Chapter One: Understanding the Culture of the United States1. Who established the dominant American culture?Immigrants, most immigrants were from northern Europe, and the majority were from England. Their values and traditions became the dominant, traditional culture of the United States.Chapter Two: Traditional American Values and Beliefs2. What are the six traditional American values and beliefs?Individual freedom and self-reliance,equality of opportunity and competition,material wealth and hard work。
Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage3. What is the most important heritage of Protestantism in the United States?Self-improvement(p54)。
Material success,hard work。
Volunteerism and humanitarianism(人道主义)Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage4. What is the “Protestant work ethic” according to our textbook?The belief in hard work and self-discipline in pursuit of material gain and other goals is often referred to as …the Protestant work ethic‟.(p55 13)Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage5. What does "frontier" refer to in American history?American macho heroes. Inventiveness and the can-do spirit.Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage6. What are the two new values derived from the American frontier?Inventiveness and the can-do spirit. (p77)Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage7. Why did the sale of guns rise after 9/11?How Americans reacted to 911 reveals another legacy of the frontier: Americans‟ willingness to take the law into their own hands to protect themselves and their families. This tendency usually appears when Americans believe the police cannot adequately protect them.Chapter Six: The World of American Business8. Which values are reinforced(加强) in the American business?Individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work.Chapter Seven: Government and Politics in the United States9. What are the three branches of the American government? What are their powers respectively?(p142)Congress is the legislative or lawmaking branch of the government.The president, or chief executive, heads the executive branch, which has responsibility to carry out the laws.The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch. The judicial branch settles disputes about the exact meaning of the law through court cases.Chapter Nine: Education in the United States10. Could you explain the sentence “American universities look for well-rounded students when they admit”?(p195)Grades in high school courses and scores on tests like the sat are very important, but so are the students‟extracurricular activities. It is by participating in these activities that students demonstrate their special talents, their level of maturity and responsibility, their leadership qualities, and their ability to get along with others.。
第二次世界大战:Second World War 1939年9月1日至1945年9月2日, 以德国、意大利、日本等为一 方,以中国、美国、英国、苏 联等反法西斯同盟和全世界反 法西斯力量为同盟国进行的第 二次全球规模的战争。
44.奥运五环有哪几种颜色?英语作 答!
答案:red yellow blue green black
46.美国的自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)是哪个国家送给美国的礼物?
35.南瓜灯(Jack-o-lanterns)是庆 祝那个节日的标志物?
答案:万圣节(Hallowmas) 11月1日
36.Love me, love my dog 是什么意思?
答案:首席执行官,行政总裁 Chief Executive Officer
A. The person who built it B. The fact that it is really very heavy C. The name of the head of the British parliament
1859年,大钟由当时的英王工务大臣本杰明·霍尔 爵士监制。"大本"钟被视为伦敦的象征,凡到 伦敦观光的人,无不想到大本钟,站在桥上欣 赏伦敦这个独具一格的建筑。1834年整个威斯 敏斯特宫被大火所毁,目前的这座97米高的钟 楼是1837年维多利亚女王登基时建造的。大钟 造于1856年,以建造工程的第一名监督官本杰 明爵士的名字命名,叫"BIG BEN"(大本钟)。 1857年该钟出现裂痕,于1859年重新铸造。
一、饮食文化 1. 英式早餐:英国人的早餐通常包括煎蛋、培根、烤面包和烤番茄等食物。
2. 快餐文化:美国是快餐
3. 下午茶:英国人
二、节日文化 1. 圣诞节:在英美文化中,圣诞节是最重要的节日之一。
2. 感恩节:感恩节是美国
三、体育文化 1. 足球:英国人对足球情有独钟,足球比赛是英国人生活中的重要组成部分。
2. 棒球:棒球是美国最受欢迎的运动之一,每年的世界棒球经典赛
四、艺术文化 1. 莎士比亚:莎士比亚是英国最伟大的剧作家之一,他的作品对世界文学产生了深远的影响。
2. 奥斯卡奖:奥斯卡奖是美国电影界最重要的奖项,每年颁发给优秀的电影和电影人。
1、You have matches最近我有一次机会登上一艘豪华游轮观光。
她看看我后笑着说:You have matches?我一愣,回答说:很抱歉,我十五年前就戒烟了,所以没有火柴。
她立刻会意到我误解了她的意思,好像是有点抱歉地说:It’s a joke.然后,我们就相互尴尬地笑了笑,走开了。
2、 Turn the table一位亲戚和妻子失和到了要离婚的地步。
这位朋友挺激动的,连连说着感谢上帝,感谢上帝,她还补充了一句He turned the table。
