



Political Economy of International Trade
Ⅰ. Instruments of Trade Policy
7 main instruments of trade policy --- tariffs
--- who gains: ☺ --- government: raising revenue for government --- domestic producers: protection
Political Economy of International Trade
Ⅰ. Instruments of Trade Policy
7 main instruments of trade policy --- subsidies
--- main gains: ☺ --- helping domestic firms to be a first-mover --- helping domestic firms to gain as a major global company
Political Economy of International Trade
free trade
Political Economy of International Trade
free trade --- a situation where a government does not attempt to restrict
--- who suffers: --- consumers: pay more for certain imports
Political Economy of International Trade


• Recommendations and Solutions: Provide possible solutions or recommendations for addressing the identified problem based on an analysis of the key factors involved.
Business English Grammar
掌握商业英语语法规则,提高语言表 达能力。
学习商业英语的语法规则,如时态、 语态、从句等,有助于更准确地表达 商业思想,避免常见的语言错误。
Business English Writing
使用真实场景的商务英语听力材料, 如商务会议、商务谈判、产品推介 等,帮助学生熟悉实际工作环境。
在听力训练中融入口语练习,让学 生模仿真实场景中的对话,提高实 际应用能力。
Business English Speaking Training
教授学生在商务场合中如何自信、流 利地表达自己的观点和意见。
Suggested learning methods
Participate in role-play exercises to practice negotiation skills in a simulated
Collaborate with classmates to analyze realworld negotiation cases and develop effective
Understanding • Practical Application of

商务英语综合教程第二册unit 2 Globalization

商务英语综合教程第二册unit 2 Globalization

4. N-UNCOUNT If someone uses force to do something, or if it is done by force, strong and violent physical action is taken in order to achieve it. 武力 例:The government decided against using force to break up the demonstrations. 政府决定不使用武力来驱散示威游行。
free movement of material and goods ► culture & society: growth of cross-cultural contacts &
communication; greater immigration
advantages of globalization disadvantages of globalization
Text Analysis
• border
1. N The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line. 边界; 边界地区 例: Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries. 士兵们已暂时封闭了两国的边界。
liberate from the political
A reason that globalists use as a tool to promote globalization.

新编国际商务英语课件 第二单元

新编国际商务英语课件  第二单元

Export and Import Financing
the problem in international trade is
lack of trust
Preference of exporter
1 Importer pays for goods
Preference of importer
1 Importer ships goods
Details on a draft
• Maker: the person or business initiating the draft • Drawee: the party to whom the draft is presented • Sight draft is payable on presentation to the drawee. • Time draft allows for a delay in payment – normally 30, 60, 90, or 120 days. • Banker’s acceptance: when a time draft is drawn on and accepted by a bank. • Trade acceptance: when a time draft is drawn on and accepted by a business firm
Unit 2 Exporting Importing Countertrade
Unit objectives
• Information sources for export opportunities • Export and import financing • Process of international trade transaction • Countertrade

商务英语综合教程(第二版) Unit 2

商务英语综合教程(第二版)  Unit 2
首先,如外贸协会这样的进口商组织开始坚持一个观点,即欧盟 贸易委员会在采取任何的反倾销决定前必须关注他们对于亚洲产品 的依赖程度。
……before taking any anti-dumping decisions. 此部分中 before 为连词后面加上现在分词结构相当于一个时间状语从句。
e.g. After shipping the goods, please inform us of the name of steamer and the date of shipment as soon as possible. 在装运货物后,请立即通知我方船名和装船日期。
WTO itselfs
1. There are two lists below. Pair off each word in the first list with its opposite in the second.
1. theoretical 2. private 3. individual 4. capitalist 5. simple 6. buying 7. minimum 8. national
目前,讨论已经开始了,讨论的议题是在修改欧盟反倾销政策时应充分 考虑贸易商、进口商和进口产品的用户和消费者这些所有欧洲经济 操作者的利益。
此句的主要结构是Discussions have started. on……goods 这部分 内容均为discussions 的定语。
take sth. into account: consider sth. 考虑 e.g. The seller should take the risk of accepting D/A terms
5Multifibre Arrangement:(MFA) 多种纤维贸易安排即国际纺织品贸 易协议 6. Asians have long argued that the methods for determining injury to domestic industry and calculating dumping margins before imposing the fines are flawed. 亚洲人长期以来一直在抗议:在强行征缴罚款之前用来确定倾销对 于国内工业所带来的损失及核算倾销利润的方法存在问题。 impose(to sb./sth): v. place (a penalty, tax, etc.) officially on sb. / sth 加 (罚金等)于某人 e.g. impose a further tax on wines and spirits 对果酒/烈性酒进行进一步 加税


