reading strategy 阅读策略 ppt
上掠过时,一旦发现有关的内容,就要稍作停留,将它记住或摘下,既保证寻读 的速度,又做到准确无误,所以寻读技巧也很有实用价值。 3.写读。古人云:“不动笔墨不读书”,俗语也有“好记性不如烂笔头”之说。读书 与作摘录、记心得、写文章结合起来,手脑共用,不仅能积累大量的材料,而且 能有效地提高写作水平,并且能增强阅读能力,将知识转化为技能和技巧。 4.再读。有价值的书刊杂志不能只读一遍,可以重复学习,“温故而知新”。著名思 想家、文学家伏尔斯泰认为“重读一本旧书,就仿佛老友重逢”。重复是学习之 母。重复学习,有利于对知识加深理解,也是加深记忆的强化剂。
• 复述策略
• 组织策略
• 精加工策略
• 支持性学习策略
(1)列提纲 (2)作关系图
分 0-3分者为注意力差;4-7分者为注意
力稍差;8-11分者为注意力一般;12-13 分者为注意力好;14-15分者为注意力很 好。
13、读书不能坚持两个小时以上。 14、一件事做得时间太长后,就会急躁地希望早点结束。 15、学习时,对周围人的说话声听得很清楚。
结果处理: 把打×的问题相加记分,每个×为1
横排轮流走S形的方式,每一位同学 轮到时坐着说出自己轮到的数字,轮 到的数字中含有“3“和”“3”的倍 数的同学只能拍手但不能说出数字。 活动体会:活动中不出错的秘诀是什么? 集中注意力,记住同学的数字。 阅读并明确活动要求
• 复述策略
• 组织策略
• 精加工策略
• 支持性学习策略
(1)列提纲 (2)作关系图
分 0-3分者为注意力差;4-7分者为注意
力稍差;8-11分者为注意力一般;12-13 分者为注意力好;14-15分者为注意力很 好。
13、读书不能坚持两个小时以上。 14、一件事做得时间太长后,就会急躁地希望早点结束。 15、学习时,对周围人的说话声听得很清楚。
结果处理: 把打×的问题相加记分,每个×为1
横排轮流走S形的方式,每一位同学 轮到时坐着说出自己轮到的数字,轮 到的数字中含有“3“和”“3”的倍 数的同学只能拍手但不能说出数字。 活动体会:活动中不出错的秘诀是什么? 集中注意力,记住同学的数字。 阅读并明确活动要求
。2022年3月23日星期三9时35分28秒09:35:2823 March 2022
T H E E N D 一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣
台中縣國教輔導團 陳靜儀
一、直接提取的能力:讀者找出文中清楚 寫出的訊息
1、找出與閱讀目標有關的訊息 2、找出特定觀點 3、搜尋字詞或句子的定義 4、指出故事的場景 5、找出主題句或主旨
二、直接推論的能力:讀者需要連結文中兩 項以上的訊息得到推論
12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人 的错儿 。09:35: 2809:3 5:2809: 35Wed nesday, March 23, 2022
。22.3.2322.3.2309:35:2809:35:28March 23, 2022
• 分析故事的人、事、時、地、物等重點 • 刪除不重要的細節或重覆之處 • 以一概括的詞來替代所有列舉的細節內容 • 濃縮內容為一連貫的、正確的、概要的、可理解
在一連串的論點後歸納出重點 歸納文章的主旨
•故事背景:1、人物 2、地點 3、時間 •主要事件:1、事件 2、目的 •情節﹝經過情形﹞:開始…,然後…,所採的
利用文本中的线索,对后续内容进行 预测或推断。
在阅读过程中,注意利用标题、关键 词、图片等线索,对文章的主题、情 节发展、人物关系等进行预测或推理 ,有助于加深对文章的理解。
将文章的主要内容进行简明扼要 的总结或概括。
在阅读过程中,适时停下来对已 读内容进行总结或概括,有助于 把握文章的整体结构和主要观点 ,同时也有助于理解和记忆。
通过阅读,学习如何复述所读内容, 提高口语表达能力和记忆力。
通过阅读故事或小说,学习如何扮演 不同角色,用不同的语气和语调进行 口语表达。
在阅读过程中与他人进行讨论交流, 分享自己的见解和观点,提高口语表 达能力和沟通技巧。
通过阅读,不断积累各种知识和 信息,提高自己的综合素质和学
针对文章中的不明确或难以理解的部分,提出疑问并进行澄 清。
在阅读过程中,遇到不理解或模糊不清的内容时,及时提出 疑问并进行澄清,有助于深入理解文章,减少误解和歧义。
在阅读过程中,要时刻关注自己的理解程度,如发现理解有误或不够深入,及时 进行调整,如重新阅读、查找资料等,以纠正偏差并加深理解。同时,也要根据 不同的阅读目的和需求,灵活调整阅读策略和方法。
仔细阅读文章,理解文章的细 节和深层含义。
记录文章中的重要观点、论证 和例子,帮助理解和记忆。
reading strategy 阅读策略 ppt教学提纲
Reading Strategy
1. 1 What is reading strategy?
