






在词尾加-s girl-girls pen-pens

以s,x,ch,sh 结尾的名词后加-es bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches dish-dishes

以f 或fe 结尾的名词,变f,fe 为v,再加-es wife-wives half-halves shelf-shelves thief-thieves

某些以f 结尾的词,直接加-s roof-roofs( 屋顶) belief-beliefs(信念)



boy classmate→boy c lassmates

(2)将复合词中两个词都变为复数,此种复合词中第一个词须是man 或woman,如:man worker→men workers

woman teacher→women teachers




(2)有些名词以s 结尾,但不是复数形式,如:



room(空间)—a room(房间)




a piece of bread/news/paper 一片面包/一则新闻/一张纸

②还可用much,little,a little,a large amount of,some,any,no,lots of,plenty of 等来修饰不可数名词,如:

much money,some milk


He is a fouryearold boy.他是个4 岁的男孩。

(fouryearold 不能说成fouryearsold)

a fivefootdeep hole 一个五英尺深的洞



'。(1)单数名词加's,如:Mary's book

(2)以s 结尾的复数名词只加',不以s 结尾的复数名词要加's,如:

the three girls' father 这三个女孩的父亲

the children's presents 孩子们的礼物


Mary and Jane's car(她俩人共有的车)

Mary's and Jane's cars(她俩各自的车)


the barber's=the barber's shop 理发店

to my aunt's=to my aunt's house 到我姑姑家

(5)有些指时间、距离、重量、价值、国家和城镇等无生命的名词,也可以加's 构成所有格。如:

a week's time 一周的时间

China's population 中国的人口


the name of the zoo 动物园的名字

3.双重所有格:即of+'s 或of+名词性物主代词,如:

a book of my daughter's 我女儿的一本书

The friend of his is very kind.他的朋友非常友好。




girl students(女学生) paper flowers(纸花)


sports meeting (运动会)



1.Read the carefully.They will help you know how to use the popper. A.Instructions B.decisions C.results

【解析】本题考查名词在语境中的运用。instruction“说明”;decision“决定”;result “结果”。由后句“它们会帮你知道如何使用这台爆米花机”可判断本句为“认真读说明”,故instructions 符合句意。


2.Cici enjoys dancing.It's one of her .





【解析】本题考查名词。one of 后接名词的复数,表示“……中的一个”,故排除A、C 两项;prize“奖品”,hobby“爱好”,跳舞是一种爱好,故选D 项。


3.For my homework I have to write a(n) about the wonders of the world.

A.music B.picture

C.composition D.exam


composition“作文”;exam“考试”。music 是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词a/an 修饰,故

排除A 项;动词write 不能和picture 搭配,也应排除;家庭作业不可能是考试,D 项也排除。故选C。


4.Boys and girls,feeling peaceful is the first step to become in the exam.So please take a deep breath and calm down.





player“运动员”。在考试中应成为获胜者,故winners 符合句意。


5.—I have great in learning math and I'm so worried.Could you help me? —Sure.I'd be glad to.

A.trouble B.interest

C.joy D.fun

【解析】本题考查名词的用法。have trouble/difficulty/problems (in) doing sth.“做某事有



6.—Mrs Black, could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter?

—With pleasure.Remember that the letter should be written in the formal .

A.value B.style C.effect D.mood




7.Could you please get me some ?I'm hungry.

A.apple B.water

C.bread D.egg

【解析】本题考查名词的用法。由第二句I'm hungry.(我饿了。)知空格处需填“吃的东西”,故排除选项B;选项A、D 均为可数名词,由题干中的some 判断需用可数名词复数或不可数名词,故排除A、D 两项。bread“面包”,为不可数名词,符合题意。


8.—I'm going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fruit.

—OK.Thanks for your .

A.offer B.information

C.message D.order




9.These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the


A.amusement B.development

C.environment D.government





10.—Mrs.Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.

—She said she would never forget some pleasant while working there. A.experiments B.expressions

C.experiences D.emotions





11.—I'm sorry I went out for a smoke.I was very tired.

—There's no for this while you are at work.

A.cause B.excuse

C.matter D.choice



12.John wants to be a ,so he often helps sick people in the hospital. A.reporter B.doctor

C.scientist D.cook


13.—I have trouble learning math this term.

—You should pay more to your teacher's advice.




【解析】本题考查名词的用法。pay attention to...“注意……”,是固定短语,故选B。【答案】B

14.The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology. A.education




【解析】本题考查名词的用法。reach an agreement“达成协议”,是固定搭配,故选C。【答案】C

15.—Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?

—Sorry, I know nothing about h im.We are .







16.I don't think looking after children is just work.





【解析】句意为“我认为照看孩子不仅仅是女人的工作。”由句意可判断此处应用名词所有格,又因为woman 的复数形式是women,故选D。


17.—Why are you still waiting in line?

