《绿皮书》经典台词英文以下是电影《绿皮书》中的一些经典台词的英文原文:1、"You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity." - Don Shirley (你用暴力永远不会赢,只有保持尊严才能赢。
- 唐·雪莉)2、"The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move." - Tony Lip (这个世界上有很多孤独的人,他们害怕主动去接触别人。
- 托尼·利普)3、"You know, the genius of the American system is that we're all here because we're not all there." - Tony Lip (你知道,美国系统的天才就在于我们都在这里,因为我们还没有到那个地步。
- 托尼·利普)4、"So if I'm not black enough and if I'm not white enough, then tell me, Tony, what am I?" - Don Shirley (如果我既不够黑,也不够白,那么告诉我,托尼,我是什么?- 唐·雪莉)5、"You never know, the light in the most unexpected places." - Don Shirley (你永远不知道,光明可能在最意想不到的地方。
- 唐·雪莉)6、"The music is the spiritual expression of what is in your heart. It's your creativity, your intelligence, and your love." - Don Shirley (音乐是你心中精神的表现,它是你的创造力、智慧和爱。
Green Book《绿皮书》电影完整中英文对照剧本
纽约人民你们好我是鲍比·莱德尔Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell.我很高兴能来到这里And I'm glad to be here.谢谢大家今晚来看我们的演出Thank you all for coming to see us tonight.今天是科帕俱乐部的周六狂欢夜It's Saturday night in the Copa!我们认为你们今晚会玩得很开心We think you're gonna have a great time tonight.我们会竭尽全力确保你们玩得开心We're gonna do our best to make sure of that.一如既往我们要特别感谢朱尔斯·波德尔先生As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell科帕卡巴纳夜店的运营者让我们有玩乐的可能for having us out.开始吧Let's get started.*我已经完全被那古老的黑魔法控制**That old black magic has me in its spell**就是你运用得如此娴熟的黑魔法**That old black magic that you weave so well**那冰冷的手指顺着我的脊柱上下探索**Those icy fingers up and down my spine**跟我们目光相接时你施展的巫术一样**The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine* *令我着迷**I love them so well**跟我彼时内心感受到的微微刺痛感一样**The same old tingle that I feel inside**随后电梯开始上升**And then that elevator starts its ride**亲爱的...**And darling...*你好啊亲爱的Hello sweetheart.这是我的大衣Here is my coat.看到这顶帽子了吗And you see this here hat?我希望你用生命来守护它I want you to guard it with your life.这是我母亲送我的礼物It was a gift from my mother.遵命劳斯库德先生Yes, Mr. Loscudo.这是赏你的That's for you.谢谢您先生Thank you sir.吉奥Gio!-卡迈因你还好吗-很高兴见到你- Carmine! How are you pal? - Good to see you.谢谢您完全不必如此的Oh thank you! That's unnecessary.来我们走去听音乐Come on! Let's go. On the album.我两年前在南费城见过那个叫鲍比·莱德尔的小子I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago in South Philly.当时他还是个无名之辈Nobody knew who he was.现在他可出名了They know now.把劳斯库德的帽子给我Gimme Loscudo's hat.但他叫我守...But he said to guard it...我知道我听到了I know, I heard.给我行吗Give it to me. A'right?*我应该远离你但我能怎么办**I should stay away but what can I do**我听到你的名字...**I hear your name...*放尊重点嘴巴放干净点Be respectful and watch your mouth.闭嘴是她卖弄风骚勾引我Shut up! She wants it, Okay?硬汉你能怎么样Tough guy, what are you gonna do?托尼·利普Tony Lip!*你就是我一直在等待的爱人**You're the lover I have waited for**是我命中注定的爱侣**The mate that fate had me created for**每次我们亲吻时...**And every time you lips meet mine*你竟敢对我动手混蛋You put your hands on me, you punk?给自己留点面子跟你朋友一起回家去吧Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends.你无权命令我该去哪儿You don't tell me where to go!你知道我是谁吗我非要进去Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there!*那叫做爱情的古老黑魔法啊**That old black magic, yeah love*你去告诉朱尔斯·波德尔You tell Jules Lipobdell.如果找不回我的帽子我就把这家夜店烧了If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down.吉奥它肯定会再出现的Gio, it's gonna turn up.我发誓它一定会再次出现的I swear to God it's gonna turn up.是吗你告诉那个犹太肥猪Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard如果拿不回帽子我就把科帕俱乐部给烧了I don't get my hat I'll burn Copa down!科帕俱乐部重新装修期间停业我只能继续去开垃圾车谋生了I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks.老天呐Jesus Christ!妈的他真是疯了Screw those! He's out of his mind.至少我们今晚挣到了钱We earned our money tonight.利普我当时以为你要杀了那家伙Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy.是啊Yeah!他死总比我死要好Better him than me.那停业期间你打算去做什么So... What are you gonna do while we're closed?我不知道或许会去我叔叔的披萨店工作I don't know. Maybe go work at my Uncle's pizza joint.-你呢-我要喝两个月的酒- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months.送我回家利普Take me home, Lip.再见卡迈因See you, Carmine.不你不该那样不应该发生这种事No! You shouldn't. That shouldn't happen.我不想当一个...I don't wanna be a...我的帽子My hat!我听说它丢了于是我就找了找Heard it was missing, so I looked into it.-我当时都想杀了那个小婊子-不不是她的错- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault.是谁胆大包天敢偷吉奥的帽子Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat?别担心我已经解决他了Don't worry about it, I took care of him.很好希望你把他好好打了一顿Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating.给收下吧放进钱包里Here. Take this. Put it in your kick.不谢谢了能帮忙是我的荣幸劳斯库德先生No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo.别废话了收下吧Bullshit! Take it.从现在开始别再叫我劳斯库德先生了And from now on, you don't call me Mr. Loscude,听到了吗ya hear me?我是你的好兄弟吉奥I'm your pal Gio.布朗克斯纽约白箭香烟早安Good morning.晚安Good night!一名击球手出局下一位是罗杰·马里斯One down, and the batter will be Roger Maris.加油啊罗杰击个好球Come on, Roger! Hit one out!约翰尼闭嘴你会给他招来霉运Johnny quite! You're gonna jinx it.约翰尼你还能吼得更大声点吗Johnny, think you can yell a little louder?-马里斯上场了-是啊我也被吵起来了- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now.你们到这里来干什么What the hell are you guys doing here?我们是来陪德洛丽丝的We came over to give Dolores company.不是吧Come on!你别只顾着自己睡觉让我女儿一个人面对这些黑鬼你明白我的意思吗我事先也不知道他们会派谁上门来啊我不知道他们会派黑鬼过来这应该是意大利人的工作真可耻谢谢你夫人Thank you, ma'am.投球了Here's the pitch.出界飞向观众席Fouls it back to the crowd.一坏球一好球One ball, one strike.加油啊罗杰拜托了Come on Roger! Please!-我送你们出去-好的- I'll walk you out. - Sure.看来还得我们重回赛场了拜托We need to get back to this ball game. Come on! -非常感谢-如果有问题给我们打个电话- Thank you so much! - Any problems, give us a call. -两好球一坏球-加油- The one-two pitch. - Come on, baby.球径直飞进右外场深处The curve is hit deep into right field...赢了赢了We got it! We got it!再来一次再来一次加油宝贝Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby!别托尼快去穿衣服我们要开饭了No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat.好吧Alright!没第七场了不用打第七场了No game seven. No game seven.主啊感谢您的慷慨阿门From thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen.阿门Amen.如果谁听闻有适合托尼的工作岗位告诉我们一声And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know.-德洛-怎么了- Dolor! - What?别这样Please.-发生什么事了你被开除了吗-不是- What happened? Did you get fired? - No.不是科帕俱乐部要停业装修No, The Copa's closing for repairs.所以他需要找一份为期几个月的短期工作So he just needs something for a couple months.谁叫你把自己当大亨了就知道乱花钱够了爸地板发霉腐烂了我们不得不换他人脉这么广很快就能找到新工作的All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time.他之前在卫生部有份很好的工作He had a great job at the sanitation department.你不该揍那个领班的You shouldn't have punched out the foreman.他不该把我叫醒的He shouldn't have woke me up.确实是你的作风That's Tony.我跟你说I'm tellin' you,这将是你赚得最轻松的五十块this is gonna be the easiest fifty bucks you ever gonna made.好吧再看吧Yeah we'll see.瞧瞧他们来了Hey! There they are.你好约翰尼Hi, Johnny.-托尼-保罗你还好吗- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing?我很好约翰尼跟我说I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me你曾一口气吃了48个白城堡汉堡you ate forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting.是芝士汉堡Cheese burgers.-你来告诉他们弗朗基-我不信- You tell them, Frankie. - I don't believe you.你信不信关我什么事What do I care if you believe me?戈曼Gorman.这里吃热狗的最高纪录是多少What's the record here for Hotdogs?18个肥保罗的战绩Eighteen. Fat Paulie.利普怎么没参加这个比赛Why wasn't Lip in on that contest?什么比赛我当时只是饿了而已What contest? I was hungry.赌局很简单50美元Bet's simple. Half a C-note.-比谁在一小时内吃的热狗最多-带顶层配料的- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - With toppings.你体重多少What the hell you weigh?-260磅-你的左半边屁股都有260磅了- Two sixty. - Your left ass weighs two sixty.如果我撒谎就让我岳母立刻死亡May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'. -好吧我应战-很好- Alright. You're up. - Good.加速啊利普那个象崽吃到第19个了Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen!加油利普加油Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on.你真丢人You are embarrassing.你让你儿子丢人了他遥遥领先了You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you.-尼基你在做家庭作业吗-是的- Nicky. You do your homework? - Yep.很好Good.-你去哪儿了-戈曼那里- Where have you been? - Gorman's.我在做晚餐I'm making dinner!肥保罗跟我打赌50块Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks认为他能比我吃下更多的热狗he could eat more hot dogs than me.他吃了24个那家伙简直是畜生He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal.你是疯了吗Are you crazy?你输了50美元吗You lost fifty dollars?德洛丽丝拜托Dolores. Please.我吃了26个I ate twenty six.你真是太走运了You're so lucky.你知道吗You know that?周一就得交房租了Rent is due on Monday.你不接电话吗You're gonna get that?什么事Yeah?利普有人打电话过来了Lip. Some guy called over here,是个博士他在找一个司机a doctor. He's looking for a driver.doctor同时也有医生的意思-你有兴趣吗-有- You interested? - Yeah.他们明天下午会举行面试They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon.地址是...The address is...第七大道881号下午2点15分Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen.卡内基音乐厅-不好意思-我们现在还未开业- Excuse me. - We're not open right now.但你可以购买今晚的演出票But you're welcome to buy tickets to tonight's performance.不不是这么回事Nah. That's not it.我好像搞错地址了I think I got the wrong address.这里有医生的办公室吗But is there a doctor's office in here?医生办公室A doctor's office?谢利医生Dr Shirley.你的地址没错You have the correct address.谢利博士住在楼上在大厅上面Dr Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall.你们好How you doing?我是来应聘司机职位的托尼·利普I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip.没有叫托尼·利普的No Tony Lip.不名单上应该有才对No, it should be on there.没有No.我这倒是有个托尼·瓦...瓦莱...I have a Tony Val... Valle...瓦莱隆加没错就是我Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me.-等候期间把这个填了-什么- Fill it out while you wait. - What?等候期间把这个填了Fill it out while you wait.坐吧Have a seat.瓦莱隆加先生抱歉让你久等了Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting.我是唐纳德·谢利博士I'm Dr. Donald Shirley.-叫我托尼吧-好的请坐- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down.你这个地方真奢华啊Some place you got in here.那些角是真货吗Them horns real?是象牙没错Elephant tusks. Yes.那个呢What about that?那是臼齿吗That a molar?-什么-臼齿- A what? - A molar.鲨鱼牙齿吗Like a Shark tooth?可能是虎牙吧Tiger's maybe.是别人送的礼物It was a gift.我以为我是要来一个办公室呢I thought, I thought I was going to a office.他们跟我说有个医生需要一位司机They said a doctor needed a driver.他们就这么说的吗That's all they told you?-是的-实际上要比这复杂得多- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.你以前当过职业司机吗Have you ever driven professionally before?搞卫生的开垃圾车Sanitation. Garbage trucks.并且我晚上会开车送我老板回家Plus I drive my boss home at night.但我什么车都会开But I can drive anything.豪华轿车拖车Limos, tow trucks.铲雪车什么都行Snow palms, whatever.我明白了你还有其他什么经验I see. What other experience do you have?我在很多娱乐场所都工作过I worked a lot of joints.比如车轮酒吧薄荷糖舞厅科帕俱乐部The Wagon Wheel, Peppermint Lounge, Copa-什么岗位-你什么意思- In what capacity? - What do you mean?你在这些地方负责做什么What did you do there?公关Public relations.首先托尼Well, first of all, Tony,我不是医生我是个音乐家I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician.-歌曲那种吗-是的- You mean like songs? - Yes.我即将开启一段音乐会巡演I'm about to embark on a concert tour,大部分旅程都是南下the majority of which will be down South.-大西洋城吗-不是- Atlantic city? - No.最南部我们先从中西部开始The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest,然后一路向左but then we're taking a hard left.去肯塔基北卡罗来纳Kentucky, North Carolina,田纳西穿越整个三角洲地区Tennessee, and on down through the Delta.预想一下你觉得为黑人工作会不会有问题Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man?当然不会No!没问题前几天我跟我妻子No no. Just the other day me and the wife had还邀请几个黑人来家里a couple of colored guys over at the house.喝东西For drinks.我知道了你结婚了I see, you're married.没错有两个孩子Yeah. Two kids.我不确定已婚男人是否适合这份工作I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man.为什么要带上女人吗Why, we bringing broads?我是指你要离家八周My point is, you'll be gone for eight straight weeks,中途没得休息直到圣诞no breaks, right up until Christmas.你确定你能离开家人那么久吗You're quite sure you can leave your family for that long?那要看你给我多少钱了Depends on what you're paying.每周一百美元包食宿A hundred dollars a week, plus room and board.但我要先说清楚我不只是请一个司机But let me be crystal clear... I'm not just hiring a chauffeur.我要一个能处理我行程的人I need someone who can handle my itinerary.当我的私人助理我需要一个侍者Be a personal assistant. I need a valet.一个能帮我洗衣擦鞋的人I need someone who can launder my clothes, shine my shoes...祝你好运医生Good luck, Doc.托尼Tony.我让我的唱片公司在城内打听找合适的人选I had my record label ask around town to find me the right man.你的名字多次出现Your name came up more than once.你给一些人留下了深刻印象You've impressed several people with your...你具有解决麻烦的天赋innate ability to handle trouble.所以我才打电话问你能否来任职And that is why I called and inquired about your availability.这样行不跟你一起出行没问题OK, here is the deal. I got no problem being on a road with you.但我可不是什么管家But I ain't no butler.我不会给人干熨衣服擦鞋的事I ain't ironing no shirts, and I'm not polishing nobody's shoes.如果你需要一个载你穿梭于城市之间的人You need someone to get you from point A to point B?需要一个确保途中不会出现问题的人...You need someone to make sure there's no problems along the way...相信我你到南方腹地And believe me you in the deep South肯定会有不少问题there's gonna be problems.所以如果你想雇我一周付我125美元So if you want me, it's a buck and a quarter a week.要不你就雇刚走出去那个中国佬Or go hire the little Chink that just pranced out of here,看你能走多远see how far you get.瓦莱隆加先生Well, Mr. Vallelonga.谢谢你过来一趟Thank you for stopping by.鲍比你好啊Hey Bobby.给我一杯瑞金淡啤Give me a Rheingold.要冰的Ice cold.托尼先生Mr Tony.奥吉问起你Augie asking about you.-快点我快渴死了-闭嘴我在说话- Come on, I'm dying of thirst over here! - Shut up. I'm talking. -什么时候-现在- When? - Now.他在他的包厢里He in his box.托尼·利普Tony Lip.在科帕俱乐部到底发生了什么What the hell happened at the Copa?我听说你把一个人的脸揍开花I heard you split a guy's face open.你打的那个人迈克·沙隆That guy you hit. Mikey Charon.他是"魔手"查理的手下He was one of Charie the Hand's crew.他就该识相一点Guess he shoulda known better."魔手"叫我调查此事Hand asked me to look into it.我找波德尔谈过了整件事...I spoke to Podell. Whole thing was a...都是因一个娘们而起对吧over a piece of ass, right?没错Yeah.俱乐部里绝对不该发生那种冲突Beef like that should never happen inside the club.是他们过分了They were out of line.所以我们把事情摆平了So we squashed it.你想挣点外快吗You looking to earn a little extra scharole?科帕关闭期间我能给你活儿干I can keep you busy while the Copa's down.我要做什么What I gotta do?各种工作Things...谢谢好意但我打算好好陪家人Appreciate it, but I'm gonna spend some time with the family.别傻了你多赚点钱Don't be stupid. You make yourself a few extra bucks,给你那漂亮老婆买点好东西buy something nice for that pretty little wife of yours.不用了我钱够用Nah, I'm good. I'm flushed right now.当铺给你五十块新年之前给我六十就把表还你Here's fifty. Pay me sixty by New Year, you get it back.利普没出什么事吧Hey Lip. Everything OK?你闲得蛋疼吗查理What? You got beak trouble, Charlie?别多管闲事Mind your business.快告诉我So come on.你去医生那儿面试得怎么样了Dying to hear what happened with the doctor interview?他不是真正的医生他是弹钢琴的He ain't a real doctor, he's a piano player.我不懂为什么他们说他是医生But I don't understand, why'd they say that he was a doctor?我也不知道I don't know.他好像是钢琴演奏的医生之类的I think he's like a doctor of piano-playing or something.有这种医生吗You can be that?估计有吧他住在卡内基音乐厅楼上I guess. He lives on top of Carnegie Hall.你真该看看他家小德You shoulda seen this place, Dee.放满雕像和各式各样的高级东西It was filled with statues and all kinds of fancy crap.他还穿着华丽的衣服坐在一个王座上And he was sitting on top of a friggin' throne all dressed up 好像他是黑鬼的国王一样like the king of the jungle bunnies.他是黑人吗He's colored?那你跟他和平相处一周都做不到Then you wouldn't last a week with him.钱给够了我就可以For right money, I would.喂Yeah.是这样的...Look. Uh...真的吗Really?好的稍等OK. OK. Hold on a sec.是谢利医生It's Dr Shirley.弹钢琴那个他想跟你通话The Piano guy, he wants to talk to you.-我吗-是的- Me? - Yeah.什么不要What? No!过来快接Come here. Take it.跟他聊聊Just talk.你好Hello.早安医生和你谈话很高兴Good morning, Doctor, it's nice to talk to you.没错那确实挺久的Yes, that is a long time...是的It is.对我很确定Yes. I'm sure.感谢你的来电再见Thank you for calling... Bye now.他说了什么What did he say?他问我介不介意He wanted to know if I'd be okay with him他带我丈夫离家两个月taking my husband away from his family for two months.他说会付你你要求的酬劳He said he'd pay you what you asked for.那是一大笔钱It's good money.我们很需要We need it.我可没法每天吃下二十六个热狗I can't be eatin' twenty six hot dogs every day.我知道I know.我跟他说了你可以去I told him it was okay for you to go.好了酬劳先给你一半Alright. Hey look. Here's the first half of your pay.巡演结束后再给你剩下那一半You're gonna get the rest when the tour's over.-我得按周领工资-抱歉- I gotta get paid every week. - Sorry,这不是唱片公司的规矩that's not how the record company does it.我们得确保你会完成工作We gotta have some guarantee you're gonna finish the job.我为什么不会我都接了不是吗Why wouldn't I finish the job? I took it, didn't I?那你就没什么可担心的了Well, then you've got nothing to worry about.是这样的瓦莱隆加先生Here's the deal, Mr. Vallelonga.你的工作是准时将唐送到所有巡演地点OK! It's your job to get Don to all his tour dates on time.如果他错过演出Now if he misses any shows,你就拿不到剩下的酬劳you're not getting your back-end.他一场演出都不会错过的He's not gonna miss any show.很好你还需要这个Good. Oh, you're gonna need this.这本就是我刚提到的书Now this is the book I was telling you about.有时你们住在同一家酒店Sometimes you guys are staying in the same hotel,有时不是sometimes you're not.舒心出行《黑人司机的绿皮书》-对-别让我失望走吧- Oh yeah, I do... - Yeah, don't let me down. Let's go.-这就是那辆新车吗-对唱片公司租的- Is this the new one? - Yeah. The record company rented it. -不错吧-很漂亮- Nice huh. - Beautiful.你要离家三周So what my sister have to say我妹妹有什么意见吗about you being gone for three weeks?是八周Eight weeks.我敢打赌用不了一个月Ten-to-one, you slap this moolie out,你就会把那黑鬼打晕开车回来you come home in under a month.-孩子们-跟爸爸道别- Hi boys. - Say goodbye to your father.弗朗基尼基过来Frankie, Nicky, come here.-你们会乖乖的吧-会- Hi, will you be good boys? - Uh huh.-听妈妈话-好- Listen to your mother? - Uh huh.好亲我一下我指望你了Alright, give me a kiss. I'm counting on you on this.-别跑太远-好- Don't go too far. - We won't.-你去汽车协会拿地图了吗-拿了不- Did you go to the A-A-A for the maps? - Yes, no.其实是唱片公司给我的地图I mean the record company gave me maps还有行程表和这玩意and the itinerary and this thing.《黑人司机的绿皮书》The Negro Motorist Green-Book?上面列出黑人在南部可住宿的所有地方Yeah, it lists all places coloreds can stay down south.算是黑人旅行指南Like, you know, traveling while black.黑人旅行指南Traveling while black?对如果你是黑人出于某种原因要旅行Yeah. If you're black and you gotta travel for some reason.这还有专门的书吗They had a special book for that?我想是吧I guess.你带上熨斗了吗Did you pack the iron?我才不带熨斗小德I ain't lugging no iron, Dee.那你要怎么熨裤子How're you gonna press your pants?我放在床垫下压平就行了I'll put 'em under the mattress.