
















二、选择题1.经济学中的规范含义是什么A. 是指经济学的研究要符合规范要求、不能随心所意B. 是指经济学研究的目的在于解释经济现象,回答为什么等客观性问题C. 是指经济学的研究目的在于回答“好与不好”等价值判断的问题D. 是指经济学研究能够对各种经济现象给出规范性的解释2.经济学中的实证含义是什么?A. 实证顾名思义就是指经济学的理论要能够指导实践B. 实际上实证的前提是要符合规范的要求C. 经济学研究的目的在于能够回答“应不应该”或“好还是坏”等问题,并能得到来自实践的支持,就是实证D. 通俗地讲,就是回答经济现象是什么?为什么?3.经济学的规范和实证的关系正确理解是A. 规范和实证是彼此对立的,因而经济学要么是规范的,要么就是实证的B. 因为经济学是社会学科,因而本质上经济学始终是规范的C. 规范以实证为基础,实证以规范为目的,因为经济学的目的是造福于人类D. 两者就是一回事,不过是一枚硬币的两面4.以下那个判断属于实证经济学?A. 通货膨胀率下降了B. 失业率太高了C. 经理人的工资不应该太高D. 降低失业率比抑制通货膨胀率更重要5.下列哪种表述属于实证表述A. 政府应该降低税收刺激经济以防经济恶化B. 减少货币供给将降低通货膨胀率C. 央行应该降低货币供给D. 社会应该要求福利领取者去找工作6.以下各项中不属于宏观经济学中探讨的经济变量是:A、就业率B、国民生产总值C、通货膨胀率D、企业产量7.下列题目那些是宏观经济学研究的内容A. 家庭把多少收入用于娱乐消费的决策B. 政府管制对汽车废气的影响C. 高国民储蓄对经济增长的影响D. 企业关于雇佣多少工人的决策8.下列对市场经济的描述中不属于凯恩斯学派观点的是:A、信息传递不对称B、未来不能合理预期C、完全竞争市场D、价格调整具有粘性9.在新古典经济学看来,资本主义市场经济是:A. 不完全竞争的B. 信息是不完全的,具有非对称性C. 预期具有不确定性D. 具有充分弹性,能够有效地进行自我调整,因而政府的干预是不必要的10.经济学中的理性人是指什么?A. 是指经济主体都是自私自利之徒B. 是指经济主体在做经济决策时,都充满理性、计算得失以求自身利益最大化C. 一个利他主义者,绝对不会是一个理性人D. 理性人是经济学中最不现实的假设,它将经济学研究带入了歧途,老早就应该抛弃11.一个国家的经济体制可以靠什么来区分A. 社会的福利水平B. 是不是拥有私人财产C. 社会经济资源的分配和调节机制,基本的企业制度D. 看什么样的政党在执政9.有什么样的经济运行机制,就会有什么样的企业制度你认为正确否A. 客观讲,经济运行机制和企业制度之间并不是一个严格的一一对应关系,同时它们之间又确实存在着相互适应的问题B. 不正确,因为经济运行机制与企业制度之间并不存在彼此决定的关系C. 应该是企业制度决定经济运行机制D. 这个问题太复杂,根本就说不清10.尽管经济体制制约着经济人(个人、企业、政府等)的行为,经济人仍有某些共性比如:A. 企业按照市场价格决定产量B. 政府追求低失业率低通货膨胀C. 追求自身利益最大化D. 企业追求市场份额和稳定增长11.下面关于经济体制的描述中哪个是错误的:A. 经济体制是影响经济环境最重要的因素之一B. 经济体制包括经济运行机制和企业制度C. 经济体制是经济资源的调节和分配机制D. 构成经济体制的两大基本要素必须相互适应12.下列描述中哪个是错误的:A. 新古典学派和凯恩斯学派在经济学研究的某一阶段被当时在学术界占统治地位的经济学家们结合起来,组成新古典综合派中微观经济学和宏观经济学两大体系。



第9章经济增长Ⅱ:技术、经验和政策一、概念题1.劳动效率(efficiency of labor)答:劳动效率是指单位劳动时间的产出水平,反映了社会对生产方法的掌握和熟练程度。




2.劳动改善型技术进步(labor-augmenting technological progress)答:劳动改善型技术进步是指技术进步提高了劳动效率,就像增加了参与生产的劳动力数量一样,所以在生产函数中的劳动力数量上乘以一个劳动效率变量,以反映外生技术进步对经济增长的影响。



3.内生增长理论(endogenous growth theory)答:内生增长理论是用规模收益递增和内生技术进步来说明一个国家长期经济增长和各国增长率差异的一种经济理论,其重要特征就是试图使增长率内生化。







宏观经济学复习题库一.单项选择(本部分共60小题,每题1分,共60分)1.以下项目应计入GDP的是(C )A.李某从房地产交易市场以15万元购买二手房一套B.面粉厂卖给面包厂5000元的面粉C.孙某靠打工一年净收入1.8万元D.张某在股票市场花28000元购入某股票,赢利5000元2.在两部门经济中,国民收入均衡的条件是指( D )A.事后统计的投资等于储蓄B.实际投资等于实际储C.投资与储蓄总是相等D.计划投资等于计划储蓄3.同时采用扩张性的财政政策和货币政策,r和y如何变化(D )A. y 增加,r减小B. y减小,r减小C. y 减小,r增加D. y 增加,r不确定4.在货币需求曲线的水平阶段,下面说法错误的是(A )A.货币供给增加,利率水平下降B.货币政策无效C.投机性货币需求无限D.处于流动偏好陷阱5.下面有关财政政策效果的表述正确的是( A )A.其他条件不变,b越大财政政策的效果越明显B.其他条件不变,d越小财政政策的效果越不明显C.其他条件不变,h越大财政政策的效果越不明显D.其他条件不变,k越大财政政策的效果越明显6.以就业量为自变量的短期宏观生产函数表示随着就业量的增加( B )A.总产量以递增的速度增加B.总产量以递减的速度增加C.总产量以不变的速度增加D.总产量先以递减的速率后以递增的速率增加7.以下那一项不是中央银行的职能(D )A.代表国家发行货币 B.为商业银行保存准备金C.代理国库 D.吸收企业存款8.若边际储蓄倾向为0.25,则边际消费倾向为( B )A. 0.25B. 0.75C. 1.0D. 1.259.工资上涨引起的通货膨胀也称为( B )通货膨胀。

