1.1.1船员称呼(4%)1. Captain.A. 大副B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长2. MasterA. 管事B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长3. Chief officerA. 大副B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长4. Mate.A. 驾驶员B. 船长C. 轮机员D. 轮机长5. Second Officer.A. 二副B. 三副C. 二管轮D. 三管轮6. Third officer.A. 二副B. 三副C. 二管轮D. 三管轮7. 报务员A. Second OfficerB. chief engineerC. radio officerD. electrical engineer 8.海员A. sailorB. mateC. fishmanD. Seaman.9..水手长A. SteersmanB. carpenterC. sailorD. Bosun10. carpenter.A.甲板水手B.木匠C. 水手长D. 带缆工人11. sailor.A.甲板水手B.木匠C. 水手长D. 带缆工人12. A.B.A. 木匠B. 水手长C. 一级水手D. 二级水手13.cadet.A. 工头B. 实习生C. 舵工D. 水手14. PurserA. 厨师B. 服务员C. 水手D. 管事15. doctor.A. 厨师B. 服务员C. 船医D. 管事16. cook.A. 厨师B. 服务员C. 船医D. 管事17.steward.A. 厨师B. 服务员C. 船医D. 管事missar.A. 服务员B. 政委C. 船医D. 管事19.Ship Security Officer(SSO)A. 公司保安员B.船舶保安员C. 港口保安员D. 港口门卫20. QuartermasterA. 工头B. 码头工人C. 舵工D. 水手21. Deck handA.甲板水手B.码头工人C. 带缆水手D. 带缆工人22.chief engineer.A. 大副B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长23. 大管轮A. Chief engineerB. Second engineerC. third engineer.D. fourth engineer.24.third engineer.A. 三副B. 三管轮C. 二管轮D. 电机员25. fourth engineer.A. 三副B. 三管轮C. 二管轮D. 电机员26.electricianA. 三副B. 三管轮C. 二管轮D. 电工27. motormanA. 三管轮B. 机工C. 机工长D. 电机员1.1.2 岸上人员称呼(3%)1. PilotA. 机工B. 船长C. 引航员D. 木匠2. agentA. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商3. surveyorA. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商4. foremanA. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头5. loading master.A. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头6. ship chandler.A. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商7. PSC Officer.A. 港口国检查官员B.移民局官员C. 港口设备保安员D. 港口长8. harbor master.A. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头9. customs officer.A. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商10.StevedoreA. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头11. immigration officer.A. 商检员B. 移民局官员C. 海关官员D. 港口长12. embassayA. 代理B. 移民局官员C. 海关官员D. 大使13.linesman.A. 装卸工B. 带缆工C. 加水工D. 修理工14.waterman.A. 装卸工B. 带缆工C. 加水工D. 修理工15.repairman.A. 装卸工B. 带缆工C. 加水工D. 修理工1.2.1船舶的类型(2%)1. Cargo shipsA. 油轮B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 集装箱2. Passenger shipsA. 油轮B. 班轮C. 货轮D. 客轮3. FerryA. 散货船B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 集装箱4. Full-container shipA.半集装箱船B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 全集装箱船5. Chemical carrierA. 集装箱B. 专业船C. 化学品船D. 油轮6.Oil tankerA. 油轮B. 专业船C. 货轮D. 班轮7. General cargo shipA. 散货船B. 杂货船C. 货轮D.集装箱8. Bulk carrierA. 散货船B. 集装箱C. 货轮D. 杂货船9. LinerA. 杂货船B. 班轮C. 货轮D. 客轮10. 渡轮A. Bulk cargo shipB. FerryC. LinerD. Oil tanker11. TrampA. 集装箱B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 不定期货轮12.tugA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船13.fishing boatA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船14. pilot boatA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船15.Line boatA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船1.2.2船舶舱柜(2%)1.ForecastleA.尾楼B. 甲板C. 货舱D. 首楼2. PoopA. 舱盖B. 尾楼C. 首楼D. 上层建筑3. Double bottom tankA. 双层底舱B. 单层底舱C. 烟囱D. 船坞4. Peak tankA. 双层底舱B. 尖舱C. 油柜D. 货柜5. Ballast tankA. 尖舱B. 压载舱C. 船首楼D. 货柜6. Watertight compartmentA. 水密舱B. 压载舱C. 船首楼D. 尖舱7. Fresh water tankA.淡水柜B. 海水柜C. 油柜D. 货柜8. 首楼A. ForecastleB. Ballast tankC. Jack staffD. Poop 9.F.O.TankA.淡水柜B. 海水柜C. 燃油柜D. 柴油柜10 .D.O. TankA.淡水柜B. 海水柜C. 燃油柜D. 柴油柜11. Tween deckA. 双层底舱B. 二层甲板C. 油柜D. 露天甲板1.2.3 起居舱室1. Meeting roomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅2. Smoking roomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅3. galleyA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅4. messroomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅5.SaloonA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 大台D. 餐厅6. captain cabinA.会议室B. 船长房间C. 引水房D. 餐厅7. 健身房A. hospitalB. rest roomC. gymD. cold store 8.ToiletA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 浴室D. 洗手间9.Bath roomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 浴室D. 洗手间10. 冰库A. hospitalB. rest roomC. gymD. cold store 11.休息室A. hospitalB. rest roomC. gymD. cold store1.2.4工作舱室1.BridgeA.驾驶台B. 海图室C. 电报房D. 电池房2. chart roomA.驾驶台B. 海图室C. 电报房D. 电池房3. 货物控制室A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room 4.值班室A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room 5.Engine roomA. 冰机房B. 机舱C. 泵房D. 电池房6. pump roomA. 冰机房B. 机舱C. 泵房D. 电池房7. store roomA. 物料间B. 备品间C. 工具间D. 油漆间8. battery roomA.冰机房B. 机舱C. 泵房D. 电池房9. painting lockerA.物料间B. 备品间C. 工具间D. 油漆间10. 工具间A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room 11.工作间A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room1.2.5 其它部位名称1. FunnelA. 吃水B. 甲板C. 烟囱D. 船坞2. Jack staffA. 尖舱B. 干舷C. 船首楼D. 船首旗杆3. FreeboardA. 尖舱B. 干舷C. 甲板D. 上层建筑4. DraftA. 吃水B. 尖舱C. 干舷D. 甲板5. Main deckA. 压载舱B. 主甲板C. 舱壁D. 尖舱6. 干舷A. Fresh water tankB. FreeboardC. Main deckD. Draft7. WaterlineA. 水密舱B. 水线C. 舱壁D. 干舷8. CatwalkA. 马路B.人行桥C. 高架桥D. 干舷9.水密门A. gangwayB. watertight doorC. firefighting door D ladder10.舷梯A. gangwayB. watertight doorC. firefighting door D ladder11. Overside lightA.船用灯B. 船两侧照明灯C. 马达D.造水机12. HoldA.货舱B.堆放处C.货舱盖D.机舱13. Hatch coverA.货舱B.堆放处C.货舱盖D.机舱14. bottomA. 底B. 上C. 中D.顶15.TopA. 底B. 上C. 中D.顶16. upperA. 底B. 上C. 中D.顶17. handrailA. 防鼠挡B. 栏杆C. 手提D.旗杆18. hullA. 船头B. 船尾C. 船体D..骨架19. mastA. 主人B. 大桅C. 吊杆D.旗杆1.3.1起重设备(2%)1.DerrickA.吊杆B. 货舱C.滑车D. 导轮2.Topping liftA.吊杆B.千斤索C.滑车D. 导轮3. Topping lift blockA. 货舱B.千斤索滑车C.滑车D. 导轮4. JumboA. 重吊杆B. 吊杆C.滑车D. 岸吊5. Shore craneA. 重吊杆B. 吊杆C.滑车D. 岸吊6.BlockA.支架B. 吊杆C.滑车D. 岸吊7.Boom restA.支架B.滑车C. 吊杆D. 货舱8. GuyA.稳索B. 吊杆C. 千斤索D. 岸吊9.Lift winchA.稳索B. 升降机C. 千斤索D. 重吊杆10. 吊杆A. BlockB. DerrickC. Shore craneD. Jumbo boom11.Cargo WinchA. 导轮B. 货舱C.滑车D. 起货机12. craneA. 克令吊B. 重吊杆C. 单吊杆D. 桅杆13. hookA. 吊杆B. 吊货钩C. 吊车D. 滑车1.3.2系缆(2%)1.Mooring linesA.系缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆2. Heaving lineA. 头缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆3.Spring lineA. 头缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆4. Stern lineA.尾缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆5. Breast lineA.尾缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆6. BollardA.系缆桩B.缆绳C.挽牢D. 松倒缆7.HeadlineA.头缆B. 撇缆C. 横缆D. 倒缆8. Line runnerA.带缆B.带缆水手C.甲板D. 带缆小艇9. 系缆桩A. FenderB. HeadlineC. Line runnerD. Bollard 10.撇缆A. Stern lineB. Spring lineC. HeadlineD. Heaving line11.FenderA.碰垫B.缆绳C. 系缆桩D. 挽牢12.Rat guardA.测量仪B. 挡鼠板C. 望远镜D. 车钟1. 3.3 车和舵(2%)1. Helms orderA.舵令B.车钟令C. 锚令D. 解系缆令2.Telegraph orderA.舵令B.车钟令C. 锚令D. 解系缆令3. TelegraphA. 车钟B. 锚C. 舵D. 缆绳4.CourseA. 舵B.过程C. 偏左D. 航向5. SteerA.操舵B.控制C. 进行D. 锚令6. RudderA. 航向B. 勿偏右C.把定D. 舵7.MidshipA.正舵B. 偏右C.把定D. 航向复员8.Stand byA. 备车B.主机定速C.双停车D.停车9. 车钟A. HelmsB.RudderC. CourseD. Telegraph10.sea speedA.安全速度B.平均速度C.海上速度D. 港内速度11. harbor speedA.安全速度B.平均速度C.海上速度D. 港内速度12. Steering gearA.自动舵B.双筒望远镜C.频率D. 操舵装置13.propellerA. 螺丝B.螺旋桨C. 螺栓D. 旋转14.舵轮A. courseB. rudderC. wheelD. telegraph1.3.4 锚(2%)1. ShackleA.锚B.锚链C. 节D. 锚链擎2. AnchorA.锚B.锚链C. 起锚D. 车钟3. GearA.锚链节B.锚链C. 齿轮D. 锚链擎4.Oil canA..油壶B.水壶C.污油D. 锚5. BrakeA..压缩机B. 制动器C. 水箱D. 锚链6.Chain lockerA.锚链节B.锚链舱C. 齿轮D. 锚链筒7.AweighA.起锚B.锚绞缠C. 锚离底D. 锚链筒8. HawseA.锚链节B.锚链舱C. 锚链孔D. 锚链筒9. 锚链舱A. Devil’s ClawB. ChainC. HawseD. Chain locker10.anchor ball.A. 锚B.锚机C. 锚球D. 锚链11.windlassA. 锚机B.发电机C. 吊机D. 缆机12. chainA. 锚B.锚机C. 锚球D. 锚链1.3.5 助航设备(2%)1.Navigational AidsA. 助航设备B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航2.Magnetic compassA. 磁罗经B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航3.GyrocompassA.磁罗经B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航4.Satellite navigationA. 助航设备B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航5. Radio direction finder (RDF)A. 助航设备B.无线电测向仪C.电罗经D. 辅助设备6.SextantA. 电罗经B.无线电测向仪C.六分仪D. 辅助设备7.ChronometerA. 电罗经B.无线电测向仪C.六分仪D. 天文钟8.Automatic pilotA.自动舵B.手操舵C.频率D. 天文钟9.Hand-steeringA.自动舵B.手操舵C.频率D. 天文钟10. sounderA. 对讲机B.全球定位仪C.雷达D. 测深仪11.VHFA. 非常B.甚高频C.频道D. 频率12.GPSA. 对讲机B.全球定位仪C.雷达D. 测深仪13.whistle.A.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛14.search lightA.搜索灯B.航行灯C.闪光灯D. 锚灯15.navigational lightA.搜索灯B.航行灯C.闪光灯D. 锚灯16. Flash lightA.搜索灯B.航行灯C.闪光灯D. 锚灯17. code flagA. 红旗B. 信号旗C. 旗手D. 国旗18.radarA.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛19.AISA.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛20.course recorderA.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛1.3.6.消防设备(3%)1.Emergency fire pumpA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱2.Fire plugA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱3 Fire bucketA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱4. Fire sand boxA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱5. Fire maskA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防面罩6. Fire proof lineA.耐火绳B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防面罩7. Portable foam applicatorA.耐火绳B.手提式泡沫枪C.消防水桶D.消防面罩8. Portable extinguishersA. 手提式灭火器B.手提式泡沫枪C.消防水桶D.消防面罩9.Oxygen apparatusA.消防栓B. 手提式灭火器C.消防水桶D.氧气瓶10. Fire fighting equipmentA.消防演习B.消防设备C.救生索D.救生衣11. Fire fighting drillsA.消防演习B.消防设备C.救生索D.救生衣12.Fire hoseA.消防演习B.消防设备C.水龙带D.救生衣13. Emergency drillsA.消防演习B.消防设备C.救生索D. 应急演习14. RopeA.绳子B. 手提式灭火器C.消防水桶D.氧气瓶15.VentilatorA.撑篙B.通风筒C.消防水桶D.氧气瓶16.Foam extinguisherA.二氧化碳灭火器B. 卤化径灭火器C.泡沫灭火器D.氧气瓶17. CO2 extinguisherA.二氧化碳灭火器B. 卤化径灭火器C.泡沫灭火器D.氧气瓶18.HydrantA.消防龙头B.消防设备C.水龙带D.救生衣19.泡沫灭火器A. Carbon dioxide extinguisherB. Foam extinguisherC.Halon extinguisherD. Extinguisher20.消防演习A. Emergency drillsB. Fire fighting drillsC. Fire hoseD. Hydrant1.3.7.救生设备(2%)1.Muster listA.应急岗位B.集合C.应急D.应变部署表2.Roll-callA.点名B.集合C.召集D.应急部署表3.Life buoyA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣4.LifeboatA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣5.Life jacketA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣6. Life raftA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣7. Life lineA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生索D.救生衣8.Buoyant resuce quoitA.救生圈B.救生索浮圈C.救生索D.救生衣9.AlarmA.警钟B.吊艇柱C. 梯子D.艇支柱10.BelongingsA.警钟B.吊艇柱C.行李D.艇支柱11. Embarkation ladderA.登艇梯B.吊艇柱C.梯子D.艇支柱12.Boat plugA.登艇梯B.艇底塞C.止晃索D.艇支柱13. Sling hooksA.登艇梯B.艇底塞C.止晃索D.艇吊钩1.3.8 常用工具词汇(2%)1. Shifting spannerA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手2. AxeA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手3.PincersA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手4.ScrewdriverA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 螺丝刀5.Claw hammerA. 钳子B.羊角锤C.手电筒D. 螺丝刀6.NailA.钉子B.羊角锤C.手电筒D. 螺丝刀7.HacksawA.手电筒B.羊角锤C.钢锯D. 螺丝刀8.NutA.钉子B.羊角锤C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀9.NeedleA.钉子B.针C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀10.HammerA.榔头B.针C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀11. hatch coamingA. 榔头B.羊角锤C.舱口围板D. 螺丝刀12. Coal shovelA.手推车B.羊角锤C.煤锹D. 螺丝刀13. HandcartA.羊角锤B. 手推车C.煤锹D. 螺丝刀14.ThreadA.线B.针C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀15.CrowbarA.羊角锤B.撬棍C.煤锹D. 螺丝刀16. SpannerA. 扳手B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手17. Wire brushA.线刷B.钢丝刷C.板刷D. 笔刷18. long-handle scraperA.线刷B.直铲C.长把铲D. 笔刷19.Pencil brushA.线刷B.钢刷C.板刷D. 笔刷20. Chipping hammerA.直铲B.扫帚C.板刷D. 敲锈锤21.MopA.拖把B.板刷C. 扫帚D. 敲锈锤22.BroomA. 板刷B.扫帚C. 敲锈锤D.拖把23.GloveA.鹅颈头铲B.手套C.拖把D. 敲锈锤24. 敲锈锤A. Chipping hammerB. Flat brushC. MopD. Crowbar25. 活络扳手A. Wire brushB. BroomC. SpannerD. Shifting spanner26.gogglesA. 护目镜B. 安全带C. 防护鞋D.手套27. Paint spraying gunA.鹅颈头铲B. 敲锈锤C.拖把D.喷漆枪28. Gooseneck scraperA.鹅颈头铲B. 敲锈锤C.拖把D.手套29. Oil jackA.油压千斤顶B.油压C.千斤顶D.堆放处30. Split pinA.曲柄箱B.锅炉C.发电机D.开口销31. Locking positionA.曲柄销B.锅炉C. 开口销D.锁定位置32. Lock pinA. 销定位置B.锅炉C. 开口销D.保险销33. Stowing holeA.堆放孔B.堆放处C.货舱盖D. 货舱34. Bridge fittingA.舷梯B.驾驶台C.引水员D.桥锁1.4.1货物的种类(1%)1.Bulk cargoA. 杂货B. 散货C. 集装箱D. 干货2. General cargoA. 化学品B. 杂货C. 液体货D.散装货3. Liquid cargoA. 化学品B. 杂货C. 液货D.散装货4. Dry bulk cargoA.杂货B. 化学品C. 液体货D.干散货5.Bagged cargoA. 散装货B. 非集装箱货C. 袋装货D.杂货6.Refrigerated cargoA.干散货B. 化学品C. 液体货D. 冷藏货7.Non-containerized cargoA. 杂货B. 非集装箱货C. 集装箱货D. 干货8. Containerized cargoA. 散装货B. 非集装箱货C. 集装箱货D.杂货9. Heavy cargoA. 散装货B. 杂货C. 液体货D.重货10. 杂货A. Heavy cargoB. Liquid cargoC. bulk cargoD. General cargo11. Light cargoA. 轻货B. 杂货C. 液体货D.重货12. CementA.水泥B. 化肥C.木材D. 粉末1.4.2货物的性质(1%)1. Fragile cargoA.易碎品B. 易燃品C.易溶品D.易串味品2.ChemicalA. 化学品B. 易燃品C.易溶品D. 危险品3.Explosive cargoA. 化学品B. 易燃品C.易爆品D. 危险品4.Inflammable cargoA. 易燃品B.化学品C.易爆品D. 危险品5. Poisonous cargoA. 危险品B. 易燃品C.易爆品D. 有毒品6. Corrosive cargoA. 危险品B. 易腐品C.易爆品D. 有毒品7. Dangerous cargoA. 危险品B. 化学品C.易爆品D. 有毒品8. TimberA. 危险品B. 化肥C.木材D. 有毒品9.CoalA.水泥B. 煤C.木材D. 有毒品10. 易爆品A. TimberB. FertilizerC. Inflammable cargoD. Explosive cargo1.5. 船舶常识词汇(6%)1.Deck departmentA.甲板部B.轮机部C.事务部D.驾驶台2.Engine departmentA.甲板部B.轮机部C.事务部D. 驾驶台3. Service departmentA.甲板部B.轮机部C.事务部D. 驾驶台4. Gangway watchA.舷梯值班B.驾驶台值班C.引水员D.轮机员5.Ballast waterA.压载水B.压载C.压载系统D.压载柜6.Cooling waterA.压载水B.冷却水C.冷却水系统D.压载柜7.Fresh waterA.海水B.冷却水C.淡水D.水面8.Sea waterA.海水B.冷却水C.淡水D.水面9.Port sideA.左舷B.右舷C.船首D.船尾10. Starboard sideA.左舷B.右舷C.船首D.船尾11.ValveA.开关B.马达C.阀D.造水机12.DownwardsA.向下B.向上C.货舱盖D. 开口销13.UpwardsA.向下B.向上C.货舱盖D. 开口销14.Out of orderA.脱离危险B.出故障C. 运转好D. 废弃15. Out of useA.脱离危险B.出故障C. 运转好D. 废弃16. Out of dangerA.脱离危险B.出故障C. 运转好D. 废弃17. Safe Working LoadA.安全负荷量B.危险工作负荷C.工作负荷D. 安全工作18. OverloadA.安全工作负荷B.超负荷C.负荷D. 安全19.openA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源20.closeA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源21.power onA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源22. power offA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源23.turn onA.运行B.关闭C. 开启D. 停止24.No Smoking.A. 禁止吸烟B.没有烟雾C. 不准入内D.没有入口25.No entry.A. 禁止吸烟B.没有烟雾C. 不准入内D.没有入口26.on dutyA . 当班 B. 接班 C. 交班 D. 下班27.gangA. 装卸工人B. 码头工人C. 工班D.带缆工人28.quarantineA. 保证书B. 检疫C. 报关D.离港证29.berthA. 海口B. 港口C. 舱口D.泊位30.portA. 海湾B. 港口C. 舱口D.泊位31.voyageA. 导航B. 航行C. 航道D.泊位32.tonnageA. 载重量B. 吨位C. 吃水D.泊位33.canalA. 海峡B. 运河C.航道D.泊位34.customsA. 海关B. 代理C. 移民局D.大使馆35.rustA. 栏杆B. 锈C. 筏D.垃圾36.loadA. 运输B. 装C. 卸D.转运37.dischargeA. 运输B. 装C. 卸D.转运nding permitA. 通行许可证B.登岸许可证C. 离港许可证D.上船许可证39.rollA. 船舶横摇B. 船舶纵摇C. 船舶横倾D. 船舶纵倾40.pitchA. 船舶横摇B. 船舶纵摇C. 船舶横倾D. 船舶纵倾2.船舶口令(25%)(共125题,其中15%英译汉,5%汉译英,5%口令回答)2.1 舵令(9%)2.1.1 英译汉(共25题)1. Port ten!A. 右舵10。
水手英语模拟试卷一1.Run in all parts of the word where there is cargo for them to carry. A. liners B. tramps C. container ships2.A V.H.F set makes communications between .A. ship and shoreB. shore and shipC. both A and B3.careful. The stevedores are handing dangerous cargo.A. Y ouB. BeC. Please to be4.Don’t leave the lashing tools about.A. lieB. lyingC. laying5.is used in fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.A. V anishB. CementC. Bitumen6.is used in bilges and peak tanks.A. BitumenB. PaintC. Cement wash7.Primer coats are applied to a bare metal surface to give protection againstA. rustB. dirtC. dust8.A ship’s bottom is given a coating of which contain poison.A. varnishB. anti-fouling paintC. boot-topping paint9.The is used to thin the paint , if the paint is thick.A. thinnerB. waterC. oil10.Apply to coats of red lead primer and topside paint the forecastle deck.A. forB. withC. to11.Paint is stowed in the paint .A. cabinB. lockerC. room12.Scrapers are used to the rust on the plates.A. removeB. moveC. shift13.The winch at Hatch No.1 is trouble.A. onB. byC. in14.The gooseneck is .Stop using it at once.A. bendB. bentC. band15.Stow the derricks before sailing.A. fore and aftB. up and downC. port and starboard16.is used for lifting long heavy cargoes.A. derrickB. craneC. jumbo boom17.A can give power to hoist or lower the cargo.A. cargo winchB. lift winchC. derrick18.We can remove the heavy rust on the plate with a .A. scraperB. hammerC. chipping hammer19.Loose paint and scale are remove with .A. a chipping hammerB. a scraperC. a lining brush20.Before an area can be repainted, preparation is .A. goodB. uselessC. necessary21.The patches should be wiped clean before paint is .A. appliedB. suppliedC. placed22.The rusty plates should be scraped and brushed to .A. cleanB. smooth surfaceC. bare metal23.Finally ,a wire brush should be used on all bare to remove the last of the scale.A. metalB. woodC. cement24.After leaving the port, we used to clean the empty holds and decks.A. fresh waterB. sea waterC. both A and B25.Y ou’d better use to remove the oil on the plates.A. waterB. sandC. saw dust26.Manila rope is than sisal rope.A. cheaperB. more expensiveC. less expensive27.Manila rope can be used mooring and handling cargoes.A. forB. toC. by28.In stowage, keep nylon away heat and strong chemicals.A. fromB. toC. with29.All cargo wires need to be .A. greasedB. oiledC. washed30.Synthetic fiber rope is made from .A. nylon fiberB. natural fiberC. man-made fibers31.The has a lot of knowledge and practical experienced in seamanship.A. bosunB. A.BC. carpenter32.The carpenter is directly responsible to the .A. captainB. chief officerC. bosun33.must know the locations as well as the operations of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances.A. All officersB. All engineersC. All the crew34.Fire and boat are carried out periodically.A. drillsB. activitiesC. works35.When the alarm is sounded the crew shall put their clothes and muster at stations immediately.A. inB. onC. out36.A small boat takes pilots to and from ships, it is called a .A. tugB. bargeC. pilot boat37.must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers.A. Pilot boatsB. Light shipsC. Oceangoing tugs38.must be powerful enough to move ships of large size.A. bargesB. tugsC. pilot boats39.The bosun is responsible for .A. sailor’s workB. sound the tanks and bilgesC. stowage of the cargoes40.The tonnage of some supertankers is over dwt.A. 50,000B. 1,000,000C. 5,000,00041.Sailor’s work is done by the rating under the supervision of the .A. carpenterB. bosunC. second officer42.Which of the following port is the port of America?A. ShanghaiB. San FranciscoC. Singapore43.The fore part of a ship is called .A. the sternB. the bowC. the bridge44.At the fore end of the hull is .A. fresh water tankB. the fore peak tankC. ship’s peak tank45.Double bottom tanks are in the space between the and the bottom of the hull.A. tanksB. holdsC. cabins46.The sailor’s work consist of .A. clanging work、painting workB. repair work、painting workC. painting work 、cleaning work and repair work etc.47.Roll-on/roll-off ships are with ramps.A. workedB. stoppedC. equipped48.should be used when a ship is proceeding in shallow waters.A. Radio direction finderB. VHF setC. Echo Sounder49.on head line.A. CatchB. TakeC. Hold50.the line tight.A. keepB. makeC. have。
