lolita洛丽塔服装调研 品牌种类消费人群教学提纲
妙地结合起来形成新 的哥特 式洛丽塔风格 ,并成功地推 上了时 尚舞 台的最前端 , 由此 , 电影 艺术的发展进一步推广 了洛丽塔文 化, 在洛丽塔服装风格的演变过程 中发挥 了重要 的作 用 , 之逐 使 渐成为流行穿 衣文化 的一部分 , 最终形成 了新 兴的服装风格 。
15 9 8年终于 出版 了美 国版 , 品一路 蹿升到《 作 纽约时报 》 畅销 书 单的第一位 , 由于该小说题材极其敏感 , 在道德上极 大地 冲击 了
波舆论热潮。19 9 7年 , 电视广告出身的美国导演亚得里安林恩 拍 (din y e重新拍摄 的“ A r n) aL 洛丽塔 ” 在欧洲上映。同 3 5年前相 比, 新版 的电影更加忠实于原著 , 洛丽塔变得更鲜艳更 明亮 , 更让人
洛 丽 塔 服装 风 格 形 成 的 历 史 演变
的文学作品 ,9 2 ,电影怪才库 布里克 和他 的制片人詹姆士 ・ 16 年
产业的健康发展 ,对洛丽塔服装风格 的整体探究 与推 广就显得
尤 为 重要 。
B・ 哈里斯花 了 10万 美元买下 了《 丽塔》 5 洛 小说 的版权 , 随即这 部小说被库布里克改编 为电影 《 一树梨 花压 海棠》 。引起 了新一
1 丽 塔 的 由来 . 洛
洛丽塔 为 L la的中文译音 , ot i 原为俄裔美籍著 名作 家纳博科
夫创作 的小说 《 洛丽塔》 的主人公姓 氏 , 里 由于该小说叙 述 了一 位中年男子 亨伯 特与仅有 l 的养 女之 间的不伦之 恋引发 了 2岁
巨大的争议 , 主人公洛丽塔不仅有着与年龄相 当的天 真烂 漫 , 而 且 又有 与年龄不符 的早熟 和反叛 。该 小说题材先后两次被改编 成 同名 电影 , 中文译 名为《 一支梨 花压海棠》 。半个 多世 纪以后 ,
三、Lolita服饰的特点Lolita服饰有其独特的特点,主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 裙子:Lolita服饰中的裙子多数采用蓬松的A字裙或公主裙设计,长度一般在膝盖以上,以展现女性的柔美和可爱。
2. 材质:Lolita服饰注重使用高品质的面料,如蕾丝、丝质、棉质等,增加服装的质感和手感。
3. 装饰:Lolita服饰的装饰十分丰富,常见的包括蕾丝边、蝴蝶结、荷叶边等,以及可爱的印花图案,为服饰增添了浪漫和可爱的氛围。
4. 配饰:Lolita服饰的配饰也非常重要,如头饰、项链、手套等,常常体现出Lolita风格的独特个性。
1. 市场规模:据调研数据显示,目前Lolita服饰市场规模约为几十亿元人民币,并呈逐年增长的趋势。
2. 市场需求:与传统时尚品牌相比,Lolita服饰在市场上拥有其独特的卖点,满足了一些年轻人对于童真、梦幻的需求。
3. 市场竞争:与其他时尚品牌相比,Lolita服饰市场并不是特别竞争激烈。
洛丽塔市场调研报告1. 引言本文是针对洛丽塔市场的调研报告,旨在分析洛丽塔市场的现状和未来发展趋势,为投资者提供有关洛丽塔市场的具体信息和分析意见。
2. 调研方法本次调研采用了多种方法进行数据收集和分析,包括在线问卷调查、采访、资料收集等。
3. 市场概况3.1 洛丽塔市场定义洛丽塔市场是指以洛丽塔风格为主题的商品和服务市场。
3.2 市场规模根据调研数据显示,洛丽塔市场在过去几年中呈现稳定增长的趋势。
3.3 目标受众洛丽塔市场的主要目标受众是成年女性,尤其是20至30岁年龄段的年轻女性。
4. 消费者行为分析4.1 消费习惯洛丽塔市场的消费者在购买洛丽塔风格产品时,通常注重以下几个方面:价格、品质、设计和品牌。
4.2 购买渠道消费者购买洛丽塔风格产品的主要渠道是线上购物平台,如淘宝、京东等电商平台。
4.3 购买动机消费者购买洛丽塔风格产品的动机主要有以下几个方面:追求个性、展示自我、追求快乐和满足心理需求等。
5. 市场竞争分析5.1 主要竞争对手洛丽塔市场的竞争对手主要包括国内外的洛丽塔风格品牌和其他相关风格的品牌。
5.2 竞争优势洛丽塔市场的竞争优势主要体现在以下几个方面:独特的设计风格、丰富的产品线、较低的价格、高质量的产品和良好的品牌形象等。
本科毕业设计(商务实践报告类)中文题目:重庆地区女大学生对洛丽塔服装消费情况的调查报告夕卜文题目: A Report of Chongqing College Girls,Consumption of Lolita Garment重庆地区女大学生对洛丽塔服装消费情况的消费情况摘要:文化的交流和潮流的发展促使许多商家开始创立自己的洛丽塔品牌,吸引越来越多的女孩购买洛丽塔服装。
为了帮助以往的旧品牌和未来的新品牌更快地发展, 满足消费者需求,本项目通过网上问卷调查和单独访谈的方式,研究了重庆地区女大学生进对洛丽塔服装的消费需求和偏好,提出了一些具体的建议。
2. 商家应该给顾客提供最大的购物和使用便利。
3. 了解和研究顾客,根据顾客的需求和偏好提供商品。
4. 创立竞争优势需要不断与顾客交流。
关键词:洛丽塔服装;女大学生;品牌;建议A Report of Chongqing College Girls1 Consumption of LolitaGarmentAbstractMany merchants begin to establish their own Lolita brands and a lot of girls gravitate towards buying Lolita Gaiment under the influence of the communication of culture and the development of fashion・ To help the old brands and the new brands quickly develop and satisfy consumer^ needs, my program has played a target on the group of Chongqing college girls to probe into their consumption needs and preferences by online questionnaire survey and single interviews and has given some specific suggestions. This investigation received 322 responses and interviewed 6 persons・The survey has gained four major conclusions.First, merchants should reduce customers' costs, including money cost, time cost and energy cost・Second, merchants should provide customers with biggest convenience of shopping and using・Third, merchants should learn about and investigate customer and provide wares according to their needs and demands・Four, to establish the competitive advantage, merchants should communicate with customers constantly.Key words:Lolita garment; college girls: brand; recommendationAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Zhu Qiiig without whom I couldn't finish my project so smoothly. Her patient guidance and warm encouragement have assisted me a lot during every significant stage of project. She has been completely respected my own ideas while also giving me beneficial recommendations to make sure that I won't digress from my topic, am able to satisfy the demands of my school and could finish the project successfully.Meanwhile I am very grateful for random strangers who have spent their time on filling in the online questionnaire and accepted the face-to-face interview.Fm also indebted to my fiiends who patiently help me to send out and repost the online questionnaire, othenvise Fm unable to approach to so much useful information・Finally many thanks to my family who stand behind me and support me firmly, by giving me some advice on how to communicate with strangers effectively to get information I need・Thank you all!Contents独创性声明及授权书 (i)中文摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)Acknowledgements (iii)1 ・ Introduction (1)1.1Background (1)1.2Objectives (1)1.3Significance (2)1 ・4 Structure (2)2.Research Design (2)2.1The Overall Definition and Sampling (2)2.2Approach (3)2.3Survey Procedure (3)2.4Questionnaire Design (3)3.Results and Findings (4)3.1Price Range (4)3.2Purchase Approaches (7)3.3Customer Consumption Preferences (10)3.4Special Communication and Services (13)4.Discussion and Interpretation of Results (14)4」Cost (14)4.2Purchase Approaches (15)4.3Customer Purchase Preferences (16)4.4Special Communication and Services (16)5.Recommendations (17)5.1Cost: Pricing (17)5.2Convenience: Providing All-dimensional Convenience for Customers (18)5.3Customer: Attaching Importance to Customer Needs (19)5.4Communication: Actively and Effectively Interacting with Customers (20)6.Limitations (21)Appendix A The Questionnaire (22)A Report of Chongqing College Girls*Consumption of Lolita Garment1.Introduction1.1BackgroundRecently getting dressed in Lolita garment for entertainment and other occasions is prevalent among young girls under the communication of culture and the development of fashion. Lolita garment is a kind of clothes based on three types, which are usually named as gothic type, sweet type and classic type. Based on lace, binding tapes or bowknots, it is designed to definite a topic expressed by the patterns on the dress, which represents people the designers9 emotions and feelings of design ・ Lolita was inspired from European court and developed by Japan. Comparing with other garment, Lolita garment could be a little unusual and inconvenient for people to dress up. but it provides a new kind of dressing idea for more girls to express themselves. Since the Lolita garment has been germinated by Japan, many Chinese girls began to buy Japan Lolita brand through purchasing agents・Under such circumstance, many merchants have caught the potential business opportunities with their acumen and begin to establish their own Lolita brand and have the willingness to find their own market among such a lucrative business・ However, there are also some problems hindering their step to move on. By targeting on the group of Chongqing college girls, this project is going to investigate the problems and find solutions to solve them in order to help the old brands and new brands learn about consumers5 needs and extend their business・1.2ObjectivesThe project has three objectives:First, collecting iiifomiation on college gills5 consumption habits andinvestigating the needs of consumers related to Lolita garment services・Second, probing into development opportunities for Lolita garment・Third, Making recommendations for merchants to inspire them to formulate effective marketing strategies on 什lis garment market・1-3 SignificanceAs we all know, clothing, food, housing and transportation necessitate in our daily life, while clothing is a basic part of them. Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more open under the globalization and the communication of culture, which has germinated the multicultural clothing market・ A lot of people begin to break the line of mundane ideas and follow their heart to live a free and cozy life. Lolita garment is not only a kind of clothing but also a spirit to express their personalities, representing ego and freedom. Development of Lolita garment propels the process of multicultural clothing industry, contributing to a stalwart part of domestic economy.1.4StructureThis essay is divided into six parts. The first part has introduced the background of my project. In the second part, the process of research design is demonstrated in which the related survey was conducted・ Results and findings are presented in a clear order in the third part. The fourth part has discussed and interpreted the results. The fifth part gives suggestions based on the analysis of information gained above・ Last, the final part concludes the possible limitations that this project may not preclude from.2.Research Design2.1The Overall Definition and SamplingThis project has targeted on a group of Chongqing college girls to investigate their consumption preferences about Lolita garment. There are three data sources to support the project:1 ・ Online investigation of Chongqing college girlsrmation from official website3.Interviews of 6 random studentsRandom sample for collecting information was conducted during the process of investigation. In sum, 322 responses were received and 6 students were interviewed.2.2ApproachCombining the online investigation and the face-to-face interviews to collect information, I also consulted the official websites of Lolita garment to make sure that I was conducting my project in right way. I gathered some useful