
军考模拟试题题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是军事训练的基本要求?A. 严格训练B. 科学训练C. 随意训练D. 刻苦训练2. 军事理论中,“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也”出自以下哪部著作?A. 《孙子兵法》B. 《六韬》C. 《三十六计》D. 《吴子兵法》3. 我国国防和军队现代化建设的“三步走”战略中,第二步目标是什么?A. 基本实现国防现代化B. 初步实现国防现代化C. 完全实现国防现代化D. 现代化国防建设全面完成4. 以下哪个不是军事训练中的“四会”教练员标准?A. 会讲B. 会做C. 会指挥D. 会创新5. 军事演习中,以下哪个不是常见的演习类型?A. 战术演习B. 战略演习C. 技术演习D. 心理演习二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)6. 军事训练中,以下哪些属于基本训练内容?A. 体能训练B. 技能训练C. 心理训练D. 战术训练7. 军事理论中,以下哪些是现代战争的特点?A. 信息化B. 网络化C. 无人化D. 智能化8. 我国国防和军队现代化建设的“三步走”战略中,第三步目标是什么?A. 基本实现国防现代化B. 初步实现国防现代化C. 完全实现国防现代化D. 现代化国防建设全面完成9. 军事训练中,以下哪些属于“四会”教练员标准?A. 会讲B. 会做C. 会指挥D. 会创新10. 军事演习中,以下哪些是常见的演习类型?A. 战术演习B. 战略演习C. 技术演习D. 心理演习三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)11. 军事训练是提高部队战斗力的根本途径。
()12. 军事训练必须坚持实战化训练。
()13. 军事训练中的“四会”教练员标准包括会讲、会做、会指挥、会创新。
()14. 我国国防和军队现代化建设的“三步走”战略中,第二步目标是完全实现国防现代化。
()15. 军事演习是检验部队训练效果的重要手段。
()四、简答题(每题5分,共10分)16. 简述军事训练的目的和意义。

士兵军考模拟卷(1)相对原子质量:C—12,O—16,Na—23,S—32,Cl—,Ba—137一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1.将钠、镁、铝各 mol分别放入足量的盐酸中,同温同压下产生气体的体积比是()A.1︰2︰3 B.6︰3︰2 C.3︰1︰1 D.1︰1︰12.X、Y、Z都是金属,在X与稀H2SO4的反应中,加入少量Z的硫酸盐溶液时能使反应速率加快,X与Y组成原电池时,Y电极质量减小,则X、Y、Z三种金属的活动性顺序为()A.X>Y>Z B.X>Z>Y C.Y>X>Z D.Y>Z>X3.在无色溶液中,下列离子能大量共存的是()A.Mg2+、SO42—、K+、Cl— B.K+、NH4+、NO3—、MnO4—C.K+、Cu2+、Cl—、Br— D.Ba2+、Na+、OH—、HCO3—4.在恒容密闭容器中,反应达到平衡后,改变某一条件,下列说法正确的是()A.升高温度,正反应速率减小,逆反应速率增大,平衡逆向移动B.升高温度,可提高CO2的转化率C.增加H2的浓度,可提高CO2的转化率D.改用高效催化剂,平衡正向移动5.下列反应中,不属于加成反应的是()A.乙炔与氯化氢反应制取氯乙烯B.乙烷与氯气反应制取氯乙烷C.乙烯与氢气反应制取乙烷D.乙烯通入溴的CCl4溶液后,使溴的CCl4溶液褪色6.下列实验操作能达到测量要求的是()A.用托盘天平称量 g氯化钠 B.用10 mL量筒量取 mL稀硫酸C .用25 mL 滴定管量取 mL 溶液D .用广泛pH 试纸测得溶液的pH 为 二、填空题(每空3分,共36分)1.乙酸分子中所含的官能团的名称是 。
2.K 和Ca 两种元素均位于元素周期表的第 周期,它们的氢氧化物中,碱性较强的是 (填化学式)。
3.反应42222162258KMnO HCl MnCl KCl Cl H O +=+++↑中,氧化剂是 ,还 原剂是 ,若生成71 g Cl 2,被氧化的HCl 的物质的量是 mol 。

军考的考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 下列哪一项不是中国人民解放军的三大任务?A. 保卫国家安全B. 维护社会稳定C. 促进经济发展D. 完成作战任务答案:C2. 军考中,军事理论考试的总分占比是多少?A. 30%B. 40%C. 50%D. 60%答案:B3. 以下哪个不是军事训练的基本要素?A. 训练内容B. 训练方法C. 训练时间D. 训练场地答案:C4. 军事演习中,通常不包括以下哪一项?A. 战术演练B. 武器使用C. 后勤保障D. 文艺表演答案:D5. 军事通信中,加密技术的主要作用是什么?A. 提高通信速度B. 增加通信成本C. 保护通信内容不被泄露D. 减少通信设备答案:C6. 军事演习中,指挥官的主要任务是什么?A. 直接参与战斗B. 制定作战计划C. 后勤保障D. 武器维修答案:B7. 军事训练中,以下哪项不是体能训练的内容?A. 长跑B. 力量训练C. 射击训练D. 游泳答案:C8. 军事演习的目的是什么?A. 展示武器装备B. 检验部队战斗力C. 增加军事开支D. 进行武器交易答案:B9. 军事训练中,以下哪项不是战术训练的内容?A. 队形变换B. 火力配置C. 武器保养D. 战场机动答案:C10. 军事演习中,以下哪项不是指挥所的主要功能?A. 情报分析B. 作战指挥C. 武器研发D. 通信联络答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. 军事训练中,以下哪些是战术训练的内容?A. 阵地防御B. 城市作战C. 武器维修D. 特种作战答案:ABD2. 军事演习中,以下哪些是指挥所的主要功能?A. 情报分析B. 作战指挥C. 武器研发D. 通信联络答案:ABD3. 军事训练中,以下哪些是体能训练的内容?A. 长跑B. 力量训练C. 射击训练D. 游泳答案:ABD4. 军事演习的目的包括哪些?A. 展示武器装备B. 检验部队战斗力C. 增加军事开支D. 提高部队士气答案:BD5. 军事通信中,以下哪些是加密技术的主要作用?A. 提高通信速度B. 保护通信内容不被泄露C. 增加通信成本D. 减少通信设备答案:B三、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 军事训练中,射击训练不属于体能训练的内容。