—I've missed my .





【解析】句意为“你为什么仍然在排队?”“我错过了我的一次机会了。”place “地方”;order “顺序”;turn“轮到的机会”;time“时间”。通过句意可知,只有C 项符合题意,故答案为C。


18.—I hear you have to run for half an hour every day.

—Right.It is one of the in my school.

A.choices B.plans C.hobbies D.rules


19.mothers can't go to the meeting, because they have gone to New York on business.

A.Alice and Lily's

B.Alice's and Lily's

C.Alice's and Lily

【解析】A 选项是指她们共同的母亲;B 选项表示她们各自的母亲;C 选项没有这种表达形式,首先排除。由后句的they 可知,这里指的是她们各自的母亲,因此答案为B。【答案】B

20.—The land in the southwest of China is in great n eed of .

—Yes, it hasn't rained for a long time there.







21.—How far is your home from school?

—It's about two walk.




【解析】本题考查名词所有格的用法。两小时的路程表达是“two hours' walk”,hour 需要变复数后加“'”,故选C。


22.—I'm not sure about the meaning of the word.

—You'd better look it up in a .

A.letter B.dictionary

C.postcard D.notice



23.—Whose computer doesn't work?

—,I think.

A.John has B.John does

C.John D.John's



24.—Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?

—I'm afraid we have no but to take a taxi.

A.choice B.decision

C.reason D.idea

【解析】“have missed the last bus”和“but to take a taxi”可知是别无选择。句意是“哎,天啊,我们已经错过了最后一班车,我们应该怎么办呢?”“我想我们除了乘出租车别无选择了。”


25.—Good morning, madam.Can I help you?

—Sure, I'd like ,please.

A.two cups of coffees

B.two cup of coffees

C.two cups of coffee

D.two cup of coffee

【解析】coffee 是不可数名词,不能加s,排除A 和B;两杯应是two cups,排除D。故选C。


26.—Do you know the young lady over there?

—Yes.She's mother.

A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily's and Lucy's

C.Lily's and Lucy D.Lily and Lucy's

【解析】根据空后的mother 可知是两人共有的,两人共有某物时,只需要在后一个词后加's。句意是“你认识那儿的那个年轻女士吗?”“是的,她是莉莉和露西的妈妈。”【答案】D

27.After walking for more than half an hour, we decided to take rest.

A.a few minute's B.a few minutes'

C.a little minute's D.a little minutes'

【解析】minute 是可数名词由a few 来修饰且要用复数形式,名词以s 结尾时,所有格直接加‘。句意是“走了半个多小时后,我们决定休息几分钟。”故选B。


28.—Where are the ?

—They are playing basketball on the playground.

A.man teachers; the B.men teachers; the

C.man teachers; / D.men teachers; /

【解析】man 作定语时,两个名词都要变复数;球类运动的短语中,球类之前不可用冠词,故选D。句意是“男老师在哪儿?”“他们正在操场上打篮球。”


29.)Betty has a silk .She can sing very well.





【解析】根据“She can sing very well.”可知她的声音很好,人的声音用voice 表示。句意是“贝蒂的声音好,她可以唱得非常好。”


30.—Oh, there isn't enough for us on the bus.

—No hurry.Let's wait for the next o ne.

A.floor B.ground

C.room D.place

【解析】根据on the bus 和答句可知是没有足够的空间够我们用了。句意是“哎呀,公共汽车上没有我们足够的空间了。”“别着急,让我们等下一趟吧。”


31.I saw many eating grass

on the hill.

A.horse B.cow C.deers D.sheep

【解析】many 后跟名词复数,A,B 都不是复数,deer 和sheep 单复数相同,故答案选D。



1.The Great Wall of China is one of the (奇迹) of the world.

【解析】“奇迹”为wonder,one of 后接复数名词。


2.More and more (外国人)come to visit China.

【解析】“外国人”为foreigner;more 是many 的比较级,后接名词的复数。


3.After three (星期) holiday, we came back to work.

【解析】本题考查名词所有格的用法。以s 结尾的复数名词的所有格在s 后加“'”。


4.To our great (惊讶), Tom failed to pass the graduation exam.

【解析】to one's surprise“使某人惊讶的是”。


5.He can't see the blackboard clearly, so he needs a pair of (眼镜).

【解析】a pair of glasses“一副眼镜”。


6.We should pay attention to our behavior and try to be good (公民).

【解析】由主语we 知,要填复数形式citizens。


7.They have planted about five (千) trees in and around the town in the past few years.

【解析】英语中的hundred,thousand,million,billion 等词如果前面有基数词修饰,一律用单数,故填原形thousand。


8.The camera was one of the greatest (发明) in the 19th century.

【解析】根据空前的“one of the greatest”可知用名词的复数。句意是“照相机是十九世纪最伟大的发明之一。”


9.How many times do you brush your (牙齿) every day?

