SM 110-020-30 LFB 2 Nm 3000 rpm 0.6Kw SA3L04C SA3L06B SA3H10C
SM 110-040-30 LFB 4 Nm 3000 rpm 1.2Kw SA3L06B SA3L10B SA3H10C
SM 130-040-25 LFB 4 Nm 2500 rpm 1.0Kw SA3L06B SA3L10B SA3H10C
SM 130-050-25 LFB 5 Nm 2500 rpm 1.3Kw SA3L06B SA3L10B SA3H10C
SM 130-060-25 LFB 6 Nm 2500 rpm 1.5Kw SA3L06B SA3L10B SA3H10C
额定转矩(Nm 1.3 2.4 3.3
A(mm 128 150 165
B(mm 500 500 500
SM 40-001-30LFB 0.1Nm 3000rpm 0.03Kw SL10A SA3L04C SA3H10C
SM 40-002-30LFB 0.13Nm 3000rpm 0.05Kw SL10A SA3L04C SA3H10C
ST系列交流伺服电机型号编号说明1: 表示电机外径,单位:mm。
7:表示反馈元件的规格,F—复合式增量光电编码器(2500 C/T),R—1对极旋转变压器。
SD系列交流伺服驱动器型号编号说明1:表示采用空间矢量调制方式(SVPWM)的交流伺服驱动器2:表示IPM模块的额定电流(15/20/30/50/75A)3:表示功能代码(M:数字量及模拟量兼容)●交流伺服电机及伺服驱动器适配表ST系列电机主要参数适配驱动器ST系列电机ST系列电机电机型号额定转矩额定转速额定功率外形尺寸零售价(元)110ST-M02030 2 Nm3000rpm0.6KwSD15MSD20MNSD30MNSD50MNSD75MN110×110×1581500110ST-M04030 4 Nm3000rpm 1.2Kw110×110×1851700110ST-M05030 5 Nm3000rpm 1.5Kw110×110×2001800110ST-M06020 6 Nm2000rpm 1.2Kw110×110×2171900110ST-M06030 6 Nm3000rpm 1.6Kw110×110×2171900130ST-M04025 4 Nm2500rpm 1.0Kw130×130×1631800130ST-M05025 5 Nm2500rpm 1.3Kw130×130×1712100130ST-M06025 6 Nm2500rpm 1.5Kw130×130×1812400130ST-M077207.7 Nm2000rpm 1.6Kw130×130×1952900130ST-M077307.7 Nm3000rpm 2.4Kw130×130×1952900130ST-M1001510 Nm1500rpm 1.5Kw130×130×2193200130ST-M1002510 Nm2500rpm 2.6Kw130×130×2193200130ST-M1501515 Nm1500rpm 2.3Kw130×130×2673620130ST-M1502515 Nm2500rpm 3.8Kw130×130×2673620ST系列交流伺服电机110系列电机参数表电机型号110ST-M02030110ST-M04030110ST-M05030110ST-M06020110ST-M06030功率(Kw)0.6 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.6额定转矩(Nm)24566额定转速(Rpm)30003000300020003000额定电流(A) 6.08.0转子惯0.33×10-30.650.82×10-3 1.0×10-3 1.0×10-3量(Kgm2)×10-3机械时间常数(Ms)3.64 2.32 2.03 1.82 1.82编码器线数(C/T)2500C/T(A、B、Z、U、V、W)电机绕组插座绕组引线U V W地插座编号2341编码器插座信号5V0V A+A-B+B-Z+Z-U+U-V+V-W+W-地234758691013111412151插座编号失电制动器插座编号123电源24VDC(-15%~+10%)地基本参数工作电流:≤0.6A制动转矩:≥8Nm转动惯量:0.64×10-4Kgm2电机绝缘等级B使用环境环境温度:0~55℃湿度:小于90°(无结露)交流伺服电机及伺服驱动器安装尺寸ST系列交流伺服电机安装尺寸SD15M伺服驱动器安装尺寸SD20MN/30MN安装尺寸相关标签:电机, 伺服电机,相关产品WA-99UZWA-97TY步进电机的简单原印染专用步进电机直联型的步进电机相关新闻•2011电源管理及LED 精彩方案且看海默科技.............................................2011年03月18日•安森美半导体将在IIC-China 2011展出多种高能效方案...................................2011年03月18日•步进电机发热问题及对策.............................................................2011年03月18日•泽野驱动器2011隆重上市.............................................................2011年03月18日•Allegro推出汽车级可编程双极步进电动机驱动器IC......................................2011年03月18日•泽野电机34系列步进电机上市.........................................................2011年03月15日•步进电机14问.......................................................................2011年03月15日•用集成脉冲输出触发步进电机驱动器...................................................2011年03月15日•白山机电—DM系列产品荣登2011SIAF展................................................2011年03月15日•加快电机动力系统技术创新...........................................................2011年03月15日•交流伺服系统在许多性能方面都优于步进电机...........................................2011年03月09日•交流伺服电机传动技术实现了高精度的位置控制.........................................2011年03月09日•低速大扭矩交流伺服电机驱动单螺杆挤出机.............................................2011年03月09日•北仑伺服电机产业蓬勃兴起...........................................................2011年03月09日•伺服电机与变频电机的区别...........................................................2011年03月09日•哈电填补世界“百万级”水轮发电机通风技术空白.......................................2011年03月02日•日本电器零售商山田电机6月进津 (201)1年03月02日•联宜电机续发行0.5亿元短期融资券 (2011)年03月02日•对决:优派Pro8200vs三菱电机HC4000 (201)1年03月02日•三菱电机放电加工机技术交流会举办...................................................2011年03月02日•步进电机和交流伺服电机性能比较 (2011)年01月14日•伺服电机被步进脉冲控制的优点 (20)11年01月14日•三菱电梯创新成产业发展新动力 (20)11年01月14日•威力变频洗衣机智能洗涤更节能 (201)1年01月14日•西门子电气传动有限公司牵引电机及风力发电机扩大产能.................................2011年01月14日•交流伺服电机传动技术实现了高精度的位置控制.........................................2011年01月12日•伺服电机被步进脉冲控制的优点 (20)11年01月12日•2010年推出具有运动控制功能的伺服专用芯片...........................................2011年01月12日•伺服电机满足运动过程中精准的控制方式...............................................2011年01月12日•环形变压器的应用指南...............................................................2011年01月12日•雷赛:步进伺服专家运动控制先锋 (2011)年01月07日•交流伺服电机传动技术实现了高精度的位置控制.........................................2011年01月07日•瑞萨电子 32位MCU在伺服电机中的应用.................................................2011年01月07日•申力步进电机二相八线接线方法 (20)11年01月07日•如何用简单的方法调整两相步进电机通电后的转动方向..................................2011年01月05日•一种步进电机及其驱动器干扰问题解决措施.............................................2011年01月05日•第14届中国(国际)小电机展掠影 (20)11年01月05日•线切割机床驱动选型支招.............................................................2011年01月05日•步进马达市场总结分析及发展趋势 (2010)年12月31日•..................................................................2010年12月31日•运动控制系统简介...................................................................2010年12月31日•发现步进电机定位不准怎么办.........................................................2010年12月31日•何为驱动器的细分...................................................................2010年12月31日•步进电机使用时的注意事项...........................................................2010年12月29日•解决步进电机干拢问题的发法.........................................................2010年12月29日•关于步进电机的发热.................................................................2010年12月29日•关于步进电机和伺服电机的区别 (20)10年12月29日•乐创自动化推出三相混合式步进电机驱动器.............................................2010年12月29日•步进电机原理及使用说明.............................................................2010年12月22日•步进电机控制器的设计...............................................................2010年12月22日•一体化步进电机驱动器...............................................................2010年12月22日•作为机床通信中心的Sinumerik.......................................................2010年12月22日•全电动注塑机电控原理...............................................................2010年12月22日•步进电机的问题解答.................................................................2010年12月15日•申力步进电机二相八线接线方法 (20)10年12月15日•步进电机的种类和特点...............................................................2010年12月15日•新的步进电机控制器/驱动器简化步进电机系统设计......................................2010年12月15日•“株洲动力”创造世界高铁运营最高速.................................................2010年12月08日•三洋开始量产号称全球转换率最高 (2010)年12月08日•2010年中国电机工程学会年会在海口举行...............................................2010年12月08日•山社电机株式会社开拓中国市场 (20)10年11月24日•木工雕刻机中步进电机驱动器选型注意事项.............................................2010年11月24日•关于步进电机的发热.................................................................2010年11月24日•申力步进电机二相八线接线方法 (20)10年11月24日•步进电机的一些基本参数.............................................................2010年11月03日•反应式步进电机.....................................................................2010年11月03日•步进电机驱动器的故障分析...........................................................2010年11月01日•步进电机的最新技术发展.............................................................2010年10月21日60ST-M系列交流伺服电机技术参详绝缘电阻——500VDC 100MW Min绝缘强度——1500VAC 1Minute环境温度—— -20℃~ +50℃绝缘等级——B级60ST-M系列交流伺服电机优点1、无电刷和换向器,因此工作可靠,对维护和保养要求低。
伺服电机选型手册 (3)
伺服电机选型手册1. 引言伺服电机是一种能够精确控制运动位置、速度和力矩的电动机。
2. 选型原则在选择伺服电机时,我们应考虑以下几个原则:2.1 负载特性分析首先,我们需要分析应用的负载特性,包括负载的惯性、负载的运动模式(连续运动或间歇运动)、负载的最大运动速度和力矩等。
2.2 控制精度要求控制精度是另一个重要考虑因素。
2.3 环境条件环境条件也会影响伺服电机的选型。
2.4 成本和可靠性最后,我们还需要考虑成本和可靠性因素。
3. 选型方法在选型伺服电机时,可以按照以下步骤进行:3.1 确定负载惯性和负载模式首先,确定应用的负载特性,包括负载的惯性和运动模式。
3.2 计算所需的功率和扭矩根据负载的特性,计算所需的电机功率和扭矩。
功率计算公式如下:功率(W)= 扭矩(Nm) × 转速(rad/s)3.3 确定控制精度要求根据应用的控制精度要求,确定所需的编码器分辨率和驱动器性能。
3.4 选择合适的型号和规格根据以上计算结果和需求,选择合适的型号和规格的伺服电机。
3.5 考虑环境条件和成本要素在最终选择伺服电机之前,考虑应用环境条件和成本要素。
Cooper Bussmann 电机电路保护选型说明书
