Social Business Letters 商务社交信函
3) Expressing good wishes for the future 未来
I wish you every success in your future career. Best wishes for your continued success. We look forward to an even closer association in the future. It is hoped that the relationship between our two firms can be further expanded. Our very best wishes for continued success in your new position. May your success be continued and look forward to closer cooperation between us.
Writing Suggestions:
1) Four principles: prompt, sincere, concise, direct. 2) Give attention to your relationship to the person whom you are writing, and adjust the tone of your message accordingly. 3) Consider the circumstances of the occasion that prompts you to write, and limit your comments accordingly. 4) Choose the most appropriate stationery.
目录Chapter 1 建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establishing Business Relations2. 回复请求建立业务关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations3. 索取产品资料Request for Product Literature4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product Literature5. 邀请会面Invitation to the Business Appointment6. 接受会面邀请Accepting the Invitation to the Business Appointment7. 谢绝会面邀请Declining the Invitation to the Business Appointment8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingChapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific Customers10. 向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non-Specific Customers11. 寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old Customers12. 寄信给新客户Sales Letter to New Customers13. 推销新产品Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products14. 推销劳务Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesChapter 3 询盘和订货15. 一般询盘General Inquiry16. 回复一般询盘Reply to the General Inquiry17. 具体询盘Specific Inquiry18. 报虚盘Making a Non-Firm Offer19. 报实盘Making a Firm Offer20. 买方还盘Making a Counter Offer21. 卖方返还盘Making a Counter-Counter Offer22. 下订单Placing an Order23. 接受订单Accepting an Order24. 拒绝订单Declining an Order25. 下续订单Placing a Repeat Order26. 推荐替代品Offering a Substitute Product27. 接受替代品Accepting a Substitute Product28. 拒绝替代品Declining a Substitute Product29. 涨价通知Notice for Price Increase30. 回复涨价通知Reply to the Price Increase NoticeChapter4 付款31. 询问付款方式Asking about Payment Terms32. 接受付款方式Accepting Payment Terms33. 要求修改信用证Request for Amendment to L/C34. 信用证修改Amendment to L/C35. 付款通知Payment Notice36. 收到付款通知Receipt of Payment Notice37. 催促付款(初次)Urging Payment (First Notice)38. 催促付款(最后通告)Urging Payment (Last Notice)39. 索取发票Asking for Invoice40. 寄送发票Sending InvoiceChapter 5 包装和交货41. 包装要求Packaging Requirements42. 回复包装要求Reply to Packaging Requirements43. 装运时间Time of Shipment44. 回复装运通知Reply to Time of Shipment45. 催促装运Urging Shipment46. 回复催促装运Reply to Urging Shipment47. 出货通知Shipment Advice48. 货物抵达通知Goods Arrival NoticeChapter 6 投诉和致歉49. 投诉货物未寄达Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure50. 对货物未寄达致歉Apology for Goods Arrival Failure51. 出货延迟Late Delivery52. 对出货延迟致歉Apology for Late Delivery53. 投诉货物质量Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods54. 对货物质量不佳致歉Apology for Poor Quality of Goods55. 投诉货物数量Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods56. 为数量错误致歉Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods57. 投诉发货出错Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods58. 为发货有误致歉Apology for Sending Wrong Goods59. 抱怨包装不良Complaint about Poor Packaging60. 为包装不良致歉Apology for Poor Packaging61. 付款出错Payment Error62. 为付款出错致歉Apology for Payment Error63. 对服务的不满Service Dissatisfaction64. 对服务不满致歉Apology for Customer Service DissatisfactionChapter 7 商务交往65. 请求筹备出差Request for Preparing for a Business Trip66. 回复请求筹备出差Reply to the Request for preparing for a Business Trip67. 确认预定行程Confirming Itinerary Reservation68. 出差后的感谢Thanks for a Business Trip69. 活动通知Activity Notice70. 集会通知Gathering Notice71. 邀请担任演讲者Inviting Speaker72. 回复演讲邀请Reply to the Invitation for Speaker73. 展销会通知Trade Fair Notice74. 回复邀请Reply to the Trade Fair Invitation75. 请求帮忙做问卷调查Request for Filling Out Questionnaire76. 请求转载许可Request for Reproduction PermissionChapter 8 公司人事77. 人事查询Personnel Enquiry78. 找寻人才Looking for Qualified Personnel79. 晋升公告Promotion Announcement80. 调动通知Transfer Notice81. 褒奖员工Complimenting EmployeesChapter 9 公司内部82. 会议通知Meeting Notice83. 例行报告Routine Report84. 问题报告Problem Report85. 提案Proposal86. 回复提案Reply to Proposal87. 说服对方Convincing the Other Side88. 给予指示Giving Instructions89. 新产品说明New Product DescriptionChapter 10 社交信函90. 邀请与约见函Invitation and Appointment Letter91. 回复邀请Reply to Invitation92. 祝贺函Letter of Congratulation93. 慰问函Letter of Sympathy94. 感谢函Letter of Thanks95. 道歉函Letter of Apology96. 通知函Letter of Advice97. 鼓励函Letter of Encouragement98. 探病函Letter of Consoling the Sick99. 吊唁函Letter of Condolence100. 节日问候Seasons GreetingChapter 1 建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establishing Business RelationsWe have learned from ①(信息来源) that you are ②(公司性质) in ③(国名或地域名). We are glad that you are interested in ④(产品名称). So, we are willing to establish business relations with you. Attached please find ⑤(附件内容).We are ⑥(公司性质). We export ⑦(出口产品名称) to ⑧(出口产品目的地). If ⑨(对方条件),we ⑩(期待事宜).We look forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date.2. 回复请求建立贸易关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business RelationsThanks for your email to enter into business relations with us in ①(经营范围). We have read your ②(邮件附件内容).As you know, we are ③(重述本公司身份). We have a large ④(需求量大的产品名称) market here, so we are seeking new partners. If possible, w e’d like to be ⑤(我方角色) in ⑥(国名或地域名).Should ⑦(对方提供的优惠), we’ll ⑧(订单种类).We look forward to your favorable reply.3. 索取资料Request for Product LiteratureWe learn from ①(信息来源) that you are ②(供货商身份). We ③(关注产品途径) and became much interested in your ④(产品名称).We are ⑤(我方公司身份). As we are interested in doing business with you, we would like you to send us ⑥(邮寄方式) the detailed information about ⑦(欲购产品名称) to ⑧(邮寄地址). The demand for ⑨(产品类型) in our market is really great.Your immediate attention is highly appreciated.4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product LiteratureWe are so glad that you are interested in ①(产品名称). Attached are ②(附件内容). As you requested in your email, we sent you our ③(索取资料) by ④(邮寄方式), which will tell you everything about our ⑤(产品名称).Although established in ⑥(公司成立时间), we are developing very fast. We pay great attentionto ⑦(特别关注之处). We have introduced advanced production equipment from ⑧(国名或地域名). We now export our products to ⑨(出口产品目的地).⑩(产品畅销国国名或地名) is our largest market.○11(某一特定产品系列) is a bestseller.We look forward to your trial order.5. 邀请会面Invitation to the Business AppointmentI’d like to invite you for a meeting with ①(我公司会面人职务和姓名) if you feel convenient. As ②(会议名称) will be held in ③(会议地点) from ④(会议起始日) to ⑤(会议结束日), wethink you ⑥(对方可能采取的行动). If you come, we would like to invite you for a meeting with⑦(我公司会面人)at ⑧(会面地点), on ⑨(双方会面日) to discuss ⑩(双方会面商讨事宜).○11(我公司会面人) wishes to have an opportunity for a meeting with you.We look forward to receiving a positive reply from you.6. 