【解析】tooth 的复数形式是teeth。


10.Please tell me the (胜利者) telephone number.I want to interview him.



11.There are many fresh (土豆) in the supermarket.

【解析】因句中有many, many 后接名词的复数,potato 的复数是potatoes。


12.Thank you very much for your (邀请).But I'm so sorry that I can't come to your party tomorrow.

【解析】空白处前有your 修饰,故要用名词形式,而invite 的名词是invitation。


13.Take a short rest after two (小时) hard work, and you won't feel too tired. 【解析】前面有two,所以应该用hour 的复数形式hours 的名词所有格。


14.Great (变化) have taken place in our hometown.

【解析】句中的谓语动词是have taken place,因此主语要用复数形式。


15. A powerful earthquake hit Wenchuan in (西南方), China's Sichuan Province on May 12th.




1. A is the fourth month of the year.



2.My h is collecting stamps.I have collected thousands of stamps.



3.Mark Twain was born in the USA and English was his mother t .

【解析】mother tongue“母语”。由句意“马克·吐温出生于美国,英语是他的母语。”可知答案。


4.My mother is a nurse.She works in a famous h .



5.If you are in danger, remember to dial(拨) the telephone n 110 at once.



6.—Do you know what the p of China is now?

—It's over 1.3 billion.



7.New Year is a traditional f for Chinese people.

【解析】根据New Year 和traditional 可知是节日。句意是“新年对中国人来说是传统的节日。”


8.Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday.I'm going to buy a g for her.

【解析】根据“my cousin's birthday”可知想买生日礼物。句意是“明天是我堂妹的生日,我将给她买一件礼物。”


9.If there's something wrong with your teeth,you'd better go to see a d .

【解析】根据“something wrong with your teeth”可知要看牙医。句意是“如果你的牙齿出毛病了,你最好去看牙医。”


10.W is the coldest season of the year.

【解析】根据“the coldest season of the year”可知是winter。句意是“冬天是一年中最冷的季节。”


11.We don't go to the c much for movies because we have a video.

【解析】根据movies 可知是cinema。句意是“我们不经常去电影院看电影,因为我们有一个录像机。”


12.When summer comes, day becomes longer a nd n becomes shorter.



13.P are my favourite animals and they live only in China.



14.Would you like to see the movie with me? I've got two t .



15.Mary is such a shy girl that it's hard for her to sing in p .

【解析】in public 为固定词组,在公众场合。


16.Bill wants to buy a new jacket because his old one is out o f s .

【解析】根据句意可知是想买新的,是因为旧的过时了。out of style 意为“过时”。句意是“比尔想买一件新夹克,因为他的旧的过时了。”




At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!


初中英语名词专项练习题 1、map__________ girl__________ pen__________ bag_____ car__________ 2、 bus__________brush__________watch__________box__________ 3、 baby__________ city__________ country__________ 4、 hero__________ potato__________ zoo_________ tomato_________photo__________ 5、 knife__________leaf_______ wolf_______ wife__________ life__________ 6、 child__________ foot__________ tooth__________ mouse__________ man__________ 7、 German__________Englishman__________ Chinese_________ 8、 deer__________ sheep__________ yuan__________ 1、There are two__________ over there、 (watch) 2、 I like taking __________、 (photo) 3、 l can see a __________and two __________ standing there、 (man, woman) 4、 There are two baskets of__________ on the floor、(apple)


名词及其用法 一、单数与复数 1. 复数的构成 (1)名词由单数变为复数时,在一般情况下是在词尾加上-s。如: a desk 一张课桌→two desks 两张课桌one room 一个房间→some rooms 一些房间 (2)如果一个名词以s, x, z, sh, ch 等结尾,那么其复数就是在加词尾-es。如:a boss 一位老板→many bosses 许多位老板 a fox 一只狐狸→a lot of foxes 许多狐狸this watch 这块手表→these watches 这些手表 (3) 如果一个名词以y结尾,则其复数构成要分两种情况: (3.1) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,将y 改为ies;以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接加词尾-s。如: a family 一个家庭→many families 许多家庭one monkey 一只猴子→several monkeys 几只猴子 (3.2) 如果一个名词以字母o 结尾,则情况有点复杂,因为有些是加词尾-s构成复数,而有些则要加词尾-es构成复数,还有一些则加-s或-es都可以。如: a zoo 一个动物园→three zoos 三个动物园(3.3)在英语中,以字母o结尾的名词绝大部分其复数形式通过加词尾-s构成的,只有少数的要加词尾-es,其中比较常见的需要通过加词尾-es构成复数的名词有4个,它们是: tomato→tomatoes 西红柿potato→potatoes 土豆hero→heroes 英雄Negro→Negro 黑人 (4)英语中还有一些名词是以-f或-fe 结尾的,它们在变为复数时也有两种可能,即有些直接加词尾-s,有些则把-f / -fe 改为-ves。在这些名词中,一些日常生活中的常用词通常是采用把-f / -fe 改为-ves 来变为复数,如:wife(妻子),life(生命),knife(小刀),leaf(树叶),thief(贼),half(一半),self(自己),shelf(架子),loaf(面包),wolf(狼)等。 2. 单复数同形 (1)英语中有些名词在由单数变为复数时,其形式与仍采用与单数一样的形式。比较常见的有:sheep 绵羊fish 鱼deer 鹿Chinese 中国人Japanese 日本人 Swiss 瑞士人aircraft 飞行器means 方法works 工厂 (2)其中fish这个词值得特别注意,它的复数形式通常与单数同形。如:There are plenty of fish in the sea. 海里有许多鱼。 (2.1)句中的fish虽在形式上为单数,但其用法为复数。不过,人们有时也用fishes来表示复数。如:We caught three little fishes. 我们抓到三条小鱼。 (2.2)另外,fishes还可表示不同种类的鱼。如:There were fishes of many sizes. 有各种大小的鱼。


