泛读教程2 Unit 4课件

Extensive Reading (Book 2)Unit 1 The Shadowland of Dreams1. Ieaching ObjeclivesGio over the whole lext in limiled lime and lry Lo gel the main idta of lhe passage(iel som1 information aboul lhe author Masler lhe Keading skillsII. Teaching Importance ad Diticulies1. The usage of new words and plrases2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words3. UInderstanding paragraphs-How to identifty thc Main ldca.4. Rading sills: Using the DictionaryII. Teasching Melhods: Discussing, Practicing, and F:xcrcising.IV. Teaching Time: 4 periodsV Teaching Conltenl1. Lead-inWhat are your drcams?What will you do if you meet some troubles on the course of realizing your dream?2. Related information1) anuthor亚历克斯哈利(1921-1992)Alexander Muray Pulmer Ilaley (August 11, 1921-Tebruary 10. 1992) was anAmerican wriler. Ile is best known as the author of Rools.非洲商的美国作家。

3. Why do we need to work?
PPT学习交流2源自Is MONEY the NUMBER ONE reason for working ! ! ! ???
What’s your opinion?
The author’s opinion on work
Go over the first five paragraphs of the text and find the topic sentence of each pa and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.
B. Work is more than a necessity for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity.
So life must continue and work need continue too.
I think one purpose for people to make money, another purpose is to join the society to communicate with people .
☆allows us to meet a lot of people and provides opportunities to makeer than a punishment or a burden, work is the opportunity to realize one’s potential.

• 5. The vertical cliff was the most striking scenery that I had seen in my journey. • vertical — pointing straight up at an angle of 90 degrees from the ground or from another line • • A. upright – standing or pointing straight up B. beautiful – a woman, girl, or child who is very attractive • C. historical – connected with the study of history • D. strange – unusual, surprising, or difficult to understand
– What is the topic or subject being discussed? • The topic or subject of this passage is clouds – In your own words what is the writer’s main idea about this topic? • Clouds can greatly affect the temperature of the earth’s surface.
Unit 4 Weather and Climate
• Practice on reading skill. • Word Pretest. • Your presentation on weather and climate. • Study of unit 4 and do some exercises.
泛读教程2 Unit4 work[优质PPT]
![泛读教程2 Unit4 work[优质PPT]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fea38a05f01dc281e53af0ca.png)
E. Why should work be such a
significantwork do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment. And work is more than a necessity for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity。
The human must gives the best that he has to help his family or his friend and make him happy.
Yeah, live in this society is very tired and hard.
Sometimes ,I don’t want to work and find a secluded places to live until die .
WhyPeopleW ork?
Warm-up Questions
1.What job do you want to do after graduation?
2. How do you define “a good job”? What are the things you will consider in choosing a career?
But that’s unrealistic, we have parents and they need us to look after in their old age.

Answer Analysis
• Answer 4: This answer correctly identifies the main idea of the passage and provides a detailed explanation of how extensive reading can help learners improve their language skills. It also includes examples to illustrate the benefits of extensive reading and suggests practical ways for learners to incorporate extensive reading into their language learning routine.
• Answer 6: This answer correctly identifies the main idea of the passage and provides a detailed explanation of how extensive reading can help learners improve their language skills. It also includes examples to illustrate the benefits of extensive reading and suggests practical ways for learners to incorporate extensive reading into their daily routine, such as setting aside time each day for reading and making notes while reading.
大学英语之泛读教程第二册unit 4

Y, N, N, NG, Y, N, Y Lifelong education new-media the personal touch
Passage 15, Cloze
O, J, D, L, B,
N, C, G, H, E
Careful Reading – Passage 15
How much time does it take? Probably less than one hour each month in addition to the neighborhood general meetings. What is a block captain’s term? We’re hoping you’ll be a block captain as long as you live in the neighborhood, but all things change and life can get complicated. If you find you are unable to continue your duties, try to find a replacement but just let Deb Hudson know so there isn’t a gap in communications.
What is the passage about? How is the passage developed?
What: Denise Simmons – the nation’s first black and openly lesbian mayor How: three main points