接受邀请会面Accepting the Invitation to the Business AppointmentI’m glad that you will arrange a meeting between ①(对方会面人职务和姓名) and me on the day before the opening of ②(会议名称) to ③(会面事宜).As a matter of fact, we had had the intention to meet ④(对方会面人职务) during ⑤(会议名称) before we got your email. We cherish the opportunity ⑥(我方珍惜之事), and are pleased to have a chance to ⑦(有机会之事).We look forward to seeing you in Dongguan.7. 谢绝会面邀请Declining the Invitation to the Business AppointmentThank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日), inviting me to have a meeting with ②(对方会面人职位) on ③(对方建议的会面日) before the opening of ④(会议名称) at ⑤(会面地点). I’m sorry to say that we are unable to go to ⑥(会议名称), when we ⑦(拒绝会面原因). That’s why I can’t go and meet ⑧(对方会面人职位).We hope that you will understand our situation. We wish to meet sometime in the near future to⑨(会面目的).8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingThank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日), inviting me to have a meeting with ②(对方会面人职位) on ③(对方建议的会面日) before the opening of ④(会议名称) at ⑤(会面地点). We’d like to have the meeting on ⑥(我方提出的会面时间) at ⑦(我方提出的会面地点). It will be much more convenient to us if you agree to the date and place we have suggested.Your favorable reply would be highly appreciated.Chapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific CustomersI would like to tell you that we have got the ①(产品名称) you inquired about ②(对方询盘时间). Attached are ③(附件名称), which will give you all details for placing an order.④(产品名称) we’ve got are ⑤(产品优势). They are really ⑥(欲推销产品引以为傲之处). They are at least as good as, if not better than, ⑦(与同类产品一样好), but prices are ⑧(价格情况).We expect your feedback before the end of this month.10. 向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non-Specific CustomersWe are willing to seek partners for ①(出口产品类型).We are ②(我公司注册地点),specializing all kinds of ③(产品种类). They are bestsellers both at home and abroad. We’ve now made some researches on ④(新研制产品名称), which we are able to provide regularly.If you are interested, please contact me at ⑤(电话联系方式). For more related information, you can ⑥(获知信息途径). Maybe we will make arrangements for a meeting to discuss details concerning ⑦(商讨事宜).11. 寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old CustomersIt’s been ①(有业务往来持续时间) since we executed your last order. Recently, we got in large quantities of ②(新产品名称). Attached please find ③(附件名称).I’d like to inform you that, we are ④(优惠措施) on certain items, including ⑤(对方感兴趣产品名称). Would you have a look at the attached catalogue? If you wish to order large quantities,⑥(联系方式) me. We will try to work out terms and conditions to our mutual benefit.We look forward to our continued mutually-profitable business relationship. We expect ⑦(期待事宜).12. 寄信给新客户Sales Letter to New CustomersWe are glad to learn, from ①(信息来源), that you are interested in ②(产品名称).We ③(经营情况). Attached please find ④(附件名称).⑤(欲知详细信息), please ⑥(查询方式).We look forward to your trial order and assure you of our prompt attention.13. 推销新产品Sales Letter for Promotion of New ProductsWe’re pleased to inform you that, with years of research, w e’ve introduced our new products ①(产品名称) to market. Much to our delight, they enjoy great popularity. As we guess you might be interested, we’ve sent you ②(邮寄方式) ③(邮寄样品种类及数量) for your trial use. A trial use will convince you of their extraordinary functioning. For more information, please ④(查看信息途径).Attached please find ⑤(附件名称). We hope you’ll take this opportunity to ⑥(为双方利益起见). If you consider placing an order, w e’ll grant you ⑦(优惠幅度).14. 推销劳务Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesWe’re pleased to learn, from ①(信息来源),that you are in need of ②(某种职业工作人员). We advertised your job vacancies and attracted ③(申请人数) applicants, from whom we have chosen ④(人数) for your consideration. Attached are ⑤(附件名称).The candidates we have chosen are ⑥(身份). They all have ⑦(工作经历持续时间) experience, in a ⑧(工作单位). We have interviewed them with satisfactory results and offered them ⑨(提供事宜) as required.They are looking forward to your phone interviews. Contact us if ⑩(所需帮助事宜). We hope to have more cooperation in the future.Chapter3 询盘和订货15. 一般询盘General InquiryWe are very much interested in importing ①(产品名称) from you since you are ②(对方身份). We would be grateful if you could let us have detailed information about ③(产品名称) and send us samples of your complete product range as well.We have been ④(我方身份) for ⑤(公司历史年限) and have ⑥(销售渠道). We are in great need of ⑦(产品名称) in our production. Our credit standing has been AAA rated since ⑧(起始年).If business terms are satisfactory, we’ll place regular orders with you.16. 回复一般询盘Reply to the General InquiryWe are glad to learn that you are interested in our ①(产品名称). Attached please find ②(附件信息). As you requested, we have sent you samples of our complete range ③(邮寄方式).We are one of the ④(公司性质), specializing in ⑤(经营范围). All our products are manufactured ⑥(产品优势). We ⑦(公司优势). We will allow a ⑧(折扣幅度) discount for your orders. For ⑨(欲知信息), please ⑩(获知信息途径).We look forward to your trial order.17. 具体询盘Specific InquiryWe are ①(公司性质). We have obtained your name and address from ②(信息来源) and we are very interested in ③(产品名称).We’d like to have an ④(产品数量) quotation of the said products, ⑤(价格术语).We’d like you to tell us about ⑥(其他欲知事项). If ⑦(下订单前提条件), we will place an order with you.We would await your reply.18. 报虚盘Making a Non-Firm OfferWe thank you for your inquiry ①(对方询盘日),asking for ②(欲购产品数量) quotation of ③(欲购产品名称) made in ④(产品原产地). We are pleased to offer as follows: ⑤(报盘详细内容).The above offer is subject to our final confirmation. If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us know at an early date. We would be glad to offer any additional information you need.19. 报实盘Making a Firm OfferThank you for your inquiry of ①(对方询盘日), asking for an ②(欲购产品数量) quotation of our ③(欲购产品名称). We are pleased to offer as follows: ④(报盘详细内容).The above offer is firm until ⑤(报价有效期限). If you think our offer is satisfactory, please letus know before ⑥(订单有效期限). You can be assured of our best service.20. 买方还盘Making a Counter Offe rWe thank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日期), offering us ②(我方欲购产品名称及数量) made in ③(产品原产地) at ④(卖方报价).We regret to inform you that we can’t accept your offer as ⑤(还盘原因). For ⑥(继续保持合作的原因), we counter offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching us ⑦(有效期限): ⑧(我方还盘价). We are satisfied with other terms in your offer.We look forward to your favorable reply..21. 卖方返还盘Making a Counter-Counter OfferReferring to your counter offer of ①(对方还盘邮件发送日期), asking for a cut down of the price from ②(我方报盘价) to ③(对方还盘价), we regret to tell you that it is difficult for us to accept your counter offer.The price we set in our offer is carefully calculated. As a matter of fact, we have had considerable business with many customers at ④(价格描述).Our ⑤(我方产品种类) sell well in their markets. As you know, our products are far superior in quality to ⑥(同类产品名称) provided by any other suppliers in the world. For long lasting trade relations between us, however, we decide to allow you ⑦(让利种类) if your order ⑧(订单价值).If you think our proposal acceptable, please place an order on or before May 31st.22. 