你一有机会I want you to write me a letter-就要给我写信-我写不了信- every chance you get. - I can't write letters.-你当然可以-我做不到- Yes, you can. - I can't write.-花五分钟就够了答应我-这太丢人了- Take you five minutes. Promise me. - It's embarrassing.写信没用的They ain't gonna be no good.写信比打长途电话便宜多了托尼It's a lot cheaper than calling long distance, Tony.答应我你会写信给我Promise me you're gonna write.我答应你I promise.给今天就存进银行Here... Put this in the bank today.是我一半酬劳It's half my pay.这几个三明治是给你和谢利医生的Oh, here is a couple of sandwiches for you and Dr. Shirley.谢谢Thanks.-小心点-我会的- Be careful. - I will.-我爱你-我也爱你宝贝- I love you. - I love you too, baby.你圣诞必须回家不然就永远别回来了You better be home for Christmas or don't come home at all!晚到的人没床位知道了老爸I got it pop. I got it.卡内基音乐厅你好我是托尼Hey! I'm Tony.那个司机给我根烟行吗The driver. Bum a smoke?谢谢Thanks.你们是乐队成员吗So, you're with the band?我是奥列格大提琴手Oleg. Cello.我是贝斯手乔治George. Bass.我们不叫乐队叫三重奏And we're not a band, we're a trio.三重奏Oh, a trio?好吧Right.-早上好-早上好- Good morning. - Good morning.谢谢阿米特Thank you, Amit.祝您旅途愉快先生Have a wonderful trip, Sir.托尼我们到目的地后Tony, the first thing I'd like you to do,你第一件事when we arrive in the city,就是去检查我要弹的那台钢琴is check the piano where I'm playing,按照合同规定必须是斯坦威牌的make sure it's a Steinway as per my contract.然后你要确保And can you see to it that我房里有一瓶卡迪萨克威士忌there is a bottle of Cutty Sark in my room斯坦威每晚都要有every night.每天晚上吗Every night?你要是需要有人帮你喝酒的话Well if you ever need any help with that...不需要I won't.请握好方向盘Ten-and-two on the wheel, please.对了医生Hey Doc.我在行程上看到I noticed on the itinerary thing,最后一场演出在12月23日last show's on the 23rd December.-对吗-对在伯明翰圣诞演出- Right? - Birmingham, yes. It's a Christmas show.我们能不能第二天早点出发So, any way we could maybe hit the road early next morning 这样来得及赶回家过平安夜so we could be home in time for Christmas Eve?到时候看吧We'll see.谢谢Appreciate it.你能不能把烟熄灭Could you put out the cigarette please?为什么Why?我在后面喘不上气了I can't breath back here.你在说什么What are you talking about?烟都进了我的肺活都是我干的Smoke's going into my lungs. I'm doing all the work here.谢谢你Thank you.谢利医生一切还好吗没事挺好的好的那我们匹兹堡旅馆见记得预约晚餐吃完立刻排练你看什么看What are you looking at?-你会说德语吗-刚才那是俄语- You speak German, huh? - That was Russian.我之前当兵的时候被分配到德国Yeah, I was stationed in Germany in the army.我能听懂你们说的一部分话I can pick up a little bit of what you're saying there.你要小心德国佬Watch out for them Krauts.他们都是奸诈小人They're all sneaks.肯尼迪当初就应该把他们全炸死Kennedy shoulda bombed 'em when he had the chance.还有现在那群古巴暴民Plus now them Cuban bastards.难道他们不应该跟着我们吗Ain't they supposed to be following us?他们也有行程表只要能准时赶到演出现场They have the itinerary. As long as they get to the show on time,我就不担心你也不必担心I am not worried about it and neither should you.我完全不担心I ain't worried about nothing.我告诉你我担心的时候你能看出来Fact, when you see me worried, you'll know.-你绝对能看出来-托尼能不能安静一会儿- You'll know if I'm worried. - Tony. How about some quiet time?当然Sure.你居然说了这句话It's amazing you said that.能不能安静一会儿How about some quiet time?德洛丽丝我老婆她以前总这么说Dolores, my wife, she used to say that all time,也不是总这么说吧但是有时候well not all the time, but you know...我下班回来的时候她就会这样说She says it when I come off from work some time,因为她陪了孩子们一整天you know, she's been with the kids all that day.她就会说托尼能不能安静一会儿And she would say, Tony... How about some quite time?跟你刚才的语气一样Exactly like how you said it.真的太神奇了I mean... it's amazing.怎么样How was that?很咸Salty.你有没有考虑过当美食评论家Have you ever considered becoming a food critic?没没有啊No... Not really.怎么了很赚钱吗Why? Is there money in it?我只是觉得I'm just saying, you have a你描述食物的词汇很不可思议marvelous way with words when describing food.很咸Salty!太生动了让人几乎能尝到So vivid. One can almost taste it.我只是说很咸I'm saying it's salty.盐属于作弊行为And salt's cheating.任何厨师都能把食物做咸但是不加盐Any cook can make things salty. But to make it taste还能做得很好吃做出其他滋味good without the salt, with just the other flavors这才叫本事that's the trick.我们得尽快出发了We should really get going soon还想在晚饭前赶到匹兹堡if we expect to get to Pittsburgh by dinner.我以前当兵的时候When I was in the army认识一个匹兹堡来的人I knew a guy from Pittsburgh但是他称之为奶子堡except he called it Tits-burgh他说那里的女人奶子都很大he said all the women there have huge tits.太荒谬了That's absurd.为什么匹兹堡的女人Why would women in Pittsburgh会比纽约的女人胸部大呢have larger breasts than, say, women in New York?很快我们就能一探究竟了Guess we'll find out, huh?其实你最开始雇用我的时候You know, when you first hired me我老婆买了一张你的唱片my wife went out bought one of your records,关于孤儿的那张one about the orphans.孤儿Orphans?对封面上有一群小孩坐在篝火边Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire?那是奥菲斯[发音类似]Orpheus.对Yeah.《地狱中的奥菲斯》根据法国歌剧创作的Orpheus in the Underworld. It's based on a French Opera.而且封面上也不是小孩And those weren't children on the cover.都是地狱里的恶魔Those were demon in the bowels of hell.真的假的那这些孩子生前肯定很淘气No shit. Must have been naughty kids.-你要干什么-我得尿一泡医生- What are you doing? - I gotta take a leak. Doc.-在这里现在吗-你要我尿裤子里吗- Here? Now? - You want me to piss my pants?。
A love letter from Tony出自电影“Green Book”第一封信Dear Dolores:How are you? I am fine ... I am eating real good, hamburgers mostly, so don’t worry about me not eating good. I saw Dr. Shirley play the piano. Tonight, He doesn’t play like a colored guy. He plays like Liberace but better. He’s like a genius I think. When I look at him in the rear-view mirror, I can tell he’s always thinking about stuff in his head. I guess that’s what geniuses do. But it don’t look fun to be that smart. I miss you very very much.第一封亲爱的德洛丽丝:你好吗?我还不错。
第二封信Dear Dolores:This morning I had steak and eggs, for breakfast. The band has been playing at very ritzy joints. Dr. Shirley and I are getting along pretty good, but sometimes I think he gets sad and that’s why he drinks too much. I never knew how very beautiful this country was. Now that I’m seeing it I know. You won’t believe how beautiful nature is, it is as beautiful as they say. And the traffic out here in the country is nothing, which is fine by me. Right now I’m eating spaghetti and meatballs in a diner that tastes like ketchup on Chinese noodles. We are heading down south now… I will write you another letter when we get down south. I love you.Your husband:TonyP. S. Kiss the kids for me.第二封信亲爱的德洛丽丝:今天早上我吃了牛排和鸡蛋。
1. "家是什么?家是没有排挤和歧视的地方。
" -唐·谢利(Don Shirley)
2. "你要是不去想坏事,那就不会发生坏事。
" -唐·谢利(Don Shirley)
3. "你要教人做人,首先你得先做好自己。
" -唐·谢利(Don Shirley)
4. "没有什么比音乐更能够跨越种族、阶级和时间的界限了。
" -唐·谢利(Don Shirley)
5. "每个人都有自己的故事,我们要做的就是尊重他们并且聆听他们的故事。
" -托尼·利普(Tony Lip)
6. "在这个世界上,没有任何一段旅程是平坦和顺畅的,但是只要我们愿意接受挑战并且相信自己,我们就能够克服一切困难。
" -唐·谢利(Don Shirley)
1/ 1。
绿皮书 中英对照台词
绿皮书Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell. And I'm glad to be here. 纽约你好我是鲍比·莱德尔很高兴来到这里Thank you all for coming to see us tonight. It's Saturday night at the Copa! 感谢大家今晚的光临来到科帕的周六晚场We think you're gonna have a great time tonight. 希望大家今晚玩得尽兴We're gonna do our best to make sure of that. 我们会尽力给您带来美好的一晚As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell for having us out. 再次感谢朱尔斯·波戴尔先生给我们上台的机会Let's get started. 开始吧Hello sweetheart. 亲爱的你好Here is my coat. 大衣在这And you see this here hat? 然后这顶帽子I want you to guard it with your life. 你一定要好好保管- it was a gift from My mother. - Yes, Mr. Loscudo. - 是我母亲送给我的- 好的罗斯古德先生Yeah. That's for you. 好这你收下Thank you sir. 谢谢您Gio! 吉奥Hey Carmine!How are you pal? - Good to see you. - 卡迈恩怎么样啊- 见到你真好Oh thank you! That's unnecessary. 太谢谢了不必客气的Come on! Let's go. On the album. 不说了进去这张唱片啊I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago 鲍比·莱德尔这小子我两年半前in South Philly. Nobody knew who he was. 在南费城就听过了那时还没人知道他They know him now. 现在他可出名了Hey! 嘿Gimme Loscudo's hat. 罗斯古德的帽子给我- But he said to guard it... - I know, I heard. Give it to me. A'right? - 但他说了要好好…- 知道我听见了交给我好吧?Tony Lip! 托尼·利普You put your hands on me, you punk? 你也敢动我你个小瘪三Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends. 你别找麻烦了带上朋友回家吧You don't tell me where to go! Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there! 还轮不到你指挥我你知道我是谁吗我要进去You tell Julely Podell. If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down. You hear me?! 告诉朱利·波戴尔我要是找不到帽子就把这地方一把火烧了I swear to God it's gonna turn up. 会找到的我保证肯定会找到Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard I don't get my hat, I'll burn the Copa down! 是吗告诉那个死犹太肥佬帽子没了我就把科帕烧了I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks. 看来我要回去开垃圾车了Jesus Christ! 老天啊'scudo's out of his mind. 罗斯古德真是疯了We earned our money tonight. 我们今晚钱没白挣Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy. 利普我以为你要把那家伙打死了Yeah! 是啊Better him than me. 总好过挨揍So... What are you gonna do while we're closed? 那…停业期间你们什么打算?I don't know. Maybe go work at my uncle's pizza joint. 不知道可能去我舅舅的披萨店打工吧- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months. - 你呢? - 烂醉个两个月Take me home, Lip. 带我回家利普See you Carmine. 回见卡迈恩- No! You shouldn't. That should not happen. - I don't wanna be a... -不不应该这种事不应该- 我也不想做个…My hat! 我的帽子Heard it was missing, so I looked into it. 听说不见了我就调查了一下- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault. - 我都想要了那蠢女人的命- 不不不是她的错Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat? 什么人有胆偷吉奥的帽子啊?- Don't worry about it, I took care of him. - Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating. - 不用费心我已经搞定他了- 那就好最好揍得够狠Here. Take this. Put it in your kick. 来拿着就当是存点小钱No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo. 不必客气罗斯古德先生这是我的荣幸Bullshit! Take it. 别废话拿着And from now on, you don't call me Mr. Loscude, ya hear me? 从现在开始用不着叫我罗斯古德先生了明白吗I'm your pal Gio. 我是你的朋友吉奥Good morning. 早上好Good night! 晚安- Come on, Roger! Hit one out! - Johnny quiet! You're gonna jinx it. - 加油罗杰来个全垒打- 别吵强尼说出来就不灵了Hey Johnny, think you can yell a little louder? 喂强尼你也够吵了吧?- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now. - 罗杰马里斯上场了- 嗯我也起床了What the hell are you guys doing here? 你们怎么跑这来了?We came over to keep Dolores company. 我们是来陪德洛丽丝的Come on! 加油[意大利语] 你不要只顾睡觉让我女儿一个人{应付这些黑鬼明不明白啊?我也不知道会派什么工人来啊不知道会派黑鬼来这本应是意大利人的工作真耻辱Come on Roger! Please! 加油啊罗杰拜托- I'll walk you out. - Sure. - 我送你们出去- 好的We need to get back in this ball game. Come on! 我们得反超比分来一个啊Thank you so much! 谢谢你们We got it! We got it! Yeah! 有了有了全垒打Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby! 再来一个再来一个加油No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat. 别闹托尼去换衣服要开饭了Alright! 好样的No game seven. No game seven. 拿下这场别拖到第七场生死赛From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen. 感谢我主基督赐予我们丰盛食物阿门And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know. 如果听说有托尼能干的活就告诉我们- Dolor!Please. - what? - 德洛别提这个- 怎么- What happened? Did you get fired? - No. -怎么了?炒了你吗?- 不是No, The Copa's closing for repairs. So he just needs something for a couple months. 没有啦科帕要停业维修所以这几个月他需要一份短工大人物啊就知道买买买吧好了爸地板都发霉了确实得换啊All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time. 他人脉那么广肯定很快就能找到活的Oh. He had a great job at the sanitation department. 他之前在卫生部的工作就很好啊You shouldn't have punched out the foreman. 你不应该打领班的He shouldn't have woke me up. 他不应该吵我睡觉That's Tony. 这就是托尼I'm tellin' you, this is gonna be the easiest fifty 我保证这肯定会是你赚得最轻松的- bucks you ever gonna made. - Yeah we'll see. - 五十块- 看情况吧Hey! There they are. 嘿你俩来了Hi Johnny. 嗨强尼- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing? - 托尼- 你好保利怎么样?I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me you ate 挺好的挺好强尼跟我说你一次性forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting. 吃下过四十八个白城堡家的汉堡Cheeseburgers. 是芝士汉堡- You tell him Frankie. - I don't believe it. - 没错弗兰基- 我不信What do we care if you believe it? 你信不信关我什么事Hey Gorman. 戈尔曼- What's the record here for Hotdogs? - Eighteen. Fat Paulie.- 这里吃热狗的记录是多少个?- 十八个就是肥保利- Why wasn't Lip in on that contest? - What contest? I was hungry.- 怎么没让利普参加比赛?- 比赛?我饿了而已Bet's simple. Half a C-note. 赌注很简单五十块- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - with toppings. - 一小时内谁吃的热狗多谁就赢- 要加配料的What the hell you weigh? 你他妈多重啊?- Two sixty. - Aaaaay. Your left ass weighs Two sixty. - 一百一十八公斤- 放屁吧光是你左半边屁股就一百一十八公斤了May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'. 我要是撒谎我丈母娘就原地暴毙- Alright. You're on. - Good. - 好吧来- 好Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen! 提速啊利普那头小象都十九个了Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on. 加油利普快来啊You are embarrassing. You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you. 你简直丢人你儿子都没眼看了他要碾压你了- Hey Nicky. You doin' your homework? - Yep. - 尼基在做作业吗- 嗯Good. 那就好- Where have you been? - Gorman's. - 你去哪了?- 戈尔曼的馆子I'm making dinner! 我都做晚饭了Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks he could eat more hot dogs than me. 肥保利跟我赌五十块赌热狗谁吃得多He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal. 他吃了二十四个简直疯了Are you crazy? 你才疯了吧?You lost fifty dollars? 你输了五十块?Dolores. Please. 德洛丽丝拜托I ate twenty six. 我吃了二十六个You're so lucky. 你真是走运You know that? 知道吗Rent is due on Monday. 周一要交房租的You're gonna get that? 接一下啊Yeah? 喂Hey Lip. Some guy called over here, a doctor. He's looking for a driver. 嘿利普有个人打电话来是个医生他想找个司机- you interested? - Yeah. - 你感兴趣吗- 当然They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon. 他们明天下午面试The address is... 地址是…Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen. 第七大道八百八十一号两点一刻Hey! 嘿- Excuse me. - We're not open right now. But you're - 请问- 音乐厅还没开门但你可以welcome to purchase tickets to tonight's performance. 在外面买今晚演出的门票Nah. That's alright. 不是我是…I think I got the wrong address. But is there a doctor's office in here? 这地址可能错了这里有一位医生的办公室吗?A doctor's office? 医生办公室?Dr. Shirley? 谢利博士?You have the correct address. Dr. Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall. 哦地址没错谢利医生就在音乐厅楼上How you doing? 你们好I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip. 我是来面试司机职位的托尼·利普No Tony Lip. 名单上没有No I should be on there. 肯定有我No... Um... 呃…不是…唔- I have a Tony Val... Valle... - Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me. - 有一位托尼·瓦伦…瓦伦拉…- 瓦伦拉纳对就是我- Fill it out while you wait. - what? - 边等边填好- 啥?Fill it out while you wait. 填好表等着Have a seat. 请坐Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting. 瓦伦拉纳先生久等了抱歉I'm Dr. Donald Shirley. 我是唐纳德·谢利博士- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down. - 我是托尼- 好的请坐Some place you got in here. 你这真不错啊Them horns real? 那些角是真的吗?Elephant tusks. Yes. 象牙是的What about that? 那个呢?That a molar? 是个臼齿吗- a what? - a molar. - 什么? - 臼齿牙齿Like a Shark tooth? 鲨鱼牙吗Tiger's maybe. 或者老虎牙It was a gift. 是一个礼物I thought, I thought I was going to a office. 我以为是要来一个办公室面试They said a doctor needed a driver. 说一位医生需要司机That's all they told you? 就说了这么多吗?- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that. - 是啊- 其实比这个稍微复杂一些Have you ever driven professionally before? 你以前做过开车的工作吗?Sanitation. Garbage trucks. 卫生部开过垃圾车Plus I drive my boss home at night. But I can drive anything. 后来我每晚开车送老板回家我什么车都能开Limos, tow trucks. 加长轿车大拖车Snowplows, whatever. 铲雪车啥都行I see. What other experience do you have? 明白了你还有什么别的工作经验?均为60年代纽约著名歌舞厅{- in What capacity? - What Do you mean? - 什么样的工作?- 啥意思?- What Did you Do there? - Ah... - 你具体做了些什么?- 呃…Public relations. 公共关系Well, first of all, Tony, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician. 好吧先说明一下托尼我不是医生是一位音乐家- you mean like songs? - Yes. - 写歌的那种?- 没错I'm about to embark on a concert tour, the majority of which will be down South. 我即将上路巡演大部分目的地都在南部- Atlantic city? - No. - 新泽西州亚特兰大市?- 不The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest, but then we're taking a hard left. 南部腹地巡演从中西部开始然后一路南下Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and on down through the Delta. 肯塔基北卡田纳西一直到密西西比三角区Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man? 给黑人打工这事会让你困扰吗?No! 当然不会了No no. Just the other day me and the wife had 不会的前几天我和我太太a couple of colored guys over at the house. 还在家接待了几位黑人For drinks. 聚会喝酒Hmm. I see, you're married. 原来如此你有家室Yeah. Two kids. 嗯两个孩子I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man. 我不确定这活适合已婚男士Why, we bringing broads? 怎么带妞上路吗My point is, you'll be gone for eight straight 我是说一走就是整整八个星期weeks, no breaks, right up until Christmas. 没有休息一直到圣诞节前You're quite sure you can leave your family for that long? 你确定愿意离家这么久吗?Depends on what you're paying. 要看薪水如何了A hundred dollars a week, plus room and board. 每周一百美金食宿另包But let me be crystal clear... I'm not just hiring a chauffeur. 但我话说清楚我不只是请人做司机I need someone who can handle my itinerary. Be a personal assistant. I need a valet. 我需要对方打点我的行程做我的私人助手一位贴身男仆I need someone who can launder my clothes, shine my shoes... 需要给我洗衣服擦鞋子…Good luck, Doc. 那你找别人吧博士Tony. 托尼I had my record label ask around town to find me the right man. 我让唱片公司四处打听为我找合适的人选Your name came up more than once. 多次有人推荐你You've impressed several people with your... innate ability to handle trouble. 许多人都印象深刻因为你…靠谱的办事能力And that is why I called and inquired about your availability. 所以我才专门致电咨询你是否有空OK, here's the deal. I got no problem being on the road with you. 好吧我话说在前头跟着你一路跑这我没问题But I ain't no butler. 但我不是什么男仆I ain't ironing no shirts, and I'm not polishing nobody's shoes. 我可不会熨你的衬衫擦你的鞋子You need someone to get you from point A to point B? You need someone to make 开车载你去这去那没问题一路给你摆平麻烦sure there's no problems along the way... And believe me you in the deep South 确保不出什么意外没问题而且你到了南部there's gonna be problems. 肯定会有麻烦So if you want me, it's a buck and a quarter a week. 要想雇我就是每周一百二十五块Or go hire that little Chink that just 要么你就雇之前走出去那个pranced out of here, see how far you get. 黄种小瘦瘪吧看看能在南部走多远Well, Mr. Vallelonga. 好吧瓦伦拉纳先生Thank you for stopping by. 感谢你来面试Hey Bobby. 鲍比Give me a Rheingold. 来杯莱茵金啤Ice cold. 要冰的Mr Tony. 托尼先生Augie asking about you. 奥基在找你- Come on, I'm dying of thirst over here! - Shut up. I'm talking. - 快点啊我都快渴死了- 别吵我这说话呢- When? - now. - 啥时候?- 就刚刚He in his box. 他在他包厢里此为本片编剧编剧是指说这句话的人屏幕左边的胖子{What the hell happened at the Copa? 那晚在科帕他妈怎么回事?I heard you almost split a guy's face open. 听说你差点把人脸打烂了That guy you hit. Mikey Cerrone. 你打的那个人麦基·塞罗纳Part of Charlie the Hand's crew. 