


点菜服务Taking Orders


西餐正餐W=Waiter G=Guest

W: Good evening. Would you like to order now

G: Yes, I’d like to start with shrimp cocktail虾尾小菜(虾仁杯), then the veal cutlet(炸小牛排), I’ll have a vanilla ice-cream for dessert, and some coffee with cream.

W: I’m sorry, the veal cutlet is not being served today, but we have sirloin steak(腰眼牛排), it’s very delicious. Would you like to try it, sir

G: That sounds like a good idea, I’ll have a sirloin steak.

W: How do you like your steak done, sir

G: Rare, please.

W: OK.

G: Please bring me two slices of bread and butter with the soup.


W: Yes, sir. Can I get you something to drink with your meal

G: I’ll have a gin and tonics with lemon and ice, please.


W: Will there anything else, sir

G: No, thanks. I think that’s enough.

W: Yes. So one shrimp cocktail, a cup of coffee with cream, a gin and tonic with lemon and ice and two slices of bread and butter. And the main course is a rare sirloin steak.

G: Thank you.

W: Thank yo u, sir. Just a moment please, I’ll go place your order and get it for you right away.


W: What would you like to order

G: I can’t decide.

W: Today’s special is beef steak with onion. It is always a favorite with our customers. And our house specialty(招牌菜)is roast leg of lamb.

G: No. I’m not that hungry. What else do you recommend

W: Perhaps you’d like some sole(鳎鱼)

G: That would be fine.

W: Would you like some salad with it, sir

G: Yes, please. A mixed salad. And may I have some rice with the sole, please

W: Yes, sir.



1、Here is the menu / wine list / dessert menu, sir.

The waiter will be here to take your order.

2、Please take your time, I’ll be back to take your order.


3、Excuse me, sir. May I take your order now

4、Are you ready to order, sir

5、Are you ready to order or you need another minute


1、Would you like to have table d’hote, or a la carte您选择套餐还是零点呢

2、We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes, which would you prefer


3、Why not try our buffet dinner

4、How would you like your egg / steak / coffee

5、Would you like your fried eggs sunny-side up


6、Which sauce(汁)would you like for the steak

7、Is there anything you can’t eat

8、Are you allergic to any particular food, sir 先生,请问您对某些食物过敏吗

9、It will stimulate the appetite. 它会刺激您的胃口。

10、Are you on a special diet 您对饮食有什么特别的要求吗

11、Would you like your crabs steamed or fried with ginger and spring onion


12、We serve Cantonese, Sichuan, Shanghai and Beijing cuisines,

which cuisine would you prefer我们有粤菜、川菜、沪菜和京菜,您喜欢哪一种呢

13、We offer special menus for different diets.


14、We have a wide range of vegetarian dishes for you choice.


15、Which flavor would you prefer, sweet or chili(辣的)

16、Maybe Cantonese cuisine will suit you.

17、Would you like large or small portions(小份)

18、Would you like to put it on your hotel bill

19、I’m on a diet. 我在节食。

20、I’d like something light清淡/ crisp香脆/ sour酸/ sweet fro dinner.

21、We are not used to spicy food. Please don’t put any chili in the meal.

22、What do Chinese people usually have on their birthday

23、Please add some pepper to the soup.


1、Certainly speaking, Cantonese cuisine is light and clear;Sichuan cuisine is strong and hot; Shanghai cuisine is oily and Beijing cuisine is spicy and a bit salty.

2、It’s crisp / tasty / tender / clear / strong / spicy / aromatic.


3、It looks good, smells good and tastes good. 这道菜色、香、味俱全。

4、It’s a well-known delicacy in Chinese cuisine. 它是中国菜的一道有名的佳肴。

5、It’s very popular among our guests.它非常受欢迎。

6、The chicken soup with cream corn is the soup with corn and minced chicken.

It’s sweet and delicious. 鸡茸玉米羹是用甜玉米和鸡茸做的,很鲜甜。

7、The stewed mutton is stewed in wine with carrot, onion.


8、It’s for 4 persons.

9、It’s served by the dozen.它是按打卖的。

10、How do you cook it

11、How many ways are there to cook chicken

12、Is there any other way to cook pigeon other than roasted


13、Would you tell me how the “steamed pork wrapped with rice flour” is cooked 你能告诉我们粉蒸肉是怎么做的吗

14、What is the best way to cook scallops 请问用什么方法烹制扇贝最好

15、What table d’hote do you have你们有什么套餐


1、The set course will not take as much as time. I would recommend that you order a set course for 2 persons. It is cheap and delicious(经济实惠).

2、I’m afraid it is not enough for four persons. It would be better to add two dishes.

3、This course is for a minimum of 5 to 6 persons. I think the portions will be too large for two. 这道菜至少是5到6个人吃的,我想这对两个人来说太多了。

4、Today’s special is +++, with a 40% discount. 今天的特价菜是++。有6折优惠。

5、If you are in a hurry, I would recommend……

6、The beef BBQ(牛肉烧烤)is terrific(棒极了!)! Yo u’ll love it.

7、“Goose Wings and Feet in Soy Sauce” is very typical Chaozhou style.


8、“Hand Shredded Chicken Dongjiang style” is a very old traditional dish.


9、May I suggest the ++ It’s our house specialty / the latest rec ommendation / the latest style. 这是我们的招牌菜/ 最新推介/ 最新出品。

10、Spring is the best season for carp(鲤鱼).

11、The spinach is in season now. Would you like to try it 菠菜刚上市。

12、Have you tried fried garoupa with mayonnaise sauce It’s our chef’s special.


13、Would you like to try our mutton hot pot It will keep you warm in winter.

14、If you are entertaining important guests, our braised sea cucumber with mushroom in abalone sauce is a very luxurious dish.


15、I’m not familiar with the Chinese food, could you recommend something

16、Would you like to try our House Specialty(招牌菜)

17、Can you wait a few more minutes

18、What is today’s special(特价菜)

19、We will try whatever you recommend.

20、We would like something delicious in typical Chinese style.


21、What do you recommend

22、That will be all, thank you.


1、It’s out of season. How about +++

2、I’m sorry, we have no set courses for one person.