Pritchard (1990) defines a strategy as a deliberate action that readers take voluntarily to develop an understanding of what they read. Kellerman (1983) defines a strategy as a “well organized approach to a problem”. Olshavsky (1977) claims that a strategy is a purposeful means of comprehending the author’s message.
Reading Strategy
We make conscious use of it when we try to see the overall purpose of the text, or get a rough idea of the pattern of the writer’s argument, in order to make a reasoned guess at the next step (based on the schema we have acquired ).We might compare this approach to an eagle’s eye.
Reading Strategy
This can happen if our world knowledge is inadequate,
or if the writer’s point of view is very different from our
1. 1 What is reading strategy?
Pritchard (1990) defines a strategy as a deliberate action that readers take voluntarily to develop an understanding of what they read. Kellerman (1983) defines a strategy as a “well organized approach to a problem”. Olshavsky (1977) claims that a strategy is a purposeful means of comprehending the author’s message.
Reading Strategy
We make conscious use of it when we try to see the overall purpose of the text, or get a rough idea of the pattern of the writer’s argument, in order to make a reasoned guess at the next step (based on the schema we have acquired ).We might compare this approach to an eagle’s eye.
Reading Strategy
This can happen if our world knowledge is inadequate,
or if the writer’s point of view is very different from our
● predicting from signal words(信号词)
Signal words are an indispensable part for a coherent article. Apart from the
function of connecting sentences, they also reveal the logical relationship among
his wife. /But at last/ he decided to take lessons, /and managed to pass
his driving test on the second attempt, /although he still wasn’t very
good at parking.
By definition By synonym and antonym
By examples
Guessing word meaning
By restatement
By cause and effect By explanations
By common sense and experience
Mr. Thompson/ did not learn to drive a car/ until he was almost
thirty/ because he was a very nervous person /who always had the
convenience of someone else to drive him/---first his mother and then
肆、閱讀成果 :
1. 晨讀時間能主動安靜閱讀,甚至晨讀時間 結束,還意猶未盡,須老師催促才合起書 本去打掃。孩子已體會閱讀樂趣,閱讀習 慣漸趨形成。
肆、閱讀成果 :
2.閱讀策略指導成效問卷調查中(「原來如此 」一書),孩子自評透過閱讀策略(畫重點 畫出關鍵字詞、提問)能學得書中知識達八 、九成,且喜歡老師陪讀指導,同時多數孩 子自評學習態度為80~90分以上。
報告人 新東國小 王靜慧 老師
新東國小位於後壁區,是郊區小學校 外配子女及隔代教養的比例高 學生文化刺激少,學生家裡沒有課外書 學習起點經驗不足,造成學習上低成就 「台窩灣樂讀協會」專案補助書籍 擬定兩年語文深耕計畫
(一)教學目標: 1.培養學童養成主動閱讀的良好習慣及興考與解決問題能力,並豐富 學童精神世界。 3.藉由親子共讀活動,增進親子互動關係,促 進家庭生活和諧美滿。
(一)教學目標: 4.學習用字、遣詞,提昇說話及寫作的內涵及 水準。 5.運用同儕共讀、分享、討論及戲劇演出等方 式,讓學童享受閱讀的樂趣。
5.閱讀策略指導 : (閱讀策略:戲劇演出、互相教導、猜測、 畫重點、摘要、提問)
默讀故事→提問→釐清內容及中心思想 分配角色→念台詞→語調&表情→肢體動作和走位 「下午要演戲嗎? 」 「YA ! 」 猜測 →默讀→畫重點→摘要提問 「怡婷好厲害耶!」 「老師,怎麼今天沒有讀『原來如此』?」
高中英语译林版 必修三 Unit1 reading strategy课件(共35张PPT)
8 famous 9 deaf
10 continued
Reading strategy--how to read a story
Reading strategy--how to read a story
There are different types of stories. Stories have basic elements as follows:
Where it happened;
Why it happened;
Who was involved in the event.