下订单Placing an OrderThank you for your timely reply of ①(对方邮件发送日期) to our inquiry about the ②(欲购产品名称). We are very satisfied with the trade terms you offer. The prices are acceptable. Therefore, we now email you our purchase order ③(订单编号) in the attached file.We will open ④(信用证种类) in your favor as soon as possible through ⑤(开户行), for the total value of ⑥(总价值) as stated in this order. Please inform us of the shipping date at least ⑦(提前通知装船天数) in advance after you receive our L/C.We look forward to your confirmation of the acceptance of our order.23. 接受订单Accepting an OrderWe confirm our acceptance to your order ①(订单编号) you emailed us ②(对方邮件发送时间) for ③(订购产品名称). We welcome you as one of our customers.We are pleased to send you in the attached Sales Confirmation ④(销售确认书编号) for your e-signature. Please cosign it and return it to us for our file. And please open your L/C ⑤(开证时间). Shipment will be made upon our receipt of your L/C.Your cooperation is highly appreciated. We assure you of ⑥(我方承诺) and look forward to receiving ⑦(期盼对方继续订购) from you.24. 拒绝订单Declining an OrderWe acknowledge receipt of your order ①(订单编号) you emailed us ②(对方邮件发送时间) for ③(订购产品名称), but regret to tell you that we are unable to take your order as ④(无法供货原因).⑤(无法供货的原因).We are indeed sorry for being unable to take your order. We sincerely hope that you will understand our situation and keep business relations with us in the future.25. 下续订单Placing a Repeat OrderWe are pleased to inform you that the ①(产品名称) we ordered from you last time is very suitable for our market. Last shipment of ②(产品名称) sells well here.As we believe there is still a great demand for ③(产品名称) in our market, we are placing with you a repeat order ④(续订单编号) in the attached the same kinds and the same quantity of the said products at the same price and on the same trade terms as we did last time, provided ⑤(续订单特别要求). We hope you will ⑥(希望对方所做之事).We expect you to confirm our repeat order as soon as possible.26. 推荐替代品Offering a Substitute ProductWe are pleased to learn from your email ①(对方发送邮件日期) that you intend to place with us an order for ②(欲订产品名称),but we regret to tell you that this model is already out of production.We’d like to recommend to you our new model ③(替代产品型号), which is even more welcomed by ④(受谁欢迎). This new model is much better than the previous one, but the priceis ⑤(替代品价格低廉程度) lower with ⑥(替代品“卖点”). Attached please find our latest catalogue and export price list so that you can know more about our new model or you can visitour web site:⑦(公司网站) to get more information you need.We expect you to place a trial order with us.27. 接受替代品Accepting a Substitute ProductThank you very much for your recommendation. As this model is new to our market, we’d like to place a trial order with you for ①(替代品名称及数量), if you allow us ②(优惠种类及优惠额). Attached please find our Purchase Order ③(采购订单编号). We will open an ④(开立何种信用证) in your favor for the total value as stated in this order as soon as we get your confirmation. It is for keeping our long term trade relationship that we decide to place this trial order. We hope you will ⑤(希望对方所做之事) concerning this transaction.We look forward to your positive reply.28. 拒绝替代品Declining a Substitute ProductWe have received your email recommending us the ①(替代品名称及数量) for lack of ②(原欲购产品名称) we requested, but we are very sorry to say that we can’t accept ③(替代品名称).④(拒绝替代品的原因). ⑤(我方提出的解决办法). If you fail to deliver ⑥(原欲购产品名称及数量) on time, you have to pay us liquidated damages, that is, a ⑦(赔偿额度) of the total value of the delayed goods, for ⑧(延误期限).We hope you will give us a favorable reply as soon as possible.29. 涨价通知Notice for Price IncreaseWe formally inform you that the price of ①(涨价产品名称) has increased by ②(价格上涨幅度) mainly owing to ③(涨价原因).④(对涨价原因做具体解释). We can’t but increase our export price by ⑤(价格上涨幅度). In fact, many companies have increased their price to that extent. However, for ⑥(提供原价的原因), we offer you the original price for your ⑦(最近的一次订单时间或订单编号) order. From ⑧(涨价起始时间) , the price will go up by ⑨(价格上涨幅度).We hope you will ⑩(希望对方所做之事).30. 回复涨价通知Reply to the Price Increase NoticeThank you for informing us the ①(涨价幅度) increase in the price of ②(涨价产品名称) due to ③(涨价原因).To tell you the truth, we have predicted the increase in the price of ④(涨价产品名称), but we didn’t expect the rise to be so high as ⑤(涨价幅度). We thank you for keeping the original price for our ⑥(最近的一次订单). Would you reconsider our later orders at the price of ⑦(略低于卖方涨价幅度的价格)?Reconsider the price of the products and we’ll ⑧(我方将做之事).Chapter 4 付款31. 询问付款方式Asking about Payment TermsWe are in receipt of your bid yesterday for ①(对方递盘主要内容).However, you didn’t mention specific payment terms.We’d like to tell you that we only accept payment by ②(信用证种类).Generally speaking,③(付款方式)is considered to be a reliable and safe method of payment in international trade. It protects the rights and interests of both of us. It is our usual case accept ④(信用证种类) when we do business internationally. We wonder whether you accept this kind of payment.Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.32. 接受付款方式Accepting Payment TermsWe thank you for your email telling us about the payment terms, which we forgot to mention in①(我方信函种类).We accept the payment terms you have offered, that is, we’ll make payment by ②(我方接受的信用证种类).It is true that ③(付款方式) is the safest way of payment and ④(信用证种类)is more favorable to you. Though it will add to our cost, we’ll do as you have asked us to. As we need to put a deposit in the bank amounting to the cost of the import, we need ⑤(所需时间)to arrange all the issues concerning the opening of ⑥(信用证种类).We’ll let you know once we have ⑦(信用证种类)opened.33. 要求修改信用证Request for Amendment to L/CMany thanks for sending us your L/C ①(信用证编号) issued by ②(开证行名称).However, on checking its clauses we found with regret that your Letter of Credit has several mistakes. Youare kindly requested to amend the above L/C as follows:③(信用证需修改之处).As soon as we confirm the above amendment, we shall proceed with ④(我方立即着手办理事宜)at once.A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.34. 信用证修改Amendment to L/CThanks for the email asking us to make amendment to our L/C. As requested, the amendment toour L/C ①(信用证编号) has been made as follows:②(对信用证的具体修改内容).Shortly after receiving your email, we checked the details and found ③(信用证错误数量) in our L/C. We are really sorry ④(致歉原因).We have now instructed our bank ⑤(开证行名称) to make the amendment. The amendment advice will reach you soon. Please try your utmost to ⑥(催促对方办理事宜)once you confirm our amendment.We expect to receive the first shipment at the date stated in the contract.35. 付款通知Payment NoticeAs agreed, we are drawing on you for the value of ①(货物名称).The payment in arrears amount to ②(对方应付款额).To simplify the issues, we will ③(我方为简化过程所采取的措施). Please protect our draft on presentation.We shall appreciate your cooperation.36. 