



水泵安装、使用、维护说明书Type NG slurry PumpINST ALL TION, OPERA TION, MAINTENANCEMANUAL一、水泵的安装Pump installation水泵的安装Pump installation1、水泵安装准备工作1. The preparation work for pump installation.(1)检查水泵和电机,确知在运输和装卸过程中没有损伤。

Check the pump and motor, ensure there were no damage during the transportation and load or unload.(2)检查工具和起重机械,并检查机器的基础。

Check the tools and lifting equipment and also the basement of machine. (3)检查配套提供的压力表及表座。

Check the manometer and gauge stand of affiliated equipments2、水泵安装顺序Pump installation order(1)整套泵运抵现场时,都已装好电机;校平底座时,可不必卸下水泵和电机。

The motor have been installed when a whole set of pump arrived scene. When collate the basement, no need to demount the pump and motor.(2)在水泥基础上安装水泵时,基础平面应用水平找平,待基础水泥凝固后将泵安装在基础上,并用水平仪检查水平情况,如不平,应用垫铁调正,直到水平为止,然后通过灌浆孔由混凝土浇灌底座和地脚螺栓孔眼。

When install pump on the cement base, regulate the foundation flat by the standard. Check the condition of standard by thegradienter, if not flat, regulate it by the parallels until horizontal, use concrete to irrigate basement and foundation bolt hole by the grout hole. (3)水泥干固后,检查底座和地脚螺栓是否松动,合适后拧紧地脚螺栓的螺母,最后再检查一下整台机组的水平度,稍有不平时,可用斜铁找平。






























LC型泵Type LC Pump安装使用说明书Installation and Operation ManualC a u t i o n■请仔细阅读本说明书,理解各项内容,以便能正确安装、运行操作和保养维护等。

Please read this manual carefully and understand all the contents in it for correct installation, operation andmaintenance.■本说明书应保存在实际最终使用人的手中。

This manual should be kept in the hands of the actual end users.■本产品技术规范可能发生变化,恕不另行通知。

The technical specification of this product may change without notice.襄樊525泵业有限公司Xiangfan 525 Pump Industry Co., Ltd.目录Contents 1. 适用范围Scope of application2.泵的结构The Structure of the pump.3.开箱检查Unpacking and checking4.泵的安装Installation of the pump5.泵的运行Startup and operation of the pump 6.泵的维护Maintenance of the pump7.泵的拆卸Disassembling8.泵的装配Assembling9.故障原因及解决办法Possible troubleshooting and solutions 10.常用备件Spare parts1.适用范围Scope of applicationLC、LC——B系列泵是我公司引进的法国日蒙施乃德(JS)公司制造许可证技术,奥特桑伯尔(HS)公司耐腐蚀耐磨蚀泵用材料冶炼铸造技术。

Sonic Cutter ZERO 超声波切割机用户手册说明书

Sonic Cutter ZERO 超声波切割机用户手册说明书

OM-KK1006ZH 000䎻༦⌘࠽ࢨᵰֵ⭞䈪᱄Ҝ非常感谢您这次购买 Sonic Cutter ZERO 超声波切割机。




目录1. 安全预防措施 (2)2. 产品信息 (5)2 –1包装内物品 (5)2 –2各部位名称 (6)3. 使用前的准备 (9)3 –1连接电源线 (9)3 –2连接手把 (9)3 –3连接脚踏开关 (另售商品) (9)3 –4刀片更换 (10)4. 使用方法 (11)5. 维护 (12)5 –1更换熔断器 (12)5 –2护理 (12)6. 设置 (13)6 –1用户设置操作 (13)6 –2设置不使用时的强制停止时间 (14)6 –3设置通知音量 (14)6 –4设置振幅显示和 WATT(瓦数)显示 (14)6 –5设置脚踏开关 (15)6 –6设置手把过热保护功能 (15)6 –7初始化设置 ..............................................157. 故障的原因及对策.. (16)7 –1错误代码 (16)7 –2故障的原因和对策 (17)8. 售后服务 (19)8 –1保修单 (19)8 –2联系我们 (19)8 –3废弃产品 (19)9. 规格 (20)9 –1规格 (20)9 –2符合标准 (20)9 –3保护电路 (21)9 –4符号标志 (22)1 安全预防措施使用前,请务必仔细阅读安全注意事项,并正确使用。







剪切仪用户手册ShearTrac-II全自动直剪和残余剪切Geocomp欧美大地仪器设备中国有限公司Earth Products China Limited(EPC)目录1 概述1.1ShearTrac-II硬件1.2ShearTrac-II软件1.3操作原理2使用ShearTrac-II2.1手动垂直控制2.1.1显示器2.1.2位置2.1.3控制(仅用于单一系统)2.1.4设置2.2手动水平控制2.2.1显示器2.2.2位置2.2.3控制2.2.4设置2.3电脑控制附录A 安装A.1 准备测试站点A.2 开箱A.3 ShearTrac-II系统电气连接A.4 开机顺序附录B 故障解决附录C 维护1概述ShearTrac-II是一个智能加载系统,根据传感器的反馈实时控制加载架。

























注意:该泵不能用于活性泥浆系统,因为系统中的钻井固体及重晶12 石,它们在受到剪切时将很快损坏该泵。

原理如图一:图一 WJQ5⨯6J 剪切泵原理图聚合物流体从V 流道进入,并以平行与剪切板P 的方向抽送,收集室内液流量的50%通过44个喷嘴N 射出,并以高速冲击剪切板P ,然后在M 处90︒方向进入泵的蜗壳收集室。


如果使用到以下提到的叶片部位进行切割,叶片就会开始上升, 使切割机前后反冲。如何避免反冲?
1.避免用图示部位切割。(见图7) 2.站好,姿势平稳。 3.大拇指竖起,用双手指头紧握手柄。 4.站在安全工作区域内。 5.让切割机达到最高速度。 6.切割时切记小心谨慎。 7.严禁切割高于肩膀的物体。 8.注意慢慢挪动刀片,否则切片或其它物体 会碰到叶片。 9.切割机必须按照额定转速运行。
警告! 使用刀片的一整圈,避免只用刀片的一 边,这样必定会使机器受损、破裂并导致 严重毁坏。仅使用切割区域。
警告! 不要把切割机拉向一边;这样会导致刀片 堵塞或破裂,导致人身伤害。
警告! 在切割混凝土制造物时,切割机装要上水冷却系统,使用汽油或石油运 转,以减少灰尘,延长其使用年限。然而,如果在温度极低的环境下操 作,会有损害地面和导致设备滑动的风险。
始终把切割机及燃料储存在安全的地方,以免溅出的燃料和蒸汽与 火花和明火碰撞。 必须使用经官方认证的容器储存燃料。 储存切割机燃料的容器必须清理干净并空置一段时间。联系附近的 燃料站,了解如何处理多余的燃料。
警告! 燃料箱要具备特殊的防滑功能。燃料和燃气是高度易燃物,因此在加燃 料前要关闭发动机,且不要加的太满。擦干溅到地面或机器上的燃料。 如果燃料溅到衣服上面,就要更换衣服。机器起动前,必须确保机器到 加燃料区域的距离不小于3米。
众所周知,切割机用途广泛。这种简单的工具几乎在任何情况 下都能发挥作用。在工业领域,切割机可以切开硬物;在急救中, 它们可以拯救生命。然而,任何工具的不恰当操作都可能引起严重 事故,甚至致命伤害。在使用该工具前,需认真阅读下面的操作手 册。
由于不同国家和地区的安全法规可能存在差异,请联系地方权 威机构并认真遵守操作手册。


