依赖人:ヨルソド替狗狗找老公...汗..道具屋-宿屋-酒场,依次找到某公狗モ□ク(梦罗克)お得意様のわがまま条件:收集道具任务报酬:2000z依赖人:ヅヨイス收集10个兽皮(小狼)キヤラバソ代行条件:收集道具任务报酬:6000z收集10个ヅヤルゴソ(泥人)思い出の时计条件:怪物退治报酬:1500z依赖人:セデイー到蚂蚁地狱,打倒附近怪物(蚯蚓),取回形见の怀中时计占い师の予言条件:找人任务报酬:1000z依赖人:リリー朱诺道具屋NPC对话,后回来报告いにしえの秘药条件:道具收集任务报酬:3000z依赖人:ドグルル收集一个ドイロ(邪骸矿工)续-カードコレクター条件:道具收集任务报酬:黄金虫卡片!依赖人:ソブポロ收集07号灰狼卡片ゲフ工ン(吉芬)母思いの少年条件:道具收集任务报酬:150z依赖人:ツバ收集1个マステラの实(绿草)マヅツヤンの依赖条件:道具收集任务报酬:骸骨の仗收集かえるの卵(罗达蛙) 虫の皮各5个(楸型虫)及子恶魔の角1个(小恶魔)武器屋の宣传条件:找人任务报酬:刺身包丁依赖人:ヅヤツク帮忙推销武器..普隆德拉-道具屋女剑士。
以网络游戏《原神》为例分析国产游戏的传统文化艺术表达特点目录一、内容描述 (2)1.1 背景介绍 (3)1.2 研究意义 (4)二、国产游戏概述 (5)2.1 国产游戏的发展历程 (6)2.2 国产游戏的现状与挑战 (7)三、《原神》游戏概述 (9)3.1 游戏背景设定 (10)3.2 游戏主要角色介绍 (11)3.3 游戏玩法特色 (13)四、《原神》中的传统文化艺术表达 (14)4.1 风景设计 (15)4.1.1 中国山水画的运用 (17)4.1.2 传统建筑与景观的呈现 (18)4.2 音乐创作 (19)4.2.1 民族乐器与音乐的运用 (20)4.2.2 古典音乐元素的现代化改编 (21)4.3 人物形象 (23)4.3.1 东方神话人物的再现 (24)4.3.2 现代动漫风格的融入 (25)4.4 服饰设计 (26)4.4.1 中国传统服饰的借鉴 (27)4.4.2 现代时尚元素的融合 (28)五、《原神》中传统文化艺术表达的影响因素 (29)5.1 创作者的创新意识 (31)5.2 传统文化资源的挖掘与利用 (32)5.3 国际化视野下的文化输出 (33)六、《原神》的成功经验对国产游戏的启示 (35)6.1 传统文化艺术表达的重要性 (36)6.2 融合创新,打造独特品牌特色 (37)6.3 深入挖掘与传承传统文化 (38)七、结论 (39)7.1 总结研究成果 (40)7.2 对未来国产游戏发展的展望 (42)一、内容描述随着科技的发展和全球化的推进,网络游戏作为一种新兴的娱乐方式,已经成为了现代人生活中不可或缺的一部分。
行为判定● 一般行为判定⏹⏹ 在资料和规则书中没有特定规定难易度的情况下,由GM 自行决定难易度。
下表仅供参考, GM 可以根据实际情况进行相应的难易度修正。
⏹ 判定值① [判定值]指判定所使用的【能力值】或【副能力值】。
② 在判定时发动异能进行判定值修正的场合,将修正值也合计入判定值中。
③ 当判定值因为各种修正的影响而小于等于0时,该行为自动失败。
⏹ 掷骰判定① 判定值代表PC 在进行掷骰判定时所投掷10面骰的个数。
② PC 掷出与判定值相同个数的10面骰,在所有的投掷结果中,取一个最大值。
③ 大失败① 当掷骰结果全部为1时,该判定即为大失败。
3~56~910~1314~ 非常难的行为难易度 行为的印象简单的行为通常会成功的行为较难的行为判定例:该PC在判定直前发动1个Titus升华效果,CR值-1,此时CR值为5【精神】为3的 PC 进行<RC lv3>的攻击判定判定时发动《大地之牙 lv5》《集中:死域之主 lv3》(下限值7)《驯魂师 lv1》接受队友《天使之音 lv2》(下限值6)、《助言 lv1》(下限值6)的效果则此时该PC的判定值为3+2+2+1=8、CR值为10-3-1-1=5(下限值6)取6,攻击力为7PC掷骰→1、3、4、7、4、6、8、10暴击骰再掷→3、5、4、5暴击骰再掷→4、3达成值的计算:10+10+4+3=27伤害计算:27÷10(小数点舍去)+1=3→3d10+7② 出现大失败的场合,该行为自动失败,并进行相应的演出。
⏹ 暴击的场合① 在PC 掷骰判定中,有1个或数个骰子掷出10(0)的场合,即判定为暴击。
② 所有暴击的骰子再掷一次,若再次出现暴击,则出现暴击的骰子继续投掷。
③ 暴击值的修正① 由于异能或其他修正的影响,会出现掷出某个数值以上的数字均被认定为暴击的情况。
FMDS0202-Installation Rules For Suppression Mode Automatic Sprinklers
FM GlobalProperty Loss Prevention Data Sheets2-2September2002Supersedes May1998Page1of20 INSTALLATION RULES FOR SUPPRESSION MODE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERSTable of ContentsPage 1.0SCOPE (3)1.1Changes (3)2.0LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS (3)2.1Introduction (3)2.2Construction and Location (4)2.2.1Roof Construction (4)2.2.2Ceiling Slope (5)2.2.3Steel Protection (5)2.2.4Heat and Smoke Venting (5)2.2.5Suspended Ceilings (5)2.2.6Roof and Ceiling-Level Ventilation (5)2.2.7Draft Curtains (6)2.3Occupancy (7)2.3.1Storage Clearance (7)2.3.2Mezzanines,Walkways and Conveyors (7) Mezzanines (7) Mezzanines (7) (7) (8) Spaces in Racks (8)2.4.Protection (9)2.4.1Sprinklers (9)2.4.2Temperature Rating (9)2.4.3Sprinkler System Types (9)2.4.4Clearance From Sprinklers to Ceiling (9)2.4.5Obstructions (10) Obstructions at Ceiling Level (10) Structural Members at Ceiling Level (11) Below Sprinklers (12)2.4.6Water Demand and Duration (13)2.4.7Sprinkler Spacing (14)2.4.8System Hydraulic Design (15)2.4.9Hose Connections (16)3.0SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS (19)3.1Loss History (19)4.0REFERENCES (19)4.1FM Global (19)APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS (19)APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY (20)List of FiguresFigure2. where obstructions are not permitted (10)Figure2. arrangement for obstructions no more than12in.(305mm)wide atceilings (11)Figure2.4.5.2Minimum allowable clearance for bar joists (12)©2002Factory Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted,in whole or in part,in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without written permission of Factory Mutual Insurance Company.Figure2. below sprinklers no wider than2.0in.(51mm) (14)Figure2. below sprinklers no wider than1ft(305mm) (15)Figure2. below sprinklers wider than1ft(305mm)and no wider than2ft(610mm)..16 Figure2.,horizontal solid obstructions below sprinklers wider than2ft(610mm) (17)Figure2. below sprinklers wider than2ft(610mm)not flat or not solid (17)Figure2. or rectangular obstructions below sprinklers<24.0in.(305mm)wide (18)Figure2.4.7.1Permissible sprinkler spacing extension (18)List of TablesTable1.Summary of Suppression Mode Sprinkler Installation Requirements (4)1.0SCOPEThis standard contains the installation requirements for suppression mode sprinklers,which include:•K14.0(K200),K16.8(K240),K22.4(K314)and K25.2(K360)pendent suppression mode sprinklers•K14.0(K200)upright suppression mode sprinklersThese sprinklers are intended for use in protecting solid-piled,palletized,and open-frame rack storage,as well as other storage configurations for which they have been specifically evaluated.They are not intended for use in protection of manufacturing or other non-storage occupancies.It is easy to assume that suppression mode sprinklers which can suppress a high-challenge storage fire will have no problem with‘‘less hazardous’’occupancies.But such a conclusion ignores the fact that sup-pression mode sprinklers were designed to achieve suppression of a very specific and limited range of fire scenarios,and have only been tested in those scenarios.Not only are suppression mode sprinklers not an economically practical means of protection for non-storage occupancies,there are many occupancies which do not lend themselves to suppression mode protection and simply cannot be properly protected by suppression mode sprinklers.Specific examples include flammable liquid operations,occupancies with shielded combustibles,etc.Suppression mode sprinkler technology offers a number of attractive advantages over the older control-mode sprinkler technology.Chief among