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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

第一章大班幼儿钢琴启蒙教育的重要性 (3)

(一)大班幼儿钢琴启蒙教育的现状 (3)

1.教师素质的参差不齐 (3)

2.学生教材不够系统全面 (3)

3.钢琴考级的负面影响 (4)

(二)钢琴启蒙教育的意义 (4)

1. 对儿童智力因素的影响 (4)

2.对儿童非智力因素的影响 (5)

第二章启蒙教学法的效果及发展趋势 (5)

(一)启蒙教学法的特点 (5)

(二)启蒙教学法的发展趋势 (6)

第三章大班幼儿钢琴启蒙学习的特点 (6)

(一)大班幼儿钢琴学习的生理分析 (6)

(二)大班幼儿钢琴学习的心理分析及学琴表现 (6)

第四章大班幼儿钢琴启蒙教学方法的研究 (7)

(一)传统的教学方法 (7)

(二)科学的启蒙教学方法 (8)

1.选择恰当的教学内容 (8)

2.耐心示范,增强钢琴感性认识 (8)

3.养成聆听的习惯培养综合性的音乐感觉 (8)

结语 (9)

参考文献 (9)





In recent years, the phenomenon of "Piano fever" has emerged in China. Children and adolescents have gradually become the main participants in piano teaching. The advantage of children's piano learning is that children's learning ability and sense of music are superior to those of adults, and their adaptability is fast and their learning efficiency is high. The new field of piano teaching with children as the main body has injected new blood for the piano education in China and promoted the vigorous development of piano music education in China. But it also exposed some problems. In piano teaching, we neglected the practical ability of piano and the cultivation of children's aesthetic taste. More and more children regard the piano as a kind of burden, all the learning activities are also aimed at the examination, and finally lost the interest of learning. It is contrary to the original intention of cultivating the aesthetic consciousness of children.

At present, the children's piano enlightenment education in our country is at the stage of development. There are several problems in the following problems: the uneven quality of teachers, the lack of systematic and comprehensive students' teaching materials and the negative influence of the piano examination. These problems have limited the development of children's piano enlightenment education, and we need to put forward new teaching methods and teaching ideas. The purpose of this study is to study the psychological state of the children's piano Enlightenment period, to insert a large number of theoretical knowledge in practice, to guide children to know and learn the piano correctly with positive, positive, optimistic and sunny psychology, and to summarize how to use psychology and a variety of ways in the continuous experiment teaching. The combination of music teaching method puts forward a new teaching method in favor of children's piano Enlightenment period, so that children can learn the piano in a relaxed and happy environment.

Key words: practice and exploration of children's Piano Teaching
