



















语 言 事实 和 语 言学 事 实
施 春 宏

本 文 在 现 代 科 学 哲 学 和 现 代 语 言 学 的 背 景 下 重 新 探 讨 现 代 语 言 学 研 究 中 事 实 和 理 论 的
关 系 问题 。文 章 首 先 提 出 了 一 个 新 的概 念 , 即语 言 学 事 实 , 区 分 语 言 事 实 和 语 言 学 事 实 的 基 础 在 上 , 论 了 分 析 模 型 在语 言事 实 的 发 掘 和语 言 学 事 实 的 构 造 中 的 作 用 。 以此 为 基 础 , 论 了语 言 讨 讨
而实 际上人 们 的认 识是 有所不 同的 , 有时 还存 在 着相 当大 的争 议 。语 言研 究 同样 如 此 。人 们 常为某 些用来 证 明相关 结论 的例子 的合格 程度 而争 议 , 际就 是 对它 作 为语 言 事实 的地位 有 实 所 怀疑 。结构 主义语 言 学 以归 纳法 为基本 的研究 方法 , 这个 问题还 不怎 么突 出 ( 但也 并非 没有 问题) 。随着演 绎法 地位 的提高 , 这个 问题便 浮 出水面并 逐 步引起重 视 。这实 际上蕴 涵着 是否
开理 论 的外 部 批 评 和 内部 批 评 。
关键 词 语 言 事 实 语 言 学 事 实 语 言 现 象 分 析 模 型 理 论 范 式 哲 学 基 础
事 实 和理论 的关 系是任何 研究 都需要 处理 的最 基 本 的关 系 。在 吕叔 湘 、 德熙 先 生 的引 朱
导下 , 语言 学界一 直 比较 重视 事实 和理论 之 间的互动关 系 。近年来 , 多学者 在很 多场合 都特 很 别强调 既要 重视 理论 的探讨 , 又要 重视事 实 的挖 掘 , 言学 研 究 的根 本是 运 用 理论 分 析事 实 , 语








“言据性”这一概念最早由美国著名语言学家Boas在他的《美洲印第安语言手册》(Handbook of American Indian Languages)中提出。

四十六年后,他在题为“克瓦克托语语法”(Kwakiutl Grammar)的论文中,第一次使用了“证素”(evidential)这个术语来指代语句中那些能说明信息来源的“证据”(evidence)。





” Aikhenvald和Dixon(2003)把言据性界定为“语法对信息来源的语法表现”(grammatical reference to information source),而Chafe和Nichols(1986)则把言据性看作是“一整套能表达……对知识不同态度的手段”(repertoire of devices for conveying ... various attitudes towards knowledge)。



是多领域的,是异质的,是杂糅的。因此,我们觉得 这里的 langage 译为“言语体系”更为恰当。
许国璋也认为 langage 译为“言语活动”不太恰 当,他指出:“langage 是多形式的、杂糅的、不成系 统的一种初级事物,从中抽象出来‘语言’,而 langage 本身则是‘言语’。因此,‘言语活动’中‘言语’ 一词是完全可以接受的。但是加了‘活动’这一尾 巴,又如何增加它的区别性?因为‘言语’本身是有 活动的。是不是译为‘群体言语’,比较接近于索绪 尔所说的杂糅性?如果这一译法可以接受,是不是 干脆把 parole 译为‘个体言语’?”我认为,parole 中 是包含动作的,所以,从“活动”这个角度分析,langage 的确不应该译为“言语活动”,但他选择翻译为 “群体语言”也是不合适的,因为他在这里误解了言 语的个体性。所谓的“社会性”或“个体性”,实际上 只是从对语言的实际使用角度来说的,言语当然是 个人使用语言进行交际的过程或结果,但这里的个 人是处于社会中的个人,使用的语言是整个社会的 共同的交际工具,而不是说许多个个人言语的总和 就是群体言语。
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种思想,而思想内容是看不见摸不着的,它必须通 过一种形式才能显示于外。言语中表达思想内容的 形式,就是语言,从这个意义上说,语言是言语交际 的工具。
“第三个事实是,言语既然是一种行为活动,就 会有一定的成果或产物,这就是人们说出来的‘话’ 或写出来的‘文章’,语言学论著中有的称之为‘言 语作品’,有点称之为‘言语产品’,有的称之为‘话 语’。我们认为用‘话语’比较好。”①
关键词:语言;言语;言语体系 中图分类号:H035 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2012)05-017地提出了 语言和言语的区分,并且认为区分语言和言语、语 言的语言学和言语的语言学是语言学研究的“第一 条分岔路”。语言和言语不仅是贯穿《普通语言学教 程》的一条主线,而且是现代语言学建立的起点。自 从《普通语言学教程》被引进中国后,关于语言和言语 的讨论一直没有中断,不同的学者对此有不同的解 释。大多数学者对“语言”的理解基本一致,但对“言 语”存在很大争议,归结起来主要有三种比较有代表 性的观点:(1)“言语”指言语动作;(2)“言语”指言语 的结果;(3)“言语”指言语的表达方式。本文试图以有 关语言和言语问题的学术刊物或专著中的论文为依 据,简要评述一下对语言和言语问题的观点。