(共21 分)1.下加点字的注音,完全正确的是()A、挨.饿āi 剥.皮bāo 炮.羊肉bāo 书声琅.琅lánɡB、傀.儡kuǐ附和.hè准噶.尔ɡé殚.精竭虑dānC、咖.喱ɡā恫.吓dònɡ一场.雨chánɡ窗明几.净jǐD、窠.臼kē绯.闻fēi 诸葛.亮ɡě沆.瀣一气hànɡ2.下列没有错别字的是()A、不卑不伉玷污清白年高德劭荒谬绝伦B、良莠不分徇私舞弊再接再励法网恢恢C、夙兴夜寐崭露头角故弄玄虚呕心沥血D、趋之若骛脍炙人口泾渭分明联袂出演3.依次填入,下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()A、昨天,中共军委改革工作会议在京召开。

每小题2分,共30分)1.下列正确反映物质和运功关系的说法是()A.运动是运动,物质是物质B.人一次也不能踏入同一条河流C.流水不腐,户枢不蠹2.列宁关于“人的意识不仅反映客观世界,而且创造客观世界”的说法()A.夸大了意识的能动作用B.正确地指出了意识的能动作用C.具有唯意志主义的倾向3.对“今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日忧”理解正确的是()A.体现了事物是永恒发展的道理B.这是一种科学的人生观C.违背了事物普遍联系和发展的客观规律4.事物的质和量的区别在于() A.质是事物的内在规定性,量是事物的外在表现B.事物的质是单一的,事物的量是多方面的C.质与事物的存在是直接同一的,量是事物的存在是不直接同一的5.否定之否定规律()A.在事物完成一个发展周期时才能完整地表现出来B.在事物发展过程中的任何一个点上都可以表现出来C.在事物经过量变和质变两种状态后表现出来6.社会主义道德的核心是()A.为人民服务B.集体主义C. 追求真理7.发展的最终目的是()A.为了实现最广大人民的根本利益B.为了提升我国的国际声誉C.实现区域经济的全面协调发展D.为改革开放提供一个更好的环境8.社会主义精神文明建设的根本任务是() A.弘扬爱国主义精神B.发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的文化C.培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民9.我国对外政策的基本目标是() A.维护国家独立和主权,促进世界和平和发展B.反对霸权主义和强权政治C.加强发展中国家的团结和合作10.我国宪法规定:“一切法律、行政法规和地方性法规,都不得同宪法相抵触。
”这就表明() A.宪法具有最高的法律效力B.只有宪法才具有约束力和强制力C.宪法是普通法律之和11.实现我国国民经济又快又好发展的根本途径是() A.加大劳动力投入 B.加快引进国外先进技术 C.转变经济发展方式12.党的十六大在关于深化分配制度改革、理顺分配关系的论述中提出,要在社会分配中确立()A.效率优先、兼顾公平的分配原则B.按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的原则C.劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则13.我国公有制经济除包括国有经济和集体经济,还包括() A.民营经济B.混合所有制经济C.混合所有制经济中的国有成分和集体成分14.中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会报告指出在深化收入分配制度改革时要逐步提高哪两个比重()A.居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重B.合法收入在居民收入中的比重,劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重C.财产性收入在居民收入中的比重,劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重15.坚持(),是我军永远不变的军魂和特有的政治优势,始终关系我军的性质和宗旨、关系社会主义现代化建设的前途命运、关系国家长治久安的重大问题。

(每题2分,共30分)1.下列各组词语中字音和字形全对一组是( )A.忖(cǔn)度懵(méng)懂寒喧(xuān) 炮烙(luò)B.纨绔(kù) 杜撰(zhuàn) 朱拓(tuò) 鞭笞(tái)C.湮没(yān) 畏葸(sī) 广袤(mào) 聒(guō)躁D.俨然(yǎn) 渑池(miǎn) 敕(chì)造饿莩(piǎo)2.下列词语中,没有错别字一项是( )A.弃甲曳兵孝悌之义锲而不舍不积跬步B.度长絜大一笑大方比比皆是好大喜功C.高深莫测截然不同自得其乐营私武弊D.欲盖弥彰一愁莫展三推六问红鸾天喜3.下列句子中“顺风”一词,意思相似一组是( )①今天到北村赶集,骑自行车顺风。
A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④4.依次填入下列各句横线处词语,最恰当一组是( )(1)“据我所知,关于个人所得税改革方案还在探讨中,当前还没有推出明确时间表。
A.披露及其良莠不齐一言九鼎B.披露及良莠不齐一诺千金C.透露及参差不齐一诺千金D.透露及其参差不齐一言九鼎5.下列各句中,加横线词语使用恰当一项是( )A.张经理语重心长一席话,如电光火石,使小余心头淤积阴霾顿时消散,再次燃起争创销售佳绩激情。