A.需求拉动型B.成本推进型C.结构性D.隐性10.货币创造乘数的大小取决于(C )A.货币供给量B.税率C.法定准备率D.银行利息率11.在下列情况下,转移支付乘数最大的是(A)A.MPC=0.9B.MPC=0.8C. MPS=0.75D.MPS=0.512.假定货币M和p不变,货币需求为收入和利率的函数,收入增加时( A )A.货币交易需求增加,利率上升B.货币交易需求增加,利率下降C.货币交易需求减少,利率上升D.货币交易需求减少,利率下降13.若经济中存在周期性失业,为降低失业率可釆取的财政政策是(A )A.增加政府支出B.提高个人所得税C.减少政府转移支付D.提高企业所得税率14.在开放经济中(A )A.均衡国民收入为y=C +I+G+NXB.NX减少时,国民收入水平提高,NX增加时,国民收入水平下降C.出口是一个内生变量,不由本国收入决定D.进口是一个外生变量,不由本国左右15.当LM曲线呈垂直线时,意味着(B )A.处于凯恩斯区域B.财政政策无效C.货币政策无效D.投机需求无限16.假定总供给曲线斜率为正,减低个人所得税率将( A)A.提高价格水平和实际产出B.提高价格水平但不影响实际产出C.提高实际产出但不影响价格水平D.对价格水平和产出均无影响17.已知充分就业的国民收入是10000亿美元,实际国民收入为9800亿美元,边际消费倾向是80%,在增加100亿美元的投资后,经济将发生(A)A.需求拉上的通货膨胀B.成本推进的通货膨胀C.结构性通货膨胀D.需求不足的失业18.当不可预期的通货膨胀发生时,不利于(B)A.债务人、政府;B.债权人、雇员;C.债务人、雇员;D.债权人、政府19.下列问题中不属于宏观经济学研究范围的是(A)A.大蒜价格上升的原因B.CPI上升的原因C.政府预算赤字对通货膨胀的影响D.国民生产总值的决定20.今年的名义国民生产总值大于去年的名义国民生产总值,说明(D)A.今年物价水平一定比去年提高了B.今年生产的物品和劳务总量一定比去年增加了C.今年物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了D.以上三种说法都不一定正确21.消费曲线位于45º线的上方表明,储蓄是(C )。



、概念辨析1 •国内生产总值(GDP)与国民生产总值(GNP )2.政府支出与政府购买3.国民生产总值与国民收入4.消费者价格指数与 GDP 消胀指数5.固定汇率制与可变汇率制6.预算盈余与充分就业预算盈余7.真实汇率与购买力平价8.经常账户与资本账户9 •商品市场均衡曲线(IS)与货币市场均衡曲线(LM)10 .边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向1 1 .法定贬值与真实贬值1 2 .凯恩斯消费理论与 LC-PIH 消费理论、简述题(图解题)1 、恒等式“储蓄等于投资” (如果是四部门经济则为“国民储蓄等于国民投资” )在传统意义上很好理解,比如你把钱存银行,银行贷款给企业投资。

那么假设人把钱放枕头底下,该恒等式还成立吗?2. 如果甲乙两个国家合并成一个国家,对 GDP 总和会有什么影响(假定两国产出不变)?3.在实行累进税制的国家,比例所得税为何能对经济起到自动稳定器的作用?4.写出现代菲利普斯曲线方程,配以图形简述其如何解释经济中的滞胀现象?5.货币需求对利率的弹性越大,货币政策就越无效的判断是否正确6.政府采购支出增加一定会挤出私人投资和导致通货膨胀吗?7.古典学派和凯恩斯主义的总供给观点各自基于怎样的假定前提以及适合在什么情况下分析宏观经济问题?8.在国民收入核算中, Y C I G NX ;在均衡收入的决定中,只有当 Y AD 时, Y CI G NX 才会成立。


9 .名义货币存量的增加使 AD 曲线上移的程度恰恰与名义货币增加的程度一致,为什么?10 .封闭经济中的IS曲线和开放经济中的IS曲线哪一个更陡峭?11 •贸易伙伴收入提高、本国货币真实贬值将对本国IS曲线产生何种影响?1 2 .凯恩斯学派认为货币政策的传递机制包含哪些环节?最主要的环节是什么?13 .经济处于充分就业状态。