是查理“大手”的人Guess he shoulda known better. 谁叫他不懂规矩Hand asked me to look into it. 大手叫我查清楚I spoke to Podell. Whole thing was a... 我跟波戴尔谈过了那些人打起来是over a piece of ass, right? 为了个妞是吧?Yeah. 嗯Beef like that should never happen inside the club. They were out of line. 那种私人恩怨绝不应该在店里闹起来他们确实过分了So we squashed it. 所以我们摆平了You looking to earn a little extra scharole? 你想挣点外快吗I can keep you busy while the Copa's down. 科帕停业期间我有活给你干What I gotta do? 要做什么?Things... 做事Appreciate it, but I'm gonna spend some time with the family. 谢了但我准备陪陪家人Don't be stupid. You make yourself a few extra bucks, you buy 别犯傻赚点外快something nice for that pretty little wife of yours. 给你漂亮老婆买点好东西Nah, I'm good. I'm flush right now. 不用了我挺宽裕的Here's fifty. Pay me sixty by New Years, you get it back. 这里五十块元旦前付我六十就能赎回Hey Lip. Everything OK? 利普你还好吗?What? You got beak trouble Charlie? 怎么鼻子探这么远啊查理?Mind your business. 别多管闲事So come on. Dying to hear what happened with the doctor interview. 来来来快跟我说说那个医生的面试怎么样He ain't a real doctor, he's a piano player. 不是那种医生他是个弹钢琴的But I don't understand, why'd they say that he was a doctor? 我不懂了那他们干嘛说他是个医生?I don't know. I think he's like a doctor of piano-playing or something. 不清楚我觉得他可能是钢琴演奏方面的博士吧You can be that? 还有这种博士?I guess. He lives on top of Carnegie Hall. 是吧他都住在卡内基音乐厅楼上You shoulda seen this place, Dee. It was filled 你要是能看到就好了德洛with statues and all kinds of fancy crap. 全是各种雕像啊高档玩意And he was sitting on top of a friggin' throne all 他还坐在一个什么鬼王座上dressed up like the king of the jungle bunnies. 穿得像个黑兔之王似的He's colored? 他是黑人?- Then you wouldn't last a week with him. - For the right money, I would. - 那你跟着他肯定一个礼拜都干不满- 钱够多我就干Yeah. 喂Oh. 是你啊Look. Uh... 这个呃…Really? 你确定?OK. OK. Hold on a sec. 好吧好吧等一下It's Dr. Shirley. 是谢利博士The Piano guy, he wants to talk to you. 弹钢琴的那个家伙想跟你说话- Me? - Yeah. - 我?- 是啊What? No! 干嘛?我不要Come on. Take it. 好啦接吧Just talk. 随便聊就行Hello. 你好Good morning, Doctor, it's nice to talk to you. 早上好博士很高兴能跟你说话Yes, that is a long time... 这样啊确实是很长一段时间…It is. 是的Yes. I'm sure. 是当然了Thank you for calling... Bye now. 谢谢你打来再见What did he say? 他说了啥?He wanted to know if I'd be okay with him taking 他问我愿不愿意让自己丈夫my husband away from his family for two months. 离家两个月去跟着他He said he'd pay you what you asked for. 他说工资按你提的数目- Hey! - Uh huh? - 亲爱的- 嗯It's good money. 这钱不少We need it. 我们需要钱I can't be eatin' twenty six hotdogs every day. 我也没法每天都打赌吃二十六个热狗啊I know. 我知道I told him it was okay for you to go. 我跟他说我愿意放你走Alright. Hey look. Here's the first half of your pay. 好了拿着这是你全部工资的一半You're gonna get the rest when the tour's over. 剩下一半等巡演完成再给你- I gotta get paid every week. - Sorry, - 我应该每周拿钱啊- 抱歉that's not how the record company does it. 唱片公司有惯用的做法We gotta have some guarantee you're gonna finish the job. 这样我们才放心你会有始有终Why wouldn't I finish the job? I took it, didn't I? 我干嘛不做到最后?这活我不是接下了吗Well, then we got nothing to worry about. 那好啊我们都没什么好担心的了Here's the deal, Mr. Vallelonga. 话说清楚瓦伦拉纳先生OK, it's your job to get Don to all his tour 你的职责是确保唐能够准时dates on time. Now if he misses any shows, 到达所有巡演场次如果他错过任何一场- you're not getting your back-end. - He's not gonna miss any show. -剩下一半工资你就拿不到了- 不会错过的Good. Oh, you're gonna need this. 那就好对了你得拿着这个Now this is the book I was telling you about. Sometimes you 这就是我之前跟你说过的那本书guys are staying in the same hotel, sometimes you're not. 你们俩有时会住同一家酒店有时候不会- Oh yeah, the... - Yeah, don't let me down. Let's go. - 啊对…- 嗯别让我失望我们走- Madonne. is This the new one? - Yeah. the record company rented it. - 哎呦喂这是最新那款吗- 是啊唱片公司租的- Nice huh. - Beautiful. - 很赞吧- 美极了So what my sister have to say about you being gone for three weeks? 你一走就是三个星期我妹妹怎么想啊?Eight weeks. 是八个星期Ten-to-one, you slap this moolie out, you come home in under a month. 我赌你肯定会跟那黑佬打起来不到一个月就回家- Aight boys, huddle up. - Say goodbye to Your father. - 小子们过来- 去跟爸爸说再见Frankie, Nicky, come here. 弗兰基尼基过来- Aight, will you be Good boys? - Uh huh. - 你们会好好表现吗?- 嗯- Listen to Your mother? - Uh huh. - 乖乖听妈妈的?- 嗯Alright, give me a kiss. I'm counting on you on this. 好亲一个说话算话啊- Don't go too far. - We won't. - 别跑远了- 好- Did you go to the a-a-a for the maps? - Yes, No. I mean - 你去汽车协会拿好地图了吗- 嗯啊不是the record company gave me the maps and the itinerary and this thing. 唱片公司都给我备好了地图和行程表还有这个The Negro Motorist Green-Book? 黑人出行指南绿皮书?Yeah it lists all places coloreds can stay down south. Like, you know, 里面列举了南方所有愿意接待黑人的酒店专门给traveling while black. 旅行的黑人Traveling while black? 旅行的黑人?Yeah. If you're black and you gotta travel for some reason. 是啊如果黑人得出远门啥的They got a special book for that? 还有专门的书啊I guess. 是啊Did you pack the iron? 熨斗你带了吗?- I ain't lugging no iron, Dee. - How're you gonna press your pants? - 我才不带熨斗德洛- 那你的西裤怎么办?I'll put 'em under the mattress. 塞床垫下面压平呗I want you to write me a letter 你一有机会- every chance you get. - I can't write letters. - 就得给我写信- 我写不了信- Yes, you can. - I can't write. - 写得了的- 我写不来啊- Take you five minutes. Promise me. - It's embarrassing. - 也就五分钟的事你保证- 我会丢人的They ain't gonna be no good. 写不出什么好东西It's a lot cheaper than calling long distance, Tony. 写信比打长途电话便宜多了托尼Promise me you're gonna write. 你保证要给我写信I promise. 好吧Here... Put this in the bank today. 你等下去把这个存进银行It's half my pay. 我一半的工资Oh, here is a couple of sandwiches for you and Dr. Shirley. 对了给你和谢利博士带了几个三明治Thanks. 谢谢- be careful. - I will. - 路上小心- 我会的- I love you. - I love you too, baby. - 我爱你- 我也爱你宝贝You better be home for Christmas or don't come home at all! 圣诞节要是回不了家你就别回来了啊I got it pop. I got it. 知道了老爸知道了Hey! I'm Tony. 嘿我是托尼The driver. Bum a smoke? 司机蹭根烟?Thanks. 谢了So, you the band? 你们都是乐队的?Oleg. Cello. 奥列格大提琴George. Bass. 乔治低音提琴And we're not a band, we're a trio. 我们不是乐队是三重奏Oh, a trio? 哦三重奏Right. 这样啊- Good morning. - Good morning. - 早上好- 早上好Thank you, Amit. 谢谢你阿米特Have a wonderful trip, Sir. 先生祝你旅途愉快Tony, the first thing I'd like you to do, when we arrive in the city, 托尼我们到了市里以后你首先就要is check the piano where I'm playing, make sure it's a Steinway as per my contract. 检查钢琴是不是按合同上说的是施坦威钢琴And can you see to it that there is a bottle of Cutty Sark in my room 然后确保每晚都要有一瓶顺风威士忌every night. 送到我的房间Every night? 每晚?Well if you ever need any help with that... 如果你喝不完需要帮手的话…I won't. 不需要Ten-and-two on the wheel, please. 麻烦扶好方向盘Hey Doc. 嘿博士I noticed on the itinerary thing, 我看到在行程表上写着last show's on the 23rd December. 最后一场演出是在十二月二十三日- Right? - Birmingham, yes. It's a Christmas show. - 对吗?- 对是在伯明翰市的圣诞演出So, any way we could maybe hit the road early next 那第二天早上我们可以早点上路morning so we could be home in time for Christmas Eve? 赶回家过平安夜吗?We'll see. 到时再说吧Appreciate it. 谢了Could you put out the cigarette please? 可以把烟熄掉吗Why? 为什么I can't breath back here. 我透不过气了What are you talking about? Smoke's going into my lungs. I'm doing all the work here. 你胡说什么烟是吸进我的肺里我才是抽烟的人啊Thank you. 谢谢What are you looking at? 看什么看- you speak German, huh? - That was Russian. - 你还会德语啊- 是俄语Yeah, I was stationed in Germany in the army. 嗯我当兵时就驻扎在德国I could pick up a little bit of what you're saying there. 我能听懂一点点你说的话Watch out for them Krauts. 小心德国佬They're all snakes. 他们奸诈得很Kennedy shoulda bombed 'em when he had the chance. 肯尼迪早应该趁机把他们炸了Plus now them Cuban bastards. 况且现在还要对付那帮古巴混蛋Ain't they supposed to be following us? 他们不是应该跟着我们车吗They have the itinerary. As long as they get to the show 他们有行程表只要他们能按时到现场on time, I am not worried about it and neither should you. 我不会管那么多你也不必担心I ain't worried about nothing. 我一点儿也不担心Fact, when you see me worried, you'll know. 我要是担心了很明显的- You'll know if I'm worried. - Tony. How about some quite time? - 一眼就能看出来- 托尼我们安静一点好不好?Sure. 好It's amazing you said that. 你说这话真是太神奇了How about some quite time? 安静一点好不好Dolores, my wife, she used to say that all the time 德洛丽丝我老婆她也总是说这话well not all the time, but you know... 也没有总是比如吧She says it when I come off from work some time, 我收工回家以后她就会说you know, she's been with the kids all day. 因为她带了一整天孩子And she'll say, Tony... How about some quite time? 她会说托尼我们安静一点好不好?Exactly like how you said it. 和你刚才简直一模一样I mean it's amazing. 太神奇了How was that? 怎么样Salty. 咸得很Have you ever considered becoming a food critic? 你有没有考虑过当一个美食评论家?No... Not really. 没没有啊Why? Is there money in it? 怎么那行很赚钱吗?I'm just saying, you have a marvelous way with words when describing food. 我只是觉得你形容食物的时候实在是能说会道SALTY! 咸So vivid. One can almost taste it. 太生动了感觉简直自己也能尝到I'm just saying it's salty. 我意思就是它咸啊And salt's cheating. 咸就是作弊了Any cook can make things salty. But to make it taste 任何厨师都能把东西弄咸但是如果good without the salt, with just the other flavors 在不放盐的前提下做得好吃发挥其他的风味that's the trick. 那才算是厨艺We should really get going soon if we expect to get to Pittsburgh by dinner. 要是想在晚餐前赶到匹兹堡我们该动身了When I was in the army 我原来在军队的时候I knew a guy from Pittsburgh 认识一个从匹兹堡来的家伙except he called it Tits-burgh 他把它叫做“奶子堡”cuz he said all the women there have huge tits. 他说因为那里所有女人奶都很大That's absurd. 这太荒谬了Why would women in Pittsburgh have larger breasts than, say, women in New York? 匹兹堡女人的胸部怎么会比别的地方比如纽约的更大?Guess we'll find out, huh? 到了就知道了呗You know, when you first hired me 你决定雇我的时候my wife went out and bought one of your records, the one about the orphans. 我老婆去买了一张你的唱片关于孤儿的那张Orphans? 孤儿?Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire? 对封面是一群孩子围坐在篝火旁那个?Orpheus. 是俄耳甫斯Yeah. 哦俄耳甫斯希腊神话中阿波罗与缪斯之子传奇音乐家{And those weren't children on the cover. 封面上的那些也不是孩子Those were demons in the bowels of hell. 是地狱深处的恶魔No shit. Must have been naughty kids. 这样啊那肯定是特别不乖的孩子- What are you doing? - I gotta Take a leak. Doc. - 你停车干什么?- 去撒尿博士- here? Now? - you want me to piss My pants? - 就在这撒?- 不然你想让我尿裤子吗- Oh Hey Doc. - Good afternoon. - 嘿博士- 下午好Take this for any incidentals we may need. 拿着这些备用If you want to buy something, you don't have to ask, just keep the receipts please. 如果你想买点什么不用问我留好小票就行When it runs low let me know. 快花完了就跟我说Oh, thanks. 哦谢了One more thing. 还有一件事We will be attending many events before and after the concerts, 我们在音乐会前后要参加很多社交活动interacting with some of the wealthiest and most highly-educated people in the country. 与这个国家里最富有文化涵养最高的一些人互动It is my feeling that your diction 我感觉你的措辞however charming it may be in the tri-state area, could use some... 无论在纽约周边三州地区多么地道迷人现在也该…finessing. 改一改You mean diction, like in what way? 你说我的措辞是什么意思?Like in the only way the word is ever used. 就是措辞这个词唯一的意思Okay. 好吧Your intonation, inflection, your choice of words. 你的语调词形语法你的用词I got my own problems, now I gotta worry about 我要操心的已经够多了现在难道还得担心what people think about the way I talk? 别人怎么看我说话的方式吗?There are simple techniques I can teach you that are quite effective. I can help you. 我可以教你几个简单又有效的技巧我可以帮你I don't need no goddamn help. 我才不要什么鬼帮助People don't like the way I talk, they can go take a shit. 要是不喜欢我讲话那他们就滚远点- the profanity is another issue. - a fanabla, Why you breaking My balls? - 脏话又是一个问题- 妈啊你干嘛这么针对我?。
绿皮书英文句子摘抄不管你做什么,都要做到极致Whatever you do,do it a hundred percent上班就认真工作,笑就尽情大笑When you work,work.When you laugh,laugh吃东西时,就像最后一餐那样享受When you eat,eat like's last mealYou'ii never win with violence暴力永远无法取胜Maintain your dignity,Dignity always prevail因为自尊总能让你占理The world's full of lonely people affraid to make the first move世界上有太多孤独的人害怕先踏出第一步Ask not your country what you do for it不要问你的国家可以为你做什么Ask what you do for youself而要问你可以为自己做什么The world is full of lonely people waiting to make the first move. 世界上孤独的人都害怕迈出第一步Dr. Don Shirley: Yes, I live in a castle! Tony. Alone! And rich white people pay me to play piano for them, because it makes them feel cultured. But as soon as I step off that stage, I go right back to being just another n****r to them. Because that is their true culture. And I suffer that slight alone, because I’m not accepted by my own people, because I’m not like them either! So if I’m not black enough, and if I’m not white enough, and if I’m not man enough, then tell me Tony, what am I?!我是住在城堡里没错,托尼,孤身一人!那些白人富翁花钱让我给他们弹钢琴,是想让自己显得有文化。
绿皮书中的经典语录绿皮书是一部非常经典的电影,其中的经典语录如下:1. "I"m not a good driver, am I?"("我不是一个很好的司机吗?")2. "I"ve been to China. I"ve seen some things. You know whatI mean."("我已经去过中国。
")3. "皮书,我觉得你们不太想让我走。
")4. "This is a good restaurant, but it"s not the best." ("这是一个好餐厅,但不是最好的。
")5. "I"m not a religious man, but I"m not against it."("我不是一位宗教主义者,但我也不是反对它。
")6. "You know, when I was younger, I used to think that ifI could just get away with something, then everything would be fine.But now, I understand that if you can"t get away with it, then you make the rules."("你知道,当我年轻时,我总觉得如果我能逃避掉什么,那就一切就好了。
")7. "I don"t want to be a hero, or to save the day. I wantto save自己却."("我不想成为英雄,或者拯救世界。
(LangUage is power, but music is a weapon.)2.你不能改变别人对你的看法,但你可以选择不让这些看法影响你。
(You can't change how people see you, but you can choose not to let it affect you.)3.我们都是人,都有缺点。
(We are all human, and we all have flaws.)4.不要因为别人的无知而生气。
(Don't get angry because of other people5 s ignorance.)5.每个人都有权利被尊重,无论他们的肤色、信仰或背景如何。
(Everyone has the right to be respected, no matter their skin color, beliefs, or background.)6.有时候,我们需要走出舒适区,才能更好地了解彼此。
(Sometimes, we need to step out of our comfort zone to better understand each other.)7.真正的勇气不是不怕,而是面对恐惧时仍然坚持正义。
(TrUe courage is not the absence of fear, but the persistence of justice in the face of fear.)8.友谊不分种族、肤色和信仰。
(Friendship knows no race, color, or creed.)9.人生就是一场旅行,我们都在路上学习、成长和体验。
(Life is a journey, and we are all on the road to learn, grow, andexperience.)。
《绿皮书》中英文对译台词(73页完整版)-A thank you.-What kind of thank you?Hello New York!I'm Bobby Rydell.纽约人民你们好我是鲍比·莱德尔And I'm glad to be here.我很高兴能来到这里Thank you all for coming to see us tonight.谢谢大家今晚来看我们的演出It's Saturday night in the Copa!今天是科帕俱乐部的周六狂欢夜We think you're gonna have a great time tonight.我们认为你们今晚会玩得很开心We're gonna do our best to make sure of that.我们会竭尽全力确保你们玩得开心As always a very special thanks to Mr.Jules Podell一如既往我们要特别感谢朱尔斯·波德尔先生for having us out.让我们有玩乐的可能Let's get started.开始吧*That old black magic has me in its spell**我已经完全被那古老的黑魔法控制**That old black magic that you weave so well**就是你运用得如此娴熟的黑魔法**Those icy fingers up and down my spine**那冰冷的手指顺着我的脊柱上下探索**The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine**跟我们目光相接时你施展的巫术一样**I love them so well**令我着迷**The same old tingle that I feel inside**跟我彼时内心感受到的微微刺痛感一样**And then that elevator starts its ride**随后电梯开始上升**And darling...**亲爱的...*Hello sweetheart.你好啊亲爱的Here is my coat.这是我的大衣And you see this here hat?看到这顶帽子了吗I want you to guard it with your life.我希望你用生命来守护它It was a gift from my mother.这是我母亲送我的礼物Yes,Mr.Loscudo.遵命劳斯库德先生That's for you.这是赏你的Thank you sir.谢谢您先生Gio!吉奥-Carmine!How are you pal?-Good to see you.-卡迈因你还好吗-很高兴见到你Oh thank you!That's unnecessary.谢谢您完全不必如此的Come on!Let's go.On the album.来我们走去听音乐I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago in South Philly.我两年前在南费城见过那个叫鲍比·莱德尔的小子Nobody knew who he was.当时他还是个无名之辈They know now.现在他可出名了Gimme Loscudo's hat.把劳斯库德的帽子给我But he said to guard it...但他叫我守...I know,I heard.我知道我听到了Give it to me.A'right?给我行吗*I should stay away but what can I do**我应该远离你但我能怎么办**I hear your name...**我听到你的名字...*Be respectful and watch your mouth.放尊重点嘴巴放干净点Shut up!She wants it,Okay?闭嘴是她卖弄风骚勾引我Tough guy,what are you gonna do?硬汉你能怎么样Tony Lip!托尼·利普*You're the lover I have waited for**你就是我一直在等待的爱人**The mate that fate had me created for**是我命中注定的爱侣**And every time you lips meet mine**每次我们亲吻时...*You put your hands on me,you punk?你竟敢对我动手混蛋Do yourself a favor.Go home with your friends.给自己留点面子跟你朋友一起回家去吧You don't tell me where to go!你无权命令我该去哪儿Do you know who I am?!I'm goin'back in there!你知道我是谁吗我非要进去*That old black magic,yeah love**那叫Z.UO AI情的古老黑魔法啊*You tell Jules Lipobdell.你去告诉朱尔斯·波德尔If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down.如果找不回我的帽子我就把这家夜店烧了Gio,it's gonna turn up.吉奥它肯定会再出现的I swear to God it's gonna turn up.我发誓它一定会再次出现的Really?You tell that fat Jew bastard是吗你告诉那个犹太肥猪I don't get my hat I'll burn Copa down!如果拿不回帽子我就把科帕俱乐部给烧了I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks.我只能继续去开垃圾车谋生了Jesus Christ!老天呐Screw those!He's out of his mind.妈的他真是疯了We earned our money tonight.至少我们今晚挣到了钱Lip,I thought you were gonna kill that guy.利普我当时以为你要S.HA了那家伙Yeah!是啊Better him than me.他死总比我死要好So...What are you gonna do while we're closed?那停业期间你打算去做什么I don't know.Maybe go work at my Uncle's pizza joint.我不知道或许会去我叔叔的披萨店工作-You?-I'm gonna drink for2months.-你呢-我要喝两个月的酒Take me home,Lip.送我回家利普See you,Carmine.再见卡迈因No!You shouldn't.That shouldn't happen.不你不该那样不应该发生这种事I don't wanna be a...我不想当一个...My hat!我的帽子Heard it was missing,so I looked into it.我听说它丢了于是我就找了找-I wanted to kill that broad.-No.No.Wasn't her fault.-我当时都想S.HA了那个小B.IAO子-不不是她的错Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat?是谁胆大包天敢偷吉奥的帽子Don't worry about it,I took care of him.别担心我已经解决他了Yeah!I hope you gave him some beating.很好希望你把他好好打了一顿Here.Take this.Put it in your kick.给收下吧放进钱包里No.No thanks.It was a pleasure,Mr.Loscudo.不谢谢了能帮忙是我的荣幸劳斯库德先生Bullshit!Take it.别废话了收下吧And from now on,you don't call me Mr.Loscude,从现在开始别再叫我劳斯库德先生了ya hear me?听到了吗I'm your pal Gio.我是你的好兄弟吉奥Good morning.早安Good night!晚安One down,and the batter will be Roger Maris.一名击球手出局下一位是罗杰·马里斯Come on,Roger!Hit one out!加油啊罗杰击个好球Johnny quite!You're gonna jinx it.约翰尼闭嘴你会给他招来霉运Johnny,think you can yell a little louder?约翰尼你还能吼得更大声点吗-Maris is up.-Yeah,so am I now.-马里斯上场了-是啊我也被吵起来了What the hell are you guys doing here?你们到这里来干什么We came over to give Dolores company.我们是来陪德洛丽丝的Come on!不是吧Thank you,ma'am.谢谢你夫人Here's the pitch.投球了Fouls it back to the crowd.出界飞向观众席One ball,one strike.一坏球一好球Come on Roger!Please!加油啊罗杰拜托了-I'll walk you out.-Sure.-我送你们出去-好的We need to get back to this ball e on!看来还得我们重回赛场了拜托-Thank you so much!-Any problems,give us a call. -非常感谢-如果有问题给我们打个电话-The one-two pitch.-Come on,baby.-两好球一坏球-加油The curve is hit deep into right field...