终于让我明白,她是说我亲戚扭转了局面,那 table和我想到的桌子根本无关。
再说远一点,turn the tables (on someone)这个短语也和桌子没关系。
它的意思是to suddenly take a position of strength or advantage that was formerly held by someone else (反败为胜,转弱为强)。
Байду номын сангаас桌上的礼节
• 参加西餐宴会时应该注意下列事项: • l.应等全体客人面前都上了菜,女主人示意后才开始用 餐。在女主人拿起她的勺子或叉子以前,客人不得食用任 何一道菜。这是美国人的习惯,同欧洲有些国家不同。 • 2.餐巾应铺在膝上。如果餐巾较大,应双叠放在腿上; 如果较小,可以全部打开。餐巾虽然也可以围在颈上或系 在胸前,但显得不大方,所以最好不这样做。可用餐巾的 一角擦去嘴上或手指上的油渍,但绝不可用餐巾揩拭餐具。
• 在希特勒举行的一次宴会上,一位中国使 节按照在国内进西餐的习惯,用餐巾去揩 拭刀叉,殊不知这种做法极不礼貌,仿佛 是责备刀叉不干净。希特勒一见之下,立 即命令侍者将全体客人的餐具一律重新换 过,使那位中国使节窘迫难堪。
• 李鸿章出使德国时出的洋相。李鸿章应俾 斯麦之邀前往赴宴,由于不懂西餐礼仪, 他把一碗吃水果后洗手用的水瑞起来喝了。 当时俾斯麦不了解中国虚实,为不使李鸿 章丢丑,他也将洗手水一饮而尽,见此情 形,其他文武百官只得忍笑奉陪。今天东 西方人民之间的交往愈益频繁,了解餐桌 上的礼仪也是十分必要。
• 大学大部分专业有CO-OP(Cooperative education<带 薪实习>),即学校提供一些与学生所学专业相关的工作 给学生实习,这个过程中学生可以真正的认识到所学与所 用的关系。这样的读大学不是被动的读,而是有动力,且 是由压力变来的动力,学习的劲头自然比单纯的应对家庭, 社会的劲头要足。美国学生对学习的要求同样是过关万岁 (加拿大学生50分过关,英国学生40分及格,而美国则 是按学生分数的比例来定成绩),大学生毕业恐怕也都是 勉强毕业,但他们的压力就多。生活自理(多数自己住), 工作压力,学习压力,加起来则比中国的大学生要辛苦的 多了。其实洋大学生的压力要比中国大学生的压力要大多 了。
一、起源1. 英美文化的历史背景英美文化源于英国和美国两个国家,两国在历史发展中形成了独特的文化基因。
2. 英美文化的多样性英美文化是一个多元且充满活力的文化体系。
二、主要特征1. 语言英语是英美文化的基本媒介和表达方式。
2. 文学英美文学以其独特的风格和世界知名的作家而闻名。
3. 音乐英美文化中的音乐具有广泛的影响力。
4. 电影英美电影是全球最具影响力的电影产业之一。
5. 社交礼仪英美文化中的社交礼仪和行为规范也是其特征之一。
三、影响力1. 全球影响力由于英美文化的广泛传播和深入影响,其对全球的影响力不言而喻。
1.What different ethnic(民族的)groups are there in UK? Why are there so many? Where do they live? How are they different from the majority of people: language? Clothing? Music? What effect do different ethnic groups have on a country?different ethnic groups:(1)English people:The English are an ethnic group native to England, who speak the English language.(2)Scottish people:an ethnic group native to Scotland(3)Irish people:The Irish people are an ethnic group who originate in Ireland.(4)Welsh peopleWhy are there so many?The late 3rd century, the Pits invaded Britain’s north of Hadrian’s Wall.In the 6th century, the Scots settled in Pitish territory.In the mid-5th century, a new wave of invaders Jutes, Saxons and Angles came to Britain.From the end of the 8th century, Viking and Danish attacked England. With the development of industry and the process of Economic Globalization, Britain keeps receiving more and more citizens of the whole world, as a result of which, the peoples and culture in Britain will be increasingly colorful.Where do they live?England people live on the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, plus such offshore islands as the Isle of Wight and the Isles of Scilly. Scotland people live on the mainland of Scotland which lies off the north-west coast of Continental Europe.Northern Ireland people live on the north-east of the island of Ireland,shares a border to the south and west with the Republic of Ireland.Wales people live on the Welsh Peninsula(威尔士半岛).Scottish Gaelic, the Celtic language historically restricted to most of the Highlands. About 80000 people still speak this old Celtic language, with most living on coastal islands and north-western HighlandsScottish kilt :A knee-length garment with pleats(褶)at the rear(背面), originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan(花格)pattern.Different ethnic groups have on a country can promote the exchange of different cultures,but it Easily lead to ethnic conflict.1.How would you describe the traits(特点) of the people in Britain? Mainly from two aspects: (1) appearance & (2)character(1)Appearanceruddy complexion(红润的肤色);white;plump(胖乎乎的、丰满的);athletic(健壮的);chiseled face(脸部轮廓分明)(2)Character(& examples)✓Conservative保守的(British still uses mile, instead of metric system 公制;still keeps the monarchy君主制)✓Polite(It can be seen from their conversation. For example, “I don’t really like to ask you, but…”)✓Aloof and quiet冷漠安静(In the morning subway, people just read their newspaper, seldom talk to each other.)