需要采取何种形式的政策组合?运用IS—LM 模型进行分析。



经济中级试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项是宏观经济学研究的主要对象?A. 个体经济行为B. 企业经济行为C. 国民经济总体D. 政府经济行为答案:C2. 货币供应量增加,一般会导致:A. 利率上升B. 利率下降C. 通货膨胀D. 通货紧缩答案:C3. 以下哪项不是市场经济的基本特征?A. 价格机制B. 竞争机制C. 计划机制D. 供求机制答案:C4. 根据边际效用递减原理,消费者在消费某一商品时,随着消费量的增加,其:A. 总效用持续增加B. 边际效用持续增加C. 边际效用逐渐减少D. 总效用逐渐减少答案:C5. 以下哪项不是货币政策工具?A. 利率政策B. 公开市场操作C. 汇率政策D. 存款准备金率答案:C6. 以下哪项不是财政政策的调节手段?A. 税收B. 政府支出C. 转移支付D. 利率调整答案:D7. 以下哪项是通货膨胀的主要原因?A. 货币供应量增加B. 货币供应量减少C. 货币需求增加D. 货币需求减少答案:A8. 以下哪项是凯恩斯主义经济学的核心观点?A. 自由市场B. 政府干预C. 货币主义D. 供给学派答案:B9. 以下哪项是市场经济中价格形成的基础?A. 政府定价B. 市场供求关系C. 企业定价D. 消费者定价答案:B10. 以下哪项是经济全球化的主要表现?A. 国际贸易B. 国际投资C. 国际旅游D. 全部选项答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些因素可能导致经济衰退?A. 需求不足B. 供给过剩C. 通货膨胀D. 失业率上升答案:A, B, D2. 以下哪些是货币政策的传导机制?A. 利率机制B. 货币供应量机制C. 汇率机制D. 信用机制答案:A, B, D3. 以下哪些是财政政策的调节手段?A. 税收调整B. 政府支出调整C. 利率调整D. 转移支付调整答案:A, B, D4. 以下哪些是市场经济体制的特点?A. 市场决定资源配置B. 政府直接干预经济C. 企业自主经营D. 价格由市场供求决定答案:A, C, D5. 以下哪些是经济全球化的影响?A. 国际贸易增加B. 国际投资增加C. 国际竞争加剧D. 国际合作加强答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 市场经济体制下,政府不参与经济活动。














2. 国民收入(NI):从国内生产总值中扣除间接税和企业转移支付加政府补助金,就得到一国生产要素在一定时期内提供生产性服务所得报酬即工资、利息、利润和租金的总和意义上的国民收入。







二、判断题1. 宏观经济学以收入分析中心,故又可称收入理论。

√2. GDP被定义为经济社会在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部产品的市场价值。

×3. 一个在日本工作的美国公民的收入是美国GDP的一部分,也是日本GNP的一部分。

×4. GDP中扣除资本折旧,就可以得到NDP。

√5. 2012年我国城镇居民个人可支配收入为200543元,它是人们可用来消费或储蓄的收入。

√6. 四部门经济的投资储蓄恒等式为I=S+(T-G)+(M-X+Kr)。

√7. GDP折算指数是实际GDP与名义GDP的比率。

×8. 国民收入核算体系将GDP作为核算国民经济活动的核心指标。

√9. 政府转移支付应计入国内生产总值GDP 中。

×10. 若某企业年生产50万$的产品,只销售掉40万$的产品,则当年该企业所创造的GDP为40万$。






















(√)21、若IS斜率曲线不变, LM曲线越陡峭,财政政策效果越大。






2003-2004学年第二学期中级宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)考试试题答案(经济试验班021、022)Ⅰ.Choose the best answers (2'×10)1.B2.A3.C4.B5.C6.A7.B8.C9.C 10.DⅡ. Explain the following terms. (20 points)1.Endogenous variables: 经济模型中要解释的变量。

Exogenous variables:模型给出作为既定的变量。

2. Menu costs:企业因通货膨胀改变价格的成本。

shoe-leather costs:为减少持有货币的损失而发生的成本。

3. GDP deflator :名义GDP/实际GDP,是相对于基年商品和劳务价格的那一年的商品和劳务价格。


4. Adaptive expectation :人们根据过去的经验或数据来预测未来。

rational expectation:人们尽可能地利用所有可以获得地信息,包括关于现在政府政策地信息预测未来。

5. Real exchange rate :两国物品的相对价格。

nominal exchange rate:两国通货的相对价格。

Ⅲ.Answer the following questions by drawing or calculating. (10’ ×4) 1.We want to consider the effects of a tax cut when the LM* curve depends on disposable income instead of income: M/P = L[r, Y –T].A tax cut now shifts both the IS* and the LM* curves. Figure 12–22 shows the case of floating exchange rates. The IS* curve shifts to the right, from IS to IS . The LM* curve shifts to the left, however, from LM to LM .We know that real balances M/P are fixed in the short run, while the interest rate is fixed at the level of the world interest rate r*. Disposable income is the only variable that can adjust to bring the money market into equilibrium: hence, the LM* equation determines the level of disposable income. If taxes T fall, then income Y must also fall to keep disposable income fixed. In Figure 12–22, we move from an original equilibrium at point A to a new equilibrium at point B. Income falls by the amount of the tax cut, and the exchange rate appreciates. If there are fixed exchange rates, theIS* curve still shifts to the right; but the initial shift in the LM* curve no longer matters. That is, the upward pressure on the exchange rate causes the central bank to sell dollars and buy foreign exchange; this increases the money supply and shifts the LM* curve to the right, as shown in Figure 12–23. The new equilibrium, at point B, is at the intersection of the new IS* curve, IS , and the horizontal line at the level of the fixed exchange rate. There is no difference between this case and the standard case where money demand depends on income.2. a.将生产函数两边同时除以效率工人,则有:() L E K L E L E K L E Y y =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯=⨯⨯=⨯=b .s=0.25 δ=5% n=2% g=3%; 带入经济稳定的条件:*84.15.2*6.45.2*1.025.0)()(3/23/24.03/54.0≈⨯=-=≈==≈==⋅++=⋅y s c k y k kk kg n k f s δc.当g 变为5%时,有: 63.11225*4.31225*12.025.0)()(3/24.03/54.0≈⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛==≈⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛==⋅++=⋅k y k kk kg n k f s δ 这种变化导致了效率工人的人均资本量减少,效率工人的人均产量下降;但总产出会增加。

















