第一部分词汇一.基础词汇1. 英译汉1.good A.好的 B. 货物 C. 上帝2.better A. 比较好的 B. 最好的 C. 一般3.best A. 一般 B. 好的 C.最好的4.excellent A.好的 B.一般 C.优秀的5.fair A. 一般 B.较好的 C.较差的6.bad A. 坏的 B.一般 C.最好的7.poor A.最好的 B.不好的 C.一般8.morning A.上午 B.多么 C. 夜晚9.afternoon A.下午 B.程度 C. 范围10.evening11.night A.数量A.夜晚B.下午B. 下午C.晚上C. 可以12.noon A. 月亮 B. 月 C. 中午13.dawn A. 黎明 B.向下 C. 黄昏14.dusk A. 黎明 B.向下 C. 黄昏15.Sunday A. 星期一 B.星期三 C.星期日16.Monday A. 星期日 B.星期一 C.星期四17.Tuesday A. 星期三 B.星期一 C.星期二18.Wednesday A. 星期三 B.星期五 C.星期一19.Thursday A. 星期五 B.星期四 C.星期二20.Friday A. 星期五 B.星期二 C.星期三21.Saturday A. 星期一 B.星期日 C.星期六22.January A. 二月 B.一月 C.三月23.February A. 二月 B. 四月 C.八月24.March A.三月 B. 一月 C.十一月25.April A.五月 B.四月 C.六月26.May A.七月 B. 八月 C.五月27.June A.六月 B. 十月 C.三月28.July A. 十一月 B.七月 C. 五月29.August A. 九月 B.八月 C.一月30.September A. 九月 B. 十二月 C. 四月31.October A.十月 B. 三月 C. 七月32.November A. 五月 B. 十一月 C. 十二月33.December A.十二月 B. 十一月 C. 九月34.spring A.春 B. 夏 C.秋35.autumn A.春 B. 秋 C.冬36.summer A.冬 B.春 C.夏37.winter A. 秋 B.夏 C.冬38.time A. 时间 B. 小时 C.分钟39.hour A. 秒 B. 小时 C.分钟40.minute A. 时间 B. 小时 C.分钟41.second A. 秒 B. 小时 C.分钟42.year A. 年 B. 月 C.日43.month A. 年 B. 月 C.日44.date A. 年 B. 日期 C.月45.day A. 年 B. 月 C.日46.today A. 今天 B. 昨天 C.明天47.tomorrow A. 后天 B. 前天 C.明天48.yesterday A.昨天 B.今天 C.后天49. father50.father-in-law A.父亲A.岳父B. 岳父,B. 公公C.公公C. A+B51.mother A.母亲 B. 婆婆 C.岳母52.mother-in-law A.婆婆 B.岳母 C.A+B53.brother A.兄弟 B. 姐妹 C.朋友54.sister A.姐妹 B. 妻子 C.嫂子55.wife A.妻子 B. 姐妹 C.嫂子56.son A.儿子 B. 女婿 C.兄弟57.son -in-law A.儿子 B. 女婿 C.兄弟58.daughter A.女儿 B. 儿媳 C.妹妹59.daughter-in-law A. 女儿 B. 妹妹 C.儿媳60. family A.家庭 B. 家 C.故乡61. home A.家庭 B. 家 C.故乡62.hometown A.家庭 B. 家 C.故乡63.relative A.兄弟 B. 亲戚 C.朋友64.friend A.兄弟 B. 姐妹 C.朋友65.farewell A.告别 B. 姐妹 C.朋友66.good-bye A.再见 B. 再会 C.A+B67.so long! A.再见! B. 你好! C.谢谢!68.Bon voyage! A.一路顺风! B. 一路平安! C.A+B69.telephone A.电话 B. 电报 C.传真70.public telephone A.公用电话 B. 电传 C.传真71.over there A.在那边 B. 过来 C.一会72.left A.左面 B.右边 C.上边73.want A.想要 B.喜欢 C.争取74.airport A. 飞机场 B.飞机 C.港口75.know A. 遗憾的 B.知道 C.背诵76.sorry A.对不起 B.难过 C.遗憾的77.remember A.记住 B.成员 C.数字78.remember me to A. 记住我 B.我记住 C.代我向某人问好79.your A.你的, B.你们的 C.A+B80.see A.看见 B.听见 C.闻到81.hear A.看见 B.听见 C.闻到82.smell A.看见 B.听见 C.闻到83.say A.说 B.告诉 C.讲话84.tell A.说 B.告诉 C.讲话85.speak A.说 B.告诉 C.讲话ter A.更迟的 B.稍后,随后 C.A+B87.hello A.喂 B.是你 C.向某人问好88.sweet A.甜的 B.苦的 C.辣的89.sour A.甜的 B.酸的 C.辣的90.peppery A.甜的 B.酸的 C.辣的91.bitter92.dream A.甜的A.梦B.苦的B.想要C.辣的C.不想93. stranger A.朋友 B.陌生人 C. 熟人94. maybe A.告诉 B. 说 C.可能95. far away A. 从前 B.遥远 C.近处96.look pale A. 脸色红润 B.脸色苍白 C.发愁97.turn to A.转向 B. 变成 C.A+B98.have a headache A.头痛 B.牙痛 C.胃痛99.seem to be chilly all over A.好象浑身发冷 B. 好象浑身痛 C. 好象浑身酸痛100.catch a cold A.腿痛 B.伤风 C.在远处101.hundred A. 百 B.千 C.万102.thousand A. 百 B.千 C.万lion A. 百 B.千 C.百万104.ton A. 吨位 B.公吨 C.吨105.kilo A. 克 B.公斤2. 汉译英D.吨106. 出租汽车 A.taxi B.cab C.A+B107.男厕所 vatory B.toilet C.Men’s room 108.在…后面 A.behind B. before C.after109.建筑物;大楼 A.construction B.manufacture C.building110. 摩天大楼 A. building B.skyscraper C. construction 111. 百货商场 A. Store B.Shop C.Department Store 112. 医院 A. hospital B.Shop C.doctor113. 诊所 A. hospital B. school C.clinic114. 医生 A. hospital B.Shop C.doctor115. 感觉 A.feel B. think C.see116. 故障 A.event B.trouble C.thing117. 痛 A.pain B. sweet C.kill118. 很糟的 A.trouble B.afraid C.terrible119.(病)到了很重的程度A. be far gone B.very gone C. be gone120. 牙痛 A.headache B.toothache C.stomachache 121. 洞 A.cavity B. fill C. far122. 呕吐 A. temperature B. fever C.vomiting123. 发高烧 A. be afraid of B. have a high fever C. take temperature 124. 急性阑尾炎 A. acute appendicitis B.acute pneumonia C.diarrhoea125. 急性肺炎 A. acute pneumonia B.acute appendicitis C. cholecystitis 126. 胆囊炎 A.diarrhoea B.cholecystitis C. acute pneumonia 127.注射 A. antipyretic B. fever C.injection128.测体温 A. temperature B. have a high fever C.take temperature 129.退热药 A. antipyretic B. fever C.injection130.药丸 A. antipyretic B. pill C. injection131. 护士132. 流感133. 非典134. 爱滋病A.nurseA.coldA.TBA. TBB. shopB. fluB.SARSB. AIDSC.doctorC.SARSC.AIDSC SARS135. 银行 A. bank B.shop C.cash 136. 自动提款卡 A. cash dispenser B.cashcard C.credit card 137. 自动提款机 A. cash dispenser B.cashcard C.credit card 138. 美元 A. dollar B.yen C.RMB 139. 欧元 A. Euro B.yen C.RMB 140. 日元 A. dollar B.yen C.RMB 141. 人民币 A. Euro B.yen C.RMB 142. 签字 A.signature B. stamp C.code 143.身份证 A. credit card B. ID Card C.license 144.护照 A. passport B. ID Card C.license 145.船员证 A.Seafarer’s Passport B.Seaman’s Book C.A+B 146.健康证明书A.Health Certificate B.Seaman’s Book C.passport147.船员服务簿 A. Seaman’s Record Book B. Seaman’s Book C. ID Card148.国际预防接种证书A. International Certificate of VaccinationB. Health CertificateC. Seaman’s Book149.海船船员专业培训合格证A. Seafarer’s Passport B. Health CertificateC. Certificate Of Professional Training For Seafarers150. 出生地 A.Place of birth B.date of birth C.Nationality151. 出生日期 A.Place of birth B.date of birth C.Nationality152. 国籍 A.Place of birth B.date of birth C.Nationality153. 身高 A.height B.weight C.unit154. 血型 A. Blood type B.weight C.unit155. 美国 A. America B. American C.Canada156. 英国 A. English B.France C.Germany157. 法国 A. English B.France C.Germany158. 澳大利亚 A. English B.Anstrian C.Australia159. 德国 A. English B. Germany C. France160. 挪威 A. Norway B. Germany C. France161. 瑞典 A. Swiss B.France C.Sweden162. 加拿大 A. America B.Egypt C.Canada163. 巴西 A. Brazil B.France C.Sweden164. 意大利 A. Swiss B.Itlay C.Sweden165. 鹿特丹 A. Swiss B.Rotterdam C.Sweden166. 安特卫普 A. Ruse B.Amsterdam C.Antwerp167. 塞得港 A. HongKong B.Singapore C.Port Said168. 香港 A. HongKong B.Singapore C.Port Said169. 大阪 A. Osaka B.Yokohama C.Kobe170. 神户 A. Osaka B.Yokohama C.Kobe171. 横滨 A. Osaka B.Yokohama C.Kobe172. 东京 A. Osaka B.Tokyo C.Kobe173. 新加坡 A. HongKong B.Singapore C.Port Said174. 汉堡 A. HongKong B.Hamburg C.Port Said175.比斯开湾 A. Biscay Bay B.Singapore C.Port Said176.直布罗陀海峡 A.the Straits of Gibraltar B. Biscay Bay C.Port Said177.英吉利海峡 A. the English Channel B.the Strait of Taiwan C.the Gulf of Persian 178.苏伊士运河 A. Suez Chanel B. Suez Canal C. Kiel Canal 179.基尔运河 A. Red Sea B. Suez Canal C. Kiel Canal 180.地中海 A. Red Sea B. the Mediterranean C. Arabian Sea 181.大西洋 A.the Atlantic Ocean B. the Mediterranean C. Arabian Sea 182.印度洋 A.the Atlantic Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. Arabian Sea 183.太平洋 A.the Atlantic Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C.the Pacific Ocean 184.南中国海 A.South China Sea B.South Chinese Sea C.East China Sea 185.美国海岸警卫队 Coas Guard B. muster bill C. muster form 186.装满 A. fill B. take C. give187.远的 A. long B. far C. high188.记住 A.forget B.remember C.know189.鞋子 A.shoes B. sock C. stocking190.中心 A.center B.shopping C.town191.商店 A.shop B.cinema C.hospital 192.买 A.buy B.sell C.exchange 193.一双 A. double B.a pair of C.a set of 194.短袜 A.stocking B. sock C.shoes195.足够的 A.enough B.buy C.pair196.看 A.look B.hear C.say197.手套 A. glove B.glasses C.hat198.种类 A.like B.here C.kind199. 喜欢 A.like B.here C.kind200.毛织品 A. leather B.silk C.wool201.皮革制品 A. leather B.silk C.wool202.穿 A. wear B.silk C.wool203.价值为 A. leather B.cost C.wool204.尝试 A.wool B.try C. wear205..当然 A. certainly B.go on C. come on 206.一点 A.bit B.less C. little207.小的 A.small rger C.size208. 大的 A.small rger C.size209. 尺寸 A.small rger C.size210.在附近 A.far away B. in the center C. nearby211.在那边 A.over there B. far away C. in the center 212.路 A. way B.higway C.subway213.一直 A. way B.straight C.subway214.角落 A. corner B.straight C.subway215. 超级市场 A. shop B.supermarket C.subway216.公共汽车 A.bus B.taxi C.trolleybus217.公共汽车站 A.stop B.station C.terminal218. 下车/下船 A.get on B.get off C.get in219.在旁边 A.beside B.besides C.behind220.黑色 A.black B.red C.white221.库存 A.store B.stock C.warehouse 222.销售一空 A.empty B.out of stock C. no stock223.试穿 A. try it on B.have a try C.try to do224.给 A. give B.take C.bring225.价格 A.rate B.price C.speed226.打折 A.discount B.bargain C.price227.甩卖季节 A.sale season B.discount C.change228.找回的零钱 A. bargain B.change C. sale season229.支付230.讲价A.payA. discountB.spendB. bargainC.earnC. pay二.专业词汇1.汉译英1).船舶名称1.This is a杂货船.A. container shipsB.general cargo shipC.RO/Ro2.散货船ships carry corn,coal,wheat and some other non-packed cargoes.A. Bulk carrierB. Oil tankerC.LNG3.That is a集装箱船.A. container shipB.oil shipC.pilot boat4.集装箱are carried in container ships.A.The general cargoB. ContainersC.The coal5.That is a 客运班轮.A. container shipB.passenger linerC.pilot boat6.It is not a滚装船.A. passenger shipB.general cargo shipC.RO/Ro7.Is this a 油轮?A. Bulk carrierB. Oil tankerC.LNG8.It’s a木材船.A. bargeB.oil shipC.lumber ship9. She’s a tramp.A. She goes to all parts of the worldB. She sails from any port for any placeC. A+B10.不定期船runs at any time to any parts of the world.A.The linerB.The trampC. The ferry11.班轮sail at fixed timetable on regular routes.A.The linerB.The trampC. The ferry12.The 油轮carries the crude oil.A. Bulk carrierB. Oil tankerC.LNG13.The 超大油轮can carry 300,000 tons of crude oil.A.A.VLCCB. LO/LoC.PCC14.The 汽车运输船carries cars and trucks.A. LASHB. LO/LoC.PCC15.The石油-散货-矿石运输船carries oil, bulk and ore.A. LASHB. OBOC.PCC16.The驳装式集装箱船is a new type of ship.A. LASHB. LO/LoC.Fo/Fo17.The载驳船carries loaded lighter on board.A. LASHB. LO/LoC.Fo/Fo18.The拖轮can tow and push big vessel into position.A. BargeB. TugC. Dredger19.It is not a驳船.A. bargeB. tugC. dredger20. That is a救助船.A. dredgerB. LASHC. salvage ship21.The驳船is a flat bottomed ship.A. BargeB. TugC. Dredger22The油驳is a barge carrying oil.A. Oil bargeB.Oil shipC.Pilot boat23The渡船carries people, cargo, car or truck for short passages.A. Oil bargeB.Oil shipC.Ferry24The引水艇takes a pilot to an ocean-going ship.A. Container shipB.Oil shipC.Pilot boat25. She’s a化学品船A. chemical carrierB. salvage shipC. LNG26.Is this a冷藏船?A. reeferB. refrigeratorC. A+B27. What’s that? She’s a.大型旅游船.A. cruiserB. freighterC. passenger liner28. What’s that?It’s a货船A. salvage shipB. container shipC. freighter29.The干货船can’t carry wet cargo.A. Liquid cargo shipB. Drummed cargoC. Dry cargo30.The液货船includes tanker, VLCC, LNG.A. Chemical carrierB. Liquid cargo shipC. Refriegerator2). 船舶结构:31.The head of a ship is called 船头.A. midshipB.bowC.stern32.A ship’s coat is船壳A.hullB.superstructureC. hold33. 水密舱are in the hull.A.Gastight CompartmentsB.Waterlight CompartmentsC.Water Compartments34.The上层建筑is on the main deck.A. hullB.superstructureC. hold35.The 机舱is in the hullA.engine room B.the holds partments36.The艏楼is a ship’s face.A.forecastleB.poopC.stern37.The aft part of a ship is called船艉A.headB.bowC.stern38.The 左舷is the the left side of a ship if facing the bow.A. portsideB. starboardsideC.aft quarter39.The 右舷is the the right side of a ship if facing the bow.A. portsideB. starboardsideC.aft quarter40.The驾驶台is a ship's eyes and ears.A.poop deck B. tweendeck C.bridge41.The 烟囱和大桅stand on deck like a guard.A. funnel and mastB. weather deckC.gangway chain42.前尖舱is at the fore end of a ship.A. aft peak tankB. pilot ladderC. fore peak tank43.艉尖舱is at the aft part of the ship.A. aft peak tankB. pilot ladderC. fore peak tank44.The ship’centerlin e is the 龙骨A. frameB. bulkwarkC.keel.45.The天窗admits light and fresh air below.A. skylightB. bulkwarkC.keel.46.What’s the “chi shui” in English?A. draftB. draughtC. A+B47.From the 水线to the ship’s底部is called draft.A. waterline / bottom.B. centerline/ keelC. frame/keel48.The干舷is from waterline to the main deck.A. bottomB.freeboardC.skylight49.It is a (压载水)tank.A.bilge waterB.ballast waterC. fresh water50.That is the 污水well.A.bilge waterB.ballast waterC. fresh water51.Is this a 淡水tank?A.bilge waterB.ballast waterC. fresh water52.Fish,meat,vegetable are carried in 冷藏tank or ship.A. frozenB.refrigeratedC. chilled53.A ship’s coat is the 船壳A.hullB.superstructureC. hold54.The干舷is the vertical distance from the water line to the top deck.A. bottomB.freeboardC.skylight55.”富裕水深” is the depth remaining under a ship’s bottom.A. Under keel heightB. Under-keel clearanceC. Under-keel draft 56The排水孔is a deck drain.A. jackstaffB. bilge bracketC. scupper57.舷墙排水孔permits the escape of water.A. A wash portB. A bulkwark portC. A+B58.The自动舱盖is operated by electric or hydraulic power.A. The automatic hatch coverB. The folding type coverC. The hatch coaming59.The滚动式舱盖runs along the guide rail.A. The rolling type hatch coverB. side-rolling hatch coverC. folding type hatch cover60.The侧滚式舱盖runs along the guide rail.A. The rolling type hatch coverB. side-rolling hatch coverC. folding type hatch cover61.The折叠式舱盖can fold slowly.A. The rolling type hatch coverB. side-rolling hatch coverC. folding type hatch cover62.The舿is the part of the stern.A. port quarterB. quarterC. starboard quarter63The.左舿is the port stern.A. port quarterB. quarterC. starboard quarter64.The右舿is the starboard stern.A. port quarterB. quarterC. starboard quarter65.The 螺旋浆has four blades.A. propellerB. steerC. winidlass3)甲板机械部件名称:66.This is a 锚机A. windlassB.winchC.turning gear67.The绳车is out of order.A.craneB.derrickC.reel68.The吊杆has been out of use for a long time.A. derrickB. blockC. topping lift block69.双杆联吊is that two ship’s booms are used with a single hook.A. derrickB. union purchaseC. topping lift block70.千斤索is a wire used to take the weight off.A. derrickB. union purchaseC. topping lift71.The 重吊杆can lift heavy cargo.A. derrickB. craneC. jumbo boom72.The 滑车组can run the gooseneck.A. derrickB. blockC. topping lift block73.The 吊杆支架supports the derrick.A. derrick boom restB. center guyC. gooseneck74.支索is important to a derrick.A. blockB. guyC. stay75. The鹅颈头is the movable part of the derrick. It is bent.A. derrick boom restB. center guyC. gooseneck76.Renew the 稳索please.A. gooseneckB.guyC.center guy77.The 稳索can adjust the derrick.A. tackleB. guyC. union purchase78.Adjust the 中心稳索please.A. gooseneckB.guyC.center guy79.The 侧稳索has gone wrong.A. side guyB.guyC.center guy80.What’s wrong with 千斤索?A. topping lift blockB.topping liftC.topside guy81.千斤索滑车组to be greased well.A. topping lift blockB.topping liftC.topside guy82.There are two 起货机at each hatch.A. winchB. craneC. jumbo boom83. A 克令吊is at the wharf.A. derrickB. craneC. jumbo boom84.The 浮吊can float on water used to load and unload the cargo.A. float craneB. jumbo boomC. union purchase4) 职务名称:85..The 船长takes the command of the ship.A. captainB. chief officerC. chief engineer86.The captain is also called _______A. masterB.mateC.fitter87.The 大副is the head of the deck department.A. chief officerB. second officerC.third officer88.The chief officer is also called_______.A. A. masterB. chief mateC. fitter89.The二副takes care of the chart.A. chief officerB. second officerC.third officer90.The三副is in charge of the fire-fighting equipment.A. chief officerB. second officerC.third officer91. 水手长is good at making knots.A. O.S.B.The bosunC.A.B.5).货物名称:92.There is no危险cargo on board .A.inflammableB. dangerousC.chemical93.This is the 易燃的cargo.A.inflammableB. dangerousC.explosive94.This is the 易碎的cargo.A.inflammableB. dangerousC.fragile95.This is the__易爆的_____cargo.A.corrosiveB.poisonousC.explosive96.This is the易腐蚀的cargo.A.corrosiveB.poisonousC.explosive97.This is the 有毒的cargo.A.corrosiveB.poisonousC.explosive98.有害的substances have toxic effect.A.corrosiveB. noxiousC. explosive99.This is the 气味cargo.A.odorousB.powderC.chemical100.This is the干粉cargo.A.smellB.dry powderC.chemical101.This is the 湿cargo.A.wetB.powderC.chemical102.Is that (重)cargo?A. smellB. heavyC. light103.Is that the 轻泡货?A. smellB. heavyC. light104.The 桶装货can be loaded by cargo net.A. bagged cargoB. drummed cargoC. cased cargo105.The 袋装货can’t be unloaded by hooks.A. bagged cargoB. drummed cargoC. cased cargo106. The 箱装货can be handled by cargo tray.A. bagged cargoB. drummed cargoC. cased cargo107. The 笨重货must be handled by jumbo boom or crane on shore.A. awkward cargoB. drummed cargoC. cased cargo108. The贵重货must be watched carefully.A. VCB. PCC. A+B109.The 包装货to be loaded and unloaded by cargo sling.A. bagged cargoB. packed cargoC. cased cargo110. The非包装货to be loaded and discharged by belt conveyer.A. non-packed cargoB. B. packed cargoC. cased cargo111. The精致货must be handled with care.A. bagged cargoB. delicate cargoC. cased cargo112. The地脚货must be bagged.A. bagged cargoB. delicate cargoC. sweepings2.英译汉6)驾驶台设备113. chronometer A.天文钟 B. 车钟 C. 六分仪114. telegraph A. 车钟 B. 六分仪 C. 船钟115. sextant A. 望远镜 B. 步话机 C. 六分仪116. binoculars A. 护目镜 B.望远镜 C. 磁罗经117. chart A. 电子海图 B.海图 C. 无线电话118.VHF set A. 自动舵 B. 甚高频无线电 C.话罗经119. autopilot A. 自动舵 B. 自动引水 C. 机动船120. radar A. 无线电 B. 雷达 C. 收音机121. scan ner A. 雷达天线 B. 环型天线 C. 垂直天线122. aerials A. 天线123. antenna A.天线124. loop A.频率B.雷达天线B. 接地B. 环型天线B. 磁罗经C. 磁罗经C.电话C. 仪器C. 罗经复示器125.magnetic compasses A. 陀罗罗经126.gyro compasses A. 陀罗罗经 B. 磁罗经 C. 罗经复示器127.echo sounder A. 测向仪 B. 回声测深仪 C. 测深孔128.radio direction finder A. 回声测深仪 B. 陀罗罗经 C. 无线电测向仪129.arine radar A. 船用雷达 B. 甚高频无线电话 C. 超声波130.draft indicator A. 测深仪 B. 吃水指示器 C. 压力表131. ballast pump room A. 压载水舱 B. 水泵房 C. 压载泵舱132. navigational aids A.助航设备 B. 航行警告 C. 主罗经133. instrument A. 装置 B. 仪器 C. 计程仪134.device A. 装置 B. 仪器 C. 计程仪7)工具名称135. adjustable (shifting )spanner A.活络扳手 B. 钳子 C. 锤子136. box spanner A. 套筒扳手 B. 活络扳手 C. 梅花扳手137. electric hand saw machine A. 梅花扳手 B. 锤子 C. 电动手锯机138. duck bill pliers A. 活络扳手 B. 扁嘴钳 C. 锤子139. vice A. 台钳 B. 扁嘴钳 C. 钳子140. pipe wrench A. 斜口钳 B. 凿子 C. 管钳141. chisel A. 钢丝钳 B. 凿子 C. 管钳142. drill A. 锉 B. 扳子 C. 钻143. file A. 锉 B. 扳子 C. 钻144. hack saw A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子145. side cutting pliers A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子146. ring spanner A. 套筒扳手 B. 活络扳手 C. 梅花扳手147. claw hammer A. 敲锈锤 B. 羊角锤 C. 梅花扳手148. scraper A. 刮刀 B. 羊角锤 C. 梅花扳手149. chipping hammer A. 敲锈锤 B. 羊角锤 C. 梅花扳手150. flat brush A. 钢丝刷 B. 平板刷 C. 废棉纱151. wire brush A. 钢丝刷 B. 平板刷 C. 废棉纱152. saw A. 钢锯 B. 锯 C. 凿子153. nut A. 螺帽 B. 螺栓 C. 开口销154. bolt A. 螺帽 B. 螺栓 C. 开口销155. through bolt A.贯穿螺栓 B. 螺栓 C. 开口销156. split pin A. 螺帽 B. 螺栓 C. 开口销157. socket wrench A. 管子钳 B. 套筒扳手 C. 手钻158. pipe wrench A. 管子钳 B. 套筒扳手 C. 手钻159. nail A. 钉子 B. 螺丝 C. 钢丝8)油漆及涂料名称160. paint A.油漆 B.上油漆 C. A+B161. grey topside A.奶黄漆 B.船壳白漆 C.船壳灰漆162. white gloss exterior A.奶黄漆 B.船壳白漆 C.船壳灰漆163. buff cream paint A.奶黄漆 B.船壳白漆 C.船壳灰漆164. deck red A.甲板红漆 B.船壳白漆 C.船壳灰漆165. green boottopping A.奶黄漆 B.绿水线漆 C.船壳灰漆166. hold aluminum A.耐热油漆 B.船壳白漆 C.货舱银漆167. heat resistant paint A.耐热油漆 B.船壳白漆 C.货舱银漆168. anti-fouling paint A.耐热油漆 B.防污漆 C.货舱银漆169. varnish A. 凡立水 B.清漆 C.货舱银漆170. bitumen A.耐热油漆 B.沥清 C.货舱银漆171. cement wash A.耐热油漆 B.沥清 C.水泥涂料172. thinner A.耐热油漆 B.稀释剂 C.水泥涂料173. primer A.底漆 B.稀释剂 C.水泥涂料174. red lead A.耐热油漆 B.红丹漆 C.水泥涂料9) 系缆设备,缆绳及其它175. windlass A. 锚机 B.绞盘 C. 绞车176. dolphin A. 系缆桩 B. 羊角 C. 起货机177. bitt A. 锚机 B. 系缆桩 C. 绞车178. bollard A. 起货机 B. 羊角 C. 系缆桩179. cleat A. 系缆桩 B. 羊角 C. 起货机180. propeller A. 系缆桩 B. 螺旋浆 C. 起货机181. scupper shoot A. 舷側出水管 B. 羊角 C. 起货机182. hawse pipe A. 舷側出水管 B. 羊角 C. 锚链筒183. chain locker A. 锚链舱 B. 羊角 C. 锚链筒184. chain locker pipe A. 锚链舱 B. 锚链舱管 C. 锚链筒185. fairlead A. 锚链舱 B. 锚链舱管 C. 导缆孔186. mooring hole A. 锚链舱 B. 系泊孔 C. 导缆孔187. center lead A. 锚链舱 B. 系泊孔 C. 中央导缆孔188. Panama lead A. 巴拿马导缆孔 B. 系泊孔 C. 中央导缆孔189. eye splice A. 巴拿马导缆孔 B. 琵琶头 C. 中央导缆孔190. single roller chock A. 中央导缆孔B.单滚轮式导缆钳 C. 双滚轮式导缆钳191. rat guard A. 防鼠挡 B. 琵琶头 C. 中央导缆孔192. hawser A. 大粗缆 B. 回头缆 C. 钢丝缆193 slip line A. 大粗缆 B. 回头缆 C. 钢丝缆194 head line A. 尾缆 B. 头缆 C.倒缆195. stern line A. 尾缆 B. 头缆 C.倒缆196. spring line A. 尾缆 B. 头缆 C.倒缆197. breast line A. 横缆 B. 撇缆 C. 拖缆198. heaving line A. 横缆 B. 撇缆 C. 拖缆199. towing line A. 横缆 B. 撇缆 C. 拖缆200. manila rope A.麻绳 B. 白棕绳 C. A+B201. fiber rope A.麻绳 B. 白棕绳 C. 纤维绳202. nylon rope A.尼龙绳 B. 白棕绳 C. 纤维绳203. lashing wire A.尼龙绳 B. 绑扎钢丝 C. 纤维绳204. line-runner A.尼龙绳 B. 绑扎钢丝 C. 带缆水手205. linesboat A.带缆艇 B. 绑扎钢丝 C. 带缆水手206. quarter A.舿 B. 绑扎钢丝 C. 带缆水手207. shackle A. 节 B. 卸扣 C. A+B208. wharf A. 节 B. 卸扣 C. 码头(平) 209. quay A. 节 B. 卸扣 C. 码头(顺岸) 210. jetty A. 码头(平) B. 码头(顺岸) C. 码头(突) 211. pier A. 码头(平) B. 码头(顺岸) C. 码头(突) 212. fender A. 大粗缆 B. 碰垫 C. 钢丝缆213. pirate A. 海盗 B. 偷渡者 C. 下风舷214. stowaway A. 海盗 B. 偷渡者 C. 下风舷215. lee side A. 海盗 B. 偷渡者 C. 下风舷216. masthead light A. 锚链舱管 B. 桅灯 C. 系泊孔217. side light(Pt)---red light A. 舷灯(左)红 B. 舷灯(右)绿 C. 艉灯---白色A. 舷灯(左)红B. 舷灯(右)绿C. 艉灯---白色218. side light(SB)---greenlight219. stern light---white light A. 舷灯(左)红 B. 舷灯(右)绿 C. 艉灯---白色220. towing light---yellow light A. 拖带灯—黄色 B. 艉灯---白色 C. 舷灯(左)红221. inflatable life jacket A. 气胀式救生衣 B. 抛绳器 C. 过重货222. line-throwing appliance A. 气胀式救生衣 B. 抛绳器 C. 过重货223. hydrostatic release unit A. 气胀式救生衣 B. 抛绳器 C. 静水压力释放器224. rolling hitch A.轮结 B.缩帆结 C. 单套结225. reef knot A.轮结 B.缩帆结 C. 单套结226. bowline A.轮结 B.缩帆结 C. 单套结227. clove knot A. 粗缆绳 B. 丁香结 C. 缩帆结228. figure-eight knot A. 8字结 B. 止索结 C. 单编结229. stopper knot A. 8字结 B. 止索结 C. 单编结230. double sheet b e nd A. 细缆 B. 单套结 C. 双编结231. sheet bend A. 8字结 B. 止索结 C. 单编结232. round turn and two half hitches A. 系紧 B. 旋圆两半结 C. 船舶上缘233. gunwale A. 系紧 B. 旋圆两半结 C. 船舶上缘234. preventive guy chain A. 卸扣 B. 保险稳索C. 锚冠235. oily water A. 医生 B. 含油污水 C. 油渣236. davit A. 医生 B. 吊艇柱 C. 支架237. manhole A. 人孔 B. 吊艇柱 C. 紧急排放口238. file triangular A. 水手刀 B. 三角锉刀 C. 引水员239. turn-buckle screw A. 手钩 B. 左锚 C. 伸缩螺丝240. short cargo chain A.短链B.吊货短链C.长货链三. 缩写词1. RPM A. 每分钟转数 B. 百万分率 C. 船用柴油2.MDO A. 每分钟转数 B. 百万分率 C. 船用柴油3.TEU A. 二十英尺标准箱位 B. 四十英尺标准箱位 C. 马力4. HP A.百万分率 B. 船用柴油 C.每分钟转数5. PPM A. 百万分率 B. 船用柴油 C. 每分钟转数6.COW A. 压载水柜 B. 原油洗舱 C. 专用压载舱7. ISPS A. 清洁压载舱 B. 船舶保安计划 C. 专用压载舱8. CBT A. 清洁压载舱 B. 船舶保安计划 C. 专用压载舱9. SBT A. 清洁压载舱 B. 船舶保安计划 C. 专用压载舱10.WBT A. 原油洗舱 B. 当地时间 C. 压载水柜11.LT A. 轻泡货 B. 驳船 C. 当地时间12.SWL A. 能见度 B. 安全工作负荷C.海上人命安全公约13. WX A. 安全工作负荷 B. 天气C.能见度14. MV A.机动船 B. 挪威船级社C.巨型油轮15. VIS A. 安全工作负荷 B. 天气C.能见度16. DNV A.机动船 B. 挪威船级社C.巨型油轮17.ULCC A.机动船 B. 超大油轮C.巨型油轮18. VLCC A.机动船 B. 超大油轮C.巨型油轮19. PRC A.中华人民共和国 B. 美国 C. 英国20. USA A.美国 B. 德国 C 英国21. GMDSS A. 全球海上遇险与安全系统 B. 安全工作负荷C.海上人命安全公约22.MARPOL A.海上防污染公约 B. 国际海事组织C. 危险品规则23. COSCO A. 中国远洋运输(集团)公司 B. 挪威船级社 C. 海上人命安全公.约24. SOLAS A.海上防污染公约 B. 国际安全管理规则 C. 国际劳工组织25. ISM Code A.海上防污染公约 B. 国际安全管理规则 C. 自动雷达标绘仪26. ARPA A.海上防污染公约B. 国际安全管理规则 C. 自动雷达标绘仪27. O.S. A. 二水 B. 一水C.大副28. A.B. A. 二水 B. 一水C.大副29. C/O A. 二水 B. 一水C.大副30. S/O A. 二副 B. 一水C.大副31. T/O A. 二副 B. 三副C.大副32. IMO A.海上防污染公约 B. 国际海事组织C. 国际安全管理规则33. GPS A. 危险品规则 B. 全球卫星定位系统 C 自动雷达标绘仪34. ST’B A. 右舷 B. 左舷C. 艏向35. P’t A. 右舷 B. 左舷C. 艏向36. ab’m A. 正横 B. 左舷C. 艏向37.AF A. 天测船位 B. 陆测船位C. 真方位38.AP A. 天测船位 B. 锚位C. 真方位39.TF A. 天测船位 B. 陆测船位C. 真方位40.TB A. 天测船位 B. 陆测船位C. 真方位四. 标示1.A. NO NAKED FIRE!B. NO SMOKING!C.NO DROPPING2.A. NO NAKED FIRE!B. NO SMOKING!C.NO DROPPING!3.A. BE CAREFUL FIRE!B. HANDLE WITH CARE!C. CAUTION WITH FIRE!4.A. POWER!B. RADIATION!C. QUIET!5..A. KEEP ON END!B. KEEP UP!C. KEEP DOWN!6.A. INFLAMMABLEB..FRAGILEC. EXPLOSIVE7.A. .NO HOOKS!B. BE QUIET!C. NO SPITTING!8.A. KEEP DRY!B. KEEP COOL!C. KEEP IN DARK9.A. KEEP COOL!B. KEEP DRYC. KEEP IN DARK!10.A. KEEP IN DARKB. FREE FROM OIL!C. KEEP AWAY FROM RADIATION!11.A. INFLAMMABLEB..FRAGILEC. EXPLOSIVE12.A. INFLAMMABLE GASB. NONCOMBUSTIBLE GASC. EXPLOSIVE GAS13.A. ODOROUSB. NOXIOUSC. POISONOUS14.A. ODOROUSB. NOXIOUSC. POISONOUS15.A. INFECTIOUSB. NOXIOUSC. POISONOUS16.A. INFECTIOUSB. CORROSIVEC. POISONOUS17.A.INFLAMMABLE GASB. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDC. EXPLOSIVE GAS18.A.INFLAMMABLE SOLIDB. NONCOMBUSTIBLE GASC. INFLAMMABLE LIQUID19.A.INFLAMMABLE SOLIDB. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTIONC. INFLAMMABLE LIQUID20..A.INFLAMMABLE IF NOT KEEP DRYB.SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTIONC.INFLAMMABLE LIQUID21.A.DON’T WEAR SYNTHETIC CLOTHES !B.DON’T WEAR SHOES WITH NAILS!C.DON’T DRINK!22.A.DON’T WEAR SYNTHETIC CLOTHES !B.DON’T WEAR SHOES WITH NAILS!C.DON’T DRINK!23.A.DON’T WEAR SYNTHETIC CLOTHES !B.DON’T WEAR SHOES WITH NAILS!C.DON’T DRINK!24.A.WEAR GOGGLES,PLEASE!B.WEAR POISON PROTECTING MASK,PLEASE!C.WEAR DUST PROTECTING MASK,PLEASE!25.A.WEAR GOGGLES,PLEASE!B.WEAR POISON PROTECTING MASK,PLEASE!C.WEAR DUST PROTECTING MASK,PLEASE!26.A.WEAR GOGGLES,PLEASE!B.WEAR POISON PROTECTING MASK,PLEASE!C.WEAR DUST PROTECTING MASK,PLEASE!27.A.FASTEN SAFETY BELT ,PLEASE!B.WEAR PROTECTING SHOES,PLEASE!C.WEAR PROTECTING GLOVES,PLEASE!28.A.FASTEN SAFETY BELT ,PLEASE!B.WEAR PROTECTING SHOES,PLEASE!C.WEAR PROTECTING GLOVES,PLEASE!29.A.FASTEN SAFETY BELT ,PLEASE!B.WEAR PROTECTING SHOES,PLEASE!C. WEAR PROTECTING GLOVES,PLEASE!30.A.FASTEN SAFETY BELT ,PLEASE!B.WEAR PROTECTING SHOES,PLEASE!C. WEAR PROTECTING CAP,PLEASE!31.A.WEAR PROTECTING JACKET,PLEASE!B.WEAR PROTECTING SHOES,PLEASE!C. WEAR LIFE JACKET, PLEASE!32.A.WEAR PROTECTING JACKET,PLEASE!B.WEAR PROTECTING SHOES,PLEASE!C. WEAR PROTECTING GLOVES,PLEASE!33. A. FIRE COUPLING B. FIRE HYDRANT C. FIRE HOSE34. A. FIRE COUPLING B. FIRE HYDRANT C. FIRE HOSE35. A. FIRE COUPLING B. FIRE HYDRANT C. FIRE HOSE36.A. LOST & FOUNDB.LEFT LUGGAGEC. LUGGAGE TROLLEY37.A. LOST & FOUNDB.LEFT LUGGAGEC. LUGGAGE TROLLEY38.。