Unit4潘伯敦街上的女士艾伯特▪迪巴特罗门作者与妻子搬到一条叫作潘伯顿的小街上居住后不久,就结识了一位特殊的邻居 -- 梅布尔▪霍华德。
”“我们注意到了,” 我说。
只见在一张停车标牌下面刻着“梅布尔▪霍华德 - 街区监督员”几个字。
英语泛读第三版第二册第四单元unit 4.

• disrepair – the condition of being in need of repair 失修,破损 • slat – a narrow strip of metal or wood板条, 狭板 • commence – start • rectangle – a four-sided plane figure with four right angles 矩形,长方形 • enamel – adorn with a brightly colored surface 用亮丽的表面装饰
• sinew – tendon 腱,肌肉 • prey – an animal hunted or caught for food; quarry 捕获物,猎物 • coordinate – harmonize • on the side – as a secondary occupation 兼职 • luscious – delicious • pleasantry – a polite social utterance; a civility 礼仪;客套
Unit 4 The Lady on Pemberton Street
by Albert DiBartolomeo
• Preview Questions • Background Information • Structure & Vocabulary
Preview Questions • What kind person is Mable Howard? • Do you think Mable is respectable? Have you ever met someone like her? • What can we learn from the story?

Unit 4 (1)Step 4 Words and phrases1.decay: the process or result of being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for (=of decaying) 腐烂;腐朽2.enchanting: attractive and pleasing 迷人的;令人陶醉的;使人喜悦的3.beloved:loved very much by somebody; very popular with somebody钟爱的;深受喜爱的4.within one’s means: 量入为出地(生活)5.row house: 排屋6.handy:skilful in using your hands or tools to make or repair things手巧的;有手艺的7.dilapidated: of furniture and buildings old and in very bad condition 破旧的;破烂的;年久失修的8.vacant:of a seat, hotel room, house, etc. empty; not being used空着的;未被占用的9.blind: covering for a window, especially one made of a roll of fabric that is fixed at the top ofthe window and can be pulled up and down 窗帘;(尤指)卷帘10.rap: a quick sharp hit or knock 扣击;快速的敲击11.reedy: of a voice or sound high and not very pleasant 尖利刺耳的12.fierce: especially of people or animals 尤指人或动物angry and aggressive in a way that isfrightening凶猛的;凶狠的;凶残的13.frail: especially of an old person physically weak and thin 瘦弱的14.tough: strong enough to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations坚强的;健壮的;能吃苦耐劳的;坚韧不拔的15.sinew: /ˈsɪnjuː/a strong band of tissue in the body that joins a muscle to a bone 肌腱16.hawk: a strong fast bird of prey(= a bird that kills other creatures for food) 鹰;隼17.prey: an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another 被捕食的动物;猎物18.handiwork: work that you do, or something that you have made, especially using your artisticskill 手工(艺);手工(艺)制品19.on the side: in addition to your main job 作为副业;兼职;在正事之外20.luscious: /ˈlʌʃəs/ having a strong pleasant taste 美味的;甘美的;可口的21.pleasantry: /ˈplezntri/a friendly remark made in order to be polite 客气话;客套22.escort: to go with somebody to protect or guard them or to show them the way 护卫;护送23.utility pole: 电线杆,多用电杆24.inscribe: to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something 在…上写(词语、名字等);题;刻25.swish: to move quickly through the air in a way that makes a soft sound; to make somethingdo this 唰地(或嗖地、呼地等)挥动;(使)快速空中移动26.scatter: to move or to make people or animals move very quickly in different directions 散开;四散;使分散;驱散27.mutter: to speak or say something in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially becauseyou are annoyed about something 嘀咕;嘟囔28.vial: 小玻璃瓶29.crack: a line on the surface of something where it has broken but not split into separate parts裂纹;裂缝30.riffraff: (总称)乌合之众;贱民adjective 微贱的31.disgust:a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval for somebody/something that you feel isunacceptable, or for something that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant 厌恶;憎恶;反感32.vestibule: an entrance hall, for example where hats and coats can be left 前厅,门厅(如可放衣帽处)33.scrawl: to write something in a careless untidy way, making it difficult to read 马马虎虎(或潦草)地写34.mail slot: 信箱入信口35.find its way to:36.insomnia: the condition of being unable to sleep 失眠(症)37.alley: /ˈæli/a narrow passage behind or between buildings (建筑群中间或后面的)小街,小巷,胡同38.head:to move in a particular direction 朝(某方向)行进39.abreast: next to somebody/something and facing the same way 并列;并排;并肩40.disrepair: a building, road, etc. that is in a state of disrepair has not been looked after and isbroken or in bad condition 失修;破败;破损41.slat: one of a series of thin flat pieces of wood, metal or plastic, used in furniture, fences, etc.