Unit 4 Why Superstition

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1. Every age pays attention to ancient superstition according to a certain subtle fashion. Supporting ideas: 1) Not so long ago, people used baptismal water to wash their sore eyes. 2) Modern Westerners... do cross their fingers... 2. Superstition is an outward expression of the tensions and anxieties as man faces struggles in his life.
Unit 4 Why Superstition ?
What is Superstition in your mind?
Do you (or others you know) have any superstitions? (For example: Lucky number) Talk about it.
The second part consists of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, in which the author points out people in our time are more interested in finding out the causes of superstitions. (We don’t take superstitions for granted.)
The fourth part of the article consists of the rest paragraphs, in which the author summarizes the causes of superstitions.
Paragraph 9: Helpless in the face of disease and suffering made people turn to superstition for comfort. Paragraph 10: Fire was another element in the background to the beliefs of superstition. Paragraph 11: Religion and its powerful rituals gave life to superstition.
因此,我们可以把迷信看成是面对多变人生的一种慰藉, 因此,我们可以把迷信看成是面对多变人生的一种慰藉,就好 像我们是一个神秘世界的一部分, 像我们是一个神秘世界的一部分,而这个神秘的世界又充满着 不可理喻的规则。 不可理喻的规则。
We can see the superstition, therefore, as a kind of reassurance against fluctuation as though we are part of an impenetrable mystery with incomprehensible rules. (P two L20)
The Most Famous Superstition
Zodiac 黄道十二宫 Constellation 星座 Star sigh星座 Astrology 星座
Scorpio Sagittarius
[,sdi’tri s]
Capricorn Aquarius
[’kprik:n] [’kwri s] 摩羯座
Some Superstitions You May Don’t Know 1.American often put a penny in their shoe. They think it will bring them good luck. 2.Western people try not to put on their left shoe first. 3.American thought: If a wild bird flies into your house, that means a sign of death.
The third part consists of paragraph 6, 7, and 8. The author analyzes the background out of which superstition grew—life was hazardous.
Paragraph 6 gives a general description of the society: 1) People’s main concern was food. 2) The grater part of people lived in rural areas. 3) The difference between rich and poor was marked. 4) Most people were uneducated. Paragraph 7: Life was hazardous, and people’s preoccupation was to explain for and relieve misfortune. Paragraph 8: Living in these times was like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. 1) plagues 2) poor harvests 3) combination of the two
Read text and answer the questions 1.What does the author want to tell us in the essay? 2.What does the author say about the sources of superstition? 3.How many parts can we divide? This text consists of four parts
但是迷信的最为独一无二的来源是宗教魔力。 但是迷信的最为独一无二的来源是宗教魔力。纵观整个西方社 会发展史,从古老的异教徒信仰一直到美洲的开始, 会发展史,从古老的异教徒信仰一直到美洲的开始,宗教及其 庞大的仪式使迷信久盛不衰。
But the greatest single source of superstition was the magic of religion. Throughout the whole of the Western developing world, all the way from the most ancient pagan beliefs right up to the beginning of the Americas, religion and its powerful rituals gave life to superstition. (P 11 L100)
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is believed to be a day that brings the worst luck. Perhaps the best- known superstition is the fear of Friday the 13th. It is even the subject of a hugely successful horror movie series! People have used the date of Friday the 13th to explain why something went wrong. Examples of the taboos(禁忌) for both Friday, but especially the number 13, are endless. Among the activities viewed as taboo to do on this day are: Setting sail on a ship; moving house; beginning any new work; writing a letter; knitting; starting a journey; and, believe it or not, cutting nails.
Paragraph 3 gives an example of mistletoe. Paragraph 4 explains the cause of the superstition about mistletoe—to express true love. Paragraph 5 says that we want to know the causes of every superstition.
First part Paragraph 1-2 Second part Paragraph 3-5 Third part Paragraph 6-8 Fourth part Paragraph 9-11
The first part of the article consists of the first two paragraphs, in which the author states his idea: superstition is an outward expression of the tensions and anxieties as it struggles in his life. Two ideas are discussed:
Every age pays attention to the ancient superstitions according to a certain subtle fashion, very often knowing nothing about the original sources from which they derived. (Paragraph one Line1) 每个时代都会以某种微妙的方式推崇一些古代迷信,而往 往对这些迷信的来源一无所知。 Above all, superstitions remain as outward expressions of the tensions and anxieties that hold sway over humanity as it struggles down the corridor of life from birth to death, full of change and uncertainty. (P Two L 14) 最重要的是,人类在从生到死的生命长廊里为充满变数而 又无法预知的一生进行挣扎的过程中,始终被紧张和焦虑 困扰。而迷信的延承正是人类紧张和焦虑的外在表现。