以下是一些常见的听力题目类型:1. 听取船舶通信录音,回答有关船舶位置、航行方向和目的地等问题。
2. 听取天气预报录音,回答有关风力、海浪和能见度等问题。
3. 听取船舶紧急呼叫录音,回答有关紧急情况和采取的措施等问题。
4. 听取航行指令录音,回答有关航行路线和速度等问题。
以下是一些口语题目类型:1. 请用英语介绍你的船舶,包括船舶类型、航行区域和载货能力等。
2. 请用英语描述你在航海中遇到的一次紧急情况,并说明你采取的措施和结果。
3. 请用英语描述你在航海中遇到的一次天气突变,并说明你的应对措施和建议。
4. 请用英语描述你在航行中遇到的一次导航错误,并说明你的纠正措施和教训。
以下是一些阅读题目类型:1. 阅读一篇关于航海安全的文章,并回答相关问题,如如何应对船舶事故和火灾等。
2. 阅读一篇关于船舶通信的文章,并回答有关船舶通信的问题,如如何进行紧急呼叫和报告船舶位置等。
3. 阅读一篇关于航海天气的文章,并回答有关天气预报和应对天气变化的问题。
4. 阅读一篇关于航海导航的文章,并回答有关航行路线和导航设备的问题。
以下是一些写作题目类型:1. 请用英语写一篇关于你的船舶的简介,包括船舶类型、航行区域和载货能力等。
2. 请用英语写一篇关于你在航海中遇到的一次紧急情况的报告,包括事故原因、采取的措施和结果等。
3. 请用英语写一篇关于你在航海中遇到的一次天气突变的报告,包括天气变化、应对措施和建议等。
值班水手英语听力与会话评估情景题(每题3分)1.S1: Where is the chief officer?S2: Upstairs, he is on the 4th floor.Question: Who does the first speaker want to see?Answer: The chief officer.2.S1: Good morning!S2: Good morning, third officer!Question: Who is the first speaker?Answer: Third officer.3.S1: Where is the chief officer?S2: In his cabin.Question: Where is the chief officer?Answer: In his cabin.4.S1: Please open your baggage.S2: OK.Question: What should the second speaker do?Answer: Open the baggage.5.S1: Please sign your name on the visitor log.S2: OKQuestion: What should the second speaker do?Answer: Sign his name.(Sign her name)6.S1: May I check your bag?S2: No problem!Question: What is the crew doing?Answer: He is checking the visitor’s bag.7.S1: What is the course?S2:Gyro course 035°/125°/ 335°Question: What is the course?Answer: Gyro course is 035°/125°/ 335°8.S1: Is there any other vessel?S2: A vessel is on our port side.Question: Where is the other vessel?Answer: The vessel is on port side.9.S1: Fishing gear ahead of us, hand steering!S2: Yes, Sir! Hand steering.Question: What was found?Answer: Fishing gear ahead.10.S1: Have a heaving line ready at the pilot ladder!S2: Have a heaving line ready at the pilot ladder!Question: What is asked to get ready?Answer: The heaving line.11.S1: Starboard 10/15/20.S2: Starboard 10/15/20.Question: What is the rudder order?Answer: Starboard 10/15/20.12.S1: Midships.S2: Midships.Question: What is the order?Answer: Midships.13.S1: Steady as she goes!S2: Steady on 225, Sir!Question: What course is steady?Answer: Course is 225.14.S1: Course 120°.S2:Course 120°,Sir!Question: What is the rudder order?Answer: Keep course on 120°. 15.S1: Steady on 027°!S2: Steady on 027°!Question: What course is steady?Answer: Course is 027°.16.S1: Ease to five!S2: Ease to five!Question: What is the rudder order?Answer: Ease to five!17.S1: Heave in ease!S2: Copy that, heave in ease!Question: What are they doing?Answer: They are heaving in the line(s).18.S ay something about the picture.Answer: It is a fireman’s outfit, including fireman’s helmet, fire axe, fire boots, breathing apparatus, life line, fire man’s protective clothes, and so on.19.Q uestion: What are they doing?Answer: They are having a boat drill/abandon ship drill.20.Q uestion: What happened on the ship?Answer: The ship is on fire.21.Q uestion: What are they doing?Answer: They are lowering the lifeboat.22.Q uestion: What are they doing?Answer: They are having a fire-fighting drill.。
(高级)值班水手英语听力与会话(会话部分)Chapter oneLesson oneTopics1 please say something about yourself【请说说你自己】My name is ShenZhiPeng, I’m 18-years old. I’m a sailor. I have been working on board for half a year. My hobby is playing computer games.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway watch.我的日常工作是保持桥看着手表的人或引导轮当船在海上。
In my spare time, I’d like to listen to music, see move.在我的业余时间,我喜欢听音乐,看行动。
2 please say something about your familyThere are three members in my family, my father, my mother and me.My parents are workers in a company, and I’m a sailor.My parents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading newspaper.3 please say something about your hometownMy hometown is in Henan province, with a population of 100,000, and it is famous for its tea.My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and the people are very friendly.The specialty of my hometown is tea.4 1 please say something about your responsibilities on boardMy position on board is A.B.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway wa tch.My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, I’ll act as required in the muster list.Questions1.what’s your date of birth? My date of birth is May 18th, 1990.2.what’s your seaman’s book number? My seaman’s book number is A1234563.where are you from? I’m from China.4.what’s your captain’s nationality? Our captain’s nationality is Chinese.5.what do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety first.6.which ports do you often call at? We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan.7.what’s your marital status? I’m unmarried.8.how long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa toAustralia.9.how do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? Economy, please.10.do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Sorry, you don’t have. / No, you don’t have.lesson twotopics1.say something about ship’s manningThe master is in command of the ship. The ship’s manning consists of three departments.The personnel of deck department includes the c/o, 2/o, 3/o, bosun, A.B. and O.S.The personnel of engine departments includes the C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, fitter, oilers and wiper.The personnel of service department includes the c/cook and the steward.2.say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship.There are many maritime agencies, the MSA, harbour master, the agent, stevedores company, tally agency, and so on.The MSA supervising the maritime fares, the harbour master is in charge of the harbour and inbounding and outbounding vessels, the agent is to assist the master in going through the formalities, the stevedores load and discharge the cargo, and the tally agency is responsible for the tally work during cargo handling.3.say something about ship’s structures.In general, a ship is made up of two parts, the hull and the superstructure.The main body of a ship is the hull, it contains the E/R, cargo spaces and a number of tanks.The superstructure includes the forecastle, the bridge and the poop.Questions1.who is in command of the ship? Our captain is in command of the ship.2.generally speaking, how many officers are there in the deck department? There are 3 officers inthe deck department, they are c/o, 2/o and 3/o.3.what department does bosun belong to? Bosun belongs to the deck department.4.can you list some ship’s stores? The ship’s stores include the oil, water, paint, spare parts, and soon.5.can you list some ship’s tools? The ship’s tools include the scaling manchines, jett guns/ chisel,scrapers, chipping hammers, brushes, booms, and so on.6.what does “lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean? It means the man overboard lifebuoy, it’s usedin emergency when someone falls overboard.7.what does “cargo wire” mean? It’s the wires to lifting the cargo used in the derricks or crane s.8.what does “port side” mean? It means the left hand side of the ship.9.what is “board sling” used for? It is used to carry the general cargoes during cargo handling.10.can your list some ship’s bridge equipments? The ship’s bridge equipments includes th e wheel,telegraph, radar, GPS, AIS, gmdss equipments, and so on.Chapter twoLesson oneTopicsWhat procedures should be taken when you receive helm orders as a helmsman?The helmsman should take three procedures orderly when he receives the helms orders, that is to repeat, carry out and report.The helmsman should answer the helm orders clearly and loudly.When the ship does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should report it immediately to the person giving the orders.Questions1.How many orders are included in standard ship orders? Can you list some? There are four ordersincluded in the standard ship orders. They are the helm orders, anchor orders, mooring and unmooring orders, and the engine orders.2.if you are ordered “port five”, how to reply and report? First repeat the order “port five” clearlyand loudly, then steer the wheel to port five position, when the rudder angle reaches “port five”, report to the commander “wheel is five to port, Sir.”3.if you are ordered “steady”, how to reply and report? First repeat the order “steady” clearly andloudly, and speak out the course on the compass when the order is given. then steer the wheel to keep the course steady on it. Then report, “steady on course XXX.”4.how does the rudder answer? The rudder answer well/ slowly./ No answer./sluggish.5.what is the course? Course XXX.Lesson twoTopicsPlease describe the line handling operations before berthing.When approaching the quay, the deckhands should prepare the heaving lines, the winches and the mooring lines. Keep sharp look out of the movement of the ship, and prevent the lines from fouling. Usually the spring lines are firstly sent ashore, and keep it in strain. Then send the other lines ashore. When the ship is in position, make fast all the lines.To prevent the lines from fouling, you should operate the winch step by step and keep the lines in good order.Questions1.what does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean? That means to cast off all theother forward lines except for one breast line and a spring line.2.if you want to change the position of the head line forward for 3 meters, what do you say? Shiftthe head line 3 meters forward.3.if you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say? Heave up the breast line. / T akein/Pick up the slack on the breast line.4.which order is an equivalent to “send out head line”? Pay out/Slack the head line.5.which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line”? Undo/ slack off the stern line.Lesson threeTopicsWhat measures should be taken if anchor dragging?Anchor dragging means the anchor can’t bring up the ship to the seabed/ground. To prevent anchor dragging, you should make full consideration of all the features of the anchor position before anchoring, work out the cable length, and make sure the ship is brought up when anchoring. When anchor dragging, we should inform the master, the engine room, c/o and other personnel involved. Announce the alarm on radio to the other ships in vicinity. And then heave up the anchor to drop itagain.Questions1.what does “anchor is foul” mean? It means the anchor chain is across.2.if the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report?Anchor is aweigh.3.if the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report? She is brought up.4.if there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what do you report? The bow isclear.5.when the anchor is heaved out of water and just above it, what do you report? The anchor is outof water.Lesson fourTopicsIf you are given engine orders, how should you reply and report?When engine orders given, first repeat it clearly and loudly, then ring the telegraph to the position ordered, when the revolution commanded of the engine is obtained, report it to the commander. Such as “dead slow astern”, that means to keep the ship run astern very slowly. When the order is given, repeat it “dead slow astern”, then ring the telegraph to the “dead slow stern” position., when the revolution is obtained, report “engine is dead slow astern, sir.”Questions1.If you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report? First repeat isclearly and loudly, then inform the engine room to get the both engines ready for use. When you receive the notice from the E/R that both engines are ready, you should report it to the commander, “both engines are ready, Sir.”2.if you are ordered “full ahead”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given, repeatit “full ahead”, then ring the telegraph to the “full ahead” position., when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is full ahead, sir.”3.if you are ordered “ring off engine”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given,repeat it “ring off engine”, then ring the telegraph to the max imum position., when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is rung off , sir.”4.if you are ordered “stop engine”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given,repeat it “stop engine”, then ring the telegraph to the “stop” positi on., when the revolution reaches zero, report “engine is stopped, sir.”5.what does “finished with engine” mean? That means the movement of the engine is no longerrequired.Chapter threeQuestion1.Are you the sailor on duty/ watch? Yes, I am.2.Is your chief officer on board? Yes, he is.3.Would you show me the way? Yes, my/ with pleasure. This way, please.4.Our master is not on board, please wait a moment. I’ll call him back. O.K., thank you.5.When will your captain come back? He will be back in half an hour.6.The gangway/ accommodation ladder is too high. I’ll lower it a bit more/ a little bit.7.Would you please take me to see your captain? Yes. Follow/ After me, please.8.I am the relieving/ in-coming third officer, here is my ID card. O.K. please sign here.9.The head line is too tight. I’ll slack it. /Ease the strain on it.10.What’s your draft fore and aft? The draft is 6.90 meters, on even keel. //DESIMALChapter fourLesson oneQuestion1.Are holds clean? Yes, they are.2.Are holds dry? Yes, they are.3.Are holds free of smell? Yes, they are.4.Close hatch covers and report. Close the hatch covers. The hatch covers are closed, Sir.5.Lower down and secure all derricks. Lower down and secure all derricks. All derricks aresecured,Sir.Lesson two1.How many holds do you have? We have 5 holds.2.What is size of hatch openings? It’s 16X/by 25 square meters.3.What is safety load of Hold No. 2? The safety load of Hold No.2 is 5 tons per square meter.4.Are dockside cranes available? Yes, they are.5.What is length (width, depth) of Hold No.1? The length (width, depth) of Hold No.1 is 40 (30, 15)meters.Chapter fiveTopics1.Describe the procedures of adjusting derricks. The derrick is made up of derrick itself, winch,guys, hook and riggings. First, unlash the derrick, then operate the derrick as required, such as topping, lowering or swinging. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do not exceed the safe working load of the derrick.2.Describe the proper way of using derricks. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do notexceed the safe working load of the derrick. Do not swing it when the cargo is not being hoisted up.Questions1.What does “Union purchase” mean? “Union purchase” means handling the same sling by twoderricks at the same time.2.What does “SWL” stand for?/ represent “SWL” stands for safe working load.3.What cargo does a jumbo boom or heavy derrick used for lifting? A jumbo boom or heavyderrick used for lifting heavy cargo.4.Who usually adjust the derricks during the loading and discharging? During the loading anddischarging, the stevedores adjust the derricks usually.5.How many derricks are there at each hold? There is one derrick at each hold. /One for each.6.Before adjusting the derrick, what work should be done? Before adjusting the derrick, you shouldmake sure that the power is on and that the derrick is clear of obstructions.7.If the derrick is overloaded, what will happen? The cargo wire or the derrick will break up, andmaybe hurt persons.8.If the derrick is too high and can’t get to the cargo in the hold, how do you adjust it? Lower thederrick and pay out more cargo wire.Chapter sixTopics1.Say something about cargo carried on a ship. Generally speaking, the cargo includes dry cargoand liquid cargo. Dry cargo includes general cargo, cargo in bulk, cars, containered cargo, etc.Liquid cargo includes oil, LNG & LPG, chemical, and so on. The principal of cargo stowage is to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo.2.Preparations for loading cargo on board ship. Before loading cargo, we should get the shipready for loading, the preparation includes cleaning the cargo holds, decks, preparing dunnage, and derricks or cranes if fitted, and so on.Questions1.What does “SWL” stand for? “SWL” stand for safe working l oad.2.What equipment can be used to load cargo? It depends on the cargo to be loaded. The loadingequipment includes deck cranes, derricks, shore cranes, convey belt, loading machines, crabs, and so on. .3.What can be used to cover bilge before loading? Mattress, 麻布片?4.What can be used to separate cargo in a hold? Dunnage. Such as plank, canvas, mattress, wires,and so on.5.Who do the work of loading and unloading? The stevedores do.6.Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel? It depends on the type of ship, the cargo,the sequenceof discharging and the shiper’s requirement. Usually, the cargo is stowed in holds or tanks.Chapter sevenTopicsDescribe the importance of lashing and securing operation.The lashing and securing operation means to fix the cargo to holds and prevent them to move or shift during the voyage. It’s very important job onboard vessel, especially for general cargo. As we know, the ship will roll and pitch at sea, if the cargo is not well lashed and secured, the cargo will move or shiftin the hold to cause cargo damage, and even more to affect the stability of the ship so as to cause vessel listing or capsizing.Questions1.What does “jettison of cargo” mean? “jettison of cargo” mean to drop some cargo overboard inemergency for the safe of the ship and cargo on board and for the mutual interests of the parties involved.2.