(家具、栅栏等上的)板条,窄条,横档42.see one’s point:43.crude: of people or the way they behave offensive or rude, especially about sex 冒犯的,粗俗的,粗鲁的44.cafeteria: a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal at a counter and carry it to atable. Cafeterias are often found in factories, colleges, hospitals, etc. 自助餐厅;自助食堂45.grade school: [美]小学mence: /kəˈmens/ to begin to happen; to begin something 开始发生;开始;着手47.sawdust: very small pieces of wood that fall as powder when wood is cut with a saw 锯末48.length:the size or measurement of something from one end to the other长;长度49.rectangle: a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the other two, andfour angles of 90˚长方形;矩形50.enameled: covered or decorated with enamel 上了瓷漆(或瓷釉)的;用搪瓷(或珐琅)装饰的51.affix: /əˈfɪks/ to stick or attach something to something else 粘上;贴上;附上52.placard: /ˈplækɑːd/ a large written or printed notice that is put in a public place or carriedon a stick in a march 标语牌;广告牌;招贴;海报53.admonish: to strongly advise somebody to do something 力劝;忠告54.flier: a small sheet of paper that advertises a product or an event and is given to a largenumber of people 小(广告)传单55.rouse: to wake somebody up, especially when they are sleeping deeply 唤醒;使醒来bativeness: being ready and willing to fight or argue 好战的;好斗的;好争论的57.vanish: to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain (莫名其妙地)突然消失58.incongruous: strange, and not suitable in a particular situation 不合适的;不相称的;不协调的59.eclipse: to make somebody/something seem dull or unimportant by comparison 使失色;使相形见绌;使丧失重要性60.gush: to flow or pour suddenly and quickly out of a hole in large amounts (从…中)喷出,涌出,冒出61.hydrant:消防栓62.phalanx: /ˈfælæŋks/a group of people or things standing very close together 密集的人(或东西);方阵63.shimmer: to shine with a soft light that seems to move slightly 发出微弱的闪光;闪烁64.glisten: of something wet to shine 闪光;闪亮65.infectious: contagious66.festive: typical of a special event or celebration 节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的67.wipe: to rub a surface with a cloth, etc. in order to clean it; to rub something against a surface,in order to remove dirt or liquid from it 擦;拭;抹;揩;蹭68.proclaim: to publicly and officially tell people about something important 宣布;宣告;声明69.stop by:过去坐坐;顺路造访70.put together: 组装71.vacuum cleaner:an electrical machine that cleans floors, carpets, etc. by sucking up dirt anddust 真空吸尘器72.embrace:to put your arms around somebody as a sign of love or friendship 抱;拥抱73.skeletal: /ˈskelətl/ looking like a skeleton 骨瘦如柴的74.in sb’s debt:欠某人的人情债;受某人的恩惠;感激某人75.sheaf: a number of pieces of paper tied or held together 一叠,一沓(纸)76.circular: a printed letter, notice or advertisement that is sent to a large number of people at thesame time (同时送达很多人的)印刷信函(或通知、广告)77.self-conscious: nervous or embarrassed about your appearance or what other people think ofyou (因顾虑自己的外表或表现)局促不安的,害羞的,不自然的1.blue: sad; depressed 忧郁的;愁闷的2.power house: 能量屋3.bereft:completely lacking something; having lost something 完全没有,丧失,失去(某物)4.buttermilk:脱脂乳,酪乳5.pancake:烙饼;薄饼6.dish out: 大量提供7.stick: to put something in a place, especially quickly or carelessly(尤指迅速或随手)放置8.blaze:a very large fire, especially a dangerous one烈火;火灾9.pitch in: 协力,做出贡献10.board up: 用板围住11.prime: prepare wood, metal, etc. for painting by covering it with a special paint that helpsthe next layer of paint to stay on 在(金属、木材等上)打底漆12.scorch: to burn and slightly damage a surface by making it too hot; to be slightly burned byheat (把…)烫坏,烧煳;烤焦(物体表面)13.scour: to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find somebody/something (彻底地)搜寻,搜查,翻找to clean something by rubbing its surface hard with rough material(用粗糙的物体)擦净,擦亮14.char: to become black by burning; to make something black by burning it (使)烧黑,烧焦15.pull up: of a vehicle or its driver to stop 停车;停止16.cab: a taxi出租汽车;计程车;的士17.windshield: a glass or plastic screen that provides protection from the wind, for example at thefront of a motorcycle (摩托车等前面的)挡风玻璃,风挡18.darned: a mild swear word that people use to emphasize what they are saying. People saydarned to avoid saying damn. 