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学籍管理系统数据库中的表。表Student_course,Student , Course, Tearch_course和Teacher。各个表的具体结构如下:

表1 stude nt 表(学生信息表)

class no char 4 NULL 班级号

eno char 10 NOT NULL 课程编号(外键)

semester char 6 NULL 学期

schoolyear char 10 NULL 学年

classtime varchar 40 NULL 上课时间

classroom varchar 40 NULL 上课地点

weektime tin yi nt 1 NULL 每周课时数




select sno , sname

from stude nt

where sdept ='IS'

(2) 求选修C1课程的学生学号和成绩,并要求对查询结果按成绩的降序排


select sno ,score

from stude nt_course

where cn o='101'

ORDER BY score DESC,s no

(3) 求选修课程C1且成绩在80- 90之间的学生学号和成绩,并将成绩乘


select sno ,score*0.75

from stude nt_course

where cn o='101' AND (score<=90 AND score>=80)

(4) 求计算机系和数学系的姓张的学生的信息;


FROM stude nt

where (sdept='CS' OR sdept='MS' )AND sn ame LIKE 张%'

(5) 求缺少了成绩的学生的学号和课程号。

SELECT sno,cno

FROM stude nt_course

where score IS NULL

(6) 将成绩大于90分的学生成绩存入永久成绩表;将成绩小于90存入临时


SELECT score into prescore FROM stude nt_course where score >90

SELECT score into #posscore

FROM stude nt_course

where score <90




SELECT stude nt .*, stude nt_course .*

FROM student , student_course

where student_course . sno =student . sno


SELECT stude nt.s no,s name,course.c name,stude nt_course.score

FROM stude nt,course,stude nt_course

where stude nt_course.s no=stude nt.s no and stude nt_course.c no= course.c no (3)求选修C1课程且成绩在90分以上的学生学号、姓名及成绩;

SELECT stude nt.s no,sn ame,score

FROM stude nt, stude nt_course

WHERE cn o='102' AND score>90 and stude nt_course.s no=stude nt.s no (4)查询每一门课的间接先行课。一

SELECT first . eno , second . spno

FROM course first , course second

WHEREfirst . spno = second . eno and second . spno is not NULL

3. 子查询操作,在数据库EDU(中实现查询:


SELECT sno,sn ame

from stude nt

where sno in (SELECT sno

from stude nt_course

where eno in ( SELECT eno

from course

where cname='高等数学'))

SELECT stude nt.s no,sn ame

from stude nt,course,stude nt_course

where stude nt.s no=stude nt_course.s no AND stude nt_course.c no=course.c no

AND course.c name='高等数学

(2) 求C1课程的成绩高于张三的学生学号和成绩;

SELECT sno , score

from stude nt_course

where eno = '101' AND score > SOME(

SELECT score

from stude nt_course

where eno ='101' and sno in(


from stude nt

where sname ='张楠'))

(3 )求其他系中比计算机系某一学生年龄小的学生信息(即求其它系中年龄小



FROM stude nt where sdept != 'CS' and sage

where sdept ='CS'




FROM stude nt where sdept != 'CS' and sage

from stude nt

where sdept ='CS'



select sn ame

from stude nt

where sno in (select sno from stude nt_course where eno ='102' )


select sn ame

from stude nt

where sno not in ( select sno from student_course where eno ='102' )


select sn ame

from stude nt

where sno in ( select sno from student_course where eno is not null)

(8)求至少选修了学号为“ 1103”的学生所选修的全部课程的学生学号和姓


select sno , sname

from stude nt

where sno in (

select sno

from stude nt_course

where eno in

(select eno

from stude nt_course