球径直飞进右外场深处We got it!We got it!赢了赢了Do it again.Let's do it e on baby!再来一次再来一次加油宝贝No!Tony,go get dressed.We're gonna eat.别托尼快去穿衣服我们要开饭了Alright!好吧No game seven.No game seven.没D七场了不用打D七场了From thy bounty,through Christ our Lord,Amen.主啊感谢您的慷慨阿门Amen.阿门And if anyone hears of a job for Tony,let us know.如果谁听闻有适合托尼的工作岗位告诉我们一声-Dolor!-What?-德洛-怎么了Please.别这样-What happened?Did you get fired?-No.-发生什么事了你被开除了吗-不是No,The Copa's closing for repairs.不是科帕俱乐部要停业装修So he just needs something for a couple months.所以他需要找一份为期几个月的短期工作All the people he knows,he'll find something in no time.他人脉这么广很快就能找到新工作的He had a great job at the sanitation department.他之前在卫生部有份很好的工作You shouldn't have punched out the foreman.你不该揍那个领班的He shouldn't have woke me up.他不该把我叫醒的That's Tony.确实是你的作风I'm tellin'you,我跟你说this is gonna be the easiest fifty bucks you ever gonna made.这将是你赚得Z.UI轻松的五十块Yeah we'll see.好吧再看吧Hey!There they are.瞧瞧他们来了Hi,Johnny.你好约翰尼-Tony!-Hey Paulie.How you doing?-托尼-保罗你还好吗I'm good.I'm good.So,Johnny here tells me我很好约翰尼跟我说you ate forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting.你曾一口气吃了48个白城堡汉堡Cheese burgers.是芝士汉堡-You tell them,Frankie.-I don't believe you.-你来告诉他们弗朗基-我不信What do I care if you believe me?你信不信关我什么事Gorman.戈曼What's the record here for Hotdogs?这里吃热G.OU的Z.UI高纪录是多少Eighteen.Fat Paulie.18个肥保罗的战绩Why wasn't Lip in on that contest?利普怎么没参加这个比赛What contest?I was hungry.什么比赛我当时只是饿了而已Bet's simple.Half a C-note.赌局很简单50美元-Most hotdogs in an hour wins.-With toppings.-比谁在一小时内吃的热G.OUZ.UI多-带顶层配料的What the hell you weigh?你体重多少-Two sixty.-Your left ass weighs two sixty.-260磅-你的左半边屁股都有260磅了May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'.如果我撒谎就让我岳母立刻死亡-Alright.You're up.-Good.-好吧我应战-很好Pick it up Lip!The baby elephant just hit nineteen!加速啊利普那个象崽吃到D19个了Let's go Lip!Let's e on.加油利普加油You are embarrassing.你真丢人You're embarrassing your son.He's killing you.你让你儿子丢人了他遥遥领先了-Nicky.You do your homework?-Yep.-尼基你在做家庭作业吗-是的Good.很好-Where have you been?-Gorman's.-你去哪儿了-戈曼那里I'm making dinner!我在做晚餐Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks肥保罗跟我打赌50块he could eat more hot dogs than me.认为他能比我吃下更多的热G.OUHe knocked off twenty four.Guy's an animal.他吃了24个那家伙简直是畜生Are you crazy?你是疯了吗You lost fifty dollars?你输了50美元吗Dolores.Please.德洛丽丝拜托I ate twenty six.我吃了26个You're so lucky.你真是太走运了You know that?你知道吗Rent is due on Monday.周一就得交房租了You're gonna get that?你不接电话吗Yeah?什么事Lip.Some guy called over here,利普有人打电话过来了a doctor.He's looking for a driver.是个博士他在找一个司机-You interested?-Yeah.-你有兴趣吗-有They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon.他们明天下午会举行面试The address is...地址是...Eight eighty one,7th avenue,two fifteen.D七大道881号下午2点15分-Excuse me.-We're not open right now.-不好意思-我们现在还未开业But you're welcome to buy tickets to tonight's performance.但你可以购买今晚的演出票Nah.That's not it.不不是这么回事I think I got the wrong address.我好像搞错地址了But is there a doctor's office in here?这里有医生的办公室吗A doctor's office?医生办公室Dr Shirley.You have the correct address.你的地址没错Dr Shirley lives upstairs,above the hall.谢利博士住在楼上在大厅上面How you doing?你们好I'm here for the driver job.Tony Lip.我是来应聘司机职位的托尼·利普No Tony Lip.没有叫托尼·利普的No,it should be on there.不名单上应该有才对No.没有I have a Tony Val...Valle...我这倒是有个托尼·瓦...瓦莱... Vallelonga.Yeah,that's me.瓦莱隆加没错就是我-Fill it out while you wait.-What?-等候期间把这个填了-什么Fill it out while you wait.等候期间把这个填了Have a seat.坐吧Mr.Vallelonga,sorry to keep you waiting.瓦莱隆加先生抱歉让你久等了I'm Dr.Donald Shirley.我是唐纳德·谢利博士-Tony.-Yes.Please sit down.-叫我托尼吧-好的请坐Some place you got in here.你这个地方真奢华啊Them horns real?那些角是真货吗Elephant tusks.Yes.是象牙没错What about that?那个呢That a molar?那是臼齿吗-A what?-A molar.-什么-臼齿Like a Shark tooth?Tiger's maybe.可能是虎牙吧It was a gift.是别人送的礼物I thought,I thought I was going to a office.我以为我是要来一个办公室呢They said a doctor needed a driver.他们跟我说有个医生需要一位司机That's all they told you?他们就这么说的吗-Yeah.-Actually,it's a bit more complicated than that. -是的-实际上要比这复杂得多Have you ever driven professionally before?你以前当过职业司机吗Sanitation.Garbage trucks.搞卫生的开垃圾车Plus I drive my boss home at night.并且我晚上会开车送我老板回家But I can drive anything.但我什么车都会开Limos,tow trucks.豪华轿车拖车Snow palms,whatever.铲雪车什么都行I see.What other experience do you have?我明白了你还有其他什么经验I worked a lot of joints.我在很多娱乐场所都工作过The Wagon Wheel,Peppermint Lounge,Copa比如车轮酒吧薄荷糖舞厅科帕俱乐部-In what capacity?-What do you mean?-什么岗位-你什么意思What did you do there?你在这些地方负责做什么Public relations.公关Well,first of all,Tony,首先托尼I'm not a medical doctor.I'm a musician.我不是医生我是个音乐家-You mean like songs?-Yes.-歌曲那种吗-是的I'm about to embark on a concert tour,我即将开启一段音乐会巡演the majority of which will be down South.大部分旅程都是南下-Atlantic city?-No.-大西洋城吗-不是The deep south.First we're starting in the Midwest,Z.UI南部我们先从中西部开始but then we're taking a hard left.然后一路向左Kentucky,North Carolina,去肯塔基北卡罗来纳Tennessee,and on down through the Delta.田纳西穿越整个三角洲地区Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man?预想一下你觉得为黑人工作会不会有问题No!当然不会No no.Just the other day me and the wife had没问题前几天我跟我妻子a couple of colored guys over at the house.还邀请几个黑人来家里For drinks.喝东西I see,you're married.我知道了你结婚了Yeah.Two kids.没错有两个孩子I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man.我不确定已婚男人是否适合这份工作Why,we bringing broads?为什么要带上女人吗My point is,you'll be gone for eight straight weeks,我是指你要离家八周no breaks,right up until Christmas.中途没得休息直到圣诞You're quite sure you can leave your family for that long?你确定你能离开家人那么久吗Depends on what you're paying.那要看你给我多少钱了A hundred dollars a week,plus room and board.每周一百美元包食宿But let me be crystal clear...I'm not just hiring a chauffeur.但我要先说清楚我不只是请一个司机I need someone who can handle my itinerary.我要一个能处理我行程的人Be a personal assistant.I need a valet.当我的私人助理我需要一个侍者I need someone who can launder my clothes,shine my shoes...一个能帮我洗衣擦鞋的人Good luck,Doc.祝你好运医生Tony.托尼I had my record label ask around town to find me the right man.我让我的唱片公司在城内打听找合适的人选Your name came up more than once.你的名字多次出现You've impressed several people with your...你给一些人留下了深刻印象innate ability to handle trouble.你具有解决麻烦的天赋And that is why I called and inquired about your availability.所以我才打电话问你能否来任职OK,here is the deal.I got no problem being on a road with you.这样行不跟你一起出行没问题But I ain't no butler.但我可不是什么管家I ain't ironing no shirts,and I'm not polishing nobody's shoes.我不会给人干熨衣服擦鞋的事You need someone to get you from point A to point B?如果你需要一个载你穿梭于城市之间的人You need someone to make sure there's no problems along the way...需要一个确保途中不会出现问题的人...And believe me you in the deep South相信我你到南方腹地there's gonna be problems.肯定会有不少问题So if you want me,it's a buck and a quarter a week.所以如果你想雇我一周付我125美元Or go hire the little Chink that just pranced out of here,要不你就雇刚走出去那个中国佬see how far you get.看你能走多远Well,Mr.Vallelonga.瓦莱隆加先生Thank you for stopping by.谢谢你过来一趟Hey Bobby.鲍比你好啊Give me a Rheingold.给我一杯瑞金淡啤Ice cold.要冰的Mr Tony.托尼先生Augie asking about you.奥吉问起你-Come on,I'm dying of thirst over here!-Shut up.I'm talking. -快点我快渴死了-闭嘴我在说话-When?-Now.-什么时候-现在He in his box.他在他的包厢里Tony Lip.托尼·利普What the hell happened at the Copa?在科帕俱乐部到底发生了什么I heard you split a guy's face open.我听说你把一个人的脸揍开花That guy you hit.Mikey Charon.你打的那个人迈克·沙隆He was one of Charie the Hand's crew.他是"魔手"查理的手下Guess he shoulda known better.他就该识相一点Hand asked me to look into it."魔手"叫我调查此事I spoke to Podell.Whole thing was a...我找波德尔谈过了整件事...over a piece of ass,right?都是因一个娘们而起对吧Yeah.没错Beef like that should never happen inside the club.俱乐部里J.UE对不该发生那种冲突They were out of line.是他们过分了So we squashed it.所以我们把事情摆平了You looking to earn a little extra scharole?你想挣点外快吗I can keep you busy while the Copa's down.科帕关闭期间我能给你活儿干What I gotta do?我要做什么Things...各种工作Appreciate it,but I'm gonna spend some time with the family.谢谢好意但我打算好好陪家人Don't be stupid.You make yourself a few extra bucks,别傻了你多赚点钱buy something nice for that pretty little wife of yours.给你那漂亮老婆买点好东西Nah,I'm good.I'm flushed right now.不用了我钱够用Here's fifty.Pay me sixty by New Year,you get it back.给你五十块新年之前给我六十就把表还你Hey Lip.Everything OK?利普没出什么事吧What?You got beak trouble,Charlie?你闲得蛋疼吗查理Mind your business.别多管闲事So come on.快告诉我Dying to hear what happened with the doctor interview?你去医生那儿面试得怎么样了He ain't a real doctor,he's a piano player.他不是真正的医生他是弹钢琴的But I don't understand,why'd they say that he was a doctor?我不懂为什么他们说他是医生I don't know.我也不知道I think he's like a doctor of piano-playing or something.他好像是钢琴演奏的医生之类的You can be that?有这种医生吗I guess.He lives on top of Carnegie Hall.估计有吧他住在卡内基音乐厅楼上You shoulda seen this place,Dee.你真该看看他家小德It was filled with statues and all kinds of fancy crap.放满雕像和各式各样的高级东西And he was sitting on top of a friggin'throne all dressed up 他还穿着华丽的衣服坐在一个王座上like the king of the jungle bunnies.好像他是黑鬼的国王一样He's colored?他是黑人吗Then you wouldn't last a week with him.那你跟他和平相处一周都做不到For right money,I would.钱给够了我就可以Yeah.喂Look.Uh...是这样的...Really?真的吗OK.OK.Hold on a sec.好的稍等It's Dr Shirley.是谢利医生The Piano guy,he wants to talk to you.弹钢琴那个他想跟你通话-Me?-Yeah.-我吗-是的What?No!什么不要Come here.Take it.过来快接Just talk.跟他聊聊Hello.你好Good morning,Doctor,it's nice to talk to you.早安医生和你谈话很高兴Yes,that is a long time...没错那确实挺久的It is.是的Yes.I'm sure.对我很确定Thank you for calling...Bye now.感谢你的来电再见What did he say?他说了什么He wanted to know if I'd be okay with him他问我介不介意taking my husband away from his family for two months.他带我丈夫离家两个月He said he'd pay you what you asked for.他说会付你你要求的酬劳It's good money.那是一大笔钱We need it.我们很需要I can't be eatin'twenty six hot dogs every day.我可没法每天吃下二十六个热G.OUI know.我知道I told him it was okay for you to go.我跟他说了你可以去Alright.Hey look.Here's the first half of your pay.好了酬劳先给你一半You're gonna get the rest when the tour's over.巡演结束后再给你剩下那一半-I gotta get paid every week.-Sorry,-我得按周领工资-抱歉that's not how the record company does it.这不是唱片公司的规矩We gotta have some guarantee you're gonna finish the job.我们得确保你会完成工作Why wouldn't I finish the job?I took it,didn't I?我为什么不会我都接了不是吗Well,then you've got nothing to worry about.那你就没什么可担心的了Here's the deal,Mr.Vallelonga.是这样的瓦莱隆加先生OK!It's your job to get Don to all his tour dates on time.你的工作是准时将唐送到所有巡演地点Now if he misses any shows,如果他错过演出you're not getting your back-end.你就拿不到剩下的酬劳He's not gonna miss any show.他一场演出都不会错过的Good.Oh,you're gonna need this.很好你还需要这个Now this is the book I was telling you about.这本就是我刚提到的书Sometimes you guys are staying in the same hotel,有时你们住在同一家酒店sometimes you're not.有时不是-Oh yeah,I do...-Yeah,don't let me down.Let's go.-对-别让我失望走吧-Is this the new one?-Yeah.The record company rented it. -这就是那辆新车吗-对唱片公司租的-Nice huh.-Beautiful.-不错吧-很漂亮So what my sister have to say你要离家三周about you being gone for three weeks?我妹妹有什么意见吗Eight weeks.是八周Ten-to-one,you slap this moolie out,我敢打赌用不了一个月you come home in under a month.你就会把那黑鬼打晕开车回来-Hi boys.-Say goodbye to your father.-孩子们-跟爸爸道别Frankie,Nicky,come here.弗朗基尼基过来-Hi,will you be good boys?-Uh huh.-你们会乖乖的吧-会-Listen to your mother?-Uh huh.-听妈妈话-好Alright,give me a kiss.I'm counting on you on this.好亲我一下我指望你了-Don't go too far.-We won't.-别跑太远-好-Did you go to the A-A-A for the maps?-Yes,no.-你去汽车协会拿地图了吗-拿了不I mean the record company gave me maps其实是唱片公司给我的地图and the itinerary and this thing.还有行程表和这玩意The Negro Motorist Green-Book?《黑人司机的绿皮书》Yeah,it lists all places coloreds can stay down south.上面列出黑人在南部可住宿的所有地方Like,you know,traveling while black.算是黑人旅行指南Traveling while black?黑人旅行指南Yeah.If you're black and you gotta travel for some reason.对如果你是黑人出于某种原因要旅行They had a special book for that?这还有专门的书吗I guess.我想是吧Did you pack the iron?你带上熨斗了吗I ain't lugging no iron,Dee.我才不带熨斗小德How're you gonna press your pants?那你要怎么熨裤子I'll put'em under the mattress.我放在床垫下压平就行了I want you to write me a letter你一有机会-every chance you get.-I can't write letters.-就要给我写信-我写不了信-Yes,you can.-I can't write.-你当然可以-我做不到-Take you five minutes.Promise me.-It's embarrassing.-花五分钟就够了答应我-这太丢人了They ain't gonna be no good.写信没用的It's a lot cheaper than calling long distance,Tony.写信比打长途电话便宜多了托尼Promise me you're gonna write.答应我你会写信给我I promise.我答应你Here...Put this in the bank today.给今天就存进银行It's half my pay.是我一半酬劳Oh,here is a couple of sandwiches for you and Dr.Shirley.这几个三明治是给你和谢利医生的Thanks.谢谢-Be careful.-I will.-小心点-我会的-I love you.-I love you too,baby.-我爱你-我也爱你宝贝You better be home for Christmas or don't come home at all!你圣诞必x.v回家不然就永远别回来了I got it pop.I got it.知道了老爸Hey!I'm Tony.你好我是托尼The driver.Bum a smoke?那个司机给我根烟行吗Thanks.谢谢So,you're with the band?你们是乐队成员吗Oleg.Cello.我是奥列格大提琴手George.Bass.我是贝斯手乔治And we're not a band,we're a trio.我们不叫乐队叫三重奏Oh,a trio?三重奏Right.好吧-Good morning.-Good morning.-早上好-早上好Thank you,Amit.谢谢阿米特Have a wonderful trip,Sir.祝您旅途愉快先生Tony,the first thing I'd like you to do,托尼我们到目的地后when we arrive in the city,你D一件事is check the piano where I'm playing,就是去检查我要弹的那台钢琴make sure it's a Steinway as per my contract.按照合同规定必x.v是斯坦威牌的And can you see to it that然后你要确保there is a bottle of Cutty Sark in my room我房里有一瓶卡迪萨克威士忌every night.每晚都要有Every night?每天晚上吗Well if you ever need any help with that...你要是需要有人帮你喝酒的话I won't.不需要Ten-and-two on the wheel,please.请握好方向盘Hey Doc.对了医生I noticed on the itinerary thing,我在行程上看到last show's on the23rd December.Z.UI后一场演出在12月23日-Right?-Birmingham,yes.It's a Christmas show.-对吗-对在伯明翰圣诞演出So,any way we could maybe hit the road early next morning 我们能不能D二天早点出发so we could be home in time for Christmas Eve?这样来得及赶回家过平安夜We'll see.到时候看吧Appreciate it.谢谢Could you put out the cigarette please?你能不能把烟熄灭Why?为什么I can't breath back here.我在后面喘不上气了What are you talking about?你在说什么Smoke's going into my lungs.I'm doing all the work here.烟都进了我的肺活都是我干的Thank you.谢谢你What are you looking at?你看什么看-You speak German,huh?-That was Russian.-你会说德语吗-刚才那是俄语Yeah,I was stationed in Germany in the army.我之前当兵的时候被分配到德国I can pick up a little bit of what you're saying there.我能听懂你们说的一部分话Watch out for them Krauts.你要小心德国佬They're all sneaks.他们都是J.IAN诈小人Kennedy shoulda bombed'em when he had the chance.肯尼迪当初就应该把他们全炸死Plus now them Cuban bastards.还有现在那群古巴暴民Ain't they supposed to be following us?难道他们不应该跟着我们吗They have the itinerary.As long as they get to the show on time,他们也有行程表只要能准时赶到演出现场I am not worried about it and neither should you.我就不担心你也不必担心I ain't worried about nothing.我完全不担心Fact,when you see me worried,you'll know.我告诉你我担心的时候你能看出来-You'll know if I'm worried.-Tony.How about some quiet time? -你J.UE对能看出来-托尼能不能安静一会儿Sure.当然It's amazing you said that.你居然说了这句话How about some quiet time?能不能安静一会儿Dolores,my wife,she used to say that all time,德洛丽丝我老婆她以前总这么说well not all the time,but you know...也不是总这么说吧但是有时候She says it when I come off from work some time,我下班回来的时候她就会这样说you know,she's been with the kids all that day.因为她陪了孩子们一整天And she would say,Tony...How about some quite time?她就会说托尼能不能安静一会儿Exactly like how you said it.跟你刚才的语气一样I mean...it's amazing.真的太SH.EN奇了How was that?怎么样Salty.很咸Have you ever considered becoming a food critic?你有没有考虑过当美食评论家No...Not really.没没有啊Why?Is there money in it?怎么了很赚钱吗I'm just saying,you have a我只是觉得marvelous way with words when describing food.你描述食物的词汇很不可思议Salty!很咸So vivid.One can almost taste it.太生动了让人几乎能尝到I'm saying it's salty.我只是说很咸And salt's cheating.盐属于作弊行为Any cook can make things salty.But to make it taste 任何厨师都能把食物做咸但是不加盐good without the salt,with just the other flavors 还能做得很好吃做出其他滋味that's the trick.这才叫本事We should really get going soon我们得尽快出发了if we expect to get to Pittsburgh by dinner.还想在晚饭前赶到匹兹堡When I was in the army我以前当兵的时候I knew a guy from Pittsburgh认识一个匹兹堡来的人except he called it Tits-burgh但是他称之为奶子堡he said all the women there have huge tits.他说那里的女人奶子都很大That's absurd.太荒谬了Why would women in Pittsburgh为什么匹兹堡的女人have larger breasts than,say,women in New York?会比纽约的女人胸部大呢Guess we'll find out,huh?很快我们就能一探究竟了You know,when you first hired me其实你Z.UI开始雇用我的时候my wife went out bought one of your records,我老婆买了一张你的唱片one about the orphans.关于孤儿的那张Orphans?孤儿Yeah.Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire?对封面上有一群小孩坐在篝火边Orpheus.那是奥菲斯{\fs14}[发音类似]{\fs}Yeah.对Orpheus in the Underworld.It's based on a French Opera.《地Y.U中的奥菲斯》根据法国歌剧创作的And those weren't children on the cover.而且封面上也不是小孩Those were demon in the bowels of hell.都是地Y.U里的恶魔No shit.Must have been naughty kids.真的假的那这些孩子生前肯定很淘气-What are you doing?-I gotta take a leak.Doc.-你要干什么-我得尿一泡医生-Here?Now?-You want me to piss my pants?-在这里现在吗-你要我尿裤子里吗-Oh hey Doc.-Good afternoon.-医生-下午好Take this for any incidentals we may need.这笔钱给你做我们的杂费开销用If you want to buy something,如果你想买什么东西you don't have to ask,just keep the receipt please.不必问我留好收据就行When it runs low let me know.如果钱不够了就告诉我Oh,thanks.谢谢One more thing.还有一件事We will be attending many events before and after the concerts 音乐会前后我们会参加许多活动interacting with some of会接触到全国上下the wealthiest and most highly-educated people in the country.一些很富有也很有修养的人们It is my feeling that your diction我觉得你有时候的措辞however charming it may be in the tri-state area,could use some。
1.某人疯了 sb. is out of his mind2.臼齿 molar3.卫生部 sanitation4.司机 chauffer5.请人做司机 hire a chauffer6.贴身男仆 valet7.给我洗衣服 launder my clothes8.给我擦鞋子 shine my shoes9.谢谢你来这里 Thank you for stopping by.10.他们确实过分了。
They were out of line.11.所以我们摆平了。
So we squashed it.12.接起电话时可说:Its nice to talk to you.13.大提琴 cello /ʃ/14.低音提琴 bass15.确保每晚都要有一瓶顺风威士忌送到我的房间。
Can you see to it that there is a bottle of Gutty Sark in my room every night?16.我当兵时就驻扎在德国。
I was stationed in Germany in the army.17.我能听懂一点点你说的话。
I could pick up a little bit of what you're saying here.18.我们安静一点好不好? How about some quiet time?19.美食评论家 a food critic20.撒尿 take a leak21.拿着这些备用。
Take this for any incidentals we may need.快花完了就跟我说。
When it runs low, let me know.22.脏话又是一个问题。
The profanity is another issue.23.他们是上流社会的人。
They are genteel people.24.我们有幸邀请一位伟大的美国艺术家到场。
绿皮书 中英对照台词