武警部队院校招生统一考试模拟试题物理部分(共60分,45分钟)一、单项选择题(每题2分)1.下列物理量中,属于矢量的是( )A .电流强度B .速度C .功率D .动能2.甲、乙两个物体在同一直线上运动,它们的速度图像如图1所示。
下列说法正确的 是 。
A .在0~t 1时间内,甲的加速度小于乙的加速度,且方向相反B .在0~t 1时间内,甲、乙运动方向相同C .在0~t 2时间内,甲的加速度大于乙的加速度,且方向相同D .在0~t 2时间内,甲的加速度小于乙的加速度3.下列关于惯性的说法中,正确的是( )A .只有物体静止时,才具有惯性B .只有物体做匀速直线运动时,才具有惯性C .只有物体运动状态改变时,才具有惯性D .物体处于任何运动状态时都具有惯性4.下列关于机械能守恒的说法,正确的是 。
A .做匀速直线运动的物体,机械能一定守恒B .外力对物体做功为零时,机械能一定守恒C .运动的物体,若受合外力不为零,其机械能有可能守恒D .以上三种说法都不正确5.下列所述实例中,通过做功来改变物体内能的是 。
A .在饮料中放入一些冰块,饮料变凉B .用锯子锯木料,锯条温度升高C .阳光照射地面,地面温度升高D .冬天,暖气使房间变暖6. 如图2所示电场中实线表示电场线,一带正电粒子沿虚线轨迹由M 向N 运动,若不计重力,下列关于电场力做功和电势能变化正确的是( ) A .电场力做正功,带电粒子的电势能增加E图2 图1B.电场力做正功,带电粒子的电势能减少C.电场力做负功,带电粒子的电势能增加D.电场力做负功,带电粒子的电势能减少7.如图3所示的电路中,已知a、b间电压恒定,灯泡L1、L2在滑动变阻器变化的过程中均能发光。

5. 下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是A.《尚书》说:“惟日孜孜,无敢逸豫”。

全才军考模拟试题及答案一、选择题1. 我国第一艘航空母舰的名称是什么?A. 辽宁舰B. 山东舰C. 浙江舰D. 江苏舰答案:A2. 以下哪个不是我国古代的四大发明?A. 造纸术B. 火药C. 指南针D. 望远镜答案:D3. 我国陆地面积在世界排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:C二、填空题4. 我国最长的河流是_________。
答案:长江5. 我国最大的内陆湖是_________。
答案:青海湖6. 我国首都北京的简称是_________。
答案:京三、简答题7. 请简述我国古代四大发明对世界文明的贡献。
四、论述题8. 论述我国国防和军队现代化建设的重要性。
五、案例分析题9. 阅读以下案例,分析我国在国际事务中发挥的积极作用。

1. 以下哪个是中国的国旗颜色?
A. 绿色
B. 黑色
C. 蓝色
D. 红色
2. 下列哪个是中国的古代典籍?
A. 《诗经》
B. 《西游记》
C. 《水浒传》
D. 《三国演义》
3. 以下哪个不是中国的四大发明?
A. 瓷器
B. 火药
C. 十字弩
D. 印刷术
4. 中国的国庆节是每年的哪一天?
A. 1月1日
B. 5月1日
C. 10月1日
D. 12月25日
5. 中国的首都是哪座城市?
A. 上海
B. 广州
C. 北京
D. 重庆
6. 世界上最高的山峰是珠穆朗玛峰。
A. 对
B. 错
7. 中国的国花是玫瑰花。
A. 对
B. 错
8. 人的大脑是由左右两个半球组成。
A. 对
B. 错
9. 《论语》是孔子的弟子撰写的。
A. 对
B. 错
10. 中国的鼓励生育政策是“一胎化”政策。
A. 对
B. 错
11. 请简述清朝的建立时间和末代皇帝?
12. 中国的长江和黄河分别流经哪些省份?
13. 请介绍一位著名的中国诗人和他的代表作品?
14. 什么是中国的“四大名著”?
15. 请简要叙述一下中国的改革开放政策。

(共21 分)1.下加点字的注音,完全正确的是()A、挨.饿āi 剥.皮bāo 炮.羊肉bāo 书声琅.琅lánɡB、傀.儡kuǐ附和.hè准噶.尔ɡé殚.精竭虑dānC、咖.喱ɡā恫.吓dònɡ一场.雨chánɡ窗明几.净jǐD、窠.臼kē绯.闻fēi 诸葛.亮ɡě沆.瀣一气hànɡ2.下列没有错别字的是()A、不卑不伉玷污清白年高德劭荒谬绝伦B、良莠不分徇私舞弊再接再励法网恢恢C、夙兴夜寐崭露头角故弄玄虚呕心沥血D、趋之若骛脍炙人口泾渭分明联袂出演3.依次填入,下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()A、昨天,中共军委改革工作会议在京召开。

模拟军事考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 军事理论的基本原则包括以下哪项?A. 人民战争B. 质量建军C. 科技强军D. 以上都是2. 现代战争中,以下哪项不是信息化战争的特点?A. 网络中心B. 精确打击C. 火力制胜D. 快速反应3. 军事战略的制定需要考虑哪些因素?A. 国家利益B. 国际形势C. 军事实力D. 以上都是4. 军事演习的目的是什么?A. 检验部队实战能力B. 提高部队协同作战能力C. 促进军事技术发展D. 以上都是5. 以下哪项不是军事指挥的基本要素?A. 指挥权B. 指挥对象C. 指挥手段D. 指挥效果6. 军事训练的主要内容包括哪些?A. 基础训练B. 战术训练C. 技能训练D. 以上都是7. 军事情报的主要来源包括哪些?A. 侦察B. 监听C. 网络D. 以上都是8. 军事装备的现代化包括哪些方面?A. 武器系统B. 指挥控制系统C. 后勤保障系统D. 以上都是9. 军事战略的实施需要哪些条件?A. 政治支持B. 经济基础C. 科技支撑D. 以上都是10. 军事行动的基本原则是什么?A. 先发制人B. 后发制人C. 以少胜多D. 以多胜少二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 军事理论的核心是________。
2. 信息化战争的关键在于________。
3. 军事战略的制定需要综合考虑________、________和________。
4. 军事演习的目的是检验部队的________、________和________。
5. 军事指挥的基本要素包括________、________和________。
三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述军事训练的重要性。
2. 描述军事情报在现代战争中的作用。
3. 解释军事装备现代化对提高军队战斗力的影响。
4. 阐述军事战略实施的基本原则。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述军事指挥在现代战争中的作用及其面临的挑战。