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Before entering the enclosed space,we should complete the check list, check the air for oxygen and toxic gas, and check the equipments to be used to ensure that it is safe to enter the enclosed space. And the approval from the master and the chief officer is essential.3.What does “shifting cargo” mean? “shifting cargo” means that the cargo moves in the holdswhen the ship is at sea.4.Can you list some lashing and securing equipment? Please list some. Yes, I can list some lashingand securing equipment. The lashing and securing equipments are the lashing ropes or wires, shackles, turnbuckles, chocks, wedges, and so on.5.When is the lashing work done? The lashing work should be done during and after the loadingoperation, and should be completed before sailing.6.When is the unlashing work done? The unlashing work should be done before discharging.Chapter eightQuestions1.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? Before the pilot comes on board, weshould get ready of pilot ladder, heaving line, lifebuoy, outside lighting at night, and so on.2.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? When a vessel requires a pilot, theflag “G” should be hoist.3.What ship’s particulars does pilot station usually ask for? Pilot station usually ask for the ship’sparticulars of ship’s name, call sign, nationality, cargo, drafts, last port of call, and so on.4.What kind of things to be report to the pilot station? There so many things to be report to thepilot station, such as ship’s name, call sign, nationality, cargo, drafts, last port of call, and so on.5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station? The followings should be confirmed from thepilot station, such as the way of boarding, boarding time and position, the requirements about the pilot ladder if needed.6.What does “underway” mean? “underway” mean the ship is not at anchor, berthed, or made fastto shore.7.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’sembarkation? Before the pilot’s embarkation, the heaving line, lifebuoy, and outside lighting, must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder.8.What flag should be hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? When the pilot has arrived onboard, the flag “H” should be hoist.Chapter nineTopics1.Cleaning and repair work onboard. The importance of the cleaning and repair work is to maintainthe ship in good condition for seaworthiness. Cleaning and repair work onboard includes clean the deck, holds, engine room and accommodation, and some repair to moving parts. The work should be done as planned. And some must be daily done.2.Painting work used on board. The basic types of paint used on board include primer, coating,varnish and so on. Before painting, the surface should be well prepared, free of stains or rust, dry, and free of dirt.Questions1.Can you list at least three kinds of paint? Yes, I can. They are primer, undercoats, top coats,varnish, and so on.2.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s funnel? Heat-resistant paint is usually given tothe ship’s funnel.3.What type of paint do you use on deck? We used non-slip paints on deck.4.What paint is used for woodwork? Varnish is used for woodwork.5.Before repainting an area, what preparations do you make? Before repainting an area, the areamust be cleaned and washed to remove the salt, dirt and oil. Loose paint and scale to be removed.6.How do you remove the heavy rust on the plates? We use chipping hammer to remove the heavyrust on the plates.7.What repair work do the sailors usually do on board? Cleaning and greasing.Chapter tenC h a p t e r T e nShipboard Safe Navigational WatchT o p i c s1.The duties of the able seafarer on watch when underway.a) General rules as to watch-keeping.The able seafarer shall make regular checks to ensure that the ship navigates safety.b) Items to be checked at each watch.I t e m s t o b e c h e c k e d a s f o l l o w s:p o s i t i o n,c o u r s e,s p e e d a n d d r a u g h t o f t h e s h i p,w i t h t h e o t h e r ssuch as tides, current, weather, visibility and so on.2.The bridge shift change.a)The procedures for the bridge shift change.1) The officers and sailors often change their shifts once every 4 hours on the bridge.2) T h e r e l i e v i n g o f f i c e r s h o u l d c o m e o n t o t h e b r i d g e 15 m i n u t e s e a r l i e ri n o r d e r t o g e t f a m i l i a r with the circumstances. The handing over officer shall introduce the circumstances at present suchas the sh ip’s position, course, speed, vessels in the vicinity, sea state, wind state, etc. the relieving officer should check the navigational equipments and the ship’s route.b)Special attention for shift change.T h e s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n f o r s h i f t c h a n g e i s h a n d o v e r t h e w o r k c o n t e n t s u n d e r s t a n d i n g v e r y c l e a r l y between the both parties.Questions1.Who keeps navigational watches on the bridge at sea?The duty officer and the duty sailor.2.How many watches are there on the bridge a day?There are three watches.3.Who takes the navigational watch from 0800 to 1200 hours in the morning and evening?The third officer.4.Who takes the navigational watch from 0000 to 0400 hours in the day and night?The second officer.5.What is the duty of the able seafarer on watch on the bridge at sea?Ensure the ship navigating safety.6.What should the able seafarer being relieved say?I now have the watch.7.What should the relieving able seafarer say?Y ou now have the watch.8.What should a relieving able seafarer do after taking over the watch?They will watch on the bridge and do the duty of watch work.Chapter ElevenShip SecurityQuestions1.What cargo are you carrying on your ship?The general cargo.2.Who is responsible for the security training on your ship?SSO (ship security officer)3.Do you organize regular security trainings?Y e s,w e d o.4.Do you know about the main threats facing to the security officer?Encountering the pirates and the armed attacks.5.What means of Security Level 1?Means the easy class security.6.What means of Security Level 2?Means the middle class security.7.What means of Security Level 3?Means the highest class security.8.Do you understand the measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship?Y es, I understand.9.Do you understand the identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to them?Y es, I understand.10.Do you have the special security facilities?Y e s,w e h a v e.C h a p te r T w e lv eQuestions1.Check the fire alarms and report.All fire alarms are operational.2.Check the portable extinguishers and report.All portable extinguishers are in position and operational3.Check the firemen’s outfits and report.All the firemen’s outfits are operational.4.Check the openings in all rooms and report.All the openings are operational.5.Check the fire area every 10 minutes for re-ignition and report. For several times 10 minutes checking there is no re-ignition.6.Report direction and distance of person in water.The person in water’s direction is 120 angles and 50 meters ahead.7.Check launching tracks and report.All the launching tracks are operational.8.Check working parts and report.All working parts are operational.9.Operate lifeboat engine and report.Lifeboat engine is operated.10.Pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds is too low. Increasing the pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds.。
水手英语试题库一、单项选择I. 船舶及设备25. The third officer _____ the navigational watch from the chief officer.A. hand overB. take overC. keep over27. _____ must know the locations as well as the operations of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances.A. All officersB. All engineersC. All the crew4. Which of the following is not a dry cargo ship ?A. Bulk carrierB. TankerC. Container ship26. All the crew must know the _____ as well as the operations of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances.A. locatesB. locationsC. location18. The ship carries non-packed cargo or unprotected cargo, such as coal, ore or grain. It is called a ______ .A. general cargo shipB. container shipC. bulk carrier5. General cargo ships are traditional dry cargo carriers. Which of the following statement is not correct ?A. They have big tanks.B. They are often not big.C. They can carry almost all kinds of cargo.8. Which of the following are not dry cargo ships ?A. Multi-deck vessels and bulk carriers.B. Container ships and refrigerated ships.C. LNG carriers and chemical carriers.21. The most suitable cargoes for single deck vessel are ______ .A. heavy bulk cargoes such as coal, grain and iron oreB. heavy general cargoes such as steelC. light cargoes such as timber6. Refrigerated ship carriers frozen or chilled cargoes. Which of the following is correct ?A. Her size is very large.B. Her speed is often fast.C. Her speed is often very slow.9. Ro/Ro ships are the most important vehicle carriers. They have doors ______ .A. at the howB. at the sternC. at the bow or stern10. The most modern type of dry cargo carriers is ______ .A. the container shipB. the most importantC. the bulk carrier2. Cargo ships can be divided into ______ basic types.A. twoB. threeC. four11. A container ship is ______ type of dry cargo carriers.A. the most modernB. the general cargo shipC. the bulk carrier14. ______ can carry not only general cargo, but also bulk cargo.A. General cargo shipsB. Bulk carriersC. Multi-purpose ships7. Which of the following is not liquid cargo carrier ?A. ContainerB. Oil tankerC. Chemical carrier15. ______ do not have tweendecks. Their holds are much wider. They carry cargo in bulk.A. Bulk carriersB. General cargo shipsC. Multi-purpose ships30. Which of the following is not the superstructure ?A. BridgeB. PoopC. Bow16. ______ , the cargo space is divided into holds.A. In oil tankersB. In liquid cargo shipsC. In dry cargo ships17. ______ , the cargo space is divided into tanks.A. In dry cargo shipsB. In general cargo shipsC. In liquid cargo ships13. ______ are carried in container ships.A. Dry bulk cargoesB. ContainersC. Cars20. A vessel with tweendecks is suitable for ______ .A. bulk cargoB. general cargoC. vehicles3.The merchant ships can be designed as ______ .A. cargo ships and passenger shipsB. dry cargo ships and liquid cargo shipsC. cargo ships and oil tankers22. ______ sail on regular routes and keep to a fixed timetable.A. Tramps (不定期货船)B. Passenger shipsC. Liners23. ______ run in all parts of the world where there is cargo for them to carry.A. LinersB. TrampsC. Container ships1. In general, a vessel is ______ two parts.A. made ofB. made up ofC. make from24. Are the holds on ______ the same as those on tanker ?A. cargo dry shipB. dried cargo shipC. dry cargo ship12. The most common type of liquid cargo carrier is ______ .A. the LNG carrierB. the oil tankC. the chemical tanker25. This container ship is ______ than the passenger liner.A. more longB. much longerC. more longer26. In general, a vessel is made up of two parts, ______ .A. the holds and hullB. the holds and superstructureC. the hull and the superstructure12. The most common type of liquid cargo carrier is ______ .A. the LNG carrierB. the oil tankC. the chemical tanker28. The superstructure is ______ .A. below the main deckB. on the bridgeC. above the main deck29. The ______ is above the main deck.A. tankB. holdC. superstructure31. The hull is a ship‟s ______ body.A. mainB. outerC. upper43. The after part of a ship is called the ______ .A. sternB. bowC. fore58. An ordinary cargo ship usually has ______ holds.A. 4B. 5C. 632. The hull of a ship contains ______ .A. the engine room and cargo spaceB. the engine room and superstructureC. the engine room, cargo space and a number of tanks37. Tweendeck is below the ______ deck.A. upperB. lowerC. main34. Which of the following is not the part of the hull ?A. The engine roomB. cargo spaceC. bridge35. The main deck is extending ______ .A. from bow to sternB. from top to bottomC. from portside to starboard side36. The deck extending from bow to stern is called ______.A. the main deckB. the frameC. the superstructure38. The deck below the main deck is known as ______ .A. tweendeckB. boat deckC. weather deck33. The hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments by decks and ______ .A. holdB. tanksC. bulkheads39. Forecastle deck is located at the ship‟s ______ .A. midshipB. bowC. stern47. The port side aft part of a vessel is called the ______ .A. port bowB. port quarterC. starboard bow41. A short raised deck above the main deck at the bow is the ______ deck..A. poopB. forecastleC. fore51. Watertight compartments are separated by ______ .A. superstructureB. tweendecksC. decks and bulkheads44. The poop is at the ______ of a ship.A. sternB. bowC. midship45. The fore part of a vessel is called ______ .A. the sternB. the bowC. bridge12. The most common type of liquid cargo carrier is ______ .A. the LNG carrierB. the oil tankC. the chemical tanker48. ______ of the vessel, on the port side, is called port bow.A. The aft partB. The fore partC. The middle part60. A modern general cargo ship has her engine room and bridge ______ .A. amidshipsB. forwardC. aft49. The ______ part on starboard side is called the starboard quarter.A. aftB. foreC. middle40. A short raised deck above the main deck at the ______ is called the poop deck.A. bowB. midshipC. stern50. The ______ part of the vessel on the starboard side is the starboard bow.A. forwardB. aftC. port52. Bulkheads are upright steel ______ going across the ship.A. hullsB. wallsC. holds53. ______ are upright steel walls going across the ship.A. DecksB. TweendecksC. Bulkheads54. At the fore and after ends of the hull are the fore and after ______ .A. peak tanksB. tanksC. peak holds56. The cargo space in cargo ships is built as ______ .A. roomsB. cabinsC. holds57. Double bottom tanks are in the space between the ______ and the bottom of the hull.A. tanksB. holdsC. cabins19. Bulk carriers carry large quantities of loose cargo, therefore there have ______ .A. large holdsB. a lot of decksC. more than one tweendeck46. The middle part of a ship is known as ______ .A. forwardB. aftC. midship66. When standing on board a ship and facing the bow, the port side is on the ______ side.A. right-handB. foreC. left-hand59. The holds are numbered ______ .A. from forward to aftB. from aft to forwardC. from left to right55. At the fore end of the hull is ______ .A. fresh water tankB. the fore peak tankC. ship‟s peak tank83. The engine orders are passed from the bridge to the engine room by ______ .A. telephoneB. VHFC. telegraph61. A traditional general cargo ship has her ______ amidships.A. bridgeB. poopC. forecastle63. The fore and after peak tanks are used for ______ .A. fresh water and ballast waterB. fresh water and fuel oilC. sea water and fuel oil64. The double bottom tanks are used for ______ .A. fuel oil and fresh waterB. fresh water and ballast tankC. ballast water and fuel oil65. When you stand on a ship and face the bow, the left-hand side is called ______ .A. the left sideB. the port sideC. the starboard side68. Draft is the depth from ______ to vessel‟s bottom.A. waterlineB. deck levelC. amidships71. The line leading forward to the tug from the bow is ______ .A. the forward towing lineB. the headlineC. the forward breast line62. Roll-on/roll-off ships are ______ with ramps.A. workedB. stoppedC. equipped73. The line leading at a right angle to the centerline from the stern to the shore is ______ .A. the forward breast lineB. the aft breast lineC. the aft towing line67. If you are standing on board a ship and facing the bow, the right-hand side is called the ______ side.A. portB. leftC. starboard80. The ______ is of great value to ships in poor visibility.A. VHF setB. radarC. steering gear74. The line leading aft from the forecastle to the shore is ______ .A. the aft springB. the forward springC. the head line88. ______ must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers.A. Pilot boatsB. Light shipsC. Oceangoing tugs75. The line leading forward from the port bow to the shore is called ______ .A. the aft springB. the stern lineC. the head line77. ______ is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chain.A. A winchB. A windlassC. A crane72. The line leading aft from the stern to the stern tug is ______ .A. the stern lineB. the aft springC. the aft towing line78. The most modern vessels are navigated by ______ .A. LoranB. sextantC. satellite81. The second officer asked Bob to take the Noon Report to the ______ .A. engine roomB. engine holdC. engine gear82. We can find the ship‟s position on ______ .A. the mapB. the chartC. the compass84. Most ships are designed ______ cargo, a few carry passengers.A. to carryB. carryingC. carried76. My ship is equipped ______ automatic hatch covers.A. withB. inC. on85. Ships that transport people are called ______ .A. general cargo shipsB. oil tankersC. passenger ships79. A ______ is very much like an ordinary telephone.A. radarB. GPS setC. VHF set86. There are fewer ______ today than before.A. container shipsB. passenger shipsC. oil tankers89. ______ must be powerful enough to move ships of large size.A. BargesB. TugsC. Pilot boats91. Freeboard is the height from ______ to the top of weather deck.A. water levelB. bottom levelC. deck level6. Both the ______ and the office are noticing the buoys on the bridgeA. pilotB. engineerC. sailors92. The height from water level to the top of weather deck is called ______ .A. heightB. freeboardC. draft100. Radar makes it possible for us to ______ in dense fog.A. workB. lookC. sail93. ______ are not a kind of aids to navigation.A. Pilot boatsB. Light shipsC. Radio beacons95. The ______ is driven by electricity and it points to true north.A. radarB. gyro compassC. magnetic compass90. The tonnage of some supertankers is over ______ dwt.A. 50,000B. 500,000C. 5,000,0001. Who takes the wheel on the ship? ______.A. The sailors do.B. The bosun does.C. The quartermaster does.96. The officer on watch takes observation of landmarks by using ______ .A. the ship‟s compassB. the ship‟s chartC. his own eyes3. For most of the morning, he takes the wheel or ______the decks.A. cleanB. cleansC. cleaning97. The officer records the exact time of taking observation of the celestial bodies by means of ______ .A. a clockB. a watchC. the chronometer94. The officers take observation of the celestial bodies with ______ .A. the sextantB. the binocularsC. radar99. ______ is an electronic device which guards against collision.A. RadarB. GPSC. Steering gearII. 