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1.What can I do for you? 需要我帮忙吗?

Can/May I help you? 我能帮到你吗?-Yes, I’d like to buy….是的,我想买…

2.I'd like to buy/ I want to buy/ I'm looking for 我想买……

3.What size/ color do you want? 你要哪个型号/颜色的?

I’m sorry. We have sold out the coats in you r size/color. 抱歉,我们已经卖完了

4.Do you like this one? 你喜欢这个吗?

What/How about this one? 你喜欢这个吗?

Which one would you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?

What do you think of this one?/ How do you like this one? 你认为这件怎么样?

5.I'm afraid it's much too expensive. 我想这个太贵了。

6.Anything else? 还有别的什么吗?

7.Can I try it on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。

Can I try them on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。

8.How much is it / are they? 这个(些)多少钱?

How much does it/ do they cost? 多少钱?11.

9. I’ll take it(them). 我买了。I'll have it. 我买了。


I. 医生看病,检查身体:

1. What’s the matter? /What’s wrong? ? 怎么了?(随便一句)

How do you feel? / How are you feeling now? 你感觉怎么样?

I have a cold / I have a headache. / I have a fever. 我感冒了/头痛/发烧。

2. When did it start? 什么时候开始的?(注意看回答)About 8:00 this morning.

3. How long have you been like this? 你像这样多长时间了?

Since last night. / For 2 days . 自从昨晚/已经两天了。

4. Have you taken your temperature\Have you taken your medicine? 你量过体温/服药了没?Let me take your temperature.我想量一下体温。

5. Open your mouth and say "Ah".嘴说“啊”。

6.Let me listen to your heart. 我听一下你心脏。

7. You’ve got a cold/fever.

Ⅱ. 病人:

1.I don't feel very well. / I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。

2.My … hurts. 我某部位痛。

This place hurts. 这个地方疼。

I've got … a cold/a cough 我有点感冒/咳嗽

3.I don't feel like + doing. 我不想…(如eating,不想吃饭)

4.Is it serious? 是不是很严重?


1.It’s nothing serious. 没有什么大问题。

2.You (He, She) will be all right soon.你不久就会好。

3.Don't worry. 别担心


1.How often should I take the medicine? 我应该多久吃一次药?

Take this medicine 3 times a day. 一天吃 3次药。

2.You’d better h ave a good rest. 你最好好好休息。

3.You'd better stay in bed till … 你最好卧床直到……

4.Try this medicine, take it after breakfast. 试一下这个药,饭后吃。

Ⅴ. 其他:

1. I’m sorry to h ear that.. 听到这件事我很遗憾。(如果对方说了伤心的事或生病了用)

2. You should go to see a doctor/…. 你应该去看医生。

3. Have you seen the doctor? 看过医生了没?


1. Where’s…?



How can I get to…?

我怎样才能到…? 特殊疑问句

3. Which is the way to…? 到…的路怎么走?

4. Could you tell me the way to…? 你能不能告诉我到…的路?

5. Could you tell me how to get to …? 你能否告诉我怎样去…? 一般疑问句

6. Could you tell me how I can get to …? 你能否告诉我怎样去…?

7. Can you tell me where …is? 你能不能告诉我…在哪?



在第二个路口向左/右拐 穿过这座桥

It’s next to / across from…. 它在…旁边/对面

’t miss it/You ’ll see it. 你会看到它的。

1. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远?

2. Is it far from here? 它离这很远吗?

3. I ’s about …. Kilometers from here.

4. It’s about 15 minutes’ walk.

1. Which bus can I take? 我可以坐哪路车?

2. Which bus can take me to …? 哪路车能带我去…?

3. You’d better take a bus. 你最好搭乘公交车。(前面先说距离远)

4. The no.3 bus will take you there. 三路车会把你带到那。

2. You can take the No.3 bus to the park. 你可以搭乘三路车去公园。


拨方:1. —May / Can I speak to …, please? 能否让…接?

—Yes, t his is … (speaking). 是的,我是… (注意:前一句为一般疑问句)

2. I ’d like to speak to …我想和…说话。

3.- This is … (speaking). 我是… Is that Peter? 你是Peter 吗?-Yes ,speaking. 是的,我是他。

4. -Could you ask him / her to call me back. 你能不能让他给我回个?- Sure./No problem 没问题。

5. I’m calling you to tell you to…. 我给你打是要告诉你…

6. -Can I leave her a message? 我能不能给她留个口信? - Sure./No problem 没问题。

7.- Could you please take a message(for me)? 你能否(为我)捎个口信? - Sure./No problem 没问题。

8. That’s very kind of you. 你能这么做真好。(表感)

接方:1. Yes, t his is … (speaking). 是的,我是… (注意:前一句为一般疑问句)

2. Who is that (speaking )? 你是谁? This is …. speaking. 我是….