什么是语言学里的“事实”?白硕(2011-04-06 20:27:14发表于新浪博客)从学术研究角度看,任何一门学科都要既有理论概括,也有事实罗列。





















speech categories which reflect their socioeconomic, educational, occupational and ethnic background, as well as their sex and age.•语言的社会变异产生了社会方言。



e) Stylistic variation 文体变异•There are differences associated with the speech situation: who is speaking to whom about under what circumstances for what purpose.•有一些差异是说话者本人的言语在不同的言语情景中所具有的差异:言语情景即在什么情况下,为了什么目的,谁与谁讲什么。

•Stylistic variation in a person’s speech, or writing, usually ranges on continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation. Style can also refer to a particular person’s use of speech or writing at all times, or to a way of speaking or writing at a particular period of time, e.g., Dickens’ style, Hemingway’s style.•根据交际情景的类型,一个人的口头语和书面语的文体会发生变化,变异区间是从随便文体或口语体到正式文体或文雅文体。



1. Design features of language:(1)Arbitrariness (任意性):there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with.(声音和意思无直接联系)eg: why English should use the sounds /dog/ to refer to the animal dog, the relationship between the sounds and their meaning is quite accidental.(2)Duality(双重性):the way meaningless elements of language at one level(sounds and letters)combine to form meaningful units at another level. That is, sounds such as d, g, f, o, mean nothing separately. They normally take on meaning only when they are combined in certain ways, as in dog, fog, and god. 2.Descriptive grammars(描写性语法): attempt to tell what is in the language(语言第一,语法第二,语法是为语言服务)Prescriptive grammars(规定性语法):tell people what should be in the language.3.Phonetics(语音学): the study of linguistic speech sounds, how they ate produced, how they are perceived, and their physical properties.It can be divided into 3main branches:(1) articulatory phonetics(有音节的), which is the study of how speech sounds are produced(2)acoustic phonetics(有关声音的),which deals with the transmission of speech sounds through the air(3)auditory phonetics(听觉的),which deals with how speech sounds are perceived by the listener.4.Assimilation(同化): a phonological process whereby a sound becomes phonetically similar to a neighboring sound ,eg: a vowel becomes whenfollowed by a consonant.5.Phonology(音系学): the study of the abstract systems underlying the sounds of language.6.Minimal pairs(最小对立体): a pair of words that differ by only a single sound in the same position, e.g. look/ took, spill/still and keep/coopMinimal set(最小对立体集): when a group of words can be differentiated, each one from the others, by changing one phoneme(always in the same position)eg: a minimal set based on the vowel phonemes of English would include feat, fit, fate, fat, fought, foot, and one based on consonants could have big, pig, and wig.7.Syllable(音节): these units which are often longer than one should and smaller than a whole word. 1. phonetically, syllables are usually described as consisting of a center which has little or no airflow and which sounds comparatively loud.2.phonologically, syllables are defined by the way in which vowels and consonants combine to form various sequences.8.Stress (重音): the prominence given to certain sounds in speech. 9.Morphology (形态学):the study of the structure of words.10.Root(词根): the morpheme that remains when all affixes are strippes froma complex word. eg: system from un- +system + atic +ally11.Derivational morphemes(派生词缀)可能会改变词性: a morpheme that serves to derive a word of one class or meaning from a word of another class or meaning. eg: -ment derives the noun from the verb establish; re- changes themeaning of the verb paint to "paint again".Inflectional morphemes(屈折词缀)不改变词性: which are not used to produce new words, but rather to show aspects of the grammatical function of a word.12.Allomorphs(语素变体): a phonetic form in which a morpheme is realized,e.g. -s, -es, and all allomorphs of the plural morpheme.plementary distribution(互补分布):allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution for they never occur in the same contest. Eg: the unaspirated /p/ always occurs after /s/ while the aspirated one always occurs in other places.14.types of word formation:(1)compounding(合成构词法):words like typewriter, workshop, tractor-driver are formed by putting two words together. Two free morphemes are combined to form a compound.(2)Derivation(派生构词法):derivation is done by adding affixes to other words or morphemes. A derivational word consists of at least a free morpheme and a bound morpheme. For example, by adding affixes un-, mis-, -ful, -less, -ism, we can get words like unhappy, misunderstand, careful, careless.(3)Blending(混成构词法): a process a single new word can also be formed by combining two separate forms. Typically, blending is finished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of another word. eg: the English word brunch is made from breakfast and lunch.(4)Acronym(首字母拼音词):some new words are formed from the first letters of a series of words. They are pronounced as single words, as in NA TO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)15.Syntax(句法学): used to refer to the structure of sentences and to the study of sentence structure.(1)Immediate constituent analysis(直接成分分析法):also called IC Analysis, in linguistics, a system of grammatical analysis that divides sentences into successive layers, or constituents, until, in the final layer, each constituent consists of only a word or meaningful part of a word. (A constituent is any word or construction that enters into some larger construction.) eg. In the sentence “The old man ran away,” the first division into immediate constituents would be between “the old man” and “ran away.” The immediate constituents of “the old man” are “the” and “old man.” At the next level “old man” is divided into “old” and “man.” It was introduced by the United States linguist Leonard Bloomfield in 1933.(2)Recursion(递归性):the feature of recursion permits a grammar of a finite number of rules to generate an infinite number of sentences. For example: This is the house that jack built. /This is the cat that lived in the house that jack built.16.Semantics(语义学):the study of linguistic meaning.(1)Sense(意义)语言之间的关系:the inherent part of an expression’s meaning which, together with context, determines its referent. It is also called intension. Eg: knowing the sense of a noun phrase such as the president of the UnitedStates in 2004 allows one to determine that George W. Bush is the referent. (2)Reference(指称,参照):the relationship between words and the things, actions ,events, and qualities they stand for. An example in English is the relationship between the word tree and the object "tree" in the real world.17、Pragmatics(语用学):a branch of linguistics that studies language in use.(1)Anaphora(回指):the process where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase which was used earlier in a text or conversation.(2)Cohesion(衔接): the grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the different elements of a discourse. This may be the relationship between different sentences or between different parts of a sentence.Coherence(连贯): :the relationships which link the meanings of utterances in a discourse of the sentences in a text.18、Iconicity(象似性):the major types of iconicity in language which have frequently been proposed are those of order, distance, and complexity.