
经贸英语试题及答案一、单选题(每题1分,共10分)1. The term "FOB" stands for:A. Free On BoardB. For OrderC. Forwarding OrderD. Full Overload2. In international trade, the most commonly used currency is:A. USDB. EURC. GBPD. JPY3. Which of the following is NOT a function of a letter of credit?A. Payment guaranteeB. Risk mitigationC. Currency conversionD. Settlement of trade disputes4. The "CIF" term in international trade means:A. Cost, Insurance, and FreightB. Cost, Insurance, and Freight paid toC. Cost, Insurance, and Freight to be paidD. Cost, Insurance, and Freight payable5. The abbreviation "BOP" refers to:A. Balance of PaymentsB. Business Operating PlanC. Bureau of PersonnelD. Board of Professionals6. The "T/T" payment method stands for:A. Telegraphic TransferB. Trade TransferC. Total TransferD. Time Transfer7. Which of the following is a non-tariff barrier to trade?A. Import quotaB. Customs dutyC. SubsidyD. Trade embargo8. The term "GATT" is associated with:A. General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeB. Global Alliance for Trade and TechnologyC. Global Association of Trade and TransportD. Global Agreement on Trade Terms9. The "D/P" term in trade documents refers to:A. Documents against PaymentB. Documents against PresentationC. Documents against PerformanceD. Documents against Promise10. The "L/C" is commonly understood to mean:A. Letter of CreditB. Letter of ComplaintC. Letter of ConfirmationD. Letter of Commitment答案:1-5 A A D A A6-10 A D A A A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The abbreviation "GDP" stands for ________, which is a measure of the economic performance of a country.2. In international trade, the term "EXW" means ________, indicating that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer's premises.3. A "proforma invoice" is a ________ document that outlines the details of a transaction but is not a legally binding contract.4. The "BOP" consists of two parts: the current account and the ________ account.5. The term "DAP" stands for Delivered At Place, which means the seller has fulfilled their obligations once the goods are ________ at the agreed place.6. The "UNCTAD" is an abbreviation for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which focuses on promoting ________ and development.7. The "FCA" term in Incoterms means Free Carrier, where the risk of loss or damage to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer when the goods are ________ to the carrier.8. The "H.S. Code" refers to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, which is used for ________ purposes.9. The "CFR" term stands for Cost and Freight, where the seller pays for the cost and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of ________.10. The "TIR" system is an international customs transit system for road transport, which facilitates the movement of goods under cover of a single, internationally recognized________.答案:1. Gross Domestic Product2. Ex Works3. preliminary or non-contractual4. capital5. ready and available6. trade7. handed over8. customs classification9. destination10. customs guarantee三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. What are the main differences between a documentary collection and a documentary credit?2. Explain the concept of "Most Favored Nation" (MFN) in international trade.3. What are the key components of a sales contract in international trade?4. Describe the role of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in the context of international trade.答案:1. A documentary collection is a method of payment where the bank acts as an intermediary to collect payment on behalf of the seller. A documentary credit, on the other hand, is a commitment by a bank at the request of the buyer to pay a specified amount to the seller under specific terms and conditions.2. The Most Favored Nation (MFN) treatment is a principle in international trade where a country grants another country the。

国际贸易英⽂习题(含答案)国际经济学模拟习题(3)⼀、True or F al se (10*1’=10’)1. Trad e i s a zero-su m activi t y; i f one country gain s, the oth er must lose.2. A nation maxi mi zes satisfaction b y reachin g th e highest possibl e indi fference curve, and inthe absence o f t rad e will p roduce where it s productio n possibili ties sch edule is tangent to an indifference curve.3. Th e factor endo wment s mod el predict s th at int ernational trad e will t end to equali ze theprices o f trade-abl e good s amon g nations, but to in crease the wage gap b et weencapit al-abundant and labo r-abundant nations.4. A tax o f 10 percent on i mport s o f sho es would be an exampl e o f a sp eci fi c tari ff.5. An i mport quot a wi ll not rai se the do mesti c pri ce o f the produ ct as would a t ari ff, becau seit is not a t ax on i mport s.6. In bal anc e-o f-payment s account, a t ran saction resultin g in receipt o f a p ayment is recordedas a credit, wh ereas a tran saction resul ting in a p ayment to other n ations is recorded as adebit.7. Becau se they do not in clude an exchan ge o f goods or servi ces, unil at er al transfers do notappear on a n ation's b al ance o f payment s account.8. David Hu me was one of th e fi rst econo mi sts to provide an al yti cal support fo r mercan tili sttrad e polici es.9. A nat ion would be mo st li kel y to find it s trad e balan ce i mp rovin g aft er a curren cydepreci ation i f th at nation’s d emand fo r i mport s and forei gn d emand fo r i ts expo rts was ver y inelasti c.10. A nation with n eith er a bal ance o f p ayment s surplus nor a bal ance o f p ayments defici t i s saidto be in int ernal bal ance.⼆、choi ces(15*3’=45’)1. The law o f co mp arati ve advant agea). was rati fied b y th e Wo rld Trad e Organizationb). explains ho w all countries can ben efit when each specializes in producin g it ems in wh ich i t hasthe great est relati ve effi ci encyc). explain s ho w onl y the mo st effi ci ent nations can benefi t fro m traded). is used to evalu at e a country’s mi lit ary stren gth2. The theory o f absolut e advant age was developed b ya. the Mercantili stsb. David Hu mec. Ad am S mithd. David Ricardo3. David Ricardo developed the pr inciple o f co mparative advantage sho win g th ata. a nation must b e th e least-cost produ cer o f a good in order to export th at it emb. no nation could have an absolut e ad vantage in all goodsc. in a t wo-country exampl e, onl y one nation can have a co mp arati v e ad vantaged. even a nat ion that has lower producti vit y in all goo ds can ben efi t b y export ing the it em in which it is rel ati vel y l ess inefficient4. An indi fferen ce curvea. sho ws th at most p eople reall y are indifferent abou t intern ational tradeb. sho ws th e demand preferences o f con su mersc. refl ects th e rel ati ve co sts o f product ion within a n ationd. indicat es ho w mu ch l ab or a country h as5. To maxi mize it s sati sfaction, a nation will ensure that it s t erms-o f-trad e lin ea. is tan gent to its produ ct ion possibiliti es fronti er at one point (production po int) and also to th e highest att ainabl e indi fference cu rve at another poin t (consu mption point)b. is t angent to it s product ion possibilit ies fronti er and intersects an indi fferen ce curvec. int ersects its p roduction possibili ties frontier and is t angent to an indi fferen ce curved. intersect s it s productio n possibilit ies fronti er at one point and an indi fference curve at another point6. Facto r-p rice equali zatio n predicts th at with int ern ational trad ea. the price o f a n ation’s abundant factor will rise an d that o f it s scarce factor will fallb. the pri ce o f a n ation’s abundant factor will fall an d that o f it s scarce factor will risec. the prices o f a nation’s abundant and scarce factors both will rised. the pri ces o f a nat ion’s abundant and scarce factors both will fall7. The effecti ve rat e o f p rotect iona. distingui shes bet ween t ari ffs th at are effecti ve an d those th at are ineffecti veb. is the mini mu m level at which a t ari ff b eco mes effecti v e in li mitin g i mportsc. sho ws th e increase in value-added for do mestic production that a parti cular tari ff st ructure makes po ssibl e, in p ercent age t ermsd. sho ws ho w effecti ve a t ari ff is in rai sin g revenu e8. The institut ional frame wo rk developed in 1947 to pro mote trade lib erali zati on is kno wn asa. the GATTb. the WTOc. the IMFd. The World Ban k9. Developing n ationsa. have very li mited invol vement in int ern ational tradeb. trad e mo stl y with each otherc. rel y heavil y on export s of pri mary pr oducts to ind ustri al nationsd. rel y h eavil y on exports of manu factured product s10. A custo ms union i s uni que in that ita. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ationsb. has no t ari ffs on trade among memb er n ations and a co mmon set o f t ari ffs on i mpo rt s fro mnon-membersc. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ations, a co mmon set o f tari ffs on i mports fro mnon-members, and free mo bilit y o f factors o f product ion such as labor and capit al amon g membersd. allo ws unrest ricted l abo r i mmi gration fro m non-memb er n ations11. A n ation's b al ance o f p ayments st at ementa. is a record o f th at n atio n's assets abro ad and it s li abiliti es to those fro m oth er nationsb. is an accounting adjust ment pro cess en surin g that a nation's exports will be equal to its i mpor tsc. does not includ e transactions o f forei gn citi zen s o r co mp ani es l iving o r operatin g wi thin thatnation d. i s a record of th e econo mic t ran sactio ns bet ween resid ents o f th at nation and the rest o f th e world, usual l y for a p eriod o f one year.12. Since b alan ce-o f-p ayments accountin g is a doubl e-entry accounting syst em, an export o f U.S.wh eat to M exico p aid for b y a d eposit to the U.S. exporters account in a M exican ban k would b e recorded on the U.S. b al ance o f payment s asa. a credit fo r merch andi se exports and a credit to sh ort-term finan ci al flo wsb. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to sh ort-term finan ci al flo ws.c. a credit fo r merch andise exports and a d ebit to uni lat eral transfersd. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to o ffi ci al set tlements13. The fo rei gn-exchan ge marketa. is locat ed in New Yorkb. is a market in Chi cago for the int ern ational trading o f co mmoditi es such as wh eat or copper.c. is a mechani sm fo r individual s and insti tutions to exch ange one nation al or regional cu rren cy o rdebt inst ru ment for those of oth er n ations or region s.d. is open fro m 9:00 a.m. t o 3:00 p.m. New Yo rk ti me, Monday throu gh Frid ay.14. Market fund ament als t hat mi ght be exp ected to i nflu ence exchan ge rat e mo vements in clude all o fthe follo wing factors excepta. di fferences in real in co me gro wth rat es b et ween countriesb. differences in real interest rates bet ween countriesc. sp ecul ati ve opinion abo ut futu re exch ange rat esd. chan ges in p ercei ved profit abili t y o f econo mi c in ve st ment s b et ween t wo countries15. If in fl ation is high er i n Mexico th an in the Unit ed States, th e law o f on e price would predict thata. t rad e bet ween M exi co and th e Unit ed States would declin eb. the dollar pri ce o f au tos purchased in Mexi co would be hi gher th an the dollar pri ce ofco mp arable autos purchased in the Unit ed Statesc. the p eso would appreci ate relati ve to th e dollar b y an amount equal in p ercen tage t erms to thedifference bet ween th e t wo infl ation rat esd. the peso would depreci ate rel at ive to the dollar b y an amount equal in percen tage t erms to thedifference bet ween th e t wo infl ation rat es三、Questi ons(45’, answer these questi ons i n Chi nese)1. Assu me that l abor i s th e onl y factor used in production, and that the cost s o f producing b utt er and cloth are gi ven b y the t abl e belo w.(8’)Cost in labor-hours to produce Home Foreign1 unit of butter 1/8 11 unit of cloth 1/4 1/2(1) Express the pri ce o f bu tter rel ati ve to th e pri ce o f cloth in t erms o f l abor content for Ho me and Forei gn in the ab sen ce o f t rade.(2) Wh at do these relati ve prices reveal about each country’s co mparati ve advantage?(3) Wh at do these rel ati ve prices su ggest about the wo rld pri ce o f butt er rel at ive to cloth th at wi ll exist on ce these countri es trad e wi th each oth er?(4) If the world price st abilizes at 1 wi th trad e, what are the gain s b y the Ho me country achieved through trade with th e Forei gn country?2. Expl ain th e i mmi seri zi ng gro wth and li st the case for i mmiserizin g gro wth to be occur. (8’)3. Expl ain the ex chan ge rate o vershootin g theory (8’)4. Suppose that the no min al interest rate on 3-month Treasury bill s is 8 percent in the United Stat esand 6 percent in th e Unit ed Kingdo m, and the rat e o f infl ation i s 10 percent in the Unit ed Stat es and 4 percent in th e Unit ed Kingdo m.(9’)(1) Wh at i s the real interest rat e in each nation?(2) In whi ch direction wou ld intern ational invest men t flo w in response to these real int erest rates?(3) Wh at i mpact would these in vest ment flo ws h ave on the dollar’s exch ange value?5. Wh at effects do es labor mi gration have on th e country o f i mmi gration? Th e country o f emi gration?Th e world as a whole?(12’)国际经济学模拟习题(3)参考答案⼀、判断题(每题1分,共10分)╳√ ╳╳╳√ ╳╳╳╳⼆、选择题(每题3分,共45分)bcdba acacb dbccd三、简答题(共45分)1、(1) 封闭条件下,本国可以⽤⼀半的⽣产⼀单位布的劳动时间⽣产⼀单位黄油。