Would you like to order from the a la carte menu

3、I’m sorry, we haven’t got any ++.

4、I’m sorry, there is no +++ today.

5、I’m afraid ++ is not on our menu. But I’ll ask our chef if it is available.

6、I’m afraid ++ is sold out.

7、That dish is not available now. may I suggest the ++ It is also tasty.

8、I’m afraid it is out of season, sir. Would you like to try something else

酒水服务Beverage Service

经典对话:推荐佐餐酒S=Sommelier 斟酒服务员G=Guest顾客

S:Good evening,, sir. Would you like to order some wine with your meal

G:Um, yes. What would you recommend

S:I think that Chablis or a Muscatel would go very well with your oysters.


G:We’d like one which is very dry. The Muscatel(麝香葡萄酒)is ok.

S:How much would you like

G:We’ll take a half bottle of that then.

S:And what would you like with your steak

G:Let me see, do you have a very full-bodied wine which is not too fruity


S:Our own house wine which we import specially, the Chateau de lescours,

would be very suitable. It is Burgundy with a rich but delicate body which is not too dry. 我们特别金库的招牌酒“沙托得拉斯寇”酒很合适。那是一种浓郁而美味的布根地酒,也不至太没有甜味。G: That sounds just right. We’ll have a full bottle of that.

S: Certainly, sir. Just a moment, please.


S: Good evening! Would you like some wine Here is the wine list.

G: Yes. What would you recommend

S: Since(既然)you ordered Chinese food, I’d suggest you try some Chinese wine. We have Chinese rice wine(中国米酒)and Chinese white liquor(中国白酒).

G: Are there any differences between them

S: Yes. Chinese rice wine is made from rice or sticky rice(糯米), the Chinese white wine is made from barley(大麦), wheat (小麦)or Chinese sorghum(高粱). People from south of China prefer rice wine while those from the north drink white liquor. If you prefer mild liquor(低度酒), I think the Chinese yellow wine will be a good choice and it go well with the crab(螃蟹)you ordered.

G: Fine. We’d like some Shaoxing Jia Fan Jiu.


S: (Shows the brand to the guest) Your Red Burgundy(勃第红葡萄酒)May I serve it now

G: Yes, please.

S: I’ll put the cork here. (Pours wine) May I decant it now to allow it to breathe

How is it, sir 我可否慢慢倒,好让香味散发出来先生,这香味如何

G: Excellent!

S: (Give a sip to the guest) Please taste it, sir. Is it all right


G: Wonderful!

S: Thank you, sir. Please enjoy your meal.



1、Would you care for a drink before dinner

2、Here is the wine list, sir. What would you like to drink

3、Would you care for an aperitif before your meal

4、Would you like a liqueur to complete your meal 要不要点利口酒来结束这顿饭

5、We have chilled and heated Sake(冷的和热的清酒). Which one would you like

6、Which brand of beer would you like We have some Chinese brand such as Tsing Tao, Zhujiang, and Blue Ribbon(蓝带), and some foreign brand such as Kirin(麒麟), Heineken(喜力)and San Miguel (生力).

7、With or without ice, sir

8、Would you like to add some soda to your wine How about Sprite(雪碧)

9、Please taste it, Mr. Smith. Is it all right

10、Any wine or soft drinks for the ladies

11、Would you like me to pour some more wine for you, sir

12、It’s sold by the bottle.

13、Sir, we still have your half bottle of Brandy Here. Would you like us to serve it to you 先生,您还有半瓶白兰地寄存在这儿,需要为您拿过来吗

14、Your bottle of wine is finished. Would you like one more bottle

15、Would you like coffee or tea, sir

16、We’d like some Chinese wine, what would you recommend

17、I think I’ll have a Dry Sherry instead of the kirsch.


18、The Champagne Cocktail sounds delicious. I’d like to taste it.

19、I think it calls for something special. 我想要一点特别的东西。

20、I’d like my coffee with milk but without sugar.


1、We have San Miguel on tap and Tsing Tao in bottles.


2、Kirsch is very popular with our guests.

3、Moutai is one of the most famous liquors in China and never goes to the head.

4、We have different kinds of canned(罐装)and bottled(瓶装)beers, as well as draft beer(生啤)and black beer(黑啤).

5、Tsing Tao is our local beer. It is well known around the world. It is inexpensive and tastes excellent also.

6、Moutai is one of the most famous Chinese rice wines(白酒). We have Moutai with 56%-alcohol and 38%-alcohol. 酒精含量在56度和38度的。

7、The Guangdong rice wine is milder than those from the north of China.


8、The canned coke costs 7 yuan. The bottled coke costs 10 yuan.

9、We have fresh orange juice, apple juice, watermelon juice, mango juice, pear juice and carrot juice (甘笋汁). Each glass costs 15 yuan.

10、Chinese yellow wine is very popular in China. We have Shaoxing Jia Fan Jiu, Longyan Chen

Gang Jiu and Jimo Jiu.


1、Would you like a bottle of red wine / white wine / port to go with your beef / sea food / cheese 要不要来瓶红葡萄酒/白葡萄酒/钵酒来配您的牛扒/海鲜/芝士呢

2、I think that Red Bordeaux(波尔多红葡萄酒)would go very well with your chicken.

3、Would you care for something a little stronger

4、If you prefer something milder(淡一点), we have rice wine.

5、The Zhangyu dry red wine is rather mild for the ladies.

Would you like to try some

6、Since you have come all the way to China, we would recommend the Chinese wine. 既然你们远道来到中国,我建议你们来点清酒。

7、We have Vodka(伏特加)if you prefer strong liquor.

8、Rice wine goes perfectly with crabs.

9、Would you like to have some beer to sooth you after all the spicy food


10、We have recently added kirin beer from Japan to our selection.

Would you care for some 我们新到了一些日本麒麟啤酒,要尝尝吗

11、Since you ordered the Sashimi, I’d suggest Japanese Sake to go with your meal. 既然你们点了刺身,我建议你们来点清酒。


1、How is the temperature / bouquet(香味)/ taste / color of the wine

2、May I serve the Cotes du Rhone(玫瑰酒)now, sir

3、I think the Bordeaux should be decanted now and allowed to breathe for a little while. 我认为现在波尔多酒应该轻轻倒,好让气味散发一下。

4、Your Remy Martin(人头马白兰地), please. Would you like to taste it

5、There’s a lot of sediment(沉淀物)in the bottle.