information about the accurate definition of Lolita garment and the prospect of Lolita garment industry by permeating through every respect of available sources.2.3Survey ProcedureOnline consumer investigation of college girls was conducted among Chongqing universities to collect information about their average month spending on buying Lolita garment, preferences about Lolita garment, attitudes toward the services of Lolita merchants and their needs and demands not yet been satisfied・Information about the problems of Lolita garment was collected mainly through the online questionnaire, which has assisted to understand what the merchants need to change and improve for a better development.The face-to-face interviews also gave a profound understanding of competitions present for Lolita merchants among the clothing industry・2.4Questionnaire DesignThe questionnaire was designed to deeply learn about the consumption habits, preferences and necessities about Lolita garment.The questionnaire consists of two kinds of questions・ The first kind is multiple choice which requests respondents to select one answer from following items. 8 of 15 questions belong to this kind・ The second type of question requires respondents to choose more than one choices, questions 6, 7, & 9, 11,12, 13, 15, 16 belong to this catalog.Four parts constitute the questionnaire・The first part gathers some basicinformation of respondents as to their monthly spending on garment, pricing situation related to Lolita garment including their selection of Lolita brands, frequency of purchasing, preferential selling price and some discount customers look forward to. It comprises Questions 1 to 6. Part 2 is entwined with purchasing approaches of customers, presented from Questions 7 to 10. Then the survey probes into consumers5 consumption habits and preferences, containing accessories of Lolita garment, favorite types and modes of Lolita garment, purchasing records of Lolita wedding dress and major concern on Lolita garment. It comprises Questions 11 to 15. The last part consists of establishing better communications and providing good services, like the approaches of learning about the updating information of Lolita garment and attitudes toward recommending bloggers・ It comprises Questions 16 to 17.3・ Results and FindingsAll the respondents and interviewees who have engaged in the questionnaire stayed objective. The results and findings are presented as follows after the collection of accurate and practical data・3.1Price RangeFigure 1 has illustrated the monthly spending on garment of college girls. We could see that nearly 20% of college girls spend less than 300 monthly, almost 30% spend 300-500 on garment every month, 42% of college girls spend 500-1000 on garment monthly and a small part, 9.35% spend more than 1000 on garment every month. From these data, we can know that college girls spend a big amount of money on garment, which represents that their buying power is great, being a powerful impetus for clothing market・Figure 1 Monthly Spending on Garment5042.06%Figure 2 gives us overall information about college girls whether having purchasing records about Lolita garment of Japan brands・ The chart shows that only 21.74% girls have ever bought Japan brands and 42.24% girls are eager to possess one but ceasing to go for it because of its too expensive price, which indicates that something inside are peculiar to Japan Lolita brands, such as design, pattern, quality and so on, alluiing many gills' buying desire・ If merchants in China could establish their own brands and make its efforts to be famous even outside China under the persistence to focus on manufacturing their own Lolita garments with good quality, moderate price and special design, they could elicit a large amount of buying power from college girls in China・Figure 2 Purchasing Records about Lolita Garment36.02%因Yes No interest at all ■ I want to buy, but thinking it too expensweFigure 3 indicates the purchasing frequency of Lolita garment by Chongqing college girls. We could obviously see that the vast majority of college girls would like to buy Lolita garment 1-2 times every month, taking up39.75% of total respondents・ And nearly 33% girls buy Lolita garment 1-2 times half of a year. Frequent purchasing of Lolita garment, 1・2times every week, takes up 6.83% and remaining 20.5% spend money on Lolita garment 1-2 times one year. This shows that there is great potential for development of Lolita garment market・Figure 3 Purchasing Frequency of Lolita