需要进行的操作 A Required Action 此圆圈符号或描述表示需要进行的操作。 A symbol within the circle, or the description, will indicate the required action.
警 告 Warning
请勿用湿手接通、断开电线或者操作机器。 如不遵守该事项可能触电。 Do not plug in, unplug the cord, or operate the machine with wet hands. Failure to observe this may result in injury due to electric shock.
该机器仅用于工业用途。 请勿允许未经训练人员或者儿童操作机器。 如不遵守该事项可能造成伤害。 This machine is intended for industrial use only. Do not allow untrained operators or children to operate the machine. Failure to observe this may result in injury.
Load the Tape
将交流电线插入交流电源插口。 Plug in the AC CORD to the AC CORD INLET.



In-Line mixersSilverson High Shear mixers are supremely efficient and rapid in operation and are capableof reducing mixing times byup to 90%.The action of any SilversonIn-Line mixer can be modified with the use of rapidly interchangeable workheads. This enables any machine to mix, emulsify, homogenize, solubilize, suspend, disperse and disintegrate solids.- Aeration free.- Self pumping.- No bypassing.- Interchangeable workheads.- Sanitary construction.- Easy maintenance.- Lower power requirements.- Eliminates agglomerates andfish eyes.- Creates stable emulsionsand suspensions.- Reduces particle size.- Rapidly dissolves solids.- Accelerates reactions.How the In-Line worksStage 1The high speed rotation of therotor blades within the precisionmachined mixing workheadexerts a powerful suction,drawing liquid and solid materialsinto the rotor/stator assembly.Stage 2Centrifugal force then drivesmaterials towards the peripheryof the workhead where theyin the precision machinedclearance between the ends ofthe rotor blades and the innerwall of the stator.Stage 3This is followed by intensehydraulic shear as the materialsare forced, at high velocity, outthrough the perforations in thestator, then through the machineoutlet and along the pipework.At the same time, fresh materialsare continually drawn into theworkhead, maintaining themixing and pumping cycle.The Silverson UHS series of Ultra Sanitary multipurpose In-Line mixers is able to perform the widest variety of applications- mixing, emulsifying, homogenizing, disintegrating and dissolving - with an efficiency, flexibility and sanitary construction unmatched by other machines.EHEDG and 3-A TPV (Third Party Verification) Certified and designed to comply with FDA, and cGMP guidelines, these machines are ideally suitedfor industries where advanced Clean-In-Place (CIP) and Sterilize-In-Place (SIP) facilities are required. The design offers further versatility with multistage rotor/stator configurations as standard options, resulting in substantially faster mixing times by reducing the number of recirculation passes required, and offering greater particle size reduction.Features:- Interchangeable workheadswith single or multistageconfigurations- Ultra Sanitary EHEDGApproved single mechanicalshaft seals, easily convertedto Ultra Sanitary EHEDGApproved double mechanicalshaft seals- Outlet can be configured forself-venting vertical outlet orrotated to tangential self-draining position- Designed for Clean-In-Place(CIP) and Sterilize-In-Place(SIP) operation- Self-pumping- Aeration free- Crevice-free construction- No metal-to-metal contact- No castings - no porosity- All 316L stainless steelconstruction of wetted parts- No manual dismantlingand cleaning is required,significantly reducingmaintenance, operating costs,increasing reliabilityand increasing productivityUltra Sanitary In-Line mixersSanitary construction EHEDG Certified and designed to comply with FDA, 3ATPV(Third Party Verification) and cGMP guidelines, these machines are ideally suitedfor industries where Clean-In-Place (CIP) procedures are the norm. Not only do these include the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, but also more diverse applications where modern manufacturing techniques and maximum equipment utilization requirea rapid changeover from one product to another.Interchangeable workheadsAvailable to adapt the machine for varying processes. Changing from one head or screen to another is quick and simple.SpeedAdding a Silverson In-Line mixer to an existing process can cut mixing times by up to 90% compared with conventional agitators and mixers.No bypassingThe In-Line mixer’s designmakes it physically impossiblefor any materials - liquid or solid- to pass from the inlet to theoutlet without being subjected tointense mechanical and hydraulicshear as it passes throughthe rotor/stator workhead.Bypassing is impossible.Aeration freeAs the In-Line mixer andassociated vessel and pipeworkform a closed system, themixing process is completelyaeration free. This is particularlyimportant for applications whereair entrainment creates a problem.Lower powerrequirementsAs the mixer’s energy isconcentrated on processingthe small volume of materialinside the workhead at any givenmoment, power is not wastedmoving large volumes of liquid,and consequently, less poweris normally required than forthe equivalent batch mixer.This is particularly beneficialwhen processing large volumesof material.AdvantagesHigh Viscosity In-Line mixersSilverson’s new UHS-HV Series of In-Line Mixers are designed for processing higher viscosity products.They offer all the advantagesof the standard UHS rangebut incorporate a unique and innovative “pumping rotor” design which substantially increases the mixer’s self-pumping capacity.This high flow rate is maintained as viscosity rises, eliminating the need for an additional feed pump when processing many higher viscosity products in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries.Features:- Ultra Sanitary construction -based on the UHS mixer range- Self-pumping- Aeration free- No bypassing- Interchangeable workheads- Vertical or self-drainingtangential outlet- Designed for Cleaning-In-PlaceTypical Applications High Viscosity In-Line mixers are ideal for applications in the Food, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Chemical industries, including preparation of Gels, Creams, Gums & Thickeners, etc.General duty In-Line mixersSilverson offers a range of In-Line mixers suitable for hazardous and aggressive chemical service. These units are of robust and simple construction, which ensures that maintenance is easy and downtime minimal.With some of the highest rotor tip speeds and shear rates in the industry, production times can be cut by up to 90%, reducing mechanical wear and maintenance requirements, while offering better particle size reduction, emulsification, rapid solubilization and dispersion. Optional features- Jacketed units for temperaturesensitive products.- Non-standard materials ofconstruction such as hastelloy,titanium and hardened steelsfor processing highly abrasiveor corrosive products.- High capacity units withself-pumping capacitiesfrom 5 up to 50,000 gallonsper hour.Typical ApplicationsBitumens, Edible oil refining,Drilling muds, Adhesives,Luboils, Pigment dispersions,Titanium dioxide, etc.Technical specificationsGeneral purpose disintegrating head,multistage inner and outerCombined configuration: inner slotted with outer square holehigh shear screen ™Slotted disintegrating head, multistage inner and outerCombined configuration: inner general purpose with outer slotteddisintegrating headGeneral purpose disintegrating head Square hole high shear screen™Slotteddisintegrating head Emulsor screenMaterials of construction Product contact parts in 316L Stainless Steel. Special materials on request.MotorsTEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled) washdown duty and NEMA explosion proof ratedmotors are available as standard. Inverter rated, stainless steel and other motors are available as optional extras.Operating pressures All Sanitary Multipurpose models are designed for operation on pressures of up to 150 psi (10 bar). General Duty models 100 psi (7 bar). Higher pressure units are available on request. Inlet and outlet connectionsTri-Clamp or ASA 150 flanges are available as standard. ISS, DIN, RJT and SMS are available on request.Interchangeable workheadsSingle stage rotor/stator configurations as standard. For those applicationswhich require greater shear, interchangeable multistage configurations can be used.Recirculation methodThis is the most common way of using an In-Line mixer, providing a higher degree of homogenization and particle size reduction. Here product is drawn from the bottom of the vessel, processed through the high shear rotor/stator workhead and passed back into the top of the vessel.In small vessels this will ensure adequate in-tank movement but in larger vessels an auxiliary in-tank mixer or agitator will be required.Additional fluid ingredients can be fed into the workhead and uniformly mixed before entering the vessel.Where quality assurance (QA) demands a set number of passes through the rotor/stator workhead, product can be passed back and forth between two separate vessels.Single pass methodThere are basically three types of operations for which single pass processing can be used. Continuous blending Ingredients are metered into the mixer or a manifold just prior to the rotor/stator workhead. This ensures that products that react together are mixed immediately on contact. This method is ideal for continuous liquid/liquid blending and for products where aeration must be avoided, i.e. detergents. Series processingIn cases where a higher degree of homogenization or comminution is required than can be obtained by a single pass through the In-Line mixer, it is possible to achieve the required results by using two or more machines in series. Premix methodThe ingredients are coarsely premixed in a holding vessel with a Silverson Batch mixer, Ultramix or a simple agitator. A single pass through the In-Line mixer will then ensure an agglomerate-free homogeneous product.All the product must pass through the In-Line mixer’s rotor/stator workhead asbypassing is impossible.How to use In-Line mixers。



