新概念2 Lesson 21 Mad or not知识清单

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Lesson 21 Mad or not?

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.




1、mad [mæd]

n. 狂怒;adj. 疯狂的;发疯的;愚蠢的;着迷的;狂热的;热爱的;

巧搭:drive sb. mad让某人发疯mad as a hatter(形容某人)疯了 a mad old man一个疯老头

a mad bull一头疯牛go mad发疯be mad about(for/on)…对…着迷(魔/疯狂)=be crazy about

be mad about beauties对美女着魔be mad about English对英语着魔

be mad at sb.(sth.)对某人(某事)恼火as mad as a March hare(形容某人)疯了辨析:mad疯的(可以是疯狂的,也可以是疯了的);crazy疯狂的,狂热的(只是一种状态,肯定没病) insane患精神病的,例an insane asylum疯人院

拓展:madness n.疯狂,发疯

例句:They are going bananas.=go crazy=go mad=go insane(变疯了) g o+adj.结构,表示“变得…”

例句:Mad Cow Disease appeared again in the Us last month. 上个月在美国又出现了疯牛病。

2、reason ['riːz(ə)n]

n. 原因;理性;动机;vt. 说服;推论;辩论;vi. 推论;劝说

巧搭:for some reason由于某种原因by reason of由于… the reason for…is that… …的原因是…

the reason for …的原因(the reason for his death他死亡的原因) reason out of力劝,说服

the reason why sb. does sth. is that…某人为什么做某事的原因是… reason out分析,推断

beyond/out of all reason毫无道理

拓展:reasoned adj.符合逻辑的reasonably adv.合理地,相当地reasoning n.推理

reasonable adj.合情合理的,适度的

例句:The reason for my quitting is that I don’t like our boss. 我辞职的原因是我不喜欢我们的老板。

例句:The reason why I quit my job is that I don’t like our boss. 我为什么辞职的原因是我不喜欢我们的老板。

例句:For some well known reason, the US hung Saddam.鉴于某种众人皆知的原因,美国绞死了萨达姆。

例句:Only man has reason---animals do not. 只有人有理性,兽类则无。

3、sum [sʌm]

n. 量;金额;总数;算术;vt. 总结;合计;vi. 概括

巧搭:sum up总结,概括in sum总而言之 a large sum of money一大笔钱(a sum o f+不可数) 拓展:summing adj.求和的plenty of…足够多的… an amount of+不可数(一大笔)

辨析:sum指几个简单数的加和;amount n.总数,总量,数额(可数),与sum相近,但指分项开支的累加数,有时指一笔钱;total n.总数,合计(可数),指各项累加数之和;

例句:The operation costs an enormous sum. 这个手术要花费一大笔钱。

例句:The judge summed up the evidence presented. 法官概括了所提出的证据。

例句:The sum of 6 and 5 is 11. 6加5等于11。

4、determined [dɪ'tɜːmɪnd]

adj. 下决心的;坚定的;

巧搭:be determined to do sth.下决心做某事=make up one’s mind to do sth.

拓展:decide to do sth.决定做=make a decision to do sth.

例句:I am determined to go at once. 我决意立刻就去。

5、determine [dɪ'tɜːmɪn]

v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定;查明

拓展:determinant adj.决定的determination n.决心;决定indeterminate adj.不确定的

例句:I determined to go home this weekend. 我准备这周回家。

6、probably ['prɒbəblɪ]

adv. 大概;或许;很可能

例句:I’ll probably see you tomorrow. 我可能明天来看你。

例句:He will probably refuse the offer. 他很可能会拒绝这个建议。

7、drive [draɪv]

n. 驱动器;驾车;v. 开车;迫使,逼迫;驾驶

巧搭:drive…home开车(送…)回家,使被充分了解drive into action使采取行动,开动drive off赶走drive out赶出去drive sb. mad(crazy)使人发疯drive sb. to despair使陷入绝望

drive sb. to do迫使…做full of drive干劲十足drive to…开车去某地

drive sb. away from把某人赶走drive sb. back撵回去

例句:The rising hurricane drove the rain in sheets. 越来越大的飓风刮得雨瓢泼而下。

8、passing ['pɑːsɪŋ]

adj. 经过的;越过的在文中是动词分词作形容词使用。

拓展:a smiling cop一个面带微笑的警察 a hair-raising trip一次惊心动魄的旅行

例句:I saw him passing just now. 刚才我看见他走过去了。

例句:He forgot the man with passing time. 随着时间的消逝,他忘掉了那个人。

9、build [bɪld]

vt. 建立,建筑,建造

巧搭:build castles in air空中楼阁build on以…为基础,指靠… build up建立起来,积累

辨析:build, construct, found




例句:They built him a house. 他们给他盖了一所房子。

10、noise [nɒɪz]

n. [环境] 噪音;响声;杂音

巧搭:make a noise吵闹,发出嘈杂的声音noise pollution噪音污染 a big noise(含贬义)要人,名人辨析:sound, voice, noise, accent



例句:The Concorde’s noise level is high. 协和式飞机的噪音级很高。

11、offer ['ɒfə]

vt. 提供(相当于given)

巧搭:offer to do提出要做… offer sb. sth.(offer sth. to sb.)拿给某人某物


night and day日日夜夜

反用,表示强调晚上。类似的:here and there到处more or less无论如何sooner or later迟早
