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702L o c o A P P L I C A T I O N S



R a c k L i m i t e r I n p u t ..........................................................4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 Vdc from turbo boost pressure sensor R e m o t e S p e e d S e t t i n g I n p u t ........................................4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 Vdc for remotely setting engine speed O U T P U T S

A c t u a t o r ........................................................................0 to 200 mA

S e r i a l P o r t ......................................................................20 mA current loop with a 9-pin D connector. The serial port

operates in full duplex at a baud rate of 1200. The control includes 20 mA current sources and terminal power for the Woodward hand-held control/display terminal. The serial port is compatible with other terminals and computers with 20 mA current-loop serial port. Used for initial setup and diagnostics only.

T a c h o m e t e r O u t p u t ......................................................4 to 20 mA for an analog meter or as input to a computer, or

may optionally be configured for 4 to 20 mA proportional to actuator current for input to a load control A D J U S T M E N T S

All adjustments are performed with either the Woodward Set Point Programmer or optionally with a standard ASCII character computer terminal with a 20 mA current-loop serial port.T h e c o n t r o l h a s f i v e c o n v e n i e n t "m e n u s " f o r o p e r a t i o n a n d a d j u s t m e n t :After all set points are adjusted to the desired value, they are saved permanently by the control in nonvolatile memory integrated circuits, which do not require batteries or other power sources to retain data. Entries can be changed at any time using the Set Point Programmer.

M e n u A D y n a m i c s M e n u Gain Reset

Compensation Gain Ratio Window Width Gain Slope Gain Breakpoint

M e n u B S p e e d S e t t i n g M e n u 16 Speed Codes (Code 0 through Code 15)Accel Time Decel Time Raise Rate Lower Rate

20 mA Remote Reference 4 mA Remote Reference 20 mA Tachometer RPM 4 mA Tachometer RPM Droop idle Droop Idle Breakpoint

M e n u C R a c k L i m i t e r s a n d C o n t r o l O u t p u t M e n u

Rack Limit Breakpoint 4 mA Rack Limit Breakpoint Rack Limit 20 mA Rack Limit Torque Limit Breakpoint Minimum Torque Limit Breakpoint Torque Limit Maximum Torque Limit Start Fuel Limit 20 mA Aux Output 4 mA Aux Output

M e n u D D i s p l a y M e n u Engine Speed Speed Reference Actuator Output Aux Output Rack Limit Input Remote Input Notch Code Selected Run/Stop Switch Status

Failsafe On/Off Switch Status Watchdog Status Self Test Result ROM Check Sum

M e n u 1 C a l i b r a t i o n /C o n f i g u r a t i o n M e n u

Calibration Key Number of Gear Teeth Rack Limit Calibration Remote Input Calibration Aux Output Configuration Aux Output Calibration

Forward/Reverse Acting Actuator Dynamics Map