6、This wine tastes of the cork. 这酒喝起来有软木塞的味道。

7、This wine tastes very vinegary (酸)/ tart(辛辣).

8、This wine is not chilled enough. 这酒不够冰。

9、This orange juice is too sweet.

10、I’ll put the cork here.


工作行为规范系列 西餐点菜服务流程规范(标准、完整、实用、可修改)

编号:FS-QG-17498西餐点菜服务流程规范 Western food order service process specification 说明:为规范化、制度化和统一化作业行为,使人员管理工作有章可循,提高工作效率和责任感、归属感,特此编写。 西餐点菜服务流程 流程具体内容 引领同领位服务流程 餐前(1)饮料 A、客人就座后,服务员来到桌边对客人表示欢迎,并作简单自 我介绍:欢迎光临,为各位服务很高兴,我叫××。 B、在客人右侧为客人倒冰水,倒至六成即可。 C、站在客人右侧,呈上酒单,打开倒开胃酒和鸡尾酒栏目,请 客人点单:这是酒单,请问餐前需要些什么酒水用些鸡尾 酒/啤酒/果汁,您看怎么样

D、记住客人点的酒水饮料,并向客人复述一遍。 E、开三联酒水单,一联送酒吧,一联交帐台,一联留底备查。 (2)斟酒或饮料 A、啤酒及有气泡的饮料应站在客人右侧沿杯壁徐徐倒入杯中至 八成左右。 B、斟酒见斟酒服务流程。 (3)点菜 A、从客人右边送上菜单:请看菜单。 B、见客人有点菜意图即上前征询:现在可以为您点菜吗。 C、点菜服务时站在客人斜后方可以观察客人面部表情的地方, 上身微躬。 D、如客人不能确定点什么菜肴时,应向其作介绍,相机推荐合 适的菜肴:我向您们推荐××,这是我们今天的特色菜,×

×是我们厨师长的拿手菜,此外,我们还有些非常新鲜的蔬 菜,这些菜肴都口味鲜美。 E、将客人点要的菜点记在四联单的小票上,字迹清晰,缩写、 简写字要易于辨认。 F、将客人点菜内容复述一遍,请客人确认:您点的是××,对 吗 G、如客人点菜有煮蛋,牛排等,要问清喜欢何种生熟程度。 H、客人用餐时间较紧的话,如点的菜费时较长,则应及时提醒 客人,征求意见:您点的××,烹制可能需要××(时间),您有时间等候吗 I、如客人对菜肴的特殊要求,在菜单上要标明,第一联交厨房, 第二联收银留帐台,第三、四联由服务员、传菜员留底

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语 - 制度大全

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语-制度大全 西餐厅服务员常用英语口语之相关制度和职责,colddish凉菜vegetabledish素菜meatdish荤菜mainfood主食hotpot火锅spicyhotpot麻辣火锅coldnoodles冷面boileddumpling水饺steamedbun包子smallsteamedbun小... cold dish 凉菜vegetable dish 素菜meat dish 荤菜main food 主食hot pot 火锅 spicy hot pot麻辣火锅cold noodles 冷面boiled dumpling 水饺steamed bun 包子small steamed bun 小笼包 instant-boiled mutton 涮羊肉meat braised in soy sauce 红烧肉tofu / bean curd豆腐fried bread stick 油条 fried dumpling 锅贴steamed bread 馒头noodles served with fried bean sauce 炸酱面sliced noodles 刀削面 porridge 粥soup 汤meat ball soup 丸子汤seaweed soup 紫菜汤lean meat 瘦肉fatty meat 肥肉 麦当劳食物介绍: 1 套餐:combo 通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说combo number one 或number one 就好了。有时店员会问, Do you want to go large ? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。 2 汉堡:hamburger 美国人说汉堡通常说burger 或cheese burger.和国内不同的是,在美国单点汉堡时店员会问你goes with cheese ? 所以也可以在点的时候就说without cheese ,他就不会再问你。 3 薯条:fries 4 饮料:drinks ①可乐:coke ② 减肥可乐: diet coke ( diet ) ③雪碧: sprite ④橘子汽水:Hi-C ( or orange soda )⑤冰茶:iced tea 顾客: 1 A BigMac , 2 orders of fries and a milkshake . . 一个牛肉汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。 2 I’d like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets . 我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。 3 I’ll have a large / small Coke with no ice and a pineapple pie . 我要一杯不加冰的大/小可乐和一个菠萝派。 4 I’d like a small Coke , a hamburger , an order of fries as well as an apple pie . 我要一杯小可乐,一个汉堡,一份薯条和一个苹果派。 5 I’d like a cup of coffee, a share of fried chicken legs, a hamburger and a strawberry sundae. 我要一杯咖啡, 一份炸鸡腿,一个汉堡和一个草莓圣代。 6 Where are the napkins ? 餐巾在哪儿 7 Where are the straws ? / Do you have straws ? 吸管在哪儿/ 有吸管吗 8 Can I have some napkins ? 可以给我一些餐巾纸吗 9 Could I have extra ketchup ? 我可以多要些番茄酱吗 10 Where are the restrooms ? 洗手间在哪里