题型:1.选择题20*1ˊ=20分2.简答题4*5ˊ=20分3.翻译英译汉——3*10’=30分汉译英——5*3ˊ=15分4. 问答15ˊUnit1一.选择题(二). 即从所给短语中选择恰当的短语填入括号Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the box.depend upon be defined as put an end tobe justified by engage in be determined by be dominated by specialize in because of in terms of1 . international trade ()between two or more partners from different countries.2 . Traditionally, international trade()in economics ()comparative advantage theory.3 . No nation can meet all of its people’s needs, and every nation()some trade with other nations.4 . The nations are not willing to allow their international economic relations only ()market forces.5 . The theory of comparative costs suggested that countries will()producing goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage.6 . International economics is growing in importance as a field of study()the rapid integration of international economic markets.7 . Mercantilism is the economic theory that a nation’s prosperity ()its supply of gold and silver, that the total volume of trade is unchangeable.8 . Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand and liberal theory of economics gradually ()the dominance of mercantilism.9 . International trade continues to ()the advanced industrialized countries.10.()physical volume, world trade has grown faster than world production of commodities.二.翻译题(一)汉译英. Translate the following sentences into English with the phrases given.1 . 通过国际贸易, 可以使消费者和贸易国获取本国没有的商品和服务。

2023年自考专业(国贸)《国际商务英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】We take the liberty____writing to you with a hope to get your best offers for Chinese bicycles.A.toB. inC.ofD.with2.【单选题】The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _______ color TV sets.A.aboutB. forC.ofD.as3.【单选题】Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit ______ you.A.getsesC.arrivesD. reaches4.【单选题】We agree to the amendments to the contract _____requested in your letter of May5.A.asB.likeC. to beD. when5.【单选题】Our bank offers minimum interest ______ for seller financing and for loans of cash.A.levelsB.ratesC.basesD.percentage6.【单选题】We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking____the safe arrival of all your orders in the future.A.insureB. assureC.sureD.ensure7.【单选题】On receipt of your instruction, we shall carry out this order ______.A.in returnB.without least delayC.with least delayD.without delays8.【单选题】The importer will go to the wharf and____delivery of the goods.A.makeB.effectC.fulfillD.take9.【单选题】After unpacking the case we found the goods did not____with the original sample.pareB. matchC.agreeD.measure10.【单选题】____shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment.A.RegardingB.CoveringC.ConcerningD. Referring11.【单选题】We cannot accept any fresh orders _______ heavy commitments.A.due toB.owing toC.becauseD.on account of12.【单选题】Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you____trans-shipment at Hong Kong.A.may acceptB.acceptC.must acceptD. can accept13.【单选题】Many international companies produce a large number of products, often divided into product________.A.categoriesB.mixC.brandsD.lines14.【单选题】We would like to take this ______ to establish business relations with you.A.openingB.opportunityC. stepD.advantage15.【单选题】We have received your enquiry of October 15_____we learn that you are interested in our Sewing Machines.A.from whichB.in whichC. whichD.at which16.【单选题】______our catalogues for your reference.A.EnclosingB. Please find encloseC.Enclosed please findD.Enclosure17.【单选题】No discount will be allowed ____ you could place an order for more than 5,000pcs.A.untilB. exceptC.besidesD.unless18.【单选题】The credit of letter will be confirmed by the Bank of China, Shanghai, that will _______your draft on the documents at sight for the amount of your invoice.A. acceptB.pay forC. receiveD.obtain19.【单选题】To comply with your request, we are quoting you _____.A.as followingB.as followC. as followsD.follow20.【单选题】As we are ____ the market for Table cloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation。

国际经济与贸易全英试题国际经济与贸易期末考(全英)时间:2⼩时班级学号姓名成绩I.Please explain the following definitions.( 3 for each, totally 15 )1. Stolper-Samuelson theorem2. internal economies3. effective tariff rate4. trade creation5.The law of comparative advantage:II. Drawing Figures without explanations. ( 5 for each, totally 20 )1.(5)The Effects of an Import Quota under Monopolist Conditions2. (5)Rybczynshi theorem3. (5)Different Tastes as a Basis For Trade(即需求偏好不同所导致的国际贸易)4.(5)D umpingIII.Briefly answering the follow question.(10 for each, totally 20. )1. (10) The concept and conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.2. (10) Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.IV.Calculation.( totally 15 )1. ( 5 ) Assumption : US is a large country in importing steel. There is same elastisity both importing demand curve and exporting supply curve.(进⼝需求曲线和出⼝供给曲线的弹性相同)。

Which of the following is NOT true regarding international capital markets? Currency fluctuations can cause the value of assets in the market to become unstable. Many countries regulate foreign investment. The value of assets traded in the market has fallen since the debt crisis of 1982.
Nations may be able to default on their debt.
Chapter 2: World Trade: An Overview
In 2003, the US had the largest total amount of imports from and exports to Germany. Canada. Mexico. the United Kingdom. China.
A system of floating exchange rates has currencies whose values
高二英语国 际贸易单选题40题

高二英语国际贸易单选题40题1.International trade mainly involves the exchange of goods and services between different _____.A.countriesB.citiesC.townsD.villages答案:A。
2.One of the important factors in international trade is _____.A.priceB.quantityC.qualityD.color答案:C。
3.International trade can bring many benefits, such as _____.A.increased productionB.lower pricesC.better quality productsD.all of the above答案:D。
4.The term “tariff” in international trade refers to _____.A.a tax on imports or exportsB.a subsidy for exportsC.a bonus for importsD.a discount on exports答案:A。
补贴出口是subsidy for exports;进口奖金不是一个常见的国际贸易术语;出口折扣是discount on exports。