值班98. ______ should be used when a ship is proceeding in shallow waters.A. Direction FinderB. VHF setC. Echo Sounder2. When the ship is at sea, the watch sailor steers the wheel and helps the officer keep a ______ on the bridge.A. maintenanceB. watchC. lookout5. Who is ______ the bridge now ?A. atB. onC. in14. You never work late, ______ you ?A. doB. don‟tC. haven‟t87. A small boat takes pilots to and from ships, it is called a ______ .A. tugB. bargeC. pilot boat8. We use the ______ when proceeding in dense fog.A. hand-steeringB. auto-steeringC. gyro-pilot69. The depth from water line to vessel‟s bottom, is called ______ .A. draftB. displacementC. the depth below waterline9. ______ sharp lookout on forecastle because of thick fog.A. PutB. KeepC. Send23. At the stern, the ______ is making preparations for the mooring with the sailors.A. chief officerB. the second officerC. fast/go11. The sailor taking ______ on the bridge.A. 0 or 4B. 4 to 8C. 8 to 1212. We always have a lot of things ______ during the voyage.A. to doB. doingC. done7. The office asked him ______ a sharp lookout for the fishing boats.A. keepingB. to keepC. keep70. On shore, lines are made fast on ______ .A. bollardsB. bittsC. cleats4. For most of the mooring, he takes ______ or cleans ______.A. the decks/the wheelB. the wheel/the deckC. the wheel/the decks13. It‟s midnight, the duty A.B. feels very ______ .A. sleepB. asleepC. sleepy25. Jack ______ to pull the hawser.A. tried bestB. tried one‟s bestC. tried his best15. You overslept again this morning, ______ ?A. did youB. didn‟t youC. weren‟t you24. We made ______ all the lines and let ______ the tugs.A. tight/outB. fast/outC. fast/go10. He is standing ______ on the bridge.A. lookB. watchC. duty17. ______ ocean-going vessel is entering the harbor now .A. AB. AnC. The22. ______ the stern, the second officer is making preparations ______ the mooring with the sailors.A. In/withB. On/forC. At/for31. Our ship will not sail today. What about _____ ashore?A. goB. goingC. to go26. The sailors do ______ when the ship enters or leaves the harbor.A. maintenance workB. mooring and unmooring workC. cleaning work16. They went on ______ as usual.A. workB. workingC. works27. ______ the second officer ______ the duty A.B. are keeping anchor watch.A. Both/andB. Not only/but alsoC. Either/or29. M.V. GAOZHOUHAI ______the Atlantic to England next month.A. shall acrossB. shall sailC. shall cross30. My ship will arrive ______Port Said ______ Sunday.A. at/onB. in/atC. to/at36. Excuse me, may I have a word with your Chief? _____A. CertalyB. Certainly.C. Cirtainly28. After sailing for about ______,they anchored to England at the anchorage.A. a half hourB. half an hourC. an half hour32. Besides Yokohama, M.V.GAOHE will also _____ at some other Japanese ports.A. callB. visitC. get37. We are_____ the holds.A. sweepingB. seeingC. looking33. _____were brought back to ship from the sea.A. The crewB. The crewsC. The crew member44. If you find anything_____, report at once to the officer on duty.A. usuallyB. unusualC. unusually45.I thing the hatch covers_____ all fixed up by you.A. shouldB. wereC. was46. High speed operation and rough handling of covers are _____.A. easyB. difficultC. dangerous38. I can‟t see_____ in the dark hold.A. anyoneB. no oneC. someone41. Must we work on night_____ today.A. No, your mustn‟tB. No, you don‟tC. No, you needn‟t39.The sailor asked the docker _____ use the heavy derrick like that.A. notB. not toC. to not43.The sailor on duty will do it by_____.A. himselfB. oneselfC. hisself34. The tallyman is____ an O.S.A. talking withB. saying toC. speaking with40. The dockers are busy_____ their work.A. withB. inC. for48. “Stand by the gangway” means” _____”.A. Stand at the gangwayB. wait at the gangwayC. Get the gangway ready42.Must we work on night _____today?A. dutyB. workC. shift35. I‟d like_____ with the chief officer.A. talkB. talkingC. to talk47. On which side do you want the ladder _____?A. loweredB. to lowerC. lowering49. Is the pilot ladder all right at this_____?A. highB. heighC. height81. If our captain is not in his cabin , he must be on the _____.A. paint lockerB. engine roomC. bridge55. The pilot boat took the pilot_____ the ship.A. ofB. offC. out82. Agent, the captain is _____ you in his cabin.A. waitingB. expectingC. looking for51.The pilot ladder is _____ on the lee side.A. riggedB. fittedC. equipped54. Your ship has a freeboard of 12 meters. The pilot will board your ship from the starboard side. What do you do as a sailor on watch?A. Rig a gangwayB. Rig a pilot ladder.C. Rig the gangway combined with a pilot ladder.52. The pilot didn‟t_____ until the ship was clear of the harbor.A. embarkB. boardC. disembark57. We shall hoist the flag _____ as soon as a pilot comes on board.A. “H”B. “G”C.”P”53. The pilot will be on _____ our ship in 10minutes.A. boatB. boardC. aboard56. The pilot room is next _____ the chart room.A. toB. inC. with58. If the pilot boards the ship at night, we should prepare_____.A. a pilot ladder and a heaving lineB. a pilot ladder, an overside light and a life buoyC. a pilot ladder, a heaving line, life buoy and an overside light64. When a ship is in port, _____ must keep a watch on the gangway.A. officersB. crew membersC. sailors60. If the ladder is two steps higher ,you should_____.A. lower a rope to take up the pilot‟s bagB. drop a heaving line to the pilotC. lower the ladder two steps67. The gangway is about one meter higher. _____ it, please.A. LowB. LowerC. Lowen61. Which do you want, a gangway or a rope ladder? A gangway combined with a _____.A. wireB. ropeC. pilot ladder50. The pilot has come on board . Please hoist signal flag_____.A. “G”B. “Q”C. “H”80. Please don‟t come up. We don‟t want buy _____.A. nothingB. somethingC. anything73. Will you take me to see your chief office?Sorry. He is busy at the moment .Would you mind _____ a few minutes?A. waitB. to waitC. waiting62. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by_____.A. the chief officeB. the bosunC. the duty sailor65. When the ship is in port the watch sailors stand gangway watch, open and close the hatches, Adjust the derricks and keep watch over the _____.A. hatchesB. bridgeC. deck59. When you are ready to drop a line to the pilot ,what will you say to him.?A. Hold on to my hand.B. Mind your head.C. Watch your step63.When the ship is in port, the sailor on duty_____ gangway watch.A. hasB. keepsC. looks66. Please tell the duty A.B to lower the _____.A. winchB. radarC. gangway75. Mr. Agent , You are _____.A. welcomeB. welcomeC. welcoming70. Are you the sailor on _____?A. workB. the bridgeC. duty72. Is the chief officer on board? No. He _____ ashore.A. has beenB. has goneC. went74. I‟m your agent. I want to see your _____.A. bosunB. chief officerC. captain76. _____ me, please.A. ComeB. TakeC. Follow71. I‟d like to have a talk _____ your captain.A. atB. withC. on79. Please wait a moment . I‟ll go ask him to _____.A. goB. comeC. back77. Come _____, please.A. by this wayB. this is the wayC. this way78. I‟ll show you the _____.A. vesselB. wayC. ship83. I‟ll tell the captain when he _____ back.A. comesB. will comeC. come99. May I _____ your spanner?A. lendB. takeC. borrow85. Spread a safety net _____ the gangway.A. onB. underC. above92. When your ship is alongside , don‟t forget _____ rat guards _____the moorings.A. putting/onB. to put/atC. to put/on86. Pay more attention to the and fall of _____.A. tideB. waterC. sea88. The sailor on gangway watch should _____.A. keep sharp lookout at the forecastleB. receive visitorsC. expect the agent91. As soon as the ship gets alongside the wharf, you should lower the gangway and put a net _____it .A. overB. belowC. beside89. The duty sailor on the gangway usually looks _____ the ship before relieving.A. aroundB. up atC. at84. The gangway is _____ high for the stevedores _____ board this ship.A. so/thatB. as/asC. too/to100. Would you please _____ me a hammer?A. borrowB. lendC. take90. Which of the following is not the duty of the sailor on gangway watch?A. Noticing rise and fall of the tideB. Adjusting the mooring lines.C. Discharging cargoes.93. The wind is blowing _____ seawards.A. hardB. heavyC. strong87. When tide rises and falls, we must _____ the mooring lines.A. slack awayB. adjustC. take in94. Check and secure all _____ on deck.A. the winchesB. the discharging gearC. the movable things102. Can you show mw how to_____ the screw?A. openB. tighten upC. Close95. The hatch cover of No.4 is out of the railway. _____?A. What can I doB. What I can doC. What do I can68. Good morning, sir. _____ are you looking for?A. WhomB. HowC. What business98. May I borrow your screw driver? Yes . _____ .A. Here you areB. Here are youC. It‟s here101. The nut is Loose. Lend ma a _____ ,please.A. hammerB. screw driverC. saw103. Pull out the nails _____ a claw hammer.A. inB. byC. with104. We can use _____ to cut wire.A. a hammerB. a spannerC. a pair of pliers106. You can borrow rollers _____ the bosun. He must have got some.A. fromB. forC. to97. I want a clamp. Could you _____ me one ?A. takeB. carryC. bring107. Please return it after_____ it.A. useB. usedC. using81. If there is another line already on the bollard, the eye of the second line should be _________ before placing it over the bollard.A. taken up through the eye of the first lineB. taken up over the eye of the first lineC. made fast to the first line69. _____ can I do for you ?A. HowB. WhereC. What105. Have you _____ a saw which I can use for a while?A. gotB. lentC. done96. The duty officer asks the A.B. to _____ the ship to avoid fire.A. have a lookB. have a checkC. make regular rounds of82. “The anchor was heaved aweigh” means “_________”.A. The anchor was clear of the bottomB. The anchor was let goC. The anchor was foul108. If you want to borrow a spanner from someone ,you will say” _____?”A. May I lend your spannerB. May I borrow your spannerC. Could you borrow me your spanner115. Set down the derricks ,batten down the hatches, clean up fore and aft decks and get ready for_____.A. seaB. loadingC. discharging109. We‟ll _____200 tons of F. W. before sailing.A. take forB. take inC. take on111. Before operating the gangway, the sailor is not needed to check_____.A. whether power is suppliedB. whether the gangway lock is releasedC. whether the main engine is stopped83. When the order to let go the anchor is received, you should _________.A. release the brakeB. hoist the anchor ballC. turn the windlass over slowly114. The light is out. Could you lend me a _____ for checking the connections?A. test pencilB. bulbC. flash light116. When passing Time Zone, adjust all the ship‟s clock _____ ahead at noon.A. I hourB. 24 hoursC. half an hours122. The soil pipe under the kitchen is blocked _____ . Get it through right now.A. offB. uponC. up118. Sorry to have kept you_____.A. waitB. waitedC. waiting110. The ship _____ ,for the pilot will board the ship.A. slows downB. slowed downC. has slowed down120. When your vessel is going to moor alongside, the signal flag _____ must be showed in themiddle of the berth.A. “N”B.“P”C.”O”117. We doubt about the figure given by the tallyman. Could you _____ the figure with ours?A. checkB. examineC. compare121. Please arrange for _____to clean the holds before my vessel takes cereal.A. cleaning gangsB. stevedore gangsC. lashing gangs119. The tally figure of the loading port is different_____ that of the discharging port.A. fromB. withC. against123. The A.B. _____with great care because of more coming and going ships and narrow passages in the harbor.A. takes the wheelB. alters the rudderC. changes the course125. Everything about the ship should be recorded in the _____ by the duty officer.A. logbookB. actC. ship‟s paperIII. 船舶命令81. If there is another line already on the bollard, the eye of the second line should be _________ before placing it over the bollard.A. taken up through the eye of the first lineB. taken up over the eye of the first lineC. made fast to the first line124. This ship is quick to_____ large rudder angles.A. answerB. actC. move82. “The anchor was heaved aweigh” means “_________”.A. The anchor was clear of the bottomB. The anchor was let goC. The anchor was foul112. A pilot ladder must be between _____ meters in length.A.1.5 and 9B. 2 and 9C.1.5 and 781. If there is another line already on the bollard, the eye of the second line should be _________ before placing it over the bollard.A. taken up through the eye of the first lineB. taken up over the eye of the first lineC. made fast to the first line113. The pilot room is next to _____.A. the chart roomB. the wheel houseC. the bridge5. Finished ______ wheel !A. outB. byC. with19. M.V. Utopia is ready ______ the departure from Port Kilan.A. toB. forC. at6. “Keep ______ to the lighthouse”, said the pilot.A. directlyB. straightC. straightly7. “______”“Two degrees on starboard.”A. How answer ?B. What course ?C. What rudder ?8. Course 270 should be clearly spoken as ______ .A. two hundreds and seventyB. twenty-seven oC. two seven zero82. “The anchor was heaved aweigh” means “_________”.A. The anchor was clear of the bottomB. The anchor was let goC. The anchor was foul12. The ship is to leave at eight o‟clock. The captain should order at seven “______.”A. Make fastB. Single upC. Stand by83. When the order to let go the anchor is received, you should _________.A. release the brakeB. hoist the anchor ballC. turn the windlass over slowly18. Get ready the mooring machinery, mooring lines and the gangway for ______ .A. loading cargoB. arrival in portC. departure from port21. We ‟ll leave the harbor right now. ______ for unmooring.A. Stand byB. Get readyC. Preparing9. When a ship proceeds at sea or into a harbour, the pilot or the captain gives ______ to the steersman .A. the helm ordersB. the engine-room ordersC. the mooring orders83. When the order to let go the anchor is received, you should _________.A. release the brakeB. hoist the anchor ballC. turn the windlass over slowly3. ______ -a-starboard !A. SmallB. HardC. Big13. The pilot needs the ship to go forward very slowly. The order should be ______.A. “Slow ahead”B. “Dead slow ahead”C. “Dead slow astern”11. When the helm orders have been carried out, the steersman ______ .A. must report the factB. must report the course being steeredC. both a and b14. Stand ______ engine !A. byB. inC. with17. ______ with engine !A. FinishingB. FinishC. Finished15. Dead slow ______ !A. speedB. aheadC. head20. ______ ready for mooring.A. HaveB. BeC. Get31. ______ heaving !A. be readyB. stand byC. prepare16. Slow ahead ______ engines !A. withB. bothC. and。
Chapter 1 Daily EnglishLesson 1I. Answering the questions.1. What’s your date of birth?________.(May 1st 1985.)2. What’s your seaman book number?The number is R1235.3. Where are you from ?I’m from Guangdong China.4. What’s your captain’s nationa lity?He is Chinese.5.What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think safety is the most important thing on board.6. Which ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian , Singapore, Hong Kong and so on.7. What’s your marital status?I’m single.8. How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia?It will take about one week.9. How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class?I wish to take Economy class.10. Do I have more than the duty-free allowance?Yes, I do.II. Topics.1. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work..c) Your spare time activities.My name is____________. I am_________ years old. I am from_________ province.I am a student majoring in navigation in Guangzhou Maritime College.I will graduate in the year _______.I go to class to learn some navigational subjects from Monday to Friday.In the evening, I usually review my lessons.Sometimes, I go to downtown to buy something.During my spare time, I usually read novels or do some sports.I like playing basketball and football very much.Life at school is interesting to me.I will work hard to master the basic navigational knowledge and skills.I am confident that I will become a qualified seafarer in the future.2. Say something about your family.a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.c) Their hobbies and characteristics.There are _____ people in my family.My grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister and me.My father is a worker( farmer, teacher, doctor, company staff, government staff, seafarer)My mother is a ___________.(housewife)They work very hard to support my education at school.I am very thankful to them.My father likes reading newspaper very much.(watching TV, playing cards)My mother likes shopping very much.My father and mother are very kindMy father is a man of few words and he talks little.My mother is talkative and she talks a lot.I love my family very much.3. Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.My hometown is located in the southeast part of China.It is a seashore city.There are 3 million people in my hometown.My hometown is developing very fast.The environment in my hometown is very good.People keep their traditional customs.Fishery industry is important to my hometown.It is a major fishery products providing place in China.Nowadays, my hometown has rapid development in tourism.Thousands of tourists from different parts of China and other countries visit my hometown. And people’s living standard has been improved greatly.I am very proud of my hometown.4. Please say something about your responsibilities on boarda) Your position on board..b) Your daily work on board..c) Your duties on board .My position on board is A.B. I am under the Bosun’s Leader, when keep watching, l am under the command of the duty officer.1)before leaving a port, I must test the steering gear, check navigational lights andsignal lights.2)Hoist and low down the Flag, turn on and turn off all kinds of light.3)When sailing at sea, maneuver the steer according to the orders from captain, dutyofficer or pilot.4)Properly change the pilot according to the orders from the duty officer.5)Responsible for the sanitary work in and out of the bridge.6)Rig and take in the pilot ladder and gangway on time.7)When berthing, engage in mooring and unmooring operation.8)Do the Repair and maintenance under the arrangement of the bosun.一级水手在水手长直接领导下,值班时听从值班驾驶员指挥。
⽔⼿英语练习题1.Double bottom tanks are in the space between the _____and the bottom of the hull.A. tanksB. holdsC. cabinsD. tweendecksB2.The holds are numbered ____.A. from forward to aftB. from aft to forwardC. from left to rightD. from main deck to bottomA3. A modern general cargo ship has her engine room and bridge__________.A. amidshipB. forwardC. aftD. A or BC4.When standing on board a ship and facing the bow,the port side is on the ____side.A. right-handB. foreC. left-handD. aftC5.Draft is the depth from ______to vessel'bottom.A. waterlineB. deck levelC. amidshipsD. main deckA6.The line leading forward to the tug from the bow is_____.A. the forward towing lineD. the stern lineA7.My ship is equipped _____ automatic hatch covers.A. withC. onD. forA8.The most modern vessels are navigated by _____.A. loranB. sextantC. satelliteD. magnetic compassC9.The ____ is of great value to ships in poor visibility.A. VHF setB. radarC. steering gearD. compassB10.We can find the ship's position on _____.A. the mapB. the chartC. the compassD. VHF setB11.The engine orders are passed from the bridge to the engine room by_____.A. telephoneB. VHFC. GPS setD. telegraphD12.Ships that transport people are called ______.A. general cargo ships13._______ must be powerful enough to move ships of large size.A. BargesB. TugsC. Life boatsB14.________ must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers.A. Pilot boatsB. Light shipsC. Ocean-going tugsD. Fishing boatsA15.The oil is pumped onto the ship at the loading port by ________ .A. ship’s own pumpsB. shore pumpsC. large drumsD. boiler feed pumpB16.______ is driven by electricity and it points to true north.A. The gyro compassB. The magnetic compassC. The compass cardD. The compassesA17.The deck extending from bow to stern is called ________.A. the main deckB. the frameC. the superstructureD. the decks below the main deckA18.At the discharging port, the tanker pumps the oil ashore using ________.A. shore pumps19._______ must be kept away from dry cargoes.A. Wet cargoesB. Heavy cargoesC. Light cargoesD. Bulk cargoesA20. A short raised deck above the main deck at the bow is called ________.A. the fore deckB. the weather deckC. the superstructure deckD. the forecastle deckD21.The height from water level to the top of weather deck is called ________.A. heightB. freeboardC. draftD. air draftB22.Cargo ships can be divided into _____basic types.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. fiveA23.The merchants ships can be designed as _________.A. cargo ships and passenger shipsB. dry cargo ships and liquid cargo shipsC. cargo ships and oil tankersD. cargo ships and container shipsA24.Which of the following is not a dry cargo ship?C. Container shipD. General cargo shipB25.Which of the following is not liquid cargo carrier?A. Container shipB. Oil tankerC. Chemical carrierD. LPG carrierA26.Ro/Ro ships are the most important vehicle carriers.They have doors_________.A. at the bowB. at the sternC. at the bow and sternD. A or B or CC27.The most common type of liquid cargo carrier is _____.A. the LNG carrierB. the oil tankerC. the chemical tankerD. the LPG carrierB28.The superstructure includes __________.A. the forecastle and the engineroomB. the forecastle 、bridge and poopC. the forecastle 、bridge and main deckD. the bridge and main deckB29.Watertight compartments are separated by ________.A. engine roomsB. tweendecksC. dunnagesD. decks and bulkheadsDA. alter the rudderB. change the courseC. hand the wheelD. takes the wheelD31.How many departments are there on board? They are ________.