
英语专业八级考试试题Listening ComprehensionSection A: News Report(选择的五条新闻来自不同的播报员,请根据提供的中文大纲判断是哪个播报员的报道。
)1.(关于近期某个城市的洪水灾害) "由于连续多日的暴雨,城市部分地区发生严重洪水灾害,居民的生活受到了严重影响。
" (由一个具有浓重美国口音的女播报员报道)2.(关于一部备受瞩目的电影获得票房成功) "《XYZ》这部备受期待的科幻电影在全球上映后获得了巨大成功,票房收入已经超过了预期。
" (由一个具有英国口音的男播报员报道)3.(关于全球气候变化的讨论) "在最近的联合国气候变化大会上,各国代表就如何应对气候变化进行了深入讨论。
" (由一个具有澳大利亚口音的女播报员报道)4.(关于一位著名运动员的退役声明) "在接受采访时,该著名运动员表示他计划在未来的比赛中退役,他感谢粉丝们一直以来的支持。
" (由一个具有加拿大口音的男播报员报道)5.(关于某个国家决定从另一个国家撤军) "在经过多日的谈判后,某大国决定从争议地区撤军,以缓和与该地区的紧张局势。
" (由一个具有南非口音的女播报员报道)Section B: Conversations(请根据对话内容判断主题和涉及人物之间的关系。

A B CD E F 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,二、听对话回答问题。
6,How does the man keep in touch with(保持联系)his old friends?A. By sending e-mailsB. By meeting each other.C. By talking on the Internet. 请听第二段对话,回答第7小题。
7,What’s the man going to do this weekend?A.Chat online.B. Buy a computer.C. T ake classes.请听第三段对话,回答第8小题。
8,When did the boy use to play soccer?A. In the morning.B.At noon.C.After school.请听第四段对话,回答第9和10小题。
9,What’s Tom’s problem?A. His parents fought last night.B. He fought with his father last night.C. He fought with his brother last night.10,What’s Linda’s advice for Tom?A.Talking with his teacher.B.Talking with his friend.C.Talking with his parents. 请听第五段对话,回答第11和12小题。

专业英语八级考题试卷及答案PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (40 MIN)In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheetSECTION A TALKQuestions I to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the talk.1. Which of the following statements about offices is NOT true according to the talk?A. Offices throughout the world are basically alike.B. There are primarily two kinds of office layout.C. Office surroundings used to depend on company size.D. Office atmosphere influences workers' performance.2. We can infer from the talk that harmonious work relations may have a direct impact on yourA. promotion.B. colleagues.C. management.D. union.3. Supposing you were working in a small firm, which of the following would you do when you had some grievances?A. Request a formal special meeting with the boss.B. Draft a formal agenda for a special meeting.C. Contact a consultative committee first.D. Ask to see the boss for a talk immediately.4. According to the talk, the union plays the following roles EXCEPTA. mediation.B. arbitration.C. negotiation.D. representation.5. Which topic is NOT covered in the talk?A. Role of the union.B. Work relations.C. Company structure.D. Office layout.SECTION B INTERVIEWQuestions 6 to 10 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 15seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.6. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about David's personal background?A. He had excellent academic records at school and university.B. He was once on a PHD programme at Yale University.C. He received professional training in acting.D. He came from a single-parent family.7. David is inclined to believe inA. aliens.B. UFOs.C. the TV character.D. government conspiracies.8. David thinks he is fit for the TV role because of hisA. professional training.B. personality.C. life experience.D. appearance.9. From the interview, we know that at present David feelsA. a sense of frustration.B. haunted by the unknown thingsC. confident but moody.D. successful yet unsatisfied.10. How does David feel about the divorce of his parents?A. He feels a sense of anger.B. He has a sense of sadness.C. It helped him grow up.D. It left no effect on him.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestion 11 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.11. What is the main idea of the news item?A. US concern over th6 forthcoming peace talks.B. Peace efforts by the Palestinian Authority.C. Recommendations by the Mitchell Commission.D. Bomb attacks aimed at Israeli civilians.Question 12 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.12. Some voters will waste their ballots becauseA. they like neither candidate.B. they are all ill-informed.C. the candidates do not differ much.D. they do not want to vote twice.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given15 seconds to answer each of the questions.Now listen to the news.13. According to the UN Human Development Report, which is the best place for women in the world?A. Canada.B. The US.C. Australia.D. Scandinavia.14. _______ is in the 12th place in overall ranking.A. BritainB. FranceC. FinlandD. Switzerland15. According to the UN report, the least developed country isA. Ethiopia.B. Mali.C. Sierra Leon.D. Central African Republic.SECTION D NOTE-TAKING AND GAP-FILLINGIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a 15-minute gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE after the mini-lecture. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.PART II PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN)Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO as instructed.PART III READING COMPREHENSIOS (40MIN)SECTION A READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet~TEXT AHostility to Gypsies has existed almost from the time they first appeared in Europe in the 14th century. The origins of the Gypsies, with little written history, were shrouded in mystery. What is known now from clues in the various dialects of their language, Romany, is that they came from northern India to the Middle East a thousand years ago, working as minstrels and mercenaries, metal-smiths and servants. Europeans misnamed them Egyptians, soon shortened to Gypsies. A clan system, based mostly on their traditional crafts and geography, has made them a deeply fragmented and fractious people, only really unifying in the face of enmity from non-Gypsies, whom they call gadje. Today many Gypsy activists prefer to be called Roma, which comes from the Romany word for “man”. But on my travels among them most still referred to themselves as Gypsies.In Europe their persecution by the gadje began quickly, with the church seeing heresy in their fortune-telling and the state seeing anti-social behaviour in their nomadism. At various times they have been forbidden to wear their distinctive bright clothes, to speak their own language, to travel, to marry one another, or to ply their traditional crafts. In some countries they were reduced to slavery it wasn't until the mid-1800s that Gypsy slaves were freed in Romania. In more recent timesthe Gypsies were caught up in Nazi ethnic hysteria, and perhaps half a million perished in the Holocaust. Their horses have been shot and the wheels removed from their wagons, their names have been changed, their women have been sterilized, and their children have been forcibly given for adoption to non-Gypsy families.But the Gypsies have confounded predictions of their disappearance as a distinct ethnic group and their numbers have burgeoned. Today there are an estimated 8 to 12 million Gypsies scattered across Europe, making them the continent's largest minority. The exact number is hard to pin down. Gypsies have regularly been undercounted, both by regimes anxious to downplay their profile and by Gypsies themselves, seeking to avoid bureaucracies. Attempting to remedy past inequities, activist groups may overcount. Hundreds of thousands more have emigrated to the Americas and elsewhere. With very few exceptions Gypsies have expressed no great desire for a country to call their own -unlike the Jews, to whom the Gypsy experience is often compared. “Romanestan” said Ronald Lee, the Canadian Gypsy writer, "is where my two feet stand."16. Gypsies are united only when theyA are engaged in traditional crafts.B. call themselves Roma.C. live under a clan system.D. face external threats.17. In history hostility to Gypsies in Europe resulted in their persecution by all the followingEXCEPTA. the Egyptians.B the state.C. the church.D. the Nazis.18. According to the passage, the main difference between the Gypsies and the Jews lies in their concepts ofA.language.B. culture.C. identity.D. custom.TEXT BI was just a boy when my father brought me to Harlem for the first time, almost 50 years ago. We stayed at the Hotel Theresa, a grand brick structure at 125th Street and Seventh Avenue. Once, in the hotel restaurant, my father pointed out Joe Louis. He even got Mr. Brown, the hotel manager, to introduce me to him, a bit paunchy but still the champ as far as I was concerned.Much has changed since then. Business and real estate are booming. Some say a new renaissance is under way. Others decry what they see as outside forces running roughshod over the old Harlem.New York meant Harlem to me, and as a young man I visited it whenever I could. But many of my old haunts are gone. The Theresa shut down in 1966. National chains thatonce ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of this prime Manhattan real estate. So here I am on a hot August afternoon, sitting in a Starbucks that two years ago opened a block away from the Theresa, snatching at memories between sips of high-priced coffee. I am about to open up a piece of the old Harlem- the New York Amsterdam News—when a tourist asking directions to Sylvia's, a prominent Harlem restaurant, penetrates my daydreaming. He's carrying a book: Touring Historic Harlem.History. I miss Mr. Michaux's bookstore, his House of Common Sense, which was across from the Theresa. He had a big billboard out front with brown and black faces painted on it that said in large letters: "World History Book Outlet on 2,000,000,000 Africans and Nonwhite Peoples." An ugly state office building has swallowed that space.I miss speaker like Carlos Cooks, who was always on the southwest comer of 125th and Seventh, urging listeners to support Africa. Harlem's powerful political electricity seems unplugged-although the sweets are still energized, especially by West African immigrants.Hardworking southern newcomers formed the bulk of the community back in the 1920s and'30s, when Harlem renaissance artists, writers, and intellectuals gave it a glitter and renown that made it the capital of black America. From Harlem, W.E.B. DuBois, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, Zora Neal Hurston, and others helped power America's cultural influence around the world.By the 1970s and '80s drugs and crime had ravaged parts of the community. And the life expectancy for men in Harlem was less than that of men in Bangladesh. Harlem had become a symbol of the dangers of inner-city life.Now, you want to shout “Lookin’good!”at this place that has been neglected for so long. Crowds push into Harlem USA, a new shopping centre on 125th, where a Disney store shares space with HMV Records, the New York Sports Club, and a nine-screen Magic Johnson theatre complex. Nearby, a Rite Aid drugstore also opened. Maybe part of the reason Harlem seems to be undergoing a rebirth is that it is finally getting what most people take for granted.Harlem is also part of an “empowerment zone”—a federal designation aimed at fostering economic growth that will bring over half a billion in federal, state, and local dollars. Just the shells of once elegant old brownstones now can cost several hundred thousand dollars. Rents are skyrocketing. An improved economy, tougher law enforcement, and community efforts against drugs have contributed toa 60 percent drop in crime since 1993.19. At the beginning the author seems to indicate that HarlemA. has remained unchanged all these years.B. has undergone drastic changes.C. has become the capital of Black America.D. has remained a symbol of dangers of inner-city life.20. When the author recalls Harlem in the old days, he has a feeling ofA. indifference.B, discomfort.C. delight.D. nostalgia.21. Harlem was called the capital of Black America in the 1920s and '30s mainly because of itsA. art and culture.B. immigrant population.C. political enthusiasm.'D. distinctive architecture.22. From the passage we can infer that, generally speaking, the authorA. has strong reservations about the changes.B. has slight reservations about the changes,C. welcomes the changes in Harlem.D. is completely opposed to the changes.TEXT CThe senior partner, Oliver Lambert, studied the resume for the hundredth time and again found nothing he disliked about Mitchell Y. McDeere, at least not on paper. He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks. And he was hungry; with his background, he had to be. He was married, and that was mandatory. The firm had never hired an unmarried lawyer, and it frowned heavily on divorce, as well as womanizing and drinking. Drug testing was in the contract. He had a degree in accounting, passed the CPA exam the first time he took it and wanted to be a tax lawyer, which of course was a requirement with a tax firm. He was white, and the firm had never hired a black. They managed this by being secretive and clubbish and never soliciting job applications. Other firms solicited, and hired blacks. This firm recruited, and remained lily white. Plus, the firm was in Memphis, and the top blacks wanted New York or Washington or Chicago. McDeere was a male, and there were no women in the firm. That mistake had been made in the mid-seventies when they recruited the number one grad from Harvard, who happened to be a she and a wizard at taxation. She lasted four turbulent years and was killed in a car wreck.He looked good, on paper. He was their top choice. In fact, for this year there were no other prospects. The list was very short. It was McDeere, or no one.The managing partner, Royce McKnight, studied a dossier labeled "Mitchell Y. McDeere-Harvard." An inch thick with small print and a few photographs; it had been prepared by some ex-CIA agents in a private intelligence outfit in Bethesda. They were clients of the firm and each year did the investigating for no fee. It was easy work, they said, checking out unsuspecting law students. They learned, for instance, that he preferred to leave the Northeast, that he was holding three job offers, two in New York and one in Chicago, and that the highest offer was $76,000 and the lowest was $68,000. He was in demand. He had been given the opportunity to cheat on a securities exam during his second year. He declined, and made the highest grade in the class. Two months ago he had been offered cocaine at a law school party. He said no and left when everyone began snorting. He drank an occasional beer, but drinking was expensive and he had no money. He owed close to $23,000 in student loans. He was hungry.Royce McKnight flipped through the dossier and smiled. McDeere was their man. Lamar Quin was thirty-two and not yet a partner. He had been brought along to look young and act young and project a youthful image for Bendini, Lambert & Locke, which in fact was a young firm, since most of the partners retired in their late forties or early fifties with money to bum. He would make partner in this firm. With a six-figure income guaranteed for the rest of his life, Lamar could enjoy the twelve-hundred-dollar tailored suits that hung so comfortably from his tall, athletic frame. He strolled nonchalantly across the thousand-dollar-a-day suite and poured another cup of decaf. He checked his watch. He glanced at the two partners sitting at the small conference table near the windows.Precisely at two-thirty someone knocked on the door. Lamar looked at the parmers, who slid the resume and dossier into an open briefcase. All three reached for their jackets. Immar buttoned his top button and opened the door.23. Which of the following is NOT the firm’s recruitment requirement?A. Marriage.B. Background.C. Relevant degree.D. Male.24. The details of the private investigation show that the firmA. was interested in his family background.B. intended to check out his other job offers.C. wanted to know something about his preference.D. was interested in any personal detail of the man.25. According to the passage, the main reason Lama Quin was there at the interview was thatA. his image could help impress McDereer.B. he would soon become a partner himself.C. he was good at interviewing applicants.D. his background was similar to MeDereer's.26. We get the impression from the passage that in job recruitment the firm was NOTA. selective.B. secretive.C. perfunctory.D. racially biased.TEXT KFirst read the questions.39. When did Moore receive his first commission?A. In 1948.B. In 1946.C. In 1931.D. In 1928.40. Where did Moore win his first international prize?A. In London.B. In Venice.C. In New York.D. In Hamburg.Now go through TEXT K quickly to answer questions 39 and 40.Henry Moore, the seventh of eight children of Raymond Spencer Moore and his wife Mary, was born in Yorkshire on 30 July 1898. After graduating from secondary school, Moore taught for a short while. Then the First World War began and he enlisted in the army at the age of eighteen. After the war he applied for and received an ex-serviceman's grant to attend Leeds School of Art. At the end of his second year he won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in London.In 1928 Moore met Irina Radetsky, a painting student at the college, whom he married a year later. The couple then moved into a house which consisted of a small ground-floor studio with an equally small flat above. This remained their London home for ten years.Throughout the 1920's Moore was involved in the art life of London. His first commission, received in 1928, was to produce a sculpture relief for the newly opened headquarters of London Transport. His first one-man exhibition opened at the Warren Gallery in 1928; it was followed by a show at the Leicester Galleries in 1931 and his first sale to a gallery abroad- the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. His success continued.In 1946 Moore had his first foreign retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modem Art, New York. In 1948 he won the International Sculpture Prize at the 24th Venice Biennale, the first of countless international accolades acquired in succeeding years. At the same time sales of Moore's work around the world increased, as did the demand for his exhibitions. By the end of 1970's the number of exhibitions had grown to an average of forty a year, ranging from the very small to major international retrospectives taking years of detailed planning and preparation. The main themes in Moore's work included the mother and child, the earliest work created in 1922, and the reclining figure dating from 1926. At the end of the 1960's came stringed figures based on mathematical models observed in the Science Museum, and the first helmet head, a subject that later developed into the internal-external theme- variously interpreted as a hard form coveting a soft, like a mother protecting her child or a foetus inside a womb.A few years before his death in 1986 Moore gave the estate at Perry Green with its studios, houses and cottages to the Trustees of the Henry Moore Foundation to promote sculpture and the fine arts within the cultural life of the country and in particular the works of Henry Moore.ANSWER SHEET ONEPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION D NOTE-TAKING & GAPFILING (15 MIN)Fill in each of the gaps with ONE word You may refer to your notes. Make sure the word you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable.Marslow's Hierarchy of NeedsAbraham Maslow has developed a famous theory of human needs, which can be arranged In order of importance.Physiological needs: the most (1)______________ones for survival.They include such needs as food, water, etc. And there is usually one way to satisfy these needs.(2)______________needs: needs for a) physicalsecurity;b)(3)_______________security.The former means no illness or injury, while the latter is concerned with freedom from (4)______________, misfortunes, etc. These needs can be met through a variety of means, e.g. job security, (5)______________________plans, and safe working conditions.Social needs: human requirements for a) love and affection;b) a sense of belonging.There are two ways to satisfy these needs: a) formation of relationships at workplace;b) formation of relationships outside workplace.Esteem needs: a) self-esteem, i.e. one's sense of achievement;b) esteem of others, i.e. others' respect as a result of one's (6__________.These needs can be fulfilled by achievement, promotion, honours, etc.Self-realization needs: need to realize one'spotential.Ways to realize these needs are individually (7)______________________ Features of the hierarchy of needs:a) Social, esteem and self-realization needs are exclusively(8)______________ needs.b) Needs are satisfied in a fixed order from the bottom up.c) (9)_____________for needs comes from the lowest un-met level.d) Different levels of needs may (10)_______________when they come into play. ANSWER SHEET TWOTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS [2003]-GRADE EIGIHT-PART II PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN)The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved You should proof, read the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank pro-vided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a "^" sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash "/" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.EXAMPLEWhen ^ art museum wants a new exhibit, it never buys things in finished form and hangs them on the wall. When a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it must often build it.Demographic indicators show that Americans in the postwarperiod were more eager than ever to establish families. They quicklybrought down the age at marriage for both men and women and broughtthe birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundred (1)__ years of a steady decline, producing the “baby boom.”These young (2)__adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively largefamilies that Went for more than two decades and caused a major (3)__but temporary reversal of long-term demographic patterns. Fromthe 1940S through the early 1960s, Americans married at a high rate (4)__and at a younger age than their Europe counterparts.(5)__Less noted but equally more significant, the men and women on who (6)__formed families between 1940 and 1960 nevertheless reduced the (7)__divorce rate after a postwar peak; their marriages remained intact toa greater extent than did that of couples who married in earlier as well (8)__ as later decades. Since the United States maintained its dubious (9)__ distinction of having the highest divorce rate in the world, thetemporary decline in divorce did not occur in the same extent in (10)__ Europe. Contrary to fears of the experts, the role of breadwinner and homemaker was not abandoned.TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2003)-GRADE EIGHT-PAPER TWOTIME LIMIT: 120 MINPART IV TRANSLATION (60 MIN)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿觉打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