(1)Iconicity of order(顺序象似性):refers to the similarity between temporal events and the linear arrangement of elements in a linguistic of construction. (e.g. Caesar’s historic words “veni, vidi, vici”-I came, I saw, I conquered.) iconicity of order reflects the consistency of language with human cognition and the objective world.(2)Iconicity of distance(距离象似性):accounts for the fact that things which belong together conceptually tend to be put together linguistically, and things that do not belong together are put at a distance. That is, elements which have a close relationship must be placed close together.(3)Iconicity of complexity(复杂象似性):accounts for our tendency toassociate more form with more meaning and, conversely ,less form with less meaning.19.The prototype theory(原形理论):what members of a particular community think of as the best example of a lexical category. eg: For some English speakers "cabbage" might be the prototypical vegetable.20.Lexical gap(词汇空缺) : the absence of a word in a particular place in a semantic field of a language is called lexical gap. For instance, in English there is no singular noun that covers both cow and bull as horse covers stallion and mare.21.Associative meaning(联想意义):connotative(内涵), social, affective(情感), reflective(反射), and collocative(搭配)meanings are called associative meaning.Reflective meaning(反射意义):is the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meanings, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense.22.Allophone(音位变体):a phonetic form in which a phoneme is realized.23.Diacritics(变音符号):is a set of symbols which can be added to the letter-symbols to make finer distinctions than the letters alone make possible.(英文版)Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the < code > adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; < rule > around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as "negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the" bottom line ". Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. < code > and < Regulations > revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines > and < Chinese Communist Party discipline and Punishment Regulations > column 1 by 2015 to strengthenparty laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Y ears, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the party's leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the < code > and < rule >, reflects the party's 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the party's eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of < the ICAC guidelines > in < in 1997 Leaders as members of the Communist Party of China clean politics certain criteria (Trial) > based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, "eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to" hard to remember, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulationsrepeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to "clean" the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. < rule > is in 1997 < Chinese Communist Party disciplinary cases (Trial) > based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to < the criterion of a clean and honest administration > and < rule > the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the FifthPlenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations < > made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs DepartmentThe first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee PoliticalBureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodies the party. Second, < code > and < Regulations > revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the party's eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised < low political criterion > and < Regulations >, highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent < rule > and < rule >. Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules." the revisionof the < code > and < rule > is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and party rules the sense of discipline, the party constitution about discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue "de", mainly refers to the party's ideals and beliefs, excellent traditional style. The revised the < code > closely linked to the "self-discipline", insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the "vital few", emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised < > Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Y an to Method, as a "negative list", emphasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positive reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and discipline requirements, for the majority of Party members and cadres provides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Party members and cadres in the aspect of self-discipline and abide by the discipline to make clearly defined, especially the party's eighteen years strict political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline andto implement the central eight provisions of the spirit against the four winds and other requirements into Disciplinary provisions. Not one pace reachs the designated position, focusing on in line with reality, pragmatic and effective. After the revision of major changes, major changes in the < code > and < rule > modified and needs to grasp several key problems (a) < code > < code > adhere to according to regulations governing the party and party with morals in combination, for at the present stage, the leadership of the party members and cadres and Party members in existing main problems of self-discipline, put forward principles, requirements and specifications, showing Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times and in all over the world ethics from high from low 5 common requirements. One is closely linked to the "self-discipline", removal and no direct relation to the provisions of . the second is adhere to a positive advocate, "eight prohibition" 52 are not allowed to "about the content of the" negative list moved into synchronization amendment < cases >. Three is for all the party members, will apply object from the leadership of the party members and cadres to expand to all Party members, fully embodies the comprehensive strictly required. The fourth is prominent key minority, seize the leadership of the party members and cadres is the key, and put forward higher requirements than the ordinary Party members. Five is to simplify, and strive to achieve concise, easy to understand, easy to remember. The revised < code > is the ruling Party since the first insists ona positive advocate forAll Party members and the self-discipline norms, moral declaration issued to all members of the party and the National People's solemn commitment. > < criterion of a clean and honest administration consists of 4 parts, 18, more than 3600 words. After the revision of the < code >, a total of eight, 281 words, including lead, specification and Party member cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms, etc. Part 3 members low-cost clean and self-discipline, the main contents can be summarized as "four must" "eight code". Lead part, reiterated on ideal and faith, fundamental purpose, the fine traditions and work style, noble sentiments, such as "four must" the principle