9、政府转移支付应计入国民生产总值GDP 中。

10、若某企业年生产50万$的产品,只销售掉40万$的产品,则当年该企业所创造的GDP 为40万$。






16、在两部门经济中,均衡产出公式为y=c+i 其中c,i 是指实际消费和实际投资。


2023年中级经济师考试真题及答案 (2)

2023年中级经济师考试真题及答案 (2)

2023年中级经济师考试真题及答案一、选择题1.下列选项中,不属于宏观经济运行指标的是() A. 国内生产总值(GDP) B. 居民消费价格指数(CPI) C. 劳动生产率 D. 存款准备金率答案:D2.市场供求关系的变动对价格的影响主要体现在()A. 货币面额变动B. 成本面额变动C. 在供给不变的条件下,需求增多引起的D. 在需求不变的条件下,供给减少引起的答案:C3.货币供应量的组成部分可以分为() A. 货币基础和广义货币 B. 狭义货币和广义货币 C. 货币基础和狭义货币 D. 狭义货币和非货币性质的银行存款答案:C二、简答题1.请解释经济增长与经济发展的区别。


















. WORD格式整理. .一、单项选择题1、宏观经济学的中心理论是()A、价格决定理论;B、工资决定理论;C、国民收入决定理论;D、汇率决定理论。





7、根据消费函数,引起消费增加的因素是()A、价格水平下降;B、收入增加;C、储蓄增加; D利率提高。


10、以下四种情况中,投资乘数最大的是()A、边际消费倾向为0.6;B、边际消费倾向为0.4;C、边际储蓄倾向为 0.3;D、边际储蓄倾向为0.1。




























9. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?(C)。

A. 国内生产总值;B. 投资;C. 失业人数;D. 人均收入。











中级经济师练习题库一、微观经济学1. 请简述消费者剩余的概念及其意义。

2. 生产企业为何会出现规模经济和规模不经济现象?3. 市场竞争与垄断对资源配置效率有何影响?4. 如何运用需求弹性理论分析商品价格变动对消费者需求量的影响?5. 简述生产要素价格的决定因素。

