6A 重点句型归纳

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6A 重点句型归纳

Unit 1

1. 这些是我的家人和亲戚。These are my family and relatives.

2. 为你的家庭成员之一制作一张生日卡片。

Make a birthday card for one of your family members.

3. 你有几个叔叔?How many uncles do you have?

4. 我只有一个叔叔。I only have one uncle.

我有两个叔叔。I have two uncle s.

5. 你和你的表兄妹一起做什么?What do you do with your cousins?

6. 我总是和我的叔叔一起打羽毛球。I always play badminton with my uncle.

7. 我通常和我的阿姨一起购物。I usually go shopping with my aunt.

8. 你和她还一起做些什么?What else do you do with her?

9. 我有时和我的同学一起骑自行车。I sometimes go cycling with my classmate.

Unit 2

1. 她不能读和写。She ca n’t read or write.

2. 我们喜欢在一起。We like to be together.

3. 她总是对人很友好She is always kind to others.

4. 她从不迟到。She is never late for school

5. 她总是和我分享食物。She always share s her food with me.

6. 她从不说谎。She never tell s lies.

7. 你去过海洋公园吗?Have you been to Ocean Park yet?

是的,我已经去过那里了。Yes,I have already been there.

8. 我还没去过城北公园。I haven’t been to North City Park yet.

9. 我刚刚去过梅陇公园。I have just been to Meilong Park.

10. 我们承诺保持学校整洁。We promise to keep our school clean.

11. 我们承诺不污染空气。We promise not to pollute the air.

Unit 3

1.沙湾离春天湾近还是远?Is Sandy Bay near or far away from Spring Bay?

离春天湾很远。It’s far away from Spring Bay.

2. 你去了绿岛的什么地方?Where have you been on Green Island?

3. 我和哥哥一起去了月亮城的太空博物馆。

I have been to Space Museum in Moon Town with my brother.

4. 这是一张我和我家人的照片。This is a photo of my family and me.

5. 我们去哪里玩呢?Which place shall we visit?

6. 我们什么时候去海洋公园?When are we going to Ocean Park?

7.周六几点?What time on Saturday?

8. 我们怎么去那里?How are we going to get there?

9. 门票多少钱?How much does the ticket cost?

10. 上午十点怎么样?How about ten o’clock in the morning?

Unit 4

1.你将来想当什么?What would you like to be?

2. 我想要成为一名教师。I would like to be a teacher.

3. 你想当警察吗?Would you like to be a policeman? 是的。Yes, I would.

4. 为什么?Why?

5. 我想当警察,因为我想保障我们城市的安全。

I’d like to be a policeman because I want to make our city a safe place.

6. 你想当秘书吗?Would you like to be a secretary?

7. 不,我不想。No, I wouldn’t.

8. 为什么不?Why not?

9. 我不想当秘书因为我不喜欢在办公室工作。

I wouldn’t li ke to be a secretary because I don’t lik e to work in an office.

Unit 5

1.他们将先做什么?What will they do first?

2. Jill 将会在哪里?她将会在四楼的7A教室。

Where will Jill be? She will be in Classroom 7A on the third floor.

3. 随后,他们将在两点三十分在美术劳技教室看我们的班级习作。

Then, they will look at our class projects in the Arts and Crafts room at two thirty.

4. 最后,他们讲在四点二十五分在音乐教室与教师共享茶点。

Finally, they will have tea and cakes in the Music room at four twenty-five.

5. 教师办公室在二楼。The teachers’ office is on the first floor.

6. 接着,家长们在三点十分在礼堂听了学校合唱队的表演。

Next, the parents listen ed to the school choir in the hall at three ten.

7. 在那以后,他们在四点钟在图书馆看了英语俱乐部的布告栏。

After that, they look ed at the English Club noticeboard in the library at four.

Unit 6


Do you live near or far away from the police station?

2. 你去宾馆要花多少时间?

How long does it take you to get to the hotel?

3. 我大约要花半个小时到那里。

It takes me about half an hour to get there.

4. 在公交车上的时候,我看到几家饭店,一些广告牌和许多住宅区。

I see some restaurants, a few advertisement boards and a lot of housing estates when I

am on the bus.

5. 你怎么去百货商店?我先乘公交车,再乘地铁,最后步行。

How do you get to the department store? I go there by bus, then by light rail, then on foot.