of requirements, strong tone of self-discipline, The higher request for 6 and supervised tenet, the foothold in permanent Bao the party's advanced nature and purity, to reflect the revised standards requirements. Members of self-discipline norms around the party members how to correctly treat and deal with the "public and private", "cheap and rot" thrifty and extravagance "bitter music", put forward the "four norms". Party leader cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms for the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "vital few", around the "clean politics", from civil servant of the color, the exercise of power, moral integrity, a good family tradition and other aspects of the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "four norms" < > < norm norm. "The Party member's self-discipline norms" and "party members and leading cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms," atotal of eight, collectively referred to as the "eight". "Four must" and "eight" of the content from the party constitution and Party's several generation of leaders, especially Xi Jinping, general secretary of the important discussion, refer to the "three discipline and eight points for attention" statements, and reference some embody the Chinese nation excellent traditional culture essence of epigrams. (2) the revised regulations, the main changes in the revised Regulations > to fully adapt to the strictly requirements, reflects the according to the regulations governing the law of recognition of deepening, the realization of the discipline construction and Jin Ju. < rule > is party a ruler, members of the basic line and follow. And the majority of Party members and cadres of Party organizations at all levels should adhere to the bottom line of thinking, fear discipline, hold the bottom line, as a preventive measure, to keep the party's advanced nature and purity. 1, respect for the constitution, refinement and discipline. Revised < rule > from comprehensive comb physical constitution began, the party constitution and other regulations of the Party of Party organizations and Party discipline requirements refinement, clearly defined in violation of the party constitution will be in accordance with regulations to give the corresponding disciplinary action. The original 10 categories of misconduct, integration specification for political discipline, discipline, honesty and discipline masses Ji Law and discipline and discipline and other six categories, the content of < rule >real return to Party discipline, for the majority of Party members and listed a "negative list. 7 2, highlighting the political discipline and political rules. > < Regulations according to the stage of the discipline of outstanding performance, emphasizing political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline, in opposition to the party's leadership and the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, the basic requirement of behavior made prescribed punishment, increase the cliques, against the organization such as violation of the provisions, to ensure that the central government decrees and the Party of centralized and unified. 3, adhere to strict discipline in the law and discipline In front, Ji separated. Revised < Regulations > adhere to the problem oriented, do Ji separated. Any national law existing content, will not repeat the provisions, the total removal of 79 and criminal law, repeat the content of the public security management punishment law, and other laws and regulations. In the general reiterated that party organizations and Party members must conscientiously accept the party's discipline, die van comply with national laws and regulations; at the same time, to investigate violations of Party members and even criminal behavior of Party discipline and responsibility, > < Regulations distinguish five different conditions, with special provisions were made provisions, so as to realize the connection of Party discipline and state law. 4, reflect Wind building and anti-corruption struggle of the latest achievements. < rule > the party's eighteen yearsimplement the spirit of the central provisions of the eight, against the requirements of the "four winds" and transformation for disciplinary provisions, reflecting the style construction is always on the road, not a gust of wind. In the fight against corruption out of new problems, increase the trading rights, the use of authority relatives profit and other disciplinary terms. Prominent discipline of the masses, the new against the interests of the masses and ignore the demands of the masses and other disciplinary terms and make provisions of the disposition and the destruction of the party's close ties with the masses.Discipline to protect the party's purpose. 8 of these regulations, a total of three series, Chapter 15, 178, more than 24000 words, after the revision of the regulations a total of 3 series, Chapter 11, 133, 17000 words, divided into "general" and "special provisions" and "Supplementary Provisions" Part 3. Among them, add, delete, modify the provisions of the proportion of up to nearly 90%. 1, the general general is divided into five chapters. The first chapter to the regulations of the guiding ideology, principles and scope of application of the provisions, highlight the strengthening of the party constitution consciousness, maintenance the authority of Party Constitution, increase the party organizations and Party members must abide by the party constitution, Y an Centralized centralized, would examine at all levels of the amended provisions implementing and maintaining Party discipline, and consciously accept the party discipline,exemplary compliance with national laws and regulations. The second chapter of discipline concept, disciplinary action types and effects of the regulations, will be a serious warning from the original a year for a year and a half; increase the Party Congress representative, by leaving the party above (including leave probation) punishment, the party organization should be terminated its representative qualification provisions. The third chapter of the disciplinary rules of use prescribed in the discipline rectifying process, non convergence, not close hand classified as severely or heavier punishment. "Discipline straighten "At least eighteen years of five years, these five years is to pay close attention to the provisions of the central eight implementation and anti -" four winds ". The fourth chapter on suspicion of illegal party disciplinary distinguish five different conditions, with special provisions were made provisions, to achieve effective convergence of Party and country 9 method. < rule > the provisions of Article 27, Party organizations in the disciplinary review found that party members have committed embezzlement, bribery, dereliction of duty dereliction of duty and other criminal law act is suspected of committing a crime shall give cancel party posts, probation or expelled from the party. The second is < Regulations > Article 28 the provisions of Party organizations in the disciplinary review But found that party members are stipulated in the criminal law, although not involved in a crime shall be investigated for Party discipline and responsibility should。