第一节:找出画线部分发音不同于其他三个的单词.()e B.other C.under D.sock()2.A.where B.here C.there D.air()3.A.thing B.thank C.think D. under()4.A.thank B.this C.them D.other第二节:单项选择( )1. We’d better get ready for the dinner now because _________ Greens are coming to visit us tonight.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )2. The plane will take off _________ three hours. I must get to the airport right now.A. inB. forC. onD. at( )3. They _________ play football last Friday because Simon forgot to bring his football here.A. couldB. couldn’tC. can’tD. can( )4. You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need _________ like me to cheer you up.A. no oneB. noneC. someoneD. everyone ( )5. That film was so _________ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night.A. excitingB. frighteningC. boringD. amazing ( )6. —_________ wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present.—I’m glad you like it.A. What aB. WhatC. How aD. How( )7. It’s said that smoking won’t be _________ in indoor public places or workplaces in China soon.A. attackedB. admiredC. attractedD. allowed ( )8. A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing _________ he has a map or a guide.A. ifB. becauseC. unlessD. when( )9. —We have finished watering all the trees, Miss Li.—_________! Boys and girls, let’s have a drink.A. Good luckB. Well doneC. Good ideaD. Best wishes( )10. —The Summer Palace is wonderful. Have you ever visited any other interesting places?—Yes. Also, we _________ to the Great Wall.A. have goneB. have beenC. had goneD. had been( )11. The Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾)is being polluted seriously. That has affected _________ several hundred kinds of sea animals there.A. at leastB. at onceC. at birthD. at times ( )12. Mr Brown always makes his class _________ and keeps his students _________ in class.A. alive; interestingB. lively; interestingC. alive; interestedD. lively; interested( )13. —Jerry, do you mind my pointing out your mistakes?—_________. Your advice is of great value to me.A. Not at allB. You’d better notC. Of courseD. It’s my pleasure( )14. The girl _________ won the gold medal comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.A. whoB. whichC. whatD. whom( )15. —That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _________?—For 5 years.A. how soon he will come backB. how long he has stayed thereC. when he went thereD. when he will come here( ) 16. Avatar is such ____wonderful movie that I want to see it _____ second time. A. a, a B. a, the C./, the D. /, a( ) 17. She memorized all the words ____ making flashcards .A. withB. byC. inD. to( ) 18. The bas ketball isn’t _____. It belongs to ______.A. Tom, SamB. Tom, Sam’sC. Tom’s, SamD. Tom’s, Sam’s( ) 19. ---She didn’t use to be quiet, did she?---______. But now she is.A. Yes, she didB. No, she didn’C. Yes, she doesD. No, she doesn’t( ) 20. Lily isn’t allowed to have her ears______.A. pierceB. piercingC. piercedD. to pierce( ) 21. If I _______Tom, I would give the task to Anna.A. isB. areC. amD. were( ) 23. Look, there’s no light on, so he ____ be at home.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t( )24. ---You won’t do much better in your exam ____you’re more careful. ---Thanks, I will.A. unlessB. ifC. althoughD.when( ) 25. ---People say we _____ the subway in a few years in Zhuhai.--- Sounds ______.A. will build, interestingB. is builded, interestedC. will be built, interestingD. has built, interested ( ) 26. If you _____ to Xinjiang next month, I will go with you.A. goB. have goneC. will goD. went( ) 27. ---Must I turn off the lights now?--- No, you ______ . But you must do it later.A. needn’tB. mustC. mustn’tD. need( )28. _______, he is honest.A. As he is poorB. Poor is heC. Poor as he isD. Poor as is he( )29. Only after liberation _____ to be treated as human beings. A.did they begin B. they had begun C. they did beginD. had they begun( )30.It was in the factory__ produced TV sets __our friend was murdered.A. which; whichB. that;whichC. that thatD. where;that ()31.—Whose is this plane?—It's______________.A.herB.hisC.myD.our()32.. ——What is the man doing in his crashed car now?——He be calling for help .I’m not sure.A.must B.may C.would D.should第三节:完形填空Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ middle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!”Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his library. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in i t. And thedictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?”“I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man.“Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?”“No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!”36.A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter37.A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday38.A. study B. play C. rest D. run39.A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories40.A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates41A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met42.A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled43.A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad44.A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers45.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at46.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can47.A. other B. the other C. others D. another48.A. lose B. sell C. throw D. know49.A. pay B. return C. use D. look after50.. A. made B. picked C. won D. bought第二部分:阅读理解ASomething caught my eyes when I was walking down the street. Two silver coins were shining in a melting(溶化) snow bank, so I dug(挖dig的过去式) through the snow looking for more. Of course, I just ended up with really cold hands. I slipped the two coins into my pocket and went home, colder but richer. I began to think about how to spend the money...Two days later, Mary and her little sister were searching the snow banks. "Finders are keepers" was my first thought. I didn't want to hand them out even though Suzy was already crying. " I dropped them right here," she said with tears. Her hands were cold and red for digging in the snow. Maybe they went down the street with the melting snow. Let's dig over here." Mary's voice sounded confident."They'll never know" was my second thought, and I walked past them. " Phil, have you seen two sliver coins?" asked Mary. Susy looked up from digging. Her eyes were hopeful."Tell a lie" was my third thought. "As a matter of fact," I hesitated(犹豫),“I dug two coins out of that snow bank just a few days ago. I wondered who might have lost them." Suzy hugged me with a big smile, "Oh, thank you, thank you."51. How did Phil feel when he was going home?A. Unhappy.B. Excited.C. Nervous.D.Helpless.52. What does the underlined sentence “Finders are keepers”mean?A. Finders should keep honest.B. Finders should keep fit.C. Finders should keep things.D. Finders should keep secrets.53. Which of the following is the right order of the things that happened?a. Phil found two silver coins in the snow.b. Susy dropped two silver coins.c. Phil dug through the snow.d. Suzy kept digging in the snow for her lost coins.A. a-b-c-dB. a-c-d-bC. b-a-c-dD. b-c-d-a54. What would Phil do with the two coins in the end?A. He would give them back to Suzy.B. He would spend the money himself.C. He might drop them into the snow.D. He would tell a lie to Suzy.55. Which of the following words is the best to describe Phil’s personality?A. Impatient.B. Careless.C.Unfriendly.D. Honest.B.Repoters from Reader’s Digest《读者文摘》dropped wallets in parks,on sidewalks and near shopping malls in big cities all over the world from New York to Mumbai and waited to see what people woulddo with them.There was 50美元, a mobile phone number,businesscards,coupons(打折券)and a family photo in each wallet.Nearly half(百分之47)of the wallets were returned.“If you find money,you can’t tell if it is a rich man’s,”said Ursula Smist,who returned one of the five wallets in London .“It might be the last bit of m oney a mother has to feed her family,”said Smist.The other seven wallets dropped in London were still missing.In Zurich,one of the 12 wallets was taken by an old male(男性的)driver.In Warsaw,five out of 12 wallets were returned,while the seven were kept by women.The magazine reported that gender(性别)and age are unpredictable when it comes to honesty Nobody can tell if a man or a woman will return the wallet,or how old he or she is.“The most surprising result for the team at Reader’s Digest is that it has noth ing to do with honesty,”said Raimo Moysa,editor-in-chief(主编)of Reader’s Digest.“For all the people who returned wallets,it was the only way to act in such a situation(情况)。
推荐-20XX军考模拟题1及答案 精品

在矩形 中, ,又 ,
所以 平面 .…………3分
(Ⅱ)解:由题设, ,所以 (或其补角)是异面直线 与 所成的角.
在 中,由余弦定理得 .
由(Ⅰ)知 平面 , 平面 ,
所以 ,因而 ,于是 是直角三角形,故 .
所以异面直线 与 所成的角的大小为 .…………7分
(Ⅲ)解:过点 作 于 ,过点 作 于 ,连结 .
7、(14分)如图,在四棱锥 中,底面 是矩形.
已知 .
(Ⅰ)证明 平面 ;
(Ⅱ)求异面直线 与 所成的角的大小;
(Ⅲ)求二面角 的大小.
已知椭圆 的左、右焦点分别为F1、F2,其中F2也是抛物线 的焦点,M是C1与C2在第一象限的交点,且
(II)已知菱形ABCD的顶点A、C在椭圆C1上,顶点B、D在直线 上,求直线AC的方程.
7.已知抛物线 焦点F恰好是双曲线 的右焦点,且双曲线过点 则该双曲线的渐近线方程为。
2.设等比数列 的公比 ,前 项和为 ,则 的值为_______________。
3.设全集U={1,3,5,7 },集合M={1,|a-5|}, = {5,7 },则a的值为_____________。
4.若抛物线 的焦点与椭圆 的右焦点重合,则 的值为________________。

军考模拟试题一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于军事理论的表述中,哪一项是错误的?A. 军事理论是指导军事实践的科学B. 军事理论是军事行动的先导C. 军事理论是军事指挥员的个人经验总结D. 军事理论是军事科学的重要组成部分2. 现代战争中,信息战的主要作用是什么?A. 直接摧毁敌方的物理设施B. 控制敌方的通信系统C. 削弱敌方的战斗意志D. 以上都是3. 根据军事战略学,下列哪一项不是战略目标?A. 保卫国家安全B. 维护国家利益C. 占领敌方领土D. 完成日常训练任务4. 在军事指挥中,以下哪一项不是指挥员的基本职责?A. 制定作战计划B. 组织部队行动C. 确保后勤补给D. 直接参与前线战斗5. 军事演习的主要目的是什么?A. 检验部队战斗力B. 提高部队实战经验C. 展示军事力量D. 以上都是6. 军事情报工作的核心任务是什么?A. 收集敌方情报B. 分析情报信息C. 提供决策支持D. 以上都是7. 在军事行动中,心理战的主要目标是什么?A. 破坏敌方的指挥系统B. 削弱敌方的战斗意志C. 增强己方的士气D. 以上都是8. 军事训练中,下列哪一项不是训练的重点?A. 战术训练B. 体能训练C. 武器使用训练D. 文化知识学习9. 现代战争中,电子战的主要手段是什么?A. 电子干扰B. 电子欺骗C. 电子摧毁D. 以上都是10. 军事决策中,下列哪一项不是决策的基本原则?A. 信息的准确性B. 决策的及时性C. 决策的随意性D. 决策的合理性二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 军事指挥中,以下哪些因素是影响决策的关键因素?A. 情报信息B. 指挥员的经验C. 部队的士气D. 后勤补给状况12. 军事行动中,以下哪些是电子战的主要目的?A. 保护己方的通信系统B. 干扰敌方的指挥系统C. 破坏敌方的武器系统D. 提高己方的作战效率13. 军事演习中,以下哪些是演习的主要类型?A. 战术演习B. 战略演习C. 联合演习D. 单兵演习14. 军事情报工作中,以下哪些是情报收集的主要来源?A. 间谍活动B. 卫星侦察C. 网络监控D. 公开信息分析15. 心理战中,以下哪些是常用的心理战术?A. 宣传战B. 心理暗示C. 恐吓战术D. 信息战三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 军事理论的发展与科技进步无关。

B.婵娟 斑斓 玷污 亲和力 一丘之貉
C.俯瞰 方圆 家俱 协奏曲 垂涎三尺 D.和盘 首饰 刘海 节骨眼 面面相觑 3.下列各
二、阅读下面的文字,完成题目。(每小题 3 分,共 9 分) 文庙祭祀的文化意义
句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是 A. 每到周末或放假,孩子们常常会相约去看电影,但是现在电影院播放的
C. 科学用脑,就是当头脑不清醒和胀痛时,放下手头的工作、听听音乐、赏
D. 当前,广大农民最迫切的愿望就是脱贫致富,提高生活水平,改善生活
A.付梓 酗酒 驾驭 一幅画 怏怏不乐
质 量,但对于怎样才能脱贫致富?他们却显得很茫然。
天地立心、为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”,正是儒家优秀分子对于 自身信仰和使命的自觉表达。
教堂,而是着眼于其现实的政治目的与文化道统的确立。孔子并不像老子被道教 孔子为代表的历代圣哲贤儒,同时,更是尊重以孔子儒学为代表的中华优秀传统
D.吮.血(shǔn) 央浼.(měi) 刚愎.自用(bì)
涸.澈 之
羽扇 . 纶 锲.而 不
5. 下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是 A. 《尚书》说:“惟日孜孜,无敢逸豫”。可见,古人认为能否做到勤俭
是关系到生死存亡的大事,不可轻忽。 B. 要反对下述两种倾向:明于知彼暗于知己,或者做得相反;离开客观条件 , 毫无根据地一味瞎说盲干。
军考模拟题(一)军考模拟题(一)一、(36分)本题共有9小题,每个小题都给出代号为A 、B 、C 、D 的四个结论,其中只有一个结论是正确的。
1.若|x +a |≤b 的解集为{x |-1≤x ≤5},那么a 、b 的值分别为(的值分别为( )A .2,-3 B .-2,3 C .3,2 D .-3,2 2.不等式22214x a x ax ->++对一切Îx R 恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是的取值范围是( )( ) A .(,2)-¥ B B..(2,)+¥ C C..(,2)-¥È(2,)+¥ D D..(0,2) 3.下列有关命题的说法正确的是(.下列有关命题的说法正确的是( )A .命题“若1,12==x x 则”的否命题为:“若1,12¹=x x 则”B .“x=-1”是“0652=--x x ”的必要不充分条件”的必要不充分条件C .命题“01,2<++Î$x x R x 使得”的否定是:“01,2<++Î"x x R x 均有”D .命题“若y x y x sin sin ,==则”的逆否命题为真命题”的逆否命题为真命题4.数列{}n a 中32a =, 71a =,如果数列1{}1n a +是等差数列,那么11a =( )A .0 B. 12C. 23D. 1 5.若,011<<ba 则下列不等式:则下列不等式:①ab b a <+ ②||||b a > ③b a < ④2>+baa b 中,正确的不等式有中,正确的不等式有( )A .①②.①②B .①④.①④C .②③.②③D .③④.③④6.已知函数m x A y ++=)sin(j w 的最大值为4,最小值为0,最小正周期为,2p 直线3p =x 是其图象的一条对称轴,则下面各式中符合条件的解析式是则下面各式中符合条件的解析式是( )A .2)64sin(2++=px y B .2)32sin(2++=p x yC .2)34sin(2++=px y D .2)64sin(4-+=p x y 7.已知[x]表示不超过实数x 的最大整数,][)(x x g =为取整函数,x x x f x 2ln )(0-=是函和 的零点,则)(0x g 等于( )A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 8.已知,a b 为两个互相平行的平面,,a b 为两条不重合的直线,下列条件:①//a a ,b b Ì; ②,//;a b a b ^ ③,;a b a b ^^ ④//,//;a b a b 其中是//a b 的充分条件的是(的充分条件的是( )A .①④.①④B B B.①.①.①C C C.③.③.③ D. D. D. ②③②③9.9.函数函数223()lg(253)1x f x x x x=++--的定义域是(的定义域是() 1111()(,2)()(,1)()(2,)()(,)3333A B C D ----¥-二、(32分)本题共有8个小题,每个小题4分。

军考模拟考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 军事理论中,下列哪一项不是战争的基本要素?A. 政治目的B. 经济基础C. 军事手段D. 文化交流答案:D2. 我国古代著名的军事家孙子,其著作《孙子兵法》中强调的“知己知彼,百战不殆”体现了哪种战略思想?A. 信息战B. 心理战C. 情报战D. 总体战答案:C3. 在现代战争中,电子战的主要作用是什么?A. 直接摧毁敌方武器B. 干扰敌方通信系统C. 提供后勤保障D. 增强己方士气答案:B4. 冷战时期,美苏两国进行的军备竞赛主要体现在哪些方面?A. 核武器和常规武器B. 经济和文化C. 太空探索和海洋开发D. 外交和政治影响力答案:A5. 以下哪项不是现代战争中的非对称战争的特点?A. 技术不对称B. 力量不对称C. 规模对称D. 目标不对称答案:C6. 军事演习中,红蓝对抗的主要目的是什么?A. 检验武器性能B. 锻炼指挥能力C. 评估战术效果D. 增进官兵友谊答案:B7. 军事情报收集中,下列哪项不是常用的情报来源?A. 卫星侦察B. 网络监控C. 人工侦察D. 民间传说答案:D8. 在军事战略中,下列哪项不是防御战略的特点?A. 被动应对B. 积极防御C. 以攻为守D. 消耗敌方答案:C9. 现代战争中,精确打击的主要优势是什么?A. 减少己方损失B. 提高打击效率C. 增加战争成本D. 扩大战争规模答案:B10. 军事训练中,下列哪项不是体能训练的内容?A. 长跑B. 射击C. 力量训练D. 战术演练答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 现代战争中,信息化战争的特点包括哪些?A. 网络化指挥B. 实时化情报C. 无人化作战D. 传统化后勤答案:ABC12. 军事演习中,以下哪些是常见的演习类型?A. 红蓝对抗B. 联合军演C. 反恐演习D. 文化交流答案:ABC13. 军事装备中,下列哪些属于战略武器?A. 洲际弹道导弹B. 航空母舰C. 坦克D. 核潜艇答案:ABD14. 军事理论中,下列哪些因素会影响战争的进程?A. 政治因素B. 经济因素C. 地理因素D. 气候因素答案:ABCD15. 军事训练中,以下哪些是提高官兵战斗素养的有效方法?A. 模拟实战训练B. 理论学习C. 心理辅导D. 体能训练答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 军事演习中的“蓝军”通常扮演敌方角色。
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一、选择填空(共15分,每小题1分)1 . The robbers had no trouble in_________ the bank , but when they came out , the police were waiting for them.A . breaking outB . breaking intoC . breaking upD . breaking away from2 . It was on October 1st 1949__________new China was founded.A . whichB . when C. as D . that3. Neither John nor I _________able to persuade Richard‟s grandfather to attend the wedding.A . areB . amC . are to beD . is4 . Owing to the rain the garden party did not take place as____________.A . advertisingB . being advertisedC . advertisedD . advertise5._________, where we can have French food.A . It is next to another restaurantB . Next to it is another restaurantC . Next to it another restaurant isD . Next is another restaurant to it6 . His failure in the experiment suggested that he___________his teacher‟s instruction.A . should not have followedB . should not followC . mustn‟t have followedD . hadn‟t followed7 . It is a____ fact that cigarette smoking is not good for health.A . proven B. proved C. proving D. provable8 .__________made the school proud was_________more than 90% of the students had been adm itted to key universities.A . What…becauseB . That…whatC . What…thatD . That…because9. Many people who know the Missouri River will doubt__________it can ever really be controlled. A . which B . whether C . that D . what10 . It‟s_________to camp than to stay in a hotel.A . very cheaperB . much cheaperC . most cheaperD . more cheaper11 . The day must be breaking ,___________the birds have begun singing.A . becauseB . asC . whyD . since12 .__________you don‟t like him is none of my business.A . WhoB . ThatC . WhichD . Whether13 . She inquired_________he had not thought of this before.A .whyB . howC . whichD . who14. When the soldiers marched into the valley, they suddenly found themselves ____________by enemy forcesA . surroundingB . surrounded C. having surrounded D . to be surrounded15. Tom has got a watch. He _________it for two years. It___________by his father.A. has had; was boughtB. was bought; boughtC. has got; is bought D .has bought; was bought二、阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)Passage 1I like watching TV very much for I think it has many advantages. First of all, watching TV isa good kind of rest. After a day‟s hard work, we need a good rest. Watching TV can make our mi nd and body not tired any more because of the pleasant music and TV plays.Besides, watching TV is entertaining. There are many kinds of entertainment, such as sports a ctivities, singing and dancing concerts, plays and films of every part of the world. It‟s not possible for us to go to every place to enjoy all the activities within a short time. We need at 1east over te n hours to drive from Queens District to Manhattan District.But within just one second, TV can bring us from an NBA game in New York to a fashion sh ow in Paris by changing the channels (频道).Most importantly, watching TV is educational. Our children can learn every kind of subject t hrough the educational programs and the special reports on TV, and it‟s easy for them to learn Ch inese from a Chinese teacher in Beijing and to learn Russian from a Russian teacher in Moscow. We can even learn how to behave well from the TV plays. Meanwhile, a teacher on TV can teach millions of students without a huge classroom.16. The writer wrote the text to__________.A. show her ideas about TVB. persuade us to buy a TVC. introduce some TV programsD. tell us how to learn from TV programs17. The best title for the text is__________.A. The Advantages of Watching TVB. TV Brings Good RestC. Today‟s ProgramsD. How to Use TV in Schools18. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer dislikes watching TV.B. There are no educational programs on TV in China.C. It‟s easy to drive from Manhattan District to Queens District.D. There are many kinds of entertainment programs on TV.19. According to the writer, what is the most important reason for watching TV?A. We can enjoy ourselves.B. Watching TV is a good rest.C. We can see whatever we like.D. We can learn something useful.20. In the second paragraph the writer wants to show___________.A. TV stations send programs quicklyB. TV brings different parts of world in front of usC. how to go to different places and enjoy ourselvesD. how long it will take a person to drive to different placesPassage 2Many students trying to increase their effective reading speed become discouraged when they find that if they try to race through a passage faster, they fail to take in what they have read. At th e end, they have been so busy …reading faster‟ that they cannot remember what the passage was a bout. The problem here is that the material they are practicing on is either too difficult for them in vocabulary or content, or not sufficiently interesting. We hope that the passages in this course mat erial will be both interesting and fairly easy, but you should also practice as much as you can in yo ur own time. Read things you like reading. Go to the subject catalogue in the library. Biography, s port, domestic science, the cinema .... there is bound to be some area that interests you and in whic h you can find books of about your level of ability or just below.If you want a quick check on how easy a book is, read through three or four pages at random. If there are, on average, more than five or six words on each page that are completely new to you, then the book is not suitable for reading-speed improvement.21. This passage is mainly about how to__________.A) use the passages in a reading course B) develop reading comprehensionC) improve reading speed D) make a good use of the library22. The expression “books of about your level of ability ...” in paragraph I is closest in meaning to __________.A) the books about your ability B) the books about your heightC) the books that you could find D) the books that you can understand23. According to this passage, if you could not understand a passage, you__________.A) may not sit in the library B) probably don‟t know its backgroundC) may not have practiced on reading it D) probably think it is too easy for you to read24. If a book has seven or more new words on each page, a reader who wants to practice reading s peed__________.A) will probably drop it B) will probably read it very fastC) may study it very carefully D) may read it with a dictions25. Which of the following is NOT mentioned for fast reading