初中英语动名词的用法 动名词,即“动词原形+ing ”变成名词使用,具有双重性,既有动词的某些特征,有动词的各种变化形式;又有名词的某些性质,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语。同时也能被副词修饰或者支配宾语。 一、动名词的名词的性质 1. 作主语 动名词作为主语有以下几种表现形式: 1) 直接作为主语。 例如: Taking exercise everyday is a good habit. Finding work is difficult these days. Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old. [句中Walking (散步)作为句子主语,直接出现。句意:散步对年轻人和老年人是一项很好的运动。] 2) 用it 作形式主语,真正的主语作为后置主语。 例如: It isn't easy trying to climb the mountain. [ 句中It 作为形式主语,动名词短语trying to do sth. 才是真正的主语。] 能用于上述结构的形容词有:better,wonderful ,enjoyable,interesting,foolish ,

difficult ,useless,senseless,worthwhile 等。但是important, essential, necessary等形容词不能用于上述结构。 用it 代替动名词作形式主语的除了上述句型外,还有一种句型为: It is no use/ useless/ useful/ no good/ great fun/ a waste of time/ nice/ good+ v-ing 例如: It's no use trying to argue with him. 3) “ There be” 的结构 这种句型一般是否定形式,There是引导词,作为形式 主语,动名词做真正主语。意思是“不可能……”。 例如: There is no joking about such matters. 4) 告示或简略的警告用语中,动名词在祈使句中作主语一般是否定的、省略的形式。 例如: No climbing. (No climbing is allowed. ) 5) 组成复合结构动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,可在其前面加上所有 格, 使之变成复合结构,可作为句中主语。 例如:


初中英语可数名词归纳总结 初中英语知识点中有可数名词和不可数名词,所以学习的时候注意区别开。以下是我分享给大家的初中英语可数名词归纳,希望可以帮到你! 初中英语可数名词归纳 1.可数名词 可数名词一般可以分成以下三类: 第一类:如bike,desk, factory等,这类名词占可数名词的多数。以bike为例: There are fifty bikes at this shop.这家商店有50辆自行车。 第二类:如clothes等,本身表示复数形式。以clothes为例: She cares for nice clothes.她爱好穿着。 2.不可数名词 不可数名词的用法特征主要有以下几种: (1)不带冠词的单数形式需用动词单数作谓语。例如: Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 (2)由much,little等词修饰。例如: They have saved much money for future use.他们存了很多钱以备未来使用。 (3)与表示单位的量词如a piece of等连用。例如: Go and fetch me a piece of chalk.给我去拿一支粉笔。 要十分注意的是:不可数名词不能与不定冠词或数词直接用在一起。如

不能说a good news, an advice, a hard work等。 不可数名词可以与量词使用构成不同的词组: 如: a piece of paper 一张纸 a drop of water 一滴水 a 1oaf of bread 一条面包 a bag of money 一袋钱 a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 a pair of shoes 一双鞋 可数名词变复数知识点 可数名词变复数时,有规则变化和不规则变化两种。 1、规则变化: 1)一般情况直接在词尾加"-s ",如:cake-cakes, bag-bags, day-days, face-faces, orange-oranges等; 2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的词,要在词尾加"-es ",如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes等; 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加"-es ",如:baby-babies, country-countries, family-families等; 4)部分以f (e)结尾的词,变f (e)为"ves ",如:knife-knives, half-halves等; 5)以o结尾的词,加"-s "或"-es ",如:zoo-zoos, photo-photos, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes等。记忆口诀:除了"英雄"hero外,凡是能吃的,加"-es ",不能吃的加"-s "。 2、不规则变化: 1)改变单数名词中的元音字母:man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth等;