A story with a
or a surprise ending
is usually more eye-catching.
Reading strategy--how to read a story
a plot
When it happened :
Where it happened:
Why it happened:
Who was involved in the event:
A story with a
or a surprise ending
is usually more eye-catching.
solved A climax or a
surprise ending
a woman and an old man one afternoon
A story --- fog
A plot
a woman lost in the fog was helped by an old man
Main characters A certain time period A place A problem to be
Syntactic knowledge
Syntactic knowledge
Message Board
Syntactic knowledge
Most probable
Lexical knowledge
➢ Recognizes the interaction of bottom-up and top-down
4)1968年奥苏贝儿指出:任何文本本身并不自然而然带 有什么意思, 它只不过给读者指出一条理解的路线, 所 谓理解的过程, 实际上是读者借助文段和自己的认知结 构来建构意义的过程;
5)20 世纪70 年代后期,Bartlett 的图式受到了心理 学家和人工智能专家的广泛关注,美国人工智能专 家Rumelhart 对图式理论的建立和完善做出了重要 的贡献。他认为图式是人们头脑中存在的整体知识 以及有关某一领域的专门知识, 是以层级形式 (hierarchy)储存于长时记忆中的“相互作用的知识 结构”或“构成认知能力的建筑板块”。
2、有利于经济建设的持续、稳定、快速、 协调发展
3、有利于建立社会主义市场经济新秩序 4、有利于科学技术的发展 5、有利于促进对外经济技术交流,发展对 外经济关
第二节 民法基础知识
一、民法的第概一念节 民法概述
我国民法是调整平等主体的公民 之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间的财 产关系和人身关系的法律规范的总和。
图式理论充分揭示了阅读理解过程的本质, 视阅
读过程为读者在语篇的各个层次上和各个层次之间 的“自下而上” 和“自上而下”的两种信息处理方式相 互作用的过程;强调人已有的知识结构对当前认知活 动所起的决定作用;强调阅读过程中读者的主动性和 与文章的互动性以及读者对文章理解的创造性;对影 响读者阅读理解的三大要素进一步具体化, 并指出了 这些要素之间的相互关系。
❖ 唐代名臣章仔钧《太傅公家训》:“传家两 字曰读与耕,兴家两字曰俭与勤。”
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。21.7.1421.7.14Wednesday, July 14, 2021
10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出 的人谈 话。11:21:4411:21:4411:217/14/2021 11:21:44 AM
前苏联作家高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶 梯。”“我每爬上一级,就更脱离兽性而上升到 人类,更接近美好生活的观念,更热爱这本书。”
余秋雨——阅读建议(高雄中山大学演讲):阅 读的最大理由是想摆脱平庸。一个人如果在青年 时期就开始平庸,那么今后要摆脱平庸就十分困 难。只有书籍,能把辽阔的空间和漫长的时间浇 灌给你,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号 传 递给你,能把无数的智慧和美好对比着愚昧和丑 陋一起呈现给你。
❖ 检索型阅读:利用各种检索工具(书本的、 网络的)检索利用信息资源的阅读。 进行科学研究的前期工作。
❖ 评论型阅读:是对读物所反映的思想、学术 观点、知识内容及其表现手法等加以评价的 阅读。 要求读者对读物及作者生平与写作背景等有 全面、深入、客观的了解。