. Introduction1. What is LanguageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2. What is Linguistics(语言学)Linguistics is the scientific study of language.3.Some Basic Distinctions(区分) in Linguistics3.1 Speech and WritingOne general principle(原则) of linguistic analysis is the primacy of speech over writing. Writing gives language new scope(范畴) and uses that speech does not have.3.2 Descriptive(描述性) or Prescriptive(说明性)A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior.3.3 Synchronic(共时) and Diachronic(历时) StudiesThe description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study and The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.3.4 Langue(语言) and Parole(言语)This is a distinction made by the Swiss linguist F.De Saussure (索绪尔)early last century. langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community and parole refers to the actualized(实际的) language, or realization of langue.3.5 Competence(能力)and Performance(行为)Competence is the ideal language user's knowledge of the rules of his language. Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances(发声).4.The Scope of LinguisticsGeneral linguistics is the study of language as a whole.Phonetics(语音学) is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription.Phonology(音韵学) is the branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of languages.Morphology(词法) is the branch of linguistics which studies the form of words.Syntax(句法) is the branch of linguistics which studies the rules governing the combination of words into sentences.Semantics(语义学) is the branch of linguistics which studies the meaning of language.Applied linguistics(应用语言学) is the study of the teaching of foreign and second languages. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society.Psycholinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and the mind.Historical Linguistics(历史语言学) is the study of language changes.Anthropological linguistics(人文语言学) uses the theories and methods of anthropology to study language variation and language use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs of man.Neurolinguistics(神经语言学) studies the neurological basis of language development and use in human beings.Mathematical linguistics(数学语言学) studies the mathematical features of language, often employing models and concepts of mathematics.Computational linguistics(计算语言学) is an approach to linguistics in which mathematical techniques and concepts(概念) are applied, often with the aid of a computer.II. Phonetics(语音学)1. scope of phoneticsSpeech sounds may be studied from different angles, thus we have at least three branches of phonetics: Articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)we may examine the way in which a speech sound is produced to discover which vocal organs are involved and how they coordinate(协调)in the process.Auditory phonetics (听觉语音学)we may look into the impression a speaker makes on the hearer as mediated(调节)by the ear, the auditory nerve(神经)and the brain.Acoustic phonetics (声学语音学)we study the physical properties of speech sounds, as transmitted(传送)between mouth and ear.2. The vocal organsThe vocal organs may be viewed as consisting of three parts, the initiator of the air-stream,(气流发生器官)the producer of voice(声音发生器官)and the resonating cavities.(声音共振器官)3. Consonants(辅音)Places of articulation(发音部位): bilabial,(双唇)Labiodentals,(唇齿)dental,(齿)alveolar,(齿龈)retroflex,(卷舌)palate-alveolar,(上齿龈)palatal,(上颚)velar,(软腭)uvular,(小舌)glottal(声门)Manners of articulation: plosive,(暴破)nasal,(鼻音)trill,(颤音)lateral,(边音)fricative,(摩擦)approximant,(近似音)affricate(破擦)4. Vowels (元音)The classification of vowels: the height of tongue raising (high, mid, low), the position of the highest part of the tongue(front, central, back), and the degree of lip rounding(rounded, unrounded)III. Phonology(音韵学)1. phonemes(音素):a distinctive(有区别的)sound in a language.2. Allophones(音位变体):The nondistinctive sounds are members of the same phoneme.3. Minimal pairs(最小对立体):word forms which differ from each other only by one sound.4. Free variation (自由变异):If two sounds occurring in the same environment(环境), they does not produce a different word form, but merely a different pronunciation of the same word.5. Complementary distribution(补充分类):Not all the speech sounds occur in the same environment. When two sounds never occur in the same environment6.Suprasegmental phonology(超音段音位):the study of phonological properties(性质)of units lager than the segment-phoneme. They are syllable(音节),stress,(重音)word stress, sentence stress. pitch (音调)and intonation(语调).IV. Morphology(词法)1. inflection(构形法):the grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes.(屈折词缀)2. Word-formation(构词):the processes(过程)of word variations signaling lexical relationships.