该死,十足19.depot: a small station where trains or buses stop 火车小站;公共汽车小站20.perplex:if something perplexes you, it makes you confused or worried because you do notunderstand it迷惑;使困惑21.Samaritan: a person who gives help and sympathy to people who need it善良的撒玛利亚人;善人;乐善好施者22.underwrite:to accept financial responsibility for an activity so that you will pay for specialcosts or for losses it may make 承担经济责任23.bimonthly: produced or happening every two months or twice each month 两月一次的;一月两次的24.newsletter: a printed report containing news of the activities of a club or organization that issent regularly to all its members (某组织的)内部通讯,简讯Step 4 . Home ReadingIt’s Our World, Too!1.condominium: an apartment building in which each flat/apartment isowned by the person living in it but the building and shared areas are owned byeveryone together; a flat/apartment in such a building 公寓(套房私有,其他地方属业主共有);一套公寓住房;公寓的单元2.stun: to surprise or shock somebody so much that they cannot think clearly or speak 使震惊(或惊愕、目瞪口呆)3.bass: /bæs/ a sea or freshwater fish that is used for food 巴斯鱼(包括多种食用海鱼和淡水鱼)4.hockey: a game played on a field by two teams of 11 players, with curved sticks and a smallhard ball. Teams try to hit the ball into the other team's goal. 曲棍球5.whittle: to form a piece of wood, etc. into a particular shape by cutting small piecesfrom it 把(木头等)削成…6.snag: an object or a part of an object that is rough or sharp and may cut something 突出物;尖齿;尖角;尖刺7.cock: to raise a part of your body so that it is upright or at an angle 立起,竖起,翘起(8.metamorphosis: a process in which somebody/something changescompletely into something different 变形;质变9.Hatch Act: 哈奇法10.zone: to keep an area of land to be used for a particular purpose 将…划作特殊区域;指定…为某项用途的区域11.weary: very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing something for a longtime (尤指长时间努力工作后)疲劳的,疲倦的,疲惫的12.ammunition: a supply of bullets, etc. to be fired from guns 弹药13.bolt: to eat something very quickly 狼吞虎咽14.fishery: the business or industry of catching fish 渔业15.wood turtle: 木鳖16.salamander: /ˈsæləmændə(r)/ an animal like a lizard, with short legs and a long tail, thatlives both on land and in water (= is an amphibian) 蝾螈(两栖动物,形似蜥蜴)17.heron: /ˈherən/ a large bird with a long neck and long legs, that lives near water 鹭18.ambush: the act of hiding and waiting for somebody and then making asurprise attack on them 伏击;埋伏19.rehearse: to practise or make people practise a play, piece of music, etc. in preparation for apublic performance 排练;排演20.sewage: used water and waste substances that are produced by human bodies,that are carried away from houses and factories through special pipes (=sewers) (下水道的)污水,污物21.aloft: high in the air 在空中高22.nonstop: 直达的;不停的23.selectmen: (美国)新英格兰地区之市政委员24. spill out:to tell somebody all about a problem etc. very quickly; to come out quickly倾诉;涌出25.bleachers: cheap seats at a sports ground (运动场的)廉价座位, 露天看台26.burned out: 疲倦不堪的27.holler: to shout loudly 叫28.work up: 激发;使激动hydrogeological: 水文地质29.testify: to make a statement that something happened or that something is true, especially as awitness in a court of law (尤指出庭)作证to say that you believe something is truebecause you have evidence of it 证实;证明30.work up:使激动;使发怒31.hearing: an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented tothe person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take 审讯;审理;听审;听证会32.backhole: 挖土机33.fire up: 激发;煽动34.ruling: an official decision made by somebody in a position of authority, especially a judge 裁决;裁定;判决35.whoop: a loud cry expressing joy, excitement, etc. (高兴、激动等时的)高喊,大叫36.burn bridge: 过河拆桥37.ultimate:happening at the end of a long process 最后的;最终的;终极的38.preserve: an area of private land or water where animals and fish are kept for people to hunt私人渔猎场(或保留地)。
泛读教程2Unit4work PPT