二、宏观经济学1. 什么是国内生产总值(GDP)?如何计算?2. 请解释通货膨胀和通货紧缩的概念及其影响。

3. 财政政策和货币政策如何影响宏观经济运行?4. 简述经济增长与经济发展的区别。

5. 分析我国近年来经济增长的动力来源。

三、金融学1. 请解释金融市场的基本功能。

2. 股票和债券的主要区别是什么?3. 金融机构如何进行风险管理和风险控制?4. 简述金融创新的含义及其作用。

5. 分析影响汇率变动的因素。

四、统计学与概率论1. 请解释统计学中的总体、样本和参数。

2. 如何计算一组数据的平均数、中位数和众数?3. 简述概率论中的大数定律和中心极限定理。

4. 如何利用线性回归模型进行预测分析?5. 请举例说明统计学在实际工作中的应用。

五、国际经济学1. 请简述比较优势理论的基本内容。

2. 国际贸易对国家经济发展有哪些影响?3. 世界贸易组织(WTO)的主要职能是什么?4. 简述汇率制度及其分类。

5. 分析影响国际资本流动的因素。

六、市场营销1. 请解释市场细分、目标市场和市场定位的概念。

2. 简述产品生命周期理论及其营销策略。

3. 如何制定有效的促销组合策略?4. 简述消费者购买决策过程。

5. 分析网络营销与传统营销的区别。

七、管理学1. 请简述泰勒的科学管理理论。

2. 管理者如何进行有效的沟通?3. 简述激励理论及其在企业管理中的应用。

4. 如何构建高效团队?5. 分析企业战略管理的层次与过程。

八、经济法1. 请简述合同法的基本原则。

2. 简述我国公司法对企业设立和变更的规定。

3. 如何理解反垄断法的意义和作用?4. 简述消费者权益保护法的主要内容。









比例所得税能起到自动稳定器的作用是因为经济体的税率水平会随经济的周期性变动而发生变化,并导致乘数# = _!_的变化。




4、现代菲利普斯曲线方程:7T = 7T e-e(U-U)o其中,7T为实际通货膨胀率,浐为预期通货膨胀率,W为实际失业率,:为自然失业率。



滞胀指的是经济停滞和通货膨胀并存的现象,以用现代菲利普斯曲线来解释:图中的A 点和B点对比而言,A点表示失业率和通货膨胀率都很髙,它是一个滞胀点。


一旦经济处于高通货膨胀预期的短期菲利普斯曲线上, 衰退将实际通货膨胀推导低于预期通货膨胀的水平,但通货膨胀的绝对水平仍然保持高水平。

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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________1.The rate of inflation is the:A)median level of prices.B)average level of prices.C)percentage change in the level of prices.D)measure of the overall level of prices.2.The definition of the transactions velocity of money is:A)money multiplied by prices divided by transactions.B)transactions divided by prices multiplied by money.C)money divided by prices multiplied by transactions.D)prices multiplied by transactions divided by money.3.If there are 100 transactions in a year and the average value of each transaction is $10,then if there is $200 of money in the economy, transactions velocity is ______ times per year.A)0.2B)2C)5D)104.If the transactions velocity of money remains constant while the quantity of moneydoubles, the:A)price of the average transaction must double.B)number of transactions must remain constant.C)price of the average transaction multiplied by the number of transactions mustremain constant.D)price of the average transaction multiplied by the number of transactions mustdouble.5.The quantity equation, viewed as an identity, is a definition of the:A)quantity of money.B)quantity of transactions.C)price level.D)transactions velocity of money.6.The income velocity of money:A)is defined in the identity MV = PY.B)is defined in the identity MV = PT.C)is the same thing as the transactions velocity of money.D)is the same as the number of times a dollar bill changes hands.7.The transactions velocity of money indicates the _____ in a given period, while theincome velocity of money indicates the _____ in a given period.A)number of transactions; amount of income earnedB)quantity of money used for transactions; quantity of money paid as incomeC)number of times a dollar bill changes hands; number of times a dollar bill enterssomeone's incomeD)volume of transactions; flow of income8.Real money balances equal the:A)sum of coin, currency, and balances in checking accounts.B)amount of money expressed in terms of the quantity of goods and services it canpurchase.C)number of dollars used as a medium of exchange.D)quantity of money created by the Federal Reserve.9.If the average price of goods and services in the economy equals $10 and the quantity ofmoney in the economy equals $200,000, then real balances in the economy equal:A)10.B)20,000.C)200,000.D)2,000,000.10.The demand for real money balances is generally assumed to:A)be exogenous.B)be constant.C)increase as real income increases.D)decrease as real income increases.11.If the quantity of real money balances is kY, where k is a constant, then velocity is:A)k.B)1/k.C)kP.D)P/k.12.If the demand for real money balances is proportional to real income, velocity will:A)increase as income increases.B)increase as income decreases.C)vary directly with the interest rate.D)remain constant.13.When the demand for money parameter, k, is large, the velocity of money is ______ andmoney is changing hands ______A)large; frequentlyB)large; infrequentlyC)small; frequentlyD)small; infrequently14.Consider the money demand function that takes the form (M/P)d= kY, where M is thequantity of money, P is the price level, k is a constant, and Y is real output. If the money supply is growing at a 10 percent rate, real output is growing at a 3 percent rate, and k is constant, what is the average inflation rate in this economy?A) 3 percentB)7 percentC)10 percentD)13 percent15.The income velocity of money increases and the money demand parameter k ______when people want to hold ______ money.A)increases; moreB)increases; lessC)decreases; moreD)decreases; less16.The quantity equation for money, by itself:A)may be thought of as a definition for velocity of money.B)implies that the velocity of money is constant.C)implies that the price level is proportional to the money supply.D)implies that real gross domestic product (GDP) is proportional to the moneysupply.17.The quantity theory of money assumes that:A)income is constant.B)velocity is constant.C)prices are constant.D)the money supply is constant.18.If income velocity is assumed to be constant, but no other assumptions are made, thelevel of ______ is determined by M.A)pricesB)incomeC)transactionsD)nominal GDP19.If velocity is constant and, in addition, the factors of production and the productionfunction determine real GDP, then:A)the price level is proportional to the money supply.B)real GDP is proportional to the money supply.C)the price level is fixed.D)nominal GDP is fixed.20.In the long run, according to the quantity theory of money and the classicalmacroeconomic theory, if velocity is constant, then ______ determines real GDP and ______ determines nominal GDP.A)the productive capability of the economy; the money supplyB)the money supply; the productive capability of the economyC)velocity; the money supplyD)the money supply; velocity21.According to the quantity theory of money, ultimate control over the rate of inflation inthe United States is exercised by:A)the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).B)the U.S. Treasury.C)the Federal Reserve.D)private citizens.22.According to the quantity theory of money, if money is growing at a 10 percent rate andreal output is growing at a 3 percent rate, but velocity is growing at increasingly faster rates over time as a result of financial innovation, the rate of inflation must be:A)increasing.B)decreasing.C)7 percent.D)constant.23.If the money supply increases 12 percent, velocity decreases 4 percent, and the pricelevel increases 5 percent, then the change in real GDP must be ______ percent.A)3B)4C)9D)1124.Percentage change in P is approximately equal to the percentage change in:A)M.B)M minus percentage change in Y.C)M minus percentage change in Y plus percentage change in velocity.D)M minus percentage change in Y minus percentage change in velocity.ing average rates of money growth and inflation in the United States over manydecades, Friedman and Schwartz found that decades of high money growth tended to have ______ rates of inflation and decades of low money growth tended to have ______ rates of inflation.A)high; highB)high; lowC)low; lowD)low; highing decade-long data across countries from 2000–2010, countries with high moneygrowth tend to have _____ inflation.A)highB)lowC)constantD)decreasing27.The right of seigniorage is the right to:A)levy taxes on the public.B)borrow money from the public.C)draft citizens into the armed forces.D)print money.28.