132©2005 Cooper Bussmann3. Circuit breakers must be periodically tested to verify they mechanical operate and electrically tested to verify they still are properly calibrated within specification.The circuit breaker manufacturers recommend this. Typically circuit breakers should be mechanically operated at least every year and electrically tested every 1 to 5 years, depending on the service conditions. Modern current-limiting fuses do not have to be maintained or electrically tested to verify they still will operate as intended. The terminations of both circuit breakers and fusible devices need to be periodically checked and maintained to prevent thermal damage. Plus fuse clips should be periodically inspected and if necessary maintained.4. After a circuit breaker interrupts a fault, it may not be suitable for further service.UL489, the product standard for molded case circuit breakers, only requires a circuit breaker to interrupt two short-circuit currents at its interrupting rating. Circuit breakers that are rated 100 amps or less do not have to operate after only one short circuit operation under “bus bar” short circuit conditions. If the fault current is high, circuit breaker manufacturers recommend that a circuit breaker shouldreceive a thorough inspection with replacement, if necessary. How does one know a circuit breaker’s service history or what level of fault current that a circuit breaker interrupts? With modern current-limiting fuses, if the fuse interrupts a fault, new factory calibrated fuses are installed in the circuit. The original level of superior short circuit protection can be there for the life of the motor circuit.5. After a fault, the electrician has to walk back to the storeroom to get new fuses;that is if spare fuses are not stored adjacent to the equipment. This does require some additional down time. However, if fuses opened under fault conditions, there is a fault condition that must be remedied. The electrician probably will be going back to the storeroom anyway for parts to repair the fault. If properly selected current-limiting fuses are used in the original circuit, the starter will not sustain any significant damage or loss of overload calibration.With circuit breaker protection on motor circuits, after a fault condition, it may be necessary to repair or replace the starter, so a trip to the storeroom may be necessary. And if the starter is not significantly damaged, it may still need to be tested to insure the let-through energy by the circuit breaker has notcaused the loss of starter overload calibration. Also, the circuit breaker needs to be evaluated for suitability before placing it back into service. Who is qualified for that evaluation? How much time will that take?In summary, resettability is not an important feature for motor branch circuit (short circuit) protection and resettability of the branch circuit protective device is not a benefit for motor circuits. As a matter of fact, resettability of the motor branch circuit overcurrent protective device may encourage an unsafe practice. The function of motor branch circuit protection is fault protection:short circuit and ground fault protection. Faults do not occur on a regular basis. But when a fault does occur, it is important to have the very best protection. The best motor branch circuit protection can be judged by(1) reliability - its ability to retain its calibration and speed of operation over its lifetime, (2) current-limiting protection -its ability to provide Type 2 “no damage”protection to the motor starter, and (3) safety - its ability to meet a facility’s safety needs. Modern current-limiting fuses are superior to circuit breakers for motor branch circuit protection.After a heavy fault on a motor branch circuit, you may need to (1) replace the fuses or (2) reset the circuit breaker and replace the starter (and maybe the circuit breaker, too).Motor Circuit Branch Circuit ProtectionIs Resettability of Value?。
Parker 旋钮式电机分类目录说明书
Index Rotary ActuatorsParker . . .PV Series Vane Actuators•8 model sizes• 2 standard rotations•7 to 1800 lb-in output torque at 100 PSIGSingle or double-vane actuators are permanentlylubricated for trouble-free service and low breakaway. Unique construction provides high torque in a compact, lightweight package. Options include stroke adjusters, bumpers, rear porting, fluorocarbon seals, and magnets for Hall effect or reed switches. Pressures to 150 PSIG.WR Series Wrist Rotate Units• 2 models•Adjustable rotation from 30° to 205°•15 and 65 lb-in output torque at 100 PSIGRugged actuators provide added features to allow use as a modular pick-and-place component or as a precision pneumatic rotary actuator. Features include hydraulic shock absorbers or polyurethane bumpers and optional plug-in style inductive proximity sensors.PRN Series Vane Rotary Actuators• 5 miniature and 4 standard models•Rotation angles 90°, 100°, 270° and 280°•Oscillating reference points of 40°, 45° and 90°•1.33 to 2355 in-lb torque at 100 PSIPRN Series single or double-vane actuators yield a high output torque to weight ratio. The unique vane design assures minimal leakage and stable low speed oscillation at low operating pres-sures. Foot or flange mounting is available. Reed and Hall effectswitches are optional.PTR SeriesRack & Pinion Actuators• 5 bore sizes from 1” to 3-1/4”• 5 standard rotations•39 to 2250 lb-in output torque at 100 PSIGRugged, reliable single or double-rack actuators provide superior performance with the broadest torque range in the industry.Proximity sensors, Hall effect and reed switches are available for position sensing. A wide choice of options for unmatchedapplication flexibility including three-position, anti-backlash and integral air/oil units are available. Pressures to 250 PSIG.HP SeriesRack & Pinion Actuators• 2 models• 3 standard rotations•4,500 and 10,000 lb-in output torque at 100 PSIGRugged, large-bore actuators provide reliability in heavy-duty applications. Steel racks and pinions and a full range of options. Pressures to 100 PSIG.XR SeriesRack & Pinion Actuators• 5 bore sizes from .56” to 2.00”•8 standard rotations• 6 to 236 lb-in output torque at 100 PSIGEconomical compact, high-performance actuators offer rugged internal components packaged in a precision, unitized aluminum housing. Numerous options include bumpers, cushions, shock absorbers, stroke adjusters, reed and Hall effect switches, flow controls and anti-backlash. Pressures to 150 PSIG.B671/F672 Actuators• 4 bore sizes from 1-1/2” to 5”•100 to 2500 lb-in output torque at 100 PSIRugged design provides equal torque in both directions throughout the range of rotation. Can be coupled to a Hydrocheck for smooth, controlled motion.Prelubricated. Pressures to 140 PSI.Torque RangeIntroduction100009000800070006000500040003500300025002000175015001250100090080070060050040030025020015010080604035302520151050HP10HP10HP4.5HP4.5PRN800D B6714B6714PTR322PTR322PV46D PRN800S PRN800SPV44D PTR321, B6713PTR321, B6713PRN300D PTR252PV46PTR252PV36D, PV42DPTR202, B6712PV44PTR202, B6712PV42D, PRN150D PTR251PTR251PV33D, PRN300SPV36, PRN300SPTR201PV42PTR201PTR152, XR20PTR152, XR20PRN150S PV33, PRN150SPV22D, PRN50DPTR151, B6711PTR151, B6711PRN30D XR15XR15PTR102PV22PTR102PRN50S PRN50S PRN30S PTR101, XR10PRN30SPTR101, XR10PV11D PRN20S PRN20SPV10D XR07XR07PRN10SPV11, PRN10SXR05PV10XR05PRN1S, PRN3S PRN1S, PRN3SNominal Torque at 100 PSIActuator Model,Rotation ≤ 95°Actuator Model,Rotation >100°Torque SelectionParker rotary actuators provide output torque up to 10,000 lb-in. The chart to the right shows the nominal torque output range of various actuator models at 100 PSI.Caution:This chart is intended as a guide only. Refer to actual product data in this catalog before specifying an actuator.Factors such as pressure rating, rotation, and actual torque output may be affected by specific product details and options.Output Torque,lb-inVaneVaneRack & PinionRack & PinionType VaneRack & PinionSeriesPRN PV WR XR PTR B671HP 90°/100° 195°/100° 1210°90°/100°90°90°90°Standard Rotations180° 2275°/280° 2180°/190°180°180°180°270°/280° 2270°/280°270°360°/370°360°360°360°Maximum Torque at 100 psi (lb-in)25401800652362000250010,000Maximum Air Pressure Rating (psi)100/140150150150250140100Shaft Bearing Type Ball or Radial Ball Radial Ball Radial Ball Bronze Bronze CompositeComposite BushingBushingBushingBushingBushingBushingNon-Lube Service •••••••Metric (M) or Imperial (I)M I II M, I I IHall Effect••C••Switch OptionsReed••C••CProximity sensor •C ••Double end••••Shaft OptionsFemale •••Preload keyway ••Special C CC C CCStroke adjust••••••Rotation Cushions ••••Options Bumpers •••••Shock absorbers••••Port Relocation ••••C•3-Position C•Air/Oil ••3Zero Backlash •••••Fluorocarbon Seals •••••Flange Mount •••Washdown C •C CClean RoomC•C•= Available from catalog C = Consult Factory Performance OverviewBasic performance features of the rotator product line are shown below.See catalog sections for greater detail and ordering information.1 Double vane 2Single vane 3Hydro-check optionFeaturesIntroductionDesign torqueDesign torque represents the maximum torque that an actua-tor must supply in an application. This maximum