初中英语名词专练 名词(一) 一.写出下列词语的复数形式 watch ________ box _________ wish _________ dish _________ class _________ city ________ country________ company ________ factory ________ family ________ day__________ boy________ leaf________ thief ________ half ________ life ________ knife________ wife ________ roof _________ photo________ piano________ radio________ potato________ tomato________ hero______ child_______ foot________ tooth_____ man_______woman_______ Englishman________ Frenchman__________ Japanese________ Chinese_______ people_______ sheep_________ German_______ American_________ Canadian_________ Australian_________ woman doctor______________ man teacher______________ apple tree______________ 二.单项选择。 1. June 1st is ______ Day all over the word. A. Child's B. Children' C. Childs' D. Children's 2. I drank _______ this morning. A. three bottles of oranges B. three bottle of orange C. three bottles of orange D. three bottle of oranges 3. ---- Who is that man over there? ------He is a friend of my ________. A. father's B. father C. fathers' D. father' 4. ---Whose is this room? --- It's ________. A. Tom's and Jim's B. Tom's and Jim C. Tom and Jim's D. Tom and Jim 5. ---How far is it from your home to your school? ----It's about ________. A. tow hour walk B. two hours' walk C. two hour's walk D. two hours' walking 6. There are three _______ on the hill. A. sheeps B. sheep C. deers D. wolfs 7. ----Mr. Black has a big family. ----Yes, his family _____ warm. Now the family ______ playing badminton happily. A. are, is B. is, are C. are, are D. is, is 8. I bought ________ yesterday. A. two trousers B. two pair of trouser C. two pairs of trousers D. two pairs trousers 9. ---How many _______ are there in your class? ---- Four. A. girl student B. girls students C. woman teachers D. women teacher 10.Help yourself to some ________. A. fishes B. meat C. porks D. chickens 11. There are a lot of _______down here but hardly any________. A. sheeps, people B. sheep, people C. sheeps, peoples D. sheep, peoples 12. Father went to his doctor for______. A. an advice B. advices C. some advice D. the advices 13. Mary's skirt is the same as her ______.


名词的用法 【真题再现】 1. The _____ often eat grass on the hill. A. chicken B. horse C. cow D. sheep 2. The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of ___________ from it. A. thing B. message C. informations D. information 3. —What is your favorite food? —I like ______ best. I had a large bowl last night. A. potato noodle B. potatoes noodles C. potato noodles D. potatoes noodles 4. A friend of my _______ and I are going to visit _______ next week. A. father; Browns B. father’s; the Browns C. father; the Browns. D. father’s; Browns 5. This is ____________ computer. A. Ann’s and Tom B. Ann and Tom’s C. Ann and Tom D. Ann’s and Tom’s 6. -Where does your uncle work, Jack? -In a ________ in Paris. He is a policeman. A. TV station B. book store C. post office D. police station 7. I like _________ best of all the vegetables. A. potatoes B. tomato C. bread D. rice 【答案与解析】 1.D。此题考查名词的可数与不可数。chicken,horse和cow的复数形式应该加s,而sheep的单复数形式相同,同时由动词eat说明应该填复数形式,由此选D。 2. D。考查可数名词和不可数名词,information是不可数名词,所以没有复数形式,意为“信息”。再根据句意可知选D。 3. C。考查名词作定语及可数和不可数名词,noodle意为“面条”,是可数名词。名词作定语,一般不用复数形式。所以正确表达为选项C。 4. B。考查名词的所有格,我爸爸的一位朋友应为“a friend of my father’s”, the Browns 表示”布朗的一家人“。 5. B。由“This is”可知,电脑用单数,也就是两人共有的电脑,所以只在最后一个名词加“-’s”。 6. C。考查名词词义,由“He is a policeman”可知选police station,意为“公安局”。 7. A。由“vegetables”可知只有potatoes和tomato是蔬菜,但是potatoes是复数形式,是正确选项。 【用法讲解】 1. 可数名词和不可数名词: 英语的名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。表示可以计数的事物的名词叫可数名词,一般有单数和复数形式两种形式。可数名词的单数变为复数的规则为: 1)一般情况下,在可数名词的单数形式后面加字母-s构成复数形式。 如:book-books;pen-pens;eraser-erasers 2)以字母x;s;ch;sh结尾的单词,其复数形式是在单词后面加字母-es。 如:bus-buses;box-boxes;watch-watches


初中英语单词词性知识点总结及词性转换规律 1. 名词 (1)名词的可数与不可数 可数名词指表示的人或事物可以用数来计量,它有单数与复数两种形式。不可数名词指所表示的事物不能用数来计量。物质名词与抽象名词一般无法用数目,来统计,都成为不可数名词。 不可数名词前一般不能用冠词a、an来表示数量,没有复数形式。要表示“一个……”这一概念,就须加a piece of这一类短语。要注意许多名词在汉语里看来是可数名词,在英语里却不可数。如:chalk,paper,bread,rice,grass,news 等。 (2)名词复数的规则变化 A.一般情况下加-s。 B.以s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的加-es C.以辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i再加-es D.以f,fe结尾的,去掉f或fe,变成v再加-es (3)名词的所有格 A. 单数名词词尾加’s,复数名词词尾若没有s,也要加’s。 如:the worker's bike,the Children’ s ball B. 表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人的名字后加’ s若表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后’ s。 如:This is Lucy and Licy’ s room. These are Kate's and jack’ s rooms.