✓Humorous✓Privacy and individualism注重隐私、个人主义(My home is my castle. The wind can come in, but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission.)2.Do you think people all over the world are basically the same orbasically very different?As a famous going says, “You can not find two leaves which are exactly the same in the world.” That is like you and me. Neither the same nor very different, people are similar in some ways and different to some extent.For examples, everyone has a name. All names are symbols. And people all over the world wear clothes which are different, but it shares a same purpose, that is, to keep out of the cold or to be beautiful.(More examples: food,house,transport,faith…)3.How are the British people different from Chinese?Aspects: appearance, body, (略)eating habits, traits✓Eating habits:(中国)Three meals a day,; Rice &noodles ; Dishes in one plate, using chopsticks ; Sit around a big table(英国)Four meals a day, afternoon tea; Bread& Italy noodles ; Using spoons,knives & forks✓Different traits:(中国) Nervous&hard-working; Generous; Hospitable热情好客的(英国)Conservative; Polite; Aloof and quiet; Humorous; Privacy and individualism1.How religious are the British?✓Key words:multi-faith 宗教多元化; secularised世俗化; post-Christian后基督教Forms of Christianity have dominated religious life in what is now the United Kingdom for over 1,400 years.Immigration and demographic change have contributed to the growth of other faiths, most notably Islam since the middle of the 20th century.✓Data:(信仰宗教的人数比例)In 2001, Christians 71.6%; Islam 2.8%; no religion 15%In 2011, Christians 59.3%; Islam 4.8%; no religion 25%✓Changes:A survey in 2007 showed only one in ten Britons actually attend churchweekly.Half of the Muslims are less than 25 years old,but about a quarter of the Christians are nearly 80 years old.So it is estimated that the number of Muslims will be higher than Christians in 20 years.2.What major religious beliefs are there in Britain?The major religious beliefs are Christianity and Islam.The official religion in Britain is Christianity as practised by the Anglican Church. Followers of this branch of Christianity are known as Protestants(新教徒) and make up the majority of the population, although there are also many Catholics.Christians constitute about 71% of the population, but Britain is a multi-faith society and all other religions, including:Islam, Hinduism,Buddhism, Judaism and Sikhism. About 23% of Britain follow no particular religion.3.What are the differences and similarities between them? Differences:The biggest difference lies in the recognition of God to the chosen people.(最大的区别在与上帝对选民的认同) The Christianity think that the Christi ans have the priority to be chosen. Islam doesn’t favor certain people for they think that all men are equal. Similarities:They have a common origin, a common ancestry, a common shrine(圣地)People say that a history of Britain is a history of invasion. Do youagree or disagree? Find evidence to support your view. Please be specific and go down to the details.I claim that the invasion includes being invaded and invasion. So, from this angle, I agree with the view that a history of Britain is a history of invasion.1.Being invaded:Before the English Bourgeois Revolution(英国资产阶级革命), Britain had been invaded by other countries for a long time.✓The First Invader: Evidences show that the first settler of Britain is the Iberian(伊比利亚人) from the Iberian Peninsula(半岛), who lived there for a very long period. After years of peace, here came the first invader, the Celts(凯尔特人). It was about 5th century BC, when the invader killed the Iberian and made Celtic the daily language.✓Roman Conquest: In BC 55, Julius Caesar(凯撒大帝) tried several times to conquer the Celts,but failed. However, the Celts didn't escape from the government of the Romans. Only 12 years later, the Romans managed to conquer Britain by its army. A new ruler usually means a totally different life style. The language, the custom and the culture changed irresistibly.✓German Conquest(日耳曼征服): In 407, the Romans left Britain for their own reason, after which, the Jutes(朱特人), the Angles(盎格鲁人) and the Saxons(撒克逊人) became the new governor. The three tribes(部族) all spoke West Germanic languages(西日耳曼语), but different dialects, together they fostered the Old English.