these is the possible elimination of the requirement for in-rack sprin-klers in rack storage areas.Achieving these advantages requires a sprinkler technology vastly different from previous technologies,a technology,however,which has much less tolerance for deficiencies in design and installation than older technologies.If suppression mode sprinklers fail to suppress a fire,the consequences can be severe.Thus,this new technology demands a far higher level of attention to detail in sprinkler design, and–perhaps even more importantly–installation.Properly functional suppression mode sprinkler installations require that the unique requirements of this tech-nology be compatible with the facility they will protect.As a result,retrofitting of suppression mode sprinklers in existing facilities,if possible at all,can be a costly and frustrating exercise.For new facilities,suppression mode sprinkler requirements must be incorporated into the design process from the earliest stages of planning.If the building design is completed before sprinkler design is begun,it can result in costly changes and delays.If construction starts before the sprinkler design is done,it is entirely possible that use of suppression mode sprinklers will be impossible.1.1ChangesIn addition to major organizational changes,this standard includes the following technical changes:•Discussion of suppression mode sprinklers other than K14.0(K200)pendent suppression mode sprinklers is incorporated.(K16.8(K240),K22.4(K314)and K25.2(K360)pendent suppression mode and K14.0 (K200)upright suppression mode).•Individual isolated obstructions are no longer permitted.•Discussion of obstructions has been significantly expanded.•Construction types are addressed in terms of performance requirements,not definitions.2.0LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS2.1IntroductionThe words requirements,must and shall in this data sheet mean that no deviation from installation require-ments is permitted.Table1summarizes the basic suppression mode sprinkler installation requirements.Table1.Summary of Suppression Mode Sprinkler Installation RequirementsType of storage Refer to occupancy data sheets for storage arrangements that can be protected. Commodity Refer to occupancy data sheets for commodities that can be protected. Maximum storage height,ft(m)Refer to occupancy data sheets.Maximum height of building,ft(m)Refer to occupancy data sheets.Roof construction Install suppression mode sprinklers in every bay or channel formed by solidstructural members at the ceiling,except when the solid structural membersextend no more than12in.(305mm)below the ceiling,and sprinklers arelocated below the bottom of the members.•Automatic roof vents require high-temperature rated,standard responseoperating mechanism.Melt-out roof vents not permitted.(See section2.2.4).•No exposed expanded plastic construction.Sprinklers Type:FM Approved(see Appendix A for definition)K14.0(K200),K16.8(K240),K22.4(K314),K25.2(K360)pendent and K14.0(K200)upright suppressionmode sprinklers with ordinary and intermediate temperature.Location:•K14.0(K200)upright and pendent,and K16.8(K240)Pendent:Centerline of thermal sensing element maximum of13in.(330mm)and minimum of4in.(102mm)below the ceiling,or from the deflector to theceiling a maximum of14in.(356mm)and a minimum of5in.(121mm).•K22.4(K314)and K25.2(K360)Pendent:Centerline of thermal sensing element maximum of18in.(457mm)and minimum of4in.(102mm)below the ceiling.Sprinkler System Type:Wet onlyHydraulic Design:Most remote12sprinklers flowing4sprinklers on3branchlines,with design discharge pressure as specified by occupancy data sheets.Spacing:Minimum8ft(2.4m)and maximum12ft(3.7m)between sprinklersor branch lines for buildings up to30ft(9.14m)high.For buildings higher than30ft(9.14m)up to45ft(12.2m),the maximum allowable spacing is10ft(3.05m).The maximum area to be covered by a sprinkler is100ft2(9.3m2)and theminimum is64ft2(5.8m2)(see section2.4.7)Hose streams Refer to occupancy data sheets.Water supply duration Refer to occupancy data sheets.2.2Construction and LocationPrompt sprinkler operation and unobstructed sprinkler discharge are critical to effective suppression mode sprinkler protection.Construction features have a significant effect on both of these critical factors.In all cases,the installation must meet the minimum distance requirements between the sprinkler and the ceiling above as specified in section2.4.4and the obstruction requirements of section2. Construction2.2.1.1Install suppression mode sprinklers in every bay or channel formed by solid structural members at the roof or ceiling.•Examples of construction types in which this is typically practical include smooth roof or floor decks supported directly on beams,girders or trusses,or continuous smooth bays formed by wood,concrete or steel beams.•Examples of construction types in which this is typically not practical due to the requirement for sprin-klers in every bay or channel,and/or obstruction requirements include concrete tees,wood truss-joists,and closely spaced concrete beams.Exception:Sprinklers are not required in every bay or channel and spacing may be based on the maxi-mum allowable spacing as determined by the building height when the solid structural members extend no more than12in.(305mm)below the ceiling and sprinklers are located below the bottom of the members. Examples include metal buildings with z-purlins less than12in.(305mm)deep and concrete tee construction less than12in.