餐厅服务员常用英语: 1 ①How many ? / How many are your party ? 你们几位? 2 ①Two for dinner , please . 两人用餐。 ②Can I have a table for two ? 有一张两个人的桌子吗? ⑦Excuse me , is that table vacant ? 打扰了,请问这是空桌吗? 3 ①My friend will be along shortly . 我的朋友一会就到。 ②I’m expecting someone . 我在等人。 4 ①Can I have the menu ? / Could you please give me the menu? / Bring me the menu , please . ⑤Would you like anything to drink ? 您想喝点什么吗? ⑥Do you need a few minutes ( to decide what you want ? ) 你是不是想再等几分钟(决定你要什么?) 6 ①Yes , ⑴I’d like to have / try some …… 是的,我想尝尝…… ⑵I’ll try / have …… 是的,我想尝尝…… ②I’d like my steak rare / medium / well-done . 我想我的牛排五分/七分/全熟。 ⑵What do you recommend ? 你推荐什么菜? ⑶What’s good today ? 今天有什么好菜? ⑷What are the specials ? 今天有什么特色菜? ⑧Well , …… is popular and …… is good . 恩,……很受欢迎,而且……也不错。 ⑨Why don’t you order for me ? 还是你帮我点吧。 7 May I serve your dishes , now ? 现在可以上菜了吗? 8 ①⑴Do you like your salad / steak / mutton-chop ……? 你的色拉/牛排/羊排……怎么样? ⑵Yes , it’s nice and fresh . 是的,好吃,而且新鲜。 ②⑴It’s so ta sty ! 味道真美! ⑵This is delicious ! 真好吃! ⑤That’s a great meal ! 真好吃/ 真棒! ⑦This is a little tough . 有点儿硬。 ⑧The sauce is lovely . 这汁不错! ⑨This meat is too fatty . 肉太肥了。 9 Please try some of this . 请尝尝这个。 ②How about a refill ? 再来一杯如何? ③Won’t you have a li ttle more ?/ Take more , please . 再多吃点! 13 ①Excuse me for a moment . / Would you excuse me for a minute ? 不好意思,我离开一下。 ②I’ll be right back . 我马上回来。 ③Sorry about that . 刚刚真对不起。⑥⑴Could I have the check ?/ We’d like the bill , please ./ Check , please . 请拿账单来。 ⑦⑴Do you take this ? 你们收这个吗? ⑵Do you take credit card ? 你们收信用卡吗? 你想在鸡块上用哪种酱? —— Ketchup (番茄酱)/ BBQ sauce (烧烤酱)/ Hot mustard (芥末酱) 9 Is that all ? / Anything else ? ——That’s it . (多用)/ That’s all . 食物介绍: 1 套餐:combo 通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说combo number one 或number one 就好了。有时店员会问,Do you want to go large ? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条 和可乐。 2 汉堡:hamburger 美国人说汉堡通常说burger 或cheese burger.和国内不同 的是,在美国单点汉堡时店员会问你goes with cheese ? 所以也可以在点的时候就说without cheese ,他就不会再问 你。 3 薯条:fries 4 饮料:drinks ①可乐:coke ②减肥可乐:diet coke ( diet ) ③雪碧:sprite ④橘子汽水:Hi-C ( or orange soda ) ⑤冰茶:iced tea 顾客: 1 A BigMac , 2 orders of fries and a milkshake . . 一个牛肉 汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。 2 I’d like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets . 我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。 3 I’ll have a large / sm all Coke with no ice and a pineapple pie . 我要一杯不加冰的大/小可乐和一个菠萝派。 4 I’d like a small Coke , a hamburger , an order of fries as well as an apple pie . 我要一杯小可乐,一个汉堡,一份薯条和一个苹果派。 5 I’d like a cup of coffee, a share of fried chicken legs, a hamburger and a strawberry sundae. 我要一杯咖啡,一份炸鸡腿,一个汉堡和一个草莓圣代。 6 Where are the napkins ? 餐巾在哪儿? 7 Where are the straws ? / Do you have straws ? 吸管在哪儿?/ 有吸管吗? 8 Can I have some napkins ? 可以给我一些餐巾纸吗? 9 Could I have extra ketchup ? 我可以多要些番茄酱吗? 10 Where are the restrooms ? 洗手间在哪里? 餐厅常用英语一百句


西餐服务流程(整体) 1.迎接客人:l餐厅电话预订: a)电话铃响不能超过三声 b)接听电话首行用英文问好:“Good Evening, This is the ‘XXX’,May I help you?” c)如遇对方没有反应,即用中文问好:“您好,请问需要帮忙吗?” d)在接受订座时,必须登记客人姓名、人数、就餐时间、房间号码等及特殊要求l 客人来到餐厅,迎送员应面带微笑,主动上前问好:“Good evening Welcome to the ‘XXX’,Have you made reservation?”“晚上好,请问您是否有订座?” a)如客人已订座,迎送员应热情地引客人入座。 b)如果客人没有预订,迎送员应礼貌地将客人引领至适当的餐桌。2.带位: a)询问客人就餐人数后,礼貌地将客人带到客人满意的餐台前。“How many person in your party?”请问您们有几位?” “This way please”,“请这边走。” “How about this table?”,“这张台怎么样?” b)带客时应走在客人前方约1米处,且不时回头,把握好客人与自己的距离。切忌只顾自己走在前面,而把客人拉在后头。 c)离开前,向客人说:“请享用。”“Enjoy your lunch(dinner),please!” 3.拉椅让座:当迎送员把客人带到餐台边时,服务员应主动上前协助为客人拉椅让座。 a)站在椅背的正后方,双手握住椅背的两侧,后退半步,同时将椅子拉后半步。b)用右手做一个“请”的手势,示意客人入座。 c)在客人即将坐下的时候,双手扶住椅背两人侧,用右膝盖顶住d)拉