收到付款通知Receipt of Payment NoticeWe are in receipt of your email about payment notice of ①(对方发送邮件时间)contents of which have had our due perusal. In view of ②(说明原因),we will ③(我方立即办理事宜)immediately. Supplementary to this email, we wish to say that the amount ④(货款金额)hasalready been ⑤(货款处理情况).Please accord this matter your close attention. If you haven’t received the payment of the goods, please keep us advised as far in advance as possible.37. 催促付款(初次)Urging Payment (First Notice)As required in the contract, which was settled by careful discussion of both parties, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we have got ①(已备货物) ready for some time.However, up till now, we haven’t had any news concerning your payment. Therefore, we kindly ask you to send us the payment as scheduled, so that we can execute your order ②(订单编号) within the contract time.We hope that you will ③(亟待对方解决事宜)as soon as possible.38. 催促付款(最后通告)Urging Payment (Last Notice)We wonder whether you have received our emails, asking you to send us payment for your order①(订单编号).In spite of our repeated reminders, the payment still remains unsettled. We have emailed you asking for the speeding up of the payment over and over again. Frankly speaking, we have got a little bit uneasy at no arrival of your payment. It is your responsibility to pay the products in due time. Should you have financial difficulties, please let us know. This will be the last time for us to remind you that if you fail to send us payment by ②(付款最后期限),you will have to ③(未付款所导致的后果) accordingly.Please arrange payment as soon as possible so as to continue our cooperation.39. 索取发票Asking for InvoiceWe are pleased to have received your high quality products on schedule.①(对收到的产品进行评论).We further know your good reputation, so we expect to continue our smooth cooperation.The only thing, however, we are feeling a little worried about is that we have received all the documents except the invoice. As a rule, we require commercial invoice in ②(发票复印数量). Please write our company name ③(公司名称) as the buyer with the amount of ④(发票面额). Our order number is ⑤(订单编号).Since it is important, please post them to us with the original invoice ⑥(邮寄方式).Thanks in advance for your immediate attention.40. 寄送发票Sending InvoiceThanks for telling us the issues concerning the invoice of your order ①(订单编号).We have noted your instructions about the invoice and, as requested, have posted you the ②(所寄票据) in ③(复印数量),together with the original one, by ④(快递公司名称),⑤(邮寄时间).The number of the mail by ⑥(快递公司名称) is:⑦(快递邮件编号).They will contact you by your mobile phone. We have sent you an e-copy in the attached your advance look. We look forward to our further cooperation in the future.Please acknowledge receipt of the invoice we sent you ⑧(邮寄时间) once you get it.Chapter 5 包装和交货41. 包装要求Packaging RequirementsWe appreciate your email asking about ①(对方邮件询问内容).As our products are easily damaged, it is quite necessary to pay special attention to packaging. Also please ②(对方需特别注意的事项).Frankly speaking, our packaging requirements are quite strict. The details are written in our packing instruction, which is attached. However, I’d like to emphasize the following four points:1. The packaging must be strong enough to withstand③(货物所能承受的内容).2. The products are to be wrapped in...before being packed in④(包装方式).3. The most important thing is to protect the goods⑤(货物需避免的因素).4. Any loss in transit is to be compensated pany.We believe you will give special care to the packaging to avoid any possible damage.42. 回复包装要求Reply to Packaging RequirementsHaving received your email of ①(对方邮件主题),we immediately passed your opinions on packing to our ②(与包装问题直接相关的人).Recently, they have made a number of improvements in packaging. We will also take effective measures to satisfy your packaging requirement.We have prepared ③(已备的包装)so as to protect the goods against④(可能遭受的损失).And also, we give special care to the problem of ⑤(需特别注意的事项).In sum, we will reinforce packing in order to minimize the extent of any damage to the goods in transit.If you have any questions, please email me or call me.43. 装运时间Time of ShipmentWe are pleased to inform you that we have shipped ①(货物批次) for your order ②(订单编号). Since your order is a large one, the goods are to be shipped in ③(货物批数) of ④(每批货物数量) with separate bills of lading according to our sales contract. The first shipment has alreadybeen loaded on board s.s“⑤”(货轮名称),which is sailing for your port ⑥(目的港名称),⑦(货轮启航时间) from ⑧(装货港名称).We believe that the goods will reach you in time to meet the needs of your market and that they will prove to be satisfactory to your customers.Please let us know the moment you have received the goods.44. 回复装运通知Reply to Time of ShipmentMany thanks for your email telling us about ①(货物批次)for our order ②(订单编号).We really appreciate your timely arrangement.The punctual shipment will help us deal with other corresponding issues smoothly. We expect the goods to reach us in time so that we will be able to put them to market at a time ③(何种情形下).Thank you for your efforts and true cooperation. And we expect you to get the ④(货物另一批次) ready for shipment concerning our order ⑤(订单编号).As soon as we get the goods, we will email to let you know.45. 催促装运Urging ShipmentWe regret to say that we have not heard anything from you about①(希望对方办理的事宜). As you know, our contract is for ②(合同规定的装运要求).We understand there must be some particular reasons for ③(对方未解决或未处理的事宜). However, we have the right to know detailed information. And we would like to cooperate withyou to deal with this problem. Even if we did not know the reason,④(我方做出的何种让步). Please arrange the shipment as soon as possible and let us know ⑤(要对方告知的事宜).46. 回复催促装运Reply to Urging ShipmentWe have already received your email of ①(对方邮件的日期).We feel sorry for the shipment delay, which was caused by ②(说明装运延迟的原因).It is our fault not letting you know the cause in time.In addition, because of ③(未能按时装运的另一个原因),we failed to make timely shipment. After communication with related officials, we now have settled the problem.The shipment of ④(产品名称和数量) under S/C ⑤(合同编号) will be arranged to go forth on board s.s.⑥(货船名称).The ship will sail from⑦(出货港口名称) on or about ⑧(装运时间).We will email you immediately when the ship sets off.Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.47. 出货通知Shipment AdviceWe are pleased to inform you that we have completed the shipment of ①(产品名称) in accordance with the stipulations set forth in ②(信用证编号). The ③(货船名称) has sailed from ④(出货港口名称) on ⑤(出港日期).We are attaching the following copies of shipping documents for your advance look:⑥(单据名称)⑦(票据编号).If you find any problem, please let us know as soon as possible.48. 货物抵达通知Goods Arrival NoticeAfter ①(说明原因),the first batch has already arrived. Because of ②(具体装运安排的原因),we agree to ship the goods in ③(装运安排).We greatly appreciate it that the first batch has reached us in safety and in good condition. We expect to get ④(货物批次) by⑤(期望货物到达的日期). There is one thing we need to mention, that is, it is no matter ⑥(我方特别强调的事宜)as long as they arrive here in time as required.We look forward to ⑦(货物批次) .。
Social Business Letters商务社交信函.