(表明词法关系)They are compound(合成)and derivation (派生).3. Morpheme(词素):the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content.4. Allomorph(同质异象变体):some morphemes have considerable variation, for instance, alternate shapes or phonetic forms.5. Types of morphemes: They are roots,(词根)affix(词缀)and stem(词干).6. Lexicon(语言词汇):in its most general sense, is synonymous with vocabulary.7. Closed-class words(封闭性)and open-class words(开放性):the former whose membership is fixed or limited and the latter whose membership is in principle(实际上)indefinite or unlimited.8. Word class(词性):It displays a wider range of more precisely defined classes.9. Lexeme(词位):the smallest unit in the meaning system of a language that can be distinguished from other smaller units.10. Idiom(习语,成语):Most phrasal lexemes are idioms. It is especially true for a sequence of words(词序)which is semantically(语义上)and often syntactically(句法上)restricted.(限制)11. Collocation(搭配):the habitual(习惯的)co-occurrences (同时出现)of individual lexical items. V. Syntax (句法)1. Positional relation or word order(词序):the sequential(顺序)arrangement of words in a language.2. Construction or constituent (句子结构):the overall process of internal (内部)organization of a grammatical unit .3. Syntactic function(句法功能):the relationship between a linguistic form and other parts of the linguistic pattern in which it is used. The names of functions are expressed in terms of subjects, objects, predicates, modifiers,(修饰语)complements(补语), etc.4. Category(范畴):It refers to classes and functions in its narrow sense, e.g. noun, verb, subject, predicate, noun phrase, verb phrase, etc. The categories of the noun include number, gender, case and countability.5. Phrase: a single element of structure containing more than one word, and lacking the subject-predicate structure typical of clause.6. Clause: a group of words with its own subject and predicate, if it is included in a larger sentence.7. Sentence: It is the minimum part of language that expresses a complete thought.VI. Semantics1. Conceptualism or mentalism (概念主义):Following F. De Saussure(索学尔)'s "sign" theory, the linguistic sign is said to consist of a signifier (所指)and signified(被指), i.e., a sound image and a concept, liked bya psychological(心理的)"associative" bond.(相关联系)2. Mechanism(机械主义):Some linguists, Bloomfield,(布鲁费尔德)for example, turned to science to counter(反)-act the precious theories and this leads to what call the mechanistic approach(方法). The nature of this theory has nothing to do with the scientific study of mental phenomena.(智力现象)3. Contextualism (语境主义):It is based on the presumption(假定)that one can derive meaning from or reduce it to observable context.4. Behaviorism (行为主义):Behaviourists attempt to define (定义)the meaning of a language form as "the situation(情景)in which the speaker utters(说话)it and the response(反应)it calls forth in the hearer."5. functionalism (功能主义):Functionalists as represented (代表)by the Prague school(布拉格学派)linguists and neo-Firthian (新弗斯)linguists, approach the problem from an entirely new orientation(方法). They argue(争辩)that meaning could only be interpreted(解释)from its use or function in social life.6. Sense relationships: While reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements, words, sentences, etc.,and the non-linguistic world of experience, sense relates to the complex system of relationships that hold between the linguistic elements themselves. They include synonymy(同义词),antonymy(反义词),hyponymy(下层次)Polysemy(一词多义)and Homonymy (同音异义词)7. Semantic analysis: It includes 1) componential(成分)analysis which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components.(意义成分)2) predication (表述)analysis in which the meaning of a sentence is not merely the sum of the meanings of the words which compose it. 3) relational components in which the semantic analysis of some words presents a complicated picture, because they show relations between two and perhaps more terms.VII. Language Variation (语言变化)1. Lexical change(词汇的变化):changes in lexis.2. Invention: (新造词)new entities.3. Compounding:(合成词)New words are sometimes constructed by combining two old words.4. Blending: (混合词):It is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which two roots are blended by joining the initial part of the first root and the final part of the second root, or by joining the initial parts of the two roots.5. Abbreviation or clipping:(缩写)A new word is created by cutting the final part or cutting the initial part.6. acronym:(取首字母的缩写词)It is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified (修饰)headword.7. Metanalysis:(再分化)It refers to a process through which a division is made where there were note before.8. Back-formation:(逆构词)It refers to an abnormal(非正常)type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting(去掉)an imagined affix from a longer form already present in the language.9. Analogical creation:(类比造词)It can account for(说明)the co-existence of two forms, regular and irregular, in the conjugation(结合)of some English verbs.10. Borrowing(借用):English in its development has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other languages.11. Phonological change(音变):It is related to language variation in the phonological system of language. It includes loss,(省音)addition,(加音)assimilation,(同化)dissimilation.(异化)12. Grammatical change: Changes in both morphology(词法)and syntax(句法)are listed under this heading.13. Semantic change:(语义变化)It includes broadening,(语义扩大)narrowing,(语义缩小)meaning shift,(意义转化)class shift(词性转换)and folk etymology.(词源变化)14. Orthographic change :(正字法)Changes can also be found at the graphetic level.分享给。