酒店西餐早餐服务程序及规范 1.准备工作:服务员须在早餐开始前半小时全部到岗,简短的碰头会,检查员工仪容仪表,布置当日工作,分配员工工作岗位,介绍厨房当日菜肴和推销菜肴;领班和服务员按区域检查台子、台布、口布、餐用具、玻璃器皿、不锈钢器皿、各种调味品、托盘、烟缸、火柴、花瓶等是否齐全清洁、明亮,摆放是否规范,整个餐厅是否统一;准备好菜单、饮料单,其中饮料单、菜单须清洁,配合厨房摆放自助餐用具和食品,所有用具要保证一定的周转量,以备更换。 2.点菜:客人就坐后,服务员应表示欢迎,并从客人右边递上菜单和饮料单,客人点菜时,服务员应在客人斜后右方,上身微躬,如果客人不能确定菜肴,应主动的向客人介绍菜肴,帮助客人选择菜肴,入厨单一式三联,饮料单一式两联,书写字迹要清楚,如有特殊要求,须加以说明,客人点完单后,应重复点单内容,以请客人确认,如客人所点菜肴出菜时间较长,应及时提醒客人,并征求客人意见,是否需要更换。 3.上菜:根据客人所点菜肴,调整桌面原有的餐用具,上饮品、菜肴或撤碟时一律使用托盘,除自助餐外无论客人吃美式套餐、欧陆式套餐还是零点都应在客人确定好饮料和菜肴后,尽快为客人提供饮料。,上菜时,应检查所上菜肴与客人所点菜肴是否一致,调味品与辅料是否跟全,西餐早餐上菜顺序为先冷后热。;欧陆式早餐上菜顺序为:自选果汁,各色早餐包点、咖啡或茶;美式早餐的上菜顺序为:自选果汁或水果、鲜蛋配火腿、咸肉或香肠、咖啡或茶,从客人右侧上菜,从客人左侧撤碟,上菜时要报菜名,放菜要轻,每上一道菜,都须将前一道用完餐的用具撤掉,咖啡或茶只有在客人结帐离去后才可撤走。 4.用餐:早餐就餐客人多,周转快,须不断的与厨房联系,以确保供应,保证出品质量,控制出菜时间,每个服务员应对自己所分管台面负责,要注意客人的表情,尽可能的解决和满足客人提出的要求,经常为客人添加咖啡或茶,在就餐过程中要避免发生送错菜或冷落客人,让客人久等的现象,及时撤去餐后盆、碟,勤换烟缸,做好台面清洁。 5.征询意见:在不打扰客人的情况下,主动征求客人对服务和出品的意见,如客人满意,应及时表示感谢,如客人提出意见和建议,则应认真加以记录,并表示将会充分考虑他的意见。 6.结帐:只有在客人要求结帐时,服务员方可结帐。多位客人一起就餐时,应问清统一开帐单还是分开帐单,凡住店客人要求签房帐时,服务员应请客人在帐单上签上姓名和房号,


西餐厅英语对话 Head Waiter: Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation, sir? 领班服务员:晚上好,先生,你有预订桌位吗,先生? Customer: I am afraid not. 顾客:我恐怕没有。 H.W: Just a moment, please. let me have a check. 请等一会儿,让我查一下空位。。 H. W:I'm very sorry, we're full now. Would you mind waiting about ten minutes, sir? 非常抱歉,我们现在客满了,你介意等10分钟吗? C: Ok. 好的。 H.W: Here is the chair, sir. 这里有椅子,先生。 C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 H.W: I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. 我很抱歉让你久等了,先生。 C: You have a table for me? 有一张桌子了?

H.W: Yes sir, this way, please. 是的先生,请走这边。 C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 H.W: Is this table all right? 这张桌子可以吗? C:Yes,good.I don't have much time tonight. I have to see my friend at eight thirty in the lobby. 是的,很好,我今晚时间不多,我必须8点半在大厅会我的朋友。 H.W: Don’t worry, sir. I will take care everything. 不用担心先生,我会安排好的? H.W: This is your Menu, sir. 这是您的菜单先生。 C:Thank you. 谢谢。 HW : May I take your order now, sir? 我能为现在您点菜吗先生? C: Yes, A mushroom soup, I want to have beef steak please. That’s it. 可以,一个蘑菇汤,一份牛排,就这些。


?目的:了解西餐基本知识,规范服务,提高服务质量. 正餐特点 西餐正餐(包括午餐和晚餐)特点是用餐内容复杂。服务技术要求高,按传统习惯,英国人较重视晚餐,西区大陆国家较重视午餐。随工作,生活节奏的加快,因午餐时间较短而晚餐时间较为充实,所以现在欧美国家晚餐作为正餐。 正餐的出品顺序 ?A、头盆又称开胃菜,是指开餐的第一道菜,通常由蔬菜、肉类、禽类或海鲜等制 成,一般数量较少,装入中小平盘或鸡尾酒杯,配以色彩鲜艳的装饰以诱人食欲。 头盆有冷、热之分,所以冷头盘当多见。 ?B、汤分清汤、蔬菜汤、浓汤等,汤能增加食欲,客人在就餐时,头盆和汤一般仅选一种。(根据客人喜好) ?C、色拉又称沙拉、沙律。意即凉拦菜,包括水果色拉、蔬菜色拉,荤菜色拉由各 种冷熟肉、禽等制成。 D、主菜是正餐的精华部分,可分为鱼类菜肴,由各种水产品制成的菜肴;肉类菜肴, 泛指一切蓄肉、家禽制成的菜肴。 ?E、甜品类是正餐结束前的最后一道食物。包括蛋糕、布丁、冰淇淋,和各种水果等甜味食品。另外,在餐后应提供咖啡、茶等饮料. 正餐服务规程 引领服务餐前服务点菜服务点酒服务酒水服务 菜肴服务餐中服务结帐服务送客服务 A 迎领服务 ? a 礼貌问候—看客人光临时,应主动上前打招呼,致以热情的问候; ? b 询问预订---要询问客人预订的姓名,然后核对预订表,按预定信息安排,如客人无预定,则问清客人就餐人数。 ? c 引入餐厅—以手示意,走在客人右前方1m处,将预订客人引领至预先安排的餐桌,并询问客人对座位的意见; ? d 拉椅让座--- 双手将座椅拉出,拉出的距离以客人能进入为准,当客欲入座时, 顺势用右脚轻轻将座椅推向前方。如有多位客人时,则为年长者及女士拉椅. B 餐前服务 a 呈递菜单--- 待客人入座后,应在微笑问好后,向每位客人呈送一份菜单,应打开 其第一页后正面递给客人. ? b 铺餐巾---按先宾后主,女士优先依次从客人右侧铺餐巾 ? c 餐前酒水服务--- 首先询问客人喝什么酒水。应做相应介绍和推荐,应记住每位客


西餐厅英语对话西餐厅 情景英语对话 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

西餐厅英语对话 Head Waiter: Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation, sir? 领班服务员:晚上好,先生,你有预订桌位吗,先生? Customer: I am afraid not. 顾客:我恐怕没有。 : Just a moment, please. let me have a check. 请等一会儿,让我查一下空位。。 H. W:I'm very sorry, we're full now. Would you mind waiting about ten minutes, sir? 非常抱歉,我们现在客满了,你介意等10分钟吗? C: Ok. 好的。 : Here is the chair, sir. 这里有椅子,先生。 C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 : I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. 我很抱歉让你久等了,先生。 C: You have a table for me? 有一张桌子了? : Yes sir, this way, please. 是的先生,请走这边。 C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 : Is this table all right? 这张桌子可以吗?