Why People Work?
Warm-up Questions
1.What job do you want to do after graduation?
2. How do you define “a good job”? What are the things you will consider in choosing a career?
But that’s unrealistic, we have parents and they need us to look after in their old age.
So life must continue and work need continue too.
I think one purpose for people to make money, another purpose is to join the society to communicar than a punishment or a
burden, work is the opportunity to realize one’s potential.
D. For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health.
Yeah, live in this society is very tired and hard.
Sometimes ,I don’t want to work and find a secluded places to live until die .
大学英语泛读2 UNIT4

*ocean currents 洋流
*Labrador [‘læbrədɔ:] Current 拉布拉多洋流 *Gulf [ɡʌlf] Stream 墨西哥湾洋流
evaporation [i,væ pə‘reiʃən] n.蒸发
evaporate [i'væ pəreit] v.
shipment [‘ʃipmənt] n. (货物的)运送 eg: The goods are now ready for shipment .
By: Xu Jiajia
The definition of climate
The combination of temperature moisture wind sunshine at a place over a period of many years .
eg: an island with year-round sunshine 一年四季阳光灿烂的岛。
slope [sləʊp]
n.斜坡,坡地 : eg: an gentle /steep slope 坡
V.倾斜: eg: The land slopes down to the sea. 地面向海倾斜。
a new product in combination with several overseas partners.
element [‘elɪm(ə)nt] n.元素;要素
~in/of sth .
“现在健康已经成为我们生 活中一个重要因素”。
英语泛读教程第二册(第三版)Unit4 Migratory Birds and Coffee