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. fourC32.The carpenter and the bosun also belong to the ________.A. deck departmentB. service departmentC. engine departmentD. departmentA33.________ is on duty on the bridge from 0400 to 0800 hours.A. The chief officerB. The third officerC. The second officerD. The duty officerA34.The bosun is good ________ seamanship.A. inB. atC. onD. forB35.Cleaning, painting and repair work is known as ________.A. maintenance workB. sailor’s workC. daily work36.Tweendeck is below the ___deck.A. upperB. lowerC. mainD. boatC37.The poop is at the _______ of a ship.A. sternB. bowC. midshipD. bridgeA38.Bulkheads are upright steel____going across the ship.A. hullsB. wallsC. holdsD. tweendecksB39.The tonnage of some supertankers is over _____dwt.A. 5,000B. 50,000C. 500,000D. 5,000,000C40.______ the cargo space is divided into tanks.A. In liquid cargo shipsB. In dry cargo shipsC. In bulk carriersD. In barge shipsB41.______ is carried in bags.A. Vegetable oilB. RiceB42.The height and the width of a standard size of container is ______.A. differentB. 8mC. the sameD. 9ftC43.Are you _____ your course?A. atB. fromC. awayD. onD44.Remember to answer the pilot’s order ________.A. clearly and quicklyB. loudly and slowlyC. quietly and correctlyD. clearly and loudlyD45.You are experienced in ____ the wheel.A. steerB. steeringC. steersD. steeredB46.________ two seven five!A. WorkB. SteerC. HandleD. TakeB47._______to five!A. EaseA48.Nothing ________port!A. inB. forC. toD. fromC49.Finished ________ wheel!A. outB. byC. withD. inC50.The pilot needs the ship to go forward very slowly.The order should be ____.A. "Slow ahead"B. "Dead slow ahead"C. "Dead slow astern"D. "Slow asternB51.How long ___ it take to change engine from ahead to astern ?A. isB. wasC. doesD. doC52.When does a pilot say “ Make all lines fast”? ________A. The ship is about to be in positionB. The ship is very close to the berthC. The ship is on voyageD. The ship is in positionD53.We made _____all the lines and let _____the tugs.D. fast/goingC54.Jack _____to pull hawser.A. tried bestB. tried one's bestC. tried his bestD. trying his bestC55.“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means ________.A. “The anchor was let go”B. “The anchor was foul”C. “The anchor was clear of the bottom”D. “The anchor leading abeamC56.Spread a safety net _____ the gangway.A. onB. overC. aroundD. underD57.Agent, the captain is ____ you in his cabin.A. waitingB. expectingC. looking forD. looking forwardB58.Is the captain on board? No. He _________ ashore.A. wentB. has beenC. has goneD. goesCB. the 2nd officerC. the captainD. the third officer or the duty sailorD60.The pilot room is next _____ the chart room.A. withB. inC. toD. onC61.Excuse me, may I_____ your spanner?A. doB. borrowC. lendD. fetchB62.Could you ________me a needle and some thread? I want to mend these broken bags.A. haveB. borrowC. lendD. takeC63.The nut is loose. Lend me ________, please.A. an oil canB. a hammerC. a screw driverD. a sawC64.The light is out. Could you lend me a _____for checking the connections?A. test pencilB. bulbC. flash lightD. torchA. toB. ofC. forD. fromD66.Please return it after ____it.A. usedB. useC. usingD. to useC67.I want a clamp. Could you ________ me one?A. bringB. takeC. carryD. acquireA68.Who takes the wheel on the ship?A. The sailors doB. The bosun doesC. The quartermaster doesD. The third officer doesC69.You never work late,____ you?A. doB. don'tC. havn'tD. didn'tA70.They went on ____as usual.A. workB. workingC. works71.Besides Yokohama,M.V.GAOHE will also ____at some other Japanese ports.A. callB. visitC. getD. goA72.Excuse me,may I have a word with your Chief? _____A. CertainlyB. CertianlyC. CeitainlyD. CirtainlyA73.________can I do for you?A. HowB. WhereC. WhatD. WhoC74.Are you sailor on ________?A. workB. the bridgeC. dutyD. workingC75.The gangway is ______high for the stevedores ______board this ship.A. so/thatB. as/asC. too/toD. so/toC76.The soil pipe under the kitchen is blocked________.Get it through right now.A. offC. up77.Everything about the ship should be recorded in the ________by the duty officer.A. logbookB. record bookC. ship's paperD. ship's recordA78.Timber can be stowed ____.A. both on deck and in holdsB. only on deckC. only in holdsD. either on deck or in holdsA79.Hooks ________ allowed for discharging the rice bags.A. areB. are notC. is notD. isB80.The containers are loaded and unloaded by ________ .A. ship’s heavy derrickB. fork trucksC. special cranes from wharfsideD. jumbo boomsC81.Bosun I've never operated the hatch covers ___by hydraulic power.A. poweredB. drivenC. movedD. movingB82.Could you show me_____to open the hatch covers ?A. whyB. when83.The cargo _______Hold No.3 is to be discharged first.A. atB. inC. forD. toB84.Stow the bags one _____ one, please.A. afterB. withC. byD. ofC85.Don't stow the box _____.A. downB. up and downC. upside downD. upC86.Heavy cargo might break ____ cargo, so it can't be stowed on top of it.A. lightB. bulkC. dangerousD. hardA87.We are loading inflammable cargo.No one ____smoke on deck.A. canB. can'tC. willD. won'tA88.It's getting dark. Please ____the cargo lights.A. openB. turn onB89.What does "SWL" stand for?A. Safe Water Line.B. Ship Without Lights.C. Safe Working Load.D. Safe Working Line.C90.“What _________ is today?” “It’s Sunday.”A. dateB. wrongC. weatherD. dayD91.He often teaches _____ to speak English.A. weB. usC. ourD. oursB92.The dockers are busy ____ their work.A. withB. onC. forD. byA93.What’s ________ you?A. the matter withB. the matterC. the matters withD. matterA94.We usually reply to “ How do you do?” with ________.A. HelloD. I’m fine, thank youC95.It’s ten minutes _____ five.A. atB. afterC. toD. beforeC96.__ is it now? It’s eight o’clock.A. HowB. WhatC. What timeD. How oftenC97.Could you tell me ________?A. where is the nearest public telephoneB. where the nearest public telephone isC. is where the nearest public telephoneD. the nearest public telephone is whereB98.Excuse me , can you tell me ___ get the airport?A. to howB. toC. howD. how toD99.May I __ Mr. Johnson, please?Just hold the line, please.A. speak toB. speakC. speak atD. speak forAB. How priceC. How dearD. How much D。
水手英语模拟试卷二1.All !A. clearB. clearedC. clean2.We’ll leave the harbor right now for unmooring.A. stand byB. get readyC. preparing3.The double bottom tanks are used for .A. fuel oil and fresh waterB. fresh water and ballast tankC. ballast water and fuel oil4.Draft is the depth from to vessel’s bottom.A. waterlineB. deck levelC. amidships5.A ship is made fast to the quayside by .A. mooring linesB. heaving linesC. towing lines6.When doing mooring and unmooring work, the operators must pay more attention it, otherwise, it is very dangerous.A. onB. inC. to7.The line leading at right angle to the centerline from the stern to the shore is .A. the forward breast lineB. the aft breast lineC. the aft spring8.The depth from water line to ship’s bottom is called .A. draftB. displacementC. the depth below waterline9.If our caption is not in his cabin, he must be on the .A. paint lockerB. engine roomC. bridge10.Spread a safety net the gangway.A. onB. underC. above11.Pay more attention to the rise and fall of .A. tideB. waterC. sea12.Our ship will not sail today. What about ashore.A. goB. goingC. to go13.Besides Yokohama, M.V GAO HE will also at some other Japanese port.A. callB. visitC. get14.The part on starboard side is called the starboard quarter.A. aftB. foreC. middle15.The part of the vessel on the starboard side is the starboard bow.A. forwardB. aftC. port16.Separate the inflammables fire spot.A. forB. fromC. into17.At each drill a different person should an extinguisher.A. chargeB. loadC. discharge18.Bring your immersion suit, meet is front of the .A. boat deckB. forecastle deckC. main deck19.There is a smell of gas in the hold. You must wear your .A. life jacketB. fire maskC. breathing apparatus20.Cast to control the speed of drifting raft.A. sea anchorB. port anchorC. starboard anchor21.When the helm orders have been carried out, the steersman .A. must report the factB. must report the course being steeredC. both A and B 22.“NE”stands for .A. north and eastB. north-eastC. east-north23.The point“S”of the compass is in degrees.A. 180B. 360C. 09024.I’m ready to relieve you of the watch ,Xiao li. What’s the course?A. GC325B. MC327C. both A and B25.The O.S is practicing on the bridge and quartermaster is helping him the wheel.A. steeringB. steersC. steer26.Heaving !A. GiveB. AvastC. Do27.--Let go the tow line.--Yes .I will .A. let go itB. let go to itC. let it go28.Mooring line both were let go.A. from bow to sternB. fore and aftC. port and starboard29.Pass the spring round the drum, and easy.A. heave awayB. heave ofC. heave down30.Take tug’s towing line to ,then heave away easy.A. captainB. carpenterC. capstan31.Stand by for up.A. haveB. to haveC. heaving32.M.V Utopia is ready the departure from port kilan.A. toB. forC. at33.Switch anchor lights.A. onB. inC. at34.When preparing to anchor, it is necessary to take to the forecastle .A. a hammerB. a hammer and an oil canC. a hammer, an oil can and some goggles 35.ocean-going vessel is entering the harbor now.A. AB. AnC. The36.We shall sail across the India Ocean and through the for Europe .A. Panama CanalB. Malacca StraitC. Suez Canal37.Anchor is .A. movingB. draggingC. catching38.I think the hatch covers all fixed up by you.A. shouldB. wereC. was39.High speed operation and rough handing of covers are .A. easyB. difficultC. dangerous40.The hatch cover of No.4 is out of the railway .A. What can I do?B. What can I do?C. What do I can?41.are used to secure the two containers one on top of the other.A. TurnbucklesB. Lashing barC. Twist42.The duty sailor on the gangway usually looks the ship before relieving.A. aroundB. up atC. at43.The pilot room is next the chart room.A. toB. inC. with44.We shall hoist the flag as soon as a pilot comes on board.A.“H”B.“G”C.“P”45.If the pilot boards the ship at night, we should prepare .A. a pilot ladder and a heaving lineB. a pilot ladder an overside light and a life buoyC. a pilot ladder and a heaving line a life buoy and an overside light46.When you are ready to drop a line to the pilot, what will you say to him?A. Hold on to my handB. Mind your headC. Watch your step!47.Pull out the nails a claw hammer.A. inB. byC. with48.We can use to cut wire.A. a hammerB. a spannerC. a pair of pliers49.Have you a saw which I can use for a while.A. gotB. lentC. done50.They should taken great care of.A. beenB. beingC. be。
水手英语模拟试卷一1.Run in all parts of the word where there is cargo for them to carry. A. liners B. tramps C. container ships2.A V.H.F set makes communications between .A. ship and shoreB. shore and shipC. both A and B3.careful. The stevedores are handing dangerous cargo.A. Y ouB. BeC. Please to be4.Don’t leave the lashing tools about.A. lieB. lyingC. laying5.is used in fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.A. V anishB. CementC. Bitumen6.is used in bilges and peak tanks.A. BitumenB. PaintC. Cement wash7.Primer coats are applied to a bare metal surface to give protection againstA. rustB. dirtC. dust8.A ship’s bottom is given a coating of which contain poison.A. varnishB. anti-fouling paintC. boot-topping paint9.The is used to thin the paint , if the paint is thick.A. thinnerB. waterC. oil10.Apply to coats of red lead primer and topside paint the forecastle deck.A. forB. withC. to11.Paint is stowed in the paint .A. cabinB. lockerC. room12.Scrapers are used to the rust on the plates.A. removeB. moveC. shift13.The winch at Hatch No.1 is trouble.A. onB. byC. in14.The gooseneck is .Stop using it at once.A. bendB. bentC. band15.Stow the derricks before sailing.A. fore and aftB. up and downC. port and starboard16.is used for lifting long heavy cargoes.A. derrickB. craneC. jumbo boom17.A can give power to hoist or lower the cargo.A. cargo winchB. lift winchC. derrick18.We can remove the heavy rust on the plate with a .A. scraperB. hammerC. chipping hammer19.Loose paint and scale are remove with .A. a chipping hammerB. a scraperC. a lining brush20.Before an area can be repainted, preparation is .A. goodB. uselessC. necessary21.The patches should be wiped clean before paint is .A. appliedB. suppliedC. placed22.The rusty plates should be scraped and brushed to .A. cleanB. smooth surfaceC. bare metal23.Finally ,a wire brush should be used on all bare to remove the last of the scale.A. metalB. woodC. cement24.After leaving the port, we used to clean the empty holds and decks.A. fresh waterB. sea waterC. both A and B25.Y ou’d better use to remove the oil on the plates.A. waterB. sandC. saw dust26.Manila rope is than sisal rope.A. cheaperB. more expensiveC. less expensive27.Manila rope can be used mooring and handling cargoes.A. forB. toC. by28.In stowage, keep nylon away heat and strong chemicals.A. fromB. toC. with29.All cargo wires need to be .A. greasedB. oiledC. washed30.Synthetic fiber rope is made from .A. nylon fiberB. natural fiberC. man-made fibers31.The has a lot of knowledge and practical experienced in seamanship.A. bosunB. A.BC. carpenter32.The carpenter is directly responsible to the .A. captainB. chief officerC. bosun33.must know the locations as well as the operations of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances.A. All officersB. All engineersC. All the crew34.Fire and boat are carried out periodically.A. drillsB. activitiesC. works35.When the alarm is sounded the crew shall put their clothes and muster at stations immediately.A. inB. onC. out36.A small boat takes pilots to and from ships, it is called a .A. tugB. bargeC. pilot boat37.must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers.A. Pilot boatsB. Light shipsC. Oceangoing tugs38.must be powerful enough to move ships of large size.A. bargesB. tugsC. pilot boats39.The bosun is responsible for .A. sailor’s workB. sound the tanks and bilgesC. stowage of the cargoes40.The tonnage of some supertankers is over dwt.A. 50,000B. 1,000,000C. 5,000,00041.Sailor’s work is done by the rating under the supervision of the .A. carpenterB. bosunC. second officer42.Which of the following port is the port of America?A. ShanghaiB. San FranciscoC. Singapore43.The fore part of a ship is called .A. the sternB. the bowC. the bridge44.At the fore end of the hull is .A. fresh water tankB. the fore peak tankC. ship’s peak tank45.Double bottom tanks are in the space between the and the bottom of the hull.A. tanksB. holdsC. cabins46.The sailor’s work consist of .A. clanging work、painting workB. repair work、painting workC. painting work 、cleaning work and repair work etc.47.Roll-on/roll-off ships are with ramps.A. workedB. stoppedC. equipped48.should be used when a ship is proceeding in shallow waters.A. Radio direction finderB. VHF setC. Echo Sounder49.on head line.A. CatchB. TakeC. Hold50.the line tight.A. keepB. makeC. have。
水手英语试题库及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is the correct way to call a ship by radio?A. Hello, this is ship Alpha Bravo Charlie.B. This is ship Alpha Bravo Charlie calling.C. Ship Alpha Bravo Charlie, calling anyone.D. Alpha Bravo Charlie, ship calling.2. What does the term "dead in the water" mean?A. The ship is sinking.B. The ship is stationary and not moving.C. The ship is moving very slowly.D. The ship is lost and cannot be found.3. What is the standard speed measurement used in maritime navigation?A. Kilometers per hour.B. Nautical miles per hour.C. Knots.D. Miles per hour.4. What does the abbreviation "LOA" stand for?A. Length Over All.B. Length of Arrival.C. Length of Anchor.D. Length of Approach.5. When should a ship change its course to avoid a collision?A. When the other vessel is on the port side.B. When the other vessel is on the starboard side.C. When the other vessel is ahead.D. When the other vessel is astern.二、填空题6. The international maritime signal flag for "I require a pilot" is _______.7. The term "____" is used to describe a ship that is listing to one side.8. A "____" is a device used to measure the depth of water.9. The "____" is the part of a ship that is below the waterline.10. "____" is the term used for the distance a ship travelsin a straight line from one point to another.三、简答题11. Explain the difference between "port" and "starboard" in maritime navigation.12. Describe the procedure a ship should follow when enteringa port.13. What are the main components of a ship's navigation bridge?14. What is the significance of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in global shipping?15. How does a ship's draft affect its navigation?四、阅读理解题16. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:"The maritime industry is a crucial part of global trade, with ships transporting goods across the world's oceans. Navigation is a complex process that requires knowledge of the sea, weather, and the rules of the road at sea. Ships must maintain a safe distance from each other to avoid collisions and must be able to communicate effectively with other vessels and ports. The use of advanced technology, such as GPS and radar, has greatly improved the safety and efficiency of maritime navigation."a. What is the primary function of the maritime industry?b. What are some challenges faced by ships during navigation?c. What role does technology play in modern maritime navigation?五、作文题17. Write an essay on the importance of effective communication in maritime operations. Discuss the different modes of communication used at sea and how they contribute to the safety and efficiency of shipping.答案:一、选择题1. B2. B3. C4. A5. B二、填空题6. Alpha7. List8. Sounding lead9. Keel10. Dead reckoning三、简答题11. Port refers to the left side of a ship when facing forward, while starboard refers to the right side. These terms are used to indicate directions relative to the ship's orientation.12. When entering a port, a ship should follow the local regulations, communicate with the port authority, and navigate carefully to avoid obstacles and other vessels.13. The main components of a ship's navigation bridge include the steering console, communication equipment, navigation instruments, and a chart table.14. The IMO sets global standards for ship safety, security, and environmental performance to ensure safe and efficient shipping practices worldwide.15. A ship's draft affects its navigation by determining the depth of water it can safely navigate, which in turn influences its route and the ports it can visit.四、阅读理解题16. a. The primary function of the maritime industry is to facilitate global trade by transporting goods across the world's oceans.b. Some challenges faced by ships during navigation include maintaining a safe distance from other vessels to avoid collisions and effectively communicating with other ships and ports.c. Technology plays a crucial role in modern maritime navigation by improving safety and efficiency through the use of advanced tools like GPS and radar.五、作文题17. [学生需根据题目要求自行撰写作文]。
值班水手英语阶段性测试试题三1.“Port a little sluggish” means_______.A. that the port rudder answers very well.B. that the port rudder answers slow.C. that the port rudder answers quickly.D. that the port rudder is broken.2. -------”__________?”------“Two degrees on starboard.”A. What rudder?B. How is the heading?C. How answers?D. What course?3. --------Mind the wheel! -------____________.A. Y es, sirB. Mind the wheelC. Port fiveD. I will4. Steer the wheel carefully and keep a sharp _______.A. look outB. look aroundC. look atD. lookout5. ------How many revolutions? ------_________.A. Slow aheadB. EightyC. Thirty minutesD. Slow6. Bow______full to starboard.A. thrustB. sternC. engineD. speed7. 极低速控制。
A. Low speed control.B. Inching control.C. High speed control.D. Slow speed control.8. 压舵!A. Meet her!B. Meet him!C. Meet the rudder!D. Hard over!9. Steady as she goes!A. 照直走!B. 主机定速!C. 用车完毕!D. 备车!10. Report if she does not answer the wheel.A. 若舵不灵,立即报告。