Page 2 of 12PD03P-XXX-XXX (en)EXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURES TATIC SPARK HAZARDOUS MATERIALSHAZARDOUS PRESSUREWARNING sonal injury, pump damage or property damage.Do not exceed the maximum inlet air pressure asstated on the pump model plate.Be sure material hoses and other components are ableto withstand fluid pressures developed by this pump. Check all hoses for damage or wear. Be certain dispens-ing device is clean and in proper working condition.WARNING STATIC SPARK. Can cause explosion resulting in severe injury or death. Ground pump and pumping system.PD03P-XDS-XXX and PD03P-XES-XXX Groundable Acetal pumps: Use the pump ground lug provided. Connect to a 12 ga. (minimum) wire (kit is included) to a good earth ground source.Sparks can ignite flammable material and vapors. The pumping system and object being sprayed must begrounded when it is pumping, fl ushing, recirculating orspraying fl ammable materials such as paints, solvents,lacquers, etc. or used in a location where surroundingatmosphere is conducive to spontaneous combustion.Ground the dispensing valve or device, containers, hos-es and any object to which material is being pumped.Secure pump, connections and all contact points to avoid vibration and generation of contact or static spark.Consult local building codes and electrical codes for specifi c grounding requirements.After grounding, periodically verify continuity ofelectrical path to ground. Test with an ohmmeterfrom each component (e.g., hoses, pump, clamps, con-tainer, spray gun, etc.) to ground to insure continuity.Ohmmeter should show 0.1 ohms or less.Submerse the outlet hose end, dispensing valve ordevice in the material being dispensed if possible. (Avoid free streaming of material being dispensed.)Use hoses incorporating a static e proper ventilation.Keep infl ammables away from heat, open fl ames and sparks.Keep containers closed when not in use.WARNING Can cause severe injury. Pipe exhaust away from workarea and personnel.In the event of a diaphragm rupture, material can beforced out of the air exhaust muffl er.Pipe the exhaust to a safe remote location whenpumping hazardous or infl ammable materials.Use a grounded 3/8” minimum i.d. hose between thepump and the muffl er.WARNING HAZARDOUS PRESSURE. Can result in serious injury or property damage. Do not service or clean pump, hoses or dispensing valve while the system is pressurized.Disconnect air supply line and relieve pressure fromthe system by opening dispensing valve or device and/ or carefully and slowly loosening and removing out-let hose or piping from pump.WARNING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Can cause seriousinjury or property damage. Do not attempt to return a pump to the factory or service center that contains hazardous material. Safe handling practices must comply with local and national laws and safety code requirements.y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets on all materials from the supplier for proper handling instructions.WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD. Models containing aluminum wetted parts cannot be used with 1,1,1-trichloroethane, methylene chloride or other halogenated hydrocarbon solvents which may react and explode.Check pump motor section, fluid caps, manifolds and all wetted parts to assure compatibility before using with solvents of this type.CAUTION pump wetted parts and the substance being pumped, flushed or recirculated. Chemical compatibility may change with temperature and concentration of the chemical(s) within the substances being pumped, fl ushed or circulated. For specifi c fl uid compatibility, consult the chemical manufacturer.CAUTION on mechanical stress only. Certain chemicals will significantly reduce maximum safe operating temperature. Consult the chemical manufacturer for chemical compatibility and temperature limits. Refer to PUMP DATA on page 1 of this manual.CAUTION have been trained for safe working practices,understand it’s limitations, and wear safety goggles / equipment when required.CAUTION support of the piping system. Be certain the system components are properly supported to prevent stresson the pump parts.Suction and discharge connections should be fl exible connections (such as hose), not rigid piped, and should be compatible with the substance being pumped.CAUTION pump. Do not allow pump to operate when out of material for long periods of time.Disconnect air line from pump when system sits idle for long periods of time.CAUTION® replacement parts toassure compatible pressure rating and longest service life.RE-TORQUE ALL FASTENERS BEF OREcause fasteners to loosen. Re-torque all fasteners to insure Rupture” pn \ 93122.WARNING CAUTION y y y y OPERATING AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONSREAD, UNDERSTAND, AND FOLLOW THIS INFORMATION TO AVOID INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.PD03P-XXX-XXX (en) Page 3 of 12GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ARO diaphragm pump offers high volume delivery even at low air pressure and a broad range of material compatibility options available. Refer to the model and option chart. ARO pumps feature stall resistant design, modular air motor / fl uid sections.Air operated double diaphragm pumps utilize a pressure dif-ferential in the air chambers to alternately create suction and positive fl uid pressure in the fl uid chambers, ball checks insure a positive fl ow of fl uid.Pump cycling will begin as air pressure is applied and it will continue to pump and keep up with the demand. It will build and maintain line pressure and will stop cycling once maxi-mum line pressure is reached (dispensing device closed) and will resume pumping as needed.AIR AND LUBE REQUIREMENTSWARNING damage, personal injury or property damage.A filter capable of filtering out particles larger than 50 microns should be used on the air supply. There is no lu-brication required other than the “O” ring lubricant which is applied during assembly or repair.If lubricated air is present, make sure that it is compatible with the “O” rings and seals in the air motor section of the pump.y y Viton ®and Hytrel ® are registered trademarks of the DuPont ® Company Loctite ® is a registered trademark of Henkel Loctite CorporationSantoprene ® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P . Lubriplate ® is a registered trademark of Lubriplate Division (Fiske Brothers Refi ning Company)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSAlways flush the pump with a solvent compatible withy MAINTENANCECertain ARO “Smart Parts” are indicated which should beavailable for fast repair and reduction of down time.Provide a clean work surface to protect sensitive internal moving parts from contamination from dirt and foreign matter during service disassembly and reassembly.Keep good