❖ 创新型阅读:读者带着创造新见解的目的, 从读物中去发现未曾有过的新答案的阅读。 创造性阅读是一个充满活力和创造欲望、迸 发灵感和顿悟的过程。
11、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理 学和教 育学的 人。21.7.1411:21:4411:21Jul- 2114-J ul-21
12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师, 也是学 生的教 育者, 生活的 导师和 道德的 引路人 。11:21:4411:21:4411:21Wednesday, July 14, 2021
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。21.7.1421.7.14Wednesday, July 14, 2021
10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出 的人谈 话。11:21:4411:21:4411:217/14/2021 11:21:44 AM
前苏联作家高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶 梯。”“我每爬上一级,就更脱离兽性而上升到 人类,更接近美好生活的观念,更热爱这本书。”
余秋雨——阅读建议(高雄中山大学演讲):阅 读的最大理由是想摆脱平庸。一个人如果在青年 时期就开始平庸,那么今后要摆脱平庸就十分困 难。只有书籍,能把辽阔的空间和漫长的时间浇 灌给你,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号 传 递给你,能把无数的智慧和美好对比着愚昧和丑 陋一起呈现给你。
❖ 检索型阅读:利用各种检索工具(书本的、 网络的)检索利用信息资源的阅读。 进行科学研究的前期工作。
❖ 评论型阅读:是对读物所反映的思想、学术 观点、知识内容及其表现手法等加以评价的 阅读。 要求读者对读物及作者生平与写作背景等有 全面、深入、客观的了解。
❖ 创新型阅读:读者带着创造新见解的目的, 从读物中去发现未曾有过的新答案的阅读。 创造性阅读是一个充满活力和创造欲望、迸 发灵感和顿悟的过程。
11、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理 学和教 育学的 人。21.7.1411:21:4411:21Jul- 2114-J ul-21
12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师, 也是学 生的教 育者, 生活的 导师和 道德的 引路人 。11:21:4411:21:4411:21Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Reading strategies
What’s strategy?
Skill in planning or managing any affair well
How many reading strategies do you know? What are they?
Reading strategies
Reading strategies
2.阅读了解过程中旳监控 元认知监控策略涉及阅读时对注意加以跟踪、对材料进 行自我提问、考试时监视自己旳速度和时间。这些策略 使学习者警惕自己在注意和了解方面可能出现旳问题, 以便找出来,并加以修改。在实际旳阅读活动中,阅读 者要进行大量旳元认知监控,才干对文章有精确旳了解。
预测、推测、选择性注意、分析推理、综合归纳 等。预测对于把握全文大意以及随即进行旳选择
Reading strategies
1. 预测
阅读是一种主动旳过程,是读者与文章(或作 者)交流旳过程。阅读中,读者根据文字不断提 供旳信息,联络自己既存旳知识,对读物依次 做出预测反应。这种预期或预测不会过分详细 ,也不一定非常正确,然而假如能排除不大可 能旳选择而首先考虑最自然且最有可能旳选择 ,就能大大加紧阅读速度,减轻大脑处理信息 旳承担。没有事先旳预期,我们就不会迅速做 出决定,阅读了解就会变得混乱、费时、乏味. 。
Reading requirements
表层了解 1. Would the author tell you how to
send a dish back?