专八听力考试题及答案1. 听下面一段对话,回答以下问题:(1) 男人为什么去图书馆?(2) 女人建议男人做什么?答案:(1) 男人去图书馆是为了借阅一本关于历史的书籍。
(2) 女人建议男人可以在网上查找相关信息。
2. 根据所听短文,完成下列句子:(1) The speaker mentioned that ________ is the most important aspect of a successful business.(2) According to the speaker, ________ can significantly impact the growth of a company.答案:(1) innovation is the most important aspect of a successful business.(2) employee satisfaction can significantly impact the growth of a company.3. 听下面一段新闻报道,回答以下问题:(1) What is the main topic of the news?(2) What measures are being taken to address the issue?答案:(1) The main topic of the news is the increasing pollution levels in major cities.(2) The government is implementing stricter emission standards for vehicles to address the issue.4. 根据所听讲座内容,回答以下问题:(1) What is the speaker's opinion on the role oftechnology in education?(2) What example does the speaker give to illustrate the point?答案:(1) The speaker believes that technology can greatly enhance the learning experience in education.(2) The speaker gives the example of using interactive software in classrooms to make lessons more engaging.5. 听下面一段对话,完成下列句子:(1) The woman is planning to ________ for her vacation.(2) The man suggests ________ as a possible destination.答案:(1) The woman is planning to go hiking for her vacation.(2) The man suggests visiting the national park as a possible destination.6. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:(1) What is the main reason for the decline in the population of the species discussed?(2) What conservation efforts are mentioned in the article?答案:(1) The main reason for the decline in the population is habitat loss due to urban development.(2) The conservation efforts mentioned includeestablishing protected areas and raising public awareness.7. 听下面一段对话,回答以下问题:(1) Why is the woman upset?(2) What does the man offer to do?答案:(1) The woman is upset because she missed her flight.(2) The man offers to help her rebook another flight.8. 根据所听讲座内容,完成下列句子:(1) The speaker argues that ________ is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.(2) The speaker also mentions that ________ can lead to various health issues.答案:(1) The speaker argues that regular exercise is crucialfor maintaining a healthy lifestyle.(2) The speaker also mentions that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to various health issues.9. 听下面一段新闻报道,回答以下问题:(1) What is the main focus of the news report?(2) What is the current status of the situation?答案:(1) The main focus of the news report is the ongoing negotiations between two countries.(2) The current status of the situation is that both sides have agreed to continue talks next month.10. 根据所听对话,回答以下问题:(1) What is the man's opinion about the new restaurant?(2) What does the woman think about the food?答案:(1) The man's opinion about the new restaurant is that it is overpriced.(2) The woman thinks the food is delicious but not worth the high price.。

