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许 菊


摘 要:Chom sky的普遍语法理论是针对“语言习得的逻辑问题”(即儿童如何在母语刺激匮乏的情况下仍能从容成功地习得母语?)提出来的,并把该现象归因于人类的遗传属性,即人脑固有的语言习得机制或普遍语法。由于这一“逻辑问题”同样存在于二语习得,二语学习者的语言能力同样不能只归因于决定语言输入质和量的环境因素、学习者自身的心理和认知因素而忽略了语言本源的影响。天生的语言习得机制或普遍语法是否在二语学习中发生作用、怎样作用?或普遍语法是否为二语学习者可及?这是自普遍语法理论建立以来二语习得研究者苦苦探求的问题。虽然对这一问题的实证研究和理论探索得出的结论分歧较大,但却为二语习得研究回归语言本源作出了有意义的尝试。


中图分类号:H314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100025544(2006)0120022204

Abstract:Chom sky’s T heo ry of U n iversal Gramm ar w as p ropo sed in respon se to“the logical p rob lem of language ac2 qu isiti on”,that is,how ch ildren com e to acqu ire L1w ith ease and comp lete success desp ite the in sufficiency of the L1 sti m u lu s.Chom sky attribu tes the phenom enon to the hum an hereditary attribu te-the L anguage A cqu isiti on D evice o r U G inherited by hum an b rain.Since“the logical p rob lem”ex ists in SLA as w ell,L2learners’language competence shou ld no t be attribu ted on ly to the inpu t2related environm en tal facto rs as w ell as the p sycho logical and cogn itive fac2 to rs of the learners w h ile giving no con siderati on to the influence of the language p roper.W hat is the ro le of LAD o r U G in SLA?O r,is U G accessib le to L2learners?T h is is a questi on that has attracted SLA researchers since the es2 tab lishm en t of U G theo ry.T hough the U G2based emp irical o r theo retical researches have arrived at differen t conclu2 si on s,their attemp ts at the retu rn to the noum enon(i.e.the language p roper)of SLA are sign ifican t.

Key words:U n iversal Gramm ar;P rinci p le2Param eter M odel;SLA;accessib ility


Chom sky的普遍语法理论是针对儿童的母语习得现象提出来的。令Chom sky等生成学派语言学家困惑和痴迷的是,正常情况下儿童可以习得的母语系统知识远远超过他们实际所接触到的母语输入。Chom sky等认为,儿童接触到的母语刺激或“正面数据”(po sitive evidence)是“匮乏的”-不仅句型简单、数量有限,而且包含不少不合语法、不够通顺的句子。此外,在母语输入中,可使儿童通过对自己语言错误的信息反馈习得母语的负面数据(negative evidence)同样也是匮乏的,因为除非交际发生障碍,成人一般不会去纠正儿童所说的文法不通的句子。但是,在另一方面,母语刺激的匮乏并不妨碍儿童高效成功地习得母语的知识体系;本族语者不仅可以理解一个从未听说过的句子,而且可以正确地判断它的合法性。母

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收稿日期 2005206220

责任编校 王和平