records of service activity and include pump in preventive maintenance program.Service Kits are available to service two separate Dia-phragm Pump functions: 1. AIR SECTION, 2. FLUID SEC-TION. The Fluid Section is divided further to match typical active MATERIAL OPTIONS.y y y y the material being pumped if the material being pumped is subject to “setting up” when not in use for a period of time.Disconnect the air supply from the pump if it is to be in-active for a few hours.The outlet material volume is governed not only by the air supply but also by the material supply available at the inlet. The material supply tubing should not be too small or restrictive. Be sure not to use hose which might col-lapse.When the diaphragm pump is used in a forced-feed (fl ooded inlet) situation, it is recommended that a Check Valve” be installed at the air inlet.Secure the diaphragm pump legs to a suitable surface to insure against damage by vibration.y yy yTYPICAL CROSS SECTIONFigure 2Page 4 of 12PD03P-XXX-XXX (en)n 637429-XX Fluid Section service kits include: Balls (see BALL OPTION, refer to -XX in chart below), Diaphragms (See DIAPHRAGMOPTION, refer to -XX in chart below) and item 19 (listed below), plus items 144, 174 and 94276 Lubriplate® grease (page 6).NOTE: Item 19 “O” ring is not used with PD03P-XXX-0XX seat option.MATERIAL CODE[A] = Aluminum [B] = Nitrile [D] = Acetal [E] = E.P .R.[GA] = Groundable Acetal [GFN] = Glass Filled Nylon [H] = Hytrel [K] = Kynar PVDF [N] = Neoprene [P] = Polypropylene[PPG] = Glass Filled Polypropylene [Sp] = Santoprene [SS] = Stainless Steel [T] = PTFE [V] = Vitono Smart Parts” keep these items on hand in addition to the service kits for fast repair and reduction of down time.PD03P-XXX-XXX (en) Page 5 of 12Page 6 of 12 PD03P-XXX-XXX (en)pIndicates parts included in 637428 Air Section Repair Kit.MATERIAL CODE[B] = Nitrile[PPG] = Glass Filled Polypropylene [CK] = Ceramic [SS] = Stainless Steel [D] = Acetal[SY] = Syn-Seal [P] = Polypropylene[U] = PolyurethaneDIAPHRAGM PUMP SERVICEGENERAL SERVICE NOTES:Inspect and replace old parts with new parts as neces-sary. Look for deep scratches on metallic surfaces, and nicks or cuts in “O” rings.Tools needed to complete disassembly and repair:5/8” socket or wrench, 7/16” socket or wrench, 3/8” socket or wrench, 5/16” Allen wrench, T-10 Torx screwdriver, torque wrench (measuring inch pounds), “O” ring pick.y y y FLUID SECTION DISASSEMBLYRemove (61) top manifold.Remove (19) “O” rings, (21) seats and (22) balls.Remove (60) bottom manifold.Remove (19) “O” rings, (21) seats and (22) balls.Remove (15) fl uid caps.Remove (6) diaphragm nut, (7) or (7 / 8) diaphragms and (5) washer.Remove (1) connecting rod from air motor.Carefully remove remaining (6) diaphragm nut, (7) or (7 / 8)diaphragms and (5) washer from (1) connecting rod. Do not mar surface of connecting rod. SECTION REASSEMBLYReassemble in reverse order.Lubricate (1) connecting rod with Lubriplate or equiva-lent “O” ring lubricant.Install (5) washers with i.d. chamfer toward diaphragm.When replacing PTFE diaphragms, install the 96533-A Santoprene diaphragm behind the Tefl on diaphragm.y y y y AIR MOTOR SECTION SERVICEService is divided into two parts - 1. Pilot Valve, 2. MajorValve.Air Motor Section Service is continued from Fluid Section repair.y PILOT VALVE DISASSEMBLYRemove (123) screws, releasing (103) covers, (121) wash-ers, (118) actuator pins and (167) pilot piston.Remove (170) spool bushing and inspect inner bore ofbushing for damage.1.2.PILOT VALVE REASSEMBLYClean and lubricate parts not being replaced from ser-vice kit.Assemble (171) “O” rings to (170) bushing and assemblebushing into (101) center body.Lubricate and assemble (167) pilot piston assembly into(170) bushing.Assemble (173 and 174) “O” rings and (121) washers to(103) covers, then insert (118) actuator pins through as-sembly.Assemble (144) “U” cups (note the lip direction) and (103)covers to (101) center body, securing with (123) screws. NOTE: Tighten (123) screws to 4 - 6 in. lbs (0.45 - 0.68 Nm). VALVE DISASSEMBLYUnthread (123) screws, releasing (129) muffl er baffl e.Unthread (134) bolts and pull (135) valve block and com-ponents from (101) center body.Remove (132) gasket, (141) valve plate and (140) valveinsert from (135) valve block.Remove (134) bolts, releasing (107 and 136) plugs and(111) spool. (en) Page 7 of 12PILOT VALVE PARTSFigure 4144169 167 174MAJOR VALVE REASSEMBLYAssemble new (139 and 138) U” cups on (111) spool -LIPS MUST FACE EACH OTHER.Assemble (137) O” rings to (136) large plug.Assemble (137 and 166) O” rings to (107) small plug.Insert (111) spool into (136) large plug, then insert (136)large plug into (135) valve block, being sure the (111) spool is rotated to accept (140) valve insert.Assemble (107) small plug into (135) valve block. (140) valve insert and (141) valve plate to(135) valve block. Note: Assemble (140) valve insert with dished” side toward (141) valve plate. Assemble (141) valve plate with identifi cation dot toward (132) gasket.Assemble (132 and 200) gaskets and (135) valve blockto (101) center body, securing with (134) bolts. NOTE: Tighten (134) bolts to 15 - 20 in. lbs (1.7 - 2.3 Nm).Assemble (130) gasket and (129) muffl er baffl e to (101)center body, securing with (123) screws. NOTE: Tighten (123) screws to 4 - 6 in. lbs (0.45 - 0.68 Nm).6.7.8.Page 8 of 12 PD03P-XXX-XXX (en)TROUBLE SHOOTINGProduct discharged from air exhaust.Check for diaphragm rupture.Check tightness of (6) diaphragm nut.Air Bubbles in product discharge.Check connections of suction plumbing.Check “O” rings between intake manifold and fluid caps.Check tightness of (6) diaphragm nut.Pump blows air out main exhaust when stalled on either stroke.Check “U” cups on (111) spool in major valve.Check (141) valve plate and (140) insert for wear.Check (169) U” cup on (167) pilot piston.y y y y y y y y Pump blows air out main exhaust when stalled on either stroke.Check air supply.Check for plugged outlet hose.For the pump to prime itself, it must be mounted in the vertical position so that the balls will check by gravity.Check for pump cavitation - suction pipe should be sized at least as large as the inlet thread diameter of the pump for proper fl ow if high viscosity fl uids are being pumped. Suction hose must be non-collapsible type, capable of pulling a high vacuum.Check all joints on intake manifolds and suction connec-tions. These must be airtight.Inspect the pump for solid objects lodged in the dia-phragm chamber or the seat area.y y y y y y DIMENSIONAL DATAACCESSORIES67388 WALL MOUNT BRACKET ASSEMBLY96507 Wall Mount BracketY13-3-T Washer (3) (3/16")Y14-10-S Lock Washer (3) (#10)Y154-52-S Cap Screw (3)(#10 - 24 x 1/2")Figure 6PD03P-XXX-XXX (en) Page 9 of 12Page 10 of 12 PD03P-XXX-XXX (en)PD03P-XXX-XXX (en) Page 11 of 12PN 97999-1180 Page 12 of 12 PD03P-XXX-XXX (en)。