Difficult meanings: legal法律的 institutional组织机构的multilateral, plural-lateral多边的 system体系 contractual obligation契约责任 frame and implement制定和实施 the Trade Policy Review Body贸易政策审查机构 delegate responsibilities授权 namely即 the Council for Trade in Goods货物贸易委员会 the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 与贸易有关的知识产权委员会 rules of origin原产地规则 understandings谅解备忘录 spell out阐明 obligations and commitments责任和义务 run throughout贯穿 instruments文件 dedicated to致力于 non-discrimination无歧视性 be designed to旨在 dumping倾销 subsidies补贴 GATT关贸总协定 lay down the basis奠定基础 impose compensating duties征收补偿性关税 extend and clarify补充和说明 transition period过渡期 provisions规定
3. The Scope of International Business Activities
Difficult meanings: sector部门 extensive广泛的 consulting咨询 securities证券 commitments托收 in contrast相反地 portfolio有价证券 entrepreneurial企业的 affiliate分支机构 assets财产 turnkey project全包;交钥匙工程 approach方法


consider consequences of each
individual act in its context
According to the rule utilitarian , the
principle is applied to the selection of a set of rules, which are in turn used to determine what to do in particular situations.
Greatest good for the greatest number Action is right if they promote the
greatest human welfare, wrong if they do not Utilitarianism is more community & socially oriented than egoism
Jeremy Bentham (1748 – 1832) was an philosopher / legal and social reformer, he was a political radical and a leading theorist
and best known as an early advocate of utilitarianism and animal welfare, who influenced the development of liberalism John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873) an English philosopher and political economist was an influential liberal thinker of the 19 century He was an advocate of utilitarianism



(2)Formation It does not require a formal written agreement. Nonetheless it is desirable to have an agreement in writing (articles of partnership) which contains names of the partners; name, location, purposes, duration of the partnership; allocation of profits and losses among partners; capital contributions by partners; partners’ rights and responsibilities; dissolution procedures.
General Partnership: unlimited liability; a voice in the everyday management Limited Partnership: limited liability; no control over the everyday management
first, the owner is exposed to unlimited liability. Second , it is normally not in the best position to raise large sum of money. Third, the lack of continuity. If the owner dies, or becomes too ill to continue operation of the business, there is no separate legal entity in existence with which the public, creditors, or suppliers can deal to ensure the continuity of the business.



4. Preciseness and correctness
In business correspondence, it is necessary to use expressions with precise meanings. For example, when you acknowledge a letter, refer to it by date, subject and reference number and when you refer to a date, mention the month by full name, avoid using abbreviations and all number form. You must know that standard language, proper statements, accurate figures are needed in a business letter. Before signing a business letter, you must check it for the accuracy of its contents and test its suitability with the general practices. Special attention must be paid to the typing of the figures in order to avoid making errors. Correct spelling of the words and correct using of punctuations are as well necessary qualities for showing your high level of English knowledge.