✓Scandinavian Conquest(斯堪的纳维亚征服):From 787 on, invaders from Scandinavian Peninsula, mainly the Danish(丹麦人) and the Norwegians(挪威人) , have continuously fought Britain for centuries.At the end of 10th century, the Danish and the Norwegians was the governors of Britain actually. Furthermore, in the early 11th century, Britain even became a part of the Danish empire. As a result, the Scandinavian culture, which develop in the northern Europe, greatly effect British culture.✓Norman Conquest(诺曼征服): Edward, the great king of Britain, died in 1066. He didn’t have a son, so it led to an argument of who was to be the successor. William the Conqueror(征服者威廉), who led his army against Britain, finally became the winner.William is actually a conqueror, because he made Britain varied much. For instance, to strengthen the central crown(中央王权), he made strict laws and even pulled down the castles of the Saxons. Years later, there was only two Saxon castles left. Besides, the Normans spoke French, making French and English interact with each other. So we can see so many French words in English today.✓The Great Transform: Being invaded for many times, Britain haddeveloped indeed. As we know, culture spears when different ones meet. Every time there was a conquest, every time there was a chance to improve. After a long history of being conquered, of learning and developing, Britain have gathered enough knowledge and power, to be an invader.The victory at the war against Spanish Armada(西班牙无敌舰队) in 1588 was a turning point. From then on, Britain gradually became the world’s biggest Colonizing Nation(殖民国家)—— The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets.2.Invasion:With the development of the economy and society, British had become more and more aggressive.✓In 1600,The British invaded India.✓The British who built “Trap slave station"(捕奴站) in Gambia冈比亚)had expanded colonies crazily after 1688.✓In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United Kingdom conquered Myanmar and Malaysia as well as despoiled "The Dutch colonial" in South Africa. In Oceania, they conquered a great quantity of islands like New Zealand and put them all into the territor y of the British empire.✓In 1840 the British launched the first Opium War.(第一次鸦片战争)✓In 1854, the Crimean War(克里米亚战争)was a conflict in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empie, andSardinia. The immediate cause involved the rights of Christian minorities in the Holy Land, which was controlled by the Ottoman Empire.✓ 1856-1860 the British launched the second Opium War.✓In 1900 the UK joined Siege of the international Legations.In China:In nineteenth century, the British gained a lot of wealth in China through the same measure——doing the opium trade. After Lin Zexu banning the opium in Humen, the British waged the first Opium War in 1840 and the result of the war was Treaty of Nanking(南京条约), which Britain could get the power of controlling Hong Kong.In 1856,Britain invaded the Qing Dynasty in the second time and burned The Old Summer Palace with France. And in 1900,the British joined Siege of the International Legations(八国联军)and invaded the Qing Dynasty in the third time. During these three wars, Britain gained a number of money and rare historical relics form China.Sun-never-setting empire: how it started, proceeded, and declined, and its impact on world civilization. Try to make it specific. You can view the empire from a special perspective, for example, you can talk about the topic in terms of tea. Of course, this is just a suggestion.1.Start:(Mercantilism:重商主义)2.Proceed:The Britain became the Sun-never-setting empire in the middle of eighteenthcentury.3.Decline:After the end of 19th century, the British began to go downhill.✓The Britain didn’t seize the opportunity of the second industrial revolution. But at this time, other countries developed quickly, such as Germany and America.✓The impacts of the two world wars✓Capitalist(资本主义)economy depression✓Independence Movement: Irish war of independence; India war of independence✓In 1997,Hongkong return to China, which indicates the funeral of the empire.4.Influence:6.Make a study on the evolvement of the British Constitutional Monarchy(君主立宪制) by describing how power has been shifted转向from the Monarch 君主to the Lords 上议院and then to the Commons 下议院.