操作和维护手册K LD6002系列液压剪专用电动泵雷恩液压本操作手册内容包括KLD6002液压剪电动泵的操作规程、警告和注意事项以及故障排除 。







在使用过程中,如发生异常情况,请关闭电源,拨出电源接头,然后向WREN 或WREN授权代理商咨。



3.本液压电动泵的最高工作压力为70Mpa ;在出厂时工厂已设定压力为70Mpa 。


4.如本电动泵用于操作其它配套设备,配套设备的工作压力应小于70Mpa ,并将压力调定为其配套设备的工作压力,否则配套设备有可能损坏;5.充分考虑安全性,在维修前,应将电器设备的电源切断。



8.不要改装本电动泵;如确实需要改装,应先向WREN 或WREN 授权代理商咨询。

没有WREN 的书面同意,所作改装,不在质保范围内。

9.不要加注超过可用油量的液压油,否则, 贮油箱中的压力会增加或溢出, 贮油箱有可能损坏、会造成对环境的污染。





科佩斯-HYDROMAT 1000 1300 1700 2000型号剪切机说明书

科佩斯-HYDROMAT 1000 1300 1700 2000型号剪切机说明书

EASE OF MAINTENANCE AND OPTIMIZED COSTSThe machine is delivered with an ideal ergonomic maintenance platform and special tools for quick and safe blade changes. Through the screwless lower blade tightening system specifically developed by Copex, the time required to replace blades is only 2 hours with2 operators.OPERATION CONTROLThe intuitive touch screen displayingall production parameters and operatingdata can be used to carry out preventivetests and manage alarms. An additionalportable screen can be positioned inthe loading crane. Remote maintenanceallows Copex to take actions remotelyat the operator’s request. A FAST SHEAR The shear makes 7 cuts per minute thanks to the simultaneous movements of the shear and the hold-down. Equipped with a rail breaker , it processes the hardest scrap. A hydraulic balancing valve system regulates the downward movement of the shear using maximum power while controlling the movement perfectly. In case of sudden material breakage, a counter-pressure compensates the own load of the blade slide block while its extended guide system reduces the clearance between the blades and guarantees constant cutting performance .ENERGY EFFICIENCYHigh cutting speeds are made possible bythe simultaneous automatic movementsof the hold-down, the shear, the side-press, the lid and the preload table.The speed of the movements is increasedby the transfer of oil between the cylindersand the use of new generation high pressure pumps . While cycle times are optimized, energy consumption is reduced by 17% in comparison to previous generations of scrap shears. In addition, the proportional design of the hydraulic pumps means increasedenergy efficiency during certain operating phases.Lidex scrap shears are ideal for processing heavy and bulkymetal scrap or when high production volumes are required .They are the only side compression machines to offer a true fullyautomatic cycle that includes the discharging of scrap materialsfrom the preload table into the compression box, the closing of thebox and the complete cutting cycle.PATENTED HIGH COMPACTION EFFECTIVENESS Copex offers the Lidex as the only machine having a fully automatic and extremely fast closing cycle of the compression box , particularly through two major patented innovations. Firstly, due to the kinematics of the preload table with its offset axis, the falling scrap is directed directly to the pusher area exactly below the lid. In addition, the high amplitude lid covering 80% of the boxin closed position, has a large lever arm making it very powerful. The preload table is loaded in hidden time during the box closing and shearing cycles, which further reduces cycle times.SERIESThe latest Copex scrap shears type S-Wing are the response to thesustained demand for machines with pre-compression by wings forprocessing light to medium-heavy bulky scrap . These machineshave a reinforced compression box and optimal cylinder protection.The compression box allows for high compaction performance dueto the overstroke of the two press wings. S-Wing machines have anextended blade slide block guide system and the same clever deviceas the heavy-duty scrap shears with side compression for quick bladereplacement. The S-Wing machine series is a concentrate ofCopex know-how . A HIGH-PERFORMANCE SHEARThrough the simultaneous movements ofthe shear and the hold-down, the machine achieves very high cutting speeds . The 1000t cutting force version is equippedwith a rail breaker for processing thehardest scrap. The extra-long slide blockguiding design ensures consistent cuttingperformance under heavy use. The bladeclearance adjustment device helps toincrease the service life of the machineand reduce energy consumption.HIGH COMPRESSION EFFICIENCY The reinforced press wings box is covered with easily replaceable anti-abrasion wear plates. T o increase compaction power andreduce cycle times, the press wings have a specific kinematics for optimal "wrapping" during the compression phase. Each press wing has a large overstroke to reduce the wear of the plates duringthe forward movement of the pusher, contributing to improve thecompaction efficiency. The preload table increases productionas scrap materials are loaded in hidden time.DURABILITY AND LONGEVITYThe pusher cylinder rod is coveredalong its entire length for