C:Yes, don't have much time tonight. I have to see my friend at eight thirty in the lobby. 是的,很好,我今晚时间不多,我必须8点半在大厅会我的朋友。: Don’t worry, sir. I will take care everything. 不用担心先生,我会安排好的 : This is your Menu, sir. 这是您的菜单先生。 C:Thank you. 谢谢。 HW : May I take your order now, sir? 我能为现在您点菜吗先生? C: Yes, A mushroom soup, I want to have beef steak please. That’s it. 可以,一个蘑菇汤,一份牛排,就这些。 HW: All right. How would you like your steak cooked Rare;Medium Rare;Medium;Medium Well;Well Done 牛排您要几成熟?一成熟;三成熟;五成熟;七成熟;全熟 C:Mesium,please. 五成熟,谢谢。 : Anything to drink, sir 您喝点什么吗先生? C: Not today, thanks. 今天不了,谢谢。 HW: Please wait a moment. 请稍后。 HW: Here is your mushroom soup, shall I serve your steak now, sir? 这是您的蘑菇汤,我现在可以给您上牛排吗? C: Yes, please as soon as possible. 可以,尽快。


西餐厅服务员每日工作流程及注意事项 A:餐前准备工作(06:00-06:25) a:1:准时参加班前会,明确今日工作区域及内容。 2:对自身的仪容仪表进行检查。 b:对所分配的工作区域进行每日例行检查。检查内容如下。 A/B区 1:桌椅是否摆放整齐。2:依据每日用餐人数刀叉、餐垫是否充足,干净整洁。3:检查桌面上易耗品(餐巾纸.糖. 牙签)是否充足。4:检查鲜花的新鲜程度。5:区域周边摆放装饰物的台面是否干净。 菜档: 1:菜牌摆放(确定菜牌的干净)。2:去掉覆于食物表面的保鲜膜。3:依据入住情况检查餐具是否充足、干净。4:检查不同菜品搭配餐具是否正确。5:检查菜台表面及菜档卫生。6:检查电源是否开启及机器的正常运行,保证食物及饮品的保温盒加热。7:检查相应食物所搭配的调味品是否齐全。8:若发现事物有异常情况及时告知领班。 收银: 1:准备开餐前的备用金,具体内容依照收银标准工作流程。2:确定领位台的干净整洁。是否有提前用餐及打包的事项及时告知领班。4:协助各区域员工工作。 员工用餐时间06:25-06:55

B:餐中服务(06:55-10:00/10:30) A/B区: 1:对进入餐厅用餐客人致以热情问候。2:及时撤去客人桌上多余的餐盘及添加餐巾纸。3:客人用餐结束后清理该桌面,更换干净的餐具及餐垫,将椅子归位。4:尽可能满足客人所需。5:协助老弱病残拿取食物及饮品。6:检查离桌客人是否有遗留物品,及时归还或上交。7:服务过程中注意与客人之间的距离,主动为客人让路,并礼貌送别。8:B区及时更换烟缸,A区服务人员有义务告知客人该区域为禁烟区,请客人给予配合。9:收餐前十分钟告知客人。 菜档: 1:巡查台面及食物是否干净/充足。及时告知厨房添加。 2:及时补充餐具。3:保证咖啡冰水的充足。4:确保餐车及时送洗,餐车里摆放有序。5:随时注意是否有客人将食物掉落在地毯上,及时清理。 C:餐后收尾工作(10:00/10:30—11:00) A/B区: 1:撤走桌面上的刀叉及餐垫,检查是否干净,将干净餐具放臵指定位臵。2:用半干的抹布檫示桌面及瓷器。无污渍,水痕,残留物。3:补充桌面的易耗品。4:检查周边展示台,装饰物的清洁。5:地面卫生的清理,吸尘。6:


西餐餐中工作细则及服务标准 一、给客人引座 1、迎接客人: (1)领位员站立于门口右侧,可以直接被客人看到的位置。 (2)当客人到来时,礼貌的问候并展示菜单以供客人参考。 (3)客人确定就餐后须问清客人人数、姓名、吸烟与否。 (4)如果是预订的客人,要礼貌的问候,并道出客人的姓名。 2、引导客人: (1)走在客人左前方,并保持1米的距离,带领客人进入餐厅,步行速度要适中。 (2)引导时须伸手向客人示意方向。 (3)到达座位后,须问客人对台位是否满意。 3、客人就座: (1)站立于椅子之后,将椅子从桌前搬开半米的距离。 (2)待客人下座时将椅子前送。 (3)服务中,女士优先。 二、服务客人就座 1、协助客人就座: (1)将主人与女士安排在面向正门的主位上。 (2)帮助客人搬开椅子,让客人站在就座位置前,客人坐下的同时将椅子前推,使客人 完全落座在椅子上。 (3)如客人带有小孩,可先取来儿童座椅,然后帮助儿童就座。 2、客人就座后的服务: (1)将客人脱下后的外衣用椅子套照好。 (2)提示客人保管好个人财物。 3、帮助客人铺好口布: (1)将口布从台面拿起。 (2)同时用双手的拇指和食指捏住口布的两个角,将口布轻轻展开。 (3)给客人铺口布时,须先向客人示意,并且女士优先。 (4)把口布从客人右侧铺在客人腿上。

