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Dialogue 1:

A tourist is looking for the Tourist Information center and asks a passerby for directions.

1. I’m trying to locate the Tourist Information Center.



1) 找出,指出(某人、某事物)的准确位置或地点

locate an electrical fault

locate a town on a map

I’m trying to locate Mr. Smith.

2) be located 将(某物)设置在某处

A new factory is to be located on this site.

The information office is located in the city center.

2. I always seem to get lost when I try to follow directions.


Dialogue 2:

A tourist wants to go to the Brooklyn Museum and asks a passerby for directions.

1. As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.


lose the sense of direction

2. Say, I’m going in that direction. I’ll show you where it is.


I’ll show you where it is.


3. Think nothing of it.


Monologue 1:

May Hunter is at a travel conference and exhibition in Manchester, England. She is talking about her first and second day there.

1. It’s full of life, lots to see and do in the evenings.


2. It seems as if I am going to enjoy myself here for the coming day.


the coming day 即将到来的日子

3. I went to the conference to register and to set up my exhibition stand.


4. Things are going well.


5. I set out our brochures ready for the official opening.


set out 安排或摆放

We’ll need to set out chairs for the meeting.

She set out the pieces on the chess-board.

Dialogue 3:

1. Sally Brown, a journalist, is talking with Peter Smith, a government official in charge of transport planning, about the transport policy he is working on.


1)in charge of 处于控制或支配某人、某物的地位

Who’s in charge here?

He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

2)work on 忙于做某事

He is working on a new novel.

2. By the year 1700, Britain had a whole network of canals and rivers.


3. With a bit of forward planning, we could still move constructions materials by

waterway, though I’d agree that the main potential of the canal routes today is the recreational use.


forward 向着将来的,向着未来的

from this time forward

Look forward and consider the advantages of a larger house.

4. Britain’s rail network is still second to none.


second to none 不亚于任何事物和人

As a dancer, he is second to none.

5. A lot of our trade s with Europe and before the Channel Tunnel, there was a very good container industry. The containers could either be hooked onto lorries or loaded onto ships. Why not adapt the rail network to allow it to cope with containers?


1) be hooked onto和---联系在一起

2) adapt --- to --- 适应(新环境)

Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.

She adapted herself quickly to the new climate.

6. You couldn’t have loading bays and cranes at every station along the line.


7. No, but you could have freight terminals in each of our major cities. Loading could take place during the night to avoid congestion.

是的,但是你们在主要城市肯定有货物集散地。为了避免拥挤我们晚上必需装货。1)freight terminals 货物集散地


8. Disabled people will be given taxi vouchers and there will still be ambulances driven by professionals.