(305mm)deep.Install suppression mode sprinklers based on the maximum allowable spacing as determined by the build-ing height where roofs or ceilings are supported by members whose webs are a minimum of70%open,or where there is a smooth monolithic ceiling having suitable uplift resistance as described in section2.2.5. Examples include roofs/ceilings supported by bar joists and open-web steel trusses and continuous suspended ceilings.2.2.2Ceiling Slope2.2.2.1Do not install suppression mode sprinklers beneath roofs or ceilings where the slope exceeds2in./ft (167mm/m,9.5°).Where roof/ceiling slope is in excess of2in./ft(167mm/m,9.5°),a sub-ceiling with proper slope may be installed above the storage with sprinklers installed below.Provide sprinkler protection in the concealed space if the contents or the construction in the concealed space or ceiling is combustible.(Refer to Data Sheet1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces.)2.2.3Steel ProtectionWhen suppression mode sprinkler systems are installed in accordance with this data sheet,fire protection is not needed for roof and column steel.2.2.4Heat and Smoke VentingIf a fire starts beneath an automatic heat/smoke vent and that vent operates before sprinklers do,the venting could result in a critical delay in sprinkler operation.Plastic skylights that are not designed as heat/smoke vents do not create this problem. not install suppression mode sprinklers in buildings with automatic heat/smoke vents unless the vents use a high temperature-rated standard response operating mechanism. not install suppression mode sprinklers in buildings with melt-out(drop-out)type vents.2.2.5Suspended CeilingsWhen the ceiling height is higher than that permitted in the applicable occupancy standard,suppression mode sprinklers can be installed beneath a suspended ceiling to reduce the ceiling height to an acceptable level. Suspended ceilings should extend to vertical floor-to-ceiling walls or partitions.If not,eliminate storage between the edge of the ceiling and the nearest sprinklers.Design suspended ceilings to withstand fire plume uplift velocity pressures of at least3lb/ft2(14.4kg/m2).Suit-able ceiling materials include3⁄8in.(10mm)plywood or gypsum board,corrugated or sheet steel,and fiber-glass or mineral tile.Fasten tiles securely to the supporting framework.Hold-down clips used to anchor ceiling tiles will suffice for securing the mineral tile.If the ceiling is hung from the existing roof framework, ensure the roof can withstand the additional dead load.2.2.6Roof and Ceiling-Level VentilationVentilation(both natural and powered)at the ceiling level can create problems similar to those caused by automatic heat and smoke vents.If a fire starts beneath a natural-draft vent,the vent can capture the fire plume,significantly delaying sprinkler operation.If air velocity at a sprinkler caused by a powered vent or air supply is too high,it can also result in a critical delay in sprinkler.•Examples of powered ventilation include exhaust fans,air conditioning/refrigeration supply and return vents, and grated return air inlets to roof-mounted mechanical equipment penthouses.•Examples of natural ventilation include turbine vents,vent stacks,and ridge vents. the location of sprinklers and the design of powered heating,ventilation and air condition-ing for buildings protected by suppression mode sprinklers so that the air velocity at sprinklers does not exceed5ft/sec(1.52m/sec). it is not possible to meet2.2.6.1,chose one of the following options to ensure proper operationof suppression mode sprinklers in buildings with ceiling-level ventilation:a)Sprinklers Beneath Vent OpeningsInstall suppression mode sprinklers of the same type used elsewhere in the building centered in vent open-ings having a maximum dimension of4.5ft(1.37m).This option does not apply to storage of commodities greater in hazard than cartoned unexpanded plastic,such as uncartoned plastic,aerosols or rolled tissue in buildings higher than30ft(9.14m).b)SubceilingInstall a subceiling under the vent and install suppression mode sprinklers below the ceiling.Locate and size the subceiling so that the air velocity at sprinklers around the subceiling does not exceed5ft/sec(1.52m/sec).Maintaining air velocities at the required level may result in a large subceiling and the requiredvertical distances from the ceiling to the subceiling may be large.Design the subceiling to meet the requirements of section2.2.5.c)Heat/Flame DetectionInstall FM Approved line-type detection or flame detection designed to shut fans down in powered venti-lation systems or to close dampers in natural ventilation systems upon actuation.As the goal is to shut down fans before they can delay operation of the first sprinklers,shutting down fans or closing dampers by sensing water flow is not an option.Ordinary smoke detectors installed in ducts also respond too slowly to be effective for this application.Line-type detection will typically be the most cost-effective choice in most cases.The detector array should consist of parallel lines located under the vent opening within6in.(152mm)of the ceiling or vent plane.Space the parallel lines no more than15in.(381mm)apart to ensure that the hot gases are intercepted.The temperature set point should be165°F(74°C).Flame detection to stop fans or close dampers may be provided by four FM Approved flame detectors equally spaced on a10ft(3.05m)diameter circle around the vent opening.Install the detectors a minimum of5ft(1.52m)above the top of the storage.A FM Approved detector having an effective viewing cone of90°or greater is recommended.Follow the manufacturer’s installation guidelines. Vents.The only practical way to protect ridge vents and other similar vents that remain open to the atmosphere is by providing sprinklers beneath them at roof level for vents no wider than4.5ft(1.37m), or by installing a subceiling with suppression mode sprinklers below as described above for wider vents. 