(5)如台面上有空出的餐位,则将其餐具和展示盘撤下。 (6)离开时预祝客人胃口好。 三、上菜单、酒单 1、准备菜单、酒单: (1)菜单、酒单无破损、无污迹、无异物; (2)根据客人人数准备相应的菜单; (3)每个餐台准备一本酒单。 2、递送菜单、酒单: (1)将菜单、酒单打开至第一页,用右手从客人右侧呈上; (2)酒单只递与向服务员示意点酒的客人; 3、介绍菜单、酒水: (1)介绍餐厅每日特别推荐 (2)介绍菜单上有特色的菜肴和酒单上的名酒; (3)回答客人有关菜单、酒单的提问。 四、为客人《点单》 1、《点单》的准备: (1)准备笔和《点单》; (2)向厨房了解每道菜品的原料是否充分; 2、事先掌握基本菜单知识: (1)熟悉餐厅提供的菜肴的风味特点和特色菜肴; (2)了解各种菜肴原料的产地; (3)了解菜肴的基本烹饪方法; (4)掌握不同的菜肴所搭配的酒水; (5)掌握桌前服务菜肴的制作技巧。 3、事先掌握基本的饮料和酒品知识: (1)熟悉酒水单上提供的各种酒水的名称和产地; (2)了解日常提供的各式鸡尾酒的名称、基本配料和配制方法; (3)了解各式饮料的饮用方式和配备的装饰物; (4)熟悉酒单上的各种酒的库存情况; (5)了解客人长点的葡萄酒的特点和品味;


西餐厅服务员常用英语 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

餐厅服务员常用英语: 1 ① How many / How many are your party 你们几位? 2 ① Two for dinner , please . 两人用餐。 ② Can I have a table for two 有一张两个人的桌 子吗? ③ Could you please make arrangements for a dinner party of six 能为6个人安排就餐吗? ④I’d like to reserve a table for five . 我要 预定一张5个人的桌子。 ⑤ I have a table for four under the name of Johnson . 我以约翰逊的名字订了一张4人的桌子。 ⑥ I would like a nonsmoking table for two . 我 想在禁烟区要一张两人的桌子。 ⑦ Excuse me , is that table vacant 打扰了,请 问这是空桌吗? 3 ① My friend will be along shortly . 我的朋友 一会就到。 ②I’m expecting someone . 我在等人。 4 ① Can I have the menu / Could you please give me the menu / Bring me the menu , please . 5 ① Can / May I take your order now 现在可以点 菜了吗? ② Are you ready to order now / Would you like to order now 您现在准备点菜了吗? ③ Would you like a drink before your meal / Would you like a drink to start with ? ④ Would you care for a drink before you order 点菜之前您要喝点什么吗? ⑤ Would you like anything to drink 您想喝点什 么吗? ⑥ Do you need a few minutes ( to decide what you want ) 你是不是想再等几分钟(决定你要什么) 6 ① Yes , ⑴I’d like to have / try some …… 是的,我想尝尝…… ⑵I’ll try / have …… 是的,我想尝尝…… ②I’d like my steak rare / medium / well-done . 我想我的牛排五分/七分/全熟。 ③⑴ We need a couple more minutes to decide ./ We need a few more minutes to decide . / We need a couple more minutes to decide . 我们要 待会再点。④I’m not ready to order yet . 我还没准备好点菜。 ⑤I haven’t figured out what I want yet . 我还没想好吃什么。 ⑥ I have n’t decide yet . 我还没想好。 ⑦I can’t decide . ⑴What’s your recommendation / What would you suggest 你推荐什么菜? ⑵ What do you recommend 你推荐什么菜? ⑶What’s good today 今天有什么好菜? ⑷ What are the specials 今天有什么特色菜? ⑧Well , …… is popular and …… is good . 恩,……很受欢迎,而且……也不错。 ⑨Why don’t you order for me 还是你帮我点吧。 7 May I serve your dishes , now 现在可以上菜了吗? 8 ①⑴ Do you like your salad / steak / mutton-chop …… 你的色拉/牛排/羊排……怎么样? ⑵Yes , it’s nice and fresh . 是的,好吃,而且新鲜。 ②⑴It’s so tasty ! 味道真美! ⑵ This is delicious ! 真好吃! ③ Mine is rather tasteless ! 我的毫无味道! ④…… is out of this world ! ……真是风味绝佳! ⑤That’s a great meal ! 真好吃 / 真棒! ⑥ The beer is flat . 啤酒走味儿了。 ⑦ This is a little tough . 有点儿硬。 ⑧ The sauce is lovely . 这汁不错! ⑨ This meat is too fatty . 肉太肥了。 ⑩ My mouth water . 我都流口水了。 9 Please try some of this . 请尝尝这个。 10 ① Would you like some more / Would you like something else / Don’t you want to have more 再多吃点! ② How about a refill 再来一杯如何? ③Won’t you have a little more / Take more , please . 再多吃点! 11 ①I’ve had plenty .我已经饱了 ②I don’t think I can eat another thing . 我想我吃不下了。 ③I think I’m fine right now . 我想我现在吃这些就够了。。 ④Thanks ,but I ’ve had more than I should already . 谢谢,但我已经吃的太多了。


西餐厅服务员的操作流程如下: (1)带位: a)礼貌问候客人并询问客人就餐人数后,礼貌的将客人带到满 意的餐台前。请问先生/女士一共几位?请这边走。这个位 置怎么样? b)待客时应走在客人前方1米处,且不时回头,把握好客人与 自己的距离,切忌只顾自己走在前面,而把客人拉在后头。 (2)拉椅让座: a)当迎送员把客人带到餐台边时,服务员赢主动上前协助为客 人拉椅让座。 b)站在椅背的正后方,双手握住椅背的两侧,后退半步, c)用右手做一个“请”的手势,示意客人入座。在客人即将坐 下的时候,双手扶住椅背两侧,用右膝顶住。 d)拉椅、送椅动作要迅速、敏捷、力度要适中,不可用力过猛, 以免撞倒客人。 e)离开时,向客人说:“请稍等/请享用”。 (3)点菜: a)客人就座后,为客人倒冰水,倒至6成即可。 b)呈上菜单,记住客人点的酒水饮料,并向客人复述一遍,请 客人确认:“您点的是××,对吗? c)开三联酒水单,一联送酒吧,一联交帐台,一联留底备查。 (4)出品 1)托盘 2)上菜 A、根据客人点单,安排好出品顺序:主菜、甜品、咖啡、茶。 B、用右手从客人的右边上菜。 C、上菜要报菜名。,服务时站立于客人的左侧,从客人的右边撤盘。 G、从客人的右边送上咖啡、茶、咖啡杯、茶杯放在垫盘上,盘内放一把咖啡匙, 并跟上糖、奶。 1、托盘:根据需要选好托盘,清洁干净后擦干,在盘内垫上手帕或专用垫纸 (胶木托盘可不垫),以防滑、美观。 2、装盘:按照所需托送物品的形状,质量和体积,管理装盘,装盘时必 须遵循安全稳妥,便于托送,便于取用的原则。一般来说,在数种物品同时装盘时,应将高物和重物装在托盘的内侧(靠近身体的一侧),低物和轻物装在托盘外侧(四周),后取用的物品在下,且商标朝下。 3、托盘:左手向上弯曲90度,掌心向上,五指分开,以大拇指端到掌根 部位及余四指端托住盘底,手掌自然形成凹形掌心不与盘底接触;调整好托盘重心,平托于胸前,略低于胸前,并注意左肘不与腰部接触,间距一拳。 4、起托:起托时,应将左肘和右手放到与托盘同样的平面上,必要时右 手帮忙,慢慢将托盘移至左手上,托稳后用右手扶住托盘起身,调整好后松开右