绿皮书Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell. And I'm glad to be here. 纽约你好我是鲍比·莱德尔很高兴来到这里Thank you all for coming to see us tonight. It's Saturday night at the Copa! 感谢大家今晚的光临来到科帕的周六晚场We think you're gonna have a great time tonight. 希望大家今晚玩得尽兴We're gonna do our best to make sure of that. 我们会尽力给您带来美好的一晚As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell for having us out. 再次感谢朱尔斯·波戴尔先生给我们上台的机会Let's get started. 开始吧Hello sweetheart. 亲爱的你好Here is my coat. 大衣在这And you see this here hat? 然后这顶帽子I want you to guard it with your life. 你一定要好好保管- it was a gift from My mother. - Yes, Mr. Loscudo. - 是我母亲送给我的- 好的罗斯古德先生Yeah. That's for you. 好这你收下Thank you sir. 谢谢您Gio! 吉奥Hey Carmine!How are you pal? - Good to see you. - 卡迈恩怎么样啊- 见到你真好Oh thank you! That's unnecessary. 太谢谢了不必客气的Come on! Let's go. On the album. 不说了进去这张唱片啊I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago 鲍比·莱德尔这小子我两年半前in South Philly. Nobody knew who he was. 在南费城就听过了那时还没人知道他They know him now. 现在他可出名了Hey! 嘿Gimme Loscudo's hat. 罗斯古德的帽子给我- But he said to guard it... - I know, I heard. Give it to me. A'right? - 但他说了要好好…- 知道我听见了交给我好吧?Tony Lip! 托尼·利普You put your hands on me, you punk? 你也敢动我你个小瘪三Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends. 你别找麻烦了带上朋友回家吧You don't tell me where to go! Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there! 还轮不到你指挥我你知道我是谁吗我要进去You tell Julely Podell. If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down. You hear me?! 告诉朱利·波戴尔我要是找不到帽子就把这地方一把火烧了I swear to God it's gonna turn up. 会找到的我保证肯定会找到Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard I don't get my hat, I'll burn the Copa down! 是吗告诉那个死犹太肥佬帽子没了我就把科帕烧了I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks. 看来我要回去开垃圾车了Jesus Christ! 老天啊'scudo's out of his mind. 罗斯古德真是疯了We earned our money tonight. 我们今晚钱没白挣Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy. 利普我以为你要把那家伙打死了Yeah! 是啊Better him than me. 总好过挨揍So... What are you gonna do while we're closed? 那…停业期间你们什么打算?I don't know. Maybe go work at my uncle's pizza joint. 不知道可能去我舅舅的披萨店打工吧- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months. - 你呢? - 烂醉个两个月Take me home, Lip. 带我回家利普See you Carmine. 回见卡迈恩- No! You shouldn't. That should not happen. - I don't wanna be a... -不不应该这种事不应该- 我也不想做个…My hat! 我的帽子Heard it was missing, so I looked into it. 听说不见了我就调查了一下- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault. - 我都想要了那蠢女人的命- 不不不是她的错Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat? 什么人有胆偷吉奥的帽子啊?- Don't worry about it, I took care of him. - Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating. - 不用费心我已经搞定他了- 那就好最好揍得够狠Here. Take this. Put it in your kick. 来拿着就当是存点小钱No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo. 不必客气罗斯古德先生这是我的荣幸Bullshit! Take it. 别废话拿着And from now on, you don't call me Mr. Loscude, ya hear me? 从现在开始用不着叫我罗斯古德先生了明白吗I'm your pal Gio. 我是你的朋友吉奥Good morning. 早上好Good night! 晚安- Come on, Roger! Hit one out! - Johnny quiet! You're gonna jinx it. - 加油罗杰来个全垒打- 别吵强尼说出来就不灵了Hey Johnny, think you can yell a little louder? 喂强尼你也够吵了吧?- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now. - 罗杰马里斯上场了- 嗯我也起床了What the hell are you guys doing here? 你们怎么跑这来了?We came over to keep Dolores company. 我们是来陪德洛丽丝的Come on! 加油[意大利语] 你不要只顾睡觉让我女儿一个人{应付这些黑鬼明不明白啊?我也不知道会派什么工人来啊不知道会派黑鬼来这本应是意大利人的工作真耻辱Come on Roger! Please! 加油啊罗杰拜托- I'll walk you out. - Sure. - 我送你们出去- 好的We need to get back in this ball game. Come on! 我们得反超比分来一个啊Thank you so much! 谢谢你们We got it! We got it! Yeah! 有了有了全垒打Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby! 再来一个再来一个加油No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat. 别闹托尼去换衣服要开饭了Alright! 好样的No game seven. No game seven. 拿下这场别拖到第七场生死赛From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen. 感谢我主基督赐予我们丰盛食物阿门And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know. 如果听说有托尼能干的活就告诉我们- Dolor!Please. - what? - 德洛别提这个- 怎么- What happened? Did you get fired? - No. -怎么了?炒了你吗?- 不是No, The Copa's closing for repairs. So he just needs something for a couple months. 没有啦科帕要停业维修所以这几个月他需要一份短工大人物啊就知道买买买吧好了爸地板都发霉了确实得换啊All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time. 他人脉那么广肯定很快就能找到活的Oh. He had a great job at the sanitation department. 他之前在卫生部的工作就很好啊You shouldn't have punched out the foreman. 你不应该打领班的He shouldn't have woke me up. 他不应该吵我睡觉That's Tony. 这就是托尼I'm tellin' you, this is gonna be the easiest fifty 我保证这肯定会是你赚得最轻松的- bucks you ever gonna made. - Yeah we'll see. - 五十块- 看情况吧Hey! There they are. 嘿你俩来了Hi Johnny. 嗨强尼- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing? - 托尼- 你好保利怎么样?I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me you ate 挺好的挺好强尼跟我说你一次性forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting. 吃下过四十八个白城堡家的汉堡Cheeseburgers. 是芝士汉堡- You tell him Frankie. - I don't believe it. - 没错弗兰基- 我不信What do we care if you believe it? 你信不信关我什么事Hey Gorman. 戈尔曼- What's the record here for Hotdogs? - Eighteen. Fat Paulie.- 这里吃热狗的记录是多少个?- 十八个就是肥保利- Why wasn't Lip in on that contest? - What contest? I was hungry.- 怎么没让利普参加比赛?- 比赛?我饿了而已Bet's simple. Half a C-note. 赌注很简单五十块- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - with toppings. - 一小时内谁吃的热狗多谁就赢- 要加配料的What the hell you weigh? 你他妈多重啊?- Two sixty. - Aaaaay. Your left ass weighs Two sixty. - 一百一十八公斤- 放屁吧光是你左半边屁股就一百一十八公斤了May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'. 我要是撒谎我丈母娘就原地暴毙- Alright. You're on. - Good. - 好吧来- 好Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen! 提速啊利普那头小象都十九个了Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on. 加油利普快来啊You are embarrassing. You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you. 你简直丢人你儿子都没眼看了他要碾压你了- Hey Nicky. You doin' your homework? - Yep. - 尼基在做作业吗- 嗯Good. 那就好- Where have you been? - Gorman's. - 你去哪了?- 戈尔曼的馆子I'm making dinner! 我都做晚饭了Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks he could eat more hot dogs than me. 肥保利跟我赌五十块赌热狗谁吃得多He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal. 他吃了二十四个简直疯了Are you crazy? 你才疯了吧?You lost fifty dollars? 你输了五十块?Dolores. Please. 德洛丽丝拜托I ate twenty six. 我吃了二十六个You're so lucky. 你真是走运You know that? 知道吗Rent is due on Monday. 周一要交房租的You're gonna get that? 接一下啊Yeah? 喂Hey Lip. Some guy called over here, a doctor. He's looking for a driver. 嘿利普有个人打电话来是个医生他想找个司机- you interested? - Yeah. - 你感兴趣吗- 当然They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon. 他们明天下午面试The address is... 地址是…Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen. 第七大道八百八十一号两点一刻Hey! 嘿- Excuse me. - We're not open right now. But you're - 请问- 音乐厅还没开门但你可以welcome to purchase tickets to tonight's performance. 在外面买今晚演出的门票Nah. That's alright. 不是我是…I think I got the wrong address. But is there a doctor's office in here? 这地址可能错了这里有一位医生的办公室吗?A doctor's office? 医生办公室?Dr. Shirley? 谢利博士?You have the correct address. Dr. Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall. 哦地址没错谢利医生就在音乐厅楼上How you doing? 你们好I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip. 我是来面试司机职位的托尼·利普No Tony Lip. 名单上没有No I should be on there. 肯定有我No... Um... 呃…不是…唔- I have a Tony Val... Valle... - Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me. - 有一位托尼·瓦伦…瓦伦拉…- 瓦伦拉纳对就是我- Fill it out while you wait. - what? - 边等边填好- 啥?Fill it out while you wait. 填好表等着Have a seat. 请坐Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting. 瓦伦拉纳先生久等了抱歉I'm Dr. Donald Shirley. 我是唐纳德·谢利博士- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down. - 我是托尼- 好的请坐Some place you got in here. 你这真不错啊Them horns real? 那些角是真的吗?Elephant tusks. Yes. 象牙是的What about that? 那个呢?That a molar? 是个臼齿吗- a what? - a molar. - 什么? - 臼齿牙齿Like a Shark tooth? 鲨鱼牙吗Tiger's maybe. 或者老虎牙It was a gift. 是一个礼物I thought, I thought I was going to a office. 我以为是要来一个办公室面试They said a doctor needed a driver. 说一位医生需要司机That's all they told you? 就说了这么多吗?- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that. - 是啊- 其实比这个稍微复杂一些Have you ever driven professionally before? 你以前做过开车的工作吗?Sanitation. Garbage trucks. 卫生部开过垃圾车Plus I drive my boss home at night. But I can drive anything. 后来我每晚开车送老板回家我什么车都能开Limos, tow trucks. 加长轿车大拖车Snowplows, whatever. 铲雪车啥都行I see. What other experience do you have? 明白了你还有什么别的工作经验?均为60年代纽约著名歌舞厅{- in What capacity? - What Do you mean? - 什么样的工作?- 啥意思?- What Did you Do there? - Ah... - 你具体做了些什么?- 呃…Public relations. 公共关系Well, first of all, Tony, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician. 好吧先说明一下托尼我不是医生是一位音乐家- you mean like songs? - Yes. - 写歌的那种?- 没错I'm about to embark on a concert tour, the majority of which will be down South. 我即将上路巡演大部分目的地都在南部- Atlantic city? - No. - 新泽西州亚特兰大市?- 不The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest, but then we're taking a hard left. 南部腹地巡演从中西部开始然后一路南下Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and on down through the Delta. 肯塔基北卡田纳西一直到密西西比三角区Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man? 给黑人打工这事会让你困扰吗?No! 当然不会了No no. Just the other day me and the wife had 不会的前几天我和我太太a couple of colored guys over at the house. 还在家接待了几位黑人For drinks. 聚会喝酒Hmm. I see, you're married. 原来如此你有家室Yeah. Two kids. 嗯两个孩子I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man. 我不确定这活适合已婚男士Why, we bringing broads? 怎么带妞上路吗My point is, you'll be gone for eight straight 我是说一走就是整整八个星期weeks, no breaks, right up until Christmas. 没有休息一直到圣诞节前You're quite sure you can leave your family for that long? 你确定愿意离家这么久吗?Depends on what you're paying. 要看薪水如何了A hundred dollars a week, plus room and board. 每周一百美金食宿另包But let me be crystal clear... I'm not just hiring a chauffeur. 但我话说清楚我不只是请人做司机I need someone who can handle my itinerary. Be a personal assistant. I need a valet. 我需要对方打点我的行程做我的私人助手一位贴身男仆I need someone who can launder my clothes, shine my shoes... 需要给我洗衣服擦鞋子…Good luck, Doc. 那你找别人吧博士Tony. 托尼I had my record label ask around town to find me the right man. 我让唱片公司四处打听为我找合适的人选Your name came up more than once. 多次有人推荐你You've impressed several people with your... innate ability to handle trouble. 许多人都印象深刻因为你…靠谱的办事能力And that is why I called and inquired about your availability. 所以我才专门致电咨询你是否有空OK, here's the deal. I got no problem being on the road with you. 好吧我话说在前头跟着你一路跑这我没问题But I ain't no butler. 但我不是什么男仆I ain't ironing no shirts, and I'm not polishing nobody's shoes. 我可不会熨你的衬衫擦你的鞋子You need someone to get you from point A to point B? You need someone to make 开车载你去这去那没问题一路给你摆平麻烦sure there's no problems along the way... And believe me you in the deep South 确保不出什么意外没问题而且你到了南部there's gonna be problems. 肯定会有麻烦So if you want me, it's a buck and a quarter a week. 要想雇我就是每周一百二十五块Or go hire that little Chink that just 要么你就雇之前走出去那个pranced out of here, see how far you get. 黄种小瘦瘪吧看看能在南部走多远Well, Mr. Vallelonga. 好吧瓦伦拉纳先生Thank you for stopping by. 感谢你来面试Hey Bobby. 鲍比Give me a Rheingold. 来杯莱茵金啤Ice cold. 要冰的Mr Tony. 托尼先生Augie asking about you. 奥基在找你- Come on, I'm dying of thirst over here! - Shut up. I'm talking. - 快点啊我都快渴死了- 别吵我这说话呢- When? - now. - 啥时候?- 就刚刚He in his box. 他在他包厢里此为本片编剧编剧是指说这句话的人屏幕左边的胖子{What the hell happened at the Copa? 那晚在科帕他妈怎么回事?I heard you almost split a guy's face open. 听说你差点把人脸打烂了That guy you hit. Mikey Cerrone. 你打的那个人麦基·塞罗纳Part of Charlie the Hand's crew. 是查理“大手”的人Guess he shoulda known better. 谁叫他不懂规矩Hand asked me to look into it. 大手叫我查清楚I spoke to Podell. Whole thing was a... 我跟波戴尔谈过了那些人打起来是over a piece of ass, right? 为了个妞是吧?Yeah. 嗯Beef like that should never happen inside the club. They were out of line. 那种私人恩怨绝不应该在店里闹起来他们确实过分了So we squashed it. 所以我们摆平了You looking to earn a little extra scharole? 你想挣点外快吗I can keep you busy while the Copa's down. 科帕停业期间我有活给你干What I gotta do? 要做什么?Things... 做事Appreciate it, but I'm gonna spend some time with the family. 谢了但我准备陪陪家人Don't be stupid. You make yourself a few extra bucks, you buy 别犯傻赚点外快something nice for that pretty little wife of yours. 给你漂亮老婆买点好东西Nah, I'm good. I'm flush right now. 不用了我挺宽裕的Here's fifty. Pay me sixty by New Years, you get it back. 这里五十块元旦前付我六十就能赎回Hey Lip. Everything OK? 利普你还好吗?What? You got beak trouble Charlie? 怎么鼻子探这么远啊查理?Mind your business. 别多管闲事So come on. Dying to hear what happened with the doctor interview. 来来来快跟我说说那个医生的面试怎么样He ain't a real doctor, he's a piano player. 不是那种医生他是个弹钢琴的But I don't understand, why'd they say that he was a doctor? 我不懂了那他们干嘛说他是个医生?I don't know. I think he's like a doctor of piano-playing or something. 不清楚我觉得他可能是钢琴演奏方面的博士吧You can be that? 还有这种博士?I guess. He lives on top of Carnegie Hall. 是吧他都住在卡内基音乐厅楼上You shoulda seen this place, Dee. It was filled 你要是能看到就好了德洛with statues and all kinds of fancy crap. 全是各种雕像啊高档玩意And he was sitting on top of a friggin' throne all 他还坐在一个什么鬼王座上dressed up like the king of the jungle bunnies. 穿得像个黑兔之王似的He's colored? 他是黑人?- Then you wouldn't last a week with him. - For the right money, I would. - 那你跟着他肯定一个礼拜都干不满- 钱够多我就干Yeah. 喂Oh. 是你啊Look. Uh... 这个呃…Really? 你确定?OK. OK. Hold on a sec. 好吧好吧等一下It's Dr. Shirley. 是谢利博士The Piano guy, he wants to talk to you. 弹钢琴的那个家伙想跟你说话- Me? - Yeah. - 我?- 是啊What? No! 干嘛?我不要Come on. Take it. 好啦接吧Just talk. 随便聊就行Hello. 你好Good morning, Doctor, it's nice to talk to you. 早上好博士很高兴能跟你说话Yes, that is a long time... 这样啊确实是很长一段时间…It is. 是的Yes. I'm sure. 是当然了Thank you for calling... Bye now. 谢谢你打来再见What did he say? 他说了啥?He wanted to know if I'd be okay with him taking 他问我愿不愿意让自己丈夫my husband away from his family for two months. 离家两个月去跟着他He said he'd pay you what you asked for. 他说工资按你提的数目- Hey! - Uh huh? - 亲爱的- 嗯It's good money. 这钱不少We need it. 我们需要钱I can't be eatin' twenty six hotdogs every day. 我也没法每天都打赌吃二十六个热狗啊I know. 我知道I told him it was okay for you to go. 我跟他说我愿意放你走Alright. Hey look. Here's the first half of your pay. 好了拿着这是你全部工资的一半You're gonna get the rest when the tour's over. 剩下一半等巡演完成再给你- I gotta get paid every week. - Sorry, - 我应该每周拿钱啊- 抱歉that's not how the record company does it. 唱片公司有惯用的做法We gotta have some guarantee you're gonna finish the job. 这样我们才放心你会有始有终Why wouldn't I finish the job? I took it, didn't I? 我干嘛不做到最后?这活我不是接下了吗Well, then we got nothing to worry about. 那好啊我们都没什么好担心的了Here's the deal, Mr. Vallelonga. 话说清楚瓦伦拉纳先生OK, it's your job to get Don to all his tour 你的职责是确保唐能够准时dates on time. Now if he misses any shows, 到达所有巡演场次如果他错过任何一场- you're not getting your back-end. - He's not gonna miss any show. -剩下一半工资你就拿不到了- 不会错过的Good. Oh, you're gonna need this. 那就好对了你得拿着这个Now this is the book I was telling you about. Sometimes you 这就是我之前跟你说过的那本书guys are staying in the same hotel, sometimes you're not. 你们俩有时会住同一家酒店有时候不会- Oh yeah, the... - Yeah, don't let me down. Let's go. - 啊对…- 嗯别让我失望我们走- Madonne. is This the new one? - Yeah. the record company rented it. - 哎呦喂这是最新那款吗- 是啊唱片公司租的- Nice huh. - Beautiful. - 很赞吧- 美极了So what my sister have to say about you being gone for three weeks? 你一走就是三个星期我妹妹怎么想啊?Eight weeks. 是八个星期Ten-to-one, you slap this moolie out, you come home in under a month. 我赌你肯定会跟那黑佬打起来不到一个月就回家- Aight boys, huddle up. - Say goodbye to Your father. - 小子们过来- 去跟爸爸说再见Frankie, Nicky, come here. 弗兰基尼基过来- Aight, will you be Good boys? - Uh huh. - 你们会好好表现吗?- 嗯- Listen to Your mother? - Uh huh. - 乖乖听妈妈的?- 嗯Alright, give me a kiss. I'm counting on you on this. 好亲一个说话算话啊- Don't go too far. - We won't. - 别跑远了- 好- Did you go to the a-a-a for the maps? - Yes, No. I mean - 你去汽车协会拿好地图了吗- 嗯啊不是the record company gave me the maps and the itinerary and this thing. 唱片公司都给我备好了地图和行程表还有这个The Negro Motorist Green-Book? 黑人出行指南绿皮书?Yeah it lists all places coloreds can stay down south. Like, you know, 里面列举了南方所有愿意接待黑人的酒店专门给traveling while black. 旅行的黑人Traveling while black? 旅行的黑人?Yeah. If you're black and you gotta travel for some reason. 是啊如果黑人得出远门啥的They got a special book for that? 还有专门的书啊I guess. 是啊Did you pack the iron? 熨斗你带了吗?- I ain't lugging no iron, Dee. - How're you gonna press your pants? - 我才不带熨斗德洛- 那你的西裤怎么办?I'll put 'em under the mattress. 塞床垫下面压平呗I want you to write me a letter 你一有机会- every chance you get. - I can't write letters. - 就得给我写信- 我写不了信- Yes, you can. - I can't write. - 写得了的- 我写不来啊- Take you five minutes. Promise me. - It's embarrassing. - 也就五分钟的事你保证- 我会丢人的They ain't gonna be no good. 写不出什么好东西It's a lot cheaper than calling long distance, Tony. 写信比打长途电话便宜多了托尼Promise me you're gonna write. 你保证要给我写信I promise. 好吧Here... Put this in the bank today. 你等下去把这个存进银行It's half my pay. 我一半的工资Oh, here is a couple of sandwiches for you and Dr. Shirley. 对了给你和谢利博士带了几个三明治Thanks. 谢谢- be careful. - I will. - 路上小心- 我会的- I love you. - I love you too, baby. - 我爱你- 我也爱你宝贝You better be home for Christmas or don't come home at all! 圣诞节要是回不了家你就别回来了啊I got it pop. I got it. 知道了老爸知道了Hey! I'm Tony. 嘿我是托尼The driver. Bum a smoke? 司机蹭根烟?Thanks. 谢了So, you the band? 你们都是乐队的?Oleg. Cello. 奥列格大提琴George. Bass. 乔治低音提琴And we're not a band, we're a trio. 我们不是乐队是三重奏Oh, a trio? 哦三重奏Right. 这样啊- Good morning. - Good morning. - 早上好- 早上好Thank you, Amit. 谢谢你阿米特Have a wonderful trip, Sir. 先生祝你旅途愉快Tony, the first thing I'd like you to do, when we arrive in the city, 托尼我们到了市里以后你首先就要is check the piano where I'm playing, make sure it's a Steinway as per my contract. 检查钢琴是不是按合同上说的是施坦威钢琴And can you see to it that there is a bottle of Cutty Sark in my room 然后确保每晚都要有一瓶顺风威士忌every night. 送到我的房间Every night? 每晚?Well if you ever need any help with that... 如果你喝不完需要帮手的话…I won't. 不需要Ten-and-two on the wheel, please. 麻烦扶好方向盘Hey Doc. 嘿博士I noticed on the itinerary thing, 我看到在行程表上写着last show's on the 23rd December. 最后一场演出是在十二月二十三日- Right? - Birmingham, yes. It's a Christmas show. - 对吗?- 对是在伯明翰市的圣诞演出So, any way we could maybe hit the road early next 那第二天早上我们可以早点上路morning so we could be home in time for Christmas Eve? 