is the greater of the Demand Torque or the Cushion Torque. If the demand torque exceeds what the actuator can supply, the ac-tuator will either move too slowly or stall. If the cushion torque is too high, the actuator may be damaged by exces-sive pressure. Demand torque and cushion torque are de-fined below in terms of load, friction, and acceleration torque.Equations for calculating demand torque and cushion torque for some general applications are provided on the following pages.T - TorqueThe amount of turning effort exerted by a rotary actuator.T D - Demand TorqueThis is the torque required from the actuator to do the job and is the sum of the load torque, friction torque, and accel-eration torque, multiplied by an appropriate design factor.Design factors vary with the applications and the designers’knowledge.Equation 4-3)T T T T D f L=++αT L - Load torqueThis is the torque required to equal the weight or force of the load. For example, in Fig. 4-8a, the load torque is 563 N•M (5000 lb-in.); in Fig. 4-8b the load torque is zero; in Fig. 4-8c the load torque is 563 N•m (5000 lb-in.). The load torque term is intended to encompass all torque components that aren't included in the friction or acceleration terms.T f - Friction torqueThis is the torque required to overcome friction between any moving parts, especially bearing surfaces. In Fig. 4-8a, the friction torque is zero for the hanging load; in Fig. 4-8b the friction torque is 775 N•m (6880 lb-in) for the sliding load;in Fig. 4-8c the friction torque is zero for the clamp.Equation 4-4)T Wrf =µT a - Acceleration TorqueThis is the torque required to overcome the inertia of the load in order to provide a required acceleration or decelera-tion. In Fig. 4-8a the load is suspended motionless so there is no acceleration. In Fig. 4-8b, the load is accelerated from0 to some specified angular velocity. If the mass moment of inertia about the axis of rotation is I and the angular accel-eration is a, the acceleration torque is equal to Ia. In Fig. 4-8c there is no acceleration.Some values for mass moment of inertia are given in Table 4. Some useful equations for determining a are listed in Table 5. Equation 5 below shows the general equation for accel-eration torque.Equation 4-5)T C - Cushion TorqueThis is the torque that the actuator must apply to provide a required deceleration. This torque is generated by restricting the flow out of the actuator (meter-out) so as to create a back pressure which decelerates the load. This back pressure (de-celeration) often must overcome both the inertia of the load and the driving pressure (system pressure) from the pump.See applications.Equation 4-6)The friction torque T f reduces the torque the actuator must apply to stop the load. The load torque T L may add to, or subtract from the torque required from the actuator, depend-ing upon the orientation of the load torque. For example, a weight being swung upward would result in a load torque that is subtracted.Warning: Rapid deceleration can cause high pressure intensification at the outlet of the actuator. Always in-sure that cushion pressure does not exceed the manufacturer's pressure rating for the actuator.KE – Kinetic Energy (1/2 J m ω2)This is the amount of energy that a rotating load has. The rotator must be able to stop the load. All products have ki-netic energy rating tables. Choose the appropriate decelera-tion option (i.e., bumper, cushions, shock absorbers, etc.) that meets or exceeds the kinetic energy of the load.Calculating Torque Requirements IntroductionPages 8-10 excerpted from the Parker Hannifin Design Engineers Handbook.T α = I αT C = T α* +P r V– T f ±T L θDemand Torque Examples IntroductionMoments of Inertia Introduction11Parker Hannifin Corporation Actuator DivisionΘωmax=.035 ×tα=ωmax2Θ57.3α=ωmax( t ⁄ 2 )K.E.=1/2 J m ω2T a=α × J mDistance from pivot point to T f =W × U s ×center of external bearingsT L= Torque arm length × W L × cos (φ)to C.G. of loadWhere φ =Angle between torque arm andhorizontal plane( )BASIC VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, KINETIC ENERGY AND TORQUE EQUATIONSEquations below are based on triangular velocity profile.Where:Θ=Angle of Rotation (Degrees)t =Time to rotate through Θ (sec)ω=Angular velocity, radians/sec α=Angular accelerations (radians/sec 2)W L =Weight of load (lbf)T a =T orque to accelerate load (lb-in)U s =Coefficient of static frictionJ m *=Rotational mass moment of inertia (lb-in-sec 2)T f =T orque to overcome friction (lb-in)T L=T orque to overcome effects of gravity*Use "I" values from T able 4.( )( )Basic EquationsIntroductionCONVEYOR STOPCLAMPINGTENSIONING/SHOCK ABSORPTIONMIXINGCAMMINGFEEDINGCONVEYOR TRANSFEROPENING/CLOSING TURNTABLE/INDEXINGDIVERTING UNLOADING/DUMPINGDAMPER CONTROLVALVE ACTUATIONHARMONIC DRIVENotes14Parker Hannifin CorporationActuator Division。
options and reduced complexity.
Continuous Peak
• Eight models covering three
frame sizes of 40, 60 and 80 mm
• 1.4 to 31.3 in-lbs continuous
phone: 800.358.9068 / 707.584.7558 fax: 707.584.8015 email: emn_support@
0 0
0 5000
Speed RPM
MPE Common Specifications
0.26 2.3
Rated Shaft Output Power 1, 2, 3, 4 Current at Rated Speed 1, 2, 3, 4 Voltage Constant 4. 7 Torque Constant 4, 7 Resistance 4, 9
Pout Ir Ke
Rated Shaft Output Power 1, 2, 3, 4 Current at Rated Speed 1, 2, 3, 4 Voltage Constant 4. 7 Torque Constant 4, 7 Resistance 4, 9
Pout Ir Ke
Arms Vrms/krpm Nm/Arms
Rated Shaft Output Power 1, 2, 3, 4 Current at Rated Speed 1, 2, 3, 4 Voltage Constant 4. 7 Torque Constant 4, 7 Resistance 4, 9
Parker Pneumatic产品选择指南说明书
Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan/pneumaticsB341Parker Pneumatic1 Flying leads are2 meters in length 2 Flying Leads are 1.5 meters in length3 Flying leads are 1 meter in lengthBore size 3m flying 10m flying 8mm quickconnect 12mm quick Sensor Bracket Selection GuideNote: See page B354 for Weld Immune Sensors.* See page B355 for cord sets.Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division Richland, Michigan/pneumaticsB346Parker PneumaticP8S Drop-in SensorsP8S Right Angle Solid State SensorsP8S Right Angle Reed Sensors213Wiring PNP sensors NPN sensorsWiring connectionWiring connectionPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+VDC)2Black Output signal (N.O.)3Blue-VDCPin Wire Function1Brown Operating voltage (+V)3Black Not used2BlueOutput signal (-V or Ground)SpecificationsType2-wire reed Output function Normally openOutput voltage 10 - 110* VAC, 10 - 30 VDC Continuous current ≤ 100 mA Response sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 400 Hz Voltage drop ≤ 3 VRipple≤ 10% of operating voltage Time delay (24v)Approx. 20 ms Hysteresis ≤ 1.0 mm Repeatability ≤ 0.2 mmEMCEN 60 947-5-2Reverse polarity protection Yes Enclosure ratingIP 67Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Ambient temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, black Connector cable PVCConnectorPUR cable w/8 mm connector* 8Mm connector rated for 50 vac max.SpecificationsTypeElectronic Output function Normally open Switching output PNP/NPN Operating voltage 10 - 30VDC Continuous current ≤ 150 mAResponse sensitivity 30 Gauss min.Switching frequency 5kHz Power consumption 15 mA Voltage drop ≤ 2 VDCRipple≤ 10% of operating voltage Delay time (24v)Approx. 20 ms Time delay before availability ≤ 2 ms Hysteresis ≤ 1.5 mm Repeatability ≤ 0.2 mmEMCEN 60 947-5-2Short-circuit protectionYes Power-up pulse suppression Yes Reverse polarity protection YesEnclosure ratingIP 67 DIN 40050Shock and vibration stress 30g, 11ms, 10 to 55 Hz, 1 mm Ambient temperature range -25°C to +75°C (-13°F to 167°F)Housing material PA 12, black Connector cablePVCConnector PUR cable w/8 mm connector.13Solid State Reed。
码 器 输 出
部 脉 冲
CW脉冲 可选
模拟量 输入
A0 : [±10V (20KΩ)]
A1 : [0~10V (20KΩ)] / [0~20mA(250Ω)]
注: 1. 与上级设备如CNC系统的接线请参考《S系列伺服控制器应用手册》或登录 ; 2. 24V-COM需外部24V供电IO才能工作,如需内部供电请订货时说明; 3. 数字量输入NPN、PNP型可选(出厂置为NPN型),在机箱侧面有小孔,内置拨码开关; 4. 数字量输出同时有开路集电极输出(有效输出低电平)和开路发射极输出(有效输出24V)。
6点,NPN型、PNP型可选 2个,DC30V/1A或AC250V/1A 两路,A0:±10V;A1 : 0~+10V或4~20mA可选 一个,AB相脉冲、方向+脉冲或CW脉冲可选
一个,光电或旋变可选 一个,输出频率范围0~1MHz UART,可外置RS232/RS485/CAN等模块(选配) 速度指令:模拟量、脉冲频率、总线 精度:±1脉冲 ;位置调节:用户可设定 可与多种数控系统连接,攻丝误差:±2%
伺服主轴控制器 伺服主轴电机
Sichuan MK Servo Technology Co. ,Ltd.