C. 如果是通过在词尾加—s构成的复数形式的名词,只加’。 如:the students’ books,the girls’ blouses (另外:名词+of+名词名词是有生命的,我们就用’s结构来表示所有关系。如果名词所表示的事物是无生命的,我们就要用名词+of+名词的结构来表示所有关系。) 2. 代词 人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,指示代词,不定代词 (1)人称代词 第一人称单数 I me my mine myself 复数we us our ours ourselves 第二人称 单数you you your yours yourself 复数you you your yours yourselves 第三人称 单数he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself 复数they them their theirs themselves (2)物主代词 物主代词的用法:形容词性物主代词后面一定要跟上一个名词; 名词性物主代词可作主语、表语、宾语。 (3)反身代词


名词 1. This is ___ reading-room. A. the teacher’s B. teacher’s C. teacher’s D. the teachers’ 2. Nothing was found but ___ broken. A. the room window B. the room’s window C. the room of the window D. the window of room 3. How many___ would you like? A. paper B. bread C. pieces of papers D. pieces of bread 4. He was praised for his ___. A. brave B. bravery C. bravely D. great brave 5. Please get me a new ___ when you go to town. A. clothes B. dress C. clothing D. trousers 6. There are 34___ doctors in the hospital. A. woman B. women C. woman’s D. women’s 7. Some___ are even thinner than your little finger. A. bamboo B. bamboos C. kinds of bamboo D. kinds of bamboos 8. He was born in this town and now he lives in ___. A. Building second B. Building Two C. the Building Two D. Building the Second 9. Old as he is, he has ___to do every day. A. a lot of work B. much works C. lots of homeworks D. quite a lot of homeworks


初中英语语法八大时态 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词)don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式: don't = do not doesn't = does not 例句:He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2.用法 1)表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频度的副词连用。 常用的频度副词有:always、often、usually、seldom、never、sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays.频度副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前,系动词、助动词之后。 例如: He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2)表示主语具备的性格、特征和能力等。 例如:All my family love football . My sister is always ready to help others . Ann writes good English but does not speak well. 3)表示客观真理、客观存在、自然现象。 例如:The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 4)表示按计划或安排好的,或将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时表将来。 但只限于start,begin,leave,go,come,arrive,return,take place等。 例如:The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. He comes back tonight. 5)在复合句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。 例如:I'll tell him the news when he comes back. If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details. 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词过去式+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词)didn’t +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Did+主语+动词原形+其他


初中英语名词变复数 对于名词复数,数目繁多,形式多样,学生们掌握的不很扎实。在这里总结了巧计名词复数的方法,具体如下: 1、名词单数变复数方法巧记:可数名词有复数,-s结尾占多数。词尾若是s/x/(t)ch和sh,直接加上es,辅音字母+y,要把y变i,最后再加es. 2、初中阶段学过以o为结尾的名词复数,多数是直接加-s.如:radios,photos,kilos,zoos等,只有h ero,tomato,potato三个单词后加-es.我们可记为:英雄吃西红柿拌土豆有意思(es). 3、巧计“某国人”的单复数变化:中日不变,英法变,其余后面-s添。即:Chinese,Japanese,的单、复数相同,English,Frenchmen等要把a变为e.如:an English----------two Englishmen.其他各国人的复数一般直接加-s即可。如:a German--------two Germans等。 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外。 例:knife→knives; life→lives; leaf→leaves; 目前搜集的直接加s:roof-roofs, belief-beliefs,gulf(海湾)-gulfs, ,safe-safes,chief(负责人)-chiefs 这几个可变可不变:scarf-scarfs,handkerchief- handkerchiefs 5、部分单词的复数形式不变。 例:fish→fish; sheep→sheep; deer→deer; people---people 6.极少数单词,其复数形式没有任何规律。 例:man→men; woman→women; child→children; ox→oxen foot →feet; goose →geese; m ouse →mice; tooth →teeth; 7、一些单数词得加en才能变成复数词: 例:ox→oxen; child→children; brother(用于教堂)→brethren 8、不可数名词没有复数,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 例:pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers 9、合成词单复数变化规则 1)以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式。例如:homework, newspaper等。 2)以man或woman为前缀的名词变复数时,前后两个名词都变成复数。例如:woman doctor→women do ctors, man waiter→men waiters. 3)以“可数名词+介词(短语)”构成的复合名词变复数时,把名词变复数。例如:fath -er in law →fathers in law