国际贸易实务英文版考试题及答案1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)1.1. Which of the following is not a term of Incoterms 2020?a) EXWb) DAPc) FOBd) CNFAnswer: d) CNF1.2. What does the acronym "CIF" stand for in international trade?a) Cost, Insurance, Freightb) Cost, Insurance, and Freightc) Cost, Insurance, and Freightd) Cost, Insurance, FreightAnswer: a) Cost, Insurance, Freight2. True or False Questions2.1. The Incoterms are a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in international trade.Answer: True2.2. Letters of credit are always issued by the buyer to the seller in international trade.Answer: False (Letters of credit are issued by a bank on behalf of the buyer.)3. Short Answer Questions3.1. Define the term "FOB" in international trade.Answer: FOB stands for "Free On Board," which meansthat the seller fulfills their obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship's rail at the named port of shipment.3.2. What is the role of a freight forwarder ininternational trade?Answer: A freight forwarder is responsible for organizing the transportation of goods from the point oforigin to the point of destination. They handle the logistics, documentation, and coordination of the shipment.4. Case Study Questions4.1. A company in China exports goods to a buyer in the United States. The contract terms are CIF New York. What are the responsibilities of the seller and the buyer under these terms?Answer: Under CIF terms, the seller is responsible for paying the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight to the port of destination (New York). The buyer is responsible for paying for the goods upon arrival and for any additionalcosts incurred after the goods have been delivered to the carrier.4.2. A buyer in Germany has ordered goods from a supplierin India with the payment term being a documentary collection. What documents will the buyer receive and what are the risks involved for both parties?Answer: The buyer will receive the shipping documents against payment or acceptance. The risks for the sellerinclude non-payment if the buyer refuses to pay or accept the documents. The risks for the buyer include receiving goodsthat do not match the description or are damaged, as they do not have control over the goods until they pay or accept the documents.5. Essay Questions5.1. Discuss the importance of understanding Incoterms in international trade.Answer: Understanding Incoterms is crucial in international trade as they define the responsibilities ofthe seller and the buyer regarding the costs and risks associated with the delivery of goods. This clarity helps in avoiding disputes and ensures that both parties are aware of their obligations, which can lead to smoother transactionsand reduced legal complications.5.2. Explain the role of a letter of credit infacilitating international trade.Answer: A letter of credit is a financial instrument used in international trade to ensure that payment is made to the seller under specific conditions. It provides a guarantee from a bank that the seller will receive payment as long asthe terms of the letter of credit are met. This reduces therisk for both parties, as it ensures that the seller will receive payment and the buyer will receive the goods as agreed upon in the contract.。

国际贸易试题含答案Question 1:What is international trade and why is it important for countries?Answer:International trade refers to the exchange of goods, services, and capital between different countries. It is an essential aspect of globalization and plays a crucial role in the economic development of countries. International trade allows countries to specialize in producing goods and services that they have a comparative advantage in, and to import goods and services that are produced more efficiently by other countries. This leads to increased efficiency, higher economic growth, and improved living standards.Question 2:What are the different types of trade barriers?Answer:Trade barriers are obstacles that can restrict or limit the flow of goods and services between countries. They can be categorized into two main types: tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.Tariff barriers include import taxes or duties imposed on imported goods, making them more expensive and less competitive compared to domestically produced goods. Tariffs can be specific (fixed amount per unit) or ad valorem (percentage of the value).Non-tariff barriers include quotas, which limit the quantity of goods that can be imported, and subsidies, which provide financial support to domestic industries, making them more competitive. Other non-tariff barriers include technical standards and regulations, licensing requirements, and government procurement policies.Question 3:What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade?Answer:Advantages of free trade include:1. Increased economic efficiency: Free trade allows countries to specialize in producing goods and services that they have a comparative advantage in, leading to increased efficiency and higher economic output.2. Consumer benefits: Free trade provides consumers with a wider variety of goods and services at lower prices, as it encourages competition and reduces monopolistic practices.3. Economic growth: Free trade stimulates economic growth by promoting investment, innovation, and job creation.Disadvantages of free trade include:1. Job displacement: In certain industries, free trade can lead to job losses as domestic companies face competition from imported goods. However, proponents argue that the overall benefits outweigh these localized disadvantages.2. Economic dependence: Over-reliance on imported goods can make a country vulnerable to supply disruptions or price fluctuations in the global market.3. Unequal distribution of wealth: Free trade may contribute to income inequality within a country if the benefits are not distributed equitably.Question 4:What are the main objectives of international trade organizations?Answer:International trade organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), have several main objectives:1. Facilitating trade: International trade organizations aim to reduce trade barriers, simplify customs procedures, and promote the smooth flow of goods and services across borders.2. Ensuring fair trade: These organizations work to establish rules and regulations that can prevent unfair trade practices, such as dumping (selling goods below production cost) and subsidies that distort international trade.3. Resolving trade disputes: International trade organizations provide a platform for member countries to resolve trade disputes through negotiations and legal mechanisms.4. Promoting economic development: By facilitating trade and reducing trade barriers, international trade organizations contribute to the economic development of member countries, particularly those with limited resources or small economies.Question 5:How does international trade impact the environment?Answer:International trade can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment:1. Positive impacts: International trade can encourage the adoption of cleaner technologies and production processes through the transfer of knowledge and innovation across borders. It can also facilitate the conservation of resources through specialization, as countries can focus on producing goods and services that require fewer inputs.2. Negative impacts: Increased international trade can lead to a surge in transportation activities, which contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, some industries may exploit natural resources without adequate environmental regulations in place, leading to environmental degradation.To mitigate the negative environmental impacts of international trade, it is essential to promote sustainable trade practices and implement robust environmental regulations and standards.In conclusion, international trade is an integral part of the global economy and plays a vital role in the economic development of countries. It is important to understand the various aspects of international trade, including trade barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of free trade, the objectives of international trade organizations, and the impact of trade on theenvironment. By fostering fair and sustainable trade practices, countries can reap the benefits of international trade while minimizing its negative effects.。

国贸英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common mode of payment in international trade?A. Cash on deliveryB. Letter of CreditC. ConsignmentD. Open account2. The term "FOB" in international trade stands for:A. Free on BoardB. Freight on BoardC. Free of ChargeD. Full Container Load3. Which of the following is not a type of international trade agreement?A. Bilateral agreementB. Multilateral agreementC. Unilateral agreementD. All of the above are types of agreements4. What does the abbreviation "CIF" represent in trade terms?A. Cost, Insurance, FreightB. Cost, Insurance, and FreightC. Cost, Insurance, FreeD. Cost, Insurance, and Free5. The process of negotiating the terms of a trade deal is known as:A. Trade negotiationB. Trade arbitrationC. Trade mediationD. Trade settlement6. Which of the following is a risk associated with international trade?A. Currency fluctuationB. Market saturationC. Product obsolescenceD. All of the above7. The term "Tariff" refers to:A. A tax on imported or exported goodsB. A list of goods for tradeC. A method of paymentD. A trade agreement8. What is the primary purpose of a Letter of Credit (L/C)?A. To guarantee payment to the sellerB. To provide insurance for the goodsC. To facilitate the shipment of goodsD. To negotiate trade terms9. The "Incoterms" are a set of international commercial terms that:A. Define the responsibilities of exporters and importersB. Determine the value of goodsC. Set the prices of goodsD. Regulate the quality of goods10. Which of the following is not a form of international trade finance?A. FactoringB. ForfaitingC. HedgingD. All of the above are forms of trade finance答案:1. B2. A3. C4. A5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A 10. C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The term "EXW" in international trade means the buyer takes over the goods at the seller's ________.2. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is responsible for publishing the ________.3. When a country imposes a high tariff on imported goods, it is known as a ________.4. The payment term "D/P" stands for "Documents against________."5. A "countertrade" involves a transaction where goods are exchanged for other goods or services, rather than for________.6. The risk of non-payment by the buyer is typically covered by ________.7. The "CPT" term in Incoterms means "Carriage Paid To," where the seller pays for the transport of goods up to the________.8. The "DDP" term in Incoterms stands for "Delivered Duty Paid," which means the seller is responsible for all costsand risks until the goods are delivered to the ________.9. The "FCA" term in Incoterms stands for "Free Carrier," where the risk is transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the ________.10. A "forward contract" is a financial instrument used to hedge against the risk of ________.答案:1. premises2. Incoterms3. protectionism4. Payment5. cash6. credit insurance7. destination8. buyer's premises9. carrier 10. currency fluctuation三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between "CIF" and "CIP" in international trade terms.2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using aLetter of Credit in international trade?3. Describe the process of a typical international trade transaction from the seller's perspective.4. What is meant by "trade finance" and why is it importantin international trade?答案:1. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) is a term where the seller covers the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight to the port of destination. CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to) is similar but only requires the seller to pay for the carriage and insurance to the destination, not the full freight cost.2. Advantages of using a。

PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分, 答错不扣分1.I.perfec.market.existed.resource.woul.b.mor.mobil.an.coul.therefor.b.transferre.t.thos.countrie.mor.willin.t.pa..hig.pric.fo.them.. .. .2.Th.forwar.contrac.ca.hedg.futur.receivable.o.payable.i.foreig.currencie.t.insulat.th.fir.agains.exchang.rat.risk ... . )3.Th.primar.objectiv.o.th.multinationa.corporatio.i.stil.th.sam.primar.objectiv.o.an.firm.i.e..t.maximiz.sharehol de.wealth.. .. )4..lo.inflatio.rat.tend.t.increas.import.an.decreas.exports.thereb.decreasin.th.curren.accoun.deficit.othe.thing.e qual......5..capita.accoun.defici.reflect..ne.sal.o.th.hom.currenc.i.exchang.fo.othe.currencies.Thi.place.upwar.pressur.o.tha.hom.currency’.value.. .. )parativ.advantag.implie.tha.countrie.shoul.specializ.i.production.thereb.relyin.o.othe.countrie .fo.som.products.. .. .7.Covere.interes.arbitrag.i.plausibl.whe.th.forwar.premiu.reflec.th.interes.rat.differentia.betwee.tw.countrie.sp ecifie.b.th.interes.rat.parit.formula. .. . )8.Th.tota.impac.o.transactio.exposur.i.o.th.overal.valu.o.th.firm.. .. .9. .pu.optio.i.a.optio.t.sell-b.th.buye.o.th.option-.state.numbe.o.unit.o.th.underlyin.instrumen.a..specifie.pric.pe.uni.durin..specifie.period... . )10.Future.mus.b.marked-to-market.Option.ar.not.....)PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分, 答错不扣分1.I.inflatio.i..foreig.countr.differ.fro.inflatio.i.th.hom.country.th.exchang.rat.wil.adjus.t.maintai.equal.. purchasin.powe... )2.Speculator.wh.expec..currenc.t..appreciat..... .coul.purchas.currenc.future.contract.fo.tha.currency.3.Covere.interes.arbitrag.involve.th.short-ter.investmen.i..foreig.currenc.tha.i.covere.b.....forwar.contrac...... .t. sel.tha.currenc.whe.th.investmen.matures.4.. Appreciation.Revalu....)petitio.i.increased.5.....PP... .suggest..relationshi.betwee.th.inflatio.differentia.o.tw.countrie.an.th.percentag.chang.i.th.spo.exchang.ra t.ove.time.6.IF.i.base.o.nomina.interes.rat....differential....).whic.ar.influence.b.expecte.inflation.7.Transactio.exposur.i..subse.o.economi.exposure.Economi.exposur.include.an.for.b.whic.th.firm’... valu... .wil.b.affected.modit.a..state.pric.i..... pu..optio..i.exercised9.Ther.ar.thre.type.o.long-ter.internationa.bonds.The.ar.Globa.bond. .. eurobond.....an....foreig.bond...).10.An.goo.secondar.marke.fo.financ.instrument.mus.hav.a.efficien.clearin.system.Mos.Eurobond.ar.cleare.thr oug.eithe...Euroclea... ..o.Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分rmation:A BankB BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800rmation.i.locationa.arbitrag.possible?put.t h.profi.fro.thi.arbitrag.i.yo.ha.$1,000,e.(5%)ANSWER:Yes! One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802. With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank. These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500.2.Assum.tha.th.spo.exchang.rat.o.th.Britis.poun.i.$1.90..Ho.wil.thi.spo.rat.adjus.i.tw.year.i.th.Unite.Kingdo.experience.a.inflatio.rat.o..percen.pe.yea.whil.th.Unite.State.experience.a.inflatio.rat.o..perc en. pe.year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforth.exchang.rat.o.th.poun.wil.depreciat.b.4..percent.Therefore.th.spo.rat.woul.adjus.t.$1.9..[..(–.047)..$1.81073.Assum.tha.th.spo.exchang.rat.o.th.Singapor.dolla.i.$0.70..Th.one-yea.interes.rat.i.1.percen.i.th.Unite.State.a n..percen.i.Singapore..Wha.wil.th.spo.rat.b.i.on.yea.accordin.t.th.IFE?.(5%)ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284.Assum.tha.XY.Co.ha.ne.receivable.o.100,00.Singapor.dollar.i.9.days..Th.spo.rat.o.th.S.i.$0.50.an.th.Singap or.interes.rat.i.2.ove.9.days..Sugges.ho.th.U.S.fir.coul.implemen..mone.marke.hedge..B.precis. .(10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan. This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested. The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.pan.ordere..Jagua.sedan.I..month..i.wil.pa.£30,00.fo.th.car.I.worrie.tha.poun.ster1in.migh.ris.sharpl.fro.th.curren.rate($1.90)pan.bough...mont.poun.cal.(suppose.contrac.siz..£35,000.wit..strik.pric.o.$1.9.fo..premiu.o.2..cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)I.th..ros.t.$pan.woul. exercis.th.poun.cal.option.Th.su.o.th.strik.pric.an.premiu..i.$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£Thi.i.bigge.tha.$1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2.whe.w.sa.th. compan.ca.brea.even.w.mea.tha.hedgin.o.no.hedgin.doesn’. matter.An.onl.whe.(strik.pric..premiu.).th.exchang.rat.,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6.Discus.th.advantage.an.disadvantage.o.fixe.exchang.rat.system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)Th.strik.pric.fo..cal.i.$1.67/£.Th.premiu.quote.a.th.Exchang.i.$0.022.pe.Britis.pound.Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴa) b) Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c) How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?Yo.ar.expectin.revenue.o.Y100,00.i.on.mont.tha.yo.wil.nee.t.cover.t.dollars.Yo.coul.hedg.thi.i.forwar.market.b.takin.lon.position.i.U.dollar.(shor.position.i.Japanes.Yen).B.lockin.i.you.pric.a.$..Y105.you.dolla.revenue.ar.guarantee.t.b.Y100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000。