Garment6.83%■ 2 times every week1・2 times every month ■ 1-2 times half of a year ■ 1-2 times one year Figure 4 represents the usual selection of price range when purchasing Lolita garment. Apparently nearly 70% choose the price range from 300 to 500, which means the common affordable price for college girls to buy the Lolita garment is less than 500. What we could gain from the following table is that 45.96% people are able to afford from 500 to 1000 and even about 10% would like to buy the dress above 1000, denoting the necessary part for manufacturing dresses designed in a position of high-level products・Figure 4 Usual Selection of Price Rangeso70.81%Figure 5 shows us four kinds of preferential policies customers want to see when buying Lolita dress・ Nearly 60% of college girls choose group-buying. More than 80% want to have discount when spending more than one specific amount, such as 500 and exemption from express fees. 57.94% of college girls want to buy Lolita dress with getting gifts. All these information has represented that customers want to cut down their purchase costs when buying Lolita dress, which means merchants should make efforts to cut down costs for customers・Figure 5 Preferential Policy Customers Want to See When Buying Lolita Dress3.2Purchase ApproachesFigure 6 indicates three major ways of purchasing Lolita garment. This question requires respondents to choose more than one selection, so we could see that 96.27% usually buy Lolita garment online and 19.25% also go to the physical stores. Buying dress through CP exhibition takes the smallest part because it is regularly held in Shanghai, which means it is very inconvenient for customers toselect their desirable goods ・ We have already known that online shopping is more and more popular nowadays, but not meaning there is no market among physical stores. Through these data, we could clearly find out that combining the online shops with the physical stores is a resourceful means of benefiting customers, extending business and quickly penetrating into the deep garment market ・Figure 7 represents several reasons of buying Lolita garment online ・ From the graph, we know that 60.75% of customers buy Lolita garment online because they can learn about the information of goods in advance ・ Nearly 85% choose online shopping because merchants will make the purchase link in advance for saving customers' time and energy. Meanwhile 77.57% think they can refei' to other customers ,comments about the goods through online shopping ・ Only 26.17% of college girls choose online shopping because of its convenience on returning and changing goods ・ From the information, we can see that college girls like to buy Lolita garment online because they are able to get great convenience online to save time and energy, which means merchants should provide more convenience for customers online.Figure 7 The Reason of Buying Lolita Garment OnlineFigure 6 Ways of purchasing Lolita Garment19.25%14.29% \Online Physical Steres ■ CP ExhibitionFigure 8 demonstrates four selections of reasons of going to physical stores.45.79% like going to physical stores because of its location in CBD. 71.96% of college girls are attracted by the whole layout of physical stores in consequence that ifs convenient for entering and going out, scanning the goods and checking the bill. 64.49% think they can consult to the professional shopping guide. 66.36% like going to physical stores in consequence that they can try on the dress and check whether ifs suitable. These figures have shown that convenience on physical stores for customers is also necessary and important.Figure 8 The Reason of Going to Physical StoresFigure 9 is about whether the service staff from Lolita business is professional.66.26% customers commit their expertise on Lolita garment and their ability to tackle with problems in time. While still 33.54% hold their opinions that servicestaff in Lolita shops actually lack insight about Lolita andthey can't solve the problems witliin a minute, which shows this could be a complementary part for some merchants to improve ・Konw a liitle about Lolita garment 3nd couldr t covle problems in time 3・3 Customer Consumption PreferencesFigure 10 is a graph representing the selections of some decorations when buying Lolita garment. Listed choices of accessories are all selected byrespondents, taking a wide range of all the choices, making us clearly know about consumers* needs and demands ・ It gives an impetus to merchants that they have access to expand their