◆ 数控车床 数控铣床 ◆ 加工中心 数控镗床 ◆ 龙门铣床 数控立车
◆ 6000转以上的精密加工 ◆ 低速重切削加工 ◆ 40转以下的铰孔 ◆ 低速螺纹加工 ◆ 刚性攻丝 ◆ 独立准停 ◆ C轴功能
Parker Hannifin公司产品选择指南说明书
▲WARNING - USER RESPONSIBILITYFailure or improper selection or improper use of the products described herein or related items can cause death, personal injury and property damage.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.For safety information see the Safety Guide at /safetyOFFER OF SALEPlease, contact your Paker representation for a detailed "Offer of Sale"FOR USE ON REFRIGERATION and/or AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS ONLYIndexFilter driers (4)Sight glasses (6)Solenoid valves (8)Ball valves (11)Liquid line Filter driers - Sealed TypeTechnical SpecificationsThe Catch-All® filter-drier removes moisture from the refrigerant by absorbing and retaining it deep within the desiccant granules.Large filtering area of the filter-drier core permits it to collect a large amount of dirt without plug up.Refrigerant flow capacity from 7 up to 163kW at ΔP=0.07bar -5°C liquid temperature and -30°C evaporator temperature.Catch-All shells are epoxy powdercoated to prevent corrosion even in the most adverse conditions.Carefully engineered desiccant formulations for new system and system clean-up for all commercially available HFC, HFO and HC refrigerant/lubricant.Please use Virtual Engineer tool in order to perform the selection.Socket DepthReversible heat pump filter driersTechnical SpecificationsFilter-drier operates in either flow direction with low pressure drop.Parker dependable molded core for maximum filtration ability. When flow reverses, dirt already collected remains in the filter-drier.Rugged metal check valve designed for maximum flow capacity.Catch-All shells are epoxy powdercoated to prevent corrosion even in the most adverse conditions.Carefully engineered desiccant formulations for new system and system clean-up for all commercially available HFC, HFO and HC refrigerant/lubricant.HPC-160 series incorporate the largest core size available in the industry per filter-drier type.A larger molded core provides superior performance, and is especially advantageous for R-410A/POE lubricant systems.Shells listed by Underwriters Laboratories for 44,8 bar for R-410A systems.Please use Virtual Engineer tool in order to perform the selection.Technical SpecificationsSight glassesTechnical dataSee-All® Moisture and Liquid Indicator combines the two functions of moisture and liquid indication into a single economical product. It takes the guess work out of servicing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.The See-All® assists the technician in determining the state of the circulating refrigerant at a particular location and if a safe moisture level exists in the system. Reliable and accurately calibrated colour change points, replaceable indicator element and unnecessary disassembly for installation are the three biggerbenefits on use of See-All®.Moisture content – PPMSight glassesTechnical SpecificationsSolenoid valvesPH*coils not includedH1Solenoid valvesH1HP*coils not included*coils not includedH1HPLJunction boxLeads onlyConduit bossDIN11Technical SpecificationsBall valvesWelded body joint. Factory tested to ensure positive leak free performance.Full port sizes for unrestricted flow.Dual teflon seals to prevent leakage.Bottom loaded stem for safety.DBMLHEØCParker Hannifin RACE Instrumentation GroupRefrigeration and Air Conditioning Europe Via Enrico Fermi,520060 Gessate - Milano - ItalyTel. +39 (0) 2 95125.1 - /raceEU.RES.C.CR.ODM.EN.1.2021.04© 2021 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.Parker WorldwideUnited Arab Emirates Middle EastSarkis OHANNESSIAN Tel +961 3334622***********************Germany, Austria and German speaking part of Switzerland Francesco GALANTE Tel +49 (0)175 5756 032****************************Spain and Portugal Alberto PEÑATel +34 609 153 154***********************France, Belgium,French speaking part of Switzerland Goska WARNECKTel + 33 (0)6 73 89 36 08*******************Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus Italian speaking part of Switzerland Andrea BRAGATel +39 334 6944386 *****************Baltic Countries,Eastern and Central Europe, AfricaEliane EMERIT-BONNOT Tel +33 (0)6 73 89 36 01 ******************Turkey************************UK andNorthern Europe Kenny ADAMSON Tel +44 77853 71229*******************Customer Service: Parker Hannifin Ltd Instrumentation Group Refrigeration andAir Conditioning Europe Manvers House Office 21Pioneer CloseWath Upon Dearne Rotherham S63 7JZ United KingdomTel +44 (0) 1709 774600 Fax +44 (0) 1709 774601******************************/raceYour local authorized Parker distributor▲WARNING - USER RESPONSIBILITYFailure or improper selection or improper use of the products described herein or related items can cause death, personal injury and property damage.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors. To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.For safety information see the Safety Guide at /safety。
可使用电脑进行伺服电机选定的“电机选定程序 for Windows版”您是否经常因为“伺服电机的选定需要复杂的计算,比较困难” 而感到苦恼?虽然1170~1176页的“计算公式”和1177~1178页的“计算示例”中列举了手工计算的方法,但是只要使用本软件,任何人都可以轻松地完成电机的选定。
•OS:Microsoft Windows 2000/XP 日语版•处理器:486DX/66MHz以上(推荐Pentium处理器)•内存:16MB以上(推荐32MB以上)•硬盘:安装时需要有10MB以上的未使用空间•显示器:可用分辨率为640×480以上(推荐800×600以上)•光盘装置:CD-ROM驱动器(仅安装时需要)•备有方便电机选定的“电机选定程序”。
Parker FL20系列服务器驱动器与电机产品说明书
Power Range 2Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorWARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.• This document and other information from Parker-Hannifi n Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.• The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the fi nal selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.• To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifi cations provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that suchdata and specifi cations are suitable and suffi cient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorFL20 Servo DriveDrive overview (5)Technical characteristics (6)Drive component (8)Terminal details (10)Wiring diagram (13)Connection to Peripheral Devices (14)Typical main circuit wiring (15)Ordering code - Drive (16)Drive dimensions (18)Servo MotorServo motor overview (22)Ordering code - Motor (23)Technical characteristics (24)Motor dimensions (27)Accessories (32)Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorGlobal Product DesignParker Hannifin has more than 40 years experience in the design and manufacturing of drives, controls, motors and mechanical products. With dedicated global productdevelopment teams, Parker draws on industry-leading technological leadership and experience from engineering teams in Europe, North America and Asia.Local Application Expertise Parker has local engineering resources committed to adapting and applying our current products and technologies to best fit our customers’ needs.Manufacturing to Meet Our Customers’ NeedsParker is committed to meeting the increasing service demands that our customers require to succeed in the global industrial market. Parker’s manufacturing teams seek continuous improvement through the implementation of lean manufacturing methods throughout the process. We measure ourselves on meeting our customers’ expectations of quality and delivery, not just our own. In order to meet these expectations, Parker operates and continues to invest in ourmanufacturing facilities in Europe, North America and Asia.Parker HannifinThe global leader in motion and control technologiesWuxi, China Littlehampton, UK Charlotte NC, USA Chennai, IndiaJangan, KoreaParker provides sales assistance and local technical support through a network of dedicated sales teams and authorized technical distributors.For contact information, please refer to the Sales Offices on the back cover of this document or visit Electromechanical Worldwide Manufacturing Locations EuropeLittlehampton, United Kingdom Dijon, FranceOffenburg, Germany Filderstadt, Germany Milan, Italy AsiaWuxi, China Jangan, Korea Chennai, IndiaNorth AmericaRohnert Park, California Irwin, PennsylvaniaCharlotte, NorthCarolina NewUlm, MinnesotaParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorOverviewDescriptionFL20-S Series Servo Drives is a high performance drive particularly suitable for Film Line and similarapplications. It has a 1.2kHz frequency response with a full closed loop functionality. The feedback options are incremental encoder, absolute encoder and resolver.The FL20-S has in-built RS485/232 port for PC monitoring. It also has CANopen and EtherCATcommunication as options. The Parker PAC controller with its EtherCAT communication can be used as a complete solution for applications that need a controller as well as servo drives and motors.FL20C is the in built EtherCAT version of the FL20S. The I/Os are optimized as most of the commands would be through the EtherCAT communication.Features• Flexibility• Full closed loop control or multi-position control or interrupted position control • Gantry synchronization • Gain switchingFaster• Frequency response 1.2kHz • Dual-core processors • 23-bit absolute encoderPowerful• Built-in PLC Function• Pulse command Frequency up to 4Mhz • RS485/232, CANopen, EtherCAT• RS485/232 interface connected to PC SoftwareFL20 series Servo Drives for Film Line ApplicationsTechnical CharacteristicsParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorTechnical CharacteristicsFL20-S Servo Drive SpecificationsParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor Technical CharacteristicsFL20-C Servo Drive SpecificationsParker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorDrive ComponentInput Signal for FL20-S DrivesCharging IndicatorThe LED will light up when incoming poweris given. The DC Link capacitors will retain charge for some time even if power is turnedoff. Do not attempt to touch the power terminals as long as this LED is ‘ON”.Main Power InputOperator PanelSerial Communication Port (CN1)PC, PLC, CNC and other host controllerEncoder Interface (CN2)Connected with the servo motorInput and output signal (CN3)Command input, the monitor signal output terminal.Ground Connection.Must connect to ground at all times to avoid electric shock.Control Power InputBraking resistor connectionDC Reactor ConnectionServo Motor Connection1) 2connected power supply.2) 3forbidden to connect.1 phase 220V .Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorDrive ComponentInput Signal for FL20-C DrivesThe LED will light up when incoming poweris given. The DC Link capacitors will retain charge for some time even if power is turnedoff. Do not attempt to touch the power terminals as long as this LED is ‘ON”.Main Power InputOperator PanelSerial Communication Port (CN1)PC, PLC, CNC and other host controllerEncoder Interface (CN2)Connected with the servo motorInput and output signal (CN3)Command input, the monitor signal output terminal.Ground Connection.Must connect to ground at all times to avoid electric shock.Control Power InputBraking resistor connectionDC Reactor ConnectionServo Motor Connection1) 2connected power supply.2) 3forbidden to connect.1 phase 220V .Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorCN2 Terminal DefinitionFigure: From the wire side to drive side lookFigure: From the wire side to drive side lookTerminal DetailsCN1 Terminal DefinitionFigure: CN1 terminal definition (from the wire side to drive side view)Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorTerminal DetailsCN3 Terminal Definition for FL20-S Drives12Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorOther SignalCommunication PortTerminal DetailsCN3 Terminal Definition for FL20-C DrivesParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor Wiring diagramConnected to the shell1314Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motor伺服电机PC ,PLC ORcommunication Servo motorConnection to Peripheral Devices(1 phase 220V, only L1 and L3 should be connected.)15Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorTypical main circuit wiringFor 220V servo driveFor 380V servo driveNote)For 220V input servo drive, L1C and L2C should be connected to power supply.For 220V single phase connect to L1 and L3.For 380V input servo drive, L1C and L2C are forbidden to connectPanel16Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorOrdering CodeFL20-S Series DriveNote)-EtherCAT, CANopen communication cards1.0kW, M2 Frame 152 T3 M2 1.5kW, M2 Frame 202 T3 M32kW, M3 Frame 302 T3 M33kW, M3 Frame 452 T3 M3 4.5kW, M3 Frame 552 T3 M3 5.5kW, M3 Frame 752 T3 MM47.5kW, MM4 Frame 113 T3 MM411kW, MM4 Frame 153 T3 M415kW, M4 Frame 183 T3 M518kW, M5 Frame 223 T3 M522kW, M5 Frame 303 T3 M630kW, M6 Frame 373 T3 M637kW, M6 FrameB3Built in Brake Unit + Dynamic Brake Note) - F or build in and external resistors details please 48 x 175 x 195B3(no braking resister)M275 x 175 x 195B1, B3M3100 x 203 x 218B1, B3M3(5.5kW)100 x 203 x 218B1MM4150 x 336 x 203B1(no braking resister)M4185 x 380 x 215B1(no braking resister)M5210 x 420 x 215B1(no braking resister)M6268.4 x 498 x 234B1(no braking resister)Note)- Specification subject to change without notice.Optional Communication CardParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor Ordering CodeFL20-C Series Drive202 T3 M32kW, M3 Frame 302 T3 M33kW, M3 Frame 452 T3 M3 4.5kW, M3 Frame 552 T3 M3 5.5kW, M3 Frame 752 T3 MM47.5kW, MM4 Frame 113 T3 MM411kW, MM4 Frame 153 T3 M415kW, M4 Frame 183 T3 M518kW, M5 Frame 223 T3 M522kW, M5 Frame 303 T3 M630kW, M6 Frame 373 T3 M637kW, M6 Frame B3Built-in Brake Unit + Dynamic Brake Note)- F or build in and external resistors details pleaseM148 x 175 x 195resistor)M275 x 175 x 195B1, B3M3100 x 203 x 218B1, B3M3(5.5kW)100 x 203 x 218B1MM4150 x 336 x 203B1(No built-in brakingresistor)M4185 x 380 x 215B1(No built-in brakingresistor)M5210 x 420 x 215B1(No built-in brakingresistor)M6268.4 x 498 x 234B1(No built-in brakingresistor)Note)- Specification subject to change without notice.17Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorDrive Dimensions M1 Frame dimensionsM2 Frame dimensions18Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor M3 Frame dimensionsMM4 Frame dimensions1920Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorDrive DimensionsM5 Frame dimensionsParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorM6 Frame dimensions2122Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorServo motorOverviewDescriptionServo motor is the latest development of a high-performance motor to meet the customer‘s requirement and the needs of actual market; supports wiring flexible, cost-effective standard AC servo position system.Servo motor nameplateMotor Current Rated Grade GradeRated Installation Product No.MA102F67EDM74211009038TYPE : FMMA-102F67ED FM17 - 0110R6EEDFLTH. CI .F IP54 No. :Rated Power : 11 kW Magnetic Field Angle :Production Date :AC permanent magnetic synchronous servo motorRated voltage : 380 V Rated Current : 23 A Speed : 1700 r/min Fan Voltage: 220 VRated Torque : 64 N·M M = 5 Nm23Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorOrdering CodeServo Motor (for 180 Flange and less)Servo Motor (for 180 and 250 spigot motor)R Resolver F 14-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder G 8-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder H 4-core 23-bit Incremental encoder S 4-core 17-bit Absolute encoder T4-core 23-bit Absolute encoderResolver F 14-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder G 8-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder H 4-core 23-bit Incremental encoder S 4-core 17-bit Absolute encoder T4-core 23-bit Absolute encoderSmooth shaft with C hole DKeyway shaft with C holeNote)The servo motors are used for both 220V and 380V .Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorTechnical CharacteristicsServo Motor Specifications (220V – Incremental, Absolute Encoder and Resolver)Note)• These part numbers are based on Incremental Encoder Type.• Three-phase AC servo motor type permanent magnet synchronous motor, natural cooling, protection class IP65.• The matched servo drive and motor can work with the most situation. But for some special situation, please contact to Parker sales team.24Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorServo Motor Specifications (380V – Incremental, Absolute Encoder and Resolver)Note)• These part numbers are based on Incremental Encoder Type.• Three-phase AC servo motor type permanent magnet synchronous motor, natural cooling, protection class IP65.• The matched servo drive and motor can work with the most situation. But for some special situation, please contact to Parker sales team.25Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorServo Motor Specifications (380V – Incremental, Absolute Encoder and Resolver)Note)• These part numbers are based on Incremental Encoder Type.• On behalf of the motor shaft extension brake category, please refer to [naming rules servo motor] in this manual.• The matched servo drive and motor can work with the most situation. But for some special situation, please contact to Parker sales team.2627Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorMotor DimensionsServo motor60 Flange80 Flangeencoder plugencoder plugTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-Mencoder plugencoder plug28Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorMotor DimensionsServo motor110 FlangeTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-MWaterproof rubber cover of aviation plug29Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor130 FlangeWaterproof rubber cover of aviation plugTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-M30Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorMotor DimensionsServo motor180 Flange MotorWaterproof rubber cover ofaviation plugTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-M31Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorFM15, FM17, FM20 series, Air-coolingNote)• 1-phase 220V power supply of 50 /60 Hz is usable for servomotor fan. • Green terminal definition: K-220VAC, L-220VAC, M-PE.Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorAccessoriesFeedback Cable• Absolute Encoder Cable (Maximun length : 30m)2) Encoder cable with L aviation plug((applicable for 110, 130 and 180 flange servo motor)1) Encoder cable with DB plug((applicable for 80 flange and below 80 flange servo motor)32Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor • Resolver Feedback Cable (Maximun length : 30m)2) Feedback cable with I aviation plug (applicable for servo motor with base No. E, F)Control Cable• Control cable (Maximum length : 30m)Note)33• ZL4-4PO-XXX is single strand cable, grounding cable is yellow-green cable of 2.5 mm2.Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorAccessoriesCommunication Cable• EtherCAT cable (Maximum length : 30m)Power Cable(Servo motor power line form L- Plug power line (for 800W of Servo motors), Maximum length : 30m)[ 220V Servo Motor Power cable ]Note)• HK4A cable is suitable for flange below 180 with aviation plug.• HK4B is suitable for 180 flange with aviation plug.• The unit of length is m.34Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor[ 380V Servo Motor Power cable ]Note)• HK4A cable is suitable for flange below 180 with aviation plug.• HK4B is suitable for 180 flange with aviation plug.