2.2.7Draft CurtainsDraft curtains are often required by local codes,but if not properly arranged,these curtains can interfere with the proper distribution of sprinkler discharge.Draft curtains also are needed in some cases to separate areas protected by suppression mode sprinklers from areas protected by control-mode sprinklers.If a fire occurs in an area protected by control-mode sprin-klers near the boundary with suppression mode sprinklers,this can result in operation of suppression mode sprinklers away from the fire.Because suppression mode sprinklers discharge a relatively large amount of water,they may divert water from the control-mode sprinklers. draft curtains are required,center them between sprinklers or sprinkler branch lines.If they are not centered,provide additional sprinklers such that sprinklers on either side of the draft curtain are no farther from the curtain than one-half the allowable maximum sprinkler spacing for the building height.If sup-pression mode sprinklers protect the areas on both sides of the draft curtain,there is no need to maintain a clear aisle beneath the draft curtain. draft curtains to separate areas protected by suppression mode sprinklers from areas protected by control-mode sprinklers when the two areas have the same ceiling height or when they have different heights and the suppression mode sprinklers are at the higher elevation.Extend the draft curtain at least2ft(0.61m)below the ceiling.Ensure the draft curtain is noncombustible and fits tightly against the underside of the roof.(Openings created by ribs in metal roof deck are not a concern,but openings created by channels between Z-purlins or other structural members should be filled.) Solid beams,girders or other structural features which meet the above criteria are equivalent to draft curtains.Draft curtains must be centered over clear aisles at least4ft(1.2m)wide.2.3Occupancy2.3.1Storage ClearanceMaintain storage a minimum of36in.(915mm)below sprinkler deflectors.2.3.2Mezzanines,Walkways and ConveyorsMezzanines,walkways and conveyors are often installed in warehouses protected by suppression mode sprinklers at the roof.Depending on the type,configuration and use,they can prevent water discharge from sprinklers reaching and suppressing a fire and may require installing additional sprinklers. MezzaninesTo prevent simultaneous operation of suppression mode sprinklers beneath and above solid mezzanines and to allow the water demand for sprinklers under the mezzanine to be independent of the water demand for sprinklers above,either provide a draft curtain around the perimeter of the mezzanine or keep all storage underneath the mezzanine inside the sprinklers located nearest the perimeter of the mezzanine.For mezzanines extending no more than15ft(4.6m)above floor level,install suppression mode sprinklers designed to supply four sprinklers at the pressure required for the type of sprinkler used,or quick response sprinklers designed for the hazard involved.For solid mezzanines extending more than15ft(4.6m)above floor level,install suppression mode sprinklers using the design criteria required for the storage height and type of sprinkler used.Control-mode sprinklers designed for the hazard involved may be used below a mezzanine more than15ft (4.6m)high only if a draft curtain is provided at the perimeter. MezzaninesIn order to be considered grated,the grating of a mezzanine must be least70%open.If the grating is less than70%open,then make the mezzanine solid(in order to allow sprinklers underneath it to operate promptly)and protect it as a solid mezzanine according to section2.3.2.1.If storage exists either above or below a grated mezzanine,but not both above and below,no additional sprinklers are needed under the mezzanine.If storage or storage structures above and below grated mezzanines are arranged to provide aisles that are vertically aligned above and below,treat the aisle portions of the mezzanines the same as walkways.(See section2.3.2.3)If storage or storage structures are not vertically aligned above and below the mezzanine,regardless of openings in the grating,make mezzanine solid and protect it as a solid mezzanine according to section are located between storage structures for material-handling purposes.In order to be consid-ered grated,the grating of a walkway must be least70%open.Treat grated walkways wider than10ft(3m) as grated mezzanines.No additional sprinklers are required under single-level grated walkways that are no more than10ft(3m) wide.For multi-level grated walkways no wider than10ft(3m),provide one line of suppression mode or quick response control-mode sprinklers(K of8or greater,ordinary temperature rating).For two-level walkways, install them beneath the lower walkway.For three-level walkways,install them beneath the mid-level walk-way.Locate the sprinklers at the center of the walkway,at a maximum horizontal spacing of10ft(3m).Include two of these sprinklers when calculating the ceiling sprinkler water demand.For suppression mode sprin-klers,supply these two additional sprinklers at the minimum pressure approved for the type of sprinkler used. For control-mode sprinklers,design the two sprinklers to discharge a minimum of60gpm(240l/min)each.For solid walkways or walkways less than70%open,install suppression mode or quick response control-mode sprinklers(K of8or greater,ordinary temperature rating)beneath each level of walkway on a maxi-mum horizontal spacing of10ft(3m).For walkways6.0ft(1.83m)wide or less,install one line of sprinklers located at the center of the walk-way.For walkways6.0ft(1.83m)to10ft(3.1m)wide,install two lines of sprinklers located at the faces of the aisles.Include two sprinklers from each line of sprinklers at the hydraulically most remote level in the ceiling sprinkler water demand,regardless of the number of levels installed.