optimalprotection. The wear plates of thepusher piston and the bottom ofthe compression box, as well asthose of the hold-down chamber,are grooved, preventing any scrapmetal from passing through. Allhydraulic connections, electricalwiring and sensitive componentssuch as magnetostrictive and lasersensors are protected against shocks and scrap .OPERATING COMFORTThrough the display screen of the radio control, the operator visualizes all operating data at a single glance. Through the additional screen on the switch cabinet the operator manages operating data and anticipates maintenance. The electrical and hydraulic units, placed in a soundproof container , are easily accessible for maintenance. S-Wing machines also have their own maintenance platform and special tools for safe and easy replacement of the cutting blades.SERIESReflex mobile and portable scrap shears have been designed to processlight bulky scrap metal . These machines are very easy to move andinstall. T hey are available either with road approved chassis in true mobileversion, or portable with hydraulic support legs. They can also be fittedon a metallic frame. T hrough the extended slide block guide systemon the cutting head , Reflex machines offer unequalled qualities of robustness and durability for this category of machine .PORTABLE VERSIONReflex scrap shears can be supplied in aportable version with or without hydraulicsupport legs, making it possible to loadthem onto a low bed trailer.HIGH EASE OF OPERATIONReflex machines have excellent soundproofing thanksto the use of high quality insulating materials covering theengine casing and large acoustic louvres that considerablyreduce the engine noise level.Accessibility to parts and control elements is optimisedby large removable panels and a platform designed tofacilitate the operator’s movements.WHEEL PROTECTION SYSTEM The wheel protection system consists of high-strength steel plates and is a real advantage for mobile shears. During transport, the plates are in the raised position for safe movement of the machine. On the scrap yard, they are folded down to protect the road axles from falling scrap. SHEAR FRAME: ROBUSTNESS AND DURABILITY The Reflex is the first mobile shear in the market to feature the same techniques as those used on heavy-duty shears. Theinnovative shear guiding system ensures abalanced distribution of the cutting forces.The first advantage is the extremelylong service life of the shear frame. Anadditional asset is the reduced wear ofthe consumables that makes it possible tomaintain a high cutting performance overtime with a frequency of interventions divided by 3.COMPRESSION EFFICIENCY The innovative kinematics of the press wings developed by Copex maximises the forces at the end of the box closing, where it is most necessary, while the design of the press wings offers optimal wrapping of the scrap material during the pressing phase. As a result, cycles times are significantly reduced. The Reflex 900 has the most powerful box closing force of any other machine of this class.SERIESFactoryZ.I. KerpontB.P . 6032856603 Lanester CedexFranceTel. +33 (0)2 97 76 26 44Fax +33 (0)2 97 76 34 12*****************Head Office 109, rue Cardinet 75017 Paris France T+74 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE +900 MACHINES IN THE WORLD +100 WORKERS +40 COUNTRIES。



剪切泵Shear Pump安装使用说明书Diections For Installation And Operation成都西部石油装备有限公司Chengdu Weast Petroleum Equipment Co.,LTD目录1.作用 (1)2.原理 (1)3.型号说明 (3)4.性能表 (3)5.结构图 (5)6.安装、使用、维护指南 (7)引言 (7)强调说明 (7)安装 (8)使用 (11)维护 (12)DERECTORY1.Introduction (15)2.Principle of operation ………………………………………153.Explanation of model (17)4.Performance table (17)5.Structural drawing (18)6.Guidle to installation, operation andmaintenance (20)6.1Foreword (20)6.2Emphases (20)6.3Installation (20)6.4Operation (24)6.5Maintenance (25)WJQ5″6J-10剪切泵使用说明书1.作用WJQ5″6J-10剪切泵是一种专门用于剪切聚合物和粘土并已被现场使用和理论证实有效的机械。





2.沙泵涡室采用准螺旋形,涡室断面为矩形,砂泵涡室和叶轮采用面积比方法设计, 控制喉部流速,使其在一定的流速范围,具有高效,耐磨性能 3.密封形式采用最新的机械密封油封与新型油浸石棉盘根环密封相结合的综合轴封 结合 4.沙泵具有低压力、大排量、吸入性好、效率高及运转平稳安全、维护及调节简单 方便、泄漏量极小、使用寿命长等特点,能广泛满足用户需要。 5.砂泵根据固液两相在泵内运动规律场和压力场的畸变规律,按实验泵级的最佳 工况参数确定,进行水力设计,使之符合两相流体在泵内的运动规律。
1.搬土颗粒在水中的分散和水化程度取决于:水中电解质含量、时间、温度、表 面可置换阳离子的数量和浓度,在其它条件相同的情况下,,使用JQB系列剪切 泵可节约膨润土30%以上。 2.泥浆中使用的高分子聚合物的分子量较高,直接加入不易水化;而JQB系列剪切 泵能提供很高的剪切效率;较快聚合物的稀释和水化进程。 3.JQB系列产品排量大、扬程高、吸入性好,效率高等;能够满足配制和低压力工 作现况。
•概述 •砂泵、剪切泵的工作原理 •砂泵、剪切泵的工作参数 •砂泵、剪切泵特性曲线图 •砂泵、剪切泵的特点和优势 •砂泵、剪切泵试验安装示意图 •砂泵、剪切泵总体安装外形图
本公司主要生产固控系统循环处理灌以及固控系统处理设备。砂泵和剪切 泵就是固控系统处理中其中的两种设备。 固控系统是由多种处理设备和钻井液(泥浆)循环处理灌组成的一套系统。 钻井液(泥浆)是钻井过程中使用的一种循环流体。它的主要成分由水、活性 固相、惰性固相、化学处理剂四部分组成,根据各组分之间的配比和相互作用 形成不同性能的泥浆,因此钻井液(泥浆)组分是调整性能的关键因素。 砂泵是离心泵中的一种特殊类型,它是钻井液(泥浆)固控装备中的除砂 器、除泥器、旋流配浆装置等的动力源;也可用于泥浆泵辅助灌浆的灌注泵、 井口的不给泵及钻井液(泥浆)在钻井液循环灌之间的转换和输送泵。 剪切泵是一种泥浆配制中添加聚合物、搬土等原料进行不断的高效循环剪 切、细化、混合并改变其分子链结构,消除“鱼眼”使泥浆达到工艺要求的使 用 性能,并满足钻井对钻井液(泥浆)更高性能要求的设备。