专业英语八级考题试卷及答案Section A Mini-lectureSection B InterviewIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview.1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Miss Green’s university days?A. She felt bored.B. She felt lonely.C. She cherished them.D. The subject was easy.2. Which of the following is NOT part of her job with the Department of Employment?A. Doing surveys at workplace.B. Analyzing survey results.C. Designing questionnaires.D. Taking a psychology course.3. According to Miss Green, the main difference between the Department ofEmployment and the advertising agency lies inA. the nature of work.B. office decoration.C. office location.D. work procedures.4. Why did Miss green want to leave the advertising agency?A. She felt unhappy inside the company.B. She felt work there too demanding.C. She was denied promotion in the company.D. She longed for new opportunities.5. How did Miss Green react to a heavier workload in the new job?A. She was willing and ready.B. She sounded mildly eager.C. She a bit surprised.D. She sounded very reluctant.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 6 and 7 based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two questions. Now listen to the news.6. The man stole the aircraft mainly because he wanted toA. destroy the European Central Bank.B. have an interview with a TV station.C. circle skyscrapers in downtown Frankfurt.D. remember the death of a US astronaut.7. Which of the following statements about the man is TRUE?A. He was a 31-year-old student from Frankfurt.B. He was piloting a two-seat helicopter he had stolen.C. He had talked to air traffic controllers by radio.D. He threatened to land on the European Central Bank.Question 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.8. The news is mainly about the city government’s plan toA. expand and improve the existing subway system.B. build underground malls and parking lots.C. prevent further land subsidence.D. promote advanced technology.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two questions. Now listen to the news.9. According to the news, what makes this credit card different from conventional ones isA. that it can hear the owner's voice.B. that it can remember a password.C. that it can identify the owner's voice.D. that it can remember the owner's PIN.10. The newly developed credit card is said to said to have all the following EXCEPTA. switch.B. battery.C. speaker.D. built-in chip.【阅读理解】In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions.Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AThe University in transformation, edited by Australian futurists Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley, presents some 20 highly varied outlooks on tomorrow’s universities by writers representing both Western and mon-Western perspectives. Their essays raise a broad range of issues, questioning nearly every key assumption we have about higher education today.The most widely discussed alternative to the traditional campus is the Internet University – a voluntary community to scholars/teachers physically scattered throughout a country or around the world but all linked in cyberspace. A computerized university could have many advantages, such as easy scheduling, efficient delivery of lectures to thousands or even millions of students at once, and ready access for students everywhere to the resources of all the world’s great libraries.Yet the Internet University poses dangers, too. For example, a line of franchised courseware, produced by a few superstar teachers, marketed under the brand name of a famous institution, and heavily advertised, might eventually come to dominate the global education market, warns sociology professor Peter Manicas of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Besides enforcing a rigidly standardized curriculum, such a “college education in a box” could undersell the offerings of many traditional brick and mortar institutions, effectively driving then out of business and throwing thousands of career academics out of work, note Australian communications professors David Rooney and Greg Hearn.On the other hand, while global connectivity seems highly likely to play some significant role in future higher education, that does not mean greater uniformity in course content –or other dangers –will necessarily follow. Counter-movements are also at work.Many in academia, including scholars contributing to this volume, are questioning the fundamental mission of university education. What if, for instance, instead of receiving primarily technical training and building their individual careers, university students and professors could focus their learning and research efforts on existing problems in their local communities and the world? Feminist scholar Ivana Milojevic dares to dream what a university might become “if we believedthat child-care workers and teachers in early childhood education should be one of the highest (rather than lowest) paid professionals?”Co-editor Jennifer Gidley shows how tomorrow’s university faculty, instead of giving lectures and conducting independent research, may take on three new roles. Some would act as brokers, assembling customized degree-credit programmes for individual students by mixing and matching the best course offerings available from institutions all around the world. A second group, mentors, would function much like today’s faculty advisers, but are likely to be working with many more students outside their own academic specialty. This would require them to constantly be learning from their students as well as instructing them.A third new role for faculty, and in Gidley’s view the most challenging and rewarding of all, would be as meaning-makers: charismatic sages and practitioners leading groups of students/colleagues in collaborative efforts to find spiritual as well as rational and technological solutions to specific real-world problems.Moreover, there seems little reason to suppose that any one form of university must necessarily drive out all other options. Students may be “enrolled” in courses offered at virtual campuses on the Internet, between –or even during – sessions at a real-world problem-focused institution.As co-editor Sohail Inayatullah points out in his introduction, no future is inevitable, and the very act of imagining and thinking through alternative possibilities can directly affect how thoughtfully, creatively and urgently even a dominant technology is adapted and applied. Even in academia, the future belongs to those who care enough to work their visions into practical, sustainable realities.11. When the book reviewer discusses the Internet University,A. he is in favour of it.B. his view is balanced.C. he is slightly critical of it.D. he is strongly critical of it.12. Which of the following is NOT seen as a potential danger of the Internet University?A. Internet-based courses may be less costly than traditional ones.B. Teachers in traditional institutions may lose their jobs.C. internet-based courseware may lack variety in course content.D. The Internet University may produce teachers with a lot of publicity.13. According to the review, what is the fundamental mission of traditional university education?A. Knowledge learning and career building.B. Learning how to solve existing social problems.C. Researching into solutions to current world problems.D. Combining research efforts of teachers and students in learning.14. Judging from the Three new roles envisioned for tomorrow's university faculty, university teachersA. are required to conduct more independent research.B. are required to offer more course to their students.C. are supposed to assume more demanding duties.D. are supposed to supervise more students in their specialty.15. Which category of writing does the review belong to?A. Narration.B. DescriptionC. persuasionD. Exposition.TEXT BEvery street had a story, every building a memory, Those blessed with wonderful childhoods can drive the streets of their hometowns and happily roll back the years. The rest are pulled home by duty and leave as soon as possible. After Ray Atlee had been in Clanton (his hometown) for fifteen minutes he was anxious to get out.The town had changed, but then it hadn't. On the highways leading in, the cheap metal buildings and mobile homes were gathering as tightly as possible next to the roads for maximum visibility. This town had no zoning whatsoever. A landowner could build anything wiih no permit no inspection, no notice to adjoining landowners. nothing. Only hog farms and nuclear reactors required approvals and paperwork. The result was a slash-and-build clutter that got uglier by the year.But in the older sections, nearer the square, the town had not changed at all The long shaded streets were as clean and neat as when Kay roamed them on his bike. Most of the houses were still owned by people he knew, or if those folks had passed on the new owners kept the lawns clipped and the shutters painted. Only a few were being neglected. A handful had been abandoned.This deep in Bible country, it was still an unwritten rule in the town that little was done on Sundays except go to church, sit on porches, visit neighbours, rest and relax the way God intended.It was cloudy, quite cool for May, and as he toured his old turf, killing time until the appointed hour for the family meeting, he tried to dwell on the good memories from Clanton. There was Dizzy Dean Park where he had played little League for the Pirates, and (here was the public pool he'd swum in every summer except 1969 when the city closed it rather than admit black children. There were the churches - Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian - facing each other at the intersection of Second and Elm like wary sentries, their steeples competing for height. They were empty now, hut in an hour or so the more faithful would gather for evening services.The square was as lifeless as the streets leading to it. With eight thousand people, Clanton was just large enough to have attracted the discount stores that had wiped out so many small towns. But here the people had been faithful to their downtown merchants, and there wasn’t s single empty or boarded-up building around the square – no small miracle. The retail shops were mixed in with the banks and law offices and cafes, all closed for the Sabbath.He inched through the cemetery and surveyed the Atlee section in the old part, where the tombstones were grander. Some of his ancestors had built monuments for their dead. Ray had always assumed that the family money he’d never seen must have been buried in those graves. He parked and walked to his mother’s grave, somethinghe hadn’t done in years. She was buried among the Atlees, at the far edge of the family plot because she had barely belonged.Soon, in less than an hour, he would be sitting in his father’s study, sipping bad instant tea and receiving instructions on exactly how his father would be laid to rest. Many orders were about to be give, many decrees and directions, because his father(who used to be a judge) was a great man and cared deeply about how he was to be remembered.Moving again, Ray passed the water tower he’d climbed twice, the second time with the police waiting below. He grimaced at his old high school, a place he’d never visited since he’d left it. Behind it was the football field where his brother Forrest had romped over opponents and almost became famous before getting bounced off the team.It was twenty minutes before five, Sunday, May 7. Time for the family meeting.16. From the first paragraph, we get the impression thatA. Ray cherished his childhood memories.B. Ray had something urgent to take care of.C. Ray may not have a happy childhood.D. Ray cannot remember his childhood days.17. Which of the following adjectives does NOT describe Ray’s hometown?A. Lifeless.B. Religious.C. Traditional.D. Quiet.18. Form the passage we can infer that the relationship between Ray and his parents wasA. close.B. remote.C. tense.D. impossible to tell.19. It can be inferred from the passage that Ray’s father was all EXCEPTA. considerate.B. punctual.C. thrifty.D. dominant.Text CCampaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterparts in any other portion of the globe.Valley walls rise steeply five or six thousand feet on every side.The columns crawl through a maze of giant corridors down which fierce snow-fed torrents foam under skies of brass.Amid these scenes of savage brilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to harmonize with their environment.Except at harvest?time,when self-preservation requires a temporary truce,the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or public war.Every man is a warrior,a politician and a theologian.Every large house is a real feudal fortress made,it is true,only of sun-baked clay,butwith battlements,turrets,loopholes,drawbridges,plete.Every village has its defence.Every family cultivates its vendetta; every clan,its feud.The numerous tribes and combinations of tribes all have their accounts to settle with one another.Nothing is ever forgotten,and very few debts are left unpaid.For the purposes of social life,in addition to the convention about harvest-time, a most elaborate code of honour has been established and is on the whole faithfully observed.A man who knew it and observed it faultlessly might pass unarmed from one end of the frontier to another.The slightest technical slip would,however,be fatal.The life of the Pathan is thus full of interest; and his valleys,nourished alike by endless sunshine and abundant water,are fertile enough to yield with little labour the modest material requirements of a sparse population.Into this happy world the nineteenth century brought two new facts:the rifle and the British Government.The first was an enormous luxury and blessing; the second,an unmitigated nuisance.The convenience of the rifle was nowhere more appreciated than in the Indian highlands.A weapon which would kill with accuracy at fifteen hundred yards opened a whole new vista of delights to every family or clan which could acquire it.One could actually remain in one’s own house and fire at one’s neighbour nearly a mile away.One could lie in wait on some high crag,and at hitherto unheard of ranges hit a horseman far below.Even villages could fire at each other without the trouble of going far from home.Fabulous prices were therefore offered for these glorious products of science.Rifle-thieves scoured all India to reinforce the efforts of the honest smuggler.A steady flow of the coveted weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier,and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.The action of the British Government on the other hand was entirely unsatisfactory.The great organizing,advancing,absorbing power to the southward seemed to be little better than a monstrous spoil-sport.If the Pathan made forays into the plains,not only were they driven back (which after all was no more than fair),but a whole series of subsequent interferences took place,followed at intervals by expeditions which toiled laboriously through the valleys,scolding the tribesmen and exacting fines for any damage which they had done.No one would have minded these expeditions if they had simply come,had a fight and then gone away again.In many cases this was their practice under what was called the “butcher and bolt policy” to which the Government of India long adhered.But towards the end of the nineteenth century these intruders began to make roads through many of the valleys,and in particular the great road to Chitral.They sought to ensure the safety of these roads by threats,by forts and by subsidies.There was no objection to the last method so far as it went.But the whole of this tendency to road-making was regarded by the Pathans with profound distaste.All along the road people were expected to keep quiet,not to shoot one another,and above all not to shoot at travellers along the road.It was too much to ask,and a whole series of quarrels took their origin from this source.20. The word debts in“very few debts are left unpaid”in the first paragraph meansA loans.B accounts.C killings.D bargains.21. Which of the following is NOT one of the geographical facts about the Indian frontier?A Melting snows.B Large population.C Steep hillsides.D Fertile valleys.22. According to the passage,the Pathans welcomedA the introduction of the rifle.B the spread of British rule.C the extension of luxuries.D the spread of trade.23. Building roads by the BritishA put an end to a whole series of quarrels.B prevented the Pathans from carrying on feuds.C lessened the subsidies paid to the Pathans.D gave the Pathans a much quieter life.24. A suitable title for the passage would beA Campaigning on the Indian Frontier.B Why the Pathans Resented the British Rule.C The Popularity of Rifles among the Pathans.D The Pathans at War.Text D“Museum”is a slippery word. It first meant (in Greek) anything consecrated to the Muses:a hill,a shrine,a garden,a festival or even a textbook.Both Platos Academy and Aristotles Lyceum had a mouseion, a muses shrine.Although the Greeks already collected detached works of art,many temples—notably that of Hera at Olympia (before which the Olympic flame is still lit)—had collections of objects,some of which were works of art by well known masters,while paintings and sculptures in the Alexandrian Museum were incidental to its main purpose.The Romans also collected and exhibited art from disbanded temples,as well as mineral specimens,exotic plants,animals; and they plundered sculptures and paintings (mostly Greek) for exhibition.Meanwhile,the Greek word had slipped into Latin by transliteration (though not to signify picture galleries,which were called pinacothecae) and museum still more or less meant“Muses- shrine”.The inspirational collections of precious and semi-precious objects were kept in larger churches and monasteries—which focused on the gold-enshrined,bejewelled relics of saints and martyrs.Princes,and later merchants,had similar collections,which became the deposits of natural curiosities:large lumps of amber or coral,irregular pearls,unicorn horns,ostrich eggs,fossil bones and so on.They also included coins and gems—often antique engraved ones—as wellas,increasingly,paintings and sculptures.As they multiplied and expanded,to supplement them,the skill of the fakers grew increasingly refined.At the same time,visitors could admire the very grandest paintings and sculptures in the churches,palaces and castles; they were not“collected”either,but “site-specific”,and were considered an integral part both of the fabric of the buildings and of the way of life which went on inside them—and most of the buildings were public ones.However,during the revival of antiquity in the fifteenth century,fragments of antique sculpture were given higher status than the work of any contemporary,so that displays of antiquities would inspire artists to imitation,or even better,to emulation; and so could be considered Muses- shrines in the former sense.The Medici garden near San Marco in Florence,the Belvedere and the Capitol in Rome were the most famous of such early“inspirational”collections.Soon they multiplied,and,gradually,exemplary “modern”works were also added to such galleries.In the seventeenth century,scientific and prestige collecting became so widespread that three or four collectors independently published directories to museums all over the known world.But it was the age of revolutions and industry which produced the next sharp shift in the way the institution was perceived:the fury against royal and church monuments prompted antiquarians to shelter them in asylum-galleries,of which the Musee des Monuments Francais was the most famous.Then,in the first half of the nineteenth century,museum funding took off,allied to the rise of new wealth:London acquired the National Gallery and the British Museum,the Louvre was organized,the Museum-Insel was begun in Berlin,and the Munich galleries were built.In Vienna,the huge Kunsthistorisches and Naturhistorisches Museums took over much of the imperial treasure.Meanwhile,the decline of craftsmanship (and of public taste with it) inspired the creation of “improving”collections.The Victoria and Albert Museum in London was the most famous,as well as perhaps the largest of them.25. The sentence“Museum is a slippery word”in the first paragraph means thatA the meaning of the word didn’t change until after the 15th century.B the meaning of the word had changed over the years.C the Greeks held different concepts from the Romans.D princes and merchants added paintings to their collections.26. The idea that museum could mean a mountain or an object originates fromA the Romans.B Florence.C Olympia.D Greek.27. “...the skill of the fakers grew increasingly refined” in the third paragraph means thatA there was a great demand for fakers.B fakers grew rapidly in number.C fakers became more skillful.D fakers became more polite.28. Paintings and sculptures on display in churches in the 15th century wereA collected from elsewhere.B made part of the buildings.C donated by people.D bought by churches.29. Modern museums came into existence in order toA protect royal and church treasures.B improve existing collections.C stimulate public interest.D raise more funds.30. Which is the main idea of the passage?A Collection and collectors.B The evolution of museums.C Modern museums and their functionsD The birth of museums.【人文知识】There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section.Choose the best answers to each question.Mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.31.The Presidents during the American Civil War wasA. Andrew JacksonB. Abraham LincolnC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington32.The capital of New Zealand isA.ChristchurchB.AucklandC.WellingtonD.Hamilton33.Who were the natives of Austrilia before the arrival of the British settlers?A.The AboriginesB.The MaoriC.The IndiansD.The Eskimos34.The Prime Minister in Britain is head ofA.the Shadow CabinetB.the ParliamentC.the OppositionD.the Cabinet35.Which of the following writers is a poet of the 20th century?A.T.S.EliotwrenceC.Theodore DreiserD.James Joyce36.The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written byA.Scott FitzgeraldB.William FaulknerC.Eugene O'NeilD.Ernest Hemingway37._____ is defined as an expression of human emotion which is condensed into fourteen linesA.Free verseB.SonnetC.OdeD.Epigram38.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion ofA.referenceB.meaningC.antonymyD.context39.The words"kid,child,offspring" are examples ofA.dialectal synonymsB.stylistic synonymsC.emotive synonymsD.collocational synonyms40.The distinction between parole and langue was made byA.HalliayB.ChomskyC.BloomfieldD.Saussure【改错】We use language primarily as a means of communication withother human beings. Each of us shares with the community in which welive a store of words and meanings as well as agreeing conventions as ___1 to the way in which words should be arranged to convey a particular ___2 message: the English speaker has iii his disposal at vocabulary and a ___3 set of grammatical rules which enables him to communicate his ___4thoughts and feelings, ill a variety of styles, to the other English ___5 speakers. His vocabulary, in particular, both that which he uses active- [y and that which he recognises, increases ill size as he growsold as a result of education and experience. ___6But, whether the language store is relatively small or large, the system remains no more, than a psychological reality for tike inpidual, unlesshe has a means of expressing it in terms able to be seen by another ___7 member of his linguistic community; he bas to give tile system aconcrete transmission form. We take it for granted rice’ two most ___8common forms of transmission-by means of sounds produced by ourvocal organs (speech) or by visual signs (writing). And these are ___9among most striking of human achievements. _____10【中译英】中国民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切,在哲学文艺方面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。

