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1.Why does the author urge us to learn about our planet?what worries does he have about it? The author urges us to learn about our planet mainly because the earth is only one we have.we should learn how the earth works.an appreciation of its funtion can help us understand better whether what we are doing can benefit the earth or not.as a matter of fact,we are changing the atmosphere,the surface,the water of the earth.often for some short-term advantage when the long-term implications are unknown.as a result,we have damaged the earth without knowing it.and there has been a serious pollution in many big cities,the earth is gradually losing banlance.it is high time that we took steps to better the environment.therefore,the citizens of any country should have at least something to say about the direction in which we are going.

the author worries that if we don’t understand the importance of protecting the earth,we abandon the future.


2.How do you distinguish the hero and the celebrity?

The hero and celebrity are both famous people.however,they are not of the same kind.there are several ways to distinguish them.

First, a hero becomes famous because of his uncommon courage,achievements.and self-sacrifice made most often for the benefit of others.his accomplishments are still evident in our own day.but in contrast,a celebrity becomes famous not so much because of any enduring achievement as because of much publicity.

Second,to become a hero,one needs accomplishment,but to become a celebrity,one only needs luck.the hero was distingushed by his accomplishment;the celebrity by his image and trademark.

Finally,there is another distinction:heroes inspire respect;celebrities inspire envy.the main reason is that the celebrities are exactly like common people except for the attention they get from the media,and many people believe that they could become another celebrity with good luck.

3.Why do Americans generally value time?give examples to show this attitude towards time. In the united states,many people keenly feel the shortness of each lifttime.they are aware that once a day in their life is gone,it will never come back.and americans believe no one stands still.if you are not moving ahead,you are falling behind. So they value time and want every minute to count.

This attitude towards time is shown in the fast pace of life in the country.whatever they do they always seem to be in a rush. You find people hurrying to get where they are going.they hurry to eating places for a meal and finish it as quickly as possible.

Also American do what they can to save time.they produce a lot of labour-saving devices such as chothes and dish-washers;they rapidly communicate through phone call,telex and e-mail and cut down on personal contacts.

4.What do you think of Snyder in the story”take over,bos’n”?