The Toro Warranty21and22in Recycler®A2-Year Limited Warranty(45-Day Limited Warranty for Commercial Use)Walk Power Mowers The Toro GTS Starting Guarantee Steel and Resin Decks A3-Year Limited Warranty(Not Applicable for Commercial Use)DomesticSummary DescriptionThe Toro Company promises to repair the Toro Product below if it is defective in materials or workmanship or if the engine does not start on the first or second pull (GTS Starting Guarantee),for the period listed below.The warranty applies only if you perform the routine maintenance specified in the Operator's Manual.The GTS Starting Guarantee does not apply when the product is used commercially. Toro makes no other express warranty.The engine manufacturer may provideits own engine warranty and special emission system warranty.If applicable,the documentation will be provided with your product.Products and Warranty PeriodsThe following time periods apply from the original date of purchase:Warranty PeriodProducts Residential*Commercial21-inch and22-inch Recycler•Unit2years45days•GTS3years n/a•Briggs and Stratton Engine3years90days•22-inch Electric Start Battery3years n/aElectric21-inch and22-inch Recycler•Unit2years45days•60Volt Battery and Charger3years n/a*Residential purposes means purchased by an individual and used on the same lot as your home. Use at an institution,as a rental,or at more than one location is considered commercial use and the commercial warranty applies.Instructions for Obtaining Warranty ServiceIf you think that your Toro Product contains a defect in materials or workmanship,or if an able-bodied adult can no longer start your product in1or2pulls,follow this procedure:1.Contact your Toro Authorized Service Center to arrange service of the product.Go to and select W HERE TO B UY to locate a Toro servicecenter in your area.2.Bring the product and your proof of purchase(sales receipt)to the servicecenter location.The service center will diagnose the problem and determine if it is covered under warranty.3.For additional information regarding warranty terms and conditions:Contact:/supportDownload:Download the MyToro app from the app store on your device.Write:The Toro Company®,8111Lyndale Ave So.,Bloomington,MN55420Owner ResponsibilitiesYou must maintain your Toro Product by following the maintenance procedures described in the Operator’s Manual.Such routine maintenance,whether performed by a dealer or by you,is at your expense.Parts scheduled for replacement as required maintenance(“Maintenance Parts”),are warranted for the period of time up to the scheduled replacement time for that part.Items and Conditions Not CoveredNot all product failures or malfunctions that occur during the warranty period are defects in materials or workmanship.This express warranty does not cover the following:•Cost of regular maintenance or parts,such as fuel,lubricants,oil changes, cable/linkage adjustments,filters,spark plugs,air filters,blade sharpening orworn blades,or brake and clutch adjustments•Components failing due to normal wear•Any product or part that has been altered,misused,neglected,requires replacement or repair due to accidents or lack of proper maintenance •Pickup and delivery charges•Repairs or attempted repairs by anyone other than an Authorized Toro Service Center•Failure to follow the fueling instructions and requirements(consult the Operator's Manual for details),such as:–Use of old fuel(more than1month old)or fuel which contains more than 10%ethanol or more that15%MTBE–Failure to drain the fuel system prior to any period of non-use over1month –Improper fuel•Repairs or adjustments due to the following:–Contaminants in the fuel system–Failure to perform the required maintenance and/or adjustments–Rotary mower blade striking an object–Improper starting procedures•Special operational conditions where starting may require more than2pulls:–First-time starts after extended period of non-use over3months or seasonal storage–Cool temperature starts such as those found in early spring or late autumn •Product failures resulting from the use of modified or unapproved accessories or non-Toro parts.•Failures caused by outside influence,including,but not limited to,weather;storage practices;contamination;or the use of unapproved coolants,lubricants, additives,or chemicalsGeneral ConditionsAll repairs covered by these warranties must be performed by an Authorized Toro Service Dealer using Toro approved replacement parts.Repair by an Authorized Toro Service Dealer is your sole remedy under this warranty.The Toro Company is not liable for indirect,incidental,or consequential damages in connection with the use of the Toro Products covered by these warranties,including any cost or expense of providing substitute equipmentor service during reasonable periods of malfunction or non-use pending completion of repairs under these warranties.All implied warranties,including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose,are limited to the duration of the express warranty.Some states do not allow exclusions of incidental or consequential damages,or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Countries Other than the United States,Mexico,or CanadaCustomers who have purchased Toro products outside the United States or Canada should contact their Toro Authorized Service Center to obtain warranty policies for your country,province,or state.For additional questions regarding warranty terms and conditions,you may contact The Toro Company.Australian Consumer LawOur goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.The Toro Company®,8111Lyndale Ave So.,Bloomington,MN554203456-227Rev A。


在使用本设备以前,参与此项工作的管理人员、技术人员和操作者必须仔细阅读本钻 机配套的全部说明书和相关技术资料,了解并熟悉所有的细节,此外还要具备相应的安 全操作知识和技能,操作时必须配备相应的安全防护设备,所有的活动应符合 HSE(健 康、安全、环境)的要求。
7.1 最低工作速度 ................................................................................................................. 21
7.2 控制液流的飞溅润滑 ................................................................................................. 21
φ177.8(0,-0.05) φ196.85(0,-0.05) φ215.9(0,-0.05)
152.42 44.45±0.05
167.71 50.8±0.05
187.07 50.8±0.05
F-1600(英*) 1609.9(1665.9*) 1457.65(1464) 492.25(548.2*)

