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What are the advantages

and disadvantages to

being a teacher??

I'm thinking of being an elementary

teacher because I love children, but I

want to know what advantages and disadvantages come with teaching. Now,Let’s see it’s advantages first :

1, Teacher is a stable job, you can get stable wages every months, you can retire at age 55.and no teaching on the weekends, holidays.

2,Teacher is also a great job because you're always working with different people and the three-way relationship (teacher-student-curriculum) means that you can teach the same thing to two different groups and have two totally different experiences. Nobody can call teaching monotonous.

3, With teaching at any grade, it's a great feeling when a struggling student finally grasps that concept thanks to your support, and when you clue in to the fact that the learning is reciprocal (you're learning from the students) you'll start to get so much more from your job.

But teaching also has it’s disadvantages as follow:

1, The main disadvantage of being a teacher is that after a few years, you get bored in repeating the same things again and again year after year.

2,A teacher has not much free time for his/her family,

he/she forgets his/her own children, he/she has to work not only at school but at home too, a teacher’s pay is not very big. So a teacher has not much free time for

himself/herself and his/her family. Sometimes teachers forget their own children. They spend more time with students than their own children.

3,Teachers spend a lot of time at school and even they have to work at home: to make lesson plans, to grade papers, to do all those reports about their classes. Sometimes they have to visit their pupils at home, to check their living conditions and so on. A teacher has many responsibilities and the reward for that is not always appropriate.

Overall, teaching is very difficult job because a teacher has two jobs. The first job is to impart his/her knowledge to students and encourage them to have enquiring minds. The second job is to be like a compass in their students' lives. It means that a teacher should be able to give

directions to students. He/she should direct them towards an honest way of life. The best pay for his/her hard job is to see his/her

ex-students become honest people who go on to have satisfying careers.