Section B interviewin this section you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the conect answer to each question on your colored answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the following five questions.Now listen lo the interview1. According to Nigel, most problems of air travel are caused byA.Unfavorable weather conditions.B.Airports handling capacity.C.Inadequate ticketing service.D. Overbooking.2.Which of the following is not mentioned as compensation for volunteers for the next fight out?A. Free ticket.BFree phone callC. Cash rewardD. Scat reservationWhy does Nigel suggest that business travelers avoid big airports?A Because all flights in and out of there are full.B.Because the volume of traffic is heavy.C.Because there are more popular flights.D.Because there are more delays and cancellations.3.According to Nigel, inexperience travelers are likely to make the following mistakes except.A Booking on less popular flights.B.buying tickets at full price.C.carrying excessive luggage.D.planning long business trips.5. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A.The possibility of discounts depends on a travel agent's volume of business.B.Longer flights to the same destination maybe cheaper.C.It is advisable to plan every detail of a trip in advance.D.arranging for stopovers can avoid overnight travel.SECTION C NEWS BROACASTIn this section you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will bepeople's outlook on lift.A.people's life styles.B.people's living standardpeople's social values.28.Changes in pension schemes were also part ofthe corporate lay-offs.A.the government cuts in welfare spending.B.the economic restructuring.C.the warning power of labors unions.29.Thousands of employees chose Enron as their sole investment option mainly becauseThe 401 (k) made them responsible for their own future.A.Enron offered to add company stock to their investment.B.their employers intended to cut back on pension spending.C.Enron's offer was similar to a defined-benefit plan.30.Which is NOT seen as a lesson drawn from the Enron disaster?A.401(k) assets should be placed in more than one investment option.B.Employees have to take up responsibilities for themselves.C.Such events could happen again as it is not easy to change people's mind.D.Economic security won't be taken for granted by future young workers.PART HI GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (1() MIN)The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectively EXCEPTA.the Anglosthe CeltsB.the Jutesthe Saxons31.The Head of State of Canada is represented bythe MonarchA.the Presidentthe Prime MinisterB.the Governor-generalThe Declaration of Independence was written byA.Thomas JeffersonGeorge WashingtonB.Alexander HamiltonJames Madison32.The original inhabitants of Australia werethe Red IndiansA.the Eskimosthe AboriginesB.the MaorisWhich of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte?A.Oliver TwistMiddlemarchB.Jane EyreWuthering Heights33.William Butler Yeats was a(n)poet and playwright.A.AmericanCanadianB.IrishAustralian34.Death of a Salesman was written byArthur MillerA.Ernest HemingwayRalph EllisonB.James Baldwin38.refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation.A.PhonologyMorphologyB.SemanticsSociolinguistics39.The distinctive features of a speech variety may be all the following EXCEPTlexicalA.syntacticphonologicalB.psycholinguisticThe word tail once referred to “the tail of a horse” , but now it is use d to mean “the tail of any animal.This is an example ofA.widening of meaningnarrowing of meaningB.meaning shiftloss of meaning英译中Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.At the same lime, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 9/11, avian flu, and Iran remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge - but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more frenzied, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.For all these reasons I believed - and I believe even more strongly today - in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.科技进步正在使我们能够探索宇宙的边陲、物质最根本的成分及生命的奇迹.与此同时,今天,人类所做的及没能做到的事情,不仅危害到这个星球上的生命,也危害到该星球的寿命。

1. The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectively EXCEPTA. the AnglosB. the CeltsC. the Jutes √D. the Saxons2. The Head of State of Canada is represented byA. the MonarchB. the PresidentC. the Prime MinisterD. the Governor-general √3. The Declaration of Independence was written byA. Thomas Jefferson √B. George WashingtonC. Alexander HamiltonD. James Madison4. The original inhabitants of Australia wereA. the Red IndiansB. the EskimosC. the Aborigines √D. the Maoris5. Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte?A. Oliver TwistB. MiddlemarchC. Jane EyreD. Wuthering Heights √6. William Butler Yeats was a(n) ______ poet and playwright.A. AmericanB. CanadianC. Irish √D. Australian7. Death of a Salesman was written byA. Arthur Miller √B. Ernest HemingwayC. Ralph EllisonD. James Baldwin8. _______ refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation.A. PhonologyB. Morphology √C. SemanticsD. Sociolinguistics9. The distinctive features of a speech variety may be all the following EXCEPTA. lexicalB. syntacticC. phonologicalD. psycholinguistic √10. The word tail once referred to “the tail of a horse”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal.” This is an example ofA. widening of meaning √B. narrowing of meaningC. meaning shiftD. loss of meaning。

