2011 最新版 全国英语等级考试 公共英语三 教材 unit16




公共英语3级精讲班第16讲讲义DialogueDialogue 1:A tourist is looking for the Tourist Information center and asks a passerby for directions.1. I’m trying to locate the Tourist Information Center.我正在找旅行咨询中心。

locate1) 找出,指出(某人、某事物)的准确位置或地点locate an electrical faultlocate a town on a mapI’m trying to locate Mr. Smith.2) be located 将(某物)设置在某处A new factory is to be located on this site.The information office is located in the city center.2. I always seem to get lost when I try to follow directions.当我听从别人方向时,总是迷路。

Dialogue 2:A tourist wants to go to the Brooklyn Museum and asks a passerby for directions.1. As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.我一进地铁就没有方向感。

lose the sense of direction2. Say, I’m going in that direction. I’ll show you where it is.我正朝着那个方向走,我告诉你它在什么地方。

I’ll show you where it is.宾语从句用陈述句语序。

3. Think nothing of it.没关系。



Kip KeinoKipchoge Keino is a modest man,and it takes prodding to get the great Kenyan runner to recall how he felt on Oct ,20,1968 — when he won his first gold medal,in the 1,500 meters in Mexico City.The day hadn’t started out well,Keino was suffering from stomach pains that later turned out to be a severe gallbladder infection. His doctors advised against running;he ignored them.During the race,Keino was so focused on competing against American ace Jim Ryun that,in retrospect,“Without watching a video, I wouldn’t know what happened at the finish.” He does remember what happened next. “I ran an honor lap. I ran it to celebrate and to let my body recover. I felt overcome by the excitement.” It was not the only memorable event in his life that day. Back home, his wife, Phyllis, gave birth to their third daughter, named Milka Olympia Chelagat in celebration of her father’s victory.Keino went on to win a silver medal in the 5,000 meters in Mexico City and a gold and a silver four years later in Munich. He the n became Kenya’s Olympic running coach from 1976 to 1986, furthering his nation’s dominance in distance events. Kenyan runners have captured 32 Olympic track medals since 1964 and won the last six consecutive Boston Marathons. This summer, Keino will be in Atlanta as chief of the 120-athlete Kenyan delegation, which could include his son Martin, 23, a former NCAA 5,000-meter champion at the 1,5000 meters.But Keio’s athletic accomplishments are not the only reason he is a hero in the town of Eldoret in nort hwestern Kenya. Thirty years ago, Keino and his wife—who now have seven children of their own—began taking orphans into their home. Their house became so crowded that they raised funds to build a dormitory and a dining hall on a nearby farm Keino owns. Income to support the facility comes from the farm, his sports shop and fees he has received from the Kenyan government over the years. Today, 73 children and young adults—aged 2 to 22—live on the farm. “I think I have been lucky,” Keino says. “Now what is important is how I use what I have to help others.”Lesson 2A Gift of New LifeFirst came a boy weighing 3 pounds 14 ounces: Robert Jared Screws. After Robert Jared came his three sisters: Briannia Rae, 3 pounds 1 ounce; Brinkley Faye, 3 pounds 13 ounces; and Buckley Lenay, 4 pounds 2 ounces. All were tiny, but they were strong, healthy babies. In the hallway outside the operating room, friends and relatives wept and cheered as the quad wheeled them by, one by one, in their incubators.The babies stayed in the hospital about a month. Keith went there too, for more chemotherapy, and the nurses took one or two babies at a time to his room for a visit. That seemed to help him more than the medication.Then came a wonderful surprise. When we were ready to go home, we learned that a physicians’ fund had provided a brand-new van for us, complete with four infant car seats. Keith was waiting for us at hone, frail mow and in constant pain, but also very happy.The whole community of Swainsboro and surrounding towns united in trying to help us. Countless women offered to baby-sit. Members of Keith’s high school class prepared dinners for us twice a week. All sorts of fund-raising events were organized.A Kroger store on Wilmington Island near Savannah do nated a year’s supply of diapers and other baby needs. That helped, because the quads required 40 to 50 diapers a day!A man named Ricky Stevens came to measure our farmhouse for central air-conditioning, but went away concerned that the house was too small for six people. That night he could not sleep. He consulted a friend in real estate, Ken Warnock, and the two of them invited a group of Swainsboro businessmen to lunch. By the time Lunch was over, they had enough pledges to begin building a new house.There was a site on our land with a view of the pasture and grazing cattle. Our new house would be built there, a spacious home with five bedrooms-a master bedroom and one for each of the quads.As spring came to Georgia, Keith’s health continued to decline. Still, he took great delight in his four babies. In the mornings he would hold them and play with them and help feed them. He got to be good at handling two bottles at a time. Before we left home for a chemo-treatment or doctor’s appointment Keith would spend time alone with each baby. Later in the spring another operation was necessary, and complications followed. It became difficult for Keith to talk or breathe, and at last consciousness. His final words to me were,“I love you.”The doctors put him on a respirator, but they said it was only as matter of hours. I sat beside him holding his hand and whispering,“Be at peace. Be at peace.”And finally, on June 11, peace did come. He was 32 years old.Life went on. Ground was broken for the new house on a blue-and-gold day in December. The quads were old enough to stand, and each was old enough to stand, and each was given a little gilded shovel to mark the occasion. Many friends and neighbors were there, and the mayor of Swainsboro put our feelings into words:“We hope that when these babies are grown, they will look at this house and understand how much their father was respected and admired by everyone who knew him.”I have gone back to teaching. Devoted friends and relatives and fully qualified helpers take good care of the quads while I am away. Without Keith’s illness we never would have recognized the amazing goodness that lies in people. The outpouring of love and compassion and caring that has surrounded us is almost beyond belief. One life was taken away from me, but four other lives were given to me to sustain and to comfort me. Facing death with Keith made me realize how precious life is. I cherish it and am grateful for it every single day.lesson 3The Cause of the El Nino PhenomenonEl Nino is the Spanish name for the baby Jesus. The phenomenon is so-called because warm water moving across the Pacific traditionally reaches South America around Christmas. Scientists have now applied the term El Nino to the major warming episodes over large South American coastal areas and westernly along the equator and the Dateline area. Scientists noted the El Nino has a return period of four to five years and lasts between 12—18 months.In the late 1960s, it became apparent that the year-to-year variations in the sea surface temperature and consequently El Nino events, were closely linked to the Southern Oscillation, a relationship between atmospheric pressure over the southeastern Pacific and Indian Ocean. When pressure is high in the Pacific Ocean, it tends to be low in the Indian Ocean from Africa to Australia. These conditions are associated with low temperatures in both these areas and rainfall varies in the direction opposite the pressure.Thus, the combination of El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the linkage atmospheric and oceanic events and involves changes in circulations of the atmosphere and oceans across the Pacific Basin. The strongest El Nino this century occurred in 1982—1983 and resulted in droughts and disastrous forest fires in Indonesia and Australia, wreaking economic damage of at least US $8 billion.A major warming of the ocean waters across the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean, known as ENSO, has developed since March 1997. The El Nino developed very rapidly during April—May, and reached strong intensity by June. This event is currently comparable in magnitude and extent to the 1982/1983 episode.lesson 4Our Changing DietWhat do most Americans and Canadians usually eat? Many people think that the typical North American diet consists of fast food-hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, pizza, fried chicken, and so on. They think Americans and Canadians also eat a lot of convenience foods, usually frozen or caned, and junk food-candy, cookies, potato chips, and other things without much nutritional value. Unfortunately, this description is mot totally inaccurate. The American diet is generally high in sugar, salt, fat, and cholesterol, and these substances can cause health problems.However, some people’s eating habits are changing. They are becoming more interested in good health, and nutrition is an important part of health. North Americans are eating less red meat and fewer eggs, and they are eating more chicken and fish. Chicken and fish contain less fat than meat and eggs. Many people are also buying more fresh vegetables and eating them raw or cooked quickly in very little water in order to keep the vitamins.Restaurant menus