新编商务英语综合教程第二版Unit 2ppt课件

新编商务英语综合教程第二版Unit 2ppt课件

Unit 2 Business Communication
II. Listen to Passage Ⅰ for the second time with your focus on the questions you have raised (if there are any) and then decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). If it is false, please make corrections accordingly. You can take notes while listening. 1. If you want your employees to share their feelings and opinions with you, you must listen to them._T__
Unit 2 Business Communication
1 Teaching Aim 2 Lead-in 3 Reading I 4 Reading II 5 Extended Activities
Unit 2 Business Communication
Teaching Aim 1. Cognitive Information(认知信息):
Unit 2 Business Communication
Passage I Communication Skills for Business While communication comes easily to people in many situations, in the workplace it’s often a different story. Business settings require special considerations when it comes to effective communication, especially during times of conflict. If you feel like your communication skills aren’t up to par, don’t worry; with a little practice, positive communication skills can be learned. Listening Listening may be the most important business communication skill. When employees feel that they’re being listened to, they feel respected and are more willing to share their feelings and opinions. When speaking with a co-worker, focus on what he / she is saying. If a problem arises, ask the individual how he / she feels about it and give him / her time to speak. Respond without interrupting and demonstrate that you’re listening by nodding, asking questions and showing concern.


第 2章
第一节 国际分工
势均力敌的两大竞争对手。一个是美国 的“波音”,另一个是欧洲的“空中客 车”,两大飞机制造公司相互竞争激烈, 甚至达到了“白热化”程度。
抛开其竞争、销售、市场争夺手 段,我们应该注意到这样一个事实, 即“波音”虽然来自美国的西雅图, “空中客车”来自于法国的图卢兹, 但并不意味着它们分别是美国和法国 生产,或者说是独立生产的。
19世纪末,美国和德国在经济上发展迅速,而英 国发展速度比较慢,英国原来所处的“世界工厂” 的地位日益受到美国和德国的挑战。分工的中心从 英国变为一组国家,这些工业国家的工业生产各有 侧重,形成了以经济部门为主的国际分工。例如, 美国在这一时期成为世界谷物生产大国,荷兰和丹 麦专门生产农产品(以肉类和乳品为主),芬兰以 生产木材和木材加工业为主,比利时以生产钢铁为 主,挪威则专门生产铝等等。
2、亚非拉变为畸形地片面地发展单一作 物的国家
这些国家的主要作物和出口货物仅限于一种 或两三种产品,而这些产品又大部分销售到 工业发达国家的市场上去。因此造成了这些 国家的两种依赖性:一是经济生活对少数几 种产品的依赖性;二是对世界市场,特别是 对工业发达国家市场的高度依赖性。
3、分工的中心从英国变为一组国家, 它们之间也形成了互为市场的在经济部 门之间的国际分工关系
所谓产业革命,又称“工业革命”,是 以大机器工业代替工场手工业的革命,首 先发生在英国,其特征表现为生产的机械 化。
该时期建立的国际分工体系是一种垂直 型的国际分工体系。其表现为以先进技术 为基础的工业国与以自然条件为基础的农 业国之间的分工。



Chapter 2
National Differences in Political Economy
What Is A Political Economy?
Political economy of a nation - how the political, economic, and legal systems of a country are interdependent
What Is An Economic System?
There are three types of economic systems 1. Market economies - all productive activities are privately owned and production is determined by the interaction of supply and demand
in retreat worldwide by mid-1990s
2. Social democrats – socialism is achieved through democratic means
retreating as many countries move toward free market economies state-owned enterprises have been privatized
What Is Totalitarianism?
Four major forms of totalitarianism exist today
1. Communist totalitarianism – found in states where the communist party monopolizes power 2. Theocratic totalitarianism - found in states where political power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that governs according to religious principles 3. Tribal totalitarianism - found in states where a political party that represents the interests of a particular tribe monopolizes power 4. Right-wing totalitarianism - permits some individual economic freedom, but restricts individual political freedom