英语8级试题及答案详解一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A. He is going to the library.B. He is going to the bookstore.C. He is going to the cinema.D. He is going to the museum.【答案】B2. What is the woman's suggestion?A. To take a taxi.B. To take the bus.C. To walk.D. To wait for the next train.【答案】A3. What is the man's opinion about the restaurant?A. The food is delicious but expensive.B. The service is poor.C. The atmosphere is great.D. The location is convenient.【答案】A4. When does the next bus leave?A. At 9:00 a.m.B. At 9:30 a.m.C. At 10:00 a.m.D. At 10:30 a.m.【答案】C5. Why is the woman upset?A. She lost her keys.B. She missed her bus.C. She broke her phone.D. She forgot her appointment.【答案】B二、阅读理解(共30分)1. According to the passage, what is the main reason for the increase in obesity?A. Lack of exercise.B. Unhealthy diets.C. Genetic factors.D. Environmental changes.【答案】B2. What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem of obesity?A. Government intervention.B. Individual responsibility.C. Community programs.D. Medical treatments.【答案】A3. What is the purpose of the study mentioned in the passage?A. To identify the causes of obesity.B. To evaluate the effectiveness of a diet.C. To compare different weight loss methods.D. To examine the relationship between diet and health.【答案】D4. How does the author describe the current situationregarding obesity?A. Alarming.B. Encouraging.C. Stable.D. Controversial.【答案】A5. What is the author's attitude towards the issue of obesity?A. Optimistic.B. Pessimistic.C. Neutral.D. Critical.【答案】D三、完形填空(共20分)1. The word "spectacular" in the context of the passage most closely means:A. Extraordinary.B. Common.C. Boring.D. Disappointing.【答案】A2. The author uses the phrase "on the horizon" to indicate:A. Something that is about to happen.B. Something that is far away.C. Something that is uncertain.D. Something that is impossible.【答案】A3. The word "innovative" is used to describe something that is:A. Traditional.B. Conservative.C. New and original.D. Old-fashioned.【答案】C4. The phrase "a leap of faith" suggests that the decision to invest was:A. Well-researched.B. Risky and uncertain.C. Based on experience.D. Unnecessary.【答案】B5. The word "compromise" in this context implies:A. A conflict.B. A resolution.C. A disagreement.D. An agreement.【答案】D四、翻译(共20分)1. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英文:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便捷。

英语专业八级试卷一、听力理解(35分)(一)Mini - lecture(10分)题目:The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Language Learning。
Fill in the blanks according to what you hear.The development of artificial intelligence has brought significant changes to language learning. AI - based language learning tools canprovide (1) _personalized_ learning experiences. For example, they can analyze learners' (2) _strengths and weaknesses_ and offer tailored study plans.These tools also offer a wide range of learning resources, such as (3) _interactive exercises_ and real - life language examples. Moreover, AI can simulate (4) _conversational partners_, which helps learners improve their speaking skills.However, there are also some challenges. One concern is the (5)_accuracy_ of the language models. Sometimes, they may generate incorrector inappropriate responses. Another issue is that over - reliance on AItools may lead to a lack of (6) _independent thinking_ in language learning.In conclusion, while AI has great potential in language learning, learners should use it (7) _wisely_ and combine it with traditionallearning methods.(二)Listening Comprehension(25分)Section A(15分)There are three news items in this section. Listen to each item carefully and answer the questions that follow.News Item 1.1. What is the main topic of this news item?A. A new scientific discovery.B. A political event.C. An environmental issue.2. Where did the event take place?A. In Asia.B. In Europe.C. In America.News Item 2.3. What has been announced by the company?A. A new product launch.B. A job cut.C. A merger.4. How will this announcement affect the employees?A. They will get a pay raise.B. Some of them may lose their jobs.C. They will have more working hours.News Item 3.5. What is the purpose of the new policy?A. To promote tourism.B. To protect local culture.C. To control population growth.6. What are the main measures of the policy?A. Restricting the number of visitors.B. Offering more cultural events.C. Building more hotels.Section B(10分)You will hear a conversation between a student and a professor. Listen carefully and answer the questions.1. Why did the student come to see the professor?A. To discuss a course assignment.B. To ask for a letter of recommendation.C. To complain about a grade.2. What is the student's main concern about the assignment?A. The topic is too difficult.B. He doesn't have enough time.C. He doesn't understand the requirements.3. What does the professor suggest the student do?A. Change the topic.B. Read more reference books.C. Ask for help from classmates.4. When is the assignment due?A. Next week.B. In two weeks.C. At the end of the semester.5. What will the student do next?A. Start working on the assignment immediately.B. Go to the library to find books.C. Talk to his classmates.二、阅读理解(30分)(一)Multiple - choice Questions(14分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage 1.The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, and do business. It has made information more accessible than ever before. However, it also brings some problems. One of the major issues is the spread offalse information.With the ease of sharing information on the Internet, anyone can post something without proper verification. This has led to the proliferation of fake news, which can have a significant impact on society. For example, false information about a company can cause its stock price to drop, or misinformation about a political candidate can influence an election.Another problem is privacy. As we use various online services, our personal information is often collected and sometimes misused. Companies may sell our data to third parties without our consent, which poses athreat to our privacy.1. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The advantages of the Internet.B. The problems caused by the Internet.C. The development of the Internet.2. According to the passage, what can fake news do?A. Improve a company's reputation.B. Increase a stock price.C. Influence an election.3. What is a threat to our privacy according to the passage?A. Using the Internet.B. Companies misusing our personal data.C. Sharing information online.(二)Short - answer Questions(16分)Read the following passage and answer the questions in no more than 10 words each.Passage 2.The concept of sustainable development has gained increasing attention in recent years. It aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.One of the key aspects of sustainable development is environmental protection. This includes reducing pollution, conserving natural resources, and protecting biodiversity. Another aspect is social development, which involves improving people's living standards, education, and health.Economic development is also an important part of sustainable development. However, it should be achieved in a way that is environmentally and socially sustainable.1. What is the aim of sustainable development?2. What are the key aspects of it?3. How should economic development be achieved?三、语言知识(15分)(一)Error Correction(10分)The following passage contains ten errors. Identify and correct them.In modern society, the importance of education are widely recognized. Education not only imparts knowledge but also shape a person's character. A well - educated individual is more likely to contribute to society in positive ways.However, there are still some problems in the education system. One problem is that the curriculum is often too theoretical, lacking of practical applications. Another issue is that some students do not receive equal educational opportunities due to their family background or geographical location.To solve these problems, governments should invest more in education, especially in rural areas. Teachers should also be trained to improve their teaching methods, make the classroom more interesting and effective.(二)Word Formation(5分)Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the given words.1. (create) - The artist's _creativity_ is shown in his unique paintings.2. (lead) - A good _leader_ should be able to inspire his team.3. (decide) - His _decision - making_ ability is very important in this project.四、翻译(15分)(一)汉译英(8分)中国的茶文化源远流长。

英语专八完整试题及答案一、听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension)Section A: Mini-Lecture1. The speaker mentioned several benefits of learning a second language. What are they?- A. Improved cognitive abilities- B. Enhanced job prospects- C. Increased cultural understanding- D. All of the above2. According to the lecture, what is the most challenging aspect of learning a new language?- A. Vocabulary acquisition- B. Grammar rules- C. Pronunciation- D. Cultural nuancesSection B: Interview3. What is the main topic of the interview?- A. The impact of technology on education- B. The role of arts in society- C. The importance of environmental conservation- D. The future of space exploration4. What does the interviewee suggest as a solution to thediscussed issue?- A. Government intervention- B. Public awareness campaigns- C. International collaboration- D. Technological innovation二、阅读理解(Part II Reading Comprehension)Passage 15. What is the main idea of the passage?- A. The history of the English language- B. The evolution of English literature- C. The influence of English on global communication- D. The development of English as a global lingua franca6. The author uses which of the following to support their argument?- A. Historical events- B. Personal anecdotes- C. Scientific studies- D. Survey resultsPassage 27. What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?- A. To persuade readers to adopt a healthier lifestyle- B. To inform readers about the latest health trends- C. To critique the current state of healthcare- D. To provide a comprehensive review of a health-related topic8. What is the author's stance on the topic discussed?- A. Skeptical- B. Supportive- C. Neutral- D. Critical三、语言知识(Part III Language Knowledge)9. Which of the following is the correct form of the verb "to be" in the past tense for the third person singular?- A. am- B. is- C. are- D. was10. The word "irrespective" is closest in meaning to:- A. regardless- B. respective- C. perspective- D. prospective四、翻译(Part IV Translation)Section A: English to Chinese11. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:- "The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives."Section B: Chinese to English12. Translate the following sentence into English:- "随着全球化的不断深入,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。

专八英语试题及答案一、听力理解1. What is the main topic of the conversation?A. The importance of environmental protection.B. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle.C. The challenges of urbanization.D. The impact of technology on society.Answer: B2. According to the lecture, what is the primary reason for the decline in bird populations?A. Loss of habitat.B. Climate change.C. Pesticide use.D. Urban expansion.Answer: A二、阅读理解3. In the passage, the author argues that the best way to understand a culture is by:A. Studying its history.B. Visiting its museums.C. Engaging with its people.D. Learning its language.Answer: C4. What is the author's main concern regarding the use of social media?A. It can lead to addiction.B. It may affect mental health.C. It can cause privacy issues.D. It may lead to misinformation.Answer: B三、语言知识5. The correct usage of the word "affect" in the sentence is:A. The weather will affect our plans.B. The weather will effect our plans.C. The weather will infect our plans.D. The weather will perfect our plans.Answer: A6. Which of the following sentences contains a grammatical error?A. She has been studying English for three years.B. He has lived in this city since he was born.C. The book is written by a famous author.D. I have seen the movie twice already.Answer: B四、翻译7. Translate the following sentence into English:"随着经济的发展,越来越多的人开始关注环境保护。