2. What’s the author’s advice on “sending a dish back in a restaurant”?
那么,阅读课的教学目的是什么呢?根据教学 大纲,阅读课的教学目的包括:
1、阅读理解能力和阅读速度 2、逻辑思维能力 3、细读、略读、查阅等阅读技能 4、词汇量、语言和文化背景知识 我们现在先解决阅读理解能力和阅读速度问题。 其余三个内容将在“阅读的方法”中解决。
阅读的首要任务是提高理解能力和阅读速度。因此, 不能为了个别单词中断阅读。
说它们对立,是因为在学习进程中理解与速度如鱼与 熊掌不可兼得。要想在原有的基础上提高速度,往往会导致 理解能力下降;而想要更深刻地理解往往又得放慢速度。
英语阅读 英语阅读 英语阅读 的目的 的原理 的方法
英语阅读 英语阅读 的作用 的延伸
为什么中学生都要上英语阅读课? 换句话说,阅读课的教学目的是什么? 有的同学认为,阅读课的目的和中学英语 课一样,仍然是词汇和语法。持有这种观点的 同学把阅读课与精读课/综合英语课混为一谈。 由于他们对阅读过于精雕细琢,反而降低了阅 读速度。过于注重单词与句子,甚至时常中断 阅读去追究单词的意思,又使他们“见木不见 林”,降低了对全文的理解。
a由g于ree他m们en对t 阅wi读th过Is于ra又e精l.雕如细琢,,反在而降提低了高阅读阅速度读。 速度的练习中,同学们可以根据
要被真动正 式学读好者自阅往读往己,让还作已得者有牵经行着之鼻测有子效走定的。实的践。默读速度选择不同档次的练习。如果发现
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Reading Strategy
Duan Lifu
1. Background Information 2. Four Reading Models 3. Three Kinds of Reading Strategies 4. Reading Process
Reading Strategy Reading Strategy
Reading Strategy
We make conscious use of it when we try to see the overall purpose of the text, or get a rough idea of the pattern of the writer’s argument, in order to make a reasoned guess at the next step (based on the schema we have acquired ).We might compare this approach to an eagle’s eye.
2.2 The top-down processing
The top-down model is that readers bring a great deal of knowledge, expectations, assumptions and questions to the text and, give a basic understanding of the vocabulary; they continue to read as long as the text confirms their expectations. (Goodman, 1967)
Looking for answers Looking for the answers according to the order of the time in the in chronological order passage in the passage Reading the question option before reading the passage Summarizing Grouping Using linguistic clues Searching reaching Readers read the passage with questions and choices
Reader may shift from one focus to another, adopting a top-down approach to predict the probable meaning, then moving from the bottom-up approach to check whether that is really what the writer says. It is known as interactive reading.
Making a condensed, shorter version of the original passage Grouping involves classifying or reclassifying what is read into meaning groups, thus reducing the number of unrelated items Using suffixes, prefixes and word order to guess meaning Locating information on predetermined topics
Reading Strategy
1.2 The importance of using strategy
If a reader knows how, when and where to use an appropriate strategy, this would help him to improve reading comprehension. Strategies aid readers to process the text actively, to monitor their comprehension and to connect what they are reading to their own knowledge and to other parts of the text.
The schema theory
Reading Strategy
2.1 The bottom-up processing
Bottom-up model means that the reader constructs the text from smallest unit (letter to words to phrases to sentence, etc) and that the process of constructing the text from those small units becomes so automatic that readers are not aware of how if operates. (Eskey, 1988)
1. 1 What is reading strategy?
Pritchard (1990) defines a strategy as a deliberate action that readers take voluntarily to develop an understanding of what they read. Kellerman (1983) defines a strategy as a “well organized approach to a problem”. Olshavsky (1977) claims that a strategy is a purposeful means of comprehending the author’s message.
Reading Strategy
3. Three kinds of reading strategies
Cognitive strategies
Skimming (略读) Skipping (跳读) Visualizing Using background knowledge Taking notes Getting the gist of the passage Skipping unimportant parts or words while reading Using images to help with understanding of new information encountered Using familiar knowledge of the world to understand the reading Jotting down the main ideas and important points while reading. Scanning (寻读) Locating a particular piece of information
Reading Strategy
This can happen if our world knowledge is inadequate, or if the writer’s point of view is very different from our own. In that case, we must scrutinize the vocabulary and syntax to make sure we have grasped the plain sense correctly. Thus bottom-up processing can be used as a corrective to “tunnel vision (seeing things only from our Reading own limited point of view)”. Strategy
Reading Strategy
Involving analyzing elements (words, syntax) of the new language to determine likeness and differences in comprehension with one’s native language Involving constructing a meaningful sentence or longer experience by putting together known elements in new way
Inferring Translating
Using previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a new learning task
Guessing meanings of new items, predicting outcomes or filling in missing information using available information in the text. Using their own knowledge as basis for understanding what they read in the new language
Reading Strategy
2.4 The schema theory
Schema theory is one of the most important theories in the study of reading comprehension. According to schema theory, all knowledge is packaged into units. These units are schemata. Schema theory also holds the view that comprehending a text is an interactive process between the reader’s background knowledge and the text. Efficient reading requires the ability to relate the textual material to one’s own knowledge. The reader’s schemata assist him to make assumptions about the meaning of the incoming text. Meanwhile, the reader makes confirmations, rejections and mediations with more information coming out from the text.