Wahl Figura EQUINE 电动剪刀说明书

Wahl Figura EQUINE 电动剪刀说明书

STYLISH PERFORMANCEWahl’s Figura® combines the power and durability of lithium ion battery innovation with the adjustable ‘5 in 1’ blade to give professionals everything they need in a lightweight cordless clipper.The Figura’s rechargeable lithium ion battery has a 90 minute run time and will operate at full power until the battery is completely depleted. The 10-minute quick charge feature gives you 5 extra minutes of clipping for every 10 minutes it charges.The slim, contoured housing has been ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in your hand and is lightweight to prevent wrist fatigue.Featuring Wahl’s signature ‘5 in 1’ blade, enjoy the convenience of having five blade sizes in one easy-to-adjust blade.Features & Benefits:• Lithium Ion battery allows for 90 minute cordless run time• 10-minute Quick Charge for 5 minutes of addtional run time• Slim, contoured body style ergonomically designed for comfortable clipping• Lightweight at 9.6 oz.• ‘5 in 1’ blade easily adjusts between sizes #9, #10, #15, #30, and #40Ideal For:• Trimming faces, ears, and muzzles • Trimming bridle paths and fetlocksProfessional Rechargeable Lithium Ion Clipper ‘5 in 1’ Fine Blade Set (#9, #10, #15, #30 & #40)Charge Stand & Charger 9” Plastic Storage Case4 Plastic Attachment Guide Combs (Cut Lengths - 3 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm, 13 mm) Cleaning Brush, Blade Oil & Instruction BookKIT CONTENTSSPECIFICATIONS© 2018 WAHL CLIPPER CORPORATION • 1.800.PRO.WAHL*Of Domestic & Imported Parts. - 01.2018-0130100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEEWARRANTYLIMITEDLITHIUM ION ‘5 IN 1’BLADE TECHNOLOGYCord/Battery......Rechargeable Speeds .................1 Speed SPM/RPM...........6,000 SPM Motor.....................Rotary Pack Style........Storage Case Case A*Blade Manufactured ..GermanyModel #.........8868-200Color..........Metallic Red UPC ......************SCC ......************Unit ................9.6 oz.Pack..............1.63 lbs.Case .............6.52 lbs.Weight (oz. / lbs.)Size (H x W x D) inches Unit ..........7" x 2" x 1.5"Pack.........9.75" x 9" x 3"Case ......13" x 9.4" x 9.9"PalletQuantity .........360 pcs.Cases Per Layer......15Layers Per Skid . (6)。

上海美诺福实验自动化 MLF-CUT 尾柄剪切机 说明书

上海美诺福实验自动化 MLF-CUT 尾柄剪切机 说明书

MLF-CUT 尾柄剪切机上海美诺福实验自动化有限公司1目录:一、概述 (3)二、安装 (4)三、设备参数 (7)四、设备构成 (7)五、工作过程 (7)六、加工试样样品要求 (8)七、供货范围 (8)八、供货周期 (8)九、技术服务 (8)十一、附录1装配图 (9)十二、附录2上海美诺福实验自动化有限公司信息 (10)2一、概述:MLF-CUT剪切机是用来专业剪切球拍样尾柄的设备,剪切效率高,剪切后的球拍样,可很好地适应全自动快分系统制样单元的要求。


设备底座图2地面.地基要求标准的面积 :0.31 m2重量 约 300 kg地面负荷承载量 约1000 kg/m2地基 预埋螺栓地面 水平,能承受机器重量.4安装地脚图如下:53能源要求设备工作需要压缩空气,对压缩空气的要求如下:压力 min 5 barmax. 8bar允许污染 使用40 μm 过虑器过虑水和油。

平均消耗 约 3.5dm3/样品4接口尺寸及要求压缩空气连接的接口:主线路上的气管不能低于1/4”, 主线路与设备之间应安装一个可关闭的阀,留给设备的接口为1/4”的内螺纹;为防止工作时振动,应用软管接到设备上;设备与主干线用外径为12 mm的PVC软管连接.6三、设备参数:Model型号MLF-CUTColour 颜色 light grey or blue 灰(白)、橙色或蓝色Lettering 文字 Chinese 中文Instruction manual 使用手册 1 pce. Chinese 一套中文Dimensions尺寸(width x depth x hight)Machine (without table)设备500x 620 x 1300 mmMachine incl. Packing设备含包装700 x1000 x 1500 mmWeight重量Machine设备250 kgMachine incl. Packing设备含包装270kgCompressed air supply and consumption压缩空气及消耗Pressure压力5-8barConsumption 消耗 approx. 3,5 l/sample 3.5升/试样生产商 上海美诺福实验自动化有限公司产地 中国 上海四、设备构成:本设备由气源单元、气动驱动单元、剪切单元、尾柄收集单元、设备框架构成。

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该涡轮剪切泵安装在一专用底座上,并用皮带轮、窄V 带和55KW防爆电动机驱动,与剪切泵配套使用的还有一个尺寸适合的ZHP150混合漏斗,这样组成了一个完善的剪切及水合作用系统。





原理如图一:图一WJQ5"⨯6"-10"剪切泵原理图聚合物流体从V流道进入,并以平行与剪切板P的方向抽送,收集室内液流量的50%通过44个喷嘴N 射出,并以高速冲击剪切板P ,然后在M 处90︒方向进入泵的蜗壳收集室。

总流V 及射流N 沿着剪切板流动到达剪切盘的尖端T ,在尖端有许多牙齿,高速旋转的牙齿使聚合物(或粘土)再一次被剪切。


3.型号说明涡轮名义直径(英寸) 泵进口直径(英寸) 泵出口直径(英寸) 涡轮剪切泵4.性能表(表1)图二WJQ5"⨯6"-10"剪切泵特性曲线5.结构图图三WJQ5"⨯6"-10"剪切泵结构图WJQ5"×6"-10"剪切泵零件明细表(表2)6.WJQ5"×6"-10" 剪切泵安装、使用、维护指南6.1 引言本指南仅就WJQ5"×6"-10"剪切泵的安装、使用、维护中的一般性问题作了介绍,供参考,本指南不能解决的问题,请与本公司售后服务部门联系,将会及时地给你答复。

6.2 强调说明6.2.1 该泵只能在设计范围内使用。

6.2.2 填料密封不能过紧,必须保证填料的润滑。

6.3 安装图四WJQ5"⨯6"-10"剪切泵安装系统流程图剪切泵系统由剪切泵、混合漏斗、管线及聚合物(或粘土)水合罐组成。


图五WJQ5"⨯6"-10"剪切泵外形图法兰尺寸(单位:mm)表(3)注:DN法兰通径,D法兰外径,d连接螺纹孔中心距,b 法兰厚度,n-d连接螺栓孔数及孔径。

WJQ5"×6"-10"剪切泵总成明细表(表4)6.3.1 泵安装泵的安装位置应尽可能靠近抽送源,以缩短吸入段的长度,减少吸入损失。


6.3.2 皮带轮的安装A.两皮带轮轴线必须平行,且端面误差不得超过2mm。



6.3.3 进口管路安装A.吸入管路截面积必须大于或等于泵流道断面积。






6.3.4 出口管路A.为便于泵的检修,出口管路中应该安装常开阀。




6.4 使用6.4.1 准备A.用手转动泵轴,必须保证运转灵活,各处不得有摩擦声。




6.4.2 运转操作A.准备工作全部结束后,开动电机。

6.4.3 润滑A.轴承润滑a.轴承采用30号机油润滑,润滑油应加至油标的中线,不要加过多油,否则将导致轴承振动和过热。





6.5 维护(参照图三及零件明细表2)A.拆卸:a.拆下皮带轮组件。





























——拆下填料,用一细铁丝弯曲90 ,在轴套壁上移动,如果检查到有过深的沟槽则更换轴套,填料压盖压得过紧导致填料磨损严重。











e.W JQ5"⨯6"-10"剪切泵一般故障及排除一览表见表5。

