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The development course of human civilization in the world, the words is a sign of civilization appeared, the text if you want to play a role of its heritage of human civilization will depend on the carrier of the written text.

In ancient China experienced in oracle, carved on bronze hand type, and bamboo slips into and silk bamboosilk volume, etc. A long process, the final was improved by CAI lun invented in han dynasty is the most convenient concise text carrier - a piece of paper.

Used in paper and other ancient text carrier, has the incomparable superiority of performance.

So far as to say that the emergence of the paper is the carrier of social civilization in the history of epoch-making revolution.

Without pulping, pulp contains quite a lot of cellulose.

Because the fiber is long, thick, the surface is quite smooth and elastic, fiber surface area is small and lack of combination of performance, if the paste used for directly writing without pulping are symmetrical distribution can be difficult to obtain online, after the paper is porous, the surface will be rough and easy to pile, and the bonding strength is very low, the performance of the paper is very poor, so can not meet the use.

And after pulping process of pulp produced by the paper, the organization tightly and evenly, have enough strength, can meet the basic requirements.

Pulping equipment, therefore, the role is to make the pulp after pulping equipment processing, make the fiber has good plasticity and reasonable size, and greatly improve the hydrogen bonds between its fine fiber binding force.

In addition, pulping equipment will also be able to make all kinds of raw materials, accessories, additives mixed evenly.

Key words: the pulping machine, coupling, key shaft, and fiber


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1前言 (1)

1.2打浆设备概述 (2)

1.3课题的研究内容及意义 (4)

1.4本文结构 (4)

第二章设计方案的草拟 (5)

2.1磨浆机的结构 (5)

2.2磨浆机的总体设计 (5)

2.2.1壳体的结构 (5)

2.2.2抽取室的结构 (6)

2.2.3旋转装置 (6)

2.2.4定子 (7)

2.2.5间隙调整 (8)

2.2.6磨片 (8)

2.2.6密封 (9)

第三章联轴器的选择及校核 (11)

3.1所选三相异步电动机的转矩计算 (11)

3.2根据计算结果选择合适的联轴器 (11)

第四章轴的设计及校核 (12)

4.1材料的选择以及热处理方法 (12)

4.2主轴上功率、转速和转矩 (12)

4.3初步计算传动轴的轴径 (12)

4.4轴的结构设计 (13)

4.5按弯扭合成强度条件计算校核传动轴 (14)

4.6轴的刚度校核计算 (19)

4.7键连接强度计算 (20)

第五章轴承的选用及校核 (22)