单项选择1. They should take care of(锚)_____to ensure that they are in normal condition.A.anchorsB.anchor ballC.anchor gearD. anchor ring2. Please (填写)_____ this visitor’s registry book.A.fill withB.fill inC.fill awayD. fill up3. Where are____(危险货)carried on board?A.safe goodsB.general cargoC.dangerous goodsD. bulk cargo4. The master will be back(立即)_____.A.in no timeB.soonC.before longD. after a while5.We shall prepare for(港口国)___inspection.A.PSCB.ARPAC.GPSD.ECDIS6. National flag should not be(卷叠)_________.A.rolling upB.rolls upC.rolled upD. roll up7. Put the__(防鼠挡)on the lines.A.rat guardsB.stopping guardsC.fendersD. planks8. __(降一点儿)the gangway, pleaseA.HoistB.Lower a littleC.SteadyD. Take down9. Duty sailors will consider the conditions of (装卸货)______.A.cargo handledB.cargo handlesC.cargo handleD. cargo handling10. What business do you have? —I want to see your ___ (船长).A.bosunB.chief officerC.captainD. pilot11. Is your captain in? —Yes ,he is in his ___ (房间). Come with me, please. A.saloon B.galley C.gallery D. cabin12. Will you take me to see your ___ (大副)?A.chief officerB.second officerC.third officerD. captain13. The captain has gone ___ (上岸). He’ll be back this afternoon.A.shorendC.ashoreD. port14.freeboard A.吃水 B.干舷 C.高度 D.水位线15. adjust A.发现 B.操作 C.调整 D.发明16.lower the gangwayA.调整舷梯B.放舷梯C.收舷梯D.摆动舷梯17.ship surveyorA.海关官员B.验船师C.检疫官员D.卫生官员18.safety belt A.安全带B.安全帽C.救生衣D.安全网19.security patrol A.巡视全船B.参观船C.保安巡逻D.消防巡逻20.Make a lee _____the port side.A.onB.atC.toD. in21.My ship _____ a pilot. A.wants B.has C.takes D. requires22.The pilot is taking my ship______ the harbour now.A.intoB.atC.onD. for23.If the freeboard is more than 9 meters, we should rig_______.A.gangwaydderC.pilot ladderD. gangway combined with pilot ladder24. A life buoy should be located at the gangway door.A.舷梯口应放置一个救生衣。
1. Bring here a hammer, an oil can and some goggles.A.拿走锤子、油壶和护目镜。
D. 随身带着一把锤子、油壶和护目镜。
2. We will let go both anchors with three shackles and dredge them.A.我船将抛三节左锚链并拖B.我船将抛三节双锚锚链,并拖锚C.我船将抛三节右锚链并拖D.我船将抛三节双锚锚链,并走锚3. Send the headline down to 2 meters above water.A.把头缆送到离水面2米。
D. 把头缆往水中挪前2米。
4.Heave away! A.松出!B.绞!C.收进!D.送出!5.The meaning of Flag H is “I have a pilot on board”.A.H旗的意思是“我船上有引航员”。
A.Get anchor ready and ring “Stand by engine”.B.Get anchor ready and ring “Finished with engine”.C.Get mooring ready and ring “Stand by engine”.D. Get mooring ready and ring “Finished with engine”.7. 锚已离底。
A.Stand by for heaving up!B. Hoist the anchor ball.C.The anchor is clear of the bottom.D. The cable is clear.8.有多少节锚链在外?A. How many shackles are out ?B. How much shackles are out ?C. How much cable is out ?D. How many cable is out?9. 船艏单绑留头缆!A. Single up forward to headline!B. All let go aft!C. Send out head line!D. Hold on the head line!10.尾缆放松!A. Take in stern line!B. Hold on stern line!C. Slack away stern line!D. Send out stern line!11. 在右后挽牢拖轮!A.Make tug fast on starboard quarter!B.Make tug fast on port quarter!C.Make tug fast in starboard quarter!D. Make fast tug on starboard quarter!12. 把防鼠档装在系泊缆上。
单项选择_________ spanner is this? (C)a. Whatb. Howc. Whosed. Who“What _________ is today?” (D)“It’s Sunday.”a. dateb. wrongc. weatherd. day_________ is a little oil in the tank. (A)a. Thereb. Thisc. Thosed. TheseThere are many ________ in the port. (C)a. wharfb. wharfsc. wharvesd. wharfes_________ there much rice on the deck. (B)a. areb. isc. bed. hasCan you help ________? (C)a. Ib. myc. med. mineWho ________ you? I’m a sailor. (B)a. isb. arec. amd. will beLi Ming and I ________ seamen. (C)a. amb. isc. ared. shall beHe often teaches ________ to speak English. (B)a. web. usc. ourd. oursXiao Li has ________ shackles. (B)a. muchb. manyc. anyd. not aWe have ________ blue paint (A)a. nob. not ac. anyd. notWhere are the derricks? They are ________ . (B)a. in deckb. on deckc. at deckd. below deckWe ________ many European ports every year. (A)a. call atb. call forc. call ond. call inThe dockers are busy ________ their work. (A)a. withb. onc. ford. byWhen will you leave the port? ________ February 4. (A) a. on b. inc. atd. aboutWe ________ at half past six. (D)A. have a breakfast b. make the breakfastc. has breakfastd. have breakfast________ stand here. It’s dangerous. (C)a. Nob. Notc. Don’td. Doesn’tThe ship called at many ________ last voyage. (B)a. countryb. countriesc. countrysd. countrysesHave you ________ Japan? Yes ,many times. (A)a.been tob.gone toc. arrive atd. reachHe and she ________ English seamen.(B)a. isb. arec be d. amThey ________ seamen next year. (C)a. areb. werec. will bed. shall be________the carpenter steer the ship? (C)a. Dob. Isc. Doesd. AreWhere ________ you ________? (D)a. are/beb. have/bec. is/bed. have/beenOur captain asked me ________ to the bridge. (C)a. wentb. gonec. to god. goA ship in Hong Kong will sail for Port Said passing through the ________. (D)a. Panama Canalb. Grand Canalc. Kiel Canald. Suez CanalThis is the deck cargo. ________ stow it in the holds. (D)a. Notb. Can’tc. Doesn’td. Don’tIt’s raining now. Stop ________ , please. (A)a. workingb. workc. to workd. worksIt’s getting dark. Please ________ the cargo lights. (C)a. turn awayb. turn offc. turn ond. turn inWould you please ________ me a hammer? (B)a. borrowb. lendc. taked. deliverThe cargo in Hold No.3 is to ________ first. (A)a. be dischargedb. dischargedc. discharged. being dischargedWe’ll leave the harbor rig ht now. ________ for unmooring. (B)a. Stand-byb. get readyc. Prepairingd. stand stillHe ________ up at five yesterday morning. (B)a. getsb. gotc. gettingd. getThey went on ________ as usual. (D)a. workb. workedc. worksd. workingThe ship is to leave at eight o’clock. The captain should order at seven “________”. (C) a. Make fast b. Single upc. Stand byd. All clearWe’ll finish loading the trucks soon. Please get ready for ________. (A)a. lashingb. dischargingc. loadingd. tighteningLi Ming ________ English books on deck every morning. (C)a. readb. readedc. readsd. readingMust we work on night shift today? No, you ________. (B)a. needb. needn’tc. mustn’td. shouldn’tThey should ________ taken great care of. (C)a. beenb. beingc. bed. isI haven’t bought ________ toys for my children. (A)a. anyb. somec. ad. anWe always have a lot of things ________during the voyage. (C)a. dob. doingc. to dod. doesThe dockers are busy ________ their work. (B)a. inb. withc. atd. by________ there much cargo in the warehouse? (B)a. Areb. Isc. Bed. Will beThe officer asked him ________ a sharp lookout for the fishing boats. (A) a. to keep b. keepingc. keepsd. keepThere is ________ Ocean-going Vessel in the harbor. (C)a. ab. thec. and. aboutI failed ________ Mr. Smith yesterday. (B)a. seeingb. to seec. sawd. seenStrict measures ________to keep them away form fire. (A)a. should be takenb. should takec. be takend. should been takenWhat ________ the safe working load of the derrick? (A)a. isb. bec. ared. hasAn automobile sling is used for ________. (D)a. lifting aircraft and helicoptersb. lifting any kinds of cargoc. lifting the heavy boxesd. lifting cars and trucksAll cargo booms are ready to ________. (C)a. discharging cargob. be dischargingc. discharge cargod. be discharged cargoWatertight compartments are separated by ________. (D)a. engine roomsb. tweendecksc. dunnagesd. decks and bulkheads________ the clock 20 minutes ahead for local time. (C)a. Reduceb. Advancec. Adjustd. TuneDense fog comes with bad visibility, fog signal bell must be kept ________ at regulation intervals. (B)a. to gob. goingc. goesd. goThe bridge deck and steering house need ________. (A)a. soap washingb. to wash with soapc. washed with soapd. soap washedThe third officer takes over the watch_________the chief officer. (A)a. fromb. toc. ind. upon________ late for the meeting. (D)a. Not beb. Notc. Don’td. Don’t beEverything about the ship should be recorded in the ________ by the duty officer. (C) a. documents b. paperc. logbookd. recordBe careful when you ________ the derrick. (C)a. operatingb. operatesc. operated. operatedOur ship will not sail today. What about ________ ashore? (A)a. goingb. to goc. god. going toThe pilot launches are ________ blue with the “PILOT” in white. (A)a. paintedb. writtenc. writingd. paintWhen does a pilot say “ Make all lines fast”? ________ (D)a. The ship is about to be in positionb. The ship is very close to the berthc. The ship is on voyaged. The ship is in positionThere were no gangs ________ for Friday’s l oading. (C)a. possibleb. ablec. availabled. obtainWhat type of extinguisher should be used for an electric fire? ________. (A)a. CO2b. Formc. Waterd. Water and FormHold No. 4 must be cleaned up to meet the ________ of the cargo surveyors. (C) a. rules b. necessityc. requirementd. statuteTimber can be stowed ________. (A)a. both on deck and in holdsb. only on deckc. only in holdsd. either on deck or in holdsThe stevedores are going to load your ship in ________ days, (B)a. fewb. a fewc. littled. a littleThe carpenter is directly responsible to ________.(D)a. the captainb. the bosunc. the third officerd. the chief officer________ care. The stevedores are handling dangerous cargo now. (A)a. Beb. Please to bec. To bed. Be forAll of our export cargo is ________ examined before shipment. (B)a. thoughb. thoroughlyc. throughd. throughoutDon’t stow the box ________. (B)a. downb. upside downc. up and downd. upYou should ________ great care of this line. (D)a. makeb. havec. getd. takeMy ship will arrive ________Port Said ________ Sundays. (A)a. at/onb. in/atc. on/byd. to/inVessels transiting the Canal must have their gangways and derricks ________. (D) a. readjusted b. removedc. loweredd. rigged in“Port a bit sluggish” means that ________. (B)a. port rudder answers very wellb. port rudder answers slowc. port ruder answers all rightd. port rudder answers backPlease arrange for ________ to clean the holds before my vessel takes cereal. (D)a. cargo surveyorsb. stevedore gangsc. duty sailorsd. cleaning gangsYou never work late, ________ you? (A)a. dob. don’tc. haven’td. areM. V. Utopia ________ the Atlantic to England next month. (C)a. shall acrossb. sail crossc. shall crossd. sail throughHooks ________ allowed for discharging the rice bags. (B)a. areb. are notc. is notd. isBesides Yokohama, M. V. Gaohe will also ________ at some other Japanese ports. (A) a. call b. visitc. getd. reachIs the pilot ladder all right at this ________? (C)a. higherb. highc. heightd. heighten“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means ________. (C)a. “The anchor was let go”b. “The anchor was foul”c. “The anchor was clear of the bottom”d. “The anchor leading abeam”The wheel’s order “port five” means that the ship is going to ________. (D)a. turn backb. turn aroundc. turn aboutd. alter courseThis windlass ________ now. (B)a. has repairedb. is under repairc. was repairedd. has been repairedI want a clamp. Could you ________ me one? (A)a. bringb. takec. carryd. acquireAlthough a ship usually has repair in a shipyard, ________ is also necessary. (A)a. the general repair on boardb. the voyage repairc. the annual repaird. the dock repairI think the hatch covers ________ all fixed up by you. (B)a. wasb. werec. bed. been“ Keep ________ to the beacon,” said the pilot. (D)a. lineb. directionc. backd. straight“NE” stands for ________. (B)a. east-northb. north-eastc. north and eastd. northeastern________ were brought back to ship from the sea. (A)a. The crewb. The crew memberc. A persond. The membersWe use ________ when proceeding in dense fog. (D)a. auto-steeringb. gyro-pilotc. rudder geard. hand-steering________ is the chain? (A)a. Howb. Whatc. How aboutd. What about________ is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chain. (B)a. A winchb. A windlassc. A craned. A jumbo boomAre stevedores going to open the hatches ________ do we have to? (C)a. eitherb. whilec. ord. norBeing so nervous, He could ________ give helm orders. (A)a. hardlyb. cannotc. doesn’td. noPurser presents all the seaman’s books to the ________. (C)a. Pilotb. Customs Officerc. Immigration Officerd. AgentThere is ________ in the holds keeping eyes opened to prevent theft. (D)a. watchmanb. watchmenc. a watchmend. a watchmanDry powder is used to put out ________. (A)a. electrical fireb. oil firec. common firesd. all kinds of firesThe crew couldn’t get the fire ________, causing a great loss to the ship. (B)a. to controlb. under controlc. in controld. with controlA small boat takes pilots to and from ships, it’s called a ________. (C)a. fishing boatb. tugc. pilot boatd. bargeWe expect to finish painting by Friday, if time pressing, the bosun can arrange ________work for the sailors. (D) a. over time b. over the timec. extra timed. overtimeThe chief foreman asked the stevedores not to forget to use separation nets to avoid________ different lots of cargo. (C)a. mix inb. mix withc. mixing upd. mixing intoWhen a ship is abandoned, all the crew members hearing the alarm sounding should put on___________.(C)a. the life jackets and carry the belongs firstb. the life jackets and carry the life buoy firstc. the life jackets and gather at master station firstd. the life jackets and board the life boat firstIt is ________ to remain in your present position. (A)A. dangerous b. dangerc. riskyd. riskThe A. B. ________ with great care because of more coming and going ships and narrow passages in the harbor.(D)a. alter the rudderb. change the coursec. hand the wheeld. takes the wheelAre the holds of tanker the same as those on ________? (C)a. cargo dry shipb. dried cargo shipc. dry cargo shipd. ship dry cargoThis is ________ American oil tank. (B)a. theb. anc. ad. oneWe called at New York ________ March 15. (A)a. onb. atc. ind. aboutIt is ________ today than yesterday. (D)a. coldb. the coldestc. too coldd. colderThe pilot is standing by ________. (A)a. usb. ourc. wed. oursHe isn’t working now, ________ he? (C)a. isn’tb. doesc. isd. doesn’tThis ship ________ two years ago. (D)a. builtb. buildc. was buildingd. was builtThese people are English ________. (B)a. seamansb. seamenc. seamanesed. seamanThe captain always ________ orders on the bridge. (A)a. givesb. gavec. gived. givenWe have ________ fresh water. (D)a. not ab. anyc. lots ofd. noHow ________ water is there in the tank? (A)a. muchb. manyc. aboutd. theThis derrick is as ________ as that one. (B)a. wellb. goodc. betterd. bestRice can’t ________ in the rain. (A)a. be loadedb. loadedc. loadd. loadsIs he ________ ordinary seaman? (B)a. ab. anc. thed. oneThese are not ferries. Those are not tugs, ________. (D)a. toob. alsoc. nord. eitherIt’s time ________ a rest. (B)a. tob. to haveb. for d. for haveWho is responsible ________ the ship? (D)a. withb. toc. atd. forThere are two satellite navigators on board. One is for operation, ________ is in reserve. (C)a. the anotherb. the othersc. the otherd. othersWhere is your chief officer? He is on ________ floor. (C)a. the fiveb. fivec. the fifthd. fifthOur ship will leave here tomorrow morning. You ________ finish the work tonight. (A)a. have tob. shouldc. mayd. willHow long ________ take to transit the Canal? (C)a. is itb. it willc. does itd. do itThe agent ________ to come on board this afternoon. (C)a. will be sureb. surec. is sured. be sureMust we wait for the pilot here? No, you ________ not. (A)a. needb. willc. mayd. mustThe sailor on duty will do it by ________. (D)a. heb. themselvesc. oneselfd. himselfWhere ________ Xiao Wang and the second officer before lunch? (B)a. wasb. werec. ared. isWe met the storm on the way here. The vessel ________ heavily. (D)a. roll and pitchb. is rolling and pitchingc. rolls and pitchesd. rolled and pitchedDon’t worry. They will do ________ best to help you leave on time. (B)a. themb. theirc. ourd. yourThey have been officers ________ 1990. (C)a. forb. afterc. sinced. beforeIt is one of ________ fairways we have ever sailed in. (A)a. the deepest and widestb. deepest and widestc. deeper and widerd. most deep and wideWhat type of extinguisher shouldn’t be used for an oil fire? It is _________. (C) a. CO2 b. 1211c. Waterd. SandThe captain is _________ the ship. (D) (1)a. in overall command ofb. in charge ofc. responsible ford. all of the above“Have you seen Mike lately?”“He _________ here the other day.” (C)a. has beenb. beingc. wasd. will beWhen I came to see him yesterday afternoon, he _________ the trucks on deck. (D)a. has lashedb. was lashedc. lashesd. was lashingAll those old wharves _________ down tomorrow. (A)a. will be knockedb. will knockc. will have knockedd. knockYou won’t come on board the ship on time _________ you hurry. (B)a. exceptb. unlessc. withoutd. besideThe crew in distress _________ by the helicopter. (C)a. are all savedb. is all savedc. were all savedd. was all savedPlease don’t disturb him if he _________ busy with his painting work. (D)a. will beb. wasc. is beingd. isWhen a people are introduced for the first time. They usually greet each other with ________. (B)a. How are you?b. How do you do?c. Nice to see you again.d. Good morning.People usually greet each other with all of the following except for “________”. D a. Good morning! b. I’m glad to meet you!c. How are you?d. Good night.What’s ________ you? Aa. the matter withb. the matterc. the matters withd. matterWe usually reply to “ How do you do?” with ________. (C)a. Hellob. How are you?c. How do you do?d. I’m fine, thank you.I’d like to ________ the railway station no later than 4:30. (A)a. arrive atb. arrive inc. getd. arriveWhen you meet a person who is ________ than you, a formal greeting shouldbe used. (C)a. as oldb. the oldestc. much olderd. less olderWhen you are leaving someone, you should say “________”. (A)a. Good-byeb. Good morningc. Good afternoond. Good eveningAn informal greeting is for meeting friends and people with ________ you arefamiliar. (B)a. whob. whomc. whosed. thatYou are a carpenter, ________? (D)a. do youb. don’t yo uc. are youd. aren’t youI’m ________ shipchandler. My name is John Smith. (B)a. anb. ac. thed. oneA friend of ________ introduces his brother to me. (B)a. ib. minec. myd. meHow is everything ________ you? Nothing special. (A)a. withb. forc. tod. aboutIt’s very kind of you to see me ________ at the airport. (C)a. intob. afterc. offd. aboutI think we’ll finish ________ the hull this morning. (B) (4)a. to paintb. paintingc. paintd. being paintedWe are very grateful to you ________ your kindness. (D)a. aboutb. ofc. withd. forWould you mind ________ ashore with me this afternoon? (A)a. goingb. goesc. god. to goIt’s the rush hour. I was held ________ by the heavy traffic. (B)a. onb. upc. byd. inThank you for ________ you have done for us. (A)a. everythingb. nothingc. somethingd. anythingIt’s ten minutes ________ five. (C) (5)a. atb. afterc. tod. before________ is it now? It’s eight o’clock. (C)a. Howb. Whatc. What timed. How oftenWe are to get to the pilot anchorage of the port ________ half past three this afternoon. (D) a. on b. byc. ind. atOur Captain started the voyage ________ March 15, 1958. (C)a. inb. atc. ond. byIt’s nearly five o’clock afternoon . I’m not sure we can ________ the work today. (A)a. finishb. finishesc. to finishd. finishingIt took me about half an hour to ________ the lesson. (B)a. go acrossb. go overc. go aroundd. go afterJane is ________ student to come to school this morning. (B)a. threeb. the thirdc. the threed. thirdCould you tell me ________? (B) (6)a. where is the nearest public telephoneb. where the nearest public telephone isc. is where the nearest public telephoned. the nearest public telephone is whereExcuse me , can you tell me ________ get the airport? (D)a. to howb. toc. howd. how toThe Department Store is quite far from here, you’d better ________ a bus or a taxi. (A)a. takeb. takesc. to taked. takingWhen you go a strange place, you can use the following sentences for asking the way except for ________. (C)a. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Ocean Hotel?b. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the airport?c. Excuse me, can you introduce the manager of your company to me?d. Excuse me, which is the nearest way to the Subway Station?