专业英语八级模拟试题及答案一、单选题(共49题,共98分)1.The old man shopd be treated with____.A.kindB.kindnessC.kindlyD.kinder2.The children shopd go to school instead of to support their families.A.to workB.workC.worksD.working3.By local doctors and nurses, we hope more people.A.train, helpB.training, helpingC.training, to helpD.train, helping4.I don’t have as ______ money as before, but my li fe is more______.A.many , usefpB.more ,niceC.most, goodD.much, meaningfp5.I hope you will spend as much time as you can ________ your English.A.to practiceB.practiceC.practicingD.on practice6.It’s necessary _________ us all to ________A.for, keeping learningB.to, keep learningC.of, keep to learnD.for, keep learning7.All we want to do ______ to find enough water _______the horses.A.are, toB.is , forC.be ,asD.is ,to give8.There is ______ little information about him that we have ______ much difficpty finding him.A.so, suchB.such, soC.so, soD.such, such9.That ’s ________exciting news that I’d like to tell everyone to share the joy.A.soB.suchC.such anD.so a piece of10.I ’d like to have a long holiday, but I’m really too busy to _____ the time.A.affordB.spendC.shareD.enjoy11.The foreigners _________there, but they _________the food there at first.A.u sed to live, didn ’t be used toB.are used to living, didn ’t use toed to live , weren ’t used toed to living, usedn ’t to12.The car is _____ expensive _____ he can’t buy it.A.too, toB.so, thatC.such, thatD.enough, thatst Friday I saw some boys ______ behind Daniel, _____ the computer games.A.sit, watchinB.sitting, watchC.sit, watchD.sitting, watched14.How I _____ I copd live on the moon.A.thinkB.hopeC.wantD.wish15.It’s necessary ______ us to keep our pets clean everyday.A.ofB.forC.withD.between16.---Wopd you like to go out for a walk with us?A.Of course notB.That ’s all righ tC.I ’d love toD.Yes, I do17.Is Tom at school today?No, He ’s at home ______ he has a bad cold.A.becauseB.ifC.untilD.before18.______ hard work it is!A.What aB.How aC. WhatD.How19.Mrs. White has _____ that she is not able to get a job.A.so little educationB.such little educationC.so a little educationD.such a little education20.People in some areas don’t have to pay for their ______.A.medicine treatB.medical treatC.medicine treatmentD. medical treatment21.Dr. Yang worked ______ three days ago.A.in hospitalB.at hospitalC.in a hospitalD.At a hospital22.Mr. Green is used to_________ two apples after lunch every day.A.eatB.eatingC.eatenD.ate23.The old man lives in a village_______, but he neverfeels________.A.alone; aloneB.lonely; aloneC.lonely; lonelyD.alone; lonely24.I ’ve nev er been out of China___________. What about you?A.alreadyB.overC.beforeD.just25.—I came to your office yesterday morning, but nobody was in.A.have hadB.hadC.were havingD.had had26.—Do you mind__________ here?A.me to smoke; Not at allB.my smo king; Yes, I don ’tC.me to smoke; Certainly notD.If I smoke; No. Please27.I_______ that there_______ an evening party on Saturday evening.A.was told; was going to haveB.was told; was going to beC.heard; was going to haveD.was said; is going to be28.We all found_____ to play the game.A.that interestedB.this interestingC.it interestingD.it ’s interesting29.I don’t understand ____ be lieve him.A.why don ’t youB.why you noC.why you don ’tD.why not you30.How long have you____?A.marriedB.be marriedC.got marriedD.been married31.He arrived____ London ____ a cold winter night.A.at; atB.in; onC.in; inD. \; on32.- We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.A.was happeningB.to happenC.has happenedD.having happened33.The little boy didn’t know_______.A.Which hat is hiB.which hat his isC.which hat was hisD.which hat his was34.Tom, with his parents______ to America. They_____ back in two weeks.A.have gone; will comeB.has gone; will comeC.have been; have comeD.have been; come35.It’s important_____ a foreign languageA.of us to learnB.For us to learnC.of us learningD.for us learning36.______ they are twin sisters, they don ’t look like each other.A.BecauseB.SinceC.ThoughD.However37.I don’t know ______ a show. Can you tell me?A.how organizeB.what organizeC.what to organizeD.how to organize38.My coat__________ there behind the door. Can ’t you see it?A.is hangedB.is hangingC.hangsD.has hung39.Project Hope is an organization _____ raises money to build schools and buy books for poor children.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.where40.—Have you finished the work?A.failedB.tryingC.triedD.failing41.They ’d like ____ thank the following people _____ their help and support.A.to; toB.for; forC.to; forD.for; to42.You ’d better sing. It doesn’t ______ whether you can sing well or not.A.workB.matterC.problemD.affect43.It’s your job________ the pop stars.A.introduceB.introducingC.introducesD.to introduce44.—How do you like this dress?A.OrB.SoC.ButD.Since45.The radio is________ a strange signal. What’s wrong with it?A.giving upB.giving inC.giving outD.giving away46.I ______ that I were a bird.A.wishB.hopeC.wantD.expect47.I hope my father____ ask me about my marks.A.notB.not toC.won ’tD.don ’t48.The fans were very excited______ David Beckham came to the show.A.soB.becauseC. butD.and49.I think____ important to learn English well.A.thisB.thatC.itD.you are1、正确答案: B2、正确答案: D3、正确答案: C4、正确答案: D5、正确答案: C6、正确答案: D7、正确答案: B8、正确答案: C9、正确答案: B10、正确答案: A11、正确答案: C12、正确答案: B13、正确答案: ABC14、正确答案: D15、正确答案: B16、正确答案: C17、正确答案: A18、正确答案: C19、正确答案: A20、正确答案: D21、正确答案: C22、正确答案: B23、正确答案: D24、正确答案: C25、正确答案: C26、正确答案: C27、正确答案: C28、正确答案: B29、正确答案: C30、正确答案: D31、正确答案: B32、正确答案: C33、正确答案: C34、正确答案: B35、正确答案: B36、正确答案: C37、正确答案: C38、正确答案: B39、正确答案: A40、正确答案: B41、正确答案: C42、正确答案: B43、正确答案: D44、正确答案: B45、正确答案: C46、正确答案: A47、正确答案: C48、正确答案: B49、正确答案: C。

专业英语八级考试全真试卷参考答案听力原文PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A TALKThe World Bank is one of the major channels through which development aid i s passed from industrial west to the poor and developing nations of the world. I ts scale of operations is vast, which is why its lending program exceeds 7 billi on a year, and its work force numbers about 4500. In the last decade important c hanges have taken place in the size of the bank’s operations and in the emphasi s of its lending policies. What immediately strikes anyone looking at the lending figures over the last 10 years is the tremendous expansion in the bank’s loan p rogram. This has increased from 1 billion to nearly 7 billion. The figure includ es hard loans, which are made at the current rate of interest, and soft loans, w hich are allocated to poor countries at concessionary rates, and usually channel led through the bank’s affiliate—the International Development Association.In deciding the emphasis of its lending policy, the bank has had to take i nto account the population explosion which is occuring in many poor countries of the world. It is a fact that the fertility rate of the poor countries is often very high. This is one of the main reasons for these countries remaining poor. U nfortunately, wide-ranging country sectionprograms do not usually reduce this r ate because this was a strong and deeply rooted tradition among people in these countries to have big families. What the bank discovered was that there was a li nk between economic and social development on the one hand, and reduction of fer tility rate on the other. Thus by improving basic health services, by introducin g better nutrition, by increasing literacy, and by promoting more even income di stribution in a poor country, a lower and more acceptable fertility rate will be achieved. This advanced thinking persuaded the bank to change its overall lend ing strategy,(略,内容不完整,给你带来的困扰请见谅.)PAPER ONEPART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A TALK答案:A【问句译文】世界银行运行系统变大系统的变化指的是什么?【试题分析】本题为细节题。

英语专业八级(阅读理解)练习试题及答案一、问答题(共7题,共70分)1.As Gilbert White,Darwin , and others observed long ago,all species appear to have theinnate capacity to increase their numbers from generation to generation. The task forecologistsis to untangle the environmentaand biologicalfactorsthat hold this intrinsiccapacity for poppation growth in check over the long run. The great variety of dynamicbehaviorsexhibitedby differentpoppationmakes thistaskmore difficpt:sompoppations remain roughly constant from year to year; others exhibit regpar cycles ofabundance and scarcity; still others vary wildly, with outbreaks and crashes that arein some cases plainly correlated with the weather, and in other cases not.To impose some order on this kaleidoscopeof patterns , one school of thought proposespiding poppations into two groups. These ecologists posit that the relatively steadypoppations havedensity-dependent growth parameters; that is, rates ofbirth , death ,and migrationwhich depend strongly on poppation density. The highly varying poppationshave density-independent growth parameters, with vital rates buffeted by environmentalevents ;these rates fluctuate in a way that is wholly independent of poppationdensity.This dichotomy has its uses, but it can cause problems if taken too literally. Forone thing , no poppation can be driven entirely by density-independent factors all thetime. No matter how severely or unpredictably birth, death , and migration rates may befluctuatingaroundtheirlong-termaverages , ifthere were nodensity-dependenteffects ,the poppationwopd , in the long run , eitherincrease or decrease without bound (barringa miracle by which gains and losses canceled exactly)。

大学英语八级试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)1. A) 5:00 pmB) 6:00 pmC) 7:00 pmD) 8:00 pm2. A) By bus.B) By train.C) By car.D) On foot.3. A) He is a teacher.B) He is a student.C) He is a doctor.D) He is an engineer.4. A) She was very happy.B) She was very sad.C) She was very angry.D) She was very surprised.5. A) To go to the movies.B) To go to a concert.C) To go to a party.D) To go to a restaurant.二、阅读理解(共40分)Passage One6. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of exercise.B) The benefits of a healthy diet.C) The impact of stress on health.D) The role of sleep in well-being.7. According to the passage, which of the following is a sign of stress?A) Increased heart rate.B) Decreased appetite.C) Improved memory.D) Enhanced focus.8. What does the author suggest to combat stress?A) Regular exercise.B) A balanced diet.C) Adequate sleep.D) All of the above.Passage Two9. What is the author's purpose in writing the article?A) To inform readers about a new technology.B) To persuade readers to adopt a certain lifestyle.C) To entertain readers with a humorous story.D) To argue for a specific point of view.10. What can be inferred from the article about the future of technology?A) It will become more integrated into daily life.B) It will be less accessible to the general public.C) It will have a negative impact on society.D) It will be limited to specific industries.Passage Three11. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The history of a famous company.B) The biography of a renowned scientist.C) The development of a new product.D) The impact of a significant event.12. What does the author believe about the subject?A) It is a positive development.B) It is a controversial issue.C) It is a minor concern.D) It is a complex problem.13. What is the author's tone in the passage?A) Critical.B) Neutral.C) Supportive.D) Skeptical.三、完形填空(共20分)14. A) DespiteB) AlthoughC) BecauseD) If15. A) fewB) manyC) muchD) little16. A) toB) forC) withD) by17. A) decidedB) discussedC) suggestedD) agreed18. A) thatB) whichC) whoD) what19. A) surprisedB) disappointedC) excitedD) bored20. A) HoweverB) ThereforeC) BesidesD) Otherwise四、翻译(共10分)21. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。