Duan Lifu
1. Background Information 2. Four Reading Models 3. Three Kinds of Reading Strategies 4. Reading Process
Reading Strategy Reading Strategy
Reading Strategy
We make conscious use of it when we try to see the overall purpose of the text, or get a rough idea of the pattern of the writer’s argument, in order to make a reasoned guess at the next step (based on the schema we have acquired ).We might compare this approach to an eagle’s eye.
2.2 The top-down processing
The top-down model is that readers bring a great deal of knowledge, expectations, assumptions and questions to the text and, give a basic understanding of the vocabulary; they continue to read as long as the text confirms their expectations. (Goodman, 1967)
Looking for answers Looking for the answers according to the order of the time in the in chronological order passage in the passage Reading the question option before reading the passage Summarizing Grouping Using linguistic clues Searching reaching Readers read the passage with questions and choices
Reader may shift from one focus to another, adopting a top-down approach to predict the probable meaning, then moving from the bottom-up approach to check whether that is really what the writer says. It is known as interactive reading.
Making a condensed, shorter version of the original passage Grouping involves classifying or reclassifying what is read into meaning groups, thus reducing the number of unrelated items Using suffixes, prefixes and word order to guess meaning Locating information on predetermined topics
Reading Strategy
1.2 The importance of using strategy
If a reader knows how, when and where to use an appropriate strategy, this would help him to improve reading comprehension. Strategies aid readers to process the text actively, to monitor their comprehension and to connect what they are reading to their own knowledge and to other parts of the text.
The schema theory
Reading Strategy
2.1 The bottom-up processing
Bottom-up model means that the reader constructs the text from smallest unit (letter to words to phrases to sentence, etc) and that the process of constructing the text from those small units becomes so automatic that readers are not aware of how if operates. (Eskey, 1988)
1. 1 What is reading strategy?
Pritchard (1990) defines a strategy as a deliberate action that readers take voluntarily to develop an understanding of what they read. Kellerman (1983) defines a strategy as a “well organized approach to a problem”. Olshavsky (1977) claims that a strategy is a purposeful means of comprehending the author’s message.
Reading Strategy
3. Three kinds of reading strategies
Cognitive strategies
Skimming (略读) Skipping (跳读) Visualizing Using background knowledge Taking notes Getting the gist of the passage Skipping unimportant parts or words while reading Using images to help with understanding of new information encountered Using familiar knowledge of the world to understand the reading Jotting down the main ideas and important points while reading. Scanning (寻读) Locating a particular piece of information
Reading Strategy
This can happen if our world knowledge is inadequate, or if the writer’s point of view is very different from our own. In that case, we must scrutinize the vocabulary and syntax to make sure we have grasped the plain sense correctly. Thus bottom-up processing can be used as a corrective to “tunnel vision (seeing things only from our Reading own limited point of view)”. Strategy
Reading Strategy
Involving analyzing elements (words, syntax) of the new language to determine likeness and differences in comprehension with one’s native language Involving constructing a meaningful sentence or longer experience by putting together known elements in new way
Inferring Translating
Using previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a new learning task
Guessing meanings of new items, predicting outcomes or filling in missing information using available information in the text. Using their own knowledge as basis for understanding what they read in the new language
Reading Strategy
2.4 The schema theory
Schema theory is one of the most important theories in the study of reading comprehension. According to schema theory, all knowledge is packaged into units. These units are schemata. Schema theory also holds the view that comprehending a text is an interactive process between the reader’s background knowledge and the text. Efficient reading requires the ability to relate the textual material to one’s own knowledge. The reader’s schemata assist him to make assumptions about the meaning of the incoming text. Meanwhile, the reader makes confirmations, rejections and mediations with more information coming out from the text.