对英国君主立宪制的演变,描述了如何权力已转向从君主到上议院,然后下议院(一)What is Constitutional Monarchy?1. Differs from absolute monarchy(君主专制)2. A form of government3. a monarch acts as head of state(君主作为国家元首)4. sole source of political power政治权力的唯一来源5. monarch bound by constitution君主受宪法约束When?什么时候开始Since 1689 the Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)parliament(议会)passed <<the Bill of Rights>>(<<权利法案>>) ——It limits the power of the king and ensure the parliament legislative authority(立法权)and financial power(财政权).——the parliament not only holds the legislative authority, but also have the right of supervision(监督权)for the government.Why?political basis:England(英国)the Glorious Revolution of 1688limits on the power of the monarch(限制君主权利)economic base:Age of Discovery大航海时代the capitalist class 资本家阶级political rights政治权利Although a series of laws are created to limit the power of the king ,itdoesn't meant that the king loses all the power.partial legislative authority(部分的立法权)He has the last power on the Proposed Law(法案否决权)diplomatic power(外交权)and so on(二)权力如何从君主转向上议院,然后到下议院the House of Lords(上议院) has advantages over the House of Commons (下议院)the House of Lords control the structure of senator of the House of Commons上议院他众议院控制下议院的参议员结构They have the same profit它们具有相同的利益the House of Lords take control of the government. 上议院控制政府the House of Lords has a good relationship with the king.上议院与国王的良好关系the House of Lords is mainly consist of clergy(神职人员) and nobility. They have the superior status because they have a lot of land. They are lording the political life.上议院主要由神职人员和贵族组成他们有优越的地位,他们有大量的土地。
英美文化常识 - 题目
英美知识常识1.圣诞节A.12月25日 B. 12月24日2.平安夜A.12月25日 B. 12月24日3.万圣节A.10月31日B. 11月1日4.万圣节盛行于:A. 南瓜灯、要红包B. 要糖果、面具5.感恩节是A.11月第四个星期四B. 12月第四个星期五6.感恩节家家户户都要吃A.牛排B. 火鸡7.英国的首都是A.伦敦B. 剑桥8.伦敦的标志性建筑物是A.白金汉宫B. 大本钟9.英国的国宝是:A.熊猫B. 知更鸟10.美国的首都是A.华盛顿B. 洛杉矶11.美国的标志性建筑物是A.自由女神像B. 埃菲尔铁塔12.美国的国宝是:A.秃鹰(白头海雕)B. 袋鼠13.美国最大的城市是A.纽约B. 洛杉矶14.澳大利亚的首都是:A.墨尔本B. 堪培拉15.澳大利亚的标志性建筑物是A.悉尼歌剧院B. 国会大厦16.澳大利亚的国宝是:A.袋鼠B. 小黄鸭17.加拿大的首都是A.渥太华B. 温哥华18.加拿大的标志性建筑物是A.多伦多铁塔B. 哥伦比亚大学19.加拿大的国宝是:A.河狸(海狸)B. 松鼠20.一个星期的第一天是A.星期一B. 星期日21.am 表示_____,pm 表示___A.早晨;晚上B. 上午;下午22.吃西餐礼:____手拿叉,____手拿刀A.左;右B. 右;左23.最不吉利的数字是A.4B. 1324.最吉祥的数字是A.6和8B. 3和725.英国的马路上靠_____行驶A.左B. 右26.美国的马路是靠_____行驶A.左B. 右27.英国女士最不喜欢别人问她的_____A.年龄B. 工作28.UFO 叫做A.宇宙飞船B. 不明飞行物29.美国的货币是A.RMBB. 美元和美分30.在西方的餐桌上,人们谈论的话题通常是A.今天的见闻B. 食物的味道31.在美国,用餐时餐巾如何放最为适宜放在A.腿上B. 胸前32.英国人拜年时最好的方式A.发红包B. 亲手把煤炭放进人家的炉子里33.在英语国家称呼不知其名的陌生人常用A.Miss 和Mr.B. Uncle 和Madam。
以下是英美有趣的外国文化的一些例子:1. 乔治敦大学的毕业典礼:乔治敦大学是美国华盛顿特区一所知名的大学。
2. 英国的茶文化:英国人对茶的热爱是众所周知的。
3. 美国的感恩节:感恩节是美国最重要的节日之一。
4. 英国的皇室仪式:英国皇室仪式是世界闻名的,吸引了来自世界各地的游客。
5. 美国的超级碗:超级碗是美国橄榄球联盟每年举办的一场冠军赛。
英美文化及其风俗习惯1.关于个人隐私:英美人特别注重个人隐私,他们认为个人的事不必让别人知道,更不愿让别人干预,当陌生人或不大熟悉的人提出How old are you?(你多大了?)/How much do you make? (你赚多少钱?)/Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)等涉及年龄、收入、婚姻状况、宗教信仰等问题时,都被认为有失礼貌。
在接过礼物后,接受礼物的人则会马上打开礼物,并说一些赞赏的话,而赠送礼物的人衷心地说一声“Thank you very much.”也是必不可少的。
大学英语拓展4——英美文化习俗之 生活话题
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯
51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
以下是一些英美文化选择题:1.在英国的餐馆用餐时,您应该:A. 等待服务员上菜前说一声“谢谢”。
B. 告诉服务员你需要什么,但不必说谢谢。
C. 等待服务员给您上菜,然后向他说谢谢。
2.在英国或美国,您应该向朋友问候时使用什么问候语?A. 你好B. 怎么样?C. 你好吗?答案:C在英美文化中,问候时通常使用的句子是:“你好吗?”而在美国还有一些其他的问候语,例如:“最近怎么样?”或者“最近好吗?”在英国,会根据不同情境使用不同的问候语。
3.在英美文化中,午餐时间通常是什么时间?A. 11:00 amB. 12:00 pmC. 1:00 pm答案:C在英美文化中,午餐通常是在下午1点左右开始的。
4.在英美文化中,节约用电是一种什么样的行为?A. 危险的。
B. 礼貌的。
C. 精明的。