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prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Design of Products and Services
Alternative approaches – cross-functional participation in each stage of design, identifying and avoiding many potential sourcing, manufacturing
prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Design of Products and Services
Design of a company’s products and services has a fundamental relationship with the types of inputs a company will reqSupply Chains
Operations in each step of the supply chain must be synchronized Measurement of supply chain performance varies by industry and company, because the way success is defined also tends to vary and performance assessment should be aligned with a company’s strategic objectives and the key factors for success
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2.3 Law of corporation2.3.1 Definition of corporationCorporation is a corporate body that generally is set up by two or more persons( shareholders) according to Contract law carrying on a business for profit.Company and corporationIn English, company may or may not be a separate legal entity. Company is broader than corporation. Corporation has a strict legal meaning . The corporate form is the most important type of business organization. When it is registered that meansa corporation become separate legal entity.2.3.2 Nature of corporationCorporation is a separate legal entity and an independent enterprise legal person, which has independent property of a legal person and enjoys the property right of a legal person. The company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of its entire property, namely the company shall take a limited liability for its debts.Shareholders contribute capital to incorporate a corporation, Once the company is formed legally, the company is separated from the shareholders. Shareholders of a company shall assume liability towards the company to the extend of the capitalcontributions subscribed respectively by them. Shareholders take a limited liability for the debts of company.Classification of corporation1. Limited liability company2. Company limited by share2.3.3 Creation of corporation1. Incorporation procedure(1) Select a name of the company(2) Draw up article of association(3) Certificate of incorporation(4) Appoint a director(5) Complete and lodge the application form2. Name and registrationGenerally, company should have a name and is registered by the administration. If all shareholders are liable for limited liability, the name must include the word of limited (Ltd).3. Article of associationArticle of association is an important document of company, It generally regulates the company’s internal affairs and management . It is one of primary document required to incorporate a company in most counties. Article of association is also called a constitution of a company.4. TaxCorporations are taxable entity, corporations have a double tax problem, both corporate profit and shareholder dividends are taxed, but corporate profits are taxed at lower rate.2.3.4 Corporate managementThe corporation is a legal person,that has standing to sue and be sued. As an artificial person it is still a paper structure and company can only act through human agents. So it must act through its shareholders’ s general meeting and board of director 1. Shareholders’ general meetingShareholders’ general meeting is company’s highest organof power. The general meeting has a power to decide all major issues of company. Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the shareholders’meeting in proportion to their respective capital contributions, unless it is otherwise stipulated by the company’s article of association.When any resolution is to be made at shareholders’ meeting It shall be adopted by the shareholders representing more than half of the voting rights.Any resolution made at the shareholders’committee on the company’s increase or reduction of registered capital, division, merger, dissolution or change of corporate formshall be adopted by shareholders representing two-thirds of the voting rights.2. Board of directorsBoard of directors is a decision-making organ of company. It decides the major issues of company. The one- person one- vote system shall be practiced for voting on resolutions of the board of directors .3. Corporate governanceCorporate governance is the system arrangement that links and regulates the relationship、interest and accountability among the shareholders’ meeting、board of directors、board of supervisors and managers. It includes the organization structure and operating mechanism of the company. The operating mechanism is that the organizational structures of the company, namely shareholders’ meeting、board of directors、board of supervisors and managers, motivate and supervise and check and balance each other in the course of the operation and management of company.2.3.5 Winding upWinding up is the process of bringing a company to an end, and it is also called as dissolution. or liquidation, It occurs when the company is unable to pay its debts or shareholders will notcontinue to run the company or is prohibited by court of law on the ground of public good. Under this legal process,the creditors are paid out, the surplus, if any, are distributed among the shareholders, and the company is deregistered. Liquidations generally come in two forms, either compulsory liquidation or voluntary liquidation.Review and Exercise1 What is the definition, nature and feature of partnership?2. How to understand limited liability partnership?3. What is the definition, nature and feature of company?4. How to understand the corporate governance structureand its role in the operation of company?5. What kinds of business organization , do you considerwhen you plan to set up a venture? What factors will you think in establishing a business organization ?。