________ will it take me to walk there? About half an hour. (B)a. What timeb. How longc. How oftend. How muchI’m looking forward to ________ you again. Mr. White. (C) (7)a. seeb. seesc. seeingd. being seenWe’ll have a small party this evening. Come and have a dinner ________ us. (D)a. forb. ofc. upond. withMay I ________ Mr. Johnson, please? Just hold the line, please. (A)a. speak tob. speakc. speak atd. speak forWe’d like ________ you to come on board. (A)a. to inviteb. invitec. to be invitedd. invitesHe ________ at the moment. (B)a. is outingb. is outc. outd. is out ofMay I have him ________ you back? (C)a. callsb. callingc. calld. to callA: Who is this ________? B: Li, his Chinese friend. (A)a. speakingb. talkingc. sayingd. hearing________ , is it possible to go there by bus? (D)a. By a wayb. by wayc. By thered. By the wayOperator, Could you give me ________ of Jenny Agency at Owl Street? (C)a. numberb. numbersc. the numberd. the numbersYou can ________ his number in the telephone directory. (D)a. look onb. look forc. look overd. look upI’m ________ a video recorder. Could you tell me where it is? (B) (8)a. look forb. looking forc. being looked ford. looks forLet’s ________. (D)a. go shopb. went shoppingc. goes shoppingd. go shoppingWhat ________ for you? (C)a. do I canb. I can doc. can I dod. can do ISometimes he ________ Winches on the deck. (A)a. repairsb. repairc. repairedd. repairingI want to buy ________ leather shoes (C)a. a piece ofb. a kind ofc. a pair ofd. a sort of________ does it cost? (D)a. How manyb. How pricec. How deard. How muchMay I ________ at the electric razor? (C)a. have look ab. have lookc. have a lookd. have a looking________ sometimes can save us both money and time. (B)a. The department storeb. The supermarketc. The electrical appliances departmentd. The grocery store________ is a large self-service store selling foods, household goods, etc. (A) a. The supermarket b. The grocery storec. The department stored. The monopoly storeThere are all kinds of goods ________ in the department store. (D)a. for saleb. salesc. saled. on saleTry to ________ smoking. It’s good for you. (C) (9)a. give inb. give awayc. give upd. give offCan you provide an ambulance for the patient to ________ to the hospitalat once.? (B)a. takeb. be takenc. takingd. being takenI’d like to see ________ doctor. (A)a. ab. thec. and. oneThe patient ________ in hospital for treatment. (D)a. must staysb. must stayedc. must to stayd. must stayI advise you ________ too much. (A)a. not to smokeb. to not smokec. not smoke tod. smoke not toThe quartermaster has got high fever ________ a few days. (C)a. sinceb. withinc. ford. inI’d like to fly to New York ________ Saturday, the 15th. (C) (10)a. atb. inc. ond. byWe’ll go abroad to ________ a ship in Japan. (A)a. take overb. take afterc. take ind. take offPlease ________ your around-trip ticket to me! (D)a. showsb. showingc. to showd. showWhen you travel to foreign countries, you have to pass ________. (B) (11) a. custom b. the customsc. inspectiond. declarationThe chief officer is in charge of the ________. (A)a. deck departmentb. service departmentc. engine departmentd. departments________ I see your passport? (C)a. Mightb. Shouldc. Mayd. MustPlease read the instructions carefully before you________ the form. (D)a. fill awayb. fillc. fillingd. fill inWhat’s the ________ for excess baggage? (C)a. priceb. freightc. charged. moneyThe Engine Department is under the leadership of the ________. (B)a. chief officerb. chief engineerc. purserd. captainHow many departments are there on board? They are ________. (C)a. oneb. twoc. threed. fourThe carpenter and the bosun also belong to the ________. (A)a. deck departmentb. service departmentc. engine departmentd. department“ I am very fond ________ the roast goose at this restaurant”, said the Guest. (C) a. with b. forc. ofd. onI want to ________ a list of prohibited articles. (D)a. ask outb. ask aroundc. ask ind. ask forYour luggage is exempted ________ inspection. (A)a. fromb. forc. ond. byCould I ________ at the room. (D) (12)a. have lookb. have to lookc. have the lookd. have a lookThere ________ such a lovely view of the city. (C)a. areb. bec. isd. hasI made a reservation and I’d like to ________. Do you have a single room with bath?(B)a. check outb. check inc. check ond. check up________ the cargo space is divided into tanks. (A)a. In liquid cargo shipsb. In dry cargo shipsc. In bulk carriersd. In multi-purpose vesselsThere was a little time before the ship sailed __________he stayed ashore longer. (A)a. sob. in order toc. becaused. but________ sail on regular routes and on a fixed timetable. (B)a. Trampsb. Linersc. Container shipsd. Ro/Ro shipsBulk carriers carry large quantities of loose cargo, therefore they have _________.(C)a. more than one tween deckb. a lot of decksc. large holdsd. lower tweendeck________ run in all parts of the world where there is cargo for them to carry. (B) a. Liners b. Trampsc. General Cargo Shipsd. CruiserThere are ________ passenger ships today than there were thirty years ago. (C) a. a few b. fewc. fewerd. mostThe ________ type of cargo ship is the tanker. (C)a. smallerb. largerc. largestd. smallerA container ship is ________ type of dry cargo carriers. (A)a. the most modernb. the most importantc. the most commond. the most beautiful________ must be powerful enough to move ships of large size. (B)a. Bargesb. Tugsc. Life boatsd. LASH.________ must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers. (A)a. Pilot boatsb. Light shipsc. Ocean-going tugsd. Fishing boatsThe oil is pumped onto the ship at the loading port by ________ . (B) (14) a. ship’s own pumps b. shore pumpsc. large drumsd. boiler feed pumpMore and more general cargo is _________ containers. (C)A. put by b. put outc. put intod. put forThe containers are loaded and unloaded by ________ . (C)a. ship’s heavy derrickb. fork trucksc. special cranes from wharfsided. jumbo boomsWe are loading inflammable cargo. No one ________ smoke on deck. (A)a. canb. can’tc. willd. mayContainers are ________ loaded and unloaded. (A)a. more easilyb. easilierc. much easilyd. most easilyThe containers are stowed both ________ deck. (C)a. on top of or underb. on and alongc. above and belowd. either above or belowAt the discharging port, the tanker pumps the oil ashore using ________. (C) a. shore pumps b. large drumsc. her own pumpsd. oil pumps________ is unloaded by huge grabs on cranes or by large grain elevators. (C) a. General cargo b. Liquid cargoc. Dry bulk cargod. Dirty cargo________ must be kept away from dry cargoes. (A)a. Wet cargoesb. Heavy cargoesc. Light cargoesd. Bulk cargoesVegetables, meat, fish, fruit are carried in ________. (B)a. ordinary containersb. refrigerated holdsc. ordinary cargo holdsd. special casesWhen standing on a ship and facing the bow, the left-hand side is called ________.(B) (15)a. the left sideb. the port sidec. the starboard sided. the right sideThe height from water level to the top of weather deck is called ________. (B) a. height b. freeboardc. draftd. air draft。
水手英语考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the term for a rope used to secure a ship?A. BlockB. BollardC. CableD. Anchor2. Which of the following is NOT a type of ship?A. Cargo shipB. Container shipC. Cruise shipD. Sky ship3. What does the phrase "all hands on deck" mean?A. Everyone must be on the deck.B. All crew members should be ready for action.C. The ship is sinking.D. It's time to play cards.4. What is the abbreviation for "International Maritime Organization"?A. IMOB. ISOC. ITOD. ILO5. Which of the following is a navigational instrument?B. TelescopeC. BinocularsD. Microscope6. What does the term "port" refer to in nautical terms?A. A harbor or a place where ships can dockB. A type of wineC. A position on the left side of the shipD. A type of food7. What is the meaning of the term "aft"?A. ForwardB. Toward the frontC. Toward the rearD. Toward the center8. What does the term "knot" refer to in maritime usage?A. A unit of speedB. A type of fishC. A type of knot used for tying ropesD. A type of ship9. Which of the following is a type of maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. LOLC. BRBD. TTYL10. What is the term for a person who navigates a ship?B. SailorC. NavigatorD. All of the above二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The highest-ranking officer on a ship is the _______.12. A ship's _______ is the area where the crew lives and works.13. The term "overboard" means to fall or throw somethinginto the _______.14. The direction opposite to "starboard" is _______.15. The phrase "clear the _______" is used to indicate that a path is free of obstacles.16. The _______ is the main vertical structural element of a ship.17. The term "dead in the water" refers to a ship that is_______.18. The international maritime signal flag for the letter "A" is _______.19. The _______ is the lowest deck of a ship.20. The term "lee" refers to the side of the ship sheltered from the _______.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between "port" and "starboard".22. What is the purpose of a ship's rudder?23. Describe the role of a bosun on a ship.24. What does the term "sailing by the stars" mean?四、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)25. Translate the following sentence into English: "所有的船员都必须熟悉安全程序。
二、短语互译I. 英译汉1 .navigation lights 2.anchor lights3. port side4. container ships5. auto-pilot6.bulk carrier7. steering gear 8.engne room9. mooring lines 10.main deck11. deck department 12.life-saving apparatus13 .ballast tank 14.the anchor chains15. clean the holds 16.operate the windlass17 .night watch 18. keep a lookout19.keep gangway watch 20.on deck21. agree with sb. 22.every day23.in the harbor 24. wait here25.less than 15m 26.worry about27.take down letter flag G 28.mooring buoy29.on both sides shing wire31.one by one 32.of course not33.the quartermaster on duty 34.no problem35.lower the gangway 36.keep watch37.keep dry 38.round the world39.sound the tanks and bilge 40.take over the watch from sb.41.keep sth. in good order 42.ensure the safety43.rise and fall of the tide 44.look around the ship45.watch your steps 46.return sth. after using47.the officer on duty 48.take a rest49.look for captain 50.in dense fog51.oay attention to 52.see a doctor53.open and close hatches 54.securing cargoes55.the lot of cargo 56.bulk cargoes57.three shore cranes 58.deck cargoes59.the cover of hatch No.5 60.dangerous cargoes61.heavy rust 62.the safe working load63.cargo light 64.chipping hammer65.heavy rust 66.wet paint67.out of order 68.something wrong with the derrick 69.wash the main deck 70.anti-corrosive paint71.foam extinguisher 72.make a lee73.water boat 74.the Suez Canal75.moving parts 76.safety precautions77.tug boat 78.fire alarm79.fore draft weight81.freeboard weight83.under the supervision of the bosun 84.portable extinguishers85.emergency fire pumps rm the bridge at once 87.start the boat engine 88.have a cup of tea89.walk down this road 90.the way to the harbor91.R0/R0 ships 92.super tankers93.customs declaration 94.exempt from inspection95.refrigerated holds 96.take a note97.shift berth 100m 98.wait for pour entry99.ventilate the holds 100.stand anchor watch101.be prepared beforehand 102.sail on regular routes103.fumigate the holds 104.poisonous cargoes105.stowage of cargo 106.stowage plan107.union purchase 108.gandle with care109.navigational aids 110.swing the derrick to starboard side 111.original color 112.long-habdle brush113.bare metal surface 114.annual repair115.give a coat of read lead paint 116.to prevent corrosion117.give protection against rust 118.ship surveyor119.port regulations 120.sending rescue signals 121.several fishing boats 122.signal light and signal shape 123.duty-free articles 124.gi through the customs formalities 125.fire maskII. 汉译英1.下星期2.介绍我自己3.休息一下4.告诉我去………的路5.看医生6.运载货物7.干货船8.各种货物9.集装箱船10.散装货船11.货舱12.油船13.世界各地14.杂货15.航行于……之间16.在港内17.帮助船舶18.不但……而且19.装货洪20卸货港21.在甲板下面22.岸吊23.由…..组成24.机舱25.主甲板26.左舷27.右舷28.二层甲板29.干舷30.吃水31.艏楼32.驾驶台33.船首34.船尾35.淡水36.甲板部37.大副38.木匠39.水手40.水手长41.救生设备42.消防设备43. 值班44.保养船舶45.清扫、油漆和修理工作46.处于良好的状态47.在船上48.锚机49.测深50.调整吊杆51. 接班52.交班53.舷梯口值班54.离开泊位55.操舵装置56.自动舵57.执行58.浮筒59.舵效60.主机61.系、解缆62.缆绳63.头/横/倒缆64.系缆桩65.单绑66.防鼠挡67.松出68.抛锚69.上引航员70.值班水手71.降下G旗72.升起H旗73.抛/撇缆74.借进某物75.螺丝刀76.开/关舱77.油压千斤顶78.重吊79.安全负荷量80.出故障81.绑扎钢丝82.安全带83.船名84.消防演习85.救生艇86.通知驾驶台87.发警报88.救生圈89.消防泵90.救生衣91.发高烧92.动手术93.甲板拖把94.液化天然气船95.按照固定的时刻表96.灯船97.易爆货98.易燃货99.危险货100.船舶的主体101.前尖舱102.水线103.载重吨位104.露天甲板105.灯塔106.磁罗经107.带缆水手108.锚链舱109.询问来意110.够不着111.滚动式舱盖112.折叠式舱盖113.堆放处114.起吊能力115.双杆联吊116.货灯117.防污港118.刮净出白119.船籍港120.通风孔121.人孔122.压载水123.应变部署表124.便携式灭火器125.消防栓三、句子互译I.英译汉1. Glad to meet you. –Glad to meet you, too.2. Hope to see you again soon.3. Mr.Zhang, allow me to introduce my friend, Mr. Xu.4. Excuse me, are you the duty sailor?5. Thank you for your cooperation.6. Excuse me, may I have a word with your Chief?7 .How long did it take to clean the holds?8. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Smith Agency?9 .Ships can be classified according to what they carry.10. The most modern type of dry cargo carrier is the container ship.11. The chief officer is in charge of the deck department and is assisted by the second officer andthe third officer.12. The carpenter is directly responsible to the chief officer.13. Hard-a-starboard!14. The steersman is never allowed to mistake the starboard helms for the port helms and viceversa.15. Keep to the middle of the channel.16. Single up aft to breast line and stem line.17. Stand by both anchors.18. Have heaving lines ready fore and aft!19. How is the chain?20. When a ship is in port, sailors must keep watch on the gangway.21. Excuse me, who are you and what business do you have?22. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the duty sailor.23. Before the operation of the derricks, check all the tackles closely and everything must be ingood condition.24. Never operate any hatch cover on voyage or in port, when the ship is rolling, pitching orlisting.25. Do you want the derrick adjusted upwards or ten tons.26. Lifting capacities of derricks vary from three to ten tons.27. Our heavy derrick has been out of use for a ling time.28. We’ll start loading right now. Turn on the winch, please.29. The cargo wire at Hatch No. 3 is quite worn out. You’d better change it for a new one.30. The gooseneck is bent, Stop using it at once.31. Get ready for lashing and securing the cargo on deck.32. The carpenter also operates the windlass when the anchors are being raised or lowered.33. Fire and boat drills are carried out periodically.34. Common fire can be extinguished with water.35. The steersman must repeat and carry out all orders correctly and immediately.36. I’d like to change some Hong Kong dollars. What is the exchange rate?37. One of the crew was ill. He had a high fever for two says.38. What is the time difference?39. Please get your luggage ready. I’d like to inspect it.40. Do you have anything to declare?41. Tramps run in all parts of the world where there is cargo for them to carry.42. General cargo is loaded and unloaded by cranes or ship’s own derricks.43. The depth from waterline to vessel’s bottom is called draft.44. In general, a vessel is made up of two parts, the hull and the superstructure.45. The bosun has a lot of knowledge and practical experience in seamanship.46. Radar is of great value to ship in poor visibility and helps the ship navigate near land.47. Primer coats are applied to a bare metal surface to give protection against rust.48. The rusty plates should be scraped and brushed to bare metal.49. Ropes can be divided into three basic types: natural fiber rope, synthetic fiber rope and wirerope.50. Separate the inflammables from fire spot.II. 汉译英1. 你是值班水手吗?2. 你有什么事?3.我的名字叫张华。
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水手英语模拟试卷四1.Tugs have different types.A. twoB. threeC. four2.is the most modern type of the navigational aids, it gives ship’s own information to the another ship automatically.A. AISB. ARPRC. VHF set3.The wheel orders“Hard over”refers to the rudder angle .A. 35B. 0C. 704.A short raised deck above the main deck at the bow is the deck..A. poopB. forecastleC. fore5.What’s the matter the winch?A. onB. forC. with6.The after part of a ship is called the .A. sternB. bowC. fore7.The poop is at the of a ship.A. sternB. bowC. midship8.The port side aft port of a vessel is called the .A. port bowB. port quarterC. starboard bow9.is to sign the receipt for fresh water.A. The captainB. The chief officerC. The carpenter10.How often does the carpenter sound the tanks and bilges every day?A. two timesB. one timesC. at least twice11.Radar makes it possible for us to in dense fog.A. workB. lookC. sail12.The officer on duty use the on the bridge wings to take bearings of objects.A. master gyro-compassB. gyro-compass repeaterC. VDR13.In the harbor, the duty sailor should take the wheel with great care because of . A. more coming and going ship B. narrow passage C. both A and B14.All the wheel order given should be repeated and carried out correctly and immediately by the .A. helmsmanB. pilotC. duty officer15.If there is another line already on the bollard, the eye of the second line should bebefore placing it over the bollard.A. taken up through the eye of the first lineB. taken up over the eye of the first lineC. made fast to the first line16.How do you ring the forecastle bell as each shackle goes out?A. 1 ring for 2 shacklesB. 1 ring for 1 shacklesC. 1 ring for 1.5 shackles17.Y our anchor is caught under a rock .Y our anchor is .A. acrossB. aweighC. up18.Y ou never work late you?A. doB. don’tC. haven’t19.Y ou overslept again this morning ?A. did youB. didn’t youC. weren’t you20.me , please.A. ComeB. TakeC. Follow21.Come , please.A. by this wayB. this is the wayC. this way22.I can’t see any in the dark hold.A. anyoneB. no oneC. someone23.Sorry to have kept youA. waitB. waitedC. waiting24.A pilot ladder must be between meters in length.A. 1.5 and 9B. 2 and 9C. 1.5 and 1725.is in charge of the common tools of the deck department.A. The chief officerB. The duty sailorC. The bosun26.During the operation of the hatch cover, the duty sailor must keep themselves away from the .A. moved coverB. moving coverC. movable cover27.The derrick can’t be.A. exceedB. overloadedC. overtaken28.The containers are loaded and discharged by .A. ship’s derricksB. fork trucksC. special cranes from wharf side29.Water is used to put out .A. oil fireB. electric fireC. common fires30.It’s more economical to use,because of their greater strength and longer useful lives.A. nylon ropesB. manila ropesC. sisal ropes31.The cargo light is out . please .A. change a bigger bulbB. check its connectionC. fix up some more light32.The bosun is satisfied your work.A. forB. withC. to33.Topside paint is applied to the area of the sh ip’s which is out of water when the ship is loaded.A. hullB. cabinC. cargo hold34.There are some dangerous cargoes, please handle them .A. shipB. ship chandlerC. lashing gang35.There are some dangerous cargoes, please handle them .A. with careB. carefulC. care36.Please ready for dunnaging and matting.A. isB. beC. are37.Secure the hawse with canvas to prevent water the chain locker.A. to get intoB. getting intoC. getting from38.What type of extinguisher should be used for an electric fire ?A. waterB. foamC. CO239.General cargo are loaded and discharged by .A. ship’s own derrick or shore craneB. the gantryC. huge grabs40.Special care should be given to the cargo on deck.A. During the voyageB. In the harborC. After anchoring41.We also need of lashing wires.A. muchB. enoughC. plenty42.LCG is abbreviation of .A. Liquid Common GasB. Liquid Chemical GasC. Large Carrier Galley43.Ships always on water and they are easy to rust.A. floatB. floatsC. floating44.When the cargo wire has more than broken wire, it must be changed for a new one.A. 10%B.15%C.20%45.The windlass now .A. has repairedB. is under repairC. was repaired46.Ropes should be kept .A. in wet placesB. close to the heatC. away from chemicals47.When we stow nylon rope, we can .A. stow it in strongB. cover it with tarpaulinsC. keep it on a reel48.What type of extinguisher shouldn’t be used for an oil fire?A. CO2B. WaterC. Dry chemical49.Dry powder is used to put out .A. electric fireB. oil fireC. common fires50.A ship is said to be when the port and starboard side rise and fail with waves coming from abeam.A. rollingB. pitchingC. trimming。