“Inflation tax” means that:A)as the price level rises, taxpayers are pushed into higher tax brackets.B)as the price level rises, the real value of money held by the public decreases.C)as taxes increase, the rate of inflation also increases.D)in a hyperinflation, the chief source of tax revenue is often the printing of money.29.The inflation tax is paid:A)only by the central bank.B)by all holders of money.C)only by government bond holders.D)equally by every household.30.The percentage of government revenue raised by printing money has usually accountedfor:A)more than 10 percent of government revenue in the United States.B)less than 3 percent of government revenue in the United States.C)less than 3 percent of government revenue in Italy.D)less than 3 percent of government revenue in Greece.31.During the American Revolution, the price of gold measured in continental dollarsincreased to more than ______ times its previous level.A)2B)10C)50D)10032.The real interest rate is equal to the:A)amount of interest that a lender actually receives when making a loan.B)nominal interest rate plus the inflation rate.C)nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate.D)nominal interest rate.33.If the nominal interest rate is 1 percent and the inflation rate is 5 percent, the realinterest rate is:A) 1 percent.B) 6 percent.C)–4 percent.D)–5 percent.34.If the real interest rate declines by 1 percent and the inflation rate increases by 2 percent,the nominal interest rate must:A)increase by 2 percent.B)increase by 1 percent.C)remain constant.D)decrease by 1 percent.35.If the real interest rate and real national income are constant, according to the quantitytheory and the Fisher effect, a 1 percent increase in money growth will lead to rises in:A)inflation of 1 percent and the nominal interest rate of less than 1 percent.B)inflation of 1 percent and the nominal interest rate of 1 percent.C)inflation of 1 percent and the nominal interest rate of more than 1 percent.D)both inflation and the nominal interest rate of less than 1 percent.36.The one-to-one relation between the inflation rate and the nominal interest rate, theFisher effect, assumes that the:A)money supply is constant.B)velocity is constant.C)inflation rate is constant.D)real interest rate is constant.37.According to the quantity theory a 5 percent increase in money growth increasesinflation by ___ percent. According to the Fisher equation a 5 percent increase in the rate of inflation increases the nominal interest rate by _____.A)1; 5B)5; 1C)1; 1D)5; 538.According to the quantity theory and the Fisher equation, if the money growth increasesby 3 percent and the real interest rate equals 2 percent, then the nominal interest rate will increase:A) 2 percent.B) 3 percent.C) 5 percent.D) 6 percent.39.In the classical model, according to the quantity theory and the Fisher equation, anincrease in money growth increases:A)output.B)velocityC)the nominal interest rate.D)the real interest rate.40.Evidence from the past 40 years in the United States supports the Fisher effect andshows that when the inflation rate is high, the ______ interest rate tends to be ______.A)nominal; highB)nominal; lowC)real; highD)real; low41.The ex ante real interest rate is equal to the nominal interest rate:A)minus the inflation rate.B)plus the inflation rate.C)minus the expected inflation rate.D)plus the expected inflation rate.42.When a person purchases a 90-day Treasury bill, he or she cannot know the:A)ex post real interest rate.B)ex ante real interest rate.C)nominal interest rate.D)expected rate of inflation.43.Equilibrium in the market for goods and services determines the ______ interest rateand the expected rate of inflation determines the ______ interest rate.A)ex ante real; ex ante nominalB)ex post real; ex post nominalC)ex ante nominal; ex post realD)ex post nominal; ex post real44.The ex ante real interest rate is based on _____ inflation, while the ex post real interestrate is based on _____ inflation.A)expected; actualB)core; actualC)actual; expectedD)expected; core45.According to the Fisher effect, the nominal interest rate moves one-for-one withchanges in the:A)inflation rate.B)expected inflation rate.C)ex ante real interest rate.D)ex post real interest rate.46.A positive relationship between nominal interest rates and inflation in the United Statesis obvious in:A)both recent data and nineteenth-century data.B)recent data but not nineteenth-century data.C)nineteenth-century data but not recent data.D)neither nineteenth-century data nor recent data.47.The ex post real interest rate will be greater than the ex ante real interest rate when the:A)rate of inflation is increasing.B)rate of inflation is decreasing.C)actual rate of inflation is greater than the expected rate of inflation.D)actual rate of inflation is less than the expected rate of inflation.48.In recent U.S. experience, inflation has:A)been persistent from year to year, whereas in the nineteenth century inflation hadlittle persistence.B)been persistent from year to year, and this was also true in the nineteenth century.C)not been persistent from year to year, although it was persistent in the nineteenthcentury.D)not been persistent from year to year, and the same was true in the nineteenthcentury.49.The opportunity cost of holding money is the:A)nominal interest rate.B)real interest rate.C)federal funds rate.D)prevailing Treasury bill rate.50.The real return on holding money is:A)the real interest rate.B)minus the real interest rate.C)the inflation rate.D)minus the inflation rate.51.If the real return on government bonds is 3 percent and the expected rate of inflation is 4percent, then the cost of holding money is ______ percent.A)1B)3C)4D)752.The general demand function for real balances depends on the level of income and the:A)real interest rate.B)nominal interest rate.C)rate of inflation.D)price level.53.If the nominal interest increases, then:A)the money supply increases.B)the money supply decreases.C)the demand for money increases.D)the demand for money decreases.54.Consider the money demand function that takes the form (M/P)d = Y/4i, where M is thequantity of money, P is the price level, Y is real output, and i is the nominal interest rate.What is the average velocity of money in this economy?A)iB)4iC)1/4iD)0.2555.If the Fed announces that it will raise the money supply in the future but does notchange the money supply today,A)both the