Social Business Letters商务社交信函the success of a business by fostering a warm friendship and developing goodwill between the company and its public.sound sincere, and should avoid any hint of a sales pitch.Writing Suggestions:rson whom you are writing, and adjust the tone of your message accordingly.your comments accordingly.感谢信祝贺信慰问/吊唁信节日问候信邀请信/请柬1. Letters of Thanks表达感谢you very much for …具体感受Our trip to Canada was very much enhanced by your kind arrangements and hospitality.during our stay, as well as of the friendship between us.良好祝愿,期望回报indness when you come to Beijing next time.Commonly Used Sentences in Letters of Thankspleasure towriting to you personally just to say how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to our Mr. Wu Yong when he visited your town last week.say “Thank you” for your support over the past year and to tell you how much we appreciate having you for a customer.to meet me.me such a wonderful gift.brief visit to London.separately. All the material will be invato thank you once again for so kindly making your plant available to our team of visiting engineers. I know they were very impressed with your works, as well as by the hospitality shown to them.and I wish to thank you and your husband for the delightful evening at your home. It was most kind of you to ask us and we enjoyed every minute of it.wishes on the occasappreciate your warm congratulatory message on the completion of our new port facility.2. Letters of Congratulations高兴心情pressing congratulations 表达祝贺our heartfelt congratulations on your …y reflects the quality and diligence that has characterized your work in every area.are needed for this important position.未来祝愿Our very bestbe continued and look forward to closer cooperation between us.you are joining Jerold and Co. as Marketing Manager and hasten to send you my sincere congratulations and best wishes for success in your new post.than you over the past several years and I am delighted to see your efforts rewarded.Manufacturers’ Association.Industrial and Commercial Association.founding of your business.Entrepreneur for the year for your excellent work in the field of management.marriage. I wish you the best of everything for all the years ahead.3. Letters of Sympathy/Condolence表示同情关切祝愿康复speedy recovery.提出帮助do to help you, please let me know.y, but it was good to know that you are now over the worst and are progressing toward recovery.caused such damage to your plant.call on us for any assistance we can render. We would consider it a privilege to help outrs sincerely,表达悲哀essed) to hear of the untimely passing of …称赞故人或回顾and high quality of business conduct.dolence and sympathy 表达哀悼之情,表示慰问our sympathy to his family.nd regret that we received the sad news of the sudden and untimely death of your deputy managing director, Mr. Grant. His passing must mean a great loss to your company and his associates and he will long be remembered by all who knew him and who worked with him.Grant and her family.of the sudden passing of Bob. I know how much he meant to you and to your family. This was certainly a great shock to his many friends who will miss him greatly. Having lost my father two years ago, I am close enough to remember the pain and grief I experienced. I know that words, though comforting, cannot replace memory. At this time of very special loss for you, I just want you to know that you are in my thought. Please convey my feelings to your family. If there is anything I can help, please do not hesitate to call on me. Affectionately,sorry to hear that your illness has become more serious, and you have had to go into hospital.ensive fire damage which your Company has sustained.Sidney Howard, came as a great shock to me.l ability and character.We were distressed by the news that Mr. Kroll has died, and I am writing at once to express our deep sympathy.ance to you, please let me know at once.Everybody here sends his best wishes to you for a quick recovery.4. Letters of Seasonal Greetingsoperation 感谢以往合作对未来的祝愿many loyal customers like you. We truly appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and want to thank you sincerely for your support.New Year full of happiness and success.pleasure to say how much we have appreciated working with you over the past twelve months. We sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for many years to come.py and prosperous New Year.All my colleagues at Philips’ join me in sending you sincere Christmas greetings andThe association with you during the past year has been so enjoyable that I want to send you this greeting of goodThanks for your part in it.ll provide more opportunities for pleasant working relationships between your firm and mine.5. Invitations邀请信回复请柬ts purpose 活动及目的活动细节具体时间请求确认company. The dinner will be held at the Capital Plaza, Beijing from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30will be able to join us in this opportunity to meet the senior directors of our company.Will you please drop me a note before May 15 to let me know whether we can expect you then.your company at banquet to be held at Jing Lun Hotel, Beijing at 6:00 p.m. on November 10.Ltd.接受邀请firmation谢绝邀请感谢邀请表示遗憾陈述理由致以问候ty in honor of Mr. Liao Yalin, to be held at Capital Plaza on Friday, May 20. It will indeed be an honor to meet the senior directors of your company and I am looking forward to this opportunity.the banquet to be held at Jing Lun Hotel, at 6:00 p.m. on November 10, and will be pleased to attend.ely,indeed be a great honor if I could attend. Unfortunately, my schedule in May will not allow me to be present on this occasion. I certainly hope you will understand.the banquet to be held on November 10, but regrets that he is unable to attend due to a prior engagement.itation: requests the pleasure of the company of …; invites the pleasure of the company of …; invites you to attend …e (on the occasion of the inauguration of …; in honor of …); Reply (R.S.V.P.); Costume (Black Tie; Dress: Formal); Others (Please bring this card. / Please present this card at the entrance.)re of the company ofatCommonly Used Sentences in Letters of Invitationtown for the seminar and exchange ideas privately.first business year of our company in Chinaglad if you will join us at a quiet dinner at Park Hotel next Saturday evening at half past six.esident of ABC Company request the pleasure of your company at a cocktail party to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. David Cook on Saturday, August 18, at 7:00 p.m. at …evening at seven o’clock.party on 9th March and is delighted to accept it.your kind invitation to dinner next Saturday.Hotel on Friday, July 25th, 2004.this festive occasion.