工作行为规范系列 西餐服务工作流程(标准、完整、实用、可修改)

编号:FS-QG-39454 西餐服务工作流程 Western food service workflow 说明:为规范化、制度化和统一化作业行为,使人员管理工作有章可循,提高工作效率和责任感、归属感,特此编写。 1.迎接客人:l餐厅电话预订: a)电话铃响不能超过三声 b)接听电话首行用英文问好:“GoodEvening,Thisisthe ‘XXX’,MayIhelpyou” c)如遇对方没有反应,即用中文问好:“您好,请问需要帮忙吗” d)在接受订座时,必须登记客人姓名、人数、就餐时间、房间号码等及特殊要求l客人来到餐厅,迎送员应面带微笑,主动上前问好: “GoodeveningWelcometothe‘XXX’,Haveyoumadereservation”“晚上好,请问您是否有订座” a)如客人已订座,迎送员应热情地引客人入座。 b)如果客人没有预订,迎送员应礼貌地将客人引领至适

当的餐桌。 2.带位: a)询问客人就餐人数后,礼貌地将客人带到客人满意的餐台前。“Howmanypersoninyourparty”请问您们有几位”“Thiswayplease”,“请这边走。”“Howaboutthistable”,“这张台怎么样” b)带客时应走在客人前方约1米处,且不时回头,把握好客人与自己的距离。切忌只顾自己走在前面,而把客人拉在后头。 c)离开前,向客人说:“请享用。”“Enjoyyourlunch(dinner),please!” 3.拉椅让座:当迎送员把客人带到餐台边时,服务员应主动上前协助为客人拉椅让座。 a)站在椅背的正后方,双手握住椅背的两侧,后退半步,同时将椅子拉后半步。b)用右手做一个“请”的手势,示意客人入座。 c)在客人即将坐下的时候,双手扶住椅背两人侧,用右膝盖顶住d)拉椅、送椅动作要迅速、敏捷、力度要适中,不


餐厅服务员常用英语:1 ① How many ? / How many are your party ? 你们几位? 2 ① Two for dinner , please . 两人用餐。 ② Can I have a table for two ? 有一张两个人的桌子吗? ③ Could you please make arrangements for a dinner party of six ? 能为6个人安排就餐吗? ④I’d like to reserve a table for five . 我要预定一张5个人的桌子。 ⑤ I have a table for four under the name of Johnson . 我以约翰逊的名字订了一张4人的桌子。 ⑥ I would like a nonsmoking table for two . 我想在禁烟区要一张两人的桌子。 ⑦ Excuse me , is that table vacant ? 打扰了,请问这是空桌吗?3 ① My friend will be along shortly . 我的朋友一会就到。 ②I’m expecting someone . 我在等人。 4 ① Can I have the menu ? / Could you please give me the menu? / Bring me the menu , please . 5 ① Can / May I take your order now ? 现在可以点菜了吗? ② Are you ready to order now ? / Would you like to order now ? 您现在准备点菜了吗? ③ Would you like a drink before your meal ?/ Would you like a drink to start with ? ④ Would you care for a drink before you order ? 点菜之前您要喝点什么吗? ⑤ Would you like anything to drink ? 您想喝点什么吗? ⑥ Do you need a few minutes ( to decide


西餐宴会的服务流程及 标准 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

西餐宴会的服务流程及标准 西餐宴会的服务流程及标准如下: 一、接受预定:电话铃响三声内接听,拿起电话,语气礼貌亲切,向客人问好;询问客人需要,记录客人要求、信息,并向客人确认信息;确认客人预订信息,并请客人留下联系方式;向客人致谢后,等客人挂断电话后方可挂断; 二、餐前准备:再次确认客人信息有误特殊要求;检查服务人员仪容仪表;开餐前例会,讲清注意事项; 三、迎宾及引领客人入座:迎宾人员要热情端庄,准时站在入口迎接,并主动向客人问好,询问有误预订,有预定要确认预订信息;带领客人走向预订位,引领人员走在客人的右前方,伸手向客人示意方向,行进速度适中,与客人保持一米的距离,并不时回头看客人;到达座位后,询问客人对座位的意见,并要按客人要求做出调整;请客人入座,并主动为客人拉椅子要遵循女士优先、先宾后主的一般原则;为客人开餐巾,待客人入座后为客人打开餐巾。 四、餐前服务:客人做好后,给客人打开餐巾,放在客人腿上或以客人意见;为客人呈递菜单;询问客人酒水,向客人展示酒水,得到客人允许后,为客人打开酒水;开瓶后用餐巾擦拭瓶口,将酒水倒入杯中约近杯底让客尝试;上面点服务,上头盘前要先为客人上面点,面点品种要询问客人,大多为面包,上面点的同时,要为客人上黄油; 五、1、席服务及标准:上头盘,将头盘放到客人面前的装饰盘里,头盘上好后需要配料,要询问客人需要,根据客人需要上配料;客人吃