nominal interest rate and the current price level will decrease.B)the nominal interest rate will increase and the current price level will decrease.C)the nominal interest rate will decrease and the current price level will increase.D)both the nominal interest rate and the current price level will increase.56.If the money supply is held constant, then an increase in the nominal interest rate will______ the demand for money and ______ the price level.A)increase; increaseB)increase; decreaseC)decrease; increaseD)decrease; decrease57.If the demand for money depends on the nominal interest rate, then via the quantitytheory and the Fisher equation, the price level depends on:A)only the current money supply.B)only the expected future money supply.C)both the current and expected future money supply.D)neither the current nor the expected future money supply.58.According to the classical theory of money, reducing inflation will not make workersricher because firms will increase product prices ______ each year and give workers ______ raises.A)more; largerB)more; smallerC)less; largerD)less; smaller59.According to the classical theory of money, inflation does not make workers poorerbecause wages increase:A)faster than the overall price level.B)more slowly than the overall price level.C)in proportion to the increase in the overall price level.D)in real terms during periods of inflation.60.Survey evidence indicates that economists worry ______ the general public does aboutprices increasing more rapidly than their incomes.A)more thanB)less thanC)about the same asD)more intensely than61.Which of the following is NOT an effect of expected inflation?A)causes lower real wages.B)leads to shoeleather costs.C)increases menu costs.D)leads to taxing of nominal capital gains that are not real.62.The inconvenience associated with reducing money holdings to avoid the inflation tax iscalled:A)menu costs.B)shoeleather costs.C)variable yardstick costs.D)fixed costs.63.The costs of reprinting catalogs and price lists because of inflation are called:A)menu costs.B)shoeleather costs.C)variable yardstick costs.D)fixed costs.64.Inflation ______ the variability of relative prices and ______ allocative efficiency.A)increases; increasesB)increases; decreasesC)decreases; decreasesD)decreases; increases65.Devoting resources to avoiding the costs of expected inflation leads to:A)eliminating the costs of expected inflation.B)fewer relative price changes.C)economic inefficiency.D) a decrease in the transaction velocity of money.66.Variable inflation hurts both debtors and creditors because:A)inflation makes the money-fixed assets of creditors worth less.B)inflation makes the money-fixed liabilities of debtors worth less.C)most debtors and creditors are risk averse.D)most debtors and creditors are risk neutral.67.In the case of an unanticipated inflation:A)creditors with an unindexed contract are hurt because they get less than theyexpected in real terms.B)creditors with an indexed contract gain because they get more than they contractedfor in nominal terms.C)debtors with an unindexed contract do not gain because they pay exactly what theycontracted for in nominal terms.D)debtors with an indexed contract are hurt because they pay more than theycontracted for in nominal terms.68.The costs of unexpected inflation, but not of expected inflation, are:A)menu costs.B)the arbitrary redistribution of wealth between debtors and creditors.C)unintended distortions of individual tax liabilitiesD)the costs of relative price variability.69.Between 1880 and 1896, the price level in the United States fell 23 percent. Thismovement was ______ for bankers of the Northeast and ______ for farmers of theSouth and West.A)bad; badB)good; goodC)good; badD)bad; good70.A variable rate of inflation is undesirable because:A)debtors and creditors cannot protect themselves by indexing contracts.B)shoeleather costs are greater under variable inflation than under constant inflation.C)menu costs are greater under variable inflation than under constant inflation.D)variable inflation leads to greater uncertainty and risk as compared to constantinflation.71.One possible benefit of moderate inflation is:A) a reduction in boredom attributable to the changing prices.B)the elimination of menu costs.C)better functioning labor markets.D)increased certainty about the future.72.If inflation is 6 percent and a worker receives a 4 percent nominal wage increase, thenthe worker's real wage:A)increased 4 percent.B)increased 2 percent.C)decreased 2 percent.D)decreased 6 percent.73.If nominal wages cannot be cut, then the only way to reduce real wages is by:A)adjustments via inflation.B)unions.C)legislation.D)productivity increases.74.A rate of inflation that exceeds 50 percent per month is typically referred to as a(n):A)conflagration.B)hyperinflation.C)deflation.D)disinflation.pared to periods of lower rates of inflation, during a hyperinflation all of thefollowing occur except:A)shoeleather costs increase.B)menu costs become larger.C)relative prices do a better job of reflecting true scarcity.D)tax distortions increase.76.Hyperinflations ultimately are the result of excessive growth rates of the money supply;the underlying motive for the excessive money growth rates is frequently agovernment's:A)desire to increase prices throughout the economy.B)need to generate revenue to pay for spending.C)responsibility to increase nominal interest rates by increasing expected inflation.D)inability to conduct open-market operations.77.Which of the following would most likely be called a hyperinflation?A)Price increases averaged 300 percent per year.B)The inflation rate was 10 percent per year.C)Real GDP grew at a rate of 12 percent over a year.D) A stock market index rose by 1,000 points over a year.78.In instances of hyperinflation, the delays involved in collecting taxes often result in:A)decreased real government tax revenue.B)large capital gains for creditors.C)higher shoeleather costs of inflation.D)higher ex ante real interest rates.79.During hyperinflation real tax revenue of the government often drops substantiallybecause of the:A)delay between when a tax is levied and when it is collected.B)significantly greater menu costs of printing tax forms.C)additional deductions taken for increased shoeleather costs.D)greater uncertainty associated with extreme rates of inflation.80.The major source of government revenue in most countries that are experiencinghyperinflation is:A)customs duties.B)income taxes.C)seigniorage.D)borrowing.81.In practice, in order to stop a hyperinflation, in addition to stopping monetary growth,the government must:A)lower taxes and raise government spending.B)raise taxes and reduce government spending.C)change from one kind of currency to another.D)call for a new election.82.To end a hyperinflation, a government trying to reduce its reliance on seignioragewould:A)print more money.B)raise taxes and cut spending.C)lower taxes and increase spending.D)lower interest rates.83.Most hyperinflations end with _____ reforms that eliminate the need for _____.A)monetary; taxesB)monetary; currencyC)fiscal; seigniorageD)fiscal; currency84.The hyperinflation experienced by interwar Germany illustrates how fiscal policy can beconnected to monetary policy when government expenditures are financed by:A)new taxes.B)borrowing in the open market.C)printing large quantities of money.D)selling gold.85.In Zimbabwe in the 1990s the government resorted to printing money to pay the salariesof government employees because:A)it was a means to avoid price controls.B)of high rates of inflation.C)of declining tax revenues.D)of a need to stimulate the economy.86.Which of the following is an example of a relative price?A)the real interest rateB)the capital stockC)the dollar wage per hourD)the price level87.Variables expressed in terms of physical units or quantities are called ______ variables.A)realB)nominalC)endogenousD)exogenous88.Variables expressed in terms of money are called ______ variables.A)realB)nominalC)endogenousD)exogenous89.An example of a real variable is the:A)dollar wage a person earns.B)quantity of goods produced in a year.C)price level.D)nominal interest rate.90.An example of a nominal variable is the:A)money supply.B)quantity of goods produced in a year.C)relative price of bread.D)real wage.91.The classical dichotomy:A)cannot hold if money is “neutral.”B)is said to hold when the values of real variables can be determined without anyreference to nominal variables or the existence of money.C)fully describes the world in which we live, especially in the short run.D)arises because money depends on the nominal interest rate.92.According to the classical dichotomy, when the money supply decreases, _____ willdecrease.A)real GDPB)consumption spendingC)the price levelD)investment spending93.The concept of monetary neutrality in the classical model means that an increase in themoney supply will increase:A)real GDP.B)real interest rates.C)nominal interest rates.D)both saving and investment by the same amount.94.The characteristic of the classical model that the money supply does not affect realvariables is called:A)the monetary basis.B)monetary policy.C)the quantity theory of money.D)monetary neutrality95.The theoretical separation of real and monetary variables is called:A)the classical dichotomy.B)monetary neutrality.C)the Fisher effect.D)the quantity theory of money.96.If the price level depends on both the current money supply and future expected moneysupplies, in order to stop a hyperinflation, a central bank may try to establish credibility by:A)achieving increased political independence from the government.B)increasing revenue from seigniorage.C)encouraging increased government spending and tax cuts.D)undertaking larger open-market purchases.97.A small country might want to use the money of a large country rather than print its ownmoney if the small country:A)is likely to be unstable, whereas the large country is likely to be stable.B)is likely to be stable, whereas the large country is likely to be unstable.C)needs the revenue for seigniorage.D)wants to control its own inflation rate.98.The phrase “inflation is repudiation” applies only if:A)inflation is expected.B)the government has no debt.C)the government is a creditor.D)the government is a debtor.99.If consumption depends positively on the level of real balances, and real balancesdepend negatively on the nominal interest rate in a neoclassical model, then:A)the classical dichotomy still holds.B) a rise in money growth leads to a fall in consumption and a rise in investment.C) a rise in money growth leads to a rise in consumption and a fall in investment.D) a rise in money growth leads to a rise in both consumption and investment.100.If consumption depends positively on the level of real balances and real balances depend negatively on the nominal interest rate in a neoclassical model, then the nominalinterest rate:A)declines when the money growth rate rises.B)is unchanged when the money growth rate rises.C)rises 1 percent for each 1 percent rise in the money growth rate.D)rises less than 1 percent for each 1 percent rise in the money growth rate.101.Assume that a series of inflation rates is 1 percent, 2 percent, and 4 percent, while nominal interest rates in the same three periods are 5 percent, 5 percent, and 6 percent,respectively.a.What are the ex post real interest rates in the same three periods?b.If the expected inflation rate in each period is the realized inflation rate in the previousperiod, what are the ex ante real interest rates in periods two and three?c.If someone lends in period two, based on the ex ante inflation expectation in part b, will heor she be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised in period 3 when the loan is repaid?102.Mary Tsai is paid $3,000 every 30 days. Her salary is deposited directly in her bank.She spends all her money at a constant rate over the 30 days and must pay cash. She can(1) withdraw all of the money at once; (2) withdraw half at once and the rest after 15days; (3) withdraw one-third at once, one-third after 10 days, and one-third at 20 days;or (4) make any number of evenly spaced withdrawals. Each withdrawal costs her $2 interms of time and inconvenience. For each day that Mary has a dollar in the bank, shegets .03 cents (.0003 per dollar) in interest. Thus, if she withdraws half of her moneyimmediately and half in 15 days, she has $1,500 in the bank for 15 days and earns $6.75interest.a.Create a table showing transaction costs, interest earned, and total net earnings (+) or cost (–)associated with one, two, three, or four withdrawals per month.b.How many withdrawals per month lead to the largest net earnings? If Mary chooses thisnumber, what will be her average amount of cash on hand over the 30 days?103.Assume that the demand for real money balance (M/P) is M/P = 0.6Y – 100i, where Y is national income and i is the nominal interest rate (in percent). The real interest rate r isfixed at 3 percent by the investment and saving functions. The expected inflation rateequals the rate of nominal money growth.a.If Y is 1,000, M is 100, and the growth rate of nominal money is 1 percent, what must i and Pbe?b.If Y is 1,000, M is 100, and the growth rate of nominal money is 2 percent, what must i andP be?104.A classical economist wears a T-shirt printed with the slogan “Fast Money Raises My Interest!” Use the quantity theory of money and the Fisher equation to explain theslogan.105.In classical macroeconomic theory, the concept of monetary neutrality means that changes in the money supply do not influence real variables. Explain why changes inmoney growth affect the nominal interest rate, but not the real interest rate.106.Econoland finances government expenditures with an inflation tax.a.Explain who pays the tax and how it is paid.b.What are costs of the tax, assuming the tax rate is expected?。