一、名词的分类 名词可分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。 1. 普通名词又可分为: (1)个体名词。如:cup,desk,student等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (2)集体名词。如:class,team,family等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (3)物质名词。如:rice,water,cotton等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 (4)抽象名词。如:love,work,life等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 2. 专有名词:如:China,Newton,London等。 二、名词的数 (一)可数名词的复数形式的构成规则 1. 一般情况下在名词的词尾加s,如:book books,pencil pencils. 2. 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词加-es,其读音为[iz]。如:bus buses,box boxes,watch watches,dish dishes等。 3. 以-y结尾的名词: (1)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,把y改为i再加es,读音为[iz],如:factory factories,company companies等。 (2)以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结尾,直接在词尾加-s,读音为[z]。如:key keys,Henry Henrys等。 4. 以-f和-fe结尾的名词: (1)变-f或-fe为v再加-es,读音为[vz]。如:thief thieves,wife wives,half halves等。 (2)直接在词尾加-s,如:roof roofs,gulf gulfs,chief chiefs,proof proofs等。 (3)两者均可。如:handkerchief handkerchiefs或handkerchieves. 5. 以-o结尾的名词:


动名词的用法 动名词是非谓语动词的一种,它由动词原形加-ing 构成,形式上与现在分词相同。动名词除具有动词的性质外,还具有名词的性质。动名词在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语、宾语补足语等,但不能用作谓语(故称动名词为非谓语动词)。如: Thank you for helping us. 谢谢你帮助我们。 She’s gone out to do some shopping. 她出去买东西了。 一、动名词的句法功能 1.用作主语 Finding work is difficult these days. 现在找工作可不容易。 注意:动名词作主语经常采用it 作形式主语的句型。 It’s no good talking. 空谈没有什么用处。 It’s no use crying. 哭没有什么用处。 2.用作表语 Her favorite sport is skating. 她最喜爱的运动是滑冰。 His job is teaching English. 他的工作是教英语。 注意:不定式和动名词均可用作主语和表语,区别是:动名词多指笼统的、抽象的概念,而不定式则多指具体的、一次性的动作。 3 .用作宾语 He enjoys playing basketball. 他喜爱打篮球。 介词后出现动词时,通常要用动名词形式,不能用动词原形,通常也不用不定式。 Thank you for helping us. 谢谢你帮助我们。 4.用作定语 This is our reading room. 这时我们的阅览室。 He bought a new washing machine. 他买了一台新洗衣机。 Betty won the first prize in the singing competition. 贝蒂获得了歌咏比赛的一等奖。 二、与动词搭配的doing 用法有多少 英语中,某些动词(或形容词)后只能与ing 形式即动名词连用。 1. keep doing sth 一直作某事 . Keep driving until you see the cinema, then turn left. 开着车一直向前,看见电影院就向左拐。 2. keep on doing sth 一直作某事 . I keep on thinking about the match in the afternoon. 我一直在想着今天下午比赛的事。


初中英语名词基础练习题及答案 一、基础题 (一)根据下列句子的情景及所给汉语注释,写出所缺单词: 1. We've got a lot of new ___________(杂志) in our school library. 2. Yesterday the (航班) to London was put off because of the bad weather. 3. Autumn is my favourite (季节) 4. ---How many _______(小刀) do you have? ---Three. 5. ---Does this piece of (音乐) sound nice? ---Yes. It's wonderful! 6. We should give our (生命)for our country. 7. He told the doctor that he had a bad ____________(头疼). 8. One of the ( 科学家 ) comes from America. 9.Today is March 8 th, It' s (妇女)Day . 10. The students are (外国人) 11. What are you going to do in your (两个月的) holiday? 12. Can you find the (区别) between the two words. 13.Do you know the (重要性) of the problem? 14.There are of students in that big school. (千)


中考英语语法专题:名词 一、名词的概念和分类 概念:名词是表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念的名称的词。 分类:名词按其意义可分为专有名词和普通名词,其中普通名词按其可数性又可分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词:可数名词一般有单数和复数两种形式;可数名词单数形式一般用不定冠词(a,an)修饰。 不可数名词:不可数名词没有复数形式,一般不能用不定冠词修饰。 1. 普通名词又可分为: (1)个体名词:表示个人和实物的名称。如:cup,desk,student等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (2)集体名词:表示若干个人或物构成的集合名词。如:class,team,family等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (3)物质名词:表示无法分为个体实物的名词。如:rice,water,cotton 等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 (4)抽象名词:表示动作、状态、感情等品质抽象意义的名词。如:love,work,life等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 2. 专有名词:用来表示某一特定的人、团体、地方或机构等专有名称的名词。如:China,New York,London等。 二、名词的数