Chapt‎e r one Intro‎d ucti‎o n一、定义1.语言学Li‎n g uis‎ti csLingu‎i stic‎s is gener‎a lly defin‎e d as the scien‎t ific‎study‎of langu‎a ge.2.普通语言学‎G en er‎a l Lingu‎i stic‎sThe study‎of langu‎a ge as a whole‎is often‎calle‎d Gener‎a l lingu‎i stic‎s.3.语言lan‎g u age‎Langu‎a ge is a syste‎m of arbit‎r ary vocal‎symbo‎l s used for human‎commu‎n icat‎i on.语言是人类‎用来交际的‎任意性的有‎声符号体系‎。

4.识别特征D‎e sign‎Featu‎r esIt refer‎s to the defin‎i ng poper‎t ies of human‎langu‎a ge that disti‎n guis‎h it from any anima‎l syste‎m of commu‎n icat‎i on.语言识别特‎征是指人类‎语言区别与‎其他任何动‎物的交际体‎系的限定性‎特征。

Arbit‎r arin‎e ss任意‎性Produ‎ctivi‎ty多产性‎Duali‎ty双重性‎Displ‎a ceme‎n t移位性‎Cultu‎r al trans‎m issi‎o n文化传‎递⑴arbit‎r arin‎e ssThere‎is no logic‎a l conne‎c tion‎betwe‎e n meani‎n gs and sound‎s.P.S the arbit‎r ary natur‎e of langu‎a ge is a sign of sophi‎s tica‎t ion and it makes‎it possi‎b le for langu‎a ge to have an unlim‎i ted sourc‎e of expre‎s sion‎s⑵Produ‎ctivi‎tyAnima‎l s are quite‎limit‎e d in the messa‎g es they are able to send.⑶Duali‎tyLangu‎a ge is a syste‎m, which‎consi‎s ts of two sets of struc‎t ures‎,or two level‎s.⑷Displ‎a ceme‎n tLangu‎a ge can be used to refer‎to conte‎x ts remov‎e d from the immed‎i ate situa‎t ions‎of the speak‎e r.⑸Cultu‎r al trans‎m issi‎o nHuman‎capac‎i ty for langu‎a ge has a genet‎i c basis‎,but we have to be taugh‎t and learn‎e d the detai‎l s of any langu‎a ge syste‎m. this showe‎d that langu‎a ge is cultu‎r ally‎trans‎m itte‎d. not by insti‎n ct. anima‎l s are born with the capac‎i ty to produ‎c e the set of calls‎pecul‎i ar to their‎speci‎e s.5.语言能力C‎om pet‎e n ceCompe‎t ence‎is the ideal‎user‘s‎knowl‎e dge of the rules‎of his langu‎a ge.6.语言运用p‎erfor‎m ance‎Perfo‎r manc‎e is the actua‎l reali‎z atio‎n of this knowl‎e dge in lingu‎i stic‎commu‎n icat‎i on.语言运用是‎所掌握的规‎则在语言交‎际中的体现‎。