• The unit of length is m.35Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorAccessoriesPower Cable(Servo motor power line form L- Plug power line (for 800W of Servo motors), Maximum length : 30m)[ 380V Servo Motor Power cable for >180Frame ]36MemoMemoAerospaceKey MarketsAftermarket services Commercial transports EnginesGeneral & business aviation Helicopters Launch vehicles Military aircraft MissilesPower generation Regional transportsUnmanned aerial vehiclesKey ProductsControl systems & actuation products Engine systems & componentsFluid conveyance systems & componentsFluid metering, delivery & atomization devicesFuel systems & components Fuel tank inerting systems Hydraulic systems & componentsThermal management Wheels & brakesElectromechanicalKey MarketsAerospaceFactory automation Life science & medical Machine toolsPackaging machinery Paper machineryPlastics machinery & converting Primary metalsSemiconductor & electronics TextileWire & cableKey ProductsAC/DC drives & systemsElectric actuators, gantry robots & slidesElectrohydrostatic actuation systems Electromechanical actuation systems Human machine interface Linear motorsStepper motors, servo motors, drives & controls Structural extrusionsPneumaticsKey MarketsAerospaceConveyor & material handling Factory automation Life science & medical Machine toolsPackaging machineryTransportation & automotiveKey ProductsAir preparationBrass fittings & valves ManifoldsPneumatic accessoriesPneumatic actuators & grippers Pneumatic valves & controls Quick disconnects Rotary actuatorsRubber & thermoplastic hose & couplingsStructural extrusionsThermoplastic tubing & fittings Vacuum generators, cups & sensorsFluid & Gas HandlingKey MarketsAerial lift AgricultureBulk chemical handling Construction machinery Food & beverage Fuel & gas delivery Industrial machinery Life sciences Marine Mining Mobile Oil & gasRenewable energy TransportationKey ProductsCheck valvesConnectors for low pressure fluid conveyance Deep sea umbilicals Diagnostic equipment Hose couplings Industrial hose Mooring systems & power cablesPTFE hose & tubing Quick couplingsRubber & thermoplastic hose Tube fittings & adapters Tubing & plastic fittingsHydraulicsKey MarketsAerial lift AgricultureAlternative energy Construction machinery ForestryIndustrial machinery Machine tools MarineMaterial handling Mining Oil & gasPower generation Refuse vehicles Renewable energy Truck hydraulics Turf equipmentKey ProductsAccumulators Cartridge valvesElectrohydraulic actuators Human machine interfaces Hybrid drivesHydraulic cylindersHydraulic motors & pumps Hydraulic systemsHydraulic valves & controls Hydrostatic steeringIntegrated hydraulic circuits Power take-offs Power units Rotary actuators SensorsProcess ControlKey MarketsAlternative fuels Biopharmaceuticals Chemical & refining Food & beverage Marine & shipbuilding Medical & dental Microelectronics Nuclear PowerOffshore oil exploration Oil & gasPharmaceuticals Power generation Pulp & paper SteelWater/wastewaterKey ProductsAnalytical InstrumentsAnalytical sample conditioning products & systems Chemical injection fittings & valvesFluoropolymer chemical delivery fittings, valves & pumpsHigh purity gas delivery fittings, valves, regulators & digital flow controllers Industrial mass flow meters/controllersPermanent no-weld tube fittings Precision industrial regulators & flow controllersProcess control double block & bleedsProcess control fittings, valves, regulators & manifold valvesSealing & ShieldingKey MarketsAerospaceChemical processing Consumer Fluid power General industrial Information technology Life sciences Microelectronics Military Oil & gasPower generation Renewable energy Telecommunications TransportationKey ProductsDynamic seals Elastomeric o-ringsElectro-medical instrument design & assembly EMI shieldingExtruded & precision-cut,fabricated elastomeric seals High temperature metal seals Homogeneous & inserted elastomeric shapesMedical device fabrication & assemblyMetal & plastic retained composite sealsShielded optical windows Silicone tubing & extrusions Thermal managementVibration dampeningParker’s Motion & Control TechnologiesAt Parker, we’re guided by a relentless drive to help our customers become more productive and achieve higher levels of profitabil-ity by engineering the best systems for their require-ments. It means looking at customer applications from many angles to find new ways to create value. What-ever the motion and control technology need, Parker has the experience, breadth of product and global reach to consistently deliver. No company knows more about motion and control technol-ogy than Parker. For further info call 00800 27 27 5374Climate ControlKey MarketsAgriculture Air conditioningConstruction Machinery Food & beverage Industrial machinery Life sciences Oil & gasPrecision cooling Process Refrigeration TransportationKey ProductsAccumulatorsAdvanced actuators CO 2 controlsElectronic controllers Filter driersHand shut-off valves Heat exchangers Hose & fittingsPressure regulating valves Refrigerant distributors Safety relief valves Smart pumps Solenoid valvesThermostatic expansion valvesFiltrationKey MarketsAerospaceFood & beverageIndustrial plant & equipment Life sciences MarineMobile equipment Oil & gasPower generation & renewable energy ProcessTransportation Water PurificationKey ProductsAnalytical gas generatorsCompressed air filters & dryersEngine air, coolant, fuel & oil filtration systems Fluid condition monitoring systems Hydraulic & lubrication filters Hydrogen, nitrogen & zero air generatorsInstrumentation filters Membrane & fiber filters Microfiltration Sterile air filtrationWater desalination & purification filters & systemsDec. 2017© 2017 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Automation Group AP This catalogue is offered to you by;Parker Asia PacificChinaSales OfficeShanghai office: 86 21 2899 5000Parker Hannifin Motion&Control Co. Ltd.280 Yunqiao Road, Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone, Shanghai 201206, ChinaSales OfficeGuangzhou Office: 86 20 3212 1688 Parker Hannifin Motion&Control Co. Ltd.Room 202, Building F , Guangdong Soft Science Park, No 11, Caipin Road, Guangzhou Science City, Luo Gang District, Guangzhou 510663, ChinaSales OfficeBeijing office: 86 10 6561 0520Parker Hannifin Motion&Control Co. Ltd.Suite 8B01, 8th Floor, Hanwei Plaza,7 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100004, P .R.ChinaAutomation DivisionWUXI plant: 86 510 8116 7000Parker Hannifin Motion and Control (Wuxi) Company Ltd.No.200, Furong Zhong Si Lu, Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi 214101, Jiangsu, ChinaJapanSales OfficeAsahi Plant: 81 479 64 2282********************Kuroda Pneumatics Ltd.10243 Kamakazu, Asahi-shi, Chiba 289-2505 Japan Automation DivisionAsahi Plant: 81 479 64 2282Kuroda Pneumatics Ltd.10243 Kamakazu, Asahi-shi, Chiba 289-2505 JapanKoreaSales OfficeSeoul Office: 82 2 559 040011F , U-Space1 B, 660, Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13494, Korea Automation DivisionJang An Plant: 82 31 359 0700Parker Korea Ltd.23, Jangangongdan 1-gil, Jangan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 18579, KoreaIndiaSales OfficePHI Chennai Sales office: 91 44 4391 0799Parker Hannifin India Private. Limited,Plot no. P41/2, Eight Avenue, Domestic Tariff Area,Mahindra world city, Chengalpattu, Kanchipuram District, Pin : 603002, Tamil Nadu, IndiaAutomation DivisionPHI Chennai MWC Plant: 91 44 4391 0703 Parker Hannifin India Private. Limited,Plot no. P41/2, Eight Avenue, Domestic Tariff Area,Mahindra world city, Chengalpattu, Kanchipuram District, Pin : 603002, Tamil Nadu, IndiaTaiwanSales OfficeTaipei Office: 88 6 2 2298 8987Parker Hannifin Taiwan Co., Ltd.8F ., No.22 Wuquan 7th Road., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City, 248, Taiwan (R.O.C)ThailandSales OfficeBangkok Office: 66 2 186 7000Parker Hannifin (Thailand) Co., Ltd.1265 Rama 9 Road, Suanluang Bangkok 10250 ThailandSingaporeSales OfficeOffice: 65 6887 6300Parker Hannifin Singapore Pte Ltd.11th Fourth Chin Bee Road Singapore 619702MalaysiaSales OfficeSelangor Office: 60 3 7849 0800Parker Hannifin Industrial (M) Sdn Bhd No.11 Persiaran Pasak BumiSeksyen U8, Bukit Jelutong Industrial Park 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, MalaysiaIndonesiaSales OfficeOffice: 62 21 7588 1906PT. Parker Hannifin IndonesiaWisma Contromatic, Jalan Kapten SoebijantoDjodjohadikusumo, Kav. Sunburst Block CBD II No.15 BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai), Tangerang 15311, IndonesiaVietnamSales OfficeOffice: 84 8 3999 1600Parker Hannifin Vietnam Co., Ltd.4th Floor, VRG office building, 177 Hai Ba Trung, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamAustraliaSales OfficeOffice: 61 2 9634 7777Parker Hannifin (Australia) Automation Department 9 Carrington Rd Castle Hill, NSW, 2154 AustraliaNew ZealandSales OfficeOffice: 64 9 574 1744Parker Hannifin (NZ) Ltd.5 Bowden Road, Mt Wellington 1060, Auckland, New Zealand。
Parker Servo Motors选择指南说明书