(完整版)国际经济学英⽂题库(最全版附答案)【国际经济学】英⽂题库Chapter 1: IntroductionMultiple-Choice Questions1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States?*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, aluminumC. petroleum, coal, natural gasD. typewriters, computers, airplanes2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of:A. the United States*B. SwitzerlandC. GermanyD. England3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grownB. diminishedC. remained unchangedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:A. the size of the nations' populationB. the percentage of its population to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDPD. all of the above5. Economic interdependence is greater for:*A. small nationsB. large nationsC. developed nationsD. developing nations6. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade between two nations is largerA. the larger the two nationsB. the closer the nationsC. the more open are the two nations*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payments among nationsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, and paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the nation*D. all of the above8. International trade theory refers to:*A. the microeconomic aspects of international tradeB. the macroeconomic aspects of international tradeC. open economy macroeconomics or international financeD. all of the above9. Which of the following is not the subject matter of international finance?A. foreign exchange marketsB. the balance of payments*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria10. Economic theory:A. seeks to explain economic eventsB. seeks to predict economic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surrounds an economic event*D. all of the above11. Which of the following is not an assumption generally made in the study of inter national economics?A. two nationsB. two commodities*C. perfect international mobility of factorsD. two factors of production12. In the study of international economics:A. international trade policies are examined before the bases for tradeB. adjustment policies are discussed before the balance of paymentsC. the case of many nations is discussed before the two-nations case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that both must overcome: *A. distance and spaceB. trade restrictionsC. differences in currenciesD. differences in monetary systems14. The opening or expansion of international trade usually affects all members of so ciety:A. positivelyB. negatively*C. most positively but some negativelyD. most negatively but some positively15. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency usually:A. benefit U.S. importers*B. benefits U.S. exportersC. benefit both U.S. importers and U.S. exportersD. harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters16. Which of the following statements with regard to international economics is true?A. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its contributors were not economistsD. none of the above思考题:1.为什么学习国际经济学⾮常重要?2.列举体现当前国际经济学问题的⼀些重要事件,它们为什么重要?3.当今世界⾯临的最重要的国家经济问题是什么?全球化的利弊各是什么?Chapter 2: The Law of Comparative AdvantageMultiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:*A.free tradeB. stimulating the nation's exportsC. restricting the nations' importsD. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*A. absolute advantageB. comparative advantageC. both absolute and comparative advantageD. neither absolute nor comparative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute advantage?A. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its:A. absolute disadvantageB. absolute advantageC. comparative disadvantage*D. comparative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established tha t nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have:A. an absolute advantage in commodity YB. an absolute disadvantage in commodity YC. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*D. a comparative advantage in commodity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nationB can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):A. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity XB. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*C. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity XD. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. Px/Py=1 in nation AB. Px/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3X is exchanged for 3Y:A. nation A gains 2X*B. nation B gains 6YC. nation A gains 3YD. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial tra de between nation A and B is:A. 3Y < 3X < 5YB. 5Y < 3X < 9Y*C. 3Y < 3X < 9YD. 1Y < 3X < 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of X is the same in both nationsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*D. all of the above11. Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB. the opportunity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing returnsD. all of the above12. Which of the following statements is true?A. The combined demand for each commodity by the two nations is negatively slope dB. the combined supply for each commodity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the equilibrium relative commodity price for each commodity with trade is giv en by the intersection of the demand and supply of each commodity by the two nati ons*D. all of the above13. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upo n a difference in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade between a small and a large nation:A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedD. we cannot say15. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were inconclusive思考题:⽐较优势原理所带来的贸易所得是从何⽽来的?贸易利益⼜是如何分配的?现实世界中⽐较优势是如何度量的?你认为⽬前中国具有⽐较优势的商品有哪些?这意味着什么?⽐较优势会不会发⽣变化?什么样的原因可能会导致其变化?经济学家是如何验证⽐较优势原理的?Chapter 3: The Standard Theory of International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incur s increasing opportunity costs in the production of:A. commodity X onlyB. commodity Y only*C. both commoditiesD. neither commodity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:A. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of XB. the opportunity cost of XC. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production*D. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs:*A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogeneousC. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion in the production of all commoditiesD. for the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are le ss and less suited in the production of the commodity4. Community indifference curves:A. are negatively slopedB. are convex to the originC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to the:A. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain o n the same indifference curve*B. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curveC. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curveD. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y?A. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveB. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve*D. all of the above7. Which of the following statements about community indifference curves is true?A. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' community indifference curvesB. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysis*C. the problems arising from intersecting community indifference curves can be over come by the application of the compensation principleD. all of the above.8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation? *A. It consumes inside its production frontierB. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontierC. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontierD. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:A. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity YB. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity X*C. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's exports*B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade Px/PyC. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade Px/Py11. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradeA. the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more of X than at equilibr iumB. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than at equilibri umC. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:A. neither nation will specialize completely in productionB. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the following statements is false?A.The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from exchange and the gains from specializationB. gains from exchange result even without specialization*C. gains from specialization result even without exchangeD. none of the above14. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from specialization are alway s:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without additional information15. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. different but tastes are the sameC. different and tastes are also different*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考题:国际贸易的标准理论与⼤卫.李嘉图的⽐较优势原理有何异同?两国仅仅由于需求偏好不同可以进⾏市场分⼯和狐狸贸易吗?两国仅仅由于要素禀赋不同和/或⽣产技术不同可以进⾏分⼯和贸易吗?Chapter 4: Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of TradeMultiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is correct?A. The demand for imports is given by the excess demand for the commodityB. the supply of exports is given by the excess supply of the commodityC. the supply curve of exports is flatter than the total supply curve of the commodity *D. all of the above2. At a relative commodity price above equilibriumA. the excess demand for a commodity exceeds the excess supply of the commodityB. the quantity demanded of imports exceeds the quantity supplied of exports*C. the commodity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a nation shows:A. the supply of a nation's importsB. the demand for a nation's exportsC. the trade partner's demand for imports and supply of exports*D. the nation's demand for imports and supply of exports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the axis measuring the nationsA. import commodity*B. export commodityC. export or import commodityD. nontraded commodity5. Export prices must rise for a nation to increase its exports because the nation:A. incurs increasing opportunity costs in export productionB. faces decreasing opportunity costs in producing import substitutesC. faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption*D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is false?A. It relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price but not the equilibrium quantity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is true?A. The demand and supply curve are derived from the nation's production frontier an d indifference mapB. It shows the same basic information as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative commodity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above8. In what way does partial equilibrium analysis differ from general equilibrium analy sis?A. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium price withtradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium quantity with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes into consideration the interaction among all ma rkets in the economy*D. the former gives only an approximation to the answer sought.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade increase in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner: *A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve:A. is a straight lineB. bulges toward the axis measuring the import commodity*C. intersects the straight-line segment of the world's offer curveD. intersects the positively-sloped portion of the world's offer curve12. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodityB. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodit yC. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity *D. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity13. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's terms of trade remain unchanged*B. the nation's terms of trade deteriorateC. the partner's terms of trade deteriorateD. any of the above14. If the tastes for a nation import commodity increases, trade volume:*A. increasesB. declinesC. remains unchangedD. any of the above15. A deterioration of a nation's terms of trade causes the nation's welfare to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchanged*D. any of the above思考题:提供曲线如何推导?有何⽤途?两国贸易时的均衡商品价格是如何决定的?受哪些因素影响?贸易条件的含义是?贸易条件的改善意味着什么?哪些因素可能导致贸易条件的改善?Chapter 5: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin TheoryMultiple-Choice Questions1. The H-O model extends the classical trade model by:A. explaining the basis for comparative advantageB. examining the effect of trade on factor prices*C. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Which is not an assumption of the H-O model:A. the same technology in both nationsB. constant returns to scale*C. complete specializationD. equal tastes in both nations3. With equal technology nations will have equal K/L in production if:*A. factor prices are the sameB. tastes are the sameC. production functions are the sameD. all of the above4. We say that commodity Y is K-intensive with respect to X when:A. more K is used in the production of Y than XB. less L is used in the production of Y than X*C. a lower L/K ratio is used in the production of Y than XD. a higher K/L is used in the production of X than Y5. When w/r falls, L/KA. falls in the production of both commodities*B. rises in the production of both commoditiesC. can rise or fallD. is not affected6. A nation is said to have a relative abundance of K if it has a:A. greater absolute amount of KB. smaller absolute amount of LC. higher L/K ratio*D. lower r/w7. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations can be based on a diffe rence in:A. technologyB. factor endowmentsC. tastes*D. all of the above8. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in:A. technology*B. factor endowmentsC. economies of scaleD. tastes9. According to the H-O model, trade reduces international differences in:A. relative but not absolute factor pricesB. absolute but not relative factor prices*C. both relative and absolute factor pricesD. neither relative nor absolute factor prices10. According to the H-O model, international trade will:A. reduce international differences in per capita incomesB. increases international differences in per capita incomes*C. may increase or reduce international differences in per capita incomes D. lead to complete specialization11. The H-O model is a general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. production in both nationsB. consumption in both nationsC. trade between the two nations*D. all of the above12. The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. two nationsB. two commoditiesC. two factors of production*D. all of the above13. The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U.S.*A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exportsB. imports are more K-intensive than exportsC. exports are more L-intensive than importsD. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes14. From empirical studies, we conclude that the H-O theory:A. must be rejectedB. must be accepted without reservations*C. can be accepted while awaiting further testingD. explains all international trade15. For factor reversal to occur, two commodities must be produced with:*A. sufficiently different elasticity of substitution of factorsB. the same K/L ratioC. technologically-fixed factor proportionsD. equal elasticity of substitution of factors思考题:H-O理论有哪些假设?各假设的含义是什么?为什么要做出这些假设?如何检验H-O理论的正确性?H-O-S定理的假设条件⼜是什么?他与⽣产要素国际间的流动有何关系?如何检验H-O-S定理在现实中的可靠性?Chapter 6: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International T radeMultiple-Choice Questions:1. Relaxing the assumptions on which the Heckscher-Ohlin theory rests:A. leads to rejection of the theoryB. leaves the theory unaffected*C. requires complementary trade theoriesD. any of the above.Which of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, leav ethe theory unaffected?A. Two nations, two commodities, and two factorsB. both nations use the same technologyC. the same commodity is L-intensive in both nations*D. all of the aboveWhich of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, require new trade theories? *A. Economies of scaleB. incomplete specializationC. similar tastes in both nationsD. the existence of transportation costsInternational trade can be based on economies of scale even if both nations have ide ntical:A. factor endowmentsB. tastesC. technology*D. all of the above5. A great deal of international trade:A. is intra-industry tradeB. involves differentiated productsC. is based on monopolistic competition。

贸易英语考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "FOB" in international trade refers to:A. Free on BoardB. Freight on BoardC. Factory or BoatD. Full of Benefits答案:A2. What does "CIF" stand for in trade terms?A. Cost, Insurance, and FreightB. Cost, Insurance, and FreightingC. Cost, Insurance, FreightD. Cost, Insurance, and Free答案:A3. The abbreviation "L/C" commonly used in trade documents is:A. Letter of CreditB. Loan CertificateC. License CertificateD. Legal Certificate答案:A4. Which of the following is NOT a type of trade agreement?A. FranchiseB. Joint VentureC. Exclusive DistributionD. Fixed Deposit答案:D5. The term "D/P" in trade finance refers to:A. Document against PaymentB. Direct PaymentC. Deferred PaymentD. Discounted Payment答案:A6. What is the meaning of "T/T" in international trade?A. Transfer of TitleB. Trade TermsC. Telegraphic TransferD. Total Transport答案:C7. The "B/L" in shipping is known as:A. Bill of LadingB. Bill of LoadingC. Bill of LandingD. Bill of Loading Terms答案:A8. "EXW" in trade terms means:A. Ex WorksB. Exclusive WorksC. Export WorksD. Extended Warranty答案:A9. In trade, "CFR" stands for:A. Cost and FreightB. Cost for RepairC. Cost for RepaymentD. Cost for Replacement答案:A10. The term "D/A" in trade finance is:A. Document against AcceptanceB. Direct against AcceptanceC. Deferred against AcceptanceD. Discount against Acceptance答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The international trade term "DDP" stands for ________.答案:Delivered Duty Paid12. When a company says it offers "DAP", it means the goods are delivered at place, ________.答案:at the seller's risk13. A "B/O" in shipping documents refers to a ________.答案:Bill of Origin14. The term "EU" in international trade refers to the________.答案:European Union15. The abbreviation "FCA" stands for Free Carrier, which isa term used in ________.答案:Incoterms16. When a seller offers "FAS", it means the goods are free alongside ship at the ________.答案:port of shipment17. "CIP" stands for Carriage and Insurance Paid to, and it is a term used in ________.答案:international trade18. A "P/O" in trade documents is a reference to a ________.答案:Purchase Order19. The term "GSP" refers to the Generalized System of________.答案:Preferences20. "MOQ" stands for Minimum Order Quantity, which is important in ________.答案:order negotiations三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between "FOB" and "CIF" in international trade terms.答案:FOB (Free on Board) means that the seller's responsibility and risk end once the goods are loaded onto the ship, while the buyer is responsible for the freight and insurance from that point. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) includes the seller's responsibility for the cost, insurance, and freight of the goods to the port of destination.22. What is the purpose of a Letter of Credit (L/C) in international trade?答案:A Letter of Credit (L/C) is a financial instrument used in international trade to provide a secure payment mechanism. It guarantees the seller that they will receive payment as long as the terms and conditions of the L/C are met, thus reducing the risk of non-payment.23. Describe the role of a Bill of Lading (B/L) in shipping.答案:A Bill of Lading (B/L) serves as a receipt of shipment, a contract of carriage, and a document of title. It provides evidence that the goods have been received。