英语专业8级试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听内容,选择正确的答案。
A. 选项AB. 选项BC. 选项CD. 选项D[听力材料][问题][答案] B2. 根据对话内容,回答以下问题。
A. 问题1B. 问题2[听力材料][答案]A. 问题1的答案B. 问题2的答案二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下文章,回答后面的问题。
[文章内容]A. 问题1B. 问题2A. 问题1的答案B. 问题2的答案2. 阅读第二篇文章,并完成以下任务。
[文章内容]A. 问题1B. 问题2[答案]A. 问题1的答案B. 问题2的答案三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 选择适当的词汇填空。
[例句] The _______ of the building is impressive.A. scaleB. skillC. speedD. spirit[答案] A2. 根据语法规则,选择正确的选项。
[例句] _______ he is very young, he is very knowledgeable.A. ThoughB. SinceC. BecauseD. Unless四、翻译(共20分)1. 将以下句子从英语翻译成中文。
[英文句子][答案] [中文翻译]2. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英语。
[中文句子][答案] [英文翻译]五、写作(共10分)根据以下提示写一篇不少于200词的短文。
20GG年英语专业八级考试真题及答案PARTVTRANSLATION(60MIN) SECTIONACHINESETOENGLISH TranslatetheunderlinedpartofthefollowingteGtintoEnglish.WritePour translationonANSWERSHEETTHREE.我想不起来哪一个熟人没有手机。
参考答案:Cellphonehasalteredhumanrelations.ThereisusuallPanoteonthed oorofconferenceroom,whichreads“turnoffPourcellphones”.Howev er,theringsarestillresoundingintheroom.Weareallcommonpeopleand havefewurgenciestodo.Still,wearereluctant/unwillingtoturnofftheph one.CellphonesPmbolizesourconnectionwiththeworldandreflectsour “thirstforsocialization”.Wearefamiliarwiththescenewhenapersonst opshisstepstoeditshortmessageswithePesgluedathisphone,disregard ofhislocation,whetherintheroadcenterorbesidesarestroom.SECTIONAENGLISHTOCHINESE TranslatethefollowingteGtintoChinese.WritePourtranslationonANSW ERSHEETTHREE.We,thehumanspecies,areconfrontingaplanetarPemergencP----at hreattothesurvivalofourcivilizationthatisgatheringominousanddestr uctivepotentialevenaswegatherhere.Butthereishopefulnewsaswell:w ehavetheabilitPtosolvethiscrisisandavoidtheworst----thoughnotall----ofitsconsequences,ifweactboldlP,decisivelPandquicklP.However,toomanPoftheworld'sleadersarestillbestdescribedinthe wordsWinstonChurchillappliedtothosewhoignoredAdolfHitler’sthr eat:“ThePgooninstrangeparadoG,decidedonlPtobeundecided,resolv edtobeirresolute,allpowerfultobeimpotent."SotodaP,wedumpedanother70milliontonsofglobal-warmingpollu tionintothethinshellofatmospheresurroundingourplanet,asifitwerea nopensewer.Andtomorrow,wewilldumpaslightlPlargeramount,witht hecumulativeconcentrationsnowtrappingmoreandmoreheatfromthe sun.参考答案:我们人类正面临全球性的危机,我们的生存和文明受到威胁。
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大学英语专业八级考试测试试卷PART ⅠLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.Suggestions of Reading ActivitiesⅠ. Three 1 phases of reading—before reading—in the course of reading—after readingⅡ. Pre-reading activities—finding 2 to make comprehension easier—we-reading discussion activities to ease cognition—being aware of the 3 for reading—consideration of different types of reading skills:skimming, scanning, extensive reading, 4—understanding the 5 of the materialⅢ. Suggestions for during-reading activitiesA. Tips of 6 :—summarizing, reacting, questioning, 7 , evaluating, involving own experiencesB. My suggestions:—making predictions—making selections—combining 8 to facilitate comprehension—focusing on significant pieces of information—making use of 9 or guessing—breaking words into their 10—reading in 11—learning to pause—12Ⅳ. Post-reading suggestionsA. Depending on the goal of reading—penetrating 13—meshing new informationB. 14—discussing—summarizing—giving questions—filling in 15—writing reading notes—role-playingSECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interviews. At the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.16、A. Methods to help people get rich. B. Eight steps to make hill use of money.C. Measures to improve the quality of life.D. Basic knowledge of the payoff.17、A. Do a financial checkup. B. Read self-help books.C. Do online banking.D. Organize their daily schedule.18、A. To have online access. B. To have a shoe box.C. To know exactly what access can be used.D. To know the condition of income.19、A. Tracking on the online banking. B. Tracking with debit cards or credit cards.C. Tracking through checking account.D. Tracking with a joint account.20、A. For small purchases. B. For major purchases.C. For household expenses.D. For mortgage payment.21、A. Because the gene has been passed down before they died.B. Because their families and relatives had similar gene.C. Because the gene had to protect people in the past and today.D. Because the gene has been passed down by skipped generation.22、A. Ten minutes before we go indoor.B. Ten minutes after exposing to the sun.C. The first ten minutes when go out in the sun.D. As soon as we go out in the sun.23、A. Because they take advantage of numerous fertilizers.B. Because they are all sprayed with pesticides.C. Because they contain great chemicals and make poisons.D. Because they have been processed before sale.24、A. Because some of them are not used to some kinds of alcohol.B. Because most of them drink fewer times than people of other continents.C. Because half of them lack a gene to break down alcohol efficiently.D. Because some of them suffer from diseases that limit drinking.25、A. It gives conventional account for medicine.B. It introduces the dietary regime for the sick.C. It sees various medical issues in new light.D. It offers tips on survival in the wilderness.PART ⅡREADING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are four passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE26Cheating in sport is as old as sport itself. The athletes of ancient Greece used potions to fortify themselves before a contest, and their modern counterparts have everything from anabolic steroids and growth hormones to doses of extra red blood cells with which to invigorate theft bodies. These days, however, such stimulants are frowned on, and those athletes must therefore run the gauntlet of organizations such as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA., which would rather that athletes competed without resorting to them.27The agencies have had remarkable success. Testing for anabolic steroids (in other words, artficial testosterone) was introduced in the 1970s, and the incidence of cheating seems to have fallen dramatically as a result. The tests, however, are not foolproof. And a study just published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism by Jenny Jakobsson Schulze and her colleagues at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden suggests that an individual's genetic make-up could confound them in two different ways. One genotype, to use the jargon, may allow athletes who use anabolic steroids to escape detection altogether. Another may actually be convicting the innocent.28The test usually employed for testosterone abuse relies on measuring the ratio of two chemicals found in the urine: testosterone glucuronide (TG. and epitestosterone glucuronide (EG.. The former is produced when testosterone is broken down, while the latter is unrelated to testosterone metabolism, and can thus serve as a reference point for the test. Any ratio above four of the former to one of the latter is, according to official Olympic policy, considered suspicious and leads to more tests.29However, the production of TG is controlled by an enzyme that is, in turn, encoded by a gene called UGT2B17. This gene comes in two varieties, one of which has a part missing and therefore does not work properly. A person may thus have none, one or two working copies of UGT2B17, since he inherits one copy from each parent. Dr. Schulze guessed that different numbers of working copies would produce different test results. She therefore gave healthy male volunteers whose genes had been examined a single 360mg shot of testosterone (the standard dose for legitimate medical use) and checked their urine to see whether the shot could be detected.30The result was remarkable. Nearly half of the men who carried no functional copies of UGT2B17 would have gone undetected in the standard doping test. By contrast, 14% of those with two functional copies of the gene were over the detection threshold before they had even received an injection. The researchersestimate this would give a false-positive testing rate of 9% in a random population of young men.31Dr. Schulze also says there is substantial ethnic variation in UGT2B17 genotypes. Two-thirds of Asians have no functional copies of the gene (which means they have a naturally low ratio of TG to EG., compared with under a tenth of Caucasians—something the anti-doping bodies may wish to take into account.32In the meantime, Dr. Schulze's study does seem to offer innocents a way of defending themselves. Athletes traveling to Beijing for the Olympic games may be wise to travel armed not only with courage and the "spirit of Olympianism", but also with a copy of their genetic profile, just in case.PASSAGE TWO26Asked what job they would take if they could have any, people unleash their imaginations and dream of exotic places, powerful positions or work that involves alcohol and a paycheck at the same time. Or so you'd think.27None of those appeals to Lori Miller who, as a lead word processor, has to do things that don't seem so dreamy, which include proofreading, spell checking and formatting. But she loves it. "I like and respect nearly all my co-workers, and most of them feel the same way about me," she says. "Just a few things would make it a little better," she says, including a shorter commute and the return of some great people who used to work there. And one more thing: She'd appreciate if everyone would put their dishes in the dishwasher.28It's not a lot to ask for and, it turns out, a surprising number of people dreaming up their dream job don't ask for much. One could attribute it to lack of imagination, setting the bar low or "anchoring," the term referring to the place people start and never move far from. One could chalk it up to rationalizing your plight.29But maybe people simply like what they do and aren't, as some management would have you believe, asking for too much—just the elimination of a small but disproportionately powerful amount of office inanity. That may be one reason why two-thirds of Americans would take the same job again "without hesitation" and why 90% of Americans are at least somewhat satisfied with their jobs, according to a Gallup Poll.30The matters that routinely rank high on a satisfaction scale don't relate to money but "work as a means for demonstrating some sort of responsibility and achievement," says Barry Staw, professor of leadership and communication at University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business. "Pay—even when it's important, it's not for what you can buy, it's a validation of your work and approval."31So, money doesn't interest Elizabeth Gray as much as a level playing field. "I like what I do," says the city project manager who once witnessed former colleagues award a contractor, paid for work he never completed, with the title of "Contractor of the Year".32Thus: "My dream job would be one free of politics," she says. "All advancement would be based on merit. The people who really did the work would be the ones who received the credit."40Frank Gastner has a similar ideal: "VP in charge of destroying inane policies." Over the years, he's had to hassle with the simplest of design flaws that would cost virtually nothing to fix were it not for the bureaucracies that entrenched them. So, the retired manufacturer's representative says he would address product and process problems with the attitude, "It's not right; let's fix it now without a committee meeting."41Monique Huston actually has her dream job—and many tell her it's theirs, too. She's general manager of a pub in Omaha, the Dundee Dell, which boasts 650 single-malt scotches on its menu. She visits bars, country clubs, people's homes and Scotland for whiskey tasting. "I stumbled on my passion in life," she says.42Still, some nights she doesn't feel like drinking—or smiling. "Your face hurts," she complains. And when you have your dream job you wonder what in the world you'll do next.43One of the big appeals of a dream job is dreaming about it. Last year, George Reinhart saw an ad for a managing director of the privately owned island of Mustique in the West Indies.44He was lured by the salary ($1 million) and a climate that beat the one enjoyed by his Boston suburb. A documentary he saw about Mustique chronicled the posh playground for the likes of Mick Jagger and Princess Margaret. He reread Herman Wouk's "Don't Stop the Carnival," about a publicity agent who leaves his New York job and buys an island hotel. In April of last year, he applied for the job.45He heard nothing. So last May, he wrote another letter: "I wanted to thank you for providing the impetus for so much thought and fun." He didn't get the job but, he says, he takes comfort that the job hasn't been filled. "So, I can still dream," he adds.46I told him the job had been filled by someone—but only after he said, "I need to know, because then I can begin to dream of his failure."PASSAGE THREE26Israel is a "powerhouse of agricultural technology", says Abraham Goren of Elbit Imaging (EI), an Israeli multinational. The country's cows can produce as much as 37 liters of milk a day. In India, by contrast, cows yield just seven liters. Spotting an opportunity, EI is going into the Indian dairy business. It will import 10,000 cows and supply fortified and flavored milk to supermarkets and other buyers.27So will EI lap up India's milk market? Not necessarily. As the Times of India points out, its cows will ruminate less than 100 miles from the headquarters of a formidable local producer—the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, otherwise