Servo MotorsRotary Motor Selection GuideThis document provides a quick selection guide for Parker Servo Motors. To select the correct motor using the table below, use the columns in order going from left to right (starting with voltage). General motor descriptions are provided on page 2 of this document to assist in selecting the correct motor family. Additional information on each of the motors can be found on the product web pages. (See links in comments below)IP20 - Not protected from liquids or dust.IP40 - Not protected from liquids.IP54 - Protected from limited dust, water spray from any direction. IP65 - Dust-tight, high pressure water jets. IP69K - Dust-tight, high pressure & temp wash down.Parker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical and Drives Division 9225 Forsyth Park Dr.Charlotte, NC 28273Tel: (704) 587- 3246Fax: (704) /emn© 2017 Parker HannifinSpecifications are subject to changeParker offers a wide variety of motors to meet the needs of many applications. Motortechnologies that provide high power density, or better inertia matching. Motors that provide rapid acceleration or zero cogging. And still others offer the most competitive solution for high volume OEM opportunities. All are high performance brushless servo motors offering a wide range of power starting at 50 watts and going all the way up to 22 KW. Feedback options such as incremental and absolute encoders, resolvers and fail safe brakes areoffered across the product lines.BRO-SM-0217Parker’s ability to offer specialized motors is unmatched. Many of our standard motors can be customized to meet specific needs. Examples include unique windings to optimize power management, high speed motors up to 30,000 rpm, and special environments such as high/low temperature, clean room, or vacuum and mechanical modifications such as modified shafts or special connectors - even special coatings such as mil-spec paint or nickel plate. For the right opportunity, Parker will even design a motor from scratch such as one that pow -ered an electric motorcycle for the commercial market. With a full team of design engineers under the roof of about 100,000 sq-ft manufacturing facility, Parker has the core competency to put the most demanding applications into motion.Parker provides a variety of motors to meet unique application requirements. Motors that are designed to be explosion proof or are to be used in harsh washdown environments (IP69k) found in the food and beverage industry. Motors that can be directly coupled to what they are driving with a very high degree of positional accuracy as well as others that can be directly built into equipment to save space and to improve performance. All are high performance brushless servo motors with options such as incremental and absolute encoders, resolvers, and failsafe brakes.New Ulm, MN - Motor and Gearhead Business UnitFor 25 years, our New Ulm location has delivered high quality rotary servo motors, gearheads, and gearmotors. Standard products and core expertise support customer application development through the custom engineered solutions process. With a focus on providing a superior customer experience, the business unit has grown in industries such as automotive, aerospace, semiconductor, packaging, robotics, and more recently vehicle electrification. The New Ulm location has a strong foundation and is ISO 9001:2008 certified and AS 9001/TS16949 compliant.Industrial MotorsStandardized to Fit Your Environment Needs“Tailor-made” Motor Solutions。
BONMET SA Smart & AccurateBONMET SERVO SYSTEM性能卓越●多合一控制方式利用参数切换可分别使用:①位置控制;②速度控制;③转矩控制;④JOG控制;⑤点对点控制。
●适配类型●型号说明●SA系列伺服电机●JSF系列伺服电机●伺服驱动器规格●伺服驱动器连接图●控制软件●伺服产品选件Contents●SM系列伺服电机型号说明SM 110 050 30 L F B Z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81:表示电机是正弦波驱动的永磁同步交流伺服电机。
6:表示反馈元件的规格,F—复合式增量编码器(2500 C/T);F1—省线式增量编码器;R—1对极旋转变压器。
Lexium 23 Plus SET UP 软件提供快速启动模式,可以在一个操作模式中设定必需的功 能。软件提供方便的导航界面。
BCH 伺服电机
b 特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 b 尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 b 附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Lexium 23 A CANopen 型驱动器 Lexium 23 D I/O 型驱动器
0 Lexium 23 Plus 运动控制 0 Lexium 23 Plus 伺服驱动器
Parker Hannifin BE Series Servo Motors说明书
Contact Information:Parker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical & Drives Division 9225 Forsyth Park Dr.Charlotte, NC 28273phone: 800.358.9068 / 704.588.3246fax: 707.584.8029email:**********************/emdusaThe BE Series is designed specifically as a very cost-effective alternative to comparably sized servos. The BE Series also provides exceptional torque with the design’s increased number of magnetic poles. Comparably sized servos have four magnetic poles on the rotor, while BE Series motors have eight.Parker’s BE Series brushless servo motors produce high continuous stall torque in a cost-saving and performance-enhancing package.Unlike traditional servo motors, the BE Series does not have a separate metal housing. Instead, the motorstator laminations are not only used for performance, but provide both structural integrity and the motor shape. This design reduces both material costs and the time required to assemble the motor.In addition to the manufacturingadvantages, the exposed laminations reduce thermal resistance. This allows the heat generated by the motor to escape to the ambient surroundings more efficiently, thus improving time in the peak region and duty cycle.Parker’s wide range of Bayside ® planetary gearheads are perfectly matched to the BE Series motor. Easy selection can be made using Parker’s MotionSizer.Features• NEMA 16, 23, and 34 sizes• From 1.4 to 46.8 in-lb (5.24 Nm) continuous torque• Brushless construction• Eight-pole open-laminationdesign provides increased torque and lower cost• High torque density packaging • Bridged stator design – quiet operation• High performance neodymium magnets• Thermoswitch protection on NEMA 23 and 34 sizes• 2000 line encoder standard (8000 ppr post-quad)• Resolver feedback option• Several connector design choices • Holding brake option available on size 34, custom order on size 23• Custom modifications available • Industry-leading 10-day delivery • Two year warranty• STP solid models and CAD (dxf) drawings available (free download at )BE Series Servo Motors NEMA Size 16 Performance (Data at 120 VAC)Note: These specifications are based on theoretical motor performance and are not specific to any amplifier.1 @ 25°C ambient, 125°C winding temperature, motor connected to a 10” x 10” x 1/4” aluminum mounting plate; @ 40°C ambient derate phase currents and torques by 6%.2 Maximum winding temperature is 155 °C. Thermal protection device threshold may be at a lower temperature.3 These ratings are valid for Parker drives. Other drives may not achieve the same ratings.4 Maximum speed is 5000 rpm.5 Measured line-to-line, ±10%. ±30%, line-to-line inductance bridge measurement @1Khz.6 Reference only.7 Total motor torque per peak of the sinusoidal amps measured in any phase, ±10%.8 Initial winding temperature must be 60°C or less before peak current is applied.9 No thermal switch within BE16. Use servo drive thermal model for overtemp protection or lower peak current.NEMA Size 16 Speed-T orque PerformanceBE Series Servo Motors NEMA Size 23 Performance (Data at 240 VAC)1 @ 25°C ambient, 125°C winding temperature, motor connected to a 10” x 10” x 1/4” aluminum mounting plate;@ 40°C ambient derate phase currents and torques by 6%.2 Maximum winding temperature is 155 °C. Thermal protection device threshold may be at a lower temperature.3 These ratings are valid for Parker drives. Other drives may not achieve the same ratings.4 Maximum speed is 5000 RPM.5 Measured line-to-line, ±10%. ±30%, line-to-line inductance bridge measurement @1Khz.6 Reference only.7 Total motor torque per peak of the sinusoidal amps measured in any phase, ±10%.8 Initial winding temperature must be 60°C or less before peak current is applied.9 Use servo drive thermal model for overtemp protection or lower peak current.NEMA Size 23 Speed-T orque PerformanceBE Series Servo Motors NEMA Size 34 Performance (Data at 240 VAC)1 @ 25°C ambient, 125°C winding temperature, motor connected to a 10” x 10” x 1/4” aluminum mounting plate;@ 40°C ambient derate phase currents and torques by 6%.2 Maximum winding temperature is 155 °C. Thermal protection device threshold may be at a lower temperature.3 These ratings are valid for Parker drives. Other drives may not achieve the same ratings.4 Maximum speed is 5000 RPM, except BE344 which is limited to 3000 RPM max speed.5 Measured line-to-line, ±10%. ±30%, line-to-line inductance bridge measurement @1Khz.6 Reference only.7 Total motor torque per peak of the sinusoidal amps measured in any phase, ±10%.8 Initial winding temperature must be 60°C or less before peak current is applied.9 Use servo drive thermal model for overtemp protection or lower peak current.NEMA Size 34 Speed-T orque PerformanceBE Series Servo MotorsDimensions — NEMA Size 16Inches (mm)FL ConnectionFO Connection(-xFOx)Dimensions — NEMA Size 23Inches (mm)FO Connection(-xFOx)BE Series Servo Motors1.49MS Connection(-xMSx)FO Connection(-xFOx)Dimensions — NEMA Size 34Inches (mm)Recommended Parker Drives for BE Series MotorBE Series Servo MotorsCable OptionsInclude length to complete power cable part number:XX = Cable Length (ft)For example, 05 = 5 ftStock Lengths: 10, 25, 50 feetNon-Stock Lengths: 5, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40 and 45 feetPower Cables** All power cables have flying lead ends. All PS connector type power cables include brake leads, whether or not the motor has a brake. Feedback Cables (with Parker drive-compatible terminations)*Include brake leads, whether or not the motor has a brake.Feedback OptionsResolver Specifications* @ 90°CEncoder SpecificationsR2R1S3S1S1-S3 R1-R2E S2-S4 = KE R1-R2 SINØPhase B-APhase A-CClockwise rotation as viewed from front shaft.Phase C-BHall #1Hall #2Hall #3Resolver SchematicCommutation ChartElectrically-Released Brake OptionPS Option – Parker Standard (-xPSx) Pin ConnectionsBE Series Servo MotorsPS Incremental Encoder/Hall (J, L and Q) PinPowerThe PS connector option for the BE motors features high-quality Hypertac - Interconnectron circular connectors mounted to the motor body.Mating cables are specified and ordered separately. The PS option joins the motor phase wires