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1.What different ethnic(民族的)groups are there in UK? Why are there so many? Where do they live? How are they different from the majority of people: language? Clothing? Music? What effect do different ethnic groups have on a country?different ethnic groups:(1)English people:The English are an ethnic group native to England, who speak the English language.(2)Scottish people:an ethnic group native to Scotland(3)Irish people:The Irish people are an ethnic group who originate in Ireland.(4)Welsh peopleWhy are there so many?The late 3rd century, the Pits invaded Britain’s north of Hadrian’s Wall.In the 6th century, the Scots settled in Pitish territory.In the mid-5th century, a new wave of invaders Jutes, Saxons and Angles came to Britain.From the end of the 8th century, Viking and Danish attacked England. With the development of industry and the process of Economic Globalization, Britain keeps receiving more and more citizens of the whole world, as a result of which, the peoples and culture in Britain will be increasingly colorful.Where do they live?England people live on the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, plus such offshore islands as the Isle of Wight and the Isles of Scilly. Scotland people live on the mainland of Scotland which lies off the north-west coast of Continental Europe.Northern Ireland people live on the north-east of the island of Ireland,shares a border to the south and west with the Republic of Ireland.Wales people live on the Welsh Peninsula(威尔士半岛).Scottish Gaelic, the Celtic language historically restricted to most of the Highlands. About 80000 people still speak this old Celtic language, with most living on coastal islands and north-western HighlandsScottish kilt :A knee-length garment with pleats(褶)at the rear(背面), originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan(花格)pattern.Different ethnic groups have on a country can promote the exchange of different cultures,but it Easily lead to ethnic conflict.1.How would you describe the traits(特点) of the people in Britain? Mainly from two aspects: (1) appearance & (2)character(1)Appearanceruddy complexion(红润的肤色);white;plump(胖乎乎的、丰满的);athletic(健壮的);chiseled face(脸部轮廓分明)(2)Character(& examples)✓Conservative保守的(British still uses mile, instead of metric system 公制;still keeps the monarchy君主制)✓Polite(It can be seen from their conversation. For example, “I don’t really like to ask you, but…”)✓Aloof and quiet冷漠安静(In the morning subway, people just read their newspaper, seldom talk to each other.)✓Humorous✓Privacy and individualism注重隐私、个人主义(My home is my castle. The wind can come in, but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission.)2.Do you think people all over the world are basically the same orbasically very different?As a famous going says, “You can not find two leaves which are exactly the same in the world.” That is like you and me. Neither the same nor very different, people are similar in some ways and different to some extent.For examples, everyone has a name. All names are symbols. And people all over the world wear clothes which are different, but it shares a same purpose, that is, to keep out of the cold or to be beautiful.(More examples: food,house,transport,faith…)3.How are the British people different from Chinese?Aspects: appearance, body, (略)eating habits, traits✓Eating habits:(中国)Three meals a day,; Rice &noodles ; Dishes in one plate, using chopsticks ; Sit around a big table(英国)Four meals a day, afternoon tea; Bread& Italy noodles ; Using spoons,knives & forks✓Different traits:(中国) Nervous&hard-working; Generous; Hospitable热情好客的(英国)Conservative; Polite; Aloof and quiet; Humorous; Privacy and individualism1.How religious are the British?✓Key words:multi-faith 宗教多元化; secularised世俗化; post-Christian后基督教Forms of Christianity have dominated religious life in what is now the United Kingdom for over 1,400 years.Immigration and demographic change have contributed to the growth of other faiths, most notably Islam since the middle of the 20th century.