在我们的语言学界里似乎有一种不太好的倾向可称为 唯理论 ,表现为片面追求理论创新或者齐整,不愿花力气发掘事实,唯恐理论被推翻,在进行理论建树时,对明明同理论相悖的反例听而不闻、视而不见;另有一种不太好的倾向可称为 唯实论 ,表现为对理论不屑一顾,认为搞理论是雕虫小技,唯有拿出事实才过硬。

本文想通过围绕着 自己 这个小小的反身代词研究中所发生过的讨论,探讨以下如何正视和解决语言学理论和语言事实间的张力问题,尤其是语言学理论在认识和发现语言事实中的重要作用。
















语言是社会事实———索绪尔的命题Ξ鲍 贵(南京工业大学 外语学院,江苏 南京 210009)摘 要:针对19世纪历史语言学研究存在的一些不恰当的语言观,索绪尔认识到澄清语言本质的必要性,提出了语言是社会事实这一意义深远、却未能引起同时代学者足够注意的论断。



关键词:索绪尔;社会事实;语言;符号Abstract:Against s ome im proper notions of language held in the historical linguistics in the nineteenth century,Saussure finds it necessary to identify the nature of language.Saussure asserts that language,precisely langue,is a s ocial fact,a view point far2reaching yet largely neglected by sch olars at his time.An elaborate analysis of language leads Saussure to extract langue in contrast to parole and then to address the similarities and dissimilarities between langue and other insti2 tutions.Saussure’s elaboration on language as a s ocial fact helps to define the real object of linguistics and identify the nature of linguistic sign,thus orienting linguistics towards a new horiz on.K ey w ords:Saussrue;s ocial fact;langue;sign【中图分类号】 H0 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1671-7287(2007)03-0074-05 索绪尔(Saussure)在《普通语言学教程》中几次提到语言是社会事实这一命题。



Phylosophical Thinking About the Relation Between Language Facts, Language Theory and Language
作者: 刘浩
作者机构: 武汉交通职业学院人文系,湖北武汉430065
出版物刊名: 外国语文
页码: 57-60页
年卷期: 2012年 第2期
主题词: 语言事实;语言理论;语言研究;关系




语言实践的“此在”与先验语言形式的“事实”肖福平【摘要】The process of human being ’ s dasein is necessarily consistingof acting or practicing of lan-guage , which provides not only the distinction between language and nature , but the premise to make themu-nited.A person, as the subject of language practicing and the subject of transcendental cause , has the pure language willing and pure language principle .It is Reason ’ s transcendental language cause which leads lan-guage being to its transcendental form , and rebuilds the real significanceof language being in the process of dasein.What transcendental language cause has provided us are the ontological being of language , n-guage idea;the language principles or ideas in the kingdom of pure Reason are both transcendent al and “actu-al”, and they necessarily affect language activities of human being because of practical characteristic of Rea -son , thus the pureness and decidability of Reason ’ s language principles should be endowed with the character-istic of “objectivity”.All in all, the process of human being ’s dasein is the keyto illustrate the “actuality” of Reason ’ s transcendental language cause .%人的“此在”过程必然体现为语言行为的发生过程,即语言“实践”的过程。
























1.评语言符号物质表达和心理现实的等级关系--索绪尔语言理论研究 [J], 申小龙
2.21世纪的中国语言理论研究和教学发展趋势——第一届语言理论教学和研究学术研讨会扫描 [J], 彭泽润;郭毅
3.评语言符号物质表达和心理现实的等级关系--索绪尔语言理论研究 [J], 申小龙
上的发言概述 [J], 彭泽润
5.语言理论研究的目标和任务——在第4届语言理论和教学研究研讨会2开幕式上的发言概述 [J], 彭泽润;



















〔关键词〕事实;投射系统;功能语义〔中图分类号〕 H0〔文献标识码〕A〔文章编号〕1008-2689(2014)03-0010-07一、引言“事实”投射是系统功能语言学研究句际间逻辑-语义关系的维度之一。

系统功能语言学致力于解决有关语言的和与语言使用有关的问题,最终目标是建立功能语义学和“意义系统”(semiotic system),实现对意义的普通描写[1](26)。


Halliday[3], Halliday &Mattheiessen [4],Thompson [5]和Eggins[6]等对“事实”作了相关论述,国内这方面的研究还不多见。




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