国际经济与贸易考试一.选择题1.FOB贸易术语中风险转移的分界线是( C )。
A.货物运抵卖方装运港B.货物运抵买方装运港C.货物装船时的船舷D.货物卸船时的船舷2.CIF贸易术语中风险转移的分界线是( C )。
A.货物运抵卖方装运港B.货物运抵买方装运港C.货物装船时的船舷D.货物卸船时的船舷3.当一国的出口额大于其进口额时,称为( D )。
A.国际收支逆差B.国际收支顺差C.对外贸易逆差D.对外贸易顺差4.当一国的出口额小于其进口额时,称为( C )。
A.国际收支逆差B.国际收支顺差C.对外贸易逆差D.对外贸易顺差5.L/G称作(Letter of Guarantee B )。
A.信用证B.保证书C.提单D.票汇6.T/T是指(Telegraphic Transfer B )。
A.信汇B.电汇C.信用证D.票汇7.海关征税大多用( D )。
A.理论重量B.公量C.约定重量D.法定重量和实物净重8.出口生丝计算重量的方法通常是(D )A.毛重B.净重C. 理论重量D. 公量9.按照国际保险市场上的一般习惯,保险金额是以发票的( B )价格为基数,再加上适当的保险加成计算得出的。
A.FOBB. CIFC.CFRD. FAS10.海运货物保险中的基本险不包括( D )。
A.平安险B.水渍险C.一切险D.附加险11.一国拥有的劳动力充裕,故它应专门生产劳动密集型产品对外进行交换,这种说法是根据( C )。
A.亚当·斯密的绝对成本说B.大卫·李嘉图的比较成本说C.赫克歇尔—俄林的要素禀赋学说D.波斯纳的技术差距说12对外贸易乘数理论属于( B )。
A.自由贸易理论B.保护贸易理论C.超保护贸易理论D.战略贸易理论13.我国出口一批货物给香港某公司,该香港公司又将这批货物转卖给美国某公司,这个贸易现象对香港而言称为( D )。
A.间接进口B.间接出口C. 易货贸易D. 转口贸易14.直接接触商品并随商品进入零售网点与消费者见面的包装叫( B )。

高二英语国际经济单选题60题1.International trade mainly involves the exchange of goods and services among different countries. “goods” in this sentence refers to _____.A.moneyB.productsC.servicesD.people答案:B。
2.One of the important economic indicators is GDP. “GDP” stands for _____.A.Gross Domestic ProductB.Global Development PlanC.General Domestic PolicyD.Great Domestic Production答案:A。
“GDP”是Gross Domestic Product 的缩写,意为国内生产总值。
选项B“Global Development Plan”是全球发展计划;选项C“General Domestic Policy”是一般国内政策;选项D“Great Domestic Production”是巨大的国内生产。
3.In international economic activities, “import” means bringing in _____.A.currenciesB.productsC.servicesD.technologies答案:B。

国际贸易英文习题(含答案)国际经济学模拟习题(3)一、True or F al se (10*1’=10’)1. Trad e is a zero-su m activi t y; i f one country gain s, the oth er must lose.2. A nation maxi mi zes sat isfact ion b y reachin g th e h ighest possibl e indi fferen ce curve, and inthe ab sen ce o f trade wi ll produce wh ere it s productio n possibilit ies schedul e i s tangent toan indi fference curve.3. Th e factor endo wments model predi cts that international trade will t end to equalize th eprices o f trade-abl e good s amon g nations, but to in crease the wage gap b et ween capi tal-abundant and l abor-abundant nat ions.4. A tax o f 10 percent on i mport s o f sho es would be an exampl e o f a speci fi c t ari ff.5. An i mpo rt quota will not rai se th e do mestic price o f th e product as would a t ari ff, becau seit is not a t ax on i mp ort s.6. In bal ance-o f-p ayment s account, a transact ion resulting in receipt o f a payment is record edas a credit, wh ereas a tran saction resul ting in a p ayment to other n ations is recorded as adebit.7. Becau se they do not in clude an exchan ge o f goods or servi ces, unil at eral transfers do notappear on a n ation's b al ance o f payment s account.8. David Hu me was one o f the first econo mi st s to provide anal ytical support for mercantil isttrad e polici es.9. A nation would be most likel y to find its trade b alan ce i mpro ving after a cu rren cydepreci ation i f that n ation’s demand for i mport s and fo rei gn d emand for i ts exports wasvery inelasti c.10. A nation with nei ther a bal ance o f p ayment s surplus nor a b alan ce o f payment s deficit i s saidto be in int ernal bal an ce.二、choices(15*3’=45’)1. Th e l aw o f co mp arati ve advant agea). was rati fied b y th e Wo rld Trad e Organi zationb). explains ho w all count ries can ben efit wh en each specializes in producin g i tems in which i thas th e greatest rel ati ve effi ci encyc). explain s ho w onl y the most efficient n ations can benefi t fro m traded). is used to evalu at e a country’s milit ary strength2. Th e theory o f ab solute advant age was developed b ya. the Mercantili stsb. David Hu mec. Ad am S mi thd. David Ricardo3. David Ricardo developed the principle o f co mparative advantage sho win g th ata. a nation must b e th e least-cost produ cer o f a good in order to export th at it emb. no nation could have an absolut e ad vantage in all goodsc. in a t wo-country exampl e, onl y one nation ca n have a co mp arati ve ad vantaged. even a nat ion that h as l ower p roducti vit y in all goods can b enefit b y export ing th e it em inwh ich it is rel ati vel y l ess ineffi ci ent4. An indi fference cu rvea. sho ws th at most p eople reall y are indi fferent abou t intern at ional tradeb. sho ws th e demand preferences o f con su mersc. refl ects th e rel ati ve co sts o f product ion within a n ationd. indicat es ho w mu ch l ab or a country h as5. To maxi mi ze its sati sfaction, a nation will ensure that it s t erms-o f-trad e lin ea. is tan gent to it s product ion possibilit ies fronti er at one point (product ion point) and also to th ehighest att ainabl e indi fference cu rve at another poin t (consu mption point)b. is t angent to it s product ion possibilit ies fronti er and intersects an indi fferen ce curvec. int ersects its p roduction possibili ties frontier and is t angent to an indi fferen ce curved. intersect s it s productio n possibilit ies fronti er at one point and an indi fference curve at anotherpoint6. Facto r-pri ce equ alizatio n predicts th at with int ern ational tradea. the price o f a n ation’s abundant factor will rise an d that o f it s scarce factor will fallb. the pri ce o f a n ation’s abundant factor will fall an d that o f it s scarce factor will risec. the prices o f a nation’s abundant and scarce factors both will rised. the pri ces o f a nat ion’s abundant and scarce factors both will fall7. Th e effect ive rat e o f protect iona. distingui shes bet ween t ari ffs that are effecti ve an d those th at are ineffecti veb. is the mini mu m level at which a t ari ff beco mes effecti ve in li mitin g i mportsc. sho ws th e increase in value-added for do mestic production that a parti cular tari ff structuremakes po ssibl e, in p ercent age t ermsd. sho ws ho w effecti ve a t ari ff i s in raising revenue8. Th e inst itutional frame wo rk developed in 1947 to pro mote trade lib erali zati on is kno wn asa. the GATTb. the WTOc. the IMFd. Th e World Ban k9. Developing n ationsa. have very li mited invol vement in int ern ational tradeb. trad e mo stl y with each otherc. rel y heavil y on export s of pri mary products to ind ustri al nationsd. rel y h eavil y on exports of manu factured product s10. A custo ms union is uni que in that ita. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ationsb. has no t ari ffs on t rad e among memb er n ations and a co mmon set o f t ari ffs on i mport s fro mnon-membersc. has no tari ffs on trade among memb er n ations, a co mmon set o f tari ffs on i mports fro m non-members, and free mobil it y o f factors o f product ion such as l abor and capital among memb ers d.allo ws unrest ricted l abor i mmi grat ion fro m non-member nat ions11. A n ation's b al ance o f paymen ts st atemen ta. is a record o f th at n atio n's assets abro ad and it s li abiliti es to those fro m oth er nationsb. is an accountin g adju st ment p rocess en surin g that a nat ion's export s will b e equal to i tsi mport s c. does not incl ude tran saction s o f forei gn citi zen s or co mp anies li vin g or operat ingwithin that nation d. is a record o f th e econo mi c transact ions bet ween residents o f that nat ion and the rest o f th e world, usuall y fo r a p erio d o f on e year.12. Since b alan ce-o f-p ayments accountin g is a doubl e-entry accounting syst em, an export o f U.S.wh eat to M exico p aid for b y a d eposit to the U.S. exporters account in a M exican ban k would b e recorded on the U.S. b al ance o f payment s asa. a credit fo r merch andise exports and a credit to sh ort-term finan ci al flo wsb. a credit for merch andise export s and a deb it to sh ort-term finan ci al flo ws.c. a credit fo r merch andise exports and a d ebit to uni lat eral transfersd. a credit for merch andise e xport s and a deb it to o ffi ci al set tlements13. The forei gn-exchan ge marketa. is locat ed in New Yorkb. is a market in Chi cago for the int ern ational trading o f co mmoditi es such as wh eat or copper.c. is a mech anism for indi vidual s and insti tutions to ex ch ange one n ation al or regional curren cyor debt inst ru ment fo r those o f oth er n ations o r regi ons.d. is open fro m 9:00 a.m. t o 3:00 p.m. New York ti me, Monday throu gh Frid ay.14. Market fundament al s t hat might be expected to i nflu ence exch ange rat e mo ve ments include al lof th e follo win g facto rs excepta. di fferences in real inco me gro wth rat es b et ween countriesb. differen ces in real int erest rates bet ween countriesc. sp ecul ati ve opinion abo ut futu re exch ange rat esd. chan ges in p ercei ved profit abili t y o f econo mi c in vest ment s b et ween t wo countries15. If in fl ation is high er i n Mexico th an in the Unit ed Stat es, th e l aw o f one price would predictthata. t rad e bet ween M exico and the United S tat es wou ld decl ineb. the dollar pri ce o f auto s purchased in M exi co wou ld be high er than th e dollar price o f co mp arableautos purchased in th e Uni ted St atesc. the peso would appreciate rel ati ve to the doll ar b y an amount equ al in percentage t erms to thedifferen ce b et ween the t wo infl ation rat esd. the peso would dep reci ate rel ati ve to the doll ar b y an amount equ al in percentage t erms to thedifferen ce b et ween the t wo infl ation rat es三、Questi ons(45’, answer these questi ons i n Chi nese)1. Assu me that l abor is the onl y factor u sed in production, and th at th e c o sts of produ cing butt er and cloth are gi ven b y th e table belo w.(8’)(1) Express the pri ce o f bu tter rel ati ve to th e pri ce o f cloth in t erms o f labor co ntent for Ho me and Forei gn in the ab sen ce o f t rade.(2) What do th ese rel ati ve prices reveal about each country’s co mparat ive advantage?(3) What do th ese rel ati ve prices suggest about th e world price o f butt er rel ati ve to cloth that will exist on ce these countri es trad e wi th each oth er?(4) If th e wo rld pri ce st abi lizes at 1 with trade,what are the gains b y th e Ho me country achieved through trade with th e Forei gn country?2. Expl ain the i mmi serizi ng gro wth and li st the case for i mmiserizin g gro wth to be occur. (8’)3. Expl ain the exchan ge rate o vershootin g theory (8’)4. Suppose that the no min al int erest rate on 3-month Treasury bi lls is 8 p ercen t in the UnitedStat es and 6 percent in the United Kin gdo m, and the rat e o f in flat ion is 10 percent in theUnited St at es and 4 percen t in the United Kin gdo m.(9’)(1) What is th e real int erest rat e in each nation?(2) In whi ch direction wou ld intern ational invest men t flo w in response to these real int erest rates?(3) What i mp act would these in vest ment flo ws h ave on the dollar’s exch an ge value?5. What effect s does labor mi gration have on the cou ntry o f i mmi gration? Th e country o f emi gration?Th e world as a whole?(12’)国际经济学模拟习题(3)参考答案一、判断题(每题1分,共10分)╳√ ╳╳╳√ ╳╳╳╳二、选择题(每题3分,共45分) bcdba acacb dbccd三、简答题(共45分)1、(1) 封闭条件下,本国可以用一半的生产一单位布的劳动时间生产一单位黄油。