business range by selling more than one item, not only the single dress, such as the headwear, bustle, Lolita bag, Lolita shoes and Lolita sock ・ The collateral profits brought by those accessories could also be an opportunity for businessman to develop their own brands ・Be professional and able to sovle problems Figure 9 Whether the Service Staff is Professional33.54%66.46%Figure 10 Selections of Decorations When Buying Lolita GarmentFigure 11 shows us the usual selections of Lolita garment types・ Accordingto the optional question, 72.67% and 78.88% are more likely to choose OP and JSK. 21.12% girls like to buy SP and 24.22% also prefer SK. OP and JSK are the common forms of Lolita garment, usually selected by consumers, suggesting merchants classifying items related to its purchasing situation. Taking such two kinds as the common items for consumers but also manufacturing a small quantity of SP and SK may be the proper way to balance customers5 preferences.Figure 11 Usual Selections of Lolita Garment TypesOP: 72.67%JSK: 78.88%Figure 12 has illustrated the choices toward their favorite modes of Lolita garment, allowed to choose more than one option・ As we can see, three major modes of Lolita garment take up a comparative average percent with sweet style 59.01%, classic style67.7% and gothic style 31.68%. That indicates college girls won't only focus on one mode instead of changing styles timely, which could be intelligible in the consequence of volatile personalities of girls, especially in buying clothes・ That's to say it requkes merchants to keep pace with customers, learning about 什wir preferences in time is very important.Figure 12 Favorite Modes of Lolita GarmentClassic; 67.7% Figure 13 has represented the purchasing records of Lolita wedding dress. Apparently a big majority of college girls, taking up 77.02% have never bought Lolita wedding dress due to its unsuitable forms. Actually Lolita wedding dress is too magnificent to wear usually, but being fit for presenting some formal occasions ・ While 22.98% have the record of buying Lolita wedding dress because they like the splendor of it and could harness it to be ready for some sudden formal attending ・ This tells merchants that sometimes they need to learn to give up some items that are not very outstanding and popular among customers and not very lucrative.■ Yes, very splendidFigure 14 demonstrates in what aspects college girls think highly of Lolita garment, which provides more than one selections for respondents to chose. Great quality, moderate price, special design and gorgeous pattern are all appreciated at a comparath^e average percent ・ WHiafs more, special design is the top inviting one 、 Sweet: 59.01%77.02%Figure 13 Purchasing Records of Lolita Wedding DressNo, unsuitable for common dressamong these traits with 71.43%・ However, considerate service only takes up a small part with 15.53%, showing their more focus on substantive factors, like quality, price, design and pattern・ What they think highly of is what merchants should pay more attention to.Figure 14 In What Aspects Do College Girls Think highly of LolitaGarment3.4Special Communication and ServicesFigure 15 represents some approaches to learn about fresh information related to Lolita garment. From the chart, we can directly know that Microblog is the most common way for college girls to get information. Using Taobao and QQ group take up 57.14% each・ While Wechat is the last way for them to chose with 14.29%・ As we all know, Microblog is a platform for communication and sharing others with a lot kinds of information, and tliafs why a vast majority of girls would like to select it as the main means to gain messages they want. Deciding to update information on which platform or choose more than one should be considered carefiilly in case that customers wouldn't miss these information about products・Figure 15 Approaches to Learn about Fresh Lolita InformationMicrobog: 87.58%Wee hat 14.29%Figure 16 has indicated whether college girls follow bloggers about their related match of Lolita garment. With the popularity of recommending bloggers, 81.37% of a total have followed their interested bloggers to refer to their related match about Lolita clothing while 18.63% girls are more likely to match their clothing optionally instead of following others5 favor. That means recommending bloggers play an important role on advertising products and influencing customers' purchasing choices・Figure 16 Whether Following Bloggers about Their Related Match of LolitaGarment18.63%■ Yes, I will refer to their clothing match B No, I would like to match my clothing optionally4. Discussion and Interpretation of Results4.1CostFrom the analysis above, we have already known that Lolita fashion is verypopular among young girls, having tremendous influence to propel Lolita garment being more famous and known by more people, which could extend its potential market・When it comes to monthly spending on Lolita garment, we could clearly knowthat a vast majority of college girls will spend from 500 to 1000, which means that they possess buying power to some degrees and are able to afford Lolita dresses after excluding some fixed expenses・ Their purchase frequency shows that most college girls concentrate on buying Lolita dress 1-2 times every month and their preferred price range is from 300 to 500, which suggests merchants should combine customers? satisfactoiy price with th亡ir buying frequency to fonnulate pricing strategies considering customers9 costs and own necessary costs・As for the preferential policy, most college girls will choose discount when buying more than one specific amount and exemption from express fees. Merchants should fonnulate some discount plans on the two aspects in order to reduce customers' costs・4.2Purchase ApproachesIn terms of purchase approaches, the results demonstrate that an overwhelming majority of college girls prefer to buy Lolita dress online・This alludes that the common shopping way for college girls is still going ahead online and it won^t change for now. Merchants should be ready to take online selling as the main means and provide good online services for customers. However, it doesn^t mean that the physical store should be cancelled blindly. How to combine them together efficiently to provide shopping convenience for customer is the most essential factor.When it comes to the reason of buying Lolita garment online, most college girls think that merchants will make the purchase link in advance for saving their time and energy. This suggests that when operating online shops, merchants should provide more convenience on shopping to save time and energy for customers・A vast majority of college girls like to go to physical stores because the whole layout is vury clear, and ifs veiy convenience for entering and going out, scanning thegoods and checking the bill. This suggests that the design of physical stores is veryifimportant in providing convenience for customers・When formulating the distribution strategy, merchants should take customer's com-eiiience as the priority because convenience is the essential part of customer value・4.3Customer Purchase PreferencesFrom the investigation, we have clearly known customer^ preferences of Lolita dress, representing us their genuine needs and demands・ Merchants should directly face customers needs and take customer as the center to penetrate the whole market in g・Most college girls will buy one or more accessories when buying Lolita dress, which reflects the genuine needs and demands of customers and represents an extra business chance for merchants to do their business or develop their own brand comprehensively, meanwhile satisfying the needs of customers and providing complete shopping experience for them.JSK is the usual choice for customers among four types when buying Lolita dress, and Classic is the most welcomed Lolita dress mode・This suggests that more attention and stress on them can develop their business and win profits more quickly.Lolita wedding dress is not usually bought by college girls because its drawback weighs its merits, suggesting that merchants shouldn,t easily engage in selling Lolita wedding dress considering its unpractical trait・Special design is the most important factor that customers think highly of. If merchants want to attract customers to buy their goods, the first thing they need to do is that they must allure them at their fist eyes, in other words, their design of Lolita dress must be so attractive and inviting and can catch customers5 eyes at the first time.4.4Special Communication and ServicesWearing is not just one simple behavior and necessary thing in our daily life, but expressing our attitude toward our life. Whatever kinds of clothing, we could find funs from them after a delicate match. Somehow, almost people around take wearing as aregularly ordinary thing under the effect of life pressure, busy job and fiddly housework, with no more free time spending on wearing, a meaningless thing. However, dressing ourselves up delicately could