✓Data:(信仰宗教的人数比例)In 2001, Christians 71.6%; Islam 2.8%; no religion 15%In 2011, Christians 59.3%; Islam 4.8%; no religion 25%✓Changes:A survey in 2007 showed only one in ten Britons actually attend churchweekly.Half of the Muslims are less than 25 years old,but about a quarter of the Christians are nearly 80 years old.So it is estimated that the number of Muslims will be higher than Christians in 20 years.2.What major religious beliefs are there in Britain?The major religious beliefs are Christianity and Islam.The official religion in Britain is Christianity as practised by the Anglican Church. Followers of this branch of Christianity are known as Protestants(新教徒) and make up the majority of the population, although there are also many Catholics.Christians constitute about 71% of the population, but Britain is a multi-faith society and all other religions, including:Islam, Hinduism,Buddhism, Judaism and Sikhism. About 23% of Britain follow no particular religion.3.What are the differences and similarities between them? Differences:The biggest difference lies in the recognition of God to the chosen people.(最大的区别在与上帝对选民的认同) The Christianity think that the Christi ans have the priority to be chosen. Islam doesn’t favor certain people for they think that all men are equal. Similarities:They have a common origin, a common ancestry, a common shrine(圣地)People say that a history of Britain is a history of invasion. Do youagree or disagree? Find evidence to support your view. Please be specific and go down to the details.I claim that the invasion includes being invaded and invasion. So, from this angle, I agree with the view that a history of Britain is a history of invasion.1.Being invaded:Before the English Bourgeois Revolution(英国资产阶级革命), Britain had been invaded by other countries for a long time.✓The First Invader: Evidences show that the first settler of Britain is the Iberian(伊比利亚人) from the Iberian Peninsula(半岛), who lived there for a very long period. After years of peace, here came the first invader, the Celts(凯尔特人). It was about 5th century BC, when the invader killed the Iberian and made Celtic the daily language.✓Roman Conquest: In BC 55, Julius Caesar(凯撒大帝) tried several times to conquer the Celts,but failed. However, the Celts didn't escape from the government of the Romans. Only 12 years later, the Romans managed to conquer Britain by its army. A new ruler usually means a totally different life style. The language, the custom and the culture changed irresistibly.✓German Conquest(日耳曼征服): In 407, the Romans left Britain for their own reason, after which, the Jutes(朱特人), the Angles(盎格鲁人) and the Saxons(撒克逊人) became the new governor. The three tribes(部族) all spoke West Germanic languages(西日耳曼语), but different dialects, together they fostered the Old English.✓Scandinavian Conquest(斯堪的纳维亚征服):From 787 on, invaders from Scandinavian Peninsula, mainly the Danish(丹麦人) and the Norwegians(挪威人) , have continuously fought Britain for centuries.At the end of 10th century, the Danish and the Norwegians was the governors of Britain actually. Furthermore, in the early 11th century, Britain even became a part of the Danish empire. As a result, the Scandinavian culture, which develop in the northern Europe, greatly effect British culture.✓Norman Conquest(诺曼征服): Edward, the great king of Britain, died in 1066. He didn’t have a son, so it led to an argument of who was to be the successor. William the Conqueror(征服者威廉), who led his army against Britain, finally became the winner.William is actually a conqueror, because he made Britain varied much. For instance, to strengthen the central crown(中央王权), he made strict laws and even pulled down the castles of the Saxons. Years later, there was only two Saxon castles left. Besides, the Normans spoke French, making French and English interact with each other. So we can see so many French words in English today.✓The Great Transform: Being invaded for many times, Britain haddeveloped indeed. As we know, culture spears when different ones meet. Every time there was a conquest, every time there was a chance to improve. After a long history of being conquered, of learning and developing, Britain have gathered enough knowledge and power, to be an invader.The victory at the war against Spanish Armada(西班牙无敌舰队) in 1588 was a turning point. From then on, Britain gradually became the world’s biggest Colonizing Nation(殖民国家)—— The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets.2.Invasion:With the development of the economy and society, British had become more and more aggressive.✓In 1600,The British invaded India.