known as Amul. This Farmers' Co-operative spans 2.6m members, collects 6.5m liters of milk a day, and boasts one of the longest-running and best-loved advertising campaigns in India. It has already shown "immense resilience" in the face of multinational competition, says Arindam Bhattacharya of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG.. Its ice-cream business survived the arrival of Unilever; its chocolate milk has thrived despite Nestleacute.28Indeed, Amul is one of 50 firms—from China, India, Brazil, Russia and six other emerging economies—that BCG has anointed as "local dynamos". They areprospering in their home market, are fending off multinational rivals, and are not focused on expanding abroad. BCG discovered many of these firms while drawing up its "global challengers" list of multinationals from the developing world. The companies that were venturing abroad most eagerly, it discovered, were not necessarily the most successful at home.29Emerging economies are still prey to what Harvard's Dani Rodrik has called "export fetishism". International success remains a firm's proudest boast, and with good reason: economists have shown that exporters are typically bigger, more efficient and pay better than their more parochial rivals. "Exporters are better" was the crisp verdict of a recent review of the data.30Countries like India and Brazil were, after all, once secluded backwaters fenced off by high tariffs. Prominent firms idled along on government favors and captive markets. In that era, exporting was a truer test of a company's worth. But as such countries have opened up, their home markets have become more trying places. Withstanding the onslaught of foreign firms on home soil may be as impressive a feat as beating them in global markets.31BCG describes some of the ways that feat has been accomplished. Of its 50 dynamos, 41 are in consumer businesses, where they can exploit a more intimate understanding of their compatriots' tastes. It gives the example of Gol, a Brazilian budget airline, which bet that its cash-strapped customers would sacrifice convenience and speed for price. Many Gol planes therefore depart at odd hours and make several hops to out-of-the-way locations, rather than flying directly.32Similarly astute was India's Titan Industries, which has increased its share of India's wristwatch market despite the entry of foreign brands such as Timex and Swatch. It understood that Indians, who expect a good price even for old newspapers, do not throw their watches away lightly, and has over 700 after-sales centers that will replace straps and batteries.40Exporters tend to be more capital-intensive than their home-bound peers; they also rely more on skilled labor. Many local dynamos, conversely, take full advantage of the cheap workforce at their disposal. Focus Media, China's biggest "out of home" advertising company, gets messages out on flat-panel displays in 85,000 locations around the country. Those displays could be linked and reprogrammed electronically, but that might fall foul of broadcast regulations. So instead the firm's fleet of workers on bicycles replaces the displays' discs and flash-cards by hand.41The list of multinationals resisted or repelled by these dynamos includes some of the world's biggest names: eBay and Google in China; Wal-Mart in Mexico; SAP in Brazil. But Mr. Goren of EI is not too worried about Amul. The market is big enough for everybody, he insists. Nothing, then, is for either company to cry about.PASSAGE FOUR26It is hard for modern people to imagine the life one hundred years ago. No television, no plastic, no ATMs, no DVDs. Illnesses like tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia meant only death. Of course, cloning appeared only in science fiction. Not to mention, computer and Internet.27Today, our workplace are equipped with assembly lines, fax machines, computers. Our daily life is cushioned by air conditioners, cell phones. Antibiotics helped created a long list of miracle drugs. The by-pass operation saved millions. The discovery of DNA has revolutionized the way scientists think about new therapies. Man finally stepped on the magical and mysterious Moon. With the rapid changes we have been experiencing, the anticipation for the future is higher than ever.28A revolutionary manufacturing process made it possible for anyone to own a car. Henry Ford is the man who put the world on wheels.29When it comes to singling out those who have made a difference in all our lives, you cannot over-look Henry Ford. A historian a century from now might well conclude that it was Henry Ford who most influenced all manufacturing everywhere, even to this day, by introducing a new way to make cars—one, strange to say, that originated in slaughter houses.30Back in the early 1900s, slaughter houses used what could have been called a "disassembly line." That is, the carcass of a slain steer or a pig was moved past various meat-cutters, each of whom cut off only a certain portion. Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto. Rather than have each worker completely assemble a magneto, one of its elements was placed on a conveyer, and each worker, as it passed, added another component to it, the same one each time. Professor David Hounshell, of The University of Delaware, an expert on industrial development tells what happened: "The previous day, workers carrying out the entire process had averaged one magneto every 20 minutes. But on that day, on the line, the assembly team averaged one every 13 minutes and 10 seconds per person."31Within a year, the time had been reduced to five minutes. In 1913, Ford went all the way. Hooked together by ropes, partially assembled vehicles were towed past workers who completed them one piece at a time. It wasn't long before Ford was turning out several hundred thousand cars a year, a remarkable achievement then. And so efficient and economical was this new system that he cut the price of his cars in half, to $260, putting them within reach of all those who, up until that time, could not afford them. Soon, auto makers over the world copied him. In fact, he encouraged them to do so by writing a book about all of his innovations, entitled Today and Tomorrow. The Age of the Automobile had arrived. Today, aided by robots and other forms of automation, everything from toasters to perfumes is made on assembly lines.32Edsel Ford, Henry's great-grandson, and a Ford vice president: "I think that my great-grandfather would just be amazed at how far technology has come."40Many of today's innovations come from Japan. Norman Bodek, who publishes books about manufacturing processes, finds this ironic. On a recent trip to Japan he talked to two of the top officials of Toyota. "When I asked them where these secrets came from, where their ideas came from to manufacture in a totally different way, they laughed, and they said. 'Well. We just read it in Henry Ford's book from 1926: Today and Tomorrow.'"26、The second paragraph implies that testing for anabolic steroids______.(PASSAGE ONE.A. is always accurate and reliableB. is proved to be inaccurateC. may sometimes show inaccuracyD. has helped end doping in sport27、According to official Olympic policy, which of the following ratio between TG and EG is considered suspicious? ______(PASSAGE ONE.A. 1:1.B. 2.5:1.C. 3.3:1.D. 4.5:1.28、Which of the following is NOT true about UGT2B17, according to the passage? ______(PASSAGE ONE.A. None, one or two working copies of UGT2B17 can be found in different people.B. Test results would depend on numbers of working copies of UGT2B17.C. Most Caucasians have no functional copies of UGT2B17.D. Most Asians have no functional copies of UGT2B17.29、Why does the author suggest the athletes bring a copy of their genetic profile to the Olympic Games?______(PASSAGE ONE.A. Because it is required by the Beijing Olympic Games Committee.B. Because it may defend them against unfavorable testosterone test results.C. Because it is one of the ways to show "spirit of Olympianism".D. Because it will help them to perform better in the Olympic Games.30、According to the passage, ______.(PASSAGE TWO)A. many people don't ask for much about their dream jobB. most Americans are not satisfied with their jobsC. Lori Miller is totally satisfied with her current jobD. Loti Miller is not satisfied with her current job at all31、What is the role of the 4th paragraph in the development of the passage? ______(PASSAGE TWO)A. To show that people don't ask for much about their dream job.B. To show that most people in America are satisfied with their jobs.C. To offer supporting evidence to the preceding paragraph.D. To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphs.32、All the following are mentioned as features of a dream job EXCEPT ______.(PASSAGE TWO)A. demonstrating duty and achievementB. being free of politicsC. making people dream about itD. involving alcohol drinking33、According to the passage, after EI enters the Indian dairy business, ______.(PASSAGE THREE.A. India's milk market will not necessarily be greatly influencedB. India's milk market will be completely lapped upC. Amul will lose in the competition with EID. Unilever and Nestleacute will leave the Indian market34、All of the following are ways to accomplish the feat of withstanding the onslaught of foreign firms on home soil EXCEPT ______.(PASSAGE THREE.A. relying more on skilled laborB. specializing in consumer businessesC. taking advantage of the cheap workforceD. better understanding homeconsumers' tastes35、Which of the following would the author most probably agree? ______(PASSAGE THREE.A. Not all of the developing world's most successful companies are globalizing.B. Companies venturing abroad most eagerly are the most successful at home.C. Local dynamos are the most successful firms all over the world.D. Globalizing is not good for companies in emerging economies.36、To call Henry Ford "the man who put the world on wheels", the author means ______.(PASSAGE FOUR)A. he made quality wheels famous to the whole worldB. he produced cars for free for people all over the worldC. his innovation made it possible for anyone to own a carD. his innovation provided everyone in the world with a car37、The assembly line reduced the time to make a magneto by ______ within a year.(PASSAGE FOUR)A. 20%B. 38%C. 65%D. 75%38、Before assembly line was introduced, the price of a Ford's car was ______.(PASSAGE FOUR)A. $260B. $130C. $520D. $104039、The last paragraph implies that ______.(PASSAGE FOUR)A. Today and Tomorrow provides technological solutions for manufacturersB. Many of the Japanese innovations are inspired by Today and TomorrowC. Today and Tomorrow is more popular among the Japanese than the AmericansD. Today and Tomorrow is a Japanese manufacturing encyclopedia40、SECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each question in NO more than 10 words in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.According to the passage, what is the status quo of cheating in sport?(PASSAGE ONE.41、According to the second paragraph, why are the tests for anabolic steroids inconvincible?(PASSAGE ONE.42、What does the phrase "a level playing field" in Paragraph 6 mean?(PASSAGE TWO)43、What's the main idea of the passage?(PASSAGE TWO)44、According to the passage, what's the market orientation of those "local dynamos"?(PASSAGE THREE.45、According to Dani Rodrik, what's the most important achievement for "export fetishism"?(PASSAGE THREE.46、Why do many Gol planes take off at odd hours and fly indirectly?(PASSAGE THREE.47、Where did the idea of assembly line come from?(PASSAGE FOUR)PART ⅢLANGUAGE USAGEThe passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided atthe end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a "∧" sign and write the wordyou believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash "—" and put the word in the blankprovided at the end of the line.Language performance and language acquisition are the twoprinciple concerns of the psychology of language, or psycholinguistics. 48The intensified study of psycholinguistics has produced a considerableamount of literature and some significant advance in our understanding 49of language acquisition. Surprisingly little fundamental researchhas been conducted into the processes of learning a second language.The consequence has been most theories in this field 50are still extrapolating from general theories of human learning 51and behavior or from the recent work in language performance andacquisition. This is not to say that there has been no valuableresearch on language teaching. But this has been concerned about 52the evaluation of different teaching methods and materials, forexample, the use of language laboratories, the use of language drills,the teaching of grammar by different methods.Now, such research is difficult to evaluate, so experiments in 53language teaching suffer from the same set of problems that allcomparative educational experiments suffer from. It is virtuallyimpossible to control all the factors involved in even if we know 54how to identify them in the first place, particularly such factors asmotivation, previous knowledge, aptitude, learning outside the classroom,teacher performance. Consequently the conclusions to be drawnfrom such experiments can, with confidence, be generalized toother 55teaching situations. The results are, strictly spoken, only valid for the 56 learners, teachers and schools in what the experiment took place. 57PART ⅣTRANSLATIONTranslate the following text from Chinese into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.58、沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。