help us suspend from those pressures to relax and recoup happiness and freedom, which is a spirit that Lolita garment represents・In addition, nowadays purchase is not just a simple and single consumption behavior, but also a kind of close connection between seller and buyer. Businessmen should realize that communicating with customers and conveying such spirits to customers can make customers feel comfortable and contributes to the development of business in the long run・In terms of platforms to learn about Lolita updating information, nearly 300 respondents selected Microblog as their main approach to collect information. That gives an impetus that businessmen should concentrate on Microblog for updating or informing・ Announcement for information also should be issued on other platforms simultaneously because they take a middle part of proportion that can^t be neglected.More than 80% of college girls will refer to bloggers9 recommending clothing match. Cooperating with recommending bloggers and communicating with customers is not only necessaiy but also can accelerate fans' business brand awareness・ It's vury pivotal to get support from customers and succeed・5・ RecommendationsIn this part, suggestions will be given about how Lolita clothing businesses tackle those problems encumbering its progress and find its peculiar path toward success・From the past decades, many businessmen emphasize more on customer to satisfy customers, needs and demands because nowadays customer is dominating the main market in marketing, which means being entwined with customers is the main strain to develop. Thus, the 4C theory has been harnessed to tackle problems on the foot of customers・。
二、店铺概述1. 店铺名称:[具体店名]2. 店铺定位:中高端洛丽塔裙子专卖店3. 目标客户:主要为热爱洛丽塔文化的年轻女性,包括学生、白领等。
三、产品规划1. 与知名设计师合作,推出独家原创设计的洛丽塔裙子。
2. 涵盖经典风格、甜美风格、哥特风格等多种类型。
3. 定期更新产品款式,保持店铺的新鲜感和吸引力。
四、市场分析1. 洛丽塔文化受众群体不断扩大,市场潜力巨大。
2. 竞争对手分析,找出自身优势和差异化。
3. 消费者需求调研,以便更好地满足顾客需求。
五、营销策略1. 利用社交媒体平台进行宣传推广,吸引粉丝关注。
2. 举办线下主题活动,如茶会、走秀等。
3. 与相关领域的网红、KOL 合作进行推广。
4. 推出会员制度,提供积分、折扣等优惠。
六、店铺运营1. 精心设计店铺装修,营造出梦幻的洛丽塔氛围。
2. 培训专业的销售服务团队,提供优质服务。
3. 建立完善的库存管理和供应链体系。
七、财务预算1. 初期投资预算包括店铺租金、装修、设备采购、首批货款等。
2. 制定详细的营收和成本预算,确保店铺盈利能力。
八、风险评估与应对1. 市场风险:密切关注市场动态,及时调整策略。
2. 竞争风险:不断提升产品和服务质量,突出特色。
3. 资金风险:合理规划资金,确保资金链稳定。
二、店铺概述1. 店铺名称:待定2. 店铺定位:以销售中高端洛丽塔裙子为主,提供个性化定制服务,打造成为洛丽塔爱好者的聚集地。
洛丽塔策划方案1. 简介洛丽塔是一种源自于日本的时尚文化和风格,以女性为主体,注重甜美、浪漫和可爱的装扮。
2. 目标本策划方案的目标是在当地社区组织一场洛丽塔嘉年华活动。
3. 活动内容3.1 主题这次活动的主题是“梦幻甜蜜的洛丽塔”。
3.2 活动时间和地点活动将于XX年X月X日,在当地公园举行。
3.3 活动内容本次洛丽塔嘉年华将包括以下内容:•洛丽塔时装秀:邀请洛丽塔社区的爱好者参与时装秀,展示他们的洛丽塔装扮。
4. 宣传和推广为了确保活动的成功和吸引更多的参与者,我们计划通过以下渠道进行宣传和推广:•社交媒体:在当地的社交媒体平台上宣传活动,并邀请相关社群和用户参与分享和转发;•海报和传单:制作活动海报和传单,分发到学校、商场、咖啡店等人流密集的地方;•合作伙伴:与当地洛丽塔品牌和相关社群合作,共同推广活动,并协助宣传。
四、竞争对手分析在洛丽塔市场中,我们的竞争对手主要包括日本的几个知名品牌,比如Baby, The Stars Shine Bright、Angelic Pretty和Metamorphose。
根据对目标客户的调研分析,我们认为以下渠道最适合传播洛丽塔品牌形象:1. 线上渠道:建立一个官方网站,并提供在线购物功能。
2. 实体店铺:在主要城市开设实体店铺,为顾客提供更直接的购物体验。
3. Pop-up店:参加时尚展览和市集,举办Pop-up店活动,将洛丽塔品牌带到更多的消费者面前。
三、消费者群体3.1 年龄分布洛丽塔行业的消费者群体主要以年龄在15至25岁之间的年轻人为主。
3.2 消费动机洛丽塔行业的消费者主要因为对可爱和浪漫风格的喜爱而选择购买相关产品。
3.3 消费渠道洛丽塔行业的消费者主要通过线下店铺和线上电商平台进行购买。
目前,行业内主要有一些知名品牌,例如Angelic Pretty、Baby, The Stars Shine Bright等。
五、发展趋势5.1 文化融合洛丽塔行业的发展趋势之一是与其他文化的融合。
5.2 环保可持续在全球范围内,环保和可持续发展成为了一个热门话题。
洛丽塔风格服装分析及研究1、您的年龄【填空题】________________________2、性别【单选题】○ 男○ 女3、平时穿衣风格【单选题】○ 休闲自然○ 浪漫优雅○ 甜美可爱○ 个性夸张4、你了解洛丽塔风格吗【单选题】○ 非常了解○ 了解○ 稍了解○ 不了解5、你关注洛丽塔服装主要通过什么渠道【单选题】○ 网络○ 服装杂志○ 卖场○ 周围人群○ 其他6、您比较喜欢的颜色是【单选题】○ 灰色系○ 浅色系○ 深色系○ 都喜欢7、服装造型上你更喜欢哪一种【单选题】○ A型○ H型○ X型○ V型8、您有没有想过尝试甜美可爱的装扮【单选题】○ 经常○ 偶尔○ 很少○ 从不9、在选择服装时你认为哪一点最重要【单选题】○ 造型独特○ 实用性强○ 创意新颖○ 无所谓,只要自己喜欢就行10、您是否介意服装在保养时不方便【单选题】○ 非常介意○ 介意○ 不介意○ 无所谓11、你认为服装的哪些部位需要用一些元素来装饰【多选题】□ 领部□ 胸部□ 肩部□ 腰部□ 袖口□ 裤口□ 裙边□ 除以上其他部位12、下列一些元素你希望那些出现在你的服装上【多选题】□ 蕾丝□ 蝴蝶结□ 泡泡袖□ 碎花□ 大印花□ 刺绣□ 珠片□ 大量褶皱13、对于洛丽塔服装的造型或销售模式您有什么建议或意见【填空题】________________________。
洛丽塔风格的消费现状可以从以下几个方面进行分析:1. 消费群体:洛丽塔风格的消费群体主要是年轻女性,尤其是青少年和20多岁的女性。
2. 消费渠道:洛丽塔风格的服装和配饰通常在专门的洛丽塔品牌店或者线上平台销售。
在日本,有许多专门销售洛丽塔服装的店铺,如Baby, The Stars Shine Bright和Angelic Pretty等。
3. 消费趋势:洛丽塔风格的消费趋势一直在发展和变化。
4. 消费价格:洛丽塔风格的产品价格较高,这是因为这种风格的服装和配饰通常由手工制作而成,而且使用了高品质的面料和装饰。
从市场前景的角度来看,洛丽塔风格有着一定的市场潜力:1. 国内市场:在中国市场,洛丽塔风格的消费群体逐渐增多。
2. 国际市场:洛丽塔风格在国际市场上也具有一定的影响力。
二、活动目标1. 提高品牌知名度,扩大消费者群体;2. 提升店铺销量,实现业绩增长;3. 增强客户粘性,提高客户满意度;4. 收集客户反馈,为后续产品研发提供依据。
三、活动主题“洛丽塔的甜蜜梦境,邂逅你的专属童话”四、活动时间2022年9月1日至2022年9月30日五、活动地点线上电商平台及线下实体店铺六、活动对象18-35岁的女性消费者七、活动内容1. 线上活动(1)限时折扣:活动期间,洛丽塔服饰全场8折优惠。
2. 线下活动(1)门店折扣:活动期间,洛丽塔服饰全场8折优惠。
八、宣传推广1. 官方渠道:通过品牌官网、微信公众号、微博、抖音等官方渠道发布活动信息。
2. 合作媒体:与时尚、潮流、女性生活等领域的媒体合作,进行活动报道。
3. 线下宣传:在实体店铺门口、店内、周边商圈等地张贴活动海报,发放宣传单页。
·艺术研究摘 要:本研究通过采用民族志的研究方法,选取部分Lolita裙爱好者进行访谈、观察,以第一人称视角阐释Lolita群体画像;基于访谈分析,整理出洛丽塔风格人群生活形态与媒介接触方式,在亚文化背景下呈现该群体的生活特征与价值认同并深入探讨其符号特征。