purpose ?A) Books about tennis playing. B) Books about ruining family.C) Books about language testing. D) Books about personal life history.Passage 3Drinking coffee has become a crucial part of the daily routine of more than 50 percent of Am ericans. But is this habit bad for our health, or does it do a body good?Several recent studies indicate that this popular beverage actually has an array of health benef its. According to researchers, coffee has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of several common medical illnesses---the most important of these is Type 2 diabetes, but also suicide, some forms of cancer and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.Researchers found that when people imbibed four to six cups of java per day, versus only two or fewer, their risk for Type 2 diabetes decreased by almost 30 percent. The number decreased by 35 percent when people drank more than six cups per day.In another study, scientists found that through some mechanism a bitter tasting white powder formed after roasting coffee reduced patients' cravings for highly addictive substances like cocaine and heroine. This chemical helps the brain regulate the experiences of pleasure and pain.Caffeine, the most famous component of coffee, is also one of the more controversial ingredi ents in this popular beverage. It causes an increase in the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine , which largely accounts for both caffeine's stimulating effects and its ability to diminish feelings o f depression.However, some researchers have found that the caffeine in a cup of coffee has considerable n egative health effects. One study indicated that coffee decreases the flow of blood to the heart. Oth er studies have found that caffeine in coffee can also cause heart palpitation, increased blood press ure and stress. In addition,5 researchers pointed out that pregnant women should limit their caffein e intake because fetuses are sensitive to it.Based on these studies, we can see that coffee may improve a person's mood( at least tempora rily) and decrease risk for certain diseases---good news for coffee adults. But it also appears to hav e some harmful effects. The final conclusion on coffee is yet to be drawn.26. According to the passage, which of the following are less likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes . A. people who hardly drink any coffee.B. people who drink only two cups of coffee per day.C. people who drink four to six cups of coffee a day.D. people who drink more than six cups of coffee a day.27. Drinking coffee might be good for________.A. people addicted to cocaineB. people with heart diseaseC. pregnant womenD. little babies28. Drinking coffee might lead to all of the following EXCEPT_________.A. higher blood pressure.B. more sensitive nerveC. irregular heartbeat.D. less blood to the heart.29. According to the passage ,which of the following is NOT TRUE?.A. Coffee drinking is very popular among Americans.B. researchers have not reached a final conclusion about coffee.C. Evidence shows that coffee can reduce the risk of certain heart diseases.D. coffee drinking might make people less likely to suffer from Parkinson‟s disease.30.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?.A. Another Cup of coffee? Why not?B. Is Coffee Good or Bad for Your Health?C. For Your Own Benefits, Drink More Coffee!D. For Your Health, Avoid Coffee!Passage 4The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England in a s mall single—engined aeroplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad w eather. To make things worse, her altimeter (高度表) failed and she didn‟t know how high she was flying. At night, and in a storm, a pilot is in gre at difficulty without an altimeter. At times, her plane nearly plunged (冲) into the sea.Just before dawn, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames (火焰) coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do except to k eep going and to hope.In the end, Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honor ed by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Amelia Earhart was famous.What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlant ic Ocean alone, and she had set a record of fourteen hours and fifty—six minutes.In the years that followed, Amelia Earhart made several flights across the United States, an d on each occasion (时刻) she set a new record for flying time. Amelia Earhart made these flights to show that women ha d a place in aviation (航空) and that air travel was useful.31. Which of the following statements is NOT the difficulty which Amelia Earhart met in her fligh t from north America to England?A. She was caught in a storm.B. The altimeter went out of order.C. Her engine went wrong.D. She lost her direction.32. When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, what did she do?A. She did nothing but pray for herself.B. She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.C. She continued flying.D. She lost hope of reaching land.33. According to the passage, what was Amelia Earhart‟s reason for making her flights?A. To set a new record for flying time.B. To be the first woman to fly around the world.C. To show that aviation was not just for men.D. To become famous in the world.34. Which of the following statements was NOT mentioned?A. She was the first woman who succeeded in flying across the Atlantic Ocean alone.B. She showed great courage in overcoming the difficulties during the flight.C She was warmly welcomed in England, Europe and the United States.D. She made plans to fly around the world.35. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Amelia Earhart—First Across the Atlantic.B. Amelia Earhart—Pioneer in Women‟s Aviation.C. A New Record for Flying Time.D. A Dangerous Flight from North America to England.三、完型填空(共15分,每小题1分)Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a ch ild rarely dislikes food 36 it is badly cooked. The way a meal is cooked and served is most im portantand an 37 served meal will improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child 39 he likes or d islikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 39 else to do so. If the mother says he hates fat meat or the father 40 vegetables in the child's hearing he is 41 to copy this procedure. Take it 42 Granted that he likes everything and he probably will. Nothing healthf ul should be omitted for the meal because of a 43 dislike. At meal times it is a good 44 to giv e a child a small portion and let him 45 back for a second helping rather than give him as 46 a s he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child 47 meal times, but let him get on with his food, and do not 48 him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will soon learn to swallow his food so he can hurry back to his toys. Under 49 circumstances must a child be Coaxed 50 forced to eat.36.A. if B. until C. that D. unless37.A. adequately B. urgently C. eagerly D. attractively38.A. whether B. that C. What D. which39.A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody40. A. opposes B. denies C. refuses D . offends41.A. willing B. possible C. possible D. likely42.A. with B. as C. over D. for43. A. supposed B. proved C. considered D. related44. A. point B. custom C. idea D. plan45. A. ask B. come C. bring D. take46.A. little B. few C. much D. many47. A. no B. during C. over D. by48. A. agree B. allow C. force D. persuade49.A.no B. some C. any D. such50.A.nor B. but C. neither D. or四、汉译英(共20分,每小题4分)51. 很多人认为癌症正成为一号杀手,但这不是事实。