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Unit 1 Reading Appreciating Literature (模块八高二下)

Background Information:

Students: 40 Senior high school students, Grade 2

Lesson: Unit 1 Reading Appreciating Literature

Lesson duration: 45 mins

Teaching Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

◊ be familiar with the new words and fully understand the text

◊ apply reading strategies while reading persuasive essays

◊ give a brief introduction to Charles Dickens and Great Expectations

◊ raise interest for classic literature

Teaching Contents:

A) key point: apply some useful reading strategies, e.g. skimming

B) difficult point: get to know the writing skills employed in the text

Teaching Aid: video,blackboard, chalk, PPT

Type of the Lesson: reading

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in (5 mins)


1) Show a 1-minute episode of the movie Great Expectations, and ask the students questions, as what do you know about the film? Have you ever read classic novels?...

2) Teacher comments

Purpose:to evoke students' interest, and lead in

Step 2: Fast Reading (7 mins)

Ask students to go through the passage as quickly as possible with some posed problems as follows:

◊What is classic literature?

◊Who is Charles Dickens?

◊How old is Pip when the story begins?

Purpose: to apply the strategy of skimming to get the main idea of the text

Step 3: Detailed Reading (25 mins)

1). Ask students to reread the text by themselves. Guess the meaning of new words from context and do the exercise on page 4.

Match the new word on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

1. antiques a. very quick and not expected

2. well received b. insisting on doing something

3. released c. valuable things from the past

4. abrupt d. liked by a lot of people

5. prejudice e. made available to the public

6. rigid f. difficult to change

7. civil g. preference that prevents true

c onsideration of a situation

8. bent on h. polite, good-mannered

2). Finish the exercise on PPT as follows:

Here are some words in Liz's essay that describe the main Elements of the novel. Match the elements on the left with correct examples on the right.

1. character a. mist

2. setting b.what is means to be a gentleman

3. symbol c. England in the early 1800s

4. theme d. Pip, Joe, Estalla

5. plot e. a stranger gives Pip a lot of money,then

Pip moves to London and becomes a snob

3). Let several students read each paragraph. The teacher analyses the

structure of the text and the way the writer adopts to write a persuasive


Purpose: to fully understand the text and master useful reading strategies as scanning, taking notes and guessing the meaning of a new word from context.

Step 4: Post-reading Activity(6mins)

Students shall work in pairs to practise the dialog on ppt:

A: Do you know anything about Charles Dickens?

B: Yes, I do. He is...

A: Oh, I see. He wrote many classic novels. Can you introduce one to me?

B: Sure. Great Expectations tells the story that...

Purpose: to help students learn how to summarize and output the information they've learned.

Step 5: Homework (2 mins)

After class, students are required to

1. finish exercises on page 5

2. find out more classic works by Charles Dickens and make a ppt to introduce them

to your classmates in tomorrow's class.

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge that the students have learned, and