(1) Replies to Letters of Congratulations(Letter of Thanks)promotion. Quite frankly, I know this would not have been possible without the support and close cooperationyour good wishes and look forward for more opportunities to work with you.(2) Replies to Letter of Sympathy(Letter of Thanks)er helped a great deal during my stay at the hospital. Thank you for thinking of me.(3) Replies to Letter of Condolence(Letter of Thanks)kind words of sympathy on the death of our Chairman, Mr. Henry Curve.t shock to us and his absence from the leadership will be keenly felt.Exercises:1) You have just heard that Mr. John Smith, who has had close association with you over the past ten years, has been promoted to Deputy managing Director of ABC Trading Company. Write a letter of congratulations to him.2) You are the above-mentioned John Smith, write a letter of thanks accordingly.1) You have just learned that one of your customer Mr. Hal Franks was ill and had to be in hospital for some time. Write a letter of sympathy to him on behalf of your company.2) You are the above-mentioned Mr. Hal Franks. Write a letter of thanks to the company.。
•Exercise:Dear Mr. Ho,We would like to inform you that we have received your email dated 23 November. Please forgive us for replying to your email so late. After reading the email, we are delighted to know the fact that your customers find our machines to be really useful.In your email, you have mentioned the inclusion of business terms in the new machines. Actually, the inclusion of business terms in an excellent idea, and we shall develop this idea. Thank you for telling us this wonderful idea, which is so important to the development of our products.Other languages are also mentioned in your email. Thank you for reminding us of that. We shall produce special cards, which can be fitted into the translators to provide more languages in the next model. However, the inclusion of a leather case would add considerably to the price of our machines and might not be necessary as the casing is very robust. So we are very sorry that we cannot meet your needs in this regard. Sorry again.Last thing required in your email is the new order of 200 electronic dictionaries and 300 language translators. We will provide the best service for you. We are taking steps and measures to supply you immediately with 200 electronic dictionaries and 300 language translators.We are looking forward to your new orders.Yours sincerely,Letters for social purposes (社交信函)Practical sentences patterns (实用句型)Opening (开头)It’s a pleasure for me to write a letter of introduction for my former employee, Ted Taylor.This is to introduce Mr. Jackson, a business associate for many years.I should like to introduce Mr. Terence, a personal friend of mine, who wishes to make some business contacts in your area.This letter concerns Perter Henderson who has been working in my company for the past ten years.Purpose (目的)He would very much like a chance to discuss relevant matters with you and your staff.Since he once did some work for me, I can offer some concrete information on his professional skills.He will be in your area in early may and will be writing to you shortly to arrange an appointment. We believe that Mr., Wilson is a man of financial responsibility.Describing somebody’s qualities and qualifications (个人素质及资格描述)He is known for his pioneering spirit in this field.Mr. Lee is an able, conscientious and highly motivated man with keen insights as well as a deep interest in intercultural communication and international business.He is a mature, confident and self-motivated person.Mr. Zhang distinguishes himself for his diligence, accuracy, integrity and conscientiousness.He is serious about his work and demonstrates a high degree of competence in education.The scores show that he is able to produce written and spoken English at a reasonably functional level.Closing (结尾)Anything you could do for her would be very much appreciated.Anything you could do to make his visit more rewarding would be very much appreciated.I would be grateful if you could give him some information about local conditions and prospects in our line of business.I would appreciate it if you could facilitate his smooth enrollment.This would be a great favor, which I should be pleased to return at any time.If further information is requested, I will be glad to comply.If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me.I can therefore recommend him without reservation.I feel he would be both a credit and an asset to your fine program.Letter one: Requesting a recommendation (请求对方予以推荐)Dear Mr. Walter,I was one of your former employees working as an assistant manager in Marketing Departmentof your company. As I wished to finish my MBA degree in America, I resigned from the position last June. I suppose you may have heard of it.Now I have obtained my degree and applying for the positing of Marketing Manager of Compact International. I would be grateful If you could write a recommendation letter for me.In my service with your company, my responsibilities included the usual routine sales-related duties as well as attending meetings, taking minutes, and supervising and advising junior secretaries.Your recommendation letter will be of great importance my application for the above-mentioned position. I would be deeply grateful to you for the reference you may provide for me.Yours sincerely,Li TangLetter two: Recommending an applicant to a companyDear Mr. Jackson,I am very happy to recommend one of my former employees to you, Mr. Robert Jones who has worked in my company for the position of Deputy Production Manager in your new company.He is highly qualified and has a great deal of experience, which should be very relevant to the position. Mr. Jones is able to turn what appears to be a disadvantage into a chance to benefit him and the company. For examples, if he receives a letter of complaint from a customer, he is able to reply in such a way, which not only satisfies the customer but increases his faith in the company. Two years ago, when a serious fire destroyed most of the spinning section in our main factory, Mr. Jones took the opportunity to redesign the layout of the entire area and order safer and more efficient machinery, doubling our previous output.Above all, I have long been impressed by Mr. Jones’s general attitude to his work. Whenever a problem arises, he always seeks a positive solution. Moreover, his determination to find a solution ensures his success as he simply refuses to recognize the possibility that there is no answer.In short, I believe he will be a great asset to your company if he has the opportunity to work there.Sincerely