关键词:Lolita;生活形态;媒介接触;民族志1 Lolita群体画像1.1 群体初步认知当笔者问她们“你什么时候入坑Lolita”的时候,她们经过短暂的回忆之后给出的都是“高二”“大一”这样的答案。
1.2 群体媒介接触微博是Lolita裙爱好者获取信息的主要渠道。
圣 歌
重 点 图 案
推荐品牌——Angelic Pretty
Angelic Pretty 是所有女孩梦的翅膀小时候憧憬的童话故事,梦幻自己就是那绘本中的少女,穿着着带有蕾丝、荷叶边、蝴蝶结等花样繁复的美丽又可爱的裙子...游乐园灯火 通明、旋转木马永不停歇、空气中散发着甜点和巧克力的香气、还有可爱的玩偶拉着你的手伴着音乐声起舞...不要害怕成长太快, 那些五彩斑斓的梦就被埋藏在时光深处,总
Classical Lolita
将梦幻与现实、纯洁与 爱情、自然与希望等风 格融入到服装中,加以 大量蕾丝、荷叶边、雪 纺、粉嫩色、大花朵、 蓬蓬裙、泡泡袖、珠片、 刺绣、背带裤、连帽衫、 小塔裙等元素呈现出不 同的外观形态,让整个 系列更具浪漫感和设计 感。
• 从樱花中提取出颜色偏淡的粉色和白色,完美的融入到洛丽塔服饰中,从而体现出高雅,质朴纯洁的爱情,同时 可以呼应本次设计的花嫁风Lolita,希望所有穿花嫁Lolita的新娘子可以幸福一辈子,一生一世只爱一个人。
• 樱花自开花至花残只有七天,所以每年的3月15日到4月15日被定为日本的樱花节。这是日本自南至北樱花开放的季节,人们在樱花树下摆上丰盛的酒宴,或合家欢 聚一堂,或邀请三五好友,一边吟诗作画,一边开怀畅饮,一醉方休。开在树上的樱花,落在地上是爱情,一树一树的的花开承载着一个一个浪漫的心愿。宛如懵 懂少女,安静地在春天开放,满树的白色粉色的樱花,是对情人诉说爱情的最美语言。
洛丽塔调研报告洛丽塔调研报告1. 引言洛丽塔一词最早出现在弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫的同名小说中,用以描述一个未成年女孩的形象,但由于小说的争议性和性暗示,洛丽塔一词也逐渐成为定义和形容性感、吸引力和成年女性的象征。
2. 调查结果通过对一定数量的民众进行调查,我们发现洛丽塔形象在社会中产生了广泛的影响。
3. 社会意义洛丽塔形象在当代社会中的存在和盛行,反映了人们对性感和魅力的追求。
4. 教育和引导针对洛丽塔形象所带来的负面影响,我们应当重视对于未成年人的教育和引导。
5. 产业规范洛丽塔形象的盛行也与相关产业的发展密切相关。
6. 结论洛丽塔形象的盛行体现了当代社会中性感和魅力的重要性和价值。
LOLITA 活动策划1. 引言LOLITA是一种时尚文化,它源自于日本,并且在全球范围内受到了广泛的关注和热爱。
2. 目标群体首先,我们需要明确活动的目标群体。
3. 活动主题为了吸引目标群体的兴趣,我们需要确定活动的主题。
以下是一些建议: - LOLITA时尚秀:邀请当地的LOLITA社群成员和设计师,展示他们的时尚作品,并让参与者有机会试穿和购买。
- LOLITA化妆工作坊:邀请专业化妆师为参与者展示LOLITA妆容的化妆步骤,并提供实践机会。
- LOLITA摄影展:展示摄影师通过摄影作品展现LOLITA文化的独特魅力。
4. 活动规划在确定了活动的主题后,我们需要进行详细的活动规划。
以下是一些重要的步骤和考虑因素: - 场地选择:选择一个适合活动的场地,如时尚展览馆、艺术中心或时尚商场。
- 时间安排:确定活动的日期和时间,尽量避免与其他重要活动冲突,以确保更多的人参与。
- 合作伙伴:与当地的LOLITA社群、设计师、摄影师和化妆师等建立合作关系,以增加活动的影响力和吸引力。
- 预算:制定详细的预算计划,包括场地租赁费用、物料采购费用、合作伙伴费用等,并确保在预算范围内运作。
- 宣传:制定宣传计划,利用社交媒体、宣传海报和传单等手段来宣传活动,并吸引更多的参与者。
5. 活动执行在活动执行阶段,我们需要确保所有的策划工作得到顺利执行。
以下是一些重要的注意事项: - 活动布置:根据活动主题进行场地布置,包括展示区、试穿区、化妆区等,使参与者能够充分体验LOLITA文化。
二、活动目标1. 提升品牌知名度,扩大品牌影响力。
2. 提高产品销量,增加销售收入。
3. 增强消费者对品牌的忠诚度。
4. 吸引更多新客户,扩大客户群体。
六、活动内容1. 限时折扣活动期间,洛丽塔服饰全场8折优惠,部分热销款式可享受更低折扣。
2. 买赠活动消费者购买任意两款及以上洛丽塔服饰,即可获得精美礼品一份。
3. 积分兑换活动期间,消费者每消费满100元即可获得10积分,积分可在活动结束后用于兑换店内商品或优惠券。
4. 线上互动(1)关注官方微信公众号,参与抽奖活动,赢取精美礼品。
5. 限时秒杀活动期间,每日上午10点、下午3点,推出限量秒杀商品,抢购价格低至5折。
6. 模特走秀邀请洛丽塔风格模特进行现场走秀,展示新品服饰,吸引消费者关注。
7. 优惠叠加活动期间,会员卡用户可享受额外9折优惠。
八、宣传推广1. 线上宣传(1)在官方微信公众号、微博、抖音等平台发布活动信息,吸引粉丝关注。
2. 线下宣传(1)在店内悬挂活动海报,提醒消费者参与活动。
九、活动效果评估1. 销售数据:统计活动期间的产品销量、销售额,与去年同期进行比较。
2. 网络热度:监测活动期间的网络搜索量、社交媒体传播量等指标。
3. 客户满意度:收集活动期间消费者的反馈意见,评估活动效果。
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【特征】简约素雅装+自然纯净妆+柔顺的锦缎+小 面P积le蕾as丝e add title in here
【色彩】柔和的米色、粉色、高贵的红酒色和墨绿色 都是古典洛丽塔会选择的色彩。
【面料】选用更为精致高雅的面料,较少使用蕾丝, 注重整体线条和修腰的效果
【面料】衣料选用大量蕾丝,力求缔造出洋娃娃 般的可爱,荷叶边、泡泡袖、蓬蓬裙等。
【造型】无论是雪纺还是硬绸都青睐多层次叠加 的设计。因为整体造型已比较丰富,所以色彩选 择上多考虑单纯色调。
甜美--黑色洛丽塔(BLACK LOLITA)
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GOTHIC LOLITA 融合了哥特风格的神秘肃穆和少女装扮的可爱优 雅,常以黑色为主。这个分支相对小众,而且对一般人来说很难将其和 甜系的黑色装扮加以区分
【特征】粉色系列装+玫瑰色腮红+圆头平底鞋 P+lea彩se色ad长d袜tit+le大in量he蕾re丝
☆Angelic Pretty☆
AP的风格与BABY一样同属Sweet系,不少洋装的设计都以 “Alice”风格为主。近年来其设计创意愈来愈进步,大有急起直追 赶超BABY的架势。
上宽松裤时,她是洛拉。在学校里她是多丽。正式签名时她是多洛雷斯。 可在我的怀里,她永远是洛丽塔。洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。 我的罪恶,我的灵魂。”
洛丽塔就是这样一个少女,甜美、童真而又充满性感和诱惑。 但洛丽塔风格的服饰实际起源于简化版17-18世纪西方宫廷服饰,设计 灵感来自法国洛可可和英国维多利亚时期对蕾丝的热爱和细节上的执着。 人们说的“洛丽塔”女孩是那些穿着超短裙,化着成熟妆容但又留着少
1976年日本出现世界第一家正式出售LOLITA洋 装的商店。
丽塔: Please add title in here
【妆容】自然纯净的妆容,柔和细腻的脸庞才能表现 出公主的高贵和骄傲。
又名Kaneko Lolita
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偏向沉实朴素,长裙为主,少使用蕾丝、丝带等 装饰,但布料上会有印花纹的图案。与“古典洛 莉塔”有些相似,但没有“古典洛莉塔”的高贵 感觉。表达出田园般清新可人,邻家女孩的气质, 很少人认识并开始没落,常给人误以为是 Classic Lolita。
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SWEET LOLITA 一般称为甜系,特点是doll-like look、childish, 是lolita中最受欢迎的分支,也是普通人心目中最神经病的——最鲜艳 的颜色,最夸张的头饰,最蓬的裙子,全身能弄都弄上饰物。这个分支 也是最受日本deco风格影响的。
【造型】薄纱散摆短裙、泡泡袖上衣、线条柔美的 套装等。
【妆容】浓烈的深色妆容,如黑色指甲、眼影、唇 色,强调神秘色彩,带有恐怖,悲观,绝望的感觉。
传统Ple古as典e 的ad样d 式titl,e i非n 常he接re 近gothic lolita,女王般 的高贵感觉。比gothic lolita更华丽、优雅。 典型代表《蔷薇少女》真红着装造型。 【妆容】双马尾与前刘海、多数是蓝眼 【特征】维多利亚头饰、牧羊手杖(有时为蕾丝弯 杖雨伞)
CLASSIC LOLITA 一般简称为cla系,特点是优雅。有简洁的造型, 温柔的配色,追求的是展现女性高贵优雅的气质。如果不是头饰和裙撑 (穿在外裙里面使裙子达到蓬蓬的效果),大概普通人分不出来。这也 就是为什么一般人接受程度最高的原因。在中国,由于大家对奇装异服 有本能的排斥,因此中国lo娘也最常(有时也是被逼)选择cla系。
女刘海的女生,简单来说就是“少女强穿女郎装”的情况。但是当“洛丽 塔”流传到了日本,日本人就将其当成天真可爱少女的代名词,统一将14 岁以下的女孩称为“洛丽塔代”,而且态度变成“女郎强穿少女装”,即 成熟女人对青涩女孩的向往。因此,洛丽塔服饰已演变为蕾丝、荷叶边、 雪纺、粉嫩色、大花朵、蓬蓬裙、泡泡袖、珠片、刺绣、背带裤、连帽衫、 小塔裙……一切童装元素井喷似的纠集。
“甜美洛莉塔”的分支,它是黑白或全黑的 甜美洛莉塔,虽然它是以黑白、黑色为主, 但在精神上拥有甜美洛莉塔的可爱特征。 注意与以下要介绍的“哥特洛莉塔”区分开。
【特征】黑色的甜美洛莉塔 【妆容】彩妆、淡妆为主
【特征】黑白服+深色妆+亮闪闪的大号银饰 【Ple色as彩e a】d米d t色itl、e i象n h牙er白e 色、黑色为主,以表达一种 神秘好奇的感觉,当然还有芥末黄、墨绿、绛紫都 有这样的效果。
草 帽
发圈 发 夹
颈 饰
大热之后才人尽皆知的著名Lolita洋装品牌。因为服装风格属 于最为梦幻华丽的Sweet系,因此BABY通常是初次接触 Lolita世界的少女们最为憧憬的日系品牌。