可以将传统的咖啡种植园 看成经过改造的森林栖息 地。 传统的咖啡种植园可以看 成改进的森林栖息地。
(ll. 48-50) Evidence suggests that up-mountain and northward movements are timed to take advantage of the blossoming of plantation trees.
shade coffee plantation is beneficial to the subsistence of migratory birds.
5: assertion by J. T. “coffee and cacao make good migrant habitat.” 6: constitution of a traditionally-managed coffee plantation
(technical): rain or other liquid that flows off land into rivers 径流;径流量;溢流 (生产过程中排出的) 废物;废液eg. burst for a run-off 急着要小便 [only before noun] 历史悠久的;因古老而受到尊重的
Shade coffee plantation
Sun coffee plantation
Part 1 (Para.1)
Part 2 (Para.2-17)
Part 3 (Para.18)
.1: Coffee plantation support good populations of migratory birds and other species that prefer or are restricted to forest habitats. 2: shade coffee plantation is a threatened habitat because of recent changes in coffee production and marketing. 3: the danger caused by conversion from shade coffee plantation to sun coffee plantation to migratory birds.
泛读book2Unit 4授课PPT

3 spicy: Having the flavor, aroma, or quality of spice.芳香的:具有香料的味道、香味或性质的 spice.芳香的:具有香料的味道、香味或性质的 Piquant; zesty:辛辣的;有滋味的: :辛辣的;有滋味的: a spicy tomato sauce.辛辣的蕃茄酱 sauce.辛辣的蕃茄酱 spice: (flavor season) Any of various pungent, aromatic plant substances, such as cinnamon or nutmeg, used to flavor foods or beverages.辛香料:一种具有刺鼻 beverages.辛香料:一种具有刺鼻 香味的植物产品,例如桂皮或肉豆蔻, 用来在食物中作加香调料或作饮料的加香调料 These substances considered as a group.辛香料 group.辛香料 的总称
2 aroma: A quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense:气味:一种可被嗅觉感受到的特性:See sense:气味:一种可被嗅觉感受到的特性:See Synonyms at smell参见 smell smell参见 the aroma of garlic and onions. 大蒜和洋葱的气味 aroma通常表示香味,既可以是闻到的香味,也可以是品 aroma通常表示香味,既可以是闻到的香味,也可以是品 尝到的香味。 He sat at his breakfast table, enjoying the aroma of coffee. 他坐在饭桌旁吃早餐,享受着咖啡的香味。 ☆smell, aroma, odor, scent The central meaning shared by these nouns is “a quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense”: 所有这些 名词都有一个共同的中心意思“一种能够被嗅觉器官发觉 的性质”: the smell of gas; 煤气的味道; the aroma of frying onions; 煎洋葱的气味; hospital odors; 医院里的气味; the scent of pine needles. 松树针尖的气味 aroma: A pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice, or food:芳香:一种有令人舒适特性的气味,如植 food:芳香:一种有令人舒适特性的气味,如植 物,香料或食物:See 物,香料或食物:See Synonyms at fragrance参见 fragrance参见 fragrance the aroma of roses. 玫瑰的芳香
大学英语泛读教程第2册课件Unit 4 The Lady on Pemberton Street