and brake leadsIP65.NOTE: For customers preferring to build their own mating cables, a PS connector kit (Part #: PS-CONN-KIT), is available. The kit contains a mating PS power connector, PS feedback connector and connector pins, allowing customers to build cables to their own specification. Special tools are not included in the kit.MS Option – Military Style (-xMSx) Pin ConnectionsMS Incremental Encoder/Hall and Brake (J andPowerFeedbackThe “MS” connection option for the BE Series motors provides quickdisconnect, bayonet style connectors attached to the motor body. Mating cables are specified and ordered separately.With the “MS” connection option, the motor phase wires are in one connector, and the hall, encoder, temperature switch, and brake wires are in the other connector. This option works well when using an amplifier with a built-in controller, or when all cables enter into a cabinet or enclosure and then are wired into a terminal strip.When specifying the “R” (resolver) feedback option, the motor phase wires reside in one connector, the resolver signal, temperature switch, and brake wires in the other.Wiring Connections for:FL Option – Flying Leads with Enclosed Feedback (-xFLx) FO Option – Flying Leads with Exposed Feedback (-xFOx) 10 Option – 10’ Cable (-x10x)BE Series Servo MotorsMotor Power LeadsFO/FL Flying LeadsThe FO/FL cable option for the BE motors features 18” flying leads for both feedback and power connections. The only variable is whether or not the feedback device is fully enclosed (FL) or fully exposed (FO).These options are for OEM customers that wish to reduce cost as much as possible and fully integrate their own cable solutions.10 - 10’ hard wired cableThe 10’ cable option for the BE motors uses the standard Parker cable hard wired into the rear of the motor. The cables have full strain relief and completely enclosed feedback. While custom lengths are available, it is not recommended to exceed 10 feet between motor and drive.34NEMA Size 34 framee Stack Configuration01/2 stack magnet (NEMA 23 only)1 1 stack magnet2 2 stack magnet3 3 stack magnet4 4 stack magnet (NEMA 16 and 34 only)r Winding*C NEMA 16 onlyZ NEMA 16 onlyD NEMA 16 and 23 onlyF AllG NEMA 23 and 34 onlyH NEMA 34 onlyJ NEMA 34 onlyK NEMA 34 onlyL NEMA 34 only* Select based on appropriate performance characteristics, see pages 2-7)y Shaft OptionsN Round shaftF FlatK Keyway (not available on NEMA 16)u Connector OptionsPS Parker standard connectors, all feedbackoptions1010 ft. cableFL Flying leads, 18” (housed feedback)FO Flying leads, 18” (exposed feedback)MS Military stylei OptionsN NoneB Brake (NEMA 23 and 34 only)Need more torque? Use a Parker gearhead!Gearhead Advantages• Multiply torque allowing smaller motors (and drives) to be used,saving $$• Reduce the reflected inertial load to the motor, making it easier totune and increase stiffness and stability• Have high sideload capacity• Increase low speed smoothness• Shorten inline length with right-angle gearheadsParker Gen II Stealth® gearheads are designed with helical planetary gears that provide low backlash, high-stiffness, high torque and long life. Stealth gearheads are ideal for high performance applications. Parker PV series gearheads are standard-grade gearheads with high sideload capacity and the power of a planetary gearhead in a cost-effective solution.Issue Date 5/17/2019© 2019 Parker Hannifin Corporation BRO-BE-0519Parker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical & Drives Division 9225 Forsyth Park Dr.Charlotte, NC 28273 USA /emdusaTel: 800-358-9070 / 704-588-3246 Fax: 707-584-8015BE Series: Made in the USAEM&D Sales OfficesAustraliaParker Hannifin (Australia) Pty Ltd.9 Carrington Road Castle Hill NSW 2154AustraliaTel: +61 (0) 2 9842 5150 Fax: +61 (0) 2 9842 5111BrazilParker Hannifin Ind. Com Ltda.Estrada Municipal Joel de Paula, 900São José dos Campos São Paulo Brazil 12247-015Tel: *****************************CanadaParker Canada Div.160 Chisholm DrMilton, Ontario L9T 3G9 Tel: 905-693-3000 Fax: 905-876-1958 ******************ChinaParker Hannifin Motion & Control (Shanghai) Co., Ltd280 Yunqiao Rd. Jin Qiao Export Processing ZoneShanghai 201206, China Tel: +86-21-28995000Fax: +86-21-2158348975***************************FranceParker Hannifin France SAS 142, rue de la Forêt74130 Contamine-sur-Arve Tel +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25Fax +33 (0)4 50 25 24 25************************GermanyElectromechanical EuropeParker Hannifin GmbH & Co KG Robert-Bosch-Strasse 22 D-77656 Offenburg GermanyTel: +49 (0) 781 509 0Fax: +49 (0) 781 509 98176********************IndiaParker Hannifin India Pvt. LtdAutomation Group-SSD Drives Div.133 & 151 Developed Plots Estate Perungudi, Chennai 600 096Tel: 044-4391-0799Fax: 044-4391-0700ItalyParker Hannifin SpA Via Gounod 120092 Cinsello Balsamo Milano, ItalyTel: +39 02 361081Fax: +39 02 36108400********************KoreaParker Hannifin Korea9th Floor KAMCO Yangjae Tower 949-3 Dogok 1-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-860, Korea Tel: 82-2-559-0454Fax: 82-2-556-8187*******************MexicoParker Hannifin de Mexico Eje uno Norte No.100Parque Industrial Toluca 2000 Toluca, CP 50100 México Tel: 52-722-275-4200Fax: 52-722-279-0316*******************SingaporeParker Hannifin Singapore Pte Ltd 11, Fourth Chin Bee Road Singapore 619702Tel: (65) 6887 6300Fax: (65) 6265 5125TaiwanParker Hannifin Taiwan Co., Ltd 8F No 22 Wuquan 7th Road Wuku DistrictNew Taipei City 24890 Taiwan Tel: 886 2 2298 8987Fax: 886 2 2298 8982*************************ThailandParker Hannifin (Thailand) Co., Ltd.1265 Rama 9 RoadSuanluang, Bangkok 10250 ThailandTel: (66) 2 186 7000Fax: (66) 2 374 1645*********************UKParker Sales Co. UK Tachbrook Park Drive Tachbrook Park Warwick CV34 6TUTel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************USAParker Hannifin EM&D (Main Office and Drives Business Unit)9225 Forsyth Park Drive Charlotte NC 28273 USA Tel: (704) 588-3246 800-358-9070Fax: (704) 588-3249**********************Parker Hannifin EM&D (Intelligent Motion Business Unit)1140 Sandy Hill Road Irwin, PA 15642 USA Tel: (724) 861-8200 800-245-6903Fax: (724) 861-3330Parker Hannifin EM&D (Gearhead & Motor Business Unit)2101 North BroadwayNew Ulm, Minnesota 56073 USA Tel: (507) 354-1616 800-358-9070Fax: (507) 233-2390Parker Hannifin EM&D (Intelligent Motion Business Unit)5500 Business Park Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 USA Tel: (707) 584-7558 800-358-9070Fax: (707) 584-8015Parker Hannifin EM&D (IPS)135 Quadral DriveWadsworth, OH 44281 USA Tel: (330) 334-3335 800-358-9070Fax: (330) 334-2350。
Lokale Fertigung und Support in Europa Ein Netzwerk engagierter Verkaufsteams und autorisierter Fachhändler bietet Beratung und garantiert lokalen technischen Support. Die Kontaktdaten der Verkaufsbüros finden Sie auf der Rückseite dieses Dokuments oder Sie besuchen unsere Website:
பைடு நூலகம்
Servomotoren mit niedrigem Trägheitsmoment - SMB / SMH Übersicht��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Technische Daten��������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Technische Daten��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Geschwindigkeits-/Momentendiagramme������������������������������������������������������ 8 Abmessungen von Standardmotoren mit Resolver Feedback���������������������� 11
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High-Torque Design, Compact Package
Parker’s SMN series of rotary servo motors combines a high-performance segmented stator design with competitive pricing for today’s demanding servo applications. The modern eight-pole segmented stator architecture produces extremely high torque values for a given motor volume. The SMN motor family is offered in frame sizes ranging from 60 mm to 142 mm and is available with resolver, quadrature encoder or high-resolution SinCos feedback devices.SMN Motor Features
• High performance per dollar
• High torque density package
• 1.4 – 14.5 N-m continuous torque range
• Brushless construction
• Resolver, encoder or SinCos (absolute) feedback • Five frame sizes from 60 mm to 142 mm
• IP64 standard
• IP65 option
Motor Part Numbering System
SMN -SMN Family
060 - 60mm
082 - 82mm
100 - 100mm
115 - 115mm
142 - 142mm
41 - Resolver, single speed
2F - Quadrature encoder,
2048 line
5D - SinCos w/ Hiperface™
absolute encoder (Stegmann)
K - Keyway
P - PS style
N - None
B - Holding
V - IP65 (shaft
Speed (RPM)T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)
T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)
T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)Speed (RPM)Speed (RPM)
T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)
T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Speed (RPM)T o r q u e (i n -l b )
Torque (Nm)
Peak (120V)
Peak (240V)
Peak (460V)
Motor Speed-Torque Performance Curves
1 @ 25˚ C ambient motor connected to a 10”x10”x1/4” aluminum mounting plate; @ 40˚ C ambient, derate phase currents and torques by 7%.
2 For higher-speed operation, please call the factory.
3 Measured line to line, +/- 10%.
4 Value is measured peak of sine wave.
5 +/- 30%, line to line, inductance bridge measurement @ 1Khz.
6 Initial winding temperature mut be 60˚ C or less before peak
7 Direct current through a pair of motor phases of a trapezoidally (six state) commutated motor.
8 Peak of sinusoidal current in any phase for a sinusoidally
commutated motor.
9 Total motor torque per peak of the sinusoidal amps measured in any phase, +/- 10%.
10 Maximum time duration with 2 times (or 3 times) rated current applied with initial winding temperature at 60˚ C.
Dimensional SMN Motors SMNxx
SMN0602 with Sin/Cos Encoder Option - 5D。