赶回家过平安夜吗?We'll see. 到时再说吧Appreciate it. 谢了Could you put out the cigarette please? 可以把烟熄掉吗Why? 为什么I can't breath back here. 我透不过气了What are you talking about? Smoke's going into my lungs. I'm doing all the work here. 你胡说什么烟是吸进我的肺里我才是抽烟的人啊Thank you. 谢谢What are you looking at? 看什么看- you speak German, huh? - That was Russian. - 你还会德语啊- 是俄语Yeah, I was stationed in Germany in the army. 嗯我当兵时就驻扎在德国I could pick up a little bit of what you're saying there. 我能听懂一点点你说的话Watch out for them Krauts. 小心德国佬They're all snakes. 他们奸诈得很Kennedy shoulda bombed 'em when he had the chance. 肯尼迪早应该趁机把他们炸了Plus now them Cuban bastards. 况且现在还要对付那帮古巴混蛋Ain't they supposed to be following us? 他们不是应该跟着我们车吗They have the itinerary. As long as they get to the show 他们有行程表只要他们能按时到现场on time, I am not worried about it and neither should you. 我不会管那么多你也不必担心I ain't worried about nothing. 我一点儿也不担心Fact, when you see me worried, you'll know. 我要是担心了很明显的- You'll know if I'm worried. - Tony. How about some quite time? - 一眼就能看出来- 托尼我们安静一点好不好?Sure. 好It's amazing you said that. 你说这话真是太神奇了How about some quite time? 安静一点好不好Dolores, my wife, she used to say that all the time 德洛丽丝我老婆她也总是说这话well not all the time, but you know... 也没有总是比如吧She says it when I come off from work some time, 我收工回家以后她就会说you know, she's been with the kids all day. 因为她带了一整天孩子And she'll say, Tony... How about some quite time? 她会说托尼我们安静一点好不好?Exactly like how you said it. 和你刚才简直一模一样I mean it's amazing. 太神奇了How was that? 怎么样Salty. 咸得很Have you ever considered becoming a food critic? 你有没有考虑过当一个美食评论家?No... Not really. 没没有啊Why? Is there money in it? 怎么那行很赚钱吗?I'm just saying, you have a marvelous way with words when describing food. 我只是觉得你形容食物的时候实在是能说会道SALTY! 咸So vivid. One can almost taste it. 太生动了感觉简直自己也能尝到I'm just saying it's salty. 我意思就是它咸啊And salt's cheating. 咸就是作弊了Any cook can make things salty. But to make it taste 任何厨师都能把东西弄咸但是如果good without the salt, with just the other flavors 在不放盐的前提下做得好吃发挥其他的风味that's the trick. 那才算是厨艺We should really get going soon if we expect to get to Pittsburgh by dinner. 要是想在晚餐前赶到匹兹堡我们该动身了When I was in the army 我原来在军队的时候I knew a guy from Pittsburgh 认识一个从匹兹堡来的家伙except he called it Tits-burgh 他把它叫做“奶子堡”cuz he said all the women there have huge tits. 他说因为那里所有女人奶都很大That's absurd. 这太荒谬了Why would women in Pittsburgh have larger breasts than, say, women in New York? 匹兹堡女人的胸部怎么会比别的地方比如纽约的更大?Guess we'll find out, huh? 到了就知道了呗You know, when you first hired me 你决定雇我的时候my wife went out and bought one of your records, the one about the orphans. 我老婆去买了一张你的唱片关于孤儿的那张Orphans? 孤儿?Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire? 对封面是一群孩子围坐在篝火旁那个?Orpheus. 是俄耳甫斯Yeah. 哦俄耳甫斯希腊神话中阿波罗与缪斯之子传奇音乐家{And those weren't children on the cover. 封面上的那些也不是孩子Those were demons in the bowels of hell. 是地狱深处的恶魔No shit. Must have been naughty kids. 这样啊那肯定是特别不乖的孩子- What are you doing? - I gotta Take a leak. Doc. - 你停车干什么?- 去撒尿博士- here? Now? - you want me to piss My pants? - 就在这撒?- 不然你想让我尿裤子吗- Oh Hey Doc. - Good afternoon. - 嘿博士- 下午好Take this for any incidentals we may need. 拿着这些备用If you want to buy something, you don't have to ask, just keep the receipts please. 如果你想买点什么不用问我留好小票就行When it runs low let me know. 快花完了就跟我说Oh, thanks. 哦谢了One more thing. 还有一件事We will be attending many events before and after the concerts, 我们在音乐会前后要参加很多社交活动interacting with some of the wealthiest and most highly-educated people in the country. 与这个国家里最富有文化涵养最高的一些人互动It is my feeling that your diction 我感觉你的措辞however charming it may be in the tri-state area, could use some... 无论在纽约周边三州地区多么地道迷人现在也该…finessing. 改一改You mean diction, like in what way? 你说我的措辞是什么意思?Like in the only way the word is ever used. 就是措辞这个词唯一的意思Okay. 好吧Your intonation, inflection, your choice of words. 你的语调词形语法你的用词I got my own problems, now I gotta worry about 我要操心的已经够多了现在难道还得担心what people think about the way I talk? 别人怎么看我说话的方式吗?There are simple techniques I can teach you that are quite effective. I can help you. 我可以教你几个简单又有效的技巧我可以帮你I don't need no goddamn help. 我才不要什么鬼帮助People don't like the way I talk, they can go take a shit. 要是不喜欢我讲话那他们就滚远点- the profanity is another issue. - a fanabla, Why you breaking My balls? - 脏话又是一个问题- 妈啊你干嘛这么针对我?。
绿皮书英文好句摘抄1、"Change starts with you, and as it happens, it transforms the world."改变从你开始,当它发生时,它会改变世界。
2、"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。
3、"You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them."除非你穿上他的鞋子走一走,否则你永远不知道一个男人的感受。
4、"I'm not a racist. I don't have a problem with black people. I have a problem with idiots. And most of the idiots are black."我不是种族主义者。
5、"So many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."生活中许多失败的人都是在放弃时没有意识到他们离成功有多近。
6、"What do you love about me? Is it because I'm white? Or is it because I'm Tony Lip?"你爱我什么?是因为我是白人?还是因为我是托尼·利平顿?7、"You never really know what a man's thinking until he looks into your eyes and tells you."除非一个男人直视你的眼睛并告诉你,否则你永远不知道他在想什么。
英文早自习|《绿皮书》经典台词Nothing matters to me but you.And everyday I am alive, I'm aware of this.I loved you the day I met you, I love you today... And I will love you to rest of my life.没有什么比你更重要在我活着的每一天我都会深深地感觉到遇见你的那天我就已爱上你今天我爱你...余生也会继续爱你——《绿皮书》红色标记为连读绿色标记为省读或失爆加粗为重读alive:[ə'laɪv]adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的反义词:dead【拓展】1.be alive with:充满;到处是The woods are alive with birds.树林中到处是鸟。
The street was alive with people.街上挤满了人。
2. keep sb. alive:让某人活着Doctors fought to keep her alive.医生竭尽全力救活了她。
3. be/seem/remain/stay alive:活着For the first time in years, he wanted to stay alive. 多年来他第一次想活下来。
be aware of:1.意识到Are you aware of the danger?你没有意识到危险吗?John has been aware of having done something wrong.约翰已意识到自己做错了事情。
2.知道He pretended not to be aware of my presence. 他假装不知道我在那里.。
Green Book《绿皮书》电影完整中英文对照剧本
纽约人民你们好我是鲍比·莱德尔Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell.我很高兴能来到这里And I'm glad to be here.谢谢大家今晚来看我们的演出Thank you all for coming to see us tonight.今天是科帕俱乐部的周六狂欢夜It's Saturday night in the Copa!我们认为你们今晚会玩得很开心We think you're gonna have a great time tonight.我们会竭尽全力确保你们玩得开心We're gonna do our best to make sure of that.一如既往我们要特别感谢朱尔斯·波德尔先生As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell科帕卡巴纳夜店的运营者让我们有玩乐的可能for having us out.开始吧Let's get started.*我已经完全被那古老的黑魔法控制**That old black magic has me in its spell**就是你运用得如此娴熟的黑魔法**That old black magic that you weave so well**那冰冷的手指顺着我的脊柱上下探索**Those icy fingers up and down my spine**跟我们目光相接时你施展的巫术一样**The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine* *令我着迷**I love them so well**跟我彼时内心感受到的微微刺痛感一样**The same old tingle that I feel inside**随后电梯开始上升**And then that elevator starts its ride**亲爱的...**And darling...*你好啊亲爱的Hello sweetheart.这是我的大衣Here is my coat.看到这顶帽子了吗And you see this here hat?我希望你用生命来守护它I want you to guard it with your life.这是我母亲送我的礼物It was a gift from my mother.遵命劳斯库德先生Yes, Mr. Loscudo.这是赏你的That's for you.谢谢您先生Thank you sir.吉奥Gio!-卡迈因你还好吗-很高兴见到你- Carmine! How are you pal? - Good to see you.谢谢您完全不必如此的Oh thank you! That's unnecessary.来我们走去听音乐Come on! Let's go. On the album.我两年前在南费城见过那个叫鲍比·莱德尔的小子I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago in South Philly.当时他还是个无名之辈Nobody knew who he was.现在他可出名了They know now.把劳斯库德的帽子给我Gimme Loscudo's hat.但他叫我守...But he said to guard it...我知道我听到了I know, I heard.给我行吗Give it to me. A'right?*我应该远离你但我能怎么办**I should stay away but what can I do**我听到你的名字...**I hear your name...*放尊重点嘴巴放干净点Be respectful and watch your mouth.闭嘴是她卖弄风骚勾引我Shut up! She wants it, Okay?硬汉你能怎么样Tough guy, what are you gonna do?托尼·利普Tony Lip!*你就是我一直在等待的爱人**You're the lover I have waited for**是我命中注定的爱侣**The mate that fate had me created for**每次我们亲吻时...**And every time you lips meet mine*你竟敢对我动手混蛋You put your hands on me, you punk?给自己留点面子跟你朋友一起回家去吧Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends.你无权命令我该去哪儿You don't tell me where to go!你知道我是谁吗我非要进去Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there!*那叫做爱情的古老黑魔法啊**That old black magic, yeah love*你去告诉朱尔斯·波德尔You tell Jules Lipobdell.如果找不回我的帽子我就把这家夜店烧了If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down.吉奥它肯定会再出现的Gio, it's gonna turn up.我发誓它一定会再次出现的I swear to God it's gonna turn up.是吗你告诉那个犹太肥猪Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard如果拿不回帽子我就把科帕俱乐部给烧了I don't get my hat I'll burn Copa down!科帕俱乐部重新装修期间停业我只能继续去开垃圾车谋生了I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks.老天呐Jesus Christ!妈的他真是疯了Screw those! He's out of his mind.至少我们今晚挣到了钱We earned our money tonight.利普我当时以为你要杀了那家伙Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy.是啊Yeah!他死总比我死要好Better him than me.那停业期间你打算去做什么So... What are you gonna do while we're closed?我不知道或许会去我叔叔的披萨店工作I don't know. Maybe go work at my Uncle's pizza joint.-你呢-我要喝两个月的酒- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months.送我回家利普Take me home, Lip.再见卡迈因See you, Carmine.不你不该那样不应该发生这种事No! You shouldn't. That shouldn't happen.我不想当一个...I don't wanna be a...我的帽子My hat!我听说它丢了于是我就找了找Heard it was missing, so I looked into it.-我当时都想杀了那个小婊子-不不是她的错- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault.是谁胆大包天敢偷吉奥的帽子Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat?别担心我已经解决他了Don't worry about it, I took care of him.很好希望你把他好好打了一顿Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating.给收下吧放进钱包里Here. Take this. Put it in your kick.不谢谢了能帮忙是我的荣幸劳斯库德先生No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo.别废话了收下吧Bullshit! Take it.从现在开始别再叫我劳斯库德先生了And from now on, you don't call me Mr. Loscude,听到了吗ya hear me?我是你的好兄弟吉奥I'm your pal Gio.布朗克斯纽约白箭香烟早安Good morning.晚安Good night!一名击球手出局下一位是罗杰·马里斯One down, and the batter will be Roger Maris.加油啊罗杰击个好球Come on, Roger! Hit one out!约翰尼闭嘴你会给他招来霉运Johnny quite! You're gonna jinx it.约翰尼你还能吼得更大声点吗Johnny, think you can yell a little louder?-马里斯上场了-是啊我也被吵起来了- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now.你们到这里来干什么What the hell are you guys doing here?我们是来陪德洛丽丝的We came over to give Dolores company.不是吧Come on!你别只顾着自己睡觉让我女儿一个人面对这些黑鬼你明白我的意思吗我事先也不知道他们会派谁上门来啊我不知道他们会派黑鬼过来这应该是意大利人的工作真可耻谢谢你夫人Thank you, ma'am.投球了Here's the pitch.出界飞向观众席Fouls it back to the crowd.一坏球一好球One ball, one strike.加油啊罗杰拜托了Come on Roger! Please!-我送你们出去-好的- I'll walk you out. - Sure.看来还得我们重回赛场了拜托We need to get back to this ball game. Come on! -非常感谢-如果有问题给我们打个电话- Thank you so much! - Any problems, give us a call. -两好球一坏球-加油- The one-two pitch. - Come on, baby.球径直飞进右外场深处The curve is hit deep into right field...赢了赢了We got it! We got it!再来一次再来一次加油宝贝Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby!别托尼快去穿衣服我们要开饭了No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat.好吧Alright!没第七场了不用打第七场了No game seven. No game seven.主啊感谢您的慷慨阿门From thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen.阿门Amen.如果谁听闻有适合托尼的工作岗位告诉我们一声And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know.-德洛-怎么了- Dolor! - What?别这样Please.-发生什么事了你被开除了吗-不是- What happened? Did you get fired? - No.不是科帕俱乐部要停业装修No, The Copa's closing for repairs.所以他需要找一份为期几个月的短期工作So he just needs something for a couple months.谁叫你把自己当大亨了就知道乱花钱够了爸地板发霉腐烂了我们不得不换他人脉这么广很快就能找到新工作的All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time.他之前在卫生部有份很好的工作He had a great job at the sanitation department.你不该揍那个领班的You shouldn't have punched out the foreman.他不该把我叫醒的He shouldn't have woke me up.确实是你的作风That's Tony.我跟你说I'm tellin' you,这将是你赚得最轻松的五十块this is gonna be the easiest fifty bucks you ever gonna made.好吧再看吧Yeah we'll see.瞧瞧他们来了Hey! There they are.你好约翰尼Hi, Johnny.-托尼-保罗你还好吗- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing?我很好约翰尼跟我说I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me你曾一口气吃了48个白城堡汉堡you ate forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting.是芝士汉堡Cheese burgers.-你来告诉他们弗朗基-我不信- You tell them, Frankie. - I don't believe you.你信不信关我什么事What do I care if you believe me?戈曼Gorman.这里吃热狗的最高纪录是多少What's the record here for Hotdogs?18个肥保罗的战绩Eighteen. Fat Paulie.利普怎么没参加这个比赛Why wasn't Lip in on that contest?什么比赛我当时只是饿了而已What contest? I was hungry.赌局很简单50美元Bet's simple. Half a C-note.-比谁在一小时内吃的热狗最多-带顶层配料的- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - With toppings.你体重多少What the hell you weigh?-260磅-你的左半边屁股都有260磅了- Two sixty. - Your left ass weighs two sixty.如果我撒谎就让我岳母立刻死亡May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'. -好吧我应战-很好- Alright. You're up. - Good.加速啊利普那个象崽吃到第19个了Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen!加油利普加油Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on.你真丢人You are embarrassing.你让你儿子丢人了他遥遥领先了You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you.-尼基你在做家庭作业吗-是的- Nicky. You do your homework? - Yep.很好Good.-你去哪儿了-戈曼那里- Where have you been? - Gorman's.我在做晚餐I'm making dinner!肥保罗跟我打赌50块Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks认为他能比我吃下更多的热狗he could eat more hot dogs than me.他吃了24个那家伙简直是畜生He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal.你是疯了吗Are you crazy?你输了50美元吗You lost fifty dollars?德洛丽丝拜托Dolores. Please.我吃了26个I ate twenty six.你真是太走运了You're so lucky.你知道吗You know that?周一就得交房租了Rent is due on Monday.你不接电话吗You're gonna get that?什么事Yeah?利普有人打电话过来了Lip. Some guy called over here,是个博士他在找一个司机a doctor. He's looking for a driver.doctor同时也有医生的意思-你有兴趣吗-有- You interested? - Yeah.他们明天下午会举行面试They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon.地址是...The address is...第七大道881号下午2点15分Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen.卡内基音乐厅-不好意思-我们现在还未开业- Excuse me. - We're not open right now.但你可以购买今晚的演出票But you're welcome to buy tickets to tonight's performance.不不是这么回事Nah. That's not it.我好像搞错地址了I think I got the wrong address.这里有医生的办公室吗But is there a doctor's office in here?医生办公室A doctor's office?谢利医生Dr Shirley.你的地址没错You have the correct address.谢利博士住在楼上在大厅上面Dr Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall.你们好How you doing?我是来应聘司机职位的托尼·利普I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip.没有叫托尼·利普的No Tony Lip.不名单上应该有才对No, it should be on there.没有No.我这倒是有个托尼·瓦...瓦莱...I have a Tony Val... Valle...瓦莱隆加没错就是我Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me.-等候期间把这个填了-什么- Fill it out while you wait. - What?等候期间把这个填了Fill it out while you wait.坐吧Have a seat.瓦莱隆加先生抱歉让你久等了Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting.我是唐纳德·谢利博士I'm Dr. Donald Shirley.-叫我托尼吧-好的请坐- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down.你这个地方真奢华啊Some place you got in here.那些角是真货吗Them horns real?是象牙没错Elephant tusks. Yes.那个呢What about that?那是臼齿吗That a molar?-什么-臼齿- A what? - A molar.鲨鱼牙齿吗Like a Shark tooth?可能是虎牙吧Tiger's maybe.是别人送的礼物It was a gift.我以为我是要来一个办公室呢I thought, I thought I was going to a office.他们跟我说有个医生需要一位司机They said a doctor needed a driver.他们就这么说的吗That's all they told you?-是的-实际上要比这复杂得多- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.你以前当过职业司机吗Have you ever driven professionally before?搞卫生的开垃圾车Sanitation. Garbage trucks.并且我晚上会开车送我老板回家Plus I drive my boss home at night.但我什么车都会开But I can drive anything.豪华轿车拖车Limos, tow trucks.铲雪车什么都行Snow palms, whatever.我明白了你还有其他什么经验I see. What other experience do you have?我在很多娱乐场所都工作过I worked a lot of joints.比如车轮酒吧薄荷糖舞厅科帕俱乐部The Wagon Wheel, Peppermint Lounge, Copa-什么岗位-你什么意思- In what capacity? - What do you mean?你在这些地方负责做什么What did you do there?公关Public relations.首先托尼Well, first of all, Tony,我不是医生我是个音乐家I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician.-歌曲那种吗-是的- You mean like songs? - Yes.我即将开启一段音乐会巡演I'm about to embark on a concert tour,大部分旅程都是南下the majority of which will be down South.-大西洋城吗-不是- Atlantic city? - No.最南部我们先从中西部开始The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest,然后一路向左but then we're taking a hard left.去肯塔基北卡罗来纳Kentucky, North Carolina,田纳西穿越整个三角洲地区Tennessee, and on down through the Delta.预想一下你觉得为黑人工作会不会有问题Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man?当然不会No!没问题前几天我跟我妻子No no. Just the other day me and the wife had还邀请几个黑人来家里a couple of colored guys over at the house.喝东西For drinks.我知道了你结婚了I see, you're married.没错有两个孩子Yeah. Two kids.我不确定已婚男人是否适合这份工作I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man.为什么要带上女人吗Why, we bringing broads?我是指你要离家八周My point is, you'll be gone for eight straight weeks,中途没得休息直到圣诞no breaks, right up until Christmas.你确定你能离开家人那么久吗You're quite sure you can leave your family for that long?那要看你给我多少钱了Depends on what you're paying.每周一百美元包食宿A hundred dollars a week, plus room and board.但我要先说清楚我不只是请一个司机But let me be crystal clear... I'm not just hiring a chauffeur.我要一个能处理我行程的人I need someone who can handle my itinerary.当我的私人助理我需要一个侍者Be a personal assistant. I need a valet.一个能帮我洗衣擦鞋的人I need someone who can launder my clothes, shine my shoes...祝你好运医生Good luck, Doc.托尼Tony.我让我的唱片公司在城内打听找合适的人选I had my record label ask around town to find me the right man.你的名字多次出现Your name came up more than once.你给一些人留下了深刻印象You've impressed several people with your...你具有解决麻烦的天赋innate ability to handle trouble.所以我才打电话问你能否来任职And that is why I called and inquired about your availability.这样行不跟你一起出行没问题OK, here is the deal. I got no problem being on a road with you.但我可不是什么管家But I ain't no butler.我不会给人干熨衣服擦鞋的事I ain't ironing no shirts, and I'm not polishing nobody's shoes.如果你需要一个载你穿梭于城市之间的人You need someone to get you from point A to point B?需要一个确保途中不会出现问题的人...You need someone to make sure there's no problems along the way...相信我你到南方腹地And believe me you in the deep South肯定会有不少问题there's gonna be problems.所以如果你想雇我一周付我125美元So if you want me, it's a buck and a quarter a week.要不你就雇刚走出去那个中国佬Or go hire the little Chink that just pranced out of here,看你能走多远see how far you get.瓦莱隆加先生Well, Mr. Vallelonga.谢谢你过来一趟Thank you for stopping by.鲍比你好啊Hey Bobby.给我一杯瑞金淡啤Give me a Rheingold.要冰的Ice cold.托尼先生Mr Tony.奥吉问起你Augie asking about you.-快点我快渴死了-闭嘴我在说话- Come on, I'm dying of thirst over here! - Shut up. I'm talking. -什么时候-现在- When? - Now.他在他的包厢里He in his box.托尼·利普Tony Lip.在科帕俱乐部到底发生了什么What the hell happened at the Copa?我听说你把一个人的脸揍开花I heard you split a guy's face open.你打的那个人迈克·沙隆That guy you hit. Mikey Charon.他是"魔手"查理的手下He was one of Charie the Hand's crew.他就该识相一点Guess he shoulda known better."魔手"叫我调查此事Hand asked me to look into it.我找波德尔谈过了整件事...I spoke to Podell. Whole thing was a...都是因一个娘们而起对吧over a piece of ass, right?没错Yeah.俱乐部里绝对不该发生那种冲突Beef like that should never happen inside the club.是他们过分了They were out of line.所以我们把事情摆平了So we squashed it.你想挣点外快吗You looking to earn a little extra scharole?科帕关闭期间我能给你活儿干I can keep you busy while the Copa's down.我要做什么What I gotta do?各种工作Things...谢谢好意但我打算好好陪家人Appreciate it, but I'm gonna spend some time with the family.别傻了你多赚点钱Don't be stupid. You make yourself a few extra bucks,给你那漂亮老婆买点好东西buy something nice for that pretty little wife of yours.不用了我钱够用Nah, I'm good. I'm flushed right now.当铺给你五十块新年之前给我六十就把表还你Here's fifty. Pay me sixty by New Year, you get it back.利普没出什么事吧Hey Lip. Everything OK?你闲得蛋疼吗查理What? You got beak trouble, Charlie?别多管闲事Mind your business.快告诉我So come on.你去医生那儿面试得怎么样了Dying to hear what happened with the doctor interview?他不是真正的医生他是弹钢琴的He ain't a real doctor, he's a piano player.我不懂为什么他们说他是医生But I don't understand, why'd they say that he was a doctor?我也不知道I don't know.他好像是钢琴演奏的医生之类的I think he's like a doctor of piano-playing or something.有这种医生吗You can be that?估计有吧他住在卡内基音乐厅楼上I guess. He lives on top of Carnegie Hall.你真该看看他家小德You shoulda seen this place, Dee.放满雕像和各式各样的高级东西It was filled with statues and all kinds of fancy crap.他还穿着华丽的衣服坐在一个王座上And he was sitting on top of a friggin' throne all dressed up 好像他是黑鬼的国王一样like the king of the jungle bunnies.他是黑人吗He's colored?那你跟他和平相处一周都做不到Then you wouldn't last a week with him.钱给够了我就可以For right money, I would.喂Yeah.是这样的...Look. Uh...真的吗Really?好的稍等OK. OK. Hold on a sec.是谢利医生It's Dr Shirley.弹钢琴那个他想跟你通话The Piano guy, he wants to talk to you.-我吗-是的- Me? - Yeah.什么不要What? No!过来快接Come here. Take it.跟他聊聊Just talk.你好Hello.早安医生和你谈话很高兴Good morning, Doctor, it's nice to talk to you.没错那确实挺久的Yes, that is a long time...是的It is.对我很确定Yes. I'm sure.感谢你的来电再见Thank you for calling... Bye now.他说了什么What did he say?他问我介不介意He wanted to know if I'd be okay with him他带我丈夫离家两个月taking my husband away from his family for two months.他说会付你你要求的酬劳He said he'd pay you what you asked for.那是一大笔钱It's good money.我们很需要We need it.我可没法每天吃下二十六个热狗I can't be eatin' twenty six hot dogs every day.我知道I know.我跟他说了你可以去I told him it was okay for you to go.好了酬劳先给你一半Alright. Hey look. Here's the first half of your pay.巡演结束后再给你剩下那一半You're gonna get the rest when the tour's over.-我得按周领工资-抱歉- I gotta get paid every week. - Sorry,这不是唱片公司的规矩that's not how the record company does it.我们得确保你会完成工作We gotta have some guarantee you're gonna finish the job.我为什么不会我都接了不是吗Why wouldn't I finish the job? I took it, didn't I?那你就没什么可担心的了Well, then you've got nothing to worry about.是这样的瓦莱隆加先生Here's the deal, Mr. Vallelonga.你的工作是准时将唐送到所有巡演地点OK! It's your job to get Don to all his tour dates on time.如果他错过演出Now if he misses any shows,你就拿不到剩下的酬劳you're not getting your back-end.他一场演出都不会错过的He's not gonna miss any show.很好你还需要这个Good. Oh, you're gonna need this.这本就是我刚提到的书Now this is the book I was telling you about.有时你们住在同一家酒店Sometimes you guys are staying in the same hotel,有时不是sometimes you're not.舒心出行《黑人司机的绿皮书》-对-别让我失望走吧- Oh yeah, I do... - Yeah, don't let me down. Let's go.-这就是那辆新车吗-对唱片公司租的- Is this the new one? - Yeah. The record company rented it. -不错吧-很漂亮- Nice huh. - Beautiful.你要离家三周So what my sister have to say我妹妹有什么意见吗about you being gone for three weeks?是八周Eight weeks.我敢打赌用不了一个月Ten-to-one, you slap this moolie out,你就会把那黑鬼打晕开车回来you come home in under a month.-孩子们-跟爸爸道别- Hi boys. - Say goodbye to your father.弗朗基尼基过来Frankie, Nicky, come here.-你们会乖乖的吧-会- Hi, will you be good boys? - Uh huh.-听妈妈话-好- Listen to your mother? - Uh huh.好亲我一下我指望你了Alright, give me a kiss. I'm counting on you on this.-别跑太远-好- Don't go too far. - We won't.-你去汽车协会拿地图了吗-拿了不- Did you go to the A-A-A for the maps? - Yes, no.其实是唱片公司给我的地图I mean the record company gave me maps还有行程表和这玩意and the itinerary and this thing.《黑人司机的绿皮书》The Negro Motorist Green-Book?上面列出黑人在南部可住宿的所有地方Yeah, it lists all places coloreds can stay down south.算是黑人旅行指南Like, you know, traveling while black.黑人旅行指南Traveling while black?对如果你是黑人出于某种原因要旅行Yeah. If you're black and you gotta travel for some reason.这还有专门的书吗They had a special book for that?我想是吧I guess.你带上熨斗了吗Did you pack the iron?我才不带熨斗小德I ain't lugging no iron, Dee.那你要怎么熨裤子How're you gonna press your pants?我放在床垫下压平就行了I'll put 'em under the mattress.你一有机会I want you to write me a letter-就要给我写信-我写不了信- every chance you get. - I can't write letters.-你当然可以-我做不到- Yes, you can. - I can't write.-花五分钟就够了答应我-这太丢人了- Take you five minutes. Promise me. - It's embarrassing.写信没用的They ain't gonna be no good.写信比打长途电话便宜多了托尼It's a lot cheaper than calling long distance, Tony.答应我你会写信给我Promise me you're gonna write.我答应你I promise.给今天就存进银行Here... Put this in the bank today.是我一半酬劳It's half my pay.这几个三明治是给你和谢利医生的Oh, here is a couple of sandwiches for you and Dr. Shirley.谢谢Thanks.-小心点-我会的- Be careful. - I will.-我爱你-我也爱你宝贝- I love you. - I love you too, baby.你圣诞必须回家不然就永远别回来了You better be home for Christmas or don't come home at all!晚到的人没床位知道了老爸I got it pop. I got it.卡内基音乐厅你好我是托尼Hey! I'm Tony.那个司机给我根烟行吗The driver. Bum a smoke?谢谢Thanks.你们是乐队成员吗So, you're with the band?我是奥列格大提琴手Oleg. Cello.我是贝斯手乔治George. Bass.我们不叫乐队叫三重奏And we're not a band, we're a trio.三重奏Oh, a trio?好吧Right.-早上好-早上好- Good morning. - Good morning.谢谢阿米特Thank you, Amit.祝您旅途愉快先生Have a wonderful trip, Sir.托尼我们到目的地后Tony, the first thing I'd like you to do,你第一件事when we arrive in the city,就是去检查我要弹的那台钢琴is check the piano where I'm playing,按照合同规定必须是斯坦威牌的make sure it's a Steinway as per my contract.然后你要确保And can you see to it that我房里有一瓶卡迪萨克威士忌there is a bottle of Cutty Sark in my room斯坦威每晚都要有every night.每天晚上吗Every night?你要是需要有人帮你喝酒的话Well if you ever need any help with that...不需要I won't.请握好方向盘Ten-and-two on the wheel, please.对了医生Hey Doc.我在行程上看到I noticed on the itinerary thing,最后一场演出在12月23日last show's on the 23rd December.-对吗-对在伯明翰圣诞演出- Right? - Birmingham, yes. It's a Christmas show.我们能不能第二天早点出发So, any way we could maybe hit the road early next morning 这样来得及赶回家过平安夜so we could be home in time for Christmas Eve?到时候看吧We'll see.谢谢Appreciate it.你能不能把烟熄灭Could you put out the cigarette please?为什么Why?我在后面喘不上气了I can't breath back here.你在说什么What are you talking about?烟都进了我的肺活都是我干的Smoke's going into my lungs. I'm doing all the work here.谢谢你Thank you.谢利医生一切还好吗没事挺好的好的那我们匹兹堡旅馆见记得预约晚餐吃完立刻排练你看什么看What are you looking at?-你会说德语吗-刚才那是俄语- You speak German, huh? - That was Russian.我之前当兵的时候被分配到德国Yeah, I was stationed in Germany in the army.我能听懂你们说的一部分话I can pick up a little bit of what you're saying there.你要小心德国佬Watch out for them Krauts.他们都是奸诈小人They're all sneaks.肯尼迪当初就应该把他们全炸死Kennedy shoulda bombed 'em when he had the chance.还有现在那群古巴暴民Plus now them Cuban bastards.难道他们不应该跟着我们吗Ain't they supposed to be following us?他们也有行程表只要能准时赶到演出现场They have the itinerary. As long as they get to the show on time,我就不担心你也不必担心I am not worried about it and neither should you.我完全不担心I ain't worried about nothing.我告诉你我担心的时候你能看出来Fact, when you see me worried, you'll know.-你绝对能看出来-托尼能不能安静一会儿- You'll know if I'm worried. - Tony. How about some quiet time?当然Sure.你居然说了这句话It's amazing you said that.能不能安静一会儿How about some quiet time?德洛丽丝我老婆她以前总这么说Dolores, my wife, she used to say that all time,也不是总这么说吧但是有时候well not all the time, but you know...我下班回来的时候她就会这样说She says it when I come off from work some time,因为她陪了孩子们一整天you know, she's been with the kids all that day.她就会说托尼能不能安静一会儿And she would say, Tony... How about some quite time?跟你刚才的语气一样Exactly like how you said it.真的太神奇了I mean... it's amazing.怎么样How was that?很咸Salty.你有没有考虑过当美食评论家Have you ever considered becoming a food critic?没没有啊No... Not really.怎么了很赚钱吗Why? Is there money in it?我只是觉得I'm just saying, you have a你描述食物的词汇很不可思议marvelous way with words when describing food.很咸Salty!太生动了让人几乎能尝到So vivid. One can almost taste it.我只是说很咸I'm saying it's salty.盐属于作弊行为And salt's cheating.任何厨师都能把食物做咸但是不加盐Any cook can make things salty. But to make it taste还能做得很好吃做出其他滋味good without the salt, with just the other flavors这才叫本事that's the trick.我们得尽快出发了We should really get going soon还想在晚饭前赶到匹兹堡if we expect to get to Pittsburgh by dinner.我以前当兵的时候When I was in the army认识一个匹兹堡来的人I knew a guy from Pittsburgh但是他称之为奶子堡except he called it Tits-burgh他说那里的女人奶子都很大he said all the women there have huge tits.太荒谬了That's absurd.为什么匹兹堡的女人Why would women in Pittsburgh会比纽约的女人胸部大呢have larger breasts than, say, women in New York?很快我们就能一探究竟了Guess we'll find out, huh?其实你最开始雇用我的时候You know, when you first hired me我老婆买了一张你的唱片my wife went out bought one of your records,关于孤儿的那张one about the orphans.孤儿Orphans?对封面上有一群小孩坐在篝火边Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire?那是奥菲斯[发音类似]Orpheus.对Yeah.《地狱中的奥菲斯》根据法国歌剧创作的Orpheus in the Underworld. It's based on a French Opera.而且封面上也不是小孩And those weren't children on the cover.都是地狱里的恶魔Those were demon in the bowels of hell.真的假的那这些孩子生前肯定很淘气No shit. Must have been naughty kids.-你要干什么-我得尿一泡医生- What are you doing? - I gotta take a leak. Doc.-在这里现在吗-你要我尿裤子里吗- Here? Now? - You want me to piss my pants?。
“Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it the moments that take your breath away”我们活着不是为了呼吸,而是为了让某些特别的时刻令我们张大嘴巴。
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”长大变成你想成为的自己需要勇气。
“The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we uncool.”在这个破产的世界里,唯一真正的法宝就是当我们不酷时,能与他人分享的东西。
“People will never understand how perfect something can be, even when it not.”人们永远无法理解,即使不是完美的,也可以完美得多么。
“It only after we lost everything that we free to doanything.”只有当我们失去了一切,我们才能够做任何事情。
“If you don have anything nice to say, don say anything at all.”如果你没有什么好话可说,那就什么也别说。
“We may look different and have different beliefs, but deep down we are all human, and we all want the same things out of life.”我们或许看起来不太一样,有不同的信念,但是深处我们都是人类,我们都希望能从生活中得到同样的东西。
故事基于真实事件,讲述了一个非裔美国钢琴家唐·雪莱利(Don Shirley)和他的司机托尼·维列隆加(Tony Vallelonga)之间的特殊友谊。
以下是《绿皮书》中的一些经典金句以及相关参考内容:1. "You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity."(只有保持尊严,你才能取得胜利,暴力永远不是解决问题的方式。
参考内容可以写到马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)和他推动的非暴力抗议方法,还可以提到《种族隔离时代的信仰》(Letter from Birmingham Jail)等他的著名文章。
2. "You know, my father used to say, 'Whatever you do, do it 100%. When you work, work. When you laugh, laugh. When you eat, eat like it's your last meal.'"(我父亲曾经说过,不管你做什么,都要全力以赴。
例如,引用其他名人的名言,如史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的演讲等。
3. "The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move."(世界上有很多孤独的人害怕主动迈出第一步。
2019年《绿皮书》经典英文台词范文 Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent. w hen you work, work, when you laugh, laugh, when you eat like its yourlast meal.不管你做什么,都要做到极致。
live on the streets, you sit on a throne. so yeah, my world is way more blacher than yours.我住在街边,你坐在宝座上,我的世界比你黑暗多了。
You'll never win with violence, you only win when you maintain your dignity, dignity always prevails.拳头是没法帮你获胜的,只有尊严可以尊严永远占据上风。
The word's fulloflonely people afraid to make the first move.这世界上到处都是不敢迈出第一步的孤苦之人。
Being qenius is not enough, it takes courage to change people's hearts.成为天才是不够的,还需要勇气改变人们的心灵。
There are all kinds of people in this world.lt happens that we have become friends. This is not fate. It is just that we should be friends.这世界上有各种各样的人,恰巧我们成为了朋友,这不是缘分,只仅仅是我们本就应该是朋友。
绿皮书中体现直译的例子1. 嘿,你看“Dear Dolores”,这直接翻译成“亲爱的德洛丽丝”,多直白呀,就像我们直接喊朋友的名字一样直接!2. “Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have ever done”,直接就成了“爱上你是我所做过的最容易的事情”,哇塞,这么直接的表达爱意,多震撼啊!3. “They don't have a choice, but you do”,直接就是“他们没有选择,但你有”,简单明了,就像直接告诉你一个道理!4. “The world is full of lonely people waiting to make the first move”,变成“世界上孤独的人都害怕迈出第一步”,这么直接的翻译,是不是一下就懂了!5. “You never win with violence. You only win whe n you maintain your dignity”,直接翻译为“暴力永远无法取胜,坚守尊严才会赢”,多直接有力呀!6. “How did he manage to shake hands with them with a smile?”,“他怎么做到笑着和他们握手的?”,就是这么直接的问出来啦!7. “I'm not a doctor, but I know a little something”,“我不是医生,但我略知一二”,这种直译多清晰呀!8. “You know... the world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move”,“你知道的……世界上有太多孤独的人害怕先走出第一步”,哇,直接的描述出了那种感觉。
1. "The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move."(世界上充满了孤独的人,他们害怕采取主动。
2. "The only love worth having is the love that you can give away."(值得拥有的唯一爱是你可以无私奉献的爱。
3. "You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity."(你永远不会通过暴力取得胜利,只有保持尊严才能赢得胜利。
4. "The world's full of it. People that have no place."(世界上充满了这样的人,他们没有自己的位置。
5. "If I'm not black enough and if I'm not white enough, then tellme, Tony, what am I?"(如果我既不够黑也不够白,那么托尼告诉我,我到底算什么?)这句话彰显了主人公与身份认同和社会角色之间的挣扎。
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绿皮书Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell. And I'm glad to be here. 纽约你好我是鲍比·莱德尔很高兴来到这里Thank you all for coming to see us tonight. It's Saturday night at the Copa! 感谢大家今晚的光临来到科帕的周六晚场We think you're gonna have a great time tonight. 希望大家今晚玩得尽兴We're gonna do our best to make sure of that. 我们会尽力给您带来美好的一晚As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell for having us out. 再次感谢朱尔斯·波戴尔先生给我们上台的机会Let's get started. 开始吧Hello sweetheart. 亲爱的你好Here is my coat. 大衣在这And you see this here hat? 然后这顶帽子I want you to guard it with your life. 你一定要好好保管- it was a gift from My mother. - Yes, Mr. Loscudo. - 是我母亲送给我的- 好的罗斯古德先生Yeah. That's for you. 好这你收下Thank you sir. 谢谢您Gio! 吉奥Hey Carmine!How are you pal? - Good to see you. - 卡迈恩怎么样啊- 见到你真好Oh thank you! That's unnecessary. 太谢谢了不必客气的Come on! Let's go. On the album. 不说了进去这张唱片啊I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago 鲍比·莱德尔这小子我两年半前in South Philly. Nobody knew who he was. 在南费城就听过了那时还没人知道他They know him now. 现在他可出名了Hey! 嘿Gimme Loscudo's hat. 罗斯古德的帽子给我- But he said to guard it... - I know, I heard. Give it to me. A'right? - 但他说了要好好…- 知道我听见了交给我好吧?Tony Lip! 托尼·利普You put your hands on me, you punk? 你也敢动我你个小瘪三Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends. 你别找麻烦了带上朋友回家吧You don't tell me where to go! Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there! 还轮不到你指挥我你知道我是谁吗我要进去You tell Julely Podell. If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down. You hear me?! 告诉朱利·波戴尔我要是找不到帽子就把这地方一把火烧了I swear to God it's gonna turn up. 会找到的我保证肯定会找到Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard I don't get my hat, I'll burn the Copa down! 是吗告诉那个死犹太肥佬帽子没了我就把科帕烧了I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks. 看来我要回去开垃圾车了Jesus Christ! 老天啊'scudo's out of his mind. 罗斯古德真是疯了We earned our money tonight. 我们今晚钱没白挣Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy. 利普我以为你要把那家伙打死了Yeah! 是啊Better him than me. 总好过挨揍So... What are you gonna do while we're closed? 那…停业期间你们什么打算?I don't know. Maybe go work at my uncle's pizza joint. 不知道可能去我舅舅的披萨店打工吧- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months. - 你呢? - 烂醉个两个月Take me home, Lip. 带我回家利普See you Carmine. 回见卡迈恩- No! You shouldn't. That should not happen. - I don't wanna be a... -不不应该这种事不应该- 我也不想做个…My hat! 我的帽子Heard it was missing, so I looked into it. 听说不见了我就调查了一下- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault. - 我都想要了那蠢女人的命- 不不不是她的错Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat? 什么人有胆偷吉奥的帽子啊?- Don't worry about it, I took care of him. - Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating. - 不用费心我已经搞定他了- 那就好最好揍得够狠Here. Take this. Put it in your kick. 来拿着就当是存点小钱No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo. 不必客气罗斯古德先生这是我的荣幸Bullshit! Take it. 别废话拿着And from now on, you don't call me Mr. Loscude, ya hear me? 从现在开始用不着叫我罗斯古德先生了明白吗I'm your pal Gio. 我是你的朋友吉奥Good morning. 早上好Good night! 晚安- Come on, Roger! Hit one out! - Johnny quiet! You're gonna jinx it. - 加油罗杰来个全垒打- 别吵强尼说出来就不灵了Hey Johnny, think you can yell a little louder? 喂强尼你也够吵了吧?- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now. - 罗杰马里斯上场了- 嗯我也起床了What the hell are you guys doing here? 你们怎么跑这来了?We came over to keep Dolores company. 我们是来陪德洛丽丝的Come on! 加油[意大利语] 你不要只顾睡觉让我女儿一个人{应付这些黑鬼明不明白啊?我也不知道会派什么工人来啊不知道会派黑鬼来这本应是意大利人的工作真耻辱Come on Roger! Please! 加油啊罗杰拜托- I'll walk you out. - Sure. - 我送你们出去- 好的We need to get back in this ball game. Come on! 我们得反超比分来一个啊Thank you so much! 谢谢你们We got it! We got it! Yeah! 有了有了全垒打Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby! 再来一个再来一个加油No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat. 别闹托尼去换衣服要开饭了Alright! 好样的No game seven. No game seven. 拿下这场别拖到第七场生死赛From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen. 感谢我主基督赐予我们丰盛食物阿门And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know. 如果听说有托尼能干的活就告诉我们- Dolor!Please. - what? - 德洛别提这个- 怎么- What happened? Did you get fired? - No. -怎么了?炒了你吗?- 不是No, The Copa's closing for repairs. So he just needs something for a couple months. 没有啦科帕要停业维修所以这几个月他需要一份短工大人物啊就知道买买买吧好了爸地板都发霉了确实得换啊All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time. 他人脉那么广肯定很快就能找到活的Oh. He had a great job at the sanitation department. 他之前在卫生部的工作就很好啊You shouldn't have punched out the foreman. 你不应该打领班的He shouldn't have woke me up. 