(Use two sprinklers for walkways 6.0ft(1.83m)wide or less,and four for walkways6.0ft(1.83m)to10.0ft(3.05m)wide.)Supply additional suppression mode sprinklers at the minimum pressure approved for the type of sprinkler used.For control-mode sprinklers,design the sprinklers to discharge a minimum of60gpm(240l/min)each. conveyors are typically located on walkways or mezzanines between storage structures to ease inven-tory picking.Multiple conveyors are located side-by-side to convey product between storage areas and shipping/receiving areas.In either case,they can obstruct sprinkler discharge and create shielded areas that can prevent fire suppression.When sprinklers are installed below solid walkways and mezzanines in accordance with this standard,the addition of conveyors on the mezzanines and walkways does not require additional sprinklers.For grated mezzanines and walkways with belt-type conveyers(or roller-type conveyers less than50%open), individual conveyers or groups of conveyers wider than2ft(0.61m),sprinklers in addition to those required for the mezzanines or walkways themselves will be required.The only exception to this requirement is where there is no possibility of combustibles being present beneath the conveyers.Install suppression mode or quick response control-mode sprinklers(K of8or greater,ordinary tempera-ture rating)beneath the conveyers on a maximum horizontal spacing of10ft(3m).Include two of these sprin-klers in the ceiling sprinkler water demand.•For suppression mode sprinklers,supply these two additional sprinklers at the minimum pressure approved for the type of sprinkler used.•For control-mode sprinklers,design the two sprinklers to discharge a minimum of60gpm(240l/min)each. If sprinklers are installed under both the grated mezzanine and walkways and conveyors,it is only necessary to add a total of two sprinklers to the ceiling demand.When there are multiple,vertically aligned levels of conveyors that are50%open or more,add a line of sup-pression mode sprinklers under the lower conveyor for two levels;add a line under the middle conveyor for three levels. Spaces in RacksTransverse flues between pallet loads are critical to successful fire suppression by suppression mode sprin-klers and must be maintained,regardless of building and storage height.For rack storage higher than25ft (7.6m)Both longitudinal and transverse flues are needed.In multiple-row rack storage,where pallet loads are butted together in one direction,but there are flues between each row of pallets,a lack of longitudinal flues does not necessarily create a problem for suppres-sion mode protection.The only place where fire can develop vertically is in the flues between rows,and those flues are close together.So long as they are open for the full height of storage,water from properly designed ceiling and/or in-rack sprinklers can reach the fireThe situation where there are open flues at lower levels in racks,that are blocked at higher level does create a severe fire protection challenge as there is a place for fire growth and spread that is shielded from sprin-kler discharge.If there are longitudinal flues at any level in the rack,they must be open and clear for the full height of the rack.A common example of this is high rack storage where lift operators cannot see pre-cisely where the pallet loads at the top level,and the longitudinal flue can easily be blocked at that level but remain open at lower levels.2.4.Protection2.4.1SprinklersSuppression mode sprinklers are available in a range of orifice sizes and are identified by their K-factor. FM Approved suppression mode sprinklers can have K-factors ranging from a nominal14(200)to25(360) and may be available in pendent as well as upright orientations.Each K-factor and orientation has its own specific design criteria and permissible application.The K14.0(K200)pendent,being the original suppression mode sprinkler,has the widest array of applica-tions.Do not assume that other suppression mode sprinklers can be used for applications where the K14.0 (K200)pendent sprinkler is permitted.Refer to the appropriate occupancy standard to determine applicability and design criteria.2.4.2Temperature RatingFM Approved suppression mode sprinklers are available in ordinary and intermediate temperature ratings, and are no more susceptible to premature operation due to high ambient temperatures than other types of sprinklers.Use ordinary temperature rated suppression mode sprinklers for all applications except those where the temperature at sprinklers can exceed100°F(38°C).Select the temperature rating of sprinklers near unit heaters in accordance with Data Sheet2-8N,Installation of Sprinkler Systems(NFPA).If the ambient ceiling temperature is continuously or intermittently higher than100°F(38°C)(as might be the case in a hot climate)use intermediate temperature-rated sprinklers(175°F-225°F,79°C-107°C).Do not use suppression mode sprinklers where ambient temperatures can exceed150°F(66°C).2.4.3Sprinkler System TypesInstall suppression mode sprinklers in wet systems only.Do not use dry systems or preaction systems,or any system where there can be any delay between operation of the sprinkler and discharge of water.Such delays,even if only a few seconds,can result in a failure to suppress.Antifreeze systems may be used if the antifreeze solution is approved by FM Approvals.Do not use anti-freeze mixtures containing combustible fluids,such as ethylene glycol,propylene glycol,glycerin or alcohol, as testing has shown that they can increase heat release rate at the critical early stage of a fire and pre-vent suppression.Do not use brine solutions such as calcium chloride,as they can cause accelerated corrosion that will result in reduced sprinkler system life and potential leakage.2.4.4Clearance From Sprinklers to CeilingThe location of sprinklers relative to the ceiling above has a major impact on the speed of sprinkler opera-tion.The ideal location of the fusible element is between6and10in.(152and254mm)below the ceiling.If the fusible element is too close to the ceiling,the hot gas flow from a fire can initially flow beneath the sprin-kler,delaying operation.If the fusible element is too far below the ceiling,the hot gas will initially flow above the sprinklers,again delaying sprinkler operation at the critical early stage of a fire.Install suppression mode sprinklers with the center line of the thermal sensing element located a maximum of13in.(330mm)and a minimum of4in.(102mm)below the ceiling.An acceptable alternative is to install the sprinkler so that the deflector is a maximum of14in.(356mm)and a minimum of5in.(127mm)below the ceiling.Full-scale fire tests showed that the K22.4(K314)and the K25.2(K360)pendent suppression mode sprinkler performs satisfactorily when the deflector is located no more than18in.(457mm)below the ceiling.For corrugated metal deck roofs up to3in.(76mm)deep,measure the distance to the sprinkler from the bottom of the deck.For deeper decks,measure the distance to the highest point of the deck.。
1 介绍 ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 受众 .............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.2 标准参考规范 ................................................................................................................................ 8 1.3 术语及定义.................................................................................................................................. 10 1.4 缩写和符号.................................................................................................................................. 13
(免费)水晶室女(冰女)大型英雄专题 冰霜女神的赞礼(内含详细眼位解析)
水晶室女大型英雄专题冰霜女神的赞礼攻略作者:镜痕天殇水晶室女- Rylai Crestfall - 英雄简称:(Cm)经过寒冰泉巨魔冰冻魔法师Raishali的长年训练,Rylai善于运用令人叹为观止的禁制魔法,她的绝技是异常强大的范围杀伤技能。
属性攻击范围:600移动速度:280英雄属性:智力力量:16 + 1.7敏捷:16 + 1.6智力:21 + 2.9生命:454魔法:273攻击:38-44护甲:1.3攻击间隔: 1.47弹道速度: 900冰霜新星快捷键:V冷冻爆炸打击目标及其周围的单位,冰冻效果减慢敌人的移动和攻击速度。
冷却时间:15秒范围:400 施法距离:700等级1:用冰霜打击敌方目标及其周围单位,造成100点伤害。
施法距离:500等级1 - 持续1.5秒。
等级2 - 持续2秒。
等级3 - 持续2.5秒。
等级4 - 持续3秒。
等级1: 魔法消耗115点,施法间隔10秒。
等级2: 魔法消耗125点,施法间隔10秒。
等级3: 魔法消耗140点,施法间隔10秒。
等级4: 魔法消耗150点,施法间隔10秒。
[工作]DND 人物卡DND 人物卡新手老手?进这里开始我们的trpg 「从第一张人物志(卡)开始」Sin_dorei5位粉丝1楼花了几天时间,把入门基础重新写了一遍,这次希望能够写得通俗一些,让更多初学者能够理解。
2007-11-2 23:41 回复Sin_dorei5位粉丝2楼,:为什么要做人物卡,我玩别的游戏似乎都用不着这种东西。
能够做出一张毫无破绽的人物卡,说明对规则已经有了相当了解,能够计算常用的数据,运用人物的各种专长和技能,2007-11-2 23:42 回复Sin_dorei5位粉丝3楼,:人物卡有必要写得那么详细吗,看上去好长。
scp基础规则与人物卡(SCP basic rules and character cards)Group name: SCP mercenariesGenre: integrated Adventure (integrated)PC number: 6-12 peopleWay of doing: traditional D20 modeRunning time: usually set at 8 in the evening to 9:30, running at least two times a weekThe background of the world: Wikipedia set "SCP foundation" as the background, a group of PC who played the shuttle in various world adventurers, not the ultimate goal, ready to retire.Adventure: a single or whole team will act together, then start each time you are ready, and then return to the SCP team area after the risk has been completed.Death: PC may die in an adventure, and the death of a character cannot be resurrected (unless some extremely dangerous SCP is used).Examples and commentary on character cardsExample of character cards:The name of Dikesi YinFantasy career: Church WalkerReal career: Librarian age: 14 sex: Female Background: Puritan - necessary evil ChurchAttribute: Power 8 (free attribute point -2)Agile 8 (free attribute point -2)Physique 10Perception 10Intellect 20 (free attribute point +10)Charm 12 (free attribute point +2)Life value: 11 (base + physical fitness adjustment value 1)Defense rating: 11 (10+ walker, 2- agility 1)Melee attack bonus: 9Remote attack bonus: 9Renown: 1000 (necessary evil Church)Skill:Read LV3, LV2 (the hinder necessary evil church skills)Expertise:Steel stomach bag (Iron, Stomach) 2(requirement: physique 8)Almost any kind of food can be eaten, whether it is greasy food during a hangover, orMoldy food, or roots or insects in the wild. Survival skills in related situationsDice + 2 against hunger and fitness dice + 3. Character card production instructions1: the initial character level is 12: characters have background, background is related to modern society works 3: characters have 2 occupation, fantasy career as background related, realistic occupation such as name4: attribute points free ten points, the basis for the full property of 105: characters initially have 5 skill points6: characters initially have 1 practical points7: initial skills assignment must have both practical and fantasy occupationsDetailed description:Genre: characters are divided into four categories: mortal, fantasy, hero and reality distortionMortal:Mortals have a basic affinity for all the world's storiesMortals have double skill points at the beginningMortal feats upgrade difficulty -1A mortal can not take part in a fantasy careerMortals can take part-time jobs, Max 4Fantasy species:Fantasy species have a basic affinity for the fantasy world, and the world property in the wasteland is suppressed to eighty percentFantasy nature, extra attribute, +2Fantasy races have racial characteristicsThe fantasy race has an enemy race, the damage between the race and the fantasy species, an additional +2Fantasy can not take up most of the real jobFantasy can not part-timeHero:Heroes have a basic affinity for the legendary world, and in the real world, attributes will be suppressed to eighty percentHeroes innate extra feats +1Heroes have legendary featsHeroes have enemies, and this type of character is two times as damaging to heroes as it isA hero can assume most of his dream careerHeroes can't work part-timeReality twisterThe reality twist has a basic affinity for most of the world's stories, and the world property in the chamber of secrets will be suppressed to eighty percentThe reality distortion man has the innate specialty "the distortion reality", he may once daily, through a D20DC15 dice, changes any time in his vision scope the result, the defeat is weak one day.The real distortion, the innate charm, +3The reality of the distortion and the characters' acquisitionof expertise only needs half of the normal condition, and the need to practice is twice as fast as the actual distortionThe damage between all planetary agents and actual distortions is two times that of each otherA real twister can work part-timeCharacter attribute:Power: related to all the judgment that requires strength, over 10 points, +1 per second;It also deals with melee weapon damageAt five every 1Agile: related to all agile decisions, more than 10 points, +1 per second, and the speed of responseRanged weapon damage; increases the response speed by 1 every 10 points; ranged weapon damage by 1 every five pointsPerception: relating to all the judgments needed to be aware, judging +1 at 10 points per second, and relating to the awareness playLove ability, every five points, +1Constitution: it is related to all the decisions that need physical fitness. At 10 or above, +1 is judged at two points.It is also related to the value of lifeThe life value is over 10, and the +1 is judged at two pointsIntelligence: it involves all the judgments that require intelligence. At 10 or more, +1 is judged at two points. It is also related to skill pointsAs a result, each character gets a skill point of 4+ (intelligence, -10) /2Charisma: it's all about the need for charisma. More than 10, +1 is judged at each point. It's also related to the initialAttitude, NPC initial attitude added (charm -10) /2 bonusAC=10+ agility adjustment + career adjustment + shape correction;Melee attack bonus, =10+ power modifier + career modifier + shape modifier;Ranged attack bonus =10+, agility modifier + career modifier + shape modifier;Magic strike: basic attack bonus of magic + Intelligence correction + body shape correction + distance impairment;Magic damage: the basic damage bonus of magic + perception correction + shape correction + distance impairment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -About skills:Practical skills: large guns (forces), small guns (quick), energy weapons (perception),Combat (strength), close combat weapon (force), throwing (force), medical (perception), Science (Intelligence)The machine (physique), knowledge (Zhi Li), unlock (Agile), avoid trap (perception),Eloquence (Mei Li), stealth (agility), theft (agility), field knowledge (perception), tune (Mei Li)Read (Intelligence), tumble (quick)About expertise:Practical expertise:High speed circulation system: speed your recovery is doubled, but in the poison or radiation is to get 3 extra bonusSmall and exquisiteYour agility, +1, but your weight is only half the normal.Single guns:You use guns or energy weapons in one hand, a small dice or energy but use the hands holding the +1.Weapon, dice -1Sense (Unseen)(requirements: ordinary human beings, perception 2)Sixth senses of the supernatural.The body reacts when it comes to something,Probably with hair raised, goose bumps on the arms, backsThe feeling of judgment is judged by the rising cold of the ridge,Vary. Characters are not necessarily seen or seen, nor do they necessarily know exactly what they areWhat is the one time?What.Ambidexterity (requirements: only when the role set selection)When using a non customary hand, the hit will not be judged -Brawling Dodge 1(requirement: Force 2, melee or melee weapon 1): useCombat orMelee weapons, ac+1.Disarm (Disarm) (requirement: Agility 3, melee or melee weapon 2)Using melee or melee weaponsWhen the result of a hit hit is greater than or equal to the opponent's agility, you can choose to dismount the opponent's opponentWeapons, not damage. The distance from the weapon to the ground is yours"Success dice x1".Improved Initiative (agile requirements: 3):L + 1Combat skills (Fighting, Finesse) 2 (requirements: Agility 3, melee or melee weapon 2):Choose the same martial artsThe number of dice used in attack can be hit by agile adjustment instead of force adjustment. This feat canPlural possession, such as combat skills - knives, combat skills - sticks.Punch 1 (requirements: strength 3, physique 2, Combat 2)The result of an attack is greater than or equal to the opponentThe physical properties, you can choose out each other, each other to the next round of action.Blows (Combination)(request: heavy fist)In one round,Make the same opponentAttack two times, second times the number of attacks - 1.Cons: you can't use agility in this roundValue for defense.Power attack (Haymaker) (Group: click): attack dice result is greater than or equal to each otherWhen the physical attributes of the opponent throw a physical dice, the failure will lose consciousness of several rounds (equal to the damage value), if successfulStill lose the next move.Cons: you can't use agile values for defense during this round.Martial arts kung fu (Fighting Style: Kung Fu - 1-5)Requirements: strength 2, agility 2, physique 2,Hand to hand 2)Special skills that can be used in hand to hand attacks.1 concentration (Focused Attack)Effect of specific parts of armor attack, 1 point reduction.2 - Attack (Defensive)Defense + attack, 2. Cons: full turn action3 - tin (Iron Skin)Every hurt 1..4 - Crazy Boxing (Whirlwind Strike)In one round, make "agile - on the same opponent"Second attack, No.Two attack dice - 1, third more dice - 2, and so on. Disadvantages: theAction is full turn actionFleet of Foot (requirement: Force 2):The speed of 5.Huge figure (Giant)(request: select only when setting roles)You are seven feet tall and over 250 poundsVolume 1 (that is, the life will also 1), +1 power, defense -1(Gunslinger) ("technical requirements: 3, a small agile or energy weapons 3):In one round,Attack simultaneously with two guns on the same opponent. Such as unparalleled hand lingAn artful feat is not an attack by the hand that is used to itThe dice will still be - 2. The second attackDice - 1. This feat is limited to handguns.Cons: full turn actionStamina (Iron) (requirement: physique 3 or fortitude 3)Good at night and pain..Disadvantages: whenWhen you have this feat, you will have a restSleep well in twelve hours (orLonger) it's hard to get up.Steel stomach bag (Iron, Stomach) 2(requirement: physique 2)Almost any kind of food can be eaten, no matter whatEat greasy food during a hangover, orMoldy food, or roots or insects in the wild. In related circumstancesSurvival skillsDice + 2 against hunger and fitness dice + 3.Natural immunity (Natural, Immunity) 1(requirement: physique 2)The number of serious diseases can be counted by hand. Fight disease andInfected body dice + 2.High speed gun / Sword (Quick Draw) 1(request: Agility 3)Instant action. High speed gun does not meanHigh speed sword, different types of weapons toAlso buy this feat.Rapid rehabilitation (Quick, Healer) 4(requirement: physique 4)The response time is twice as fast as the average person.Back (Strong) 1(requirement: physique 2)+2 is considered strength when calculating the weight to be carried.Strong lungs (Strong, Lungs) 3(requirement: physique 3)Gas capacity. Gas capacity. In calculationHold time + 2.Driving (Driver) 1Can drive a vehicle. Different types of vehicles need additional purchase.Stunt Driver (stunt driving) 2(request: Agility 3)You can do irrelevant actions while drivingIf shooting or hitting pedestrians, however, there is still an impairment of -2.Antitoxic ability (Toxin Resistance) 2(requirement: physique 3)Combat poisoning and the number of constitutional dice + 2.It's not easy to get food poisoning or a hangover.Disadvantages: drug effect is not easy to play, whether it is alcohol and nicotineDing or other drugs.=============================================Every adventure,You must select the mandatory completion task and the optional completion task to complete the taskAdditional experience values will be gained (team free allocation)You can pick up a task from a certain force and get the material after it is finishedRewards can also be obtained by doing business or selling special items,Fantasy expertise can only be gained from the adventure world ========================================================= The creation of a world of adventure:Occurrence time: 1D4, ancient, ancient, modern, future.The difficulty of 1d3: low magic, magic, high magic.Plot type, 1D20:1, chamber, class, 2-5 wasteland, 6-10 science fiction, 11-15 magic, 16-19 super, 20 campus.The locations were 1D6:1 Europe, 2 Asia, 3 Americas, 4 Africa, 5 orbit, and 6 extraterrestrial.Plot time, 1D6, 1 didn't happen, 2, almost 3, 6, 4, 5, end.Difficult story: 1D3, 1 reinforcements reinforcements, 2 no, 3 SCP reinforcements.。
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描述 点召唤中继点,其周围2格成为施法范围, +2,持续两回合;MP消耗为目标距离,至 成1d6魔法伤害,每有一个中继点增加1d6 伤害和1魔法消耗
回合拥有幻术师特性,但发动时对你造成5 点伤害 目标获得中继点数*5的魔法盾
,令目标回复损失MP的一半,并回复等量 HP 自身。施法范围内所有角色命中-10,不叠 加,本回合有效 身。施法范围内所有角色选择:随机失去 非沙鸥施加的BUFF,或失去10魔法盾
长期带队。魔法回复+2 两次保留1HP的机会
描述 的水,凝神静气,使用范围1,回复MP1D6
特性1 目标的魔法可以增加最多X个目标,X为中 继点数量 特性2
挡成功后,可以立刻无消耗移动一格 特性3 魔法盾上限为80
Hale Waihona Puke 目标本回合拥有幻术师特性,但发动时对 点伤害 目标获得中继点数*5的魔法盾
单一目标,令目标回复损失MP的一半,并 HP 目标为自身。施法范围内所有角色命中加,本回合有效 目标为自身。施法范围内所有角色选择: 一个非沙鸥施加的BUFF,或失去10魔
道具名 纯净水
数量 10
成功率 100
消耗AP 2
消耗HP -
道具部分 描述 消耗MP 水袋里装着清凉的水,凝神静气,使用范围1,回 -
状态速记 特性1 装备调整 临时调整 体质 6 当前HP 25 25/40 你以人为目标的魔法可以增加最多X个目标 精神 10 当前MP 40 40/40 继点数量 特性2 敏捷 6 当前AP 14 14/24 HP上限 40 武器类型 当前装备 当前状态 格挡成功后,可以立刻无消耗移动一 MP上限 40 远程 流星铳 正常 特性3 AP上限 24 加值/级别 彗星炮台 无BUFF 物理攻击 4d6 4 工匠长衫 魔法盾上限为80 魔法回复 20 2 帆布长裤 闪避 26 大头皮鞋 先攻 d100+60
性部分 临时调整 级别 0 3 0 4 0 520 剩余SP 装备调整 临时调整 0 0 0 0 0 0 级别 武器类型 3 远程 4 加值/级别 4 终值 6 10 6 0 终值 40 40 24 终值 4d6 20 26 d100+60
消耗的CP-1 X个目标,X为中继点数量 无消耗移动一格 为80
元素特性 特性1 特性2 特性3 消耗SP 技能名 中继点 星云风暴 银色守护 水晶之心 小行星带 根源激发 沙尘暴 风化
风魔法师 星河沙海 幻术师 精英 520 类型 魔法 魔法 魔法 魔法 魔法 物理 物理 物理 剩余SP 消耗AP 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 4
描述 在目标点召唤中继点,其周围2格成为施 魔法回复+2,持续两回合;MP消耗为目标 对目标造成1d6魔法伤害,每有一个中继点 伤害和1魔法消耗
玩家 六号 姓名 葛罗伯·沙鸥 通称 沙鸥 性别 男 年龄 28 身份 教师 称号 沙之魔物 元素属性 沙 元素分类 风 CP 150 属性部分 150 剩余CP 0 加点 消耗CP 特性调整 装备调整 体质 6 18 0 精神 10 44 0 敏捷 6 18 0 知识 26 26 SP点数 基础 CP调整 消耗CP 特性调整 HP上限 40 0 MP上限 24 16 32 AP上限 20 4 12 基础 特性调整 装备调整 临时调整 物理攻击 3d6-3 0 0 魔法回复 18 2 0 闪避 26 0 0 先攻 d100+60 0 0 特性部分 AP上限+4,提升AP消耗的CP-1 你以人为目标的魔法可以增加最多X个目标,X为中继点数量 格挡成功后,可以立刻无消耗移动一格 魔法盾上限为80 技能部分 已用CP 0 消耗HP 4 4 6 消耗MP 2+? 4+? 4 4 4 成功率 100 120 100 100 100 100 100 100 技能点 60 100 60 60 60 60 60 60 0 0 装备部分 装备名 装备部位 教师长衫 外衣 白晶挂坠 饰品 换装AP 4 1 描述 水晶教师工作时穿的衣服,适合长期带队。魔法回复+2 古老的饰物。被击倒时有两次保留1HP的机会