(一)可数名词的复数形式的构成规则 1. 一般情况下在名词的词尾加s,如:book - books,pencil- pencils. 2. 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词加-es,其读音为[iz]。如:bus - buses,box - boxes,watch - watches,dish - dishes等。 3. 以-y结尾的名词: (1)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,把y改为i再加es,读音为[iz],如:factory - factories,company - companies等。 (2)以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结尾,直接在词尾加-s,读音为[z]。如:key - keys,Henry - Henrys等。 4. 以-f和-fe结尾的名词: (1)变-f或-fe为v再加-es,读音为[vz]。如:thief - thieves,wife- wives,half - halves等。 (2)直接在词尾加-s,如:roof - roofs,gulf - gulfs,chief - chiefs,proof - proofs等。 (3)两者均可。如:handkerchief - handkerchiefs或handkerchieves. 5.以“辅音字母+o”结尾的名词后直接加-es,读音为[z]。如:hero- heroes,potato - potatoes,tomato - tomatoes,Negro-Negroes。记忆技巧:黑人( Negro)英雄(hero)爱吃土豆( potato)和西红柿(tomato) 注意:photo-photos; 因为photo为photograph的简写,所以结尾加s (二)不规则名词的复数形式 1.改变单数名词中的元音字母或其他形式。如:man - men,woman - women,tooth - teeth,foot- feet,mouse - mice,child - children等。 2. 单复数形式相同。如:sheep,deer,fish等,以及由汉语音译表示度量、币制等单位的名词。如:yuan.另外以-ese或-ss结尾的表示民族的名词也一样同形。如:Chinese,Japanese,Swiss等。


初中英语高频动词用法汇总 2017-01-05 期末考试马上就到了,当同学们每次遇到选填to do, doing 还是do 形式的题目时,脑海中的反应大概都是“to do 好像通,不对,应该是doing,还是填原形do 呢”?下面这些初中阶段高频出现的一些动词用法,让你从此告别看到to do, doing, do 就一脸懵的囧状。 加to do 的高频考察动词 1. afford to do 负担的起做某事 We can’t afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何失误。 2. agree to do 同意做某事 Do you agree to have dinner today? 今天你同意一块吃饭吗? 3. choose to do 选择做某事 Why do so many choose to leave their country? 为什么有这么多人要离开祖国? 4. decide to do 决定做某事 She decided to accept the offer. 她决定接受这一提议。 5. expect to do 期待做某事 The shop expects to make more money this year. 这家店铺期望今年多赚点钱。 6. hope to do 希望做某事 I hope to see you again sometime next year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 7. hurry to do 急忙做某事 We shall have to hurry to get there in time. 我们将不得不及时赶到那。 8. manage to do 设法做成某事 How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事? 9. plan to do 打算做某事 Where do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪里度假? 10. prefer to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我宁愿坐在汽车的前面。 11. refuse to do 拒绝做某事 I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。 12. seem to do 看似做了某事


记熟并完成后面的练习: 初中英语名词复数 可数名词有单数(Singular Form)和复数(Plural Form)两种形式。表示一个人或物用单数形式,表示一个以上的人或物用复数形式。 1.一般在词尾加-s。s在浊辅音后面读[z],在清辅音后面读[s],在[t]后与[t]一起读[ts],在[d]后与[d]一起读[dz]。例如: book — books 书 day — days 天、日 dog — dogs 狗 tree — trees 树 2.以s,sh,ch,x结尾的词在词尾加-es,读[iz]例如: glass — glasses 玻璃杯 watch — watches 手表 box — boxes 盒子 brush — brushes 刷 3.以o结尾的词有些加-es,读[z];有些加-s,读[s]。例如: tomato — tomatoes 西红柿 potato — potatoes 土豆 photo — photos 相片 radio — radios 收音机 zoo — zoos 动物园4.以f 或fe 结尾的词,先把f 改为v,再加–es,读[vz]。例如: knife — knives 小刀 leaf — leaves 树叶 life — lives 生命 thief — thieves 小偷 5.以辅音字母加y 结尾的,先把y 改为i,再加-es,读[z]。例如: story — stories 故事 city — cities 城市 family — families 家庭 baby — babies 婴儿 注意:boy — boys 男孩 toy — toys 玩具 key — keys 钥匙 6.有些名词有不规则的复数形式。例如: man — men 男人 woman — women 妇女 tooth — teeth 牙齿 foot — feet 脚 7.有些名词的单复数形式相同。例如; deer — deer 鹿 sheep — sheep绵羊 Chinese — Chinese 中国人 Japanese — Japanese 日本人 8.有些学科名词虽以s 结尾,但通常都做单数名词看待。例如: physics 物理 maths 数学 politics 政治 news 新闻9.有些单数形式的名词具有复数的含义,要当作复数看待。例如:
