A Book Report On The Sun Also Rises 太阳照常升起 读书报告

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A Book Report On The Sun Also Rises


The Sun Also Rises is known as the first major novel by Ernest Hemingway. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21,1899,in Oak Park, Illinois, a conservative upper-middle-class suburb of Chicago. His novel The Sun Also Rises, published in 1926, established him as one of the preeminent writers of his day. HemingwaywontheNobel Prize in Literature in 1954 for his phenomenally successful The Old Man and the Sea.Hemingway’s style differs distinctively from that of writers before him, and his workhelped shape both the British and American literature that followed it. His novel is extremely spare, succinct, and seemingly very direct, but sometimes his readers may find it’s not easy to understand his implications and meanings of unsaid words. Up to now, modern literature continues to be heavily influenced by Hemi ngway’s writing style.

The Sun Also Rises is a Modernist novel, written in Mid-1920s, in Paris. It is also a travelogue and a novel of disillusionment. In this novel, Jake Barnes is the narrator and Jake tells the entire story from his own point of view with a somber and ironic tone. Jake is also the protagonist of the book. The setting time of the story is 1924. The novel begins in Paris, French, moves to Pamplona, Spain, and concludes in Madrid, Spain.


It’s a complicated story. Jake, Brett, and their friends pursue a dissipated life in Paris. Jake introduces Brett to Robert Cohn, thenBrett and Cohn have an affair. Cohn follows Brett to Pamplona. They watch bullfights and meet Romero, a matador. Jake begins his story by talking about someone else, as an observer, but we can infer much about Jake through his descriptions of other people. In his narration, Jake never directly refers to the aimlessness and purposelessness of his own life and the lives of his friends, but he often implies it.


Jake, the narrator and protagonist of the novel, is an AmericanveteranofWorldWar I. He works as a journalist in Paris, where he andhis friends engage in an endlessroundofdrinking a nd parties. Although Jake is the most stable of his friends, he feels painful because of his love for Lady Brett Ashley and the void that resulted from the war. What Jake actually says always differs from what we can infer about what he actually thinks. For instance, at his lunch with Cohn, he tells Cohn not to believe him when he says nasty things, but in fact these comments are Jake’s most honest expressions of his thoughts and feelings.

Lady Brett Ashley is a beautiful British socialite who drinks heavily. She is unwilling tocommit fully to any of the men, though she has affairs with a number of th em. However, she does not draw much happiness from her independence. Her life, like the liv es of many in her generation, is aimless and unfulfilling. She is also a victim of the Lost Generation’s and definitely she can’t have a satisfying life.

Robert Cohn is a wealthy American writer living in Paris. Cohn had no directexperienceof World War I andhe is Jewish, so he is a convenient target of Jake and his friends.