英语国际经济英语30题1. In an international trade transaction, if the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the port of shipment but not for loading them onto the vessel, the appropriate trade term is:A. FOBB. CFRC. CIFD. EXW答案:A。
解析:FOB(Free on Board)指卖方在指定的装运港将货物交到买方指定的船上,卖方负责将货物运至装运港,不负责装船。
CFR Cost and Freight)卖方要负责运费但不负责保险。
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight)卖方要负责运费和保险。
EXW(Ex Works)卖方在其所在地或其他指定的地点将货物交给买方处置时即完成交货。
2. When the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the named port of destination and bears all risks and costs including duties, taxes and other charges until the goods are unloaded from the vessel, the trade term is:A. DDPB. DAPC. DATD. CPT答案:A。
解析:DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)指卖方在指定的目的地,办理完进口清关手续,将在交货运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交与买方,完成交货。
DAP(Delivered at Place)卖方在指定的目的地交货,但不负责卸货。
DAT Delivered at Terminal)卖方在指定港口或目的地的运输终端将货物卸下交给买方处置。

考外贸英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. Which of the following is NOT a common mode of international trade?A) CountertradeB) BarterC) E-commerceD) Direct mail2. The term "FOB" in international trade stands for:A) Free on BoardB) Freight on BoardC) Full on BoardD) Final on Board3. If a company is "D/P" in a trade transaction, it means:A) Delivery paidB) Documents against paymentC) Discount payableD) Direct payment4. The abbreviation "L/C" refers to:A) Letter of CreditB) License of CreditC) Limit of CreditD) Loan of Credit5. What is the meaning of "CIF" in international trade terms?A) Cost, Insurance, and FreightB) Cost, Insurance, and Freight paidC) Cost, Insurance, and Freight to be paidD) Cost, Insurance, and Freight received6. In which of the following situations would a company NOT typically use a Letter of Credit?A) When the buyer and seller are in different countriesB) When the buyer wants to ensure the quality of the goodsC) When the seller wants to guarantee paymentD) When the buyer and seller have a long-standing relationship7. The term "EXW" stands for:A) Ex WorksB) Exclusive WorksC) Exchange WorksD) Export Works8. Which of the following is NOT a type of insurance that might be required in international trade?A) Marine insuranceB) Cargo insuranceC) Life insuranceD) All risks insurance9. The abbreviation "CFR" stands for:A) Cost and FreightB) Cost, Freight, and InsuranceC) Contract for ResaleD) Certificate of Free Resale10. What does "T/T" mean in the context of international trade transactions?A) Transfer of TitleB) Telegraphic TransferC) Total TradeD) Trade Treaty11. The term "D/A" in trade transactions refers to:A) Documents against AcceptanceB) Direct AccessC) Discounted AmountD) Domestic Area12. Which of the following is NOT a reason for using a countertrade agreement?A) To balance trade deficitsB) To access new marketsC) To avoid currency exchange ratesD) To reduce shipping costs13. The term "FCA" stands for:A) Free CarrierB) Full Container AllocationC) Final Contract AgreementD) Forwarding Contract Agreement14. In international trade, "BOP" refers to:A) Balance of PaymentsB) Bureau of PersonnelC) Board of ProtectionD) Business Operations Plan15. Which of the following is a common method of payment in international trade?A) Cash on deliveryB) Credit cardC) Personal checkD) All of the above16. The abbreviation "CIP" stands for:A) Carriage and Insurance PaidB) Cost, Insurance, and PaymentC) Contracted Insurance PlanD) Comprehensive Insurance Policy17. What is the meaning of "DDP" in international trade terms?A) Delivered Duty PaidB) Domestic Delivery PaidC) Direct Delivery PriceD) Discounted Delivery Price18. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Letter of Credit in international trade?A) It guarantees paymentB) It reduces the risk for the sellerC) It provides flexibility in payment termsD) It ensures the quality of the goods19. The term "FAS" stands for:A) Free Alongside ShipB) Full and SecureC) Final Accounting StatementD) Forwarding and Shipping20. In which of the following situations would a company NOT typically use a countertrade agreement?A) When there are trade restrictionsB) When there is a need to balance tradeC) When the buyer has excess inventoryD) When the seller wants to avoid currency exchange二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)21. The term "CPT" stands for ________.22. When a company uses "D/P" in a trade transaction, it means that the documents will be released upon ________.23. The abbreviation "L/C" at sight refers to a Letter of Credit that is payable ________.24. The term "CIF" includes the cost of the goods, insurance, and ________ to the named port.25. The term "EXW" means that the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller's premises, and the buyer bears all ________.26. The term "D/A。

国际经济与贸易常考简答题1.Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.P93-P95 描述产品周期过程中要素密集度的改变(科学知识密集-资本密集-劳动力密集)Product cycle theory suggests that the technological development of a new product generally has three stages: new product phase, growth phase, standardization phase.In the first stage, the new product is actually a knowledge-intensive product. In the second stage, changes into a capital-intensive product. The third stage , changes into a labor-intensive product.2. What are some possible explanations of the Paradox? P69-P71对里昂惕夫之谜的各种解释①Due to the high efficiency of American workers由于美国工人效率高所致②Due to the rich human capital of U.S. 由于美国人力资本丰富所致③Due to the natural resources of U.S. 由于美国自然资源所致④Due to the Factor intensity reversal由于生产要素密集型逆转所致⑤Due to the trade policies of U.S. 由于美国贸易政策所致⑥Due to the demand reversal由于需求逆转所致3. What dynamic benefits are the nations forming a customs union likely to receive? P202关税联盟对成员国的动态效应①The increased competition that is likely to result有利于加强竞争②Economies of large-scale production可带来规模经济效益③Stimulus to investment有利于激励投资4. Summarized the reasons for trade protectionism.贸易保护主义的原因①Protect the infant industry保护幼稚产业②Improve the terms of trade改善贸易条件③Strengthen national defense为国防和保障国家安全④Correct “domestic distortion”纠正国内市场“扭曲”⑤Increase government revenue增加政府收入⑥Share foreigner’s monopolistic profits分享国外垄断利润⑦Enhance the power to retaliate and negotiate作为报复或谈判手段的观点5. The concept and conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.贫困化增长的概念和产生条件Concept: The situation where a nation’s terms of trade deteriorate so much as a result of growth that the nation is worse off after growth than before, even if growth without trade tends to improve the nation’s welfare.The following conditions are necessary in order for immiserizing growth to occur:①the country’s growth must be biased toward the export sector;该国生产能力的增长主要集中在出口商品生产部门②the foreign demand for the country’s export must be price inelastic;国际市场对此种商品的需求弹性较低③The country's merchandise exports account for a large share of world markets该国的商品出口在世界市场上占有较大份额6. H-O theory: cause and conclusion.Cause: H-O theory started on doubting the trade theory of Adam Smith and Ricardo. Heckscher suggested that in addition to technical differences, there must be other factors that determine the countries in the comparative advantages of different products.Conclusion: the differences of factor endowments is the basic reason that cause countries have the comparative advantages of different products.五、论述论述题(2题30分)1.The impacts of decreasing tariff rate.①the impact of the import and exportThere Is no doubt that decreasing tariff rates will lead to the growth of imports. That is because it will reduce the import costs.②the impact on the domestic marketDecreasing tariff rate will lead to lower production costs using raw materials of imports, and thus may promote their products price decline.Another effect on the market is to alleviate the pressure on domestic inflation.③the impact of domestic enterprisesEnable enterprises to gain foreign advanced equipment, quality raw materials and components, so that the competitive position of domestic enterprises increased.From various industries, the impact varied. Benefit most are imported raw materials-based manufacturing, while manufacturer producting raw materials are facing great challenge.④the impact of foreign investmentHave some adverse effect on its business.Advantages:Encourage the enterprise obtained foreign advanced equipment, quality raw materials Reduce trade frictions .Disadvantages:Not conducive to the development of domestic industrial and agricultural production bring great challenge on SMEs①对进出口的影响降低关税税率无疑会促使进口的增长。

国贸双语考试题库和答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在国际贸易中,以下哪一项不是国际贸易术语(Incoterms)?A. EXWB. FOBC. CIFD. DDPE. DAP答案:D2. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的主要职能不包括以下哪一项?A. 监督成员国的经济政策B. 提供短期资金以帮助成员国解决支付平衡问题C. 促进国际贸易的自由化D. 维护国际货币体系的稳定答案:C3. 以下哪个国家不是世界贸易组织(WTO)的成员?A. 美国B. 中国C. 俄罗斯D. 巴西E. 古巴答案:E4. 以下哪一项不是国际贸易结算中常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇票C. 保函D. 现金支付答案:D5. 以下哪一项不是影响国际市场价格的因素?A. 国际市场需求B. 国际市场供给C. 国际政治局势D. 国内消费者偏好答案:D6. 在国际贸易中,以下哪一项不是非关税壁垒?A. 关税B. 配额C. 进口许可证D. 出口补贴答案:A7. 以下哪一项不是国际贸易中的风险管理工具?A. 信用证B. 出口信贷C. 外汇远期合约D. 期货合约答案:B8. 以下哪一项不是国际贸易中常见的运输方式?A. 海运B. 空运C. 铁路运输D. 管道运输E. 公路运输答案:E9. 以下哪一项不是国际贸易中常用的保险条款?A. FOBB. CIFC. CIPD. FAS答案:A10. 以下哪一项不是国际贸易中常见的贸易壁垒?A. 关税B. 配额C. 出口限制D. 技术标准答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些因素可以影响国际分工?A. 技术水平B. 劳动力成本C. 资源禀赋D. 政治制度E. 地理位置答案:A, B, C, E12. 以下哪些是国际贸易中常见的贸易术语?A. EXWB. FCAC. DDPD. DAPE. DDU答案:A, B, C, D, E13. 以下哪些是国际贸易中的风险?A. 信用风险B. 汇率风险C. 政治风险D. 运输风险E. 市场风险答案:A, B, C, D, E14. 以下哪些是国际贸易中常用的结算方式?A. 信用证B. 汇票C. 托收D. 保函E. 现金支付答案:A, B, C, D15. 以下哪些是国际贸易中常见的运输单据?A. 提单B. 空运单C. 铁路运单D. 邮包收据E. 快递单答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)16. 国际贸易中的FOB(Free On Board)条款意味着卖方负责将货物运输到买方指定的港口,并承担所有费用和风险直到货物过船舷。
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国际经济与贸易期末考(全英)时间:2小时班级学号姓名成绩I.Please explain the following definitions.( 3 for each, totally 15 )1. Stolper-Samuelson theorem2. internal economies3. effective tariff rate4. trade creation5.The law of comparative advantage:II. Drawing Figures without explanations. ( 5 for each, totally 20 )1.(5)The Effects of an Import Quota under Monopolist Conditions2. (5)Rybczynshi theorem3. (5)Different Tastes as a Basis For Trade(即需求偏好不同所导致的国际贸易)4.(5)D umpingIII.Briefly answering the follow question.(10 for each, totally 20. )1. (10) The concept and conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.2. (10) Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.IV.Calculation.( totally 15 )1. ( 5 ) Assumption : US is a large country in importing steel. There is same elastisity both importing demand curve and exporting supply curve.(进口需求曲线和出口供给曲线的弹性相同)。
In free trade, US imported steel 100 tons in the price of $100 per ton. Now US imposed $20 tariff on importing steel, and imported 67tons. Question: what is the gain of US from the importing tariff ?what is the net loss of the whole world ?2. (10) In free trade , steel price is $1000 per unit, including coke(焦炭)400 and iron ore(铁矿石)500 .Before entering WTO, the importing tariffs are 100%, 50% and 50%. After entering WTO, the importing tariffs are reduced to 5% (coke),6% (iron ore )。
Question: After entering WTO, what will be the tariff rate of steel in order to keep ERP constant ?(入世后,要保持与入世前相同的有效保护率,钢铁的进口税率是多少?)V. Answer the following question in details.( 15 for each, totally 30)1. (15) Describing the impacts of decreasing tariff rates on China ?2. (15) Describing the impacts of TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)on the Chinese exporting firms ? ( negative and positive )广东外语外贸大学国际经贸学院《国际贸易》2010—2011学年第一学期期末考试A卷评分标准考核对象:09级金融经济保险各班时间:2小时班级学号姓名成绩I.Please explain the following definitions.( 3 for each, totally 15 )1. Stolper-Samuelson theoremfactor used intensively in the rising-price industry (land) and lowers the returns of the factor used intensively in the falling-price industry (labor), regardless of which goods the sellers of the two factors prefer to consume.Or: free trade reduces the real income of the nation’s relatively scarce factor and increases the real income of the nation’s relatively abundant factor.2. internal economiesIn the case of internal economies, expanding the firm's own scale of production raises its productivity and cut its average cost.3. effective tariff ratethe REP is defined as the percentage change in the value added in an industry because of the imposition of a tariff structure by the country rather than the existence of free trade.4. trade creationplace whenever economic integration leads to a shift in product origin from a higher-resource-cost domestic producer to a lower-resource-cost member producer. This increases welfare.5.The law of comparative advantage:comparative advantage comes from the relative difference of productivities based on the relative difference of technologies. A nation should produce and export the commodities of comparative advantage, and import the commodities of comparative disadvantage.II. Drawing Figures without explanations. ( 5 for each, totally 20 )1.(5)The Effects of an Import Quota under Monopolist ConditionsP QPw+tS0S t D2D1D02. (5)Rybczynshi theoremA0A1B0B1Good B(L-intensive) 注:该题也可以使用教材中110页的盒型图。
3. (5)Different Tastes as a Basis For Trade(即需求偏好不同所导致的国际贸易)(也可以使用99页的图形)beefwine4.(5)D umping国内市场国外市场.P dP dMC MCD DMR MR Qd注:该题也可以使用教材中90页的图型。
III.Briefly answering the follow question.(10 for each, totally 20. )1. The conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.(1)The country's growth must be biased toward the export sector.(2)The foreign demand for the country's export must be price inelastic,so that an expansion in export supply leads to a large drop in price. (3)The country must already be heavily engaged in trade for the welfaremeaning of the drop in the TOT to be great enough to offset the gains from being able to supply more.(4)It is a large country case.2. (10) Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.As the product moves through its life cycle, the factor proportions will change in a systematic fashion.1. The new-product stage depends on scientists, engineers, and other highly skilled labor. In this stage, production is technology-intensive rather than capital-intensive.2. In the growth-product stage, the factor inputs shift from skilled to semiskilled labor, and from technology-intensive to capital- intensive.3. In the third and forth stage, labor skills become relatively unimportant, and production becomes more capital-intensive or labor-intensive.IV.Calculation.( totally 15 )1. (5) Assumption : US is a large country in importing steel. There is same elastisity both importing demand curve and exporting supply curve.(进口需求曲线和出口供给曲线的弹性相同)。