Albert DiBartolomeo
• fiction in Italian Americana
• personal essays in Reader’s Digest, Philadelphia Magazine (《费城杂志》), Chicken Soup for the Soul (《心灵鸡汤》) and Human Ecology (《生态学期刊》)
1. Some people think it is everyone’s responsibility to improve their communities while some others do not think so. What’s your idea?
2. Do our society still need people like “Lei Feng”?
Because they wanted to live near Philadelphia’s Center City. • needed work → fairly handy • neighborhood → their block OK • the only place within their means
• commentaries in the Philadelphia Inquirer (《费 城问询者》) and Newark-Star Ledger (纽瓦克明 星纪事报》)
block captain
Leader in a Citizen Awareness Program (CAP), responsible for contacting the neighborhood and ask them to participate in the program. Homes in their section would provide a name, address, home and work telephone number. The block captain will collect this information and make a phone chain to facilitate the transfer of information around the neighborhood. 街区监督员,街区负责人
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3. elicit / illicit In one hour he had elicited the truth. an illicit association with his secretary 4. principal / principle Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths. Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.
8. What did the neighbors do after the block cleaning? 9. Does Mable sweep every day this year? Why? 10. How did Mable Howard perform her duties? 11. Did Mable influence the author? How?
Homonyms are words that are both alike and different. They sound alike when you say them, but they have different spellings and different meanings. Often, the differences in spelling are quite small—one or two letters may be different.
• And that's why it is so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the internet and through the media.
• 同时,这也是为什么信息和思想在互 联网上、以及通过媒体自由流动是如 此重要。
Block Captain
The key person in any Neighborhood Watch group is the Block Captain. This person is an essential component to keeping the block actively involved in crime prevention efforts as well as the important process of information exchange between neighbors. Many Neighborhood Watch groups flourish, but some dwindle while others disappear totally. How successful they are depends on the Block Captain and the support he or she receives from neighbors.
3. Why did the author use capitalized letter “BLOCK CAPTAIN” in Para. 7?
4. Why can’t we put any trash out before 7 o’clock?
5. What made us wake on our first morning on Pemberton Street? 6. To whom did the 3 dollars belong in the end? 7. Why did Mable ask me to repair the Alley Gate?
5. stationary / stationery Nothing is stationary. I walk to buy a ruler in the stationery shop.
6. discrete /discreet
a government with three discrete divisions You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it.
1. counsel / council
He refused to listen to the old man’s counsel. the State Council 2. complement /compliment The two suggestions complement each other. They gave us a compliment on our beautifully set table.
1. means: income or resource to live within one’s means : to base one’s expenditure upon one’s income: 量入为出地生活 to live beyond one’s means: 过着超过自已收入的生活
Albert DiBartolomeo
Albert DiBartolomeo is the author of the novels The Vespers Tapes and Fool’s Gold. He has written for Reader’s Digest Magazine, Philadelphia Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer and so on. He has been anthologized in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and Human Ecology.
Unit Four
英语专业教研室 张燕华
Discussion New lessons 1. Reading Skills 2. The Lady on Pemberton Street 3. Exercises Summary & assignments
• Because time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.
5. Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, admonishing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified.
提前两个星期,梅布尔就在告示杆上张贴了一张布告, 敦促我们在指定的星期六把各自的汽车开走。
• 因为我们一次又一次地看到,当所有公民的 声音和观点都能得到倾听的时候,国家会变 得更加强大和繁荣。
• But when it comes to expressing yourself freely, and worshipping as you choose,and having open access to information - we believe those are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet. • 然而,就自由地表达自我、选择自己所崇拜, 以及享有信息公开而言—我们相信那些是这个 星球上的每个人与生俱来的普世权利。
• And that's how we decide which values and ideas we think are best 一 by questioning and debating them vigorously... by listening to all sides of every argument and by judging for ourselves. • 那也是我们如何解决我们认为那些价值观和思 想是最好的—通过有力地对它们提出疑问,进 行辩论......通过每次倾听争论中的所有各方, 也通过我们自己进行判断。
a row house (联排式住宅): one of a series of
identical houses situated side by side and joined by common walls.
Comprehending Questions
1. Who was Mable Howard? 2. What was a block captain’s function?
3. scrawl: scribble; write carelessly Don’t scrawl on the wall. 不要在墙上乱涂。 4. abreast: alongside each other, facing in the same direction We should keep abreast with the present state of science. 我们应当赶上现代科学的发展。
Abstract from Michelle’s Speech
Studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future. It's also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share. 出国留学绝不仅是改善你们自己的未来, 也关乎塑造你们的国家、关乎我们共有 的世界的未来。
Language Points
1. The only place within our means was a row house on a little street called Pemberton. means: income or resource to live within one’s means : to base one’s expenditure upon one’s income: 量入为出地生活 to live beyond one’s means: 过着超过自已收入的生活