yours,Andy NicholsonGeneral ManagerExercise:Improve the following letter:Dear Mr. John,I want to study in a America university. Can you tell me what university is good? And also can you introduction a professor for me? I plan to learn the major of business administrate. I thank you if you do that for me? I will come America in the next month. So I need the information very quickly. Can you write the letter for me? I need it in the end of the mouth. I’m look forward to receive your letter.Your sincerely,Jack LeeLetters of invitations and their reply(邀请信及其回信)A general invitation opening ( 一般邀请函开头)I am writing to invite you to a dinner party at our home from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on June 3.My wife and I are now planning a small cocktail party in our house from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m on June 3. We wonder if you and your dear wife could fined time to join us.This is to invite you to the reception which I have already mentioned to you in my previous letter. It is a pleasure to invite you to visit our city and take part in the discussion of the sole agent agreement.A general invitation closing (一般邀请函结尾)I do hope that you will be able to spare the time to share this occasion with us.Please return the attached form by April 8 if you are able to come.We are looking forward to seeing you in Kinston.I am sincerely looking forward to seeing you there.A reply to a general invitation (一般邀请函回复)Thank you for your thoughtful invitation to dinner party on Friday, July 8.I am very pleased to accept your kind invitation to the opening ceremony of your service center to be held on July 3.Thank you very much for your kind invitation to the opening ceremony of the subsidiary in Hong Kong.Unfortunately, I shall be out of town on December & and will not, therefore, be able to be present at the banquet you are holding.However, the date, May 7, is an unfortunate one, I already have a long-standing commitment on that day.letter of invitationDear Professor Wang,I am pleased to inform you that you are cordially invited to participate in the conference of North America as our guest. Your round –trip air ticket, accommodations and meal expenses will be subsidized. Should you be interested, please let us know at your earliest convenience.I am looking forward to seeing you in this conference, and I am sure you will play an important role in the event. If your response is consenting, I’ll send the relevant information to you.Yours sincerely,David尊敬的王教授:很高兴通知您,我们诚挚地邀请您作为贵宾,参加我们北美的研讨会。
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3. 高质量:模板采用高分辨率图片和矢量图形,确保打印和显示效果清晰美观。
4. 易用性:模板操作简单,用户无需具备专业设计技能,即可快速上手制作邀请函。
六、常见问题解答1. 问:如何模板?答:您可以从官方网站或相关平台搜索并本电子邀请函模板。
2. 问:如何编辑模板?答:使用文字处理软件(如Microsoft Word、WPS等)打开模板文件,根据需求进行编辑。
常用商务信函模板1. 问候语商务信函的问候语是信件的开头部分,通常用于表达对收件人的问候和敬意。
下面是一些常见的问候语:1.1 亲爱的先生/女士这是一种比较正式的问候语,适用于您与收件人有一定熟悉关系的情况。
1.2 尊敬的先生/女士这是一种更为正式的问候语,适用于您与收件人的关系较为正式的情况。
1.3 亲爱的/尊敬的XXX团队如果您写信给一个团队或一个组织,您可以使用这种问候语。
3. 正文正文是商务信函的主要内容部分,用于传达具体的信息或请求。
下面是一些常见的正文写作模板:3.1 询问信尊敬的先生/女士,我希望向贵公司了解关于XXX的情况。
谢谢!此致, XXX3.2 邀请信亲爱的先生/女士,我非常荣幸地邀请您参加我们公司于XXX举办的产品发布会。
活动时间:XXX 活动地点:XXX我们非常期待您的光临,共同探讨商机。
谢谢!此致, XXX3.3 感谢信亲爱的先生/女士,我代表XXX公司,向您表达我公司对您XXX的支持和信任的深深感谢。
再次感谢您的帮助!此致, XXX4. 结语商务信函的结语是信件的结束部分,用于表达结束语和对收件人的祝福。
下面是一些常见的结语:4.1 谢谢这是一种非常常见的结语,用于表达感谢之情。
4.2 期待您的回复如果您希望收件人回复您的信件,可以在结语中提醒收件人。
4.3 再次感谢您的帮助这是一种更加深情的结语,适用于感谢对方给予的大力支持或帮助。
Word格式 I A4打印 I 内容可修改电子邀请函文档3篇Electronic invitation document编订:JinTai College电子邀请函文档3篇前言:邀请函是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信,是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种,在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中使用广泛这类书信。
邮件的英文格式范文急求助英文邮件的正式格式Dear xx,Good day.This is xx from xx .We are the supplier of xx. Glad to contact with you.Enclosed is purchse order for your pany, please kindly check it.Any questions please kindly contact with me.Thanks & Best Regards,XX我天天写邮件给老外,一般都是这种格式,简洁明了。
那有限公司的表达方式是co.ltd.还是co.,ltd.?Co.,Ltd如果你是比较正式的信件的话,格式可以这么写 Dear sir/madam,I am writing to ....结尾的部分写上 yours faithfully这样比较正式Hello 也不是不礼貌,只是非正式信件可以用不知道是否说的是外国格式,前面要加一些东西哒 To:【收件人邮箱地址】from:【寄信人邮件地址】subject:【也就是所谓的title】【正文内容】至于正文这里就和信件一样,最后your sincerly, XXX就好了下面的范文有些行是在右边的,但是因为在这里发的话所有行都变成了左对齐,所以你根据下面所讲述的格式自己调整一下吧英文书信的格式1、信头(Heading)指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角。
1. 私人信函模板私人信函是我们与亲朋好友之间进行沟通和交流的重要工具。
1.1 致谢信模板致谢信是一种表达感激之情和对对方的善意行为表示赞赏的信函模板。
以下是一个常见的致谢信模板:亲爱的 [对方姓名],非常感谢你 [对方的善意行为]。
你的 [善意行为] 对我来说意义重大,我真的无法用语言来表达我内心深处的感激之情。
你的 [善意行为] 不仅让我感到温暖和幸福,也让我意识到身边有这么多关心和支持我的人。
再次感谢你的 [善意行为],我会铭记在心,并且会记下这份善意,回报你在以后的日子里。
1.2 道歉信模板道歉信是一种表达歉意和对过错承担责任的信函模板。
以下是一个常见的道歉信模板:亲爱的 [对方姓名],我希望能够以此信表达我由衷的歉意。
我意识到在 [具体事情] 上我犯下了一个严重的错误,我的行为给你带来了很多困扰和不便。
社交信函写作实例1. 感谢信 (Thank-you letter)感谢信的使用范围很广,收到礼物或接受帮助、款待、问候、祝贺等都要写信表示感谢。
感谢信的内容主要有:1) 具体提到感谢的原因,如对得到的礼物或受到的服务加以赞赏等。
2) 表示愿意给与回报。
实例常用套语1. 1. Please accept my sincere appreciation for Mr...请接受我对……先生真诚的感谢。
1. 2. Many thanks for your hospitality.感谢您的款待。
1. 3. Of all the... I have received, I enjoy yours the most.在我收到的所有的……中,我最欣赏您的那份儿。
1. 4. I know that... took you a great deal of precious time.我知道……花了您不少宝贵的时间。
1. 5. It was very kind of you to see me off at the airport when I left your country.在我离开贵国之际,我十分感谢您来机场送别。
1. 6. Thank you for... that you sent me.感谢您寄我的……。
1. 7. Please give my best regards to the people who prepared the party for me.请代我向为我准备那次晚会的各位表示问候。
1. 8. 1 hope that I may be able to return your kindness in future.我希望将来能报答您的热情款待。
1. 9. We do owe Mr... a great “thank-you”.对……先生,我再次深表感谢。
Practical Writing
谨定于七月五日星期日晚 八时在香港深水湾道100 100号 八时在香港深水湾道100号 新亚洲大酒店为我们的父 母的金婚纪念举行晚宴, 母的金婚纪念举行晚宴, 敬请罗伯特伉俪光临。 敬请罗伯特伉俪光临。 张三夫妇敬约 敬请回复
Practical Writing
Revise and Check:
--- paragraphing --- that all points are included --- seven Cs --- point of view --- AIDA --- Proofread carefully ---prepare the final letter
– Memos are the most common form of business correspondence; – Memos are usually written informally but still must conform to the “seven Cs’ and other principles of good letter writing; – Memos are usually written on preprinted forms with space in the heading for To, From, Date, and Subject; – memos are written on plain paper;
Lesson Eleven
Social Letters
(社交信函) 社交信函)
The structure of a business letter
The Heading The Inside Address The Salutation The Subject Heading or Caption The Body of the Letter The Complimentary Close The Signature The Enclosure
第七讲 社交信函
Dear Professor White, Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair the 2004 International Conference on Data Processing to be held in Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004. Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future. I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.
Declining a Formal Invitation:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert regret that they are unable to accept Mr. and Mrs. Zhang San’s kind invitation to dinner on Sunday, the fifth of July at eight o’clock New Asia Hotel owing to previous engagement
Social Letters 社交信函
亲爱的杰西: 感谢您邀请我们参 加您本周日为您的婚 礼举行的婚宴。我们 将很高兴出席,并期 待着见到您。 您忠诚的 爱丽丝
常用句型 I am very sincerely most/truly grateful to you for ... I sincerely deeply/warmly appreciate Please accept/ I wish to express my sincere /grateful/profound appreciation for ... Many thanks for your kind and warm invitation to... Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart... Your invitation to... was delightful/lovely surprise... 常用句子 There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of your letters. It is a hopeless/definite/positive understatement to say that I am deeply /sincerely/truly grateful. I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted/enchanted me. I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.
亲爱的史密斯先生: 如您能够出席为中国代 表团而举行的招待会,我 们将感到十分荣幸。 招待会定于10月4日(星期 二)在市政厅举行。6点钟 准时举行鸡尾酒会, 随之 在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。 我们期待着您的光临。 请提前通知您能否出席。
现场展示-时间:xx月xx日-xx日全天 -地点:关于展会信息。
关于会场及交通信息开展时间会议议程真诚邀请您莅临参观指导!【篇二:word版邀请函模版】xxxx公司1logo企业精神或价值观尊敬的:您好!感谢您长期以来对xxxx公司的信任、关怀和支持! xxxx公司在国家、省、市各级政府的大力支持下,一直坚持以提高企业自主创新能力为主线,全面建立和完善国家级技术创新体系,从2009年至今公司科技创新工作取得突飞猛进的进展,期间取得了许多高科技含量的成果。
总经理:xxxx公司二〇一二年十一月十九日企业精神或价值观会议具体安排:会议时间:2012年12月6日上午09:00-11:30 会议地点:xxxxxx 会议室主要议程:见《2012年科技创新大会议程》2012年科技创新大会议程企业精神或价值观会议回执公司:贵司会议邀请函已经收悉,我厅(局、委)等共计人将乘坐航班/火车与月日到达机场/火车站,航班号/火车车次是。
展会日期:20xx年10月20-10月23日展会时间:9;00-17;30(10月20-22号)9:00-14;00(10月23号) 展会地址;上海国际展览中心展位号是;W4-G34您的到来期望能给我们带给一些好的参考和推荐,我们的成长与发展离不开每一个客户的指导与关怀。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
On the occasion of 1 (节日名称),I am writing to extend my warmest greetings to you, 2(节日祝福)。
Thank you for 3(致谢原因)4(时间)。
We know that the growth and success of our company is largely dependent on 5(公司取得进步和成功的原因).we also recognize the contributions you have made in 6(对方做的贡献)
We look forward to 7(期盼未来)
Once again, I would like to present my sincere wished in 8(节日名称)
7、the future development of the IT industry IT业未来的发展
A further extension of pleasant business relations 进一步发展友好的生意往来
The satisfaction of both parties in this transaction 在这次交易中双方获得满意
I am writing to express….to you
The purpose of the email is to express …to you
By this email I am pleased to send you….
We also acknowledge your contributions in …
We also appreciate your contributions in….
The contributions you have made in…are also recognized.
Once more, wish you …in the coming year
Once more, wish you …in the New Year
Once more, wish you …in the year to come
吊唁函(letter of condolence)
I was very sorry to learn of 1逝者身份’s death. I am now writing to express my deepest sympathy.
I had the privilege of knowing 2逝者身份very well for many years since he served in 3公司名称.He was regarded as4逝者的评价.I well recall 5对逝者的缅怀.He has been greatly missed in 6 公司名称since 7时间.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences at 8逝者身份’s death and convey our sincere sympathies to9表示慰问的对象.Please let us know whether there is anything we can do to help during this difficult time.
4、a wiser leader 一名英明的领导
An honest man 一位诚实的人
A respectable lady 一名可敬的女士
5、his wonderful sense of humor 他奇妙的幽默感
His fascinating passion for life 他对生活无限的激情
His generous nature 他慷慨的性情
I was distressed to learn of 。
I was deeply shocked to learn of …death
I learnt with deep sorrow of …death
It was a great privilege for me to…
I was privileged to…
I had the honor to…..
If there is anything we can do to help during 。
just let us know
We are willing to help you during…
We would like to do anything we can to help during …..
鼓励函(letter of encouragement)
With great pleasure, I am writing to welcome you as a new1对方的职位或职务to 2公司名称
3 公司名称is a place where 4公司创造的条件are provided to every employee for his or her success5 公司文化are highlighted in our company culture. Therefore, no matter what background and experiences you have in the past, you will find an environment full of 6 公司氛围.
7对方的职位或职务is 8公司现状.But on the other hand, we need to make more effort to have an even brighter future.
Once again, I am delighted that you have chosen to accept our offer of employment and hope that this will be the beginning of our mutually beneficial association. I am confident that you will be doing very well in the days to come.
5、knowledge power 知识力量
Abilities of analysis and planning 分析和策划能力
Passion and creativity 激情和创新
6、comfort and innovation 轻松和创新
People oriented-management人性化管理
Equality and vitality 平等和活力
8、in its most difficult time
At the turning point of its development
In a period of recession
….will provided with …for his or her succeed
The company provides …with …for his or her success
…can find … for his or her success
For anther thing, we have to make more efforts to have…
For another aspect, we should work harder for…
In a further aspect, more efforts should be made for…
I believe that you will be doing very well…
I am looking forward to your good performance I expect your good performance…。