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In any companies has its own culture. Some culture is strong, others culture is weak. No matter the culture is strong or weak that will impac t on the development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should also tak e effective measures to maintain the corporate culture. Wegman is a groce ry store. He has a strong corporate culture, but also affect their employee s follow the Wegman's culture.

Strong and Weak Culture

Definition of Strong and Weak culture

An organization must be composed of both a variety of cultural. So we can divide these into strong and weak culture, according to different a ttributes of cultures. Strong Culture is the key values are strongly held an d widely recognized cultural organizations by the public. Strong Culture w ill restrict a manager's decision-making related to choice of all manageme nt functions. It determines what people should do or not do anything. Or ganizations have strong cultures have a very clear recognition of the valu e. Strong cultural impact for the employee's behavior, and reduce staff tur nover have more direct contact. On the contrary, (Philip Kotler & Gary A rmstrong , [M] 2010 ) Weak Culture is the key values that cannot be wi dely accepted and strongly insist cultural organizations.

In a strong culture, the organization's core values are both strongly h eld and widely shared. The more members who accept the core value and the greater their commitment to those value is, the stronger culture is. C onsistent with this definition, a strong culture will have a great influence on the behavior of its employees because the high degree of sharing and intensity creates atmosphere of high behavior control.

The culture of Wegman

Characterize Wegman's culture is a Strong Culture. Strong culture for the greater impact of employee behavior, and reduce staff turnover have a more direct relationship. A special result of a strong culture should be l ower employee turnover. (Robbins, S.P. and Coulter, [M], 2007) A strong culture demonstrates high agreement among members about what the orga nization standers for. Such unanimity of purpose builds cohesiveness, loyal ty and organization commitment. These qualities, in turn, lessen employee s’propensity to leave the organization.

In general, grocery stores are not considered as a good place to wor k. Compared with other professions, Low income is in this profession. Th e result is an industry that sees high annual turnover rate. Employees at Wegman, however, view working for a grocer a bit differently. Instead of viewing their job as a temporary setback on the way to a more illustrio us career, many employees at Wegman view working for the company as their career. This is because there is a strong culture of Wegman; it can cultivate working interest of employees so that employees take pride at work. Employees and the company formed a consistent identity.

How Wegman’s cultural to influence staff

Wegman want to let the culture which is dynamic, happy, mutual ai d, loyalty can affect every employee, and will sustain this culture. Theref ore, the Wegman has done a lot

Ingrained managers

Wegman's culture is ingrained in the senior managers. More than half of these managers start working here since a teenager. Wegman's cultural impact on them is profound. They have been working at Wegman at lea st two decades; their feelings of Wegman are deep. Their understanding o f the company's culture is also very thorough. Thus, these managers leade rship employees, they will follow the Wegman's culture, which can cultiva