are also changing to reflect people’s growing concern with good nutrition. The “typical” North American diet now includes food from many different countries. More ethnic restaurants are opening in big cities in the United States and Canada. Foods from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, India and the Middle East are very popular. Even fast-food places now offer “lean” (low-fat) hamburgers, broiled or roasted (instead of fried) chicken, and salad bars with a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.How are we going to eat in the future? Because we now know about the importance of nutrition, we will probably continue to eat more fish and vegetables and less meat. We will still buy convenience foods in supermarkets, but frozen foods may be more nutritious and canned foods may have less salt and sugar. Our j unk food will not be “junk” at all because instead of candy bars we will eat “nutrition bars” with a lot of vitamins and protein. In the future, our diet will probably be even more interesting and healthful than it is now.In the United States and Canada, food is a very common topic of conversation. People are always discussing new dishes, restaurants, diet plans, and ideas about nutrition. The arguments about the best diets and foods will continue: Are vegetables better than a diet of cooked foods? Is a little alcohol good for relaxation, or is all alcohol harmful? Is some caffeine good for energy, or is caffeine always bad? Can yellow vegetables really prevent cancer? Will eating garlic help avoid heart attacks? One thing we do know for sure:the key to good nutition is balance. How do we achieve that balance? We can choose foods from a variety of sources, control the quantities that we eat, limit fats, and exercise.lesson 5I Did It“I did it.” This is what newly-crowned Olympic gymnastics champion Li Xiaoshuang wanted to say most after his victory here on Sunday night at the 25th Olympic Games.Li scored 9.925 points by successfully completing his somersault tuck, becoming the first male gymnast ever to execute this maneuver in the optional apparatus finals. The program was extremely difficult. Failure could have been met by his head slamming the mat. Former Soviet Valery Liukin had once done this tuck in the team competition.“all the gymnasts before me had pretty high scores and this was the only way out for me,” said Li. “I knew I could end up either first or last.” Li also won a bronze in the rings with a 9.862.Grigori Misutin of the Unified Team scored 9.875 points to share second place with Japanese Yukio Iketani.Right after his safe landing, Li rushed to his coach and former world parallel bars champion Huang Yubing. The two broke into tears and embraced each other after the final gymnast, Vitali Scherbo of the Unified Team, failed to surpass Li. Li’s gold was China’s first in the floor exercises since 1984, when Li Ning won at the Los Angeles Olympic Games. Until the 1987 World Championships in Amsterdam where Lou Yun won the floor exercise, the event was dominated by the former Soviet Union gymnasts. “Though the floor is his specialty, Li still performed above his normal level,” said coach Huang, who shed from the award ceremony and watched it on TV at the back of the gymnasium.“It’s not an easy job,” Li said. “It’s the result of my hard training. And that three backward somersaults was the first rime that I have done it successfully.”“I want to thank my parents and especially my coach Huang who contributed greatly to my success.”Li joined the national team at the end of 1989 and his highest international achievement was first place in the floor exercises of the Beijing Asian Games.At last year’s Indianapolis World Championships, he was the best non-Soviet gymnast in the all-around competition, placing fourth, though he failed to score higher than 9.75 points in any apparatus. He was only sixth in the floor competition. He was still so little-known that even with his World Championship achievement here at the Olympics, computer statistics erroneously listed him as h aving done badly competing in two women’s events, the uneven bars and the balance beam.Li said he learned a lot here in Barcelona, both in gymnastics and manhood. He said in the team all-around competition, he repeatedly got low scores, and did not get the amount of points he should get for the degree of difficulty and execution of routines. But he kept the complaints to himself.Yet his execution in the floor final was so perfect that nobody doubted he was the gold medal winner.The 18-year-old from Hubei Province said that his regular training was not only technical but also mental. He said to himself three times, “Start and leap, accelerate and land,” which he said was crucial in winning.Li also took part in the 1990 Seattle Goodwill Games and finished second in the floor exercises, and is now regarded as the Chinese team’s best all-around gymnast, especially after former best Li Ning missed both in the pommel horse and high bar finals Sunday night.lesson 6Our Changing Lifestyles:Trends and FadsThese days urban lifestyles seem to change very fast. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; it’s a whole way of living. One year people wear sunglasses on top of their heads and wear jeans and boots; they drink white wine and eat sushi at Japanese restaurants; for exercise they jog several miles a day. However, the next year everything has changed. Women wear long skirts; people drink expensive water from France and eat pasta at ltalian restaurants; everyone seems to be exercising at health clubs. Then, suddenly, it has changed again. People wear only natural fabric (safe for the environment); they drink gourmet coffee and eat Thai food; for both leisure and exercise, they go rollerblading.Almost nothing in modern life escapes the influence of fashion; food, music, exercise, book, slang words, movies, furniture, places to visit, even names go in and out of fashion. For a while, it seems that all mew parents are naming their babies Heather, Dawn, Eric, or Adam. These names are “in.” then, suddenly, these names are “out,” and Tiffany and Jason are “in.” It’s almost impossible to write about specific fads because these interests that people enthusiastically follow can change very quickly.In th e United States, even people can be “in” or “out.” Like people in any country, Americans enjoy following the lives of celebrities: movie stars, sports heroes, famous artists, politicians, and the like. But Americans also pay a lot of attention to people who have no special ability and have done nothing very special. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV commercial in which she looked at a vary small hamburger and complained loudly, “Where’s the beef?” These three words made her fam ous. Suddenly she appeared in magazines and newspapers and on TV shows. She was immediately popular. She was “in.” In 1987, an exterminator in Dallas, Texas, decided that he would be very happy if he could find more customers for his small business; he needed more people to pay him to kill the insects and rats in their houses.He put an unusual advertisement in a Dallas newspaper. He offered to pay $1,000 to the person who could find the biggest cockroach. This strange offer made him suddenly famous. There were stories about him nationwide-from New York to California. He was “in.” However, this kind of fame does not last long. Such people are famous for a very short time.This is the essence, the central, quality,of a fad. It doesn’t last long. Some fads dis appear before we have all even heard of them. How many people remember Green peace swimsuits? They changed color to indicate polluted water. And then there was “Beethoven Bread.” Popular in Japan in 1994, it was expensive-$20 for one loaf. It was made while classical music played in the kitchen. The woman who created this bread emphasized that “bread doesn’t like rock music.”A person who participates in fads should remember that they come and go very fast, and they often come back in style after 10 to 15 y ears of being “out.” It might be a good idea never to throw anything away. Mickey Mouse watches andlesson 7Compulsive SpendersAre you a compulsive spender, or do you hold on to your money as long as possible? Are you a bargain hunter? Would you rather use charge accounts than pay cash? Your answer to those questions will reflect your personality. According to psychologists, our individual money habits not only show our beliefs and values, but can also develop from past problems. Experts in psychology believe that for many people, money is an important symbol of strength and influence. Husbands who complain about their wives’ spending habits may be afraid that they are loosing power in their marriage. Wives, on the other hand, may waste huge amounts of money because they are angry with their husbands. In addition, many people consider money a symbol of love. They spend it on their families and friends to express love, or they buy themselves expensive presents because they need love.People can be addicted to different things, for example, alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. They are compulsive in their addictions, that is, they must a satisfy these needs to feel comfortable. In the same way, according to psychologists, compulsive spenders must spend more money. For those who buy on credit, further more, charge accounts are even more exciting than money: in other words, these people feel that with credit they can do anything. Their pleasure at spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure they get from the things they buy.There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don’t need just because they are cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their budget, but they are really playing an exciting game: when they can buy something for less than other people, they are winning.It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people. Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business. They consider people’s need for love, power or influence, as well as their values, beliefs and opinions, in their advertising and sales methods.Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve their personality problems. In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money. They give them “assignments.” If a person buys something in every store that he enters, for instance, a therapist might teach him self-discipline in this way. On the first of his therapy, he must go into a store, for five minutes, and then leave. On the second day, he should stay for ten minutes and try something on. On the third day he stays for fifteen minutes, asks the sales clerk a question, but does not buy anything. Soon he will learn that nothing bad will happen to him if he doesn’s buy anything, and he can solve the problem of his compulsive buying.lesson 8Stories of ChristmasIn many countries of the world, The celebration of Christmas on December 25th is a high point of the year. From November onward, it is impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. Colored lights decorate many town centers and shops, along with shimmy decorations and artificial snow painted on shop windows. In streets and shops, “Christmas trees” (real or plastic evergreen conifer trees) will also be decorated with lights and Christmas ornaments. Shopping centers become busier as December approaches and often stay open till late. By mid-December, most homes will also be decorated with Christmas trees, colored lights and paper or plastic decorations around the rooms. These days many more people also decorate garden trees or house walls with colored electric lights, a habit, which has been long popular in USA. In many countries, most people post Christmas greeting cards to their friends and families, and these cards will be hung on the walls of their homes.The custom of sending Christmas cards started in Britain in 1840 when the first “Penny Post” public postal deliveries began. (Helped by the new railway system, the public postal service was the 19th cen tury’s communication revolution, just as e-mail is for us today.) As printing method improved, Christmas cards were produced in large numbers from about 1860. Today, pictures are often about jokes, winter pictures, Father Christmas, or romantic scenes of life in past times. Father Christmas (or Santa Claus) has become the symbol of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard, red coat, and bag of toys. Children are taught that he brings them presents the night before Christmas, and many children up to the age 7 or 8 really believe this is true. In most countries, it is said that he lives near the North Pole, and arrives through the sky on a sledge (snow-cart) pulled by reindeer. He comes into houses down the chimney at midnight and places presents for the children in socks or bags by their beds or in front of the family Christmas tree. In shops or at children’s parties, someone will dress up as Father Christmas and give small presents to children, or ask them what gifts they want for Christmas. Christmas can be a time of magic and excitement for children.Father Christmas is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, which explains his other name “Santa Claus” which comes from the Dutch “Sinterklaas.” Nicholas was a Christian le ader from Myra (in modern-day Turkey) in the 4th century AD. He was very shy, and wanted to give money to the poor people without their knowing about it. It is said that one day, he climbed up the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. It happened to land in the stocking which a girl had put to dry by the fire! This may explain the belief that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and places gifts in children’s stockings.In English speaking countries, the day following Christmas D ay is called “Boxing Day.” This word comes from the custom which started in the Middle Ages around 800 years ago: Churches would open their “alms box” (boxes in which people had placed gifts of money) and distribute the contents to poor people in the neighborhood on the day after Christmas. The tradition continues today.lesson 9White HouseThe USA Chief Executive Mansion, White House, stands on a knoll on the Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington overlooking the Potomac River. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and in 1800 it was initially completed. Since the second President John Adams first moved into the house, all the US presidents have lived and worked there. However, in 1814, when the English was at war with America, the White House was set on fire by the British army. Only its enclosing wall survived but stained with scorch marks. It took three years to hide the White House renovated and be available for use.In order to hide the scars of war, the burnt wall was covered with many layers of white paint, hence the name White House was given. It was President Theodore Roosevelt who officially named it first in 1902.The White House is an 18-acre-estate, yet the major of the ground is filled with lawns, gardens, tennis courts, outdoor swimming pools, bowling alleys, game rooms, movie theaters, horseshoe pits and other subsidiary facilities. The 26-meter highs 3-floored main section consisting of 132 rooms is mot quite spacious. In the west are the magnificent State Dining Room and the bright and commodious East Room which is the place for balls and art performances. The other three smaller rooms are resplendent in their decorations. Each of them has its distinctive features and has its name matching the colors of the wall, ceilings, carpets, and the like in it. The Blue Room in the middle is an oval office used officially for receiving heads of state and foreign diplomats. The Red Room in the west characterized in the US style in early 19th century, is a family parlor, and the Green Room is used as an all-purpose parlor for playing cards and chess or having a chat. The second floor is president family’s private living quarters, and on the third floor are offices of president’s secretaries’ store rooms and service center.Room, etc., the most important one is the Oval Office, the heartland for president to formulate policies and make decisions. Just outside the Oval Office is the charming Rose blooming with flowers and plants, where state dinners and ceremonial events are sometimes held. In the East Wing, are offices of First Ladies’ and wording staffs. The Kennedy Garden lying outside of those offices is for press conferences and tea parties. The well-known South Lawn is often used for arrival ceremonies in honor of visiting heads of state.lesson 10Paris, France A short time later our plane began to slow and bank. Lovely, green England came into view, but we soon left England behind. After watching the English Channel slip by, France appeared, the land carved into squares of green and brown. Paris, lovely, green romantic Paris, a city of contrasts-I fell in love with her as so many others have before me. Magnificent modern buildings were everywhere, but in between them stood tiny ancient shops and apartments. As long as I live, I’ll remember my first night in Paris when I stood on Montamarte, t he highest hill in the city, the lights of Paris spread in a panorama below while the cool autumn breeze whispered through the trees. I could not believe I was really there!The next morning, we enjoyed a tour of Paris, which is just as beautiful by day as by night. The tree-lined streets were spotless, for each morning, water from the River Seine flows from drains onto the streets where shopkeepers with long reed brooms sweep the streets clean. We drove past many famous restaurants, shops and apartment houses. At the end of the most famous street in Paris, the Champs Elysse, stood the golden Arch of Triumph through which the Allies in World War Ⅱ marched after driving defeated Germans from the city.As we walked through the grounds around Notre Dame, I gazed above me at imposing Gothic towers silhouetted like giant sentinels against the gray sky. From the top of the Cathedral wall rain spouts jutted about every twelve feet, each spout made in the face of an animal, the rain pouring from its mouth.Inside the Cathedral, exquisite, elegant rosette stained glass windows gleamed from a sudden burst of sunlight forcing its way through the clouds as though heaven had opened long enough to light them for us. One of the windows had been badly damaged during World War Ⅱ. All the colors in the replacement glass perfectly match the undamaged window except blue; the formula for this shade of blue had been lost and could not be duplicated no matter how hard the artists tried. To my untrained eye, it was undetected.The Eiffel Tower, an extraordinary edifice made of interlocking steel girders soared into the sky, glittering brightly。

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding jobs-Period 2 Let’s re

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding jobs-Period 2 Let’s re

Unit 16 Finding jobsPart 1 Sample Teaching PlansGoals◆Talk about job and career plans◆Practise talking about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations◆Integrative language practice◆Write a personal statementPeriod 2 Let’s read!〔FOOTBALL: A GOOD CAREER CHOICE?〕Goals◆Read about information about Beckhem and football◆Discuss whether football career is a good choice or not.ProceduresStep 1: Pre-readingGood morning, class! Today we are going to learn about football career. First go to the vocabulary list for this unit. Read it and look into the word formation of each word.Player DataDate of birth:Current Club: Real Madrid CFPosition: Central midfielder,Right midfielderProfileSimply the most famous footballer in the world, David Beckham’s main attributes are hislong-range shooting ability - especially from free-kicks - pin-point accurate crossing from the right,and seemingly limitless reserves of energy.National teamThe summer after he made his debut against Moldova in September 1997, Beckham was vilified inEngland for his sending off in the FIFA World Cup match against Argentina. He also featured atUEFA EURO 2000™ but matured considerably after being made captain in the build-up to the2002 World Cup, scoring a brilliant added-time free-kick against Greece which earned England aplace at Korea/Japan before exorcising his Argentina demons in Sapporo.UEFA EURO 2004™ qualifyingAgain inspirational as England qualified automatically ahead of Turkey from Group 7. Beckhamappeared in seven of the eight qualifiers, sitting out only the home victory against Slovakia, andscored five goals, including one penalty.ClubA lifelong Manchester United FC fan despite being born in London, Beckham was part of United’sStep 2: ReadingNow let’s e to the text FOOTBALL: A GOOD CAREER CHIOCE? Read it aloud to the tape and do the true or false questions.1.David dreamt of being a professional football player when he was young. (T)2.At the age of 16, David was invited to join Manchester United as a trainer. (F)3.Football is the same as most careers. (F)4.Club managers want every footballer to have good team spirit, a strong character, mental strength and apositive attitude. (T)5.After two years’ training, mo st trainees can go on to the next stage. (F)6.Football dreams do not often e true. (T)Step 3: UnderliningRead the passage again and underline at the same time all the useful collocations or expressions in the text. CopyStep 4: DiscussionWork in groups of four and discuss the following questions:1.What are differences between football and other careers?2.Do you think football is a good career choice? Why or why not?。



2011最新版全国英语等级考试公共英语三教材unit7unit7====================unit7-1.----------Title:-1.John invites Betty to have dinner with their friends.Question:Who is going to invite John and Betty for dinner?Question:When will they meet each other?Question:Why can't Betty go to the dinner?Man:JohnWoman:Betty John:Hi, Betty, Rose and Johnson would like to have dinner with us before the movie. Betty:Hmm...What time are we supposed to meet them? John:At about half past five. Betty:Maybe you'd better go without me.I really wish I could go, but I have too much work to do.I'm writing an article, and it has to go out tomorrow. John:Oh, that's really too bad. Betty:I'm sorry to let you down. John:That's OK.I can understand you.unit7-2.----------Title:-2.Three friends talk about daily routine and habits in England and in China.Question:What do Robert and Green think about thedifferences between life in China and in England?Question:When does Green get up every morning in England?Question:What does Robert do when he is going out in the evening?Woman:LiMan:RobertMan:Green Li:Robert, you are from England, aren't you? Robert:Yes, I am...from the north of England.Um...Why? Li:Well, do you find that life is very different from...er...er life in England?I mean life here and life in England. Robert:Yes, it really is, because everything happens earlier here. Li:Oh. Green:It certainly does. Robert:Yes...you get up earlier in the morning. Li:When, when do you get up? Robert:I don't get up until 7:30 in England. Li:7:30? Green:And I get up at 8:15 and I arrive at work between 9:20 and 9:30. Li:I see...At what time er...do people have their dinner? Green:Oh, it depends on what time they get home.I don't have dinner till about 7 or 8 o'clock. Robert:Oh, that's quite early, Green.I can...sometimes 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock. Green:But where I live most people have dinner at 5:30 or 6:30 infact. Li:It varies, doesn't it? Green:Yes, there are a lot of differences. Robert:Hm. Li:What do you do when you are going out in the evening? Robert:Oh, very often there's no time for dinner...I go straight from work to...play sport or go to the cinema or whatever it is. Li:And you eat afterwards? Robert:Yes.But something light.I try and have a big lunch in the middle of the day. Green:And we begin work at 9 o'clock in England.Here we work...yes, 8 o'clock every day. Robert:Yes.That's much earlier. Li:Yes, yes, it is.You'll soon get used to it.I am sure.unit7-3.----------Man:T omWoman:Rose Tom:I'm going into town.Can I get you anything while I'm out? Rose:Do you think you might go by a post office? Tom:I could.What would you like? Rose:Oh.Could you get me a book of twenty-cent stamps? Tom:Sure.I'd be glad to. Rose:I'll go and get some money. Tom:Don't worry about it.You can pay me when I get back. Rose:If you happen to go by a stationer's, could you buy a pad of writing-paper for me? T om:Sure.No problem. Rose:But don't bother if it's inconvenient.Here's a ten-dollar bill.I'm sure that it'll be more than enough.Oh, and would you mind posting these letters? Tom:Not at all. Rose:Just one more thing...could you drop off this film at a camera shop? T om:Sure, if I have time. Rose:Thank you very much!unit7-4.----------Title:-3.Tom asks Rose if she needs something.Question:What will Tom do in the post office?Question:What other things does Rose ask him to do?Question:How much does Rose give to Tom?Man:Mary Mary:Students in adolescence are likely to be confused mentally,to be subject to involuntary distractions and romantic dreaminess.They are basically timid or self-conscious;they lack frankness and are usually sensitive but hate to admit it.They are motivated either by great ambition, probably out of all proportion to their capabilities, or by extreme laziness caused by the fear of not attaining their objectives.Fundamentally they want to be kept busy but they refuse to admit it.They are usually willing to work, but they hate to work without obtaining the results they think they should obtain.Their critical faculties are beginning to develop and they are critical of their instructors and of the materials they are given to learn.They are beginning to feel the pressure of time;and although they seldom say so, they really want to be consulted and given an opportunity to direct their own affairs, but they need considerable guidance.They seldom admit that they need this guidance and they frequently rebel against it, but if it is intelligently offered they accept it with enthusiasm.It is in this period that students can be most easily and permanently influenced.Their outlook on life is usually extremely exaggerated.They are either far too modest or too boastful.They are much more susceptible to the influence of a strong personality than that of a great intelligence.Of all periods of life, this is what may be called the"plastic age".Title:-4.The following monologue is about the mentality ofstudents in adolescence.Question:Are students in adolescence very frank?Question:Do they like their teachers and textbooks?Question:Why is this period of time called the "plastic age"?unit7-5.----------Title:LifeMan:Mary Mary:Sometimes, people come into your life and you realize that they are there for some purpose- to teach you a lesson, or to help you to know who you are or who you want to become.You'd never know who these people may be, your friend, your classmate, your neighbor, your co-worker, your teacher, or even a stranger, but they will deeply affect your life in some way. Mary:And sometimes things happen to you that may seem unfair, painful and horrible at first, but later, you realize that without overcoming those difficulties you would never know your strength, willpower or potential.Everything happens for a reason.Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.Illness, great achievement, love, injury and failure all come to test the limits of your soul.Without these tests, life would be like a straight and flat road, but it goes nowhere.It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and completely meaningless. Mary:Those people who affect your life, and the failure and the success you experience can help you to create who you are and who you become.Even the bad experiences can be learned from.In fact, they are the most important ones.If someone breaks your heart, or hurts you, please forgive them, for they helped you to learn about the importance of being careful when you open your heart.If someone loves you, love them back, because they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. Mary:You can make of your life anything you wish.Appreciate every moment and take everything from those moments as possible as you can because you may never be able to experience them again.Talk to people who you have never talked to before, and when they talk, you'd better listen to them.Let yourself fall in love, then break free and set your sights high.Tell yourself you are a great person and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be difficult for others to believe in you.Make every day meaningful and interesting.Create your own life and live without regrets.Love your life and you may have some pleasant, cheerful and happy hours. Mary:If we are strong enough to forgive, brave enough to love, generous enough to rejoice in other's happiness, we can make great achievements in our own lives.。

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding Jobs words study

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding Jobs words study

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding Jobs words study1.barbern.(男)理发师大风雪, 寒冷风暴; 蒸汽雾barber pole理发店招牌barbervt.为...理发或剃须齐根地修整(草地等)vi.做理发工作barbershopn.理发店barber-surgeonn.昔日兼外科医生与牙医的理发匠庸医Every barber knows that.尽人皆知, 家喻户晓。

2. chef n主厨;厨师;厨师长3.accountantn.会计员, 出纳chief accountant总会计师; 会计处长; 会计主任4.in touch with同...有联系了解...的情况out of touch with同...失去联系, 与...没有通信对...不了解5. typistn.打字员6. receptionn.接见; 接待; 欢迎接纳, 承认招待会, 宴会, 欢迎会a warm reception热情的接待a wedding reception结婚喜宴receptionistn.接待员give a reception to招待, 欢迎7. greengrocern.蔬菜水果商, 菜贩8. astronaut n.太空人, 宇航员9. trainee n.受训练的人[动物]traineeshipn.受训练的情况[时间]; 受训者的地位[津贴]traineen.练习生, 新兵10. devil n.魔鬼, 恶魔; [the Devil ]魔王; (=Satan)撒旦可怜的家伙(常与poor连用)精力充沛[绝伦]的人; 了不起的人; 无所顾忌的人棘手而令人烦恼的事(=printer's devil)(印刷厂的)助手[学徒]律师等的代笔者[the devil][与who what, where, why 连用][口]究竟, 到底, 决不little [young] devil小鬼(对小孩的戏称)work like the devil拼命地工作He has lost his job, poor devil!他失业了, 可怜的人!How the devil is it? 到底是怎么回事?Though one of the engines failed, the pilot managed a safe landing .He is indeed a devil of a fellow. 尽管有一个发动机失灵了, 这位飞行员还是设法安全着陆。

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 writing ppt

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 writing ppt
Reading on P143
What do you learn from the text? A: We have learned from the passage
about the frequently asked questions (FAQ) in an interview and how to write a good personal statement.
interesting and original
Don’ts 1. hold back
2. send an application form with mistakes
3. make the statement too general
One sample version:
Dear sir, I was very delighted to hear that
Finish Writing exercise on P272.
If you think I am the right person, please give me a telephone call. My number is 13523458971.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours Xiaoning
I can write well in English and my oral English is excellent. I once won the first prize in an English contest which was held in our university. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, writing and listening to music.

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding jobsPerio

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding jobsPerio
Mention specific rewards other than a pay. Checkfor example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.
2. Why do you want to work for this organization?
8. WhaLeabharlann are your salary expectations?
If you are asked this at the outset, it’s best to say,“Why don’t we discuss salary after you decide whether I’m right for the job?”But if the interviewer asks this after showing real interest in you, speak up. She or he will probably try to meet your price. If you need a clue about what to ask for, say,“Can yon discuss your salary range ?”
◆Integrative language practice
◆Write a personal statement
Period 3Let’s study!
◆Integrative language practice
◆Learn to write a job advertisement.
◆Act out a job interview

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 language study ppt

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 language study ppt

2. How many years have you studied English? Have you ever spoken to foreigners?
3. How many years have you worked in a top quality hotel?
4. Would you please list the names of some international food and wines?
B: I think this new style of working encourages more man-machine interaction, which will surely have a side effect on the team spirit among the leaders and workers. It will also be inconvenient for the manager to hold a meeting or
Language Study
A: In my opinion, the relationship between the teleworkers will not be better than before because they have no chance to meet each other face to face at least during the weekdays, which is not very helpful for the future development of the companies.
journalist) E: What did you study at school? I: I studied English, literature and


• set sth. off 1.爆炸2.使...响起3.引发4.衬托
• set sb. off doing sth.使某人笑、哭或说起来
Was Dimitri right to apologize t o his neighbor?
Why not?
Every evening, Mary used to go and ______
n. relationship; necktie 关系;领带, 领结 eg. the ties of friendship 朋友关系 family ties 家族关系 ties of blood 血缘关系
平局 The match ended in a tie.
• n. stealing 盗窃行为;盗窃案;盗窃(罪);被盗 • eg. 他因为偷窃被关进监狱。 • He was put in prison for theft/stealing. •
C Dimitri had a lot of friends in the village
D the rain would soon wash the black dye off the lamb
When Aleko first showed Dimitri the lamb in his backyard ______ .
Tell us what happened after Dimitri came in from the fields 1 Dimitri----in from fields----wife told him what had
• set out to leave a place and begin a journey/to begin a job

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding jobs-Period 4 Let’s re

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit 16 Finding jobs-Period 4 Let’s re

Unit 16 Finding jobsPart 1 Sample Teaching PlansGoals◆Talk about job and career plans◆Practise talking about likes and dislikes, wishes and expectations◆Integrative language practice◆Write a personal statementPeriod 4 Let’s read and write!(WHY DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD BE GOOD AT THIS JOB?)Goals◆Read about some applications◆Learn to write a successful applicationProceduresStep 1: Listening and reading aloud.Hello, everyone. This morning we are going to read and write! First read aloud to the recording of the text WHY DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD BE GOOD AT THIS JOB on page143. Pay attention to the pauses, the pronunciation and the intonation while listening and reading aloud.Step 2: Making a list of “Dos and Don’ts〞for writing an application formDos:*Do your research.*Convince the reader that you know about the pany.*Show that you have the ability.*Give your evidence of interests, qualifications or experience.*Be honest.*Make your application form clear and easy to read.*Make your personal statement interesting and original.Don’tsDon’t hold back and be modest.Don’t make mistakes in your application form. 3: Reading and discussingRead the two statements from page 144 and discuss whether the writers have followed the Dos and Don’ts on the list. Choose the better one.Step 4: Copying down expressions.As is known, language is made up of words and expressions. So, why not read the article again and write down allStep 5:Writing an application form.Think about your future career and a job you would like to do, or a subject you would like to study. Then choose one of the questions in the first paragraph of the text on page 143 and write a personal statement for an application to an employer, organization or university.A sample writing: an application for university。


























有一天,我经过当地的消防站,看到一个标语:“想要的志愿者:消防/ EMT。







2011 最新版 全国英语等级考试 公共英语三 教材 unit3

2011 最新版 全国英语等级考试 公共英语三 教材 unit3
Fires are a natural enemy of forest growth, but they can also threaten lives and property.
Fuel is dead plant material and small plants that grow under tall trees.
My old guy,let's find a parking lot and walk around the city,OK? Jackson:
OK,I'm glad to.
Title:-2.Tim and Ann are talking about Mr. Marks new house.
Of course.
I went there yesterday. Ann:
Is it quite nice? Tim:
Their house is surrounded by a large and beautiful garden,full of all kinds of flowers.
Anything else? Tim:
Mr.Mark has decorated his study with many expensive works of art. Ann:
It's well known that he likes to collect works of art wherever he goes. Tim:
The busy road,the skyscrapers...
It seems that the old department store has disappeared. Jackson:

朱明zhubob开放英语3Unit 16

朱明zhubob开放英语3Unit 16
1) It was Jean who shot a tiger in the wood yesterday. 2) It was in the wood that Jean shot a tiger yesterday. 3) It was yesterday that Jean shot a tiger in the wood. absence: n. 缺乏;absent: adj.不在的, 缺席的, 缺少的 判断断题:P268
to find someone guilty of something 查明/判定某人犯某罪
练习:P272-A7(Part A/B)
表因果关系 (P270-Language Focus)
eg: While he was away, his house was robbed. a bank robbery 银行抢劫案
safety: n. 安全;safe a. 安全的 sentence: v. 判决,宣判 eg: He received a heavy sentence. 他受到很重的刑罚。 swear: vi. 用粗话骂人,发誓swore, sworn threaten: vt. 恐吓, n. threat
imaginary: a. 想像中的;imagine v. 想像;imagination n. mugger: 行凶抢劫犯; mug v.行凶抢劫; mugging v.行凶抢劫 pull up: 停下 come to a stop
eg: The car pulled up before the traffic lights. risk: n & vt. 危险,风险; risky危险的 robbery: n. 抢劫,掠夺; rob v. 掠夺
学习目标: 1. 动词短语; 2. 表达因果关系; 3. 情态动词表示劝告; 4. 反意疑问句; 5. 习惯用语。



公共英语等级考试三级2011年3月真题SECTION 1 Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)1~25略SECTIONⅡ Use of English (15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C,or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.What might the house of the future be like? Grace can tell.More formally known as the Microsoft Home,her high-tech devices,along with 26 in design and construction,will change the 27 we think about our homes.You enter the house,and Grace’s 28 , coming from hidden speakers,passes on your messages;In the kitchen,you set a bag of flour on the intelligently 29 stone counter.Grace sees what you’re 30,and projects a list of flour-based food on the counter. 31 you choose on,Grace repeats instructions tor cooking.She 32 knows what’s in the cupboard.The day when your house will be like a family member is not that far off.This 33 of seamless computing,in which technology is everywhere yet nowhere(34 when we want it),is emphasized in most future—home thinking.Microsoft, 35 ,isn’t the only one exploring 36 technology can make our homes more 37 and comfortable.At the Georgia Institute of Technology,scientists are 38 systems that will allow older people to continue living 39.So Grandma’s home can be intelligently wired to 40 her patterns of wake,sleep and movement;family members would be 4l of any changes via computer.Does spying on Grandma sound 42 ? Director Beth Mynatt says“A good bit of our 43 has been working on how to convey information without 44 privacy.We also don’t want to create 45 anxiety.Maybe she just took a quiet day to read,and the system would have to recognize that.”26.[A]promotions[B]applications[C]practices[D]advances 27.[A]way[B]manner[C]style[D]scope28[A]image[B]figure[C]voice[D]sound29.[A]disposed[B]shaped[C]engineered[D]conditioned 30.[A]saying[B]feeling[C]searching[D]doing31[A]Before[B]Once[C]Since[D]Unless32.[A]even[B]thus[C]yet[D]only33[A]hope[B]passion[C]faith[D]notion34.[A]perhaps[B]except[C]provided[D]especially 35.[A]therefore[B]likewise[C]however[D]moreover 36.[A]how[B]whether[C]what[D]why37.[A]fashionable[B]complicated[C]efficient[D]attractive38.[A]decorating[B]designing[C]delivering[D]debating39.[A]independently[B]enthusiastically[C]colorfully[D]satisfactorily 40.[A]receive[B]recognize[C]represent[D]review41.[A]warned[B]relieved[C]advised[D]informed42.[A]interesting[B]boring[C]disturbing[D]appealing43.[A]analysis[B]research[C]concern[D]focus44.[A]sacrificing[B]affecting[C]preventing[D]losing45.[A]unusual[B]unfortunate[C]uncertain[D]unnecessarySECTIONⅢ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts.Answer the questions on each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1Whenever Catherine Brown, a 37-year old journalist, and her friends,professionals in their 30s and early 40s,meet at a London cafe,their favorite topic of conversation is relationships:men’s reluctance to commit,women’s independence,and when to have children--or,increasingly,whether to have them at all.“With the years passing my chances of having a child go down,but I Won’t m arry anyone just to have a child,”says Brown.To people like Brown,babies are great if the timing is right.But they’re certainly not e ssential.In much of the world,having kids is no longer a given.“Never before has childlessness been an understandable decision for women and men in so many societies,”says Frank Hakim at the London School of Economics.Young people are extending their child-free adulthood by postponing children until they are well into their 30s or even40s andbeyond.A growing share are ending up with no children at all.Lifetime childlessness in western Germany has hit 30 percent among university-educated women,and is rapidly rising among lower-class men.In Britain,the number of women remaining childless has doubled in 20 years.The latest trend of childlessness does not follow historic patterns.For centuries it was not unusual for a quarter of European women to remain childless.But in the past, childlessness was usually the product of poverty or disaster of missing men in times of war.Today the decision to have—or not have—a child is the result of a complex combination of factors,including relationships,career opportunities,lifestyle and economics.In some cases childlessness among women can be seen as a quiet form of protest.In Japan,support for working mothers hardly exists.Childcare is expensive,men don’t help out,and some companies strongly discourage mothers from returning to work.“In Japan,it's career or child,”says writer Kaori Haishi.It’s not just women who are deciding against children;according to a recent study,Japanese men are even less inclined to marry or want a child.Their motivations,though,may have more to do with economic factors.46.Catherine Brown and her friends feel that having children is not __________.[A]totally wise[B]a huge problem[C]a rational choice[D]absolutely necessary47.It Can be inferred that,for many women,having babies nowadays is __________.[A]a hard commitment[B]helpful to their career[C]essential for happiness[D]an understandable decision48.In the old days, many women remained childless __________[A]as a quiet form of protest[B]because of lack of support[C]because of unfortunate circumstances[D]because they lacked social responsibility49.We learn that childlessness at present __________.[A]affects Europe more than it does Asia[B]produces more benefits than in the past[C]is more a woman’s decision than a man’s[D]is more complex in its cause than that in the past50.According to the text,when a Japanese man decides not to have children,he probably feels unable to __________.[A]help with housework[B]afford to have a child[C]be a responsible father[D]balance work and familyText 2Faced with a mission, critical decision,who would you turn to for advice? Someone you had great confidence in,surely.But several lines of research show that our instincts about where to mm to for counsel are often not completely correct.My research looks at prejudices that affect how people use advice,including why they often blindly follow recommendations from people who —as far as they know—are as knowledgeable as they are.In studies I conducted with Don Moore of Carnegie Mellon University,for example,I found mat people tend to overvalue advice when the problem they’re addressing is hard and to undervalue it when the problem is easy.In our experiments.subjects were asked to guess the weight of people in various pictures,some of which were in focus and some of which wereunclear.For each picture,subjects guessed twice:the first time without advice and the second time with input from another participant.When the pictures were in focus,we found,subjects tended to discount the advice;apparently,they were confident in their ability to guess correctly.When the pictures were unclear,subjects leaned heavily on me advice of others and seemed less secure about their initial opinion.Because they misjudged the value of the advice they received--consistently overvaluing or undervaluing it depending on the difficulty of the problem—our subjects did not make the best guesses overall.They would have done better if they’d considered the advice equally,and to a moderate degree,on both hard and easy tasks.Another advice—related prejudice I've found people compels to overvalue advice that they pay for.In one study conducted,subjects answered different sets of questions about American history.Before answering some of the questions, they could get advice on the correct answer from another subject whom they knew was no more expert than they were.In one version of the experiment,people could get advice for free,while in another version,they paid for it.When they paid for advice,people tended to have firm belief in it,I suspect,by a combination of sunk-cost prejudice and the nearly instinctual belief that cost and quality are linked.51.In the face of a mission—critical decision,people tend to __________.[A]trust their own efforts[B]rely on research findings[C]get affected by other’s opinion[D]seek help from the more knowledgeable52.Research shows that when faced with difficult problems people often __________.[A]discount others’ advice[B]overlook others’ advice[C]disagree with others’ advice[D]over-rely on others’ advice53.The first experiment tries to prove how objective conditions __________.[A]strengthen people’s initial opinion[B]strengthen people’s self-confidence[C]influence people’s response to advice[D]influence people’s guess of weight loss54.It can be inferred that people are likely to __________.[A]undervalue free advice[B]overvalue peer’s advice[C]misinterpret specialist’s advice[D]misjudge their instinctual belief55.The two experiments mentioned in the text reveal __________.[A]how to follow others’ advice[B]how to understand others’ advice[C]what causes people to seek advice[D]what affects people’s attitude to adviceText 3Top National Health Service(NHS)nurses will be able to earn $40,000 a year without leaving frontline patient care in a modification to salary structures. New“supernurse”grades will be created to enable the best staff to increase their salaries without having to move into management desk jobs Currently the most senior NHS nurses can earn a maximum$28,000 a year unless they are willing to withdraw from the frontline and become administrators.Hundreds of experienced and highly-qualified nurses are lost to patient care every year because of this oddity·While only a few thousand of Britain’s 332,000 NHS nurses will qualify for the$40,000 plus salary. Fast track promotion schemes and a simpler grading system will increase the pay of many more.The governmentannounced that a new simplified career structure would see just four grades replacing the existing six.Nurses will begin their careers as healthcare assistants before moving up to registered practitioner grade,followed by senior registered practitioner and ultimately consultant practitioner and a$40,000salary.“Nurses are rising to the challenge of modernization,”said a government official“These proposals will help them improve their professional role further and provide a better service to Patients·We do not think mat in order to be paid more,nurses should have to move into management·Nurses working at the sharpened of patient care should have a career structure which no longer penalizes them for wanting to stay there.”The Nursing Strategy will include proposals to allow more flexible training courses and Improve opportunities for qualified nurses who have left the profession to return in part-time roles·The Royal College of Nursing welcomed the reforms.The top salary level falls into line with figures it had presented to ministers.56 Hundreds of experienced nurses are lost to patient care every year because they__________·[A]dislike the nursing job[B]are dissatisfied with their pay[C]are replaced by“super nurses”[D]lack further training for the profession57.The new system will mostly benefit those who__________·[A]move into management[B]work on a part time basis[C]have retired from the nursing job[D]have reached the top of the system58.The new career structure is different from the existing one in its__________.[A]quality of nurses’ services[B]possibility of a job transfer[C]opportunities for promotion[D]simplicity of nurses’ grades59.The Nursing Strategy will be adopted in order to__________ .[A]provide more consultation to practitioners[B]encourage experienced nurses to work part time[C]enable the most experienced nurses to be paid more[D]promote the most experienced nurses to management60.The Royal College of Nursing __________.[A]proposed similar top salary for nurses[B]raised the management issue to ministers[C]suggested a four-grade system for nurses[D]put forward the Nursing Strategy to ministersPart BDirections:Read the texts taken from five people's comments on an article on the issue of global poverty.For questions61 to 65,match the name of each person(61to 65)to one of the statements(A to G)given below Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET 1. Ankita Agarwal:Your article made me ashamed.I've always thought of myself as not the typical self-absorbed teenager,but I guess l was wrong.While I sit in my large,warm and cozy house.Wishing for the shoes and clothes I see in teen magazines,there are people in the world wishing for something as simple as clean water. Thank you for reminding me about people who would be more than happy with what I have.Janet Tejada:What about the relationship between population,consumption and resources? After all, poverty most simply defined,is not having enough resources.The steady growth of the global population, overconsumption of resources by developed nations such as the U.S.,and increasing levelsof C0nsumption among the growing middle class in many developing nations ensure that there is ever less of the planet’salready dwindling resources to go around.Tadaship Kawabe:Extreme poverty is so tragic.Sudden natural disasters like an earthquake mobilize a large number of people and money for a short period of time,while the slow but massive wave of poverty and death in Africa doesn't attract the world’s attention in the same way. When we try to help those affected by disasters and extreme poverty,however,we shouldn’t focus on the overwhelming number of the dead but simply try to do something good for others·Jane Thomas:The poor should be trained to organize,set priorities and develop skills and resources to put their own community plans into action.What your article proposes is the conventional top-down way for doing things:outsiders determine the priorities and solutions,then throw money at them.To actually help,we must first develop our own skills and understanding.We need to find out what the poor want and what the root causes of the problems are.We have to listen to poor people.Sanjay Kathe:Concerned and sensible people’s endeavors to reduce poverty in underdeveloped countries are deserving of high praise.It is sad,however,that only a small part of the funds raised for the poor actually l each them.The generous people who donate money to reduce poverty would be more successful if they spent time in the poor nations to check first—hand the use of their funds.Now match the name of each person (61 to65) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.61. Ankita Agarwal62.Janet Tejada63.Tadaship Kawabe64.Jane Thomas65.Sanjay KatheStatements[A]What we should do is to help the poor help them- selves.[B]I have always been deeply grieved by the tragic disasters.[C]The root of poverty lies in the unfair distribution of resources.[D]The situation in Africa has been overlooked by the world.[E]The use of donated funds should be put under strict control.[F]People living in prosperity should cherish what they have.[G]it’s our duty to end global poverty.SECTION lV Writing(40 minutes)Directions:you should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWERSHEET 2.Part A66 You’ve just moved into a neighborhood where you find the current public transport is inadequate,and so you want a new bus line opened to solve the problem.Write a letter to the bus company,1)making a request for a new bus line:2)stating the reasons for your request;3)expressing your eagerness for solution.You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of your email.Use“Wang Lin”instead.You do not need to write the address.Part B67.Look at the picture below and write an essay of about 120words making reference to the following two points:1)a description of the picture;2)your suggestions on how to protect consumers’ rights.答案精解:第二部分英语知识运用参考译文未来的房子可能是什么样子呢?格雷斯能告诉我们答案。

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 reading1 ppt

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 reading1 ppt
2003 Beckham awarded OBE(Order of the British Empire)英帝国军官勋章
2003 Signs for Real Madrid
Structure of the text.
Paras 1-3 The success of David Beckham in the football career.
Stage3 >18
①Full-time contract. ①Play in senior team.
②Salary –depends on
degree of success.
②Professional player.
True or False:
1.It was in 1992 that David’s career took off. T
Analysis of some difficult sentences.
1. Every time he plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Becks fans all over the world.
2. Professional footballers have to be very, very good, and [ to play for a leading club ] they must be outstanding.

Have excellent ball control and understand how to use the space on the pitch.
Have good team spirit, a strong character, mental strength and a positive attitude.

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 Reading3 ppt

高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit16 Reading3 ppt

Key points
3. Players should be good at launching a joint assault with the teammate.
1. Go over the whole passage. 2. Recite the key sentences in the text. 3. Preparations: LANGUAGE
While adoring their attractive appearance and reputation, we should really follow their example to be steady and believe in everything we do until we succeed in the end.
Writing techniques:
In this text the writer uses narration and comments. i.e. by telling the story of David Beckham the writer makes the comment that football is not
Becoming a professional footballer =
3 stages
Stage Stage 1
Age Working
hours﹠pay responsibilities
under At weekends. Attend training
16 Ndging from the title, I think the passage is mainly about the sorrows and joys of footballers. The writer throws doubt upon the good football career so the title is written in the form of a question.



秘书英语:Unit16三、教师用书Unit 16 How Does a Secretary Guide the Guests to Go Shopping in China?本单元教学要求:1.了解中国特色商品的特点、历史遗迹相关的名人轶事,尤其是瓷器、手工艺品和书画作品2.熟悉英语书写的种类和其特点3.掌握感谢信的结构、特点和写作技巧Section 1 Purchasing一、背景知识秘书除了做好行政助理的工作,在陪同外国客人时,也要帮助他们处理生活中的问题。




二、课前提问1. What are typical Chinese products? Name some of them.2. What Chinses products do you like foreign visitors to buy in Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou?3. What specialities do you have in your city?4. What do you know about Chinese paintings and calligraphy?5. What do you know about china and embroidery?三、语言学习1. be attractive to somebody 对某人有很大的吸引力:The discount in the department store isgreatly attractive to the customers. 这个商场的折扣对于顾客来说是个很大的吸引。



1、其实查看灭火器是否失效的方法很简单,就是查看灭火器的压力表(有少数的灭火器没有压力表,这里不做讨论)。 我们可以看到灭火器压力表有红绿黄三段。 如果指针指到红色区域,表示灭火器内压力小,不能喷出。 注意了,这表明该灭火器已经失效了,请立即充装或更换!2、如果指针指到绿色区域,表示灭火器内压力正常,可以正常使用。 我们观察可以发现绿色区域是红绿黄三段区域中范围最窄的一段。3、如果指针指到黄色区域,表示灭火器内压力过大,可以使用,但却有爆炸的危险。 这里我提醒一下大家,不要以为灭火器很安全,其实只要是那种密闭的容器,如果里面气压过大,都会有爆炸的危险,像各类气瓶,如氧气瓶、丙烷瓶、乙炔瓶等,坚决不能在阳光下暴晒,暴晒会导致气瓶内压力过大而爆炸。 所以灭火器要注意两点: 、灭火器不要在烈日下暴晒(尤其是建筑工地的灭火器)。
热电阻 /
干粉灭火器怎么使用干粉灭火器利用二氧化碳气体或氮气气体作动力,将筒内的干粉喷出,可扑灭一般火灾,还可扑灭油,气等燃烧引起的失火。下面介绍一下干粉灭火器的使用方法。 1、检查干粉灭火器是否在正常的工作压力范围。2、灭火器压力表分为三个颜色区域,黄色表示压力充足,绿色表示压力正常,红色表示欠压。3、一般灭火器指针要在绿色区域。4、将灭火器上下颠倒几次,使里面的干粉松动,拔掉保险销。5、一只手握住压把,另一只手抓好喷管。将灭火器竖 建筑桩基检测实战桩基检测承载力标准值与特征值区别,合格数值多大 桩基检测仪枕块、槽钢、压力表,重型吊车 1、清理基槽,平整桩基周围,桩基套护筒。吊车吊装枕块,千斤顶安装。 2、桩基检测仪安装,这时给千斤顶加压,设置控制荷载。 例:控制荷载为9800KN.(单桩承载力特征值) 3、定时观察实际荷载数值(单桩承载力标椎值);单桩承载力标准值不小于2倍单桩承载力特征值。例:实际荷载为9823KN合格 电冰箱打压检漏的技巧打压检漏是电冰箱维修中必不可少的关键一个步骤,也是不易操作的一个步骤, 要想彻底的将冰箱的漏点区分是哪个部位内漏,就要进行分体打压,具体技巧如下: 真空泵一台氮气瓶一只压力表三块手提焊炬 1、将压缩机上面的高低压管用割刀从里压缩机2-3cm处割开,将过滤器与毛细管接头处离过滤器2-5cm处用钳子剪断,2、用焊炬将毛细管和过滤器的断口处焊死,3、用焊炬将从压缩机上断开的高低压管子的端口处各焊接上一块压力表,4、把电冰箱冷冻室的盘管从冰箱里面拆开网外拉出来一些, 怎样添加汽车空调制冷剂谁都会试过汽车空调制冷剂没有的情况,除非你经常对空调系统进行保养,否则有一天你会发现汽车空调系统的制冷效果下降,而汽车空调没有任何问题,那么这时要考虑一下加注制冷剂的事了。接下来就让我们详细了解汽车空调加注制冷剂的步骤和方法。 高压端加注制冷剂方法步骤:1、当系统抽真空后,关闭歧管压力表上的高、低压手动阀。2、将中间软管的一端与制冷剂罐注入阀的接头连接。打开制冷剂罐开启阀,再拧开歧管压力表软管一端的螺母,让气体溢出几分钟,然后拧紧螺母。 3、拧开高压侧手动阀至全开位置,将制冷剂罐倒立。 4、从高压侧注入规定量的液态制冷剂。关闭制冷剂罐注入阀及歧管压力表上的高压手动阀,然后将仪表卸下。从高压侧向系统加注制冷剂时,发动机处于不启动状态(压缩机停转),不要拧开歧管压力表上的低压手动阀,以防产生液压冲击。 如何查看灭火器是否失效灭火器是常见的防火设施之一,许多人可能知道灭火器的使用方法,但却不知道怎样查看灭火器是否已失效。 这其实一个很严重的问题,大家不要以为一些饭店宾馆摆了灭火器就没有消防隐患了。事实上,我见到过很多小型的饭店宾馆灭火器大多都是失效的,但顾客却完全看不懂这些。 大家可以想象一下,一旦发生火灾,我们拎着灭火器去救火,却发现灭火器失效了,那是一件多么悲催的事! 所以,希望大家看完我的这篇经验之后能擦亮眼睛观察一下你周围摆放的灭火器,看它是否失效,如果失效了,请提醒店主赶紧充装或更换! 灭火器、灭火器压力表
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Anyway I do quite a lot ofncy that!
And in my time I've bathed a few babies, changed nappies and washed them.
With the rapid development, more and more problems are coming out.
Just think of the population explosion.
If that continues at the present rate, we all will be starving in future.
they can go to university;
they can compete with men in the professions on equal terms.
I agree, but not many.
Most of them are still housewives.
Yes, because industry is using up the world's natural resources faster and faster, especially energy.
Do you know millions of tons of oil are spilt into the sea every year?
Can you imagine the monotony, the boredom and the frustration?
I can imagine it easily enough.
But don't forget that a lot of men have equally boring jobs and less freedom to do them in their own way.
Title:1.Two students are discussing some social problems.
Question:What do some countries do to deal with population explosion?
Huh, huh, quite right.
Everybody seems to believe that you'd just be a younger version of who you are today and could use all your experience and shape your life because you now know better.
I first learnt about the clone from the cloning of Dolly, a sheep created using genetic material from an adult cell.
It's said that the difference between that and cloning a human being was not that great.
Question:Is there any improvement on population increase according to Robert's view?
Question:What other social problems do they talk about?
In fact, technology is neither good nor evil.
It's just the use of it.
Title:3.Sarah and Matthew are talking about problems related to the equality of women and men.
You mean they've been conditioned to accept an inferior position?
Exactly, they've been brainwashed.
It's the job of the Women's Lib Movement to open their eyes to the way they have been fooled and dominated and exploited all these years.
You have read a lot.
The scientist also said that if the United States does outlaw human cloning, he would set up his operation elsewhere.
I believe the housework and the work of bringing up the children should be shared equally.
Well, I do that at my house;
and I fill up the stove and mow the lawn and dig the garden.
Question:What did people first clone?
Question:Why do some people want to clone human beings?
I read from the paper that an American physicist said he was ready to clone a human being and hoped to produce the first human duplicate within the next 18 months.
Oh, don't say that.
Most countries are developing family planning programs now.
At least there is a solution to the population explosion.
Question:Where was this H7 virus discovered?
Question:What did other countries react to the bird flu in America?
It's all very well to say that population growth will be controlled, but I don't think the figures show any real improvement yet, and all the people alive now obviously want to have children.
Well, all I can say is you must be pretty unusual.
My husband's never touched a nappy in his life.
Title:4.The following monologue is about the bird flu.
Many experts said that it was not a fear of science but of how to control the technology.
Yes, I agree.
And it seems to me that it touches a central theme-search for immortality.
Most housewives, in my experience, are content to be housewives.
Take my wife Lisa for example, she's not bored or frustrated;
she finds her life quite satisfying;
But the reality is that you'd go through another life and it wouldn't be you.
So it's hard to see the future of the human cloning.
It strikes me that here in Britain women have already got as much freedom as they could possibly want.