✓The British who built “Trap slave station"(捕奴站) in Gambia冈比亚)had expanded colonies crazily after 1688.✓In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United Kingdom conquered Myanmar and Malaysia as well as despoiled "The Dutch colonial" in South Africa. In Oceania, they conquered a great quantity of islands like New Zealand and put them all into the territor y of the British empire.✓In 1840 the British launched the first Opium War.(第一次鸦片战争)✓In 1854, the Crimean War(克里米亚战争)was a conflict in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empie, andSardinia. The immediate cause involved the rights of Christian minorities in the Holy Land, which was controlled by the Ottoman Empire.✓ 1856-1860 the British launched the second Opium War.✓In 1900 the UK joined Siege of the international Legations.In China:In nineteenth century, the British gained a lot of wealth in China through the same measure——doing the opium trade. After Lin Zexu banning the opium in Humen, the British waged the first Opium War in 1840 and the result of the war was Treaty of Nanking(南京条约), which Britain could get the power of controlling Hong Kong.In 1856,Britain invaded the Qing Dynasty in the second time and burned The Old Summer Palace with France. And in 1900,the British joined Siege of the International Legations(八国联军)and invaded the Qing Dynasty in the third time. During these three wars, Britain gained a number of money and rare historical relics form China.Sun-never-setting empire: how it started, proceeded, and declined, and its impact on world civilization. Try to make it specific. You can view the empire from a special perspective, for example, you can talk about the topic in terms of tea. Of course, this is just a suggestion.1.Start:(Mercantilism:重商主义)2.Proceed:The Britain became the Sun-never-setting empire in the middle of eighteenthcentury.3.Decline:After the end of 19th century, the British began to go downhill.✓The Britain didn’t seize the opportunity of the second industrial revolution. But at this time, other countries developed quickly, such as Germany and America.✓The impacts of the two world wars✓Capitalist(资本主义)economy depression✓Independence Movement: Irish war of independence; India war of independence✓In 1997,Hongkong return to China, which indicates the funeral of the empire.4.Influence:6.Make a study on the evolvement of the British Constitutional Monarchy(君主立宪制) by describing how power has been shifted转向from the Monarch 君主to the Lords 上议院and then to the Commons 下议院.对英国君主立宪制的演变,描述了如何权力已转向从君主到上议院,然后下议院(一)What is Constitutional Monarchy?1. Differs from absolute monarchy(君主专制)2. A form of government3. a monarch acts as head of state(君主作为国家元首)4. sole source of political power政治权力的唯一来源5. monarch bound by constitution君主受宪法约束When?什么时候开始Since 1689 the Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)parliament(议会)passed <<the Bill of Rights>>(<<权利法案>>) ——It limits the power of the king and ensure the parliament legislative authority(立法权)and financial power(财政权).——the parliament not only holds the legislative authority, but also have the right of supervision(监督权)for the government.Why?political basis:England(英国)the Glorious Revolution of 1688limits on the power of the monarch(限制君主权利)economic base:Age of Discovery大航海时代the capitalist class 资本家阶级political rights政治权利Although a series of laws are created to limit the power of the king ,itdoesn't meant that the king loses all the power.partial legislative authority(部分的立法权)He has the last power on the Proposed Law(法案否决权)diplomatic power(外交权)and so on(二)权力如何从君主转向上议院,然后到下议院the House of Lords(上议院) has advantages over the House of Commons (下议院)the House of Lords control the structure of senator of the House of Commons上议院他众议院控制下议院的参议员结构They have the same profit它们具有相同的利益the House of Lords take control of the government. 上议院控制政府the House of Lords has a good relationship with the king.上议院与国王的良好关系the House of Lords is mainly consist of clergy(神职人员) and nobility. They have the superior status because they have a lot of land. They are lording the political life.上议院主要由神职人员和贵族组成他们有优越的地位,他们有大量的土地。