他不应该吵我睡觉That's Tony. 这就是托尼I'm tellin' you, this is gonna be the easiest fifty 我保证这肯定会是你赚得最轻松的- bucks you ever gonna made. - Yeah we'll see. - 五十块- 看情况吧Hey! There they are. 嘿你俩来了Hi Johnny. 嗨强尼- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing? - 托尼- 你好保利怎么样?I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me you ate 挺好的挺好强尼跟我说你一次性forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting. 吃下过四十八个白城堡家的汉堡Cheeseburgers. 是芝士汉堡- You tell him Frankie. - I don't believe it. - 没错弗兰基- 我不信What do we care if you believe it? 你信不信关我什么事Hey Gorman. 戈尔曼- What's the record here for Hotdogs? - Eighteen. Fat Paulie.- 这里吃热狗的记录是多少个?- 十八个就是肥保利- Why wasn't Lip in on that contest? - What contest? I was hungry.- 怎么没让利普参加比赛?- 比赛?我饿了而已Bet's simple. Half a C-note. 赌注很简单五十块- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - with toppings. - 一小时内谁吃的热狗多谁就赢- 要加配料的What the hell you weigh? 你他妈多重啊?- Two sixty. - Aaaaay. Your left ass weighs Two sixty. - 一百一十八公斤- 放屁吧光是你左半边屁股就一百一十八公斤了May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'. 我要是撒谎我丈母娘就原地暴毙- Alright. You're on. - Good. - 好吧来- 好Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen! 提速啊利普那头小象都十九个了Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on. 加油利普快来啊You are embarrassing. You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you. 你简直丢人你儿子都没眼看了他要碾压你了- Hey Nicky. You doin' your homework? - Yep. - 尼基在做作业吗- 嗯Good. 那就好- Where have you been? - Gorman's. - 你去哪了?- 戈尔曼的馆子I'm making dinner! 我都做晚饭了Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks he could eat more hot dogs than me. 肥保利跟我赌五十块赌热狗谁吃得多He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal. 他吃了二十四个简直疯了Are you crazy? 你才疯了吧?You lost fifty dollars? 你输了五十块?Dolores. Please. 德洛丽丝拜托I ate twenty six. 我吃了二十六个You're so lucky. 你真是走运You know that? 知道吗Rent is due on Monday. 周一要交房租的You're gonna get that? 接一下啊Yeah? 喂Hey Lip. Some guy called over here, a doctor. He's looking for a driver. 嘿利普有个人打电话来是个医生他想找个司机- you interested? - Yeah. - 你感兴趣吗- 当然They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon. 他们明天下午面试The address is... 地址是…Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen. 第七大道八百八十一号两点一刻Hey! 嘿- Excuse me. - We're not open right now. But you're - 请问- 音乐厅还没开门但你可以welcome to purchase tickets to tonight's performance. 在外面买今晚演出的门票Nah. That's alright. 不是我是…I think I got the wrong address. But is there a doctor's office in here? 这地址可能错了这里有一位医生的办公室吗?A doctor's office? 医生办公室?Dr. Shirley? 谢利博士?You have the correct address. Dr. Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall. 哦地址没错谢利医生就在音乐厅楼上How you doing? 你们好I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip. 我是来面试司机职位的托尼·利普No Tony Lip. 名单上没有No I should be on there. 肯定有我No... Um... 呃…不是…唔- I have a Tony Val... Valle... - Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me. - 有一位托尼·瓦伦…瓦伦拉…- 瓦伦拉纳对就是我- Fill it out while you wait. - what? - 边等边填好- 啥?Fill it out while you wait. 填好表等着Have a seat. 请坐Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting. 瓦伦拉纳先生久等了抱歉I'm Dr. Donald Shirley. 我是唐纳德·谢利博士- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down. - 我是托尼- 好的请坐Some place you got in here. 你这真不错啊Them horns real? 那些角是真的吗?Elephant tusks. Yes. 象牙是的What about that? 那个呢?That a molar? 是个臼齿吗- a what? - a molar. - 什么? - 臼齿牙齿Like a Shark tooth? 鲨鱼牙吗Tiger's maybe. 或者老虎牙It was a gift. 是一个礼物I thought, I thought I was going to a office. 我以为是要来一个办公室面试They said a doctor needed a driver. 说一位医生需要司机That's all they told you? 就说了这么多吗?- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that. - 是啊- 其实比这个稍微复杂一些Have you ever driven professionally before? 你以前做过开车的工作吗?Sanitation. Garbage trucks. 卫生部开过垃圾车Plus I drive my boss home at night. But I can drive anything. 后来我每晚开车送老板回家我什么车都能开Limos, tow trucks. 加长轿车大拖车Snowplows, whatever. 铲雪车啥都行I see. What other experience do you have? 明白了你还有什么别的工作经验?均为60年代纽约著名歌舞厅{- in What capacity? - What Do you mean? - 什么样的工作?- 啥意思?- What Did you Do there? - Ah... - 你具体做了些什么?- 呃…Public relations. 公共关系Well, first of all, Tony, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician. 好吧先说明一下托尼我不是医生是一位音乐家- you mean like songs? - Yes. - 写歌的那种?- 没错I'm about to embark on a concert tour, the majority of which will be down South. 我即将上路巡演大部分目的地都在南部- Atlantic city? - No. - 新泽西州亚特兰大市?- 不The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest, but then we're taking a hard left. 南部腹地巡演从中西部开始然后一路南下Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and on down through the Delta. 肯塔基北卡田纳西一直到密西西比三角区Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man? 给黑人打工这事会让你困扰吗?No! 当然不会了No no. Just the other day me and the wife had 不会的前几天我和我太太a couple of colored guys over at the house. 还在家接待了几位黑人For drinks. 聚会喝酒Hmm. I see, you're married. 原来如此你有家室Yeah. Two kids. 嗯两个孩子I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man. 我不确定这活适合已婚男士Why, we bringing broads? 怎么带妞上路吗My point is, you'll be gone for eight straight 我是说一走就是整整八个星期weeks, no breaks, right up until Christmas. 没有休息一直到圣诞节前You're quite sure you can leave your family for that long? 你确定愿意离家这么久吗?Depends on what you're paying. 要看薪水如何了A hundred dollars a week, plus room and board. 每周一百美金食宿另包But let me be crystal clear... I'm not just hiring a chauffeur. 但我话说清楚我不只是请人做司机I need someone who can handle my itinerary. Be a personal assistant. I need a valet. 我需要对方打点我的行程做我的私人助手一位贴身男仆I need someone who can launder my clothes, shine my shoes... 需要给我洗衣服擦鞋子…Good luck, Doc. 那你找别人吧博士Tony. 托尼I had my record label ask around town to find me the right man. 我让唱片公司四处打听为我找合适的人选Your name came up more than once. 多次有人推荐你You've impressed several people with your... innate ability to handle trouble. 许多人都印象深刻因为你…靠谱的办事能力And that is why I called and inquired about your availability. 所以我才专门致电咨询你是否有空OK, here's the deal. I got no problem being on the road with you. 好吧我话说在前头跟着你一路跑这我没问题But I ain't no butler. 但我不是什么男仆I ain't ironing no shirts, and I'm not polishing nobody's shoes. 我可不会熨你的衬衫擦你的鞋子You need someone to get you from point A to point B? You need someone to make 开车载你去这去那没问题一路给你摆平麻烦sure there's no problems along the way... And believe me you in the deep South 确保不出什么意外没问题而且你到了南部there's gonna be problems. 肯定会有麻烦So if you want me, it's a buck and a quarter a week. 要想雇我就是每周一百二十五块Or go hire that little Chink that just 要么你就雇之前走出去那个pranced out of here, see how far you get. 黄种小瘦瘪吧看看能在南部走多远Well, Mr. Vallelonga. 好吧瓦伦拉纳先生Thank you for stopping by. 感谢你来面试Hey Bobby. 鲍比Give me a Rheingold. 来杯莱茵金啤Ice cold. 要冰的Mr Tony. 托尼先生Augie asking about you. 奥基在找你- Come on, I'm dying of thirst over here! - Shut up. I'm talking. - 快点啊我都快渴死了- 别吵我这说话呢- When? - now. - 啥时候?- 就刚刚He in his box. 他在他包厢里此为本片编剧编剧是指说这句话的人屏幕左边的胖子{What the hell happened at the Copa? 那晚在科帕他妈怎么回事?I heard you almost split a guy's face open. 听说你差点把人脸打烂了That guy you hit. Mikey Cerrone. 你打的那个人麦基·塞罗纳Part of Charlie the Hand's crew. 是查理“大手”的人Guess he shoulda known better. 谁叫他不懂规矩Hand asked me to look into it. 大手叫我查清楚I spoke to Podell. Whole thing was a... 我跟波戴尔谈过了那些人打起来是over a piece of ass, right? 为了个妞是吧?Yeah. 嗯Beef like that should never happen inside the club. They were out of line. 那种私人恩怨绝不应该在店里闹起来他们确实过分了So we squashed it. 所以我们摆平了You looking to earn a little extra scharole? 你想挣点外快吗I can keep you busy while the Copa's down. 科帕停业期间我有活给你干What I gotta do? 要做什么?Things... 做事Appreciate it, but I'm gonna spend some time with the family. 谢了但我准备陪陪家人Don't be stupid. You make yourself a few extra bucks, you buy 别犯傻赚点外快something nice for that pretty little wife of yours. 给你漂亮老婆买点好东西Nah, I'm good. I'm flush right now. 不用了我挺宽裕的Here's fifty. Pay me sixty by New Years, you get it back. 这里五十块元旦前付我六十就能赎回Hey Lip. Everything OK? 利普你还好吗?What? You got beak trouble Charlie? 怎么鼻子探这么远啊查理?Mind your business. 别多管闲事So come on. Dying to hear what happened with the doctor interview. 来来来快跟我说说那个医生的面试怎么样He ain't a real doctor, he's a piano player. 不是那种医生他是个弹钢琴的But I don't understand, why'd they say that he was a doctor? 我不懂了那他们干嘛说他是个医生?I don't know. I think he's like a doctor of piano-playing or something. 不清楚我觉得他可能是钢琴演奏方面的博士吧You can be that? 还有这种博士?I guess. He lives on top of Carnegie Hall. 是吧他都住在卡内基音乐厅楼上You shoulda seen this place, Dee. It was filled 你要是能看到就好了德洛with statues and all kinds of fancy crap. 全是各种雕像啊高档玩意And he was sitting on top of a friggin' throne all 他还坐在一个什么鬼王座上dressed up like the king of the jungle bunnies. 穿得像个黑兔之王似的He's colored? 他是黑人?- Then you wouldn't last a week with him. - For the right money, I would. - 那你跟着他肯定一个礼拜都干不满- 钱够多我就干Yeah. 喂Oh. 是你啊Look. Uh... 这个呃…Really? 你确定?OK. OK. Hold on a sec. 好吧好吧等一下It's Dr. Shirley. 是谢利博士The Piano guy, he wants to talk to you. 弹钢琴的那个家伙想跟你说话- Me? - Yeah. - 我?- 是啊What? No! 干嘛?我不要Come on. Take it. 好啦接吧Just talk. 随便聊就行Hello. 你好Good morning, Doctor, it's nice to talk to you. 早上好博士很高兴能跟你说话Yes, that is a long time... 这样啊确实是很长一段时间…It is. 是的Yes. I'm sure. 是当然了Thank you for calling... Bye now. 谢谢你打来再见What did he say? 他说了啥?He wanted to know if I'd be okay with him taking 他问我愿不愿意让自己丈夫my husband away from his family for two months. 离家两个月去跟着他He said he'd pay you what you asked for. 他说工资按你提的数目- Hey! - Uh huh? - 亲爱的- 嗯It's good money. 这钱不少We need it. 我们需要钱I can't be eatin' twenty six hotdogs every day. 我也没法每天都打赌吃二十六个热狗啊I know. 我知道I told him it was okay for you to go. 我跟他说我愿意放你走Alright. Hey look. Here's the first half of your pay. 好了拿着这是你全部工资的一半You're gonna get the rest when the tour's over. 剩下一半等巡演完成再给你- I gotta get paid every week. - Sorry, - 我应该每周拿钱啊- 抱歉that's not how the record company does it. 唱片公司有惯用的做法We gotta have some guarantee you're gonna finish the job. 这样我们才放心你会有始有终Why wouldn't I finish the job? I took it, didn't I? 我干嘛不做到最后?这活我不是接下了吗Well, then we got nothing to worry about. 那好啊我们都没什么好担心的了Here's the deal, Mr. Vallelonga. 话说清楚瓦伦拉纳先生OK, it's your job to get Don to all his tour 你的职责是确保唐能够准时dates on time. Now if he misses any shows, 到达所有巡演场次如果他错过任何一场- you're not getting your back-end. - He's not gonna miss any show. -剩下一半工资你就拿不到了- 不会错过的Good. Oh, you're gonna need this. 那就好对了你得拿着这个Now this is the book I was telling you about. Sometimes you 这就是我之前跟你说过的那本书guys are staying in the same hotel, sometimes you're not. 你们俩有时会住同一家酒店有时候不会- Oh yeah, the... - Yeah, don't let me down. Let's go. - 啊对…- 嗯别让我失望我们走- Madonne. is This the new one? - Yeah. the record company rented it. - 哎呦喂这是最新那款吗- 是啊唱片公司租的- Nice huh. - Beautiful. - 很赞吧- 美极了So what my sister have to say about you being gone for three weeks? 你一走就是三个星期我妹妹怎么想啊?Eight weeks. 是八个星期Ten-to-one, you slap this moolie out, you come home in under a month. 我赌你肯定会跟那黑佬打起来不到一个月就回家- Aight boys, huddle up. - Say goodbye to Your father. - 小子们过来- 去跟爸爸说再见Frankie, Nicky, come here. 弗兰基尼基过来- Aight, will you be Good boys? - Uh huh. - 你们会好好表现吗?- 嗯- Listen to Your mother? - Uh huh. - 乖乖听妈妈的?- 嗯Alright, give me a kiss. I'm counting on you on this. 好亲一个说话算话啊- Don't go too far. - We won't. - 别跑远了- 好- Did you go to the a-a-a for the maps? - Yes, No. I mean - 你去汽车协会拿好地图了吗- 嗯啊不是the record company gave me the maps and the itinerary and this thing. 唱片公司都给我备好了地图和行程表还有这个The Negro Motorist Green-Book? 黑人出行指南绿皮书?Yeah it lists all places coloreds can stay down south. Like, you know, 里面列举了南方所有愿意接待黑人的酒店专门给traveling while black. 旅行的黑人Traveling while black? 旅行的黑人?Yeah. If you're black and you gotta travel for some reason. 是啊如果黑人得出远门啥的They got a special book for that? 还有专门的书啊I guess. 是啊Did you pack the iron? 熨斗你带了吗?- I ain't lugging no iron, Dee. - How're you gonna press your pants? - 我才不带熨斗德洛- 那你的西裤怎么办?I'll put 'em under the mattress. 塞床垫下面压平呗I want you to write me a letter 你一有机会- every chance you get. - I can't write letters. - 就得给我写信- 我写不了信- Yes, you can. - I can't write. - 写得了的- 我写不来啊- Take you five minutes. Promise me. - It's embarrassing. - 也就五分钟的事你保证- 我会丢人的They ain't gonna be no good. 写不出什么好东西It's a lot cheaper than calling long distance, Tony. 写信比打长途电话便宜多了托尼Promise me you're gonna write. 你保证要给我写信I promise. 好吧Here... Put this in the bank today. 你等下去把这个存进银行It's half my pay. 我一半的工资Oh, here is a couple of sandwiches for you and Dr. Shirley. 对了给你和谢利博士带了几个三明治Thanks. 谢谢- be careful. - I will. - 路上小心- 我会的- I love you. - I love you too, baby. - 我爱你- 我也爱你宝贝You better be home for Christmas or don't come home at all! 圣诞节要是回不了家你就别回来了啊I got it pop. I got it. 知道了老爸知道了Hey! I'm Tony. 嘿我是托尼The driver. Bum a smoke? 司机蹭根烟?Thanks. 谢了So, you the band? 你们都是乐队的?Oleg. Cello. 奥列格大提琴George. Bass. 乔治低音提琴And we're not a band, we're a trio. 我们不是乐队是三重奏Oh, a trio? 哦三重奏Right. 这样啊- Good morning. - Good morning. - 早上好- 早上好Thank you, Amit. 谢谢你阿米特Have a wonderful trip, Sir. 先生祝你旅途愉快Tony, the first thing I'd like you to do, when we arrive in the city, 托尼我们到了市里以后你首先就要is check the piano where I'm playing, make sure it's a Steinway as per my contract. 检查钢琴是不是按合同上说的是施坦威钢琴And can you see to it that there is a bottle of Cutty Sark in my room 然后确保每晚都要有一瓶顺风威士忌every night. 送到我的房间Every night? 每晚?Well if you ever need any help with that... 如果你喝不完需要帮手的话…I won't. 不需要Ten-and-two on the wheel, please. 麻烦扶好方向盘Hey Doc. 嘿博士I noticed on the itinerary thing, 我看到在行程表上写着last show's on the 23rd December. 最后一场演出是在十二月二十三日- Right? - Birmingham, yes. It's a Christmas show. - 对吗?- 对是在伯明翰市的圣诞演出So, any way we could maybe hit the road early next 那第二天早上我们可以早点上路morning so we could be home in time for Christmas Eve? 赶回家过平安夜吗?We'll see. 到时再说吧Appreciate it. 谢了Could you put out the cigarette please? 可以把烟熄掉吗Why? 为什么I can't breath back here. 我透不过气了What are you talking about? Smoke's going into my lungs. I'm doing all the work here. 你胡说什么烟是吸进我的肺里我才是抽烟的人啊Thank you. 谢谢What are you looking at? 看什么看- you speak German, huh? - That was Russian. - 你还会德语啊- 是俄语Yeah, I was stationed in Germany in the army. 嗯我当兵时就驻扎在德国I could pick up a little bit of what you're saying there. 我能听懂一点点你说的话Watch out for them Krauts. 小心德国佬They're all snakes. 他们奸诈得很Kennedy shoulda bombed 'em when he had the chance. 肯尼迪早应该趁机把他们炸了Plus now them Cuban bastards. 况且现在还要对付那帮古巴混蛋Ain't they supposed to be following us? 他们不是应该跟着我们车吗They have the itinerary. As long as they get to the show 他们有行程表只要他们能按时到现场on time, I am not worried about it and neither should you. 我不会管那么多你也不必担心I ain't worried about nothing. 我一点儿也不担心Fact, when you see me worried, you'll know. 我要是担心了很明显的- You'll know if I'm worried. - Tony. How about some quite time? - 一眼就能看出来- 托尼我们安静一点好不好?Sure. 好It's amazing you said that. 你说这话真是太神奇了How about some quite time? 安静一点好不好Dolores, my wife, she used to say that all the time 德洛丽丝我老婆她也总是说这话well not all the time, but you know... 也没有总是比如吧She says it when I come off from work some time, 我收工回家以后她就会说you know, she's been with the kids all day. 因为她带了一整天孩子And she'll say, Tony... How about some quite time? 她会说托尼我们安静一点好不好?Exactly like how you said it. 和你刚才简直一模一样I mean it's amazing. 太神奇了How was that? 怎么样Salty. 咸得很Have you ever considered becoming a food critic? 你有没有考虑过当一个美食评论家?No... Not really. 没没有啊Why? Is there money in it? 怎么那行很赚钱吗?I'm just saying, you have a marvelous way with words when describing food. 我只是觉得你形容食物的时候实在是能说会道SALTY! 咸So vivid. One can almost taste it. 太生动了感觉简直自己也能尝到I'm just saying it's salty. 我意思就是它咸啊And salt's cheating. 咸就是作弊了Any cook can make things salty. But to make it taste 任何厨师都能把东西弄咸但是如果good without the salt, with just the other flavors 在不放盐的前提下做得好吃发挥其他的风味that's the trick. 那才算是厨艺We should really get going soon if we expect to get to Pittsburgh by dinner. 要是想在晚餐前赶到匹兹堡我们该动身了When I was in the army 我原来在军队的时候I knew a guy from Pittsburgh 认识一个从匹兹堡来的家伙except he called it Tits-burgh 他把它叫做“奶子堡”cuz he said all the women there have huge tits. 他说因为那里所有女人奶都很大That's absurd. 这太荒谬了Why would women in Pittsburgh have larger breasts than, say, women in New York? 匹兹堡女人的胸部怎么会比别的地方比如纽约的更大?Guess we'll find out, huh? 到了就知道了呗You know, when you first hired me 你决定雇我的时候my wife went out and bought one of your records, the one about the orphans. 我老婆去买了一张你的唱片关于孤儿的那张Orphans? 孤儿?Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire? 对封面是一群孩子围坐在篝火旁那个?Orpheus. 是俄耳甫斯Yeah. 哦俄耳甫斯希腊神话中阿波罗与缪斯之子传奇音乐家{And those weren't children on the cover. 封面上的那些也不是孩子Those were demons in the bowels of hell. 是地狱深处的恶魔No shit. Must have been naughty kids. 这样啊那肯定是特别不乖的孩子- What are you doing? - I gotta Take a leak. Doc. - 你停车干什么?- 去撒尿博士- here? Now? - you want me to piss My pants? - 就在这撒?- 不然你想让我尿裤子吗- Oh Hey Doc. - Good afternoon. - 嘿博士- 下午好Take this for any incidentals we may need. 拿着这些备用If you want to buy something, you don't have to ask, just keep the receipts please. 如果你想买点什么不用问我留好小票就行When it runs low let me know. 快花完了就跟我说Oh, thanks. 哦谢了One more thing. 还有一件事We will be attending many events before and after the concerts, 我们在音乐会前后要参加很多社交活动interacting with some of the wealthiest and most highly-educated people in the country. 与这个国家里最富有文化涵养最高的一些人互动It is my feeling that your diction 我感觉你的措辞however charming it may be in the tri-state area, could use some... 无论在纽约周边三州地区多么地道迷人现在也该…finessing. 改一改You mean diction, like in what way? 你说我的措辞是什么意思?Like in the only way the word is ever used. 就是措辞这个词唯一的意思Okay. 好吧Your intonation, inflection, your choice of words. 你的语调词形语法你的用词I got my own problems, now I gotta worry about 我要操心的已经够多了现在难道还得担心what people think about the way I talk? 别人怎么看我说话的方式吗?There are simple techniques I can teach you that are quite effective. I can help you. 我可以教你几个简单又有效的技巧我可以帮你I don't need no goddamn help. 我才不要什么鬼帮助People don't like the way I talk, they can go take a shit. 要是不喜欢我讲话那他们就滚远点- the profanity is another issue. - a fanabla, Why you breaking My balls? - 脏话又是一个问题- 妈啊你干嘛这么针对我?。